#enneagram tag
bemtevis · 2 years
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from Adiba Jaigirdar's instagram
from these descriptions, I'm feeling very desintegrated 3w? from Hinnah, 5w4 from Emilie, 1w? from Violet and 6w7 from Josefa
I'll come back to this post once I read the book
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thechangeling · 2 years
Hey so I already did the TDA characters enneagrams already but that was when I was still very new to how they worked so I feel like I made a lot of mistakes and wrong calls.
So here's my new version for those of you who are interested. I'm not doing tritypes because fuck that. Also I'm only doing the mains.
Helen Blackthorn: 2w1. The companion
Enneagram type twos with a one wing primarily identify as type twos, but also share characteristics of type ones.  They tend to be altruistic and purposeful in their behavior. They have the will to alleviate human suffering and are generally more quiet and reserved than other twos. Enneagram type two-wing-ones fear being unwanted by those they love. They tend to take on a caretaker role to serve others and avoid feelings of insecurity. They desire love and acceptance above all else. They are service-oriented and humble, seeking to help better the lives of those in their community. Companions tend to stifle and repress their negative emotions and personal desires. They may feel internally conflicted as they work to meet everyone else’s needs but their own.
Helen is the kind of person who likes to take care of her loved ones and is very giving. But she is also rule following and polices herself quite harshly. I think this is because of the unhealthy messages she got from the Clave and shadowhunter society about being half fae. She also cares deeply about justice and making the world better.
Aline Penhallow: 1. The Idealist
People with an Enneagram Type 1 personality tend to be rational, principled, and judicial in their behavior. They usually have a desire for justice and equality. They are motivated by a strong sense of right and wrong. The Type 1 has a basic fear of being incorrect or out of control, especially when they perceive injustice or unfairness. They work to avoid making choices that are impurely motivated and tend to have a strong sense of objective right and wrong. Ones dislike those they believe are corrupt or ill-intentioned. Idealists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. This may lead them to push themselves even deeper into their work.
This is pretty straight forward. Aline cares about justice and doing the right thing but also following the rules. Also my memory of tmi is fuzzy but I'm pretty sure she self policed pretty heavily, not wanting to let herself step "out of line" by admitting her sexuality originally, but eventually she realizes she has to accept it. She believes in fairness and is usually a very rational person (accept when it comes to Helen).
Mark Blackthorn: 6w7. The Confidant
People with an Enneagram type six wing seven personality tend to identify most with the six type, but share many attributes with the seven type, as well. They tend to be engaging, hard-working, and personable in their behavior. They are much more sociable than other six types and love to make new friends. Six wing sevens’ fear losing their support system. This may be expressed through self-deprecating humor, in which they seek affirmation and assurance from other people. Their basic desire is to feel safe and supported. They show this by being loving and supportive to others. They honor their commitments and are very loyal to their friends. Like other sixes, Confidants defend themselves by projecting their feelings, which may lead them to misunderstanding themselves and their relationships.
Mark after everything that he's been through desperately wants safety and security for him and his loved ones, but he also wants to have fun. He is a charasmatic and energetic person who enjoys adventure and taking risk but he also wants to be safe and for his family to finally be safe and ok. I feel like a lot of people have forgotten that Mark actually isn't an introvert. He's an extrovert. When things are going well he wants to talk to people and be social. He also desperately needs his support system, his family. He also has a tendency to project his feelings about himself onto Kieran and Cristina, assuming that they don't have feelings for him.
Cristina Mendoza Rosales: 2w3. The Host
People who identify as enneagram type twos with a three wing primarily identify as type twos, but share some characteristics with type threes. They tend to be ambitious, altruistic, and sociable in their behavior. They love building connections with others and helping to make a difference in the world. Enneagram type two wing threes fear being unwanted or worthless. They usually avoid this by building personal connections with others and working hard to meet the needs of the community. Their most basic desire is to be loved and accepted. They may express this by being extremely attentive and attached to other people. Hosts tend to suppress their own negative emotions, which, when done frequently, can lead to high levels of stress or unexpected outbursts.
