#fellow tumblr veterans what did i miss?
phynali · 1 year
Tumblr tip sheet for twitter refugees
i’ve seen a lot of different advice posts but none that had what i consider all the key advice in one spot, so here we are. long post ahead.
1. your dash can be put into reverse chronological order and it is a BETTER experience if you do that
Go to your settings -> Dashboard -> Preference
Turn “Best Stuff First” OFF
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2. you can (and likely should!) turn off algorithmic content
Under the same menu. Settings -> Dashboard -> Preferences
There are two algorithms on tumblr.
One is “In your orbit” and I fucking hate it. i want to see the content that I like, not that some random person i follow likes. if i wanted to see that content on my dash, i’d follow the people who put it there.
The other is “based on your likes” and it is hilariously bad because if you like a post for something you don’t normally like or follow (e.g., when I watched a new movie and liked one post about it), you’ll suddenly get a dozen posts about that thing and only that thing.
I keep it on because it’s hilariously bad, but i honestly recommend turning it off. it routinely recommends shit to me that i hate and i have to keep telling it that i am “not interested in this post” for things tagged with my nOTP, but until / unless i filter that ship tag out entirely, i will keep being serviced those
3. filtering / blacklisting is your friend
this is true on every platform, not just tumblr. i’m sure veteran twitter users are well-versed in it, but just as a reminder. you will be expected to filter your own content/dash here on tumblr, and if you complain about seeing something that was properly tagged, you will be rightly mocked as a clown.
Settings -> Account -> Content You See
you can filter both tags and post content. There’s a completely innocuous post i absolutely hate that does rounds and is never tagged, and i almost unfollowed a mutual for how much i hate that post and them reblogging it so much. but i typed a specific sentence from that post into the “filtered post content” options and BOOM - haven’t seen it since. glorious.
4. content controls are your friend
under the same “Content You See” menu. You are automatically opted OUT of seeing this stuff, so you MUST opt in to see mature content.
you’ll want to determine your own preferences, but i prefer to see all of the mature content types that may be hit with a community label.
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5. long posts are (probably) your friend
tumblr cuts posts over a few lines if you have this turned off, and it’s really annoying and really truncates your experience of the website. THIS is itself a long post!
part of the quintessential tumblr experience is being annoyed by the “do you love the color of the sky” post.
seriously, this isn’t twitter. we aren’t here for 280 character bite-sized posts. i 10/10 recommend keeping long posts on.
Settings -> Dashboard -> Interface
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6. blog-specific settings
there is also a menu for additional settings (including updating the appearance etc) for each blog you have (your main, and any sideblogs).
this is near the end of your options under Settings -> Blog Settings (click the individual blog to update)
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under your blog settings you can...
- enable your custom theme (which you should! this is turned off for new users but personalizing your page is part of the experience)
- decide if you want people to know what posts you’re liking and who you’re following. i do NOT, so these are off. internet privacy is allowed on tumblr, and don’t let anyone bully you into thinking you need to make everything public for their supervision. consume all the problematic content your little gremlin content desires and tell people to fuck off if they take issue with that.
- determine if and how others can interact with your blog!! there some settings about asks, messaging, tipping (if you’re here to make $$), whether people can even SEE your blog, if it’s searchable, etc. tumblr gives power and control back to the users! use that power!
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here, you can specifically set your “Ask” preferences to on or off, and to accept or NOT accept asks from anonymous users / logged out users.
if you’re here to interact with friends or just vibe, or don’t reblog a lot of asks games or encourage anon inbox messages, and/or especially if you’re getting harasment and don’t want to deal with shitty users, it is okay to turn off anons, and i ENCOURAGE you to do so.
i keep it on for my fandom sideblogs and off for my main and this makes me happy. do what makes you happy.
7. etiquette and interface
- change your icon so no one thinks you’re a bot
- reblog posts so your account isn’t empty. also, with  algorithmic content turned off by most users, YOU are the algorithm, and interaction on this website is strongly encouraged. making or reblogging posts part of the experience and sort of the whole point
- reblog tagging: individual preferences apply. instead of adding a comment on a reblog, users will often add their thoughts in a tag, if they aren’t specifically looking to engage in a dialogue or add on to the post itself. other users can then decide to copy their tags (often with “prev” for “previous” appended) or even copy/paste them into a comment on their reblog, which is your tags “passing peer review”. people also tag to index posts so their blog is more searchable, and to include trigger warnings and content warnings related to a post. you can also choose to not tag anything. it’s your blog, do what you want.
- tags are how people find new content. if you make a new post and want people to find it, they will be searching the tag related to that content, so tag it accordingly. people can also follow tags and get notifications when new posts are made into that tag.
- do not censor words! this isn’t tiktok or twitter. we say ‘fuck’ and ‘kill’ here. if you write “unalive” or censor swears or triggers, people’s content filters do not work, and you will have undermined their ability to curate their content, moderate their experience, and avoid triggers. don’t do that. just spell out the whole goddamn word, please.
- you can make sideblogs under a single account! this means you have your main, which you interact (like, reply, and follow) from, but which can be used to have a space for all your posts and reblogs on a given topic (fandom, hobby, fixation, whatever). you can also direct message to/from a sideblog and accept asks etc.
- if you use tumblr in your browser, there is an add-on called XKIT. this used to be a tumblr user staple and allowed for a lot of functionality that tumblr didn’t used to have. tumblr has since very much upped their game, but it can still be worth using XKIT if you’re regularly in a browser and not on the app. for example, it includes some ad-blocking capabilities. I use “New Xkit” and have a few personalized settings with it.
- posts go around forever on this site and new memes crop up every day, retreat, and then resurge out of the blue randomly. this makes for tumblr-wide in-jokes that circulate for years, like “do you love the color of the sky” and the “color theory children’s hospital” post. if you don’t get these, you can ask and i’m sure tumblr will deliver, but you can also wait around and follow more people and these will turn up eventually.
- your dash is what you make it. your interaction is what you make it. you have control, you are not at the mercy of algorithms and advertisers if you don’t want to be. paying for ad-free browsing is an option. they even give you the option to toggled your ad settings within ad-free browsing. seriously - you. have. the. control.
this is something that we love about tumblr and one of the things that makes it our hellsite (affectionate) instead of our hellsite (derogatory). if you’re finding your experience to be negative but still want to stick around, i encourage you to block accounts or content that makes you unhappy or anxious, to follow the accounts that bring you joy, and to adjust your settings into whatever makes you happiest and least stressed out.
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joonytown · 2 years
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Voltron on your timeline in the year of our lord 2022?🤨 (I was in fact obsessed with them in 2016-2018 but that’s between me and god)
For Day Two I picked the prompt “tarot” and immediately thought of the Tower card and them.
“The Tower is commonly interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation. It is associated with sudden unforseen change.”
Now isn’t that fitting for Voltron and Klance🥴
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deafblindshorty · 3 years
Poe and Rey’s Underrated Friendship
I noticed that not a lot has been said about Poe and Rey’s friendship in TROS and related EU materials. That’s probably because it’s not the main focus, which I sort of understand. There are a lot of subtle moments of their friendship (even some hints towards a romantic relationship). Some of these points come from @greysmartwolf’s tumblr, others come from a discord server.
