#eppur si muove
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nicteh · 11 months
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Galileo ante el Santo Oficio, pintura del siglo xix, por Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury
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i wonder how is it like to know someone every corner and every dead end of them and then i look at her in a different way a hopeful and calm way and i realize all the wasted time of my precious life were spent for clueless deers i thought loving someone was like hunting but now i know, it's like a war so here i am, dear sun-ball I don't want to love you but i want to hold your hands I don't want to love you but i'll be a great secret-keeper of yours I don't want to love you but i want to write for you days and days, nights and nights I don't want to love you
i choose to despise you
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unseenacademic · 10 months
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ayliffe · 5 months
listening to metal shockingly helps with productivity, it turns out
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neil-gaiman · 7 months
Just finished watching your lecture on "Endings, Epilogues, and Afters" and thoroughly enjoyed it. Made a lot of notes for myself. You said/ended with, " I believe that, in the battle between guns and ideas, ideas will eventually win because the ideas are invisible, and they linger, and eventually they can even be true. _____________ and yet it moves." What did you say at the start of that sentence? I tried closed captioning but it went wonky on that translation. Many thanks if you could let me know. Wanted to again thank you for your Masterclass as well as for that particular lecture. Wish I had managed to see the other four, but, alas, it wasn't to be. Was discussing what a wonderful teacher you are. I owe a large debt to many a great teacher in my life and am glad to now include you to that list. I hope you're feeling better from your bout with COVID.
Eppur si muove. It's Italian.
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ilpianistasultetto · 8 months
Eppure, caxxo, tutti noi siamo andati a scuola. Chi otto anni, chi tredici e chi (non molti direi) anche 18anni. Tutti noi sappiamo come funziona quel mondo: in ogni classe, 2-3 alunni ottimi, altri 7-8 discreti e almeno meta' su cui e' meglio stendere un velo pietoso. Eppure alla fine, al 99% si e' tutti promossi. Poi si diventa genitori e sembra dimenticarsi tutto anche se la scuola funziona ora, come allora. Un figlio ti viene bocciato e parte subito il ricorso, si grida al complotto, al figlio preso in antipatia da questo o quell'insegnante, dal dare la colpa ad un corpo docente ignorante e incapace di fare quel lavoro. Come la colpa viene data all'allenatore dei ragazzi nel nuoto o nel calcio. Agli operatori nei pronto-soccorso o al medico di turno, ritenuto ignorante e incapace. Siamo approdati alla societa' del "decido io cosa e' giusto e chi e' il migliore" e lo status socio-culturale non sembra un elemento di confine. Una societa' di adulti frustrati dove non sono ammessi e non si accettano ostacoli di sorta. Pero' fatevene una ragione, oggi come allora, c'e' chi eccelle, chi si muove nella consapevolezza delle proprie capacita' e chi resta coglione dalla culla alla tomba. @ilpianistasultetto
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bicheco · 2 months
Idea per il film più comico dell'universo
Suonano alla porta di un tipo, un trentenne, mezzo bifolco dello Utah. L'uomo apre e di fronte a lui c'è un mostro alieno (sul tipo di E.T) che tiene in braccio un fagottino.
"Ciao terrestre, ti ricordi di me?". L'uomo è talmente scioccato che non ha paura. "Ma veramente direi di n....". "Tre anni fa, quando fosti rapito da una navicella aliena?!" "Ah sì certo, quel sogno stranissimo, inquietante, eppure così vivido e rea...". "Non era un sogno: sei stato rapito per davvero. Abbiamo fatto molti esperimenti su di te. Questo è tuo figlio! Fino ad ora ce lo siamo sbolognato noi, adesso però non ce la facciamo più, la sua parte terrestre gli impedisce di continuare a vivere nel nostro pianeta. Qui da voi invece starà una meraviglia! Buona fortuna". Il mostro gli consegna il fagottino, saluta abbozzando un hi-five a cui l'uomo non risponde e poi si solleva in aria risucchiato da un'enorme astronave.
L'uomo è paralizzato. Guarda il fagottino che lentamente si muove tra le sue braccia. Scosta la coperta per vederne le fattezze e quindi nero e titoli di testa.
Il film racconta le comiche, vagamente surreali nonché grottesche avventure di un giovane semi-alieno nella società americana.
