cmweller · 2 years
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Challenge #03513-I225: Time to Spare
Several kids flying kites accidentally run into Wraithvine and hir friends. Giggling, they offer the kite strings to the individuals, asking the group to come play -- Anon Guest
They had the time. And why not? Between one place and another, with all the urgencies currently out of the way, playing in a park had its lures. Especially for Marvin.
Wraithvine hadn't held a kite string for too long, and accepted the spool with giddy laughter. Which more or less gave the others permission to play. If an Elf almost as old as the world could play with kites, then anyone could do it. And, for the sake of the game, the spell to Control Winds was very, very useful.
Marvin was running around with the other children and laughing. Careful of the smaller ones anywhere near his feet and trying not to tangle his kite string with anyone else's. Wraithvine was far more sedate, enjoying the spectacle and the occupation, and the peace.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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goobergoobygoob · 2 months
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Part 2 of this post
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How To Fix Odometer Rollback Car And Avoid Mileage Discrepancy
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An odometer rollback is a widespread challenge for auto enthusiasts and professionals. It is particularly harmful to people seeking to buy a used car. Purchasing a vehicle is never a simple task, and the mileage reverse makes the process even more difficult. It may mislead the buyer into making a decision that he or she would not otherwise make. This will cause financial harm to the buyer, as well as malfunctioning or reduced life expectancy of the purchased vehicle. To prevent additional issues, learn how to detect odometer malfunctions, fix errors, and avoid new obstacles.
An odometer is a vehicle device that calculates mileage and displays the results on the dashboard. It allows us to determine the distance traveled accurately. When you check your miles, you may detect an odometer rolled back car, resulting in an inconsistent odoo reading. Of course, this fact may lead to several misunderstandings. However, taking precautions and not ignoring such a case is more important. Despite technological advancements and constant development, distance remains a vital variable. Indeed, all of this is based on certain practices and experiences, but in today’s world, there are far more critical factors for cars. Taking them into account may be more valuable than estimating mileage numbers. Everyone manages to deal with the issue of distance and car maintenance in their own unique way. Some attempt to avoid major damage by driving cautiously, while others constantly visit service centers. A particular group of people decided to address the issue of mileage by rolling odometer back in their cars. That is why it is critical to understand what it means and whether it is appropriate for you to use this method.
Rollback in a car is a situation where people tamper with the odometer to make it display lower miles than the original showing. After rolling back the odometer, your automobile will show much lower mileage on the instrument cluster. This is an established practice that started decades ago. It is usually called odometer fraud or clocking. In the past, most automobiles had mechanical odometers. They were easier to mess up and were almost impossible to track. However, modern vehicles have digital odometers, and it’s hard to change mileage without any trace. This is because the system stores the mileage-related data in the ECUs. Hence, even if the odometer rolled back successfully or you deleted certain miles or kilometers from your car, the system would have the original information and be easily traceable. For this reason, new models are more resistant to fraud. However, they are not 100% secure from such actions, and various tools can adjust any auto. Rolling back the odometer is a mileage adjustment process that displays lower miles and kilometers in a car.
Odometer adjustment can have different reasons and goals. Here are the most common reasons:
Increasing the Resale Value of a car: It is well known that vehicles with high mileage are inexpensive. On the other hand, the one with lower miles has a higher price tag. Considering this, the owners often seek to artificially reduce the mileage and make a bigger profit from the sale.
Fix Inaccuracies: Although odometers are smart instruments, they can sometimes show inaccurate data. Such occasions are rare, but they should be corrected immediately whenever an issue arises.
Physical Damage to an Odometer: Car accidents can damage instrument clusters, showing incorrect mileage. The odometer rollback tool can be used on such occasions to adjust the miles and restore accurate data.
Cut Insurance Expenses: Companies determine insurance rates based on car mileage, and if you have low statistics, you will end up paying less. People used this factor to their advantage and unethically changed the information to minimize their costs.
It’s evident that one universal reason doesn’t exist. Everyone chooses rollback devices based on their needs and goals.
