#each post has me feeling more and more like that guy in always sunny in philadelphia
mumms-the-word · 1 month
Shadow Curse Events Pt. 2
Harpers, druids, and the battle against Ketheric
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So in Part 1, I talked about Ketheric’s descent into Sharran zealotry and his attacks against all Selûnite faithful and anyone who so much as breathed a bad word about him. The TLDR is that Ketheric didn’t just become a follower of Shar, he basically became the Prophet-General of her new dark army, her Chosen, establishing new teachings and protocols for what defined a Dark Justiciar. It got so bad, and he became so powerful, that a leader of the Selûnite resistance, Ketheric's own master mason Morfred, made a deal with Raphael to take out his Justiciars just to hopefully give the Harpers a chance.
Because, to no one's surprise, all of this murder and fearmongering has captured the attention of the Harpers, who feel the need to step in and restore some balance.
The rest of this post is basically going to be about the Harper-druid battle against Ketheric and the siege of Reithwin, culminating in him getting sealed up in his tomb. Buckle up and be prepared for a couple of graphic war things (cw: animal death). Part 3 will be about the first few days of the shadow curse itself, because I just find that eerie and fascinating.
Full deep dive under the cut! Super long post ahead :'>
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The moment is nigh; war has been brewing, and now it overflows. When Ketheric turned us toward Shar, I followed him - in appearance, if not in heart. This is my home, and I would not be removed from it, no matter what. I watched at a distance as the darkness here grew; as Ketheric's grief brought him farther and farther from life itself. As he gathered his army, I prayed for his defeat. As the Harpers march upon our little village - our little, beautiful village - I can only hope Ketheric will be felled at last, and Reithwin can begin to heal from this nightmare.
Let me briefly set the stage. Reithwin Town is under the governance of Ketheric Thorm, former Selûnite-turned-Chosen-of-Shar. All Selûnite worship has been driven underground. Dark Justiciars train in some elusive location outside and beneath town, only to return in order to interrogate the citizens of Reithwin about their loyalties to Shar and to Ketheric. Bodies are hanging in the square as an example to those who might think about dissenting or professing their faith in Selûne. People are going missing or being executed every day, and Ketheric's desire to expand Shar's influence beyond the borders of Reithwin is only growing stronger. Rumors abound that he's already completely destroyed a nearby village, another Selûnite refuge called Moonhaven. And now, the citizens of Reithwin hear whispers on the wind that the Harpers will soon arrive from the east...and they're bringing an army.
If a citizen were to wish to flee, they'd be nearly out of luck. The Harpers are coming from the east, but Baldur's Gate lies in the west, and the leadership in Baldur's Gate is already suspicious. Ketheric has drawn the attention of Grand Duke Eltan, the founder of the Flaming Fist and the good-aligned general who aided the heroes of BG1 (like Jaheira) during the Sarevok crisis. He's heard whispers of a Sharran enclave and has ordered a scout to go and investigate. That scout is Art Cullagh.
Incidentally, in the last post I suggested that these events are happening either between 1371-1374 or between 1396-1399. We don't know when Grand Duke Eltan died, so either theory still holds water (pick whichever you like best), but I do think his involvement moves the needle a little more towards the 1371-1374 theory. Eltan has just wrapped up the Sarevok adventure with Jaheira and the other heroes in 1368 and was dealing with other issues in 1369. He would still be in the height of his power as a leader of Baldur's Gate and the Grand Marshal of the Flaming Fist in the early 1370s. So he would have a vested interest in trying to maintain peace in his city, and that includes investigating rumors of civil unrest and strange darkness in a town just up the river from him to make sure that whatever is happening there doesn't come downriver.
Eltan sends Art Cullagh, a lieutenant/officer of the Flaming Fist (and virtuoso with a lute, as we well know). I won't post images of his orders here, since it's a letter most of us have likely read when trying to fix the shadow curse. But essentially, he's ordered to take lodgings in Last Light Inn and begin his investigation in the House of Healing to confirm rumors of corruption and Sharran influence in town. We know he attempts to fulfill these commands because he's seen at the inn and later his lute is left behind at the House of Healing.
Shadow Vestige: You see a man drain his tankard in an inn as he listens to a Flaming Fist play the lute. He's better than his uniform might suggest.
Around the same time that Art is preparing to travel down and begin investigating, the Harpers are already at work gathering an army. They're not just making Ketheric their convenient enemy—they're declaring all-out war.
They've gathered their evidence (after interrogating locals and possibly attempting to assassinate Ketheric from afar) and now they're ready to take the fight to him directly. But they need backup. So they write to the Emerald Enclave (not to be confused with the Emerald Grove) to arrange an alliance. Ketheric is going against nature, after all, and who better to call on for aid in preserving nature than the Emerald Enclave?
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[The first few inches of this scroll are written in formal, elaborate script.] To the Emerald Enclave, and those deemed worthy to see this record, greetings from Those Who Harp. Know ye that the one known as Ketheric Thorm, a paladin of Shar, is guilty of crimes against body and spirit. They include, but are not limited to Murder, Slavery, and Desecration of Temples Most Holy. Let our intent be known: an alliance between the Harpers and the Emerald Enclave. United, we may end Thorm's reign of terror. The High Harpers eagerly await your good word.
The Emerald Enclave is massive, since it basically serves as the high council and umbrella organization for all druidic circles and groves that exist in Faerûn (or those who choose to align with the Emerald Enclave's tenants anyway). When the Harpers declare an alliance with the Enclave, those in charge of selecting allies make sure to enlist the druid circle that is local to that area, the Emerald Grove, since they will be the closest and have a stake in preserving the land around their grove. The Emerald Grove even immortalizes this alliance in their inner sanctum.
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Image: Mural of Harpers and Druids shaking hands in front of an oak; Narrator reads: "In darkest hour, a concord made / 'Twixt harp and wild against the shade." Image: Mural of Harpers and druids stand back to back with the fallen armor of Dark Justiciars at their feet; Narrator reads: "The towers seized, the battle done / the moonrise broke the Darkest One."
It's possible that the Emerald Grove was the only circle that joined or was even asked to be in the battle, but perhaps the Enclave sent more. The Harpers needed an army, after all, and Jaheira says they numbered hundreds strong. Either way, the infamous Halsin Silverbough and his predecessor, the Archdruid in charge before him, are among the druids who join the army, though they never meet Jaheira in the battle.
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Jaheira: The Archdruid Halsin. Do not be surprised that I know your name - you fit a rather singular description. And one survivor of the shadow curse's fall ought to know another. Halsin: We never actually got to meet, when fighting Ketheric that first time. Jaheira: No. We were a host hundreds strong, after all. Until we were not.
With the druids and Harpers finally aligned, they can at last march on Reithwin and begin their siege.
So let me pause for a moment to confess that the battle itself is...hard to track. Some characters (Halsin, Jaheira) and some accounts suggest that the battle only takes up about one day. The battle seems to either be contained to the banks of the Chionthar, or it spreads into the town to eventually reach Moonrise Towers. Other accounts, like the Harper's Testimonial, suggest the battle raged for three straight days outside of Moonrise alone before Ketheric descended personally into the field. Notes and letters from the House of Healing suggest the siege may have taken even longer, because supplies dwindled to dangerously low levels. Trying to reconcile all these accounts is tricky.
It's important to note that sieging a town doesn't always mean active fighting, it just means cutting off supplies and travel, keeping everyone out, or keeping everyone in, so it's possible the town was under siege for much longer than the battle that was actually fought. So the following is my best interpretation for the events, in an order that makes semi-logical sense to me. Some of this is complete conjecture. But feel free to come up with your own timelines!
Shadow Vestige: You sense a faded memory of marching in an army against Ketheric Thorm. Victory seemed possible back then.
The plan is to lay siege to Reithwin Town and force Ketheric to surrender. Failing that, siege the town until the army is too weak from hunger to fight well, then push forward into Moonrise Towers and kill Ketheric.
Part of the Chionthar divides Reithwin from the rest of the village outskirts (as you can see on the map), making three bridges the only access into town if you're approaching from the east as the Harpers and druids would have done (unless, of course, you want to get wet or you can fly). On one side of the river is the town proper. On the other, Last Light Inn and several farms.
If the Harpers barricade the bridges, or the Justiciars build barricades to keep them out, then Reithwin is cut off from everything on the east side of the river. Cut off the farms, and Reithwin loses food. Cut off travel and trade from the east, and Reithwin is forced to look to the west for supplies...but Baldur's Gate is to the west, and Grand Duke Eltan is already suspicious. He will not be a friend to Ketheric Thorm. Reithwin is essentially (if not literally) boxed in.
It's a good siege plan...in theory, anyway. And if the Harpers lay siege while waiting for their army to grow, waiting for the druids to join them, etc., then it helps them in two ways. It starves out and weakens the enemy and gives them time to increase their own strength.
For a while, the seige seems to be working.
Whether it was the Harpers or the Justiciars who built the barricades and pickets along the bridge, Reithwin is now officially under siege, and trade and supplies start to trickle nearly to a stop. The number of travelers through the tollhouse drastically dwindles, until eventually it seems to be cut off entirely. Reithwin begins to suffer food shortages, enough that the veterinarian in town is forced to butcher some of the stable's horses to provide food. And it's not just horses, judging by the evidence we find elsewhere in town, like the missing pets posters and the pile of bloodied cat and dog collars outside of the tollhouse.
(Ugh I hate it so much. But the Harpers are determined to win. And yes, while some of the food shortage stuff could have been Ketheric failing at governing his town appropriately, a siege makes more sense to me.)
At some point (days? weeks?) Ketheric likely says enough is enough. The battle must begin or he will lose his town and his army to starvation, especially with winter quickly approaching. Alternatively, the Harpers themselves grow tired of waiting. They see that their siege is doing little to sway Ketheric and decide that the only thing left to do is attack.
Either way, the battle will begin on the morrow.
On the eve of the first day of the battle, many Harpers and druids bunk at Last Light Inn, likely including Jaheira and Halsin (who both remember the inn as it was before the shadow curse). Art Cullagh is also staying there. Whether he has already visited the House of Healing and lost his lute there is uncertain, though I think it's likely. Perhaps he visited before Reithwin was sieged, or visited during the siege but before the fighting started. Perhaps he is there in the inn when the Harpers toast one another the night before the battle. The Harpers no doubt expect a hard-fought but certain victory. I can only wonder what Art must have thought, watching them, if he was there that same night.
Shadow Vestige: You glimpse a young Harper on the eve of battle against Thorm, long ago. He and his comrades toast each other in Last Light.
The next day, the battle begins.
