#easy registration process.
marioprobertson · 3 months
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Online Vehicle Registration Service in Virginia 
Looking to register your vehicle in Virginia online? DMVGO offers expedited services for new plates, plate transfers, and title work in as little as 2-4 business days. Skip the DMV and get started today! Visit our website now to register your car hassle-free.
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vakilkarosblog · 7 months
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Financial inclusion is a critical aspect of economic development, aiming to provide access to financial services and products to all segments of society, especially those traditionally excluded. Microfinance institutions, particularly those registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act, play a pivotal role in advancing these inclusionary efforts. This article delves into the relationship between financial inclusion strategies and Section 8 microfinance company registration. Read More
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newsso · 1 year
How to Create UPI ID: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Create UPI ID: A Step-by-Step Guide
Do you want to know how to create UPI ID? Get all your queries solutions. UPI or Unified Payment Interface is a payment system that allows users to transfer money from one bank account to another instantly. It is a popular payment method in India, and more and more people are using it to make digital payments. To use UPI, you need to create a UPI ID, which is a virtual payment address. In this…
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nyerus · 4 days
🎧A Guide to the TGCF Audio Drama🎭
With the release of the new season of the fabulous TGCF audio drama, I wanted to make an updated guide on how to make an account, purchase, and listen (with English subs) to it! Hopefully, this will help more people enjoy it and join in on the fun!
As a quick reminder, the audio drama is based on the revised version of the novel! It's a very faithful adaptation, but if you're a new fan, that might throw you for a loop! If you need an overview of the different versions of TGCF, check out this post first!
Part One: Making an Account & Purchasing
The process is a lot easier than you may expect! The site where the audio drama is hosted is "missevan.com," also known as "MaoerFM." They are one and the same!
Check out these infographics to create an account and buy the audio drama. (Due to tumblr compression, they may be difficult to read. If this is the case, please view these images in full-screen and preferably on a web browser for best quality!)
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General Info:
It costs 319 diamonds for the first season, and 359 diamonds for the second season of the TGCF audio drama. This was less than $5 USD, for each season. Future seasons will likely be similarly priced.
Episodes typically release weekly. Mini-episodes/bonus content releases intermittently, and often continues after the main season "ends."
This guide will work for any other audio dramas you want to purchase and support (such as MDZS)! They obviously have different costs, but the process of buying is pretty much the same.
Account/Registration Info:
If you do not see your country/region code listed when making an account, it is unfortunately unavailable there. I do not know any workarounds at the moment, apart from asking a friend/relative in a different country to help you out! If anyone does know other options, please let me know!
Step One of the guide is technically optional, as logging in on the app for the first time will automatically create a new account, if there’s not already one associated with your mobile phone number. I recommend doing that step anyway, as it will ensure that you have a password linked to your account. Several people in the past have reported that they sometimes cannot receive the verification code to log in. (Especially from South America and SEA for some reason.) Having a password bypasses this, if it happens to you.
Unfortunately, it seems that you MUST register with a mobile number to begin with.
Otherwise, you can use an existing Bilibili/QQ/WeChat/Weibo account if you have it. They all require a number for registration too, as far as I know, so you may run into the same problem. They may still be worth trying if you have no other options! Once again, if anyone is aware of other workarounds, do let me know.
Additionally, it’s possible to link your account to an email AFTER you register with a mobile number. (There’s no escaping that, from what I can tell.) You can then use that to log in.
It seems useful to have your email and a password associated with your account, especially in case your country code gets nixed from availability -- which has been known to happen without warning in the past.
The mobile browser seems to prefer you log in with a number/email and a password, rather than a verification code.
This must be done via web browser, or with your mobile browser set to desktop mode. It’s VERY easy if you use a browser with an auto-translate feature like Google Chrome:
(These images are the MTL translated versions!)
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Unfortunately yes, you will need to receive a verification code via mobile number to enable this. The second verification code gets sent to your email, though! (Try not to lose your password, because I'm pretty sure you'll still have to use your phone to verify and change it.) Don't forget to check your spam folder if you don't see it. It will be from "猫耳FM."
Once again, this is optional! I just wanted to include it as an extra avenue for people who may struggle with the verification codes, as they can be finicky. And it happened to me while I was making this section, so I knew I had to....
Part Two: How to Enable English Subtitles
First things first: there are no official English subs for the TGCF Audio Drama. Though I'm fairly sure this applies to all dramas on MaoerFM.
However, there are Chinese (Simplified) subs for each episode.
The main method that non-Chinese speakers have been using to understand the Audio Drama is via MTL (machine translation) on those subs! Browsers like Google Chrome not only have auto-translate, but it works in real time as you watch/listen to the episode.
Make sure that it's turned on and that you've selected English -- or your preferred output language!
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Be aware there are TWO types of subtitles on MaoerFM. There are the official subs, and the temporary subs.
At the bottom of the audio player, there is a button labelled "字幕," which is circled in purple in the image below. If it is there, it means that episode has official subs available, and you can toggle them on/off. Meanwhile, the "弹" that the green arrow is pointing to is known as the "barrage." That's the scrolling text that you will see filling the screen. It's other fans screaming and crying in chat. You can turn it off if it feels overwhelming!
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New episodes may take anywhere from a few hours to a day or two to be officially subtitled. (The bonus episodes don't have official subs for whatever reason.) In the meantime, there will be subtitlers working on adding temporary subs! I'd advise waiting a little while before listening to a new episode so they have more time to work, and you'll have better coverage!
While official subs are entirely separate, the temporary subs are part of the barrage. So you will have to keep the barrage turned on. (Notice how there is no "字幕" button next to it yet!) Unlike the rest of the barrage, the subs will be stationary, color-coded, and at the very bottom of the window -- so they're easy to differentiate.
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However, since the barrage can be a lot if you aren't used to it, there is a way around it.
Hit the settings menu (blue circle) and block the scrolling comments. You can also turn off the top ones, but just make sure not to turn off the bottom ones -- because those are the subs!
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DO NOTE that this all works best on desktop! If everything's gone correctly, you should have something like these:
Right -- regular view, temporary subs Left -- full-screen, official subs
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It's possible to get this to work on mobile if you enable desktop mode in your Chrome app. You will probably need to refresh a few times after that, or open the page in a new tab to have it work properly. Then it's the same steps as above!
You should have something like these:
Right -- landscape mode Left -- portrait mode
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The scaling on mobile can be troublesome, and I have noticed that the auto-translate is slower than on desktop. It seems to take an extra second or two to work on each line -- whereas on desktop it's pretty instant -- and that can get annoying, especially in fast-paced scenes.
