#eustass kid x gn!reader
fanaticsnail · 2 months
oh man. oh man, oh man, oh man. it's remisloves again. i know you have a long list of wips… b u t. your praise platonic kid fic did a thing to me in my brain alsdkjlkgfdj if you've got time. and the inspiration. could i request a gn!reader x kid fic where he discovers, by accident, that actually he really likes being praised by reader. like, Really Likes. and starts doing shit just to get praise. or bratting out when he *doesn't* get anticipated praise. knowingly or unknowingly. and doesn't realise it's the start of a massive crush the drowns him. while his crew is just watching the whole thing devolve from the sidelines. I… do have a song that's springing to mind for this, though I don't know how helpful it'll be since it's not in English. Love Trap Muchuu by MAISONdes. or possibly I Love You by Mahiru from Milgram? Trigger warning on that one though, and it's lessss on point but still. anyway, i'm rambling! sorry! again, you don't have to, since you technically already did write something like this but. my god. I had to ask asdlkjglkfdjgk. either way- thank you for all the amazing writing you've done so far!! i look forward to seeing everything you put out next!
Okay, though, @remisloves. My WIP list is incredibly long, but I love this though.
That little brain worm had been eating at me for a while: Beckman's partner doting on the poor baby (absolutely not a baby, but adores being doted on and treated as such) 💀. Beckman x spouse!reader video here:
(video link, courtesy of @carrotsunshine)
I never thought how much fun it would be to praise a big, hulking, violent, intimidating character until I started writing it for him. Eustass Kid is literally so fun to write for, and I have kept your other request in my ask-box so it reminds me to get it done.
Rest assured, I would absolutely love to have you praise him again - and he will absolutely be begging and bratting to get more of it from you.
He's a good boy. He can keep being a good boy, especially if you tell him as such 😏
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princeoftheeternalbog · 7 months
Where op characters like to kiss you :)
I'm not sure I like this one so much but I've been a little busier this week so I hope it's enjoyable anyways.
Established relationship, suggestive in some parts(Law, Kid) so mdni.
Might have some very minor spoilers if you aren't past the timeskip, in Robin's part and it's a brief mention of someone the strawhats team up with. There's also a slight reference to some details about Killer but no specifics.
Your entire face! Especially while you're smiling, he just cant help the giddiness that bubbles up inside him when he sees you smiling or laughing...so he has to let it out by giving you lots of little kisses on your face ://). His arms stretch out to wrap around you, bundling you two together while he grins and starts his onslaught, once he's got you there's no escape.
Also when he kisses you on the mouth he always cups your entire face with his hands and pulls you into him, pressing his lips to yours in-between soft giggles.
Forehead/temple. It's easy, it's quick, he just swoops in with a little mwah and then he's gone before you can even register it. Especially loves to do it before a fight because he thinks it's good luck. It really can throw him off if he hasnt kissed you at least once that day so usually he tries to get one in every morning when you wake up. Absolutely melts if you kiss him on the forehead back.
Once he gets used to you kissing him then he's constantly asking, but instead of asking normally he just stares at you for a long while before leaning towards you and tapping his forehead very pointedly.
Cheek. (Not that kind of cheek...although-)
Anyways he thinks it's a very sweet place to kiss, and he likes it because it can be both chaste and teasing. For example if it's just a quick soft kiss then it'll be closer to the apple of your cheeks, but if he wants to tease you he'll kiss directly next to corner of your mouth or right by your jaw.
Sometimes purposefully teases you in front of others because he knows it looks innocent from an outside perspective so you can't tell him off for flustering you. Though it's easy to turn the tables, just wear a little bit of shiny lipgloss and he won't be able to concentrate at all, this is when you give him a nice chaste cheek kiss of your own and go on your way. He stands still for so long his cigarette ends up burning out.
Your hands. It's subtle but intimate enough that he feels comfortable doing it in public. Usually you link pinkies while walking around or sitting together so whenever he has to let go, for whatever reason, he'll swing your joined hands up to kiss your knuckles. The way he does it is so different from how he reacts to affection normally that it makes your knees go wobbly, it's probably about the only thing he does with full casual confidence.
Eventually he notices the effect this has on you and it actually really helps him develop confidence in other areas too. And if you do it back he gives you this lovely warm smile and he's just so so pretty.
Shoulders. I'm not sure why but i can just imagine her dropping a delicate kiss to your shoulder as she walks past on deck, or her rolling over in the morning and just giving you lots of light little kisses on your decolletage. Especially loves it if she's taller than you, even if only by a few inches. She also loves standing with her arms tossed over your shoulders, torsos as close as possible while she leans on you.
She really loves to kiss you here in public too, she feels like it's not too exposing but definitely can't be mistaken as platonic, she'll have you sat on her lap in a bar or something and after every sip of her drink she just leaves a gentle but sticky kiss.
Your lips. She's a woman that knows what she wants alright, and she is highkey obsessed with your lips. She thinks they look so soft and inviting and she's constantly fighting off the impulse to kiss you whenever you converse. It was a pretty serious problem for her before you got together. She just thinks they're so pretty and your beautiful voice and smile come from there too.
She also always kisses you at inappropriate times. After the alliance with Law began, she once kissed you while he was explaining a plan and the glare he levelled you both with was unreal.
...stomach. He's obsessed with the shape of your body in general but there's just something about your stomach that makes him want to bite you(lovingly). If you wear a crop top and/or low rise jeans he practically explodes, he just can't help it. Fully spends hours sucking love bites into the skin there. Loves making you stand in front of him while hes sat, hands tight on your hips, leaving a trailer of wet kisses as he gets lower. He only makes you stand because he likes to see your knees tremble.
Now he's very reserved but he will kiss you in public if he can 1. do it stealthily and 2. inconvenience you in someway like making you too flustered to talk.
BASTARD! Neck. He has no shame and his kisses are always very intense so he will absolutely give you a hickie while you're talking to someone. You've learned to ignore him but you've also learned that makes him worse. The correct route is to give him a hickey in return, his neck is very sensitive so he folds so quickly. Though he will take revenge later so keep that in mind.
Absolutely hates it when he wants to kiss you but can't, like if you're out of his reach or asleep. Will sulk until he gets the chance to kiss you again and then he's all over you, doesn't let you leave his arms until all your exposed skin is covered in his signature lipstick.
You two would so do that one tiktok trend yk the one-
Now there's minor logistics problems here so I'm going to talk about it in two ways.
At the beginning of your relationship, he absolutely adores it when you kiss his mask. Thinks the sentiment is so cute and the first time it happened he blushed so hard that you could practically see steam coming out of the gaps in his mask.
If you've been together for a really long time and he's comfortable enough to take his mask off then he loves just kissing you anywhere he can reach. He's just obsessed with being able to actually touch you when you're alone. Though the incidents in wano would set him back quite a lot in terms of insecurity, he still finds comfort in hiding away with you in his room, exchanging soft words and softer kisses.
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deathc-re · 4 months
he loves fucking you and watching his cum dribble out of your hole but more than that, he loved fucking you standing while you're bent over. because then, he can cum in you and pull your panties back up to cover your hole. having you pout at the uncomfortable feeling of him pooling in your panties and leaking down you leg.
and, of course, watching your little waddle to the bathroom. face still hot from sex and legs slightly trembling
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simon, toji, soap, suguru, zoro, kidd, fat gum, dr stein, & bokuto
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thepepsislvt · 4 months
Hello! May I request for more HCs of Kid and Killer being in a polycule with gn!reader? I love how you write them!!! It's fun reading your work, you got me liking the idea of being in a polycule with Kid and Killer lol. Thank you and have a nice day/night!
I did it finally! im sorry it took so long i was sick for the past week and a half
but here it is!
