#false but idk why i find this hilarious
amatres · 1 year
was very tempted after getting fenris romance successfully activated to pull the then romance anders route bc the banter is hilarious to me
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actualbird · 9 months
do you think the nxx ever cries or just… don’t deal with their emotions in a healthy way? they must be so emotionally repressed!
im so sorry but this is worded in a way i find absolutely hilarious omfg. do they cry or do they suck it up til the end of time? KJAHVSJFHAVSLFSFKJA
i like to think they Do cry, but my god it takes a Lot. this goes for All of them. like, we've seen in canon when the nxx boys and rosa cries, and it's usually during/after very high stakes or very emotional situations. some examples off the top of my head are
marius cries in SSR Unconcealable, the card where mc gets KIDNAPPED and then both of them get TRAPPED IN A FREEZER FOR A HOT SEC
mc cries in SSR Peaceful Place because she thought luke got shot and DIED,
luke cries in his Blossom Chapter Personal Story 4 because he thought mc DROWNED AND DIED
artem cries in SSR Two Hearts as one because he got so emotional acting like he was choking mc
vyn cries in...well, several cards like SR False Tears and SSR Neon Melody but those were 1) not exactly a "healthy" way of dealing with emotions or 2) caused by pepper spray KJHVSKJDF. im behind on vyn's cards, idk in which ones he cries honestly due to genuine in distress
so like, they DO cry. but it seems to take rather a lot to get them there. the flipside is that they also cry when overcome with immensely positive emotion (like, mc was on the verge of tears when luke finally proposed in SSR Orange Scent) so at least theres that!!!! but it's not much, chief....
all members of the nxx team all are IMMENSELY repressed. i think the most emotionally healthy of the team is DAVIS, which isnt a good sign, given that hes not even human
anyhoo this ask inspired me so
here are some misc headcanons on the nxx team and crying
i hc that luke as a kid was Such a crybaby. he'd cry over everything: when he saw a sad movie, when he saw a happy movie, when he saw a dog being walked but the dog was so dang small, when mc cries and his high empathy kicks in to make it Our Cry Session, just...he cried over IT ALL. he was just a very emotionally sensitive child, even to emotions from others. he eventually got emotionally steadier as he grew up but i think there are innocuous movies that, due to him crying over them as a kid, still make luke cry as an adult
[nxx movie night]
marius: man i love this movie, absolute classi---WHY ARE YOU CRYING??
luke: because ANYBODY can COOK!! EVEN A RAT!!!!!
mc, silently glaring at marius over luke's shoulder as if to say "Don't You Say A Mean Word To Him Right Now": O_O
(yes, they were watching ratatouille)
vyn has mastered crying on cue and can do it at the drop of a hat, but when he REALLY TRULY ACTUALLY is hit by the genuine need to cry for any reason, be it positive or negative, he cannot stop it at all until its run its natural course.
which is just AGONIZING for him, surely, but this is the price he has to pay for the power of being able to cry on command: not be able to stop when it's for realsies
vyn: //throws a book at him because just cuz he cant stop crying, doesnt mean he cant attack
it slightly pisses everyone off a teensy bit that artem can cry artfully.
like, the single tear. the lines of silent tears streaming down his face. even the more desperate sobs. doesnt matter whether theyre stage tears for another play or if theyre during high stakes situations, artem seems to naturally cry in a cinematic manner
artem: //shedding a few tears because of the stress of an nxx operation or something
luke: hey it's okay, everyone's alright
luke internal thoughts: why is he so pretty while crying?????? .....wait what
and lastly, marius can hold back tears like nobodys business. like luke, he was a huge crybaby as a kid. but unlike luke, he held it back so much that when he DID cry as a child, it was REALLY CRYING. like wailing, like sobbing. it's heartbreaking to watch
so via his Entire Life Of Repressing Weakness And Related Emotions, he became rlly powerful at holding back the need to cry. it only happens during VERY EMOTIONALLY INTENSE scenarios ORRRR
during horror movies
because hes such a horror weakling and he gets so spooked that tears literally come out
mc: how did that jumpscare make you tear up but not the intro scene to Up
marius, hiding behind a pillow to avoid any more jumpscares: im a man of endless mystery, miss
thank you for the ask :D
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bravo4iscool · 7 months
girl, I’m not gonna lie to you, I have some free time, and sometimes I really like to use it uselessly. and I found your ig account, then I did some other research and I found a lot about you and your family, so I could really rate you. And yes, I can say properly: you’re ugly.
now, you're kinda right, I give you that. some fit guys do like fat women, maybe one guy out of ten. but these are REALLY PRETTY WOMEN, 'cause I don’t deny that there are beautiful fat women, but they are usually rare, and that’s definitely not you.
I’m not seeking validation wtfff has nothing to do with anything, girl… you seem stupid. I just really found your behavior hilarious. like, how the false illusion of the new age got you, making you really believe in fairy tales. I mean, you're clearly so insecure, trying to pass as “I’m fine with my weight” while really trying to convince yourself that you’re desirable. and like, you’re not 😭 and it’s so fun when you talk about validation, because, you see, I may be petty or bitter or mean, or whatever it is. but, if you really felt confident, pretty, and good about yourself, you would just turn off the anon or ignore me. but no, you’re here, writing answers so you can post and be consoled. that’s how I know you feel pathetic and horrible about yourself, and need these other weirdos to help you fool yourself. you can ignore me, or reply me, it won’t make difference. you too fucking transparent, so easy to read.
or you wouldn’t be doing headcanons of really fit men attracted to you, because if you were desirable and if you really felt that way, you would just know, and not try to reaffirm yourself along with other equally UGLY FAT GIRLS. the main thing here is how out of touch you are with reality. close the tumblr, go to a nice spot in your town, where you KNOW there are hot guys, and please record yourself being chosen by them. if you're so sure of yourself. and open your instagram account, since you have nothing to hide and being ashamed. I mean, you’re pretty right? lol
y’know i’m not doing this cuz i’m insecure💀 also, i never said those hc’s were about me LMAO. i’m very aware that he and every other cod character is fucking fictional💀. this is just my hobby😗✌🏼.
also, why are you so keen about finding out about my personal life? wtf do i have to do with you? it’s fucking creepy to stalk my ig and all that💀. who tf do you think you are?
the only one being pathetic here is you, because you’re out here insulting me via anon haha. at least grow the balls to confront me correctly lol.
but yk, your stupidity and insecurity is pretty hard to ignore. you can have your opinion about me but let me be. i didn’t ask you for it lmao. also, i couldn’t care less about your opinion. you can think i’m ugly, idgaf, but stop annoying me with it.
and idk if you know but talking down on other people has to do with one’s insecurities, so maybe you’re the insecure one here😘.
and yes, i’m fine with my weight. i’ve come to terms with it, since i can’t change it without a medical intervention. is it so hard to believe that someone overweight actually accepts that fact or what? it says that says a lot about you actually.
also, i’m posting this so people can see that there are, unfortunately, still people with the iq of a fucking brick out there. i couldn’t care less about what they tell me. as i said, i’m perfectly fine on my own.
i’m actually laughing writing this because i won’t ignore you. people like you should rethink their life choices ngl.
you’re going crazy over a tumblr post and start to insult me as fat and ugly and you started to fucking stalk me. you’re being the prime example for insecurity rn💀.
your messages can get as long as you want them to be, i will respond to them because it’s sad people still think like you.
there are people out there saying all things about cod or ghost or whoever. if i don’t like them, i scroll, but i don’t start insulting and stalking the author of that post/headcanon/fic or whatever.
grow tf up and get a helmet💀.
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just-a-random-hobbit · 9 months
Miguel O'hara × Italian!spider!reader hcs
Idk don't ask, I was in the mood for writing smth w a lot of self insert SO
Here we go
It's gonna be messy sooooo sorry not sorry
! Yes, I'm studying Spanish at school, but I'm kinda an ass w it. Sorry for the mistakes !
Since you entered the spider society you only spoke English, but sometimes some Italian words slipped
Same thing happened w Miguel and a lot of times you heard him speaking w himself in Spanish
Next thing you know is that with Miguel you talk in Italian and he talks in Spanish with you, except for a few words yow two can understand each other
An example?
"Mh bueno, dámelo"
"Mh good, give it to me"
Once you brought him some 'nduja (idk maybe you're from Calabria or went there for the holidays) and he loves that, I just know that he does, you can't say otherwise
If you like football you'd watch some matches w him and talk abt them for a few days
I also just know that you two talk shit abt Americans or people in general who cook an abomination and call it "Mexican food" or "Italian food"
Spices vs herbs, an endless war in the kitchen
Sometimes false friend words kick in and the conversation is hilarious
"Mmh ayer he comido unas gambas riquisimas"
"Mmh yesterday I have some delicious shrimps"
* disgusted * "tu cosa?"
"You what?"
(Gambas in Spanish means shrimp, in Italian it means leg) (omg idk if this is a word used in Spain and not in Latino America hold on a sec) (ok in Mexico it's camarón, can we pretend for a sec that it's also used gamba?) (It's not bc I don't have a lot of dialogue ideas, ofc not...)
"¿Me traes aquél vaso porfavor?"
"Can you hand me that glass please?"
* confused * "oook?" * hand him the flower vase *
(Vaso in Spanish means glass, in Italian it means flower vase)
(Ik these situations are really clichés but I still find them cute and funny)
You are siesta/pennichella mates
Now imgine if you get closer and closer w Miguel and invite him over for the Sunday lunch, (probably since you are a spiderperson you don't have a lot of relatives anymore, BUT LET'S IMAGINE THAT AT LEAST GRANDMA IT'S STILL WITH US)
Like- how cute it would be, w grandma saying to this beast of a man: "ma stai sciupato, mangia ancora qualcosa" ("you are so thin, eat some more") and he just keeps eating what she gives him bc he can't say no.
