#feel free to ask follow-up questions
my-deer-friend · 1 month
Good luck on your source-finding journey friend! I am so interested in the process of tracking down sources and documents, but I've never done it before. Can you explain your process or do you have any tips?
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask. This is not a research guide, just some pointers I've found useful (as someone trained in other forms of academic research who learned how to work with archives).
First things first – forget google. Google scholar is decent for tracking down secondary academic sources (though hardly comprehensive), but with a few notable exceptions, archive databases that hold primary source materials are not indexed on normal search engines. Instead, you need to spend some time finding the repositories where your sought-after documents are likely to be, and then running your searches inside those.
The one thing google is useful for is to see if someone has already gone to the trouble of formally publishing the documents you're looking for. You'll want to search for things like "papers of...", "correspondence of...", or "writings of...". If you get a result, see if you can find that book on google books, archive.org, or at your local library (definitely don't check on libgen, because downloading a free book would be bad and awful and terrible of you 🤫).
These collected editions are not always reliable (especially older ones, since there was a lot of gratuitous editing going on). So, to be rigorous, you still want to see if you can find the actual, original source.
The easiest starting point for tracking those down is to find a secondary source that has already done most of the work for you. A reliable book or academic article will cite its primary sources, which should include which archive or collection the author found the document in.
If you are immeasurably lucky, you will find that respoitory online, and it will have a fully-digitised collection their holdings, and a reliable, searchable index based on keywords and transcripts. In that case, just type in your search term and enjoy.
(Note: the search functionality on these sites is often very wonky. Always try several versions of your search term, and play around with the filters and boolean operators.)
But those sites are rare. If you're less (but still a little bit) lucky, you'll find an academic institution or research archive that has at least published a document called a finding aid. There should be one for each grouping of documents in their holdings (for example for one historical figure's papers, or for a specific bequest) which gives a summary of the contents and is used for on-site tracking of the physical items (these will have call or accession numbers, location of the documents, etc.). Finding aids vary immensely in quality and level of detail ("miscellaneous other papers" my behated).
If you do indeed find a record for something you want to look at (and it hasn't been digitised), you need to figure out the process for requesting the document. This varies hugely depending on the institution (with differing lead times, querying methods, fees, limitations, and ensuing publication/reproduction rights) and is virtually always explained somewhere on their website. Mostly, they'll ask you to complete a form, or to send an email following a template. Don't expect a quick reply, and don't expect digital copies to be free.
Of course, this all presumes that the instituton that holds your materials 1) has a website and 2) has actually put useful things on it. Sometimes, you just need to enquire. I followed up on a footnote I saw in a hundred-year-old book that gave the location of some letters, found the local town library that was mentioned and emailed them about it. (Yes, they had them, and the librarian I corresponded with was simply delightful and very eager to help.)
Be courteous and clear when you email these folks. They will almost always want to know your name, your contact details, a clear description of what you are looking for (the more detail the better), a summary of your research project, and whether you intend to publish the documents you are requesting – so save a few back-and-forth emails by providing that information upfront. They are very happy to answer requests from independent or hobby researchers, so don't let that hold you back.
The least helpful of all, in my experience, are holders of private collections. They simply don't have any incentive to take time out of their day to help you, and usually aren't trained librarians or archivists so they don't know what they have, or where it is, or how to give you access. (I tear up sometimes when I think of all the documents that are lying in some manor house attic, because someone forgot they were there or thought no one would be interested.) Sometimes they will respond (eventually) to an email query; often it's just a black hole.
I hope that helps! In all frankness, much of this is dull, repetitive work that all-too-frequently leads to dead ends (but it's so good when you succeed). Persistence and patience are key.
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visualtaehyun · 4 months
Pronouns, my beloved!
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
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นี่คุณจะไม่เลือกผมจริง ๆ ใช่ไหม /nee, khun ja mai leuuak pom jing jing chai mai?/
-> คุณ /khun/ = polite, formal 2nd pers. pronoun -> ผม /pom/ = polite, formal, respectful male 1st pers. pronoun
As Mahasamut is the younger one, he might just keep using ผม /pom/ throughout the entire show, just as Sky did in LITA. What he calls Tongrak is surely gonna change though! คุณ /khun/ feels too distant for P'May characters - even LomNuea in Wedding Plan, who met in a professional context and long kept using คุณ /khun/, ended up switching to the more familiar and informal พี่ /phi/ to refer to Lom.
So my predictions include:
a variation on his name, e.g. Rak, instead of any pronoun (like Prapai calling Sky just Sky, no pronouns), or later down the line maybe just ที่รัก /thee rak/ (= lit. beloved, comparable to darling, honey etc.) as it's sweet and would be a lovely switcheroo from Tongrak ต้องรัก /dtawng rak/ (= have to love)
a more intimate pronoun like เธอ /ter/ (based on YiwaMarine from Wedding Plan foregoing seniority by having younger Rine call her older girlfriend เธอ /ter/ for most of the show)
or simply พี่ /phi/ (as a 2nd pers. pronoun) which- I was just considering how that might not be sweet enough for a P'May top but then the sheer potential of P'Rak พี่รัก /phi rak/ sounding so close to ที่รัก /thee rak/ occurred to me and now I'm gonna need that to happen!!