Warnings: Cursing, Kid
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okay so heres how the bed sharing works
Kid sleeps all sprawled out on his back (snoring so loud)
he takes like 76% of the bed
Killer takes like 18% of the bed cause he sleeps on his side
that other 6% is yours and you gotta figure out how to sleep comfortably on top of Kid
its rlly hard since hes either fighting god in his sleep or snoring so damn loud in your ear
Killer doesnt snore he just breathes really loudly
Kid literally hates when you leave the bed for literally anything
queue to you having to literally body slam Kid back into the bed just to get him to shut up and stop yelling at you
anyway so to avoid that happening again you have to walk to his snoring pattern
imagine trying to go to the bathroom and his snoring stops for like half a second
mini heart attack
When Kid gets sick
oh my fucking god
this man is insufferable
will complain about EVERYTHING
“i cant BREATHE”
“my neck hurts”
this man will not shut up unless hes alseep
he doesnt do anything in the period hes sick
he gets better in 2-3 days easily but god those 2-3 days are the worst
When Killer is sick Kid acts like hes gonna die
Killer will still do his duties but with lots of breaks to rest
Kid constantly tells him to rest more and the rest of the crew will do his duties
Killer once listened and when he came back the Victoria Punk was in shambles
he’s not doing that again he just takes more breaks
he blows his nose so much and Kid always goes “eewww”
mf acts like he don’t cough up mucus all the time when he’s sick
Killer is usually better in 3-5 days
When you get sick Killer constantly checks up on you and makes sure you don’t push yourself
Kid will just down right avoid you
“you ain’t getting me sick with your damn virus”
Kid makes you sleep in a different room
it’s okay Killer sleeps with you anyway
if you’re sick longer than 3 days he eventually sucks it up cause he hates sleeping alone
when you play board games with them Kid makes up rules as he goes along just to win
but Killer kicks ass in Uno and even if Kid cheats Killer will win
I have so much stupid shit to say about Kid hes so funny
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strawheart-pirate · 7 months
What they do for their sick s/o who can’t leave the ship
Sanji, Nami, Law, Penguin & Shachi, Kid, Killer
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CW: SFW. This is just fluff. no drugs, no alcohol, no smokes, just soup and pampering. Comfort. They go above and beyond for you.
Scenario: After weeks at sea, you finally reached an island, but you were unable to leave the ship. You had the flu, and because it came with a cough, fever and chills, you were not allowed to leave your bed. Your s/o went on the island to get some goods, and maybe they have a surprise for you.
Read part 1 here: Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, Franky, Brook
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- Since Sanji is a good listener and observer, he knew exactly what you needed. - Although he didn't want to leave your side, he had to gather a few things that would help you overcome your sickness. It took him only a short time to gather everything and he was back sooner than you expected. - He prepared a nice stew with only the best and freshest veggies and wrapped some small gifts. Not long after, he wheeled a small service cart next to your bed. It was packed with the small gifts, flowers in a vase and a steaming stew full of veggies. - “Sanji, it smells delicious.” – “I made you a very rich stew. We’ll get you back on your feet in no time with my special care.” You smiled at him. He insisted on feeding you, even though you were perfectly capable of holding the spoon with your own hands. You sulked at first but seeing him so happy made you enjoy it. - After your meal you unwrapped the little gifts. It was a few souvenirs and the one thing you’d been talking about for weeks. “Thank you, Sanji.” – “Anything for you. Now tell me. Do you want me to give you a massage, or do you want to watch a movie, or how can I help you?” - “This may sound strange, but can you read to me or tell me a story while I try to sleep?” – “Of course, just make yourself comfortable. Shall I tell you stories of the North Blue?” Sanji sat down on the bed beside you, and you made yourself comfortable and laid your head on his lap. - You fell asleep listening to Sanji’s smooth voice.
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- Would boss the whole crew around to make you feel better and recover faster. Sanji would get most of her wrath, and he’d be ordered to cook you a soup and whatever you want. - Hits Luffy when he tries to steal your food away and is in a very bad mood because she wanted to enjoy the island together with you. - You would send her off to the island to give everyone a break (but make sure not to phrase it like that!). She would be gone for the whole day. - When she returns, she’ll apologize (but only to you) for being so stressed, but she’s just worried. She’d tell you about how she got nearly everything for free and show you all the new clothes and accessories. - In the end, she’d hand you a small box. She got you a little souvenir with the name of the island on it and added a voucher to it. “For later. We could take the shark submerge and visit an island of your choice...” She said with a soft smile, and you were once again amazed at how generous Nami could be. “Thank you Nami, you’re the best. I’m looking forward to our little trip.” You hugged her show your gratitude. - You spent the evening watching a movie until you fell asleep on her shoulder.
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Trafalgar Law
- Your captain was very strict about the bed rest he prescribed you, so no island for you. Not even a glimpse of it. - Though he acted serious and cold towards you, his heart ached when you begged him to go. But it was for your own good that he was this persistent. - He made sure to have Bepo watch over you, knowing that you loved the bear and that he would be able to comfort you. - As he went about his duties on the island, his mind wandered off to you frequently and he thought hard about he could get you to lighten your mood and make up for not being able to visit the island. - He returned to the Polar Tang with a small bag in his hand. As he entered the room, you were fast asleep. He placed the paper bag on your nightstand and was about to leave quietly, when you shifted. - The smell of your favorite pastry woke you up and you saw Law before he could leave the room. “Law?” He slowly turned around. “I came to check on you, but you were asleep and-“ You interrupted him as you saw the paper bag on the nightstand. “Is that what I think it is?” Your eyes sparkled with excitement as you grabbed the bag and looked inside. “You went to a bakery for me?” You flashed him a smile and he looked away feeling caught. “Don’t read too much into it…” he muttered. You took his hand and smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Law.”  Law only squeezed your hand a little as an answer. “I have to go to set the new course.” He mumbled and left the room. - You just giggled at how flustered he was. As you ate your favorite pastry, you smiled thinking about how Law really went out of his way to treat you.
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Penguin & Shachi
- They sat on either side of your bed and cried as if you were going to die. But you weren’t, and no matter how many times you told them, that you were going to get better, they still cried. The trash was full of wet tissues, and as much as you liked them, you needed a break. - So, you sent them off to the island to do whatever they wanted. - They were determined to find you something, anything that would help you and keep you from dying. They were not that good at cooking, so they needed to help you in another way. - When they came across a beauty shop, they went in. They took notes on how to do nails, how to give proper massages and how to do face masks and compressions. They left the shop with a large bag full of creams, oils, and tools. - Once they returned, Shachi prepared the tub for you with your favorite bubble bath and your rubber ducky, and washed your hair while you soaked in the tub. Meanwhile Penguin set up the room ready for your surprise. When you came back into the room, you noticed all the candles, cosmetics, and the incense sticks. It smelled nice. - “What’s this all about?” – “We can’t help your immune system, but we can help you relax.” Penguin explained and soon you found yourself being pampered by the men. Their hands were not as skilled as the professionals with the utensils or the movements, but they managed it quite well. And you really enjoyed it. - If you ask them to do your nails, they will make a competition out of it. - You had the most precious spa day with these guys and your weakened body really enjoyed their pampering.
