#enzo vogrincic angst
stuckwthem · 3 months
HOLAA para lo de las canciones con los chicos del cast: gold rush de taylor swift con enzo 😭😭 siento q es muy accurate.
gold rush | enzo vogrincic
summary: tu lucha contra sus sentimientos de celos y la creciente atención hacia su amigo, temiendo perderlo en medio de la fama y las chicas. friends to not yet lovers. 3k.
tw: inseguridad, angst, consumo de alcohol
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cuando enzo se hizo famoso, no fue una gran sorpresa. siempre había sido talentoso, determinado y esforzado en todo lo que se proponía. además, cumplía todos los requisitos para convertirse en la nueva estrella de la pantalla: guapo, culto, carismático y gracioso. 
así que cuando volvió al teatro, estrenando otra obra brillante, era de esperar que se abarrotasen todas las secciones. y se llenaron, con gente y más gente, todos tras otro pedacito de enzo. mujeres, hombres, jóvenes y mayores, todos estaban deseando por más. 
para enzo no había cambiado gran cosa, aparte del leve acoso, seguía sintiéndose igual, actuando igual, teniendo los mismos mejores amigos y tomando el café en la misma cafetería sencilla, pero ahora era reconocido en la calle y tenía más seguidores de los que podía registrar en instagram. eso era diferente, sin duda, tener la atención de todo el mundo después de tanto tiempo rogándola. pero a pesar de eso, era reconfortante pensar que por fin lo había conseguido. 
a ti te parecía asfixiante. era extraño ver cómo el chico con el que habías pasado los últimos años se convertía en una estrella de la noche a la mañana. para muchos era enzo vogrincic, un actor en una película nominada al oscar. para ti, sólo era enzo, tu mejor amigo. y tu antiguo amor. así que aunque admirabas la creciente fama de tu amigo, las cosas podían ser un poco confusas a veces. la fama atraía todo lo bueno que podías desearle como actor, pero también traía todo lo que te asustaba a muerte: chicas. 
todas guapas, con magníficas sonrisas, actitud y presencia magnética, podían tener fácilmente una oportunidad con enzo. fácilmente cualquiera menos tú. eso era lo que pensabas. 
era difícil reprimir tus celos, un sentimiento idiota que intentabas ignorar a toda costa. controlar tus propios sentimientos era una tarea ardua y agotadora. no te gustaba cómo se te calentaba la cara cuando él estaba cerca, ni cómo te sentías cuando alguna chica se acercaba demasiado. y te sentías fatal por eso. estabas siendo infantil y celosa, pero tú estabas allí primero, ¿no? 
no era una carrera, pero pensabas que ya te habías asegurado el primer puesto. eras el confidente de enzo, su compañera en casi todo momento y la persona más cercana a él. aun así, era como correr por el oro. y no te gustaba nada tener que competir.
cuando enzo te invitó a la fiesta posterior al estreno de su nueva obra, pensaste en declinar la invitación. por supuesto, verías toda la sesión, te volverías a enamorar durante hora y media, felicitarías a tu mejor amigo y volverías a casa, acompañada de una botella de vino y penas que ahogar.  pero el actor no aceptó un no por respuesta, de hecho, enzo estaba aún más confuso, ya que en las últimas semanas parecías muy distante. no respondías a sus mensajes, no contestabas a sus llamadas. por un momento se culpó a sí mismo, pensando que tal vez te estaba dejando de lado con su apretada agenda, pero en realidad, tú sólo estabas actuando como una cobarde.
sabías que era cobardía. contigo mismo, con enzo. estabas siendo una idiota. pero no tenías la valentía de abrirte y contarle tus sentimientos, especialmente con todos los focos girando ahora en su dirección. así que empezó a alejarse, pensando que no le afectaría con sus celos repentinos o sus sentimientos contradictorios. sus palabras sonarían superfluas al lado de toda la atención que él estaba recibiendo ahora. ni siquiera le importaría, otra razón más que se dijo a sí misma para sabotearse. probablemente arruinaría nuestra amistad. ¿y si piensa que intento aprovecharme? pensamientos que pasaban por tu cabeza por la noche.
"¡enzo, este es tu momento, tu obra acaba de estrenarse y tu película va estupendamente!", le dijiste a tu mejor amigo, con un tono de resignación poco convincente. "¡tendrás gente a tu lado toda la noche!".
estabas en el camerino después de la obra, mientras enzo se cambiaba la ropa de su personaje. la habitación olía a perfume fresco, a madera vieja y a una pizca del sudor del chico. con los brazos cruzados, mirabas fijamente el tabique donde enzo se cambiaba, sentada en el viejo sofá.
cuando salió de detrás de la barrera de madera, enzo te miró como si estuvieras bromeando, con los ojos muy abiertos, las cejas levantadas, y luego sacudió la cabeza, abrochándose los últimos botones de su camiseta negra.
"¿y qué tiene eso que ver con el hecho de que quiera a mi mejor amiga conmigo en una noche importante?", preguntó, como si lo que estabas diciendo fuera una tontería, y luego se detuvo frente al espejo, limpiándose el maquillaje.
te pusiste a su lado y cogiste uno de sus pañuelos, limpiándote suavemente el maquillaje blanco del cuello, incapaz de mirarle mientras enzo te observaba en el reflejo. mordiéndote el interior de la mejilla, te sorprendiste a ti misma con un torbellino creciendo en tu pecho.
"no quiero estorbarte" tu confesión salió en un susurro, a lo que enzo respondió con una risa suave y despectiva. "en serio, me quedaría ahí como una idiota, ¡ni siquiera me echarás de menos!".
enzo te sujetó la muñeca con calma, mientras tú te concentrabas demasiado en limpiarlo, pero hacía tiempo que el maquillaje había desaparecido. se giró para mirarte, con los ojos fijos en toda tu expresión ceñuda, que llevaba una insistente preocupación en el pliegue de las cejas, que le pareció adorable.
"deja de decir tonterías, sabes que te necesito siempre a mi lado. ¿o qué sería de mí?", declaró el moreno, con una voz tan firme y dulce como la sonrisa que se deslizaba por sus labios cuando le miraba. 
y así era imposible rebatirlo, simplemente era demasiado difícil resistirse a él y al sentimiento que la consumía por dentro, que la traía a este momento, en el salón de un piso grande y desconocido, lleno de actores y gente importante, críticos de teatro y alguna que otra gente insignificante. reconoció algunas caras, amigos comunes, compañeros de trabajo y, por supuesto, fans y admiradores de enzo. el ambiente es un zumbido de carcajadas, conversaciones animadas y copas que se alzan en señal de celebración. la gente aplaudió cuando enzo entró en el piso, llevando su mano, que pronto soltaron para que pudiera saludar a los demás. me parece justo. pensó, aunque el hormigueo entre los dedos causado por la ausencia de enzo empezaba a molestarle.
él irradiaba confianza, saludando con la cabeza a quienes le saludaban y respondiendo a cada cumplido con una modesta sonrisa.
intentaste mantener una expresión neutra y comprensiva, apreciando el esfuerzo de enzo por incluirte en su nuevo mundo. sin embargo, la sensación en el fondo de tu mente persistía. todo el mundo quería saber cómo era tocarlo, cómo era amarlo, y usted no tenía ningún privilegio en ser experta en esto. poco a poco, cuando el actor entabló conversaciones, usted se dispersó en un minuto, fue a por una copa de vino y pronto se vio fuera de lugar, enzo cada vez más rodeado en un pequeño círculo alejado de usted, y una hermosa chica riendo a su lado, intentando llamar su atención. 
a la cuarta copa, después de observarle desde lejos, estabas algo intoxicada por el alcohol y decidida. le daría espacio, tanta distancia como necesitara, para que pudiera disfrutar de su noche sin obstáculos. sobre todo, no quería ser su sombra ni sentir que le molestaba, aunque enzo no diera señales de aquello. 
el enorme balcón del enorme piso, ocupado apenas por unos pocos fumadores, tenía una escalera de incendios en la esquina y a través de ella descubriste la terraza, vacía y tranquila, con una vista increíble de las luces de la ciudad. te pareció una buena forma de alejarte de todo, un escondite perfecto para ti y todas esas sensaciones. 
mientras te alejabas por la terraza, enzo notó tu ausencia. alguien acababa de soltar un chiste estúpido y él se giró para intercambiar una mirada cómplice, dispuesto a ver tu sonrisa en su rostro, pero todo lo que obtuvo fueron rasgos desconocidos y sintió una inmediata incomodidad. enzo puso fin a la conversación bruscamente, disculpándose con los demás invitados, y empezó a buscarte entre el montón de gente en que se había convertido el salón. cruzó el piso, saludando rápidamente a quien se cruzaba en su camino, la preocupación en su rostro se hacía cada vez más visible al no haber rastro de ti.
¿te habías ido sin despedirte? ¿por qué estabas tan... diferente? enzo podía dejar que cambiaran muchas cosas, no todo lo que podía controlar, pero cambiar lo que existía entre ustedes no podía tolerarlo, y eso lo aterrorizaba. incluso después de todo, tú eras la persona que él quería a su lado. como amiga, como algo más. como cualquier cosa que te mantuviera cerca. a tus brazos corría cuando el mundo parecía tragárselo, cuando todo le abrumaba, cuando tenía noticias felices o tristes, cuando tenía planes o necesitaba un momento de paz escuchando tu voz. la vida de enzo, a pesar de todo, giraba en torno a tu órbita. podía sentir que te le escapabas de las manos, y no podía permitir que eso ocurriera. 
sus ojos vislumbraron entonces la puerta abierta del balcón y la atravesó, encontrándose con la misma escalera por la que habíais subido minutos antes. se conocían lo suficiente como para que enzo estuviera seguro de que iba en la dirección correcta cuando subió a la terraza. la brisa helada le golpeó en cuanto subió el último escalón, y sintió que se le formaba un nudo en el estómago.
la vista panorámica de la ciudad se fue revelando a medida que avanzaba por la terraza, pero lo que captó su atención fue usted, de pie en el borde de la misma, mirando al horizonte con expresión pensativa, con un vaso vacío en las manos. al actor le dio un vuelco el corazón, respiró hondo y se rascó la garganta.
"¿estás bien?" la voz de enzo cortó el silencio como una suave melodía, sobreponiéndose a la música apagada del piso justo debajo de sus pies, sorprendiéndole mientras contemplaba la ciudad desde arriba, absorbida por sus pensamientos. era una voz profunda y cálida, con una nota de preocupación delicadamente entretejida. 
no esperabas que llegara tan rápido. te giras hacia él e intentas sonreír, pero el gesto no llega a tus ojos.
"estoy bien, enzo. sólo necesitaba un poco de aire fresco". intentaste sonar despreocupada, pero había una notable tensión en el ambiente. 
realmente te sentías sofocada, un poco acalorada, atascada por el vino y la ansiedad.
el actor asintió, sus ojos buscaban los suyos, en busca de respuestas que usted no estaba dispuesta a dar. se acercó a ti lentamente, metiendo las manos en los bolsillos, dando un paso cada vez, como si temiera que cualquier movimiento brusco pudiera alterar el delicado equilibrio entre vosotros.
enzo no sabía cómo empezar a desentrañar las preguntas de su cabeza, y tú no sabías cómo retener las palabras dentro de tu mente cargada y ebria.
"las cosas están un poco raras", dijisteis los dos a la vez, generando un ligero estado de shock con la revelación al unísono. estabais en la mente del otro todo el tiempo.
intercambiasteis miradas divertidas, repentinamente tímidas, y enzo se rió, balanceando el cuerpo, sin saber muy bien cómo acercarse.
"empiezo a pensar que tenemos que repasar nuestras habilidades telepáticas", bromea él, tratando de aliviar la tensión del ambiente. 
su sonrisa era genuina, pero sus ojos seguían buscando algo más en los tuyos. la brisa nocturna jugaba con el pelo de enzo mientras se acercaba, creando una atmósfera de vulnerabilidad compartida.
dejas escapar una suave carcajada, disfrutando del ligero toque de humor. sin embargo, esa extraña electricidad entre vosotros no desapareció del todo. enzo parecía querer entender lo que estaba pasando, mientras que tú luchabas por expresar sentimientos confusos bajo la influencia de más vino del que deberías tener en tu organismo. 
"sí, podría ser una buena idea invertir en un curso de comunicación mental", respondiste, tratando de mantener un tono ligero, pero esa expresión algo desesperada seguía delatando lo que ocurría en tu interior.
enzo asintió, de pie a tu lado en el borde de la terraza, ambos contemplando la ciudad iluminada ante vosotros. había algo mágico en la noche, pero también algo incierto en la forma en que os mirabais.
"entonces, ¿qué está pasando?" enzo finalmente rompió el silencio una vez más, sus ojos te miraban con una intensidad que hizo que tu corazón se acelerase. sus orbes marrones invitan a sumergirse en ellos. estabas atrapada, sin ningún lugar al que huir. su mirada te recorrió como si fueras transparente, incapaz de ocultar nada a su atención.
dudaste un momento, mordiéndote el labio inferior antes de encontrar el valor para hablar. "es que... me he sentido un poco perdida. con todo lo que ha estado pasando, los cambios, tú haciéndote famoso, y yo... no sé dónde encajo". apartaste la mirada, sintiendo un nudo en la garganta. "no sé si podré soportarlo, en".
una sensación punzante pareció atravesar el pecho del chico, que sinceramente se esperaba muchas cosas, pero no esto. no su mirada huyendo de él a cada momento y la forma en que su cuerpo parecía repudiar la manera en que se apartaba inconscientemente. enzo perdió el aliento ante el golpe, y tardó unos segundos en procesar tu honestidad directa.
"¿no puedes lidiar... conmigo?", preguntó, con la voz baja, dolida. tu había bebido demasiado, se notaba. enzo no sabía si se sentía ofendido o preocupado. sus manos se tensaron en los bolsillos del pantalón, ansiosas por encontrar las suyas. de tocarte, de romper esa barrera.
