#don't mind me i just find it curious that the sort of guides for ''how to find rp'' are necessary
avaritia-ffxiv · 5 months
Idk if I'm a special case for... Never having struggled with finding rp? As in "other people who also rp". Yeah back when I started it was mostly on forums, but I moved to Tumblr at the tail end of 2012, started rping here in 2013 maybe? 2013/2014. I didn't have any trouble finding the rpc of my target fandom back then.
All the writers who matched my style kind of stopped writing over the years, but even then the rpc wasn't dead even when I left it two or three years ago and moved to FFXIV rp.
And again. I didn't have trouble finding people. I made an account for FF stuff, followed some FF blogs, looked at what other blogs Tumblr suggested to me or who the blogs I checked out were reblogging from and such, and had populated my dash within a week or two. Sent out a few DMs, got some threads going (we'll ignore what Gia did to all my other muses when I created him later on, I'm so sorry. Boy really did line them all up behind the barn).
Of course this isn't... Someone who wants to newly get into rp struggling to find where to start with that. I already knew the platform I wanted to use (Tumblr/one-on-one Discord servers with people from Tumblr) and was familiar with that platform, so idk if that was what made all the difference. I don't know if it'd be harder to do what I did as a wee tween that very accidentally stumbled upon the rp section of a not-exclusively-rp site, gained a mighty interest in that despite barely knowing how to write English, and then... I honestly can't remember anymore how I found my first forums, but once I did, I followed their adverts sections to find more, until I landed on something that was still active and looked interesting.
Idk idk. I didn't realize the trouble of finding rp had become a hot topic at some point over the years lmao. At most I figured that the challenge lies not in finding people, but the right people whose writing styles and interests in topics to explore match yours, but that was always the case.
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rthko · 4 months
Hey so here's a conversation you might or might not be interested in having but if you'd like to, it's been my understanding that you participate in the time honoured tradion of cruising (TM), so I was curious about how/why you first started engaging with that? Was it an intentional choice? Are there still live spots around where you live? Natural continuation from the grindr life? Feels like it isn't really a natural part of gay life for a lot of people these days and more of an active choice.
I do like having conversations like this! Now I do cruise, but not in the ways that first come to mind with the term "cruising." My experience is limited to bathhouses, bars, and parties with play spaces, but I haven't done it in, say, a park or a highway rest stop. Cruising refers to looking for sex in places known for the practice. Said sex does not have to occur there, so finding someone at a cruising spot and going to a second location is cruising, but a couple arranging to have sex in a park is not. There are definitely gray areas--is Grindr cruising, or is it an existential threat to the culture? What's the line between a plain old bar hookup and cruising? Is going to a cruising spot only to have sex with people you already knew cruising? Maybe someone reading this knows better than I do.
Knowing spots is and always has been a matter of word of mouth, but sites like squirt . org and Sniffies have made it a lot easier. People looking to cruise might look at these sites, or look for advice for their city in forums, or just know the right people who know their way around the "pickle parks." The spots I've been to are the easiest to find--obviously people are going to be having sex at a bathhouse. But there are other options--informal, discrete spots that don't (or can't) require an entry fee. You'd be surprised just how many there are, and not just in the cities you'd suspect. I just don't know much about this world, aside from the "official" brick and mortar spots.
I started going first out of curiosity, but then I kept finding more and more reasons. It wasn't a natural continuation from Grindr life but rather a reaction against it. I was sick of Grindr. I wanted to work on people skills, like dishing out and taking rejection respectfully, and without the ego-preserving move of a block button. I had a roommate and felt awkward inviting people over. I didn't have a car and had a hard time even getting to other people's places, and by the time I got there I'd lost my sexual appetite. I found being naked or in a towel in a space full of equally naked people helped me be at ease with my body. The men I had sex with couldn't find and contact me after the fact unless I deliberately gave them contact information. I felt more freedom to say no or change my mind in a place full of sexual possibilities than I would at someone else's apartment. I found a lot of reasons beyond finding voyeurism and exhibitionism hot--which I do.
I have learned not to focus too hard on the why. A lot of different types do it for a lot of different reasons, and that's part of the appeal for me. There are closeted and experimenting men, out and proud gays who view the baths as part of their identity, disrobed white collar professionals visiting my city for a conference, locals who can't host, and nobody's really asking who's who. This is the sort of contact that Samuel R Delany wrote about, overcoming the guiding rule of cities that we "don't talk to strangers." Michael Warner also has great writing on cruising and public sex, and challenges the idea that gay victory will look like normalcy and the end of cruising. Cruising is not as popular as it used to be, and I think it's important to acknowledge a lot of this comes down to policy and not a change in the gay conscience. Ironically, the very gentrification that scrubs away these spaces has made them necessarily through a tightening housing market where fewer people can host. I would not be surprised if I heard it confirmed that more gays lately are choosing to cruise--or already are and don't realize it. At the risk of over-simplified sentimentality, I'd be glad to hear it.
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flowersandbigteeth · 6 months
Meeting your Changeling Boyfriend: Pt 2
Changeling (Clark) x f flower nymph reader
Word Count: 3k
General Plot: You embark on a journey with your Changeling Boyfriend
TW: isekai, yandere, nsfw smut, p in v sex, oral sex, slight mind control
Find the other parts here
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You woke to the squawking of seagulls. Blinking, it took a moment for you to remember where you were. Glancing around, you found yourself alone in the carriage, Clark’s heavy coat draped over you. 
The sun was up, the sky a pretty clear blue. You peeked out of the window to find a bustling port. Massive ships bobbed in the water while workers carried loads on and off them. You were still flabbergasted by the variety of creatures around you. Curious, you slipped out of the carriage and walked along the dock. 
The boats were the sort of massive ships with sails you saw in history books. You gasped as you watched one rise from the ocean and drift through the sky to wherever it was destined. 
“Out of the way, nymph! Don’t stand about gawking!” a centaur carrying a massive barrel on his shoulder barked at you, and you stumbled out of his way. 
“Watch it!” another man who looked like some kind of goblin huffed when you stepped on his shoe. 
It was dizzying the speed at which people were rushing around you. You found yourself being pushed around by annoyed workers until you’d lost sight of the carriage. Your heart pounded, trying to shove against the crowd to go back the way you’d come, but no one paid much attention to your smaller body attempting to move against much larger ones. 
“Ahh!” you shouted as a firm hand latched onto your arm. 
You whirled around to slap your captor when you glanced up to find Clark looking down at you. 
“It’s dangerous to wander off,” he warned, frowning at you. 
“Sorry, I got curious,” you said. 
He grunted, pulling you under his arm and making his way through the dock. 
“I bought our tickets,” he explained to you as he led you to a big white ship. 
He nudged you on board and a uniformed sailor checked your tickets, giving you a practiced smile. 
"This is beautiful," you gasped. 
The hallways of the great ship were lined with glossy hard wood. Framed paintings of captains and sailors lined the walls leading to the suites. Clark opened the door for you, guiding you inside. 
You hurried across the room, peering out of a large circular window. The people looked small from so far up. 
Someone knocked and Clark greeted a uniformed naga carrying in a large boxy bit of luggage. He slipped him some odd coins and the man tipped his hat before he slithered out.
"I bought you some things this morning," he said, waving at the luggage. "Some dresses and hygiene items. You can buy what you like when we reach Ilirion." 
You sat heavily on the bed, head spinning. You had so many questions, so much curiosity. Everything was fantastic and new, it was hard to wrap your head around. You knew consciously you should be sad for the life you left, but this world was a massive distraction. You were just trying to get through each hour at a time. 
"Thank you, Clark," you gasped, your eyes tearing up. "You've been so kind to me.You abandoned your home for me. I don't know how to repay you." 
He sat on the bed next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
"This is how things should have always been," he hummed quietly. "Just you and I. It's no hardship to care for you (Y/N). It's my greatest honor." 
You looked at him, trying to read his face. You were following a complete stranger to who knows where. In your previous life, you’d been a careful, measured person, always meeting dates in public places and not giving out your address. But that was all out the window now. 
"You hardly know me," you murmured and he smiled. 
"All of your souls in all of the universes are the same," he sighed, brushing a thumb over your bottom lip. "Only circumstances create different behaviors. Your experiences mold you. Underneath it all, you are (Y/N). Kind, sweet, loving. I can't help but adore you just as I adored the other one. Yes, you are different, but the essence of you is very much the same. I’m thrilled to grow to know you and for you to know me.” 
Your eyes widened and his irises drifted down your face, to your lips. A hand cupped the nape of your neck and his head dipped until his mouth brushed yours. Your lips sparkled from the gentle pressure and you hummed, your eyes closing. His delicious scent filled you and you sighed into his mouth.  You felt his fingers twine with yours, warm digits enveloping your smaller ones. It felt like your heart was trying to flutter out of your chest. 
He pulled away, searching your face for any sign of discomfort. 
“I’m…I’m sorry, I can’t resist when you look at me that way,” he said, his cheeks darkening. 
You shook your head, your own cheeks burning as you looked down at your laced fingers. 
“I…I don’t mind,” you said, your voice breathy. 
Maybe it was unwise getting so close to your only guide in the world, but in reality you were frightened and overwhelmed. You could hardly help becoming helplessly attached to him. He nodded at you, brushing your hair out of your face. 
“There’s a bath in this suite,” he said, “would you like to take one?”
You’d forgotten you were wearing the same clothes from the day before. 
“That’s a good idea,” you said. 
Before you could get up yourself he scooped you in his arms and brought you into the bathroom. 
“There’s a tap,” you noted, seeing that the bathtub was very much like the ones you were used to. 
Clark chuckled. 
“The pipes here are enchanted to move water around,” he explained. “It’s an expensive spell.” 
You blinked up at him. 
“I hope you didn’t spend too much on our tickets,” you said, but he shook his head, setting you down on a small chair. 
He turned the tap on, letting steaming water into the tub. 
“Money is not something I worry about,” he said. “Don’t let it trouble you.” 
He left the room and you assumed he was going to leave you to bathe on your own, but he came right back holding a sea sponge, a few bottles, and a large purple silk scarf. Sitting right down behind you he nimbly wrapped your hair up and twisted the scarf ends so they were secure. Then he started gingerly unbuttoning the buttons that closed your dress. 
You stiffened under his touch, so he paused. Not able to see his face you weren’t sure of his expression. You felt his lips against the bare skin of your back. 
“Don’t be alarmed,” he assured you. “We bathed together as children. I only want to help. I wont do anything you don’t want me to do. Relax and let me make you feel good.” 
Pleasure shot down your spine from his kiss and something about his voice immediately made your tightened muscles loosen. Any anxiety melted away and he slipped the dress over your shoulders and slid it past your hips. Kneeling in front of you, he tugged your panties down, eyes moving over your body with reverent interest. 
After a long moment of looking you over, he picked you up and placed you carefully in the bathtub. 
“That feels nice, doesn’t it?” he asked and you nodded, your eyelashes fluttering. 
You felt spacey, but blissful. Assuming you were simply affected by the novelty of the trip, you leaned back in the bath, enjoying the peace you felt. You’d almost dozed when you felt the sponge slide over your skin. Flicking your eyes open, you found Clark gingerly washing you. He met your gaze and smiled. 
“I taught you to bathe properly,” he said with a wistful smile. “You’d been left to wander the old wood as all nymphs are and had only splashed around in streams. I showed you soap and a sponge. There were so many things to teach you when you came to the village…it almost feels like that time again. Those were the happiest days of my life. Before-” 
You tipped your head to him as he didn’t continue. 
