#eula lawrence imagines
(Genshin Impact) Giving Headpats to Furina, Lynette, Arlecchino, Chiori, Lumine, Jean, Eula, Noelle, Ayaka, Sara, Yae, Shenhe, and Xianyun
No one requested this, as for the reason this post exists, the only thing I can give you is this image:
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Furina freezes up the moment she feels S/O's hand pick up her hat, only to ruffle her hair.
She squawks for just a moment, quickly blushing and pouting as Furina yanks her hat down.
(Furina) "D-Don't just start patting me out of nowhere!"
Crossing her arms, she looks away, trying to not look bothered about the whole affair.
She finds it highly embarrassing. At least in public.
The moment they're alone and she feels their hand, she closes her eyes and completely relaxes, humming in content.
There's still a blush on her, but it's far more subdued unless S/O starts teasing her about it.
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Lynette does not like just anyone rubbing her head due to her cat-like features.
In public, the top of her head in general is completely off limits.
But if it's just her and S/O at home, then she allows it.
In fact, when S/O's hand starts petting her head, she leans into them completely as her eyes close, just like an actual cat.
Her ears twitch a little, but her tail swishes left and right happily.
If they stop too early, Lynette's eyes slowly open and looks at them expectantly.
(Lynette) "...Why did you stop?"
Feeling the warm of their hand allowed Lynette to rest comfortably, and to space out to her heart's content.
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Arlecchino did the same thing to comfort many of the children at the Hearth.
Yet she didn't know what to do when S/O did the same, feeling her hair slightly ruffled.
If her S/O was taller (in which case "Dude, you look huge"), she really wouldn't comment on the height difference, but if they were shorter, THEN she'd be surprised they would even attempt it.
Arlecchino doesn't care if it's in private or public, but she would care if they did so in front of her kids.
Because then they'd see that she has someone that can make her comfortable too, which in turn makes them happy.
Seeing their father cared for puts them at ease, making Arlecchino thankful in her own way.
But as for the action itself: she would just talk to them in her usual tone, though with a bit of a "threat" lying underneath.
(Arlecchino) "Did you wish for me to pat your head too, S/O? I might be rougher with you than the others."
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Chiori raises an eyerbrow.
(Chiori) "S/O, what are you doing?"
Once they explain themselves, Chiori can't help roll her eyes.
(Chiori) "Did you expect me to get all flustered from that? Psh, it'll take a little more than messing up my hair to do that. Speaking of which, can you fix it for me? I'm a little busy here."
She finds it cute, yeah, but it's not that big of a deal.
Plus, she finds it weird.
Who just goes around, patting their girlfriends' heads unprompted?
Oh well, it's not like this was particularly harmful, so Chiori lets it slide.
But if they do that in front of customers or in public, S/O is dead.
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Lumine's body stiffens when S/O's hand ruffles her hair lovingly, before she quickly giggles.
(Lumine) "Hey, stand still!"
She quickly does the same back, though her retaliation is far more playful and destructive.
S/O's hair is an absolute mess now, Lumine giving a cheeky grin back.
(Lumine) "There, now you look better than before!"
It does not take long for the situation to quickly devolve into a tickle fight with both of them on the bed laughing.
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Jean takes a moment to register what S/O is doing, but after a few seconds she smiles.
Jean lets her shoulders drop, feeling more at ease by the second.
So this is how Barbara and Klee felt when she did the same.
(Jean) "Your hand feels quite nice, S/O..."
She doesn't realize her own flushed cheeks as her vision becomes slightly hazed with her affection.
If anything, she feels a little sad everytime they pull back.
It was such a relaxing sensation, and honestly made her feel a little sleepy.
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Eula's head feels a bit colder to the touch, but her body is rapidly heating up, especially her face.
(Eula) "What do you think you're doing, S/O?"
Hearing their answer, Eula pauses for a moment before responding.
(Eula) "Next time, you should ask for permission instead of rubbing my hair like I'm some sort of child...I don't recall asking you to stop either."
In classic Eula fashion, she doesn't tell them directly that she loves the feeling of their hands.
But she'd be damned if she was going to admit something so embarrassing.
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Noelle feels a mixture of pride and embarrassment everytime S/O pats her on the head.
On one hand it felt quite nice, and the gesture was very sweet!
But it made her feel a little childish.
She never voiced her latter feelings aloud, because it still made her flustered all the same.
(Noelle) "A-Ah...Um, thank you, S/O...!"
It made her want to do her best everytime just so she could receive such affection, and made sure to do it back to them!
But with her strength, she accidentally completely dishevels their hair.
Before promptly fixing it in nearly an instant with her skills as a dutiful maid!
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Ayaka exhales deeply, any words she had completely fading away in bliss.
These were the kinds of moments Ayaka longed for, to simply share affection with a lover of her own.
It made her feel quite normal as opposed to the prim and proper noblewoman she was forced to be.
(Ayaka) "If I may be selfish for a moment, might I ask for you to continue...?"
She'd be a little embarrassed asking for more, but her shame vanishes the moment she feels their hand on her head again.
Ayaka is too shy to initiate the headpatting on her own, most of the time having her hand almost reach her S/O's head before pulling away last second.
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Sara flinches and leans away from S/O on instinct.
(Sara) "What are you-...M-My apologies, I was just not expecting you to..."
Her hand fidgets for a moment before Sara lets out a sigh.
(Sara) "If you wanted to touch my hair, you can just ask."
Now that she was actually ready for S/O, she enjoyed the feeling of their fingers brushing against her hair.
It was relaxing as she let down her guard and enjoyed the physical affection.
Needless to say, Sara absolutely did not want S/O to do this in public.
Seeing Inazuma's general get pat on the head so lovingly would obliterate her image.
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Yae smirks as she leans her head closer to them, not saying a word at first.
Her ears twitch for just a moment as she opens her mouth to speak.
(Yae) "Well, does my hair feel nice, S/O?"
And before S/O knows it, her tail wrapped around their waist before bringing them closer and her the back of her head is resting on their lap.
Yae's hand waves nonchalantly, and her tone growing increasingly ever more teasing.
(Yae) "I expect to be pampered properly, S/O. You can't leave a job half-finished after all!"
Now, Yae expects S/O to tend to her hair, in public or private, she doesn't really care.
As long as there were some good reactions from S/O both was fine, though in public tended to provide the funniest result.
...Oh, and their hands did feel nice. But she'd figure it'd be more entertaining to let S/O figure that one out themselves.
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Shenhe knows this feeling well.
Cloud Retainer did the same thing whenever she meant to comfort her.
And of course, the feeling is much of the same when S/O does it to her.
WIth zero shame or hesitation, she closes her eyes and the corners of her lips grow into some semblance of a smile.
(Shenhe) "Your hands are soft, S/O...They feel good."
Instead of leaning into them, she grabs their entire arm and has their hand stay stuck in place.
But Shenhe is careful enough to not hurt them during the process.
She opens her eyes and calmly asks them:
(Shenhe) "Can you keep your hand in place for a little longer?"
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Xianyun had provided much of the same comfort to all her disciples before.
But never has anyone attempted to pat her head.
So when she feels S/O's hands do the same motion, she is stunned for a few moments.
Clearing her throat and adjusting her glasses, she puts on the best poker face she can.
(Xianyun) "W-Why did you feel the need to rub One's head, One is not feeling upset."
...The blush on her cheeks gave her feelings completely away, if the stutter didn't already do that.
Xianyun is far too proud to admit that headpat made her heart skip, and she would refuse to ever do so.
A mortal patting an Adeptus' head? Absolutely ridiculous!
...She wanted S/O to do that again.
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sea-lanterns · 1 year
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synopsis: genshin women trying to find your ring size
featuring: eula, yelan, miko, ningguang
rating: sfw (anyone can interact)
warnings: gn! reader, fluff, kissing, affectionate physical touches, slightly suggestive content (miko's), already established relationship, not proof read.
art credits: whisper me a love song
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When you got home that evening, you noticed that Eula wasn’t waiting for you in the living room like she usually did, ready to greet you the moment you set foot through the door. That’s fine, she’s probably somewhere else in the house then, right? Either that or she was still working late and won’t get home until later. You didn’t mind, you could wait for your girlfriend as long as it takes!
See, that’s what you thought at first. However, as you went to set your work stuff down and take off your shoes, you hear rummaging in your bedroom and the sounds of Eula’s frustrated grunts.
“Now where would they…”
Oh, so she was home, she was just in your bedroom! You smiled and set your bag down to make your way over to your room, peeking in through the illuminated crack of the door to see what she was up to. Eula was busy hunched over the dresser that housed all your clothes, digging through a wooden jewelry box you kept atop the dresser, while pushing through various bracelets, necklaces, and other jeweled accessories. 
“Wh-…” you decided not to say anything and settled for hiding behind the door to see what she was doing. Why was she rummaging through all your stuff? She didn’t need to be so secretive, if she wanted to wear some of your jewelry she could just ask…
“Ah…finally…” Your eyes lit up as Eula pulled out one of your rings, admiring the glisten of one of the gemstones and holding it up in the air to examine. “I think this is it, it should be their size…” She smiled softly and cupped the precious ring in her hand, rubbing her fingers over the smooth, worn out metal.
“This time it’ll be a real diamond, my love…”
Your eyes widened at her implications, turning away from the door to quietly walk away and pretend like you didn’t see anything. Was this real? Did you just…witness her plans to propose to you?
You almost let out a squeal of excitement, yet also bashed yourself for having caught her in the midst of it. Whatever! It wasn’t like you knew when she was going to propose…
“Home already, darling?” You heard her say, turning around to face your girlfriend with nervous eyes. “Ah…yeah, I just got home a minute ago. How was work?”
“Sufficient, I suppose…”  Eula smiled and walked over to plant a kiss on your forehead, your eyes noticing her slip the ring into her back pocket. “I missed you, but I need to make an errand now, my darling. I’ll be back soon.”
“Oh? Where to in this late hour?” You tease, folding your arms and smiling expectedly at her. 
“Mm, nowhere too important.” Eula chuckled, picking up your hand and planting a small kiss on your ring finger. “Let’s just say I need to make a special order…”
Your heart hammered at the implications. 