"i... no sé si podré soportar la idea de perderte" la afirmación le salió, cortándole la garganta. dios, qué tonta y ridícula se sentía. toda una fiesta para él allí abajo y él perdiendo el tiempo con su drama.
la mirada de enzo pasó gradualmente del perplejidad a la comprensión, y a algo más profundo, más vulnerable. la noche que había parecido tan prometedora se teñía ahora de una nube de incertidumbre.
"¿perder...?" enzo repitió la palabra, como si tratara de comprender plenamente el significado que encerraba. sus ojos oscuros se clavaron en los tuyos, una mezcla de confusión y de inquietud pintada en su expresión.
tragas saliva, incapaz de responder inmediatamente. las emociones bullían en tu interior, y era difícil discernir qué era miedo, celos o simplemente inseguridad.
"sí, perder". bajaste la cabeza, tus dedos rodeando el borde de la taza en una huida nerviosa. riéndote para ti misma, cerraste los ojos, sintiendo el ligero mareo y la falta de control en la forma en que tu mente maquinaba las siguientes palabras, transformada por el alcohol. "y tambien estan los celos, esta cosa amarga que me esta carcomiendo. de adentro hacia afuera, parece volverme loca cada maldita vez que una chica se acerca... y nunca he sido posesiva, pero es tan difícil cuando se trata de ti, enzo. es como competir por el oro".
durante un rato no pasa nada. enzo permanece en silencio, inmóvil, observándola con expresión seria y atónita. la oye resoplar y, de repente, sus ojos se enrojecen, ardiendo por contener las lágrimas. 
" ¿tienes celos?" pregunta finalmente enzo tras una pausa que parece durar una eternidad, como si no pudiera creer lo que acaba de salir de su boca. su voz es baja y tranquila, como si intentara no asustar a una criatura frágil. su mirada permaneció fija en ti, tratando de comprender cada giro de la situación.
asentiste como una niña pequeña contrariada, sintiendo que se te quitaba un peso de encima al compartir algo que habías estado ocultando durante tanto tiempo. "sí, y lo odio. sé que es irracional e infantil, pero es más fuerte que yo".
una sonrisa crece en los labios de enzo, como si la situación le divirtiera. levantas la mirada, sintiéndote traicionada, cuando él empieza a reír. tu mano busca el pecho del actor, dándole un torpe puñetazo y el moreno asiente, sin importarle la repentina agresión.
te atrae en un espontáneo abrazo, colocando su barbilla sobre tu cabeza cuando no te resistes a aceptar su tacto, a pesar de sentirte insultada. toda la tensión se disipó de enzo cuando se dio cuenta de todo lo que estaba pasando. y de lo inconsciente que eras de sus sentimientos. pero eso no lo revelaría ahora, no cuando parpadeabas lentamente y visiblemente alterada por el vino. enzo quería que lo supieras, que lo recordaras.
enzo te abrazó un poco más fuerte, en un intento de transmitir consuelo. su pecho descendía y ascendía con calma, ayudando a que sus propios latidos se calmaran. 
"no necesitas ponerte celosa, y definitivamente no necesitas competir por nada, especialmente no por mí", susurró, sus ojos oscuros fijos en algún punto de la terraza mientras su mano acariciaba tu espalda. "siempre has sido la persona más importante para mí, desde el principio. nada de eso cambia por un poco de fama y atención. y menos por chicas que no eres tú".
las palabras de enzo eran suaves, y la sinceridad en ellas era innegable. quería que supieras que, a pesar de todos los cambios, seguías siendo la constante de su vida. y la única para la que tenía ojos. pero tú no lo asimilaste enseguida, sino que retrocediste un poco y lo miraste con ojos pesados y labios apretados, recelosa. 
enzo notó, con una mezcla de ternura y diversión, una sombra roja que denunciaba el contacto con la copa de vino en la comisura de tus labios. un destello de encanto apareció en su mirada, y un suspiro involuntario escapó de los labios del actor. 
"venga, vamos", te llamó, extendiendo la mano entre los dos. su mirada se detuvo en tus dedos abiertos y, tras evaluarlos unos segundos, los entrelazó con los suyos.
"¿adónde?", tartamudeaste, frunciendo el ceño. la sensación de su cálida mano contra la tuya era reconfortante y segura.
"fuera. necesito una noche a solas con mi chica, por los viejos tiempos" enzo se encogió de hombros, sin dudar en tirar de ti a través de la terraza para marcharse.
te detuviste bruscamente, confusa e incapaz de entender por qué estaba dispuesto a dejar todo aquello atrás tan fácilmente.
"pero... enzo, la fiesta y tus amigos..." insististe, y enzo asintió.
"tengo prioridades esta noche, asuntos más importantes que tratar hoy que perder el tiempo con aduladores. todos ellos sólo sobre ti"
━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━
what must it be like to grow up that beautiful, mr. vogrincic?
hola!!! dios, como me quede obsesionada a esta ask. simplesmente, es la cancion que traduce los sentimientos de todas nosotras!!! muuuuy accurate muchas gracias!!!
espero haber conseguido transmitir la vibra de la canción 😭
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sluttforromero · 2 months
great war; parte dois 🩰 ♡ ⁺‧₊˚🧸💌 🦢 enzo vogrincic
caso você não tenha lido a parte um, é só clicar aqui
capítulo grande e eu tenho quase certeza que vai ter um erro ou outro :)
tw: smut & angst
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o fato de você me amar não me faz sentir amado."
enzo me disse isso em meio a umas das dezenas de brigas que tivemos. lembro-me exatamente de como aquilo fez todo o meu corpo tremer, eu estava irritada, nós estávamos, mas aquilo só me confirmou o que meu cérebro passou semanas tentando me avisar.
amá-lo nunca foi o suficiente.
ali, em pé no meio da sala, que há meses que havia virado o palco de muitas das nossas discussões, eu senti meu coração rachar ao meio. foi naquele momento que eu cogitei a possibilidade biologica de um coração se partir ao meio. nós ficamos nos encarando por longos segundos, a típica reação que se tem quando se passa um limite.
naquele dia eu apanhei um bocado das  minhas coisas e saí de casa, não sabia o que iria fazer ou para onde iria, mas aquela casa já não me acomodava mais, e eu me recusava a me deitar do lado de um estanho por mais uma noite.
eu não estava chateada pelo meu amor nunca ser o suficiente, não havia pedido por amor quando ele deixou sua ex-namorada para vivermos então aquela paixão avassaladora que nos atingiu no momento que nosso olhos se cruzaram no teatro há anos atrás, havia pedido por cumplicidade. não esperava que ele amasse o meu lado feio, mesmo que por alguns momentos eu tive um pequeno vislumbre de que enzo olhava para meus defeitos como um desafio convidativo, algo a de abraçar, mas que no final do dia sempre nos dividia na cama.
no colchão dormiam eu, enzo e nossas diferenças.
eu mesma acreditei que aquele não passaria de um breve romance, como todos os outros que já aconteceram na minha vida. iríamos nos beijar loucamente, transar em locais impróprios mas ele iria embora; não havia motivos para ficar. eventualmente os cafés da manhã tão calorosos e carinhosos ficariam silenciosos e rudes, nossas conversas sobre qual filme assistir no cinema viriam a se tornar brigas calorosas no meio da multidão.
mas isso não aconteceu. ao menos demorou tanto que eu achei que era ele, o predestinado, o escolhido para pintar as minhas insegurança de cores que me deixariam deslumbrada comigo mesma.
o pedido de casamento aconteceu na privacidade de um quarto de hotel em paris nas semanas em que nós nos víamos rodando o mundo com o teatro. eu havia acabado de sair do banho, com uma toalha na cabeça e a outra no corpo quando eu o vi ajoelhado atrás de mim no instante que eu me preparava para escolher a roupa do dia.
o sim escorregou dos meus lábios assim que as lágrimas começarem a rolar pelo meu rosto. então ele me amou. amou meu corpo, espírito e alma naquele dia.
ele me amou até eu me amar.
— entra. — falei da sala. — a porta tá aberta.
enzo demorou alguns segundos antes de rodar a maçaneta da porta e entrar, ficou parado no pequeno hall de entrada.
— quer que eu tire? — ele apontou para o par de sapatos que usava.
ele nunca, em todos os anos que vivemos sobre o mesmo teto se importou em tirar os sapatos para entrar em casa, mesmo sabendo que isso me deixava maluca de raiva. encarar isso para mim foi como um golpe, um golpe muito baixo.
— deixa disso. — me levantei e o convidei para se sentar, o que ele surpreendente aceitou. — aceita chá?
— pode ser, mas sem
— sem açúcar ou adoçante. — o ato de cortar a fala dele foi mais rápido do que eu pudesse controlar. — eu sei.
foi só na cozinha eu senti que respirava pela primeira vez de fato. botei a chaleira no fogo, deixei os saches de chá prontamente dentro das xícaras e coloquei um sorriso no rosto antes de voltar à sala.
enzo me estendeu a sacola.
— sei que você vai dizer que iria amassar se colocasse numa sacola mas não achei que seria uma boa ideia trazer ele sem nada. — sua voz saiu lenta, como se ele ainda estivesse analisando se aquele era um ambiente seguro. se eu era algo seguro. o jeito que seu corpo robusto se escolhia na minha poltrona demonstrava seu desconforto eminente.
— por quê?
— achei melhor seus vizinhos não verem. acho que iriam começar a pensar alguma coisa. fiz o melhor que pude pra não amassar tanto.
eu soltei uma risada triste e dei de ombros.
— tudo bem, não é como se eu fosse usar de novo.
ele se encolheu ainda mais. droga.
era uma simples tradição nossa, mais minha do que dele na verdade, de usar as roupas do casamento na data de aniversário. eu juro que não queria ter dito aquilo, não estava com raiva, não mais, mas aparentemente meu cérebro é vingativo demais para deixar esse tipo de coisa passar ilesa.
— eu amava você.
a chaleira apitou.
— você me amar não me faz sentir amada. — falei o encarando cinicamente. ele me olhou, havia captado a mensagem.
— mas eu te amava. e você sabe disso.
— sei?
a chaleira apitou pela segunda vez, agora mais alto.
— não se faça de sonsa. eu casei com você, eu aceitei você.
eu ri.
— mesmo agora você insiste em fazer com que me amar pareça a coisa mais difícil que você já fez.
não esperei pela resposta e fui para cozinha.
tirei a chaleira do fogo e me apoiei na pia. achava que iria desmaiar a qualquer instante, e até queria que isso acontecesse. abri a torneira na pressão mais alta. o barulho da água batendo contra a cuba era o disfarçe para minhas lamúrias doloridas. eu estava devastada. em toda a extensão da palavra.
não sei por quanto tempo fiquei ali, mas ergui a cabeça, limpei as lágrimas e voltei a preparar o chá. no instante que eu me levantei na ponta dos pés para alcançar o mel em cima do armário ele me abraçou por trás, e eu me desequilibrei, caso enzo não tivesse me segurado eu facilmente teria caído de joelhos.
bruscamente ele me virou, seu rosto estava vermelho, as veias em seu pescoço estavam saltadas, o que indicava que seja lá o que estivesse borbulhando em seu interior desde que ele havia cruzado a minha porta havia chegado ao ponto de ebulição.
eu não sei exatamente o que eu vi, mas observei que havia algo flamejante nos olhos de enzo antes dele me beijar. um beijo forte e tão inesperado que fez os seus dentes bateram contra os meus, do tipo que machucou meu rosto quando eu tentei desviar, porém uma de suas mãos subiram para minha nuca, onde ele manteve onde queria através de um punhado de cabelo.
enzo me sentar sobre o balcão, separou minhas pernas com o próprio corpo e ficou em pé entre eles. seus dedos levantaram a barra da minha camiseta, indo diretamente para os meus mamilos, nos quais ele beliscou fortemente, me fazendo urrar contra a sua boca, e em resposta me deu um tapa em um dos seios. minhas mãos foram de encontro ao peitoral dele enquanto eu tentava afastar meu corpo, mas que obviamente veio a ser sem sucesso já que enzo era construído feito a porra de um tanque de guerra.
eu tocava seu peitoral malhado sobre a camiseta na intensão de o empurrar para longe do meu corpo, minhas mãos estavam trêmulas, e ele sabia que seu realmente o quisesse afastar já teria conseguido.
— diga não se você não quiser — o momento que seus lábios se desgrudaram do meu foi para atacar meu pescoço. ele chupava e mordia a pele como se fosse um vampiro, enquanto tentava de alguma forma controlar o que ele fazia meu corpo querer. — fala e eu paro.
um braço se enganchou na parte de trás da minha coxa, o outro minha cintura, e como se eu não fosse nada, ele me pega no colo.
enzo era lascivo e desnecessariamente cruel. eu o desejava, clamava e jamais teria coragem de rejeitá-lo.
no colo ele me leva para o quarto, não me importei em saber como ele sabia onde ficava. 
— você é tão injusta... — minhas costas afundaram sobre o colchão quando ele se curvou sobre o meu corpo. ele esta em todos os lugares, sua boca seguia devorando meu pescoço, enquanto suas mãos exploravam meu corpo como se enzo não soubesse de cada curva de cor. — você estava terminando comigo.
seus dentes maltravam minha pele quente enquanto eu o ouvia dizer mais uma de suas barbaridades.
— você já havia ido embora há muito tempo. — falei quando ele tirou minha blusa seguida da minha saia. — a diferença é que agora você queria se despedir.
talvez a convivência entre nós me fez aprender a ser cruel também, jamais como ele, mas às vezes eu permitia que as "coisas ruins" saíssem da minha boca com uma certa facilidade suspeita.
— você já havia me deixado muito antes disso. na sua cabeça éramos dois estranhos vivendo sobre o mesmo teto. — seu beijo silenciou o gemido que me subiu pela garganta no momento que ele colocou minha calcinha de lado e enfiou os dedos dentro de mim. — você foi a primeira a desistir de nós, e não ouse dizer o contrário.
— mas você... — me forcei a falar. — você mesmo disse que não se sentia amado e qu — perdi a linha de raciocínio com seus movimentos certeiros no meu ventre. os dedos de enzo sempre foram mestres em me fazer calar a boca, sempre do melhor jeito possível.
