#double amnesia
eiswig · 8 months
I decided that since I keep coming up with obikin scenarios on the daily, i might as well post them. Today’s idea— the classic amnesia trope. But what if both of them forgot who they are? That’s right, it’s double amnesia!
Obikin Drabble
Rating: G
He was on his back, against solid ground. It was quiet, only the sound of chirping birds could be heard. He was breathing, thankfully, smelling chilly, thin air, and plants or trees of some sort. The bright, overwhelming light of the sun streamed into his eyes, he raised his arm to shield his face, and was surprised to see his knuckles were bloodied.
Blood? Am I in danger? His mind struggled to keep up, he didn’t hear any commotion, he didn’t feel pain- well, much pain. He did feel pain- his back, ribs, but it didn’t seem urgent. It was dull, and he had a distinct thought that it was something he was used to. There was something shiny next to him as well- a ship, grounded, slightly tipped forward with its nose stuck in the dirt, but in good shape otherwise.
“Hello there,” a voice sounded, from not too far away and he sat up, not sure if he could stand yet, but still ready to defend himself- but the man was just sitting, cross legged on the ground, hands empty, with auburn hair swaying in the wind.
“Who are you”- he asked- “where am I?”
“I’m afraid I’m not sure” he said, with a wry smile, “who are you?”
Eyes wide— the realization hit him that he didn’t know. He was himself, of course… but he couldn’t conjure up a name. He looked down at his body again, it seemed familiar, but, “I— I don’t know.”
Sad, blue eyes met his. “Ah. I was hoping you would.”
They held eye contact, and somehow, though the words went unsaid, established they both didn’t remember their identities, but knew they were close- with an integral trust between them. He couldn’t place their relationship but he knew they hadn’t been fighting each other.
Fighting. Looking down, he recognized the telltale signs of a fight, and on the ground between them were two cylindrical metal objects with handles, but no blade. They were wearing similar clothes, his own were just a darker shade.
“Are we fighters? Have we been… using these…” what were they called? “light, light—“
“Sabers!” The other man finished, “lightsaber, that’s what these are then,” coming to the resolution at the same time.
“Huh. Lightsabers,” that seemed right. Somehow he could tell which one belonged to him, and he grabbed it, also realizing the same arm was metal- but whose blood was it then? “Well, it seems we lost.”
“Perhaps. But we’re not dead, which is good I suppose,” the other man stroked his beard, which seemed a familiar gesture; but sparked annoyance.
“No. This is not good…! Who are we, what are we doing here?? Does anyone know we’re here? Will.. whatever we were fighting come back? Are we stranded?”
Anger, irritation, fear, and profound confusion swirled through him. It felt… dark, but the world around him was still so bright—
“We’ll I’ve only been conscious for a few minutes—” the other man snapped back, “you don’t have to be so rude.” The man looked so disappointed, an expression that seemed endemic to his facial features. The man seemed to be older, muscular of course and, handsome. Very good looking, with shining blue eyes, which made something in his chest clench up.
The thoughts of darkness faded, instead he felt small, subdued, hollow—
“Ugh!” He rocked forward to get on his hands and knees before attempting to stand, but something around the other man’s wrist began crackling with static, so he sat back on his knees. They both watched it as it activated itself and shone with blue.
“General Kenobi, do you copy?” came from the unit, but the other man looked confused. They made eye contact, and held it again
“I- I- yes I suppose that’s me” he said, and adding as an afterthought, “Copy.”
“You suppose?”
“Well this comm unit is on my wrist, is that my name? And who night you be?”
“This is Cody, sir. And yes you are General Obi-Wan Kenobi What happened? What is your status? Is General Skywalker with you?”
“Describe him for me?” General Kenobi said back.
“Brown curly hair, scar across his eye, dark clothes, metal arm—”
“Ah yes, but more of a golden brown color though, don’t you think?” Kenobi’s eyes were twinkling, regarding him.
“I don’t really think—” cutting himself off and sounding resigned, he continued, “yes, that’s Anakin Skywalker, sir”
“Anakin Skywalker,” he, Anakin, tested out, bringing a hand to his lips. It seemed right. “We’re generals?”
“Yes you are,” the voice, Cody, sounded annoyed, “where are you? Are you harmed”
“I couldn’t tell you where we are but we don’t seem harmed,” General Obi-Wan Kenobi said, “we are near a ship, but don’t know if it still works.”
“There’s been a fight,” Anakin interjected. Somehow he trusted the man on the comm, too. “But it doesn’t seem like we’ve been fighting each other,” he pointed out.
“Of course you weren’t- what is the last thing you remember?”
“I don’t… I don’t remember anything,” he replied.
“Same here” Obi-Wan said. “But we aren’t bodily injured.”
“All right, well we have your location, we should be there in a manner of hours, just stay there, sirs.”
“Wait, wait, don’t go—” Obi-Wan said, bringing his comm closer to himself like he could grab onto the disembodied voice. “Who are we? What are we doing here? Where are we?”