Cristina is a bleeding heart and a giver. She enjoys helping people and is an extremely caring and compassionate person. She is also ambitious and cares about improving things and making the world a better place.
Kieran 4. The Individualist
Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity. At their Best: inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences. Their basic fear is that they have no identity or personal significance.
Kieran is a very emotionally raw person, also very reserved and occassionally insecure. A fours big thing is that they tend to base their whole life around one specific person. Their childhood wound is that they were misunderstood and not seen for who they really are. So they have this belief that there is a specific special person out there who will one day finally see them. And when they believe they've found that person they have a tendency to place them on a pedestal until that person ends up ultimately disappointing them by not being able to live up to this idealized image. For Kieran I think that was Mark. He also values being an individual.
Tiberius Nero Blackthorn: (gotta break out the full name lol) 5w4. The Philosopher
People with an enneagram type five wing four personality tend to identify mostly with type fives, but also share traits with type fours. They are curious, creative, and reserved in their behavior. They prefer to be alone to reflect and recharge. They tend to be more emotional and self-expressive than other fives. Type fives with a four wing are afraid of being helpless and incompetent. They tend to overcompensate for this by spending their time developing new knowledge and skills to feel useful and worthy. Their basic desire is to feel helpful and able. They express this by passionately pursuing knowledge and understanding of the world. Philosophers tend to guard themselves by withdrawing from others, which may lead to loneliness.
Yeah this ones extremely straight forward.
Kit Herondale: 4. The Individualist
See Kieran above for description.
Being his own person is very importent to Kit. He firmly just wants to be Kit. Not a Herondale, not a shadowhunter, not a faerie or the first heir, Just Kit. He is his own person and he's trying to figure out exactly what that means. Or as Zia put it, Kit firs for his individuality. He doesn't want to just be seen as a part of some family he couldn't care less about. There's also the thing I mentioned earlier with Kieran. About how fours believe there is a person out there who will finally see them for who they are and they latch onto that person, putting them on a pedestal which ultimately leads to disappointment. Kit also views himself as fundamentally flawed and damaged. He wants to be loved and be seen by Ty but he can't let himself believe that it's possible because he seems himself as fundamentally flawed do to traumaTM same as Kieran.
Drusilla Blackthorn: I'm actually gonna say 6w7 like Mark. The Confidante.
Drusilla is concerned with security and keeping the family together and safe just like Julian and Mark. All the Blackthorns obviously don't want to be seperated, but these three are the most anxious out of the family. Mark and Dru aren't as anal and paranoid as Julian, but are still concerned with safety and security. Dru is actually a social person, she just doesn't know how to insert herself into the Ty and Livvy dynamic as she mentions, and then in QOAAD obviously she is dealing with her sisters death. She has a tendency to project her emotions onto other people assuming Ty doesn't want her around and doesn't want to include her.
Livvy Blackthorn: 7. The Enthusiast.
Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. 
Livvy is for the most part a typical seven. She has a love for life (which is sad considering what happens to her) and an overall energetic fun-loving attitude. She does all she can to avoid unpleasantness and seek out enjoyable experiences.
Julian Blackthorn: 6. The Loyalist.
The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. 
Julian's the biggest six to ever six. I feel like this doesn't even need an explanation but here. Julian is concerned with the safety and security of his family. He will do anything to keep them safe and keep them all together. He is the one who is responsible for them and the institute and it's a burden that he takes very seriously, but it clearly takes a toll. When he's not doing well he gets paranoid, defiant, rebellious towards authority and kind of acts like an asshole. He can also be suspicious. He treats everyone outside his family like a potential threat.
Emma Carstairs: 3. The Achiever.
Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness.
This may seem weird to some people but hear me out. Emma wants to be seen as worthy. Worthy as a shadowhunter, as a Carstairs, worthy of being a part of Julian's family. It's her biggest concern. In Lady Midnight we see that she is very ambitious and driven in working on solving her parents murders and in her desire to "be the next Jace Herondale". We get the sense that she still feels like she has to make her parents proud, or she wants to at least even though they're dead. I feel like this quote sums it up pretty well, "What I have is trying. I can try harder than anyone else in the world."