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Eustass Kid
- Kid was angry. Not at you, but the fact that you couldn’t get out of bed because of that damn flu really pissed him off. You tried to calm him down and told him, that you were okay (you weren’t okay, but he needed to calm down, so you swallowed your own sadness), but he wouldn’t listen. - “If I can’t kill the fucking flu, I’ll at least burn this fucking island to the ground.” He said and left. You were left alone in your bed, hoping for the best. - Kid left the ship alongside Killer. “Do you know how to kill the flu?” - “Give it some time and they will be fine. Some soup or medicine can ease the symptoms.” - With that in mind, Kid wandered around with an angry expression on his face. The people who came across him hid behind walls or changed their direction, no one wanted to be the one facing his wrath. Finally, Kid found what he was looking for. - “You!” He broke down the door and scattered inside. “You're caring for a sick one, I saw it from outside.” He had an angry scowl on his face, a vein was ticking, and his voice was demanding. The woman at the stove nodded hesitantly. - “I need that soup and whatever you have, that makes a sick person feel better. Now.” He commanded with a twisted smile. The frightened woman hurried up and placed a soup, some herbs, and creams in a bag. “Well done.” He said and left for the ship. - “The soup is good.” You smiled at him and took another spoonful of it. “That’s good, otherwise I’d tear this city apart.” You saw that he was restless and tense. “Tell you what, come here.” You moved to one side of the bed, and he sat down beside you, putting an arm around you. “Can you show me your little trick?” You asked and he smirked and was about to give a cocky answer, but you had already placed some screws and small metal parts in his palm before you continued to eat your soup. So, he let it slide and activated his powers. First, he locked the door, no need for an audience, and then he stacked the parts and formed little butterflies with them. You watched in awe as he let them fly across the room. - You set down the now empty bowl. “Thank you.” You said and played with one of the little metal creatures as Kid watched the scene with a confident smile.
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- He has a plan. He knows how to deal with a sick Captain Kid, and he definitely knows what you need. - Grabbing his list, he went to the island and was determined to be back soon. But then Kid caused some trouble on the island, and he had to deescalate the whole situation. He came back with everything on his list, an angry captain, and a sour mood. - He went into the kitchen and started to prepare everything for you. If anyone entered the kitchen, he would take his anger out on them, so everyone avoided going near the kitchen, no matter how hungry they were. - You woke up when a now calm Killer entered the room with a hot meal, some meds, and a bottle of water. “Hey, sorry if I woke you up.” You gave him a tired smile and a delicious smell entered your nose. “It’s okay. Did you cook?” – “Yeah, hope it helps you get better.” You sat up and he placed the food on your lap. It tasted good and you hummed appreciatively. “Thank you. It’s delicious.” – “I’m glad you like it. I also bought some meds, just in case.” He said placing the meds on your nightstand. - After the meal, Killer sat down beside you and you curled up against him. You mumbled a small 'thank you' and quickly fell asleep while Killer watched over you.
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©Strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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nicorobinmywife · 1 year
🌻 when you like Sunflowers 🌻 | OP boys x GN Reader.
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Luffy is always excited to discover new islands, and this time is not much different.
when Robin said that the island they are on is known for having beautiful fields of sunflowers he noticed your eyes shining, since they are your favorite flowers.
unfortunately you didn't have time to see them, as Nami gave you the task to go get supplies for the ship, and they couldn't stay there long.
As the ship sails away, you are upset that you didn't have the opportunity to see the sunflowers, until Luffy came to you.
he takes a sunflower out of his pocket, saying he went to get you one himself.
unfortunately the sunflower was all ruined, due to Luffy always messing around with Usopp and Chopper, he probably forgot it in his pocket.
babyboy gets sad thinking you got upset but actually you appreciated Luffy's attitude a lot, pulling him into a hug and filling his rubber cheeks with kisses.
once Sanji discovers his darling's favorite type of flower, he doesn't think twice.
expect Sanji to give you sunflowers at the most random times, just to make you happy.
he asks Nami for help, maybe she'll help him plant some sunflowers for you.
Sanji is extra asf, like once you walked into your cabin and found several sunflowers scattered around the room.
when Sanji isn't wearing his signature suit, he's wearing sunflower-printed shirts just to please you.
he once prepared a romantic picnic in a field of sunflowers for you and him to enjoy each other's company.
Sanji likes to tuck small sunflowers behind your ear, saying that not even a beautiful flower like this compares to your beauty.
do you like sunflowers? okay, Kid will conquer an entire island of sunflowers just for you.
some people think it's stupid for someone to like sunflowers, and an unlucky bastard had the nerve to make fun of you for it, poor thing, Kid just squashed him like an ant.
Kid wouldn't admit it but he likes it when you walk into his office and put a little sunflower behind his ear, little acts like that make his day less stressful.
Kid once gave you a bouquet of sunflowers, they were made of metal, created with his devil fruit powers, he really worked hard on it and your smile upon receiving his gift made Kid feel it was all worth it.
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matchadobo · 8 months
KIDD; doing his shaving for him
warning/s: all fluff!, gn!reader, kidd being cheeky
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of course, kidd refuses to have facial hair
so when a stubble grows out or the roots start budding, he'd opt to start shaving
you were curious when you two first got together, why his beard never grows out
so you one day peeked inside the bathroom to see him shave
you see him so focused, eyes directed at the mirror where he meticulously cleaned off the remaining soap with a razor blade
yes he uses a razor blade, not a razor
he's so skillful about it tho it's hot
seeing him so focused makes you twirl your hair and bite your lip, smiling like an idiot because why is he so attractive?
his brows furrowed as he attempts to symmetrically clean off the foam
"what're you peekin' for, munchkin face?" he'd raise a brow, side eyeing you but is still steadily cleaning off half of the soap on his jaw
you'd reply, "anyone ever told you you're soooo handsome?" swooning like a princess
he'd break out a grin, his smile making him stop his routine to get a hold of himself
"fuck outta here, you flirt." he'd say that through gritted teeth but he's definitely smiling
but of course, that was code for keep going
and so you did keep on making side comments about how attractive he is until he finished
so the next time he does shave, he'd let you do it
he hands you the blade and says, "cmon, since you love seein me all dolled up."
you'd be scared at first, since it's a blade and you might end up hurting or scaring him
but he replied, "scar me? go ahead, bet it'd make me look sexier, aye?"
you'd sigh in defeat but deep inside, you really wanna do try it
so you sat yourself up on the sink, opened up your legs and arms and gestured for him to go in between
he'd put his arms on your side, at the sink's surface to get closer to you
this time, you were in the same height as him
he'd smile cheekily when your faces get close and it'd end up as an exchange of fits of laughter
you first grab the foamy soap, applying some on your hands and spreading it on his lower cheeks to his jaw and chin
you'd revel on how cute he looks with all the soap fluffing up his face
you'd rub his cheeks with your thumbs, making funny figures and laughing at how goofy he looks
"ready? don't go bleedin' my face off." he'd taunt you as you raise up the blade
you'd ignore him and went right on, carefully sliding the blade across his snowy skin
you'd be sooo focused, brows furrowing, lips pressing together cuz you don't want to go too deep and scar him!
but he on the other hand was downright eating you up with those damn eyes
amber orbs admiring every pore and detail of your face as a smile seemingly makes it way to his lips and you proceed to nag him to keep still: how your eyelashes flutter when you blink, how your irises move in a gradual up and down motion each time you move on to another portion, how your tongue peeks out from time to time when you get too into it, how your nose sometimes scrunch when you feel like you're gonna fuck up, how you tilt your head a bit when he moves a bit too much and the touch of your fingers sends his heart in a chase
you're gonna feel it and start growing red
you'd take a minute but he still admires how you blush over it
you'd fan yourself and he ends up laughing
but when you get back on track, boy does he not stop staring you down
he'd hit you back with the, "anyone ever told you you're so damn attractive?" gazing down as you hide your face
the entire time, you'd continue on your task while trying to regulate your heart and cheeks
once you finish and let him wash up, he'd playfully inspect your craft but praise you afterward
"pretty decent for a blushin' mess like you."
ever since then, he'd call on you to shave for him, insisting you have to be the one to do it for him
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aaaaah idk why but a man shaving looks so attractive 🥺
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princeoftheeternalbog · 8 months
Okay i have the hiccups right now so here's how i think different people from one piece would react to you having the hiccups(is this too weird? who knows).
SFW but ever so slightly, like if you dont squint you will miss it suggestiveness, on law's part.