Ketheric is a remarkable general who understands how to rouse his soldiers. Minthara describes him, even a century later, as "everything a general should be - a charismatic leader with a brilliant strategic mind." He knows his soldiers and those who would volunteer to join his army are going hungry and are fearful of what the winter might bring to their seiged town. Whether they are Dark Justiciars or not, they're mortal. More mortal than he is. So he gathers them together to bolster their morale before the battle.
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[A record of Ketheric Thorm's speech to his troops before his victory over the druids and Harpers.] Take this. You there, take this from me. That is gold, friends. Let those who are coveters and cravens among you take my gold and go. There's enough to keep you warm in winter. But in those cold and lonely winters to come, you will look into the bought flames in the purchased hearth and see a bargained-for peace, and then you'll realise that such a retirement comes at the price of pride. Go on and take it. Take it and go. Those who are not afraid and me? We won't stop you. But neither shall we know a winter in which the coin of regret is idly spent. Instead we shall know blood, and fury, and a triumph worthy of a flame reconcileable only with heaven, I swear it! Against us arrayed is a group of fools - let them be our bank vault! Let us raid them, friends! Let us grow rich on screams!
The Harper Testimonial suggests that Ketheric himself did not enter the battle until day three. I can imagine Ketheric giving such a speech and then watching from the towers (a good vantage point to view the battle below) as his Dark Justiciar army descends on hundreds of Harpers and druids, knowing that victory is well in hand. His Justiciars have trained hard and ritually killed a celestial being, after all. They are an elite force.
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~1~ A Harper's Testimonial: The Last Stand of Ketheric Thorm, Chosen of Shar. [The pursuant text describes a battle between Ketheric Thorm's faithful and magical Harper forces.] I do not know what magic the Dark Justiciars summoned to our plane. But if it came from the Weave, then let it be cursed for eternity. For three days, we sieged the Towers. For three days, their darkbolts cleaved our ranks. And on the third day, as his men and woman at last began to fall, Ketheric entered battle.
(The Harper might be conflating the Towers with Reithwin itself, or perhaps I'm wrong about this theory and the Harper is only talking about a secondary battle that happened right outside the Towers. Either way, putting it here because the information is extremely relevant, but here's your warning that there's plenty of conjecture ahead!)
The Harpers and druids clash with the Justiciars on the east banks of the Chionthar, slaughtering each other around ballistae, barricades, and battering rams, trying to push forward across the bridges and docks that connect the tollhouse with the village outskirts. This is no mere skirmish. The ground is slick with blood as Dark Justiciars fight to keep the Harpers and druids from advancing forward into town and reaching Moonrise. Dead and wounded soon begin to litter the ground. The battle is so brutal that vestiges of it remain even a century later, identifiable at a glance.
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Character comments regarding the centuries-old remains of the battle around the main bridge into the tollhouse. Astarion: This battlefield must've ran slick with blood - I can taste it in the air, even after so long. Lae'zel: There was a great battle here. The ground stained red with blood long dried. Gale: The site of no ordinary skirmish. This was once a battlefield, and a bloody one, too, judging by the number of bodies. Shadowheart: These aren't the remains of some skirmish - whole armies clashed here once. Wyll: A great battle was fought here - I can practically hear the din of blade against blade, axe against shield. Karlach: This is a battlefield. An old one, but still. Jaheira: Forces from the Emerald Grove. Many stood against Ketheric - only we lucky few survived him. Halsin: A great many druids once stood here to fight Ketheric Thorm. Few ever left. Minthara: Remains of those who stood against Ketheric in the past.
Dark Justiciars rain down darkbolts on the Harpers and druids, bolts of pure darkness that deal moderate damage and can daze the victim. Healers among the Harper and druid ranks begin to get overwhelmed by the amount of wounded. Many of the dead are left abandoned on the field, the fighting too intense to stop and take them away for burial. Most are never recovered.
As the battle rages on for one day, two days, three days, things are growing dire for the citizens inside the town, some of whom are cowering as the battle gets closer and closer, spilling out onto the streets of Reithwin and surging toward Moonrise Towers. The House of Healing is trying to tend to the wounded and the sick, operating as both a regular clinic and a war hospital. Because the siege (and now the battle) has stopped all supplies from entering the town, their potions and tonics are running dangerously low. Additionally, though the House of Healing should technically be offering aid to any wounded person, no matter their faith or creed, Ketheric issues an order that all Selûnites or Harpers must be turned away and that all healing items must be focused on Dark Justiciars alone—an order that his surgeon uncle, Malus, strictly enforces.
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[This exhaustive log lists each and every patient to have sought healing in Reithwin, along with their ailments. The minor injuries and common diseases of the early pages give way to critical wounds and deep lacerations - the repercussions of battle. Several unbound scrolls have been slid among the final pages, demanding that healers turn away wounded Harpers and Selûnites, and reserve their tonics for wounded Dark Justiciars - on the orders of General Ketheric Thorm.]
(If Art Cullagh hasn't visited the House of Healing already, he likely can't now.)
The House is still operating as a clinic, accepting patients who come in with ailments or injuries, but they're ordered to essentially ignore them. Malus even forbids the use of sleep aids and anesthetics to ease the pain or passing of the elderly and mortally wounded. Soon they begin turning away even Sharran citizen patients, or leaving them untreated, like the husband of one Cleric of Shar who comes to the House of Healing to be treated for an unknown malady. The husband never realizes that he is suffering the damage that his wife should be getting as she takes on "whole troops" of Harpers single-handedly and walks away without a scratch. He dies, forgotten, either a victim of the shadow curse or of his wife's warding bond.
Things grow so dire that at least one nurse, Sister Anna Lidwin, pens a note to the Chief Chirurgeon (surgeon) of Harbourside Hospital (which is itself kinda sketchy) requesting aid. Potions, herbs, clerics, anything that can help.
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To: Chief Chirurgeon, Harbourside Hospital, Baldur's Gate From: Sister Anna Lidwin, Darkcloak, Reithwin House of Healing URGENT! Dear Sir or Madam, We have reached dire times in Reithwin. War has come. Do you not teach that it is our duty to mend all who break, comfort all who ail, without regard for the gods they worship or the champions they heed? Yet our surgeon Malus Thorm abides by his own creed. 'The will of Shar', he might say, and I dare not argue with him - or any Thorm. He allows supplies to dwindle, leaves some patients' injuries to fester so he may 'study', and commands me to nurse only Dark Justiciars that seek treatment. I beg you, Sir or Madam - please deliver us aid, so I might close every tear and cleanse every wound, even those of Harpers and Selûnites. We will humbly accept all you can offer: potions, herbs, sutures, even clerics. Help us to heal. With gratitude, Anna Lidwin
The letter is never sent. It lies abandoned in the House of Healing even a century later. Perhaps she wrote it on the final day of battle and was caught by the shadow curse as she was trying to tend to the wounded.
For the Harpers and druids, the battle has taken a turn for the worse. Ketheric's Dark Justiciars seem overwhelmingly powerful and the damage this battle is doing is only increasing, especially as it spills into town. Eventually, the Harpers weigh the cost of victory and elect to surrender. They get Khelben Arunsun, the Blackstaff himself, to write the surrender letter (whether he was physically there at the battle or not is uncertain).
Ketheric denies the surrender.
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General Ketheric Thorm: It is with heavy heart that I must announce the surrender of the Harper forces and its allies to your Dark Justiciar army, under unanimous agreement. 'Harpers work against villainy and wickedness wherever they find it…' So states our code, and so here have we acted. But I also know, all too well, how the statement continues: '… but they work ever mindful of the consequences of what they do.' We cannot be party to the suffering of the people of Reithwin, and indeed, of the great loss of life that this war will visit upon the Sword Coast - and, perhaps, beyond it. So it is written, and so let it be done, Khelben Arunsun, on behalf of the High Harper Council and its allies. [Two words are slashed across the bottom of the scroll:] SURRENDER DECLINED
Ketheric rejects the surrender and clamps it in the jaws of some poor dead soul whose head or skull is then set on a pike at the battlefield (knowing him, it was probably the messenger who brought the surrender letter). The Harpers and druids keep fighting. They have no other choice. It's fight or be slaughtered.
It's the third day. Something has shifted in the ranks. Dark Justiciars are falling in battle, and for once, reinforcements aren't coming. Unbeknownst to the Harpers and druids, an infernal force is destroying Justiciars in Grymforge and in the Gauntlet of Shar. The Harpers and druids at last have a fighting chance.
And that's when Ketheric joins the battle.
The details of this part of the battle are lost to time. We know from Minthara that Ketheric is absolutely fearless in battle. She describes him as a man who leads his troops from the front and cuts through the enemy “like a scythe through stalks.” I suspect that even back then, when the blows and arrows rain down on him as they do when Minthara fights with him a century later, he does not readily fall or falter. With immortality practically guaranteed, he likely butchers more Harpers and druids than they dared imagine possible for one man. The hundreds that made up the original army of Harpers and druids have been winnowed and cut down until only, as Jaheira says, a lucky few remain. The dead number so high for Halsin that he says it would take him a day and night recite all the names of the friends he lost in this battle.
But eventually, somehow, the Harpers and druids at last defeat Ketheric and eliminate all the remaining Justiciars that are still fighting topside. Ketheric suffers a seemingly mortal wound and falls. He utters a "final curse" as he dies and then withers, according to one Harper at least. The effects of this spoken curse are not immediately apparent. For now, the Harpers and druids feel they have won a victory at last, but the curse, whatever it is meant to be, clearly spooks them. Perhaps they think that by sealing Ketheric in the mausoleum, they can avoid the effects of his last dying words.
The Harpers drag Ketheric's corpse from the battlefield and leave him in a tomb in the mausoleum. Jaheira (and possibly Halsin) personally helps other Harpers and Druids seal the mausoleum doors using arcane sigils.
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Player: If he's back, perhaps you should have hit him harder in the first place. Jaheira: Believe me - he was well and truly dead. I locked his corpse in the Thorm mausoleum myself.
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Halsin: These sigils...druids and Harpers alike tried to seal away Ketheric Thorm in his foul tomb. To no avail.
The remaining Harpers and druids think that this final act of sealing Ketheric away signals a hard-won victory. Jaheira and the other Harpers turn to the task of removing bodies from the battlefield to bury them at Last Light. Halsin and the other druids likely also focus on tending to their dead and wounded, while the surviving citizens of Reithwin breathe unsteady sighs of relief or resignation...until the late autumn air suddenly takes on a midwinter chill.
The shadow curse is only just beginning.
Tags for those who wanted the update! @fingons-rad-harp @stuffforthestash
Feel free to request a tag update for Part 3!