I also think that he's not really used to big family reunions, I read a few comics but I didn't catch any hint of a big family tree, so maybe he'd be kinda disoriented if you have a really big family.
For all my northern lovelies (me included) he's gonna be surprised when he sees that we aren't the italian bubbly and cheerful stereotype, but kinda cold and grumpy.
Another thing for the northeners: he's gonna bitch abt the time we usually have lunch and dinner. Lunch at 12/13 and dinner at 19/20???? You must be joking (Yes, the average northener eats early, obviously it depends on the family. In my experience and the ones of my friends these are the usual eating times)
If you still go to school and (like me) go to school also on Saturday: he's shocked. That's it. Just shocked that you have only one day to rest. But this helps to remind him that taking breaks it's important, so you two hopefully spend some time relaxing together, taking a break from school and being spoderman/spiderwoman.
Again, for people who go to school: he listens to your meltdowns. Even if he's from the future and from another country he understands that the school system stopped evolution in the mid 20th century and it fucking sucks.
If you struggle with subjects like chemistry or science he's more than glad to help you
If you go to a liceo he kinda sees himself in you and your experience, so with lots of subject to study and standars super high
If you have Spanish as a second foreign language at school he's definitely going to help you. YOU HEARD ME? YOU AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE UNTILL YOU LEARNED PERFECTLY TODOS LOS IRREGULARES DEL SUBJUNTIVO!!!!! (I really need his help)
If you go to a professional/technical (idk how to translate themmmm) institute with subjects in the field of engineering and computers he's gonna help you if you need help, giving you some tips and extra informations so that you can be the best of your class.
Let's say that you live in Milan: there aren't a lot of skyscrapers, but there are still some buildings on which you can swing decently. Same thing goes for most of the big cities
Now let's say that you live in a small town, in the middle of the countryside, where the tallest building is the bell tower of the church: "how the fuck do you swing and jump and- do litterally all the spiderthings?" And you just show him that you attach you webs on the top of the nearest strong tree or house. He's just like:
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Edit: ok got 3 more hcs
The idea of always having a sweet breakfast was kinda weird to him, and didn't really got used to it really fast. But with some time he found the combinations that he preferred: espresso and gocciole
He's team gocciole
He's also team lemon estathé
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gacha-incels · 4 months
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blurring out the rest of the post that references the boycott started by Korean female fans and then completely making up what I was making a joke about in your replies to other twitter users. PM fans going beyond the meme to literally stop people from reading. The internet is truly an incredible place lol. loving these replies especially throwing around the term terf and extremist
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This last one is incredible. It is truly a case of seeing what you want to see. idk how you can click this profile and read the pinned post and think this. of course they have already created a false image of this blog in their mind that’s easy to protect their poor little gambling game from 🥺
and assuming I know nothing about how these pachinko games work is hilarious. I’ve been watching their evolution for a decade now, of course I played Limbus Company, I know how the exploitive little gambling rates and dispensing of characters work lmao that’s why it’s easy to make a joke about saving an image. this was literally THE joke everyone made about gacha games, especially when LL:SIF was super popular in 2013, that they’re expensive images you can right click and save, plenty of people joke about them as NFTs now that they have entered the cultural zeitgeist as “expensive images”, if you shit your pants over this then you’re too young to be playing these games. If you really cared about spreading misinformation you would delete your tweet, but you prefer to farm engagement and now even korean twitter users have seen it and are confused. I did not word it in a way that would be easy to google translate and even then this “gambling for jpg images” is a colloquial style joke that mainly exists in more western english speaking internet groups. This was a joke I posted for a small group of tumblr users on this blog, of course the terminology is not something I would use if it was going to be posted to 40k people on twitter and even then you went further and posted it with no context and most of it completely blurred out.
This is the last time I’ll address this because I don’t want to go off topic, but I’ll post this as it’s a good example of how information can be completely omitted in order to present a falsified image that manipulates the viewer’s reaction. I find it interesting that the reposter blurred out the most important part of the post that references the ongoing boycott of the game started by Korean women. nowhere in their replies do they even mention this. now why could that be? 🤔 unfortunately this is a flash in the pan ragebait twitter post people will forget by monday, so I don’t expect anyone seeing it to think about that aspect any deeper. Hopefully at least one person will read the information here.
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alfiely-art · 2 months
Going off of that last post, just got me to think about how- one of my fave things about the fandom's (at large) interpretation of Ouma is how they just completely fell for his facade he carefully constructed all the time that we all by now know is false ktgdwrsfaesx....... Can't tell whether I find that absolutely hilarious or if I wanna scream about it in agony and misery
I just don't understand it 😭😭😭 like it's so Clear To Me that he wasn't genuine about being evil and hating everybody
People when a character clearly states that he's a liar and he lies and is called out for those lies and then in a time of vulnerability he admits about his facade being a lie: well. Clearly he was telling the truth the entire time and this instance is where he lies. None of the other times
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Fuck man Kokichis facade isn't even that good!!! I came into the fandom because of that little fucker and immediately I could tell he's the type of character that cares a lot but puts up a facade
Why is Kiibo the only one to acknowledge Kokichi was telling the truth in his last moments also. Shuichi doesn't count because it's up to the player to decide how he feels WHY WAS KIIBO THE ONLY ONE!!!!! Even Kaito was like "oh idk lol. Fuck that guy lmao" and he WAS THERE!!!!
Kodaka why did you do this
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smartzelda · 10 months
Might I have some of your finest beyondtsuda or mikamatsu (is that their ship name?) headcanons on this joyous day?
Oooooh hoo hoo
Anon I would be delighted
Okay so when it comes to Beyond Birthday ships, one of my favorite things is him finding little pieces of A in the people he likes. However, with that all being said, I actually don't see Matsuda as being incredibly similar to A (personal A headcanons and all that), so I'd like to think that BB grasps on to some of those little things he can find that reminds him of A, but he also...actually has to get to know Matsuda
With that all being said, because of how far removed they are physically in canon, I generally headcanon their meeting to be something by chance. In a canon setting for example, perhaps they happen to cross paths on the street or in a shop or cafe because BB is tracking L and Matsuda is out (most likely to do something for L, or perhaps related to his brief manager duties). Or maybe they even meet in task force headquarters, because Matsuda just so happens to be the first person B runs into
Idk I guess to sum it up best, I think their first meeting would undoubtedly be one of chance (be at least somewhat L related), and I think while BB upon growing feelings would draw similarities between him and A he would ultimately realize how different they are
It's like the idea of "What if we were strangers? What if we didn't know each other because you aren't a mirror of me? What if we actually had to learn to know each other?" with a sprinkle of "I couldn't help but latch onto the ways you remind me of the person I once loved, but I know you are NOT them"
Okay okay perhaps I should add a silly headcanon in here for your enjoyment
Beyond and Matsuda would bond over mutual enjoyment of magical girl anime/manga. BB infodumps about Akazukin Chacha, Matsuda talks about Princess Tutu and Sailor Moon. They watch Madoka together.
Funnily enough, if I had to draw a thread between these two ships, it would be that Beyondtsuda share the capacity to bond over L and Mikamatsu share the capacity to bond over Light. Dunno why that trope has me in a chokehold. Anyhow
I like to think that Matsuda would have visited Mikami in prison (in the manga canon setting) before Mikami "mysteriously died"
The Kira reveal was a *lot* for the two of them in different ways, and given how they were narratively placed as opposites ("the man Light chooses as his most devoted pawn and could successfully rely on, who only knows Light as Kira the god" vs "The man Light thought would swing to his side, who he thought he may be able to rely on in the end, who knew Light as Light Yagami the man, son of Soichiro Yagami and L's only friend"), I quite like the idea of them...wondering what it was like for the other
I like the idea of Matsuda being curious despite everything, unwilling to really write the man he'd trusted off as wholly bad and seeking to know the man that Mikami knew. And Mikami, while yellow box and the shock of his "god"'s apparent humanity leads him to grapple over the idea of 'renouncing the false god' or possibly even twisting truth for the sake of his own mind (so he doesn’t have to contend with his actions possibly servicing "bad"), I think at heart he too would be curious as to the Light that Matsuda knew. Ultimately, I would headcanon their first real meeting, their getting to know each other, as a tragedy. No matter how close they manage to grow, whether they are open to or even can understand each other, in the end Mikami will die
Now, on a less angsty (but still a bit so) note. One of my favorite headcanons is the idea of them becoming roommates post L's death during the timeskip. It's just hilarious to me to imagine Gevanni investigating Matsuda's roommate, and it's fun to imagine how they would be as roommates. Ultimately, I actually headcanon that Matsuda can decently cook, so I think it would be interesting for them to start out as roommates who barely interact, but then become the kind of roommates who collaborate on dinner and teach each other different skills and air out some of their frustrations. I also think it adds even a tad bit more complexity to Matsuda's own feelings about Kira if he's stuck between a rock (Mikami clearly being a Kira supporter) and a hard place (being a part of the Kira task force, which is full of quite a lot of heavy anti Kira people). And while I think it's more realistic that they would grow some manner of feelings for each other (not necessarily ones they can pinpoint as romantic or sexual at this time, but not exactly platonic either) but any realization of feelings would be overshadowed by their current duties/goals and their separate devotion to Light (and their own feelings for him), I think it's also fun to imagine them as sort of a...roommates with benefits situation
Okay okay now for something a lil silly
I personally headcanon Mikami as aroaspec but also gay, but I think it would be insanely funny if Teru Mikami just found himself at a random time completely down bad for Touta Matsuda. Like, while he's not 100% sure of the nature of any of his feelings nor do I think he takes the time to think about this, at least him being down bad for kami-sama makes sense to him, but when it happens regarding Matsuda? I think he would just think in his head randomly "Why him? Kira is someone whom I respect and adore, someone who I feel a connection to. Why can't I stop thinking about this dude??"
Anyways, thank you very much, anon! Your ask has made this day much joyous for me!!