Disclaimer: I am not diminishing or minimalizing Finn’s importance to both Rey and Poe, but if it seems like it, then I’m sorry. That’s not my intent.
Let’s start from the beginning: Rey and Poe have a LOT of parallels throughout the trilogy (some of the same scenes, the same lines, they both face their past in TROS, they both blame themselves for the Resistance dying at Exegol, they almost gave up but two Rebel veterans gave them pep talks, etc). So, they have quite a bit in common including their love for flying and droids.
Also, about the age difference, age really doesn’t matter in Star Wars. Han and Leia are 13 years apart, Wedge is about ten years younger than Norra, and Snap is 16 years older than his wife Kare (He could be her father!). Huge age differences exist in other fictional materials set on our Earth- Brooke Taylor and her late husband from Legally Blonde are 34 years apart, Remus and Tonks from Harry Potter are 13 years apart, an old soap opera supercouple (Doug and Julie Williams from Days of Our Lives) are 20 years apart. As for friends, Will from Glee is in his 30s and is friends with a few 19-20 year olds and Sue who is in her 50s is besties with a 19/20 year old, 30 year old Launchpad from Ducktales is friends with 10 year old Dewey. So, 19/20 year old Rey being friends or dating 32/33 year old Poe isn’t that crazy or farfetched.
According to the TROS Visual Dictionary, Poe left BB-8 with Rey so she won’t feel lonely (and that’s probably also why BB-8 is with Rey on Tatooine). 
Poe was the first man Rey met whom she didn’t physically attack upon meeting him, and also smiled when they introduced each other. I don’t recall her smiling that wide whenever she was with Finn or Kylo.
They get along well in Poe Dameron #26-27. Poe was even a bit flirty with Rey.
It was Poe’s idea to build a Jedi training course for Rey in Star Wars Adventures, so Poe understands the importance of Rey’s Jedi training.
Rey understands what Poe went through with Kylo ( Poe also calls them ”Torture buddies!”).
When Poe, Finn, and Chewie return from the Fortress of Hothitude (I can’t remember what that planet is called. lol), Poe was so happy to see Rey. The way he walked up to Rey, his smile and his hands on hips. He badly wants to impress Rey. Alpha male!
And right after that, they have their only argument throughout the entire film. Poe and Rey quarrel in TROS was because they both didn’t listen to each other. They really only fight over the Falcon and BB-8. They both care about each other a lot, don’t blame each other in anything (except the Falcon being on fire and BB-8 missing a disc) and admit when one of them was right in argue (but prefer not to tell about that). Then Rey ends up smiling at him and Poe ends the argument by complimenting Rey (”You’re the best fighter we have. We need you.”). Also, Poe is the only one whom Rey talks to with sarcastic smile. Also, also, that argument is meant to parallel Han and Leia’s many arguments. Han and Leia argued every five minutes throughout the entire Original Trilogy, and they ended up together!
After sinking in the sand tunnels, Poe catches Rey and holds her bridal-style for a sec to steady her and was worried about her.
“He thought of protesting, of asking how Rey could possibly know which equally unremarkable direction was the right one. But Poe had learned that when Rey said things that way, her face determined, her voice unwavering, a fellow ought to just follow.” -TROS novel Poe knows Rey well. He knows when he must just shut up and do what she says. It kind of reminds me of Anakin telling Padme “Don’t worry. I’ve given up trying to argue with you.”
Poe taking the dagger from Rey in the novel and it felt like a weight has been lifted from Rey’s shoulders. It’s almost like he knew that would help.
The sand snake- I’ve never seen Poe so scared. But he is not afraid of that snake, he’s ready to combat it. I mean, he piloted the Falcon without fear into the mouth of a giant worm! Poe is afraid that snake could hurt or kill Rey. Poe wants to shoot that snake and pull Rey back, and he almost does that. And Rey amazes him again! And Poe sighs in relief when the snake calms down and slithers away.
In the novel, Poe didn’t scream “Nooo!” or “What have you done?!” when Rey “killed” Chewie. Poe knows there is no scenario in which Rey would harm her friends consciously. He most likely knows about her dark visions (Rey tells BB-8 everything, who obviously tells Poe all important stuff). Poe is not mad at Rey and doesn’t make her explain how that happened. And honestly, if he did do that, then he’d be a huge hypocrite, since he accidentally caused the deaths of the bombers in TLJ and the soldiers on Crait, which is why Poe was gentle with her. Rey understands Poe. His usual anger. They both have a huge responsibility. The Resistance on Poe and Jedi legacy on Rey. And she was ready to hear his anger, but he didn’t even plan to lay into her.
Rey likes that Poe can steal speeders and she finds his past interesting. Rey was really interested in Poe and Zorii’s past connection and Poe felt a bit smug when Rey was able to beat Zorii (He said “Don’t Dja’kanka” because he was afraid Rey would slice Zorii in half before she could help them). According to some audio book excerpts, when Rey was thinking about Poe’s past or his criminal skills, her voice was mysterious and nonjudgmental. Finn wasn’t happy to find out Poe was a spice runner, while Rey was completely fine with that, it seems she even liked that
After the Spice Runner reveal, as they traveled a snowy passageway, Poe glanced over at Rey, who was silent and frowning, lost in her own thoughts. Or maybe she was focused. Sensing something. 
When Rey rushed off to look for the dagger on Kylo’s star destroyer, Poe didn’t stop her and trusted her feelings. Poe knows when he must just follow her instincts. He learned to read her.
Look at pain in Poe’s eyes after Finn’s words. Poe wants to be closer to Rey, he wants Rey to trust him more. But Finn and Leia were still closer to Rey than Poe was. “Perhaps, she didn’t want to put the rest of the team in danger, but they had already signed up for that by joining the Resistance.” (TROS junior novel, Poe)
"She’s out there, heading toward the Death Star. Her skimmer keeps tipping over – it’s damaged. What the heck is she thinking?” (TROS junior novel, Poe) Poe is so worried here. And angry. Now he’s mad at Rey, but later he will be angry with himself for losing her.
“Rey’s nobility masked an impulsiveness that might doom them all – and as highest-ranking member of the team, Poe felt responsible for not curbing it. He had flunked the leadership test yet again.” (TROS junior novel) Poe blames himself, not Rey.
“Maybe there was something the general could do. During the battles of D'Qar and Crait she and Rey had shared beacons. Maybe there was a way she could reach out to Rey or Rey could reach out to her.” (TROS junior novel) Poe planned to find Rey!
So, Poe doesn’t think Rey abandoned them and doesn’t resent her for leaving. If he did, he’d be a big hypocrite here, too, since he abandoned his father, who was dying from a poisonous Lurker bite in Free Fall for the Spice Runners.
Poe trusts Rey and knows she can take care of herself. That’s why he didn’t rush after her like Finn did.
“Poe didn’t have his usual pre-battle swagger. He seemed distress. “What’s waiting for her out there?” he asked Finn.” (TROS junior novel) Poe worried about Rey so much! That she’s somewhere alone and they won’t be with her there.