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softxsuki · 11 months
💐Oh my! Someone's just confessed to you!! Who is this mysterious person and what do you say??💐
How Zoro Confesses
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff
Post-Type: headcanons
Word Count: 710
Summary: In which Zoro "confesses" to you
[A/N: Is this an actual request? No, it isn't. Have I been craving to finally write for one piece? Yes, yes I have. So here it is. My official debut with my first writing for OP. AND I AM TAKING OP REQUESTS SO SEND THEM ALL MY WAY. At the moment I write for Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Shanks, and Law. As I continue to watch, I'l add more characters (if any stand out to me and inspire me to write) I'll update that on my 'who I write for' page linked on my navigation page. SO YES PLEASE SEND ME ALL YOUR OP REQUESTS I WANT TO WRITE FOR THEM MORE FREQUENTLY PLS. ]
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Confession? Yeah you're not getting a direct confession from this guy--not happening
So how can you tell that this green-haired looker has a thing for you?
Lets just say his subtle acts over time definitely hint to it
It starts with small glances
His eyes seem to linger on you a little longer than necessary
When he walks into the kitchen for a meal with the crew, he finds himself looking for you first
Though he doesn't think much of it at first, and neither do you
You were close to Zoro as he was usually chill and you felt comfortable in his presence--though you couldn't deny the way your heart beat a little faster whenever he chose to sit next to you
Or the way you held your breath a little when he leaned slightly over you at the dining table to grab some food, his chest brushing against your face lightly
Zoro gets annoyed at himself when his ears get red whenever you playfully tease him
He hates the way his stomach knots up when he see's you too close to any of the guys on the crew, especially Sanji since he knows how bold the cook is with you
Whenever he says something you might find funny, he looks in your direction to see if he got a laugh out of you
These subtleties get a little more obvious and direct as even more time passes
When you arrive at a new island and the crew decide to split up to cover more ground, he volunteers to go with you, not giving curly-brows a chance to get his hands on you
He typically likes to be alone, but he can't help but enjoy your presence, so you find yourself having many naps with him on the Sunny
Your naps get cozier the more frequently they happen
They start with the two of you sat-up beside each other, and eventually his head or your head fall over onto the others shoulder
But eventually one of you uses the others lap as a pillow and sometimes Zoro can't help his curious fingers as they traverse the tresses of your hair, flinching away whenever you stir in your sleep
After a new months, you do everything together, from training, to washing dishes, napping, shopping, etc
It gets to the point where the crew always expect you to be together
So no, a verbal confession never does happen, you kinda naturally end up together
Perhaps Zoro gets fed up with Sanji one day and snatches you away from him with his ears flaring red and he yells profanities at the cook for always touching you and being close to you for no reason
Or it become obvious that you're a thing when you both glare at anyone who gets too close to the other for comfort
Yet you whenever you're close to each other it feels...right
Your hands brush each other as you walk side by side
Your thighs touch as you sit next to each other at dinner
God-forbid someone takes his self-proclaimed assigned seat beside you, he'd throw a fit
It isn't until one night at one of the many celebrations you all had that it becomes crystal clear how you both feel about each other
Zoro was drinking, like usual and was a little buzzed, but not completely drunk
He was watching you like usual as he drank, naturally protective of you and wanting to make sure no one took advantage of you
His heart beats a little faster as you approach him, a little buzzed yourself
You take the seat beside him and turn in his direction, but he's already looking at you
Your bodies seem to gravitate to one another and he can't help but close the remaining space between you as his lips crash onto yours
Without even thinking, your hands wrap around his neck and his own hands slither their way around your waist
He pulls aways flustered and flushed as usual, but downs another drink and you do that same as a small smile graces your lips
From that day forwards, kisses became more frequent between you whenever you were alone
But still, not a word was ever really said, it kinda just...happened :)
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Posted: 6/13/2023
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itgirlgyu · 10 months
✰ KDRAMA CHARACTERS ID MAKE UP TO GIVE TO TXT MEMBERS IN TRUE BEAUTY! even though ive never watched the kdrama and hate the webtoon with every inch of my being.
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𖥻 ִ ۫ ּ ﹗🩰 true beauty fans feel free to send me hate but you won't change my opinion.
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YEONJUN: main character's savior aka the cameo 'almost' secondary second lead that appears mid-way into the drama after the main characters have always already confessed to each other and the second male lead has been casted aside BUT right now the main leads are having problems so in comes: choi yeonjun! for like either two episodes or two scenes, nothing in between.
probably someone huge in the industry who meets the main character in some make up room, while saving them from the other bully make up artist. shows too much interest despite not giving any attention but they are like, " who is she who does not give a fuck about me?" but with a nice guy smirk while showing off side profile and his nose bridge.
BOTTOM LINE, does not get the girl but ends in a good note where he is shown giving a shy smile in the camera and leaving probably definitely) gets casted as a male lead almost immediately after the show finished airing.
SOOBIN: is like those lowly assistant pd in the show where the main characters works as a makeup artist. sees the main character crying under the stairs, contemplates whether he should go or not to console but then he gets yelled at to get his ass moving. even ends up forgetting he saw any girl crying or whatever his life is already as hard as it is.
ALSO wears very thick black glasses, like the ones he does irl.
Is shown shamelessly clapping at the end of the drama when the main character accepts herself as if he did not just ignore the poor girl when she was crying all alone.
BEOMGYU: main character's useless, and very annoying date to a double date that main character gets roped in while she's at school. absolutely nuisance, can't sit properly in his chair, talks smack about the main character to her face because he's an insensitive teenage boy who wants the world to work on his whim. makes remarks like he can play "connect the dot" on her face with the acne while sipping loudly and obnoxiously from his straw.
EXCLUSIVELY wears a hoodie over his school uniform and has the most punchable face, we see him again when the main character becomes "hot" but he doesn't remember going with her on a date and tries to flirt and get her number. doesn't get the hint when he's turned down.
GETS punched at least once before his screen time in the show ends.
TAEHYUN: that one character we don't really think is important until the end of the series but he is still not important because he gets no lines.
WORKS in that comic shop where the main characters met up and they extensively, and LOUDLY discussed their secrets. like if he wanted he could have ended the entire series in 20 minutes.
BRO has all the gossip but we only see his scenes, those camera shots between the bookshelves or on top of ladders cleaning the store.
KINDA gets a fan following after the series ends. #WeNeedToHearHisVoice!
HUENING KAI: that one token wasian character in the industry that is introduced to have never stood foot in south korea but speaks english with like 40 layers of korean accent lathered on.
BECOMES bestie with the main character and posts cringe selfies on his Instagram. literally kick-starts the main character's career from his mouth of word and star power.
LIKE this man does more for the main character than what the main lead and second lead has done for the poor girl also gets paired up with one of the main character's best friends by the end of the series, but its only initiated. *wink* *wink*
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ITGIRLGYU' 23: feedback and reblogs are always appreciated and expected if you enjoyed it! PERM TAG LIST: @full-sunnies @impureperhaps @jisungsdaydreamer @wonioml @1921choi @forever-in-the-sky2 @ox1-lovesick
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darkstar225 · 8 months
Twice's 10th member gets caught by her unnies mothering Le Sserafim's Eunchae
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend smit24123, who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: Lol at this point I am I have one where the members see 10th member acting like a mom (what they act like with her) to a 4th gen group (any of your choice) and how they react
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The day dawned bright and sunny in Seoul, and the members of TWICE were relishing their well-deserved day off. Y/N, the youngest among them, had made plans to spend the day with her good friend Eunchae from Le Sserafim. They had met at a music show and quickly formed a close bond.
As the 10th member and Eunchae strolled through a nearby park, laughter echoed between them. TWICE's snowflake couldn't help but keep an attentive eye on Eunchae, making sure she didn't trip over a rock or slip on the grass. She held Eunchae's hand as they walked, their fingers intertwined, talking animatedly about their experiences in the K-pop industry.
Inside a nearby café, the members of TWICE observed the scene outside through large windows.
Mina - Look at our honey, Jihyo unnie. She's like a little mom to Eunchae.
Jihyo - She really is. Our kid has such a big heart.
The other members nodded in agreement, watching their maknae and Eunchae with a sense of pride and affection. Y/N had always been the youngest, but today, she was showing a different side, a nurturing, protective side that made them admire her even more.
As they continued to watch, TWICE's little star made sure Eunchae was comfortable and well-fed during their picnic. She had prepared a lunchbox full of Eunchae's favourite snacks and made sure Eunchae ate properly.
Nayeon - You know, our child's taking care of Eunchae like she's her little sister. It's adorable.
Sana - My baby is doing a great job. Maybe she'll be the first one among us to have kids!
The others laughed at Sana's playful comment, and Tzuyu, who was the second youngest after Y/N, couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy.
Tzuyu - I wish Y/N would look after me like that. *pouts*
Jeongyeon - Don't worry, Tzuyu. Our dongsang cares about all of us. But it's sweet to see how much she cares for Eunchae.
Outside, Y/N and Eunchae had moved to a small playground within the park. Eunchae's eyes shone with delight as she saw the swings and slides. Y/N couldn't resist joining in on the fun. She pushed Eunchae on the swings, their laughter filling the air, and they raced down the slides together.
Inside the café, the TWICE members couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as they watched their sunflower. She had a special connection with Eunchae, and it was heartwarming to see how protective she was.
Jihyo - Y/N really is like a big sister to Eunchae, isn't she?
Dahyun - She's such a caring person. It's no wonder Eunchae feels so comfortable around her.
The members continued to watch as their girl and Eunchae played on the playground equipment, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. Y/N made sure Eunchae stayed safe and had a great time.
As the day wore on, the younger girls returned to the café, their faces flushed from playing and laughing. They walked in and joined the rest of TWICE, greeted with warm smiles and admiring gazes.
Nayeon - Love, you were like a big sister to Eunchae out there. It was so sweet to watch.
TWICE's youngest blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of pink.
Eunchae - Y/N unnie took such good care of me today. I'm really lucky to have her as a friend!
Sana couldn't resist teasing again.
Sana - Darling, are you secretly training to be a mom?