Diana Wayburn: 1w2. The Activist.
An Enneagram type one with a two wing generally shows the characteristics of a type one, but also shares a few with the type two. People with a type one wing two personality tend to be principled and empathetic in their behavior. Consistent with type ones, they usually have a desire for justice and equality. However, those with a two wing are generally warmer and more interpersonally aware than other type ones.
I feel like this is pretty straight forward.
Jaime Roccio Rosales: 3w4. The Expert.
People with an enneagram type three wing four personality predominantly take on features of a type three, but share several with the type four as well. They tend to be ambitious, focused, and serious in their behavior. They are very career-oriented and are more introverted than other threes. They tend to find much of their identity in their work and are very task-focused.
Tbh this is still more of a hunch Jaime's kinda hard to pin down.
Diego Roccio Rosales: 1. The Idealist.
People with an Enneagram Type 1 personality tend to be rational, principled, and judicial in their behavior. They usually have a desire for justice and equality. They are motivated by a strong sense of right and wrong. The Type 1 has a basic fear of being incorrect or out of control, especially when they perceive injustice or unfairness. They work to avoid making choices that are impurely motivated and tend to have a strong sense of objective right and wrong. Ones dislike those they believe are corrupt or ill-intentioned. Idealists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. This may lead them to push themselves even deeper into their work.
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crow085 · 2 years
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Average day at LOV headquarters
#yes i know this is ooc#Fucked up dabi's jacket on the first page but im not fixing that shit lol#the cover took at long to make as an entire comic page#also can you tell what pages i drew first based on how i get better at drawing the mha style#at least i feel like i can see that#my fav panel is the younger brother cold read one#its the last one i drew#mha dabi#touya todoroki#tw domestic violence#my hero acedamia#this is the art tag#boku no hero fanart#also i started reading MHA because i matched 1:1 with shiggy on every personality test (MBTI enneagram rulen shit like that)#and was looking on a personality databse for what character matched me to most#add mha to the list of series in which the good side are those seeking to preserve the status quo and the villains are people with#legit grievances and a desire to make society better but then have the villains inexplicably like. fight children so we know they are bad#and the end resolution is that society is fine and everything was an individual problem not a systematic one#also fuck endeavor redemption arc#and while enji may SAY it doenst matter if hes forgivven the story SHOWS that it does matte#In the manga Shoto literally explicitly says that if he didn't forgive Enji then he would be as bad as Dabi#and Deku says that what enji did in the past donest matter cause he was nice to him#and the only thing Natsu says against endeavor is that he neglected his kids when thats literally the least of his crimes#and while people see this as a Get Endeavor moment the way the whole arc is framed you're supposed to see Natsu as unresonable#it's why hes shown to be angry and hitting walls and endevor is perfectly calm#the narrative of the story brushes all the truly awful shit away and pretends like it didnt happen#i seriously doubt the fact the Endeavor human trafficked his wife then beat her to the point she was afraid of her own kids for looking like#him will ever be adressed#Rei literally bowed in apology to Hawks for what Touya did shes treated like shit by the narrative#also the fact that Deku explicitly states that none of the shit Enji did in the past mattered because he was a good mentor is such bullshit
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lucidloving · 8 months
i'm always looking for new ways to forgive myself, to let myself down gently, to feel disappointment without feeling rage. i'm not very good at it. kindness toward the self feels like an excuse.
