#dream catcher entity
starry-songs-canvas · 6 months
Danny is literally Kryptonite
Sorry for the late post, holidays have been busy this year. Anyway, enjoy my newest dpxdc prompt!
The kryptonite didn’t work.
Batman is now running on… limited options.
Superman had been possessed again, but this time with an unknown. He is exhibiting signs of extreme degradation at this point, after the several hours of fighting. Justice League Dark have been unsuccessful with any long ranged spells, and whatever it is controlling Superman has not allowed them to get close.
The Flash is down, as is Wonder Woman. The remaining Supers started showing the effects of Kryptonite whenever they got in a radius of Superman, so they have been put on civilian rescue.
Things… are looking grim.
Suddenly, a black blur flies and slams into Superman, then straightens up to reveal a young, white haired teen, floating above Superman in a crater.
“Ya’ll are REALLY trying to make me look like a villain, aren’t yah?”
. . .
The fight lasts for thirty minutes, while the young hero(?) seems to stall him, keeping the fight within a one-mile radius, lessening the damage to the city. Well, as much as he can, at this point.
“Got it!” He yells suddenly, grabbing and throwing Superman to two other teenagers and… a dream catcher? A glowing green dream catcher.
Superman tumbles through it, and a green blobbed-shaped entity lifts off of him, and is immediately vacuumed into- a soup thermos, why not- by one of the other teenagers.
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10 years ago, Batkid was battling bad guys and cancer — now he's 15 and healthy
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Today, Miles Scott is a healthy teenager with a passion for baseball. He plays catcher for his high school in Tulelake, Calif. "I wear all-black in baseball," Miles said. "So the dugout's always screaming 'Batkid! Batkid!'" Ten years ago, the then-5-year-old Miles won hearts both in his hometown and around the world when he transformed into the black-clad superhero Batkid for a day, becoming an instant media sensation. The Make-A-Wish Foundation, a non-profit that grants wishes to children who are seriously ill, partnered with the City of San Francisco to organize the adventure for Miles, who had been battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia since he was just 18 months old. According to the Yale School of Medicine, the disease is the most common type of childhood cancer. Survival rates used to be low, but these days children with the disease have up to a 90% chance of going on to lead a healthy life. Granting the wish Make-A-Wish went to elaborate lengths to make Miles' dream of becoming Batman's sidekick Batkid true. The foundation enlisted the help of The Mayor of San Francisco (the late Ed Lee), the San Francisco Police and Fire Departments, the San Francisco Giants and many other individuals and entities. San Francisco was re-dubbed "Gotham City" — Batman's fictional home — for the day. Clad in his Batkid costume and accompanied by a grownup Batman (played by Eric Johnston), the pair zipped around in their Batmobile thwarting villains — they prevented The Riddler from robbing a bank vault — and undertaking daring rescues, including freeing the San Francisco Giants' mascot Lou Seal from The Penguin's clutches.
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Thousands of people descended on San Francisco to cheer Miles on. He earned a key to the city. The San Francisco Chronicle published a special edition of its daily newspaper to mark the occasion. Then-U.S. President Barack Obama sent Miles words of encouragement via a video message on social media. "The feeling was palpable; you could just feel the positiveness and how the community came together," said Miles' mom, Natalie Scott. "People flew in from everywhere and it just gave everyone some sense of peace almost." The event was covered by many mainstream media organizations, including NPR. And millions of people around the world followed the #Batkid hashtag on social media. Batkid lives on Batkid's legacy didn't end on that day.
The wish was the subject of the 2015 Warner Bros. documentary, Batkid Begins. Media organizations have revisited the story over the years. "He plays Little League, attends fifth grade, helps on his family's farm and sold his first market goat at the fair over the summer," reported his hometown California paper, The Siskyou Daily News, on Batkid's fifth anniversary in 2018.
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And Miles himself has been free of cancer for the past few years. "Every year he goes for a checkup, and everything's been on the straight and narrow, so, we hope to keep it that way," said Nick Scott, Miles' dad. Miles has grown out of his Batkid costume. But his kid brother Ben donned it last Halloween. Miles is now in high school and is looking ahead to the future. "Right now, he's dead set on going to Alaska and being a 'pack mule' for his cousin's husband's guide business," said Natalie Scott. "And he has a lot of interest in welding. So we'll see!"
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daisymylove · 8 months
Sword catcher spoilers, speculations and theories about "Ragpicker King" and some ramblings ahead, proceed at your own discretion.
So I'm 90% sure Vienne is alive and we will find it out when lin comes to the palace to treat her
She has an official art and there was a whole snippet about her, I don't see the point of making all that fuss about a character that was going to have three interactions with Kel (speaking of which, I kind of shipped them even tho I know ana will be his end game 👉🏻👈🏻 am I the only one?), kill some random guys and bite the dust. On top of that her arc was about to get so interesting. She is a trained assassin, oath bound to protect this little girl, whom she loves deeply, until she dies, but then her charge was murdered, and her life's mission came crashing down on her. The angst, the potential.Her dying would be a huge waste.
I don't question Jolivet's loyalty, at least not now, but Markus is not a mentally stable person (btw whats up with him? does anyone have a theory?).I think he lied she was dead bc markus may have killed her otherwise and, as dangerous as she is, Vienne may be more useful to them alive than dead with the possibility of a war looming over.I also don't discard the possibility that he may have personal ties to vienne and/or her family. The whole covering her with his cape could have been a show of respect for the black guard if she's really dead, like kel thought, but compounding with the fact that, even tho she charged on conor, jolivet did nothing to either stop or harm her, it struck me as oddly affectionate. Anyone can correct me if im wrong, but I dont remember kel mentioning anything about an accent, which makes me assume she speaks their language on a native level, so there's that
One thing I didn't like was that this trained bad ass assassin was completely unarmed during such an important event.Kel is always armed, even when impersonating conor he had a dagger on his person. Granted, it's easier to conceal weapons on male attire, but it would've been more realistic if she'd had at least one dagger, had been forced to use it and thus was left unarmed. Its not enough to tackle all those guys, as kel himself thought, but she wouldn't have been helpless.
I'm also 90% sure Lin and conor are going to have sex on a beach, I'm willing to bet money on it.I've read way too many books by Cc to not recognize her foreshadowing. Besides, she's fond of writing sex scenes on peculiar locations.
The "yes I'm the goddess come back" may have been scheming on Lin's part (loved that btw) but I'm sure she actually is the goddess come back. She will also be queen, as the prophecy foretells. Charlon saying to luisa "dance for your future court", but Lin ending up being the one to actually dance also reeks of foreshadow.
Now to the ragpicker king, we know almost nothing about andreyen and I have a lot of speculations. First I thought he was the Makabi, what about the ragpicker being a figure that has always existed in Castellane, his symbol being a bird and his having a bowl that allegedly belongs to makabi's lineage. But when he said ragpicker king is a title, which he inherited from another, I put it in the back burner (it hasn't been discarded tho, im not discarding anything for now and he would hardly tell kel "yo I'm this immortal entity and have been forging my death over and over for centuries" if that were the case) in favour of thinking he's the Maharam's exiled son. He's the right age and it makes sense for a boy that has been shunned by everyone and left to fend for himself to turn to crime.
What has been nagging at me, on the other hand, is that he matches Lin's vision of Suleman from her dreams. Pale, tall, handsome, long black hair and when his eyes were going to be described the dream was conveniently interrupted. I'm not saying he is suleman for sure, idk how that would work in practical terms -- is he an immortal and suleman never actually died at the sundering? unlikely, considering Lins dream and how vivid it was. Is he a reincarnation? Under that line of thinking he could be both the exiled boy AND suleman on a single person -- and he could have no relation to him whatsoever, the physical resemblance being just a coincidence (but really?) and I'm just crazy.His interest in the stone and magic in general checks out for both suleman and exiled son, so it isn't really an indicator.
I rather liked andreyen, merren and Ji an, tho, I really don't want him to be the bad guy, but as previously said I'm not discarding anything.It seems pretty obvious to me that he wants to use lin and her abilities in some way, much like he has a use for kel, but that doesn't necessarily mean he has nefarious goals or anything
I think Anjelica, Aimada, the malgasi princess whose name I don't remember now and the prince with the huge bank account will make appearances, they have been mentioned way too much to not feature at all
and what was that dream kel had with fire and phoenixes? There's something there, I can feel it
anyway, that's what I have so far
as a side note, I'm a bit drunk and haven't proofread this properly (i never do when writing on this blog tho, sorry lol), hope its coherent enough
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dpfantasyzine · 23 days
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Socials: Tumblr | AO3
"Hi! I'm Marvel. I've been writing fics for almost five years now but this is the first Zine I've had the joy to be a part of! I'm so excited for everyone to see what all the writers, artists, and musicians have been cooking up." - @dp-marvel94
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Seafoam Sky
Danny has dreamed of glowing lights for as long as he can remember. When he almost dies pursuing them, an unknown powerful entity saves him. Now the entity is calling him too, though Danny can’t tell if it’s for good or for ill. He hopes the memories and dreams of being lovingly cradled under the stars are real. But with his parents’ stories about wind spirits that lure mer to the surface and steal their souls… how can he trust his mysterious savior?