Additional Info:
This does not work for the mobile app! It is for the website ONLY!
If the translation stops working, refreshing usually fixes it.
There are potentially other options to using Chrome. Any browser that has an auto-translate will work, assuming it's as quick as Chrome's. If anyone has tried other browsers and seen success, please leave a reply!
TreasureChestSubs here on tumblr have been doing high-quality fansubs for several audio dramas, including TGCF as of recently! However, at the time of making this guide, their TGCF translations currently only cover the first few episodes of season one. You will need to request an invite to their Discord server via the form in their posts. Please do check them out if you're interested.
I don't personally know of any other fansubbers who are actively working on the audio drama right now. But I do want to mention that Xyra_Rei on twitter has a Discord server where they share some translated snippets from various episodes. There are other great resources by fellow fans, too. Links and more info about the server can be found in the pinned post on their profile!
Part Three: Enjoy!!!
I hope this updated guide helps more people experience the wonder that is the TGCF audio drama (or really, any audio drama)! I cannot overstate how good it is in every aspect, and I think every TGCF fan deserves to be able to hear it for themselves! 💖
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hellenhighwater · 10 months
Hi hello! So I saw your video about book binding and I wanted to offer a tip for people looking to try it out if that’s ok. So I’m working on binding a book right now and am following a YouTube tutorial. I’ve found most of the process pretty straight forward and relatively easy except for one step. The step where you cut the edge of the text block so that it’s all nice and even after you sew the signatures together. It sounds easy in theory but in practice I find it much harder so I found a solution. Instead of trying to even out the terrible job I did on cutting the pages I called my local staples and they said they’d be happy to give the edge of the text block a neat straight cut using their industrial paper cutter if I bring it by. I’m not sure if every staples would be up for this or have an industrial paper cutter but I figured it might be worth a shot if anyone else struggles with this step of the process. Will update with costs and results when I return from staples in a couple hours.
Staples update: it cost $8 CAD to get the edges of my text block trimmed it would’ve only been like $3 but then I would’ve need to wait a day to pick it up and I need to finish the project today so I had to pay extra for a rush order. Other than that though they did a fabulous job!! It’s so crispy and neat now I am in love with it. I would probably do it again but I would plan better so I don’t need to pay for a rush order lol
Good tip, anon! I've also done that, because trimming text blocks sucks tremendously and it's surprisingly hard to do well.
I will point out that you're likelier to have luck getting someone to do this at a local print shop as opposed to a franchise like Staples. Local shops are usually more able to give you a random price for a weird job, and sometimes the franchises wind up with cashiers that go "I don't have a button on the register for that so we can't do it," even though nobody's going to inventory how many chops the commercial guillotine did and I will hand you ten dollars cash money to go chop my text block. Most print shops will indeed have an industrial cutter, because almost any print shop is going to offer printing services that include full-bleed orders, which means trimming.
Anyway. Go local, and if there's any flexibility to the spine of your text block, make sure that the employee doing the chopping knows exactly how it needs to be positioned during cutting. And also give them registration marks to trim to.
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vidding · 6 months
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The first rule of the Rec Club is that you talk about VidRecs.com.
The second rule of the Rec Club is that you hit the reblog button "as hard as you can."
The third rule of the Rec Club is that if you become member you have to rec.
VidRecs.com is a fan created project one stop shop for all your vid recs. Yeah, I got the domain. The passion didn't stop there. Vid Recs deserve a better place than our selective memories and random bookmarks on the internet. "What kind of features should a site called VidRecs.com have?" Remember, you wanted this.
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A spot to put a blurb about why you recced/love the vid.
A recs page to showcase both You Tube & Vimeo recs in one spot.
The ability to rec vids with just the Video URL
A way to give proper credit to the original uploader & their description.
A profile page with my avatar and cover image
A profile page with my social network links if I want others to find elsewhere.
A way to find vid recs site-wide by fandom.
Had enough? No?
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If the rec is on AO3 a comment button can be added to redirect viewers to the AO3 Comment page
On request you can get your own VidRecs.com profile URL (i.e. "VidRecs.com/yourfandomname" so viewers go directly to your rec page.
Everything you rec is automatically added to an automatically generated profile playlist so viewers can view it as a playlist.
You can create playlists using both your recs and recs of any other members on site.
You can sign up using Tumblr, Discord, Google or the regular email password combo.
Still not impressed. Gee, you're a tough cookie
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You can rec vids directly from You Tube or Vimeo.
You can make your vid recs private to logged in users only.
You can make your vid recs private to only those who subscribe to your channel.
No ads!
You need a video overview? There is one below.
It's nearing the end of the year. It's so easy to forget vids you've enjoyed without a reliable place not only to reference but also share them with others. This can be what you want it to be. The groundwork has been done and it's still a work in progress but a lot closer to the ideal than most. All that's missing is a whole bunch of people willing the rec things and the site. Yeah, go ahead and rec the site. 😀
Membership is currently by approval. If you would like to speed things up just contact us at [email protected]. We are working on a way to make the registration process a lot more streamlined. Enough works now about the site to begin using it and if you run into any issues let us know. Thank you! Rec often. Rec hard. Our memories can fail us, and the internet is not reliable.
Additionally, there is also a greater chance vids recced here will be archived in case something happens to them in the future, but I am sure you are ll familiar with that. Reccing can be a democratic process that raises awareness about what should be archived or at least we hope.
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If you liked this post, you might like this:
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The last vidder friendly hosting & streaming site?
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izicodes · 1 year
Tips for Landing Your First Entry-Level Developer Job | Resources ✨
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I saw a tweet by @reactive_dude on Twitter where he talked about tips for junior developers landing their first jobs and I thought I would share them here as well, it might help someone. I think these are handy, especially the projects and open-source tips. I also read through the comments and added some of the tips from there to the list. Enjoy!
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Have an active LinkedIn account
Add as many recruiters to your LinkedIn network as you can
To add recruiters on LinkedIn: introduce yourself in 1-2 sentences, and say you're open for entry-level jobs, there is no need to overthink this step
Most recruiters will accept your network request even without reading your message
Build 1-2 strong projects where you use/build CRUD APIs - For example a real-time chat app, an app with auth where you can log in and manage recipes/notes/tasks/whatever...
If you're a front-end dev, there are a lot of free APIs available, you can make use of these and build client apps
Make it easy to check your projects and code
This means open source on GitHub and one-click access to your project (without a complicated login/registration process)
Make a huge effort to make your resume as polished and professional as possible.