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
Just finished Sinostra's chapter myself.... I gotta say though, was a little underwhelming compared to other chapters.... Honestly the entire thing felt like a one-man show by Ritsu + some sexual tension between Taiga and Romeo whenever they interact lol. MC has never felt more like a spectator than she did in this chapter, I was waiting for her to do absolutely *anything* but she really was just... there lmao. Not even hand-holding this time!
Even the Like Dove showed up AFTER mc left, when it was just Taiga and Romeo in the room, and then later again when Romeo barges into Taiga's room - this time mc was there but, just barely lol, the whole focus was on Taiga and Romeo's almost shoot-off, and Taiga's line saying "You really could shoot through my heart"?? And the fact that he sensed Romeo approaching before he even saw him, and so far is the only person who he clearly remembers and freely gives compliments to lol, Lulu is a cute nickname tho.
Regardless, Taiga's strange response to the Like Dove could possibly mean Kaito's explanation about it might not be true after all, since anomalies are still a mystery, wouldn't be strange for false rumors to make the rounds.
And I while I don't hate Ritsu - I appreciate he's a hard worker and tries to make the best of any situation he's put in - I dislike how he really just one-sidedly handled everything in this chapter and only ever explains after they're done lol. The case didn't feel like an investigation at all, Ritsu just pulls some numbers out of the air and acts on them (where is he getting all that data??) and in the end they won against it because it had to prevent a paradox from happening...? lmao idk overall just felt so underwhelming.
Also we never find out what the deal was about the girl in the tower?? Why even mention that detail if they're not gonna do anything with it... An anomaly that was born from the negative emotions gathering in a casino replaces people's memories with a girl in a tower.... My guess is it wanted enough people to "remember" her so she could come into existence? Like Takeru's ghost. I wonder what for though... Will they revisit this or not.....
You could pluck out MC from this chapter and absolutely nothing would change imo because Ritsu was doing everything anyways, only name-dropped mc when mentioning it was an investigation, that's it. While I don't necessarily need her to be the star or a hero, having 0 influence on the chapter is not great writing imo.
Kaito and his silly antics were the highlight for me. And I found it hilarious how him being stripped down and locked up in Romeo's "private office" feels like the setting of any self-indulgent "dark romance" fiction between a rich CEO and helpless debtor who has to cater to the captor's whims lol.
Finally Hotarubi is next, I've been curious about it since I got sorted into it, and want to see more of Haku. I agree he's sus, his dialogue in the prologue if you choose him only highlights the fact. But something about him really compels me
Sorry for the long ask, I have a thousand thoughts twirling around in my mind about TD, it should probably cool down between the entire month that's left before next story update.... but also there's new games coming out next month so hopefully I don't forget about TD completely either lol....
There is no shame in long asks. I'm always impressed at the amount of thoughts my dear anons manage to fit inside the ask box ♡
I also felt like the content was a bit lacking to the point I went and checked Jabberwock's chapter count and was surprised to find it's actually a tad shorter than Sinostra's. I think the main reason it felt so short to me was because I wasn't locked out of progressing this time around, but the case progression also felt much much quicker. If I'm sitting back and evaluating it as a writer, I think that's probably because of the setting being confined to the school and dorm. Sure, a lot happens, but you don't actually go anywhere, unlike in the previous three books.
Our MC has a very laid-back personality, which I don't mind. BUT the game really should allow for the chance for her to work things out on her own, even if she's too afraid of the other characters to verbalize it and keeps them to herself. There are several times in the book when she tries to point out inconsistencies in Ritsu's logic or other evidence she notices, but she's talked over pretty much every single time. It's what made me really hate Ritsu since you did not see that with Ren, Haru, or Towa, but i get that it's sort of tricky when writing more domineering characters to balance not making them overshadow the more laid back ones but still keeping them true to their personalities. I don't think Ritsu would have paid attention to Kaito if MC wasn't there, nor do I think Taiga would have paid attention to Ritsu, but that's just me speculating because the story doesn't clearly communicate it. This book was poorly written, a lot of the problems people have with MC could be fixed with a few additional lines where she's shown wanting to do something but reminding herself she has to play nice with the ghouls otherwise they won't break her curse. Her personality makes sense to me, but her writing does not.
Now. I disagree about the no real moments this chapter but ah. Well. You see. There is something deeply wrong with me so I completely get if this did nothing but disturb you but when Taiga has MC strapped to the torture chair 👉👈
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Look I know potentially getting a hicky from a guy that strapped you to a torture chair and just shot you (for the second time) isn't everyone's thing but it is mine I was so well fed this chapter from that alone ( ; ω ; ) AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON HOW HE CALLS HER KITTEN AND EATS THE FUCKING LIKE DOVE??? RAW??? ROMEO ROMEO WHY FOR ART THOU INTERRUPING ROMEO I WANTED TO SEE WHAT HE WAS GONNA DO- forgive me anon I'm afraid I'm most unwell.
Speaking of the Like dove and the memories of the tower. The Tower thing reminds me of rapunzel, especially because she's out alone in the woods, but it feels super out of left field, no? If the anomaly is born from the Casino, which Taiga states "is him," then I wonder if the girl in the tower is representative of something he's forgotten? The chapter places an emphasis on how anomalies can affect memory, so it's not too big of an assumption to make that something must have happened to Taiga to make his memory this bad. As for the like dove... Romeo seems very surprised to see it, almost suggesting he never has before, which can you imagine how funny it would be if it showed up for him and Taiga. They've been friends and business partners for at least two years, I refuse to believe the dove would only just show up now. The image of him just never seeing it because everyone is too polite/afraid of him to point it out is too funny. The dove shows up twice this chapter, both times it sort of read to me like it had been there for a bit before it was noticed and in both cases Taiga reacts to it negatively. Given how paranoid he seems to be, I think it's probably because the idea of him caring/having someone care about him scares him due to the unpredictability of it and the potential for betrayal. He seems to think people only want to use him, so that's probably part of it too. I'm constantly doing way too many lines of copium, so to me the dove seemed triggered by Taiga's interactions with MC but I also see where you're coming with Romeo. Their friendship is much less adversarial than it was implied to be in their little blurbs, and I quite like that a lot. You know even if Taiga seems to think Romeo is always taking away his fun. And what's up with his constant want to eat anomalies, is Romeo not feeding him enough?
Slight correction, Taiga does seem to remember who Haru is, Harry and Lulu are both derivative of their names, so maybe he can only remember people in his year clearly? Or does it also include second years? He sounds very surprised at the concept of a "first year ghoul" in his house so maybe his memories are cutting off everything other than the previous two years...
I also have a bunch more thoughts but I'll cut myself off here ×-× gotta let some of them simmer before I make too much of a fool of myself (I already have)
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Somebody needs to explain why I'm feeling the sudden urge to have Joey be younger then all of them, at like idk 16, and for Shelby to be the ONLY one who knows
Like, so in my timeline(for now), empires took place over about a year(17 months with the prequel I'm doing) so that'd make Shelby like uh, 33? In the witchcraft smp book?? It's a 4 year time skip instead of the canon 10 years
So, Owen 17, false and oli would be like, 16 when WC takes place, Emerald 5, nightlight(yes I changed the dragons name) 4, Thorn 4
Why am I ranting about that? I dont- I don't know- also im just now re a lying how many kids I'm planning on giving to shelby and i- it's like 6 and I am very tempted to give her Joey as the 7th because he was abandoned and Shekby just casually picks uo stray children she finds
She found the twins in the forest, Nightlight on Olis back, Owen she gave consciousness too, Emerald was found in the swamp and she was pregnant with Thorn-
Like the universe, me, looked at this elytrin/witch and went "lol, your gonna have parental powers. Go find you children whoa re stuck in a fucking tree and hiding in a bush lol good like with the 4 that follow soon after lol"
But they all have some type of trauma related to be abandoned, you understand me right!? And so does WC!Joey-- I have to finish watching his pov and wtahc the others(aside from shelbys) btw- motherfucker was thrown out of the only home he'd ever known-
Shelby just sensing that, evaluating it, realizing he's 16, and slapping adoption papers infornt of him like "You're my child now, sigh here please :)" is hilarious to me and I- well fuck now I wanna do it- should i??
Joey going to roast Pris only to realize his mom shelby also uses water and losing all his will to fight her in shame-
And Empires Joey and Katherine chilling, watching the kids like "....Katherine you wife has adopted another child. I can sense it." "Oh that's nice"
.....imma called witchcraft Scott Scotch and witchcraft Joey JJ because.....those are gonna be shelbys nicknames for them-
Shekby also adopts Scotch but more in that odler sister way, unlike JJ who she's like the mom to now
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In terms of shipping, I generally like the idea that once a couple is established, there are no more major conflicts between them; they are now united against major conflicts with outside sources. Not that I mind established relationships having little squabbles and issues that need to be worked out, but I am an absolute sucker for healthy communication and softness in my ships, even if it’s realistically ooc. 
Is that self-indulgent escapism? Abso-fuckin-lutely. I don’t think there was a single relationship I witnessed in my formative years that I can look back on and think, “I want something like that.” It’s only as an adult that I’ve stumbled across a few irl relationships (mostly queer ones, as opposed to the invariably cishet complementarianism I grew up with) that make me go...”Oh. Maybe romantic love does actually exist in a form I would like to someday find.” So reading and writing and headcanoning soft, communicative, openly loving relationships is therapeutic, I guess; a way of convincing myself that if I can conceive of it, then maybe it can exist in the real world. 
Aaaanywaaay, long tangent about why it’s not to my personal taste aside, I do think there’s some juicy angst potential for either fanfic or even for the canon in this bit about Sherlock worrying (hoping?) that Liam is scheming something. There’s space there for Liam to be terrified that without his crimes, he cannot hold Sherlock’s interest. It’s because of Sherlock that he can see a path towards a future spent atoning, yet it is because of the crimes he must atone for that Sherlock ever even looked at him (he thinks). And yes, Sherlock said that he never saw Liam as just a puzzle to solve, but Sherlock gets visibly antsy over time, bored, and Liam does not understand that that’s just part of being Sherlock. (See here and here for soft headcanons about that.) In his mind, it’s Sherlock getting bored of him. 