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Usually you’d go to bed without Yelan. That’s okay, you understood what her job was like and enjoyed the little sprinkles of time she gave to you whenever she was off duty. Though sparse, she loved you dearly, and you didn’t mind too much as Yelan would always try her best to finish missions early so she could come home and snuggle up to you.
Tonight was no different. As you slowly stirred awake at the sound of your door lock clicking, you smiled and tried not to open your eyes when you heard Yelan’s careful footsteps walking down the hall. She didn’t know this, but you made a habit of memorizing her walk patterns. From the click of her heels to the tired yet sexy sigh she exhaled after a long day, you could tell it was her…
Like a cat, she slowly crept into your bedroom, smiling at the sight of your figure all balled up on her side of the bed. How cute, she’d always find you sleeping on her side, a sight so precious she’d often wish she could just photograph it. 
“I’m home…” she’d mutter softly, your eyes still closed as you wanted her to think you were asleep. “…Ah, out like a light I see.”
You resisted the urge to smile as Yelan pressed a chaste kiss against your forehead, the sounds of her rummaging through her closet —presumably to change into her sleepwear— and going to lie down beside you, spooning you from behind. She let out a breathy sigh and wrapped her arms around your waist, you’d think she’d start passing out by now judging by how tired she was, but your instinct told you she was still awake.
That’s odd, was she still staring at you? You wanted to turn around and open your eyes but sleep was starting to slow you down. Perhaps she’ll fall asleep at some point and just—
Then Yelan reached out and gently caressed your left hand, picking it up like it was made of glass. Oh? What’s this…? Your heart sped up as she held your hand carefully, fingers circling around your ring finger as she quietly hummed in thought. 
What was she doing? Her fingers were rubbing at the circumference of your left ring finger as if she were trying to gauge something. Could it be…? Was she trying to figure out your ring size?
Yelan sighed and you could just feel her smile from behind you. Her hand is still holding onto yours while she buries her face into the back of your neck, fingers entwined like a lock while she exhales breathily into your skin.
“I should use paper, it’s more efficient that way…”
With one last sleepy grumble, she finally closed her eyes to let sleep overtake her, unaware of the blushing person who heard her coddled up in her arms.
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As sly and cunning Yae Miko can be, she was absolutely stumped with how to find your ring size without you noticing. She’s tried countless times to measure the circumference whenever you were distracted, yet your intuitive gaze would always catch her whenever she tried to do something sneaky. Leading to her utter defeat, as it was hopeless to distract you long enough to mark the measurements she needed.
The kitsune huffed and slouched over her work desk with a frown. Her tail wagging sporadically out of annoyance as she wanted nothing more than to just flat out ask you. 
“Hm…how irritating…” she crossed her arms as sparks flew out of her vision with fury, lighting threatening to shoot out if not for the calm and soothing voice of her lover. 
“Morning Miko,” you hummed, walking into her office like you owned the place. “Eh? The air is all dark and frizzy. Did you accidentally get fur in your tea again?”  
“I— no.” Miko chuckled nervously at your statement because while that wasn’t the reason she was  frazzled, she did in fact get some fur in her tea due to shedding season. ‘Now is not the time to tell them that. I’ll just cut to the chase.’
“Morning little one, how was last night’s rest?” She hums, walking over to kiss you lightly on the lips. Enjoying your little sigh of satisfaction, she grins and leans forward to kiss you a little deeper, taking notice of how you grew so lost in the kiss, that your eyes fluttered shut in response. ‘Oh…this gives me an idea…’ 
As you broke away from the kiss to catch your breath, Miko suddenly nudged you back so you would start backing up in the direction of her desk. “Ah…Miko, I can walk you know—”
“I know I know…” was her voice getting…sultry? Oh no, you can’t do it here! You’re in her office! Plus, you did it last night already…
“Miko, wait…we can’t…”
Little did you know Miko had bigger plans…
“Mm, don’t worry, little one. I won’t go too hard on you…” She purred and put on her best seductive facade, reaching forward to grasp your left hand gently. “Just relax…and let me take over…” 
As she leaned forward to keep you locked within a deep and passionate kiss, her hands were busy at work as she had no time to spare! Hands grasping over her desk to grab a slip of paper, she slid it over your ring finger, creasing the edge where the ends meet. ‘Perfect. I got it.’
Pulling away from the kiss with a grin, she chuckled at your dazed face and brushed your hair back to tease you, enjoying the way you whined. 
“I got what I needed, thanks for the help little one…”
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Ningguang is a busy woman, and busy women don’t often have the time to sneak around to get your ring size. While the thought is incredibly charming, she’d rather find your ring size in a rather…flashy, yet secretive kind of way that only a woman like herself could pull off.
What do I mean by flashy? I mean this woman literally went out to buy a ring of every size from the jeweler and gift them all to you in the disguise of a harmless present. An efficient, yet very expensive move as not only will she be able to figure out your size, but she’d be able to figure out what your taste in gemstones was like…
How clever of her. No wonder Ningguang was such a smart woman.
The moment you entered the Jade Chamber, you were surprised when her three secretaries suddenly pulled you over to a room that housed various shining rings with different little gemstones. These small, little gifts were probably worth a fortune to many, leaving you speechless at the sight of your girlfriend smirking in confidence.
“Hello there, dear,” She waved a hand over for you to join her, “Happy early birthday, I picked some presents for you to try…”
You raised a brow at this and chuckled amusingly at her gesture, finding the whole ordeal rather extreme. Though, Ningguang was a very extreme woman, perhaps this wasn’t so out of character for a woman like her… 
“My birthday is in four months,” you giggled, eying the rings with a peculiar curiosity. “Don’t tell me you’re celebrating it this early…”
She laughs and grasps your hand with a clawed finger, lightly scratching at your palms while she leads you to their cases. “I just wish to spoil you a bit, that’s all. You may have all of them if you’d like, but I’d like you to tell me how they feel and what you like about them.”
She smiles innocently. “Just to know what you like in the future.”
Okay, that was a little odd but whatever, it was common for your girlfriend to spoil you in riches whenever she wanted to. While material wealth wasn’t what made you happy in this relationship, Ningguang always seemed to enjoy it as she adored the shocked looks on your face whenever she’d bring you something expensive. 
“A little too loose.”
“I think it’s a little tight.”
She hummed in agreement when you slipped the bejeweled bands over your finger, taking mental notes of what was too small and what was too large. “And the gemstones? Which ones do you like?”
The moment you listed off the kinds of shapes, colors, and more importantly, the size of what you liked, Ningguang finally had it. The perfect ring for you. 
“Thank you my love, your input means wonders for me,” she quickly plants a kiss on your lips as she rushes to head back to “work.” 
“I best be going now, enjoy the gifts. I’ll be back for dinner with your favorite.” You were confused as to why she left in such a hurry, but just assumed she had some work to catch up with. Oh well, you chose to ignore it and go back to placing the rings back in their cases…
…Little did you know, Ningguang was actually not rushing to work, but to the jewelers again.
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yandere-daydreams · 6 months
Title: Carrion in Shadow
Written for a very lovely anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Eula x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Dub/Con, AMAB!Reader, Unhealthy Relationships, Mentions of Injury, Oral Sex/Facesiting, Slight Choking, Slight Breeding, and Controlling Behavior.
[Part Two]
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You loved her.
You couldn’t be sure when, but at some point, you’d decided that not only did you love Eula, but that your love for her was going to be the defining fact of your existence; the air you breathed, the light behind your eyes, the blood that flowed through your veins. Some time last night, most likely – when the first wolf crossed that intangible barrier and realized you weren’t in a state to fight back, or later on, when the cold and the blood loss turned your body numb and hollow and all you could think about was when she’d come back. It’d never occurred to you to hope someone else might come to your rescue, and you were never desperate enough to genuinely try to free yourself (an idea which, even from the beginning, you must’ve subconsciously known was delusional). She’d been your sole idol, your only object of worship during the eternity that’d been the night before. Eula had always been good at that – making you forget there was a world beyond you and her.
That might’ve been why you loved her so much. How you knew you really did love her, despite everything you might’ve tried to convince yourself over the course of your relationship.
You needed her, and you couldn’t need someone you didn’t love.
The feeling of her blunt nails raking through your hair drew you out of your thoughts, an airy moan doing away with your ability to think altogether. Her knees were planted on either side of your head, her muscular thighs caging you in as her cunt ground lazily against your open mouth, your flattened tongue. The lack of oxygen left black spots dancing across your vision, but you tried to focus, to keep your attention on what mattered – Eula. In the dim light of her tent, you could only see the vaguest traces of her expression, but you could tell that her lips were turned upward, her eyes half-lidded. Her pace was slow, patient, whatever pleasure she was chasing set at a measured distance. You had to swallow the temptation to silently wish she’d just be rough with you and get it over with.
She was trying to be gentle, tonight, and you had to be thankful for that. The material of her tent was thin, the forest still enough to make any disturbance impossible to ignore, and she was making an effort to stay quiet, to limit herself to the occasional airy groan, to save you the utter humiliation of having to meet the knowing, sleepless eyes of the knights under her command. You’d thought, at first, that she might be wary of your reopening your lasting injuries, but that wasn’t likely. She’d spent most of the time you’d wasted fading in and out of consciousness lingering by your side, running her thumb over the ragged edges of your bandages and savoring your little, pained reactions. Eula wouldn’t hurt you – you didn’t hurt people you loved – but she liked to think of herself as your protector. It was only natural that she’d cherish any evidence that there was a threat you would need her to protect you from.
A mix of arousal and saliva dripped down your chin, from the corner of your mouth, and she pulled away from you with a breathy sigh. You moved to sit up, to chase after her, but the hand in your hair drifted to your chest and pushed you flat against her makeshift bed, the gesture not especially forceful but enough to send a pang of pure agony through your shoulder and down your spine. Your eyes clenched shut, but if Eula noticed how you withered, her only reaction was a slight laugh, a fleeting kiss pressed into your forehead. “Rest, sweetheart.” It was an order – albeit one spoken under her breath, affection heavy in her voice. You obeyed without question, and Eula rewarded you with a soft hum, a cool palm pressed into your bruised cheek. “I couldn’t sleep last night, you know. Not without you.”