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ต่อให้ผู้ชายทั้งโลกเหลือแค่นายคนเดียวอะ ฉัน ก็ ไม่ เอา /dtaaw hai phuu chaai thang lohk leuua khaae naai khohn diiao a- chan. gaaw. mai. ao./)
-> นาย /naai/ = informal male 2nd pers. pronoun (it's kind of filed away as the male equivalent to เธอ /ter/ in my head, even though เธอ /ter/ is perfectly usable regardless of gender but might sound too flirty to Tongrak, maybe?) -> ฉัน /chan/ = informal, familiar 1st pers. pronoun, not respectful or polite but also not impolite; used when speaking to someone younger/of lower status or between equals, is used predominantly by women, and in turn by men when talking to women
I love this choice so much! 1) Because both ฉัน /chan/ and นาย /naai/ rarely make an appearance in BL, from male characters, even though they delight me every time I do hear it in a BL (e.g. NuerSyn in Cutie Pie calling each other นาย /naai/ for a good long while), and 2) because ฉัน /chan/ can give both Mafia Boss (as can นาย /naai/) as well as Sassy and no, I shan't elaborate 5555
My prediction is that these too might change. ฉัน /chan/ here feels like- attitude? almost? Like both a level of self-confidence as well as some sass so I'd wager that mellows out into:
พี่ /phi/ (as a 1st pers. pronoun)
or he might just as well keep using ฉัน /chan/ (if paired with เธอ /ter/ for example that's like prime romance trope right there lol)
or, which I think is most likely, he'll just use his own name or variation thereof, e.g. Rak.
I remember seeing Peat tweet something aaaages ago when the announcement for Love Sea first dropped where he called Fort 'Mut' -
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/diiao juuhr gan loei, ai moot/ = See you then, Ai'Mut!
Except this is spelled differently from Mahasamut's name because หมุด /moot/ (= pin/needle) is the phonemic spelling of the last syllable in มหาสมุทร /ma haa sa moot/. So! I think it's entirely possible that Tongrak's gonna call him Mut หมุด or Nong Mut น้องหมุด in the future.
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คุณต้องรักมหาสมุทร /khun dtawng rak mahaa samoot/
= Khun Tongrak Mahasamut = You have to love the ocean. = You have to love me.
The Thai title is ต้องรักมหาสมุทร /dtawng rak mahaa samoot/ = TongrakMahasamut; Gotta Love the Sea; Gotta Love Mahasamut
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pixiestickie · 1 year
*disguises angst by plastering memes on it* *disguises angst by plastering memes on it* *disguises angst by plastering memes on it*
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wutheringmights · 2 months
can i ask for the hot mess commentary plz?
Before we crack into this, take a moment to read what I said about the neck thing. I write that up a long time ago, but it provides some important context and is a good refresher on the secret history of Spirit's bi awakening.
Also, the director's commentary for this chapter is here, in case you want to review that.
Good? Okay, let's go at it.
So.... they had sex. Yay. Insert jazz hands.
I feel like I actually have way less to talk about here than I did for the neck thing. Granted, a lot of the neck thing is behind the scenes stuff. I guess that's a good place to start.
You may recall the informal hiatus CTB went on after Spirit came back to Warriors's era. I used a lot of that time to actually work out how to end CTB and what character/plot points I would need to hit to have a satisfying conclusion.
During this time, I was listing out things about Spirit and Warriors that I need to return to. Spirit had his codependent histories with the greenhorn and Zelda, or really his strategy for offering himself up as a means of feeling more in control, that needed to be explored. I needed to do some kind of follow-up with Warriors's latent attraction.
The two topics were similar enough to make me want to tackle them at once. But the moment I did, my brain decided that they should hate fuck. (I definitely was also thinking about my old concept of Spirit's unrequited crush-- I still write the characters like that happened, even if it never actually made it into the story.)
Why hate sex? Honestly, it would be kinda funny. Plus, it's a good writing exercise to ask yourself what would happen if your characters in conflict did (not really).
I knew immediately it could only end badly for everyone involved. But I knew I needed Warriors to hit an emotional low point to motivate him to do his Castle Town plan. I knew I wanted Spirit's big speech to come at a time when he and Warriors were emotionally connecting again, and that the response to that speech needed to push him back to Time.
Shit, I thought. This might be what they do.
But, like. I love protecting my peace. I have been skirting around the edges of homo eroticism with Spirit and Warriors as much as I dared. I didn't want to invite angry anons. But then.... did I really care? I understand where people are coming from, but at the same time... this is such a minuscule non-issue. Truly, and with emotion: who even cares?
First off, we already established with the neck thing that whatever fucked up thing these two have going on does not count as shipping. And second, if it does count as shipping, then fine! It's shipping then. This is what the plot is. I've been working on this story for too long to compromise now. I'll reap the consequences, whatever they may be.
I decided to keep it on the books, half believing I would change my mind once the chapter came up.
I was feeling very confident about my choice, up until the day of posting. That was then I got slammed in the face with regret. Luckily, there hasn't been any issues. I may have overestimated as much the general populous care about CTB. If there was ever any confirmation that this story has the world's most niche audience, this is it.
And you all have been great. There's been a lot of encouragement and kind words from you the readers, after you all stopped yelling, of course.
(Though I was prepared to be an obstinate jackass to anyone who tried to complain. I found a loophole and was ready to exploit the hell out of it. I was so ready!)
Funnily enough, everyone's reactions to the past few chapters helped to reassure me the most. There was been a lot of jokes about Warriors and Spirit having the world's worst situationship (lol).
So them having sex turned into an important character and plot moment. Warriors and Spirit got built up and tore down in self-destructive ways. This experience becomes the wake-up call Warriors needed to decide that he was ready to stop being the hero and get his life back.
A lot of people expressed surprise that Warriors and Spirit would go through with it even after talking it out. To be honest, I was a little surprised too! I was half convinced that Warriors had grown enough to stop the self-destructive cycle and turn Spirit down. But when looking at the scenes leading up to them being alone-- from Twilight denounce his friendship with Warriors, Toto turning him away, and Warriors generally in an emotional rut over his intellect and lost beauty--I realized that Warriors was already in the middle of another downward spiral. He would go through with this, if only to feel valued. It was the war all over again.
Also, apparently half of you guessed that Warriors would get cigarette burns from Spirit eventually. I hope you all were happy with the results!