As if this vital information was just general knowledge, Cody replied “You are Jedi knights. Obi-Wan, Anakin was your Padawan. You were sent to find and capture a night sister, but… it seems she found you first. She must have cast some sort of memory spell on you. Kix and Ahsoka are already researching it… oh you don’t know who they are —well I’ll have Ahsoka comm you to explain. I need to coordinate—”
“What are we to each other now?” Anakin asked, “now that I’m no longer his Padawan?”
“I, ugh,” Cody replied “Really? This is what you ask..? Ok listen, no one really knows ok? You are close, closer than friends…? Familial, but not actually related? You two fight and bicker, but you’re always together, you are a team— I don’t know. Undefined. I just do my job” he sounded increasingly frustrated.
“Okay, okay, thank you, Cody,” Obi-Wan said, shooting Anakin a chastising look, “Really, I’m sure we’ll figure things out and remember soon.”
“Just please stay there and be safe; go inside the ship, there should be supplies and cots- please don’t do anything risky. Just. Don’t do anything at all.” He pleaded. “Cody out”
“Seems like he really wanted to avoid that question, hm?” Obi-Wan regarded Anakin, blue eyes twinkling again, before looking back at the ship.
“We should explore!” Anakin blurted out- and shot up to stand. He thought about being in close proximity to Obi-Wan, someone he’s apparently ‘closer than friends with,’ —how close?— tending each others wounds, cots around… and felt his stomach flip over.
“No, Anakin- we’re going in.” Obi-Wan said firmly, standing up himself and dusting himself off to turn to the ship. Even covered in dust, and blood, he looked good. Strong. Almost regal. Anakin felt his eyes stray to strong looking thighs, a toned ass, as Obi-Wan turned toward the ship’s side door. His former master. How close were they, really? Was past Anakin getting to experience this man in bed? If so, good for him. Or was he just hot for teacher? Had they ever spoken about this need he felt deep down? Or was it only now that whatever other stuff filled their relationship was gone, that Anakin’s mind could shift to romance and sex?
He found himself not really caring. And suddenly he desired nothing more than to be in close quarters with a handsome stranger.
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[PX Fic Rec 20] 人参娃娃
by 码字的在水一方
Translated title: Ginseng Doll
Relationship: Zhang Qiling/Wu Xie
Writer's attribute: PingXie
Status: Complete + Extra
Language: Chinese
Length: Prologue + 40 Chapters + Epilogue + 2 Extras
Tags: AU Setting—Xianxia AU—Fantasy/Mythology, Maoshan Disciple Zhang Zhenren* Ping × Ginseng Doll (Little Ghost) Xie, Predestined Relationship, No Real Timeline, a classic fanfiction, HE
What's inside the fic: Third Person POV, Double Amnesia, it's supposed to be fluff/sweet story as the author said but...
Warnings: There's a knife, prepare some tissues, don't worry it's still HE
About this fic:
Zhang Qiling had been searching for a special ginseng to retrieve his memories of three years ago, but what he got was a ginseng doll who attached to him instead.
“I've been waiting for you for a long time... But, I think it's worth it.”
Personal opinion:
Such a beautiful story T_T ✨ They are so sweet but I'm crying, their feelings are mutual, it's so touching. The author said it's a sweet story, but I cried many times T_T Maybe it's just me, at this rate, whether it's a happy or sad scene, I will end up crying for a different reason T_T I think it's not only the amount of time that matters, but also having to bear the pain and going to great lengths for the other while waiting to be reunited.
A little note:
Zhenren is a respectful title for Taoist priests, and Maoshan is a sect of Taoism. More info here.
Where to read: Lofter (Prologue)
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
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amnesia rules is how the rest of the crew find about maq and the twins (macaque could have tried to stop him but this is the first time hes seen swk happy in so long and he is weak)
the idea for this was solidly @animemoonprincess​ ‘s and its been stuck in my head for two months
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ahalliance · 8 months
how is ETOILES the most normal person out of the French currently HOW DID THAT HAPPEN
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squidthesquidd · 9 months
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an doodle…. for my double amnesia au <333 uauaua first time doing their pose together since theyve been reunited. gotta draw more of this au i love it sm
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
Anyway Leaf House Cloud down the line:
Cloud, through his exposure to mako and an incredibly poorly timed attack that puts him on Hojo’s radar, gets essentially blackmailed into becoming a shinra employee. The only thing that can be done really is decide where he’s going to go.
And Tseng, who has been trying to get Cloud to join his department almost immediately after meeting him, makes an offer that will both satisfy the higher ups that Cloud is “contained” and keep him out of Hojo’s hands as a test subject. Cloud becomes a Turk in “deep cover” in the Slums where he essentially keeps living the life he was already living in exchange for being Aerith’s Shinra approved bodyguard. The only catch is when certain jobs come up that would need his specific expertise Cloud can’t really refuse them since he goes on so few missions.
And unfortunately one of those missions is Nibelheim.