“Before what?” you asked. 
He shook his head. 
“Nothing…I was spoiled before you came to trust Neia with all of your attention,” he said, but you felt like he was leaving something out. 
As curious as you were, you also realized that the old (Y/N)’s life had little to do with you. You didn’t know or feel an attachment to those people and the way they spoke of her felt alienating. You didn’t want to be compared to some other version of yourself. 
“Can we…” you started and Clark looked up at you. “Can we stop talking about the other me so much?” 
His eyebrows bounced up. 
“It’s just…” you muttered. “I don’t know any of the people you’re talking about. I’m sure the other me loved them very much, but for me it’s a little uncomfortable to hear about her life.” 
He gave you a bright smile and nodded. 
“Yes, of course,” he said. “The past should be left there. You are your own woman. I will try to refrain from bringing her up.” 
He methodically scrubbed your body and when he was satisfied you were all clean, helped you up and dried you off with a big fluffy towel. 
"Would you like to rest or go to the deck to see the view?" he asked, opening your luggage and pulling out a purple, satin dress and some underthings. 
"I think I've rested enough," you said as he helped you dress. 
You felt very comfortable around Clark. The way he looked at you was appreciative, but not lecherous and he handled you like fine china. Even naked you didn't feel preyed upon. It was oddly natural. After he'd buttoned the many buttons on the back of the frock, he unwrapped your hair and draped it daintily over your shoulder. 
You slipped your feet into comfortable leather booties, happy to replace the filthy flats you'd run to Clark's house in and he helped you to lace them. 
When you were presentable the two of you made your way to the deck. Couples and families were also enjoying the sunshine, scattered throughout the open area. Many of them nodded politely to you so you did the same. 
"We're about to take off," Clark said, finding an empty spot at the balustrade so you could look over. 
"Take off?" you asked and he smiled. 
"There are dangerous monsters in the sea between provinces. The safest way is to sail by air," he explained. 
The sailors on the deck began shouting to one another and rushing around, adjusting ropes as thick as Clark's arm. 
Suddenly there was a lurch and your stomach dropped. You immediately clung to Clark, peeking over the edge of the ship to see the blue water of the ocean getting further and further away. 
"It's okay," he cooed, stroking your back. "Look." 
He pointed to the clouds now at eye level, forming their own ethereal landscape stretching as far as they eye could see. A flock of birds that was disturbed by the take off flew so close you could touch them if you held out your hand.
"Beautiful," you gasped at the puffy white tops. 
When you glanced back Clark wasn't looking at the clouds, but at you. His slate gray eyes were warm and a bit glossy. 
"Are you okay?" you asked. 
"I'm wonderful," he murmured as your eyes hung on one another for a long moment. 
His head dipped and his lips brushed yours. You felt a sort of magnetism between you, pressing your mouth into his. This was an entirely new sensation. On, you'd had a few boyfriends, but those connections felt superficial compared to the way your heart pounded in Clark's arms. He was incredibly handsome, his eyes sharp and his chin perfectly sculpted. 
You felt his thumb brush your cheek as his palm cupped your chin. Your lips parted for him and his tongue explored the cave of your mouth. He tasted spicy, almost like cardamom but a bit different. 
"Mind the children!" a fussy fairy barked and you both glanced over to see two smaller fairies watching you with wide eyes. 
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, but Clark only laughed, pulling you away from the crowd. 
He found a hidden spot where three walls made a small indentation out of sight and pressed your back into the cool wood paneling. His hands were suddenly all over you. You gasped for breath as his hot kisses bruised your lips. 
"Clark," you murmured on a breath and he paused for a moment. 
"Do you want me to stop?" he asked quietly. 
You could have stopped things there, not opened a door that could never be closed again, but his scent filled your lungs and your face was sparkling from his attention. His heavy hands felt amazing on your skin.
"No," you said and before you'd finished the word he was kissing you again. 
Your tongues slid past one another in a sensual dance, while he squeezed every curve of your body. His fingers slid up your thigh, lifting the hem of your dress until they cupped your sex. 
Two thick fingers parted your lips and he pulled away from you grinning. 
"Stay quiet for me," he purred, sinking to his knees. 
You weren't sure what he was planning until your panties slipped to your ankles and his tongue started circling your clit. 
You covered your mouth with your hands, almost crying out at the first stroke. He toyed with your sensitive pearl, circling it then flicking it with the stiff point of his tongue. You shuddered, hardly able to hold yourself up as pleasure shot around your nerves like a pinball. 
Two thick fingers entered your dripping pussy, touching the most sensitive spot. Your body quaked, your legs felt like rubber, and all the while you were trying to hold in whimpers and cries of approval. 
Your fingers dug into his hair, trying to keep yourself upright, but all at once your body exploded into a wave of bliss. You felt light headed, your eyelashes fluttering and your legs losing the ability to hold yourself up. 
Clark looked up at you with a smug smirk, opening his fly with one hand while he held you against the wall with the other. 
"I need you. I can’t wait any longer," he whispered, his nose tracing the shell of your ear as he fisted himself. "Let me have you." 
You mewled something close to "yes" and a moment later he lifted you by your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist. 
A lusty moan forced its way past your lips as he thrust inside. He muffled the sound with his mouth crashing into yours. His cock was thick, stretching your channel to the brink as he drove into you. Resting your forehead in the crook of his neck, you could only hold on as he slammed into you over and over again. His rough pants made your ear tingle and he whispered half coherent promises and praises to you. 
"You're perfect, so tight, you're so beautiful, you're mine. No one else can have you…I'll do anything…" 
Perhaps the last ones should have been of some concern, but you were too lost in rapture to make anything of it. His body felt perfect for you, his scent acting like some sort of aphrodisiac, filling your lungs. Every inch of your skin was sparkling and his Adonis belt ground against your clit, tugging you further and further towards your end. 
"Aaah," he grunted as your channel clamped down on his cock. 
A long, languid orgasm had you biting his collar bone so that you didn't scream out loud. 
"Fuck, yesss," he hissed at the little bite of pain. 
As you came together you looked up to see he was completely different. His face had become a smooth mask, split by a red slash of a mouth. Large, sharp teeth clenched in his jaw. The hands holding you became sharp claws, the tips poking your skin. He'd become the creature that had attacked Harri. The sudden transformation paired with his jerking hips threw you into another sharp orgasm, your eyes rolling back in your head. 
You clung to his neck, trying to hold your cry in. As your body tensed around him, soaring to its final height, you felt his hot cum filling your cunt with a few ragged thrusts.
“Mine,” a deep growl floated to your ears.
When you finally went slack from exhaustion, Clark morphed back to the more human shape. You looked up, examining him. 
"Why…why did you change like that?" you gasped. 
He pressed his sweat damp forehead to yours. 
"That's my true form. I can't hold this form when I'm…overwhelmed," he panted. "Did it scare you?" 
"No," you murmured, surprised at how hot his sharp claws got you. "Why don't you look like that all the time?" 
He twisted his lip as if slightly embarrassed. 
"People are scared of me," he whispered. "It's best to look more humanoid. They only see a monster in that form." 
"I'm not scared of you," you assured him. "You can be who you want with me." 
He smiled at you gently, setting you on the ground so he could fasten his pants and help you straighten your dress. 
"It's about time for dinner," he said, brushing a lock of hair off of your shoulder and cupping your neck with his hot hand. "Would you like to have a meal?"
The gesture reminded you of what you'd just done and a shudder rumbled through you. 
"Yes," you breathed. "Food would be good." 
He tucked your hand in the bend of his elbow and led you politely to the dining room.
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taizi · 9 months
sabo luffy prompt if your still accepting them:
Luffy about Ace's death: it should have been me.
Sabo wide eyed and scared cups Luffys face: never ever say that. Don't even think it.
It lingers in the back of Sabo’s mind, in the furthest, darkest corners, as persistent and sticky as a spiderweb. 
Luffy is his crybaby little brother, always will be. Sabo wasn’t there to watch him grow up, grow out of childish old habits, so the sight of that precious face crumpling and flooding with tears was familiar—expected, even. There in the underbelly of the colosseum, Sabo’s body remembered what his useless brain had forgotten, pure muscle memory guiding his hands up to catch the human cannonball without missing a beat. The act of it was tried and true, even now. Of course Luffy would fly into his arms, would cling to him and cry. Sabo’s job was to be bigger and stronger and hold him up for however long it took him to feel brave again. 
He might have been afraid to approach Luffy at first, but it was a stupid thing to be afraid of. Anyone else might have had good reason to be petrified of meeting their only remaining family—of facing the condemnation or betrayal or hatred for not being there when they were needed most, for only showing their face now when it hardly mattered. It would be a scary thing, reaching out the thing you had thought lost, knowing that to reach out would mean to lose it for real, but to stay away forever would be unthinkable.
But holding Luffy, looking at him, Sabo’s brain remembered how little he had to fear from this person. His heart opened up, like a flower unfolding for the sun, because it was safe to open and be gentle here. Luffy would never think to blame him or hate him, not for Ace. Not for anything. 
No, instead he would clutch at Sabo’s jacket with shaking hands, ruined chest heaving, and apologize. 
“I was right there,” he sobbed. “He died right in front of me and I couldn’t save him.”
At the time, Sabo smiled, and said, “I’m grateful you’re alive,” and let Luffy cry himself out. He helped Luffy out of his silly competitor costume and rubbed at his sticky face with the hem of his own jacket until the smaller boy was laughing and wrestling to get away. Luffy’s friends were waiting for him, and he had a job to do, so they parted ways not long after meeting again. 
Responsibility was an odd look on Sabo’s little brother, who used to find trouble in every single nook and corner of the mountain they grew up on like it was his job, but not a bad one. And when he ran off, shouting, “I’ll see you soon, Sabo! I swear!” Sabo knew he could pile oceans and mountains and decades on top of that promise and it would never break. 
Entering the colosseum, Sabo’s mind was focused forward—Ace’s fruit was waiting, Luffy was counting on him, Dressrosa was about to become a warzone. He was very good at compartmentalizing, at doing what needed to be done, his mind, as Koala affectionately put it once, like an unforgiving steel trap.  
But it lingered, that spiderweb thought; invisible except for when the light was just right, when the angle was perfect, when Sabo’s mind was clear and he had a moment to himself to breathe and noticed it cluttering up the corner. 
Luffy apologized. 
The chance to discuss it came eventually, when Sabo found himself at the end of an intel-gathering mission with news of the Straw Hats in the waters nearby. He cleared it with Dragon, endured Koala’s smug face when he let her know to go on without him, then backtracked to catch up to the ostentatious brigantine that was already famous in the New World. 
Luffy’s crewmates are a friendly sort, and the Thousand Sunny as a whole is happy to have him aboard. Franky waves him ahead and jumps down onto his vessel to secure it himself, and Chopper and Carrot and Usopp all call out to Sabo cheerfully, more curious about him than anything. He returns greetings as he makes his way across the busy deck, something in his chest easing like a sigh of relief to know that this bright, beautiful place full of bright, beautiful people is his little brother’s home. 
Zoro nods at him once, all the energy he has to spare for someone who isn’t one of his own, then tilts his head toward what must be the galley door. 
“Surprise, surprise,” Sabo laughs, and makes his way to the kitchen. 