Build a portfolio website
Apply to as many jobs as possible, as soon as they're listed
Don't feel bad about rejections or if you're not getting any responses
Contribute to open source/build your own projects in public daily
More than building CRUD projects, you should show off your contribution to open-source. Whether it's a small package or a utility website for a framework that they use - stuff like that stands out more than another Student Management System.
Don't shoot too high, apply with local companies
Fully remote international companies usually hire only experience developers
Network with developers who can help you get hired in their company
If possible, attend local meetups/conferences/events to network with other devs
Share your progress and projects online!
>> Link to the tweet!
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Other related resources I've posted...
[LINK] - Coding advice for beginners
[LINK] - Career Services for Web Development (and in more tech roles)
[LINK] - Tips and advice for job seekers in Tech
[LINK] - 20 key points on becoming a Junior Full-Stack Web Developer
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quarra · 9 months
Hey so its september. For those folks in the US, please remember to check to make sure you are registered to vote and do it today. Its really easy. Linked here is a website that will step you through the very simple process. All you do is go to the site and check your address. That's it.
Now is the time to make sure you're ready for elections. Please vote. Please. Your local county government website definitely will have a list of who/what is on the ballet, so you can easily find out who you want into office or not.
The small elections in between are just as important as the big ones, because they will most directly effect your local laws.
Please vote.
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sabraeal · 2 months
Seven Swipes for Shirayuki, Chapter 6
[Read on AO3]
Obiyuki Trope Madness 2024, Semifinal #1: Bodyguard Crush
“Yuuta.” Names have never been Shirayuki’s forte; she struggles with Sarah and Sara, crosses her fingers when she comes across a Siobhan or a Ciaran, and now labors to decipher whether this is a ‘u’ sound or an ‘oo’ sound— gosh, it might even be a ‘uu’ situation, which is a whole other disaster entirely—
“Does he have a last name to go with that?” Obi murmurs, just loud enough for her to catch it. Well, so she hopes. “Or maybe you could just ask him for his number. Skip the whole swiping song-and-dance and just get down to—”
“Could you spell that for me?” she asks, a hair louder than necessary, hoping her smile doesn’t flicker under pressure the way old fluorescents do . “The patient’s name, I mean.”
“Oh! The…the patient’s…” Her well-meaning visitor shuffles, pink flaring up right under the spray of small freckles across his cheeks. It really is just like being back at the old B&B again, trying to smother a laugh as the sweet retriever from down the street keeps bringing back the wrong ball. “Right, of course. You need the patient’s…god, sorry, I wasn’t even thinking…”
“Happens all the time.” She bites back a smile as pink blooms into carnelian red. “We don’t tend to see people at their most put-together here.”
“Haah, right, makes sense.” His tanned hand digs into the tousles mass of his hair, sending it wild. It's a charming look, she has to admit. Makes her wish there were Beggin’ Strips for people too— he looks like he could use a treat. “Just feels a little stupid, that’s all. Not like you could look me up. In a patient registry, I mean.”
“You got a Tinder, though?” Obi crosses an knobby ankle over his knee, pant leg riding up enough to show the chili peppers on his socks. “OkCupid? Plenty of Fish?”
"Uh." The man blinks, first at him, then at her, as if she might confirm that this line of questioning is somehow part of the official visitor registration process. It's not. “Y-yes?”
"Ooh?" Obi pitches forward, fingers poised over the app store. “Which—?”
“What?” Having reached the end of his leash, her wayward hound finally comes to heel. With a tug of his coat, he slouches back, not a hint of contrition lingering in that smirk of his. “I was just wondering.”
She lets her glare do the heavy lifting as she repeats, “What was the name again?”
“Ah, my dad’s? Katsu. Katsu Baudin.” The man coughs, clearing his throat. “And I’m, uh, his son. Yuuta.”
“We know,” Obi chirps helpfully as she puts in her login. It shouldn’t work— IT’s supposed to update the registry at midnight, and she’s been legally off payroll for three days— but the system only takes a long, hard think and rolls over, displaying patient information with the same enthusiasm as a dog wagging its tail. “With two ‘u’s?”
Her visitor— Yuuta— glances at her, but she’s too busy tallying the number of security and privacy regulations violated to give him much more than, “Katsu Baudin, Room 7760.”
There should be some palpable relief on the air, or at least the barest whiff of gratitude, but instead their wayward visitor shuffles awkwardly behind the counter, not flushed but— strained, maybe. “Um, sorry, I don’t mean to be a pain or anything, but do you think—?”
“Two floors down.” Wistal is hardly as labyrinthine as Wirant— built into a hill, each wing designed to be the magmum opus of architects thirty years apart, resulting in atria so beautiful they graced the covers of Architectural Digests and hallways so nonsensical as to be be hostile to human life, with entrances on every floor between the first and the fourth besides the third— but with each level laid out exactly like the last, it’s easy to get turned around. “If you go straight out from the elevators, take your second right. 7760 should be down that hall on your left.”
“Ahh, right, thanks. That’s…a huge help.” He hesitates, gaze fixed down the hall as if it were a thousand yards instead of five. His fingers fingers drum nervously on the counter top. “I don’t want to— I mean, it’s just—”
He hangs his head, dark eyes huge and pleading as they peer up from under that fluffy flop of hair, as helpless as a dog that’s found a door it can’t nose open. “I suck at directions.”
It takes every last ounce of her self control to keep only the corners of her mouth twitching. “That’s no problem at all. Just let me call down to their desk and give them the heads up that you're coming. Then you can go there and have someone take you right to the room.”
“Oh!” His head snaps up, eyes so wide she can nearly see a waggling tail behind him. “You can do that? Er, I mean…I wouldn’t want to put you out…?”
In Wilant there would have been some grumbling, some pointed questions about just how many times his parents had dropped him on his head as a child if he couldn’t go two floors down and take a turn without getting it all twisted, but here—
Shirayuki glances across the hall, catching a flash of pale hair above a designer button-down, of a profile that has graced more covers of GQ than she’s got fingers on one hand. As exceptional as Izana is, she doubts that’s even the most impressive statistics on the floor. There’s a husband just around the corner she’s pretty sure has a collection of Super Bowl rings. Recent ones, considering all the rubbernecking outside their door.
“They’re used to worse,” Obi offers, so helpful as he scrolls. “A little hand holding isn’t going to break the scale.”
Yuuta blinks down at him. “Er, all right. If you’re sure.”
“Please,” he scoffs, slouching further into the ergonomic plastic. “Unless you’re bringing your mistress to watch your wife go through labor, no one's even going to—”
“Just a minute!” Shirayuki smiles as she picks up the phone, refusing to acknowledge anything over her shoulder. “Let me see what I can do.”