Her hand curled around your shaft – hold steady and delicate. You were hard, despite the part of yourself that still resisted the urge to do anything that’d feed into her fantasies, but she still took the time to grind the heel of her palm against the base of your cock, to pump her hand over your length until you stiffened beneath her, your hips jolting stiltedly into her touch. “It’s easier when I know you’re safe in the city, but having to leave you out there, all alone in the wilderness…” She let out a dry laugh. “You have no idea what you do to me.”
Her clouded eyes found yours through the darkness. You tried to hold yourself still, to turn yourself into something quiet and pliable she could use to her satisfaction, but it would’ve been impossible to hold back your voice as she sunk onto you, to swallow the cracked whimper that escaped as her hips locked against yours. While her cunt clenched hot and tight around your cock, she let her head lull back, her hips roll idly against yours as two fingers fell to her clit. “I think—” Her voice was cut off by a bubbling moan, a wide smile. “I’ll have you write me letters when I leave the city, after this. Once a day, if not more, to make sure you’re where you should be.”
Heat pooled in the pit of your stomach. Your fists balled around the fur of the pelts underneath you, but you couldn’t stop your hips from rutting against her, the air catching in your throat and blocking off your better judgement. “E-Eula, please, I—”
“You’re right, that might not be enough.” Now, now, she moved faster, her hand curling around your throat, palm pressing against your windpipe. You needed to pull out of her, but she was already buckling against you, her chest pressing into yours and her mouth ghosting over the side of your neck. “We should break one of your legs. It’ll be our little reminder, just to make sure you’ve learned your lesson.”
Her eyes brightened, catching the moonlight through some unseen tear in her tent. You reminded yourself, not for the first time since you’d made your decision, that you loved Eula more than you feared her. That you had to love Eula. That you didn’t have another choice.
“We should start a family.”
You opened your mouth, jerking upward, but her grip tightened, rendering you trapped and silent. You started to fight it, to try to scream, but as your eyes met hers and her smile broadened into fanged grin and instantly, you went limp.
You couldn’t fight against Eula. You couldn’t afford to.
You loved her. You needed her.
Honestly, you were starting to think there wasn’t really a difference.
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Eula with a reader that’s full of kindness
characters: Eula x gn!reader
warnings: none
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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There weren’t all too many people in Mondstadt that were ready to lend someone like Eula not only an ear, but even went so far as to offer her kindness and friendship from the beginning. And yet you did.
Eula wasn’t proud of saying this, but she couldn’t help but be very suspicious at first, trying to keep you an extra arms length away from her, trying to figure out your motive for trying to cozy up to her the way you did, only to find… nothing. Once she noticed that there was no secret scheme of yours however, she started to also notice how your kindness wasn’t just limited to her. And before she knew it, she started to appreciate it more than she probably had any legitimate reason to.
It was cold, snow was falling from the skies and covering every inch of surface as far as the eye could see. It didn’t take any kind of magical heat vision to see her own breaths every few seconds. And still, you were nowhere to be found. Did you stand her up? No, that was impossible, not even someone as cynical as her could believe you breaking your promise. Probably got yourself into some sort of weird situation again…
Just as she finished her thought however, you appeared in her vision, hurrying over towards her with your hands pressed between your armpits.
“I hope you didn’t have to wait long, Eula. I… met an old acquaintance”, you lied as obviously as you shivered, an uneasy smile on your lips that made her want to groan. As the weather got colder, you managed to bump into old acquaintances more and more frequently, only for your gloves, scarves and other winter wear to coincidentally go missing.
It didn’t take a master detective to figure out what was going on, and frankly, Eula felt a bit insulted you thought you’d fool her for even a second.
“Which made you so busy that you forgot to bring along gloves, I see”, she stated, her sarcasm not exactly subtle and yet all you did was awkwardly smile at her. Dear Gods, what was she going to do with you?
“Just because you grew up in a wealthy household doesn’t mean you can just gift your stuff to whoever you see. Or did you forget your family is far from affluent now?”, Eula gave you a brief lecture, before letting out a sigh and pulling off her right glove, holding it out to you.
"Put this on.”
Just as you were about to protest about how her own hand was going to get cold however, she shut you up by grabbing yours, keeping both of them warm.
“Let’s go, we don’t have all day.”
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glazesunflower · 10 months
Welcome back!! I hope you enjoyed your well deserved rest (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡! If it may not be so much to ask may I request an x fem reader scenario where Jean/Lisa and Eula try to point out to the reader that there's something on their face (by tapping their own cheek) but the reader mistakes it as the girls asking for a kiss.
Accidental Cheek Kiss
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Characters: Jean and Eula x Fem!Reader.
Warnings: None that apply!
Notes: Sorry for the wait, I've been overcome by sapphism and wrote a 55k word fanfic in the last 2 weeks but now I'm back to tumblr reqs. I hope you enjoy!
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The evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Mondstadt, the city of freedom. 
You and Jean were enjoying a peaceful walk through the city, hand in hand, enjoying each other's company and the soft touch of your fingers intertwined. You had been eating ice cream before. The weather is starting to warm again in this beautiful city and Jean was kind enough to treat you to a delicious snack. 
You must’ve accidentally not wiped your face accordingly, because Jean notices a small smudge of chocolate on your cheek. Being the polite woman she is, she dearly doesn’t want to embarrass you, so she gently taps her own cheek when you look at her, silently indicating the smudge.
To you though, seeing your girlfriend smiling softly at you and tapping her cheek meant a different thing entirely.
"Oh, Jean, you want a kiss?" You say, smiling playfully.
It’s adorable how fast Jean’s cheeks flush.
"Oh, no, I was just trying to point something out on your face.” Her voice is quiet, like she’s sharing a secret with you. “There's a bit of chocolate, I believe."
Your lips bloom into a smile, your heart warmed by the sweet expression in her face.
"Well, I think you deserve a kiss for being so sweet.” You lean to her playfully, watching the pink in her cheeks deepen delightfully. “Come here."
Before she can reply, you surprise Jean with a gentle kiss to her lips.
Jean melts into the kiss, her tense expression defrosting in your hands as your soft lips meet hers, her eyes fluttering close to the sweet sensation of your gentle touch against her skin.
When you pull apart, Jean’s cheeks are blooming with pretty crimson colors. She stammers.
"W-well, thank you for the kiss, but… Really, there's something on your cheek."
She insists, and you let out a chuckle.
"Oops, I guess I got carried away.” You say softly, wiping your own cheek where, effectively enough, there was a bit of chocolate from before. “Sorry, Jean."
But Jean’s lips curve into a soft smile, one of those that she gifts for your eyes only during the late hours of the evening, a window to the harbor of affection she holds for you deep inside.
“It's quite alright. Your surprises are always welcome, my love.”
And just like that, you interlace your fingers with hers again and you resume your strolling around the city. From the corner of your eye you notice that Jean is still flustered by your sudden kiss, and the thought makes you feel bubbly inside. She is usually the composed and level-headed one, but you have come to realize you have a way of turning her thoughts into a whirlwind of emotions, and you exploit this fact more often than not.
You lean against her, your shoulders brushing.
"You know, Jean, you're really cute when you get flustered."
And just like that, you can hear Jean swallow before she speaks, trying to regain her composure.
"I-I am not cute. I am the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, after all.”
"Oh, so the mighty Jean does get flustered sometimes?" You’re incessant.
"Alright, fine, perhaps I do.” Jean’s gaze softens, finding your eyes. “But only around you."
"Good to know I have that effect on you.” Your smile is bright, like you’ve won the most expensive prize at a fair. You intend to keep winning. “But you know what? You're cute when you're flustered, and you're even cuter when you smile."
You watch Jean’s blush deepen in silent delight, relishing in the way her fingers twitch in yours. Her smile doesn’t falter.
"You always know how to make me smile, even in the most unexpected ways."
As the night grows darker, you continue your walk, sharing laughter and affectionate glances now and then, here and there. The city lights illuminate your path as you walk, but the real light comes from the warmth you feel for each other.
"You know, Jean, I love these quiet moments with you." 
You allow the truth to settle in the comfortable space between you, and Jean’s eyes find yours, evidently affectionate.
"As do I. It's in these moments that I feel closest to you."
You lean your head on her shoulder, closing your eyes briefly and taking in the entirety of her close to you.
"Thank you for being a part of my life, Jean."
"And thank you for being a part of mine, my love."
You take in the softness of her voice, and you think of how your love has been a beautiful journey filled with surprises, laughter, and, of course, a touch of endearing fluster when Jean allows it. 
With you by her side, Jean feels a happiness she had never held so close to her chest before. And your love will continue to grow, guided by the genuine affection you hold for one another, as you navigate the beautiful and unpredictable path ahead in the hand of the one you love most.
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It’s a beautiful starry night in Mondstadt, and Eula is enjoying a peaceful stroll along the city's illuminated streets. With you, of course, her beloved girlfriend. The night breeze dances playfully around the two of you as you talk about everything and nothing and your quiet laughter fills the night air with ease.
Eula notices a tiny speck on your cheek, probably a remnant of the dinner you’ve just shared together, and decides to gently point it out. With a faint blush dusting her cheeks, Eula taps her own cheek in hopes that you notice and wipe it off. 
However, you misunderstand the gesture and think Eula is asking for a kiss. What other thing can this sweet gesture possibly mean, right?
Feeling a rush of excitement and thinking you understood Eula's intentions, you easily lean in and plant a surprise kiss on Eula's cheek, your lips warm and full of affection for her. 
Eula is instantly taken aback, her beautiful eyes widening in surprise and her face flushing a shade of pink that matches the setting of the sun beyond the two of you.
"E-Excuse me! I-I didn't mean…" 
Eula stammers, her usually composed demeanor momentarily lost in the whirlwind of emotions, her cheek still feeling the ghost of your lips upon it.
Seeing her surprised expression, the misunderstanding dawns on you.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! I thought you wanted a kiss!" 
You’re quick to say, leaning away from her a little.
Embarrassment fills the air as the two of you look at each other, both caught in a mix of flustered emotions blossoming brightly under your cheeks. 
But then, you watch the birth of a smile in Eula’s gentle lips.
"No, no, it's quite alright.”
She says, her voice surprisingly soft and tender after a moment of gathering her thoughts. Though your cheeks still feel flushed, you clear your throat, feeling a tinge of relief.
"I hope I didn't offend you. It was just a misunderstanding."
You watch Eula shake her head, locks of beautiful blue hair falling over her shoulders at the motion. Her sharp eyes soften when they meet yours.