It smells amazing, something rich and spicy wafting from the simmering pans on the stove. Luffy is sitting at the huge, scarred table, gnawing on a piece of dried meat and talking with his mouth full, while his skeleton musician strums something unobtrusive and cheerful on an acoustic guitar. Sanji is working diligently on what Sabo can only assume is dinner prep. The dangerous Trafalgar Law sits across the table from Luffy, with a book open in front of him that he appears to have largely given up on. He’s watching his fellow Supernova with dark, clinical eyes, but there’s much more warmth in them than Trafalgar is probably aware of. 
Those eyes flick past Luffy as the door opens. When he sees Sabo, Trafalgar stands, picks up his book and his mug, says, “There’s no way I’m dealing with two of you,” and leaves through the other door. 
“Fair enough,” Sanji says, which is rude, but not unfounded. 
Luffy swallows his mouthful, turns in his seat, and then lights up like the dawn.
“SABO!” he shrieks, leaping over the back of his chair like one of the monkeys he grew up with back on Mt. Colubo, instead of getting up and going around it like a person. 
Sabo is already laughing by the time he catches the armful of little brother, squeezing Luffy tight for a moment before playfully ruffling his hair and tussling with him. Brook the skeleton tips his massive tophat and leaves them to it, but Sanji clearly can’t abandon his multiple stations, even just for a few minutes. That’s all right. An audience of one is more than he could have hoped for with all the bodies currently on his brother’s ship, between his own people and the visiting allies. 
“How have you been, Lu? Staying out of trouble?”
“For now!” Luffy says happily. “I bet our next adventure will be fun, though!” 
His body is battered and bandaged, but he looks a lot better than the last time Sabo saw him, in that little hidden-away cottage in Dressrosa, the night after he and his crew won peace for a people they barely knew. He’s already looking forward to the next adventure. 
Whatever Sabo did to deserve him in a past life, he’s grateful. 
He gives Luffy a push back towards the table, and draws a stool up next to his. The dining hall is cozy, and a cup of something steaming and fragrant appears in front of him the second he sits down. Sanji only hums when Sabo calls his thanks, already halfway back to the kitchen proper. It’s either the worst place to start a potentially difficult conversation, or the best one. 
“I’m here for a few days,” Sabo says, “if you can spare the room.”
“Of course!” Luffy declares. “Always room for Sabo! Sanji?”
“Your new friends left us pretty well-stocked,” the cook says without looking up from something complicated he’s doing with a knife and a fish the size of a small horse. “We could probably feed an army for a few weeks if we wanted to.”
Luffy looks up at Sabo with a glowing smile, as if to say ‘see?’ and Sabo reaches over to shove his hat down over his eyes. 
“Thanks, Lulu.”
He’s glad he remembered the nickname, because just like when they were kids, Luffy is immediately outraged. 
“I did want to tell you something kind of important,” Sabo cuts in smoothly, grinning inwardly at Luffy’s flustered, frustrated face. “I’d rather say it now and get it out of the way then hang onto it for my whole visit. And after I’ve said it, if you’d rather I didn’t stay anymore, that’s okay, too. Your ship, your rules.”
Luffy’s expression clears to one of confusion. The sound of Sanji’s knife has slowed. 
“Okay,” Luffy says. “What does Sabo want to tell me?”
Sabo has practiced this half a dozen times on the way here, but it’s still very difficult to start. 
“When we met, back at the colosseum,” he says, “I was so sure you would be angry. I thought you’d hit me, at least. I deserved that much, right?”
Luffy’s brow furrows. “Why would I hit you?”
Taking a steadying breath, Sabo says, “Because I wasn’t there for you when you needed me. Because I only showed up two years later when it suited me, when I would get Ace’s fruit out of it. Because I let Ace—”
“You didn’t,” Luffy says loudly. “You didn’t let anything.” 
“I didn’t do anything,” Sabo replies, wrestling with his voice to keep it even. “I didn’t help you.”
He watched the transponder recording a hundred times. He relives it every time he closes his eyes. The gaping hole in Ace’s chest, the blood on Luffy’s hands, his childish, frightened plea of Ace’s name, the wounded animal sound of pain and grief he made right up until his mind took mercy and shut his body down. 
A nightmare. An actual documented living nightmare. 
And Sabo wasn’t there, because the two of them were strangers to him, and he had more important things to do than wonder about the execution of Gol D. Roger’s son. 
He should have flown to Luffy the second those memories flooded in. He should have turned heaven and earth upside down to find him. Instead he chose to be a coward. 
Robin was kind, more so than he deserved, and the two of them spent dozens of late nights in Baltigo trading stories about that same wild, relentless little person who owned the most real estate in both of their hearts. She filled the black hole inside him with better stories than the one in the papers, sun-filled stories, about triumphs and hijinks and heartaches and unconquerable love. She showed him the newsprint photo that he’d already looked at no less than a million times, of her beloved captain paying his respects to the fallen at Marineford, only this time she pointed out the message on his arm. 
“I want to run to him right now,” she said. “I want to break everything and everyone in my way and not stop until I’m beside him again. But he wants me to wait. He isn’t ready yet.”
Sabo stared at the photo, mindlessly rubbing his finger over the 3D2Y he hadn’t understood until someone who actually knew his brother explained it to him. Robin let him have a moment, her eyes knowing and grave and full of a sympathy he didn’t think he deserved. 
“It’s okay not to be ready,” she said. “Just don’t make him wait too long.”
Now, Sabo says, “I want you to know that you can be angry. You can yell and scream at me and blame me and that would be—it would be allowed, okay? Even if you just want me to go away, or you don’t want to see me for a little while. It’s all on your terms. Just don’t pretend. Not with me. Okay?”
Luffy’s face is blank and Sabo isn’t sure what to make of it. He dares to reach out and lay a hand on Luffy’s slim shoulder, impossibly small for the weight of the things it carries. 
“Okay, Lu?”
“I’m not pretending,” Luffy says, loud and sudden. “I don’t do that, it’s dumb. I was happy to see Sabo, because I thought he was dead but he was alive and it was a miracle. Robin told me you had ameesia so you forgot all about me and it wasn’t your fault. I dunno about that stuff but if Robin said it, it must be true. It would be scary not to remember important things. I bet it hurt a lot when you finally remembered and it was already too late. I bet it was really lonely. I would never hate Sabo or hit him or blame him for that.”
Sabo’s next breath shudders, and the one after that, and he has to bite the inside of his lip hard. When he’s certain he won’t fall apart, he says, “Robin only told you that afterwards. You didn’t know I had amnesia when you first saw me.”
“You’re my Sabo,” Luffy stresses, like Sabo is being particularly dense for no good reason. “I’ll always be happy to see you first.” 
It’s one of those Luffy-isms, Sabo thinks, leaning forward to put his face in his hands. One of those unexplainable, unquantifiable things that so many people hang their faith on. It would make sense for Luffy to be angry, because grief is heavy and horrible and doesn’t disappear into a fine mist just because something good happens. But there are so many things better than anger for him to hold onto instead. He’s surrounded by better things. 
A plate is set down somewhere in front of him and he lifts his head. Sanji lingers after the delivery this time, slouching into a chair and pushing the platter of lemon curd cookies and fresh-from-the-oven turnovers to the brothers’ side of the table. 
Luffy beams and picks up a turnover, but he doesn’t eat it right away. He turns it over in his hands a few times, warm against his fingertips, and begins to shred the flaky pastry into pieces. 
Sanji sits up a little straighter in his chair, as if an alarm has gone off in the back of his head. Sabo is right there with him, because he’s never seen Luffy deliberate with food before, not ever. Especially not something home-cooked by someone he loves. 
“If Sabo is angry,” Luffy says slowly, “he can tell me, too.”
“What?” he says faintly. 
Looking at his hands, at the dessert falling apart into a loose pile on his plate, the young captain tells them plainly, “Ace died back then, instead of me. He might have lived if he didn’t save me from the magma man. Everyone was there to rescue him and ended up rescuing me instead. Because I wasn’t strong enough. I’m glad I didn’t die, because I still have my nakama, and we still have promises to keep. But I bet that some people, who fought in that war for Ace, who loved him and didn’t even know me, wish that it had happened differently.” He still doesn’t look up, expression unreadable as he burns the tips of his fingers on the hot rhubarb filling dripping from the mangled turnover, when he adds, “Sabo loves us both, but he loved Ace longer.”
If Sabo had been stabbed with sea stone, it would have hurt less. If he had burned with the Grey Terminal, or drowned at sea in front of the Celestial Dragons, it would have hurt less than this. 
He’s on his feet before he’s aware of moving, seat tipping over and rolling away behind him. His heart is racing, he can feel the steam start to lift off of his superheated skin as Ace’s fire inside him begins to react.
“Don’t say that,” he says, too loud, almost a shout. “Don’t ever say that. Don’t even think it.”
Luffy finally looks at him. His mouth is set but his eyes are wide, and Sabo may have twelve years to catch up on, may have failed both his brothers at every possible turn up until now, but he still knows what his little brother’s face looks like when he’s seeking reassurance.
How many thunderstorms and bad dreams did they weather together back on Goa? How many times had tiny hands shaken Sabo awake, only for him to look up into these eyes exactly? 
Back then they were both children, so Sabo would make fun of him, or he would groan and roll his eyes, and they would have a hushed argument about it, but ultimately Luffy would fall asleep safe under a shared blanket, the thunder or the nightmare the farthest thing from his mind. Sabo never regretted it, even when Ace laughed at him in the morning. 
The body remembers. He’s reaching automatically, and holding Luffy’s face in his hands. He isn’t afraid of burning him, because Ace’s fire would never burn him. 
“I wouldn’t trade you for anything,” he says. “Not for anything. It doesn’t work that way. If I ever had to choose one or the other, you or him, I’d kill whoever made the rules and choose you both.” Unspoken, forever unsaid, is the knowledge that he and Ace would always put Luffy first, because that’s an older brother’s prerogative. Luffy wouldn’t understand it, so Sabo simply says, “I loved Ace longer, but I don’t love him more.”
Luffy nods, his eyes glassy, the firm line of his mouth beginning to wobble. Sanji snatches the plate and the messy turnover scraps away with a bitten-off sound, stalking back into the kitchen. 
Reeling, feeling somewhat as if he’s backing away from the perilous edge of a five-hundred-foot fall, Sabo releases Luffy only to drag him forward by the shoulders into an embrace instead. Luffy scrambles to his feet to return it properly, wrapping rubbery arms around Sabo that loop a few extra times. Sabo buries his face in the top of Luffy’s head and breathes him in; sea-salt, warm grass, everything touched by sunshine. 
My brother, he thinks, with all the same wonder as the first time he thought it. 
“And if you ever say anything like that ever again,” he goes on, “I’ll fly here from wherever I am in the world and kick your ass.”
“You can try!” Luffy says, leaning back to look up at him. He’s beaming, untouched by everything he’s lived through—still, in part, that same stubborn little kid that Sabo and his best friend first met in the jungle, who decided they were all better off together. “I’m stronger now. I could probably beat you this time!”
“You think so, huh?”
“No fighting in my kitchen, idiots,” Sanji snaps, striding back to the table with a big dessert bowl in hand. “Do I look like I have time to babysit? If you’re gonna wrestle, take it outside.” 
He all but slams the bowl in front of his captain, revealing the deconstructed turnover folded into fresh vanilla ice cream and drizzled with caramel. It’s the most aggressive display of affection Sabo thinks he’s ever seen, and he grew up with Koala. 