Probably caused them lets be honest here. Also probably thinks it's the funniest thing and laughs hysterically every time your hiccups interrupt you.
Tells you to fuck off vacate the area because he can't concentrate. When he's alone he flushes bright red thinking about you.
Thinks it's the cutest thing ever and it's so annoying. He's fussing over you to the point where he doesn't notice your hands reaching for his neck. Eventually helps you get rid of them and also finds a way to flirt with you over it. 'I wish I could hear more of your sweet sounds'-headass.
Thinks it's cute but is less weird about it. Might laugh at you a little bit and most definitely will try to scare you out of them. But like seriously he has no remorse, his soul form is chasing you around the ship, you're crying, your hiccups have been gone for 10 minutes.
Tries to help you get rid of them while going on about how SUPERRR cute you are. You feel the least irritated with him.
Gave you them and feels really guilty about it even though it doesn't harm you in any way whatsoever. Thinks you're dying because Robin said something scary. Is sobbing.
Tells you some scary ass legend or ancient tradition relating to hiccups and it ends up getting rid of them because you're that frightened.
Charges you for every hiccup because 'youre disrupting the peace'. You are even more in debt than usual.
Helps you get rid of them but in the worst ways. Like that trick where it says you can drink a teaspoon of vinegar to get rid of them? Yeah. Also doesn't give you a choice about it, like if you try to run he's restraining you(😊).
Gets annoyed too quickly, like within the first two hiccups his eye is twitching. Just leave the room for your own safety.
Thinks its a bit cute and makes no attempt to help you whatsoever.
Also has hiccups.
Will help you get rid of them🫶 but also finds its funny especially when you start getting annoyed.
Thinks it's cute but when it starts interrupting your usual tasks(sitting still while he meticulously applies his makeup on your pretty face) he starts getting frustrated and enlists other people to help get rid of them.
Another one that causes the hiccups but has been trying to do it for ages because he's made it his mission to find out everything about you(he's obsessed with you).
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gatitties · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to ask if you’d consider doing a continuation of “Not in my world” specifically with the kid pirates?
─Kid Pirates x isekaed!student!reader
─Summary: one of many battles where you didn't want to get involved but end up saving the day
─Warnings: none
Part one / Part two
Yeah maybe I have something more for them (it's not because they're my favorite crew… no 😶)
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You sighed letting your body settle into the chair, letting the warm rays of the sun give your skin a satisfying tingle, if you ignored the constant threats to your life and a whole ship full of sweaty men of dubious hygiene, you could have this like a vacation in the Caribbean, you know, a post-graduation vacation.
Only you didn't finish your studies and the only thing that seemed like a vacation was that you didn't have homework, exams or schedules to keep an eye on. The rest was just stressful, but at least you had a lot of control with this type of situation, something useful you had learned in all your years as a student and that is to manage and cope with anxiety attacks, a bit sad though.
"We are under attack!"
You closed your eyes biting your inner cheek, the worst thing about being here is that Kid seemed to pick a fight with every pirate he saw, resulting in many attacks towards them, and inevitably towards you, you were a bit calmer since you started training in self defense but that wouldn't make you go on the attack.
"Are you going inside?"
"No, I just go to the bathroom and right away I'll smash someone's head, yeah, of course I'll go inside."
Killer shrugged, you were always hiding inside so he didn't really care about that, neither did the others as they seemed much more focused on the fight, however you would always get a disappointed look from the captain, did you care? No, your life was not made for fighting and if you could avoid it you would.
You spent most of it inside the doctor's room where you thought you would be safe because no one would think to hide any kind of loot here, unluckily one of the enemies was looking for some medical supplies to heal.
You just remained silent looking at each other, you took advantage of the moment of strange silence to grab a chair and throw it at his legs, unfortunately he kicked it to pieces, but you managed to move in time to dodge the sword that flew towards your shoulder.
You muttered a lot of curses while dodging every possible blow, you got a few cuts but nothing that could kill you, you decided to go outside as it would probably be easier to lose that guy in a crowd, even if it meant going headlong into the lion's den.
Luckily your lack of presence did the job on its own and the guy who started attacking you inside got lost in another battle on his way outside, you sighed in relief, standing on the sidelines as you watched everyone beat each other to near death. You shuddered at the sight of so much violence that you never seemed to adjust to.
A little problem about you in this world is that the whole thing about devil fruits and powers had you fascinated, you could see anyone using their power and your brain would just go off, just looking at how surreal it looks, which happened to you right now as you watched Kid play with metal in the air like it was nothing.
"Watch your surroundings! You can't get distracted in the middle of a battlefield."
Wire used his trident to parry a stray arrow heading straight for your head, you sweated nervously at this, giving the tall man a tight smile who sighed in relief that he had arrived on time. Even though the main four had an eye on you ever since you came dodging that guy, they eventually got used to your weird (for them) pacifist behavior and appreciated the help you sometimes gave them.
"At this pace of life I'm going to go bald…"
You muttered biting your nails, impatient for all this altercation to end once and for all, it was taking longer than usual to finish off those pirates, apparently the enemy's cannons were the biggest problem that no one seemed to be able to take care of.
"Damn… I always have to find the solutions myself."
You ran dodging most of them, reaching the ropes that joined both boats to go towards the opposite, Heat seemed to notice your actions and helped you by removing some men that you couldn't shoot down, the other boat was practically deserted, only the gunners firing, luckily too focused on their task that you were able to knock them unconscious with a blow to the neck.
You had never seen much less work with cannons in your old life but… if before most of the things you touched broke you just have to use your power of stupidity to break this, not even two minutes later you were just trying to understand how turning it on because it didn't have a fuse and you accidentally broke them, job done successfully, being a walking disaster was your greatest achievement in life, at least being clumsy helped you.
The problem was that when you wanted to go back all the enemies seemed defeated and of course going back to their ship to run away after the beating, the ropes were cut and they cornered you on the edge of the rail, your best option would be to jump, maybe with some luckily no sea monster would be found around here although with some corpses and blood in the sea… you weren't so sure.
"Do you trust me?!"
You didn't need to turn your head to know whose voice it was, Kid yelled from afar, without being able to see him you knew he was enjoying your internal struggle about what the hell to do when you seemed to be between a rock and a hard place, you swallowed, breathed deep, you took a step back climbing on the rail and before any of that crew could touch you a single hair your body plunged into the ocean in a dizzying way, if it were another less stressful situation, maybe you would have enjoyed the feeling, but not now that your heart was in your throat.
After your leap of faith (little though it was) you felt a tug at your waist, your body began to move towards Kid's outstretched hand, you quickly connected the dots and understood why they were so insistent that you wear the metal belt you wear now.
"Looks like we're going to have a big celebration today, don't you think?"
Kid released you once he was able to grab you in his arms, smiling cheekily to see how you were completely disheveled, with a completely exhausted look, you gave him the middle finger, getting out of there to your makeshift room, but not before answering him.
"Fuck off, I need a vacation from my vacation to get over this trauma."
"You're just being dramatic."
"Yeah… whatever, don't talk to me for a week, I need peace of mind and a lot of incense."
Killer chuckled quietly as he watched you slam the door shut, the others seemed just as amused by your attitude, deciding to leave you alone as they toasted to you for not chickening out and helping for once in one of their battles, you just hope they don't think that this will happen more often.
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aeuino · 2 years
feat. luffy, law, kid x gn!reader ⋮ none.
notes. reblogs / comments are very much appreciated. masterlist.
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whenever he returns to the sunny from exploring a new island, he likes to wrap his elastic arms around your waist multiple times and sway you side to side, rubbing his cheek against yours while he borderline suffocates you in a hug. giggling as he motorboats his lips against said cheek.
