#eladrin family
letters-to-serafina · 2 years
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Jessamine’s family, of Queen Titania’s Seelie Court
How shall I describe all their summer senses?
- Ren, a firework explosion on a hot summer night
- Leaf, pelting friends with water balloons in a park, then enjoying a snow cone
- Quill, just a hint of summer’s heat; more like taking a refreshing dip into cool spring waters
- Blodwyn, a summer shower where the sky is grey but the air is still steamy and wet
- Sylvain, finding relief from the heat in a quaint coffeeshop with air conditioning
- Zinniana, the first touch of autumn’s arrival, a breeze of cold air and the smell of pumpkin spice. a welcoming warmth like a hearth.
And Jessamine herself, showing up with a case of beer, ready for a spontaneous road trip to the beach. 
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necromosss · 2 years
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Sarren-Nerwyn & Makari (when Makari was younger then older)
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somelazyassartist · 8 months
Psssst.... could i request some atropa and ivy...? I love their designs and theyre so... im so love..
YES OF COURSE,,,,,, IT'S BEEN FAR TOO LONG SINCE I'VE DRAWN THEM!!!! Backstory Time: When Atropa was just a toddler, they ended up as the last surviving member of a noble family who all caught a plague of sorts, and ended up being mostly raised by the family's former staff. Eventually they met Ivy- a poor baker's daughter who fought tooth and nail to become a knight- at a tournament they were forced to attend, and they both fell head over heels for each other. While Ivy didn't end up winning that tournament being so new to knighthood, Atropa did offer her a job as their personal bodyguard as an excuse to hang out with her more. Eventually when Atropa was old enough to inherit what her parents left for her, the two eloped and moved to Northbarrow to start up their new noble household there! I did a sketch for you both from when they were younger and first getting to know each other and then when they're older and happily married :] and obviously before the whole Naïlo family went missing(?) lol
(click for better quality)
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shadowglens · 5 months
tossing up the idea of making olympia's father an elven/eladrin aasimar just to heighten her god-touched heritage
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-meganium · 2 years
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Some more DnD art because this gal’s got another campaign ✨
This Eloise Ophelia Stirling (and her brother Charles Elliott Stirling IV, Charlie). She is from a noble family of the ton, but has always had more inclination towards her studies than fashion, gossip, or marriage (much to her family’s chagrin). She’s quite interested in using her time abroad (thanks to her family’s fortunes and father’s liberal outlook) and skills to become a nurse, furthering women’s places in all fields, including the more scientific.
She’s a primarily Autumn court Eladrin, Twilight Cleric with a background in anthropology.
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cloaksandcapes · 1 year
A DnDaDay! LEAFF gave Kiran a gift and then had a party moment! Tell me about your DnD Family!
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dappercapricorn · 2 years
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Last piece tonight. Here's a first attempt at Venali's Eladrin parent (still need to draw his mother next time). They're usually neutral / indifferent, but have Correlion's blessing and will shift their gender presentation when the mood arises. There's two injury scars and an attempt at a cesarean scar. They carried Venali (his mother is trans as well, not a single cis person in this family hehe)
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symphonic-scream · 12 days
I'm still working out details for the P5 D&D au, so I'm just gonna lay out what I have and if anyone has any ideas, let me know
Their DM is Morgana, and the other Phantom Thieves are the players.
Goro isn't a player at first, since the character he ends up playing was supposed to be the big bad. However, that changes, and Morgana asks him to fill in and play as a player for that character later on
I. Only have three characters worked out. The rest are just, race and class
Akira is playing "Joker", a mysterious Eladrin Rogue with a haunted past, who lurks in the shadows and wants to become a folk legend, like the takes told to scare children into obeying. He's also horny
Ryuji is playing a half-orc Barbarian
Ann is playing a human Sorcerer
Yusuke is playing a drow Warlock
Makoto is playing "Just", an outcast tiefling monk looking for a place to belong, without having to accept torment or compromise their morals. Her character uses varied pronouns
Haru is playing "Ulyssa Noir", a former noble half-elf Paladin who discovered the dark deeds of her family, and left to atone for their evils, pledging herself to a just and good god, planning to return one day to convince her family to seek salvation
Futaba is playing a Tabaxi Artificer
Sumire is playing a halfling Ranger
And, Goro eventually takes up the role of an Aasimar Blood Hunter
I'm down for ideas of names and shit, I'm just having fun, this all sparked from my recent love of Dungeon Meshi so, aha, yeah
But! The plot of the au outside of the campaign is pretty mellow. Morgana and Akira are brothers, Akira adopted him so he wouldn't be in their foster home without him, and they live with Ann and Ryuji. Haru is Morgana's tutor and Tea buddy, and who introduces the young nerd to D&D. Akira invites the other players to the table, having met them all during chance encounters and such
So, everyone but Morgana and Haru are new to the game. Akira knows a bit, and uses it to torment his lil brother.
Anyways. Yeah
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uniiiquehecrt · 8 months
Why is it a cosmic problem that the Asgardian bloodline will end with Thor? Asgard is no more - what we have is a nonmagical place on Earth where Asgardians live. When Asgard doesn't exist, who cares that there will be no heirs. The current ruler is someone to whom King Thor just gave the rulership. That's how every ruler will be made now - anyone the current ruler gives it to. Or maybe they start holding elections. Make it democratic.