The following methods will help you identify the issues:
Request the official history record and compare it to the current odometer statistics. The numbers won’t be the same, but the difference should be logical.
Check the engine hours and try to figure out the appropriate average mileage. Consider that engine hours will have completely different results under different circumstances. For example, a car standing in a traffic jam for an hour and a second car driving on a highway for one hour will have drastically different covered distances despite having the same engine. So, vehicle engine hours don’t always help us detect the issue.
Extract ECU Data. Cars store mileage information in ECUs. Hence, you can check the saved miles in the system and compare them to the current odometer. However, this approach will be useless if someone uses a mileage blocker, as it’s utterly untraceable.
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When you notice a rollback, the first thing you must do is notify the local authorities. There are two explanations. Firstly, by informing the authorities, you increase the chances of detecting the mileage discrepancy, as they have more resources to track it. Secondly, being honest and admitting to authorities that you were unaware of the mileage can help ease the situation and prevent further complications. Rolling odometer back occurs when people force the car to show lower mileage as if it was the original reading. They use an odoo rollback tool for modifications. Initially, the device links with the system. Once the connection is established, the vehicle’s mileage can be lowered. For instance, if the car has 150,000 miles on it and you want the rollback not to go over 80,000, this instrument will reduce the numbers for you. This method has one disadvantage: the original information is still traceable as the system stores the data in the ECUs, and the rollback tool cannot remove the data from the storage units. The Odoo rollback tool can roll back the mileage and show the desired amount on the dashboard. Although tempting, these devices are quickly traceable and usually seen as scams.
The proper functioning of the odometer is of crucial importance for vehicles. That is why if you notice an odometer malfunction, it is necessary to think about ways to resolve it. You can fix rollback odometers using the methods listed below.
1.Use History Reports and a Disclosure Statement
Vehicle history reports and a disclosure statement provide detailed information about the car. They show all the services it has had, recorded miles over time and additional auto data. This information can help you determine mileage inaccuracies and adjust the information so that the odometer will continue to show the correct distance. Hence, history reports and disclosure statements are excellent sources for determining accurate information.
2. Deploy Scanner Tools
A car odometer scanner tool is a device that connects to a vehicle and shows detailed information. It’s often used to find out issues and malfunctions. As soon as you detect the error, you can fix it. In this case, the scanner tool can help you check if an odometer works correctly or has any inaccuracies. If the Odoo scanner tool detects that the odometer rolled back, you should correct the mileage in your car. This device is an excellent option for finding issues and resolving them afterward.
3. Replace the Odometer
In some cases, due to rollback and other scam actions, the odometer can no longer function properly. Despite the alignment, it still displays incorrect data on the dashboard. In such a case, replacing the odometer with a new one is the most appropriate option. Before replacement, it is necessary to correct the mileage according to the actual reading.
4. Visit Professional Mechanics or Service Centers
It isn’t easy to adjust the mileage yourself, especially if you don’t have the necessary tools. Despite your best efforts, you may be unable to pinpoint the exact issue. If you are unable to complete the task on your own, that is perfectly normal. This field has its professionals. Rolling odometer back and correcting the mileage in a car is much easier for them. So, if you have an issue with miles or kilometers that you cannot resolve on your own, visit professional mechanics or relevant service centers, and they will guide you through the process.
A rollback tool changes and lowers miles or km in a vehicle by odometer rollback. Mileage adjustment and displaying the wrong data are the primary goals for these gadgets. People use them for fraudulent purposes to deceive others while buying a used car. Unlike rollback, mileage blocker is not intended to deduct, delete, or change mileage. Therefore, it does NOT belong to rollback devices. So, what is the mileage blocker? It’s a smart device that halts distance recording while the auto is in motion. The blocker doesn’t reset or reverse the odometer; it stops the system from adding new miles. The great feature of this high-tech device is that, compared to the odometer rolled back tool, the mileage blocker never stores the information in the vehicle’s ECUs. Hence, the information is untraceable. This impressive blocker is produced in Germany using premium-quality materials. This ensures that the device works perfectly despite weather conditions. The German SuperKilometerFilter (SKF) team created this product for only car testing purposes under a controlled environment, and it shouldn’t be used on free roads. Check the support or customer service pages for additional information.