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Face to Face
When Danny went through the ghost catcher, he expected to be cured of the ghostliness that had haunted him since the accident, not to wake up on the lab floor with his parents saying he’d been overshadowed but everything’s okay now. So why does Danny Fenton cry himself to sleep to then dream of flying? Why does Phantom, the ghost who was supposedly possessing Danny, remember a life that isn’t his? Most of all, why do both the human and the ghost feel that something vital is missing, in their very soul? Or: Trying to cure himself of his powers one month after the accident, Danny accidently splits himself but neither his ghost nor his human half realize what they've actually done.
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Below the Greenhouse
For the Phic Phight. Prompt by Avearia: Maddie discovers the depths of Vlad's obsessions when she stumbles upon his secret lab. Despite the shock, part of her almost isn't surprised by the stolen Fenton Tech, the ripoff ghost portal, or the eerie Holo-Maddie—but the clone she finds floating in the pod at the back of the room? That's another matter entirely.
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Witchcraft Red Flags! 🚩🚩🚩
This is a list of things to watch out for, whether about the practice or the people who practice it.
People who say that there's only one way to practice, and if you're not doing it that way then you're not a real witch.
People who appropriate a closed culture and justify it by saying "their deity called to me".
People who are noticeably not from a closed culture and are selling items from that culture (smudge kits, dream catchers, anything chakra, etc) or are calling themselves "shaman," "reiki master" etc.
People who claim that they are speaking for a deity. This is seen a lot in some covens and mostly in Cults where the "leader" is Godspoused to said deity.
People who sell spirit companions. Spirit shops claim that they have bound a spirit to an item and that if you buy said item then the spirit will be under your control.
People who claim that you have to have other witches in your bloodline to be a witch. (These are known as Heriditary witches. They practice the same way their ancestors did, which isn't inherently bad, but the way that they present themselves is. Witchcraft is for ANYONE.)
Witches who use "we are the granddaughters of the witches you couldn't burn." Referring to the Salem Witch Trials, and the witch trials across Europe.
Another witch guarantees that spells work 100% of the time. They do not always work, and that's okay. If your spell has failed, you are not a bad witch.
Witches who can cast "physical change spells" on you guarantee that it will work. (Think body modification spells, i.e., make you taller/shorter, change the size of your lower region, change eye color, make you an angel, mermaid, and other mythical creatures.)
Witches who use the terms "white" magic and "black" magic. These terms are heavily racist coded.
People who offer to teach you witchcraft for a fee. (Think like $50+)
Norse Witches who use heavy white supremacy runes or sigils should be avoided. (You can learn more about this at Southern Poverty Law Center)
Witches who fully believe that they can move things with their minds.
People who use clairvoyance in their craft. (This is directed to those who use their gift to scam others. If something feels too good to be true, then it probably is with this type of diviner.)
Divination witches who charge $50+ dollars for a basic reading and then turn around and try to scam more out of you. (This also applies to those who say that your bloodline is cursed or they say something is bad around you, then they say "DM so I can cleanse you of XYZ"
Witches who claim that they are a reincarnation of a deity or other very powerful entity.
Feel free to reblog with your own Witchcraft Red Flags!
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leeyanyanyaaan · 2 years
au | dream catchers | original | comfort
guardian angel au but with a twist :)
unknown to us humans, there are entities apart from the divine (angels and demons) that watch over us: dream catchers. they may also be referred to as dream guardians or dream eaters.
they work mostly with children until they come of age, but come to the aid of people of all ages, especially those who are in need of comfort and solace, or those who feel like they have no one to turn to. also for insomniacs!!!
dream catchers come in the form of plushies!
when assigned to a human to take care of, dream catchers come to their human as a gift most of the time, but sometimes they might come to their human in the most random ways possible (mysterious plushie that just shows up at their door, for example lol)
dream catchers are to develop a strong bond as a plushie with their human.
when night falls and their human is asleep, dream catchers use psychic-based abilities to help ease and comfort their human in their dreams (eg. dream alteration, sleep inducement, nightmare prevention etc.)
dream catchers also have the ability to shapeshift into a more humanoid form, but must not be seen by humans at any moment. (but what if they do oooh-)
once their assigned human is showing signs of recovery, dream catchers leave the plushie they were embodying to their human and move on to the next person they will take care of.
apart from that, i haven't elaborated much on this au so it's free to play around with i guess lol XD
could totally be an otp au too (cough forbidden love like most guardian angel aus are cough)
a platonic version could be that the dream catcher is a reincarnation of their passed loved one (parent, sibling, best friend, grandparent etc.) that's come to watch over them at their time of need (angst go brrr)
fun facts:
these entities' insignia is, naturally, the dream catcher. those who hang dream catchers in their homes mean that they believe in and are open to their service.
dream catchers can technically understand and speak universally any language.
actually, dream catchers don't speak, they use telekinesis.
the plushies they embody are usually scented with sleep inducing scents eg. lavender
the kind of plushie (and scent) dream catchers embody depend on their human's preferences or age if theyre too young to have any preferences (or passed loved one if you're going for that route)
they very soft hehe
my inspirations were the dream eaters from khddd and the baku yokai mukumuku from miira no kaikata! as well as my own penguin plushie that reminded me of mukumuku ahaha XD
(i swear i had more in mind but i've forgotten now-)
a/n: no elaboration, but i had no access to anything for a month oof. this was my comfort au during that period haha. gonna take a hiatus to focus on studies even though this was never supposed to be an active account anyways lol XD its 5am here so i better go and sleep-
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wingedshoes · 2 years
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order Then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
hi Nivi ♥️ this sounds fun. I KNOW I WROTE A LOT BUT I WAS DOING SOUL SEARCHING and i hope you read all of it. No two from one piece huh? Alright then:
1. Haley James Scott from One Tree Hill
starting with the ones I kin the most, Haley (until she decided to give up her dream college and didn't get an abortion) is the most relatable character I've ever seen. I feel on the outside of a lot of things in life even though I can charm my way into everywhere, it takes a lot out of me in this way, being what people want you to be. Someone who also loves endlessly and unconditionally. That's what I admire the most in her.
2. Holly Golightly from Breakfast At Tiffany's (the BOOK NOT THE MOVIE)
Audrey's a fashion icon, there's no doubt but I've read the movie summary and they've butchered the soul of the book, its theme, its meaning-
if I were Truman Capote i would simply not write another book in my lifetime. ANYWAY. Holly is a sad, rude, gorgeous and lively spirit. The narrator of the book is unnamed and Holly calls him Fred for Fred, her long lost brother who was the only family she spoke of voluntarily. Holly's society card always says "miss holly Golightly- travelling" which can be interpreted in a myriad of ways, you can find your own once you read the book, Nivi. The narrator is also heavily implied to be queer and the only person who isn't sexually attracted to Holly and THEY RUINED THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN THE MOVIE. Do not get me started. Conclusion: Breakfast at tiffany's is the feminist Catcher in the Rye and also fuck hollywood.
3. Dream of the Endless - The Sandman, Netflix
I don't read comics so I just went into the show blind. And I want this show to eat me. It's so unpredictable and wild. Morpheus is a prideful entity first and foremost. A loyal one but petty beyond anything. I find his personality so very fitting considering he oversees both dreams and nightmares. I almost wrote about the Corinthian (I HAVE DONE MY BEST TO BE WHAT YOU MADE ME) but I don't understand them very well yet whereas Dream feels like my best friend. His fraught relationship with Calliope is so delicate I want to boop it to see if it'll blast.
4. Anne Shirley - Anne of Green Gables, Lucy maud Montgomery
Man, anne is who tween me was before the parental trauma hit. Talks too much, obsessed with my own hair, obsessed with literature, obsessed with violence against boys, romanticizes my name and my life to mean something anything. I could go on and on. But there's this line right before Matthew dies: something about this being the last day her heart would be light and full of pure happiness. Because once you lose someone to death, your heart is never the same.