— não sua idiota — ele sorriu, nem se preocupava em tentar esconder o quanto estava se divertindo com aquilo, o quanto gostava de me dizer o que fazer e o que falar, sobre como se deleitava em me fazer de sua marionete. — eu ainda te amava, e isso já era motivo suficiente para me fazer ficar.
enzo se abaixou lentamente, fazendo uma trilha de beijos molhados que iam desde o meu pescoço, passando pelo vale dos meus seios até finalmente chegar onde eu mais precisava. com uma delicadeza teatral ele puxou minha calcinha para baixo, se livrando dela e, na parte de cima eu me livrei do meu sutiã.
eu estava molhada, encharcada, e completamente arrasada. ele me olhou uma última vez antes de se afundar na minha boceta dolorida. enzo me chupava com vontade com talento o suficiente para me deixar nostálgica sobre a ultima vez em que ele havia me feito desaguar algumas vezes na sua boca sobre a mesa de jantar.
suas mãos estavam entrelaçadas às minhas enquanto ele se divertia entre as minhas coxas quando eu me desvencilhei do toque para me estimular mais ainda. meus dedos correram para circular meu clitóris mas mal havia me tocado quando ele me deu um tapa dolorido na mão.
seu rosto subiu novamente. seus lábios estavam avermelhados e toda pele ao redor deles estava brilhante, toda aquela cena era obscena demais. ele foi rápido em tirar a própria roupa, sorrindo para mim quando vi o membro rígido praticamente pular sozinho para fora da cueca, e me deixar por cima.
— eu quero que você sente no meu rosto.
você piscou os olhos algumas vezes. eu havia ouvido direito?
— o quê?
— eu preciso que você sente no meu rosto.— o olhar penetrante de enzo era delicado quando ele te me pedia para ser uma boa garota, sua boa garota, sentar no rosto dele até eu gozar. — por favor.
suspirei. já estava acontecendo, não faria sentido negar o desejo agora.
então eu o fiz.
enzo prendeu os braços nas minhas coxas, de forma que eu não poderia sair do lugar nem mesmo seu eu quissesse, e então começou. sua língua passava ávida sobre o meu clitóris, dura, certeira e pornografica.
— e-enzo — tudo que meu cérebro embebedado de prazer sabia fazer era chamar por ele, pedir por ele, sempre ele.
depois de alguns minutos seus braços se soltaram apenas para beliscar meus mamilos duros, os puxando e esfregando enquanto eu rebolava contra sua face. não demorou muito tempo para que eu gozasse.
enzo me fez sentir amada naquela dia. eu não esperava que ele me ligasse no dia seguinte, ou me pedisse para voltar a ser seja lá o que éramos antes, todavia o fato era que sim, nós havíamos sucumbido à guerra mas de alguma forma, algo bonito havia sido encontrado entre os escombros.
— obrigada por devolver o vestido. — falei antes do rosto dele sumir atrás da porta.
bandeira branca; era o fim da guerra.
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evermoresversion · 3 months
If I start writing for Enzo Vogrincic, would you also like it to be in Spanish or English?
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enzos-doll · 2 months
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Han sido semanas ocupadas pero prometo que pronto estaré subiendo las historias con Enzo y esta es una de ellas.
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pascaloverx · 1 month
Rewrite The Stars
Chapter Nine
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
In this chapter, we have an extra character, whom I'd like you to imagine as the actor Enzo Vogrincic. He'll only appear in this chapter and the next one and is not a romantic interest. And for those who enjoy the fanfic, I appreciate if you reblog or like. Thank you to everyone who is following the fic.
chapter eight chapter ten
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You didn't want to go to your mother's house without Pedro, but in the end, it was for the best. This way, you avoid confusing what is work with what is your personal life. After nearly five hours of driving, you arrived at your mother's house. She lives in a small but very cozy town. It almost seems like the hometown of a romantic comedy protagonist. You're nervous about seeing her after she probably expected to see you with your famous boyfriend and you came alone.
"Y/N, be careful. Your mom was picking up laundry and almost fell into a hole." A very familiar male voice shouts to you as soon as you park the car, which Pedro insisted you take.
"Enzo, is that you?" You ask as you carefully avoid every patch of dirt in front of you, afraid of falling into any hole. Enzo then takes your hand, as if he wants to guide you, and leads you closer to him. Which wouldn't be weird at all if he weren't your ex.
"Your mom asked me to come over for dinner with you tonight. She said it would be good for both of us to see each other. I think she's trying to convince you to stay. By the way, sorry for the closeness, but I think if you stay close to me, there's less chance of falling into a mysterious hole and avoiding breaking your foot." Enzo says as he holds you close to his body. You look at him, analyzing the situation, and understand that you've fallen into a maternal trap.
"She called you here to convince me to stay and get married, have kids, and a little house in the countryside, right?" You ask, already knowing your mother. Enzo has always been a great friend of yours, and during a brief phase of your life, you thought he would make a good boyfriend. And he did. But when you decided to move to the big city, where there are celebrities and dreams could become reality, Enzo thought it best to set you free. Unfortunately for you, your mother hasn't gotten over it.
"I tried to tell her that you're dating a big Hollywood actor, but it didn't work. Good luck convincing her of that. " Enzo says as he holds your hand tightly and leads you towards your mother's house. She, in turn, must be cooking.
"It's about that..." You ponder whether you should clarify that you're not actually dating a famous person and are just pretending to be in a relationship with one.
"I'm happy for you. You deserve to be happy with a good man, and from what I've heard, Pedro Pascal seems like a great guy." Enzo says as you enter your mother's house.
"My dear, I see you've found Enzo. Did he tell you that he just built a house and is working as a carpenter in town?" Your mother says as she holds a chicken pie in her hands. You start to take off your coat and leave your things on the living room couch.
"Yeah, Mom, I found my ex-boyfriend that you invited to our dinner. I'm really happy that he's doing well and that he built a house." And the atmosphere at your mother's house gets even better. 
"Thinking that you could be living with him in that house if you hadn't run away to live an adventure." Your mother speaks clearly trying to hit you in your weak spot. She never accepted that you left, mainly because she thought you would follow in her footsteps. Being a housewife with a working husband. 
"Mom, forget about it. Enzo is a good man and deserves a good person by his side. But that person would never be me. And besides, I'm doing fine. I'm even dating an extremely kind and famous man." Yes, you know. Bragging about a fake relationship makes you seem pathetic.
"My daughter. Don't get me wrong, but a relationship with such different people, taking into account that you are a simple woman and he is a celebrity, is doomed to failure. The most you could get out of all this is the reputation of being a freeloader. What I don't want for you. So maybe it's time for you to become more realistic."  Your mother says in a high-pitched tone, but sounding like she takes pity on you.
"As famous as my boyfriend is, he is a person who is capable of being in a relationship and not paying attention to nonsense like that. And if you haven't noticed, I'm being realistic. My reality is that I found a good man, with whom I am having a relationship. He's famous and that's just a detail." 
"So where is he now? If this relationship is so real, where is your boyfriend, my daughter?" Your mother responds, clearly upsetting you, but before you can reply, you hear Enzo shout from outside the house for the two of you to come to the front. You and she quickly go to see what happened and come across a strange car arriving. Enzo seems worried that it might be one of the neighbors my mother dislikes coming to pick a fight, but you recognize the car minutes after it's parked.
"I hope I'm not too late. I was shooting a commercial, but I brought some good wine to make up for the delay. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Pedro Pascal says as he gets out of the car with a dozen roses and a bottle of wine. You're speechless while Enzo and your mother seem incredulous.
"What do you mean, darling? What boyfriend lets his girlfriend come alone to her family's house?" Pedro says, still with his lips close to yours. He then turns around, holding the bouquet of flowers towards your mother.
"So you really are my daughter's boyfriend?" Your mother says as she holds the bouquet of flowers as if they were the most precious thing in the world.
"I really am, you can believe it. What fake boyfriend would come here to introduce himself to his mother-in-law?" Pedro Pascal asks as he approaches your mother to hug her, who seems even happy to be meeting him. Enzo still looks lost, and you laugh seeing the scene. Here in this little town, a celebrity appearing is like a comet falling.
"See, Mom? I told you this relationship was real." You say, hugging Pedro Pascal from the side, laying your head on his chest, as if to make it clear how comfortable you are.
"I confess that until now I thought all of this was a farce, and I still think so. But I'm a polite woman. So whether you're my daughter's boyfriend or not, you're invited to dinner. In fact, let's go in now, the food is getting cold. Enzo, you can come in too." Your mother says, entering the house, and Enzo follows right behind. Pedro gently pulls you by the arm.
"Who is that man, and why is your mother looking at me as if I'm suspicious of something?" Pedro asks, close to you. So close that you feel like kissing him.
"Well, that man is my ex-boyfriend, Enzo. He's a nice guy, and I'm pretty sure he's a fan of yours. My mother, on the other hand, doesn't believe we're dating and she's all grumpy and suspicious, so use your acting skills and make her believe in this relationship, understood?" You say, then give Pascal a peck on the lips, noticing that your mother and Enzo are eavesdropping on your conversation.
"Alright, love, let's convince your mother that you and I are a beautiful, loving couple." Pedro Pascal says as he approaches you and subtly kisses your cheek, pulling you inside your mother's house. And you go in hoping it will be a good experience.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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creative-heart · 1 month
"The one that got away" Enzo Vogrincic x fem! reader
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A/N: Hi! this is the first thing I’ve written in so long, so please be nice. If you have any constructive criticism it’s always welcomed, if it comes from love and respect. I really hope you like this, it’s inspired in kind of a mashup between “The one that got away” by Katy Perry and “Bride or groom” by India Parkman. it’s also written in a third person POV.
Warnings: Basically Angst, all angst, mild drinking. Whatever is in italics is thoughts.
Word Count: 1.6K
The one where reader never spoke up for her love towards Enzo
It had always been them two against the world, ever since kindergarten when Y/N being the bubbly extroverted redhead girl she had always been, all but adopted sweet shy Enzo, since day one they had been inseparable. Y/N's mom even started calling them June and Johny as they became teenagers, always up to some innocent mischief -from stealing the leftover vodka from the liquor cabinet to grabbing their parents car keys in the night to go take a drive around-. 
It had been so gradually that she had fallen for Enzo that Y/N couldn’t pin point the exact moment, maybe it was after the redhead called him crying at 2 in the morning because that douchebag boyfriend of hers broke it off at 15, or when he ran to the store for the first time to get her tampons cause she had ran out on a Sunday afternoon, and now, here they were. 
“Last day of summer” Y/N sighed looking off into the sunset, while she sat beside the raven haired guy on her parents house roof like they always did “who knew highschool would come and go so fast”.
“And you are abandoning me, breaking a 15 year old promise to never leave me alone…” Enzo retorted in an overly dramatic way just to make his best friend laugh,“I always knew you would leave though, that I would have to face this horrible world alone” and laugh she did while rolling her eyes nudging his side playfully.
“Not my fault you’re bound to be the next big screen hearthrob, and I need to go off to college, not all of us are made for stardom”, she absentmindedly passed the bottle to him before turning slightly to look at that beautiful face she had grown to love, Y/N bit the inside of her lip, once again arguing with herself trying to decide if she should tell him she loved him or not - come on Y/N don’t be such a fucking coward, he’s right here, tell him-, she opened her mouth and took a deep breath she was going to do it, she finally would, when his phone rang.
“Well, that’s me, my brother’s downstairs” he huffed standing up placing a kiss on the top of Y/Ns head “see you later fireball” he chuckled as he got off the roof carefully, the nickname he had given his friend when they were kids still made him laugh to this day, the girl hummed nodding and watched him leave.
Life got busy, and they saw eachother less and less with every passing year. Not that anything changed when they did get to hang out, some things never change -how handsome Enzo was, or how much Y/N loved him for example- their friendship was the exact same that it had always been. 
Y/N tapped her fingers anxiously on the table in the corner of the cafe where they had agreed to meet, five years had gone by and the freckled face woman still felt the same butterflies in her stomach when she was seeing him -he lived in Madrid fulltime now it made it easier for work and she was still back in Montevideo, she was working in a big time law firm, everyone knew she was gonna be a lawyer since forever, always had an argument for everything-. She looked at her phone again and sighed, he was already fifteen minutes late, he never was, she thought maybe this time, life had gotten too busy -he’s clearly not coming, don’t blame him though, he must be so busy- she thought to herself, as she was gathering her stuff to get up, she felt his hand on her shoulder and his usual kiss on the top of her head.
“Sorry fiery, I’m so late, parking in Madrid” he laughed- that oh so enchanting sound that always made her heart skip a beat-, as he sat down across from his lifelong friend. She smiled, everything was forgiven as soon as he looked at her with those dark eyes of his.
“Thought fame had finally gotten to you and you weren’t coming” she pouted while setting her phone back down, she looked at Enzo’s face, something was different, she could tell, something had been different for a bit now, and the change of scenery did nothing to apeace her mind. He rolled his eyes with a warm smile plastered on his face.
“I would never miss the chance to see my best friend are you crazy?” he smiled at the waiter as he brought over the coffee he had ordered on his way in. He took to stirring the sugar in it for way too long, trying to find the words of what he needed to tell Y/N, she looked at him, a tilt in her head, there was something wrong, she could tell, she knew him too well.
“spill it” she said keeping her eyes glued on him he chuckled “you know me to well Y/N/N” he looked up and smiled at her -here goes nothing- he thought.
“I’ve met someone… well…more than met, I have a girlfriend, her name is Marina” he smiled at the mention of her name, Y/N gulped, and forced a smile on her face- she was dying inside, but she would never let it show, not to him, not when he looked this happy. “We met a few months ago, through some mutual friends, she’s a doctor, you will love her. She loves cats and painting, just like you, I can’t wait for you to meet her” he kept rambling on about Marina, he couldn’t help himself, she was the best woman to ever walk this earth besides from Y/N, he KNEW they would get along well- he wanted them to at least, they’re both too important to him in one way or another.