If I was writing it, they’d end up talking, and understanding each other, and then just like cuddling or something, idk, I’m a sap. But in a more drawn-out angst scenario, Liam would spiral: Sherlock is his sunlight, his hope. If Sherlock gets bored and leaves him, what does he have left? On the other hand, if Sherlock was only interested in the Lord of Crime and not the man beneath, then was that light and hope all false? The more Liam doubts the more he withdraws, and the more he withdraws the more convinced Sherlock in turn becomes that Liam does not want to be with him. They drift apart, both heartbroken over the thought that they’ve somehow lost that connection that was so dear to them, until,
A: some crisis causes them to nearly lose each other and in the panic-tinged relief afterwards they finally talk
B: Another character (Billy, John, and hilariously Louis are all prime candidates depending on when this breakdown of communication happens) knocks their heads together, shoves them both into chairs, and performs forced couples counselling. 
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argentnoelle · 2 years
Light Yagami and honorifics
Light & his parents
Light uses tōsan and kāsan to refer to his parents. (source: listening to subbed anime.) This is a really ordinary way to refer to his parents, and slightly more casual than o-tōsan and o-kāsan, which is another really ordinary way to refer to your parents. Official translation of “dad” and “mom” did a good job here. (More on how Light’s speech patterns are casual but polite).
Light & Misa
There’s definitely been metas on the fact that Misa went right to calling Light by his first name, without an honorific, & Light’s “um, no” reaction to that... metas which unfortunately I can no longer find. This is the part that in the dub got translated to her calling him darling. (Plus the way she refers to his parents as hers, as though they’re married or something). Of course then he backtracks and is like, “sure you can call me Light” just so she won’t go around calling him “knight.”
Besides the obvious stalkery overtones, and Misa’s general lack of any boundaries whatsoever, I think it’s interesting that Misa wants to not only be Light’s girlfriend, she wants to be in Light’s family. Which is *partially* because of her True Love Obsession, and partially because of the fact that she wants that situation, that place... this ties into later, when Light tells her to give up the eyes, and she’s happy to do it because she can be a better wife to him... like it’s not even that her love for Light is entirely because she loves Light, but because she loves “the person Light is.” Respectable-Light-with-a-loving-close-family. Misa doesn’t just want Light’s love, she wants to be part of that. This also makes something interesting of the fact that she quit her career for him, and why she would see that as a fair choice. Because in her mind, she’s giving up fame but gaining close connections, a family, replacement parents since hers are dead, and a place in respectable society that would otherwise be cut off to her... etc. It really isn’t just about Light, I think. (+ an interesting note on if Light cared about Misa at all).
Light & Sayu
Light just uses Sayu’s name, this is ordinary, since he’s her older brother. Sayu uses o-niichan [or niichan] (source: listening to sub. It was hard to tell if she was using the slightly more formal “o-” prefix, but it seemed like she maybe was). There’s something so cute about this, since it would’ve made perfect sense for her to instead use o-niisan, but she uses chan, since they’re close.
Light & his school friends
There was another meta that I think I recall pointed out his friends use no honorific to refer to Light, but Light uses one to refer to them. I haven’t read the original version of the manga, so idk if this is true, since I have since lost the meta :(
Light & L
L refers to Light as Light-kun, a friendly way to refer to male friends or coworkers and yeah it does bring in the connotation of both 1) L’s higher status than Light and 2) also the fact that he’s older than Light, but there’s nothing really unusual about the fact that L uses it... except for the fact that they’re “being friends” so people can “see them being friends” so it’s a false closeness. That’s noted by Light a lot with his thoughts about how Light and Ryuzaki are friends but Kira is L’s enemy, etc. Basically, there’s a very performative aspect to the way L refers to Light that they’re both aware of, but that passes by as completely unsuspicious to everyone around them. What other people take as “L and Light being friendly and normal” is L saying “we know each other so well, my young friend and underling, don’t we? :)” when he knows that will drive Light up the wall.
Light refers to L as Ryuzaki. No honorific. This is hilarious for so many reasons. L is older than him and of a higher status than him so it would make sense for him to use “san” but he doesn’t. It isn’t “weird” that Light doesn’t because they’re “such close friends!” But actually... he’s insulting L to his face. And L knows it. :) It’s pretty much the same thing L does to him, but in the other direction. By using Ryuzaki instead of Ryuzaki-san, Light says, “we know each other so well, my close friend who’s of similar age to me, we are totally equal haha, greatest detective in the world who?”
I feel like this adds such a fun layer to their whole “we pretend to have one thing going but it’s really another one” vibe, and the fact that they’re using politeness to insult each other, but also to give each other a kind of secret message that no one else is really aware of, even if they’re standing in the middle of the room with everyone else. It’s like their whole relationship in microcosm.
[on ao3]
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arsquare · 2 years
please what is that kaishin marxist meme manga ("they mean nothing... if you aren't redistributing the wealth") originally from i cannot find it anywhere. also its too funny and i love ur art and memes
Hi! The reason you can't find it anywhere is because it's directly sourced from my silly little brain. It's not even an edit of a Kaishin doujin or anything; it was born directly looking like that. I just thought it would be funny if it LOOKED like an edit of a Kaishin doujin but like... I would have felt bad editing something someone else worked hard on drawing lol. So I just made it from scratch by myself. Is it perhaps a deranged level of commitment to the bit? Yeah, probably <3
Here's the post for anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about
Anyways here are some images of the work in progress as proof. I'm sorry the rest of this fake doujin doesn't exist bestie
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here are some of my favorite bits of text work on that meme. see what I SHOULD have done is put some placeholder text and then edit it out in MS Paint like a real one, but for some reason I just did it all in Clip Studio Paint. whatever
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So firstly. my watermark is also in the top left, I completely forgot I watermarked it but just in case anyone came for me like "OP why don't you credit the original artist :///" I can point to that and say "Hi I am the original artist actually lol" Anyways it's a well known fact that you can't rotate text in MS Paint so I thought it would be really funny if "You've" is rotated but "only acheived [sic] false consciousness!!" isn't. Also the slight misspelling of "achieved" sends me every time
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this is also hilarious to me. the little "r" floating next to the "You" CLEARLY unaligned. The random capitalized "B" in "Bourgeoisie" (AND THE FACT THAT BOURGEOISIE IS SPELLED CORRECTLY AND ACHIEVED ISN'T) since they're capitalists. keeping the "they mean nothing. They mean nothing!" from the fake original context.
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and finally. the white scribbles above the tone marking out the old text. the use of bold for "redistributing the wealth..."
idk I would not call this my magnum opus or anything, if you want to read actual genuine honest-to-god Kaishin content by me, there's a 98-page doujin called Breaking Stasis on Ao3 about Kaito and Shinichi getting stuck in a time loop here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35883097/chapters/89472589
Is the art lower quality than what you see in my shitpost marxist doujin? Yeah, but I also whipped it up in 2 months for the Kaishin secret santa as another ridiculous "commitment to the bit" moment so I think that's excusable. Now that I've got more time on my hands, I'm actually editing Breaking Stasis to actually have screentones and better backgrounds and less fucked up faces <3. I'm about a fifth of the way through LMAO. Which is not a lot, but granted, I had to draw a high quality 24-page original oneshot in the meantime so I'm going easy on myself. That is going to be posted in July, after the competition results are out, I hope everyone looks forward to it!
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
idk why but i imagined vegas 2.0 as two soccer moms (the politics bois) trying to outdo each other while their sons are dragged into it (green bois) in a rlly fvcked way. e.g.
maybe big q reconsidering dream's usefulness by saying sam's enough as protection and has other things to offer to the team as well. wilbur steps in by suggesting a duel between sam and dream then, to prove it then. maybe while it happens, wilbur whispers to quackity a list of what is still physically broken abt dream post prison (so many unhealed bones, barely healed muscle, he can barely stomach food so he had like 1 steak in the past few days, etc.) and of course, he mentions dream's most powerful asset, the revive book :)
this is hilarious and also accurate as hell ,, thank you anon because the image of c!wilbur and c!quackity as PTA moms is completely sending me. this prompt (as most vt2 related things are) was really fun !! it also kinda ran away from me, which is why this ended up being almost 6k words instead of my usual 1-2k for asks, but i hope you enjoy it regardless :]
tws: implied torture/abuse, death, violence, blood, injuries, conditioning, dehumanization, panic attacks, emotional distress, trauma, unhealthy relationships (so many unhealthy relationships), smoking, dark contents, dark themes, vt2 au is always really dark so definitely proceed with caution !! dark portrayals of c!quackity, c!sam, c!wilbur, and c!dream
It starts, as many things do nowadays, with a board meeting - which seems to be as much of a sign as any that everything is going to go to shit. Board meetings for Quackity, much like Wilbur’s stupid group therapy sessions, are just a thinly veiled attempt for the two to fight for control of pretty much everything - ranging from the casino schedules to the laws still being written for Las Nevadas to what food to stock in the vending machines. As Sam is still sitting on his false throne of moral superiority and therefore less inclined to indulge himself in the same blatant corruption that characterizes their discussions, and Dream - more than anything - knows his place (which hardly gives him any position to wrangle for power among the likes of Wilbur and Quackity), the fights for control more or less remain restricted between the two. More often than not, they devolve into proving their superiority over the other by using their control of Dream (which naturally never means anything remotely good for him as a consequence) so when Quackity strolls over, all tight-lipped smiles and a cigarette held between clenched fingers, Dream really doesn’t feel anything other than dread.