There may be no phone trees or music on internal lines, but there’s still plenty of waiting, especially with no voicemail for stale calls to be shunted to. Still, it’s only a few minutes before someone picks up— a nurse fresh from shift change, happy to take of ‘that old charmer’s baby.’ Watching Yuuta’s back disappear into the elevator makes a nice ending to an unplanned long night, and Shirayuki—
“What, you aren’t going to go with him?” Obi leans back in his chair, straining the ergonomic claims of those cushions. “Make sure the prodigal son makes it back home? Maybe hold his hand a little?”
“I think he’ll manage just fine.” She blows out her cheeks as she sits, letting her mouth settle into her sternest frown. “Now, I trust you deleted that thing?”
“Me? No. I’ve swiped right on three real studs already. And let me just say” —he presses a hand to his chest, the silk of his tie rumpling under the pressure— “I chose better for you than you choose for yourself.”
“Obi!” It’s a strangled noise, one she just barely keeps to quiet-hours guidelines. “I told you that I wasn’t interested in—!”
“Trust me, Miss,” he soothes, entirely too smug. “You’ll be interested in these guys. Or at least their traps.”
“I thought we agreed that—”
“We didn’t agree on anything.” His eyebrows may twitch up to angelic heights, but his attempts at innocence are ruined by the downright sly curl his mouth takes. “You said I should, and I declined to take your advice.”
All at once, the fight seeps out of her, leaving only the weariest sigh in its wake. “Obi…”
“Aww, come on, now, Miss. No need to go borrowing trouble yet. It's not like you've matched.” His lips twitch. “Yet. But let’s be real, who could say no to a knock-out like y—?”
“You are going to delete that,” she informs him with all the authority of a limp dish rag. “Right now. While I can watch.”
“Aw, Miss,” he whines, using only the most pitiful pitches. “I’m just helping.”
Shirayuki stares. “You think this is helping?”
“Of course.” His shoulders twitch, halfway between a shrug and a shield. “What better way to recover from a bad break up then having someone blow out your—?”
“Ah, no!” Her hand flies up, the flimsiest barrier between them. “Don’t— don’t finish that thought.”
“But, Miss—”
“I appreciate your…consideration,” she informs him, gracious. “Really, I do. But I think that maybe you and I process this sort of thing differently. Very…very differently.”
“I didn’t say you had to jump right into bed.” Though he sounds dubious on that order of operations. “But you could let someone take you out, treat you right. And then maybe on date three, you—”
“Three?” It’d taken almost six months for her to even kiss Zen, let alone even think about the sort of activities that might require the removal of clothes. And by then, it took them three months of planning to even get them in the same room. “Do people really…?”
“You know how it is, Miss.” Obi’s sprawled across the chair, lounging in a way its ergonomic bullet points were never supposed to accommodate, but there’s nothing casual about the way his eyes settle on her. “People are busy nowadays. Not much time to take it slow.”
“I have time.”
Shirayuki nearly jolts straight out of her chair. “Ryuu?”
(Shirayuki’s not given to believe in the supernatural— not ghosts, not ESP, not sixth senses that seem to only work in hindsight— but she’ll give Yuzuri this: her ability to locate her anywhere in this rabbit warren of hallways is downright occult.
“Have I got the goss for you, girl,” she squeals, stealing a baby carrot out of her lunch box as she slips into the empty seat beside her. It’s all empty seats in the break room right now, but Yuzuri rolls even closer, voice pitched low. “Word on the street is that Ryuu’s got something going on with the new intern.”
“In Imaging?” It’s hard to picture her— she’s a shy thing, always disappearing behind a white coat as a cart turns a corner, just a blonde ponytail above pink scrubs. “I guess they’re around the same age.”
“Same age,” Yuzuri scoffs, gnawing on her ill-gotten gains. “Is that what you think people care about? The same age? No, this girl is like…his type.”
That doesn’t sound quite right, not to her ears. “I don’t really think Ryuu has—”
“Of course he does. Everyone has a type, Shirayuki, even you.” Her voice drops to mutter something that sounds suspiciously like, “Even if you don’t realize it.”
“I just mean that Ryuu hasn’t shown much interest in…anything like that.” Romance, she means. But if she says it, Yuzuri will probably counter with something about sex, and quite honestly, she’s not sure if she can handle Ryuu and... and that idea in the same sentence. “I’m not really sure he wants to, either.”
“Yeah, yeah, normally I’d agree with you,” Yuzuri says with a dismissive wave. “But this girl is like, smart. And super cute. Like freckles everywhere! And her laugh— seriously, you have to hear it. He like, smiled and stuff.”
Well, the smile is a start. “Is that what his type is? Smart and cute? Freckles?”
“I mean, basically right?” Her hand flop open into something between a slouch and a shrug. “That’s what you’re like.”
It’s a good thing there’s no silverware involved in eating hummus, otherwise it would have clattered to the floor. It’s sad enough that she’ll have to toss out this baby carrot casualty. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, you know how it is,” Yuzuri presses on, as if she didn’t just drop a detail more devastating than an atom bomb. “It’s not about you. It’s just that every guy wants to fuck their mom or whatever. Freudian stuff.”
Shirayuki has opinions on Freud— capital ‘O’ Opinions, as Obi likes to call them, along with, the kind that don’t get us asked back to the country’s finest conferences— but all she can manage is, “I think I’m more like a sister than a mother.”
Yuzuri shrugs. “Same difference.”)
“Ryuu.” Her hand slaps to her chest, as if that might keep her heart beneath it better than own her ribcage. Which might be true, from how hard its pounding to get out. Shirayuki can hardly blame it. “What are you…? Ah, I mean, were you…?”
It’s still strange to have to look up to meet his eyes, to see the way his face furrows with the beginnings of annoyance. “It’s now or not until after four. Should I come back?”
“Wha— oh, the ultrasound.” Now that she’s on her feet, she can see the cart at his side, loaded up with one of the mobile units he must have requisitioned from Imaging. “Are you doing it?”
“I said I would.”
There’s no humble shrug to go with his words, no inflection to imply emotion, just a simple recitation of the facts. “Well, yes, but I thought you would have one of the techs on shift come up and—”
“I had time.” His shoulders settle into stern angles as his chin lifts, as imperious as any MD. “Is there a problem with that?”