“Ooh, thanks Sanji! I would have eaten it the other way, too, but your ice cream is the best!” 
“Of course it is,” the chef says shortly. “Eat it before it melts. In fact, go eat it in front of Zoro, it’ll be funny.”
“Sanji’s weird,” Luffy says, full of good cheer, but he hauls the bowl out the door with him and makes a beeline straight for where he somehow knows his first mate will be. “C’mon, ‘Bo, I want you to meet Sunny!”
He lets Luffy get a head-start out the door, listens to him join the rest of his crew on the deck, their voices rising together gladly. He picks up his chair and rights it, scooting it back into place at the table. He just needs a minute.
“None of us were there, either,” Sanji says abruptly. “We all wish we were. Would’ve given just about anything to be there with him. But by the time we got the news it was too late.” He crosses his arms, leans back against the counter, and says, “You can imagine what a failure that felt like. Leaving our captain out to dry like that.”
“He would never hold that against you,” Sabo says immediately, knowing the truth of it in his blood and bones.  
Sanji nods, looking Sabo in the eye as he agrees, “No, he wouldn’t.” 
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I saw your requests were open! Could I please get David having a crush on a fellow spooky grumpy girl with a secret soft side?? 🥺 I think it would just be so cute if David met his equal and they turned to absolute butter for eachother
It's a bit different than the ask, and a bit longer than I expected, but it just sort of happened? It starts a bit dark, but David definitely likes her? Anyway, I hope you like this!💜
There had been disappearances on the boardwalk, even more so than usual. Where the boys fed every couple of days, enjoying a bonfire party, they were, of course, partially to blame. But the latest missing posters that had gone up on the notificationboard had nothing to do with the boys. The new posters showed men, in their mid to late thirties, all having disappeared after going out for a couple of drinks.
David had been the first to notice the discrepancy between their kills and the number of disappearances - and he had decided that he would look into them. If there was another vampire hunting on their territory, they needed to be dealt with. Based on the kills, David would say that if it was a vampire doing the killing, it was a female.
He had gone to the bar where all of the victims had been seen before they'd been killed and was not surprised to see a young woman - no older than twenty-five if he had to guess - walked up to the bar. She was dressed in all black, and David was certain that he could see the silhouet of a knife under her coat. Her dark hair had been tied into a bun, and even though it was dark outside, she was still wearing her sunglasses. Normally, he'd find it pretentious, but somehow, it suited her.
He kept looking as she moved to sit at a table, becoming more interested when a man in his early thirties asked to join her.
"A pretty bird like you wouldn't mind, now, right?" The man slurred. It was small, but David noticed the hint of disgust on her face.
"Sure." Her voice was low, and where David expected it would normally be a warm and soothing voice, right now it was ice cold.
"You see, I've been a bit lonely since I've came here, and I saw that you were alone and I thought that maybe-"
"That I could keep your bed warm?" She tilted her head slightly. "That I'd be a good companion for a single night?"
"Well, not necessarily just one night, but you get what I mean right, I mean surely a lonely girl like you would-"
"Don't finish that sentence."
"- like the attention, right?"
She sighed, taking a long sip of her drink. She put the glass down and looked at the man in front of her.
"You're wrong," she smiled sweetly, "I am not lonely. Besides, even if I was, why would I waste my time on you? Someone who's willing to fuck the very first stranger he meets?"
"That's not-"
"But that's what you wanted, isn't it?"
David had listened closely up until now, and he couldn't help but like the woman. He had noticed, very early on in the conversation that she had this indescribable hint of danger hanging around her. Sadly - or luckily, depending on your point of view - the man in front of her had ignored it, letting himself be guided by his own lust.
"Y-yeah, but -" the man stammerd, shutting up when he saw her shake her head.
"Well, maybe I can help you. Just a little bit."
She stood up and walked out the door, the man quickly following behind. David followed as well, curious to see how she would end this. She had entered the back alley and lent against the wall.
"Can you maybe suck my-" the man started sounding somewhat hopeful, but he was quickly cut off.
"If you think that you can order me around, I'll not only cut your dick off, but also slice your tongue in half." Her voice was darker and colder than before, and only now did the man realise that she was dangerous.
"What?!" The man paled.
"Pants down. Now."
"What? Why? You freaking bitch!"
"Why? I saw you, Rick. I saw how you tried to convince students to sleep with you."
"It was by their own choice!"
"Really? 'Either you fuck me, or I make sure you won't be able to pay your tuition' is a choice?"
The man - Rick - nodded, albeit fearfully.
"I hate people like you. Do you really think you deserve so much more, simply because you have more power? More connections?" The woman had revealed her knife, swinging it around playfully. "Pants down. Now. Or I'll make you regret it even more."
Shakily, the man did what she said, and David grinned as he saw the satisfaction in her face as she carried out her promise. The man sunk to the ground, crying. "Let's this be a lesson for you, Rick."
"You sick fuck!"
"I know where you live. I know where you work. If you ever think of crossing that line in any way - I will know. And I will ruin you."
With those words, she left him, crying and bleeding in the alley behind the bar.
"I don't know who you are, but I know you're there." She stopped in the middle of the street. David smiled, appearing behind her.
"I like your way of handling things."
She turned around, somewhat surprised. "Hm. Never thought a guy would say that."
David grinned, realising she looked more relaxed now than she had done in the previous hour.
"So, you saw all that?" She asked, cleaning her knife and putting it back in her coat pocket.
"I did."
"I think we have a lot in common."
"What, you also cut dicks off when someone harasses some girls?"
"I do worse."
At that, she smiled, offering him her hand. "I'm Nancy."
It was quiet for a moment before she spoke up. "Are you hungry?"
"Sure. My treat."
"I'd like to know you better. Tell me, why do you hunt these men down?"
She smiled, a hint of sadness present in her expression. "My younger sister has been scared to start uni after one of her friends had been harassed by a teacher. I am making sure she can go without feeling afraid."
"You're the cleanup crew?"
Nancy nodded. "I'd do anything for my sister."
David smiled at that, leading her to a small cafe. He ordered for them, and the two of them talked for hours. The more they talked, the more David realised he not only liked Nancy's way of handling things but practically everything about her. Nancy, although she was a bit apprehensive at first, began to feel flustered when he'd tell something or when he really looked at her. He made her feel special and wanted and normal for going on her clean-up mission. They talked about everything, and David was surprised to find that Nancy was part of an animal rescue team. And that she loved nothing more than to watch silly romcoms and that she sometimes wished she could go and explore hidden ruins in the hope of entering some magical fantasy world. How she loved the idea of magic and fantasy but had always loved vampire stories the most. David had grinned at that.
When the cafe closed, somewhere around three in the morning, she was more than happy to accept his offer to drive her home.
"David?" She asked as she got off his bike. "Would you maybe like to, well, mee me for dinner tomorrow?"
"How about I show you some hidden ruins that will lead you to a fantasy world?"
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misculenica · 1 year
Dirthamen & Fen'Harel
I've been doing a lot of speculation lately on DA:Dreadwolf, and I just want to take a break from it by going back and thinking about the evanuris; the cause of all this shit. Specifically, my favourite of the elvhen pantheon; Dirthamen - god of secrets, and how he relates to my favourite problematic love interest; Solas.
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What we know of Dirthamen is rather little.
We know he was believed to be a god of secrets and knowledge, who took his secrets very seriously. He conquered to spirits/concepts in the form of ravens (metaphorical or not) called Fear and Deceit. He was the 'brother' or 'twin soul' of Falon'Din; god of death and guide to the souls of the dead (according to elven legend, at least). He and Falon'Din were close, from what we can gather, though it is uncertain whether or not they were brothers. Though some suspect that they were the same entity, occupying the same body- by way of a spirit possessing a host, or, some form of 'split personality' - I find this interesting, but I'm not here to discuss Falon'Din, or the relationship he had with Dirthamen; I'm here to discuss the relationship between Dirthamen and Fen'Harel.
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Fen'Harel; the Dread Wolf, He Who Hunts Alone, the Lord of Tricksters, the Great Wolf, Roamer of the Beyond, Pride/Solas (wisdom?). The elven god of betrayal or rebellion. Solas, it's just Solas, we know what's up with him.
I find it curious how Fen'Harel and Dirthamen orbit a similar spheres of 'divine' influence; deceit, knowledge, trickery, secrets. I imagine Dirthamen being the keeper of secrets and knowledge are rather odd things to be a god of; what is a secret and piece of knowledge but something that can be used (or locked away forever - keep this in mind). I would argue he was more of a spymaster - like Leliana, but good at it - especially given that the gods are not truly gods, but powerful mages who were once great generals. I imagine a sort of Petyr Baelish from ASOIAF, but with a qualitative, fuckton of magical power along with his 6-dimensional chess brain. But considering this; wouldn't we regard Fen'Harel/Solas as the sneaky one of the elven 'gods'? He does an excellent job of cultivating lore, knowledge and lost secrets that few else hold. It just sounds peculiarly similar to me.
Now, I am not saying Fen'Harel/Solas and Dirthamen are the same person, but they are similar in many regards.
I believe they were likely friends before.... Well, before shit hit the fan, so to speak. Perhaps rivals, but I like to believe it wasn't necessarily a rivalry fuelled by hatred. Like, when you see another person on the track and you just know you can run a bit faster or longer than them, though you wouldn't want them to stop altogether, that would ruin it for both of you. Friendly, perhaps spiteful, rivalry, then? Yes, I'm pulling this out of my ass (absolutely for fanfiction reasons, and fun).
Please consider that Dirthamen is known as the keeper of secrets and knowledge, and Fen'Harel/Solas is a pursuer of knowledge and lost/forgotten lore (or secrets). I find that very, very curious. I imagine they operated differently; allow me to elaborate.
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Why is this relevant? Well...
I believe in this (we know to be quite reliable, as it's information from the ancient elves themselves) being some multi-dimensional chess move by Dirthamen. The sinner belonged to Dirthamen, so why would Ghilan'nain urge a slave to do something that was considered 'high treason'? We know that Dirthamen created the Varterral, and Ghilan'nain created a great many creatures, so perhaps they were quite close, or shared notes on the creation of weird looking creatures. Why would Ghilan'nain urge a slave to take the form of (presumably a dragon, a form reserved for the gods and their high priests)? I don't think she would do it of her own volition, it feels very... Out of place for her - why would she urge one of Dirthamen's slaves to do something that will get him punished/killed, and likely get her in trouble with the other Evanuris for telling him to do it - and even then, why would she want some random slave to become a dragon when the consequences seem so obvious. Unless...This will sound out there, but what if Dirthamen was plotting something with this, and used Ghilan'nain to cover his tracks? Why would he be plotting?
The slave begged protection from Mythal, who is the most known among the gods for caring for and being protective of her people. But she didn't, she didn't show him favor - she let Elgar'Nan judge the slave. Why would Dirthamen not judge the slave, if he belongs to Dirthamen? Dirthamen is a keeper of secrets and knowledge, and I feel like he would know if one of his own was doing something (like becoming a fucking dragon, at the urging of another god, no less). What if the goal of this was to test the other Evanuris and what they would do if a slave (or bunch of slaves) took the form of 'the divine' (I imagine they somewhat revered/respected the dragons and their power/strength to regard them so highly, so that would suggest they are powerful... Powerful enough, to possibly challenge the other gods?).