"Not at all. It's just… I wanted to tell you that there was something on your cheek, but it seems I've muddled my intentions."
You feel the tension ease and you chuckle softly.
"Well, you definitely surprised me, that's for sure."
"I apologize for any confusion," Eula says sincerely. Then, her smile grows into something bolder. "But if you'd still like that kiss you offered, I would be more than happy to oblige."
And you can’t help but smile warmly, reaching out to cup Eula's cheek with your tender touch. 
"I would love that." 
You whisper before leaning in and giving Eula a gentle kiss on the lips, relishing in her warmth under your tender skin, the familiarity of it and yet the exhilaration it brings to your every bone.
Eula's eyes widen once more, her cheeks growing an even deeper shade of red at your contact. But this time, she doesn’t pull away. Instead, she allows herself to savor the sweet and unexpected moment, the warmth of your affection warming her heart like the rays of the sun over the slope in the cold Dragonspine.
As the night continues, you and Eula walk hand in hand, your hearts fluttering with newfound emotions and a connection deepened by a simple misunderstanding that turned into a precious memory. Under the stars of Mondstadt, you feel ever so certain that your love for her and her love for you will continue to grow with the ebb of time, turning every moment together into a wonderful experience.
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covenantofthedeep · 2 years
i still love you.
feat. | diluc, yoimiya, eula, and xiao! summary | getting back together after a breakup. you love each other. author's note: it was very painful to write this very painful fic. enjoy! also idk if xiao actually smiles.. but i took a leap. and so now he smiles.
diluc ragnvindr |
maybe he hung around after to see if you still loved him. maybe he, despite your cutting words, still loved you. maybe he went to sleep thinking of your soft smile and gentle touch. and maybe, just maybe, he hoped you’d come back to him. 
your breakup destroys diluc. he’s still in love, hanging on to his shredded memories of you. he longs to kiss you, hold you, be with you. and yet you’d left, weeks ago, months ago, how long was it? time blurs together when you’re not there, and he feels almost weightless.
ha! weightless. as though such a word could be used to describe a man whose heart had just been torn out of his chest and lain on the ground, bleeding raw and bare. he sometimes—no, always—thought about you, and was so out of it that he rarely bartended at the tavern anymore. he hid away in the dawn winery. he wants to see you—he wants you to love him again, love him like he loved (no, loves) you.
adelaide worries about his many weeks spent pining away in front of the fire, drinking tea and staring morosely into the flickering flames. he's always been broody, angsty, mopey, but after he met you, he perked up. he started growing flowers in little beds (after you nagging him) and he started wearing other clothes. honestly. he'd do anything to see you right now.
and his wish is granted one cold winter afternoon, when he opens the door to see you on the other side. his broken heart repairs itself at the sight of you, freezing, smiling apologetically at him. “i love you—“ the two of you start together, and he doesn’t even give you a pause before he pulls you into a kiss.
naganohara yoimiya |
she misses you with an ache so fierce her sunshine dims. her father comments on her dullness and she forces a laugh. she’s no longer chipper, no longer soft and sweet. instead, she’s hard edges and short tempers and quiet cries in the dark. 
yoimiya thinks about you every day. while lighting a firework fuse. while staying up late at night. her thoughts are plagued by you and you only. she can’t bring herself to forget you, the magical person who dove in and made her feel truly, truly joyful. who made her feel like she wasn't too much.
she watches the fireworks on amakane island, remembering when you sat with her. and yet the thought stings so much, she bites her lip hard to keep from crying. what happened to her? she used to laugh everywhere she went, spreading light and warmth. you'd called her the sparkle of my eye. when she'd blushed and laughed, you had thrown your arms around her and kissed her full on the mouth.
now, she needs you. she needs you to bring back that light. that sparkle.
her chest aching, she leans forward and closes her eyes, her fingertips brushing a slip of paper. she raises it to her eyes. on it, four words are written in a scrawl she’s recognize anywhere. 
i still love you.
she sniffles, the tears streaming freely down her face. when were you here last? to write her a note, but to not see you? could you be that selfish? why leave a note when you could see her in person? she tears up the note, her fingers shaking, anger seeping through the sadness. well, fine. if you didn't want to see her, so be it. she would raise her head and--
a shuffle behind her causes her head to snap up and glance behind her. it’s you, holding up a sheet of paper. she barely takes time to read it before throwing herself into your arms and sobbing into your shoulder. do you still love me?
“yes,” she whispers into your ear, her sobs hiccuping into laughter.
xiao | 
xiao tells himself that he doesn’t hurt. he tells the same thing to anyone who asks; i’m fine. i’ve been over yn for so long now, it’s a thing of the past. he’ll force a laugh, but when he’s alone, sorrow drags his heart down so far it’s a wonder he manages to live still. 
your leaving xiao tore him to shreds and pasted him together, some pieces missing and some in different spots. he wants to find you again. he wants you to call his name. often, he finds himself looking at the top of wangshu inn, searching for your silhouette, your voice, your words. your words were always so pretty. you had the loveliest way of describing the most trivial of things. the rain patters like my thoughts--always moving, always whirling, always there. but dissolving into the background sometimes, you'd written once. and then he'd known that he was deep in love.
maybe he’s too clingy. maybe all he deserves is this eternal suffering. karma, he thinks bitterly. he never deserved you. your sweet words, snarky wit and whip-fast intellect. your beautiful love. 
whenever he started doubting himself like this, you’d sit on his lap and furiously tell him all the things you loved about him. by the end, he was smiling and you were laughing. you always said his smiles were as rare as a double rainbow; they were rarely there, but when they were, they took your breath away. his smile lopsided and crooked, his eye crinkling. it looked so out-of-place on his usually solemn features that you couldn't help but laugh, without fail.
thinking about that feels like a stab to the chest. he inhales painfully and turns away from the top of wangshu inn—but not before spotting a familiar silhouette.
he could recognize you from anywhere, and hoists himself easily onto the roof. you turn towards him. “xiao,” you whisper, and he smiles a double-rainbow smile.
eula lawrence | 
eula pretends that she does not care. who cares if you've left her? the one true love of her life? better to be the one in power, she decides, and not to cry over you again. she throws herself into dancing more fervently than before, whispering to herself vengeance will be had for your breakup.
eula dances with a ferocity that sends everyone reeling into shock. is she... angry? people wonder. her anger plus her love for you plus her hurt turns her dances sharp like ice, dangerous like lightning. she's as graceful as a swan, light as a feather. she's quiet and angrier when she speaks and when people bring you up, she cuts them off with a dangerous look and a whispered threat of vengeance.
she remembers how you'd tell her how gorgeous she looked before the performance, and after, only compliments would spill from your mouth. she remembers blushing and smiling so hard her cheeks ached along with her feet, and she remembers you carrying her bridal-style to your bed. she remembers how you'd always make her tea and sit with her until she fell asleep.
thinking about such things, she scolds herself, is not right. she spins into a turn and for a second, thinks she can see your face in the crowd. but why would it be you? you left her after she broke up with you (maybe a valid reason, but does it matter? you left).
coming out of her turns, she spots you again. this time, there's no doubt. you smile at her and she rapidly ends her dance, rushing towards you. you race into her arms and she twirls the two of you around. "i love you so much," you whisper.
"i am so mad at you for leaving," she hisses. "but i love you too." and she yanks you back towards her.
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sumeru-academy · 1 year
Bride to be.
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synopsis: you catch the bouquet at a wedding.
character(s): jean, eula, mona (seperate).
warning(s): mentions of marriage.
note(s): female reader, reader wears a dress and heels, second POV.
p.s: jean is wearing a suit but I could not write that description in so please use your imagination :(
—mod angel 🎐
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“Are you okay? Do your feet hurt?” 
With Jean’s arms wrapped protectively around yours, the two of you swayed to the romantic, slow-dance waltz together as couples just like you danced in the background of your vision. Sure, your feet ached, your dress was scratching up your thighs, and the people around you were starting to give you a headache but you’ve never felt more alive. Jean’s firm yet warm touch upon your body never ceased to make your heart flutter, and with the close proximity between you too, your heart was practically close to flying off.
“In all honesty, I’m in agony with these heels,” you chuckled, resting your head beneath your lover’s neck. “But, I do like being able to dance with you at eye level. So, I can bear the pain a little while longer.” 
Jean casted a worried look with her eyes and stopped dancing to hold your shoulders. “That’s not good. You might get blisters if you overextend your comfort. Would you like to go home now? I can carry you if you’d like.” She kneeled down on the floor in a princely manner and reached to remove your shoes. “May I? I brought spare flats in case you got tired.”
Of course she did. Jean was never one to be unprepared.
“Hah, you always seem prepared for everything, Jean.” You grinned, moving to go sit down at your designated table. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have you.”
The tips of the Gunnhildr’s ears glowed bright pink as she moved to kneel down in front of you. Carefully removing your heels like they were Cinderella’s glass slippers and placing a kiss just above your knee. “Any pain? Do you feel sore anywhere?”
“Are you gonna give me a massage if I do?” You joked. 
“If you want, I can.” Her face looked dead serious. 
“Ah…Jean, I’m joking.” You pressed the back of your hand to your mouth to stifle your laughter. You couldn’t help it, Jean was so cute when she was serious! “I’m fine, but those flats you brought do sound quite nice. Maybe at the next wedding I’ll plan to wear something more convenient next time.”
Jean smiled and slipped on the pair of flats she brought along delicately on your feet. Almost reenacting a whole Cinderella scene with you as she was so gentle and cautious with sliding the piece of footwear on. “Perhaps. But if you ever forget again, I’ll always have an extra pair just in case.”
She looked up at you with those adoring, blue eyes before her attention was taken away from the various cheers and squeals of women. All surrounding the bride of the wedding like some sort of weird formal rave. The bride was positioned at the top of the stage with her back turned to the crowd of cheering women, all eager with their hands in the air as they waited for her to throw the objects in her hands. 
A bouquet. 
“Oh! They’re doing the bouquet toss!” You fawned. “Jean, do you think I…?”
She smiled warmly at your indication and nodded. “Of course, you still qualify for a bachelorette after all.” Though that word left a bitter taste in her mouth. “Go on. I’ll be waiting right here for you.”