Crap, you’re an idiot, you’re a fucking idiot she kept repeating to herself, Y/N felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach, each word her friend said taking it a bit lower, if she had only been braver on that roof when she had the chance- Smile Y/N- she reminded herself, her friend- that word stinging more than it had ever done now- was happy and that was the most important part…right? right.
And he had been right, Y/N eventually met Marina, and she was a sweetheart, and she loved Enzo, it showed, Y/N knew by the way the blonde looked at him that she loved him, because it was the same way she looked at him.
Y/N would be lying to herself if she said she never wished Enzo and Marina broke up, she never lost that hope, relationships not always worked out…hers didn’t at least. But they hadn’t, they seemed to be the perfect power couple, so when her Johny had told her they were getting married and  asked her to be his best woman, she couldn’t say no, she had to be honest, another five years had gone by and the sinking feeling in her gut had never left, it was there every time she saw a picture on his instagram of them two, it got worse every time one of her relationships failed, it just never left.
The twenty-eight year old, fearless woman, who no one wanted to come across in court, somehow felt small and fragile while she looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath forcing a smile on her face while finishing her make-up “okay, listen up you”- she gave her reflection a peptalk while she got ready- “you had your chance, you were too scared to take it, it was there and you let it slip away, you have no right to ruin his happiness you’re gonna stand there, you’re gonna be the friend Enzo needs, and you’re gonna tough it out”, the last part coming out shaky as she suppressed a sob, she downed the last of her wine glass and walked out.
She knocked on his door “En, you ready?” she said slightly opening it, just enough to see the most handsome man she had ever seen standing there fidgeting with his bowtie, she laughed and walked in “come’ere, let me help” she turned him around and fixed it for him “there, handsome as ever my dear Johny” she smiled softly looking at him. 
“I’m ready Junie” he smiled a warm, soft smile at her walking out and making their way to the gardens where the ceremony would take place.
As she walked down the aisle, Y/N couldn’t help but think what would have happened if she had been braver that hot day of summer ten years ago- if you had only said something, if you had spoken when you opened your mouth- she reprimanded herself as she walked and took her place beside the love of her life, not in the way she would have wanted, not in the way she still dreamt of every so often, but in the way she could.
When the music started and Marina made her way out, that’s when she finally understood, it didn’t matter what she felt, she could wonder all her life what would have happened if -she probably would if she was honest with herself for once- what would have happened if she’d only been braver, would she be the one walking down the aisle to meet the man she had loved for over ten years, the man she still loved to that day? that was something that she would never know, for now, she could only look at the Johny to her June, and fake the brightest smile as the love of her life, married the love of his.
A/N: aaarrghhh I’m so sorry about ending it on a down note, it just didn’t feel right to turn it all around, and it being inspired in those songs, wasn’t a happy ending, don’t hate me! please? 
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luceracastro · 2 months
(Enzo Vogrincic x Reader)
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Summary: Rumors circulate both Enzo and famous singer Aitana, you who is his costar, friend, and also the girl who has the hugest crush on him doesn't take too kindly to the rumors and distances yourself from him and he is beyond clueless as to why his favorite girl doesn't speak to him anymore.
Warnings: Some angst and fluff, little makeout sesh, jealousy on reader's part and Enzo's, slight Blas x reader, no hate towards the beautiful Aitana in this nor to Male (Matia's girlfriend) it's a Spanglish fic!
you must have thought your phone was practically playing tricks on you but it wasn't, there it was in bold letters "¿aitana y enzo?" the huge bold letters and a whole passionate article on the topic were enough to ruin your day.
"Que pasa contigo nena?" Male had asked as she sat down beside you, she and Mati were kind enough to let you stay at their place for a while since you lived in Spain but just found your apartment too saddening and empty especially after filming and being in a full hotel for months and always being around people.
"Nada, la verdad" you smiled with a small look in your eye that she knew way too well "Que pasa?" she asked once more and you flipped your phone down on her leg, she put her cup down to look through it and her eyes widened "Aye linda, por esto estas triste?" her small smile made you frown "Enzo no es nada amor mio, obvio le tengo cariño pero mami tu mereces mejor créeme," she said with a small smile
you chuckled a little and shook your head "Ven vamos por algo de comer," she pulled you up trying to wipe the small frown off your face and it worked, between her and Mati making you laugh and the food set on the table you found yourself laughing and having fun.
however, what you didn't expect was for there to be a knock on the door and for Enzo to walk in like nothing was wrong, and in reality, nothing was wrong because he was clueless about the whole situation "Hola hermosa," he bent down a small hug which you returned uninterested and he furrowed his brows slightly confused but nonetheless thought nothing of it
him and Mati went into the kitchen and he nodded his head towards the table where you and Male spoke "Que pasa con la nena?" Enzo asked as Mati turned to look at you and he did notice your off attitude but he also was a nosy one who listened to you and Male's conversation and he knew all too well why "Piensa por un Minuto Enzo," he said and Enzo tried to think but to no avail "Dime," he pleaded and Mati laughed
"Que?" Enzo asked and Mati shook his head "Nada, Nada vamos," after that Enzo noticed when he asked you something you answered with short uninterested answers, and when he was talking you were fixed on your phone and it was kinda bothering him, he hated being ignored and by you, it's like a kick to the gut. "Oye casi haces que Enzo llora," Mati said with a small smile as he sat beside you and you shrugged "Pues que vaya con la tal Aitana," you said a small snarky remark which you instantly regretted, the poor girl was sweet like sugar and Enzo didn't even know you liked him
"¿Ahora te das cuenta de lo mal que suenas?" Mati asked "Si, Si ya lo se," you shook your head sighing, "Entonces porque no le dices a Enzo lo que sientes," Mati asked and you laughed a bit too loud "No no, eso seria muy vergonzoso," you shook your head and he sighed "Eres una pelotuda la verdad nena, si no te mueves asi" he snapped his fingers "A lo mejor la Aitana te lo gana" he said a small smirk on his lips making you smack his arm as he laughed "Callate Boludo," you however couldn't help but smile at Mati
"Oye vamos por unas cervesas?, esta preguntando el Pipe," Mati asked with phone in hand and you nodded a small smile on your lips "Pero una cosa linda, Enzo va estar eh," he warned and you rolled you eyes "Sólo porque él esté ahí no significa que no quiera estar con mis amigos" you said and he nodded "Bueno, perdon," he left the doorway of the borrowed room he was allowing you to stay in and you got up getting ready for the night
"Lista, aye nena que linda," Male looked at you a smile on her lips as she reached her hand out for yours "Tu mas, bueno vamos vamos," you both laughed the whole way there Mati following close and as soon as you enter the restaurant/bar you are met with the boys and even Enzo which of course you understood he was obviously going to be there but it would be ten times harder to ignore him now
hugs went all around but reaching Enzo all you did was smile a small hello escaping your lips but he didn't let it slide "Y mi abrazo?" he asked a small smirk displayed on his lips, you gave him a quick side hug but everyone noticed the sort of small tension and you moved to sit beside Blas, "Hola bonita," he rested his arm behind the top of your chair "Hola, que ordenaste tu de tomar?' you asked looking through the small menu of many drinks
Enzo however watched from afar, you and Blas were friends but you always sat beside him what was different now? he subtly rolled his eyes drinking his beer and looking anywhere else while sometimes catching glimpses of you touching Blas's curls or just laughing and joking around with him in general until he was full on staring at you both and even growing an attitude with the others.
"Y tu que?" Fran asked looking at Enzo "Se ve que te vas a tragar al Blas vivo," Juani said a small giggle escaping his lips already slightly tipsy "Nada, Nada para que me molestaria que le habla a T/n?" he said taking another long swig of beer and Fran smiled "Nunca dijimos que eso era la razon," and Enzo looked at Fran "Voy al baño" Enzo got up and left the table "Oye linda, habla con Enzito porque esta amargando la noche con su actitud" Pipe said in your ear his breath smelling like beer and tequila "Yo por que?" you asked with a bit of attitude in your voice and a shrug of your shoulders "porque obviamente está enojado porque le estás dando más atención a Blas que a él" Pipe said as you furrowed your brows "Estas loco," you said shaking your head
"Nena andale, quiero disfrutar no cuidar de un enojon y unos borrachos," Male said with a small frown and you sighed hands on the table trying to balance yourself "Bueno Bueno ya voy," you groaned and left the table but not before apologizing to Blas and walking around looking for Enzo, you checked outside the bathrooms and around the restaurant "Perdon has visto un chico alto, pelo negro y con ojos cafes, tambien tiene el pelo medio largito?" you asked a waiter who shook his head "perdon" he said and you sighed looking around and asking but yet no one had seen him
your last resorts were to go and look outside in both front and back but you were closer to the back so you exited through the back door looking around and he was there more farther down the side of the backdoor smoking a cigarette "Oye, que te pasa?" you asked arms crossed since the harsh wind hit you and he looked down at you his face blank but you could tell something was bothering him "nada, Vuelve adentro, hace mucho frío" he said as he turned to look away and blew out a puff of smoke and you put all your weight on one foot rolling your eyes "Vamos, todos estan preguntado por ti," he chuckled bitterly "Vuelve adrento con Blas querida, los dos sabemos que eso prefieres aser," he said and you furrowed your brows a hurt look on your face
"Eres una mierda sabes," he turned to see the tears rimming your eyes and he sighed his eyes closing for a moment and the regret was written all over his face "perdon, perdon," but you shook your head "Y no prefieres estar con la Aitana? o sea eso dicen por ahi" you shot back and he shook his head "Tu crees eso? nomas tuvimos un vuelo y una noche con amigos y conocidos juntos, eso era todo no somos nada," he said but you shook your head "Oh pero yo estoy pasandola bien con un amigo y eso significa que quiero con el no seas pendejo Enzo" you yourself laughed bitterly and he sighed grabbing you
"No soy un pendejo, que quieres que yo piensa cuando le haces esos sonrisas, caricias, y juegas con su pelo eh?" he said he was in your face and you both were only inches apart "Eso no significa nada, yo te hice esos cosas tambien" you shrugged "Si eso es lo que me molesta, Solo hacias esas cosas a mi, no a Fran, Mati, Juani, Pipe, ni a Esteban, nomas a mi!" you looked at him like he was crazy but then again it sunk in your brain that he was jealous, Enzo was jealous, you both looked into each others eyes, then his eyes flickered to your lips but you beat him to it as you pulled his face in for a kiss
you both pulled away after a moment and you both looked at each other before he pulled you in once more, bodies pressed together as you both kissed the other with force and need but it didn't last long "Enzo! T/n! Enzo! T/n!" Juani's voice was heard and you both pulled away quickly and Enzo groaned a face of annoyance "Que!" he yelled out "Donde estan?" Juani asked and you grabbed Enzo's hand pulling him with you "Lo encontre, nos distraimos hablando perdon" you laughed nervously but noticed Juani's red eyes which were also watery "Que paso querido?" you asked and he sighed "Pensé que los perdi, y no quiero perder los" he was drunk and it was evident with his slurred words and the scent of beer radiating off of him
Enzo stifled a laugh as you smacked his arm and wrapped your arm around Juani "No ya, ya no llores, aqui estamos amor ya," he dug his face into the crook of your neck as you smiled and you three entered the bar, Enzo watching you both from the back.
at the end of the night you all made it to a food truck that had the best food (According to Fran) and you all ordered your food and ate little by little but you and Enzo took some stolen glances at one another, "¿Tengo que dar un paseo, Enzo?" he knew that was your way of asking him to come along and he stood up walking closer to you, everyone looked either relieved or gave you teasing smiles before returning to their meal
you two at first walked in pure silence, "Debemos de hablar, de el beso" Enzo said and you turned your head to look at him "No te gusto?" you asked with no emotion yet he caught the almost not visible smile on your face "al contrario, me encanto pero quiero saber que significa eso?" he asked his hands dug into the pockets of his jacket and you stopped in your tracks turning to face him "Significa que me gustas Enzo," you told him straight up and he looked down at you "Me gustas y hasta puedo decir que estoy enamorada de ti pero entiendo si no sientes lo miso" you said and he chuckled "Boluda estuve enamorado de ti desde que te conoci" he told you giving you a kiss on your forehead pulling you in for a hug as you sighed his chin resting on the top of your head and his arms around you engulfing you entirely "Y porque no me dijiste nada?" you asked and he smiled "Porque cuando te conoci pense que eras muy chica para mi, una niña," he said "Enzo tenia 21 años," you told him
"Y yo los 27" he said and you giggled "Eso no es mucho" you smiled up at him "Bueno, si no te da molestia que voy estar usando un baston antes que ti, quieres ser mi novia?" he asked and you froze "En serio?" you asked and he nodded and you grinned "Me encantaria," and the walk was ended, coming back hand in hand Fran smiled "Salieron de malas y regresan de novios, quien los entienden" Fran laughed as did the others
"Aye callate estupido" you smiled sitting down "Tu boluda" that was the end of the night, all of you enjoying a night out and you going back to Enzo's at the end ;)
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jaquemuses · 3 months
i’m an angst comfort GIRL so if you would be interested in writing anything maybe about childhood friends enzo and reader where it’s right people wrong time for years ( definitely mutual feelings, maybe reader always thought enzo was too good for them so they never really thought they had a chance but is oblivious to the fact that enzo was head over HEELS for them but was worried about dragging them into the spotlight as he grew more famous) until they finally end up together i’d be thrilled!! ofc no matter what thank you so much!! have a great day/night!!❤️❤️
GIRL ME TOO !!! so glad you requested it, i wrote this, hope u enjoy it ♡♡
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Starry night | Enzo Vogrincic
Synopsis: Sharing feelings has always been challenging, but under the starry sky, sitting right beside his childhood friend on the eve of his movie premiere party, Enzo confesses a love that has lingered his heart since he was seven.
Word count: 1.5k
Content: Enzo Vogrincic/Reader, mutual pining, childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, fluffy overall, no explicit content, focus on emotions, and strong affection for Enzo, references to ghibli's movies.
a/n: hi there !! i hope you guy enjoy this i pulled an all nighter just to write it lmaooo so bear with me if there's any typos or such; english isn't my first language, but I hope it's a good read!
- xoxo Kara ♡
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Time slips away so quickly.
