#fashion astrology
lilithgreye · 2 months
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starryfree · 7 days
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evangelinesbible · 1 year
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All three of these ladies are known for their impeccable style. Cher being more innocent and wearing more modest clothes, Dione being a little less innocent and wearing more bold styles and Fran being the queen of wearing more grown and flashy clothing but still making them appear classy. All three I like to embrace. Their outfits never look uncomfortable or something they force themselves to wear for the sake of beauty, they know what accentuates them well and they wear accordantly. Their outfits are planned out and are usually matchy. Even their more laid back styles are still feminine and fashionable. All three are also known for wearing either, blouses, pencil skirts, pleated skirts collard shirts, tights/high knee socks, layers, matching sets, vest, pumps, and monochrome outfits.
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She rules her school for a reason. Cleo is known for wearing mostly gold and teal (and I’ve never met a Virgo placement that doesn’t look good in gold) she expects perfection in everything she wears because she cares deeply about how she looks. I mean she is a royal and just like Leo placements Virgo placements also carry very regal qualities to them. Out of all the monster high girlies I always gravitated more to her because of her style and for the fact that I love gold. I think I only own one pair of silver earrings. Shoot even my prom dress was gold. When I feel like embracing Cleo I’ll try to wear gold jewelry, wear purple eyeshadow (which is also a regal color and a color I associate with Virgo), teal and black pieces, form fitting outfits, platform wedges asymmetrical/subversive clothes and big earrings that makes me stand out
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(Fun fact Michikos character design is based off of Aaliyah)
The free spirited women in my life. Their style is everything to me and lately the style I’ve been rocking (but that’s mostly because of work lol) Aaliyah was mostly known as a tomboy unlike Michiko who wore more skimpy/edgier outfits. But both are incredibly sexy in either styles. Sagittarius moons tend to be very free spirited and Aaliyahs personal style was very much that. 10H Lilith’s tend to be very villainized, for appearing sexy or embracing their sexuality and just like Michiko they DGAF! She will wear anything she wants and not apologize for it. Both women were naturally confident in their style. Baggy jeans, fitted cropped tops, bandanas, low cut/ strapless tops, vintage shades, varsity/leather/jean jackets, smokey makeup, oversized overalls, jumpsuits, and boots are what they both kill at and what I kill at as well ;)
Who’s your style icon? 💋
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linnienin · 11 months
Hey, may I ask you about sirene?
So, I have this scorpio sirene in my 5H, trine asc and mercury, opp mars. Plus, I also have lilith trine asc and cancer asc is at 20 degrees.
The question is, I'm a fire dominant but there is a strong water effect that directly affects how I look, as you can see. How can I intensify this effect? How would you take advantage of all this?
H o w ⁕ t o ⁕ s t e p ⁕ i n t o ⁕ y o u r ⁕ S i r e n e ⁕ p o w e r
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Hi gorgeous! ✨
First of all, thank you for the interesting question, not many people have this creativity, you really caught my eye hahah
I'll try to use both theory and practice to help you as best as i can, hope you find this somehow helpful 🥰
We're gonna go through these steps:
⁕ Understanding the energy of the Sirene sign, and the aspects to a deeper dive into its flow
⁕ Understanding how to use the house energy to connect to your Sirene
⁕ Understanding practical ways to implement this energy irl (including fashion tips to enhance your appereance)
Always remember, don't be afraid to make mistakes,
Practice makes perfect 😉
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U n d e r s t a n d i n g ⁕ t h e ⁕ e n e r g y :
⁕ Righ off the bat, Scorpio Sirene energy is naturally very intense, so it will catch attentions no matter what
⁕ Your Sirene trine AC and Mercury means you are a natural at using this energy when you communicate and express your outward persona to the public, people see you as charismatic
⁕ Your Mars opposition however, shows that you might not be very confident in yourself when you tap into this energy, you might even feel shameful for it, and so you withdrawn yourself from using this potential, and you tend to feel embarassed of all the attention you receive
⁕ This aspect can also make you susceptible to criticism and quick to react impulsively to it, it's important you master how to connect to the depth of your emotions, to fully understand and embrace them, instead of falling in the trap of projecting your fears
⁕ You should work on this opposition first, so you can truly gain your confidence and own your power 😉
P r a c t i c a l ⁕ t i p s :
⁕ Connect with water, while taking a shower, going to the sea, even the simple action of drinking, use these moment to immerge completely in the element
⁕ Use the 5th house energy to connect with your Sirene energy:
⁕ Dance (i recommend trying bellydance since it includes fluid movements, so you can put into practice what you understood about the water element)
⁕ Get creative, paint, write (let that mercury help your sirene since it's a trine), have fun, let go of your fears and inhibitions
F a s h i o n ⁕ t i p s :
⁕ Try on satin dresses girllll! They scream water+fire energy to me hahah, you'd look amazing in them. The fluidity (water element) of the fabric mixed with the shiny and glossy look of it (fire element), you'd slay for sure 👀
⁕ I'd recommend playing with leather too, like Sandy in Grease, you can see she uses leather in a clever way, in the beginning she depicts herself as confident and fiery using a thick leather jacket (still a fluid fit), but when she takes it off, you can see she wears skinny leather pants with a lighter visual weight top to accomodate and accentuate her delicate frame.