We know that the gods did get uppity, rivalling one another at times, as the example of Falon'Din and how he started wars to gain more followers, and the other gods (particularly Mythal) had to rally together to stop him only when he started invading the other god's lands. So we know that it happened. What this tells us, along with Andruil and whatever plague she brought upon her lands, is that the gods don't care what happened within each other's spheres/realms of influence/lands, unless it challenges their own authority. Though I will bring up why this is relevant to Dirthamen and Fen'Harel's relationship later.
Back to the sinner/slave; what if it was to directly challenge Mythal? Why would the slave not ask for his own god/patron to judge him? Why specifically Mythal - the goddess who is best known for taking the form of a dragon (and from what we gather in the games, does not seem inclined to share the knowledge of that form with others)? I suspect, Dirthamen told Ghilan'nain to do all this, or perhaps... Tricked her into getting the slave to do all this, so to keep himself from the other god's ire/suspicion? All eyes would be on Ghilan'nain, surely. And the worst Dirthamen has to deal with is seeming incompetent for not being able to keep his own people in check (kind of perfect, if your goal is to get people to lack confidence in your ability/underestimate how well you do have your people in control). But why did Mythal not judge him? She was the go-to for judgement/justice within the pantheon, it was practically her realm of jurisdiction. She gave him to Elgar'nan to judge, and we can only assume Elgar'nan just fucking eviscerated him- given his reputation (Mythal must have know the slave would be killed, it was essentially a death sentence to hand him over to Elgar'nan; it's like a big 'oh, okay, alright, yeah put that in the 'I don't care' pile'). Let's consider what would have happened if the Mythal protected him; she would have been defying the rules (the slave had committed a massive sin), picking favourites, and it wasn't her slave to begin with. If she thought the slave was committing some atrocity/sin, surely she would have killed/judged him herself? So why didn't she? It would have been undermining Dirthamen's power/authority, and perhaps it would have looked really bad for her to personally judge/kill a slave who had begged for her protection? So she hands it over to Elgar'nan, the father of the pantheon, the big daddy, the chief, the Don. Nobody would question him doing shit.
So I imagine the goal of this was to sow dissent/mistrust between the gods. I imagine Elgar'nan was annoyed at the slave, annoyed at Mythal for not dealing with it personally (when it's her sphere of influence to pass judgements), annoyed at Ghilan'nain for making this all happen, and everyone else is likely annoyed at one another for the fact this could happen, a lack of trust in one another has been sown. Mythal purposefully shirked her duty, Ghilan'nain purposefully provoked this into happening, and all that Dirthamen can be accused of is being a bit ignorant/blindsided (I don't know, I just think it's genius if he did this with the intent of being a sneaky bastard who nobody thinks is as good as he claims to be). Unless Fen'Harel had a part in this somehow, I do smell the faint whiff of suspicious shit, but I couldn't say.
Back to the thing about what Solas says concerning the gods challenging one another's realms/lands. At the Temple of Mythal, Solas remarks on Falon'Din's vanity, and how he would crave adulation to the point of murdering anyone who doesn't show enough reverence for him, and starting whole wars just to gain more followers (going so far as to invading the lands of the other Evanuris). But I find it odd how he doesn't mention Dirthamen, given that he seems to know them all personally, and would know that Falon'Din and Dirthamen are 'inseparable'. So the lack of mentioning says to me that Dirthamen was not like his brother, and from what I'm guessed above; it seems Dirthamen was subtle, he perhaps wasn't vain, but he was certainly not without motives, or getting others in to trouble, and avoiding it himself. He didn't start big, noisy 'I'm going to come get you' wars. He got others to do things, and keep himself out of trouble. He was clever, and he knew things others did not, and he knew just what to do to get others to act.
Who does that sound like? Hmmmmm.
I also find it worthy to note that Dirthamen's Wisdom was a literal shield, some lost item of great significant (at the Temple of Dirthamen). His wisdom was a shield, think about that. Something to block attacks, to avoid being hit, perhaps knock someone back. He was smart and he knew how to use his smarts on the battlefield. Shields are awful on the battlefield; they're big, bulky, heavy, almost impractical unless you're using tactics like shield walls, or are facing a single opponent using something useless like a bow (or magic). They had their uses, it's just an unusual item for a mage god-king as seemingly his lasting legacy. It's a defensive piece of equipment, not really offensive unless someone's right up in your face - and I think that says a lot about him (more than some multiple paragraph tinfoil hat rambling about how Dirthamen is a master manipulator because a slave became a dragon).
I would also like to point out that you find Dirthamen's Wisdom in a box with this symbol on it;
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And then this;
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As far as I know, these are the only 2 instances of this symbol (please prove me wrong); Dirthamen's Wisdom container, and Temple of Mythal Fen'Harel statue.
Dirthamen and Fen'Harel/Solas are remarkably similar. Both like others to do their dirty work for them, both seems exceptionally clever, and employ underhanded tactics, both avoid the offensive position when it comes to fighting, and both are pursuers and keepers of knowledge. I refuse to believe they didn't at least respect one another, if not, had some sort of... (don't say rivalmance, don't say- fuck) rival... friendship (perhaps not quite friendship? Like... rivals, but not in the 'i will kill you' kind of way. Like, you bring out one another's best side -best side being their talents- and there's a kind of comfort in seeing part of yourself in another, especially if it's a part you pride yourself on).
And this is just for extra fun;
Dirthamen is heavily associated with ravens (fear & deceit). Fen'Harel is associated with a wolf (being the Dread Wolf).
Wolves and ravens have a very close/friendly and symbiotic relationship; raven's are typically scavengers, and rely on larger predators to provide their meals for them. The closest relationship they have (rather famously) is the wolf; being known in some cultures as wolf-birds. Ravens will attract wolves to carrion, who will remove the tough hide and bone, to get to the 'good parts', meanwhile they will watch over the wolves eating to warn them of other predators. Wolves and ravens also engage in play, yes you heard me, ravens have been documented throwing sticks to wolves and engaging in tug-of-war with pups.
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I really like Dirthamen. I hope we get more on him in the next game (let the Evanuris rise again!)
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musubiki · 9 months
Sorry if this has been answered before, but I just don't know where to find it... how is Coco like in a fight? What does she use? What is her role?
Because I get that Mochi is like the support that can deal magical damage, Lime is the main damage dealer who can tank magic, oscar is a more general tank, and i dunno, is Taffy some sort of aoe damage dealer? Or is that conditional? I'm curious to know how they're like in a group fight.
OOOO NO TOO RIGHT I ACTUALLY DONT THINK I TALK ABOUT IT MUCH!!!!!! i always mean to do some kind of like...poms guide to tcwg focusing on the guilds actual abilities, but i never get around to it (besides talking about mochi and lime always being able to kick ass) but yes!!! let me talk about a quick rundown of everyone else!!!
first off, in general, all the guild members have combat ability to some degree!! the idea is that they each would be able to reasonably handle themselves in a fight on their own, so to an extent they can all be considered damage dealers, but for members like coco and oscar they can serve a slightly more supportive role if theres other damage people like lime or taffy around!! but!! coco and oscar can also do damage!!
her magic item ends up being her shoes!! essentially, shes the speedy flash/quicksilver type of power where she can move very quickly. the mechanics of it is that when she activates it, she has 5 seconds where everything around her slows down A LOT and she can move normally (which then translates to her moving insanely fast in like 1 second in real time), and then a 3 second cooldown before she can use it again. as mochis magic grows, this power grows too and eventually she is able to upgrade it to 10 (maybe 15) seconds of quick movement with a 3 second cooldown.
in an actual fight, this can have uses in several ways: 1) dodging, obviously, or escaping. 2) power: sometimes she just straight up uses all her seconds to just beat the shit out of someone, which in real time translates to you receiving like 10 aggregated punches to the face all at once. seems like this would be less useful than it sounds but she has downed taffy more than once just by (what looks like to mochi and lime) a punch to the gut, but in reality was like 12 punches to the gut all at once. 3) thievery: VERY easy to steal shit from people when they have no time to react. an example of this is her stealing marshals stopwatch mid-fight and he doesnt notice until its time to reset it and its gone. ANYWAY she has a lot of uses!!!! when shes on her own she makes use of the power function more, but around taffy/mochi/lime shes much better served as a supportive role.
post-timeskip she ALSO gets the ability to ......how to describe this.....create platforms under her feet? like if she needed to to the top of the building she could just. walk. as if there was a staircase there. the platforms she makes last for ~15 seconds so theoretically she could "create" "steps" for the rest of the guild to follow
in oscars case, he gets two separate magic items. pre-timeskip (or pre-arm i guess i should say), he has the cat witch's medallion-- mochi only has one, and it has protective properties so oscar is much more of a defensive role in the pre-timeskip!! she gave it to him because his reckless stubborn ass wouldnt stop going into the giants thicket and almost got fucked up by the forrest spirits more than once, so she gives him this as a symbol of "under the protection of the cat witch, do not fuck with"
but basically put its more of a shielding item!! its a little different than the rest of the guilds items in that it directly draws its power from mochis magic!! it creates protective barriers, but with oscars mind he can use that for more than just barriers (he uses it for all sorts of things that are not directly protective in nature. imagine a fight where the opponent can constantly put up and take down and move around walls that cant be destroyed. theoretically capable of turning someone to jelly if they get caught between them)
after amanita rips his arm off (rest in peace, oscars dominant hand), and after some time passing for the quest to take place, mochi gets him the arm of Camongyf-- an artifact from the kingdom of the first witch king that can be considered an upgrade from the medallion!! its actually not horribly dissimilar from limes m34th weapon in the sense that it was the first kind of technology/magic fusion weapon. basically can make use of either technology or magic depending on the situation, and its also capable of drawing on mochis magic to make those magic energy weapons mochi uses!! so post-timeskip (and post-arm) he has a lot more combat capability, but still tends to drift towards the sheilding/protective uses!! also, the arm he uses was once actually the crow witchs artifact, so it has wings built in that he can use
obviously taffys magic is water magic, and he has a 100% combat role. as the water mage, he technically has unlimited use of water and ice, so he CAN do things that are not technically combat, but most of his magic use is in a fight. water magic historically and traditionally is meant to be elegant, peaceful, smooth, like water bending kind of magic. taffy however was never taught properly and the only way he knows how to use it is how he learned by experience and desperation, so his water magic is very rough, chaotic, unrefined, but equally very terrifying and powerful. kind of like the difference between a calm and glassy shoreline ocean vs the ocean in the deep sea where waves are 40 feet high and will kill anything above the surface
water magic can do.......most anything. whatever he can think of. he can make ice weapons, he can wrap you in water and suspend you until you drown, he can freeze you, sink you, impale you, force water into all your orifices and blow you up like a balloon if he wanted to.,,, he can ALSO do AOE damage just by the nature of water-can-do-whatever-i-want-it-to-do
this is also scary when hes paired up with lime (pre-timeskip) with the thunderbat, because it gets like that mechanic in botw where you use lighting weapons in rain/water and it becomes AOE lightning damage (of which doesnt hurt lime because of the resistance)
something also to keep in mind about taffy is that as the water mage, his magic follows slightly different rules than a normal mage, and one of those quirks is that resistance.......doesnt really mean anything against him. since water is considered a natural element and while CONTROLLING it is magic, the element itself is not ACTUALLY magic. ie, limes resistance doesnt play a factor in a taffy fight. those who cannot be hurt by magic can still be drowned and impaled.
that being said taffy is absolutely terrible at hand-to-hand. he relies so much on the water magic, even at close range, that if you can somehow get to a point where you can land PHYSICAL BLOWS on him, thats it. which is why cocos power is so good against him because shes too fast for him to keep her away, and when she DOES land blows it packs a mean punch
as far as a group fight, i havent payed much attention to synergy!! theoretically they would all be good together in different combinations and just using their abilities differently, but at some point i would like to see all of them paired together to see what kind of cool things they come up with hehe
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excessive-vampires · 3 months
Dealing With Demons Chapter 5: Hope This One's Interesting Part 2: Cee
Masterlist with CW
Taglist: @demyxdancer @softvampirewhump
"This complicates things," Avi said, looking at my Spotify profile.