Poe was incredibly relieved when Rey was revealed to be alive (and he was also worried about Rey when he found out the Emperor wanted her alive).
The way Poe takes Rey’s hand is special, it’s pure tenderness, and the way he rubs his thumb over her knuckles tells everything. Poe loves Rey more than friend. Also, Rey pinches Poe’s elbow with a hope, like she tries to reach him. And when Poe does the same, she happily closes her eyes and pinches him again.
Poe and Rey also acted so jealous of Finn and Zorii respectively. Poe kept asking Finn what he was gonna tell Rey when they were sinking in the sand. On Kijimi, Rey couldn’t stop thinking about what Poe’s past with Zorii was.
So, usually, men tend to date women who remind them of their mothers (Take Harry Potter for example! Ginny looks a lot like Lily Potter.). Rey and Shara Bey (Poe’s mom) look similar and they’re both brave, adventurous, and great pilots.
Men also tend to date women who remind them of their exes. Rey also looks similar to Zorii, plus they are both cagey, kept secrets, both love to argue with Poe, but they care about him, and are extremely loyal.
TL:DR. My point is that Poe and Rey are actually good friends and would be a great couple. Disney/LF were just a bit more subtle about their relationship. 
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
What happened to Jensen during the last panel at Jibcon 2017?
A fellow fan sent in this ask: 
Jensen’s breakdown was at Jibcon 2017? Everybody was laughing during that (more than tipsy) panel with Jensen and Misha but I felt so sorry for Jensen! He wasn’t good at all! Was it because of hellers? How?   
Thank you so very much for that question, because the hellers have been using it as proof of destiel for awhile.  The crowd was laughing in the beginning, until Jensen's behavior became more erratic and by the time he got weepy, they got quiet.  You also have to factor in how many people were laughing and how many of them were hellers.  This is the rantings of a heller with regards to that Jibcon 17 panel.  The bold and italics have been added by me. 
This is more of an ‘in-your-face’ flirt panel, with Jensen stripping down to his underwear and asking if Misha is excited, ‘rawrr’, “when in Rome”, the flirty looks, every single second of this panel is gold. But to me, this is also a very big example of how comfortable Jensen is around Misha and vice versa. Yes, Jensen’s a little drunk and that’s because he had a hard time coping with some deep stuff, which does come out during the panel. Misha is there to support him, and Misha is there to anchor him, to make him laugh and feel good again. Jensen gravitates towards Misha always during every panel, but during this panel Jensen is absolutely throwing himself at Misha ever chance he gets. Despite all the dick-showing, leg-spreading, rawrs, and flirty comments, the thing that gets me Most during this panel will probably always be XXX. (or maybe the moment they come on stage and sing at each other (guys we’re here too) and touch hands.
First of all, what happened at Jibcon was a very horrible thing.  Fans, mostly non-hellers knew off the bat, that something was wrong.  Even I had thought that maybe he was drunk.  But I wondered why this person, who is a con veteran, and who has done more than a 100 cons couldn't deal with alcohol on stage.  Its not the first time they have had apple juice.  Jensen is known for his professionalism.  This was not his normal behavior.  However, people who were at the con, said adamantly that Jensen was not drunk.  They couldn't smell any reeks of alcohol on him.  And if you watch the footage carefully, you will see that he isn’t even slurring.  He had blood shot and swollen eyes from crying too much, before he got on stage.  Both he and Misha mentioned that on stage.  And if he behaves like that every time he gets drunk, how come we have never heard stories about similar behavior before.  How come Jensen never flashed anyone else?  How come he did it on stage, at a con, in front of people who had cameras with them?
You will notice Jensen had a burst of energy when he came on stage, where he was talking so much that he wasn't even listening to Misha or letting Misha speak.  He was making loud noises and singing and only the truly deluded will miss the panic on Misha's face.  When Misha forcefully [he had to, because Jensen wasn't even letting him speak] changed the topic, Jensen went from boisterous and loud to a weeping mess.   Jensen's behavior was extremely specific.  He was putting on a performance that would please one group of people:  the cocklehellers.  Why?  He cant stand them.  Everything the heller above said, is proof of how cruel these people are, and how they are so obsessed with their ship that they are blinded to everything else.  All they could see was Jensen whoring himself to them.  They couldn't see the distress in his eyes.  Heck, they couldn't even see the distress in Misha's eyes, and he is their overlord.   
Watch Misha's reaction during the panel.  If you watched the hilarious exchange between Jared, Misha and a Jib fan, where the meaning of influence was changed forever in fandom, you will know that Misha likes to ratchet up the vulgarity.  If someone says something dirty, he wants to ''out dirty'' them.  He didn't want Jared to sexually one up him.  The crux of that exchange was that Misha ''is the bottom'', according to Misha himself.  That was the only real take away for him because he doesn't like it.  Not only does Misha want to push destiel, but he wants it done, in a specific way.  Misha wants to be the one with sexual power - the alpha.  That is why he doesn't push sastiel, because Jared doesn't allow him that power.  Jensen is timid and power will immediately go into Misha's hand. 
That is why he was completely out of sorts.   Not only was  he no longer in the position of power, but he was getting nervous, and the reason was because he had never seen Jensen behave like that before.  Misha was not feeling awkward.  He was getting nervous because he could see something was wrong and they were on stage in front of people with cameras.  He didn't know what was wrong.  He didn't care about the sickness part of it, because if he did, he wouldn't have brought up a trigger from earlier in the day.  Especially when he had seen with his own eyes what it had done to Jensen earlier.  He said, with his own mouth, he tried to hug Jensen because Jensen was crying so much, but Jensen didn't want Misha touching him. 
Jensen was, most likely suffering a mild mixed episode similar to Cyclothymia, Mania and Hypomania.  Being very verbocious, inappropriately loud and happy, sounds like Hypomania whilst turning into a weeping mess twenty minutes later, denotes Cyclothymia.   A person experiencing a mixed episode will rapidly change between abnormal happiness or euphoria and sadness or irritability.  Men suffer from this type of episode more.  Now remember, I am not saying Jensen has Cyclothymia because these are frequently lifelong conditions.  And I don't know Jensen's day and night habits, unlike Jared who share everything, so we can only guess.  I am just saying that the symptoms matched up. 
More shockingly, some sufferers don't even know they have a condition and some people only have one episode their entire life.  That is what I think happened to Jensen.  He is healthy and takes care of himself and his health, so then what triggered the episode.  Jensen mentioned once that he had sleep-related issues, because he couldn't get to sleep and was reading Jared's text.  Jensen even told a hilarious story about kicking down a hotel room door because he needed so badly, to go to sleep.  Jet lag, the Saturday Night concert and Jensen's anxiety over the impending panel might have triggered the episode.