Beneath the starry sky, the weight of its passing moments engulfs you like a fuzzy tidal wave, heavy and suffocating. Sinking beneath its weight has become your routine.
A soft, resigned sigh escapes your lips, the midnight air crisp on your tongue, turning into vapor in the summer night. Beyond your sight, stars burn in tandem, the cosmos vast and immersive. The moon, tonight, is a big blob of reflected sunlight, smiling tenderly, casting a soothing glow like a mother's voice.
In the familiarity of the sight, there's comfort. The moon, always there, in crescents or hidden by clouds, a constant in a changing world. What a peculiar and lovely thing it is to be under the celestial dance, where even the moon, with its timeless presence, seems to join the ever-moving cosmic ballet.
As you lay on the rooftop, the distant melody of music from the house below reaches your ears. It's a reminder of shared laughter, playful banter, and the bond you once had with Enzo. The thought of losing him, not just as a childhood friend but as this life partner makes you wanna cry right there.
Another second lost, as you gaze into the nothingness of space. Time keeps passing you by, never stopping —seconds turning into minutes, minutes turning into months. that incessant moving of the hands of the clock; tick, tock, tick, tock. over and over again.
and, really, it's a little bit scary. you think you might be terrified of time. you're so afraid, afraid of being left behind, afraid that the world will turn its back on you and then walk away. afraid that everyone and everything will change shape before you know it
The music serves as a soundtrack to your memories, a bittersweet symphony echoing through the night. Enzo, your companion through the years, feels like he's slipping away, and the weight of that potential loss is heavy against the backdrop of the starlit sky.
But even in this always-changing, turbulent mess of a life
one thing remains the same;
"Ah, there you are," Enzo's voice, honeyed and familiar, breaks the silence. A small smile graces your lips at the sight of him.
That voice...
honeyed and smooth, but still rough around the edges, just a little husky. Deep and familiar, etched into your brain; even if you were to forget everything else, you're sure you'd still remember it. That familiar voice. It sounds like moonlit nights, and sunkissed kitchens.
it sounds like coming home.
A turn of your head. it's a subconscious reaction, as natural as the beating of your own heart, memorized down to the very marrow of your bones — muscle memory, to seek him out after hearing the low timbre of his voice. You do it as if it's the only thing worth hearing.
And Enzo is smiling, when your eyes meet his. That gentle upward tug of his lips, small yet sincere. The one that always puts your mind at ease.
"How'd you know I'd be up here?" you tease, a playful glint in your eyes.
"Lucky guess," Enzo replies, his grin revealing the comfort of shared moments.
Of course, he knew. Tracking you down was his thing, always has been. Like that time when he found you concealed under a table at your twelfth birthday party or the time he discovered you teary-eyed in the woods during your school field trip.
Finding you always comes easy to Enzo. Almost like he's always seeking you out, subconsciously or otherwise, always paying attention to your movements. You go south, and he follows, you go north, and he's already waiting up ahead.
"Damn, how'd you know?" you playfully pout, looking into him.
"I always know, silly" Enzo confesses softly, his eyes holding a warmth that speaks volumes. "I've known you since we were seven"
A gentle inhale passes between you as the silence settles, the moon casting its glow on your shared history.
"I thought you might be too busy with, you know, the whole famous actor thing," you admit trying to make it a joke but insecurity creeps into your words. "Congratulations on that, i always knew you'd make it"
The whole party underneath you both was for Enzo, you felt kind of stupid for leaving so suddenly, after all tonight's was Enzo's night. But before he realized it, you had slipped away, seizing the chance as soon as others grew too drowsy to take notice.
But he always notices you.
And he's worried. just a bit, is what he tells himself but truthfully it's more than that.
You look small, enzo thinks, curled up with your knees to your chest. Sitting all alone up on the roof of his home, a place you'd always go to on nights when you couldn't sleep. Together, sharing whispered secrets and hushed laughter until the sun began to rise again. Back then, it felt like the two of you were the only ones awake in the whole world.
(the safest world he's ever known.)
The distance between you grows narrower, as enzo makes his way over to you - and it always does, at the end of the day. No matter how much time you spend apart, that uncomfortable distance always, always ends up broached. One of you always moves closer. As if it's unavoidable, two planets spinning around each other's orbit.
Enzo sits down right next to you, crossing his legs and leaning back. his knee bumps against the side of your shoe, and his shoulder grazes yours. It's natural, as natural as the glow of the moon, this closeness between you. It reminds you of the gentle lapping of the ocean waves of Punta del este at your bare ankles; on mellow summer days when you were 10 and went to a trip with your parents and Enzo's, comforting and familiar. A warmth that never goes away.
The moon bathes the rooftop in a gentle glow as Enzo chuckles in response to your teasing remark. "Busy? Yeah, it gets a bit crazy, but it's moments like these that remind me of what truly matters. And you know im never too busy for you." He shifts, a thoughtful expression on his face, as he gazes at the city below.
A brief inhale, and your heartbeat settles into a tender rhythm again. The scent that always lingers on Enzo's skin drifts throughout the air, mingling with your own — it can be hard to distinguish between the two, with how often you end up wearing each other's clothes, but you could never mistake it for anything else. Cedarwood and earl gray, with a hint of coconut-scented shampoo enveloping every single one of your senses, grounding you in a way nothing else can.
Leaning just a little closer to him, subconsciously, youet a fond exhale slip from your lips. Barely audible. And Enzo mimics it.
The silence between you is a comfortable one. Always has been. A little fickle, always shattered by one of you before long —usually you, though enzo isn't much better. But this time, he stays silent.
He's waiting. You know he is, because he always does.
He's waiting, waiting for you to break the silence first. Waiting for you to say something, tell him what's wrong, explain why you're up here instead of celebrating with the others. Waiting for you to explain why your eyes have looked so tired, this past week.
Enzo is nothing if not patient. So he waits, unbothered by the silence. Admiring the stars, and the flicker of their light. A vague worry simmers in his chest, however, and he can't stop himself from glancing down at you every now and then.
An insatiable yearning to soothe you gnaws at his heart
—but he can't, not unless you let him.
A sigh drops from your lips, suddenly. Deep and heavy, ike a rock thrown into the depths of a lake. The silence breaks.
The guy stays quiet, just humming inquisitively. He avoids eye contact, showing respect. He figures you'll spill what's on your mind more comfortably without him staring.
Your fingers lightly tap the rooftop tiles out of habit. You take in a bit of the midnight air—it's got that summer taste. "Remember how we first met?"
Enzo glances at you, surprise flickering in his eyes. He can't resist the urge to peek at your face, savoring your expression. Then, a chuckle escapes him. "Are you feeling sentimental?" he teases, a playful note in his voice, light and airy like seafoam. "Did you come out here just to reflect?"
The corners of his lips lift when he hears you huff, pulling your legs closer with a furrowed brow. Cheek pressed against your kneecap, you meet his gaze.
"Come on," you whine, pouting childishly, a trick you know will make him give in. "Just indulge me a little."
Enzo smiles, soft around the edges, radiating unmistakable fondness. He always indulges you. "Of course I do," he assures you.
The quiet settling between your words holds a tender understanding, a silent agreement.
"Of course, I remember. How could I forget? You broke into my backyard."
A sigh, weighty and pointed, escapes your lips. Enzo fights back a grin; his eyes dance with teasing mischief in the darkness as you shoot a glare his way.
"Okay, first of all," you begin, "I didn't break into anything. I climbed over the fence. Peacefully."
Enzo raises a brow. "That literally doesn't matter; it's still trespassing."
"I was seven years old!"
"Damn! Some of you criminals start young."
Another playful huff escapes you as you halfheartedly attempt to sound annoyed. Unsuccessful, you hide your growing smile by tucking your face into your knees. "Whatever."
Then your gaze shifts, drawn to the expanding starry sky, the vibrant flicker of the moon like a moth to a flame, helpless to its charms. It resembles a giant sponge cake, reminiscent of the ones you and Enzo used to make when that was the only recipe you knew – you'd eat from the batter, and he'd scold you. Then he'd do the same when your back was turned.
A smile graces your lips. In each star, a new memory unfolds, and the warm nostalgia surrounding you makes your heart feel exposed. "I just wanted to pet Ada" you reminisce, softly rememberig how little the cat was back then.
Enzo nods, his gaze directed at you, reveling in the expression on your face – tranquil and at ease, a bit more of yourself. Effortlessly lovely, bathed in moonlight. "Yeah, I remember."
He lets the memory carry him away for a moment or two, recalling the sight of you all those years ago, an unfamiliar child in his backyard. It was as if you had fallen from the sky – quiet and shy, yet with an excited glimmer in your eyes as you looked at his cat.
"You just pointed to her and expected me to understand," he continues, a grin blooming on his face, hopelessly endeared. "You were so shy back then."
A raise of your eyebrow. "Um? I'm still shy?"
Enzo gives you a look. He doesn't have to say anything – it's written all over his face. The classic Vogrincic look, the kind where you can tell he's itching to say, "Oh, really now?" The kind where he tries to appear judgmental but never quite manages to hide the amusement in his eyes.
A soft chuckle escapes your lips, and Enzo smiles once more, utterly captivated by your joy.
"Then we watched movies at my place,"
You hum. "It was fun."
"Yeah," he agrees.
Another spell of silence descends, tender and incredibly precious. The air is cool but not enough to make you shiver – a mild summer night, gentle on your skin and light on your heart. A soft breeze tousles your hair, and in the distance, cicadas buzz – a familiar, unchanging sound.
(If only everything else could remain the same, too.)
"Do you remember what movie it was?"
A lazy smile graces Enzo's lips as he turns to look at you, one eyebrow raised.
"Is there a point to this, or are you just trying to make m–"
"I just wanna reminisce."
Enzo pauses, observing your gaze as it wanders across the landscape, from the moon to the distant city lights. Absentmindedly fidgeting with the strings of your hoodie, you seem a bit lost, your eyes forgotten within the depths of the endless night sky.
No more teasing, he decides, choosing a more delicate approach. He answers your question softly, as if each octave of his voice could potentially cause you harm. "Whisper of the Heart," he reveals.
A little nod follows your hum of agreement. "Thats a top-tier one."
Enzo shifts his gaze away, muttering something under his breath. Still audible, though. "Spirited Away takes the cake..."
Catching a glimpse of your unimpressed look, he suppresses a soft laugh. His teeth graze his lip gently, just enough to avoid any sting.
"You're so basic," you playfully grin.
"You just want to feel special," Enzo retorts, quick on the uptake. "And you only like it because of Seji."
"You're only a Spirited Away fan because of Haku!"
Enzo closes his eyes, leans back a bit, crossing his arms in a somewhat childlike manner – a move aimed at drawing out laughter. "I don't know what you're talking about," he pretends.
"Oh, come on," you scoff. "Do you really think I've forgotten your sudden "enlightenment"?"
"Hm? What's that?" Feigning confusion, Enzo puts a hand to his ear, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "You'll have to come closer; I can't hear you from here."
Another unimpressed look accompanies your exhale, a mix of a scoff and a chuckle. "If I get any closer, I'll be in your lap, goofball."
Enzo bites his cheek gently, holding back the words that almost slip off his tongue.
(He wouldn't mind)
"Sorry, can you repeat that?" A playful nudge meets his shoulder as you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
The banter fades away as quickly as it came. Then, smiles break out across both your faces simultaneously, the atmosphere shifting into something more sincere. Doesn't it always when you're gazing at the starry sky with the one you love most?
As Enzo continues, his voice takes on that softer tone once again—the one thats only reserved for you. "I always liked imagining us as them," he confesses. "Me as Haku, and you as Chihiro."
A soft blink, and your smile sweetens like syrup. "...That's amusing," you cross your legs, palms flat against the roof, knee comfortably leaning against Enzo's. "I always thought of us as Seiji and Shizuku."
There's a distant look in your eyes, something Enzo can't look away from. Tentatively, his fingers press into the skin of his palms, and he speaks, absentminded and a bit uncertain. ".. they get married at the end, don't they?"
A pause, then your gaze locks onto Enzo's, suddenly mischievous – and he regrets opening his mouth.
"Oh?" you purr, almost beaming, closing the distance like a
predator sizing up its prey. "Oh, really? Is this a proposal, Mr. Vogrincic?"
"I'm just stating facts" he quips, hands raised in defense, hoping you won't notice the red tint creeping up his neck, hidden by the night.
"Incorrect facts," you grin. Whether you catch the blush or not, you don't mention it. "They get engaged, not married. Big difference."
Enzo huffs, small, trying to suppress a smile. The beat of his heart is faint, a gentle rhythm stirred by every move you make. He pushes back the words he longs to say. "I wouldn't mind that, either."
Once again, silence envelops you, weaving around the space between you. It's comforting, just being like this; you and your best friend under the moon's soft glow. As if you're the sole inhabitants of an otherwise vacant universe, free from space and time.
Like the night could pause and stretch on forever.
Yet, there's an unspoken question lingering. One Enzo is still waiting for you to answer. One you won't address until he does the same.
Both of you have noticed, even if no one else has – the turmoil in your eyes, the fatigue under his. Those subtle signs of stress as everything around you keeps twirling on, as the future approaches with every passing day.
"Remember how school felt like it would last forever, and now... it's all just a blur."
Enzo's eyes light up with nostalgia. "Yeah, the days when we believed we could conquer the world. Time goes by so quickly." He pauses, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "But hey, we had some pretty great adventures."
A soft laugh escapes you. "Adventures, mischief, and a fair share of detentions. I miss those days."
Enzo grins, "Our secret base, the pranks we pulled, and the dreams we shared. Life was simpler back then."
You sigh, "Simpler, but full of possibilities. Now everything feels like it's rushing by, and I can't keep up."
Enzo reaches for your hand, offering a comforting squeeze. "You're not alone in feeling that way. I miss the simplicity too, but some things haven't changed." He looks into your eyes, his gaze holding a depth of emotions.
"Yeah, your talent and that dream that's not a dream anymore En. Its now your reality, and I'm so proud of you, I'd always knew you'd make it" You said with a nostalgic smile on your face.
Deep down, you knew you'd end up losing him; he had everything to succeed in the industry.