People would go craazy for this, you show yourself as fiery and unapproachable, but as you take off your statement piece, you look very vulnerable and sexy ( show the depth of your Scorpio Sirene, by mixing it to your fire dominance and your Cancer AC )
You can be sexy, confident and cute all together 😉
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⁕ Try dark colours to accentuate that scorpio energy and your lilith trine AC (if you're blonde, opt for dark blue rather than black, it should complement you better instead that creating a harsh effect on you)
⁕ I think you should also try red, cause the 5th house of Leo and the Mars opposition, yeah, totally recommended. But if you want to include your water energy here, i recommend you keep the fabric flowy and light.
⁕ Try "wet makeup" look (like a true mermaid), adding also some sparkles in between your hair (you should try some hair pins with pearls for example) and on top of your eyelids. I don't recommend putting on bold colours on your eyelids because you're cancer AC and probably have delicate features.
And this is it!
I hope you enjoyed this breakthrough, and hope it gave you some ideas on how to work on your Sirene energy ✨
Good practice,
and i wish you a wonderful day! 🌸
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enigmaticmystic · 1 year
Fashion & Astrology, Gemini Edition👯‍♀️💛-Sun, Moon , Rising ,Mercury & Venus
💛💛Gemini, the 3rd sign of the Zodiac wheel. Gemini is a mutable Air sign & is 1 of 2 ruled by Mercury. You will know someone has Gemini in their natal chart by their eccentric, sociable, playful & airy/light presence🍭
🐝Geminis are undeniably the funkiest fashionistas in the fashion industry.
🍌 Like Aries they are not scared to break boundaries in the industry & try new things!!!Always living in their authentic truth!!
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🔅CHILD-LIKEEEE, it's adorable... that's all I have to say.
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🍋Buttons idk what it is but if there's buttons, a Gemini gonna wear it
🌝BAGGY CLOTHES!!! Geminis need something to be a lil loose on them, & they kill that look!!! I mean I feel this definitetly eludes to their need for freedom
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⭐️I just know ya prolly already pree how Geminis LOVEEE jackets, like idk if its a layers thing, but they gonna add another layer ok?! 📒Don't get me started on how these BEAUTY QUEENS brought eccentricity & playfulness to the 90's aesthetic
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🌼 Honorable Mention: Normani, the true manifestation of a Gemini Sun bodying the signature yellow, while stopping the show. I mean who else could effortlessly master Y2K fashion but the timeless Gemini!!!
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polarcoconut · 10 months
How I Think The Signs Should Dress pt 2
part one
just cute little inspo boards
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autstrology · 9 months
CHIRON, FASHION & SHAME (in the Natal Chart)
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I can talk about fashion astrology all day, but there are some key points that I must address as a stylist.
Shame is one of the things that alters our style.
Whether we want it to or not, shame holds us back from being in alignment with self. It makes us feel unworthy, it makes us feel guilty for being present, and it starts to separate us from our spirit.
It’s unfortunate, that shame is something that usually stems from childhood. Whether it be direct trauma, abuse, body dysmorphia, bullying, etc. Anything can detach us from our spirit, and that unwanted feeling grows the longer that we are detached from it.
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Shame then becomes relief, that turns into confidence.
Shame can leave, you can grow from shame, you can heal.
Let’s start.