“missed ya, (name)!”
sitting cooped up in his office behind a desk all day reading page after page of medical remedies, the stress really starts to get to you, y’know? so that’s why when you come to check up on him, his stern expression immediately softens. for he feels he can finally relax in your company.
“don’t push yourself so hard, it’s okay to take breaks in between.”
despite his violent personality, he really does enjoy telling you about all his latest creations. boasting about one of the weapons he made destroyed a pirate ship in just a single blow! and sometimes when he’s in a really good mood, he’ll let you tinker around with some of the things in his workshop.
“you’re doing it wrong. twist it like this.”
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eustassmoss · 1 year
Hello friend! I was hoping I could request some fluff headcanons for Eustass Kid and an enby reader and what dates would be like for them? Thank you and I hope you have a good day!
Eustass Kid Fluff Headcanons:
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a/n: ahh it’s so good to be writing again, i’m sorry if this seems like a mess, i’m alil rusty but thank you so much for requesting! i appreciate it so much i hope you have a wonder day!
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- Eustass Kid is one that doesn’t care what gender you are, he’ll respect your pronouns and respect you for who you are, friend or enemy
- Eustass Kid is a rough and tough man, big and strong with some spice when he talks
- but he’s loyal and jokes around with his crew and partner
- his actions speak louder than his words when it comes to showing his love
- his rough hands being so gentle when they hold your hands
- he makes you little gifts and trinkets out of metal as a suprise or for a celebration of some kind
- sneaks them into your room to leave them as a lil surprise for the next morning
- taking you on some small dates around the islands the crew visits or finding a band and going to their concert
- and despite Kid’s confidence he actually does get nervous on the first date
- you’ll see a faint blush on his cheeks the entire date bc damn,, how did he get lucky enough to date such an amazing persons such as you
- during concert dates expect him to lift you onto his shoulders so you can see better
- big ass smirks every time he manages to fluster you or make you blush
- will snap someone's neck if they misgender you
- doesn’t admit it but he actually likes to cuddle
- be his lil backpack and spoon that man when he’s upset, he loves it (Kid: “stop telling people that!”)
- yal hear somethin? anyway… continuing
- Kid’s arm is always around your shoulder when you’re walking together
- protective, he lets you do your thing but he will keep an eye out for any creeps that may try something
- not afraid to put them in their place
- he’s a groper if you like it, will smack your ass or literally hold your cheeks while walking
- if you don’t like though, he will try and keep it in check or for the bedroom/alone time
- yall have to run from the marines alot because he always causes trouble no matter where he goes
- when you kiss him his hands always start at your waist, rubbing circles into your skin
- the kiss gets heated though and his hands travel everywhere, it’s like he can’t get enough of you
- Kid my deny it sometimes but he is madly in love with you, the crew can see it loud and clear
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thepepsislvt · 3 months
You will never believe who I’m about to ask for it’s so shocking
but COWBOY kid an killer reacting to their s/o saying
“Save a horse, ride a cowboy!”
as a texan and cowboy myself yes ma’am you sure can (said in a southern accent)
this is gonna be a lil short drabble bc i just need to WRITE and my inbox is SO FULL UGHH WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF
Warnings: NSFW content 18+, Gn Reader, no pronouns or body parts mentioned
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he’ll slowly turn to look at you with a smirk
“Is that so Darling?”
gonna hold you to your word
will take you to his room no matter time of day or what you’re doing
you better ride him good too otherwise he’ll make you go all night until you get it right
he wont even help you smh
“If you dont know how to ride a horse, best ta practice on the cowboy, ain’t that right, sweetheart?”
hes gonna bring it up all the time too like the annoying shit he is
will probably do a double take
he isnt sure if he heard you right
once you repeat yourself he will in fact have you prove it later on that night
“since you want to ride so bad, then do it”
He’ll tie you up in rope too 🤭
unlike Kid, hes gonna help support you, occasionally thrusting his hips up to meet yours
“there we go, sunshine, just like that. You’re doing so good”
he will praise you to the moon and back <3
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strawheart-pirate · 2 months
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💘4th place Cupido Valentine's Day event 💘 No date, but a consolation price.
Eustass Kid x gn!Reader
Words: 754 CW: SFW / the tiniest bit of angst / fluff / a love-struck captain / letters
The Kid pirates have docked at your island, and you will finally get to meet Kid in person and go on a date with him. It started with letters. You recognized him as a childhood friend on one of his wanted posters and sent a letter with a seagull and after a while he answered. Your feelings developed and now you were both excited about your first date. Hopefully nothing will get in your way.
Link to the masterpost of this event.
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This was one of those times when Killer was glad he wore a mask and his expression didn't give him away. Kid adjusted his suit in the mirror while getting ready for his date, and all Killer could think was that suits and Kid didn't mix. But he knew it was important to his captain and best friend, so he supported him nonetheless.
"You look good." Killer said carefully as Kid tied the red tie around his neck.
"Yeah. Did you get the flower?" Kid asked, but Killer had already placed the single red rose in his palm and patted his shoulder.
"You got it, Kid." The crew stood proudly as their captain left the Victoria Punk to meet his date in town. If they felt the same way as Killer, at least no one showed it, and Kid went into town knowing that his crew had his back.
As he reached the restaurant where you were to meet, his eyes began to search for you. A single red rose was the sign you'd agreed upon, just to be sure, though he knew what you looked like from a photo and his memory. Puberty and growing up had only added to your natural beauty, and he had the image of you burned into the back of his mind. After all, he sat in his room many nights with you in his mind and his guitar in his hands, drawing note after note from his fingers. He was head over heels, but he tried to play it cool. You must be coming any minute and he didn't want to act like a love-struck fool...
The minutes felt like hours as he waited. Five, ten, now fifteen. He became more and more nervous with each passing minute. Thoughts were running through his head and the idea of being dumped was forming in his mind. After thirty minutes of waiting outside, he decided to at least check to see if you were inside by any chance before heading back.
The restaurant was buzzing with conversation and people, but you were nowhere in sight. Just before he left, a waiter called his name, came over and handed him a letter. He explained that you'd stopped by earlier with an elderly person and left this for "a tall, broad, red-haired man whose name was Kid and who held a single rose in his hand”. Kid's mood boosted and a cocky grin appeared on his face as the waiter repeated the words you had used to describe him. He thanked the waiter and walked out. As he sat down on a nearby bench, he put the rose down to read the letter. “Dear Kid, I'm sorry, but I won't be able to meet with you today. My grandma needed help getting to the hospital, and I was the only one available to assist her. If you're still on the island tomorrow and free, let's meet at the same time and place. I'll be waiting for you. I hope you have an amazing Valentine's Day and that you are not feeling heartbroken. Please know that this is not a rejection, but rather a delay until I can finally be in your embrace. I am looking forward to tomorrow! Yours, ...”
Kid had a big grin on his face as he returned to the Victoria Punk earlier than expected.
"Kid?" Killer asked hesitantly, wondering why his captain and best friend was already back and even grinning. "Weren't you supposed to have a date?"
"They didn't come." Kid replied, the grin still on his face.
"But... Then why are you happy?" Killer looked at him dumbfounded, the question slipping from his lips before he even knew it. Normally, Kid's anger would burn all around him when he was rejected, but there was this shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
"My dear Killer, you'll know when you've found your special one." Leaving him with more questions than answers, Kid patted him on the shoulder and shoved the rose into his hands as he walked away.
Kid went to his quarters, took off his tie and jacket, and undid the first few buttons of his shirt. He sat down on his couch and picked up the electric guitar. After making sure it was in tune, he strummed a few chords and hummed your name.
"You're my muse and I can't wait till tomorrow." He whispered, his head in the clouds, dreaming of you as his hands intuitively played the song he had written for you.
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated! Valentine divider by ©firefly-graphics
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nicorobinmywife · 1 year
One piece characters reacting at male reader having a big ass and a fighting style like Nightwing.
