cmweller · 2 hours
My thoughts on finding the end of my WIP
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cmweller · 23 hours
A Starting Sentence a Day
"Spitebane had much to think about."
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cmweller · 23 hours
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Challenge #04139-K121: Honesty Aggression
A wizard, fed up with people lying just so they can get other people humiliated, hurt, or worse, begins cursing those that habitual liars so that they lose the ability to lie, not in spoken or written word. -- Anon Guest
Wraithvine got the blame, as ze does for most magnificent acts of magic. Nobody else could have the time or motivation to do what had been done to Ymamoraal. So they said.
Never underestimate the power and devotion of a pissed-off autistic Wizard.
Tired of the 'normal' folks' daily regime of setting her up for humiliation, she set about imbuing and invoking runes all over Ymamoraal. In the stones, on the slates of the roofs. In the upright beams and in the lintels. Day and night, anywhere that Asimaev found that was out of the way and overlooked.
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cmweller · 2 days
A Starting Sentence a Day
"Good news, they had found where that fungus-infected Troll had come from."
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cmweller · 2 days
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Challenge #04138-K120: Truth to Power
"You say this is what you want, but is it really? Or is it what others tell you that you want? You say you need this, but is it what you really need? Or what others expect of you? Look into your heart, look into this mirror, for it will read your heart, and if your heart equals the desires you say you have, then I will help you with what you wish. If it does not? Then I will help you learn to stand up for yourself." -- Anon Guest
Mirrors rarely tell the truth. Silver, the most common element for making them reflective, corrupts easily. They turn everything around. For a mirror of truth, one needs pure things. Uncorruptible things. Pure gold. Pure silica. Pure gemstones representing as many planes of existence as possible.
The one about the blood of a virgin is pure fabrication, but the resulting artefact is many times as difficult to obtain.
A mirror of Veritas is worth far more than its component parts. It's because the truth is many more times rare, and thousands more times as precious. When you're the kind of being who grants wishes, you need one of these. Mostly because too many wish for what they think they want, rather than what they know they need.
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cmweller · 3 days
A Starting Sentence a Day
"If hell was other people, according to philosophers, then the young Viscount Kormwind had to be a significant factor."
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cmweller · 3 days
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Challenge #04137-K119: The Founding of the Welcome Inn
The pickpocket no longer went by "Scram" but had chosen a new name for themselves. Thanks to the kindness of a wizard and their kobold companion, they'd opened an eatery that was very cheap, but with wonderous food, thanks to the farm, and the nearby river teeming with fish, they used to supply it rather than buying supplies elsewhere. In honor of the two, those who were poor and desperate were given food for free, shelter, and a chance to learn farming, fishing, and cooking, so they didn't go hungry, either.
https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03714-j061-change-a-life-change-the-world -- Anon Guest
[AN: Scram got a different story in One Life's Worth of Change but I can have room for more than one street kid thinking their name was Scram]
"Time is a flat circle," sighed the Elf after I introduced myself.
I had no choice but to stay. Trying to look inedible to a Kobold who was bigger than I was at the time. My hand was stuck in the Elf's pocket.
The Kobold was cackling. "More like city people are horrible," she said. "Name's Gikka, little one. We've done this before."
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cmweller · 4 days
A Starting Sentence a Day
"All it took to feel confident in the Undercity was a few lessons, a little bit of knowledge, and a companion who could see in the dark."
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cmweller · 4 days
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Challenge #04136-K118: Essential Knowledge
The human and their beloved Gyiik companion opened a restaurant together. Their love taught them how to cook, they taught their beloved Gyiik how to set up for safe, human, parties. -- Anon Guest
"Economies of scale," lectured Sous Anne, displaying plates on the table before Thag the Gyiik. "A Gyiikish dinner plate is a Human share platter. A Gyiikish snack is a Human meal. A Human meal is a Havenworlder share platter, and our snacks are their meals. As for Havenworlder snacks," a tiny little plate, roughly the size of a dipping sauce bowl.