When I posted that snippet from the chapter, apparently all of you knew that a kiss was coming. Ooops. I'm a little glad I surprised all of you with what happened next afterward.
On to funnier things:
I meant for there to be more compare/contrasts between Warriors's nights with Icarius and Spirit. The only one I really managed to do was Link being unable to sleep next to Icarius vs Warriors falling asleep easily.
Because this chapter and the last were supposed to be one, this scene was supposed to come out around Valentine's Day. Could you imagine?
I had the silliest time trying to figure out how to get Warriors and Spirit alone in a room together. I had this grand plan about them needing to get a room in a different inn from the others, whether because they were too tired to walk home after dancing or because they were too drunk to remember the way. Then I realized that Ganondorf could just give the Chain enough money to get more rooms. I realized this way later than I should have.
If you're wondering.... they switched....
I wrote that Warriors thought that sex with Spirit felt like an argument. That is because they are both the bossiest motherfuckers in bed. They both want things done their way or else. It's combative. Unfortunately, they both like the challenge.
I did have an idea for how to end this whole matter in a funny way, both involving someone from the chain finding out.
In my first idea, Time barges into what he thinks is just Warriors's room, in the middle of some kind of rant. Then he sees both of them sitting in bed, pauses, then promptly walks out. Warriors and Spirit quickly get dress before there's a knock on the door. When Warriors opens, Time walks in casually and starts his rant again while pretending none of this had happened. He would wait until Warriors was alone to be like WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!
My other alternate scenario involves Warriors and Spirit getting a room in a different inn. In the morning, Spirit is hurriedly trying to leave when there's a knock on the door. This time, it's a few members of the chain asking if he's seen Warriors anywhere. He says no. All but one walk away. The one who stays (probably Legend) would lean and discreetly tell him that he knew the room was under Warriors's name, so if they were done, could he tell Warriors to get his ass outside? Cue Spirit burning up in embarrassment.
EDIT: I actually had a third silly scenario idea. Similar to the others, Twilight barges in to talk to Warriors about Midna (they're still friends in this scenario; this was an idea from a long time ago). Warriors is still in the bed, but luckily Spirit is in the bathroom. Warriors tries to have a normal conversation without alerting Twilight that something was amiss. And it almost works until Spirit just walks out of the bathroom, waves, and goes to put his clothes on. Cue Twilight's 404 error.
So, yeah! That's the Hot Mess. As always, it's been really fun to see everyone's reactions. Warriors and Spirit are both extremely polarizing, and I love hearing everyone's hot takes.
Does this count as toxic yaoi? Not until I see an AMV to "Numb" by Linkedin Park. Luckily, Warriors and Spirit will never do this again. Probably.
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princesable · 2 months
hi welcome to my post. my post of charlie game plot summary. because i realized no such post exists. so like. here we are. charlie game has a plot. you wouldnt know this because i keep forgetting to mention it as i have a horrible habit of just assuming people know. for some reason.
so the story starts as all memorable stories do. someone fucking dying. i could not think of any other way to open this. basically sherwin ends up causing a freak accident that ends with twitch's best friend getting killed badly. he then immediately goes into hiding as you do.
twitch kind of assumes he also died because he just vanished without a trace so like. what else would have happened. one day sherwin makes the brilliant decision to leave his house for the first time in like a year or so (i have not decided on how long ok. its long enough) and twitch almost immediately spots him and is like Oh i need to kill him right fucking now. they start chasing after him but due to his abilities (being relatively fast) he gets away. and twitch is like. ok. what the fuck. i need to go tell the 4 (four) people i know that sherwin isnt actually dead so i can get them to help me track his ass down and kill him. so he will actually be dead.
luckily for twitch they exclusively know people who are Fucking Weird and always open to violence because they have nothing better to do or theyre clyde who is convinced hes a super villain. fox is also there but shes mostly ambivalent on this due to not really. knowing any of them. henry and terrence are also there and theyre not really invested either but they think it sounds fun. so theyre down for whatever. important thing to note is that none of them are really taking this as seriously as twitch. everyone else kind of just views this as a "game". subtle reference to the fact this will be a video game.
so twitch is like ok i have. no idea where the fuck he could have gone. so we're all gonna split up and look for him. feel free to do whatever you want as long as you bring sherwin back to me so i can kill him badly. and everyone hears this as "have fun with it be yourself" so instead of setting up traps like normal people they essentially set up. attractions? meant to lure him in so they can mess with him a bit before grabbing him and taking him home. except for fox shes just watching everyone. plotting or something. she says shes plotting.
sherwin on the other hand runs into sam and ellie who are just completely unrelated. they dont know anyone involved. so the only side theyre getting is "weird dude shows up out of nowhere who is clearly running from something and looks absolutely terrified" so they decide to tag along with him so he doesnt immediately fall down a flight of stair or something. also because it means they get to go on a road trip weeeeeeee (they are actively on the run)
and thats the prologue. basically. every chapter/act/whatever you feel like calling them will focus on one of the "attractions" and which ever guy is assigned to them. and how they are really really bad at their jobs. tldr: sherwin fucked up reaaaaaaaaaaaally bad and now everyone wants him dead. it is up to viewer interpretation if this is fair. personally i think its funny.
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^ i think hes funny
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rriavian · 7 months
According to your universe, which feeling Corinthian feels most towards Dream? Is it Desire or devotion or anything else?
And which feeling Dream feels most towards Corinthian? Is it affection? Or Desire? Or possessiveness or something else?
It is not necessary to mention one answer only. You may write a paragraph on what range of feelings they have for each other
Jessamy, my dearest—you have been incredibly patient thank you so much for this question! I’ve been thinking about this for weeks (it’s been sat in my drafts since before I went on holiday) but spent a while trying to get the wording right. I hope you enjoy my answer <3
I do think it’s love! Just perhaps not a human love.