5. Daenerys Targaryen
My GIRL DESERVES THE THRONE. Okay so i have the 7 book boxed set right? worst decision. ever. i gave up in the middle of second last one and I refuse to pick it up again until GRRM gives a real update on Winds of Winter. not to mention those last two books are unbearable because Dany has no chapters. THE PART WHERE SHE FREES THE SLAVES. I'm fully on board with her villain era but not the rushed way they killed her journey in the show idk tho i haven't seen the show. aaaaaaaaaaa-
6. Alec Lightwood
I read tmi so long ago and I felt this connection to Alec. It's probably the Older Sibling Of A Family Balanced On a Nail energy we have in common, where we just give away pieces of ourselves to keep others happy. It makes me happy to see him happy as an adult. It makes me feel like that could happen for me too.
7. Regina George from Mean Girls
Um, this was Edmund Pevensie five mins ago but you know what, I love Regina too much. Tina Fey's writing>>>>> and Rachel McAdams>>>>> and the way Regina never backs down from threats. Her manipulation is so subtle she doesn't even raise her voice or sound unpleasant until the end of the movie. I think Regina George and Kaz Brekker would learn from each other. Masters of the mind.
8. The Night Circus
Yeah. No characters, just the circus. The feeling of it. I think it's big enough don't you? Its immortality and love shines through even when one of the sisters is gone, when Marco and Celia are gone, they aren't, not really.
9. Mirabel from Starless Sea
There's a major part of who Mirabel actually is which is a huge spoiler, if you've read this book I'll tell you. But basically, I love how kind Mirabel tries to be given who she is.
10. Marinette Dupain Cheng from Miraculous Ladybug
my lady, my bestie, my twin sister. she's so anxious and carrying the weight of Paris with no one to share it with her except her cat partner. I just love this animated kids show and I wish other teens did too so I could talk about it more. My life these days revolves around fanfics of Marinette and Adrien. I debated choosing Adrien or Luka or Kagami because MLB has only relatable, sad teenagers trying to find love and fighting badly dressed super villains.
Hon. Mentions: Cher from Clueless, Aisha from Aisha (the sonam kapoor one) and Astrid from Crazy rich asians
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mikmaqs · 2 years
still generally not feeling very talkative and struggling sort of a lot at the moment (#disabled native) but my first thought when t&r day hit was "oh it's almost that time of year up til th*nksgiving where people will actually remember we exist lol". it's really laughable and really depressing to think about the fact that that's my first thought and surely the first thought of many indigenous people but really can we be blamed because we are virtually never discussed or paid attention to and whenever we are "paid attention to" (VERY much majorly by white people who have never met an indigenous person in their lives) it's to appropriate some part of our culture (dream catchers not sourced from actual n8vs, the weirdos who go around wearing the saddest attempts at regalia by halloween stores ive ever seen, d*sney pocahontas) or to make us out to be some wise spirit guide otherworldly entity or to be racist and weird (not that the prior two things aren't racist and weird but we're talking people who are like "yeah lets call this sports team a slur"). and so many bipoc have to grasp at these straws aka periods of the year where the white people who are only interested in pretending to care for a few days will see it because hell even that will at least get our messages SOMEWHERE, even if it's not out of a genuine care, hopefully to people who WILL care. it's really fucked up idk is it that hard to think of us throughout the year? i'm not saying you have to break your back doing it but indigenous people and bipoc in general shouldn't have to wait all year gathering shit to present that could have been at least talked about and outraged about more all year If People Had Listened To Us. sorry for the long ass post but it makes me nauseous especially knowing it will be the exact same this year
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jadamcmichael · 6 months
Confronting Monsters: A Profound Exploration of Horror Narratives and Societal Challenges
In the realm of horror narratives, the question, "Do you believe in monsters? You think monsters are real?" reverberates, setting the tone for a profound exploration of the diverse forms that monsters can assume. Throughout this course, which has taken me through an array of films, short stories, and anthologies, the nuanced nature of monsters and their profound significance has gradually come to light. Let's delve into the intricacies of this exploration, starting with the short film "Paralysis." Here, the protagonist's internal struggle unfolds in the aftermath of a recent divorce. The narrative artfully introduces the lurking monster, initially concealed within the protagonist's stressed demeanor and anxious actions. As she prepares a meal, an underlying tension becomes palpable, eventually revealed to be the fear of paralysis. The protagonist's coping mechanisms, such as lighting candles, using a dream catcher, and taking prescribed medication underscore the lengths one might go to evade an internal monster. However, the inability to conquer this fear suggests that some monsters are unconquerable, a notion reinforced by the therapist's response: "There are all kinds of monsters."
Transitioning to "Lost," the theme of confronting monsters takes on a societal dimension. Imani, navigating her role in the private prison system, grapples with the monster within—the realization that she profits from the suffering of others. This revelation prompts her to quit her job, mirroring the horror trope of attempting to escape a monster. However, the narrative takes a poignant turn as the symbolic discovery of a bloody inmate jumpsuit connects her personal revelation to broader systemic issues. The monster transcends Imani's actions, evolving into the pervasive greed and capitalization of the American system.
The juxtaposition between "Paralysis" and "Lost" unveils a shared motif: the challenge of confronting and defeating monsters. In "Paralysis," the internal struggle illustrates the futility of escaping personal demons, echoing the therapist's acknowledgment that various kinds of monsters exist. Conversely, "Lost" delves into the intricacies of addressing systemic issues, with Imani's journey illustrating that personal growth alone may not dismantle deeply ingrained societal monsters.
As these narratives unfold, they reveal the broader theme that attempting to conquer a monster doesn't always guarantee success. Some monsters, whether internal or societal, prove formidable and resistant to easy resolutions. The interconnectedness of personal and societal monsters underscores the complex nature of horror narratives and the challenges they present. In navigating these tales, the central question remains: Can we ever fully conquer the monsters within and around us? The therapist's response echoes, reminding us that in the vast tapestry of horror, "there are all kinds of monsters." Expanding on the exploration of monsters, it becomes evident that they embody more than just entities that instill fear. Monsters are symbolic representations of our deepest fears, insecurities, and societal issues. In "Paralysis," the monster is the intangible fear that disrupts the protagonist's life, reflecting the universal dread of facing the unknown. The therapist's acknowledgment that "there are all kinds of monsters" speaks to the diversity of fears that individuals grapple with, both personal and collective. It prompts introspection on the nature of the monsters we encounter and the strategies we employ to confront or evade them.
In "Lost," the monster takes on a multifaceted nature, intertwining personal culpability with systemic injustices. Imani's realization that she contributes to the suffering within the private prison system unveils a societal monster driven by profit motives. This monster extends beyond the individual, becoming a metaphor for the insidious structures that perpetuate inequality and exploitation. The bloody inmate jumpsuit serves as a powerful symbol, representing the human cost of a profit-driven prison industry. It underscores that the monster isn't confined to the actions of one person but is deeply ingrained in the fabric of society.
As we contemplate these narratives, it's crucial to acknowledge the universality of monsters in the human experience. Monsters exist not only in the realms of horror fiction but also in the complexities of our own lives and societal structures. The therapist's response encourages a broad perspective on monsters, urging us to recognize and grapple with the diverse challenges that manifest as monsters in different contexts.
Moreover, the narratives compel us to question the effectiveness of conventional approaches to conquering monsters. In horror tropes, characters often overcome their fears through confrontation, yet "Paralysis" and "Lost" challenge this notion. The protagonist in "Paralysis" attempts to seek professional help, only to find that even the therapist acknowledges the omnipresence of various monsters. Imani, in "Lost," confronts her personal monster by quitting her job, but the larger societal monster remains elusive, highlighting the limitations of individual actions in dismantling systemic issues.
The exploration of monsters extends beyond the immediate narratives, inviting us to reflect on societal monsters that persist in our world. One such pervasive monster is the profit-driven private prison system, as depicted in "Lost." The horror of this system lies not only in the personal realizations of those involved, like Imani but also in the broader implications for marginalized communities. Its a known fact that private prisons, motivated by profit, contribute to mass incarceration, disproportionately affecting people of color. The profit motive becomes a metaphorical monster that influences policies, perpetuating a cycle of injustice and inequality.
The lack of transparency within private prisons adds another layer to the societal monster. The opacity surrounding their operations prevents adequate public scrutiny, allowing these institutions to function with limited accountability. The absence of transparency becomes a metaphorical shroud that conceals the true extent of the injustices perpetuated by the private prison system. It reinforces the idea that some monsters thrive in the shadows, eluding the scrutiny that could expose and dismantle them.