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This person is a Pisces sun, Cancer Moon, Gemini Ascendant.
Their Venus is in Pisces, and Mars in Aquarius.
They have Chiron in Leo, sitting right in their 3H.
The depositor of Chiron is the Sun, which is sitting in the 11H in Pisces, this persons livelihood and confidence may have been largely influenced by the thoughts and inputs of others.
The moon is in its home sign of Cancer, but it's also sitting in the 3H close to Chiron. There may have been attacks on their self esteem and psyche through their parents, focused on their intelligence. This person could have experienced extreme comparison to their siblings or people in close vicinity. These attacks directly effected how they think of themselves, as the moon is trine the sun.
The moon also has a loose trine with Pluto, which may indicate the closer parent having a direct impact on this persons self esteem. I would say that this parent is most likely the mother. With that moon sitting in the 3H, there is a direct tie to the arms and shoulders, and having the moon there, this could indicate a weight fluctuation of those body parts. AKA having excessive fat in the arms/armpit.
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Saturn is in the 9H.
This person may have issues attached to their beliefs, and may have  conservative thoughts about fashion. Thinking that we should only dress modestly, or think that forward/out of the norm fashion is just “too much” or “attention driven.” 
There is more to this, but because of this, this person may be scared to even go out of the norm, may even wear baggier clothes to hide their figure, and be the most comfortable in a hoodie/sweatshirt. They hide what's best about themselves, so that others will not talk down on them.
I could also see this person being more about the top fashion houses, and only speaking on their influence in fashion; leaving out trend starters and minority groups.
They may be a "comfort is more important than looking good and dressing up" kind of person. (And this is NO SHADE to people who are like that) But having the chart ruler sitting high in the 11H, they are really vocal about this and you can't change their mind.
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Healing this will take time, and repetition. It will take a driving force to get this through their head, as no one can change their mindset but them. This will take constant replacing of those disruptive, shameful and intrusive thoughts with counter positives. This will need to be done through spoken words and face to face experiences. The positive counters will need to be thought provoking to challenge that 9H Saturn. They can heal through reading about and visually seeing others being confident with themselves. That includes their wardrobe. A closet cleanse/wardrobe revamp could be a key part to their healing...
AND THAT'S IT FOR PART ONE! Please let me know if you like this, want more and what you'd like to see in blog form from me!
Thank you so much for reading!
Please like, share and follow! See you soon!
As always, you can find me @ Autstrology on everything!
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nico-esoterica · 1 month
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Gisele returning to the modeling world recently makes sense since the SN is currently transiting her 10H and I interpret that to mean 'the past returns to prominence' and we're also seeing a lot of stars from the 2000s period (or who found a career peak during it) make a comeback. Since she says she left due to not feeling as if she had autonomy as a model, I'm wondering if this eclipse cycle activating that 10H while she's in her 8H profection w/ her NN there currently, and I interpret that to be related to boundaries, if she's in a better negotiating position to choose which shoots and projects she participates in that she actually enjoys. Esp since the next eclipse in a few days is going to be RIGHT on top of her Mars.
That's giving, 'I'm taking my power back.' And I've mentioned for a while now that the theme of this period will be about people who previously fell victim to circumstances/abusers doing this at last.
Can also purely be money related and that's valid lol. Buuut it can also be both.
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glitter-troublewind · 2 years
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lotuskisses · 8 months
does anyone know how i should dress as a cancer asc with a scorpio degree bc i have my retrograde mars conjunct the asc (exact orb) and a scorpio venus and lillith BUT i also have my Aphrodite asteroid in capricorn
people say dress like your rising and venus and im insanely fire dominant but for aesthetics its so clearly water but some say you should dress like the opposite sign of venus and mars so im v conflicted rn
i need to pick a prom dress so pls pls pls help i’m torn between this dark green dress (flowy fabric) and this wine red-burgundy ish dress (dm if you need pics!!)
but anyway both dresses are def gonna have an elegant look but also modest and simple yk so idk if im doing it right
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capricores · 9 months
if you have strong mutable (gemini, sagittarius, pisces, virgo) placements then you NEED to write things down if you don't already. all those thoughts that constantly swirl in your head: the frequent tasks, goals, feelings, aspirations, opinions, etc - WRITE THEM DOWN. this is not only therapeutic & stress-relieving for you but almost necessary, or you're going to burn out and overload your own mind constantly.