Come lo intitolereste questo film?
Rispondete bastardi, vediamo se avete fantasia.
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abr · 8 months
Questo articolo ha seguito il normale processo di peer review ed è stato pubblicato nel gennaio del 2022. Ha suscitato un certo interesse, tutto regolare, sin quando poi nel settembre dello stesso anno (...) un certo giornalista di un quotidiano, il Guardian (la Repubblica inglese, ndr) evidentemente si è sentito particolarmente toccato da quanto sostenuto.
Il giornalista ha scritto un articolo sul giornale dopo aver intervistato alcuni esperti climatici internazionali noti per avere delle posizioni particolarmente catastrofiste al riguardo, che si sono scandalizzati per quanto letto nell’articolo e hanno detto “no, questo dovrebbe essere ritirato”.  
L’editore della rivista si è sentito in dovere di fare una verifica del nostro articolo alquanto strana e insolita. Di solito infatti un articolo scientifico che ha passato il processo di peer review, può essere sicuramente messo in discussione ma i ricercatori che non concordano ne scrivono uno che a sua volta deve essere sottoposto a peer review. A quel punto si può iniziare un confronto sulle tesi, sulle ipotesi, sulle referenze e questa è la procedura normale.
 Questo non è avvenuto, non hanno mai scritto un articolo scientifico di confutazione ma l’editore si è sentito in dovere di elencarci tre punti che erano in disaccordo con l’ultimo report dell’IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, un organo delle Nazioni Unite, ndr) Noi abbiamo scritto un addendum mostrando che in realtà questi tre punti sono assolutamente in accordo con quanto da noi sostenuto.
Dopodiché l'editore ha fatto partire una ulteriore peer review su quanto già rivisto e pubblicato (mai successo prima), dove un reviewer era d’accordo, l’altro reviewer no. Il disaccordo ha dato gli elementi all’editor per chiamare in causa un terzo auditor che ha espresso parere negativo e quindi c’è stata la ritrattazione dell'editor, non degli autori.
Conclusioni troppo scomode: "an unconvenient truth", nemesi ricadente sul Padre di tutti i Catastrofisti moderni, Al Gore il Grande Perdente.
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...eppur si muove
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I give you Galileo to smack the hell out of.
Galileo was the first to report telescopic observations of the mountains on the moon, the moons of Jupiter, the phases of Venus & the rings of Saturn.
He invented an early microscope & a predecessor to the thermometer!
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I'd gladly have a TEA TIME with him.
Galileo’s laws of motion, made from his measurements that all bodies accelerate at the same rate regardless of their mass or size, paved the way for the codification of classical mechanics by Isaac Newton. Galileo’s heliocentrism (with modifications by Kepler) later became an accepted scientific fact.
After Galileo was forced during his trial to admit that the Earth was the stationary center of the universe, he allegedly muttered, "Eppur si muove!" ("Yet it moves!" )
The first direct attribution of the quote to Galileo dates to 125 years after the trial; it appears on a wall behind him in a 1634 Spanish painting commissioned by one of Galileo's friends.
His inventions, from compasses & balances to improved telescopes & microscopes, revolutionized astronomy & biology!
✨He's known as the father of modern physics!✨
Although... I feel the need to destroy something today.
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instabileatrofia · 3 months
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Eppur si muove
Do not remove the captions pls.
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defences-down · 8 months
A new day means another west wing fic that I've written for @twwpride.
Day two's prompt was Found Family and/or Distance.
This fic covers both exploring the off screen life of one of my favorite characters we don't get to see nearly enough, Ellie Bartlet. I've always empathized with her, especially her semi-strained relationship with her family of origin. I got to thinking about the snapshots of her we do get to see, particularly the moment in "Eppur Si Muove " where she and Jed are in the kitchen. The disconnect in understanding there was painfully familiar for me. Combining that strained relationship with the general assumption both from the audience (at the time and now) and The Bartlet's that Ellie was gay, i was drawn to consider what her life looked like beyond the edges of our screens.
As soon as I asked the question, her whole life unfolded before me. A girlfriend named Piper well on her way to Ph.D. in Literature. Someone who gave her space to unpack the pressure of her life, someone who would hold her in the moments over overwhelming anxiety and encourage her in ways I'm not sure she got all the time. Someone to smooth the edges. Basically someone who would love her the way she deserves to be loved.