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The mileage blocker from SKF is a unique tool that has multiple advantages compared to the devices that are rolling odometer back:
Untraceable Effect: It’s the only device that can stop the mileage recording process and doesn’t leave a trace. Hence, this action would be irreversible if the mileage blocker were used.
Different Modes: The blocker has several modes, and the owner can choose the best option.
High-quality Components: The product relies on the quality of its constituent components, which enables it to achieve flawless results.
Mobile App: The fantastic feature of this product is that it has a mobile application. You can now control the module remotely from your phone, even when driving.
DIY Installation: The mileage blocker has easy installation guidelines, and you can install the device without an issue.
You can buy the mileage blocker online from the SKF website. Always remember to use the device ethically.
An odometer rollback is a mileage adjustment that causes a car’s dashboard to display lower miles or km. It’s a common practice for odometer manipulations. On the other hand, the mileage blocker is the only tool that can stop distance recording without any trace. Remember that this action is irreversible, and it’s meant only for car testing.
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jhesite · 8 months
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"No doubt there's along the same lines some neutral places, some other places which help us to get rid of a certain self-image or to assume a new one, to become ourselves. This metamorphosis can't take place anywhere. For a physical or psychological place to make it possible, it requires offering a space where it could spread. It can also be places as familiar as a shift presented from an unusual angle, this slight disorientation makes us watch them differently. The same city but empty in the early morning, enjoyment of the early birds or night owls ; the same beach, but in the middle of the Winter. Perec used to try exhausting the spaces, we also can be tempted to "exhaust" ourselves, by experimenting the unusual, to see if something arises from this change in perspective."
Être à sa place: Habiter sa vie, habiter son corps, Claire Marin
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rubysevens · 7 months
anyway in the past week the irish government has voted down two motions which would have condemned the genocide in gaza.
i need everyone to stop lionising ireland as if its not also a european government with strong ties to the us. american weapons pass through shannon airport and will continue to, because yesterday the motion to stop that was voted down 83 to 50.
other governments have done much more but somehow people still act as though ireland is the ultimate palestinian ally and exempt from criticism on its handling of palestine bc it was once colonised, even though that past experience clearly isnt being taken into account by the irish government when creating policy.
i live here i know there’s a lot of public support and sympathy for palestine, which is great, but that isnt reflected in government, and i think ireland should be treated like other countries whose governments have done nothing.
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nataliescatorccio · 1 month
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ANTHONY & KATE BRIDGERTON Bridgerton: Season 3
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attleboy · 3 months
Can you give some tutorials on how to/how you draw Pomni? I struggle with drawing her hat. XD
oh yeah of COURSE!!! :D i've waiting for this moment... literally! i've most of this sitting around for like, a month but, idk, i worried it'd be like, egotistical(????) to post a pomni tutorial unprompted..? but now i have been prompted so the floodgates shall open!!! >:D pomni be upon thee
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(here's goose's pomni expression sheet in case you haven't seen it yet)
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and if you're interested in how i draw her with sharp teeth, i've already made a tutorial on that!! check it out here :D
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Where do Jesus and Paul disagree?
Where do Jesus and Paul disagree?
The fast, and straight up answer to this question is that Jesus and Paul never disagreed! All that Paul wrote and taught in his epistles is in perfect agreement to the will and purpose of God for the grace program. Paul writes the following, 1 Cor.3:5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? 6 I have planted, Apollos watered;…
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View On WordPress
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turtletoads · 1 year
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cora still being a pain in doflamingo’s side beyond the grave
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
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for the anon and @aomiaocao who requested it, and anyone else who might want them - transparent gifs of the gang rolling!
procreate's done something weird with some of the dust clouds but idk how to fix it so... hopefully it's not too much of an issue ^^;
original animation here
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Mileage Discrepancy – Why Do People Sell Such Cars?
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Using mileage discrepancy while selling a car is a well-known method to get the premium price. Even though such action might even lead to legal issues, some people are still willing to take a risk. When you know that all the other providers use the same trick to sell their automobiles, sometimes you don’t stand a chance to get familiar with the odometer discrepancy.