Y/N - No, not at all. But I do care about Eunchae a lot, and I want her to have a good time. *laughing*
Tzuyu - Yeah, our Y/N is amazing. *nodding in agreement*
As they all enjoyed a meal together, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond she shared with her fellow TWICE unnies. They were like a family to her, and she knew that they would always support and love her, whether she was taking on the role of a protective friend or the youngest member of the group. And as she ate lost in her thoughts, her older sisters all looked at her and had the same thing in mind:
We love our dear maknae sm.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3
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jetboygirl · 3 months
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💗credit: toydrill, mruuhaha, gutterpunks
i've been nervous to talk about my self insert for a while now but i want to push myself to open up and share again so here he is, this is mouse! putting the info under a cut so you don't have to look if you're not interested in self shipping ^v^
5'3" dorky trans bisexual man with a weakness for bears so of course he's in love with gary in no time 🙈
he is literally just some guy because he's me but i have new ideas for him that aren't ready for posting yet! so for now he's just dr mrs the monarchs assistant starting around season 6! she needed a new little guy/helper after tim tom and kevin were tragically torn to shreds and also exploded.
his name is sunny like me hehe but he goes by mouse with most people outside of the monarch crew! (<- the monarch just calls him mouse) mostly he's supposed to help her with paperwork and basic errands but the monarch assumes he's his assistant now too and mouse is too nice (and scared) to say no (as long he doesn't think it's against guild rules or would get him in trouble with sheila <- this will not always pan out)
he also ends up helping gary out with a lot of the housework! <- feels bad that gary seems so tired all the time!! <- doesn't know they're out every night blue morpho'ing until sheila does
gary and the monarch at first think he's kinda weird and creepy like every guild stranger, he thinks they're both intimidating (especially gary due to his size) until they've been around each other for a week or two, at which point mouse has already developed a crush on gary who has started to warm up to him a bit more!
mouse and gary end up bonding a lot over their geekier/weirder interests, and their ardships dealing with PTSD and various traumas, if they're unable to sleep they'll spend hours just talking while some bad scifi movie plays in the background (big simplification of events <- i'm scared of opening up and don't always know how to talk about my feelings or tell someone when something's wrong because of my childhood and have a lot of relationship based trauma but i think gary would be patient with me and understanding)
they eventually get together officially despite all the blue morpho drama but maybe i'll write out more details some other day, ty for reading if you made it this far i hope our self inserts and ocs can be friends! 👉👈 and of course i'm always happy talking with other gary kissers 🤝🐻
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fitpacs · 1 month
Oi tumblr user fitpacs, I hope you’re doing well! Morale’s been running a little low for me but ur posts have really helped to cheer me up!!!! so here’s some angst
I think if Fit’s secret ever came out, the only one of his close friends who would turn against him would be Tubbo. I feel like Phil and Bagi would trust that he had his reasons/ask for more details (and Phil hearing that it was Fit’s chance to escape 2b2t would immediately be like Oh Yeah, Valid); Mike might be a bit harder to defuse but I think he’d come around eventually. But Tubbo? Tubbo’s very much a “fuck the motive” type of guy, plus with his growing distance from Fit, feeling left out from the secret, and how data is implied to be important for his lore too, learning that Fit has already taken and ‘sold off’ his data might kill the Morning Crew once and for all
this is so interesting for me to think about! for me, qtubbo is very much a ‘act now think later’ kind of guy towards everyone except his daughter, because he feels like he’s easily interchangeable in everyone’s life except for sunny’s - that’s why everything he does for sunny (in canon) is thought out and consequences minimised; see, for example, the creation lore, as well as qtubbo randomly calling fobo the egg hospital and calling sunny the special, number one patient.
so yeah i feel like he will feel betrayed when he does eventually find out about it all, it will bring back all of those feelings of him feeling inadequate and that fit and pac always like each other better than they like him, and that they secretly want tubbo to leave them alone (which, lbr, is the real reason he tries so hard to break them up, he feels like if they get so wrapped up in each other, he won’t have anyone else - which is also why i think qtubbo now pushes so hard for fobo, he wants to feel just as important to qfoolish as he can, just in case the morning crew - in his eyes - falls apart; fit and pac are together and have their two kids, bagi has tina and empanada, phil has his two kids who are his entire world, mike is always wrapped up in his building projects with richas and never really seeks out company… and who does that leave on their own? again?
and the real nail in the coffin for qtubbo’s feeling of betrayal will be when he finds out his data has been passed on - stolen from him and passed onto whoever the fuck (he won’t stick around to find out), he’ll take sunny and isolate the two of them for a while, knowing that he can only really trust his daughter now. he’s always felt like the morning crew like each other better than they like him, and the original members - fit and pac - both knew that tubbo’s data was stolen from him without consent and didn’t think to even run it past him? that just amplifies what he already feels. they don’t care about him, just about helping each other. yes, fit and pac’s data is passed on too, along with other members on the island, but the couple actively chose that ending - they would’ve had the option to take their data out of the pile, but they took that choice away from tubbo, and that just makes him feel like they don’t care about him at all.
and whatever is done with the data is out of his control, yes, maybe they’ll be teleported away, maybe they’ll be killed, but nothing will stay the same - qtubbo will be pulled away from the one being on the island he trusts without question and the one being that he needs to keep living on the island without going insane (sunny), and morning crew will most definitely be destroyed in tubbo’s mind as they haven’t only destroyed tubbo’s life by deciding the course of it just for fit’s own gain, but also destroyed sunny’s life as the one person she needs, the one person she has on the island that is always on her side, is ripped away from her.
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77ngiez · 11 months
post-good end omori thoughts brought to u by the sunny omori himself
sunny and basil stay really close, mostly because they think everybody else in the group hates them but theyve been thru too much shit together to hate each other. basils the first in the group to get his drivers license (besides hero) and so sometimes he’ll drive up to the city sunny lives in. he’ll leave friday right after school and stay until sunday evening. sunny’s mom is almost always gone working so it’s nice that basil’s around.
basil is also the only one that sunny’s told about headspace. partly because of the aforementioned "wow everybody else probably hates me for killing mari" and partly because. basil could see "something". he doesnt tell basil everything ofc but he tells him a fair amount, and weirdly basil can guess some stuff before sunny says it. or maybe it’s more than guessing, who’s to say?
at any rate, because basil and sunny know about headspace but the others don’t, that’s another reason that they’re closer even when the main friend group reconnects. aubrey will be over at basils and mention that she’s considering dying her hair purple, and basil flinches and is like "are you sure thats a good idea?" and shes like What Are You On About and then he has to avoid the topic.
obviously the rest of the group Does Not hate sunny and basil (except maybe hero a bit, but not even him really, he’s just in a lot of pain), but it takes a bit to get that through their thick (read: traumatized) heads. it ends up being kel who helps sunny realize that he’s been forgiven.
for basil, oddly, it’s kim—she noticed aubrey was acting weird ever since sunny moved, and she felt guilty about having bullied basil in the past, so she tried to talk to him about it. obviously he didn’t tell her about the whole mari thing, but he tried to help her understand what was going on with aubrey a bit because he still cares about her. yadda yadda yadda kim and basil ended up becoming friends somehow, and bcoz aubrey drags kim (aka kim follows her) to a lot of her hangouts with kel and hero, kim ends up picking up on a bunch of stuff that never gets said out loud. and she convinces basil that he is NOT universally hated by everybody except sunny.
sunny completely loses his eye, and so he wears his eyepatch at pretty much all times except when he’s sleeping. even though he’s home alone. he feels like when he looks at things with his missing eye socket, he can see omori and mari. so he just. covers it lol.
hero dates a lot of girls from college. they never last too long, though. he’s never really managed to get over mari, but he knows she’d want him to, so he’s trying. but none of his relationships really work out since his heart still wholly belongs to a dead girl.
kel still bottles things up for a bit. everybody can tell that he’s upset, but he refuses to admit it, until one day aubrey takes him to one of those places where you just break things. kel first treats it like a joke, but he ends up screaming and crying and shouting while he breaks things.
but once he gets it all out, he’s a lot better. he’s even more willing to be vulnerable and talk about things. although he’s only really able to bear his soul with aubrey. for what it’s worth, it’s pretty reciprocal.
speaking of aubrey. she’s probably been coping the best for the past four years, but once sunny tells her the truth, she kinda breaks. she copes with self-destructive behavior, and sometimes drugs (mostly just weed, from the maverick). she stays really close with the hooligans, maybe even closer than with the others. it takes years, and sunny and basil’s permission, but eventually she tells kim everything.
when they reach college, they end up going to the same place—except hero, who’s graduated from medical school but is taking online classes for culinary school without telling his parents.
basil and sunny move in together, because. they’re still very very close. aubrey lives in her car. on purpose. most of the hooligans do, to be honest. they’re still super tight-knit. kel lived in college housing, but eventually hero made him move in with him, which ended up being good for them both.
basil and sunny have hallucinations. sunny’s are mostly omori and the stranger (mari’s gone now, and he thinks maybe she wasn’t a hallucination after all but her ghost, who’s finally moved on now that the group is healing enough). basil’s are mostly something, although sometimes he sees the headspace version of himself. sometimes alive, sometimes with his head crushed like a watermelon. (when he talks about it after a particularly bad nightmare, sunny chokes up, because he never told basil that particular detail.)
uhh yeah this is getting too long soo goodbye for now lol
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I've seen quite a few times that the Mutter era was bad but what exactly was going on there? What caused it and stuff
Hi! I'm sure someone else has already posted about this earlier, but i can't really seem to find it, so i'm giving you my view of things here.
(Over the years (especially between let's say 2002 and 2010) several of the Rammstein members talked about it in interviews and there are several videos and transcripts out there.)
What imo basically happened that while making and recording the Mutter album, the Rammstein democracy was stretched to it's limit. And it all boiled down to Richard's ego and feeling of self-importance becoming too big and he tried to control the band. He insisted that things were done the way he wanted it, wasn't open to critique by the others, wasn't willing to change music he wrote for the songs. A massive burst of workaholicness, fueled by an equally massive amount of cocaine didn't help either. It was his way or the high way.
Initially when the Mutter album came out (to many, including me, one of their best ever), these things weren't immediately clear to the outside world, but over time, it became clear from veiled (and eventually not so veiled) comments, that the atmosphere between the bandmembers was at an all time low, especially (but not just) between the guitarists there was no love lost. Although in some interviews there were hints that it wasn't just as black and white as Richard was wrong and all the others were right, and Paul i think also took some of the blame in saying that he wasn't always the most cooperative either, eventually over time also Richard himself acknowledged that the way he acted was the trigger for the fall-out and arguments.
In the Rammstein democracy it is almost never the case that it's always the same people on one side of the argument and the same others on the other side, the factions often shift depending on the topic at hand. But in the Mutter era conflict it is generally believed that only Till was still on speaking terms with Richard, and was likely the one who kept the band together. Till is not imo one to like heated discussions, and Till and Richard go way back, both professionally and in private. Paul is definitely on the other side of the argument, despite his sunny sweet easygoing guy image, Paul is a very determined person, no pushover and always ready to speak his mind and fight for his opinion. Schneider is generally believed to be on Paul's side during the Mutter years, although he is also known to be a mediator between the two guitarists when things overheat again in later years.
The argument had long shadows. With every further album the others feared Richard would start acting out again, and Richard feared the discussions and critique of the others. Some stated in interviews years later that they would out-veto or throw out something Richard made, just because it was Richard's idea. Not a healthy reaction maybe, but an understandable one. Richard often turned to Till and played the music he came up with first to him, knowing that if Till got inspired by a piece, and came up with a lyric to it, he would have a better chance of getting his songs past the Rammstein quality board. Powerplay really, but it is what it is, and the way it worked for years after.