So what was freaking him out about this panel?  Six months earlier, at Jaxcon, Jensen was asked by a heller about Dr Sexy and Destiel.  He said ''Destiel doesn't exist''.  The hellers got very angry, sending him reams of tweets bullying him, verbally bashing him, calling him a homophobe and threatening his life.  For six months he said nothing.  For six months Misha pandered to the hellers more and more.  My one question to hellers is, if they are all such freaking good friends, why didn't Jensen tell Misha ''Hey man, tell your fans to back off''.  And why didn't Misha listen.    Jibcon is the only con where Jensen has a panel with Misha.  He doesn't like Jibcon because the Cockles panel is always sexual.  Remember the fake orgasm.  But this time he needed to use the panel to appease those people, to stop them from bullying him.  That is why his episode seemed so uncharacteristically vulgar and Cockles friendly.  Taking off his pants, telling Misha to pick a leg, all his behavior was geared towards Misha so that Misha's fans will back off and leave him alone.  Jensen doesn't behave like that usually. 
That explains why Jared shut the panel down earlier than scheduled.  And Jensen made it very vocal, how relieved he was about that.  In the next Jib, Jared got sick.  He freaked one fan out, who recounted her encounter with him during autos, because he kept staring at her, while she was walking away.  When she said she loved him, he just looked at her confused.  Jensen left his autos to be with Jared on stage.  Jared had explained the next day, that he had allergy issues.  No!  What allergies cause symptoms like that?  He was contemplating the Cockles panel and the spanner he was planning to throw in the works.  Because he knew that hellers were going to tear him apart.  And tear him apart, they did.  I have those receipts.  Jared didn't ''crash'' last year's panel.  If he had, you would have seen surprise on Misha's face.  It was pre-planned.  Hellers will convince themselves that Jensen or Misha or their fairy godmothers were very disappointed at seeing him, but even the smart ones know that is not true. 
I really wish I could add the gifs, abusive tweets and pictures from Jib, but Tumblr is not allowing me.  DM me if you want them.  I hope this response suffices, dear.  Have a nice day.    Citation: http://www.minddisorders.com/Kau-Nu/Mixed-episode.html#ixzz5chVNtTvN https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/hypomania-and-mania/#.XD4hWBt7nVI
I was notified just now that I didn't add why he was upset.  He had met two YANA volunteers earlier.  I didn't add that, because I don't believe meeting them upset him.  Jensen has met dying children and veterans as part of his work.  He doesn't break down that like.  How come these two ladies messed him up?  No, he was already upset.  Meeting them didn't do that.  That's is what Misha and everyone else assumed.  What was Jensen going to do?  Tell them the truth. 
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sometipsygnostalgic · 6 years
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Since it seems @whatpumpkin is changing around a lot, and most of the key staff have left the company, I thought it’d be nice to pay tribute to Act 1. We’ll still see their work when act 2 is released, so it’ll be a bittersweet occasion. 
Here are the credits in full. 
Some notable names, let me know if I miss out anything important each person contributed:
@skullmandible was the head writer and director. He’s responsible for nearly every item combination you see in the game, including the goofy pigeon jokes. Cohen was the person who talked to us the most during Hiveswap’s development. This is really important, and I think his contribution to our fandom is deeply underrated. 
@guzusuru was the animation director, overseeing the contributions of all the animators and giving direction. Homestuck wise, you may remember her for her work on [s] Terezi: Remem8er, where she drew the young Scourge Sisters, and [s] Collide where she directed the animation yet again. Her most ambitious Homestuck work is probably animating the whole of Act 7. Angela’s famous homestuck fandom works include Lullaby to the Gods. She’s been with the fandom for a long time. I think her contribution runs deeper than I know.
@paperseverywhere was the lead animator. She made the intro to the game, and has drawn.... basically every character in act 1 and 2, lmao. Papers is a fandom veteran and very talented young animator contributing to Vriskagram, drawing the ghost terezi/vriska parts of Remem8er, drawing a bunch of panels for End of act 6 including the post-Collide shots, and storyboarding the Heir of Grief section for Collide. Papers also drew some Paradox Space comics, like Mother & Grub and Lalondian Tourism.  Needless to say, done a heck of a lot. 
@jamesroachmusic was the lead musician for the first two acts. He’s been working on Hiveswap since at least the shift to WhatPumpkin NYC, so James has seen a lot of shit go down. My favourite track from Act 1 would be Intermission, the ending theme which set in deep anticipation for the next act.  
His fellow musician Toby Fox needs no introduction
@shelbycragg and @poinko were cutscene animators for Hiveswap. Poinko/Phil Gibson wrote the Secret Sufferer comic for Paradox Space, among others, while Shelby is reknowned for being Calliope’s artist and the creator of Neokosmos. Shelby has been in this fandom for a VERY long time, and Poinko is a funny man who gives sassy replies to all his tumblr asks. I’m not entirely sure which animators made which cutscenes, but Poinko and Shelby at least contributed to the Pigeon scene, the flare scene, Xefros crashing a can against his head, and the ending cutscenes. 
@rah-bop, as well as @dammek, were background illustrators for Hiveswap. User Dammek has been working on the project since its kickstarter, drawing the majority of the concept art that ended up being reworked for the 2D project, and Dammek also drew the cute photos with the young ‘Guardians. Some of their notable works would be Paradox Space’s Night at the 100dseum and Vrisky Business.  rah-bop, meanwhile worked on Remem8er as a background artist who drew all the special effects of the sky falling. I’m sure they’ve done more before. Anyway, these two drew most of the epicly detailed backgrounds that you see in the back of Hiveswap. 
Shout out to Ash Paulsen, the Associate Producer who interviewed everybody during Act 1′s development. From what you said, it sounded like your work was pretty important.
I think that’s it for this post! It’s amazing what WP 2D have accomplished, and despite the odds being stacked against them Hiveswap has gone off to a good start. Best of luck to everybody who’s moving forward, and here’s hoping Act 2 blows us away.
Anyway, here’s a Papers animation of Joey tapdancing:
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bambyeol · 6 years
This Band (p.7)
B.A.M SEQUEL now updating daily!
pairing/s: band! park jihoon x oc ; band! bae jinyoung x oc ; doctor! hwang minhyun x oc
character/s: park jihoon, park woojin, bae jinyoung, ong seongwoo, kim jaehwan, ha sungwoon, lai guanlin, kang daniel, yoon jisung, hwang minhyun
genre: angst, fluff, music (band)
summary: never date your band mate.
warning : a sequel so I’d appreciate it if you’ll read B.A.M first. though you can always live dangerously and read this immediately.
This Band (p.1) This Band (p.2) This Band (p.3) This Band (p.4)  This Band (p.5) This Band (p.6)  This Band (p.9)  This Band (p.10)  This Band (p.11)   This Band (p.12)  This Band (p.13) This Band (p.14)  This Band (p15) This Band (final)
B.A.M p1 // B.A.M p2 // B.A.M p3 // B.A.M final
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wanna one masterlist
song inspiration: Don’t Want To Be An Idol by VIXX 
Because I’m an idol, because I’m a celebrity 
I can’t hold your hand when we walk ...
She switched on the television in the lounge room,  continuously coursing through the channels with little interest, a blank expression on her face as the sound from the television droned out.
She felt numb from the hospital gossip and the anonymous messages; the curious glances from the staff, and the not-so-subtle interrogation just to prove that it was a far-fetched idea that she dated Park Jihoon.
On the other side of the screen, Jihoon sat along with his co-stars finding it more and more unbearable to continue with the press-con.