They don't need heirs now. And Thor will die alone in a ditch. It doesn't matter anymore. Taika has made it so that everything in Thor's world is insignificant now. But this is a happy ending.
I... genuinely can't entirely tell if you're being sarcastic, nonny, or if this is a genuine question that perhaps I may be misreading... (and if I have, do feel free to send a follow up and correct me)
but there's quite a many problem with the royal bloodline ending with Thor from an in-universe standpoint, just as well as the trajectory of Asgard's fate from Ragnarok and Endgame onward is an insult to the worldbuilding of Earth-199999's Asgard and the Nine Realms.
There's a couple of different ways you could slice my statement and I would still argue that what I've said can be seen as true. But I'll go through the wide range of elements in your ask to best illustrate the broader strokes of my point.
but TL;DR:
Ultimately you answered your own question, and that's the best way to boil down the travesty of it all:
Q: Why is it a cosmic problem that the Asgardian bloodline will end with Thor? A: Taika has made it so that everything in Thor's world is insignificant now.
Not only this, but Thor is the lastoline of the royal family. Before which, there only existed himself, and his father, Odin. He is the last of a subspecies of alien on par with other massively powerful aliens like Titans and I would wager, potentially even more mortal Celestials like Ego. He's a being who can generate storms just because he's miffed. Once Thor is dead and gone, there will NEVER be an Asgardian who is more than just your usual 'super-strength, super-speed, super-endurance' humanoid looking alien. There will NEVER be an Asgardian with the ability to summons storms and have lightning flow through his veins.
Hela had dominion over life and death, Thor is effectively a living, breathing, walking, talking tempest, Odin can be inferred to have some kind of 'order' seeking affinity. Who knows about MCU Bor and Buri. They are INCREDIBLY ancient, and powerful beings. If MCU Asgardians are to MCU humans what D&D elves are to D&D humans, then Thor is to Asgardians what an eladrin elf is to normal elves.
And we are watching – have already watched, even, — that incredibly powerful, incredible RARE sub-species of asgardian effectively be driven to extinction.
Just think about that for a second.
(the rest has been put under a cut because this answer got long, and for that I apologize ... mostly.)
Asgard is no more - what we have is a nonmagical place on Earth where Asgardians live.
Yes. This. This is quite actually the crux of the problem of this choice. The most beautiful and compelling aspect of the MCU in Phase 1 in particular is the prospect of an alternative universe out there where, to quote Jane Foster, "magic is just science that hasn't been explained yet". A world where superheroes truly can exist and aren't cartoonishly corny as superhoes used to be depicted... I'll say pre!Raimi Spider-Man era. (Though.. the Goblin's costume is still pretty goofy.)
What made Thor stand out as an individual hero within the Avengers (both the team, and the 2012 feature), and what made him so compelling to quite a many fans new, old, or casual, was that Thor is magical. He comes from a place where magic and science are the same thing. His whole world is ethereal and timeless, it's vast and expansive, and because it's inspired by real world norse mythology — of which is itself a rich and fascinating study in and of itself — there are a thousand different directions he could be taken.
I may be speaking partly for myself, but he also further ropes in a fantasy-centric audience such as myself who largely enjoy high-fantasy, medieval inspirations, tales of chivalry, hope, love, adventure, magic, timeless knights and princes — Dark World in particular has him acting quite a bit like your typical idea of a chivalrious, regal, stately prince or honorable knight who is virtuous and kind, and who protects those who can't protect themselves.
And that's just a single aspect of what made him so unique. What made him so unbelievably lovely. Thor is lovely, and Thor is magical. His family, friends, world, and people are magical.
But as of RAGNAROK, the realm he hails from was destroyed before our eyes before we got to truly know anything about it.
As of ENDGAME and LOVE AND THUNDER, the people and culture of asgard that remain has been so watered down that they dared to make New Asgard a tourist attraction in some rinky-dink nowhere backwater coastal town no different than Puente Antiguo, New Mexico where Thor first crash-landed in the first film.
Asgard used to be on par with, if not even more intriguing and full of mystery, than Wakanda, the earthen monarchy. Now it's a tourist trap that ... for some reason has "infinity gauntlet" ice cream in the heart of the town of a people devastated by Thanos twice.
The current ruler is someone to whom King Thor just gave the rulership. That's how every ruler will be made now [...] They don't need heirs now.
Potentially unpopular opinion (?) but I have so many issues with the decision to give Lady Valkyrie Thor's birthright that it could take an entire 10 paragraph essay for me to fully delve into all of the issues.
In short:
To say Valkyrie had a character beyond "traumatized alcoholic with a chip on her shoulder" is ... generous at best. That's not a diss, that is entirely factual. I could not tell you what her Want vs. Need is, or her character goal, or her motivations, or why she bothered to suddenly help Thor (re: lack of motivations) because she never took any action with any real agency in RAGNAROK that wasn't spurred on by Loki. ....Off screen.