There’s a half dozen, starting and ending with how he’s the Attending today; someone who has a thousand more pressing responsibilities than doing some investigative ultrasound for her patient. But as much as she might try, the words won’t stick together in her mouth, won’t let her make anything but the most unconvincing sputter. “N-no, it’s only—”
“Aw, come on, big guy.” Obi saunters up to the counter, elbow brushing her shoulder as he furls himself up for a lean. It’s nice; steadying. “You know there’s no one else Miss would trust to do this more than you. But don’t big shots like you have busy schedules? I wouldn’t think you’d have the time to come help little old us.”
A stubborn red that clings to the tips of his ears. “As I said, I do. Is it in that room, there?”
His head bobs toward the door. There’s no one behind the window now, just a straight view from hall to window, blinds strung tight across the glass.
“Yes, 9060.” He’s already wheeling the cart towards it when she adds, “Izana should be with her, too.”
The cart squeals to a stop.
“Oh.” His knuckles blanch so white she can see bone where they grip the handle. “Then maybe I should come back. Later. After…”
He doesn’t finish the thought. Shirayuki frowns. “I don’t see why. Is there something wrong with—?”
“Oh, I get it.” Obi’s smirk stretches long into a leer as he leans toward her, voice pitched to be heard as he whispers, “I think he’s afraid of Her Majesty. Intimidated by laying hands on America’s Sweetheart. Little too famous for his blood, I—”
“I didn’t say that,” Ryuu grumbles, sullen. “I’m not laying hands on her anyway. It’s only the probe that will—”
“So it’s His Majesty then,” Obi amends, so considerate. It’s a struggle to keep her mouth from twitching, giggles straining behind her teeth. “Can’t say I blame you for that one, little guy. That guy makes me break out into a cold sweat.”
“I’m not afraid of Izana Wisteria.” The name snaps between his teeth, cold. “I just thought that if she has a visitor, she might not want to be interrupt—”
“You know, Miss.” It’s hard to call something as languid as Obi’s lounging aggressive, but that’s what it is— weaponized slinkiness, the way a cat weaves through legs at dinnertime. “If Ryuu thinks that this is too rich for his blood, you should really just get someone else to—”
“I’m doing it.” The cart squeals as it angles toward the door, wheels grinding with the same single-minded focus as Ryuu’s teeth. “I— I’m already going!”
He doesn’t so much march as storm over, shoulders hiked like pickets by his ears as he knocks at the door. “Excuse me,” he says, swinging it open. “Name and birth date, please.”
It shuts before she can hear Haki’s answer.
“Boo.” Obi doesn’t so much sit as he does slump, a puppet with all his strings cut. “He coulda kept that door open a smidge longer. I've heard that America’s Sweetheart fudged the date on her birth certificate to get that role in Mean Girls.”
“I doubt that.” Shirayuki spares him the flattest stare, fingers striking the keys with a pointed power as she logs out from the system. “Her family’s a big deal, aren’t they? Hollywood Royalty, isn’t that what Yuzuri called it?”
“Miss.” His shoulders shake along with his head. “Only you could ask if the Arleons were a big deal.”
Years ago she might have blushed, might have stammered out excuses about the how cable didn’t run out that far until she was in college, and the combination post office/movie theater in town only ran movies two years out of date, but now— now she simply says, “That proves my point, doesn’t it? There were probably newspaper articles about it. An entertainment Weekly birth announcement? Something. It can’t be much of a mystery.”
“There was also some website that counted down to her eighteenth birthday.” He shrugs, casual, as if that isn’t the most horrifying thing he’s ever heard. Then again, knowing Obi, it probably doesn’t even make the top thirty. “But you know, once you get a thing like that in your head…”
He lets his grin do the rest of the talking. Like all of his outrageous behavior, she simply ignores.
“Thank you for that, by the way.” One of his narrow brows hikes up toward his hairline, and she clarifies, “With Ryuu. You’ve always known how to handle him better than I do.”
“You do just fine.” The seat creaks as he tucks his thigh against its arm, elbow lazily hooking over his knee. “He just needs a little heat to get him into the kitchen sometimes. And you’re not someone who’s comfortable with turning it up. Especially when it comes to Ryuu.”
Shirayuki doubts her interns would agree with that particular assessment, but she simply says, “Thank you anyway. If you hadn’t been here, I think we really would have been waiting until four.”
Obi hums. “Oh, I’m not sure about that, Miss. Seems like you handled it just fine the other day.”
She blinks. “The other day?”
“You know.” His shoulders twitch, the laziest suggestion of a shrug. “Ms. Luteal Cyst?”
(The cart wheels catch on the threshold, casters making a nasty ka-crack as they struggle over the metal strip. The noise alone has got her grimacing, but when she sees the close-cropped dark hair, so like Obi’s now that all the curls have been left on the barber shop floor, her mouth pulls thinner still.
“Ryuu.” He’s supposed to be on days this week— at least according to the schedule posted up in the break room— but yet he’s here, wincing as the last wheel wails across the floor. Ah, and he’s gotten the squeaky cart. “I didn’t think you’d be…?”
In, she wants to say, but doing the tech’s job keeps trying to elbow its way out at the same time, and instead the question just hangs, awkward.
“Oh, Shirayuki.” He blinks, first at her, then as he leans out the door, as if—
“This is the right room!” she assures him, a laugh startling out of here. “It’s just a slow shift, so I though I might keep my friend here company while she waited.”
“Oh.” The girl sinks further into her pillows as he stares, withering under the stern furrow of his brows. Shirayuki’s half-tempted to tell her that it’s not personal, that without regular reminders, Ryuu’s face defaults to forbidding. “The gel’s going to be cold.”
“I-I don’t care.” She lifts her chin, defiant; a challenge if he means to make it one. “Anything’s fine as along as my baby’s okay.”
Ryuu shoots her a wary glance across the bed— don’t let this girl have emotions on me, it says, loud and clear— before he turns back to the computer, fingers clacking pointedly across the keys. That leaves her to help the girl lift up her johnny, rearranging blankets and drop cloth so her legs and clothes are covered, terrible mesh underwear and all.
“I’m surprised to see you here.” The words might be for Ryuu, but Shirayuki keeps smiling down at her patient, trying to keep her in the conversation. “Usually we don’t have doctors doing untrasound, but Dr Goldregen sometimes helps out when there’s a bit of a scheduling back up—”
“Or when the tech no-shows.”
Her smile stiffens. “O-or that.”)
“Ah…” Shirayuki shakes her head. “That didn’t have anything to do with me. Mihaya was late for shift change—”
“Must be nice to have a wing of a hospital named after your family,” Obi muses, head tilted over the back of the chair. “Then you can just waltz into work at any old time, and everyone just says ‘thank you for your time.’”