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khaotunq · 11 months
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enneagram series - type 2: pat, bad buddy "Empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed." (x)
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direwombat · 4 months
wip music whoops-it's-not-monday-anymore 😬
no writing today since we're fresh off the heels of a fic update for katc and most of my writing for it right now is uh. bare bones to say the least. and while i do have an askbox prompt i'm working on, its close enough that i would prefer to publish it once it's ready. so you're all getting music instead.
tagged by @cassietrn, @inafieldofdaisies and @simplegenius042 to share some music inspiring my wips.
here's a track for syb's energy in the first/current arc (ie, the holland valley arc) of katc
Why did love put a gun in my hand? Why did love put a gun in my hand? Why did love put a gun in my hand? In my bed, in my head, in my hand
Was it for redemption? Was it for revenge? Was it for the bottle? Was it for the ledge? Was it for the thrill of pushing my hope to the edge? Why did love, why did love put a gun in my hand?
and under the cut is one that's about my babygirl's enneagram type that just. hits really hard and makes me feel things (especially if interpreting the lyrics as her thinking about/talking to jacob ;w;)
Now you won't see all that I have to lose And all I've lost in the fight to protect it I won't let you in, I swore never again I can't afford, no, I refuse to be rejected
I want to break these bones 'til they're better I want to break them right and feel alive You were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong My healing needed more than time
When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things I see the familiar I was little, I was weak, I was perfect, too Now I'm a broken mirror
But I can't let you see all that I have to lose All I've lost in the fight to protect it I can't let you in, I swore never again I can't afford to let myself be blindsided
I'm standing guard, I'm falling apart And all I want is to trust you Show me how to lay my sword down For long enough to let you through
Here I am, pry me open What do you want to know? I'm just a kid who grew up scared enough To hold the door shut And bury my innocence But here's a map, here's a shovel Here's my Achilles' heel
I'm all in, palms out I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough to let you in
tagging: @marivenah, @statichvm, @trench-rot, @harmonyowl, @fourlittleseedlings, @carlosoliveiraa, @purplehairsecretlair, @aceghosts, @adelaidedrubman, @finding-comfort-in-rain, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @voidika, @locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable, @alexxmason, @deputyash, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else wanting to share some music inspiring them! (taglist opt in/out)
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simstoyourdismay · 2 months
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gave the kitty a little refresh
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j4r-of-flies · 4 months
need a typology mf to tell me if my type is contradictory or not , ESTP sp/sx 7w8 738 SEE choleric-sanguine SCOEI VFLE ES(T)
also on the hunt for typology moots u guys are rare and elusive like a silverback gorilla
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Writing advice from a non-writer ✨writer✨
Keeping a character, well, in character, can be a challenge, regardless of whether they’re well-established in canon (ex: Ratchet in most continuities) or not so much (ex: Prime Soundwave).
One thing that’s helped me is identifying which “negative” emotion(s) said character operates from and how they respond to those emotions:
I know there are more, but these three seem to be at the core of individuals’ negative experiences.
Now, of course everyone experiences all three at some point in their lives. However, when one looks closely, it’s usually possible to identify which one or two come most easily—the primary motivators.
Some examples from TFP:
Megatron: Anger + Fear
Starscream: Shame + Fear
Soundwave: Unknown, but I’ve chosen Anger + Shame
Optimus: Anger + Shame
Ratchet: Fear + Anger
Arcee: Fear + Anger
Some from IDW:
Rodimus: Fear + Shame
Ultra Magnus: Anger + Fear
Drift: Anger + Shame
Swerve: Shame + Fear
Shockwave (pre-shadowplay): Fear + Shame
Prowl: Fear + Anger
And so on.
With some characters, especially antagonists and “neutrals,” it can be hard to tell which ones are in the lead unless they state their motivations outright, but here are a few I’ve identified:
Overlord: Anger + Shame
Tarn: Fear + Anger
Tyrest: Anger + Shame
Froid: Fear + Shame
Some of these may look a bit off, but that’s to be expected since I don’t just look at the primary motivating emotions, but also how they are responding to the emotion(s):
Are they so aware of it that they do their best to consciously push back against it?
Do they vacillate between repressing/denying the emotion and exploding/over-expressing?
Do they consistently overindulge in it/over-express it?