You beamed at this response and quickly kissed her cheek before running off, much faster now that you were no longer wearing heels. Jean couldn’t help but smile brightly at how excited you were to partake in such a funny little wedding tradition. I mean, catching a bouquet to indicate who’s next in marriage? It was a silly idea, yet Jean couldn’t help but let her mind take off with the concept in mind.
You married to her.
Jean would be lying if she said she never thought of the idea of marriage. The two of you had been together through thick and thin, dealing with any and every obstacle together as if you shared a single body. She always thought she was destined to lead the nation of Mondstadt alone, but when you came along, she finally realized just how important –and fun– it would be to have someone who loved her in her life. Someone who wanted to share the rest of their life with her. 
And she wanted to spend the rest of hers with them too. 
An erupt of screams snapped her out of her thoughts. The swarm of bachelorettes clearing to make way for the lucky woman in the middle. ‘I can’t see her.’ Jean thought worriedly. ‘Was she trampled by the others? Y/N–!’
Standing up from her seat, Jean froze when she heard your shout. 
“Jean!” You shouted from the crowd, your voice far from distress as it sounded more like happiness. 
“Y/N?” The crowd parted like the Red Sea to show you standing in the middle. The lights from the wedding cascading a heavenly glow in your smile when you turned around. Bouquet of roses in hand. 
“I caught it!” You shouted, a broad smile on your face as your fellow bachelorettes cheered for your win. “I caught it, Jean!”
Indeed you did, but Jean didn’t have it in her to respond. Simply staring at you with the deepest blush ever, as all she could think about was you in a wedding dress, getting married to her and smiling through a thin veil that masked your everlasting beauty. Jean couldn’t talk. She couldn’t fathom. And yet when she sees you jumping around excitedly with the bouquet in hand, a burst of serotonin tells her ‘yes, you can marry this girl. She caught the bouquet to marry you.’ And Jean realizes that she can marry the girl of her dreams, and she will.
‘Even in a dress that isn’t white, you look more like a bride to me than any woman in this room…’
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Eula never really liked weddings. From all the weddings she was forced to partake in as a child, they were always the same, stuffy, boring weddings that bored her to death and made her loathe such events whenever she were invited to one. Weddings to her were just an excuse for the Lawrence clan to gather up as one big group, and act like assholes once more until Eula couldn’t stand it. It’s come to the point where every time a wedding is even mentioned, Eula would flinch and think back to all the bratty adults she had to listen to while stuck at a table with barely edible food.
Though, this time the wedding she was invited to wasn’t as sufferable as she thought. For one, her clan wouldn’t be related to the event at all, and two, you were there; her loving and doting girlfriend that begged her to go as your date. And how could she not? After all, she did look quite attractive in formal wear. 
But you…you. You were another story. When you came out for Eula to pick you up she was beyond smitten. Barely able to get her words across as you laced your arms with hers and made your way to the carriage so that you could be taken to the wedding venue. Even then, Eula could not get a word out!
But she could now.
“The bride is honestly so beautiful. I think her dress was imported from Fontaine.” You pushed around one of the fancy looking dishes that you were served and turned to Eula for her opinion. “Do you think I could order a dress as good as that? Ah, but the shipping…I’d need to save more mora…”
“You do not need a dress to enhance your beauty.” Eula crossed her arms, almost appearing mad as she furrowed her brows. “Just being with me has always been a treasure.”
A beat of silence passes by and Eula quickly unfolds her arms. “H-However, if you want a dress from Fontaine I will gladly order it for you if you wish.” The higher pitch in her voice gave away her frenzied panic, and you couldn’t help but giggle in response.
“You’re always so sweet to me, Eula. So charming even when you’re being silly.”
“I am not being silly.”
She all but huffed that response like a steam engine about to explode, causing you to burst out into a fit of giggles and prod a tiny smirk onto the bluenette’s face. “Oh Eula, this is why I love you so.”
‘And I love you too.’
A bunch of screaming women cut your moment short as you both turned to see the ravenous swarm of desperate singles reaching to try and catch the bride’s bouquet, as she was standing far off to the side ready to launch the flowers in the air. Who would’ve thought that so many women were desperate to get married in Mondstadt? Apparently here was your answer.
‘Such a foolish tradition.’ Eula thought, frowning at the sight. ‘Letting a mere bouquet of flowers decide when you get married? How odd.’
“Ah, the bouquet toss!” You exclaimed joyfully, “I’ll be back my love, I want to join in on the festivities too!”
You ran off to join the crowd of desperate women and Eula couldn’t help but be surprised by your actions. Were you really going to engage in such an activity? Eula couldn’t help but be curious. 
You stood yourself in the far back and put your hands up adorably as you weren’t as ravenous as the other singles in the crowd. The other women fighting for their spot to shine, while you bounced on your heels for some extra height in order to strengthen your chances. Ouch, that was cute. Eula glanced at the wall to hide the overbearing smile stretching over her face. Too much for the knight to take. 
“It’s mine!” Several women called out. The bouquet bouncing along aggressive hands before making its way to the back and landing right into your hands. Holy Barbatos you did not expect that.  
“Woah—!” You stumbled with the bouquet for a second before holding it firmly in your arms. “I…I caught it! Eula, look! It landed!”
She turned to the sounds of your cheering and audibly gasped when she saw you running over with the bouquet in hand. Leaving a trail of sad, single women to disperse as you came home as the lucky champion of the evening. “It just crowd-surfed and landed in my hands! Isn’t that interesting? It’s almost like it’s fate!” 
Eula stared at how excited you were to win such a tradition and watched as you plucked a flower from the bunch and held it out to her. “For my lady,” you joked in an over dramatic voice, bowing like a dame and presenting the rose as a gesture of romance. 
“All that for a flower,” Eula scoffed, though she took the flower from your hands and twirled it, a small smile reaching her lips. “Thank you, I will treasure it.” 
“Of course, it’s extra special since it’s from a bouquet I caught. Maybe it’s destined for us to get married next, hm?”
Although a playful little jab at the bluenette, Eula couldn’t help but wonder if the destiny was real. The way the bouquet bounced off the other hands and just landed in your arms was a bit odd in her eyes. Maybe it was just the fate of destiny that brought the bouquet to you. Who knows, perhaps Barbatos had blessed the winds to carry the bouquet towards you, gifting you with the reward of changing fate tonight. 
Eula’s cheeks flushed. But what would mean you and Eula would be getting married next! Marriage! As in wife and wife, officially together in legal documents and last names!
She turned to you and saw you playing idly with the roses plucked straight from the bouquet. Twirling the thorn-stripped stem in your hand before pinning the ornament behind your ear. ‘Beautiful.’ Eula thought. And for a second she forgot all her worries and wondered if a dress could enhance your beauty even more. A wedding dress.
‘Perhaps weddings aren’t too bad. As long as it’s a wedding between you and I.’
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Let’s be honest, Mona really only agreed to attend the wedding simply because she got to eat free fancy food. That, and it was also an excuse to have a free fancy dinner date with you, something she unfortunately bashes herself over as she’s not able to treat you to the fanciest places all the time. 
As snootish as Mona can be, she really beats herself up over not being the perfect girlfriend for you all the time. Sitting here with you at an expensive wedding with couples in their fancy clothes made her realize just how pathetic she really was when in comparison to the bride and groom. The fact that they could afford all of this, all the food, the decorations, the people, and look so content with themselves just made Mona feel as if she could never live up to those standards. I mean, how could you even love her when she couldn’t even afford basic roses? She couldn’t even treat you right, let alone love you properly.
Why do you even stay with her?
“Is something on your mind, my love?” You murmured out of concern.
“Hm? Oh, I was just marveling at the taste of this salad. The dressing is nothing like I’ve ever tasted.” You chuckled over her enthusiasm for salad. Mona always seemed to be some sort of salad connoisseur whenever you’d go out to eat, and her love for such a simple palette made her all the more cuter. “Is it really that good? I thought I made a pretty good salad at home.”
Mona rolled her eyes playfully and stabbed a piece of tomato. “Your salad is…on par. That is a compliment considering this was made by a professional chef.”
You feigned a look of hurt before giggling and going back to your meal. The loud sounds of songs and people dancing drowning out as all Mona could listen to was the sound of you enjoying yourself. You seemed so content, so at ease, and all Mona could think about was how to afford all of this if she wished to spend her future with you. 
And she really, really did.
“You keep staring at me with those wide, unblinking eyes.” You scrunched up your shoulders at the sight. “It’s creepy.”
“What? Am I not allowed to stare at my own girlfriend?” Mona scoffed dramatically. “I really thought loving you meant I could admire you for as much as I pleased. Can I not?”
“It’s just weird, you’ve never been so laser-focused on my face before.” You bashfully laughed. “Are you really okay? You seem so out of it this evening.”
“Of course I’m okay. I just like watching you.”
“That’s so creepy taken out of context.”
“I’m not creepy!”
Mona swatted at your arm and you couldn’t help but stifle your laughter as she tried so hard to defend her honor. Her cheeks mirroring that of a hamster’s as they puffed up like tiny balloons out of frustration. “Honestly, what did I even see in you back then? The stars are truly strange for pairing me up with you as my soulmate.”
“Sure, blame the stars for falling head over heels for me. Klee told me about how you’d pray to the stars every night that I was single.”
“I– buh– KLEE–!”
“Hah…Don’t be too hard on the girl, Mona. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have had the courage to confess to you.” You took note of the pink starting to glow on the astrologist’s ears. For someone so “high and mighty” as she so often claimed, she really couldn’t hide her own embarrassment well. “Come on, let’s lighten up a bit, Mona. We’re at a wedding, let’s go enjoy ourselves.” 
“...I suppose you’re right, darling.” Mona huffed. “Now, I believe I owe you a slow dance for–”
Suddenly a bouquet slammed itself into your head and landed right on top of your lap. The both of you shrieking like little girls as you had no idea what just happened until you fully registered what you were hit with.
“AAAAAAA wait wait–! Mona, stop screaming! It’s just the bride’s bouquet! Mona I’m okay don’t scream–!”
You lifted the bouquet of pink up to your face to show Mona and smiled charmingly with a facefull of flowers. “It’s just the bouquet Mona! Somehow I managed to catch it!” Mona was still shell-shocked to fully register that you were okay. “I caught it! I caught the bouquet with my face and I didn’t even try!”