I also don't think that the woman who had spent over 1,500 years MINIMUM running away from her home and her people, festering bitterness, spite and hatred towards the royal line, and who never actually respected Thor in the first place because of who his father is should have been honored the title of King. She did not deserve that. Both in general, and as a character who frankly just did not get enough screentime to really be SHOWN caring for her people, atoning for her absence and otherwise supporting, caring for, and working alongside Thor. Had she actually been shown doing any of the above in a substantial amount of screentime, perhaps then I might have felt differently, as if she earned the position more than Thor who has spent 2 solo movies (not counting RAGNAROK) earning his place as a future leader. This is likewise not entirely counting his O.S. actions of maintaining peace under his authority between Avengers and Dark World, and his personal search for the Infinity Stones post!Age of Ultron.
Valkyrie is powerful, yes, but she is ultimately still NOT an Asgardian Royal. And to your point about "this is how every ruler will be made now" — Heimdal aside, NO OTHER ASGARDIANS have special powers. It is EXCLUSIVE to Odin's bloodline. (Frigga is a practicing witch and these are two incredibly different things, since Loki was taught his magic, not born with it.) This is a GLARING worldbuilding issue further highlighted down below, but the tl;dr of it is: the only reason why Earth has been largely untouched and the Nine Realms kept safe in isolation despite the constant going-ons of the other galaxies in the universe is BECAUSE of the royal line. Odin isn't kidding around when he says he (and his bloodline) are protectors of the Nine Realms. Valkyrie is most certainly able to try, but at the end of the day she's NEVER going to be able to get through very many galactic battles without ultimately calling on Thor for assistance at the end of the day. And when her time is up? Or when Thor is finally dead and gone? There goes your ace in the hole.
But more than that, thinking about it semi-realistically from a worldbuilding perspective:
It's quite literally a cosmic problem in that there is now a galactic power imbalance. MCU!Thor comes from a version of Marvel's world where the there aren't literal gods, but there are aliens. Tons of aliens. All with varying powers and proportions and what-have-you-not. More specifically: power humanoid aliens from a realm called Asgard, that in Earth-199999 inspired the entirety of the Norse mythos of the viking age.
These aliens, governed by the ruling monarch of the realm eternal, also govern over 8 additional realms— which for all we know could range from a territory that is a singular planet (vanaheim, asgard), to potentially an entire solar system (earth and its solar system). BOTH options nine times over marks an absolutely incredible empire for a singular species of alien to claim complete control and territory over.
But they were not only able to obtain this territory but continue to safeguard it under Asgardian protection because the royal family is gifted incredible power (Thor, for instance, can change the atmosphere out of sheer mindless emotion not to mention conscious thought), and have secured and/or subdued multiple infinity stones throughout the millenia (the aether/reality stone, the tesseract/mind stone, thor has also personally endured a power stone directly to the temple, for instance), and have maintained peace for a MINIMUM of a thousand years beneath Odin's reign as All-Father, Protector of the Nine Realms.
So, if the royal family governs its own pocket dimension planet, AND maintains peace and prosperity by personally safeguarding the territories itself and of eight additional realms, all with a variety of other alien species, ecosystems, solar systems, galactic quadrants, etc. ...Who are also KNOWN to be fierce and proud warriors who have likewise safeguarded ancient and powerful alien relics the likes of the tesseract/mind stone for hundreds if not thousands of years — and you take this long-lived warrior race out of their own equation...?
We're talking potential outbreaks of a new age of war the likes of those talked about in Thor (2011), in-fighting amongst the Nine Realms, invasions from outside realms of conquesting species, so on and so forth. Without Asgard and specifically a Royal Asgardian at the seat of power to maintain the balance of what has been built, (and i specify a ROYAL asgardian, aka Thor's line, because his bloodline is the only asgardian bloodline with the raw power to maintain and preserve everything long-term), well, you've effectively started a cosmic power vacuum — even if the MCU likely will never bother to explore the consequences of it.
Slight sidebar (albeit still mostly related), but:
Quite frankly one of the funniest aspects of Thor's relationships with Nick Fury and the humans that are equally as worked up about aliens existing, pointing their fingers at Thor as an example of their right to be wary (and eventually Loki and the Chutari, though those are more earned) is that they are effectively minimum-wage fast-food employees bad-mouthing he who is essentially the up-and-coming Chairman of the metaphorical "Yggdrasil's Nine Realms Fast Food Chain" without realizing who he actually is.
(Which, viewing through that lens makes the Avengers Nick Fury scene and the Tony Stark Age of Ultron scene even more hilarious despite the eventual coming of Thanos, because Thor, bless him, doesn't take ...much... offense to it until the bad-blood becomes over-bloated and geared towards the violent. RE: "My people want nothing but peace with your planet." / "Your work with the tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is a signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.")
For all of the drama of MCU Phases 1-3, realistically speaking, Midgard is low enough on the hierarchy of Asgard's protected territories that not only would it not be targeted first by Asgard's enemies (or other conquesting alien species), but even if it WAS to be targeted, or if Asgard was in its own fit of warfare ... Earth wouldn't even know it in the first place because THAT is how good at their jobs the Asgardians are. Earth, despite being SURROUNDED by alien activity and having even been in possession of multiple infinity stones at a time throughout history, not ONCE realized that (other) aliens existed out there... during the entirety of the 1,000-some years of peace that Odin so often talked about.