I’ll use IDW Rodimus as an example:
Fear: He fears being limited in some way, either by circumstances, others, or himself, and succumbing to the emptiness of life. He actively runs away from his fear by jumping at each new fun thing to avoid uncomfortable, dark feelings. (Actively pushes back)
Shame: He struggles with issues of self esteem. He doesn’t know love apart from a sense of admiration, so he takes every opportunity to make himself look good/accomplished to earn love while denying it. (Vacillates)
Anger: This may be a bit surprising considering his hotheaded nature, but I see this one as being his weakest motivator, just barely. It doesn’t seem to be his first response to everything like it is for someone like TFP Megs. He doesn’t rely on it as much. Rodimus only really gets angry when someone is trying to (1) limit his fun or (2) steal the spotlight. However, when he does get angry, he doesn’t hold back. He’s perfectly comfortable with the emotion. (Over-expresses)
With some characters like Rodimus who seem to be pretty balanced with all three, the order doesn’t matter as much and is fluid/inconsistent.
But usually, I can pick out which one(s) do and don’t have as much of an influence on a character’s behavior and go from there, which is all that matters to me when writing:
IDW Prowl doesn’t deal with Shame as much as he deals with Fear and Anger.
Cyberverse Soundwave deals with Anger far more than Fear or Shame.
Blades from Rescue Bots doesn’t struggle with Anger as much as Fear and Shame.
And so on.
Final notes:
A lot of this is inspired by my knowledge of Enneagram theory, but I put my own twist on it.
Theoretically, with some modifications, this same process of identification can be applied to sadness, joy, and other emotions that exist.
It’s good to keep in mind that characters, just like real people, don’t react the same way every time to specific emotions.
The goal is to identify the overall pattern of motivation + reaction combinations for each character and use those as anchoring points.
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bemtevis · 1 year
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thechangeling · 2 years
Can you elaborate on Matthew being a four bc I'm a 6w4 and I heavily relate to him-
Ok so I might need to recruite Zia for this because she's my resident enneagram expert and I'm still learning. But first of all you actually can't be a 6w4 because there is no 6w4. Wings are only the type before and after the type ie 6w5 or 6w7. Like for example I'm a 4w5. (Sorry if this sounds bitchy I'm bad with tone.)
I completely understand your confusion because I made the same mistake at first.
There's a create website called crystal knows which has all the possible wing types. I reccomend looking at that as well as all the type descriptions. Also if you haven't done the test already I reccomend doing that. 😊
But, basically the whole gist of fours is that we feel like we're missing something and we keep searching for it. That thing that's supposedly gonna make us whole. So we can become who we were meant to be. Now healthy fours are able to find the beauty in everything and are usually very in touch with their own emotions. This type us sometimes called the romantic because fours tend to romanticize a lot. But unhealthy fours are very sad, self loathing and cynical.
We have basically decided that nothing is ever going to be good enough and we'll never be good enough so why bother? We're on a depressive suicidal tailspin.
Sound familiar?
Matthew despite being a disintegrated four still romanticizes shit but not to his benefit. Like think Oscar Wilde, "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
It's a very four thing to say, which is why it's funny that Matthew stans him.
I don't know if you were suggesting that Matthew us a six but I don't think that makes sense personally. Because sixes are about security. You guys, as I understand it essentially want to be a part of something, a group, a community, a family. Sixes want to belong. Matthew already has a family. People who love him. He just doesn't believe he is good enough for them. Because he hates himself.
Does that makes sense? The reason you probably relate to Matthew is because you don't need to be the same type as someone to relate to them. For example I relate to Alastair and Ty.
@littlx-songbxrd you wanna weigh in?
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dreamersbcll · 11 months
We get a lot of “Tara gets hurt” or “Sam takes care of Tara” but what about Sam? Obviously we know the way to hurt Sam the most is through Tara, but what about if Sam was hurt in a way that required Tara to have to help take care of Sam in the way that we know Sam does so often for Tara?
for this anon and the other few who wanted this same prompt.
“Ow. Ow. Fuck. Ow,” Sam hissed.