Reports of human rights abuses associated with private prisons further amplify the monstrous nature of these institutions. Inhumane conditions, overcrowding, violence, and inadequate healthcare constitute a litany of horrors that individuals within these facilities endure. The profit motive, once again, stands as a menacing force that compromises the well-being and rights of those imprisoned. The monsters in this context are not mythical creatures but tangible manifestations of systemic failures. The influence of private prisons on legislation emerges as another facet of the societal monster. Critics argue that these entities lobby for policies that serve their interests, leading to harsher sentencing laws and stricter immigration enforcement. The intertwining of corporate interests with legislative decisions becomes a monstrous distortion of justice, where profit motives supersede considerations of fairness and rehabilitation. The legislative influence of private prisons becomes a metaphorical monster that undermines the principles of a just and equitable society.
The notion that monsters can be deeply embedded in societal structures challenges the traditional narrative of conquering monsters through individual heroics. While personal growth and realizations, as seen in "Paralysis" and "Lost," are crucial, they may only scratch the surface of the larger, more insidious monsters that persist. The call to action extends beyond individual confrontations to collective efforts aimed at dismantling systemic injustices.
In this broader societal context, the narrative of Imani in "Lost" takes on a profound significance. Her decision to quit her job symbolizes a personal triumph over her immediate monster, the participation in a profit-driven system. However, the broader monster, representing systemic issues, remains largely unaffected. This disparity emphasizes the complexity of tackling societal monsters, where individual actions, though impactful, may not suffice to dismantle deeply ingrained structures.
As I contemplate the multifaceted nature of monsters, both personal and societal, the therapist's response echoes in my mind: "There are all kinds of monsters." It serves as a poignant reminder that the monsters we encounter are diverse, nuanced, and deeply embedded in the human experience. From the internal struggles depicted in "Paralysis" to the societal critiques in "Lost," the exploration of monsters in horror narratives becomes a mirror reflecting our fears, challenges, and the urgent need for collective action to address systemic issues.
In conclusion, horror narratives, with their portrayal of monsters, offer more than mere frights; they serve as a lens through which we can examine the complexities of the human experience. "Do you believe in monsters? You think monsters are real?" invites us to confront our fears and acknowledge the various monsters that pervade our lives, whether in the form of personal demons or societal injustices. The therapist's assertion that "there are all kinds of monsters" underscores the diversity and ubiquity of these challenges. As we grapple with these narratives, we are compelled to recognize that the journey to conquer monsters is multifaceted, requiring introspection, collective action, and an unwavering commitment to dismantling the deeply entrenched monsters within our societies.
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rcm-etherela · 11 months
June 30
It has been a long journey and I'm quite honestly running out of steam, along with getting quite homesick. It took me a while to find the next creature. But I have!
Dream Demons. Also known as the "Boogyman" or the "Sandman."
It turns out that they are the same thing, though they’re often thought of as different entities all together. A “Sandman” is often thought of as a benevolent figure and a “Boogeyman” a malevolent figure, but as it turns out that’s not always the case it seems. There’s a lot more overlap than you’d think. 
While they're called "Dream Demons" it's not known if they actually are a demon or not. They’re more like spirits, but it can’t be proven that they are one either. They’re something in between, I believe. Having properties and abilities of both. Sometimes like Nightmares. 
They have the power to influence dreams, like their name would suggest. With sleeping sand or dust, they can give someone a good or bad dream. They then eat the dreams, which are their primary food source. 
There’s tales of these creatures all over the world, with various names. We’d be here forever if I went into all of them. There’s the Sack Man, El Coco, A Cuca, Babau, and Butzemann just to name a few. They all share the theme of being used to scare children into behaving, which does have some validity to the claim it seems. 
Most Dream Demons can be put into three categories; the ones that punish misbehaving children, the more violent ones, and the ones that protect the innocent regardless of their age. Though most do seem to focus more on children than adults. 
There’s a lot of rumors as to what Dream Demons do to misbehaving children. Some believe that the more vicious ones will steal children in the night and eat them. Some believe they do not eat or harm the kids they steal, but instead take them to a mysterious and frightening place. The ones of the “Sandman” variety are said to steal the eyeballs of children that won’t go to sleep to feed their children. There’s even lullabies in some cultures that warn kids of what will happen when they go to sleep.
They’re said to hide under beds or in closets to await their prey. Which seems to be true from what I’ve been able to dig up. 
There’s many depictions of what Dream Demons look like. The most common depiction has claws, talons, and sharp teeth, sometimes depicted as a masculine or androgynous figure. Some have more animal features, like horns, hooves, or even being bug-like. I have found they can really take any form they’d like though. 
In some lore, Dream Demons are believed to be a child that was the victim of violence and now they’re alive, but not. Something in between, I’d suppose. There’s also some that believe they were created by the Goddess of Sleep and Dreams, of course. They’re said to have sprouted from her dreams and now carry the dreams all over to share with others. No one can really say what their true origin is, and I’m sure there’s more out there. 
I don’t know if there’s really any way to avoid a Dream Demon, I wouldn’t think there is. Maybe a dream catcher or something like that really does work though? I’m not sure. But I believe they’re ambivalent enough that there’s really no need to try to avoid them. 
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Interview with a Dream Catcher
Pandora recently hosted an interview with her bound Dream Catcher. Here it is!
P: So everyone, this is Jayy, my Dream Catcher friend. Can you say hi to everyone and tell them a little about how we know each other?
J: Hey there. I met Pandora quite a few years ago. She was exploring dream realms and met a couple astral bands. I’m a singer of one of them, and took an interest in getting to know her.
P: So you’ve seen how these interviews work, right?
J: Pretty simple.
P: All right, in that case we’ll just hop right in with the first question. Jayy, this person would like to know what makes you good companions for humans. (I’m assuming your race as a whole)
J: Well, I’m a bit selfish. I personally like finding humans to feed on their dreams. But as companions we are actually pretty beneficial. We’re guardians over your sleep, we can help rejuvenate you at night even. As guardians we make sure that no potential nasties are trying to get into your dreams to mess you up or sap your energy.
P: So your race desires human companionship mostly for the dream energy?
J: At our very cores, that’s what we yearn for, yeah. Many of us find an interest in being friends over time, or even lovers if the humans are into it.
P: I’m going to slip in another question here, since it’s along similar lines. What are your views on human day to day activities? What about other DC points of view on human activities?
J: My personal views? Humans differ. Some are fine, others not so much. I’m not a fan of the humans who don’t sleep deeply. As far as other DCs, you’ll get a mixed basket with them. Their behavior is a little random. I mean take my family for instance. I have eight current living brothers and only four of us are friendly to humans. Most DCs, though, have a pretty typical view of humans. Your dream energy is food. Your homes are our homes. If we like your energy, we stay with you to feed on it. Pretty simple.
P: Thank you for that. Moving onto a slightly different subject, some people seem to be curious about the origin of DCs, as in how you all came to be. And maybe a little background on yourself as well.
J: That’s not exactly an easy question. How did humans come to be? It’s debated a bit, just like it is with humans. Some say we have a goddess of our kind that is our primal birth mother. Others say we evolved from other, smaller, similar beings. “Dream Catcher” was a coined name quite some time ago, and isn’t our actual species name. I’m afraid our actual word for what we are is not easily translated into any human tongue. As far as I go, I was born into a family of sixteen children. That includes me. My mother devoured quite a few of my siblings, and I learned at a very young age to go survive on my own with minimal support from my elder brothers and sisters. I spent a very long time alone simply studying, eventually teaching myself how to make a human mask and pass as something a little more approachable.
P: Were you the first DC to work with a human mask?
J: No, an elder brother of mine learned long before I did. And I’m sure there were others that picked up on how to do it. Others I’m not familiar with. It’s a difficult talent, but it isn’t too uncommon.
P: But you were the one that sort of popularized it, right?
J: Yeah, that would be due to my status as a musician. I’m around a lot of astrals pretty often.
P: Do DCs mate for life? And what is your ideal mate like?
J: Mmm…. DCs mate… and then the females usually eat the males if they get a chance. If not, there’s an immediate breakup. My own ideal mate… I debate it a lot. I don’t really have any preferences on gender, but maybe personality. I like someone who’s as casual as I am. We do get jealous a bit, though. Some of us.
P: What do you mean by jealous? As in possessive? And if DC relationships don’t ever work out, does this jealousy pop up mostly in cross-species romance?
J: Yeah, it does. I can’t speak for the females, but as a guy, I’m not too fond of my lover suddenly trying to eat me while I’m sleeping. So… we don’t stick around females very often if we can help it. We get possessive if we’re in same-sex relationships or cross-species ones. Females won’t eat females, and males won’t eat males. Just our nature.
P: Makes sense. Oh here’s an interesting question. This person is wondering if you have subspecies within the DC community. Like, do black widows stick with black widows, or tarantulas with tarantulas, and so on.