They all lament after each album how difficult it is to work with the Rammstein democracy, but none more than Richard who after every single album stated in interviews that this would definitely be the last Rammstein album, because it was just exhausting. Fortunately he always changed his mind (that's the thing with Richard, he usually means it when he says it, but changes his mind pretty quickly), and there was always another album.
It wasn't until much later, i think in 2017 or 2018 that Paul mentioned in an interview the 'great chemistry right now and we love eachother more than ever', and the fact that in 2019 the Untitled album was released was a surprise to many, because many fans thought a new album would never happen. Ofcourse Richard still stated in some interviews that it would be the last, but traditionally we fans knew to ignore that and just rolled our eyes, and indeed by now we have another album, Zeit. Funny enough, of all the interviews that i read with Richard after Zeit, he didn't mention it would be the 'last' Rammstein album...and i've read many of them 🌺
The Mutter years, and Richard's huge creative drive to come up with new music, imo lead him to create Emigrate. In Emigrate it's all Richard's way, he decides everything, he chooses with who he wants to work. It also gave him a chance to work with other musicians he admired like Lemmy, but the urge to create and not be reigned in is at the basis of Emigrate. The others in Rammstein at first were weary; was Richard starting his own band and leaving Rammstein, especially when Richard wanted (and did) to invite Till to join on a few songs. But in the end it did help to balance things out. Richard gets his way in Emigrate and is more cooperative in Rammstein (still not an easy guy, but they manage it better now). Flake mentioned in one of his podcasts Richard being so prolific, coming up with so many ideas, it was just too much for one band; so i wouldn't be surprised if the others eventually felt the same.
again, my 2 cts, for what it's worth
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prodigal-explorer · 4 months
*materializes into existence*
Hey, my dear moot :D
Putting some positive things in ya ask box.
I want to hear more about Aubrey! I know she's one of your favs, so feel free to infodump and rant about her <3
I'm also curious to hear your thoughts about Hero and Kel! From what I remember, they're brothers, right? I love brother relationships in media, like Roman and Remus (SaSi). But yeah, wanna hear your thoughts.
Anyway, have fun with this :D
aww thank you so much!!!!
i would LOVE to talk about these three amazing characters! sunny and basil are the main characters (for good reason considering that the main tragedy of the game revolves around their journey), but these three side characters are just as engaging and interesting as them! and those three are aubrey, hero, and kel!!!
let's start with aubrey. ladies first, after all!
so this is going to be as close to a spoiler-free post as i can make it, though i'm sure you've seen my posts enough to have like a full beginning middle and end of the game LMAO
one thing i do have to mention though is SPOILERS FOR MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. i can't really write about these guys without mentioning it so if you don't know of any deaths in omori don't read yet!
anyway- AUBREY.
for me, the main thing about her that i love is her loyalty to herself and her values. some people are flighty. they do whatever everyone else seems to want, or they're unstable when it comes to their own opinions on things. there's nothing particularly wrong with those people, but i've always greatly admired people who always know who they are, and aubrey, like it or not, always knows exactly who she is.
that's why she gets so ANGRY when people don't know who she is, or choose to misconstrue who she is for their own benefit. the entire TOWN does this, painting her as some brutish, stupid, rebellious bully character just because she comes from a rough part of the neighborhood, she doesn't have a lot of money, and her parents aren't there for her. of course she's going to get mad at people who further perpetuate that image of her.
aubrey has nobody on her side in her teenage years. her parents are deadbeats who don't give her the time of day. her best friend, the only person in the world who truly loved her and treated her like a sister, was ripped from her when she was a little kid. and when that happened, all of her other friends faded away too. aubrey was left alone, just like she had been before she found those friends.
god, she is just such a tragic character because the thing about her is that as a young child, she gave and gave all she had to her friends. she tried so hard to be a good kid, a good friend, a good little sister figure. but none of it paid off in the end. she still ended up alone. she gave and gave, but the only things in the whole world she really wanted to take, true friendship and unconditional love, was completely out of reach because the sad truth of it was that everyone seemed to care more about each other than about aubrey. everyone else had parents or guardians they could turn to. everyone else had a support system when tragedy struck. aubrey's support system was erased by said tragedy.
people give aubrey a hard time, but she was a little girl. she was learning about the world just like everyone else. and when everybody you love either willingly leaves you to fend for yourself or is ripped away from you by cruel force, you start to harden and turn uglier, in a metaphorical sense.
also, another thing i love about aubrey is that she OWNS UP. she knows she's flawed. she can be impulsive, she can take arguments too far, her temper isn't under control all the time. but the important thing is that aubrey has the maturity and emotional intelligence to get up, SAY SORRY, promise that she won't do that bad stuff again, and then actually adhere to that promise. aubrey is so noble, and her being is filled to the brim with such integrity and dedication.
really, aubrey never wanted to stop giving. it sort of happened against her will. but the second she found the ability to start giving again, she did. i just love aubrey. she was an adorable, sweet little girl who grew into a smart, wonderful, incredible teenager. her journey is so special to me, especially as an afab person. aubrey often gets pushed aside due to being a girl (people try to deny it but it's the truth), when really, her journey is a perfect coming-of-age arc that fully encompasses the game's message: self-forgiveness.
aubrey knows how to forgive herself, and she doesn't expect forgiveness from anyone else. she does the best she can, and then continues on, always aiming higher, always trying to be better. sometimes, she makes mistakes. sometimes, she falls into holes and has to dig her way back up to where she started. but she never STOPS.
i just love aubrey so much.
okay! hero and kel!
so while i am obsessed with their brotherly dynamic, i regret to inform you that they are not really all that similar to roman and remus in my opinion? i see some similarities, but their relationship to me is extremely different, in a cool and interesting way!
hero is the older brother. he is around three years older than kel i believe, and he is responsible, charming, dorky, and the poor guy is a bit of a people-pleaser. he has a strong passion for cooking, and he loves taking care of his friends and his brother, making sure that everyone's safe and happy. he takes on the role of the sort of parental friend alongside his late girlfriend, mari, and he always acts with a royalty-like decorum.
until his girlfriend passes away, and he is left all alone.
hero blames himself. he hates himself for not being there for his girlfriend in her last moments. he thinks it's all his fault that she's dead to begin with. and he starts to become very, very depressed. he stops cooking and decides to give in to his parents pressuring him to go to college (for either medicine or law, i don't remember). he can't get out of bed. he can't move on. he's frozen in time.
eventually, hero heals with the help of his large support system. being an extremely likeable person, hero has a lot of people by his side as he struggles with mari's death. and when he's able to, he tries hard to be there like he was before. to be responsible, to be charming, to be the perfect oldest child, the perfect friend, the perfect son. everything has to be shining and perfect, and- oh, he's still in the trenches and he's pretending to cope when really, his grief is taking on the form of intense perfectionism? oh dang, okay, then.
but in all seriousness, hero's story is one that shows that healing is not always linear and that everything is not as it seems. he's also such a sweetheart, and i love how he tries so hard to support kel and his friends through everything.
speaking of kel! let's talk about him! now kel is not my favorite character, but he's far and away the most similar to me. he's sporty, he's got energy for days, he never thinks before he speaks, he does crazy shit, he's curious, he explores, he always tries to find the how, the why, and the solution. he's a problem solver and a go-getter.
the problem?
everything he's expected to do, every problem he's expected to solve, hero's done it already.
hero is clearly the child who gets more positive attention in the family, and kel can't deny that he deserves it. hero gets perfect grades, he's so kind and smart and gentle and perfect, how is kel supposed to keep up?
it's heavily implied that kel has some form of adhd. he struggles with sitting still and impulse control, he feels very strongly about fairness and justice. he struggles in school, but adores being active and playing sports like basketball. kel is the kind of person who tries so hard, even though things don't come easy.
and he is endlessly loyal. honestly, i think that's one of kel's biggest flaws. he's very loyal, to the point where he'll support somebody who's blatantly wrong just because they're his friend. while this is a bit of a dangerous trait to have, it is admirable in its own way because this makes kel a very trustworthy person. it's easy to tell where one stands with kel. he isn't the kind to be a very convincing faker.
he and hero seem very different, but they truly fit together like a glove. despite occasional tensions, they love each other more than life, and their weaknesses and strengths balance out so beautifully. kel tries to pull hero out of perfectionism, convincing him to relax and enjoy life instead of stressing over whether or not everything is perfect. hero reassures kel that he's enough, no matter what people say. hero makes sure that kel gets all the love and attention he deserves, since he knows the playing field isn't even, and he knows that it's not right.
i just love them.
i love all three of them so much.
thank you for asking!! this was so fun to make!
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doubledyke · 7 months
Now lets talk about Ed:
1: His intelligence. He's just a doofus, or is he smarter than he looks?
2: Is he this 100% pure cinnamon roll, or he's a kind of jerk just like everyone else (yeah, I find him to be a jerk in some episodes, just like Your Ed Here)?
3: Is he so genuinely sunny and carefree, or is this a mask and he's secretly depressed or struggling (you know, his abusive homelife and all more)?
thanks for giving me some food for thought! i do just wanna say that any and all (okay, most) interpretations and opinions, including unpopular ones are valid, even if i have different ideas. im but a humble dumbass that spends my free time blogging about a cartoon. no one needs a green light from me to feel a certain way about any character. the fun of participating in goofy fandom stuff is to hear opinions from people with different experiences that shape their perception.
that being said 🤔
i've posted here before that i think ed became gratuitously stupid later on, especially for season 5. maybe he got brain damage from eddy using him as a battering ram so often. but he's got some lucidity sprinkled on top of his oafishness throughout the series. i don't think he's "stupid", i think he just stays in his own little world and that his brain works differently than others'. early on he comes off more as a dopey guy who hangs with eddy because they're both outcasts and can be themselves around each other. not a lot of options, if you get my drift. of all three eds he has the least culpability when it comes to their eventual injurious antics, in my opinion. he's kinda just there because he hangs out with eddy (and edd) and that's what eddy does. there's a true friendship there, don't get me wrong. but i don't think the eds started hanging out because they found each other interesting or cool lmao. that's comes later as they get to know each other and experience trauma together.......anyway, im getting off track.
i think ed is just as multi-faceted as anyone else, it's just maybe those facets aren't explored as much as they are for the other two idiots.
