#dumb year
mamatater · 4 months
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The spouse is getting curious about tumblr
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beybuniki · 1 month
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boys learning about healthy communication
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cthulhum · 1 month
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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corvidcall · 7 months
"heres how mike schmidt could actually be an afton-"
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"heres how mike schmidt could actually be an emily-"
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star-trek-dumb-comics · 8 months
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Star Trek - Strange New Dumb Comics #75
Guess who's rewatching TOS for the gazillionth time ?????
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erinsintra · 7 months
absolutely obssessed with how good the urban planning of hallownest is. the stag can take you absolutely anywhere. there are trams to access dangerous locations they can't get across, and everything is absolutely free. walkable neighbourhoods are a must, even in a setting where some people can fly.
more than that, the kingdom fell long ago, and everything is only like a tenth of what it used to be. which means things were actually EVEN BETTER at some point
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silentflashoflightning · 11 months
I like that guillermo can just walk into baron and sire’s house when he is in a crisis. even when he was fully human he could do that. literally the oldest vampires in the world are like hello girl 💞 the specialest man . he is
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thegreatidk · 5 months
My biggest beef with the way Annabeth was written in the show is that I think Rick fell into his own trap. Like his whole thing with Annabeth is that just because someone doesn’t look smart doesn’t mean they aren’t. And while it’s about their literal looks for both the show and the book, book Annabeth also sometimes acted in ways that people wouldn’t stereotypically associate with “smart” because I think we’ve all be condition to think bbc sherlock no emotions genius is the only way to be smart. Book Annabeth acts super flustered around Luke because she's a kid and she has a crush on him, she's afraid of spiders, and wanted to see the arch just because she thought it was cool. In general book Annabeth is allowed to be sillier and have a wider range of emotions than show Annabeth without it detracting from the fact that Annabeth is smart. I find this whole "stoic genius" idea is often used to put down teenage girls for being dumb and superficial just because they show emotions and the only way to beat it is to be cold, calculating, and emotionless and most people just aren't like that.
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atalana · 9 months
so the good place is widely lauded on this site for its takes on morality and capitalism, which i totally agree with
but i think it should get more recognition for the line "all humans are aware of death. so we're all a little bit sad all the time. that's just the deal. we don't get offered any better ones. and if you try and ignore your sadness, it just ends up leaking out of you anyway. i've been there, and everybody's been there. so don't fight it. in the words of a very wise bed bath and beyond employee i once knew - go ahead and cry all you want. but you're gonna have to pay for that toilet plunger."
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edorazzi · 8 days
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Page 15 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! With a fleeting glance at some previous Miraculous holders... 👀
Index | Start | Prev | Next
Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon (which is getting THREE brand new pages tonight!), and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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civetside · 9 months
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day 341 of drawing TLT characters doing stupid goofy OOC nothings to cope with how emotionally devastating the books are
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firefox-official · 2 months
There is no way you are STILL 19
You've been "19" since like 2022
If i kill you and theres nobody around to hear it will you still make a sound
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araremonaka · 3 months
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Octopus guy
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bullagit · 9 months
due to personal reasons i am now firmly on team “i hope aziraphale does change heaven for the better actually (going on the assumption that his return is as straightforward as it seemed etc” 
like if the alternative is just this ohhh he’s so NAIVE and SOFT and so WRONG and he’ll have to LEARN A TOUGH LESSON etc etc nonsense then yeah 1000% go for it babe knock it out of the park
i hope choosing hope and kindness pays dividends. i hope the soft traits that made other characters continually disparage and underestimate him and his intelligence turn out to be his greatest assets bc i kinda don’t give a shit about a “toughen up it’s the only way everyone else knows better” life lesson for this character
(which like honestly a lot of the rhetoric is dismissive of the fact that persistent goodness in the face of an existence of disparagement takes great strength and that at the end of the day aziraphale has always been able to stand up in his own way)
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cygnus-is-tired · 5 months
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Orthodontist hate him, dentist fear him! It’s NIBBLY!!!
(Unlike Nibbly you aren’t a god so don’t bite hard candy, you can and will fuck up your teeth)
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p4nishers · 10 months
"of course the straight couple gets a happy ending" the day yall grow a braincell is the day i'll know peace. i love how ppl who say shit like this just adore forgetting that every angel and demon are non binary. or that beelzebub uses they/them. like seriously, STRAIGHT couple??? fuck off
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