The Baiting the Trap ‘verse works on the premise that after hundreds of years of sexual tension the Corinthian finally gets the chance to act on it as well as his anger at his creator. He was pretty certain Dream was going to destroy him afterwards so decided to just go for it. He’d been cool and collected for far too long and the lid was not going back on that box now it’s open. Dream is no less interested (he did initiate after all) but though far more unhinged when it comes to love/jealousy his sexual desire is a bit more chill. Idk, maybe it’s because I’m ace but I see him as being like ‘eh, depends on the sex so you better make it good’ when it comes to taking someone to bed.
It’s the devotion in observable/tangible actions that I think reels him in, that I think is the real lure, the single minded focus of another all for him is something Dream doesn’t bother trying to resist. He'll never see it as a weakness either. I think it stems partly from a unmet need to feel entirely accepted, entirely wanted, when so often there are parts of him that others find too extreme.
Too sharp.
So Baiting the Trap is still only just entering the second ‘arc’ which means there’s a lot more to some but…
The antagonism, the extremes, the spectrum of morality and the acceptance/competition of each other’s sharpness…it’s always going to be a large part of their relationship. Though I would add that I think the Corinthian’s greedy possession is a grounding force, which I’ve mostly implied up to this point but there will be some more explicit confirmations coming up in the series. Dream likes how fiercely he’s claimed, how intent his nightmare is on knowing him. Yeah it's the Corinthian figuring out weaknesses too but…it’s looking beneath. Trying to see him as he is.
It’s wanting to.
And it’s wanting to put his fingerprints all over him.
Dream made the Corinthian (which gives us all the wonderful facets of a creator/creation dynamic) but…to him there is something unique about being chosen. About laying the bait and having the Corinthian decide to take it every time. Even if Dream knows that he will, knows that he can offer himself, he isn’t forcing it. As much as that prods at the Corinthian’s desire for agency, stings his pride, it also gives to it. In a way BTT Dream is soothing the original wound of the Corinthian’s betrayal for them both. He rebelled by turning away, by leaving, but this is him deciding to act that frustration out while also no longer denying how much he wants Dream.
So just by being so obsessed with defeating him in such a deeply personal—up close and incredibly intimate—way, the Corinthian is effectively giving Dream all the attention he could ever want.
Promising a constant supply of the devotion I think Dream requires to feel satisfied by a lover.
Though it’s by no means one sided. The Corinthian gets a taste of looking at the bigger picture, at Dream’s responsibility for the larger scale, and that’s compelling to him in this context because understanding it allows him to enjoy what it means for his creator to turn away for even a little while. Disgruntlement over Dream’s commitment to his responsibilities has always been (and always will be) a source of tension in their relationship. But this is also a manifestation of the Corinthian’s canon need to prove he was made right—that I also tend to interpret as his wish to prove he is the most worthy believer, the only one to do it correctly—so now he dares blasphemy so he can worship without distance.
While Dream is enjoying the novelty of being the singular object of another's focus, the Corinthian gets to enjoy moments of having what is essentially a universe stare him down without blinking. And that fulfills his own need for attention, his own desire to feel wanted. It’s like sauntering right up to a god busy answering prayers and grabbing them by the hand.
It’s saying ‘reply later I want you now’.
Of course possessiveness and obsession often appear alongside an additional dynamic of ownership that borders on objectification. But with these two I’ve always seen it differently.
Above I mentioned Dream finding the Corinthian’s possessive nature to be a grounding force, and this is really just a continuation of that point because the Corinthian feels the same way about Dream. I don’t think dehumanisation/objectification really works the way we’re used to conceptualising it with characters that have never been human in the first place. We can’t take humanity away from them but what we can take is personhood. Which I think is something both Dream and the Corinthian value incredibly highly. To be honest, I think that in many ways they both use what we might see as objectification to affirm identity in/to each other, to affirm personhood.
It’s a return of self, not a denial of it, humanity the real box when the Corinthian and Dream have always been Other.
It might sound odd but I see a lot of their relationship through this lens. The Corinthian is a ‘thing’ in the same way as Dream is, an object of the same kind, with a function and a role, but that doesn’t deny a sense of self. They don’t need to be in conflict.
So I suppose in BTT that’s really what it’s about. How their relationship supports a reaffirmation of both of their identities. The Corinthian is Dream’s creation, his nightmare, his masterpiece, but that doesn’t mean he’s just a thing to him. To me the creator/creation dynamic adds identity, adds agency, contributes to the fullness of character rather than taking away from it. Neither of them have to scale themselves down. They don't have to make themselves smaller. So that's another part of what these characters can find in each other, part of the balance I like to write, part of how they ground themselves while also enjoying testing their own extremes.
It’s love and possessiveness and you help me keep my balance. It’s I can be me to the fullest, it’s no part of me is ugly to you. It’s nothing will make me look away. It’s I will fight with you forever and you will let me, you won’t burn out, you can take all that I am.
You want all of what I am and that is love.
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greatlyblessed · 8 months
Sorry not if you were ever asked this. For 03 what is your opinion on each of the boys?
Hey! I don't think I've been asked this on tumblr so, time to go on a Rant™️
('03 is my favorite turtle show. It's just so goooood but okay specifically about the turtles--)
oh right i got really long I should add in a readmore--
Gonna start with Mikey. Ah Mikey. I think I called him a gremlin troll of a turtle in some tags earlier and I stand by that. This turtle wakes up every day going 'how can I make someone else (mostly Raph) chose violence'. He is good at reading people and he makes that everyone else's problem. Weaponized Incompetence King. I love him so much. He was my favorite on my first watch through but I don't think I have a favorite any more.
But also he's a good boy!! He wants to help people out. I was rewatching the series but I didn't really get past season 1 so I'm just thinking about the first Turtle Titan episode. He got an idea on how they could be COOL but nobody else was down for it, so fine he'll do it on his own--
10/10 turtle. Menace to society. Probably the smartest Mikey in the turtle multiverse.