Enzo meets your gaze, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, sweetheart... It means a lot to hear that from you."
As Enzo utters the endearment "sweetheart," a fluttering sensation courses through your stomach, a delicate dance of butterflies that seems to synchronize with the newfound warmth in your chest. With a surge of emotions enveloping you, you can't help but wrap your arms around Enzo's body, hugging him tightly and feeling the size difference between the both of you. A murmured "of course" escapes your lips.
The moonlight paints a soft glow around you both, and the distant sounds of the party create a gentle background melody. Enzo takes a moment after the hug, collecting his thoughts, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand.
"There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, You know?" He starts, catching your eye. "Oh look who's reflecting now" You say as you laugh softly. "What is it?"
"These moments, right here, remind me of the times when life was simpler, and we were just two kids dreaming under the same sky." He pauses, searching for the right words.
"You know, when we were younger, I used to take you to the cinema, to the lake, even on your 15th birthday... Each time, I wanted to tell you something important, but I never found the right moment. It's been on my mind, and I'm tired of postponing it."
Your heart quickens at his words, confusion mingling with anticipation. Enzo's expression shifts, becoming more serious yet tender.
"Do you remember those times? I was trying to say that..." He hesitates a little, his eyes looking straight into yours, noticing how every single star can fit on your gaze "I'm in love with you. From the days of our childhood adventures to now, you've always been the girl of my dreams. I wanted to share my success with you because you've been my constant, my anchor."
The weight of his confession hangs in the air, and your mind races to process the revelation. Enzo continues, "I know that recently the world sees me as this actor, but to you, I just want to be Enzo. The boy you've known since we were seven. I'm tired of hiding my feelings, and I didn't want to lose another moment without letting you know."
Silence stretches between you, the memories of your shared past intertwining with the present. You're caught between the familiarity of nostalgia and the unexpected confession, yet, suddenly, some things start to make sense.
Enzo's eyes search yours, vulnerable and earnest.
"En, wait... what do you mean? In love with me? Like, as a friend or...?" Your words trail off, searching for clarity.
Enzo takes a deep breath, his thumb caressing the back of your hand. You can feel him shaking. "No I mean, romantically in love with you. Since we were kids, I've tried to tell you, but I never found the right moment."
Your eyes widen, replaying moments in your mind. "Wait, are you saying all those times – the cinema, the lake, my 15th birthday – you wanted to confess your feelings?"
Enzo nods, a mix of vulnerability and sincerity in his eyes. "Exactly. I kept hoping for the perfect moment, but life just kept moving too fast"
Your mind races, grappling with the revelation. Enzo continues, "What im trying to say is you've been the girl of my dreams since i can remember. I wanted to share my success with you, not just as an actor but as the person who's been my constant through it all."
Silence envelops the rooftop, the city of Montevideo below seemingly hushed in anticipation. Enzo looks at you, his expression a mosaic of hope and uncertainty.
After a moment of processing, you break into a soft laugh. "Enzo, this is... I... i just never saw this coming... oh my god"
With a warm smile, Enzo pulls you into a hug, and you reciprocate, embracing the familiarity of his presence. "Its okay if you dont feel the same... but I... I've just been carrying this for so long; it feels good to finally share it with you." He says with a sad tone.
As you're held in Enzo's embrace, the vulnerability of the moment encourages you to share your own feelings. "Enzo, no... Its not that, its just that I... I never thought you'd see me that way. I always felt like you were way too good for me, like I'd never be enough, so i always thought it'll be pointless to confess because you'll end up leaving me... And its just the thought of losing you as a friend and now knowing you've felt this way for so long, it's just overwhelming."
Enzo loosens the hug, gently holding your shoulders as he looks into your eyes. "You were always more than enough. I never wanted to risk our friendship, but holding back these feelings became harder as time went on. Our friendship means the world to me, and the fear of losing you kept me silent."
Tears glisten in your eyes as you continue, "I spent so many nights up here on this rooftop, wondering if I was just another friend among many for you. I never thought I could be the one you'd be in love with."
Enzo wipes away a tear with his thumb, a tender smile on his face. "You were never just another friend. You were the one who understood me, laughed with me, and stood by me through it all. And I've been in love with you since we were kids."
The weight of unspoken emotions finally laid bare, you share a bittersweet laugh. "Guess we were both too scared to ruin what we had."
Enzo nods, his hand now resting on your cheek. "Maybe, but holding back feels like a bigger risk now. I don't want to waste any more time, not when i don't know how much of it we have left"
As the moonlight bathes both of you, you take a deep breath and finally say, "Enzo, I've always been in love with you too."
A shared understanding and a newfound honesty linger in the air as Enzo leans in and his lips meets yours in a tender kiss, a culmination of years of unspoken emotions and shared moments. In that intimate exchange, the rooftop becomes a sanctuary for a new beginning, and just for that moment: time seems to stand still.
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sluttforromero · 2 months
great war; parte um 🩰 ♡ ⁺‧₊˚🧸💌 🦢 enzo vogrincic
tw: angst
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fazia frio naquele dia. uma ventania insistente balançava as cortinas na sala e fazia o fogo da lareira se remexer de um lado para o outro, aumentando e diminuindo e por algumas vezes quase se apagando por completo.
parei por um momento para olhar o que estava ao meu redor. Era estranho olhar o papel de parede completo, sem os quadros pendurados na parede, sem as fotografias coladas avulsas próximas à porta de entrada, olhar a madeira do chão inteiramente exposta, sem o tapete branco que costumava ficar entre o sofá e a televisão me fazia querer gritar.
a caixa nas minhas mãos estava leve, não haviam sobrado muitas coisas para levar, embora que minhas veias dos pulsos estavam saltadas pela força excedida pelos meus dedos contra a caixa. havia ensaiado aquele momento repetidas vezes na semana passada; iria entrar e sair de cabeça erguida, mas era muito mais difícil colocar esse plano em prática do que fazê-lo funcionar na minha cabeça. encarar o final da linha agora era muito mais dolorido.
estava acabado; era o fim.
enzo apareceu na sala através da porta do quarto e quando me viu ficou parado, longe. De braços cruzados de maneira a a abraçar o próprio corpo ele me observava como se eu fosse um animal peçonhento que o atacaria assim que desse mais um passo em frente.
— ainda tem alguns vestidos seus no outro armário. — ele foi o primeiro a falar.
— não vou levar. pode jogar fora ou sei lá — tentei sorrir, mesmo não querendo de fato fazê-lo. — fazer de pano de chão. — não havia graça ou humor na minha fala.
— do casamento também?
tirei os olhos da caixa pela primeira vez para olhá-lo. enzo, que tinha quase que a metade do meu tamanho, mas agora, de alguma forma, parecia uma formiguinha perdida no jardim. os ombros encolhidos, cabeça baixa, voz branda e olhos vermelhos mostravam a destruição por de trás da muralha era tão avassaladora quanto a minha. mesmo que tentasse mostrar o contrário eu sabia que ele estava tão infeliz quanto eu, a diferença era que enzo sempre soube esconder seus sentimentos muito melhor do que eu.
o vestido de casamento, que fora feito pela falecida vó dele há seis anos atrás, ainda estava como eu havia deixado da última vez. embrulhado perfeitamente no saco plástico protetor, guardado cuidadosamente no fundo do armário. eu o havia visto na semana passada quando a mudança tinha saído do aplicativo de mensagens e de fato começou a acontecer, mas não tive coragem de tocá-lo. acho que me despedaçaria inteira se o fizesse.
ele ficou parada o meu lado depois de abrir o armário. ficamos ali, em silêncio olhando para o vestido como se ele fosse uma obra num museu, ou, na melhor das hipóteses, pudesse dar um fim digno a tudo isso.
eu fui a primeira a me afastar chorando. o barulho da minhas puxadas bruscas de ar só não era maior do que os saltos da minhas botas tocando o assoalho. qualquer coisa era alta demais naquele silêncio mortal, nunca achei que viveria para ver minha casa se tornar tão queita quanto um cemitério. Aquele apartamento no centro de Buenos Aires era uma cova onde jazia os restos do meu casamento.
eu fui pra sacada, mesmo com o vento gelado batendo fortemente contra meu rosto eu me recusava a entrar.
enzo veio para o meu lado. suas longas mãos seguravam as ondulações do ferro na sacada com uma certa força, batucando os dedos vez ou outra. ele fazia isso para organizar seus pensamentos. estava tão desesperado quanto eu. me assustei um pouco quando ele colocou sua jaqueta sobre meus ombros e me abraçou, me apertando contra seu peito.
então eu chorei. desmoronei na verdade, e nem me preocupei em tentar esconder as lágrimas ou todos os palavrões que saiam da minha boca entre uma puxada de ar e outra. eu me agarrei em seu corpo como se ele fosse um bote salva vidas em meio à tempestade, pois eu sabia, com cada fibra do meu ser que em breve as memórias do corpo de enzo contra o meu não passariam de uma memória distante que ficaria alojada na parte mais inóspita do meu cérebro.
— eu te amo. — falei. não valia mais a pena fingir costume diante do que estava acontecendo. eu jamais me acostumaria com a distância.
ele não me respondeu, mas isso já não me fazia chorar mais. Faziam meses que todas as minhas declarações eram ignoradas como se tudo o que eu dissesse não passasse de um ruído chato que o incomodava todas as vezes.
— eu te amo. — falei de novo. e de novo e de novo. falei até ele me levar para dentro de novo.
de pé no meio da sala ele se afastou, mas logo retornou com um copo de água que eu prontamente comecei a beber.
— eu realmente preciso que você pare de dizer isso. — enzo sussurrava gentilezas no meu ouvido, me dando um beijo na bochecha quando me acalmei. — você vai levar o vestido? — ele disse calmamente, analisando cada micro expressão no meu rosto para caso do choro voltar a atacar novamente. engoli o nó na garganta e assenti com a cabeça. — ótimo. mando entregar no seu apartamento até o final da semana.
eu apenas concordei com a cabeça, afundando meu corpo mais ainda no tecido da jaqueta, mesmo longe seus braços deixaram uma pressão fantasmagórica contra os meus.
— obrigada por tudo, enzo.
ele umedeceu os lábios e calmamente se aproximou. mesmo depois de tantos anos juntos acho que eu nunca de fato de acostumei sobre como o corpo de enzo fazia o meu parecer minúsculo. enzo me abraçou, um verdadeiro abraço de urso, onde suas mãos serpentearam para debaixo da minha camiseta, no qual eu pude sentir o gélido toque dos seus anéis de prata contra minha cintura. ele beijou minha testa com ternura, sussurrou "me desculpe" algumas vezes e sumiu corredor a fora. seus passos foram ficando cada vez mais longe até eu ouvir o som da porta da frente batendo.
nós não havíamos sobrevivido à grande guerra.
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sthavoc · 24 days
I would like to ask for a chapter inspired by afterglow where enzo and the reader fight, because she was jealous of him with his ex, or any other girl, and their relationship was a secret because he wanted therefore the reader thinks he's cheating on her and that shw was secret bc it would be easier to cheat on her.
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·˚ ༘ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
·˚ ༘ summary: with enzo wanting to keep your relationship a secret, you couldn’t help but to think other things after seeing malena’s comments on enzo’s posts.
·˚ ༘ warnings: angst(with happy ending), secret relationship, jealousy, cussing, crying, overthinking, mentions of cheating(assumption).
·˚ ༘ note: I decided to mix these two requests since they’re almost similar. also NO HATE towards malena, this is just part of the plot.
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There always had to be something. Something wandering in your mind that would make you overthink, always having you on the edge. And even more, if you had a secret relationship with a man that everyone wanted to be with. While you couldn't even hug, kiss, or appreciate him in public.
Relationships in secret can cause fights, trust issues, anything.
“¡Cuantas veces te tengo que decir que entre Malena y yo no hay nada!” Enzo’s voice hollered through the hallway of your house.
Enzo and you had been bickering back and forth about what had been going on between his comment section with Malena. So many comments, she would comment more on your boyfriend’s post than hers, you would think, with the jealousy that would poison your mind. You had given him the silence treatment but it all fell apart when he continued to ask you what was going on with you.
“Ay, por Dios, Enzo.” You pinched the bridge of your nose with a furrow. “Se ve que le gustas a la hija de—” You eliminate your words not wanting to go far with them. Your fists balled with a sigh.
“¡No digas estupideces! ¡Ella está con Matías, carajo!” There was rage in his voice, veins popping on his forehead, if it was possible to pop it with a pin, it would.
The room was hot, with the amount of screaming between the two. You were lucky all the windows were closed, if not the neighbors would’ve gotten a sound of it. No matter how much you tried to control the anger it would grow and grow, and with it, the tears that you felt were gonna come soon. The tears of anger and frustration.
“No tenemos nada.” Enzo’s words are repeated, once more. In a way to leave it evident.
“No te creo.” There was a small smile where all you could see was the corners of your lips raised. A sarcastic smile. “¿No crees que no vi un vídeo de ti con ella después de Los Goya?” You dared, by getting closer to him and pointing him in the chest.
“Estábamos charlando.” He gritted through his teeth.
It was devastating that you couldn’t trust your boyfriend. The idea of him cheating would boil your blood, and break you at the same time into millions. The feeling of a tornado inside of you that would quickly get out and take over everything in the relationship, you were afraid of that. As much as the problem was the both of you having the relation a secret, you would blame yourself for it, for exploding.
“Créeme nena.” Enzo’s hands tried to reach for you, but you drove him away not wanting to have him near you.
“Ya te dije, no te puedo creer.” You looked him in the eyes. Anger is full on them. “Como me pides que te crea si tenemos la relación en secreto ¿Ah?”
“Sabes que yo quería mantenerla los primeros meses por tú bien.” His anger was rising again.
His body figure walked towards you making you walk backwards, but the roles were switched after you started to speak—
“No me jodas, de seguro se te hace más fácil mantenerla en secreto para poder irte con otra chica.” Oh, your words were pushing it. With the anger that was blinding you, you weren’t calculating your words.