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Request by: anonymous.
Summary: you're a acrobatic fighter with a big ass like nightwing, let's see how the boys act around you. Male Reader
Characters: Zoro, Sanji, Kidd, Luffy, Ace and Shanks.
he only has one eye and he will use it to look at your ass.
sometimes he gets confused and wonders how someone manages to have such a big ass.
Zoro is just terrible at pretending he's not looking.
he is also impressed with your fighting skills, the way you are so flexible and acrobatic definitely caught his attention
he avoids training with you, not that he doesn't like your presence but it's hard to stay focused when you're around.
he curses himself for not being able to stop looking at another man's ass.
when you walk past him, he quickly wipes away his nosebleed hoping no one noticed.
when it's your turn to do the dishes, he sits in a chair behind you and enjoys the view.
you and sanji have very similar fighting styles, he invites you to train with him so you can teach him some moves.
He don't give a fuck, he will slap your ass anytime he wants.
would definitely think you are teasing him on purpose.
he shoots a death glare at anyone who looks at your ass, only he, and sometimes killer, can enjoy the view.
having a big ass gave you the privilege of being the only person in the world who can sit on his lap, so be proud and happy!
your ass is like a big piece of soft meat for him.
when he wants to sleep he uses your butt as a pillow.
sometimes you scold him for grabbing your ass all the time.
"Hey Y/N would you let me bite your butt?" - Luffy casually asks in front of the entire crew.
he invited you to join his crew after he saw you beating up some corrupt sailors who wanted to steal money from your village.
you were a marine when you met ace, but you two weren't exactly enemies.
you and ace fought sometimes, just for fun, he liked how you dodged his devil fruit powers with your acrobatic skills.
in one of your fights, you climbed on top of Ace and you felt something growing inside his shorts.
"so-sorry! It's not my fault you have such a big ass!" - he defends himself and blushes like hell.
of course he tried to convince you to leave the navy, Ace thinks they don't deserve someone as sexy as you working for them.
Ace felt like he is the luckiest mf in the world when you left the navy and joined him.
Shanks is down bad for you ass, for real.
he doesn't care if others look at your butt as long as he's the only one who can touch it.
Shanks watches you training everyday and he has some dirty thoughts seeing how flexible you are.
when you drink together his hand is on your waist, holding you very tight.
if you think he doesn't punish you for spending all day teasing him with your big ass you are wrong.
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matchadobo · 29 days
KIDD; picking him up from jail😭
warning/s: gn reader, modern au, kidd is violent, mentions of injuries and sex but nothin too crazy, kidd's a red flag sighhhh
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* a real piece of work!! he'd frequent his days at the police station he'd start being homies with the cops
* would have a record of like jaywalking, traffic violations, gambling, prohibited purchases, assault. falling in that range bc he's pretty impulsive and does whatever he wants, but it don't mean he'll steal or kill or sumn
* most of the times it'd be assault 😭 pls he'll always be throwing hands at folks who crosses him or rubs him the wrong way. with you coming in the picture, he lessened this attitude. but it doesn't mean it'll stop.
* you always have to pick his ass up from police station 😭 it'd almost be like dates
* he'll always look like this good little kid that got into a fight patiently waiting for you with a scowl. but sometimes, if the officers gets too overbearing and starts insulting him, you'd interrupt their screaming fest. because amidst the cuffs, kidd will not hesitate to point and sneer at them ✋😩
* you'd have to physically stop him and apologize profusely to the cops to not add to his record more
* during which, he'd be littered with bruises and cuts. his clothes would be tattered but it's mostly because of him cuz he's just way too violent 🥹 especially when the other party have the same pettiness as him
* "look at you, you're worse than the last time!
* "you shoulda seen the other guy." he'd snicker, very proud at his state.
* you'd sigh heavily and drag his ass back home
* once home, kidd will notice that you'll be pissed. cuz bailing him is getting on your nerves, another money spent cuz of his arrogance! so he'll try and "apologize" by hugging you from the back and kissing your neck or smelling your hair as he mumble his "apologies"
* "i can always count on ya, huh?"
* "fuck off, kidd."
* you'd pull away from his embrace but he'd easily lock fingers with you and pull you back again to his arms
* "okay, okay, i'm sorry, babe. thanks for having my back again, like always, hm? you'll be glad this time, cuz i really did my best to not fight, alright? the other guy started it and he pissed me off"
* "sure, he did." you looked away with knitted brows, squeezing his hands on yours. "let me guess, he was just looking at you."
* "...that and some other things too! was at the bar enjoying shots with the boys, and he stole the rum i ordered. fucker tossed his money as payment at me thinkin' i'd let it slide like that."
* "guess he deserved it then."
* he'd follow you into the living room, sit by the couch, and watch you fetch the hygiene kit. you'd sit by the coffee table across him, motioning for him to come closer. this'd always be his favorite part.
* you ask him to take his shirt off to see the bruises from his torso, he'll pull it over his head and you really still have to swallow your spit each time you see him shirtless even after the long time your relationship lasted
* while you tend to his cuts and you're so close to his face, he'd always muse at you like it's the first time he'd been close like this. it'd always make you blush and sometimes forget why you're pissed. plEASE IMAGINE HIM being real quiet, observant, and patient with you and you're so close at kissing-width KSHDBXVDBV DIES the eustass kidd shutting up for once and staring at you cuz he finds your focused face real cute✋👰‍♀️
* "with your request of stopping my impulsiveness, it'd be hard to comply if this is what i'd come home to all the damn time."
* "i'll beat your ass myself don't worry." you'd clap back, pressing the q-tip with betadine on his cuts to elicit a pain response from him. which was successful, but he'd be laughing afterward
* he'd ramble all about how great he was at the fight, real proud of his mess. while he does so, you'd move onto his body to tend to some bruises
* "your ass hurts?"
* "kind of, fell pretty hard."
* "okay, so no sex."
* "what?! hey that's not-"
* "if you end up having more bruises and injuries, i don't want that."
* "b-but- ow!" you'd dab a little bit harder but not too much, just enough to shut him up
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have a lot in queue?? just polishing the others and will release soon
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fanaticsnail · 23 days
Dreaming of You
Masterlist here
Word Count: 470+, 900+, 1,200+, 900+
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Synopsis: They couldn't help it. You looked so heavenly in their dreams. The way they had you wrapped around their body as a marionette in their minds, dancing for them as they awoke to sticky blankets when they jolted upright. Their thoughts got the better of them, and they are wracked with guilt. Kid, Killer, Heat
Warnings: wet dreams, gn!reader (penetration-reader!receiving), swearing, masturbation, dub con (Using your image to masturbate to), suggestive content, feelings, all individual 'x reader', headcanons, NSFW, 18+, MDNI.
Notes: This is the Kid-Pirates version of the original Heart-Pirate fic. @jintaka-hane asked for it, @nerium-lil and I needed it. I love these guys. Please read the warnings.
Tag list: @sordidmusings @since-im-already-here @feral-artistry @writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @indydonuts @i-am-vita @mfreedomstuff @carrotsunshine
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“Please, don't stop. Don't stop!” You sobbed in desperation, the feeling of his thrusting causing tears to spill from your eyes in ecstacy. You writhed as he sheathed himself deep within your stomach, overcome by his brutal rapidity in using your body to chase his own high.
He tugged at your hair, pounding you from behind while he anchored his chin into your neck. Turning his head, he gnawed at your shoulder with a deep, purple bite, prompting you to cry out his name as he kept bullying that sweet spot deep within you. He tugged harder on your hair, looking into your face from behind and witnessing its contortion in pleasure.
“Please, please,” you whined his name, in a begging chant, “Please cum in me. Use my body for your pleasure. I n-need it.” His eyes rolled back, tightening his hold on your waist and digging his nails into your hair. He immediately barked out a string of curses, spilling his hot cum deep within you with a soft chant of your name.