Raph. Oh sweetie. Boy has so many feelings and struggles with dealing with them. 😭Relatable. He learns and grows over the course of the series and I'm happy for him. Big softie on the inside, prickly cactus on the outside. Feel like a lot of his anger is just other feelings turning into anger because y'know. Emotions Hard.
He has his struggles and his problems but he loves his brothers. I love his dynamics with everyone. Fighting with Mikey, the way he manages to actually be Soft with Donnie. The way he manages to even out into someone that helps Leo keep his balance over just. Challenging him in a way that sets Leo off. (Remembering the fight over the sword Shredder gave Leo early on now--)
10/10 turtle too. Goober. Not as funny as he thinks he is (and that only makes him more endearing.)
Leo. Oh no honey. Sweetheart. Baby boy. This boy goes THROUGH IT. I've seen a meta about his Trauma and how he's a lot more laughing and joking around pre-Window and then we don't see him lightening up again till Fast Forwards/BTTS. And yeah I can see it. This boy thinks DEEP. Maybe a bit too much so. Internalization King. Give him a nice cup of tea, a warm blanket and a hug please.
He's just so weighted down with the task of keeping his brothers alive. Mikey's the one who wanted to be a superhero but Leo's probably the one who actually has the most 'heroic' temperament. Very keen sense of 'bad things are happening and we can do something about it'. But also 'bad things may happen to us if we meddle too much'. (Which, they do. And then they all almost die because of calls Leo made so of course he handles that extremely well.)
10/10 turtle. Daddy's boy got his Autistic Swag. Ninjitsu is his special interest.
Don. Ah, Donny. (Which is apparently how it's spelled in 03.) Kind soul. Sweetheart. Precious. Absolute menace. Do not let his mild manners fool you. This boy is insane. LEAST common sense out of the four of them. Thinks that playing a flight simulator makes him qualified to fly an actual helicopter. (If Raph had hair Don would absolutely be making it go grey.) Mikey is a menace on purpose. Don? Don thinks he's the sensible, rational one. Which just makes him even more terrifying.
He's such a kind, sweet soul. Loves building his vehicles lol. He's got the combo of being fairly even-tempered and also more mild mannered so he's good at not making any Bickers worse among his family. I love how they all dropped everything and went to check on him in that one episode where he was stressed out and yelled at everyone. 😭
10/10 turtle. Let's not forget this boy had his own PTSD arc in the Back to the Sewers season. Of all places.
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minakoainosupremacy · 11 months
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housewifebuck · 6 months
Do you have any unpopular and/or strong opinions about car care? Products people get or don’t when they should?
I’m in the freaking out about getting a cat soon stage lol
hiiii<3 congratulations you have pressed my special interest button! I have extremely strong opinions on proper cat care from the perspective of a rescuer since every day I am faced with cleaning up the messes of people who do NOT take care of their cats properly. I am putting everything under the cut since this will include mentions of animal abuse/neglect etc. And also it’s going to be very long I fear.
First and foremost as I’m sure you will soon be able to tell animal welfare is something I am very very passionate about. Rescue work is my entire life. These are all things I have had to repeat over and over to people who just don’t care/don’t get it and so if some of it sounds aggressive that is NOT directed at you (Michal) 😭 I’m talking to the royal you here since this is advice for everybody.
the most important thing in the world is to make sure your cat is FIXED. if she is coming from a rescue she likely already is, but if shes not, make sure you have an appointment set up to get it + rabies and FVRCP vaccines done asap (I also recommend getting the feline leukemia vaccine, which is not usually done in house by rescues). I would even make the appointment now if you know when you are bringing her home. on top of preventing countless health issues down the road, it will also keep her from reproducing if she ever accidentally gets outside. not only is that awful for the mom cat but we already have enough homeless kittens out there tyvm. PS this is just as important for male cats.
speaking of which, do not let your pet cat free roam outside*. Ever. here is a handy article outlining just a few of the many many reason why it is a terrible and irresponsible thing to do. I dont care if you think you live in a low risk area, or if your cat seems to want to get outside, or if you've had outdoor cats before with no issue. I have had to scrape countless dead cats out of the roadway after being hit by cars because their owners let them outside. Rat poison (very commonly found around peoples houses and in trash cans), if ingested, will literally cause an animal to exsanguinate and die in agony. Other stray cats in the area could be carrying FIV/FeLV or worse. If any of your neighbors grow lilies and your cat brushes against one and licks the pollen from their fur, they will die. There’s just so many reasons to keep your cats indoors I could go on about this forever. if you absolutely must take your cat outside either leash train them (properly, dont just take them out on a leash for the first time and expect them to be okay with it) or get a kitty stroller. But there are PLENTY of ways to keep your cat enriched and entertained indoors. Cat trees, shelves, bird feeders outside, interactive toys, treat dispensers, just to name a few. Go on chewy.com and just browse. They have an excellent selection and great customer service. Another alternative is building a catio! Just make sure your cat receives regular flea/tick treatment year round.
avoid the hell out of those backpack carriers with the clear plastic windows. those are terrifying for cats to be in they feel completely exposed and the ventilation is shit. get a proper hard sided (plastic) carrier. I recommend one with two doors (one on the front and one on top, otherwise known as a top loading carrier). When you travel outside or in the car be sure to cover the carrier with a towel or blanket. This calms them down a lot. The reasons I recommend against soft/mesh carriers are: they are impossible to clean or sanitize if your cat has an accident (very common in the car) or contracts an infectious disease, they provide no protection in the event of being dropped or if you are in a car accident or if you run into a cat-aggressive dog in the vet waiting room, and especially anxious cats can and will fight their way out of them and having a terrified cat loose in your car on your way to the vet is extremely dangerous for both of you.