J: Oh, I see what you’re asking. Some regions of us do. We don’t really call ourselves the same names as many spiders you might know, but we’re pretty similar. My own family is a mixed one, but there are some DCs that keep to their subspecies. Especially when you get into the royals and stuff.
P: What’s day to day life like for you?
J: For me it can get a little hectic. I’m sort of out of the spectrum because I live life as a popular musician. My home is in the astral, and I usually hang out in a trailer. During the day, I have rehearsals with my band mates, or I’m out doing live signings or photo shoots with fans. Sometimes I get some “me” time during the early evening to sit and have a drink or go out with friends. At night I’m usually actively seeking out vivid dreams in humans, but I do crash like a human does every once in a while. I only shed my mask at night when I’m looking to feed, but I do like to tease and gross Pandora out with it on occasion. *winks*
P: *rolls eyes* For those who are wondering, he chases me around the house with his mile-long tongue sticking out and threatens to stick it in my ear while I’m conscious.
J: It’s fun.
P: And then I threaten him with a newspaper or a giant boot and he stops.
J: *laughs*
P: Oh, I skipped over this one, but let’s go back to it now. Do you get annoyed/angry when humans kill spiders in their homes?
J: I do, actually. How would they like it if they were just minding their own business looking for a place to build a home, and suddenly they were severely injured or killed because someone thought they were ugly or creepy? Kind of unfair, if you ask me.
P: So how do you deal with humans who have spider phobias?
J: We want to educate humans about the benefits of having spider friends. A lot of us. I use my human mask to get better acquainted with them, and only show my true self once I have their trust, but I’ve heard from some bound buddies that their keepers have been recovering from their phobias due to having a big eight-legged companion. I won’t interact with any human who has aggressive tendencies toward spiders in general, though. I feel there’d be too much animosity between us.
P: How big do your kind usually get?
J: We can be anywhere from about 4 feet to 8 feet tall. That’s not including the length of our bodies, though. It often depends on our physical build, like bulkiness, and the length of our legs--whether they hold us up off the ground or if we scuttle across floors practically on our underbellies. I’ll bet you appreciate that image.
P: Considering how many DCs we have come through the home, I’m sort of used to it now. Do DCs lay eggs?
J: Yes, they do.
P: What’s an average guess at how many eggs there are per laying?
J: It’s usually dependent on the subtype of DC, but on average somewhere in the forties range. My family was an exception because of our mixed genetics. My mother didn’t lay too many.
P: But all DCs are descended in some way from their king, right?
J: That’s the popular belief, though it’s debated. It’s what I believe.
P: But then you have the deviants like the nobles who consistently fight with the king and try to form their own groups, right?
J: *sigh* Yeah, we do. It causes a lot of fights that the majority of us just try to stay out of.
P: Okay, so moving on from politics...this querent wants to know what sort of magic you practice. Or do you, even? Is absorbing dream energy just a part of the DC...what’s the word I’m looking for...physiology?
J: I personally haven’t met a DC who can’t absorb dream energy, so I’d assume so. As far as magic, I see that as a practice that’s relative. I don’t consider what I do to be magic. It’s just a part of my nature--my needs. But I had a sister several years back who had a few extra “magickal” talents. Like energy manipulation outside of dreams. She was able to read the subconscious really well, and she could pull in energies from humans and other creatures who were conscious.
P: So an energy vampire of some sort?
J: Yes. “Psychic Vampire” paints the wrong kind of image for me, but she essentially had the same abilities.
P: Moving away from full race focus to just you, this person wants to know what your favorite food is and what your favorite genre of music is. (Though I could answer that one)
J: Oh man… where do I start here? Okay, well I have a lot of “human” vices. I drink a lot. That’s not really food, but it’s a consumable that I just completely love. I love junk foods, like chips. And I really like pizza with a lot of different kinds of meat on it. No pineapple though, please. For music, I’m a metalhead. It’s what I sing, and I love it.
P: Could you tell us some about your band? And what other bands there are?
J: There’re quite a few out there. Ever wake up with a strange tune in your head that doesn’t match any songs you know? Mighta been something you heard from an astral band in your sleep. My band is called Volt 55. We have six members. Sometimes some guest singers and artists. There are pop bands, pop rock artists… And lately there’s been a big increase in artists doing electronic stuff.
P: Can you tell us who your band members are?
J: Sure. There’s me of course. I’m the singer. I’ve also taken over guitar recently because we had our bassist leave. Kai, who was the original guitarist, took to playing the bass instead. We’re all different races. Sometimes it causes fights, but it’s usually pretty cool. Kai is an Incubus. Then there’s Bo who’s our drummer. He’s a werebear. Felix and Curio are violinists, and they’re both fallen angels. And then last and totally least is Spike, our demonic keyboard player. *sticks tongue out*
P: You’re such a butt to him. What are some of your hobbies outside the band?
J: I still love him though. I like going to movies especially. It’s fun with a big group of friends, because then you can chat about them afterwards. If not that, then eating out is enjoyable, too. I prefer to be in the company of friends, but if I’m alone with some downtime and am not writing songs, I’ll go out for long drives or runs.
P: Okay, we’re on our final question here. Is there anything interesting about your race that we haven’t already covered that you want to share?
J: We don’t get along well with a lot of rogue Dream Travelers. For those who don’t know, DTs are beings that like to hop from dream to dream. They can often appear as noteworthy figures in dreams, but ones you don’t recognize. They can leave you waking up feeling like you’re still dreaming or feeling like you haven’t come back to reality yet. Anyway, our dream-feeding tends to bother them as they’re traveling, because it makes it a lot harder for them to get from place to place. It can cause fights. If we fight, there’s a risk of causing nightmares in whatever humans we’re feeding from at the time.
P: Anything else?
J: Eh, not really. Unless you want me to talk about how we feed on dreams. *winks*
P: *small laugh* We already covered that in our interesting facts, so I think we’re good there. Thank you for your time, Jayy.
J: No problem. Thanks for letting me answer some questions.
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lover-of-skellies · 2 years
okay so continuation from my last ask. we have sleep paralysis noot. shadow pap figment dust and killer. dream catcher cross sandman axe and deathsleep reaper. what would dream be and for the reader idea i think maybe reaper gave the ability for comatose caus eits like asub version of death sleep and felt it he had enough of a job as sleep death. also the readers nickname is coma and their oppisit ewould be who ever embodied insominia. i would think. idk i just had a christmas party am dalot of suger so im rambling. thanks for the inspriation. an d when i settle down a bit im going to start intigrating all my ao3 stuff to here.
I'm not sure who it was, but back when I first brought up Sleep Paralysis Nightmare, someone suggested that for Dream, maybe he's Lucid. Like,, y'know. Lucid dreaming
Maybe Ink is some insomnia based entity, since (idk if every creative person is like this or if it's just me), my creativity and overactive imagination is a decent portion of my reasons for why I can't sleep that good at night. I get too many thoughts in my head, and there's nothing I can really do to shut them up
I really wouldn't be surprised if Sleep Death Reaper gave the reader some comatose based abilities/traits/whatever you wanna call it, either
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dyns33 · 4 years
Masterlist One shot : Reader
One shot, imagine, prompts, about Reader and one of CF’s boys 
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Michael x Reader
Kink!paragraph : I will like Michael to love me and strangle me….
The lost little kitten : Baby Michael only want to find a friend who will play with him
ερως-και-ἀγάπη :  Some old entities can’t find their place in the new world, where nobody remeber them. So it’s adapting or dying. Or maybe, another option.
Thrall : After the vampires took control of the world, humans can decide : be servants, or be blood bags.
The little cupids : The twins of the Master of the Sanctuary, Michael Langdon, take in interrested for a gray
The Virgin Encyclopedia : Mallory find a job in the porn industry, falling for one of the actors she is working with, Michael Langdon. But why he and the scriptwriter, Reader, don’t seem to get along ?  
Under the moonlight / Werewolf Michael (drabbles) : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Muineál / Pups / First words
A reason to live / Vampire Michael :  Reader is tired. Sad. Alone. Her only desire is to die, but she does not dare to do it. When she crosses the road of the strange and the beautiful Michael, she hopes that he will help her. She can not imagine how much.
Dream Catcher : Hawthorne Michael helps his lover after a nightmare
Secret love : Hawthorne Michael is scared, not sure that his girlfriend really loves him
Puppy love :  Michael buying reader a puppy and surprising her.
Panic attack : When reader has a panic attack, her husband Michael is here for her.
Attention please : Witch!Reader is trying to hide her ADHA to her warlock boyfriend, Michael.