The atmosphere in the said press-con reeked of tension. Everyone was waiting, second guessing on dropping the question, but no one took the chance. No one dared to ask. Instead, they threw watered down questions, the usual “Can you say something about the drama?” or “How was working with actor X”
When the host deemed that the reporters had asked enough, and formally closed the discussion, Jihoon decided to finally take the leap. He was busily observing throughout the press-con, segregating the veteran reporters from the neophytes.
He knew from his experiences that the new ones always had the guts to ask the unwanted questions.
“Really? Is that all? I think Miss Kim in the back wanted to ask one more question.” He smiled innocently as he pointed to the young woman with the name tag Kim who dressed a little too fashionably for that boring press-con.
“Ahh, uhm” she stuttered, flipping fastly on her notes and shuffled through the set questions until she finally found the unasked question. Miss Kim looked around only to find everyone’s eyes on her, a nonverbal cue to pressure her into asking.
“Can you give us a statement regarding the controversy about you and your former bandmate, Miss Bae Riseul?”
Everyone held their breaths in suspense. Jihoon grabbed the mic. “Sure.”
Immediately, all the reporters who initially feigned disinterest regarding the issue held onto their pens, opened the voice recorders and started scribbling for notes. The cameraman immediately zoomed to Jihoon.
“To put it simply, during our days as members of B.A.M, Rise-- Ms. Bae and I did have a relationship with each other,” Jihoon started and everyone nodded along.
“We dated for two years before we broke up. After the break up, we quit the band although it was Ms. Bae who quit first to pursue her studies. I quit 2 months later and pursued becoming an idol. During those years, we didn’t establish any contact with each other. In the recent B.A.M concert, it was pure coincidence we ran across each other. The hospital visitations weren’t meant for her at all. Earlier this year, I was involved in a car accident. I was advised to undergo therapy for my knees.” He explained calmly and perfectly just as how he had it in his mind.
“What we are now are nothing but friends. It may be hard to believe, but we have both grown as individuals and clearly understand the extent of our relationship.”
“But, what about --” another reporter chimed in, but before he could even deliver his question,
“The only reason I took this chance to explain everything about us is because everyone has gone overboard regarding the issue. The other party became harassed over misleading news up to the point where her own safety has been compromised that may have even caused serious injury or death.” His eyes spoke of uncontained anger.   
“Ms. Bae may have been my ex-girlfriend, but regardless of who she was once in my life, it’s unacceptable to threaten someone and even hurt someone. I would like to remind everyone that the law is there to punish you, and I am more than willing to assist in tracking whoever tried to harass Ms. Bae in any form. And to the reporters, I hope that you’re aware that publishing false news could call for legal actions against you. That’s all.” Jihoon rested the microphone on the table and bowed before leaving the hall to prevent the media from swarming him with questions.
He didn’t know if his statement would do more harm than good, but he wished that his boldness and honesty would at least charm a few.  Everything blew to his favor though when netizens and articles suddenly painted their relationship in a positive light, and Jihoon’s actions as chivalrous and admirable. Although some remained to criticize Riseul, he was comforted that everyone was starting to turn over.
Soon, everything would be over. ---
He stood by the hallway trying to blend in with the numerous patients queuing for their check-up. He saw her from afar, standing out amidst the pool of plain white and greys in that hospital. He would have been able to find her anywhere because his eyes always followed her every step. And he couldn't help but find a small smile on his face upon seeing that the woman he loves so much conquered her fears and achieved her dreams.
She neared him while walking along some of her fellow doctors and he waved. Riseul to his direction, confusion on her face. The last time they met, she lashed out at him with how he managed to turn her life upside down again. It was puzzling how he was back so soon.
"Jihoon-ssi, are you here for your therapy?" Jihoon felt the forced civilness in her voice and a smile reserved for acquaintances. They were just a meter apart but he still managed to feel that he was just a stranger to her life now.
“I came to say goodbye since I’ve completed the sessions for the therapy,”  he answered. No surprise landed on her face.  
“Are you okay? Are you still receiving emails or did any one try to hurt you?”
“It’s all good now. Thank you, Jihoon-ssi” she hugged the clipboard she carried.
“You don’t need to thank me. I dragged you into that mess, and I really don’t want to let you go through that again so I won’t bother you anymore. I know that you’ll be uncomfortable if we practice for the Reunion together so I’ll just reject it. I won’t perform. So please, attend the reunion of B.A.M and sing again,” he bowed.
"Don't bow to me. It's making me uncomfortable." Riseul replied as she gazed at Jihoon's figure. He retracted and she tried to meet his eyes before breaking it off. Jihoon still had that same gaze, resolute and unfazed.  She tugged the end of her sleeves, her fingers fidgeting... a habit coming from her nervousness.
"It was nice meeting you again...Riseul-ssi." and he walked past her as he headed towards the exit of the hospital. Five years he wondered how she was, but now he's relieved, so it should be okay even if the tears threatened to fall.
She was his first love and looking back to their past, he wanted her to be the last as well.
His phone vibrated as he exited the facility.
One text message received.
I’ll see you in B.A.M practice. Don’t be late.
-Bae Riseul
He raised his eyebrows before breaking into laughter. It seemed like she wasn't planning to let her hold on him wear off anytime soon.
notes: I am back from the dead known as tumblr lag. 
finished a jaehwan fic and will post it after completing this
currently working on BAM side stories concerning other characters and who they’ll end up with ;) 
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vorthosjay · 7 years
Magic Story 2016 in Review
I don’t usually do reviews, as most of you know. At most, I tend to recommend or not recommend certain novels and stories as worth someone’s time versus reading a summary. I try to avoid them because Magic’s story is inextricably tied to the process of developing the card game itself. It’s a rather unique situation even for properties with established lore (like D&D or Warhammer) which also tell stories about the universe (more like a video game than a table top game’s story). I’m also just generally not a fan of literary reviews, as I find Tolkien unreadable but unabashedly love trashy Sci-Fi novels.
So instead, I’m going to tackle 2016 as a SWOT Analysis for the state of Magic’s Story overall, not really for individual stories or writing quality. Don’t know what a SWOT Analysis is? Basically, it’s just a method of dividing feedback into four areas: Strengths (things that are being done well), Weaknesses (thing that could be improved), Opportunities (things that could enhance the overall experience), and threats (things that could hurt the overall experience).
Keep in mind that I don’t know anything about the inner working of creative, and there may be perfectly good reasons for the weaknesses I describe, and plans in place to address the threats I identify. This is just, like, my opinion.
Side Note: I realize that I teased this piece after the 2016 story summary. Sorry, I forgot about it and it sat in my draft folder for the last couple weeks.
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Unholy Strength by Terese Nielsen
Expanding the Roster While the core writing team has largely remained the same, bringing in Alison Luhrs, Mel Li, and Michael Yichao for more stories has been a welcome addition to the rotation. Alison and Michael both previously wrote Commander 2015 stories, Mel previously wrote the BFZ story summary and one of the Checking In articles. Whether they’re members of creative moved into a slightly different role or members of other teams brought in for their skills, it’s been a good thing.