“I don’t think anyone says that to him,” she snorts. “And he does a passable job when he’s here, so—”
“So no one can fire him.”
Shirayuki struggles against a smile. “So no one can fire him. Ryuu just got here early for shift change and saw there had been a request pending for over an hour. It had more to do with being efficient than helping me.”
Obi hums, unconvinced. “I think you underestimate just how much that kid likes to please you. Maybe he didn’t know it was your patient or whatever, but I bet he showed off once he knew you were there. Probably had good bedside manner and everything.”
(The girl yips at the first touch of gel on her stomach, but Ryuu doesn’t even flinch, already pressing the probe down to spread it around. “It’s cold!”
He sends her a sidelong look. “I did warn you.”)
“Not…measurably.” It’s effort to keep her tone even. “Ryuu respects my opinion, but he’s really not the sort of person to give special treatment just because—”
“I’m done.”
“Ryuu!” Zen used to joke about putting a bell on Obi— or at least he did, before Obi sent him an Amazon link to a few human-sized collars— but Shirayuki is beginning to wonder if they might need to find one for Ryuu. Last thing they need is for him to startle someone into coding. “A-already?”
He nods. “One sac.”
Shirayuki frowns. That’s hardly what she expected. “Are you sure? Sometimes it’s tricky to see if—”
“I checked for a posterior placenta too.” His shoulders twitch, the barest shrug. “Sometimes hyperemesis gravidium is just hyperemesis gravidium.”
“I guess.” There’s just something unsatisfying about saying it’s hormones; something that feels dismissive rather than diagnostic. “I just could have sworn…”
“What I said before.” Ryuu clears his throat, looking like he’d rather be anywhere than right here, standing in front of the nurse’s desk. “About not doing it again.”
“I know, I know.” She sighs, waving a hand. “It was already kind of you to do it this time— and personally too. I won’t ask again.”
“No, that’s not…” His lips press tight, a white line cutting across his face. “I mean, I’ll do it, if you really need it.”
She blinks. “Really?”
“In a few weeks,” he tells her, stern, as if she might turn around and tell him to go back in there. “There’s things that might not show up now. Rare things. But…things.”
“That’s really kind of you, Ryuu.” For anyone else, she might reach out— pat their shoulder, shake their hand— but for him, she just smiles. But the way he straightens, it’s enough. “But I’d hate to bother you after—”
“It’s not a bother. If you think something’s wrong, I believe you.” It’s been ages since he was the boy genius, a teenager that trembled when he walked onto the floor. But there’s shades of it now in the way he looks at her, gratitude and trust and affection all tangled up into something that makes it hard to look away from his too-blue eyes. “Garrack always told me that you have good intuition. My own experience agrees. It would be foolish to deny that based on something so subjective as statistics.”
It must be a little too earnest even for him, since he shakes himself, quickly adding, “I have other things to do today. Goodbye.”
He rolls off, squeaky cart wheel wailing, and all she can do is stare at his back.
Obi snorts. “No special treatment, huh?”
She’s not sure how to answer, but she’s saved from having to figure it out when Obi’s phone blings obnoxiously. “What’s that?”
He glances down at the screen, mouth unfurling into a terribly devious grin.
“Why look at that, Miss,” he drawls. “Looks like we got a match.”
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year
Taxes. You CAN do this!
To those of you who have not filed your taxes (Deadline is tomorrow) or who are putting it off because it is too complex I have some good news. I paid a CPA for years, sometimes 200.00 or more to do my taxes. My parents helped me or did them for years and then, once married, I was convinced they were too complicated for me to handle. Most of us, even me with three jobs, a chiild and owning a home etc, are eligible for free tax preperation. Certainly we should not be paying 200 some bucks to some service that is just following along the same form we could be doing for ourselves.
TODAY go to irs.gov. There is an application to ask for an extension. FILL IT OUT. Get yourself more time to avoid loosing money in fees and penalties.
The IRS site will ask you some questions to help you find a FREE or discounted service to file your taxes on line. Look for a site that does your state (some list specific states and others say all states) for free if you file your federal with them and you can do it all at once.
If you don't have access to your tax records from last year you can contact the company you used last year OR follow the link they provide to access/set up your IRS account. This is good to have in any case because there is lots of good information about your income etc on there. It takes some back and forth on your phone/computer (you need a smart phone for quick IDME set up but there are other options). You can also get all your information off of the hard copies from the previous year.
Once you choose the right tax prep account from the IRS suggstions you simply follow the easy instructions and match my the form number listed on the tax papers mailed to you by your bank, employers, etc. Match the box numbers as you go. It is really a easy process if you just follow the numbers of each box. You will need your checking account and bank routing number for direct deposit AND your Adjusted Gross income (on last years tax form OR available from the IRS/you preparer) AND the "over payment" ie REFUND From state and federal last year. (Also available on your irs site or on the forms form last year).
They email and or text confirmation and if there is an issue they give you the specific space that needs correcting.
You CAN do this!
ALSO> rememeber to have your tax exemption 0 going forward to insure taxes are withheld all year so you are less likely to owe. (DO not claim yourself).
AND remember you can deduct your Vehicle registration from many state taxes (you will need the title OR at least the cost you pay, year, and WEIGHT of the model you own-I was able to google the weight using the year and model).
If you get hung up the IRS also lists free services to help you. Many libraries and local social sevices entities will have information on the free filing help.
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sea-salted-wolverine · 3 months
signing up for my PFD which is somehow not UBI despite the fact that it is an annual dividend payed out to the citizens of alaska for the sole virtue of living in alaska and im checking the box that says i have not been convicted of a "crime of moral turpitude" because if i want my PFD i also have to register to vote and the application just does it for me in one quick and painless process that takes maybe a grand total of 3 minutes. that's good for voting right, yea? making voter registration easy? slapping a $1000 incentive on there?
and then i look up what is considered a "crime of moral turpitude" which would void my voter registration. Handily provided by the great state off alaska AS 15.80.010
“felony involving moral turpitude” includes those crimes that are immoral or wrong in themselves such as murder, manslaughter, assault, sexual assault, sexual abuse of a minor, unlawful exploitation of a minor, robbery, extortion, coercion, kidnapping, incest, arson, burglary, theft, forgery, criminal possession of a forgery device, offering a false instrument for recording, scheme to defraud, falsifying business records, commercial bribe receiving, commercial bribery, bribery, receiving a bribe, perjury, perjury by inconsistent statements, endangering the welfare of a minor, escape, promoting contraband, interference with official proceedings, receiving a bribe by a witness or a juror, jury tampering, misconduct by a juror, tampering with physical evidence, hindering prosecution, terroristic threatening, riot, criminal possession of explosives, unlawful furnishing of explosives, sex trafficking, criminal mischief, misconduct involving a controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance, permitting an escape, promoting gambling, possession of gambling records, distribution of child pornography, and possession of child pornography;
huh. well. I'm sure none of those could be selectively enforced against a specific group, thereby leading to targeted voter suppression.