when you bottle, or when you let plans, goals, dreams, to-do lists, projects, etc live solely in your head - you'll notice you can't sleep as well, it's harder to rest, your memory gets more foggy than usual, you feel burnt out and unable to connect, etc. specifically:
write down your feelings. this will be your ultimate (free) therapy. start to journal, write a diary. make a private twitter/tumblr where you spill your feelings, frustrations, thoughts. you will feel an immense sense of relief by writing or typing your feelings out - even if no one is reading it but you. mutable moons especially. our feelings tend to change rapidly, but it doesn't make them less valid. don't bottle out of the fear your feelings will change/you'll just "get over it"!! write it down and let it out!!
write! to-do! lists!!!!! these don't have to be for important things. you want to learn digital art? you want to study coding? you want to learn french? you want to re-decorate? you probably have a billion things you want to do, and then you get overwhelmed by the options, and do nothing. write down all the things you want to do. make a to-do list for these things. get them out of your head and somewhere permanent/physical. looking at the options in front of you will feel much easier.
make excel project trackers (you can even make these for to-do list items/goals/etc)! mutable placements have a tendency to start a lot of projects or tasks, and never finish any of them. make a simple tracker for all the projects you start. you won't forget what you're working on, and you'll be less overwhelmed trying to remember what you have going on (example of the one i always use pictured below)
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talking out your thoughts and feelings is also very cathartic. make fake (or real, i support u!) youtube vlogs where you spill your feelings and talk about your plans, your day, what you have to do, etc. talk to someone you love and trust, vent to them about how things are; or about what you're getting up to. i find writing has an edge, because you can go back to it for reference (mutables tend to forget things easily) - but as long as you're getting the swirl of your mind somewhere outside of your head, you'll feel so, so much less stressed.
mutable dominants tend to constantly live in go-mode, we're restless and always doing something. we feel uncomfortable and sometimes guilty about staying still. our minds don't ever shut off. it's very important for mutable placements to learn how to rest, be present in the moment, and learn grounding. this can be done in many ways, but i've found personally that writing works best for me. other helpful practices can be: talk therapy, acceptance theory, yoga, meditation, hiking, camping, etc.
i also want to remind mutable signs: we change a lot. we have a lot of ideas. there's so much we want to do. we often feel like we have no path, no big goal; we can struggle with purpose as we don't often aspire for permanent things or "one big goal". this is NOT bad. there is nothing wrong with changing your feelings, your mind, your goals, your life path. you CAN do all the things you want to do! you have your entire life ahead of you! yes, you can learn all those languages. yes, you can have three different careers in your life. yes yes yes! don't listen to negativity from others. don't beat yourself up for not having one big goal like some people around you might. cherish and embrace all the things you want to achieve and complete (both big and small). learn to follow-through with and finish the things that matter to you (writing things down will really help with this, make action plans/steps - break everything down into smaller pieces). take the time to slow down and enjoy the moments as they come. you got this!
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lilithgreye · 3 months
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bxtxnx · 13 days
[♂] scars.
Having Mars in an aspect with the ascendant, the ruler of the ascendant or Venus shows that you can be prone to having scars. The sign in which Mars is in can show the type of scars you are most prone to getting. I'm writing this focusing mostly on facial scars, but it can also apply on scars on other parts of the body.
Aries Mars can give all types of scars, since it's the sign related to them, but the most common types of scars are red spots and marks or scars that are in the form of a straight line.
Taurus Mars gives scars that affect the surface of your skin - scars are either pitted or raised, which causes your skin to be uneven when you look at it or touch it.
Gemini / Virgo / Capricorn Mars gives small scars. Gemini and Virgo are related to smaller things in general, while Capricorn is the sign of limitation and restriction, which can result in a smaller scar.
A Cancer Mars can play out in two ways, giving you scars that affect the texture of your skin, such as pitted/raised scars or scars that leave spots of pigmentation, such as red or brown spots.
Leo and Libra Mars gives hyperpygmentation scars - they don't affect the surface of your skin, but they leave darker spots.
A Scorpio or Sagittarius Mars can give you very noticeable scars. Scorpio is the sign of extremes and Sagittarius - of expansion, so these signs can give you very big or dark scars. Sagittarius influencing your Mars can also give you raised scars, while Scorpio - pitted.