The Kiss :  While studing with Michael, Witch!reader kiss him and then run away, to her friends, Mallory and Coco.
Nightmares : Bad dreams may filled the sleep of Michael and his wife, it doesn’t matter since they are together
Little dove : After meeting Miss Mead, Michael also met Reader, they became friends, and than more…
Love games : The Apocalypse is near, but Michael has to find a solution so his dear gaming girlfriend can continue to play her games after the end of the world.
Sexy games : After the Apocalypse, Michael is happy to see that his gaming girlfriend is having fun in her game room. Without him. He is not so happy by that.
More sexy games : To reward his sweet Antichrist, his gamer girlfriend has a game for him
Sweet revenge : Humanity is going to die, but Michael wants to offer to his girl the opportunity to kill all the people she hates.
Stress : His lover being pregrant, Michael tries to protect her from everything, stress in first, when he still have to prepare the Apocalypse.
Dear little sister : Michael found out that he had a sister, so he decided to save her. He didn’t know she would be so annoying.
The beach : During a moment of doubt, Reader go to cry on the beach, where she go everytime she feels bad, until Michael joins her to try to comfort her.  
True nature :  Being an asexual Satanist in the Sanctuary is not always simple, since carnal pleasure seems to be so important. But is it really, for Satan, and for their Master, Michael Langdon ?
Merry Antichristmas :  Outpost!Michael and Y/N enjoying Christmas in their bedroom, drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows while the other residents are going insane not even knowing what month is it.
Road trip :  Michael decide to not follow his path of destruction and now he only enjoys life with his beloved dove Y/N, on the roads.
Animals :  When Michael is interviewing one of the residents in his office he discovers that she’s hiding a cute little Hedgehog on her shoulder. But that little animal is not the only thing that Michael discovers about her.
Being a dad : After his wife gives birth to their daughter, Michael wonders if he is ready to be a father and when he sees the baby… he knows.
Embrace until the end
Meeting in the woods : After losing his dear Miss Mead, Michael discovered a lost girl in the forest.
The sweet antichrist : Behind closed doors, Michael is not the mean, horrible, dangerous antichrist people think he is. Even less if he is with his girl.
Miss Dawn :  At the Sanctuary, Michael meets the doppelgänger of the woman he loved when he was a child, and he doesn’t believe her when she explains that she just has a strong resemblance to her.
To think of you is a torture : After killing Miss Mead, Cordelia put a spell on one of her witches, because she is too close of Michael. Just thinking about him hurts her a lot.
Science :  Michael knew that his girlfriend was extraordinary, a very advanced specimen for this era of idiots without consistent thoughts, but what would happen if he tells her that he’s the antichrist ?
Science 2 : To please his genius lover, Michael decided that the Santuary will be in space.
Science 3 : Michael’s genius lover is worried, not knowing if he is immortal or not.
Last day on Earth :  Micheal and his girlfriend spend the last day before the apocalypse. Just like a fun last date, before the end of the world.
Love at the Cortez :  YN is The Countess’s favorite creation, stuck at the Cortez with her. Michael might be the only one who can save her.
Rule number 1 :  Reader was task to kill off michael,but she wanted to do it as a surprise attack. After interviews and talking with him she start to really like him Now she got to decide to kill him off or not
Ready or not : Like in the film, Michael is invited to play games with his wife’s family. Deadly games.
Knives out : Michael is dating detective Benoit Blanc’s daughter, who is as clever as her dad.
Knives out 2 : Michael with the help of the detective Blanc and his dear Y/N  tries to solve the case of who’s the little infiltrate person in his Sanctuary.
Of dogs and monsters : Michael and his dear wife, Y/N arrived at outpost 3, and all the residents get surprised when Michael announced himself to them to see next to him a cute 3 year old dog, named Cerberus.
To please the king :  Reader see that outpost Michael is working hard and seem tired so when he comes back from working she takes care of him and make sure he comfortable
Close but far : a Call me by your name inspiration
How to solve a communication problem… :  Reader loves Michael a lot. And she is shy and stupid. So when he is not talking to her first, the first thing she thinks is that he doesn’t love her.
The Law of surprise : Witcher Michael’s adventures with his (not so) normal assistant.
Innocent pranks :  Michael has a prankster girlfriend, but today he was not in the mood and acccidently yelled at her.
Let have some fun :  Michael didn’t know how to have fun or used his powers apart from killing someone, but his Y/N would show him the fun part of had powers and do whatever you want.
Colourful pranks : A bit more of Michael with his prankster girlfriend
Childish pranks : Prankster girlfriend is looking for the best way to tell Michael that she is pregnant.
Dare : After a little dare, Michael and his prankster girl are both unhappy.
The haunted mansion : based on the Disney film. Y/N, her husband and their son stop at a big house, where a mysterious man lives alone, Mister Langdon.
Underwood :   Y/N literally breaking the 4th wall with outpost!Michael and always talking with the audience
Scream Queens : AU! Michael joins the sorority of Channel Oberlin
Protecting purity :  outpost!Michael stopping a resident who was harassing everyday the sweet grey Y/N
Piano : Y/N finding about that Michael can sing and play the piano one night in the Sanctuary when she was walking only in her nightgown
Fairy Kei : Reader decorate her and Mikey’s room to make things more lively and she tried to get him out of his comfort zone
Favourite toy : Everytime she around him grey Reader always stuttering and can’t function right because she really likes him a lot
Insomnia :  How Micheal Langdon would react to his s/o if they had insomnia or just sleep issues in general.
Fault confessed is half redressed : Michael is hidden what he is to his dear non beliver girfriend, too scared of how she would react
Redemtion :  The witches bring back Michael from hell to help them defeat the new antichrist.
Good dog :  Michael and his dear Y/N are doing chill activities in the Sanctuary when they start to realize that everytime they are eating ANYTHING Cerberus is always at their side waiting for them to gave her a little.
Morticia : Michael’s GF was different. She was not ladylike and always wears black outfits just like him but were not sexy.
Two for the price of one : Thinking he is too weak because of his human part, Michael decides to split in two. It’s a bit disturbing for his girl.
A kiss of true love : Prince Michael is cursed by a witch and only a kiss of true love can wake him up. But true love is not that easy to find.
Cabin fever : Because of a virus, Reader and Michael are stuck at home. It’s great but at the same time, it’s not.
Truth or dare : Knowing her feelings for the Boy Wonder, some witches and warlocks organised a little game with Reader.
In the wrong place, at the wrong time : Today, Reader is supposed to meet her soulmate !
Beyond Good and Evil : Reader’s father is a killer who sequesters her. When he meets a partner in crime, she meets a saviour.
Nerds ! : Shy Reader is in love with her friend, Michael, a shy geek. Of course, they are stupid.
Theory and practice : Even if Geek Michael and Reader are together, their relationship is not moving a lot…
The Albums : Reader doesn’t understand why Michael doesn’t want her to meet his mom.
The suit life of Michael Langdon :  Imagine if Michael Langdon was raised by James Patrick March and The Countess
The Beast for the sea and the Beast from the Earth : Reader is called to study a strange merman.
The good doctor :  The new doctor of the asylum is a bit weird.
Bad hair day : While not feeling well at the outpost, Michael’s lover did the most logical thing to do. Or not.
Issues : Even if they love each other, Michael is being a dick to his lover.
The fisherman’s grandson : To save his island, the mayor of a small village makes a deal with the God of the Oceans, who only asks for one thing, his daughter for his son.
Selfish : He knows she would be better without him, but Michael can’t live without Y/N
Förmörkelse : Midsommar!AU. Reader and some friends are invited to a weird party in a foreign country.
M’kel : One day, Earth get a visit from space…
Everybody wants to be a cat : After killing the warlocks and Miss Mead, Cordelia cursed Michael Langdon
Opposite day : Michael doesn’t understand why his lover is acting strangely today, telling a lot of lies.
Family : Michael may have Y/N’s love, now he needs to be accepted by her son
Mater Tenebrarum : At Robichaux dance school, where everyone has a partern, Y/N feels that have to dance with Michael and nobody else
Made with love : A little servant of the Sanctuary is in love with the Antichrist
Northern wolf : An Omega is saved by the barbaric wolves form the North
Lave : Michael with a silly non English laver (lover)
The autopsy of Michael Langdon : Y/N’s new client is a poor boy hit several times by a car. Nothing strange and yet he is nothing like normal
The End is near : Michael is a singer in a rock and and the antichrist, waiting for the last horseman of the Apocalypse, Death.
Promises and misunderstandings : As children, Michael and Y/N promised themselves to marry each other. Then they were separated and things got complicated.