“¿Me estás jodiendo verdad? ¿Te estás escuchando? ¡Me estás acusando sobre algo que no es!” His finger went towards his ears in a motion.
“Tendría lógica, Enzo.” You whisper swallowing the lump. “Soy un secreto, ¿es más fácil así no?” You gift him a dead smirk, with the tears that were forming in the corners of your eyes.
“Nena, no llores por favor.” He decided to pay no attention to your previous comments and focused on the tears that were running down your cheeks.
“No, Enzo.” You decided to leave the sentimental aside and wipe the tears. “Será mejor que te vallas.”
You turned around to walk towards the entrance of your house, not even bothering to turn around to see if Enzo followed. You knew he was because you could feel his atmosphere behind you.
“Nena—” He called, but you didn’t stop. “¡Nena! ¡Dejame explicarte por favor!” Still no stopping.
The door swung open and you made a motion with your hand “Vete.” Enzo looked between you and the door, if you thought he would leave without fixing this, you were so wrong.
With his hand, he slammed the door closed making you furrow your brows in anger and ready to protest, but his short words left you silent. “Te sentas.” He points towards the couch.
You knew Enzo, nothing that you would do would make him alter his decision of not leaving. So the better answer was for you to walk over towards that couch, and sit even if you huffed in anger. The silence cried loud in the room, an uncomfortable silence that you didn’t know how to get rid of. By this time your anger was cooling off and you didn’t know how to apologize, but you wanted to. You guessed you were simply afraid of saying it.
And deep inside, you knew, that Enzo wasn’t cheating on you, but the games the mind would play and have you second thinking was what was burning you, and with you, Enzo, and the relationship.
Your body flinched at the contact of Enzo’s fingertips touching your knee, it brought you out of your zone, paying attention to how Enzo kneeled in front of you.
You didn’t realize what you said, not until you did, still being in the zone. “¿Me amas todavía?”
Enzo’s eyes were glued on you, hands still on your knees, but they traveled to your face to hold you. “No hay ningún día en que mi amor por vos no crezca.”
Some sniffles came from you. The tears began falling onto your cheeks but Enzo’s thumbs were doing the favor of wiping them away. Your voice hurt when you spoke. “Perdón por dudar de ti. Es que— se me hace difícil, no te puedo tocar, besar, o tan siquiera salir a tomar un estupido cafe y al ver que otra chica al reír posa sus manos sobre tus hombros o se ve muy juntita a ti me hace pensar que tal ves puedas estar con ella a escondidas, o como con los comentarios de Malena. Los celos hacen olvidarme que tú no eres así.”
“Lo se.” He gifted you a smile. He didn’t want to say much right now, he wanted you to let it out, let you speak how you felt.
But you felt rued, you didn't deserve someone like Enzo. No matter how much you would fuck up or say the most hurtful things, he knew you wouldn’t mean it. Because he knew you.
“Perdón por todo esto, por todo lo que dije. Y perdóname si te lastime, por favor. Todo esto es solo es en mi cabeza.” You took his hands off your cheeks and wrapped them in yours.
“No pasa nada, bonita. Perdóname vos a mí, por querer mantener la relación en secreto. Pensé que te estaba haciendo un bien y solo resultó haciéndote un mal.” He kept his eyes down on your interlocked hands. “Pero ya no más, no te pienso ocultar más. Me di cuenta que no importa cuanto trate de protegerte siempre va a pasar algo. Pero por lo menos estaré yo ahí para poder ayudarte, y que sepas vos que lo que digan no es verdad.”
The first smile after hours, finally grows on your face. The toxin was finally being replaced with the medicine that Enzo would give you, happiness.
“¿En serio?” Your voice was soft, barely hearable.
“Sí.” Enzo smiled with a soft squeeze from his hands. “Es muy cobarde de mi parte ocultar a una persona tan maravillosa como vos, chiquita.” He took his hand back to your cheek, placing a few strands of hair behind your ear.
“¿Te puedo pedir algo?” Your breath fell hot onto his hand that was close to your lips.
“Lo que sea.” A nod was delivered to you after his words.
“Dime que todavía eres mío, y que vamos a estar bien.” Your eyes were glistening, and they had a soft look compared to the previous sore ones.
Enzo got closer to you smiling before he spoke, “Soy tuyo, y vamos a estar bien. Sea lo que sea, pase lo que pase.” He kisses your knuckles, with the other hand that is still holding yours, not sure if you are ready at the moment for a peck. He didn’t want to push the limit.
You felt better knowing Enzo and you would finally make your relationship public. It was exciting at first, having a secret. Having the secret rendezvous, not telling anyone where the both of you would head to. Of course, with time it became a tad exhausting for you, but you would never tell Enzo anything.
So yeah, you were excited to finally make it public, and so was Enzo. Finally able to see everything, together.
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enzos-doll · 3 months
This weekend I'm gonna start to work on all the request that you send me. Thank you to all the people that are sending ideas, please feel free to ask for more Enzo's stuff.
Este fin de semana comenzaré a trabajar en todas las solicitudes que me han enviado. Gracias a todas las personas que enviaron sus ideas. Por favor siéntete libre de preguntar por más cosas de Enzo.
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pascaloverx · 18 days
Rewrite The Stars
Chapter Ten
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
In this chapter, we have an extra character, whom I'd like you to imagine as the actor Enzo Vogrincic. And for those who enjoy the fanfic, I appreciate if you reblog or like. Thank you to everyone who is following the fic.
chapter nine chapter eleven
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Dinner is too quiet. It's as if everyone is afraid to say something. Your mother is keeping an eye on Pedro Pascal as if he were a criminal suspect. Enzo is watching you like he wants something. 
"Are you planning to marry my daughter?" Your mother asks between bites. Her pie is still in her mouth when you almost choke upon hearing the question she posed to Pascal. He, in turn, takes a good sip of wine, trying to find a good answer.
"Your daughter and I are exploring what the future holds for us. Marriage isn't out of the question, but right now our priority is to be each other's partners." Pedro responds, then takes another long sip of wine. He may be an actor, but he seems somewhat unsure at the moment.
"And how does this partnership work? She's unemployed, with no prospects for the future, being exposed to the world of fame as a scammer, and you, my dear, are working and getting rich. It doesn't seem right to me." Your mother says, staring at Pascal. You feel like you need to put an end to the situation.
"And I lost my job but I'm looking for another one. Not to mention I had savings, and I'm not living off what Pedro earns. Mom, I'm sorry, but my life with Pedro is only our business. You may like it or not, but I won't leave him because it doesn't seem right for us to be together. And I also won't go back to being with Enzo. He's handsome, probably a man you've always dreamed of for me, but he's not what I want. I want to be with Pascal. Whether you believe it or not." You basically defending your relationship with Pascal. And the Oscar should be yours because your mother seems to have believed everything. Maybe even Pedro is believing in what you're saying.
"I hope you know what you're doing. Leaving the sure thing for the doubtful one at your age could mean living the rest of your life alone." Your mother replies, and you feel apprehensive. She's not entirely wrong about this, but you have an agreement with Pedro and you will fulfill it.
"Mom, I hate to disappoint you, but Enzo isn't my person. He's not even close. He's attractive, yes. Have you seen his face? He's extraordinary. He's a good person, yes. Maybe one of the best people I've already met. But he and I have no chemistry. Do you want me to prove it? I taste you." You almost scream and get up going towards Enzo. You impulsively kiss him. And you regret the moment you do it. But in your defense, it's the only way to get your mother to stop all this. A kiss that is neither too long nor too short. Enzo's lips are so soft as much as you remembered. But really between you and him, there is no chemistry.
"I'm not sure if this is the best way to convince your mother, but I'm at your disposal if you want to try again." Enzo says as soon as we break the kiss, and you feel embarrassed. You gently step back from him while observing Pascal's face, who is sitting in front of you. He seems angry. But you're not sure if he's not pretending.
"Before my daughter takes any other impulsive action, I'd like to say that I got the message. You must really be crazy about Mr. Pascal. To the point of kissing your ex in front of your mother and him to prove that you no longer have feelings for your ex." Your mother says and takes a sip of wine. She seems embarrassed. Yay, you ruined dinner.
"Despite disapproving of the way my girlfriend chose to prove that she has no chance of getting back with her ex, I must say that I am also crazy about her. Not to the point of kissing Enzo, but I trust that your daughter and I, Mrs. Y/M/N, have something special." Pedro says, sounding a bit upset but maybe it's just in your head. He gently holds your hand and you both lock eyes, perhaps to convince your mother.
"I think it's time for me to leave. It was great seeing you again, Y/N. A pleasure to meet you Mr. Pascal, I'm a big fan of your work . I'll see you, Mrs. Y/M/N, at church." Enzo says, getting up and heading home. In the moments that followed, you finished the meal, and your mother even tried to wash the dishes, but you and Pascal insisted she go to bed. Before retiring, she stopped near both of you while he was washing the dishes and you were clearing the table.
"Despite everything that happened here, I hope you two will be happy together, for however long this real or fake relationship lasts. Obviously, the guest room is available for you both. There's a double bed in there, but remember that this is a respectable house and you're not married. Have a good night." Your mother speaks, seeming more convinced of your relationship with Pascal. You both bid her good night, and then you're alone in the kitchen.
"If you want, I can sleep in my old room and leave the guest room for you. I'm sure my mom will believe that we're respecting the sanctity of this house." You speak, watching Pascal, who doesn't seem very pleased.
"If I were Enzo, would this conversation even exist?" Pedro asks, dropping a nearly clean plate into the sink and appearing irritated. You don't quite understand why he's asking that.
"Is this about the kiss?" You ask defensively. It seems Mr. Pascal forgot that we're not really dating.
"Of course. You kissed your ex in front of me. And now you don't even want to share the bed with me." Pedro says, trying not to raise his voice, but you can tell he's pretty upset.
"Mr. Pascal, I have to say that from where I'm standing, it seems like you forgot that this isn't a real relationship and that it's not fair for you to demand anything from me after our last conversation where you talked about boundaries; if you're so afraid that I'll cross boundaries beyond a fake relationship, how can you be here complaining about a kiss?" You speak, getting closer to Pedro, who seems a bit confused.
"What does it matter? Isn't that what a boyfriend should do? Tell his girlfriend not to kiss her ex in front of him? Ask her to sleep beside him instead of in another room?" Pedro speaks, and you feel a little happy. He's almost too cute while arguing with you.
"So all you have to do is tell me that you'd like to sleep with me and that you prefer I don't kiss other people while we're falsely together." You say as you stare at Pedro, who is no longer washing dishes. In fact, he's coming towards you, and then he gently grabs your waist. You're surprised, but too enchanted to ask questions. And then you close your eyes, waiting for a kiss.
"I want to sleep with you, and I would like to be the only person you will kiss while we're together. Satisfied?" Pedro asks, and then he kisses you. And you know you could kiss him for a century and still feel butterflies in your stomach. It's as if he has a power over you.
"Satisfied." You respond between kisses, and then continue kissing your fake boyfriend. In the middle of your mother's kitchen, while the two of you are doing anything but pretending to be attracted to each other. At the beginning of all this, you thought only you were in trouble, but it seems Mr. Pascal also doesn't know how to avoid catching feelings.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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creative-heart · 9 days
I randomly remembered a fic I read years ago with the title "an ocean apart", it was a long distance relationship thing.
Something like this with Enzo, maybe?
And yes, I admit... it would be something for my little heart since I AM literally an ocean away 🥲🥲🥲
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Lucia’s notes: Ok, so this came about from this ask, sorry for the angst, but I’ve been kinda in that mood lately. I really hope you enjoy this @lastflowrr
Talking to the  moon- Bruno Mars
Come back…Be here- Taylor Swift
Calling you- Blue October
Content Warning: Just some angst, with a happy ending I promise.
Word Count: 1.9k
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Enzo and Y/N have been together for a few years now, they met one summer while they were both on holidays and it simply clicked, they could talk for hours on end, coffe or tea mugs in hand, even if they grew cold because the conversation was way too interesting. There were no such things as uncomfortable silences between Y/N and Enzo, for her laying her head on the black haired guy’s legs as they read their books in peace, they truly were best friends who were in a relationship, so when Enzo told the brunette girl he had gotten a chance to better his acting career in Europe, she was truly so excited for him encouraging him to take it and move to Spain, even if it meant they would have to take their relationship into long distance, she was in the middle of her college degree and couldn’t leave the city to go with him. When Y/N took Enzo to the airport and the taller guy engulfed her in the tightest hug ever and leaned down whispering in her ear “never forget that I love you with all my soul chiquita, because the soul never forgets”. Y/N closed her eyes hiding her face in his chest taking a deep breath wanting to keep every single detail of her boyfriend engraved in her memory and her senses until she saw him again. As she nodded softly Enzo held her face in his hands giving her a soft loving kiss before he walked through the boarding area doors.
The first few months weren’t that hard, the facetime calls every night, the love still in both their hearts and bodies, it worked, somehow it worked for both of them. But as time started going by, Y/N started noticing how Enzo’s texts and calls were less and less frequent, of course she understood that his life must have been busy, she knew for a fact that the tan skinned man was booking so many jobs, modeling, acting, whatever you thought about he got it and she was extremely proud of him. That didn’t mean that seeing all the Instagram stories and posts about the events he attended, the travels, the parties, the girls on there, it stung, specially with them being so far apart, and she felt stuck. Her classes felt stupid, she couldn’t focus, her grades were starting to slip and she hated that it had such an effect on her, Y/N did trust Enzo, but she missed him so bad it didn’t make sense.
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Three months had gone by since Enzo had moved to Spain and the facetime calls were rare by now, they had gone from daily to maybe weekly, that is if he didn’t bail on them and as Friday afternoon approached, Y/N texted him to confirm they were still on for that call.
bebé 💖: En babe, please tell me we’re still on for today’s facetime? it’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I miss you.
Zito 😘: Chiquita….you’re gonna kill me…I’m so so sorry…. I have a last minute event tonight, but I promise I’ll call you as soon as I get back if it ain’t too late back in Montevideo. I love you too I miss your pretty face as well.
bebé 💖: Yeah…..sure whatever you say Enzo….. call me whenever you get 2 minutes to talk to your gf…..if that’s what I am still.