Maybe it means they're willing to forgive you? I mean they could only have found it through you.
"Or maybe they were just curious and recognized your good taste in music. Now, I have to do an hour of business paperwork."
I groaned internally.
"To make sure I stay filthy rich."
I thought my acquiescence.
"So what podcast do you want me to put on for you?"
Have I mentioned how much I love that I don't have to pay attention to your boring ass business shit?
Avi beamed. They were proud of the system we'd come up with. Then suddenly they closed their eyes and inhaled deeply.
"A summons."
Guess the paperwork will have to wait. Hope this one's interesting.
That last interesting one I remembered was a woman who wanted one of every single issue of a certain comic book from thirty years ago. That had taken some investigative work. Deals were getting more and more rare, honestly, since Avi had refused to do anything too illegal for any reason besides protecting themself or punishing deal-breakers ever since we made our deal. It just wasn't worth the risk of ending up on the run from the law when they had a real life they'd lose if they did. But they didn't really mind the scarcity. Demons were patient, according to Avi, and for now they didn't need any more power to get what they wanted, not when they had me.
They blinked and suddenly we were in a dark room. Probably some sort of basement. It smelled like underground. Stale and damp and earthy. The floor was rough beneath their feet.
Across the room stood a person probably in their early forties. Short dirty blond hair tinged with gray at the temples Sinister smile, impeccably dressed.
Avi wore casual clothes. One of my old band t-shirts and sweatpants. Not even a bra. I felt self-conscious next to their soon-to-be client's suit. Avi felt frustrated that there had been no time to change. But if they don't answer a summons right away the summoner will eventually give up.
"You're not what I expected." The summoner's voice had a southern drawl to it, much thicker than my slight accent.
Avi looked down at their outfit and grimaced. "If you give me a moment I can put on some more businesslike attire."
"Not entirely what I meant. You have a physical body."
So, this summoner knew enough about demons to recognize possession. That was interesting, but not too unexpected. People tended to do quite a lot of research before selling their souls. I'd had only the one spellbook I found hidden in an alley to guide me, but I was in too much of a hurry to bother finding connections in the world of mages before making my deal.
"Yes." They beamed. "Isn't it nice?" They made a show of turning around in a circle.
"Don't you want a skinnier one? I mean, you're not a demon of gluttony." The summoner laughed at their own joke.
Rage bloomed in me, but also shame. It just goes to show, you never completely unlearn anything.
"Not. Interested."
The summoner shrugged. "No need to get angry."
"Now," the demon inhaled, searching the essence of the summoning spell for more information on the person standing before us. "Cliff Mason. Hi, I'm Avi, they/them. What do you desire?" We both wanted to get this deal over with as soon as possible, Cliff seemed like an asshole.
He grinned. "I have a plan. It requires one of each type of demon." He held up seven fingers.
"It will bestow great power upon everyone involved."
"Uh huh, sure. Which lucky demon gets your soul?"
There was a slight pause.
"The power should be its own reward."
There's another red flag.
"Listen, I've kind of got my own thing going on, so find yourself another spirit of avarice."
"No! Having a demon that owns a body will make things so much easier! Now that I've found you I won't let you go!"
I don't know if you can hear this but there are warning sirens going off in my brain right now, Avi.
"Yeah, sorry, this sounds sketchy as hell. I'm out."
"Wait! No!"
With another blink we were back in Avi's apartment.
"That was weird."
Let's hope he gives up on whatever he's trying to do.
"Yeah, it sounds like he'll likely just blow himself up anyway."
I hope so. I got a seriously creepy vibe from him.
They walked over to their desk and sat down to start on the paperwork. "Don't worry, we'll probably never see him again." 
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midnightdevotion · 2 years
Pairing: natasha x reader
Part 3 of prey
Warnings: Reader gets drunk, and things start developing?? Platonic jake x reader cause we all need a friend like that.
A/n: Sorry this took so long loves, but i hope you like it!
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It had been two days since the dog fight football and you had been avoiding Phoenix like she had the plague. You could tell that people had noticed, and were definitely curious.
It's not like you had an answer to give them anyway, you were just as confused. Curious as to why your heart sped up every time you saw her walking toward you and your hands got sweaty. So instead of confronting it, you'd just turn and walk away anytime you saw her.
Unfortunately for you, Hangman, who had become your partner in crime, was incredibly perceptive. He noticed your behavior, and he was good at understanding behavior. Damn him and his psychology degree.
The first day he figured maybe you were just tired, off your game and not looking to bicker, but when that trend continued into today. Well let's just say he was putting pieces together.
"why are you avoiding phoenix?" well, he never was one for subtlety.
"I-what?" you look up at him shocked
"You heard me" his eyes are locked on you with focus and it makes you nervous.
"I'm not avoiding her.. you're being ridiculous" but you wouldn't meet his eyes.
"If I'm being ridiculous then go talk to her" His face has a challenging glint to it. The same kind when you see him in the skies, ready to fight. His eyes sparkle with determination, to find out what is really going on with you.
"I've never liked Phoenix so why is it surprising that I don't want to see her?" It's almost believable, except Jake knows you too well.
"If that is the story you want to stick with then fine, but just know I don't believe you" and with that he saunters off to go irritate someone else. You grumble to yourself irritated that you didn't know what you were feeling and that someone picked up on that.
It's six hours later that you head to the bar, ready to drown whatever you are feeling out. You're about six shots in when you realize this was probably not the best way to sort out what you are thinking. In fact, the alcohol has made it worse.
Now you can't stop thinking about the pretty brunette with sparkling eyes. The way her shoulders tense when she's around you, like she's waiting for the next blow. You've never felt so absurdly sick that she has to prepare herself to see you. What is happening.
You're about 8 shots deep when the rest of the dagger team arrives at the bar. So you sit there, drunk out of your mind confused about these new flutters in your stomach everytime you see Phoenix. You sit and you watch as they all have a good time, how she laughs, and jeers back at the rest of the pilots. You don't know what you are feeling but it's not good. The violent bitter taste it leaves in your mouth to see her being friends with everyone but you.
You're 8 shots and one beer down when Hangman comes over to get you.
"jakey!!" and if you were sober you would've noticed his worried face and how his eyes widen when you sway.
"Oh my god how drunk are you?"
"I'm good how are you?"
"Not what I asked but I'm good"
You go to order another drink but Jake cuts you off and tells the bartender that you want water.
"But I don't want water..."
"what are you doing?"
"I'm having fun jacob"
"No you're clearly avoiding something. what is going on with you?"
"I don't know" and you look up at him with watery eyes and he cracks. You're his closest friend here, and let's be honest he hasn't tried much to make friends in the navy but you two just click. So yeah maybe it's only been a week but you two are thick as thieves and he hates seeing you so sad.
The water comes and interrupts his train of thought, so he shakes his head and guides the water to your mouth. He puts his arm around your back to help you as you two walk outside to get some fresh air.
What you don't know though is the entire dagger squad is watching you, and Phoenix gets a surge of jealousy at watching you rest your head on bagman's shoulder. She's never seen you like this before, not even at the bar after you got the news of being stationed somewhere else.
She doesn't understand why she has the urge to go and comfort you with whatever you are dealing with, and she definitely doesn't understand or like the feeling of red hot rage when she see's you crying and hangman hugging you.
Why do you hate her and not Bagman? Obviously he is way more hate-able than she is.
"you're making it obvious" she turns her head to see bob her new back seater observing her.
"making what obvious"
"that you might say you hate her but you actually care about her in more than a friendly capacity." She raises her eyebrow at bob but the way her stomach feels like its been filled with lead. The realization hitting her like a train.
She thinks back to the first time she saw you, sitting under your jet wing with another pilot and your head was thrown back laughing. The way she thought you were so pretty with your hair blowing in the wind, flight suit tied around your waist.
She even thought at first she might have a chance with you, but then you got stationed somewhere else and the blame fell on her, so to protect her own heart she pretended to hate you as much as you hated her. She wishes you didn't hate her though. That she was the one comforting you and making you laugh.
Phoenix has never been afraid of confrontation, and she certainly can't go on not clearing the air anymore. So she pats bobs shoulder in thanks and walks out to where you and Hangman are.
"--C'mon let me take you back home"
"No you have- have the tournament with rooster tonight" She watches as Jake sighs.
"I can take her back Hangman" and he turns and raises his eyebrows.
"You're not going to draw on her face are you?" She laughs and shakes her head.
"I'm not that cruel" Jake hesitates but he ultimately agrees.
"If anything happens to her." he points at phoenix and she rolls her eyes.
"Yeah yeah. see you tomorrow bagman" He walks inside, not without looking back. Your eyes are glazed over and you were too focused on watching the waves to notice the conversation that was had about who was taking you home.
"C'mon Tiger lets get you home." and she puts your arm over her shoulder and holds you up, making her way to her car. She gets you seated into her car and buckles you in, not without struggling. When she shuts the door to her passenger side she heaves a sigh and shakes her head before making her way to the drivers side. You roll down the window and rest your head on the frame, letting the wind blow in your hair.
"I'm sorry"
"For what?" the brunette looks over at you with confusion.
"For everything. I know it's not your fault."
"I-Um its okay"
"It's not" before she can think of a reply to that though she hears your soft snores from her right.
She takes the time to be confused on what this means for you two. Will you finally stop hating her? She sure hopes so. Will you even remember this conversation. The thought of you waking up and not remembering has her feeling sick. She just wants you to stop hating her, it's all she has ever wanted.
Safe masterlist: 
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boglady · 2 months
4, 8, 23, + 24 for the fic writer asks 🎉
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet I've been thinking A LOT about Roy in the post canon space. How he would tackle his life in Ted's footsteps without Ted there to guide him through it. But I've only very barely written about him at all since the show ended, including in my various unpublished WIPs and I really want to change that at some point and just write something vaguely melancholy about his experience with all that, possibly with a ship attached, but maybe just as a gen fic.
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for… I have actually been attempting to write a sequel for another person's fic for ages now, and it has been shelved for so long now t that I don't even want to even say which one it is in case that would jinx it!
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing this is too hard to think about so here are three that sort of come to mind and may or may not be accurate: introspective, sincere, curious.
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative? I feel like I have two major modes of not writing. If I'm genuinely just too overworked/sleep deprived/sick/tired, attempting to write only makes things work, and I try to not allow myself to prioritise very basic levels of self care before getting back into to. If I'm just not feeling what I'm writing I find there are three ways to get over it. 1. keep writing anyway. 2. reading (+sometimes listening or watching) critically, taking note of what I enjoy about it, and thinking about all the cool things words can do. 3. Having a beta and beta-ing other people's works has been really helpful for me in terms of thinking about the minutia of writing if I've been putting words on a page without really feeling it. Sometimes just talking about what a story is trying to achieve and how to achieve it, or figuring out that the reason a sentence sounded weird is that I've repeated a word or messed up a grammatical rule is so helpful.