Hiring Veteran Talent Bringing on Chris L’Etoile, an industry veteran who was not previous involved with Wizards of the Coast in another capacity (as much of the creative team was), signals a pretty strong commitment to continuing to improve the story with the new paradigm. Chris hit the ground running with Homesick, which along with another story I’ll mention in a moment was one of my two favorites this year. I believe we’ve started to see his influence with Kaladesh, and I hope we continue to see plenty of it going forward - word counts be damned.
Hiring Consultants It means a lot when we see outside consultants for expertise in areas the creative team lacks. Reading between the lines of some comments that have been made after Conspiracy: Take the Crown and Kaladesh were revealed to have used consultants, I think we’re likely to see more of this going forward. While it’s not always going to be perfect (Kaladesh had some major flavor misses), it’s a huge step in the right direction, and for that deserves real credit.
Ken Troop’s Blackmail I don’t know what he has on the rest of the team that they let him get the good stuff, but Ken consistently steals the show. He’s only got three stories in 2016, but they’re all fantastic and big story tentpoles. The Promised End is my second favorite story from last year, and The Blight We Were Born For is a close third.
This piece goes on a bit yet, so I’m putting the rest behind a keep reading line.
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Hunt the Weak by Raoul Vitale
Characterization The biggest part of the story that suffered in the new two block paradigm is characterization. Now, to be fair, character complexity is something hard to get across when you’ve only got about 5,000 words a week and a very broad focus. Stories like Homesick helped establish the characters better, but going forward I think it’ll be important to show more sides to the different characters. For instance, if someone hadn’t read Agents of Artifice, they might think Tezzeret is a rather one dimensional character because of his portrayal in Kaladesh. Chandra has seemed to regress as a character, feeling more like an ADHD caricature than the young woman we’d gotten to see grow through The Purifying Fire and her various other appearances. I don’t know entirely how to fix it, but I think taking more moments for the characters to breath and interact will be helpful.
Pacing Given the new serialized structure, it’s harder to get a sense of the timing of events. In Shadows Over Innistrad, was Jace on Innistrad for days? Weeks? Months? It’s not clear, but the story did a whole lot of hopping around with him to different locations all over the plane. Finding a balance between how Magic Story used to be (a series of relatively unconnected vignettes with the occasional important story piece) and the new serialized structure is going to be a major hurdle in 2017. We also got a number of stories unconnected to the main stories this year (or no stories at all), which can be jarring to the pace of events. Now that the team has a few blocks behind them, I think they’re starting to find the right pace.
Community Outreach Last year was weakest in terms of the accessibility of the creative team that I can remember. There was a big call on Tumblr for question for the creative team that have never been answered (at least, not in any venue that I’ve seen). Doug Beyer’s blog has been mostly abandoned, and interaction with the team has largely been limited to official events and Twitter (where 140 characters isn’t a whole lot of room for lore talk - but shout-out to Kelly Digges and others for trying). This was the first year I can remember where a well-known member of the creative team wasn’t hugely visible in responding to the community, as before we’d had Ask Brady or A Voice for Vorthos. These outlets were immensely popular, and I’m hoping the new podcast idea that Blake Rasmussen mentioned on twitter turns out to be a good new successor to that legacy. This criticism comes with the caveat that I’m not sure the creative team’s workload has ever been higher, and I’m sure they’re still trying to find a groove in the new paradigm.
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Opportunity by Patrick Faricy
Reconnecting to Older Lore Kaladesh has major story ties to older story lines, and with the Gatewatch established it’s probably time to return to more of the plot threads left dangling over the years. For perspective, it’s been eight real-world years since Liliana, Jace, and Tezzeret were all in Agents of Artifice together. It’s been almost as long since Chandra and Gideon’s story began back in The Purifying Fire. Continuing to connect back to older lore in a meaningful way will help keep older vorthos interested and invested.
New Mediums for Outreach I mentioned earlier that Blake (of Daily MTG fame) dropped the potential for a new story team podcast. This is an exciting opportunity and will go a long way to fixing that big gap I mentioned in weaknesses. Podcasts are the format of choice for many people online these days, and don’t require the same equipment and software intensive set-up as video formats do. Given the success of Maro’s Drive to Work, I don’t think this podcast would be lacking an audience. In this same vein, the recently announced initiative to move the Magic IP in different directions could be great for us Vorthos. I loved being able to experience the story through different media, and Duels of the Planeswalkers 2015 was a fun was to share the plot developments of Magic 2015 - and to get players interested in the story.
Official History With the plot moved to free serialized web stories, there’s a rather huge demand from new vorthos interested in what came before Magic Origins. The success of my own articles and those of my fellow vorthos out there is a testament to that demand, and while I’m certainly not going to complain, even the most popular among us don’t have the same reach among the community that the mothership does. In 2014 and 2015, we got “Checking In With the Planeswalkers” articles, which served as a sort of update and history for the uninitiated and invested vorthos alike. Prior to Scars of Mirrodin and Return to Ravnica we got brief histories to catch people up. Now I think we need those kind of background pieces more regularly, because as neat as it is to see Agents of Artifice and The Purifying Fire references in Kaladesh, most newer readers were scratching their heads about the various references.
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Threaten by Pete Venters
Accessibility of Older Lore This runs parallel to some of my other comments. How well can a new reader inference what they need to know about Magic’s past for a story? The experience of Kaladesh is fairly different for someone who has read Agents of Artifice or The Purifying Fire. Chandra monastery at Keral Keep is heavily influenced by Jaya Ballard - an ice age character whose lore is entirely locked into two out-of-print novels... one of which goes for about $40! Making sure that new readers can access the older stories they want is going to be critical going forward, especially if you want to keep older fans invested, too. Granted, these novels are likely locked behind contracts with publishers, but as the story continues to expand and older lore continues to be referenced, there’s a risk of alienating new readers. In some cases, it’s as simple as continuing to post story summaries once a block concludes - we got them for BFZ but not for SOI. As the two-blocks a year structure continues to pile up, we’re going to find newer readers significantly less interested in reading every article between Magic Origins and the latest block.
Mismanagement of Expectations This happened a couple times last year, and I think it’s important to address because fans need to know what to expect. When things are going to deviate from the norm or when we have gaps between the different set stories, that should be made extremely clear to the audience. November 2016 is a good example, as we got no Commander 2016 stories and no catching-up article - both of which we’d gotten in that same slot in previous years. I don’t think these breaks are a problem - but fan expectations based on previous years resulted in disappointment and resentment.
The Expanding Multiverse While I mentioned that the newly announced IP initiative is a great opportunity, it’s also a threat if not managed properly. Non-canon lore from early Duels of the Planeswalker games are still problems to this day - especially the ‘racist Nissa’ misconception. Keeping up with an expanding universe is going to be a lot of work, and it also has the potential for alienating fans both new and old. The creative team will need to stay on top of everything to avoid problems that will haunt them for years to come.
That’s about it for today. I hope you enjoyed my perspective on what worked and didn’t work in 2016, and how I hope 2017 can improve on that. Overall I’m optimistic for the future!