that being said, i don't see him as a jerk personally, but he has his moments i'm sure. i think it's moreso that he doesn't have much of a filter and just says what he thinks. and it's obvious that his doting on sarah is not because he actually gives that much of a shit but because he gets in trouble if she tells their parents. not that it really matters because she makes shit up all the time. he's probably said a lot more jerk-ish things but they're made incomprehensible by his use of nonsensical literary devices. little ed blue is one of my favorite episodes because as we get to see ed when he's upset and irritable which is rare and always fleeting. i'll leave it at that and recommend @gettingfrilly's recent post about that scene where ed is on the tree stump just fuming. they're way more qualified than i to examine this type of stuff 🥴 i'll reblog it after i post this. but i do find it hilarious that he grabs eddy by the face and throws him into a tree. with edd, he gives a warning and pushes him away. there are lots of examples of him being notably gentler with edd and probably even jimmy and others a few times. overall i feel like he's not really intentionally violent with anyone besides eddy. i have a terrible memory so despite watching every episode several times by now, i tend to forget stuff often. so i could be wrong. anyway, again i digress. in 'your ed here' he makes a few playfully sassy remarks when he's playing tic tac toe with edd, but i don't really see it as him being a jerk per se. he thinks he's good at the game so he's doing his weird version of bragging and teasing. and I think a lot of times he comes off as aloof when someone (eddy) is being humiliated and/or getting their ass kicked but i think that has to do with him again, being in his own world and not necessarily because he doesn't care. and finally, with him laughing at eddy and edd's middle names, i just don't find it to be mean-spirited. he thinks the names are funny and so, he laughs.
one example of him being snotty that comes to mind right now is from another of my fave episodes, 'thick as an ed'. it's hilarious to see him try to clap back at edd by saying "stinky hat" over and over. he's expressing genuine annoyance at double dee being well, fucking annoying as usual. to me it's unlikely that edd's hat actually stinks so that means ed came up with something he knew would get under edd's skin. you could argue that it's a bit of a dick move! but given the context of the episode, he's reached a breaking point after his friends have done nothing but try to take his beloved lucky cheese chunk. i can't believe i'm writing this right now.
anyhow, there's definitely a theory out there that ed is putting on an act of being stupid and clumsy just to essentially spite eddy, or foil the scams. it's just not my own personal take on things. interesting nonetheless!
yeah man, ed has an unquestionably awful life at home. his maladaptive daydreaming is definitely a coping mechanism for his shitty reality and probably helps him make sense of the things going on around him. i think ed has a bit of a lack of object permanence (for lack of a better phrase) so once he's away from his house and sarah isn't around, he might be able to put his hardships on the back burner for a while. with the other two eds, they wear their emotions and trauma on their sleeves. there's a lot in what they do, say, and how they react that are tells for their less than ideal upbringings and lack of emotional well-being. a big difference is that they try to hide it and don't explicitly state that things are though back home. with ed we mostly gain insight from his interactions with sarah, the neglected state of his room and personal hygiene, and the random things he discloses about his parents a handful of times. he doesn't even express his opinion about how his parents or sarah act, he simply recalls his past experiences. he's smart enough to grasp cause and effect, even if it doesn't ways show in his actions. his cheerfulness might come off as him being blissfully unaware and i think that's because he essentially is?? at the very least when he's not being actively lambasted by his mother, he's able to hardcore dissociate and go off into ed-land to escape the horrors ™.
TL;DR: i don't think ed's thick-headedness detracts from his distinct personality. he is a loveable oaf and that's perfectly fine in my book. i don't think he's a "cinnamon roll", but i also don't think he's a jerk. my opinion is that he leans waaaaay more towards benevolence. and yeah i absolutely think he's experiencing a lot of neglect and trauma, no doubt about it. i don't see his sweet disposition as a mask necessarily, but more as the result of masterful compartmentalization.
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snowflakeanimelover · 2 years
Light And Dark(FNAF: Security Breach) Good Ending
Tag list is CLOSED.
Tag List: @lacunaanonymoused  @fatherfigurefreddy @teddydumpster @butterflykiisies @bloodsweatandcannibals @kebabra @jack-morrison @simpcity-com @thelovebuggs @kitty-page @transwolfie @liar-liar13 @zyphrr @probablygonnahurtsomebody @gipsyd @starlightdust-dreamergalaxy @black-veil-chemicalz @maryclanders @necromantiste @resortalia @yourpoin @plaguerat44 @sakura-chandaneko @callmegkiddo-original
Usernames that I am not able to tag(I Apologize for the inconvenience): @lilpaa, @hahaitiedyouup, @slowdancingwithseokjin, @blanktide, @snclom
If you have any questions about this story, please comment on this post here. I am working on a Q&A post.
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Author here: Yes, this is the good Ending. I want to thank all of you for riding this journey with me and supporting me throughout this story. It has been an absolute pleasure to write this for you guys, and for myself, too. I am so grateful for your guys’ amazing comments and support. I apologize if this ending is disappointing, but I’m pretty proud of this ending. And I apologize for the super super long wait. I finally got the motivation to write this ending.
Thank you so much for your patience! 
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It almost made me laugh, thinking about how this whole thing started and how it’s going to end. A simple day at work turns into meeting Vanessa, who involuntarily gave me the night guard duty with her. Then, all hell broke loose. A boy becomes lost in the Mega Pizzaplex, and I get chased by an animatronic who is obsessed with me.
My life was well before all of this. I try to remember the good times I had working here. Becoming friends with the animatronics working here, and even my coworkers. Sunnydrop and I were pretty close. He cared a lot about me, and I cared a lot about him.
“Sunny?” I asked as I wiped all of the markings off of his arms and hands. It was the end of the day, the daycare now empty of children and now full of staff workers cleaning up the area. It was my job to clean up the animatronics when needed. Sunnydrop and I sat by a kiddie table on the floor. 
“What is it, (Y/N)?” He asked excitedly.
“Um…I was wondering…what you thought of this place?” It was an odd question coming from me to ask a robot. I knew robots couldn’t really feel, but it was something to pass the time, I suppose.
Sunnydrop cocked his head to the side. “Why, this place is so much fun!” 
I giggled at his cheery personality. “Because of the children?”
“Of course! And seeing you, too!” A little warmth spreads on my cheeks. He was happy to see me?
“Oh…well, I’m always happy to see you, as well, Sunny.” I smile at him.
I smiled at the fond memory, wondering what all went wrong. Sunnydrop was such a good animatronic to me and the kids. I figured that fixing him after all of this would bring things back to normal.
But he killed someone.
Fred, who was an innocent man, was killed for some reason that I do not know of. Why? Why him? The only way to get that answer, is to ask the robot himself. 
I looked at the two hallways, debating on what I should do. Gregory is just a kid. Who knows how he got in here, or why he did. But he’s a boy with no parents, no one to take care of him. And I would be the only one to take care of him if we manage to get out. I can’t just leave him alone like that.
“(Y/N)? Are you alright?” Freddy’s voice comes through the watch, snapping me back to reality.
I hesitated to answer. So many pros and cons of each option. Sunnydrop’s threat loomed over me as I thought harder and harder. Was Sunnydrop on his way over to Gregory and Freddy right now? Or was he just…bluffing…? “Stay there, Freddy. I’m coming.” With newfound determination, I knew I couldn’t just leave Gregory behind. Of course, I didn’t know if he had parents, or even siblings. But I couldn’t just chance his survival in the big world.
I ran and ran as fast as I could. My skirt was already ripped partly on the side, giving my legs more room. I tried to stay quiet, but with the heavy breaths I was letting out while running didn’t help to keep my cover. 
But I didn’t care. Getting to Gregory and Freddy was my top priority.
I wasn’t sure how fast I was running, but it certainly felt like a short run when I found Freddy and Gregory standing by the doors in the lobby. I wanted to cry seeing them there. They were okay. Sunnydrop wasn’t there. 
“(Y/N)!” Gregory’s voice gave me relief. He suddenly, and surprisingly, gave me a hug when I made it to them.
 I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath from the run. “W-We have to get out of here. Quickly.” I manage to say between breaths. “Before Sunny gets here.”
“Right!” Gregory takes a hold of my hand and guides me to the doors. But he was stopped when he noticed Freddy wasn’t following. “Come on, Freddy!”
Freddy stood silently, watching us as we waited for him. “I’m sorry, Gregory, (Y/N)...but I can not go.” Sadness laced his robotic voice.
I squeezed Gregory’s hand. “He’s right.”
“What do you mean?” The boy looked at me in panic. “Come on! You can go, Freddy!”
“Gregory.” I call out, now looking at him. “He has no way of staying powered if we did bring him. He has to stay here.”
“But…” Gregory looked very upset, but he managed to keep his strong facade.
I turned to my long-time friend. “We’ll see you again, Freddy. You just wait for us, alright?”
Freddy nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! Do not worry, gregory, we will meet again. Take care now.” 
It hurt to pull Gregory away from the animatronic as we headed out the doors. A gush of fresh air hit my face as soon as the doors closed behind us. The sun peaked over some hills as it began to rise. 
I’m free.
I looked over at the silent Gregory. His eyes cast down to the asphalt ground, his hand still hanging onto mine. “Hey,” I shake his hand to get his attention. He blankly looks up at me. “Ready to go home?”
A small smile graced his lips. “Yeah…” He answers quietly.
— — — 
The grip on my purse started to become noticable the longer I stood in this spot. It felt as if the bag itself was weighing a ton with each passing second, the strap painfully digging into my shoulder.
“Let’s go, mommy! We’ll miss the show!” A child's voice breaks my train of thought, my eyes glancing over to the woman and her little girl. The girl had a strong hold on her mothers hand, pulling her to the building standing in front of me. 
I probably looked weird just standing in front of a children's building. So, I took a deep breath and walked through the familiar doors.
So many years from that fateful day of becoming free from that terrible night, I come back. My body shook with fear as I carefully observed my surroundings. So many people and their children were running around. Many staff robots are cleaning their paths. I noticed that there weren’t as many people as there were when I last worked here. Probably from the news of the Pizza Plex shutting down from a dead body being found. Obviously, that’s not what they said for the first year. Tried not to, anyway. After one year of keeping things at the low, someone fished it out and the news spread like wildfire.
Years later, it’s back up and running.
I noticed a familiar person standing by Glamrock Freddy’s room. Her scowl was a clear give away. She didn’t even change her looks after so long. Vanessa turned to me, a small smile spreading on her face. “Hey, long time no see.”
I chuckle. “And here I thought you wouldn’t miss me.”
“Still the best security guard partner I had.” She shrugs. “Here for Freddy?”
I nod silently to her and she gives me a wave to let me go in. I knocked first, before the door opened for me. Freddy turned to me with, impossibly, his eyes widening. “Hey there, Freddy. You haven't changed all this time.” 
I let out a loud gasp as he picks me up into a strangled hug. “(Y/N)! It is certainly great to see you!”
Once he let me down, I gave him a more appropriate hug. “It sure has.”
“How have you been? I’m surprised you are…here.” He says carefully.
I giggle lightly, even finding it funny myself how I’m here today. “Yeah…I’m surprised, too.”
“And Gregory?”
“Just fine. He’s in school. Slowly getting along with the other kids. Sorry he couldn’t come. I figured it’d be best if I was here…alone.”