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jester-creates · 2 months
Full list of most of my ocs
ill just list important stuff about them (and maybe some bits on au versions of them.) Under read more cause this is going to be long. maybe a two parter. Feel free to ask about any of them
Oliver (known as Shifting Baker in the oc title ask game
I Have a few consistent traits for him. He is always on the range of Hard of Hearing to Deaf. He is always a shapeshifter(cause of which changes depending on the version). He is almost always transmasc, Biromantic and ace. He also always has naturally white hair. He loves baking
some versions of him (plus nicknames):
Playdo (Tma version of oliver)
he's almost fully a Stranger avatar after he got erased from memory after a very dumb wish. uses a hearing aid. has a boyfriend. Gets regular scam calls from the circus. (There's another au version of him where he got taken by the Circus)
Expo (Experiment au Oliver)
ditto hybrid after experimentation stuff. (au is partly inspired by Chained Wings by Vampirebadger) Fully Deaf, uses notepad or phone to mainly communicate, eventually learns sign. (i ended up shipping him with Nemona). Also loves to battle.
Change-o (pla pirate au version)
He's a Changeling here. with one level in rogue. shows up for at least one arc.
Juliana (she was originally the sv female mc but i changed enough about her that she is an oc now. i never got a better name)(aka Chaotic One in the title ask game)
consistent traits for her:
Oliver's sister (whether biological or self appointed). also typically has white hair. She's a lesbian.
some versions of her(no nicknames yet):
Tma version
biological twin to Oliver. randomly noticed a person in old family photos that she swore was never there before and goes down a rabbit hole of finding more and more evidence of an entire sibling she forgot about
Experiment au version
Miraidon hybrid after unethical science in area zero. twin to Oliver as well but they don't find that out for a while. (ended up shipping her with penny)
pla pirate au version
She's a Goblin here and runs a scam with Oliver. Shows up in at least one arc in this au.
Cassandra Achroma (aka the Victorian Biologist)
She is a Colress ancestor oc that I solely use in Experiment au. She does a lot in that au though. She's also Aroace (but very invested in her coworkers love life. It's free entertainment). She's also technically the cause of her own time loop.
Brittle (aka The Ghost)
And then there's Brittle... She's dead.
She is also transfem and French. Her full name is Peanut Brittle. She named herself.
Experiment au version
She's a rotom after she dies due to science gone wrong. ends up haunting two of the scientists after that. ends up being caught by Juliana somehow
Pirate au version
Reborn (undead) human. lives with Scarlet. (may also be part of the scam Oliver and juliana are doing)
Scarlet (Aka Feral Flower)
Became an oc after i made a joke character who is a floette that knows Bite and got attached to her. No matter what amount of class or refinery it eventually puts on, she is always itching for a fight and it's clear that it wants one. She's always heavily related to plants.
Experiment au version
Just a flabebe/floette/Florges that knows Bite. She gets better at not biting things as it gets older. It was caught by Juliana in a dark tera raid.
Pirate au version
A summer Eladrin (Feywild elf). She has levels in Barbarian and Druid. Always ready to fight. Lives with Brittle.
Tees (aka The Singing Soldier)(originally my dnd pc)
It's a robot with sentience forced upon it. As well as a moustache. It likes the moustache though. It was not built for war or fighting, even though it ended up doing a lot of that, but instead to be a performance (like one of those guys who advertise war) and for moral support (its preprogrammed stuff was not that good at it, very superficial.) It speaks with a British accent. It is compulsed to follow any order given to it.
Tma version
This version of Tees was one of the automatons at that one version of the Unknowing in the 1700's. It gained sentience after the ritual collapsed, likely due to a bit of Slaughter shrapnel finding it's way into it. It starts wandering trying to fill the void of its purpose. All the while the Slaughter shrapnel begins to corrupt its alignment to the Stranger until so little of it is left that Tees begins to have an identity. It ends up fighting in a couple wars before being kidnapped by the Circus (cause it was part of that older Stranger ritual). Makes friends with an au version of Playdo who also got kidnapped for being a Stranger avatar in the wrong place and wrong time.
Original dnd character
Definitely not haunted and given sentience and magic due from its dead friends (who are definitely not an off-brand version of the Mechanisms). Made for moral support forced to babysit the rest of the party. Once scared off a Death God.
Marcus Quillia (aka the Burned Detective)
One of my oldest ocs. A Private detective who was in a fire directly related to the death of his cousin/best friend. He then wants revenge against what took his cousin from him. He also got fire powers from that fire. He has black and white peppered hair after it.