Still, orders by Quackity are still orders - Dream knows this fact better than he knows that he’s alive and breathing, better than the fact that he’s out of the prison, better than he knows his own goddamn name - and Dream is far too well-trained to ever consider trying to rebel. So when the time comes - 7:30 pm, sharp - Dream is in his chair, spine straight and head alert like a goddamn dog, and he waits.
It doesn’t take long for the others to arrive. Sam comes over first, leveling him with a heavy, distrustful stare as he sits down in the chair across from Dream, the expression nearly enough for Dream to roll his eyes if it weren’t for the fear that rockets through him, still, at the sight of the Warden so close to him. Sam has made it more than clear from the very beginning that he has no trust at all for Dream, that if he had his way then Dream would be locked up for the rest of eternity in a labyrinth of blackstone and obsidian, forever guarded by his ever-present supervision. Dream feels his ears burning with heat as he dips his eyes low to the surface of the table, wanting no more than to curl up and hide under the scrutiny of the Warden’s glare.
Quackity enters next, throwing open the door of the conference room loud enough to make Dream jump out of his seat, looking at him with an upturned corner of his lip when he comes back to himself enough to notice. Dream stifles a shudder at his visible good mood, all-too-aware of what that usually meant for him in the cell, stiffening further with a growing ringing to his ears as Sam and Quackity talk and Quackity sweeps past his side to get to his seat at the head of the table, carelessly brushing his fingers along the back of Dream’s neck in a way that makes him freeze, stock-still, in his chair - feeling his fingertips ease themselves over the ridge present there from a thick band of scar tissue, a deep, jagged thing that had been carved from the blunter back edge of Quackity’s axe when he had lost his temper and let the thing slam against the back of his neck, hard enough that it probably would’ve paralyzed him completely if it weren’t for Sam’s use of almost a full chest of regens. Quackity remains over him for a few more seconds, leaning over his chair to talk to Sam as he runs a light, possessive hand over the topmost bumps of Dream’s spine, before settling over into his chair, watching him with a small smirk as he keeps a white-knuckled grip on the edge of the table.
Dream hates the prickling shame and terror that keeps his muscles tense as he stares at the table’s surface, still feeling the ghost of fingers tracing over skin and bone along the back of his neck, keeps his burning eyes trained on the surface of solid wood as he tries to steady his breaths. It’s all he can do to press down his flinch when Quackity, with a frustrated yell, slams his fist against the table a few minutes later, rage simmering underneath his words as he speaks.
“Where the hell is Wilbur?” His glare slides across the room, landing on Dream, making him shrink back in his seat, heart thudding in his ears. Quackity doesn’t stop staring at him even as he pulls a cigarette and lighter from his pants pocket, lighting it and bringing it to his lips and letting the silver-grey threads of smoke fill the room and press against the inside of Dream’s lungs. “It’s ten minutes til 8 - I don’t have time for this bullshit.”
Sam digs his fingers into his temples, already looking exhausted. “If you want, Q, we can always start without him and catch him up later. Depends on you.”
“No, then I’ll have to repeat myself and it’ll be pointless and ugh,” Quackity makes a vaguely frustrated noise as he finally turns his eyes over to Sam, making Dream’s shoulders shudder as he finally finds the air to take a breath, “We’ll just have to wait. Fucking idiot. I knew I shouldn’t have worked with any of these fuckers.”
In true Wilbur fashion, it isn’t until fifteen minutes later when the taller man finally makes an appearance, the entire time tense as hell as Quackity takes slow, steady drags of his cigarette and taps his fingers impatiently against the table’s surface. He offers one to Sam, who goes on to decline, making a short quip telling Quackity to watch his health for the future that promptly falls flat. Dream thinks he’s a fucking hypocrite, considering his whole deal with weednip or whatever Ant has on him, but doesn’t voice the thoughts as he sinks down in his chair, wishing more than anything to disappear. Against the fabric of his shirt, the right side of his chest itches, and he presses his palm against the place where he knows there is a small, irregular grid of pockmarked scars from when Quackity had taken smoke breaks in the middle of sessions.
“There you all are,” Wilbur smiles as he slides into the room, a covered metal tray held in his hands as he kicks the door closed and slides the tray onto the table with an awful screech. “I’m sorry for being late,” he continues, sounding not very sorry at all, “but I made some food to make up for it!”
He takes off the cover with a flourish; underneath, sunny yellow squares, nearly blindly bright, look up blankly under the conference room’s overly harsh lighting. They smell sugary and vaguely sour, stinging his nose slightly, and seem to be coated with a fine dusting of powdered sugar.
“Lemon bars!” Wilbur grins, just left of sincere, “they’re gluten-free!”
“God,” Quackity laughs, sounding slightly incredulous, shaking his head. Dream’s gut rolls at the sound, Wilbur’s smile growing wider, even more dangerous, at the tone. It’s familiar, the way the two of them challenge each other, and in a rare moment of solidarity Dream watches from the corner of his eyes as Sam’s shoulders hunch as well. The two of them always bring trouble, even normally, but when they’re in this mood? Actively challenging each other, toeing the line, trying to find the limits and push them just because they can? Dream shivers in his seat, grip tightening on his own arms; this, he knows, is when they are at their most dangerous - and he has the scars to prove it.
“Gluten-free, huh? Really leaning into the whole ‘PTA mom’ schtick today, aren’t you?” Quackity smirks. “Should I call you Linda from now on?”
“I don’t know, Quackity, I was just thinking that I would make a little healthier treat for all of us, you know?” Wilbur brushes off the remark easily, taking a seat and immediately kicking his feet up onto the table. “If you want it, of course. I would hardly want to get in the way of your professionalism, Mr. President- do you have one of those? Or are you going for a more authoritarian approach”
“Fighting words from someone who rigged an election as President,” Quackity drawls, “and couldn’t even win it, might I add. “
“Oh, Big Q! You fail to understand, I wasn’t criticizing you at all,” Wilbur smiles, jagged, “we agree, I believe, on the failures of democracy. Unless you’ve forgotten our conversation, already?”
“Of course not,” Quackity snorts, and Dream doesn’t miss how his gaze shifts towards the side of the room, landing on Dream and making him curl further in his seat. “I’ll save you from me trying to pick your brain, this time, but don’t worry. You make yourself…rather hard to forget.”
Wilbur claps, seeming satisfied with this round of verbal sparring, and the sharp sound of his hands meeting together nearly has Dream jumping in his seat. “So! Lemon bars- does anyone want any?”
Dream is keenly aware of two pairs of eyes landing on him, Wilbur and Quackity watching for his reaction with bated breath and narrowed eyes. Panic crawls up his throat; he knows the purpose behind their stares, knows that he’s once again become the object of one of their power struggles. Quackity’s orders rattle in his brain, his thoughts a messy jumble of pins all knocked loose from his time in the prison, hopelessly unorganized and running on little more than instinct. Wilbur is expecting him to eat, to give into his sweet pastries and sweeter words; the lesson not to eat, move, think without permission, hammered into him between chunks of potato and battered ribs and blood gathered in the crevices of his skin, keeps his hands at his sides instead of reaching towards the pastries still set in the middle of the table. Even with Quackity at the opposite side of the room, Dream swears that he can still feel the pressure of a hand against the back of his neck, pressing just hard enough to make itself known from the feeling of fingers pressing into either side of his spine - he doesn’t even quite feel himself shaking his head, only really realizes what he’s done when he hears Wilbur sigh in frustration and meets Quackity’s satisfied gaze.
“I’ll take one,” Sam says, sounding exhausted, eyes flitting from Wilbur to Quackity to Dream with an increasingly long-suffering expression. His face twists around the first bite of the bright yellow pastry, nose scrunching as he puts it down, missing a half-moon bite along one corner, and drags his fingers over the table to ease off the remnants of powdered sugar. Wilbur watches him, seeming amused, and Quackity rolls his eyes as he pulls a binder out of his inventory.
“Now that everyone is finally here,” he starts, directing a particularly dead-eyed stare at Wilbur, “we can finally get on with the meeting. I was thinking we could go over the budget, today, if that’s alright with the rest of you.”
It sounds innocent enough - which is the first sign of many that this meeting, whatever it is, is going to be anything but pleasant. The grin that steadily grows on Quackity’s face does nothing to assuage Dream’s anxieties, only pushing them higher as the man flips open the binder and messes with it for a few seconds longer before seemingly finding what he’s looking for.
“I think we all know that until Sam finishes with the bank, funds around here are going to be a little bit tight,” Quackity begins, waiting for all of them to nod before continuing, “And we really need to save wherever we can. I recounted the budget yesterday, just to make sure that we’re all on track, and- well,”
Quackity points to a circled series of red numbers that Dream doesn’t understand but can assume mean little good for them. Sam makes a low, considering noise, sounding strangely concerned, and Wilbur actually seems to close his mouth and lean forward in curiosity.
“We have a deficit,” Quackity continues when they’ve all settled back into their seats, “and we’ll get it all back once Sam gets the bank up and running, but for now our funds are...limited. I don’t want to stop progress on Las Nevadas, of course, we really don’t have time to waste. So I thought we’d have a meeting today to discuss the budget and eliminate any expenses that we might find-” Quackity gestures with a smooth twirl of his wrist, “expendable.”
Sam hums. “Do you have anything in mind, Quackity?”
“A few,” Quackity flips to the next page, where he’s seemingly jotted a few notes - different things that they can put off for the moment, it seems, and the money that would be saved for forgoing them temporarily. Dream reads down the list quickly, stilling at the last item.
“Quackity,” Sam sounds twenty times more tired already when he speaks, tone flat and a little irritated. “Why is Dream on the list?”
Quackity shrugs. “Hear me out, now- most of our money right now is going into living expenses for the four of us. Having more people here, until everything becomes more sustainable, is a huge drain on our resources. I’m just listing all our options.”
“So what do you want to do?” Sam huffs. “Throw him back in Pandora?”
Quackity shakes his head.