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little-peril-stories · 5 months
Happy STS! I have outlines on the brain today, so I'm very curious about everyone's processes. Do you outline your stories before you start writing them? If so, how detailed are they, and how closely do you follow them?
Happy STS! Thank you for the ask!
Yes! I'm a big supporter of outlines!
The process these days is as such:
ONE: ideas bucket - point form, messy list of anything and everything that could possibly happen in the story. there's no pressure here. not all of it has to be in the story's final form. it's just a storm of ideas. throw it all in the bucket.
TWO: outline - sort the mess of the ideas bucket into a proper outline. I have my own outline document that uses the story beats of Save the Cat and 3-Act Story Structure, which I find astonishingly similar with only minor differences, so I just consider both while planning. I also have the Hero's Journey story beats on there, but they're lower priority for me. I often just ignore the ones that don't already match up with STC/3AS Structure.
THREE: internal conflict - if I'm really serious about the story, I will fill in a chart that outlines the characters' fears, desires, wishes, status quos, false beliefs, and lessons to be learned. This helps me to guide them to their appropriate endings, whatever they may be, and to keep them acting in a way that is consistent with their characterization.
FOUR: chapter jot notes - this might take different forms, depending on the project or what stage I'm in when writing. The outline of step two, at some point, gets fleshed out into choppily written paragraphs of what happens, which then get organized into potential chapter divisions. All subject to change, of course. It's these paragraphs that might end up back in point form at the bottom of my working doc to keep me on track when I'm actually drafting.
Discovery writing is super badass and awesome, but it doesn't work for me consistently. I can do it, but only if I have a very clear end goal in mind to work toward. Outlining is what works for me most of the time!
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otwdfanfic · 7 months
For the wip ask game!! Dude both For the Dancing and the Dreaming and The Susan Problem intrigue me so much (I don't think you've ever mentioned For the Dancing and the Dreaming LMAO)
As for The Susan Problem, that's always such a good premise. I adore Narnia and have been interested in that particular part of the story for ages now!! I'm very curious as to how you're gonna tackle it!!
If you don't mind, would you like to share some things about these wips? <333
Phew, sorry I took so long to respond but I was rushing all week to make a costume for the new hunger games movie premiere! I finished it just in time to see the movie yesterday
I don't wanna accidentally spoil plot stuff but For the Dancing and the Dreaming will be a short Snoggletog focused fic, sort of the otwd version of Gift of the Night Fury and Homecoming but it will progress the plot. No huge drama but a lot of interpersonal drama and cozy Snoggletog vibes (idk if you can tell from itpn but I'm just obsessed with the vibes of Snoggletog on Berk). There's 3 things in this fic I'm really excited for:
It takes place a full year after itpn, so we get updates on how everyone's doing and there's a larger time jump between itpn and totg that this fic sits in the middleish of
It's split between the POVs of the whole gang, not just the 3 (including Baldur in his fic) POVs we've seen so far. However there will be 1 new POV in itpn, so there's really only 1 new one left for this
Cute new outfits! Idk if I'll have the energy for the usual fancy character portraits but I'll at least sketch them all like I did for Zephyr's Thawfest dress.
The Susan Problem is named after Gaiman's famous "The Problem of Susan" essay. I don't agree with the idea that there's a sexism problem with Lewis's portrayal of Susan rejecting Narnia in the last book since she's based on his own experience losing his faith as an adult and then returning later. He said that Susan would find her way back to Aslan's Country on her own, so I tried to imagine what that story might look like if he'd written it:
After a year or two living in America, Susan returns to Cambridge for Christmas with her aunt and uncle. She tends to avoid painful memories after her family all died in the book 7 train crash, but oddly her aunt finds her bow and horn in the attic storage. When Susan curiously blows the horn she accidentally brings some of the things that couldn't be destroyed with the rest of Narnia, like the gods Tash and Bacchus, into our world along with some of her vague Narnian memories. I include a lot of strange things like moving stained glass windows, snow sprites dancing in a blizzard, and Peter's voice which is revealed to be the god Apollo acting as a sort of guardian angel guiding her to save our world from some of the darker entities that have crept through the door. Inspired by Lewis's writing about Apollo on a trip to Delphi, the inclusion of greek myth in Narnia, and use of sun imagery with Aslan and Peter, Apollo here is actually another form of Aslan.
I LOVE Lewis's strange, abstract and Hellenistic portrayal of Christianity in Narnia. The borderline fever dream quality it often has feels very me, like Nuffink's dream about the three suns and tall grass and the red man. So I really enjoyed creating my own Narnia story with a Christmas fever dream quality to it! Here's a snippet of my favorite part:
The spectral form became more and more solid, like a person walking toward you with a spotlight behind him. The light dazzled her eyes, and she squinted into it. “Susan,” he repeated. As he stepped forward she could just make out his brilliant golden hair and magnificent shining crown. “Peter!” she shrieked, rushing towards the light and into the very glow that surrounded him. “Oh, Peter, I knew that you were only—” But she stopped short, because within the light he became clear, and she realized with a start that the man wasn’t her brother at all. His crown was rays of pure golden rippling light, not rubies and oak leaves. His hair flowed around his collarbone like Peter’s once had a long time ago, when he was much older than the age he’d died. This man looked her brother’s age though, and his face had the youthful but strong, honest, kingly look of Peter’s. She felt all kinds of sorrow and longing and curiosity. Wariness, too. “Who are you?” The specter smiled softly. “Gentle Susan of the Horn,” he greeted her with a deep, familiar voice. “I am called Apollo, the destroyer.” She frowned. “The destroyer,” she repeated, taking an unconscious step back, but his smile only grew in a way that reached his eyes, light crow’s feet crinkling with amusement. She found that when she stepped away, he became more obscured. “Do not worry,” he told her. “I am the lord of plagues and truth, but I am also the bringer of cures and protector of the herd. The bow you carry is mine, for I am the lord of archery. I am the southern sun, sworn to you. Harm will not come to you by my hand.”
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gou-jo · 5 months
warnings: afab y/n. y/n is identified as she/her. y/n is in her mid 20s.
a/n: just another brainrot of mind that has been haunting me for a while now (because i'm trying to cope with what had happened to gojo in manga iykyk). i think i might write it into series, but who knows?
it has been a while since i write something here. however i couldn't help but to keep thinking and imagining about an unidentified sorcerer!y/n and gojo satoru who meet during shibuya incident arc.
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y/n is a sorcerer, who is quite unfortunate because you have to lose both of your parents in a very, very young age. you were only around 1 year old baby at that time when both of your parents died from accident, leaving baby y/n as the sole survivor. you also do not have any relative which is why you are being taken care of in an orphanage.
you know that you are different from other normal kids around your age. you can see things that mere human cannot. you can do things that a mere human should not been able to. being called as a freak or worse is already becoming part of your daily activities. yet, you do not really care. in fact, it makes you curious about your roots.
as far as you know, you somehow has the ability relating to time and space (this is actually your curses technique, inherited from your parents). you have the ability to peek into the future for around 30 seconds (yet it does not happen according to your wish because you do not know how to control it so it's just sort of happen without you knowing how you did it) and to stop the time for around 1 minute. that's all you know about your ability, after all, you do not have someone who is able to guide you to train your ability to its fullest form.
and currently, y/n happens to be in the middle of the mess at shibuya.
people are running around in panic, there are weird looking creatures (they are curses, yet y/n refers to it as weird-looking creatures). however in the middle of this mess, suddenly time is moving in slow motion for y/n.
your heart hitches as you immediately looks around. something, you do not know what, but probably your instinct or gut feelings, is activating your ability to peek into the future and there... you see a man with white hair seems to be talking to another man with dark hair and there is a weird looking box underneath.
and your body immediately moves as time is now moving normally. you grab the man's arm and quickly pull him with all of your might to the side... which, of course, startling both gojo satoru and kenjaku. you have just ruined one of kenjaku's plans.
yada, yada, things happened. and later on, you find yourself being interrogated by the man you had just saved. instead of being thankful, he seems to bombard you with questions that you don't even know the answers. like, what clan? what technique? what the fuck this weirdo talking about? curses? what is that?
and gojo satoru is equally as confused as of why is there an unidentified (and seemingly) special grade sorcerer in here? perhaps, your technique is not as threatening as yuuta's, which is why you are able to go under the radar for so long.
one thing for sure, you're about to get into a hell of a ride.
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alwaysmanages · 11 months
Character ask game
Too-Ticky 1 7 11 16 18 23
1. My first impression of them
"This kind critter is nonbinary af" It's honestly been years since I was introduced to the Moomins, and it was through the 90s anime, so my first impression with her--as well as with most characters then--is a bit fuzzy. :')
7. A quote of them that you remember
At the top of my head without looking it up, I can't really remember a specific quote, but just her gentle approach to the smaller, unseen creatures is sort of the most memorable part to me. She's very kind and she thinks for the creatures people don't see or forget about because someone has to, and I find that most admirable.
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
Aside from what I just described, I think of Tuulikki, Tove's life partner. How Tove made such a kindhearted character that Moomintroll goes to for warmth and companionship during the coldest, loneliest months, and also this character was inspired by her dearest partner. Love, comfort, and admiration from the author is stored in the Tooticky. <3
16. A childhood headcanon
I haven't put too much thought into her character or story, but I feel like her resourcefulness and wisdom has come from a youth of hardship and survival. That's not to say she was brought up without a guardian or two (maybe even a whole village) to help guide her upbringing, but perhaps she was brought up in a fishing community where the cold was biting year-round. From this community, she learned to house the small and forgettable creatures, afraid they'd freeze because they were too small to build their own fires and too shy to knock on anyone's door. So she invited them into her home.
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
Quiet, but thoughtful and curious about everything. I think for the most part she stuck by her guardian(s) with an eagerness to learn from them, while also keeping an open mind to whatever the rest of the community--or even the invisible little friends could teach her.
23. Future headcanon
I think she keeps a simple life with quiet pleasures with whoever she chooses to spend her time with (if anyone!). I think she much prefers to live by the sea, but will live wherever she can keep her door open so the small and invisible know they're welcome anytime. I think she'll always have a warm hearth in the coldest nights.
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brainrattlers · 2 years
Play It Cool (What We Didn't See The First Time) - Tyson Jost (1/n)
Author's Notes: Welcome for my first bit of Play It Cool (But Didn't See The First Time) - these are bits and pieces I wrote that just weren't long enough for a chapter, or didn't fit what I was going for, but I love anyway and wanted to at least get out there. Some are going to be a few paragraphs, some will be a couple pages. I'm hoping to sprinkle a few of these in here and there, not on Tyson Tuesdays as that's typically when new chapters of Play It Cool come out, but when I can anyway. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Language, sometimes there's a little naughtiness (18+ type, you know the drill if you're under 18) - but not today. Just some curse words because Tyson has a mouth on him when he's not on camera, and AJ works in IT, so she's DEFINITELY got a mouth on her. (I don't know a single person in IT that hasn't uttered some four letter words.. or worse.) Today's installment other than language... it's fluff. I think with Tyson scratched a second game in a row, and seemingly now getting the Avs treatment from the Wild, we could use some fluff with the man.