Marked (ocverse) version
A private detective who tends to be hired by the police. He has a personal vendetta against the international thief known as Jester after an insane Rube Goldberg series of coincidences made it look like they were the ones who killed his cousin. (Actually due to a different oc I'm still formulating so not on this list yet) way too complicated to get into here. He gets a therapy dog after the fire.
he has the Mark of The Burned
Tma version
he was marked and attacked by a Desolation creature which sparked a hatred of Monsters (Fear creatures and avatars specifically). 1 step away from becoming full Hunt/desolation avatar, 1 or two especially cruel kills to throw away his humanity.
he is really good at his job though (thanks to that hunt alignment). he manages to find a person erased from memory years ago even after they changed their gender. (Juliana hired him to find Oliver). (he also later tries to kill oliver because he accidentally did a Stranger avatar thing in front of him.) (in the version where Oliver gets kidnapped, he does manage to help (by getting his killing monsters fix from other circus members)
Jester (aka masked Jesters)(not my sona)
surprisingly i only use these guys in my ocverse.
They are a pretty famous thief, loving to rob things and maybe return things if they feel like it. Accidentally managed to get framed for murder during.
they have DID even if it's a bit magically different from standard. they have 4 personalities.
they have the Mark of The Masked. they have three masks that they can switch between for specific powers. this comes with a few drawbacks. each mask is only tied to one of the personalities and only functions when they put it fully on and its assigned personality is fronting and the only remotely responsible one is not tied to any of these masks.
I'll probably explain more in a different post.
Arthur (Aka King Of Stories)
He's an amnesiac with a texan accent who woke up in a fantasy land (modded minecraft) and eventually finds a kid, whom he adopts(Sigyn <3). He ends up getting mainly involved with fire magic. he names most of the things he tames/adopts after the myths he remembers
he was a ex-soldier who later went into museum curation before he got isekai'd. he's wearing his uniform still but it's been through a lot and he's repaired it with magical thread.
He may or may not have committed necromancy and he may or may not be covering up the permanent scar with a mask he found while exploring. A father's love can bring them to some dark places.
he's also taken up sewing recently
Tma au version
He's still an ex-soldier turned museum curator here, but that changes when the Eyepocalyse comes around. He was one of those who didn't exactly feel Fear after an encounter so he can roam the domains, but of course the Eyepocalyse had to change that and gave him someone to Fear for. (Sigyn <3) She joins him as he roams the domains but now the creatures/domain people will notice them as they move. When they attack, they don't go for Arthur, they go for Sigyn instead.
He's a bit Desolation aligned so he can have fire powers. His main weapon he uses to attack is a axe/Labrys he stole from the museum he worked at when the eyepocalypse started.
He does end up fighting some avatars as he goes through domains
Sigyn (<3) (aka young Witch)
She's an adaptation of a modded minecraft npc I got attached to.
She's a young witch/wixie (not human though) approximately a 7 year old, but still very knowledgeable about potions.
Arthur found her after he got a request from a paranoid cleric to see if someone was breaking into their church thing while they slept. Sigyn was actually doing so, to try to teach herself to read and to use the potion stand in the church.
She can fly using her broom.
TMA au version
Arthur finds her in a domain dedicated to the Corruption. She was the avatar in charge of it, a child giving adults poisonous potions they cant refuse, too young to really understand what she's doing to them or what's happening with the apocalypse. She ends up going with Arthur as he roams, looking for any safe haven in this apocalypse.
Wilhelm von Wolfgang
He's a rich bastard (/affectionate). He is his country's greatest violator of labor laws but keeps getting out of it cause he's rich. I hate him. He's one of my favorite characters to write/play as. He cannot stand still without the aid of a cane. He's basically like if a werewolf was a capitalist in both forms. His view of people poorer than him oscillates between 'I can use them' and 'I never want to see them again'. He's neutral evil. He will skip any corner to make more money. I love him.
Acheron Atropos
he's a goth king literally. I made him for a friend's (@/shattered-hue) ocverse where we made characters based based off of bugs and plants and Acheron was made from the Death's Head Moth, whose scientific name is where i pulled his name from.
(still working a bit on him)
Sylvan (aka Traveling Librarian)
Sylvan becomes a Head Librarian of a Branch of an Infinite Library after they manage to survive to basically the end of his universe after one of the worst outcomes of 2020, which was all the Stars decided to poof due to multiverse reasons.
he occasionally visits other universes to just get Stories. As an Infinite Library always has room for more books.
Virginia Berry(aka the Captain)
From my ocverse: Marked. She has a tattoo of a ship on her back that she can turn into an actual ship that she can control. She has the Mark of the Captain.
I got her name by putting together two of the more famous female pirates.
[somehow unnamed as of yet](Aka Truth's artist)
from my ocverse. they have the ability to see a person's greatest secret drawn onto them. (as a general example, a person whose greatest secret is that they killed someone would would have blood drawn onto them). it can be very visually overstimulating for them at times. They ended up getting a (rather bad) job for the government, cause despite how old these "Marks" are they're still rather unknown.
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chickencowcow · 2 days
Can you say more about your Sep Heap world DnD campaign 👀
Yeah totally! Sorry this took me so long, you caught me right in the middle of finals season.