You : Y/N loves Micheal, all of him. It’s a bit hard for him to believe that, because he doesn’t.
Mistake : Like the others Y/N left Michael so he decided to punish her by putting her in Outpost 3
Pop culture : Michael is looking for ideas to destroy the world... in films. 
A happy event : Pregnant Y/N is sure that people around her want to take her baby
Stockholm : Michael is a serial killer and Y/N is his last victim 
Haunted : Depressed Reader tried to start a new life in a new house, but she decided to buy the haunted one.
Halloween sweet : Michael and Y/N, shy idiots in love, want to celebrate Halloween, much to Miss Mead’s chagrin 
Perfect moments : Shy Michael and shy Reader are annoying Miss Mead with their nonsense. 
Pumpkins scream : Because of the Covid, shy Michael and shy Reader can’t celebrate Halloween oustide. So Michael will plan it inside ! 
Behind closed doors : Halloween story ! 
The pact : Feeling lonely, Y/N summons a demon
Soulmate my ass : Y/N and Michael are soulmates, and should be happy together, but the boy is an ass. 
The demon of Los Angeles : Y/N, a cop with a good instinct, is tracking a serial killer who seems to like her 
The Vulcan way : Y/N tries to adapt to her husband and son’s attitudes, but it’s hard for a human to not feel any love
Vulcans are cutiepies (and they don’t even know it) : little stories about the Vulcan family 
Playing favourite : Even if she tries to accept that, Y/N is sad to know that their son prefers his father. 
A matter of trust : Jealous Michael is an idiot. 
(Happy) New year : After years, Y/N meets again Michael, the boy the loved in highschool and who broke her heart. 
Perfect (summary) : Soulmate AU! that I was too lazy to write properly
The Handmaid’s Tales : (Y/N) is a handmaid and Mister Langdon is her master 
Mistakes : Y/N is chosen to bear Master Langdon’s child. Problem, Y/N is sterile
Dragon tamer : Y/N finds herself a dragon lover 
Duncan x Reader
The Prince and the servant : Prince Duncan is looking for a wife. Servant Reader thinks he is only playing with her.
Serial killer Duncan (drabbles) : One / Two / Three
Wolves rules / Werewolf Duncan :  Reader and Duncan are mates and she is trying to follow the wolf’s way, to please him. But she is not happy like that, not at all, and neither is he. Too bad wolves are not good at talking.
Points of view :  Duncan having an intense argument with a liberal girl in the white house’s office. But they discover that both have a lot in common that they think. Not only in terms of politics.
Education : After Duncan and Y/N had their first baby. Y/N needs to make some things clear with Duncan about how they going to raise their daughter.
Madman : Duncan’s fiancée gets gunned down by a crazy admirer of hers at a political gala.
Broken heart :  Duncan has an unrequited love for Y/N, but she doenst look at him that way, officially breaking his heart when she explains how she feels.
Fight with a mom :  Duncan wants to court reader, but her overprotective mother confronts him about her disapproval of him, feeling that her daughter is too good for him.
A wedding and a birthday : Duncan and Y/N get married on her birhtday !
Pure angst : Duncan is found guilty for the murder of his girlfriend
Broken heart 2 : To cheer Duncan up, Reader tried to arrange a date between him and a friend.
The best life :  Duncan Shepherd is a jealous lover, and a very proud husband.
Only business : Duncan and his wife Y/N are not in love. But his business is her business, and his problems are her problems.
Together, without kids or rings : Y/N didn’t like kids or the idea of marriage. And when he met Duncan, her ideologies didn’t change.
Bond, Duncan Bond :  Duncan is a 007 spy. He’s not an american but pretended to be. He was really from London. All his american life was a trick.
The distant neighbour : A quarantine is certainly the best moment to get to know your neighbour better
Second chance :  After a fight with his girlfriend, Duncan has a car accident. And even if it’s not a great idea, she sees a great opportunity.
At first sight : During their first meeting, Duncan Shepherd asks Y/N to marry him.
Complicated : Y/N and Duncan are soulmates. It should be easy tobe together, but it’s not.
A spoonful of sugar : Duncan hates hospitals. But he likes the nurse who is taking care of him. 
The girl who was crying tears of gold :  Reader is cursed. Her tears turn into precious stones and her whole village makes her cry to become rich. Unfortunately, this attracts the attention of a dragon, to whom she is offered as a gift.
Jim x Reader
By the sea : Reader and Jim are very very close friends, almost lovers, but a creature from the sea might disturb their future. Unless ?
Truth or dare : When playing truth or dare, Jim asks Reader to kiss him.
The best cook :  Jimmy is quite the cook and prepares reader’s favorite food cause of her promotion at work
Oh, Romeo : After a play with his girlfriend, Jim decides to tell her he wants to have kids
Lord James Mason : Forces to marry Lord Mason, a man she never met, Reader decides to have some fun, to get to know him better before the big day? Sadly, she falls for another man.
His savior :  Y/N decides to take Jim out of PV.
The Bet : Jim’s friends challenge him to seduce Reader, a shy and cold girl. At least she has to kiss him for him to win. Coming closer to her and getting to know her, Jim falls in love, forgetting the bet.
Normal : Jim Mason is her boyfriend. But since she is not normal, she is sure he is going to leave her.
Idiot : Y/N is in love with Jim Mason, who is (clearly) in love with her sister
Changes : Y/N hates changes. Jim knows that and changes their mattress anyway.
Richard x Reader
Peaceful and silent :  Reader is sharing the same room as Richard since she and other girls would fight, so she had to stay with him since she could be calm around him. She is lonely so Richard after spending some time with reader helps her
The woman : Reader and Richard are roomates. One day, a strange woman appeared and start to scare Reader.
The apple pie : Reader tries to cook for Richard’s birthday.
Home made gifts : For their first birthday as a couple, Reader is expecting a drawing from Richard.
Shy and stupid :  Richard being all shy but asking the girl he likes out on a date.
Coward and great :  Richard try to talk to reader when she is with her friends and they are mean to him.
Prom night :  Richard asking reader to his first prom.
First time : Richard and Reader’s first time !
Communication : Seeing that his lover is sad, Richard cuddles her.
Cookies words : To ask his girlfriend to marry her, Richard decides to use cookies
Snow : Halloween story ! 
The Travelling salesman (Jerome) x Reader
Temptation in a sand land :  After a terrible event, the few surviving humans are in an oasis in the middle of the desert, whose resources are gradually drying up. One day, a voice comes to offer them a solution.
Lucky charm : One day, the salesman comes in town, looking for his lucky charm, that a fool decided to steal from him.
For us : Jerome already changed a lot of things for his wife, but when she asks him to stop smoking, they fight a bit.
Lucky Field : The people of Lucky Field are lucky, if they follow one rule : don’t look at the whistling
Xavier Plympton (AHS 1984) x Reader
Wait, we are dating ?! :  Xavier and Reader have always been together. Reader is sure that Xavier is super gay and that they are just best friends. Too bad, Xavier is sure that they are super together.
Little museum : As his friend, Reader accepts to host Xavier after he was safed from Camp Redwood, because journalists are after the survivors. But he refuses to talk about what happens and after weeks, is still here. Reader tries to do her best to help.
Second chance : After one year being a killing ghost at Camp Redwood, something weird happened to Xavier
Thankful : Xavier and his girlfriend passed their first Thanksgiving together.
Proposal : Xavier wants to propose to his darling, with the help of the teddy bear he ofered to her.
Secret love : Even if he is a bit scared to tell everyone, Xavier has a great boyfriend, a sweet Daddy, who loves him a lot.
Ghosts life : Reader, Xavier’s girfriend, who died with him, is not very happy to see him killing innocent people with Montana.
Xavier and cooking
His little nerd : Even if his friends don’t seem to get it, Xavier is in love with a nerdy girl
Time to tell the truth : Xavier confessing his love for Y/N, his BFf and roomate while they both are hiding from Jingles.
Cleverly stupid : Xavier is scared of being too stupid to be with his girlfriend and her Harvards friends. Maybe he is, but not for the reasion he thinks.
Until death do us part : Ghosts Xavier and Y/N learnt a great new when they discovered the new world
Rehearsal ;  Y/N decides to help her boyfriend Xavier for his audition by playing the female lead character
Nice time at the beach : Xavier and Y/N going to beach and really enjoying their time there. Until some guy just told his girl that “her ass looks great”
Hello beautiful :  One of Montana’s student wants some private class, so she asks Xavier to help her, by pretending to be her possessive boyfriend to make the girl go away. Xavier is more happy to help, even more after he meets the girl, to who he would give all the private lessons she wants.