Freddy nodded. “Of course! I’ll see him next time.” 
It went silent for a bit. My thoughts are rolling over in my mind as I think. “Freddy? Have you seen…Vanny…? Ever since that night?”
The animatronic shook his head, bringing my heart to relax just a bit. “I have not. She hasn’t appeared once.”
I smile at the floor, looking at my daily shoes. It felt good coming into the building without a uniform. Weird, but good. “And…what about Bonnie?”
His head cocked to the side in question. “Bonnie? Is that someone you knew?”
“You don’t know him? He’s just like you. He saved me that night…from Vanny.” My shoulders then dropped in sadness. I was hoping to see him and thank him for what he did. “I figured you would know him…”
“I’m afraid not, (Y/N).”
A loud bang slams against the door, making me jump in surprise. “Be ready in five, Freddy!” Vanessa’s voice rings through the metal door.
“It seems I must be going.”
I look at my watch, slowly nodding in agreement. “Right, me too. I have to get home before Gregory tortures the babysitter any further.”
Freddy chuckles at that. “Be sure to tell him I said hi.”
“I will, Freddy. I will.”
— — — —
“You sure you wanna do this?” 
His voice echoed down the dark hallway. Its loudness makes me shrink back in fear. The man was nice enough to give me time to breath and relax. After a long beat of silence, I nod. “Yeah…It’s the only way…”
With a hum, he starts moving forward. We took a turn down the hall, finding an open room with many animatronics in the works. Some arms and legs strewn everywhere. Some metal bodies lay on tables.
“He’s been out of commission for two years now. I’m not sure how he’ll react after waking up.”
I didn’t respond to him, watching closely as his hand inches closer to a certain button. I nod once more that day in confirmation. Sounds of wires sparking in the animatronic was all that was given when he clicked the button. Then, after a few long minutes, my hand gripped tightly on my purse strap when the white glow of the eyes in the animatronic started to appear.
I took a deep breath. 
“Hey, Sunny.”
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mimicrypkmn · 1 year
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✨ hiya! i’m chat, 22, right now i’m studying at an EDUCATIONAL PLACE in paldea to learn more about freshwater ecology and water types (that’s vague enough for any school faculty that i won’t get in trouble for my social media image, right?) but unova is my home! they/them pronouns please!
more below the readmore ^^
✨ i do work with other pokemon for academic and ‘helping classmates with training’ and demonstration reasons, but my team is all tatsugiri! (don’t ask about how long i hang out and look for them to have found shinies like this. don’t ask) they are as follows:
🤍 twitch, shiny droopy tatsugiri! he’s my first pokemon i caught and own, since i’m not the one who’s the OT for the family pets. he’s really cute-looking but he’s a total manipulator and will steal food right out of your hands if you don’t watch him </3 the others tend to listen to him, so he helps me keep a lid on things when everyone’s out at once! very helpful little guy outside of his shenanigans. if i can only keep one of my pokemon out at a given moment, usually he’s my go-to.
❤️‍🩹 kirby, regular droopy tatsugiri, and towards ME, he’s very sweet. buuuut he’s a bottomless pit and likes to try to hunt a lot though, so i can’t let him hang out around a lot of flying-type pokemons or trainers who specialize with them :[ i’m doing what i can to try to curb and redirect this behavior, any advice from others in a similar boat is very much welcomed
🤎 choco, shiny curly tatsugiri, she’s very much cuddly. note to anyone who hasn’t pet a tatsugiri before: they are slimy-feeling and they keep themselves wet so if they flop on your shoes you WILL get wet socks so keep that in mind when i say she will almost Always curl up next to me if we’re settling for the night and she’s out of her ball and there’s nowhere better (aka, a lake) to sleep.
❤️ figy, regular curly tatsugiri, she’s the biggest of the bunch and is pretty mild-mannered and chill. i think she was a clodsire in a past life tbh... i HAVE made sure it’s not a health issue since at first i was worried it could be some kind of lethargy, but she’s just older than the rest and has a laid back personality, clean bill of health otherwise.
🧡 stripes, shiny stretchy tatsugiri, he is sunny’s big brother! they’re inseparable. they’re the youngest of the bunch, very playful with each other, though stripes is a bit nervous around strangers.
💛 sunny, regular stretchy tatsugiri, she is stripes’ little sister :] she’s a bit more brave with new faces than stripes is, she’s helped get him out of his shell. really likes cheese.
✨ team intro aside, school staff if you’re reading my posts: no you are not <3
✨ clavell if you’re reading this: i promise there will not be another kirby incident and i am making honest efforts to prevent him from chasing after other students’ pokemon. also if you are reading my posts no you are not
✨ if you’re at the academy and taking a class i’m in feel free to hit me with an email if you want to meet up and have our pokemon meet up! (no bird-like ones yet!! i’m sorry) kirby, stripes, and sunny would really benefit from socializing more and we can trade some class notes, maybe?
[[ ooc: ]]
ok that all aside, this is a pokemon irl blog, and i tag all posts as pkmn irl!!
irl i am a biology major, so my activity will probably flux as the semester progresses since it’s the last one before graduation and i can NOT fuck up my grades. if i go inactive dw abt it, i probably got busy or distracted :]
when it comes to my interpretation of pokemon its like schrodingers cat when it comes to People just over-anthropomorphize their behaviors Vs they are all quite intelligent like in the anime. its like the way people talk about cats on the internet but being a cat owner and knowing cats can really be Like That. like yeah tatsugiri are probably very smart but also i do see them as coldblooded little bird eaters and dondozo egg-destroyers being little brood parasites. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also if it bothers anyone i do hc ppl eat pokemon outside of those that r mentioned in the pokedex bc how else do you get the beef for paldean hamburger patties than the local tauros + miltank. and also bc i think pidgey tenders should be real. i will make an effort to minimize talk of it on the blog fr those that dont hc that or dont like the implications but i am a pokechicken nugget truther
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zalrb · 11 months
hi! hope you're doing well :)
just wanted to ask a couple of questions
- what are your thoughts on coach finstock in teen wolf? i really like his interactions with stiles (like the one in the bus in the motel california episode in s3!)
- what are your thoughts on running gags in general (like stiles being shocked that Scott hasn't watched star wars, the coach hating a guy named Greenberg who we haven't even seen). I just wanted to ask what are your favourite running gags in general among all the tv shows you have watched and books you have read that you feel add more fun or dimension to a friendship or character
what are your thoughts on running gags in general? I just wanted to ask what are your favourite running gags in general among all the tv shows you have watched and books you have read that you feel add more fun or dimension to a friendship or character
Fun question! When running gags are done well, they definitely add dimension to characters, their relationships to each other and the world itself.
So, Community has a lot of running gags. I like 'shut up, Leonard!'
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because a lot of the time in shows, it feels like only the main characters exist in an environment whether it's a school or a town and something like 'Shut up, Leonard!' makes a minor character like Leonard a fixture in the college and gives him a personality and a persona because we actually learn more about him and about the school through each 'Shut up, Leonard' which are also funny and/or clever.
For the same reason --- although this isn't really a running gag because it's only mentioned twice a few episodes apart but I'm including it ---
I liked how much the study group hated Shirley's friend Gary who we never see, like I don't think anyone watches the youtube videos I post but if there was ever a video you should watch, it's this one because the delivery of every character is hilarious
Also, I'm bending the rules again too but just because I really want to talk about the commitment to a joke where in season 1, season 2 and season 3 there's at least one reference to Beetlejuice and when Beetlejuice is mentioned a third time it's a Halloween episode and so an extra dressed as Beetlejuice walks by (the whole thing in the movie Beetlejuice is in order to summon him you have to say his name three times) and that's just high calibre writing I appreciate
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Britta being a buzzkill is definitely a part of her character and a trait but people's exhaustion and exasperation every time she is a buzzkill makes it a running gag
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Brooklyn Nine Nine
"Cool cool cool" which actually just started off as Andy Samberg trying to make people laugh and then the cast just decided to take it and run with it
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(I also love that Community has a "cool cool cool" running gag with Abed)
but I love this running gag because as someone who also ends up saying very particular things that people close to me say because we spend time together and there's a familiarity there, the fact that the cast and therefore the characters just start picking this up from Andy/Jake really showcases that.
"Title of your sex tape"
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Archer has wayyyy too many to document but my favourites:
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and the running gags with Archer work because it absolutely shows you what kind of working environment this is, what kind of people these are, like another running gag is making fun of how big Lana's hands are
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Brett constantly getting shot and then he dies and then when they're under fire, they lament that Brett isn't around anymore to get shot and "soak up some of these bullets"
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"That's how we get ants!" too. There are just too many.
Merlin and Arthur + The Tavern
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I don't even really watch It's Always Sunny but Charlie's illiteracy
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There are more, lol.
Oh, I forgot to answer your other question. I love Coach Finstock, he's chaotic af.
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darkstar225 · 10 months
Twice's 10th member is dating ITZY's Yeji
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys lol! Sry for taking so long to post but the end of the semester is a whole event for me :D I hope that my friend AlexHarris661 that gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: Hi I really like your book and want to request where y/n is dating yeji from itzy and they saw how playful y/n is towards yeji (since y/n is just like a kid) and the j-line gave her tips how to play with you, maknae line gave tips how to make you happy and 3mix gave tips how to get you to sleep when y/n don't want to and they saw yeji taking care of y/n. Thank u
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
In the bustling city of Seoul, a unique love story unfolded between Y/N, the adorable and playful youngest member of TWICE, and Yeji, the charismatic and talented member of ITZY. Their relationship was a delightful mix of fun and affection, which brought joy not only to themselves but also to those around them. One sunny afternoon, as the maknae and Yeji were strolling hand in hand through a lively park, they bumped into the members of TWICE and ITZY. Y/N's eyes lit up with excitement, and she rushed over to greet her friends, who were more like family.
Y/N - Momo unnie, Sana unnie, Mina unnie! I've missed you all so much!
Momo - Honey, you're always like a little sister to us. It's good to see you!
Sana - Yeah, and you're dating our Yeji now, right? That's so cute!
Y/N - Yes, we are. She's the best! *blushing*
Mina - Well, we can see that you two get along well. But you know, sometimes you need to add a little more spice to your playfulness. Let us show you how!
The J-line members shared some tips on how to be even more playful and mischievous, creating fun and unforgettable moments for both their kiddo and Yeji.
Meanwhile, the maknae line of TWICE, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu, were observing from a distance. They adored the younger girl for her childlike innocence and knew just the right way to make her happy.
Chaeyoung - Dahyun, look at them. Our sunshine seems so carefree with Yeji.
Dahyun - We should help Yeji know how to bring out the brightest smiles from our bro. She deserves all the happiness in the world.
Tzuyu - I'll help too. Y/N is like our little sister, and Yeji is so special to her. We should support them both.