So like. The campaign is one that we lovingly refer to as Foryx, is DMed by my boyfriend, @thebugaboy
There are five PCs in the campaign:
Amestrias "Tris" Waelrue (she/they): an eladrin bard/warlock played by @voidthatdraws
Sivala "Sylvir" Waelrue Persipa (don't ask but like he/him but really she/her): an eladrin rogue/bloodhunter played by myself :]
Honey Locust (any): a warforged druid played by @sofilophisaurus
Hanne Borgerson (she/her?): a half-orc cleric played by @actually-rj
Myrela (they/them): a vedalken artificer, played by a friend that I don't have the Tumblr of.
Nobody plays a Heap (we used to have someone who played Simon Heap but she had to leave the campaign) but there are ties between the PC's and the Heaps, like:
Sylvir and Simon Heap were childhood best friends and they ended up dating in their teens. Their relationship ended when Sylvir ran away from home after DomDaniel temporarily stole the ExtraOrdinary Wizard position from Marcia
Tris and Jenna Heap dated in their teens and she was friends with Septimus and Beetle. Their relationship went sour after a bad argument (from what I'm told) and Septimus and Beetle ended up taking Jenna's side and ditching her.
Honey Locust has??? some type of connection to both the Heaps and the Waelrues??? And basically is protective over both the Waelrue kids and the Heap bunch.
Uhhh a BUNCH of stuff has been changed from the book canon? I haven't read the books in a while so I don't know everything accurately and im not gonna go into much detail (that's a job for my DM) but. Uhhhh. The Waelrues are the family that's been in charge of the Manuscriptorium for three? Generations now? With Tris just taking her position as Chief Hermetic Scribe the day the campaign started.
The absolute basic plot synopsis is that the whole gang and their gaggle of NPCs are going back in time to use Alchemical Fyre to destroy the Two-Faced Ring on an implied Manuscriptorium work trip, and they're also there to rescue Septimus and Jenna from the past. Sylvir and Tris have a... strange relationship. Honey Locust used to be a tree. Myrela is an alchemical apprentice who delights in eavesdropping and drama. Hanne doesn't know what the fuck is going on but is deeply deeply intruiged. Nicko, Snorri, and Simon all joined in on the quest and so did Sylvir and Tris's father, which made everything a lot more awkward.
There's a lot more to it (a LOT) but that's what I've got for rn! Tris's player draws her a lot so go check out their art and Honey Locust's player just released an AMV that looks really good but I am unfortunately banned from watching it because Spoilers. I know our DM has made art of Jenna before, as well as a few NPCs but I'm unsure how much he's posted. Anyway, thanks for the ask! :]
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somelazyassartist · 1 year
Also uh did a little ref for Kora's close family just for fun! They're both chilling in the Undermountain while he's on his work trip- Burrura's his designated babysitter lol
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astarionsbeloved · 4 months
Meet Nephrite Adamantem
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@tealfling I should have probably gone to bed, but instead, your chanting swayed me and I wound up writing this far-too-long-post about Nephrite, my very first and longest running DND character, now imported to BG3.
Nephy is based on my dungeons and dragons character that I've been playing since....2019?, She is a dual classed wizard/bard. In BG3 she's an Asmodeus Tiefling, in D+D she was born as the 13th of 14 children in a human family, so she's just kinda....Tiefling lol.
Name: Nephrite Adamantem
Background: Noble
Class: Wizard
Age: 35
From: Moonshae, then Candlekeep, then Waterdeep, then...well, a Nautiloid
Family: Wealthy human nobles from Moonshae, they found a rich vein of mithrill in the orcskull mountains generations ago. Her parents and older siblings leverage their wealth to manipulate politics all over Faerûn, meddling where they truly have no right to but taking a keen interest in Baldur's Gate, Waterdeep, and Candlekeep.
(Nephrite kind of started as a Tyrian Lannister type of character when we were working on her at first. She became something else as I worked on her; though she is still very "Wow this is def a player character you have here! not heavy handed at all! look at the subtlety on this one!" as MANY first dnd characters are, but I love her all the same)
Regarding Nephrite's infernal appearance: There are rumors that her Mother, newly pregnant with her 13th child, had begun to worry for the family's money and sold the very babe she was carrying in a deal with a devil to insure the family name and fortunes. Still others, including her own siblings, say that it was her father dabbling in forbidden arts. Some say her mother was poisoned, others that she had a "shameful affair"
Origin story (lol): Nephrite's family is, by all accounts, human. A great-great-great-great grandmother was Eladrin. Generations of humans, and then came Nephrite. Her mother nearly died in childbirth and rejected her on sight, handed immediately to a nanny. Her father didn't reject her, but he did keep his distance once she hit her teenage years and her infernal appearance became more overt (her horns, once cute little blunt things that grew backwards and close to her head, turned into violent looking spikes). While her father tried to plead for the family to embrace her, only few complied. Her eldest brother (Kunzite*) and eldest sister (Ruby*), brother born a year before she was (Jadeite*) and younger sibling (Sterling*) and grandmother on her father's side all adore her. The others, though. Well, let's just say there were more than a few attempts on her life.
Her mother kicked her out of the house when she came of age (it was the first time they'd spoken in years) and she given the "full dowry they would have paid a respectable suitor for a marrying a human daughter" and her entire inheritance in advance. Jadeite and Sterling travelled with her to Candlekeep to meet up with their eldest sibling Kunzite, also disowned for being "too bookish and of no use in politics or business".