Y/N was furious, she couldn’t believe he was dodging her again, she was getting so tired of trying, but she knew that she didn’t want to let it go, she didn’t wanna let him go. She let herself fall down on her mattress looking out the window and stopped fighting the tears rolling down her cheeks as she hastily wiped at them; she was happy, she needed to be happy for him, be supportive of his dream, but what about them? did the relationship they had mean nothing to Enzo? somehow the brunette still trusted that he wasn’t cheating on her, she knew her boyfriend, yet there it was, that tugging feeling at her gut telling her something wasn’t right. 
Enzo’s POV:
It destroyed him knowing how she was feeling, there was nothing more than he wanted than to be there with her, to hold her, kiss those pink lips he loved so much. But if the hazel eyed guy wanted to be able to bring her over to live with him he needed to save enough money to pay for her college here, get everything ready so she could transfer universities. He had spoken to Y/N’s parents about this, and they had given him the all clear for it. Y/M/N had told him that Y/N wasn’t doing too well, of course she had never really said anything about it, that’s how much she loved him and that broke the older guy in half. 
bebé 💖: En babe, please tell me we’re still on for today’s facetime? it’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I miss you.
Zito 😘: Chiquita….you’re gonna kill me…I’m so so sorry…. I have a last minute event tonight, but I promise I’ll call you as soon as I get back if it ain’t too late back in Montevideo. I love you too I miss your pretty face as well.
bebé 💖: Yeah…..sure whatever you say Enzo….. call me whenever you get 2 minutes to talk to your gf…..if that’s what I am still.
Enzo bit his lip hard at Y/N’s last text, if she only knew that he didn’t have an event, he was doing so many things in so little time, he was booking the hotel for the trip to Capri for Y/N’s birthday next month, he had arranged it with her parents, needed to go sign the lease on the new apartment he was going to rent  so she could have a study space there, he needed to pick up the engagement ring he had specially made for her. Now as Enzo went about his errands, he was scared he might be screwing it up with the love of his life, it was hard on him too, he could see the pain in her eyes every time they facetimed, and it broke him not being able to wrap his arms around her petite body the way he always did to shelter her from the outside world.
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Y/N was still laying on her bed in and out of sleep, she checked her phone one more still holding onto some hope that Enzo would indeed call her and she saw the time, almost midnight, he wasn’t gonna call. Just as she was placing her phone on the night table it started ringing with the tone she had specially selected for him, she turned around again turning the night light on as she reluctantly answered the call “Chiquita, hi, were you sleeping? sorry I didn’t mean to wake you” Enzo said as soon as he saw his girlfriend’s face, her eyes were rimmed with red, he knew she had been crying, he could always tell and his stomach dropped. Y/N shook her head sitting up better, no matter how upset she was, as soon as she heard his voice, everything disappeared, “No, was just about to, but not yet, how have you been En? how was the event?”.
Enzo bit the inside of his lip “it was good yeah….busy but good, how’s school going?” seeing her just shrug and look away from the phone he smiled softly “you kicking ass already? excited about your birthday next month? any plans?” the girl looked back to the screen “no, not really….you said you can’t make it, so why should I?” The conversation carried on until Y/N fell asleep, her phone still in hand, Enzo smiled taking in her resting features, would take any opportunity to see her face that he got.
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Three weeks later Y/N sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen “I already told you guys, don’t feel like taking a trip” she sighed as her parents brought up again that stupid trip to Capri they had planned for her birthday. “Plus, what am I supposed to do there alone?”. Y/M/N smiled looking at her “you wouldn’t be alone honey, Marina’s coming as well, you know your cousin always wanted to visit Capri, we think it would do you good to get some sun on your face, get out of here for a while, we already got you the tickets and hotel booking, come on”. As the hazel eyed girl looked at her parents alternately she nodded softly “if I accept will you be happy?” Y/D/N grinned nodding “so happy”. Y/N nodded again “fine then, I’m going.”
That day Y/N sat on her plane seat next to Marina her cousin- something’s fishy here, she looks so weird- “you’re not gonna tell me what’s going on, are you?” Marina looked up from her book with the best dumbfounded face she could master “Going on with what boo?” Y/N rolled her eyes and went back to playing on her phone. Once they landed and got their suitcases they headed to the hotel. Marina was the one with the hotel details, no one had let her get her hands on anything for the trip, all this was so fishy, so weird, maybe it was just her anxiety, but something was weird, like why did they have two separate hotel rooms. “What? you may have a boyfriend, but I’m planning on getting myself some hot italiana to share my time with here. Thank you very much” Marina said with a cheeky grin on her face when she saw Y/N giving her a quizzical look seeing two different hotel room keys. “Okay, what do you say we settle in, rest a bit, take a shower and meet back down here in an hour or so for dinner?”. And an hour later Y/N walked out of the elevator into the lobby waiting for her cousin, she had changed into a white and baby blue two piece set and a messy bun with some white and gold flat sandals. 
After dinner they were walking down the beach, arms intertwined enjoying the gorgeous sunset. As Y/N stopped to take a picture of it, she felt her cousin move away from her “Hey Mar, would you take my pic..” the brunette turned around looking for her and stopped in her tracks seeing Enzo there down on one knee. 
“I’ve been stupid, beyond stupid, it kills me seeing how you were feeling. I don’t want to see you suffer, never again, I would do anything to see that gorgeous smile of yours, I want to spend every minute of every day of my life with you, would you make me the happiest man on earth ever and marry me?” Y/N kept looking at him gobsmacked, utter shock in her face before she stepped forward hitting his arm over and over “You fucker! you know how shitty I’ve been feeling because you dodged all our calls? I’ve been spinning out of control” she said hiting him with every word before tears started flowing down from her eyes nodding “of course I’ll marry you!”. Enzo grinned sliding the ring on her finger before standing up engulfing her in his arms kissing her “I’m so so sorry, I promise I won’t ever make you cry again”. As Y/N slowly relaxed into his embrace she knew that even beyond the waves, her love for this man could never die and as long as she had his arms to hide into, everything would always be right.
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Taglist: @madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight @luceracastro @espinasrubi @castawaycherry @deepinsideyourbeing @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred
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luceracastro · 2 months
Sabia que ibas a volver
(Enzo Vogrincic x Reader)
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Summary: you and Enzo get in a fight before the big premiere and end up ending your relationship, but he should have known that after years of loving him, you would never miss the biggest moment of his life.
Warnings: just loads of fluff and some angst and sadness at the beginning. (also literally a Spanglish fic but I am more than happy to do it individually in Spanish and english too) (Esta historia estará en spanglish pero estoy más que feliz de hacerlo individualmente en español e inglés.)
The mate you had made yourself had gone cold, and the shared apartment you and Enzo lived in was also freezing between the open windows and balcony, it was late and he still wasn't home, of course, he went out with the guys and you trusted him but he must've gotten carried away still out and about and even though you tried not to think about it too much you couldn't help yourself
a few moments later you heard the sound of keys rustling, the door clicking as it opened and you turned your head to the side seeing him slip in and take off his jacket "¿Ves qué hora es?" you asked as you looked down at your hands and he sighed "Si" it was all he said in a dry tone and it made you annoyed and angry but you were too tired to even try
"Enzo, ¿por qué me haces esto?" you asked with a ting of pain in your voice and he could only look down at his feet not even saying a word as he leaned against the counter in the kitchen, "¿Qué hice? ¿Hice algo mal porque parece que ya ni siquiera quieres estar cerca de mí?" you told him and he shook his head slowly and sighed "no, solo piensas demasiado" and that was it before you got up "Enzo! estas ciego?!" you yelled and he furrowed his brows confused
"llegas tarde a casa, cuando estás aquí estás en el juego o en tu teléfono, ¡incluso ignorándome si te hablo!" you told him and he stood taller "estoy trabajando y me canso!" he said and you sighed "Enzo, créeme, lo entiendo, pero también me gustaría que mi novio me preguntara de vez en cuando cómo fue al menos mi día, siempre te ayudé, estuve ahí para ti cuando llegaste a casa cansado y, por supuesto, planeo hacerlo todavía, pero Yo también quiero saber que estás ahí para mí" was all you could say as your voice cracked and tears streamed down your cheeks
"Ya no eres una niña, lo entiendo y lo siento pero estoy trabajando y también necesito ayudarme en este momento, créeme lastimarte es algo que nunca quiero hacer." he told you and you rolled your eyes "Enzo, literalmente sales todas las noches y vuelves tarde a casa, ¿en qué te ayuda eso? No me importa que salgas pero sería bueno tener una de esas noches dedicadas a mí tu novia" you said as your heart crushed
"nena, Llevamos cinco años juntos, te he dedicado mucho tiempo y ¿es tan malo que quiero un ratito de tiempo con unos amigos?" he asked but his tone had some bitterness to it and you sighed getting up "Nunca dije eso, pero sabes, si eso es lo que quieres, entonces como sea, tal vez deberíamos romper si me dedicas demasiado tiempo como dices tu" and he chuckled "Entonces tal vez deberíamos, si vas a intentar seguir convirtiéndome en el malo, tal vez deberíamos simplemente separarnos"
that broke you entirely, seeing him mean it even though you couldn't see the way his heart broke when those words left his lips you moved to get the bags and suitcases you brought when you moved in and started tearing your clothes from the hangers and pulling your clothes from drawers as his eyes rimmed with tears seeing you pack and the small sobs escaping your lips, he knelt beside you as you packed your belongings
"Espera, espera, no, no lo dije en serio, bebé, para," he put a hand over your arm carefully but you shrugged him off "No, Ya no quiero estar aquí Enzo ya terminé me voy a casa con mi mamá no puedo" you cried louder and covered your face with your hands and you could hear Enzo sniffle "No, no, chiquita no te vayas, por favor quédate conmigo. Lo haré mejor, lo prometo" he said with his hands moving to hold you but you extended your arms to keep his away "No, yo me voy," you said and moved around to pack while he continued to follow you around and plead.
he tried to hold onto you and your stuff but to no avail and he couldn't forcefully make you stay so he watched outside as you drove off tears drenched his cheeks and eyes and his fingers intertwined with his hair as he sighed "Mierda, Mierda!" he moved to get his keys and went to his car, he couldn't stay there not at all he knew he's just remember you not being able to sleep so he just drove, where? who knew.
it had been around a few weeks now, you'd been moved back in with your mom who was there for you helping you unpack and what not, Enzo called and texted constantly and even Matias joined in trying to reach you and some of the others but you didn't answer anything, "Enzo ya levantate, asi no la vas a recuperar" Matias had walked into the room he was allowing Enzo to stay in, his girlfriend was making them food at the time and she herself couldn't make the boy eat anything as he only laid in bed most of the time
"entonces que mas hago? ya la llame y le mande textos y no se que mas hacer," Enzo groaned out and Matias sighed "Luego levántate y ve a la casa de su madre y pide perdón como un hombre" Matias told him and Enzo looked at him "No puedo, ella no quiere hablarme" Enzo's voice was low and his attitude was worse as he didn't even look like he had emotions anymore "La amas?" Matias asked with his arms crossed "más que nada" Enzo said as he sat up "entonces lucha por ella" was all Matias could say before leaving the room
and that's what Enzo was going to do, for once he finally took a shower and got presentable leaving to go over to your mothers house with hopes of taking you back home with him. but that was not the case as your mom stood at the front door a small frown on her face "por favor, solo dile que necesito hablar con ella" he said in a pleading manner but the woman sighed "Lo hice pero ella me dijo que te dijera que te fueras, no se siente muy bien" your mother did try to get you to speak to the boy at the front door but you refused
so Enzo left with his heart broken, he had to get used to the fact that you'd probably hate him forever and ever but it was a stab to the heart to deal with that fact, he loved you and now it hit him how it was pointless being without you, he didn't really have much without you.
so then the time for the premier rolls around, it was the night before and Enzo was sitting in his hotel room just thinking, the TV played in the background but as all he could think about was you everything blurred out for him, he could only have you on his mind and even though his castmates tried to reason with him and even reach out to you for his sake, there was no success.
however what he didn't know was that you were in a hotel a few streets down situating yourself and getting ready to rest for tomorrow, even though he hurt you and said some hurtful things, your love for him is bigger than any of that.
Enzo was getting dressed and ready, the day was here and he was prepared for anything or so he thought, the flashing cameras and lights as well as the loud voices of people, photographers, and interviewers was pretty overwhelming however one huge relief was seeing your face amongst the crowd wearing a beautiful dress made just for you, a big proud smile on your lips as he smiled a small giggle escaping his lips as he was himself again and in a better mood.
once Enzo was off the carpet he spotted you speaking to Matias girlfriend and he rushed over arms engulfing you as yours wrapped around his neck "viniste" the slight crack in his voice made you frown slightly "Obviamente, hablamos de este momento desde siempre y no me lo perdería" you told him a small smile on your lips as tears rimmed your eyes "Te amo," he said and you nodded "yo también, bueno ya no llores," you laughed a little cleaning his cheeks and eyes with your thumbs as he chuckled to himself
"Sabia que ibas a volver," he said with the biggest smile on his lips as you did too "Obvio, eres el amor de mi vida boludo," you chuckled kissing his lips, "vamos," you both interlinked arms and he guided you proudly presenting you as his girlfriend, the light of his eyes, his heart.
"que linda pareja," Fran's voice rang out a little teasing tone as both you and Enzo smiled "Entonces ambos volvieron a estar juntos?" Juani asked as he smiled "Si," Enzo said as he held onto you tighter "Entonces debemos de celebrar, vamos por unas cervezas," pipe's voice rang out as the others laughed "no me opongo a una cerveza" you shrugged and Enzo smiled, the night was well spent at the end.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this as I did, I honestly have been listening to this song for a while and thought of this plot and enjoyed writing it so I hope you all liked it as well and I am open to doing any request :) (Espero que hayan disfrutado esto como lo hice yo, honestamente he estado escuchando esta canción por un tiempo, pensé en esta trama y disfruté escribiéndola, así que espero que a todos les haya gustado también y estoy abierto a hacer cualquier solicitud :)
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