She wasn’t supposed to be out of bed. Hell, she wasn’t even supposed to be in the bathroom by herself. But she would be damned if she had Tara help her to the toilet.
The stab wound was just a setback. It was from some Stab-obsessed fan who wanted Sam’s signature. Instead of giving it to them, Sam decided to slap them. How was she to know that they had a knife on them?
In hindsight, she should’ve known.
But it didn’t matter now. What’s done is done.
Honestly, the worst part of this whole ordeal was how much Tara doted on her.
Though the pair had been through heaven and hell together, Sam couldn’t handle the care that Tara was providing. Her sister was so gentle and so sweet with her. She didn’t deserve it. It was a sobering thought to know that her baby sister would take her own heart clean apart if it helped Sam’s beat.
Her sister was so good. Tara was the sunshine that came after a storm. She was the sun rising, and the colors shimmered across a calm sea. Sam was the rain that came after, the storms that destroyed cities, and the chill that followed cruel words.
Sam didn’t deserve anything good. She wasn’t a fundamentally good person. Violence was intertwined with every cell in her body. If anyone deserves hell, it was Sam. She could feel the flames licking her skin and her hollow heart crumbling apart.
Yet despite all the damage that came with knowing Sam, her sister stayed.
And she had no idea why. Sam had left her. Tore her foundations down. She shattered her heart onto the pavement. Sam broke Tara and never gave her a chance to heal.
But Tara came back. Every single time. Her arms open, hands ready to take the weight off Sam’s shoulders. Her sister back in her life, loving her as she deserved, was an out-of-body experience. Whenever Sam felt she couldn’t breathe, Tara would take the oxygen straight from her lungs.
She didn’t deserve this. But Tara still stayed.
“Sam? You’re supposed to be in bed. Why are you in the bathroom? Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Sam closed her eyes to her sister’s voice, trying to breathe out through her nose. Nausea rose in her throat, and her vision felt blurry. Too much movement. Too much input.
“Tara, help,” she whispered. She screwed her eyes shut, trying to avoid her reflection in the mirror. If she didn’t look, she didn’t have to see the pathetic human in front of her.
She heard the door open behind her and could feel Tara’s gaze drink her in.
“I’m sorry. I needed to use the bathroom. I can’t get out. It hurts,” she mumbled, gripping onto the countertop.
Her sister pressed a hand to Sam’s back, grabbing Sam’s hand with the other. “It’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ll take care of you, I promise,”.
Sam sobbed a bit, choking down the bile in her throat. She needed to be stronger. She had to be better. Her sister shouldn’t have to take care of her. Sam should be the one strong enough to stand guard over her own body.
Despite every muscle in her body begging her to stand tall and stand strong, she let her sister guide her to bed. Tara was so fucking careful, laying Sam down and tucking her in. She even had a glass of water and her pain medications ready.
Sam swore she couldn’t let Tara in again, but like a force to be reckoned with, her sister broke down her barriers. And though Sam wanted to fight it, her sister still loved her unconditionally.
Tara wiped her face with cool towels, held her hand as pain rose through her, and kissed her wet cheeks despite the tears that fell.
Maybe, just maybe, Sam could take her armor off. She could put her sword down. She could be loved.
Tara showed her what a great privilege it was to be loved.
Sam wanted to believe her.
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squidyyy23 · 10 months
uhm, hi. *waves shyly from the back* life has been kicking my ass lately and the brain has no juice left for the scroll. 😢 but i still love seeing the pals tagging me on fun games! thanks @celestialmickey @creepkinginc @suzy-queued @juliakayyy @metalheadmickey @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx
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picrew: we're manifesting the writing the will happen again one day, right? RIGHT?!
name: tina 🦑
age: 32
pronouns: she/her
your sun sign, MBTI type, and enneagram type (google them if you’re not sure!): gemini, INTP, 9w1
how tall are you? five
what color are your eyes? brown
the last time you saw a movie in theaters (bonus: what was it?): elemental with the kiddo sometime this summer?