Without any further preamble:
Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it
Pairing/Relationships: Ellie Bartlet/Original Female Character, Ellie Bartlet & CJ Cregg, Ellie Bartlet & Sam Seaborn, Ellie Bartlet & Jed Bartlet
Rating: M
WC: 3334
Summary: An photo that has the potential to blow up everything she's built for herself.
Ellie faces an impossible choice.
Or Ellie is going to be outed by a sleazy photographer in 24 hours.
Tags: the press being garbage, Lesbian Ellie Bartlet, Angst, happy-ish ending, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blackmail, threatened outing, LOML Universe, Anxiety, Canon Typical Yelling from Jed, nosebleed mention but no blood, Explicit language, Pet names, comfort
See y'all tomorrow with Day 3! (If I can find the time to finish it.)
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handyowlet · 2 months
I believe that it is difficult to kill an idea
Because ideas are invisible and contagious, and they move fast
I believe that you can set your own ideas against ideas you dislike
That you should be free to argue
Explain, clarify, debate, offend, insult, rage, mock, sing, dramatize and deny
I do not believe that burning, murdering, exploding people
Smashing their heads with rocks, to let the bad ideas out
Drowning them or even defeating them
Will work to contain ideas you do not like
Ideas spring up where you do not expect them
Like weeds, and are as difficult to control
I believe that repressing ideas spreads ideas
I believe that people and books and newspapers are containers for ideas
But that burning the people who hold the ideas
Will be as unsuccessful as firebombing the newspaper archives
It is already too late, it is always too late
The ideas are already out, hiding behind people's eyes
Waiting in their thoughts
They can be whispered, they can be written on walls
In the dead of night, they can be drawn
I believe that ideas do not have to be correct to exist
I believe you have every right to be perfectly certain
That images of God or prophet or human that you revere are sacred and undefilable
Just as I have the right to be certain of the sacredness of speech
And of the sanctity of the right to mock, comment, to argue and to utter
I believe I have the right to think and say the wrong things
I believe your remedy for that should be to argue with me or to ignore me
And that I should have the same remedy
For the wrong things that I believe you think
I believe that you have the absolute right to think things
That I find offensive, stupid, preposterous or dangerous
And that you have the right to speak, write, or distribute these things
And that I do not have the right to kill you
Maim you, hurt you, or take away your liberty or property
Because I find your ideas threatening or insulting or downright disgusting
You probably think some of my ideas are pretty vile too
I believe that in the battle between guns and ideas, ideas will eventually win
Because the ideas are invisible, and they linger
And sometimes, they can even be true
Eppur si muove (and yet it moves)
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✨When you get this ask you have to(not have to, only if you wanna) put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positive vibes are cool)🎶
i love being tagged/sent stuff!
(even though i take several weeks to answer oof)
5 misc songs I'm currently listening to:
Eppur Si Muove (Divulgator)
Sober (NanowaR od Steel)
Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (Creepy Nuts)
Golden Brown (The Stranglers)
Electric Angel (Yasuo)
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linipikk · 18 days
past me was always trying to be a pal, and heck, she fucking succeeded.
Last year I got myself this one tattoo on my right arm, in a way I can read it easily, it says "Eppur si muove" (And yet it moves), the probably misattributed words of Galileo Galilei after being forced to retract from his claim of the Earth moving around the Sun.
Usually this phrase is used to illustrate that scientific truth is a fact despite what doctrines or authorities want to believe. Which is and okay meaning and the one I usually resort to when people ask about the tattoo.
But the truth is that my tatt is a reminder from me to me for the times when my crushing anxiety comes and choks me with both hands, there to remind me that the world is turning, that it will keep going no matter what, and that every world-ending soul-shattering heart-breaking thing that happens is not that big because it [the world] will keep moving, I want it or not.
Feeling that nothing is really that important in the big scheme of things is exactly what I need, and past me was being a goddamn doll by just getting a reminder right there where it's not easy to ignore.
And this week it has been a lifesaver.
Oh, and it also comes with it's own soundtrack since it's also the title of one of my absolute favorite albums, the Eppur si Muove by Haggard!
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