Mileage vs an odometer
Before describing the purpose of these terms, we must know what an odometer and a mileage stand for. An odometer is a tool that people use for measuring the distance traveled by a vehicle. It might be either mechanical (consisting of cogs that turn based on the wheel rotation) or digital (uses a chip to measure and display the mileage).
Most automobiles also come with a trip meter (trip odometer). It’s a gauge that can measure the mileage of a specific trip. For instance, if you wish to measure the actual distance between your house and work you can simply use this function to get precise results. Similarly, measuring the actual Miles Per Gallon (mpg) is much easier if you fill up your tank and count the distance traveled. When you fill the tank up again, you can calculate the mpg on your own.
Selling a car with mileage discrepancy might seem a thing of the past but it happens on a daily basis. The seller can use it for earning more money out of the trading even nowadays. The mileage discrepancy refers to misrepresenting the mileage of the automobile. The odometer discrepancy has to emphasize the unreliability of the odometer tool in terms of counting and reading the mileage but in most cases, these two terms are used interchangeably.
Would you buy a car if you knew that it is going to become useless after 1 year? Even if you got such a car as a gift, it is doubtful if you could make good use of it. Car manufacturers use the mileage to portray the life expectancy of the car. Therefore, people always use mileage as the major factor while determining the remaining lifespan of the automobile.
Even though it’s controversial whether mileage truly reflects the car’s wellbeing or not, people tend to trust these digits more than anything else. Especially if you are loyal to your car’s manufacturer, you will find it hard to believe that there are more important factors to rely on. However, if you are a car geek you don’t have to care about an odometer discrepancy.
The short answer is No. The life expectancy of an automobile depends on multiple factors and mileage is not one of them. However, it does reflect the approximate condition of a car. Let’s take the example of car parts. They wear out after using it after a certain period and the mileage does reflect to some extent how long they are going to last. Although, it doesn’t take into account the driving habits, road condition, location, and many other factors that determine the longevity of automobile components.
The mileage indicates how many miles an average person is going to drive a car before it gets broken. However, it doesn’t take into account all the other factors that we have mentioned above and can be quite misleading. Those who are aware of this issue prefer to sell a car with mileage discrepancy. Especially if they took good care of their “best buddy” and would like to express this through mileage.
If you have noticed an odometer discrepancy you may wonder what can be the cause of it. You may be surprised to know that this term may refer to a condition that is not under your control.
Total mileage limit of the car
Have you noticed how many digits can be displayed on your mileage indicator? Sometimes the mileage discrepancy is caused because of the number of digits that can be displayed as the indication for the distance traveled. For instance, most of the cars have five-digit (99,999) or six-digit (999,999) odometers. If you exceed this limit your car will not be able to count the mileage after reaching the limit. If you sell a car with a mileage discrepancy that is caused by such unforeseen factors make sure to keep a record of the approximate distance that you travel. This is vital especially if you intend to sell a car as the new owner will most likely be interested in this seemingly useless indicator.
Usage of mileage correction tools
Probably the most common reason that you have heard about is using a speedometer calibration tool. Those who have above-average mileage per month are more willing to use such tools. They don’t mind selling a car with mileage discrepancy especially if they are sure that their car is in much better condition than other vehicles with the same mileage.
However, take into account that using such tools for unethical purposes is forbidden and might lead to serious charges depending on your country of residence. To make sure that you are on the safe side only use such modules in controlled environments. The odometer stopper tool has many other advantages as well and might come in handy only if used for ethical purposes.
Be aware that using mileage correction tools for deceiving others is a direct representation of Odometer discrepancy.
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Even though the name of this tool might seem self-explanatory for some of you, it can serve multiple purposes. In general, correction tools are meant for dealing with the unpleasant digits displayed on the odometer. However, we will discuss the advantages of Mileage stopper Tools because of their unique features.