The contractions of your body fluttering around his throbbing cock prompted him to cry your name and chase his high with more intentional snaps of his hips. His hot spurts splash up within you as he molded your body to the shape of his throbbing cock.
“Nnghm, you f-fucking feel that?” he growled, his brows furrowing as he pressed his hand on your stomach to feel the tip of his cock deep in you, “I’m cumming so fucking deep. I'm-... fuck, hnmh-... I'm cumming.” You mewled for him, throwing your head back on his shoulder and rocked yourself on him.
“Yes. F-Fuck, yes. Keep going,” The spectral, dream-like image of your body crying for him branded itself into his memories. He couldn’t get enough, his eyes glazing over as he witnessed you take his entire, heavy load deep within you.
The yelp of his name, the dopey smile on your lips, and body glistening in a soft dew of pleasure had him chasing your high and over stimulating his thick cock buried within you. He pummeled himself deeper, huffing and panting before feeling a sense of pride at feeling you clench around him as you cum for him.
“Ahh, f-f-fuck,” he barked, shooting the few final spurts of his release into you before the image dissipated and was shrouded in murky shadow.
His eyes snapped open, looking down to his stomach as he witnessed the damp patch of sticky cum deep into his pants. His cock twitched, grinding his knob against his underwear as it began to deflate.
Cringing, he opened the waistband of his pants and growled at the translucent release coating his cock, fluid pooling down his shaft and leaking down his balls. He groans at the sight before falling back and wallowing in self pity.
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Eustass Kid
“..-You.” Kid growled, pinching his brow with his right hand before rubbing his eyes and face with his palm, “Fuck you!” He kicked back his bedsheets, springing to his feet and growling all the while.
Aggressively peeling off his pajama pants, he used the coarse material to clean his cock of the remnants of his illusionary desires. He rolled them into a ball and threw them to the other side of the room, snarling at the fact his body betrayed him in such a way.
Grumbling, groaning and pouting, he kicked at the side of his bed and sifted through his clothes to find a fresh pair of pants. He was angry, mostly, at himself; the way his cock decided to take the lead in ushering him through dreams he knew would never be a reality. You were a part of his crew! His job was to lead you, and your role was to trust him enough to follow his orders.
Drawing back over encounters with you on his crew, real and tangible moments you shared together, his frown deepened at the thoughts. Your smile beaming at him, the way you stood in front of him to protect him from harm's way, the way you followed his orders with nothing uttered besides a simple: “Yes, Captain”, the way your back arched when you recoiled tangled ropes.
He halted at that thought, zeroing in on that moment. Your ass. Your perfect ass. His cock twitched in his pants, prompting his right hand to reach down and readjust the angle within the tight fabric.
A sneer found its way to his lips, pouting as he replayed the hazy dream he woke from moments prior. Listening to the way your tongue rolled over his name, the way you so easily sucked his cock deep within your body, the feel of his hand reaching around your stomach to feel the protrusion from within your abdomen externally - he began to grow angry.
You did this to him.
This was your fault.
He began to stomp towards the top deck, knowing that he rostered you on for the night shift in the crows nest to keep watch. Twitching his right hand, he began to buzz the sparks of magnetism to coil around your leather uniform at the metal ring in center of your chest.
Gazing over at the sea, you feel your eyes droop. Your body is overcome with exhaustion after keeping yourself awake through the cryptid hours, a yawn calling to you with a tightness in your chest. As you clamp your lips shut after a lengthy yawn, you feel the tightness in your chest grow, the center of your harness buzzing to life and shaking with static.
“What the-... Ahh!” you exclaim, feeling your body soar through the air and down the top mast towards the angry figure of your Captain. You shriek in shock, your back thumping against the stiff mast as the crackling energy pinned you against the wood.
Eustass Kid stomps his heavy boots over to you, your brows knit in both shock and fury at how he made your body dance within the air so easily with his devil-fruit ability.
“What the fuck is your problem, Captain-?” you attempt to ask, your voice being silenced by a feral, barking growl of your Captain.
“-You’re my problem!” Kid roared, looking down his nose at you and curling back his lips to bare his teeth at you, “Walking around wearing that leather outfit like you're some part of BDSM club!”
“The fuck?” you question him, truly confused as you downturn your lip, “You gave this to me, Sir. It's a part of our uniform? You make all of us wear one!” You bark back at him, sneering up at him.
“Fuck you,” Kid snarled, stepping closer to you and closing the gap between your bodies. You end up more confused, up-turning your lip as you feel your anger more tangible.
“Fuck me?” you snarl, shaking your head, “Fuck you, Sir,” you spat, darting your eyes down his chest to get a read on his posture and body language. “You can't just go around calling people to you when you feel like it! What the fuck is wrong with- Mmmfph!”
Hot lips crash atop yours, Kid's bruising kiss shocking your senses more than the initial spectral grab through the air. His teeth bit at your lips, his roaming right hand snaking around your waist and grasping at your ass in a rough fistful. You cry out in shock as he begins kneading it beneath his palm.
“Fuck-,” Kid muffled against your mouth, tilting his head and dragging his tongue over your lips, “-You.”
Offended, you fight back. You bit his bottom lip, aggressively flicking your tongue into his mouth and wriggling against the buzzed pin of your harness against the wood.
“Fuck you, Captain,” you snarl, gasping into his mouth, and wrapping your legs over his hips to find purchase against them. He drove his hips forward, grinding its clothed, thick cock against your pelvis; his knob already beginning to weep with precum from the moment you reciprocated his advances. You groaned against his lips, still partially in shock as to why your captain was kissing you like this.
Kid refused to allow his dreams to get the better of him, falling victim to its foggy, illusionary composition. Why should he make up some fictitious memory when the real thing was so much better?
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Massacre Soldier Killer
Overcome with the sheer embarrassment of his intrusive thoughts, he closed his eyes and took a moment to collect himself.
“Keep going,” the mirage called to him, his hazy form using your body as a muse for pleasure, “Killer, I need you.” He snapped upright, stomping over to his laundry basket and peeled off his sticky pants and underwear. Aggressively thrusting the soiled garments in the hamper, he drew his hands up to his hair and scraped it back with his fingers.
As his fingers met with his hair, he was reminded of the image his mind made of the texture of yours. The thump of your hips meeting his, the ripples of your ass as it slapped back into him, the way your body felt wrapped around his cock: he was haunted by you. He growled, his hands shaking with rage at his mind defiling the image of you and forcing his body to cum.
“You deserve better than this,” Killer whispered aloud, shaking his mask-covered face and scowling at his cock, “The fuck is wrong with me?” He cleaned himself up with a few tissues from his bedside table before shrugging his pants over his hips and making his way to the bathroom.
He saw a light reflected in the basin and vanity of the small bathroom, watching as your hunched figure bent itself over the sink and washed your face. You had a soft wiggle in your movements, humming as you shook your hips and splashed water on your face.
Frozen in place, he had never been more thankful to be wearing a mask. He shamelessly raked his eyes over the curvature of your ass, watching as you arched your back to gaze at your reflection. Focussing on ridding the night off your features and waking yourself up, you didn't notice him standing behind you.
Transfixed by your gentle hum, he couldn't bring himself to scold his rapidly buzzing thoughts at what you looked beneath your pajamas. The prior dream and lustful visions had his cock twitch beneath his pants. You finally noticed his presence beside you, calling out your greeting to him and asking your question.
“Killer, can you fuck me, please? I need to know how your body tightens as you paint my insides with your sticky cum. I need it, please.”
Killer snapped his eyes up to your face, noticing you cock your head to the side with a puzzled expression. His body tightened, tensing his muscles as he gulped back a large, dry lump; his Adam's apple bobbing at the thought.