Ignoring the depressed wails of the unlucky women who weren’t as lucky as you, you got out of your chair and went over to hug Mona, who was now finally starting to wake up from her daze. 
“Mona, do you know what this means?!”
“Huh? What–?”
“We can get married next!”
You squeezed Mona so hard she swears she saw the stars on the ceiling. Yet despite the bone-crushing hug you gave her all she could think about was that you caught the bouquet, and in Mondstadt traditions that meant that you were next in line to get married next. You while you were dating her.
‘Married? Y/N wants to get married next? With me? Why?!’ If Mona’s eyes could spin they would. Too overloaded with information to comprehend the thought. 
“How wonderful this is, it seems like we were blessed with fate huh?” You joked. Though, when it came to fate, Mona never joked around. “I can’t wait to potentially spend the rest of my life with you…”
The astrologist tensed up at your words before softening in your hold. You quickly kiss her forehead before running off to show your lucky surprise to your friends, leaving your girlfriend standing by your table in both shock and dumbstruck love for you. ‘She really wants to spend the rest of her life with me…’ Mona pondered, heart beating against her ribcage as she grasped the edge of the table for stability. “Hah, I was worried for nothing…”
She looked over at you flaunting your accidental bouquet catch to various guests and smiled as you seemed so happy with the implications of having such a lucky catch. The astrologist sitting back at your table and watching you quietly from afar just as she did back when she pined for you all those years ago.
‘I suppose I don’t need an expensive wedding to make you happy. Just us being there makes it worth a whole fortune.’
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cogamori · 5 days
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Art for my patron | Folllow me on patreon
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sumeruin · 8 months
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♫♪: day 3: asphyxiation!!
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♫♪: pairing: eula x reader
♫♪: warnings: written by a minor, cunnilingus, lots of bible imagery, asphyxiation (duh), hair pulling, i think that’s it, but if i missed anything let me know!!
♫♪: a/n: oops my hand slipped. also sorry about the wait i was super busy!!! i will be posting the late ones tonight <3
♫♪: minor writing smut, dni if uncomfortable!!!
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you know you shouldn’t be doing this. every rational thought in your mind is telling you that this is wrong, and yet. as you gaze up at her from your spot on the floor, kneeling in between eula’s open legs, you think you know what eve felt like when she saw the apple. eula tastes like sin, like the greatest temptation the devil ever created. if she’s the forbidden fruit, then you’ll gladly be cast out of the garden of eden. the sweetness of her juice is worth every bit of repentance, her delicious fruit the greatest reward. you’d sit in countless confession booths with countless priests, listen to an infinite amount of snakes whispering their rotten prayers, for just a single bite. she’s bad for you, you know this. she knows this. but you still keep coming back for more. she reaches a hand into your hair and tugs, pulling your head back until you’re looking in her eyes and wrapping her thighs around your neck. she doesn’t cut off your air yet, she’s merciful in some ways, but it’s a clear warning of what will happen if you don’t behave. her voice rings clear in your ears, and you resign yourself to your fate. “what are you waiting for? are you just going to stare at me all day?” obediently, you nod, and quickly lean closer to her. you lick along her lips, slowly at first, savoring the taste, then move your tongue in soft figure eights over her entrance and clit. she lets out a gasp at the stimulation, and you can feel her thighs tighten around your neck. your favorite part. you can feel your supply of oxygen being cut off, and you can’t help the soft moan that falls from your lips. as she cums on your mouth, cutting off your breathing with her thighs, you think she’s not the forbidden fruit, she’s eden.
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Lynette, Eula, and Lumine with an s/o whose love language is acts of service, and enjoys cooking/baking for them?
(Genshin Impact) Signs of Love for Lynette, Eula, Lumine, Arlecchino, Chiori, Lisa, Yae, Xianyun, Dehya, and Kokomi
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Lynette prefers this type of love over any kind of flowery words.
After all, with her true profession words mean very little.
How someone acts tells her everything she needs to know.
It especially show in the way S/O cooks their meals.
After coming home from a show, she sees S/O gently smile at her, with a bucket full of shellfish on the table, and a small plate of lemons near it.
She doesn't need to say anything, a small smile from her and her tail swishing faster than usual tells S/O how happy she is.
Having some true peace and quiet with the people she loves nearby is all she could ever want.
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Eula is actually thankful S/O shows affection in a language she can understand: nonverbally.
With a simple hug, she can immediately tell how S/O is feeling with how tightly their arms are wrapped around her.
Eula chuckles, being behind closed doors allowing her more gentle side to come out.
(Eula) "Nice to see you too, S/O."
(S/O) "Dinner's already done, kept it warm for you."
(Eula) "How chivalrous of you."
She teased, before seeing a change of clothes already on the table for her.
This was something she could get used to.
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With all the things Lumine gets up to, having someone just prepare dinner for her while she's away is enough to make her to cry.
With no other obligations than just to come home safe to someone she loves, Lumine completely relaxes around S/O.
(S/O) "Welcome back. Busy day?"
(Lumine) "You already know."
Lumine slumps down on the chair, letting out a dramatic sigh making both of them laugh.
(S/O) "Dinner should be ready in a second, and I got a bath running upstairs."
S/O heard her head lean back into the chair.
(Lumine) "I could kiss you right now."
(S/O) "Do it when you don't stink."
Lumine rolled her eyes, hearing S/O chuckle.
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Arlecchino can easily smell the barbecue coming from the House of the Hearth, as well as the sound of children laughing.
And she knew S/O was in there, keeping them happy.
It was strange, admittedly.
To have someone who genuinely loved her, without knowing entirely what she was actually like.
And instead of showering her with useless words or gifts, S/O let their love show in how they treated her and her children.
It made her quite fond of S/O, and if they were already like this, then she knew she didn't have to say "I love you" to them every day.
(S/O) "Arle, care to join us?"
(Arlecchino) "Of course, have you made sure to make some for yourself?"
(S/O) "Mhm, just didn't want to dig in without you."
A smile finally grows on her lips as she sits down, S/O next to her.
(Arlecchino) "Apologies for keeping you waiting then, Shall we?"
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Chiori's not gonna sugarcoat it: Instant kiss with both her hands behind S/O's head the moment she sees her tools already brought out in the order she likes.
She didn't need S/O to do that, but this was way better than some expensive gift she'll never use or wear.
In fact, S/O made damn sure to never buy her clothes, as that would be the ultimate insult.
Instead, it was everything that could help her, ranging from tailoring tools and new windows.
All with an admittedly very cute smile they wore just for her.
(Chiori) "Hm, you have me head over heels for you, S/O."
She said, with a relatively deadpan voice.
(S/O) "You can barely keep the affection in, dear."
Both of them quietly chuckle as they work on their jobs inside the store.
Other than making her name known across all of Tevyat, she doesn't think she could ask for anything more.
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Lisa's eyes haze over with more love than she thought possible when she realizes that her tea is already on the table.
(Lisa) "Oh, you sure know how to make a woman's heart skip a beat, S/O!"
(S/O) "Well, I learned from the best, right?"
Lisa absolutely adores S/O's love language, seeing as she barely needed to lift a finger.
But that being said, she makes sure to return the favor. It isn't much of a relationship if only one side is putting in this much effort.
Both S/O and Lisa constantly do little things for each other, whether it be work or home related.
The real moment Lisa is ready to just drop down on one knee for marriage is when they already have a hot bath for her the moment she closes up the library.
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Yae gladly takes the sake S/O has prepared for her on the table, making sure to pour them some as well.
(Yae) "Oh, where would I be without you?"
(S/O) "Hm, probably very bored. But still in the same place."
Yae simply chuckles at that, not even bothering to argue.
S/O was certainly interesting in her eyes, as they rarely needed to be told how they could help her out.
She honestly expected their love to be a bit more grandiose instead of something so plain.
And yet she could hardly find room to complain about it. Especially with all the fried tofu they cooked for her.
(Yae) "Remind me to get you something nice for today. Oh, how about a signature from our very own Miss Hina?"
(S/O) "I think I'd prefer my reward not paid with someone's tears, Miko."
(Yae) "Hm, your loss."
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S/O already had Xianyun's heart at the good food, but everything else was a bonus that just kept on adding.
And what better way for One to repay S/O's love than eating every single morsel?
For all their efforts, Xianyun works to invent something special, only for S/O.
(Xianyun) "Hm..."
A single finger brushed the bottom of her chin, lips pursing as she struggled to think what machine they could use.
They already had her cooking tools, and while newer ones could be good, she felt the need to give them something even better.
(S/O) "Something on your mind, Xianyun?"
(Xianyun) "No, One's problem is that nothing is coming to it..."
She wanted to repay her affection in kind since this was her love language as well.
What about a machine that could allow them to fly with her?
...Actually, that'd probably be a bad idea....Or would it?
(Xianyun) sigh "If only you could fly, S/O..."
(S/O) "...?"
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As a mercenary/bodyguard, actions always spoke louder than words to Dehya.
And she'd be damned if S/O didn't show how much they loved her.
Whether it be buying a nice makeup set for her or preparing an entire bag of Candied Ajilenakh Nuts, it never failed to make her cheeks heat up at least a little.
(Dehya) "Thanks, I'll be sure to use it later! Let me know if there's anything you want me to get you as well!"
She had many types of people try to win her love with trying to smoothtalk or bribe her.
But all S/O had to do was pay attention to the little things.
And seeing how they were trying hard to reinforce her makeup case, Dehya already knew her heart belonged to no one else.
(Dehya) "...Is that steel?"
(S/O) "Think that's too much?"
(Dehya) "Hah, just a little!"
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It does not matter how tired Kokomi is, the moment she sees S/O tidying up her bed with a few books already by the nightstand.
Her energy skyrockets back up to full as if she got hit with a power boost.
(Kokomi) "S/O, thank you so much!"
She does feel a little bad for S/O to do so much for her when she's so busy.
But at the same time, it was hard to deny that being pampered like this was greatly relaxing for her.
So much responsibility was thrust upon her, it felt nice to have someone who had no expectations in return to do something just because they wanted to.
In her journal, the energy S/O gives her had at least four digits at any given time.
Of course, she makes sure that they don't ever see that, lest her energy drop to zero by making her want to bury her head inside a pillow.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: The Huntress In Moonlight.
Written for a very lovely anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Eula x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 2.0k.