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money-saving · 3 months
Title: Introducing Chipush: The Hassle-Free Way to Monitor Amazon Price Drops
Are you tired of constantly checking Amazon for price drops on your favorite products? Do you wish there was a simpler, more efficient way to stay updated on the best deals? Look no further, because Chipush is here to revolutionize the way you shop online.
Chipush is a newly launched service that takes the hassle out of monitoring price drops on Amazon products. With its intuitive design and user-friendly interface, Chipush makes it incredibly easy to keep track of price changes on items you've been eyeing. And the best part? You can start using the service without any sign-ups or lengthy registration processes. Simply visit Chipush and start tracking your desired products in seconds.
One of the standout features of Chipush is its frequent price checks. The service continuously monitors Amazon for updated pricing, ensuring that you're always informed about the latest deals. This means you no longer have to manually refresh product pages or set reminders to check for price drops. Chipush does all the heavy lifting for you, so you can sit back and wait for the savings to roll in.
At Chipush, we value your privacy and security. We understand the importance of protecting user data, which is why we guarantee that your information is never sold or shared with third parties. You can use our service with complete peace of mind, knowing that your privacy is our top priority.
We also believe in giving you full control over your alerts. If you ever decide you no longer want to receive notifications for a particular product, you can unsubscribe with just one click. It's that simple. No complicated processes or hidden catches – just straightforward, user-friendly functionality.
In summary, Chipush offers a seamless and efficient way to monitor price drops on Amazon products. With its intuitive interface, frequent price checks, commitment to privacy, and easy unsubscribe option, it's the perfect tool for savvy shoppers looking to save time and money. So why wait? Head over to Chipush today and start tracking your favorite products effortlessly!
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pretensesoup · 1 year
How to Publish a Book, pt 1
I told @tryxyhijinks I was gonna turn this into a shitpost, so here we go: how to publish an ebook in ten easy steps.
Write the book. This is, believe it or not, the fun part.
Edit the book. Slightly less easy, but you have to do this, no matter what anyone else has told you about "minimum viable product" or what have you. You can force your friends to read it, you can have a program read it aloud to you, you can read it backwards, you can hire someone to line edit your work, you can do some or most of the above, just get it edited. (Additional point: when hiring a professional, if you're happy with the plot, ask for line or copyediting; if you're not sure about plot points, ask for developmental editing; if you just need guidance, you may want to start with an editorial letter.)
Get a cover. You can make one yourself or pay someone to do it. You're going to want it to be about 1600x2500 pixels and 72 dpi. It's good to have a really nice cover, because covers sell books.
Typeset the book. I use Atticus to create an epub file. If you are also doing a print version or you are a control freak, I recommend it. Vellum and Reedsy are about the same, I think. If you have a lot of illustrations--big ones, I mean, not just an author photo--you should beg, borrow, or steal a copy of InDesign. You can use Calibre to compress your output epub file if you want to make sure you earn every available penny. However, my book is 6mb and it is about 8 cents to download. Also, if you're trying to do this on the cheap, you really can just do it in Word. The layout won't be as fancy, but you can do it. (Layout granularity, from least to most granular, is probably Word->Atticus->InDesign.)
If you want to publish under a press name that is not your name, you will need to start a business. Laws around taxes and registration may vary depending on where you are, but in general, you will want to register your name with your state or county registrar (for me, this cost $30 and I had to get a piece of paper notarized). Then you can get a business checking account (for me this part was free--I went through the bank I already have accounts with). In the US, sole proprietorships like this are taxed as pass-through entities, so you will pay personal income taxes on whatever money you make, but you don't have to pay corporate income taxes. If you are publishing books that could possibly get you sued (e.g., The Big Book of Welding While Juggling or Now You're Cooking with Napalm) you may want to form an LLC. Talk to a lawyer.
Open a KDP account. If you hate the Zon and want to only publish somewhere else (Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, whatever), that's fine--the process is about the same. If you think you previously had a KDP account and then didn't use it, search your emails etc. to try to find out, because if they figure that out, they'll close both accounts and then you won't get paid.
Add your new title to the catalog (you will need to add metadata, like your name, series name if there is one, and a description of the book) and set the prices. Unless your book is super big, you'll probably earn more if you select the 70% option. For some reason, I changed a few of the prices. If you're planning to publish on several platforms, I don't recommend this--just set your price in one place and then let it convert those. Otherwise, you'll have to reinput everything over and over, because it's in the terms of service that you need to price things the same on Kobo as you do on Amazon (and so on).
Set the day of publication and tell people about it. Like your mom. Your weird aunt who's always so supportive. Your friend who has been listening to you bitch about how hard writing is for the past six months.
Q: Hey, I want my book in several online stores, not just Amazon.
A: You have a few options. Draft2Digital/Smashwords and IngramSpark both distribute digitally to various places so you only have to set things up once. But they take a cut of the profit for this service. You can also set up independent accounts with each store and upload your stuff.
Q: What happens in step 9?
A: You know. Meet other indie writers and try to gain their trust. Read a lot. Work on the sequel. Get some sleep, because deadlines are exhausting, even self-imposed ones. Learn about advertising. That sort of thing.
Next time, I'll do the paper side of things.
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slimesam · 1 year
The Nun and her Familiar (Gun x Reader)
Chap 2
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Summary: Your third-year student is now summoning your own familiar and somehow you have summoned a literary hot-as-hell demon as your familiar. Your familiar, He is a sadistic man that loves to see your struggles when you're fighting monsters, he loves to see you squirm as he goes near you and especially when he mentions your "meat" is his favorite part.
He wonders when will give in to him
A/N: I am back! I am so burned out/too busy and out of ideas lol. as this also just fanfiction is just on a whim that I made! I probably shoud go back to drawing and stack every paragraph on this story. (being 3rd year in 2nd sem kicked my gear into lazy mode and busy catching up)
Warning: Implied NSFW(?)
Both of them arrive at the grand door beside the door there is a plate that is written ‘Place the Gifts and Letter for Head Priest DG here’ with an arrow that points down and you can see a lot of gifts, flowers, and letters being placed under a metal plate.