The maknae line came together and shared their secrets with Yeji on how to make their dongsang feel loved, cherished, and delighted. They knew that their heartfelt advice would strengthen the bond between the couple.
Later that day, the couple found themselves in the company of Jihyo, Nayeon, and Jeongyeon. These three members, affectionately known as the 3mix or moms of the group, they were likewise guardians to the younger members.
Nayeon - Baby, Yeji, we're glad to see you two together. It's wonderful that you have each other's backs.
Jihyo - That's right. Angel, you're like our baby sister, and we want to make sure Yeji takes good care of you.
Jeongyeon - And sometimes, our baby sister has trouble falling asleep. Isn't that right?
Y/N - Yeah, sometimes my mind is too active, and I can't sleep. *rubbing her neck*
Yeji - Is there anything I can do to help?
The 3mix members chuckled, exchanging knowing glances.
Nayeon - We've dealt with this before. We'll share some tips on how to lull our child to sleep.
As the sun began to set, TWICE and ITZY spent the rest of the day together, sharing laughter and creating unforgettable memories. Yeji, armed with advice from the J-line, maknae line, and 3mix, effortlessly played with Y/N, made her happy, and even managed to lull her to sleep later that night when her mind was buzzing with excitement.
As weeks turned into months, their relationship grew stronger, and their love blossomed like a beautiful flower. TWICE and ITZY members often came together to spend time as one big family, knowing that they were always welcome in each other's arms. In time, Y/N's playful spirit rubbed off on Yeji, and she, too, began to let her guard down and embrace the fun-loving side of life. Their love was built on understanding, respect, and the freedom to be themselves entirely.
The playful heart of the maknae and the tender care of Yeji proved to be a perfect match. Their journey together was filled with joy, laughter, and love, and it inspired everyone around them to cherish the beautiful moments life had to offer. And so, the playful hearts of TWICE and ITZY continued to dance and sing, brightening the lives of those they touched with their love and laughter. They were proof that sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of playfulness and affection to make the world a happier and more loving place. With this, both groups looked at each other as they thought:
We are proud of our dear family.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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And finally we have reached Part 3! I have actually done this little segment at the end of every year, and EVERY YEAR it gets harder and harder to narrow it down. So here is Sunny’s:
Top 5 Writings from 2022
5. Washing Each Other’s Body (Haddotin drabble)
“I love you too.” He whispered.
There was a shaky exhale and a soft press of whiskery lips against his shoulder blade. The simple gesture alighted his every nerve, and stole away his pain. A potent drug that Tintin vowed to seek out more of in the future.
@dimdiamond has done a great job of sucking people into the Haddotin ship, and I was certainly not an exception this year.😂 I’ve done a few drabbles and one-shots for this ship, but this was one of my favorite lines and I have to thank @tra-golden for the request!
4. Guardian of Kings, Chapter 6: Ushmarê (Bagginshield fic)
He did not know it was his to break! He would have done nothing less than wrap it in the softest of comforts, if he knew he had the right.
I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE I FINISHED THIS FIC THIS YEAR!! It should have been much sooner, but I finally got it done. Sadly, this means this is the last year that I have a line to share from this story.🥲 But that just means, we can make room for other stories next year.😁
3.  The Twelve Transformations of Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 2: Baby (Bagginshield fic)
“I never liked the dark.” He admitted. “I could make up so many monsters that had somehow appeared in dark corners. So when I was little, my mum and I used to spend the evening catching lightning bugs and putting them in a jar. We would then place the jar next to my bed before I went to sleep, and the glow would comfort me. However, I’d always wake up the next morning…and they’d be gone! I figured out later in life, my mum would come in and let them out through the window. Much too kind to let them die overnight, but…it’s silly I know…but I always thought they just turned into dreams.”
Thorin hummed appreciatively, and Bilbo thought that may be the end of share time when the dwarf opened his mouth once more.
“We didn’t have fireflies, as my people call them, inside the mountain when I was a pebble. But we had glow worms that would cling to the stalactites in the deep caverns. Their light was more blue than green. Still after Smaug came, and we were spending so many nights camped out under the stars, I would see the fireflies and think…the glow worms sprouted wings and followed after us. Because even they couldn’t stand us not being back in our mountain home.”
Are you guys confused yet? Yeah...this chapter was supposed to post last week, but holidays...surgeries...end of the semester stuff...BUT I hope you guys appreciate this teaser all the same because this chapter will definitely be posted first thing this new year!!
2. As Brothers Do (Durin Family Feels)
“But…” She interrupted him with a sharp look. “I was reminded last night of something else I had lost without even realizing it. Faith. So I’m placing my faith in you Thorin Oakenshield. And with that faith, my entire family. Don’t you dare let me down.”
So this was a prompt @guardianofrivendell posted as part of her birthday celebration in June! This is a “what-if Vili lived” fic, but this particular line from Dis was so powerful and raw when we consider it from a canon standpoint, that I had to throw it into my top 5. 
1. A Smile for a Cold Spoon (Bagginshield drabble)
Thorin stood there and just stared. Stared at the Cold hobbit who can smile at a silver spoon that reminds him of his dead mother. Stared at the rather fussy being who can remind Thorin of the good qualities in himself. He didn't know what this was. But for the first time in his life, he didn't dread his gifts. He didn't worry about a path of madness that seemed to be the only fate ahead of him. Because here was a being that knew how not to let the emotions he inspires in others take over the emotions he feels himself. 
I polled some of my friends “which of my writings were your favorite” and unanimously, this fic was voted into my top 5. This is CRAZY to me, especially considering I wrote it at the gym in a couple of hours!🤣 In a lot of ways, I really feel like I need to go back and give this thing a major facelift and in a lot of other ways, I like it how it is.🤷‍♀️
If you didn’t get a chance, check out Part 1 and Part 2. Here were my Top 5 Writings from 2021, and below are the “Honorable Mentions” that I struggled with keeping out of my top 5. 
One More Little Adventure, Chapter 6: To Grow with You
“I feel like you have only borne witness to my worst moments, but I make this vow to you, little acorn. Just like the mighty oak that is my epithet, I will be a shield in defense of my love instead of the sword cutting him down. I will shade and shelter him as any husband ought to, and most importantly, I will treasure him as dearly as a hobbit treasures life on this earth. Kanayuthu (thus be it).”
99 Problems But Our Love Ain’t One, Chapter 10: A Lesson Carved in Stone
“What do you mean you can’t help me?” He demanded, trying to hide his aggravation. “You’re the HEAD LIBRARIAN! You’re the only person who could possibly know about Mahal’s Anvil.”
Ori stopped just long enough to fix Fili with a raised eyebrow and a twisted scowl.
“You’re talking about an object that most dwarves don’t even believe exist!” He complained. “Of the maybe five books in here even on that subject, I doubt even one of them goes in detail about the powers or the anvil or how did you phrase it again? How to ‘undo an act made by someone unworthy’? What’s that even supposed to mean?”
The Marali Festival, Chapter 13: Kiss
“Just once, plainly, for me…tell me you love me?” He whispered fearfully, shutting his eyes against the idea of rejection now.
A string of kisses traced his jaw before finding his lips once more. Chaste, questioning, but present. 
“Bilbo Baggins, I love you.”
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
I saw a hearse at target while running errands and obviously it made me think of Maxi, and since the paint was not so good it made me think Maxi probably takes very good care of the hearse keeping it polished and clean. Thoughts?
first of all, I'm always tickled when people see things that make them think of the morvants out and about! <3 thanks for sending this in, lorna :3
second of all, you're absolutely right - that hearse is his baby.
I mean, you're the center of his universe, of course, but he and the hearse have a very long, committed history. It's nearly vintage by now (I'm still trying to figure out exactly what year in my research, I'll be sure to post when I think I've got it narrowed down), but it was his dad's before him, and the only thing Maxi got in Vincent's will that he actually wanted (not withstanding that it technically belongs to the business, but the business is his now too, so that's moot).
He learned to drive hearses in this particular hearse - he kind of learned to drive those before he learned how to drive a regular car, from going on regular pick-ups with his dad as a teenager and Vincent occasionally being too many drinks in to drive properly. He's an excellent driver under pressure, and you've never seen someone more careful when it comes to respecting lights and signage. He made sure that thing never got a scratch on it unless it was a downright act of god usually because his dad would take it out of his skin if he brought it home less than perfect, but now it's mostly out of habit.
(It's kind of funny now if you have a small car and ask him to drive, though, because he gets in and thinks he needs waaay more space than your car actually takes up. You'd think this man's trying to park a boat when he's only sitting in your compact, and him in anything beetle-sized is just hysterical.)
not to mention, considering how often the pair of you use it for... unorthodox purposes, with the carpet he put in to fold down and cover the bier pins, he wants to make sure it's always spotless for you, just in case. he enjoys the memories immensely as he's giving the inside that extra polish, though, and can occasionally get a little dreamy and unfocused when he's working in the back, his face oddly flushed.
But when it's nice out, on a sunny afternoon and business is kind of slow, he'll take his time washing and detailing it, making sure it's always perfectly presentable. The last thing he ever wants is a grieving family feeling uncertain about the care their loved one will receive because the hearse is less than pristine. He considers it a major part of his first impression for clients, and will occasionally keep it parked somewhere visible when they come for pre-planning just for that extra emphasis on his attention to every detail.
You've offered to help him before - it's a pretty big job for one guy - and he always says he appreciates it, but you don't have to. He likes being able to kind of zone out as he's doing it himself, the simple acts of cleaning letting him mull over other things. (Before the two of you were dating for real, that was usually you - something you'd said the last time the two of you hung out, the way he was still giggling about a joke you'd made, listening to whatever song he'd noticed on your spotify most recently, that sort of thing.)
Now you'll at least sit outside with him, the two of you listening to some music or a podcast that has your mutual attention while you work on something else on your tablet or your phone. You're always waiting with some lemonade for when he needs a break, and he actually put in a porch swing for you after the October incident, just so you'd have somewhere to sit while he's outside. The two of you sit there together when he needs to cool off from the more humid afternoons, leaning against each other's shoulders and rocking slowly back and forth in the breeze while some song drifts through the air like a dream.
(Occasionally, you catch him looking a little flustered when he's cleaning the back, the hole-y jeans he's wearing for the job suddenly looking a touch tight, and you take the opportunity to sneak up behind him, pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades over the thin fabric of the tank top he's got on and asking if he'd like to come help you with something inside for a minute.
He always eagerly takes you up on the offer, and the two of you always walk out again not long after slightly more disheveled than when you walked in - but with notably matching smiles, like you're both resisting the urge to grin.)
thanks for taking the time to send this in, lorna, and sorry it took me a minute to get to it! <333 cheers to the importance of hearse maintenance ;)
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