TW: Unhealthy Relationships, Implied Kidnapping/Imprisonment, Obsessive Behavior, Slight Manipulation, and Intimidation.
[Part Two]
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It’d taken Eula six hours to catch you.
Three hours for one of her many agents stationed within Mondstadt’s walls to report that you were missing, two to find your tracks amidst the dense wilderness of the Whispering Woods, and one to overtake your frantic sprint and recapture you – the target sighted, located, and hunted down in less than half a day. Part of you was proud of yourself. You were familiar with her swordsmanship, had witnessed what she could do with a claymore and a raging vendetta. You knew that the twisted sense of fondness she held for you was the only reason her blade wasn’t lodged in the side of your throat, but still, it was a small miracle that you’d managed to evade her for as long as you did. It was a small miracle that you’d managed to get out of the city at all.
Part of you was proud. The rest of you, the majority of you, was just angry that you’d been stupid enough to try something so foolish in the first place.
Angry, and bitter, and more frustrated than you had any right to be. Even slung over her bicep, her shoulder pressing into your stomach and her gloved hand wrapped over the back of your thigh, you couldn’t do anything to loosen the tight coil of irritation pressing against the inside of your chest, to stop yourself from digging your nails into her back and kicking at her stomach whenever the terrain grew harsh and you could get away with trying to hurt her a fraction of as much as she’d hurt you. She took the abuse without complaint. You couldn’t see her face, but her breathing was steady, unfaltering, and she only ever seemed to pause to check the compass hanging from her waist or brush stray greenery out of her path.
That might’ve been the worst thing about Eula, when you found it in yourself to look beyond the violence and obsession. You could kick and scratch and scream all you wanted, bite and tear and call her names until your own desperate fear had been forgotten in the face of rage and vile hatred, but she was strong enough to take it, to hold you against her chest and bury her face in the crook of your neck until you were too exhausted to fight, until your throat had grown too hoase to scream. She was always hard to read, but her emotions (or, the collection of delusions that she liked to call emotions) were the most shielded in those small hours you spent alone with her; when she saw fit not to take what she wanted from you, but to wait until you’d worn yourself down far enough to let her have it willingly. It was the most excruciating to be at her mercy when—
Your limp body was hauled off of her shoulder and thrown carelessly to the ground – the earth colliding with your back and knocking the air from your lungs. No, you’d been wrong, this was the worst thing about Eula; the feeling of her gaze piercing into your flesh as she loomed above you, lips pressed into a thin line and dull eyes glinting silver in the moonlight. She reminded you of a wolf, silver-furred and nocturnal, an unrelenting force of nature from the minute she caught her quarry’s scent to the moment she had them in her maw, bloody and broken and ready to bend to her will. An unstoppable fury of teeth and canines and all the many things she had stripped you of, during your time together.
A click of her tongue, the setting of her jaw. She stepped towards you, where you remained on the ground, lingering long enough to haul you upward before gripping your shoulder and coming to kneel behind your back. “Hands.”
You hesitated, going stiff at the cold harshness of her tone. Her grip tightened, calloused fingertips burrowing into vulnerable flesh, and you relented quickly, bringing your hands to the small of your back and balling them into fists, your own blunt nails pressing defined indents into the meat of your palms. She wasn’t a wolf. That had been an idiotic thing to tell yourself. Wolves were messy, and barbaric, and they relied on their packs; admitted their weakness each time they shared their quarry with another dozen starving beasts. She was a hawk, or an eagle – a bird of prey who needed no more strength than what she possessed. She did not trek through the dirt and brambles, did not stoop so low as to have to put herself on the same plane as those she hunted. She soared above it all, barely a shadow in your peripheral until she saw fit to make herself known and fell just low enough to spear you with her claws. She was clean, and swift, and lethal. A huntress who did not waste time wondering if her prey knew to fear her.
You felt something cold and smooth wrap around your wrists – shackles, connected by a chain no longer than your forearm. For the first time, you thought to glance around the area she’d dropped you in. A canvas tent bearing a tattered crest sat to your side, covered in leaf litter and clearly not often used, an unlit lantern hanging above it on a thinning cord. An abandoned Fatui encampment, cleared out by some vicious adventurer and left behind by those who might've once inhabited it. Eula, in one of her rare fits of transparency, had once mentioned that there were dozens of them, dotted across the untamed wilderness, uncharted and unnoticed. She may’ve been the only person who knew how to find them, who cared enough to chart the forgotten sites, if only in her own mind.
The idea that there wasn't a soul in Mondstadt who knew where you were or how to find you was, somehow, even less comforting than you would’ve assumed.
When she finished, she pushed herself back to her feet, taking long seconds to skirt her fingertips along your shoulder, then the side of your neck as she placed herself in front of you. “Are you hurt?” As always, her voice was stern, stoic, and as always, you responded to her probing with bitter silence, pursing your lips and narrowing your eyes at the ground. She let out an airy sigh, but any other signs of irritation were muted, hidden beyond the shallow reach of your perception. “If you still have the strength to hold your tongue, you must not be too terribly injured. I’ll take this as evidence that you’re being woefully disagreeable and regard you as an uncooperative party from this point forward.”
You hated it when she talked to you like this; as if you were a criminal, as if you were some evildoer she could lock away without guilt. You grit your teeth, shrinking into yourself, but if Eula noticed your growing resentment, she didn’t deem it worth her acknowledgment. Few things you did seemed to be worth her attention, despite how close she saw fit to hold you.
“You know that it isn’t safe to leave the city on your own,” she went on, ignoring your resistance. “Let alone wander into the forest in the middle of the night. If you had something you needed to attend to, you could’ve just—” She paused, exhaling deeply. You could see her posture slacken, fatigue forming hairline cracks along the surface of her composure, but it was a temporary fracture, hidden just as quickly as it’d materialized. “You know the rules I’ve given you are there for your own protection. I don’t see why you continue to break them.”
“I never asked for your protection.” You were mumbling, speaking under your breath, but you knew she’d heard you. From the abrupt quirk to her practiced scowl to the way her fingers twitched at her side, fighting the urge to grope for her claymore, you knew she’d heard you. “The only thing I’ve ever asked you to do is leave me alone, and you have never once listened to me. Why shouldn’t I pay you back in kind?”
“Because I’m trying to prevent someone very dear to me from getting hurt, while you are being unnecessarily difficult and throwing yourself into danger just to spite someone who cares about you.” Her tone took on a tender lull, softened and saccharine, accompanied by a light touch to the corner of your jaw. You jerked away from her hand, but that did little to deter her. “You know that, don’t you? That I’m just trying to make sure nothing happens to you?”
You opened your mouth, already baring your teeth.
But, just as quickly, you snapped it shut and twisted away from her, bringing your knees up to your chest and firmly shutting your eyes. A childish tactic, but a necessary one. Complete avoidance was the only strategy she understood, the only thing that managed to block out her mantras of love and protection. She usually went on for a while longer, tried to provoke you with a cloying pet names and rhetorical questions, but in a few minutes, her frustration would take control and she’d leave to collect herself or return your silence in turn. Usually, she’d let you have your reprieve. Usually.
But, tonight had proved to be distinctly unusual, and you should’ve known better than to try such old tricks.
When you failed to respond, Eula pulled away from you, regaining her towering stature. The skin of the huntress traded out for the armored façade of a knight, the latter worn just as naturally as the former. “Do you really want to make this difficult?”
Again, you held your tongue. There was another sharp sigh, another shift in her stance, and then, she raised her hand.
Your mind didn’t have time to fully gasp what she was doing. She was holding nothing, and then, there was something – a hulking mass of iron and steel, the spaded tip of a blade plunging down, down, down,  towards your suddenly very exposed and very fragile form. You stiffened, curling into yourself, but the piercing blow never came. Rather, you felt something cool and flat against your back, heard a hollow thud, and reluctantly, opened your eyes to see that her claymore was no longer plunging towards you, but puncturing the ground less than hair's width from your back, buried in the earth with the chain of your shackles pinned beneath it. You jerked at your cuffs, pulling frantically at your restraints, but her claymore held true. All your strength – your diminish, exhausted strength – wasn’t enough to make the hulking weapon so much as tremble.
“I’ll come back in the morning. We’ll see if you’re feeling more mature, by then.” Cold as ice, as cutting as a sharpened knife. You lashed out blindly, kicking at the ground and clawing at the metal wrapped around your wrists, but she stood strong, unmoved by your panic. “My company’s based a few miles north. If you do manage to slip out, carefully consider in which direction you’ll choose run.”
“You can’t—” Your voice cut out, dying into a wordless, frantic sound of desperation. “Eula, there are monsters, and wolves, and— I promise, I’ll be good.” Because that was what she cared about. Not your safety, not your security, just your cooperation. Just how violently you fought back against her. “I won’t talk back, and I’ll let you touch me, and I’ll be so, so good. Just, please, don’t leave me here.”
For the first time since your recapture, her frown gave way to a small, softened smile. With slow, deliberate movements, her hand came up to cup your cheek, the pad of her stroking over your tender skin. “Oh, but you were so sure you’d be just fine without me only an hour ago.” She leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss into your forehead before rising back to her full height. “Be safe.”
She turned away, but spared you one more glance over her shoulder, the moonlight casting her eyes in cold, unfeeling silver.
“And have a good night, beloved.”
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Them bridal carrying an injured reader
Characters: Jean / Eula / Noelle x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: mentions of blood, but nothing graphic
a/n: I got two similar requests to write a few characters (Eula, Jean and Noelle (and rosaria, but I left her out, since I normally only accept requests with up to 3 characters)) bridal carrying an (injured) reader, so I decided to just combine them.
Also, I haven't written for Noelle in what feels like years, so if I got something wrong, I'm sorry!
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Jean spent most of her work days either behind her desk, filling out all of the paperwork she could, or working through all kinds of small random tasks given to her by the citizens of Mondstadt, so while there was a part of her breathing a small sigh of relief that she was accompanying you when you managed to get yourself injured by a pack of Hilichurls, she couldn’t help but be slightly irked that things had to go wrong the one day she got to work outside, even if she’d never catch herself voicing her not exactly selfless thoughts.
“Don’t worry, I’ve had a lot worse wounds over the years. So there’s no need to stress about it too much”, you brushed off the concerns of the person carrying you on the quickest route back to Mondstadt, only for Jean to sternly counter almost instantly.