Expect your new cat to be scared and shy for a few days-to-weeks, minimum. This isn’t always the case, but it is more often than not. I have had so many cats returned for not being friendly enough right away because adopters were too impatient to wait. It takes cats time to decompress in a new environment. I recommend keeping your new cat in a separate room like a bathroom or small bedroom for the first few days so a) it is less overwhelming and b) once you allow them access to the rest of the house, that room will be their “safe space” to retreat to. Also normal when a cat has experienced an environmental shift are: mild vomiting and/or diarrhea (I recommend keeping the cat on whatever diet they have been fed previously and doing a slow transition to your food of choice, + add in probiotics. Proviable and Fortiflora are two brands I like, both available on chewy), hiding in one place for the first 24ish hours, and occasionally stress induced urinary issues such as UTIs. To best avoid the latter make sure their litter box is somewhere they can get to easily without encountering any human or animal traffic. But don’t put it next to their food/water obviously.
And speaking of food/water! Cats tend not to like their food to be right next to their water. I recommend placing the dishes a few feet away at least if not in separate areas of the room. Also, cats by nature do not drink enough water usually so some amount of wet food in their diet is pretty important, and water fountains/bubblers also help get them to drink more. Chronic dehydration can cause urinary issues and more. Dry food is better for their teeth but higher in carbs and a dry-only diet often leads to an overweight cat, and wet food can cause plaque buildup faster but has a much higher moisture content. A balance of both is ideal. Avoid raw diets as well as these food brands: Hartz**, kit & caboodle, meow mix, friskies.
If you keep houseplants, be very very careful. Cats are curious and love to chew on anything that smells like nature and will go out of their way to do so, but a LOT of common houseplants are toxic to cats (for example, every part of the Lily flower, if ingested and not treated immediately, will kill your cat within a day). The ASPCA has a database online to search for plants and see if they are toxic or not.
The rule of thumb with litter boxes is 1 per cat +1. So if you have one cat, you need a minimum of 2 litter boxes, preferably in separate rooms of the house. Corners and secluded areas with little foot traffic are ideal. Make sure the box is the length of your cat standing up + about 6 inches for ideal comfort. Avoid “lightweight” litter; it’s super dusty and very fine and can irritate both your lungs and your cat’s lungs.
Stay on top of your annual vet exams. Even if your cat seems perfectly healthy it’s better safe than sorry, and having a good rapport with your veterinarian makes it much easier to deal with them in the event of an emergency. And on that topic, make sure you know where your local ER vets are + their hours and phone numbers. Cats are tough and resilient but they are also fragile and stupid.
*obviously different rules may apply if your cat is feral or semi feral and cannot live happily indoors. It is not typically a good idea to try and force a feral/working cat to be strictly indoors before they’re ready. But a regular domestic pet cat does not ever “need” to be outside, nor is it cruel to keep them in. This doesn’t always stop them from being interested though, so be careful around doors until you know how your cat will behave around them.
**while the other brands are just low in nutrients, high in filler byproducts, and just overall not super healthy, Hartz brand products (especially their flea and tick medication and shampoos) have been known to straight up kill peoples pets. Like, a LOT. I have seen this happen countless times. Everyone I know who’s ever used a Hartz product has a horror story about it. Do not ask me how they’re still in fucking business.
Honestly that’s all I can think of off the top of my head but I’m sure I’m forgetting some stuff. If you have any specific questions you can hit me up, I don’t mind! Part of my job as a rescuer is educating the public so this is information I am very happy to share. Congrats on your new kitty and good luck!!!!
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snarkspawn · 2 years
Hey! I read your tutorial about coloring and I have a question if you don't mind. Do you mostly use the overlay layer? Or other layer modes? I love the overlay but I always struggle to find the color that I want as it alters the color, any tips?
Hey, I don't mind at all, thank you for the ask!
I do use overlay layers a lot to kind of ... carve out the structure of whatever I'm drawing. But you're right that it changes the colours and that can be tricky so - and please keep in mind that I'm not saying that this is how you use the overlay mode, it's just how I personally do it - I mostly use greys because I feel like they don't add any colours themselves, they just sort of elevate the colours that I already put down underneath.
So I very quickly drew this example to show you what I mean
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We start with the flat colours on the left; I added an overlay layer with a darker gray to add some shadows, and then started adding lighter greys to add more depth. Depending on the drawing and the effect I'm going for I sometimes use a little more saturated greys as well, so you can play around with that
You could stop there but I sometimes like to add a multiply layer to deepen the shadows a bit, like so:
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This is at ~80% opacity but that's not a rule, I always adjust it to whatever I think looks okay in the moment. And then I sometimes go in with the eyedropper tool and draw on a normal layer on top without any blending modes, just to kind of bring it all together.
I hope that helped!
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altruistic-meme · 4 months
if you could... describe aftg in 5 words
oh this is not as easy a question to answer as it should be akfhsdkf bc like. i could describe its plot, or my thoughts on it as a fan, or how it makes me feel, or just make a joke, or or or and bc idk why you're asking it makes it harder :'))
but let's see...
plot: gay sports mafia found family.
fan: drama, familiarity, trauma, comedy, home
feelings: love, understanding, chaos, joy, comfort
joke: you know, i get it-
(as you can see, i couldn't pick which one to go with, so choose whichever 5 words you want lmao)
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crucibleknight · 9 months
can you explain the directioner->hockey pipeline, please?
yes i CAN thanks for giving me an opportunity to take a break from my homework.
so, this won’t be a very long story but it is a funny one (to me). when One Direction broke up, the girlies were lost. adrift. i wasn’t among their number, so i’ve only heard secondhand accounts, but the boyband megafans needed a new place to direct their specific type of fandom.