Aquarius Mars can give very unique or unusual scars. Nothing is off limits here, so along with Aries, this is the sign that can give all sorts of scars.
A Pisces Mars is most prone to giving hyperpigmentation scars, like brown or pink scars or pitted scars.
Other factors also come into play when it comes to scars, such as other aspects to your ascendant, its ruler or Venus, as well as the degree at which Mars is. ☽
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ghostlyferrettarot · 2 months
•Pick a picture: 🩷First impresions people have of you🩷
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•Pile 1 •Pile 2 •Pile 3
❗️This is a collective reading, take what resonates and leave the rest❗️
✨️Paid services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings)Open.
🫂If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🫂
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⚡️Pile 1: King of Wands, Five of cups, Ace of cups.
Hi pile 1! You have a presence that's hard to ignore, people assume that you are abundant in your life, that you are in the top of your game; people see you as hard to know, you are a mistery to them, they feel that they never get to know the full you. Although your presence is addicting this also intimadates a lot of people, so i wouldn't surprise me if theres friends of yours who before meeting you thought you were "mean" or had a "resting b face", this is because of your strong presence Pile 1! You really have a dominant vibe in you, people see you as a boss, as someone with great power. I get femme fatale energy, maybe you work a lot with your dark femenine energy. Some people may asume stuff about you or your life, but this is shining a light on their insecurities, you trigger a lot in people due to your dominant energy.
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⚡️Pile 2: Four of wands, Ten of cups, Seven of Swords.
Hi pile 2! You give me a lot of fairytale vibes, people probably think you are younger than you actually are. You have such a sweet and genuine vibe to you, when others see you they probably think you are out of a fairytale, i get a lot of Aurora from Sleeping Beauty vibes, so that may be important. You have a friendly aura, something about you may attract a lot of people, maybe you have secret admirers or a lot of people confessing to you. You may have an special connection to animals or nature, maybe both, if this is something that interest you i see your guides encouraging you to connect with this side of you more often. People see a lot of divine femenine energy in you, i hear "wife material" and "big deer eyes", something about your eyes attract a lot of people.
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⚡️Pile 3: The hermit, the six of cups, nine of cups.
Hi pile 3! People view you as someone really charming, some may even see you as the epitome of confident. I see that you are someone really focused and with an unique energy, you may be the "black sheep" of your family, and this is something that brings a lot of attention. You are my alien pile, people see how unique and creative you are; Pile 3 you may be into fashion, hair, nails, etc. and you probably show a lot of your personality in through your apperance. You are my artistic pile and this is something clear to people, they see you as an artist, as someone independent that doesn't care what others think; this maybe triggering for some but for others they wish they where like you. You are a true autentic soul pile 3! I love your energy 🌟💫
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💐Thanks for reading! Tell me if it resonated and i hope you have a great day!💐
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cuties-in-codices · 9 months
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comfort boob grab
in an astrological-astronomical manuscript, germany, ca. 1445
source: Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Ms. germ. fol. 244, fol. 142r
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enigmaticmystic · 1 year
Fashion & Astrology, Taurus Edition🐂🤎-Sun, Moon , Rising & Venus
🤎🤎Taurus, the 2nd sign of the Zodiac wheel, is a fixed Earth sign & is 1 of 2 ruled by Venus. You will know someone has Taurus in their natal chart by their elegant, grounded & graceful presence.🤎🤎
🥥Taurus have been consistent in naturally bringing calm flexes to the fashion industry🥥
🤠If it’s one thing Taurus are going to look like they’re ready to ride a bull.
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👜Taurus’ are consistently bringing the Doll aesthetic look to life. Taurus’ are quite literally either vintage dolls, holding irreplaceable nostalgia👩🏽‍🍳💋
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🤎🤎Or Life Size Barbie Dolls🤎🤎
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🤎Brown, Earthy tones & the Bohemian look are owned by Taurus'.
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🦦Let's talk about how Taurus' are the embodiment of the Jessica Rabbit aesthetic, true believers of appreciation for the Vintage look.
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🦫& don't get me started on the way they're not afraid to experiment in grunge fashion.
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🤎🤎I wish I could fit more pictures , but Taurus' do lean towards a more comfy, elegant or classy & casually sporty look as well.🤎🤎
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