Apart from the typical education befitting a noble, Nephy had been schooled in violin and some light wizarding, but when she got to Candlekeep, she through herself whole heartedly into her studies and could rarely be found outside of a lecture hall, library, or music room. After wrapping up her schooling , Kunzite decided it was "time to put his education to good use" and took a job at a small university in Waterdeep teaching ancient Torilian history. Nephy hung about Waterdeep for a while, but was eventually called to a life of adventure. Which, truly, she didn't love ("I'm an indoor cat" she declared in a letter to Sterling). She was on her way back to Waterdeep to accompany her brother on a scholarly mission to Barovia when she was snatched by the Nautiloid.
(*=her siblings are all NPCs in our campaign, and Nephy and her siblings also appear as NPCs in other campaigns my brother/DM runs! I think she's gotten more use as an NPC than anything else lol but that also means that occasionally I get to write New Material for her unrelated to our campaign, which is super fun!)
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lovevalley45 · 3 months
untitled ficlet #337
The last time that Calder Kildé had been in the Frigid North, it had been before he left for Ezry. He knew returning that things would certainly be different, but some things would always stay the same. 
The brutal cold was strangely welcome, despite the reminder of the endless time trapped in Ultris’s helm. It was home. 
During the first few weeks he spent in Ezra’s temperate dome, of always warm yet not too hot days, he had felt uncomfortable. The training to become a Synth Knight was already tough, made more wearing by the heat he was unaccustomed to. Though he had gotten used to the unending mild weather, he was almost looking forward to the harsh winds against his face and the crunch of snow under his feet. 
As the Egg drifted into the rivers of the Frigid North, Calder could feel the chill of the nearly-frozen water permeating through the metal exterior. Though, if Sol’s knit crop-top was anything to go by, the rest of the Duck Team couldn’t. 
He sat with Sol and Callie as they cooled down after an invigorating kettlebell workout. Calder pressed his back against the metal, cold where his neck was exposed. 
“I’ve visited the Winter Court back in the Feywild, but I haven’t spent much time on the mortal plane in winter. Not outside Ezry, at least,” Callie was telling Sol. 
“Oh, man, the Winter Court must be really pretty. Like all those Crickmas cards,” he replied. 
“I heard it used to be awful when Queen Ezra the Unkind used to rule. Now with Queen Joyvre, it’s more of a winter wonderland.” She turned to Calder. “Maybe we can stop there when we go to the Feywild. You know, if you feel a little homesick after leaving your family again.”
Calder figured it wouldn’t be much of the same thing. But the light in Callie’s eyes, sparkling like freshly fallen snow in her re-emerged winter eladrin form, made it hard for him to say anything but, “That’d be nice.”
“Then we can get multiple uses out of those winter clothes Ursea gave us,” Sol pointed out. 
From the other side of the Egg, Kenna looked up from where she was breaking off chunks of a granola bar to feed to Gunk. “Do you think those clothes will be enough to keep us warm, Mr. Kildé?”
“During the day, maybe,” he answered. “It’ll be much harder to stay warm at night.”
Sol stood up. “Then I guess I better get a headstart on knitting us some blankets!”
Kenna shot Calder a pained look. He quickly intervened, if only for her sake. “We’ll just make a fire.”
“Ooh, or I can make some wintery tiny huts!” Callie exclaimed. 
It was quite nice to imagine, actually - just the four of them with hot cocoa, escaping the elements with style. He had always wanted to take Sol and Callie to visit his hometown, though he had hoped it would be under less dire circumstances. It wouldn’t quite be the winter wonderland they were dreaming of. But going home seemed better with them by his side. 
“Fine. No blankets,” Sol conceded. 
“Well, we could still use some blankets to use in the hut,” Callie said. Though she didn’t say, Calder could guess she was thinking along similar thoughts to his - if he was busy knitting, at least he wouldn’t be worrying about Swag. And he had thought his family reunion would be awkward because he had to ask about the magical artifact they’d never told him about. 
As Foster tried to steal the remnants of the granola bar in her hands, Kenna still looked worried. He couldn’t tell if it was about the squire’s aversion to knitted attire or the possibility of freezing to death. If it was the latter, he couldn’t blame her. As part frost giant, the cold posed less of a threat to him as his warmer friends. 
It was a stark difference from how he’d lived here growing up - shielded by his family, told he was too small and weak to brave the elements too much. Now, it was his duty to make sure they made it to the Ice Knife safely. The protected now became the protector, Calder figured. 
The Frigid North would never thaw or be less brutal, but he was stronger than the half-giant he’d been when he left it - especially with Duck Team by his side. 
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psalacanthea · 3 months
Vampires, Romance, and Other Dead Things- Chapter 1
sigh. I really can't stay away from a modern au. This will hopefully be a regular novel-length fic instead of a monster. Modern+magic Tav x Astarion, set in Baldur's Gate. Here's the fic!