“I appreciate you trying to calm me down, but I don’t think this is the right situation to downplay everything”, the acting grandmaster caught herself almost snapping at you, the stress of the situation taking its toll on her.
“Tis but a scratch”, you responded just as calmly as before.
“Your leg is bleeding.”
“‘It’s just a flesh wound”, you were quick to correct yourself, your follow-up joke about not really needing both of your legs anyway landing about as well as a drunkard that’s been thrown out of a window.
Luckily for the both of your leg and Jean’s sanity, you arrived to the city shortly afterwards, the situation turning out to be far less serious than the acting grandmaster had dreaded, even if it was clear to you that she still had to calm down somewhat, the trip outside of Mondstadt not exactly helping in lowering her stress levels as much as you had hoped.
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If anyone had told Eula beforehand of how much you’d enjoy getting carried around bridal style, she’d either had decided to lift you in another, less comfortable position or would have simply left you where she found you. But nobody did, and instead she was now stuck with a person far too happy to tease her for someone that had been wounded not long before.
“If you’re feeling fine enough to tease me this much, I can’t help but start wondering if you’re well enough off to walk back to Mondstadt yourself”, Eula stated after letting out yet another long, drawn-out sigh, doing her best to hide her increasingly red growing face by looking away, her hands being too occupied with carrying you to cover it.
“Nah, if I have to be honest it hurts like hell. If I don’t keep myself occupied with talking I might actually start crying”, your voice slightly cracked as small tears started forming in your eyes, only for them to be wiped away by your hands just as quickly as they appeared.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you’ll be fine. This isn’t the first time I had to deal with someone getting injured”, Eula’s tone shifted drastically as she tried her best to assure you, putting on a smile to put your mind at ease, only to nearly glare at you the instant she saw your face.
“Awww, be assured, I know that I’ll be fine. I mean how couldn’t I when I have such a knight in shining armor as you to help me”, you grinned at her, causing Eula to nearly let go of you, the knight barely being able to stop herself, praying for your sake that you wouldn’t drive her into insanity by the end of the trip.
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When Noelle picked you up with ease, her reaction not differing in the slightest to when she picked up a staple of paperwork to bring to the acting grandmasters office, you suddenly found yourself suddenly remembering the fact that Noelle had what you would best describe as superhuman strength, all your worries about how you’d get back to Mondstadt vanishing just as quickly as they appeared as the maid started carrying you back towards the city.
“Is your leg doing better? I know what I tried wasn’t much, but I hope it at least helps somewhat”, Noelle asked glancing towards the bandages the had wrapped around your leg the moment she noticed you had been injured, the almost perfect way she had treated your wound causing you to silently wonder if there were things she didn’t know how to do.
“Oh yeah, it’s feeling much better, all thanks to your help!”, you thanked her with a smile, not all too surprised at the lack of confidence she held in her skills by now, choosing to ignore it for now as you left out a yawn, the extra energy you had received thanks to the adrenaline finally giving way for tiredness.
Before you had even the time to voice your intentions to close your eyes for a bit, they had already shut as you fell asleep in her arms. If only you had mentioned your heavy sleeping to Noelle, you might have spared her the scare she got once she tried to wake you up afterwards, only for your eyes to remain closed.
You might have also spared yourself the bruised shoulder you got from her attempts to finally wake you up.
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chaoffee · 5 months
The Snowfall
Part 2 ... Part 3 ... Part 4 Character(s): Eula x gn! reader Genre: at this point just assume I don't know Warnings: None for now. Word Count: 447 Notes: entry #3 of Ying's (@i23kazu) january '24 ebg <3 finally getting around to making content again. I'll see if I can push out part 4 today and a few other entries lol when will Eula show up? Good question, maybe next part, maybe the part after that, but she'll show up eventually.
The trek to the camp just outside of Dragonspine took up most of your day, you arrived when the sun had started setting and colored the sky in beautiful pinks and purples. With a few quick hellos to everyone around the small camp, you set up your own tent close by and made some dinner for yourself. After dinner, you decided to call it a night and cuddled yourself in your tent and sleeping bag. The sounds of nature lulling you to sleep, your body thanking you for finally resting after a long days’ worth of hiking.
The sounds of birds chirping stirred you from your slumber. Groggily you sat up, hands rubbing at your eyes to rub away any sleep. You looked around your tent, slowly blinking as you take in your surroundings. Right, you were camping here for that commission. With that, you get yourself ready for the day ahead.
You packed everything up, swung your backpack on your back and went further into the small camp searching for the commissioner. You saw a frantic looking man; he dressed like one of those scholars from the Akademiya. I approach him, watching him carefully, “Hello, are you the commissioner that posted a commission at the Adventurer’s Guild?”
The man looks at you, eyes wide as he nodded frantically, “Yes! Finally! Are you the adventurer they sent?”
You nod, “Yes, how may I assist you?”
The man, anxiously patting his hands down on his clothes, “I was doing some research in Dragonspine when I was attacked by a group of hilichurls. I fled the scene out of terror and lost all my research!”
You nod your head along with his rushed rambling, “Where did you leave your research before you go ambushed?” You asked, pulling out your paper map of Dragonspine and rolling it open, motioning for him to show where he had lost his research.
He circles the map quickly, muttering how he should’ve kept all his research in one place, three different spots were circled. You couldn’t help but agree that you wished he’d kept his research in one place. It doesn’t make sense how you could just leave your research in three separate locations. Although they were close enough to one another so it shouldn’t take to long to thoroughly scout out the areas.
You closed the map, asking the researcher what exactly you’re looking for, to which he said a few notebooks and any paper that might be around the areas. You nodded, thanking him for his help. And, with no time to waste, you bid the researcher farewell and started making your way to the designated areas now circled on your map.
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wranrihallon · 9 months
Genshin Impact Sexuality + Gender Headcanons
Mondstadt Characters Part 1/2
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Albedo is a homoromantic, cupiosexual cisman who goes by he/him pronouns but wouldn't mind they/them or it/its
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Amber is a polyamorous, bisexual ciswoman who goes by she/they pronouns
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Barbara is a straight ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns but wouldn't mind they/them
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Bennett is a gay cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Diluc is a biromantic, asexual cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Eula is a polyamorous, bisexual ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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Fischl is a panromantic, asexual ciswoman who goes by she/they pronouns
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Jean is a bisexual ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
Kaeya is a hypersexual, bisexual cisman who goes by he/him pronouns but wouldn't mind they/them
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Lisa is a hypersexual, bisexual ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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Genshin Impact - Genius Invokation TCG Character Cards (Part 1):
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rhenuvee · 10 months
Do They Get Invited to the Fontaine Masquerade Ball? [Mondstadt]
A/N: Based on my post where I begged Hoyo to give us a Fontaine masquerade ball event. If they don't, this is the post I am using to quench my thirst.
Warnings: This is just my opinions and thoughts! If you think differently it is okay! (In my original post I said that I thought that the "higher-ups" would get invited so that is what I'm basing it off), written in an informal way, not all characters have headcanons!
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Yes - Jean, Kaeya, Diluc, Eula
Jean: She's anxious that something may go wrong if she's not there, especially with Klee. Lisa reassures her that everything will be okay (Lisa can be strict too so I think they'll be fine). Her co-knights (and Diluc) try to comfort her as well saying it is something to be proud of for her. I think she starts feeling better when she receives compliments from other guests of her being the acting grand master.
Kaeya: Was surprised he was going, because he thought Jean would've asked him to stay (Diluc: the Knights of Favonius are inefficient, you really think you'd stay?). He remembers that one time his adopted father was away for two days for the ball, and can't fathom that he'd get this chance. I just know his outfit for the masquerade ball is e x t r a v a g a n t.
Diluc: He remembers his father getting invited, so now it's his turn. He is hesitant on going, since there is business to take care of with the winery, possible memories of his father, and of course- his "dear" brother who is also attending. He probably is asked to bring wine by the organizers. When he gets dressed, Kaeya's like huh you're not wearing the darknight hero mask? And if you listen closely you can hear retribution.
Eula: Also surprised she got an invite because of her lineage... but on the other hand, she is not her ancestors, nor is she getting invited for that reason. Amber is excited for her and begs her to tell her all about it when she comes back. She is the best when it comes to the ballroom dancing part.
No - Amber, Lisa, Barbara, Razor, Bennett, Noelle, Fischl, Sucrose, Diona, Rosaria, Mika, Klee
Most of them are too young anyway... however that doesn't stop them from getting excited about a ball even though they cannot attend.
Fischl: She claims she is not jealous, because in her kingdom they have their own masquerade ball. Fontaine has an exquisite ballroom with the most brilliant chandeliers? The Immernachtreich has a better one, all purples and black with candles and Oz themed lights. She immediately organizes it along with asking her mom to make her favourite cold cut platter, and invites all her friends.
Bennett: Hears about Fischl's masquerade ball and is very much convinced that her's sounds better than Fontaine's. When he attends Fischl's ball, (well it looks better in her head but) he thinks it's the most amazing event he'd been to.
Klee: She is sad that Kaeya and a few of her other friends have to leave, though it's only for a bit. Klee asks him to bring back something like a Fontaine-Dodoco, Kaeya chuckles and says sure. Lisa and Albedo are the main people who have to keep her out of trouble.
Razor: Potatoes.
Well... - Venti, Mona, Albedo
Venti: If this guy can somehow make it to Lantern Rite and Irodori, then he can get to the ball. Not saying he was ever invited, but something tells me he has a scheme twirling his fake mustache and sneaking in. I won't deny that it would be fun to see him at a masquerade ball. Insert Diluc's deadpan face when he sees an alcoholic bard made his way to Fontaine. Venti makes up a fake title- "The Best Wine Taster of Teyvat"
Mona: She has wrote on the Steambird which drew in a lot of readers, so I think she has a good chance of getting invited. She'd be able to connect with any Fontaine fans that enjoy her astrology columns. I also think her outfit would be very elegant.
Albedo: I feel like he has a chance of getting invited but declines for two reasons. One because he has a lot of research to do and two, because someone needs to keep Klee from blowing up Mondstadt (and possible sus-bedos on the loose). I believe if anything, Sucrose would be the one to convince him to go since there could be more things alchemy related to discover in Fontaine, or other alchemists or scientists to meet.
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