some of them went to kpop, pretty understandably. but a LARGE chunk of them went to the NHL. why? because every year there is the NHL draft where a fresh band of young (18-20) and (sometimes) attractive guys are paraded around like show ponies and snapped up by NHL teams. I just went to double check and the 2015/2016/2017 drafts are FULL of guys that this specific subset of hockey fandom is fixated on. the timing lines up. those draft years had a lot of decent looking guys too, which helps.
i will add that hockey coverage leans on storylines—individual players and their stories/friendships with other players/relationships with their team/achievements (source: i was a hockey reporter). this is perfect for RPF fans, because there’s a basis. two guys that are really close friends on a team are ideal for writing about. two guys who are close friends despite being on different teams provide an alternate type of story to tell. people also like to fantasize about having a relationship with a player they like, just like people fantasize about other celebrities. there are hot guys in hockey, it’s just a fact (source: i’m gay and have eyes).
so the result of this is that the hockey fanbase now consists of a lot of old-timer white men who are set in their ways and fairly conservative. and then a new incoming fanbase of young women and young queer people, who like hockey for very different reasons. i fall into the second demographic, technically, though i didn’t come to hockey through the same channels. the two are often at odds. a lot of ‘traditional’ hockey fans think that being attracted to players or having an investment in more than one team means you’re a fake fan. this is, obviously, bullshit. a lot of the directioners i knew when i was active on hockey twitter knew the game like the back of their hand.
if you look up the one direction to hockey pipeline, you’ll find a lot of tweets about it. it’s pretty established in hockey circles and it’s a point of pride for a lot of people! i don’t like RPF at all and avoid engaging with it, but i do like the fact that a huge demographic of young progressive fans can push the NHL in a better direction. it has some issues too (look up the booktok & seattle kraken drama if you want to see an example), but at the end of the day i would prefer to talk hockey with a 21 year old who’s gonna use my phone number for harry styles early access tickets (real story) than with a 60 year old ‘superfan’ who thinks the NHL shouldn’t have pride night.
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chiropteracupola · 10 months
salutations. would you like to explain the deal wktb the moth and compass guys they look very polite
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moth and compass! the project I've been working on with @natdrinkstea this year-and-some!!
I believe I've introduced our dramatis personae — Moth, an Inquisitive Young Protagonist; Goodfellow, a Ghost; Luna, a Lighthouse-Keeper; and Peregrine, an Ordinary Cat — a few times before, but I still don't think we've every really talked about the story!
and that is because it has taken. quite some time to actually figure out what Goeth On in moth and compass proper. it's a mystery-fantasy, that'll probably be best told as a scrapbook or a puzzle game or a thing along those lines*, and a somewhat purposefully-nostalgic ghost story. it's everyday magic and the haunted sea and learning to look beyond what you think is there and bubblegum pop road trips and creepy creatures in the shadows and the kind of navigational equipment that, if you use it just right, might take you places you'd never otherwise be able to see...
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
I don't wanna sound ignorant, but how do we use your pronouns? I don't know how to use neopronouns and I'm sorry for that, but please explain. "no/it/whatever pronouns" -written on your bio. I hope I didn't offend you. That was not my intention. I was curious.
You're 100% okay! For most of us, the most important thing is a genuine intention and effort. If you mess up or don't know, that's fine. There's a learning curve--but if you mean well, that means a lot :)
The pronouns in my bio are the different sets I use. For me, this means no pronouns are my most accurate pronouns--for instance, substituting my name or my initial in place of a pronoun (ex: Quil said Q/Quil was going to write a 30 page keeper rant about pants later).
However! I am fully aware that's a little awkward and inconvenient, so I personally don't mind people using others at all. My second preference is for it/its pronouns--which are used the same way you'd refer to a creature or object (ex: Quil keeps complaining about how much it would hate all the leggings in keeper; it seriously won't shut up about them).
Some people worry this is dehumanizing or offensive--but I have asked you to do it. It's not offensive, they're my pronouns. I actually quite like the inhuman aspect personally, as I don't feel connected to the concept of human gender. It/its acknowledges that
Finally there's the "whatever" part. This is basically saying you're not limited to no pronouns or it/its, you can pick another pair if you like and use those. If they/them is easier, use that; I use those irl all the time just for simplicity. And this includes other neos, too. Feel free to ae/aer or xe/xir me, I don't care.
What I don't have in my bio is that I'm not the biggest fan of she/her, purely because usually people who do that assume I'm cis, and I'm not. I may refer to myself (specifically my past self) with she/her at times, but generally I prefer others pick another pair.
This is quite the lengthy explanation, but I hope that helps! The way my "gender" works is that I don't have one, so by association I don't really have pronouns? So no set is 100%. but like. You gotta call me something, so whatever gets the job done
thank you for asking :)
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lolexjpg · 5 months
so.... how does one get into racing
hi!!!! SO many different ways, there's no 100% right way but here are some suggestions for some entry points!
there are a few docuseries on racing, for formula 1 there is drive to survive on netflix--this does have some criticism from fans, as it is dramatized somewhat and doesn't always paint a complete picture, but i DO still think its a great starting point to get a feel for the structure, the drivers, etc etc.
for indycar there is also a mini docuseries called road to 500 which is for free on youtube. this is much shorter and in my opinion not as well made as drive to survive, but if you'd prefer to get into indycar and are looking for something free to watch, i definitely recommend it!! i would also go to @champagnepodiums for more indycar questions, she knows way more than me :)
for formula 1, a free option i recommend is inside story, a series on youtube (and f1tv) that goes over particularly dramatic or interesting races! my favorties are: sakhir 2020 (sergio perez), hungary 2021 (esteban ocon), & monza 2020 (pierre gasly). there are more inside story episodes on f1tv for free as well~
i know this isn't the best ~get into racing~ list because i only seriously watch 2 series and i can only speak to what was great for me to get into the sport! there are a lot of good f1 for beginners videos on youtube if you need more help with the basics, and i'm totally willing to answer more specific questions! if anyone would like to add more suggestions in replies/reblogs please do!!