Things still go bad but with the advantage of cloud being already partially enhanced he wakes up pretty much when Zack does (though is in pretty bad shape for all he is moving) and through some general Turk paranoia and mako addled thoughts making him check literally every inch of the building for further threats he finds Vincent who in a mix of Turk Loyalty and the desire to put Hojo’s head on a stick agrees to come with them back to Midgar. (It goes against everything he once stood for to let a fellow Turk still half out of their mind with mako poisoning and years of trauma go off with only an equally mako poisoned and traumatized soldier as back up.)
And honestly three enhanced individuals against an army goes a lot better than one.
Which means eventually two ex Turks and an ex soldier walk into a bar and become eco terrorists and Shinra weeps.
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jessica-leatherman · 3 months
Banger books from the ‘Fore Square’ series.
Stories hidden in writers profile.
Stories hidden in writers profile.
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istadris · 10 months
Another headcanon/ideas post about one of my SMB AU ?
This time with a different batch !
For reminder :
Lost in New York (Gen)
Dealer Luigi in Bowser's casino (Bowser & Luigi centric, potential Bowuigi?)
Double Amnesia (Bowsario & Bowuigi)
Koopa Nesting Season (royal plumbing polycule)
Kidnapping Menace Mario (Bowuigi + Mario&DK)
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a-spy-in-hisui · 2 months
Dimensional Discussion
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"Hey, Marc."
"Have you ever thought about... well, before ?"
"... You mean, my life before Hisui ?"
"Y-yes. If you don't want to talk about it, I understand ! I was just nosy-"
"It's alright, don't worry, Akari. And as for your question, yes I do. Every night, for one hour before going to sleep, and almost everyday, when something reminds me of them."
"L-like what ?"
"I dunno. Situations, people, my Pokemon, the colors..."
"Colors ?"
"Yes. Red, yellow and pink. I don't know what they represent exactly, but one thing for sure is that I love them very much and never had a dull time with them."
"Wowzers, really ?!"
"Yup ! But enough talking about me. Let's talk about you."
"M-me ?!"
"Yes. We're in the same boat, except that you don't even remember your name. I'm sure that if we talk a bit, something will come back."
"How d'you know for sure ?"
"I don't. But at least we will try. So, you told me that Cyndaquil reminded you of something. Was it due to the shades, or..."
When Marc fell into this parallel Hisui, he was surprised about the differences, but the main one was that Rei doesn't have a twin sister and that he didn't fall from the sky, no. Instead, it was a child named Akari, who landed on Prelude Beach and not the Obsidian Fields. He thought that this Akari would look the same as the one back here, but Arceus, he was wrong.
Instead of a bold girl with black hair and grey eyes, instead he finds a shy and quiet child a bit older than him with black-purple hair and piercing yellow eyes.
Because the two are not good at breaking the ice, it took the two starters to push them to each other to begin to talk. And once they did, it really blossomed, with Akari asking most of the questions while Marc (being the usual know-it-all he still is) gladly answers while the two Pokemon run behind them.
Akari (well, this one) belongs to @applesjuice, with their permission.
Marc is not my character officially, but the story and idea is mine.
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nebuvoid · 8 months
looking at Ven's backstory like
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gets a new toy, immediately plays dressup with him yeehaw buckaroo
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mysteriousmoss · 2 years
*holds amnesiac!Tango fantasy modern Team Rancher au in my hand*
What if Tango was the one wi the amnesia and Empires s2 was in a modern era and had some s1 characters reincarnated including traffic life smp characters.
Oh the angst this au will cause.
Still on the fence on if I wanna have a happy ending or not.
Oh and Jimmy has his memories of DL and owns a ranch named “Three Lives Ranch”.
These boys are gonna suffer.
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pcktknife · 2 years
hey remember your yamask/cofagrigus ingo? yeah so i discovered something troubling. pokemon sword's entry for cofagrigus states
"This Pokémon has a body of sparkling gold. People say it no longer remembers that it was once human."
ouchie. he got double-amnesia.
oh dont worry about that he got to keep his memories as an apology from god
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l-thefriendlyghost · 2 years
Losing my mind at the thought of a team rancher reunion
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femslashspuffy · 1 year
Buffy has 2 amnesia episodes, 2 love spell episodes, 2 invisible girl episodes, 2 doppleganger episodes
They did everything in seasons 1-3 and then said that was cool let's just do it again
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falselyprofound · 2 years
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“4) Paranoia: The investigator suffers severe paranoia for 1D10 rounds; everyone is out to get them; no one can be trusted; they are being spied on; someone has betrayed them; what they are seeing is a trick.”
Little epilogue comic to that Call of Cthulhu “oneshot” I was in. The good news is that everyone we cared about survived.
Of course we never found out what the thing in the lake was trying to accomplish. Or if rescuing Jane impeded it in any real way whatsoever. And every single cultist got away. ...And Haas may have rolled a second complete breakdown right at the end.
But hey, at least they got that reward money?
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