“Wilbur does have the revive book knowledge, you know,” he says, and Dream’s blood runs cold. He can’t run, can’t move; he’s stuck in his seat, heart hammering faster in his chest as the other three hardly spare him a second glance. Sam purses his lips, a considering expression flashing over his face, as Quackity presses on. “Seriously- listen, Sam. There’s nothing that Dream is really offering, at the moment, that the rest of us can’t handle. Wilbur has the revive book, you can act as security to take out any threats - really, we shouldn’t be pissing anyone off until everything officially opens, and we can always retrieve him then when we need him. He’ll be out of the way, which means he won’t be able to start any fucking trouble,” Quackity laughs, short. “It’s a win-win.”
“I don’t know, Quackity,” Sam says, the words slow, but the tone is familiar enough for Dream to know that he’s already mostly given in. “It’s a risk, isn’t it? None of us but Dream have really used the revive book, before.”
Wilbur doesn’t even look at him when he chirps a reply. “That won’t be a problem, Sam. I’d be very happy to test it out, if you want.”
Quackity leans forward, and Dream nearly gags; he’s preening in his spot, eyes dancing as he smiles up at Sam. “Anything else you can think of?”
“I don’t know,” Sam trails off, and Dream looks down, only barely staving off the panic squeezing around his lungs and tears burning in his eyes. It’s nothing he hasn’t envisioned before, nothing he hasn’t expected, but this- he feels like such a fool, for hoping- “If we get ambushed, Q, I really don’t know if gear is going to be enough. You remember what Technoblade did last time.”
Quackity huffs, sounding annoyed, but nods to concede the point. “That is...fair. But then again, we don’t exactly know how good Dream is either, do we?” Quackity finally leans over to look at him, and Dream feels himself choke on his own breath at the dangerous gleam in Quackity’s eyes, all-too-familiar in their scrutiny, looking at him the same way they had pinned him to the floor of his obsidian-walled hell. “Anything to say, Dream?”
“I-” The words shake on Dream’s tongue, and he only barely manages a dry swallow as he struggles through the rest of his sentence, shrinking back from the heavy weight of three pairs of eyes fixed on his own, “I can be useful, s-” he only barely manages to bite down the word, a new wave of shame making him shrink back further past the fear. Quackity’s lip twitches upward.
Wilbur twirls a pencil in one hand, looking spectacularly bored; Dream’s chest shrieks with a harsh spike of envy at his composure. “How about you prove it?” His eyes are laughing when Dream gets a good look at them, amusement clear at the idea. “Put on a show?”
Quackity rolls his eyes. “What do you have in mind?”
“You want to know if Sam can serve as an adequate replacement for Dream’s combat prowess, no?” Wilbur leans back in his chair as he talks, still focused on spinning his pencil over and between his fingers, “Why doesn’t he prove it? Let them duel, one on one. If Sam kills Dream, then you’re right, we’re done, and we can all move on with our days. If Dream wins, then he’s proved his worth, and we can figure out the rest of the budget after. What do you think?”
Quackity’s lips press together, seeming displeased, but he doesn’t say anything in return. Sam, ever practical, drums his fingers against the table.
“That sounds...fair,” Sam purses his lips. “How would we judge this? Equal gear?”
Wilbur only smiles wider as he shakes his head. “I was thinking we would make it a little more accurate to reality, if Dream’s services were truly to be needed. Sam, you can keep your own gear, and Dream should use his own. I guess on your end we can fight until you yield, but for him…”
The words are left unsaid, but Dream flexes his hands underneath the table as he catches onto the implications. For him, it’s a fight to the death.
Sam shrugs. “That works for me. Dream?”
He doesn’t really have a choice, does he? “Okay.”
“Wonderful!” Wilbur claps, bringing his hands to his chest and looking thoroughly thrilled at the prospects of the potential duel. Quackity glares at Dream but doesn’t say a word, and Dream hunches into himself, nearly folding himself in half as he ducks as far as he can down his seat. Sam pulls out his sword, flipping it around and testing its weight, and Dream doesn’t quite manage to suppress his full-body shudder at the sight. “Let’s get started, then.”
They move out in a roughly single-file line out of the conference room, Wilbur making idle chatter as Sam continues to examine his armor and weapons as they walk. They settle into an open space in the still-unfinished casino that Wilbur looks around for a second and then deems appropriate for the duel. Sam sets down an enderchest to gather his necessary materials, and Dream settles in front of it himself afterwards, shifting the lid open with shaking hands as he tries to work through his inventory.
He’s started the process of building up his gear again in his spare time, but he’s not had the time to finish gathering netherite for both himself and Wilbur - Wilbur meets his eyes with a sly wink before equipping the set of netherite armor that Dream had crafted for him, and Dream stifles a desperate snarl. He doesn’t even have the other set (still a gleaming blue from unplated diamond) enchanted, outside of a Sharpness book that he had slapped onto a diamond axe. He gathers the rest of his supplies with careful hands, trying to press down the increasing trembling of his limbs from his growing panic, flexing his arm around the weight of a shield once again and pocketing steaks and golden apples from his hoard.
He has no potions, no good weapons, not even a properly enchanted crossbow to offer the slightest bit of an advantage. Dream lets his eyes flick up to where Sam is waiting at the opposite side of the room, standing up straight with enchanted netherite covering him head to toe and a familiar axe slung over his shoulder, and tries not to break down right then and there. It’s too familiar, too reminiscent of obsidian walls and netherite pressed against his ribs and demands that he behave, and despite the glittering white walls and high ceiling and cold night air he swears he could fall just from the memories alone. Drowning within them, he distantly remembers a duel long-past under a bright blue sky, Sam laughing under a swirl of potion particles on the grass surrounding the Community House lake, and wonders which of the memories hurt more.
“Dream,” Quackity snaps, and Dream stills in his place, slamming the lid of the enderchest shut as his heart hammers in his ears. Quackity watches him intently, expression twisted in disappointment, and some beaten, instinctual part of him whines uncomfortably at the sight. “Hurry up.”
Dream nods, because of course he does, and stands with the results of his mad scramble to gather anything that could be useful in the duel to come - a few gapples, steaks, a sword, a bow lacking any enchantments at all, and an axe and shield. It’s a rather pathetic ensemble, but it’ll be enough. It’ll have to be enough.
“Ready?” Wilbur takes place as referee, standing off to the side with a smile on his face as Dream stands across from Sam, holding his axe with a white-knuckled grip as the Warden - expression unreadable through the shadow of his helmet and the mask fixed over his face - squares his own stance in preparation for the fight. “Good luck.”
Wilbur’s arm cuts a line in the air as it drops, and the Warden explodes into action, lumbering forward as he raises his axe over his head to bring it down. Dream tumbles in the opposite direction, letting a long held back, battle-trained part of himself take over as he rights himself back on his feet, swinging up his shield to catch on the downward arc of Warden’s Hammer, frantically pressing back the dregs of fear and panic staining the corners of his vision black as he moves.
The Warden hits slow but hits hard, too big and bulky to really avoid any quick attacks but too well-armored to be easily defeated despite that. He’s a classic tank - Dream skitters out of the way of another hit as he reaches for memories of him that won’t leave him gasping, information on his opponent that didn’t come from within the prison and all its horrors.
He’d dueled Sam before, he knows; it wasn’t the same, as Sam was trying out a Turtle Master potion and intent on proving the superiority of Resistance IV against Dream’s own combat prowess. He’d failed, then; Dream forcefully steadies another breath as the sound of the Warden’s armor clanking against the ground almost sends him into another panic. He’ll have to fail now, too.
Fortunately, he’s been allowed food to heal - without it, this fight would probably be near impossible. As it is, even without the potion, the principles of this duel are the same. Dream swings up his axe, catching the blade hurling towards him in the crook where the head meets the handle just long enough to pull himself out of the way and let the Warden’s weapon fall uselessly to the ground. Dream raises his head in the second he has, tracing his gaze over the Warden’s armor in search for places to exploit. Even the best defenses aren’t perfect. All he needs to do is survive for long enough to chip through it.
A fumbled dodge leads to the Warden’s blade skimming past his skin, carving a thin red line in the skin of his upper arm. He hisses as he dives out of the way of the next blow, the twinges of pain from the area almost enough to make his vision unfocused, almost enough to send him tumbling head-first into the part of him screaming submit submit submit if you don’t fight back they won’t hurt you more. He grits his teeth as he swings forward, knocking away the axe coming towards him with his axe long enough to push forward with his shield and knock the Warden further away from him. He can’t afford to flinch, can’t afford to let fear take control of his movements as it has so many times before. The keening desperation running through his veins is familiar, but desperation can fall both ways, can make him fight or flee - and there’s only one real option that will end with him getting out of this alive.
Dream stands and forces himself to meet the next swing hurling towards him dead on, raising his shield to catch the blade and pushing forward past the shuddering shock in his left arm from the force of the blow. His own blade arcs downward in the next second, scraping against the Warden’s netherite armor with a metallic screech. He manages to get in two more blows before the Warden’s next attack has him backing away to dodge, shaking off his arm to get his shield ready for the next attack.
He has to stay on the offensive, keep pressing the Warden back and forcing the other to play defense. He’s still weak from the prison; in terms of brute strength, he’s no match from the Warden, not after months of starvation and torture stuck in a box with hardly enough room to stretch his legs. All he really has going for him is his speed and his experience, neither of which will do him any good if he teeters over the edge into the panic attack he’s been trying to hold off the entire time. Dream runs forward, not giving himself more than a second to breathe as he rushes the Warden once again, switching weapons mid-leap to a sword that will allow for quicker blows in the time that he has the Warden off-balance enough to attack freely. He scores a series of glancing hits on the Warden, none doing any major damage but altogether enough to make the Warden back off, wary, with a gasping note of pain, and Dream shakes his head to force himself to focus before running forward once more.