The F Boy : Reader starts to date Xavier, not knowing his reputation.
Popular : Xavier is a cool guy. Not like Y/N, who is in love with him
The shy girl : there is a girl with big headphones at Xaviers’ classes
Patience is a virtue : Xavier loves his girl but since she doesn’t want to sleep with him, he is a bit worried 
The secret : Xavier Plympton has a secret, and he is an idiot, which is not a secret. 
Remorse and forgiveness : Ghost Xavier, who always loved Y/N, learn that she loved him too after he did terrible things that hurt her. 
Not romantic : It’s Valentine’s day and Xavier is an idiot 
Valiant Thor x Reader 
Different method 
CF’s OC Character x Reader
Finnick King :  Finnick works around the fashion industry, with Y/N, his dear assistant who is in love with him
The King anf the Queen : Finnick is a pain in the ass
Dance, magic dance :  Finnick teaching his dear Y/N how to dance sexy and seductively in the comfy of their home.
Dressed to please :  LV ask Finnick to shoot a video of him doing the exact same thing as Cody. But the big difference is that our boy Finnick is being all sassy and a godamm diva with the crew, except with his girl
Don’t mess with the King :  Reader tries to get back at Finnick by flirting with someone else
Heiress : Because she is a bit late, Y/N buys a pregnancy test. Finnick finds it.
King of the day : Finnick’s birthday is coming but he doesn’t seem happy about it this year
Simon :  Simon was a free spirit. He turn down to college in his first year and decided to be a traveler.
Charley Temple : A Harley Quinn AU!
Charley and Harley : Charley really hates his ex’s ex
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I saw that you take requests and I was thinking, what about fluff one-shot involving Kate Denson and a reader who has touch starvation?
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Dead by Daylight
Character(s): Kate Denson
Genre: Fluff
Type: One shot
Description: Kate Denson with a Reader who's touch starved
Warnings: Mild Gore as is it DBD
Thank you sm for the ask! I love Kate so this made me really happy 💙
Check Pinned Post for Request Info!
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Appearing in front of the campfire, your body began to shake whilst the memories of your last trial flashed in your mind. You had gone against the Doctor and he killed everyone in under ten minutes. Forcing you to be the last alive so you could watch him fry your teammates to death. It just had to be the most gruesome trial you've had in the Entity's realm. "(Y/n)? Are you okay? You're shakin' like a leaf." Kate was looking at you worriedly, her body seemed ready to get up and grab you. "..The Doctor.. he made me watch as he got rid of everyone else.." You spoke slowly, taking a few deep breaths to calm yourself. "Oh, hun.." She rose from her seat on a log, moving herself toward you. She opens her arms and by the time she's in front of you, she has you in her arms. She smelled like fresh daisies and wood. Her arms locked tightly around you were gentle and warm. Her soft breath glided across your shoulder as she sighs. You felt safe and cozy. It felt as if you were being protected.
Your heart began to ache as she pulled away, already wanting her touch once more. "We can give an offerin' to the Enity so you can take a break from trials." Her voice was soft but her country twang still shown through. "We..?" You questioned, slightly tilting your head to the side. "Well, yeah. I'm goin' to keep you company." She smiled brightly, her eyes creasing whilst she looked into your eyes. "Oh.." Averting your eyes, you feel shy as she takes your hand in hers. She tugs you to the fire, pulling out a small dream catcher from her jeans' pocket. "I.. don't know if I have anything to give." She looks down at your broken watch, "Would you be willin' to offer that, hun?" Glancing down at it, you're filled with reluctance. Your best friend gifted it to you. "Got coins in your pocket?" Listening to her question, you slide your hands into your pockets. Lifting them out a few seconds later, you come up with four quarters and three dimes, "Apparently I do." Smiling a little, you move closer to her. Nodding her head, she throws her dream catcher into the fire. Following in suit, you do so as well.
A small chime rings through the realm and the fog wraps around the both of you, making you two panic. You feeling her hand wrap around yours before your vision went black. Blinking, you're blinded by light for a few moments. Taking in your surroundings, you seem to be inside a cabin. "Huh, I for sure thought we'd be thrown into a trial.." Kate mumbled, letting her hand fall from mine. Pushing your hand to your side, you stop yourself from reaching out for her hand. "..she's so warm." Taking a few steps forward, you see that she's sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace. "Come on, hun. Let's relax while we can." She waves you over with a big smile, leaning back into the cushions. Hesitantly, you join her on the couch, taking a seat with a foot between the both of you. "Hey, I'm not gonna bite.." She reaches out and pulls you a little closer. "I want her to hug me again.." Taking a deep breath, you turn to her, but she was already looking at you.
"It looks like you're wantin' somethin', (Y/n)." She saw right through you. Your voice is caught in your throat, only one word escaping, "-hug.." Turning away, you set your hands in your lap, hoping she didn't hear your mumble. "(Y/n), it's fine to ask for affection." She placed her hand on the space above your knee, leaning forward to look at your face. She brought her arms out and pulled you into her. Every where she touched felt warm and it felt as if you melted into her. "Did you.. usually not get affection back home?" Shaking your head, you wrapped your arms around her waist and push your face to her neck. You close your eyes, leaning into her as she holds you tighter. "If you ever need anythin', you can come to me." She brings a hand to your head, gently petting your hair, "..I'll be here for you, (Y/n)." Squeezing her a little, you nod your head and sigh shakingly. She'll be here. She'll stay beside you and hold you when you need it most. And that's all you need.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Are there any movies that inspire S4 that foreshadow the DID theory ?
I stated most of them in the DID theory. So you could read it again. But I could write the whole list (some of which I didn’t mention in that post) . 😄
realistic / sort of realistic DID - last kiss goodnight (2 different personalities in 1 women, memory gaps , intergration) , prince of tides (did stated) ,primal fear (did stated ) , fisher king (diff personality takes over after trauma), mystic river (implied did) , red dragon (implied did) , black swan (“dark twin” from imagination emerges after psych break).
Supernatural multiple personalities or posesssion - elfen lied (supernatural did) , Thor ragnarock (hulk/banner act like alters), silent hill games/films (supernatural DID) , Audrey rose ( 1 girl is both the reincarnation of a girl but also posessed by traumatized girl who is associated with fire) , inner space city (posessed man trapped in guy’s head and talks to him / tries controlling his body) , dream catcher (possessed by superpowered smoke entity) , drop dead Fred (imaginary friend who only she can see , who can control her body and causes mayhem using her body), what lies beneath (posessed, only way to tell them apart is eye color difference), assasains creed (therapy into past life of ancestor), source code (technology-allows man to possess and pretend to be the man he’s controlling the body of).
Identical twins pretending to be 1 person: prestige , and enemy.
Innerworlds (of people who have DID) , aka fantasy world based on real world/psyche of 1 person: the cell, Inside out, hellraiser 2, labyrinth, elmstreet: dream warriors, Peter Pan, wizard of oz, return to oz, enter the void, what dreams may come, altered states, total recall, Truman show, annihilation,society etc
Also, after writing my did theory I also watched some x files which was said to be an influence . And it pretty much confirmed my did theory about Will creating everything . I’m super proud of being so spot on- before I even found this episode😂 . Ep (scary monsters)- boy with bowl cut who draws has monsters from his drawings come to life ( mf and demogorgans). He even makes an identical looking version of the real-sheriff in town - but his doppelgänger sheriff does his biding (my theory hopper is an introject alter ) . Also he later puts a slug like creature into women’s stomach and she screams as her friends see the creature crawl under her skin (almost identical visuals to what happened with El’s leg). Boy also creates door and man falls into black void (similar to the door symbolism/ el falling in black void in s3.) There’s was quite a few differences in the episode - like the boy was evil and could control his powers / they were just allusions like Kali’s powers- but it was definitely an influence. Similarly , certain other eps of X-Files and twilight zone were also an influence.
possession movies (but they’re more like body snatchers cause they involve multiple people posessed at the same time- also all 3 of these movies had the posessed entities be all pervy/ r*pey... so more influence of what we saw in s3 , rather than the did theory ): fallen, shivers, life force (life force was at the s3 theater- man imagines creature he can’t control/ that can possess people and does creppy pervy stuff to people)
These are just examples of the films I already watched . (the ab*sive dads/ family members is a whole list on its own that would take a while to write.)
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The dream catcher first appeared in the episode that introduced Desiree. Tucker wished for ghost powers and it was used to separate him from his evil ghost half.
Okay. I had a feeling it showed up earlier but Identity Crisis was the first time it was used long-term and on an actual Halfa and showed them being two seperate entities while seperate.
So like yeah it would've been a good setup for TUE
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