To test the performance of the vehicle
Not everyone wants to use the mileage correction tool to sell a car with a mileage discrepancy. Using a premium quality mileage stopper tool will allow you to test the performance of your car without recording unnecessary mileage. The odometer discrepancy might be caused by worn-out or different size tires.
Similarly, if you are a Do-it-Yourself guy, probably would like to test your car in a controlled environment. People find it essential to install mileage stopper tools in order to avoid recording extra mileage while accomplishing this task. However, you can only do so in a controlled environment.
To correct the misleading data on the odometer
Imagine how difficult selling a car with a mileage discrepancy would be. Many people face such difficulties when they are not aware of the perceived value of mileage beforehand. Simply, the unusual size of the tires might lead to a thousand extra miles per year. The mileage Blocker can help you to reduce the recorded mileage in order to make it in line with the true distance traveled.
To fight with stereotypical perception
Imagine the situation, you are selling a car and you notice that all the other car owners have an edge over you because of corrected mileage. In such a situation, you might be triggered to do the same thing in order to sell at an appropriate price. Similarly, understanding car care can radically improve the life expectancy of the vehicle. However, the mileage indicator may not show actual figures and mislead potential customers. To avoid such difficulties people find it essential to use such modules at a certain stage of car ownership.
As you may have guessed, using the Mileage Stopper Tool for another purpose than testing is illegal in most countries. It is not advisable to sell a car with mileage discrepancy as it is unethical. Even though it might seem reasonable for most people, there are those who would use this module for rollback purposes. To avoid an odometer discrepancy allegation, you can also try to explain to the potential buyers truthfully what they have to know about your car. Even though you might not be the most reliable source in such a case, it is still worth a try.
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In the majority of the countries, selling a car with mileage discrepancy is illegal. That is why most people tend to use mileage stopper tools instead of rollback devices as they are untraceable. This is a plug-and-play tool that can’t be traced even with a computer and is widely used to keep mileage at a reasonable level. However, as we have already mentioned this is not the purpose of the tool and it doesn’t have to be used for such purposes. Use the module if you would like to test your car, and it will portray the condition better than the mileage.
There are many ways to check the real mileage of the car but in some cases, it is still impossible to trace any correction. Some of these methods might be used by insurance companies as they rely on mileage figures to charge you a premium. Here are the most reliable methods to determine an odometer discrepancy.
Check the full history of the car
Selling a car with a mileage discrepancy became quite common nowadays. Hence, it is vital to determine any flaws before buying a second-hand car. There are many websites that check the title and the background of your automobile via the VIN check, for instance, CarFax, CarVertical, etc. Simply enter the VIN code and you will get all the information you need. You will see if someone altered the mileage. You’ll also be able to check the history of previous crash damage, theft warning (when applicable), and outstanding finance.
This step might be the easiest but it is not a free service and you will have to pay for it. You may find websites that offer such services for free but as you may have already guessed they will not be accurate.
Look at the car’s MOT certificate
MOT certificate can tell you if the automobile met the minimum environmental and road safety standards. Similarly, the MOT certificate always contains mileage data and you can access it to check the reliability of the odometer figures. However, it doesn’t guarantee that an automobile is roadworthy.
Ask the owner to provide such documents and compare them year by year to look for abnormalities. Look for the reasons for the unusual decrease in mileage for the specific year to make sure the odometer reading is accurate. If the owner can’t/won’t provide an MOT certificate, you can always check online using the registration number. This step will not apply to you only if the country of origin of the car doesn’t require such a certificate.
Simply ask the questions
Even though it might seem controversial most of the car sellers will simply disclose all the information if asked properly. Ask them freely and you may find out that you can get all the information that you need. Similarly, if you are not dealing with an inborn liar you will notice if they cannot provide convincing responses.
If you are buying from a dealer, check the paperwork to make sure that no disclaimer allows them to deceive you. For instance, some dealers may state that the mileage is incorrect and if you don’t read the paperwork you may rely on misleading figures.
Check the service history
The service history provides information about any maintenance services provided to the car. Besides, they keep a record of the mileage of the car and you can check the reliability based on the dates of service center visits.