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mosneakers · 1 year
Hiiii not sure if asking anonymously counts but... I am shy. I am a lurker who came across your story and read from the beginning, (yes the whole thing) and I can't get enough. My question is- with Coraleye being Yellow's youngest child, is he protective over her at all? Also, how does he feel about all of the boyfriends she's had? I am curious about his opinion on them all. Thanks :))
omg I love this question! First of THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It warms my heart to hear you read the whole story, I know it's a lot. Sorry it took so long to respond, I wanted to do something fun with this😁
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It is true that Coraleye is Yellow's youngest child and only daughter, and of course he's generally concerned for her well-being, Yellow also takes pride in being a very progressive parent and has definitely always strived to give Coraleye the tools she needed growing up to make thoughtful, well informed decisions when it comes to love.
With that being said, that doesn't mean Lo hasn't developed some strong opinions on some of the characters Coraleye has found herself entangled with over the years.
I tracked down everyone she's actually dated (not including just flings or love interests) so let's go over her history from Yellow's perspective!
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Duane Talla was Coraleye's first boyfriend, and she was absolutely enamored with him right from the start. This made Yellow very wary, since they were only just teenagers at the time, and Coraleye was certain that Duane was her soulmate.
Yellow watched Coraleye experience her first heartbreak when the convoluted Shelbi story arc came into play. Duane, being so young at the time, didn't seem to know what he wanted, and this really messed with Coraleye's heart and strung her along. Yellow doesn't hold this against him anymore, though. Coraleye has forgiven him, and they were both just kids after all. Additionally, Duane seems to have settled down and matured quite a bit since marrying Shelbi. He and Coraleye still remain friends and Duane and his family are even considered family friends of the Darlings, especially to Frieda and Charm in Sulani who see Duane and Shelbi almost daily.
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Lark McCloud was a classmate of Coraleye's, and while things were off during Coraleye and Duane's on-and-off-again romance, Lark offered a reliability that Coraleye took comfort in. Lark was Coraleye's first prom date, and while that was interrupted by Duane, the two shared an unforgettable experience, worthy of the sappiest of teenage rom-coms.
Yellow could also appreciate this relationship. Lark was a good kid, aside from skipping class now and again. Yellow couldn't deny he didn't really see Lark as someone Coraleye would go for, but maybe that's what she needed. They went on lots of adorable dates and finally made things official, but Lark reluctantly broke things off with Coraleye one night, after Coraleye introduced Lark to her beloved swarm of bees, which they later discover that Lark is deathly allergic to. Yellow agrees that this (the break up) was for the best. Lark was nice, but if it weren't for the bees it would most assuredly be something else. Lark's life seems to be too tame for Coraleye, and he didn't believe the two would be compatible for very long.
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Coraleye was just beginning her magic journey, when she crossed paths with fellow spellcaster Maarvin Stonehart. He had a charming demeanor, a captivating smile, and a barely comprehensible Henford-on-Bagley accent that Coraleye found absolutely irresistible. They shared an intense attraction for one another and bonded over their pink-adjacent eyes and hair colors. Immersing themselves in the Realm, and one another, they dedicated most of their free time to training together, quickly becoming a teenage power-couple of sorts. Yellow never had the opportunity to meet Maarvin face to face, but he could already see many red flags emerging from the situation. Maarvin often attempted (unsuccessfully) to manipulate Coraleye or seek to exert dominance. He was highly competitive, and a sore loser to boot. Their relationship ended fairly quickly, but it didn't take long for Maarvin to enter and even longer and more toxic relationship with Coraleye's rather vulnerable cousin, Robin, which only just ended recently.
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Ahh, Morgyn. Coraleye's relationship with Morgyn Ember was passionate, long, and turbulent to say the least. I'll try to keep it concise. Morgyn was Coraleye's first YA relationship. With Morgyn being the Sage of Untamed magic, as well as Coraleye's mentor, their relationship was forbidden and they vowed to keep it a secret. Yellow clocked this immediately and didn't care for Morgyn because of the power dynamic their relationship created. Despite the secrecy, Morgyn was devoted to Coraleye and treated her with love and respect as the relationship progressed. Yellow noted this, and even gave his blessing to marry his daughter, despite still harboring additional personal grievances. Morgyn and Coraleye experienced break ups, and make ups and Coraleye happily remained by Morgyn's side as they navigated their childhood trauma, a gender identity journey, the loss of Morgyn's mother, and the most impactful, Morgyn's own brutal death, haunting, and eventual resurrection through vampirism. Coraleye figured these things only made their love stronger. Unfortunately, Coraleye was proven wrong one New Year's Eve night when Morgyn betrayed Coraleye, by cheating on her with fellow vampire Caleb Vatore.
Coraleye continues to deal with trauma inflicted on her from this young relationship, but she strives every day to forgive Morgyn and put the past behind her. Yellow, however, will never forget the pain his daughter endured by getting involved with the Sage of Untamed Magic.
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Yellow absolutely loves Tycho. He sees so much of himself in him, both being incredibly clumsy guys and devoted partners. The Darlings have known Tycho for so many years now, dating back to when he befriended Sunglo in college. He's had his screw ups, but Yellow can see how happy he makes Coraleye, and he thinks they'd make a good forever pair. Yellow does recognize that Tycho unfortunately doesn't fit into the criteria for a valid co-heir to the Darling family legacy. However, Yellow strongly urges Coraleye to not let that stop her from finding her soulmate. The family has lived without magic before, and they could do it again. Yellow knows that the legacy is important to Coraleye and he can see her apprehension when it comes to taking things further with Tycho. He worries about that a lot, and hopes Coraleye makes the right decision.
Thank you again for this ask! Memory lane questions are always so fun. Anyone who made it through this whole post, let me know, I'm sending you flowers!
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