"Those have a use?" boggled Thag.
"Humans have a similar one for soy sauce when we have sushi. That's not the point. The point is that the tasting menu has to contain enough for the guest to taste, but not as much as to overwhelm them. We both love food, but nobody can love food on a Gyiikish level but your fellow Gyiiks."
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cmweller · 5 days
A Starting Sentence a Day
"He had never in his life had to deal with so much insolence in so little time."
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cmweller · 5 days
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Challenge #04135-K117: Baby Steps
Vrax became closer to the badly harmed human. Introducing them to individuals who, though they didn't wear the uniforms, were highly trained therapists. It would take a long time, and a lot of careful, gentle, care. But this human was going to get the help they needed, even if it was in a round-about manner at first.
https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-02486-f296-some-of-parts -- Anon Guest
Nobody went homeless in the Alliance. Even if they chose not to avail themselves of the public services. There was always somewhere to take up a residence. If someone is found sleeping on a public bench, they're simply offered a place in a niche hotel[1] for the evening.
Nobody is punished for having nothing. If such a lack is revealed, the public services are offered.
Aunties are one such free-roaming services. They have a neighbourhood to patrol and regular residents to check on. Most people know to ask for help when they need it. Some need a little encouragement to recognise that they need help. One... believed they didn't deserve help. That's who Unty Vrax was working with.
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cmweller · 6 days
A Starting Sentence a Day
"He spotted half of her problems as he was finishing up with re-dressing and re-packing for the day."
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cmweller · 6 days
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Challenge #04134-K116: Peak Performance
A new, rather strange, band formed that was a mix of humans, and former pirates that used to be their enemies. They have one hell of a reputation for their eclectic music styles, and immense imagination. They end up pretty popular, too, their concerts are often pretty packed.
https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-02473-f283-yo-ho-foe-no-mo -- Anon Guest
Call it serendipity. Call it synchronicity. Call it kismet. They called their band The Starfarers. A band of pirates met with a band of Humans aboard a Havenworlder ship, and the battle went on so long that everyone got bored and started literally playing around.
It took four days to notice that the battle had stopped in favour of their improvised talent show.
They formed a big band, replete with choral section, and took their mutual act on the road. One that could work in shifts and potentially entertain around the clock. They would only all perform at once on special occasions.
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cmweller · 7 days
This week is about my issues with technology.
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cmweller · 7 days
A Starting Sentence a Day
"Working in certain areas of the castle required adherence to some of the most sincere and severe oaths to the realm that Nurse Aspen Gracmiit had ever heard of."
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cmweller · 7 days
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Challenge #04133-K115: Lawsuits From Ignorance
A strongly male-dominated deregger group sues the woman who has so much time she could practically buy their entire solar system, and that's even after paying her taxes and giving to charity. The "crime" they claim she's committing? She's a woman who's making more money than they are.
https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-02593-g036-safe-as -- Anon Guest
Engineer Dean read the message for the third time, juggling her latest foster child on her hip. She read it out loud in a singsong voice because the tone was all that mattered when reading with a pre-verbal child in the immediate area.
"I am demanded to appear in the greater fiscal court of the fiduciary empire of Mashandar... that's Greater Deregulation Upper North-Northeast... I've been found guilty in absentia of immoral living and a corrupting lifestyle. I'm a disruptive influence on the mental wellbeing on the youth of their polity. I must, according to them, immediately hand myself into the custody of an appropriate male and let him take over the position of CEO of Buddysuits Inc. If I don't, they'll come and legally claim me for matrimonial reclamation."
She spent a moment looking up the legal standing these dereggers had. Since it was slim to none, Dean relaxed a little and filed a notice with Station Security regarding a threat to her freedoms.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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cmweller · 8 days
A Starting Sentence a Day
"How could she avoid Whitekeep?"
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