“Hey babe?” Tyson hollered from the kitchen to the living room where AJ was folding her laundry as he grabbed a snack, “How come you never come to family skates with the team?”
AJ stayed silent as she continued folding the laundry in the basket in front of her, avoiding the question.
Tyson furrowed his brow, poking his head out of the doorway, looking at the back of AJ’s head. Wondering if she’d heard him or not, he ventured back to AJ’s sofa, bowl of popcorn in hand. Grabbing a kernel, he trailed it around in front of AJ’s mouth before she snatched it from his fingers with her lips. 
“You always know the perfect amount of butter and salt to put on it.” AJ smiled and chewed, hoping the previous question would be dropped.
It wasn’t.
Tyson looked at AJ as she paired up some socks of his and tossed them to his side of the basket. She grabbed a tee shirt, when his hand gently pushed her’s, guiding the shirt back to the pile of laundry. AJ looked at him, questioning what he was doing.
“Why do you not come to the family skates? I’d really like for you to come to one with me so I have someone to skate with. The guys even questioned it the last one that you weren’t at.”
AJ was cornered. There was not an excuse in the world that could save her, and the look on Tyson’s face was killing her. He was getting far too good at the kicked puppy look. She looked down, still trying to figure out how to get out of what she was going to have to confess at some point, but coming up empty. Nervous to make eye contact, she kept her eyes downward, and barely whispered her response.
“I don’t know how.”
She continued reaching for the shirt again and folded it quickly, trying to not see what she figured was a look of disgust and disapproval on Tyson’s face. Tyson was trying to process what she had just said, wondering how she managed to have never ice skated before, yet he was skating at the age of 2.
“Hold up, you’ve never? Really?”
AJ continued looking at the laundry, sorting through more socks to find the right pair, shaking her head no. Honestly she just wanted the conversation to stop. The only thought running through her mind was, “He’s not going to love me anymore, what hockey player in their right mind would pick a significant other that can’t skate?” Her anxiety was through the roof.
Tyson reached out and squeezed AJ’s hand. “Hey, it’s okay, I was just curious.” He let his fingers run up AJ’s arm and tickled her neck, causing her to scrunch up and giggle a bit. Seeing her get out from the wall she put up made him feel better.
“I just…” AJ inhaled slowly, trying to figure out what to say. “Where I grew up just wasn’t much of a skating area. Hell, they finally got a (air quotes) rink a couple years ago, and it’s not even with ice, it’s the fake stuff.”
Tyson listened intently, nodding and smiling at the mention of the fake ice. 
“I could teach you, if you want. There’s nothing like it, I swear. The feeling of the air rushing by you as you just glide around...” 
Clearly Tyson was ecstatic about the idea of teaching AJ, this was something he grew up doing, and wanted to be able to share that excitement with her. Unsure of it all, but seeing the look on his face, AJ hesitantly said she would try, with one rather large caveat.
“I don’t want to do this in front of the guys. I don’t want to make you look bad.”
Tyson started giggling. “You won’t make me look bad, you’ll make me look like an AWESOME skater in comparison!”
AJ glared, raising an eyebrow, then smiled back.
The day finally arrived that Tyson was able to convince AJ to come to the rink during an open skate.
“My insurance card is in my wallet,” AJ was only half-joking.
“It’s going to be FINE, you got this. And even if you don’t, I’m not letting you fall.”
Finding a pair of skates for AJ, Tyson tutted at how bad the rental skates were, but helped her lace them up properly and tie them tight. Holding her hand, AJ wobbled, walking to the edge of the boards. Tyson stepped backward onto the ice, letting her have a moment to gather up some courage.
“Tyson, I’m… I’m scared. You know I just had knee surgery earlier this year, right?”
“And I know you were medically cleared, you can’t bowl on a bad knee… you got this. I got you.”
AJ gingerly put her right foot blade onto the ice, and let it slip back and forth. It really did scare her how easily it shifted around. Tyson made grabby hands toward AJ’s, hoping it would help her feel more confident. He scooted back slightly, making her lean forward more and get both feet onto the ice. 
She wobbled like a baby deer.  Tyson found it adorable, until she was white-knuckle squeezing his hands.Shaking them slightly, he did get AJ to loosen her grip.
“Okay, I’m just going to pull you slowly,” Tyson shifted his feet around and started his backward movement, “Just feel the ice under your skates. Slow lap, just stay upright, ‘kay?”
Tyson made it look so easy, just effortlessly moving around, when AJ was trying to just stay up, not lean in any given direction too much. He’d start going a little faster, and could feel AJ start to squeeze his hands again, so he’d slow back down. There were a few corners he took a little faster than AJ wanted and she almost toppled, but keeping his promise, Tyson kept her on her feet.
After a few laps like that, Tyson noticed AJ shuffling her skates a bit more, and felt that he wasn’t pulling on her as much as he was. As a test, he held her right hand only and skated beside her, and while she was still slightly wobbling, she was pretty much skating the straightaways on her own, albeit slowly. She wasn’t loving the feeling yet, still quite nervous about how slick the ice was, but she was getting it. After another lap around the rink, Tyson let go of AJ’s hand completely.
Tyson beamed at his wobbly girlfriend sliding slowly across the ice without help, gradually building up speed, until the corner was rapidly approaching… and AJ didn’t know how to slow down, and was not quite prepared to do a crossover step to steer. AJ knew it. Tyson very quickly figured it out, trying to get in front of her so he could take the brunt of the impending crash and to keep her upright.
WIth the whoosh of air that went past her as he skated by to get in front, AJ leaned too much and her foot went out from under her. Instead of crashing into Tyson at the boards, he leapt toward her, reaching out for her midsection. AJ slipped right through his hands and awkwardly fell like a sack of potatoes. Terrified, Tyson looked down at AJ to gauge the damage, afraid to see the look on her face after he had promised to keep her safe.
AJ looked up, oddly enough, laughing.
Tyson crouched down quickly, making sure AJ truly wasn’t hurt. “Why are you laughing?”
“I don’t know. I think the look on your face, it went from pride to OH SHIT in like half a second.” She continued giggling. “I think I’m going to hurt tomorrow though.” AJ attempted to sit up, with Tyson assisting her back to her feet.
The couple skated another couple laps, but AJ had to throw in the towel. Her legs were tired, and her knee a little stiff. Tyson pulled her to the edge of the ice, and helped her untie the skates to get back onto solid, non-slippery ground.
With skates returned, Tyson grabbed his bag, and the two headed to his car. Tossing his gear in the back, he started the vehicle, heading for home. 
“Did you have a good time?” Tyson put his hand on AJ’s in her lap, shaking it a little.
“It was alright up until I wasn’t upright.” AJ burst out laughing. “I think I get what you were saying though, it is a different feeling. I’d probably try again, get some practice.”
Tyson’s heart skipped a beat, knowing that she was understanding why he loves being on the ice so much, the fact he got to share that experience with her. 
But in true Tyson and AJ fashion, that cocky smirk took over his face.
“Awesome, next week we’re working on stopping.”
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comfreyhollywings · 2 years
Hi!! May I hop on the exchanges train? 😁I use my cards and my intuition, I hope that's okay! I'm curious about what the near future brings into my life( romance, career, whatever what's to come out lol). Honestly your blog gives me tranquility vibe, peace and calmness.💜💟💜 The exchange = From tarot I got the 9 and 10 of Wands, page of Wands. While shuffling and getting the cards my body and shoulders were feeling heavy? Similar like the man on the 9of wands card, are you exhausted? It seems like you are working on something and have been dealing with a certain struggle for some time, now I didn't pull cards for what the exact matter is but it feels close to your heart and your passion. You seem perhaps a bit confused to what the next step is and how long to keep going, but the 10means and ending so its safe to day your troubles and weight will be lifted and u will finally figure it out. It's gonna end. After that you can feel young and like a child again, you might even start something new and exciting. I keep thinking of travel, so a new journey za short trip or a summer vacation? If not, just the feeling of rejuvenation and brand new hope.
Hope you enjoyed this reading! Tell me how it resonates 😂 my initials are MCS ♥️
hello hello, mcs !!! ✨✨ thank you for hopping into my exchange reading !!! honestly... yes. i am exhausted. there were a lot of situations i have on my plate that i've just cut away. i've also have a couple of passion projects very, very dear to my heart but.. trying to balance them is difficult with stability is difficult. hearing your reading does resonate with me and i am dearly clinging onto the hope that this weight will finally end and be lifted. plus... travelling sound like heaven right now ;;; i really would love to embark on that new journey. ╔═══ -ˋˏ *.·:·.⟐.·:·.* ˎˊ- ═══╗ - The High Priestess  - Ace of Swords Rx - 3 of Swords Back of the Deck: 10 of Pentacles Rx ( bonus cards: Ace of Wands and the Magician Rx ) ╚═══ -ˋˏ *.·:·.⟐.·:·.* ˎˊ- ═══╝
i feel.. sad. there is this current situation that you’re kind of in the middle of right now. like.. i don’t… have a solid grasp on it because everything feels so confusing. trying to tap into your energy, it’s.. hard to find the words or even process the sort thing you got going on. is this a family situation? could it be that your entire family sort of flaked out on you or proved to be instable? so you’re.. sort of in shock about the situation? like i honestly can just barely type about the situation as much i want to because your mind isn’t allowing you to process things as you’d like. i have the feeling that your family is in poverty so they left you behind in some way to have you fend on your own, and it’s like… so sudden. and so traumatic. i have a feeling that a religious organization is also involved in this situation at the moment. 
i know you asked for a future reading but i think your guides are a bit more adamant to give you validation that they see where you’re at. 
“why are you so self critical?” “feels like there’s swords pointed all around me.” “hard to breathe.” “can’t tell anybody. “trying to communicate and using logical thinking is blocked.”  you’re…still in shock. a lyric from jhene aiko's nobody: ┴┈┈┈┈■┈┈┈┈┴ No one ever listened, no one called me pretty Everybody called me Penny, I think I am worthless I don't have a purpose Who am I enough for? Why we always lose what we work for? Why we hurt more? Why we never see my mother cry? She's so tough for us, poor her
is that how you’re feeling? firstly, it’s okay to feel how you’re feeling. you don’t need to rationalize things. second, trust in your intuition and allow yourself to grieve. it’s okay to wish for better times. it’s okay to want something good to happen. it’s okay to allow your mind to wander at times. the more you try rationalizing it, the more you end up blocking yourself. think of emotions like data. they tell you things, but it’s up to you whether to accept the data. they’re neither good or bad, but they’re telling you important things that you might want to pay attention to. when you allow them to flow, you allow yourself to talk about it. and there’s no shame in that.  
i drew out some bonus cards for you because this.. was heavy. and you deserve something to hold onto. so, for the future: you got The Magician Rx and Ace of Wands. um. okay. tea. so..  i have two interpretations for this. 1.) whatever your intuition is saying about this religious organization or whatever, you’re most likely correct. it… feels like.. this organization is using a facade/mask under the illusion that they’re doing your family good when they’re really tricking them. your gut feeling is spot on and you will inevitably find a voice in what you have to say about this through your creative works. 2.) this is a wakeup call for you to express yourself because this situation is like an ‘illusion’. the magician card talks about “as above, so is below”; but with it reversed.. it kinda feels like you’re nuking yourself in the foot with the lack to want to express and create a voice for you to take part in. you will find your voice. this won’t last forever. you’re not alone. 
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