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hsrsports · 4 years
England captain Joe Root returns as West Indies eye series win - Click on link to subscribe my channel https://ift.tt/34vXvMA Facebook - https://ift.tt/2Vjiyz6 Twitter - https://twitter.com/HsrSports Pinterest - https://ift.tt/2ywdZIH Tumblr - https://ift.tt/2z5qwmL Blog - https://ift.tt/2VlBDRu #Sports #Sports_News #Tournament Joe Root (Photo credit: Gareth Copley/Getty Images) LONDON: England will hope the return of captain Joe Root proves inspirational in the second Test against the West Indies at Old Trafford starting Thursday.Star batsman Root missed England's four-wicket defeat at Southampton in international cricket's return from lockdown last week after attending the birth of his second child.He has now rejoined the squad, with West Indies needing just one win from the two remaining Tests of the campaign at Old Trafford to clinch a first series win in England for 32 years.Although all three fixtures are being played behind closed doors because of the coronavirus outbreak, Root will be in a familiar situation.England have now lost the opening match of a series for the eighth time in ten campaigns, a run dating back to the 2017/18 Ashes in Australia.Most recently in South Africa they did recover from a heavy defeat in the first Test to win that series 3-1.But now at 1-0 down with just two to play, there is far less margin for error. Joe Denly appears to be the most likely candidate to make way for Root.Denly was twice out cheaply at Southampton, with fellow batsman Zak Crawley making 76 in a second innings where England's loss of five wickets for 30 runs proved more pivotal to the result than their controversial decision to omit veteran paceman Stuart Broad "We're all desperate to see Joe do really well," said England coach Chris Silverwood. "But obviously he's under pressure a little bit.""Zak is improving constantly. I think he certainly showed maturity and the innings he played was very good."England wicketkeeper Jos Buttler dropped Jermaine Blackwood early in the West Indies' batsman's match-clinching innings of 95 on Sunday's final day at Southampton.And another pair of low scores left Buttler with a Test average of just 23.22 since the start of 2019 and now only one hundred in 75 innings.But even though England have gifted gloveman Ben Foakes waiting in the wings, Silverwood said: "First and foremost we want to give Jos the best opportunity to succeed."He just needs to go and make those big scores now doesn't he? He knows that as well."Meanwhile, with six Tests in seven weeks, including three against Pakistan, England could yet recall Broad in Manchester, having already said they plan to rotate their battery of quicks.It was West Indies fast bowler Shannon Gabriel, however, who was named man-of-the-match in the first Test for a nine-wicket haul.Gabriel was only included in the main squad after being named as a travelling reserve following ankle surgery.Given the second Test starts just days after the end of the first, fitness is likely to be the West Indies' biggest issue as they return to Old Trafford, the venue for their quarantine period amid the pandemic and two subsequent intra-squad warm-up matches.The West Indies arrived in England with many doubting if their batsmen could give an impressive fast-bowling unit enough runs to play with.But they built a first-innings lead of over a hundred runs at Southampton after captain Jason Holder took a Test-best 6-42 in England's lowly 204.Set 200 to win, the West Indies did then collapse to 27-3 and saw opener John Campbell retire hurt.But Blackwood stepped up, even if the rashness that has characterised his stop-start West Indies career saw him fall five runs short of what would have been only his second Test century when he tried to hit over the top.By then, despite some taunts from stand-in England captain Ben Stokes , Blackwood had all but sealed victory."I wasn't really paying too much attention to that, I was keen on getting the runs and getting my team across the line," Blackwood said Tuesday of Stokes' words."That didn't faze me at any point in time."Once I'm at the crease, they're the ones under pressure, not me." Credit : Times of India Source: https://ift.tt/3eBd0GQ
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iph-interns-2018 · 6 years
FRSP Month 1
Hi All! My name is Amelia Gilmer and I work at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park as an intern. There was some posting issues with the tumblr site so I am just going to post a monthly wrap up about my time as FRSP!
One day after wearing the honors of honor, I packed my bags and moved to Fredericksburg for the summer to begin my internship training at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park. So far this training has been a lot different than my previous training at Richmond National Battlefield Park. We spent the first day in the classroom going over the basics of the park service in somewhat excruciating detail. The next day we spent the entire eight hours acting out ten different scenarios of different types of visitors we may encounter. Honestly, this part of the training seemed a little tedious, as I had spent the last summer working at a different National Park and felt like I had already experienced every scenario we went over. The next three days were spent working at the Jackson Shrine, one of the two sites I will be working at this summer. I am thankful for my previous interpretive experience because we never discussed interpretation in training and I was somewhat thrown into working at the J Shrine. But the ranger on site was incredibly helpful and by the end of the day, I felt like I could do this all summer, but more on this later! On Saturday, FRSP had its largest event of the season, the Luminaria, which this year focused on World War One veterans buried in the cemetery, instead of solely focusing on the Civil War dead.
Over 15,000 candles were placed at the graves in the Fredericksburg National Cemetery to represent the bodies that are buried there. It was incredibly humbling so see all the candles lit and quite sublime. Visitors would be guided to each of our seven stations and hear a short talk highlighting the service men/women buried there.
At my station, we discussed Annie Lockhart who was only one of two service women buried in this cemetery. Her story did not fit the typical picture of what we consider a serviceman to be but her service as a member of the Army Nurse Corps was vital to the United State’s operations in Europe during the Great War.
Annie’s story inspired me to remember all those who served this Memorial Day, even if they do not fit the narrative of a typical solider.
The following week we spent one day in the classroom working on our walking tours and then we spent one day going through an 8 hour of tour of Fredericksburg with our mentor Frank O’Reilly. Unfortunately this tour was cut short as one of my fellow interns fainted but it was still a great morning. I spent the next few days at the American Battlefield Trust (formally the Civil War Trust) Conference in Newport News so I missed the tour of the Wilderness Battlefield. 
Ever since returning to FRSP, I finished up training and have been working on my tour for the Chancellorsville Visitor Center (CVC). My tour focusses on Jackson’s Wounding and the Battle as whole with the main theme being the futility of Lee’s victory. Additionally, I have also worked at CVC and the Jackson Shrine. While I haven’t made anyone cry yet over Jackson’s death, I know it’s coming. 
With the season starting, every day brings a new experience and challenge but I love working here! Thats pretty much all for now!