Y/n prepares herself to knock on the door, and Gun is at her back staring at Y/N's figure since they have left the summoning room.
'Her physic is definitely different from what I remember from those past centuries those nun/clerics are too fragile. As they are basically so easy to break when they are in a field battle as they mostly serve as buffer and healer.' Gun admires his new master body while comparing her to those weaklings that he has fought with centuries or decades ago.
“Come in”
"Good afternoon Head priest DG" Y/n open the door gently as she doesn't want to disturb him. Entering the room with Gun, and bow to the head priest as a sign of respect. While Gun merely just stood beside her staring intensely at DG like he is pinning point on why does he look familiar.
The pink hair idol looking man name DG smiles as he put down his paper work "Ha, Miss L/N I have been informed by your advisor that you need to resolve the issues of your familiar" ignoring on the demons intense stare
Y/N simply nod at DG and explain the situation
After Y/N explains the details, Head priest DG tapping his pointing fringer rapidly on the table thinking on how he would instruct Y/N problem.
And finally he stopped tapping.
"Miss Y/N, why don't you leave this problem to me I can process the form of this registration without any problem." He smiles
"Also can you leave first as I have to discuss something with your "familiar"" DG said to Y/N as he glares at Gun.
Y/N look at back and forth between them thinking that DG want to lecture a Demon and put a rule during his stay in the PTJ realm.
'Hopefully, they don't fight' Y/N thought as she leave the room.
Making sure the door closes tightly the two talk.
"It's been a while since we have met DG, ha no should I say James Lee the archangel." Gun smirk as he turns the door nob.
Dg smile turns into a shit grin like he gonna troll the crap out of Gun "Gun-ssi, You should already know already that I don’t go with the James Lee anymore, but you should hurry up and catch up with your new master. Wouldn't want her to steal away from some of her classmates right?"
Gun tsked as he remembered that his new master Y/n may probably get mobbed by his new fans due to him being a unique summon.
"Tell me what are you warning me about? "DG""
DG merely huffed at the remarked of Gun and leaned at his chair. "I would like to remind you to be on the watch list of the officials, so don't be reckless as you're gonna drag me into your problem."
"Of course of course, I won't do it out in the open with evidence DG. You must have forgotten that I keep my hands clean and legal." Gun slicked his hair back showing how confident and arrogant in his skills, turned his back from the pink hair priest and turned the doorknob.
"Before I go, I remember why they say that you are a demon dressed in angel from those times "DG "..... did you think that you can fool me on your tapping to cover those sinful sounds when this devil has sensitive hearing." Gun smirks as he goes out and closes the door.
A choking sound can be heard under the table of Dg.
"My my my Miss Kang don't worry about that, just keep on going, my dear"
"Yes yes, it's still safe to keep on going. He is merely teasing as he is also an unstated creature. Ha, surely no one will come here until the evening meeting… Why don't you sit on my knee, my dear." DG petting something? Someone? under his table.
Y/N being a good master she waits for Gun while she's staring outside the window, she still needs to show him around the campus and set some boundaries when she is in class or on fields. She doesn't want anyone to mob her for her unique familiar or just have him scaring the crap out of everyone from his majestic and terror aura.
"-Sensitive hearing"
Hearing the door closed, snaps her thoughts and looked at Gun who is approaching her.
"Ha! Gun! Did head priest DG talk to you about how you will settle?" Y/N rubs her neck nervously as she can feel the intense stare from her familiar.
In the spur of the moment, Gun brought his head beside Y/N's ear and whispered in a deep gritty voice. "My dear mistress, It's nothing to worry about."
Y/N backed away quickly while covering her right ear, blushing like a tomato at the Gun's whisper.
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sirensorisons · 2 months
ok. a lot of people smarter than me have expounded upon the many flaws of the h*rry p*tter series. but my pet peeve is the fact that wands, a major foundation of the worldbuilding, make no fucking sense.
like, ok. it makes sense that a wizard would have a bond with the conduit for their magic, and that they might be better suited to certain kinds of wands over others. but wizards can use wands that weren't specifically bonded to them without much trouble, like ron with the hand-me-down wand from his brother charlie. it may not be as streamlined, but it's probably not going to blow up in your face unless it's broken. so why does everyone put so much effort put into the selection process to buy them new if, technically, any old wand would do (at least to learn on)? why isn't there a market for used wands? especially for lower-income families or muggleborns coming into the wizarding world for the first time?? why shouldn't new wands be considered a luxury for the upper class like the latest model of broom?
you could maybe argue that they don't resell wands because it would make it easy for those convicted and stripped of their wands by the ministry of magic to get their hands on one again. but as far as we know, there's nothing stopping them from walking into a store and buying one brand new, or else stealing one. people don't need wand licenses. so if there's no formal registration process, how can the ministry regulate the use of wands?
we know that minors have the trace on them, but that's lifted once they reach the age of majority. we could infer that maybe, once stripped of their wand, a convict could have the trace put back on them... but hagrid was able to use his disguised wand on the dursleys without the ministry getting involved, and sirius was able to use magic straight out of azkaban without being traced either, so this seems unlikely.
i also don't understand why removing the use of one's wand is considered a wise punishment. like... children are capable of uncontrolled acts of wandless magic from the time they're young. they're given wands to help them channel their magic more intentionally, which makes sense when taken at face value. but wandless magic is also considered an advanced magical skill. so, when the ministry takes someone's wand, aren't they just ensuring that convicts start attempting wandless magic? that could be dangerous if the incidences of magic are uncontrolled, or if they're controlled with malicious intent.
furthermore, we know that other beings like house elves are capable of not only wandless magic, but also nonverbal spells-- another skill that wizards consider advanced. but house elves, centaurs, etc. are not allowed the use of a wand. so the ministry is ensuring that the slave race learns to perform magic silently, and without the use of an implement they can trace and control. extremely rare w for the house elves, and honestly good for them. but is the ministry stupid? is joanne? (yes and yes.)
this all makes it seem like wands are wizard training wheels, and-- tinfoil hat on now-- the ministry of magic, if not all wizarding governments, should have a vested interest in pushing wands as a means to control their populace. by making it seem like wandless magic and nonverbal spells are advanced skills, they convince the average wizard that they are not capable of such a feat. this maintains the illusion-- at least within wizarding society-- that the wand is the tool of the everyman rather than the tool of the oppressor. the fish never sees beyond its bowl. the prisoner cannot see beyond their bars. the wizarding world of h*rry p*tter is shackled to archaic wand culture to the sole benefit of its ruling class.
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masllp · 4 days
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