The Warden pulls out a shield of his own, and Dream switches back to the axe and swings it squarely into the shield, then twists himself around to the Warden’s unprotected back to catch him with another heavy blow that leaves him reeling in the second he takes to recover. He’s clearly untrained with a shield, his left arm clumsy as he tries to block Dream’s blows, and Dream uses the opportunity to score another few solid hits to the Warden’s sides and legs, getting a good blow with the blunt side of his axe into the back of one of his knees, leaving the warden limping when he pulls away.
Dream has hardly come off unscathed in the fight - he wheezes out a heavy breath through his teeth, chest aching from a hit that had broken one of his ribs. The exertion and anxiety still pressing at the back of his throat has left him light-headed, and he bites through a crisp, almost sickeningly-sweet bite of golden apple to close a wound bleeding sluggishly on his side. Neither of them can go on for much longer; the Warden’s grip tightens on his axe, and Dream swallows past the shudder that arises from the sight.
Once again, he raises his axe and runs into the fight, parrying the coming strike and twisting out of the way to strike at a joint of the Warden’s armor with the flat of his blade. The Warden’s arm raises, and Dream bites off a yelp of alarm as the handle of his axe is levied against his unarmored side, knocking him off-balance and falling back onto the ground, too disoriented to catch himself. He lands on his left arm, and his vision goes white as it gives out with a sharp crack.
Through half-lidded eyes, he can make out the Warden stalking closer, axe raised and ready to end the fight - end him. His chest shakes in a pathetic wheeze for breath, arm completely useless from where it’s screaming in pain underneath him. He needs to move, now, if he wants to survive this - fear swells forward, unhindered as his focus is broken by the vice grip the pain has on his skull - he’s shaking, now, the terror so familiar he can taste it - salt and iron and sticky-sweet health potions against the backs of his teeth-
The Warden raises his axe.
Dream raises his sword just in time to catch the blade hurtling towards his neck, uses his foot to kick against the Warden’s grip on the handle. The axe clatters out of his grip, falls forward - Dream rolls away, breathing harshly around the pain threatening to make him black out. Unarmed, the Warden takes a second to grab a sword from his inventory while Dream forces himself back to his feet and kicks the axe as far away as he can.
He’s so flooded with panic he’s choking on it, broken arm hanging limply by his side as he charges forward, sword in hand. He won’t die, not after all this time, not after all this effort - he throws himself at the Warden, batters him with jabs and thrusts that force the other man to back away and parry, snarling wordlessly as he brings his sword to slash forward again and again.
His attacks are messy, uncoordinated, but the Warden is tired and disoriented from the loss of his weapon - he flinches back as Dream hits him in the jaw with the hilt of his sword, only barely matching his blows as he continues to push forward. Any hits that he scores on Dream are brushed off with a growl of pain and his sword moving even faster in his fury, and it’s not very long at all before he’s knocked flat on his back with a sweep of Dream’s legs, gasping for air as Dream pins him to the ground with a blade pressed against his neck.
Dream meets his wide eyes with his own, lips curled back in the same desperate rage that had moved him forwards despite the black creeping into the corners of his eyes and the lancing pain tying its strings around his neck and leaving him gasping for air. The sword in his hand bears threads of blood along its edge, pressing deeper into the Warden’s neck and drawing crimson up to the surface - a thousand fearful, angry thoughts swell up to the front of his skull in a singular, white-hot point. It is the Warden underneath his feet, at the end of his blade, cowering beneath him as he had cowered before - the Warden, the cause of his pain, the reason behind the ache in his gut and the stinging pains in his limbs and the piercing agony from his arm and chest. It would be so easy to push just a little harder, to press the sweet blue blade down and down and down until the Warden is gone and the Warden is dead and the Warden can’t hurt him anymore-
“Down, Dream,” Quackity snaps, and Dream backs off immediately, losing his grip on his sword as the command has him dragged back by the neck like an invisible leash and collar pulling him away. Sam settles back in a sitting position, still wide-eyed, wincing as he moves and bringing a golden apple from his inventory to heal the worst of his injuries.
“Eat,” Quackity commands again, and Dream only barely manages a stiff nod through the nausea and dread curling around his chest as the adrenaline begins to fade away, fumbling with the golden apple he finds in his inventory and nibbling at it to tide off the worst of the pain.
“Bravo, bravo,” Wilbur grins from the side, clapping slowly as he walks back into the middle of their makeshift arena - he’s taken his armor off again, but it doesn’t make the sight of him any less intimidating. “What a show! We should do that more often, what do you think?”
No, Dream almost screams, I can’t- but Quackity beats him to it, glaring at Wilbur with an incredulous expression.
“We don’t have the time to waste on your fucking ‘shows,’” he snaps, crossing his arms as he swings his gaze over to Dream. “Fine. You’ve proved yourself. Now hurry up - we have to clean up all of this shit and then figure out the rest of this fucking budget.”
Dream pulls himself to his feet, watching from the side as the Warden does the same.
“Make yourself useful and clean off all your fucking blood from the floor,” Quackity meets his eyes with a vicious glare, waiting until he stammers his way through an agreement before turning to the other two in the room. “Sam, Wilbur - with me. I want to get this money issue figured out tonight.”
Dream watches them go as he shuffles to the cleaning closet, feeling a shudder crawl up his spine once they’re out of sight. Make yourself useful, Quackity’s voice rings in his head, and Dream bites his lip, only stopping when he accidentally breaks through skin and the taste of blood floods his tongue.
He has a feeling that those words are going to haunt him for a long, long time.
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going-fancognito · 4 years
OMG loving ur writing!!! You’re really talented and amazing, keep doing what you do !!! Can you do a head canon of Revali, Sidon and Link (or anyone you want) were you write how it went their first week/month living with their s/o. ( like in the same house/room, idk I’m bad at explaining lol) Please 💞💞and thank you
Lol this was fun to think about anon
You live with a mom
A very naggy mom
You knew before moving that Revali could be a bit nit picky but Dear Hylia
You weren’t that messy
That sock couldn’t have been on the floor for more then ten minutes, nothing worth throwing a fit over
“Don’t be ridiculous Y/N, this sort of behaviour is completely unsanitary” He uses the tips of his wings to toss the offending piece of fabric at you. “Being at home’s no excuse for neglecting proper hygiene”
....It was a sock
You both eventually learn to compromise overtime
Although you did learn a trick on how to dodge chores
“Y/N, that is NOT how you sweep with a broom.”
“What are you talking about?” *proceeds to wave broom in the air*
“No you’re making it WOrsE-just, just give it here. I’ll do it.”
 Also, he totally wears a headscarf and apron when he’s cleaning
Why? (Because the writer finds the idea hilarious)
He’s like a feathery version of Levi from AoT
Get it? ‘Cause they’re both short
Has the opposite problem of Revali
Instead of nagging about chores, he just does it all
He’s a do-it-all mom
You won’t even get the chance to help
“Hey Link, I’m heading out to buy groceries!”
“Oh, well then I guess I can get started on laundry-” 
 “...Can I at least-” 
Already taken care of.
Your lack of contribution was starting to get to you
You were his girlfriend, not a guest
You’ll need to have a good talk with him about how give-and-take relationships work
He had enough on his plate already as a knight
He can rely on you to help support him, even if it’s just a few house chores
If he doesn’t listen right away, threaten to hide the cookware
That’ll get his attention fast
You both work out a schedule to suit you both
Now he can actually take some time for himself
Just please don’t hide his cooking stuff, ok? 
(You’d break his little chef heart)
If the other two are moms, then Sidon’s a freaking Grandma
His doting is dialled up to max
If you don’t see each other for more then an hour, he’ll be clinging on to you
“I’m sorry I couldn’t visit sooner Y/N, I promise to make up for the lost time.” Cue aggressive shark cuddles for the next hour
Did-did he forget that you both two lived together? 
it was three hours, not weeks
You even saw him off that morning.
Likes to pile your plate with veggies and protein during meals
“Hylians need to eat these when in order to grow up big and strong, right Love?”
“Sweetie, I’m already in my twenties...”
“Yes, so now’s the best time!” 
As a Zora way past his hundreds, this makes total sense
Goddamn species differences)
Will chase after you with a raincoat if the sky’s even a little cloudy
“You must be more careful darling. Can’t risk getting sick in wet weather”
....You lived in Zoras Domain
Enough was enough
Time to show him that you weren’t so delicate, by challenging him to a sparring match, 
Reluctantly, he accepts. But only after privately resolving to go easy on you
That was a big mistake
Within minutes Sidon’s on his back, with you pointing his own trident at his face
“Sidon, honey?” Your voice was falsely sweet. “Aren’t you always saying to never underestimate a foe” 
He forgot. You’ve been training with spears since you could walk
“Er-*cough*- quite right Darling.” He sheepishly takes your offered hand and sits up. “It appears  that I was in need of a reminder.”
You give an undignified snort at that. 
Yeah, no shit.
He lightens up considerably after that
Make sure to let him dote on you a little bit though, ok?
Sweetheart loves to pamper you
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play-exy-be-sexy · 3 years
So I wrote my health book report on AFTG cause I didn’t read my actual book. It’s so bad . I wrote it in like five minutes. Did not realize it was due TOMORROW.
I promise I’m a good writer but I just find this hilarious. My friend said I shoulda just copy and pasted the first chapter but this was funner.
It’s not even funny but I tried to make it just about Exy since it’s for Health & PE.
Here y’all go;
All For the Game by Nora Sakavic is a book about a college Exy team in South Carolina. Exy is a made up sport that is a mix between lacrosse and hockey played on a soccer field. (I couldn’t find the exact quote so idk if this is even how Neil explained it.)The book focuses on the Palmetto State Foxes, an NCAA Exy team. (Imagine reading this far and just being like what the fuck. He’s probably going to think I made the whole thing up.)