0 notes
ajaklaaaaaaaa · 6 years
Who is Nick Weaver coming all the way from Seattle over L.A. to Germany wearing an Eintracht Frankfurt Jersey in his Tour promo video? He is an artist, he is a performer, he is a producer and a guy like you and me. Check out our interview for information about his HipHop approach, his self-perception and the tour dates in Bad Nauheim on the 10th and 11th of November 2017. In 2016, 330724 Spotify listeners streamed 9.8 years of his music. The first release that I found online was „Forever Automatic„ in 2012, followed by his debut „Day One, None“ in 2013, by “Yardwork” 2015, „Prowler“ in 2016 and „Photographs Of Other People“ 2017. Besides that you can find side projects and freestyles on his Youtube account. You’ll find the tour date infos at the end of the article. NICK WEAVER Website – Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – Spotify – Soundcloud – Youtube – auf RUN FFM When asked about the style of his music he says it has a Kendrick Lamar, James Blake and Jamie XX touch and is for any fans of Hip-Hop, R&B and even Electronic Music. The list of artists he likes and is inspired by is long and diverse: From Depeche Mode, Mozart, N.W.A., The National, LCD Soundsystem, Hot Chip, Mogwai, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Jay-Z, Nas, Biggie, Mobb Deep, to Eminem.* Let’s jump in with the interview. Can you tell me something about your family- and your educational-background? I grew up outside of the city of Seattle in the United States. I have two older brothers, a mother, and a father – they all live in Seattle area. My father was a scientist for the United States Geological Survey and my mother was a writer/technical editor. I studied marketing at a college in Seattle, which lead me to a business career before I got super serious about music when I moved to L.A. It seems like you had a productivity boost since 2016 judging from you youtube output. What happened? I became much more self-sustained as an artist. I taught myself how to produce instrumentals, so I could pretty much do it all. That process was (and still is) so inspiring and motivating to me. It re-ignited my creativity; the desire to try new stuff. What do you think people feel when they listen to your music? I hope they hear someone who puts a lot of themselves out there. Music is such an incredible thing to be able to do, so you really gotta go all in. I hope people hear someone who really loves the process of making music, and someone who is constantly working at creating their own style of sound. You seem to be a dedicated person thinking about you inspirational and motivational talks on Youtube. Why did you decide to share those thoughts with your audience? I love talking about the process of being creative. I love sitting down with fellow artists, business owners, even friends who have big dreams in other fields. It’s motivating, and it keeps me driven. I created the #WorkFlow series as a way to let people see that side, and to show them that “Nick Weaver” the artist is also very human. In Yardwork BTS: Ep 4 – The Show you say the following: “Everyday shit that I know a lot of people relate to. It’s just real life shit. Keeping that theme, maturation, coming of age, figuring out what is important in life and sort of casting away the rest of the bullshit.” Would you say that you are a normal guy? I would like to think so, yes. Everybody has their own quirks and eccentric parts to them, I have no shortage of my own. I like that about people though. It’s not hard to figure out that you are a sports fan. On your IG are a lot of pictures showing you in jerseys of many different teams. Are you also practicing sports? I used to play a lot of sports – soccer (properly called football in your country), and basketball. I am short, so I always play sports with a big chip on my shoulder! There is one thing that we are especially interested in: Where did you got this awesome Eintracht Frankfurt jersey from? Good choice! Haha, I knew RUNFFM would like that! So in the States you can actually order the Bundesliga kits without sponsor logos on them. Eintracht Frankfurt is my team for life! When I toured Germany in 2016 I promised myself that if I got to see a Bundesliga team play at home, that team was going to be my squad – and it just so happened to be Eintracht that I got to see. The fans were so amazing, it was like a spiritual sporting experience for me. Frankfurt has been my team ever since. I even got to see them do a friendly match in my hometown against the Seattle Sounders. How did some of your videos end up at the german entertainment and gamer channel RELOADIAK? Christian (RELOADIAK) is a homie. He has been such a great support to me. He initially found my music when it was featured in a Super Street Magazine car video a few years back. He really liked it and contacted me about asking to use it. He had so many amazing fans there that really liked my music, so we built a relationship where he was cool with posting some of my content on his channel. Which kind of relationship do you have with Germany? What made you tour here and not in another European country? The fans I have in Germany are so supportive. They show me so much love on Spotify, YouTube, Instagram, FB, everywhere. I love them for that. They created the opportunity for me to go somewhere else in the world and play music. I can’t even describe how grateful I am for the fans! The tour had to be in Germany! It seems like you’re doing more than just rapping. You contacted me, I saw storyboards on your IG, you are playing instruments and you are producing? Is it a necessary evil or do you need to be in control of all the work? I think independent artists should be in control of as much as they think they can still be happy with. I certainly think there are things like videos and photography that you need to leave to the pros. But there are so many tools these days to help you create your content. It’s all one YouTube tutorial away. Even if your doing a lot on your own you probably have a team or people that you trust and work with. Who are these people and how do they help you? My manager Austin Hurwitz is a lifesaver, extremely professional, and an incredibly hard worker. He keeps me honest about my process too. My good friend Ryan Skut shoots a ton of my stuff. He shot all the artwork for the Photographs Of Other People project. I still have a core group of my best childhood friends and my family who come to all of my shows in my hometown in the states, that support after all these years means so much. Do you still have your full time job and what is it about? I have been lucky enough to do music mostly full time at this point in my career. Every once in a while I do contract work on the side for corporate event planning. The first video on your Youtube channel supports a foundation called “Growing Veterans”, you released an EP dedicated to the movie “The Rock” and you can be seen shooting a rifle on your IG. What do you think about the army and weapons in general? You really did your homework on me! Growing Veterans is a great organization in the States started by my childhood friend Christopher –  a US Marine veteran who wanted to help other military veterans back home. The USA still does not give our military veterans the resources they need after service. They struggle with mental health, finding work, and many other problems when they come home. Chris created Growing Veterans to find work for former military folks in agricultural and farming industries. Our military has endured a lot on behalf of our country’s decisions, it’s important for me to support groups like Growing Veterans. Despite that IG photo, I am very anti-guns. Somehow, someway, the United States is going to have to figure out how to decrease gun violence. Literally as I write this answer, I am seeing a news update about another public shooting in a church. Gun violence is the saddest most senseless shit, and the United States needs real leadership to change this issue. NICK WEAVER GERMANY TOUR „HipHop Jam VII“ Freitag, 10.11.2017, Einlass: 19:30 Uhr Jugendhaus Alte Feuerwache, Johannisstrasse 5, 61231 Bad Nauheim Facebook-Event „Fashion by relict with Nick Weaver DJ Set“ Samstag, 10.11.2017, Einlass: 21:00 Uhr Fashion Caffe Bar, Reinhardstraße 10, 61231 Bad Nauheim Facebook-Event To get an even more tangible picture of your persona I would like you to share something about you that you do not highlight on social media. Guilty pleasures, secrets, things that you want to improve? I love old video games. I just bought a Super Nintendo yesterday, because I still have all my old SNES games from growing up. And I’m not talking about that little “Super Nintendo Classic” that comes pre-loaded with 20 games. I went and bought the OG system on eBay. I still miss my Honda Civic, which is immortalized in my Prowler, Yardwork, and Day, One None albums. I owned that car for 10 years, a whole decade! I am going to get a tattoo of it. I just recently watched the entire Friday Night Lights TV series for the first time. It’s the closest thing to a soap opera that I vibe with. Thank you for your time and the intresting insights! Thank you so much for this opportunity, I know it is in on short notice as well so I really appreciate you doing this! *If you would like to know even more about Nick Weaver you can check out his interviews with respectmyregion, distinctionmgmt, illuminati2g and therealhip-hop. Thanks to my awesome and beautiful Italian co-author Laura for cross-reading! I hope you enjoyed the article For more global HipHop related articles chek my previous posts. Feel free to send me suggestions or feedback to „yoscha at runffm.com“. Find me on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/SoundCloud/tumblr. Cya! Um mit weiteren Events und Konzerten in und um Frankfurt auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, empfehlen wir euch unsere Gruppe mit Veranstaltungshinweisen auf Facebook. 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