The main drawback of this method is its reliability. This data can be easily falsified in order to deceive new buyers. To make sure that the data is reliable you can call the garages and ask them for the information that you require.
Inspect the vehicle on your own
If you are a car enthusiast, you would have already noticed the main signs of high mileage. Even though the mileage doesn’t always reflect the condition of the car, it is sometimes noticeable on most of the parts of an automobile. Check the interior and the exterior of a car and look for wear and tear signs. For instance, the condition of the steering wheel, pedals, and switches will indicate the approximate age of the car. The same applies to car paint. The new painting might indicate that the owner attempted to cover major issues and repairs.
However, it is hard to make such assumptions as the life expectancy of each component will depend not only on mileage but also on maintenance and the brand of the car. Some makers are famous for their exceptional quality of the components and will most likely last much longer than any other parts of their competitors.
Have an explicit test drive
If you have such an option, don’t hesitate to take a car for a test drive. Faulty parts usually cause unusual noises that you’d easily notice during the test drive. Similarly, some components simply depend on mileage. If the car is too old, its parts might easily wear out and require repairs. If the owner is selling a car with a mileage discrepancy most likely he wouldn’t care about the maintenance either. Such action could expose an odometer discrepancy. In that case, it would be pointless to make such adjustments.  During regular maintenance, it’s not uncommon to check the odometer reading and record the results of the inspection. 
It would be best to drive another car of the same model to make the comparison. This will allow you to determine if there are some unusual flaws.
As you have seen there are multiple methods to determine the true mileage of the car. However, all this hard work might even be in vain if the owner used the mileage stopper module. If this tool caused the odometer discrepancy, it would be impossible to determine wrongful figures on the odometer. This is why we always advise our customers to avoid using our testing module for such purposes.
Using mileage discrepancy while selling a used car is quite common these days. You have to be cautious to avoid buying a car with an odometer discrepancy. There are many ways to determine whether the mileage of the car is misleading or not. However, some people tend to use the mileage stopper tool from Super Kilometer Filter to stop the mileage of their automobile to deceive others. The main function of this module is to use for testing the performance of your “best buddy” and using it for fraudulent purposes is unacceptable.
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f1-stuff · 1 month
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Miami GP '24 // P5 -> Sprint Quali
"I struggled through the whole quali. When we put the soft, I was on a bit of good lap there. But, still, made another mistake in (Turn) 17 and lost the lap, so...yeah. Not happy, obviously, but still, we can turn it around tomorrow."
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driftingballoons · 7 months
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Female treecko hero thought process
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fryday · 4 months
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FORCING DAN TO WATCH ALL MY TIKTOK LIKES "you seem to be enjoying it!"
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bookishjules · 6 months
walking up to aunty em's seeing all the monster statues out front, thinking.. this place is freaky... but then you realize. no. they're statues because they're bullies. these are Monster monsters aunty em turned to stone. surely that means she isn't the monster. and she talks so sweetly and she gives you food and tells you you don't have to be like your terrible parents with their own monstrous legacies.. but then things start to feel off and you become unsettled and she's telling you to betray your friends and you can't do that, so you find a place to hide... but when the lights turn on you see that hiding place for what it is.. the tomb of the People. of the heroes and satyrs and good honest people who did not deserve to be turned to stone. aunty em can talk a pretty talk. she can show you the side of the story that she knows will compel you, but she never told you about her own monster story, did she? maybe it didn't have to do with the curse athena dealt her. maybe it had to do with how she chose to use it. and now you've learned the full story..
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lurking-loaf · 4 months
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Hey kids, it's your favorite day-themed jester animatronic, now in puppet form! Doesn't it make you want to keep the lights on?
Combining three things guaranteed (unverified-source required) to keep a kid from shutting the lights off in the daycare, this silly fella is what I drew on @daycarefriendpickup's latest Magma.
Closeups, plus sketch and alternate version below cut.
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The glue for the googly eyes and button was originally regular white glue, but I eventually came to my senses and used the correct type.
Also, I almost made the legs/pants look like that rough sketch and no, I have no idea why when I had the arms done accordion style in that same exact picture.
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