They are captained by Danielle Wilds. Exy is a co-op sport but is dominantly boys. There are three girls on the Foxes and 6 boys. The main characters are Neil Josten, Kevin Day, and Andrew Minyard. Neil and Kevin are strikers for the team. Strikers are the offensive players. They do the scoring. Kevin is a world famous celebrity(again no explanation why because why would I make this easy for him to follow???)and played for the US court and a professional team as well as Palmetto. Andrew is the star goalie for the Foxes. There are two strikers on the court at once. The other positions are backliner and dealer. There are two backliners on the court at once. They are the defensive players and are the last line of protection before the goalie. There is one dealer on the court. Dealers get to pick if they rather be offensive or defensive. Basically, they do everything. Dan, the captain, is the Foxes offensive dealer. Allison Reynolds is the defensive dealer. The Backliners are Matt Boyd, Aaron Minyard, Andrew’s twin brother, and Nicky Hemmick, the twins older cousin. Renee Walker is the other goalie. Seth Gordon is the starting striker at the beginning of the book. However, he dies at the end of book one. Neil then takes his place. (I put no explanation of this. I just thought it was a good little way to spice up the essay)
The foxes are under dogs but by the end of the three book series they defeat the Ravens. The Ravens are the power house of Exy and hadn’t lost the championship ever. Kevin Day used to play for the Ravens but transferred to the Foxes before the book started. Kevin’s mom and the Raven’s coach created Exy in the 80s.(no explanation because it’s fun to mess with my teacher. Gotta make it as confusing as possible. Oh yeah, Kevin? His mom made Exy just a little FYI. No I’m not going to elaborate)
Though Exy is made up and only in the AFTG universe, it is a game anyone could be addicted to and want to play, myself included. All For the Game became my favorite book the first time I read it. The combination of sport and drama is perfect and makes you want to keep reading. The characters and the passion they have for the sport makes you want to play and belong to a team like theirs. (This is false but I thought I should add it for brownie points.)
Dude if he reads this he’s going be like “how does LANIE care this much about a made up sport. She doesn’t even participate in class.” HAHAHHA JOKES ON YOU THE BOOK IS GAY THATS WHY I LIKE IT.
Anyway hope you enjoyed that and my little comments I saved just for you guys:)
Hopefully I don’t get an F for this ahhahaha
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Written for Day 4 of @aangweek! Read here on AO3.
4. dance - if you hit a wall, climb over it, crawl under it, or dance on top of it
What year did Fire Lord Sozin battle the Air Nation army?
The Air Nation army.
What army? The ashen remains of bones that littered the Air Temples? The memories of a past erased and rewritten by the conquerors? The whispers and cries of voices drowned out by roaring flames? That army?
Aang shuddered, pulling his knees to his chest. Was that how his people were remembered? As part of a history reformatted and reworked? As aggressors instead of defenders? As casualties, no, as soldiers instead of victims? Was that how the world had chosen to immortalize his people?
Aang sighed, releasing his legs before slowly pushing himself into a sitting position. He wouldn’t be falling asleep anytime soon. And besides - he could see the sun inching upwards over the horizon. Daybreak had almost arrived, which meant it was only a matter of time before everyone woke up and they continued travelling. There was no point in him trying to catch an extra hour of shut-eye.
Maybe he could meditate for a bit. While he waited for morning to come. It could help him clear his mind, he supposed, of… of those more painful memories. Of false knowledge force-fed down his throat.
But as Aang stood to find an open place for meditation, he was distracted by the presence of Sokka. His friend was already awake, hunched over and scribbling away at his lengthy schedule.
“We can shorten our stay here,” Sokka muttered, “and taking this route shaves two hours off our total travel time if we only take one break instead of two -” He stopped when Aang joined him, the airbender plopping down on a patch of grass. “Good morning?” He paused. “Uh… What are you doing up so early?”
Aang gave his friend an amused smile, folding his legs criss-cross. Considering he himself was usually the first one up, Aang couldn’t help but find Sokka’s question rather hilarious. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”
Sokka shrugged. “Just trying to rework our schedule. I have to take in account the extra days we stayed in that cave if we want to arrive at the meet-up point for the eclipse invasion on time.”
Aang flinched at the reminder. Of the upcoming eclipse or the additional days he’d encouraged his friends to stay in the city, he wasn’t sure. When Sokka glanced at him, Aang looked away. Down at his feet. “Right. Yeah. I guess we do need to make up for that… lost time.”
Sokka raised an eyebrow, at first not commenting. He rolled up his schedule and placed it aside. “So, why again did you say you were up so early?”
Aang hadn’t.
He sighed, leaning backwards to stare up at the arrival of dawn and bracing himself with his palms. Clouds of orange and red and yellow burned before Aang. Hues not dissimilar to fire. “Dreams.” Memories.
Sokka nodded. “Nightmares?”
“Kind of.”
“Want to talk about them?”
The Air Nomads didn’t have a formal military.
Aang shook his head. “Not really.”
Sokka nodded. “That’s okay. You don’t have to.” He tucked the group’s schedule into his bag. “Want to talk about something else?”
Aang didn’t answer immediately. Stuck on some twisted loop, his mind traced over and over and over the surprise, the shock, the disbelief of every kid’s face in the cave as he’d danced before them. They, too, had been robbed of their childhood. Not in the same way, no. Not at the same price. But it had been stolen from them all the same.
“Do you think I helped them?” Aang finally whispered. His fingers dug into the dirt beneath his palms, collecting behind his nails. “The Fire Nation kids, I mean.” He sat up straight again, this time making eye contact with his friend. “Toph told me I helped them to be free.” He swallowed a lump in his throat. “Do you… Do you think she was right?”
Sokka raised an eyebrow. “Uh, what are you talking about?” Aang opened his mouth to explain, but Sokka continued before he could get a word out. “Of course she was right.”
Aang’s voice disappeared into his chest for a full ten seconds before resurfacing. “She was? But it was just a dance par-”
“It wasn’t ‘just’ a dance party, Aang,” Sokka interrupted, giving him a wry smile after his use of dramatic finger quotes. “You gave those kids their first moment of independent thought. I know I called them ‘depraved little monsters’” - Aang snorted at the reminder - “and while I don’t think I was too far off with that assessment, I’ve come to the conclusion that…” Sokka pursed his lips. “Well. Deprived might be a better word.”
Yes, that was fitting.
“I still can’t believe they didn’t know how to dance,” Aang said after a pause. “A hundred years ago, the Fire Nation was - was the place to be for dancing!” He learned everything he knew from Kuzon, after all. “And now…” Aang sighed. “Sure, I gave them a taste of fun, but they’re all going to be punished for it.” If they hadn’t been already. “Was that - Was it even worth it for them?”
“I think it was,” Sokka answered, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. “Like I said - it wasn’t just a dance party.” A beat passed, and he winked at Aang as he held a finger over his lips. “It was a secret dance party.”
Aang laughed. “What are you talking ab-”
“You taught them to challenge authority!” Sokka continued, throwing his hands in the air. “You taught them that sometimes, to learn the real truth, you have to think outside the box and track down other sources.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Aang, you showed them that adults can be wrong. That people in power are not infallible.” Sokka grinned at him. “So you didn’t just teach them to be free. You taught them how to find their own freedom, too. And in a brainwashed, messed-up country like the Fire Nation?” He snorted. “Spirits know they need that.”
Brainwashed… Not an inaccurate term to describe the misinformation - the lies - Aang knew their country had built its new foundation on.
“Thanks, Sokka,” Aang said, giving his friend a soft smile as tension eased from his shoulders. Maybe it was a good thing, then, that he’d stayed those extra days in the cave. Those kids were the future of the Fire Nation. Change would have to start with them.
“You’re welcome, buddy.”
Aang bit his lip. A beat passed. “Can I ask you another question?”
“I mean, you technically just did - kidding, I’m kidding,” Sokka amended as Aang rolled his eyes. “None of you have a sense of humor.”
“Sokka, you know I think you’re the funniest guy in the four nations.”
“And you would be right!” They both laughed, and Sokka continued once their snickering had died down. “But sure, go ahead. What’s on your mind?”
Aang opened his mouth to speak, then hesitated, out of nowhere finding that it was thrice as difficult for air to enter and exit his lungs. How embarrassing for an - the last - airbender.
Deep breaths. In and out.
Well, I don’t know how you could possibly know more than our national history book.
“What… What were you taught about my people?” Aang found himself staring at the ground, at his feet, at anywhere but Sokka’s eyes. “The Air Nomads?”
“Uh… not much,” Sokka admitted, and Aang grimaced. “We knew Sozin massacred them in an attempt to kill the Avatar, which started the war. Gran Gran told us they were a peaceful people, too, and were all really gifted benders.” He hesitated, giving Aang an apologetic glance. “I’m… sorry I don’t know more.”
Aang’s chest ached with an emptiness he sometimes feared would never be filled. But at least Sokka hadn’t been told -
“You know my people didn’t attack first, though?” His voice faltered, and Aang cleared his throat. “That - That they never wanted to fight?”
Sozin defeated them by ambush.
“Yeah,” Sokka said quietly. “I know.”
He forced down the lump in his throat, and when Sokka moved to pull him into a tight embrace, Aang allowed himself to fall apart in his friend’s arms.
When the sun had risen and his tears had dried, Aang spoke.
“After I defeat Fire Lord Ozai… you’re going to dance with me.”
Sokka raised an eyebrow. “I’m gonna what now?”
“Dance with me.” Aang gave him a small smile. “Come on. Don’t tell me you’re too much of a picken to dance with your best friend.”
Sokka rolled his eyes. “You know what? Sure. Why not. When you defeat Fire Lord Ozai, I’ll dance with you.” He grinned at Aang. “I look forward to it, hotman.”
Aang laughed. “Flameo!”
i am prepared and willing to throw hands with anyone who says "the headband" ep was pointless filler (it really and truly was not). also, i read something and it said flameo was a curse word, and idk if that's true, but you're welcome to interpret the final line as aang being like "fuck yeah!" if you'd like. thank you for reading, and i hope to see you tomorrow for day 5 - air temples!
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