Luckless, aimless, and quite fine with that, Zynatheri's neatly ordered and lazy life is thrown into chaos when she stumbles across Astarion bloody and beaten in an alleyway.
Drunk and confused, she rescues him and dragging him home to sleep on her couch...only for them to realize the next morning that she didn't save his life after all. He's dead now. UN-dead.
Unfortunately, behind a vampire spawn there's always a true vampire, and if he wants to stay free Astarion is going to need some help. While Zyn's irritating friends seem more than happy to help, she's not quite so certain. He's messy, entitled, rude, demanding, and selfish. And to top it off, he's incredibly dramatic. That's HER job!
Zyn would much rather bed the annoying patriar, dump him somewhere in Upper City, and wash her hands of it, but no. Her best friend Wyll's hungry for adventure, determined to rescue another monster from a worse monster. Do-gooders. Just the worst.
And if that weren't bad enough, the irritating(ly attractive) spawn won't leave her apartment.
What's she supposed to do, keep him?
“I’m having a bit of an urgent situation here, if you don’t mind.”
“Mhmm,” Zyn mumbled absently, squirting toothpaste into her mouth.  She brushed, spat, and rinsed.  He tapped his foot the entire time.  She straightened up and raked her hair back out of her face.  “I don’t have a spare toothbrush.”
“I. Don’t. Care.”
“You should, it’s important to–” she glanced over her shoulder again, un-blurred eyes finally taking him in.  Oh.  That’s why she’d let him into her apartment.
His face was long, a little too aristocratic for her liking, but with a very pretty mouth and devastatingly attractive eyes, despite the colo– wait.  Narrowing hers, Zynatheri peered into the stranger’s scarlet eyes.  Red eyes.  On an eladrin.
“Are you half drow?”
He drew himself up, looking offended.  Still disheveled, though.  “How dare you.”
“Don’t be a bi–” She stopped.  Wait.  His eyes had been a different color last night.  Her eyes flickered down to his burned hand.  Burned.  Red eyes.  He’d been standing behind her when she– 
Zyn turned back around, staring into the spotty, tarnished mirror.
Only her own reflection gazed back, the doorway behind her empty.  Shit.  All right, so she’d invited a vampire into her house.  Fine, fine, that was fine.  But why had he tried to go out in the su–
“So weird question, but those guys that jumped you last night.  Did one of them bite you?”
“What are you– yes, if you must know.”
She bent down.  “Look in the mirror.”
There was silence from behind her for a good few seconds, as the stranger had a Revelation.  Not wanting to waste time, Zyn took the opportunity to wash her face, including the vestiges of last night’s makeup.  Whoops.  Neh.  If he tried to bite her he probably didn’t know how, so a swift kick to the balls should settle things.
Zynatheri grabbed her hand towel blindly and yanked it down.
Luckily she knew a lot of people who were probably okay with being bit by a vampire spawn, but as far as she knew usually spawns weren’t just…able to escape like this.  Probably better to hand him off to someone and be done with it before the big one came to claim him.  If he really was a spoiled little patriar, his family would probably figure it out.
“Shit,” he said from behind her, voice hushed.
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panderp123 · 5 months
Dall’as Blackcrest
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Name: Dall’as (Elven meaning Grounded Roots)
Age: 30
Class: Paladin (Oath of Ancients)
Race: Half Elf
Country of origin: Marquet
• Eleanora Blackcrest (Mother: Eladrin Elf): Apothecary Healer. Status: At Home Marquet. (Birthplace Feywilds)
• Dol’phan Blackcrest ( Older Half Brother: Eladrin Elf): Paladin Oath of Sea. Status: Exploring Exandria (Birthplace: Feywilds)
• Sam Blackcrest (Older Half Brother: Human): Fighter/Warlock- Unknown Patron. Status: Missing. (Birthplace: Marquet)
• Garrett Blackcrest (Father: Human): Fighter retired. Farmer Status: At Home Marquet. (Birthplace: Marquet)
Following in his older brother Dol’phan’s footsteps, Dall’as loved anything to do with the land. It gave them their home, livelihood and there was a deeply rooted connection for him. Especially with his heritage on his mother’s side.
Eleanora was not fond of discussing her Feywild home for some reason but she gave enough to entertain Dall’as. The son of her true love and human partner Garrett. Often the boys would ask how did their parents meet as Sam was very young and Dol’phan was approximately 20 years old at the time.
Overtime the boys all helped on the farm but their father encouraged all of them to find their own path. Dol’phan followed the WildMother and the love of the sea. Sam followed his father’s footsteps in becoming a swordsman but wanted that recognition like his older step brother Dol’phan.
After the event so Ruidius, Sam has been missing. Dol’phan left first to search for Sam and Dall’as followed the month after.
Along the way Dall’as came across a massacre of a family in a few towns over on their estate. The only survivor was this woman mid 20s called Daphne. She was a dhampir. Not knowing what attacked the family and burying them out of respect, Dall’as took Daphne with him to protect her.
The pair have been travelling Marquet to find the trail for either of their own quests.
Where will the road take them? Will they find anything about Sam or what happened to Daphne’s family?
Daphne belongs to @localsuccubitch
Art by @gabendselarom
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