favorite dessert: ice cream. 🍦
outer space or the ocean? my son would disown me if i didn't say space. 🚀
you’re in a McDonald’s drive thru, what are you ordering? hopefully it's breakfast or i'll just stick with a mcflurry.
are you good with plants? i'm learning! starting to develop a bit of addiction...
would your current self and high school self get along? yeah. she'd probably be like chill girl. honestly, she'd probably be good for me. 😂
a food you can’t stand: avocados. 🥑
something you’d do if money were no object: i feel like the fact that i keep coming up with practical limitations to every idea that pops into my head is a good indicator of the mood right now. 🙃
the last app you opened on your phone (tumblr doesn’t count!): email?
and finally, compliment yourself! you're survivin', bro. 👊
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khaotunq · 11 months
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enneagram series - type 9: tinn, my school president "Accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting." [x]
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atlaskrr · 5 months
So i went to pbd and typed tecchou cause ppl are so wrong abt him. hes clearly sp/sx 9w1 so wrote a defense for it:
i dont understand why so/sx is his most voted instinctual variant. in what universe would he be sp blind. i understand that hes disregard his safety for a mission/comrades but that stems from his sx imo. hes shown behaviours of a sp. he literally eats on missions and has done push ups in a meeting. he shows little care for so related things like trends and gatherings. his only percieved community is the hunting dogs which can be taken more as an sx thing than so. him caring for the civilians stem from his sx as he has a passion for his justice philosophy. while caring for others is an so thing he doesnt care much for others opinions on him as far as we can see. he doesnt care to change things others find odd and hes even blind to a lot of social cues so how would he be so? even if he shows many signs of being and so making him sp blind when hes clearly an sp9 just doesnt make sense.
also just because he values justice doesnt make him a 1. i think hes a 9w1 with a strong wing cause unlike a 1 hes been seen much more willing to take a break from his pursuit to justice (as seen in sleeping after the fight with kenji). 1s are also much louder about their values than 9s. 9s, like tecchou, will preach there values but not push them to the point of an argument esp to those close to them. while tecchou always preaches justice, he doesnt force his view of the world onto others harshly and esp not to jouno who shows a lot of resistance to it because they are close. he also, unlike 1s and more like 9s, disregards his rigid right and wrong to fight kenji because jouno disappeared. jouno's disappearance is a disruption to his peace (as unpeaceful as life in the hunting dogs can get) because its out of comfort to not have his partner there. he would much rather disregard his principles than have something changed. 1s often resist their instincts to stick to their principles and be “good and righteous” but tecchou did not. it seems like his principles might be something caused by past trauma or something taught to him so maybe to him thats all he has ever believed/the only way to stop trauma from happening again so rather than realigning his world view which could be wrong (what a 1 might do) which would disrupt his inner peace, he chooses to leave it unchanged.
he also seems very hard to type enneagram wise as theres a lot of debate which is such a 9 thing since its the crown of the enneagram. this means 9s can have a lot of the qualities of other enneagrams while still being a 9. he can also be extremely simple minded. many 9s tend to choose the simplest/easiest option to maintain their stasis of peace. tecchou has demonstrated that by always taking the “fastest way” by cutting down the trees to fighting kenji. a 1 would take the longer way if it meant doing the right thing but tecchou rarely stops to consider whether his decisions are the right thing to do outside of justice. this same justice view is also like the 9s rose tinted glasses. to him the world is simple. black and white with him being the thing able to keep it that way, good rewarded and evil punished. but he also shows against that in a very 9 “the world is good way” when it comes to other hunting dog members, especially jouno and this is sort of shown when he was going to agree to kenji at first. he sees the world as good so as to not be upset/have his mindset changed which is a very 9 thing.
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lemonthepotato · 1 month
What enneagram would y’all type Vendetta from Making Fiends as? Because 8w9 doesn’t feel right to me.
My current typing of her feels very wrong, but it’s the closest I could muster. Same w the consensus on PDB. (HATE the new update)
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