“Wanna run that by me again?” Killer asked, stuttering over the words. You smile warmly at him, briefly examining his body.
“I said: ‘Morning, Killer. Can you pass me that towel please? I kinda need it to dry my face’,” you giggle, gesturing to the towel beside him with your index finger. He hastily rustled the towel into his hands and thrust it out in front of him. You express your gratitude with a soft nod of your head, swiping at your face to dry it.
You take a moment to study him, noticing the tension in his chest and subtle shake in his hands. His body remained stationary, staring at you as you attempted to get a read on him.
“Did you want the basin?” you ask him, no response being met with your question. Killer deeply inhaled, exhaling with a soft sigh of deep mourning. “Kil? You okay? Rough night?” He snapped out of it, gazing at you through the holes in his mask and smiling softly.
“I feel like I should apologize to you,” Killer confessed, reaching out his hands to take your towel and hanging it on your allocated hook. “Look, I-...” he trailed off, shaking his head and clicking his tongue, “...I had a dream about you, and it didn't put you in a good position. I feel like I should apologize to you for it.”
“Oh? What do you mean? What position?” your brows knit together, looking at him with confusion, “Were we fighting or something? Hah! Did I win?” He took a moment to step forward, offering his hands up in defense.
His silence has you concerned, looking down at him before your eyes widened in shock. Killer was admitting he had a dream about fucking you.
“O-Oh…” you exclaimed in shock before your lips curled into a light smirk, “Ohh, that kind of dream…” Stepping forward, you gently jab at him with your index finger with a loud, teasing laugh. “And how was I, big guy?” you teased him, grinning a winning smile and biting your tongue playfully at him, “Did you finish? Did I finish?” He remained silent and crossed his arms over his chest, prompting you to squeal out a choked laugh.
“Oh shit, did you-...” your eyes snapped down to his pants before gazing back into the holes in the mask where his eyes would be, “...Did you actually finish? Like, in the dream, and outside of it?” your smile widened, a soft blush growing on your face as he remained silent and stoic.
“Oh, Killer!” you laughed, clapping your arms around his biceps and giving him a gentle hug with a light laugh, “It's fine. Honest! No judgment from me” you break from the embrace to glance up at him. “Sometimes our minds just run away with us. Enjoy the show. I’m flattered, truly.”
He couldn't help but be in awe of your response, watching as you turned back around and began fixing your hair in the reflection. You began humming your song again, attempting to ignore the rising flutters in your chest at the notion that somewhere, deep beneath the muscular exterior of Killer’s extremely built body, the first-mate had a soft spot for you.
“You forgive me, then?” Killer asked softly, unfolding his arms and hanging them by his side.
“There's really nothing to forgive, but if you think you need it, sure. I forgive you, big guy,” you suggested, getting frustrated at yourself as your hair decided to become uncooperative, “Can help me with my damn hair, and then tell me all about it? In graphic detail? I gotta know what you had me do in your dreams.” Laughing at your own response, your smile was wiped from your face as Killer grabbed a rough fistful of your hair.
He arched you back, feeling your body meet with his chest as he held your hair. His grip was tight enough to halt your motion, but loose enough to not harm you. You let out a soft squeak of shock, eyes widening as you stared at him in the reflection. His other arm snaked around your hips, holding you flush against him.
“Tell you?” he whispered into your ear, tugging your hair to have your head lull back against his shoulder, “Why do that when I can show you?” He nuzzled his head into your neck, freezing before flinching away to check in, “That is, if this is something that you want?”
You blink back your shock, gawking at the position he had you in. Your mind raced a thousand ways a second as you darted your eyes over his hold on you. You whisper quietly, eyes wide and innocent while your curiosity peaks.
“Yes, please.”
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Heat growls at himself, thrusting his left hand into his tangled head of lengthy bed hair before slumping back down into the mattress. Scarred lips quirk down at the corners, his mouth pouting as he contemplates over what just happened.
His crewman, his confidante, his friend: you. He had conjured up an astral projection within his slumber of you writhing on his cock as he thrust deep, languid movements up into your body. The feeling of your spectral image wrapped around his thick shaft, the way you shook like a leaf around him the moment you came undone; it was all enough to spark a new round of inspiration to ignite within his cock.
He reached down into his pants, wrapping his underwear around his already half-hard cock and began grinding the slippery material down over his shaft. The shame he felt was eclipsed by the way your voice haunted him, the way you poured his name over your lips.
“Heat,” he heard you within his mind's eye, “Fuck me, Heat. I need you. Please fuck me.” He whimpered, drawing up the covers to his lips and biting down on the thick blanket. Scrunching his eyes shut, he began thrusting his hips up to meet with his pistoning cock in his palm.
He whispered your name, groaning as his tongue brushed with the duvet. He rolled within the bed, keeping the blankets within his clamped teeth as he began bucking into his hand. Although he took you from behind in his dream, he was picturing your face in his mind.
The way you'd hang your mouth to form a perfect “O” when you came, the way your thighs would quake as your body tingled with the first contraction of your orgasm, the way he would be able to see the deep bulge within your stomach considering the size difference between you. He huffed, panting your name as he heard what you'd say when you came undone.
“Heat, I-I’m gonna cum,” he screwed his eyes shut, tongue flicking out over the blanket as he continued to chase his high, “Please let me. I n-need to. Please let me cum on your cock.” He allowed his mind to get the best of him, picturing exactly how your toes would curl behind his back.
“Y-You like that?” he whispered your name, “You like the way my cock feels deep inside you?” His whisper and huffed pants of your name echoed in his private quarters, his solitude in this moment being his only comfort.
Giving himself permission to use your name while he pleasures himself, he came to terms with the way he felt about you. To him, you were perfect. You were the person for him: his favorite person. The person he wants to come to bed with after a long day to snuggle - to fuck into his mattress, and to ruin for any other partner due to how well he would seek to please you.
“Oh, fuck,” he whispered your name, screwing his eyes shut tighter and feeling the soft prick of tears at the corners of his eyes, “You wanna cum? Wanna cum with me?” He doubled down his efforts, “You want my cum? I'll fucking fill you up.”
He groaned a final call of your name, rutting into his hand deep against the mattress and painting the inside of his underwear with thick spurts of scorching cum.
“I-I'm cumming,” he cried your name, whimpering and growling it like an animal in heat while staggering his thrusts into his hand, “Oh, I'm cumming for you.”
After riding his palm coming down from his high, he immediately felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame at the fact he used your image to chase his release into his hand. His blush deepens, his disgust growing as he feels the sticky pool seeping through his underwear and into his pajama pants.
Hastily springing to his feet, he kicked off the pants to avoid more of a spill and grimaced as he peeled off his underwear. Folding the material in half, he used it to clean the rest of his shaft before tossing them into a hamper beside his bed. He redrew up the pajama pants over his hips and walked over to his door, collecting his bathroom supplies as he prepared himself for a proper shower to wake himself up.
As he opened his door, he was met with a statuesque figure of a fist balled at his chest height and intending to knock. His eyes widened, looking down to see your widened eyes and deep flush coating your face in several shades darker than your original hue.
His own face immediately flushed with blood, his cheeks darkening to a deep purple color the moment he saw your face. Your fist shook lightly, your lips parted and your eyes slowly blinked.
You had just caught Heat masturbating, and he had whispered your name while he came. Without truly a clue as to what to do with this information, you gulped back a dry mouthful and stated your purpose.
“Captain sent me to get you to come on watch-shift with me in the next twenty,” you managed to choke out, avoiding eye contact with Heat as his shock drew further up his face, “I made us breakfast-.”
Heat immediately slammed his bedroom door in your face, turning on his heels and throwing his hand up to cover his eyes in shame. He yelled into his palm, stifling the sound as his embarrassment and shame washed over his body in a cold, icy wave.
This was going to be one very long, very awkward, and very tense shift.
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