#digital taglocks
elminx · 2 years
Re: digital taglocks
They work. Quite well.
This is why if you have valid reasons to suspect that a person in your life has the means and intent to do you magical harm, your first step in protecting yourself should be the make sure that they do not have access to your digital footprint. Block them from seeing all of your social media, if possible. Make sure your photos are not public.
If you suspect that they may have photos of you from the past, change how you look. (Cutting and/or dyeing your hair is the easiest way to do this)
This is not meant to be scare tacticy. Most people will not get magically attacked by other people. This is meant for somebody who has a REASON to assume magical harm.
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crazyskirtlady · 1 year
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*Or if there is Injustice let it be only in my favor...
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rwt-mystic-corner · 1 year
I just realized!
I have roommates now!
Roommates that are my FRIENDS and I TRUST!!!
For the very FIRST time in my life, the people I live with are people I want to allow in my space.
When I (finally) get my wards set up over the place and especially my room, and not just a quick-and-dirty shielding job: I’m going to have to program in Ward Exceptions so they’re not Bound and Blockaded the moment they cross the threshold.
Particularly because the system roommate has some headmates that are Sensitive to Magic and I’d hate to overwhelm them...
And PARTICULARLY-particularly because I already gave them permission to walk through my room if they want to visit the balcony, which is Only Accessible Through My Room.
But for my other roommate’s sake, too-- they go in to visit the chins and birds. c: And if either of them ever wants to borrow a book, it’d be nice for them to be able to just Drop In without feeling the Get Out vibes I’ve always added.
...I might wait to do that until they’re here, actually, that’ll be in about 3 months but I’ve only physically been in the same space as them Once and I think it’ll be easier to get a read on them, and thus how to “program” the wards to “ignore” them, with them here.
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diana-thyme · 1 year
The Ultimate Grimoire Guide
So! I have been seeing a ton of grimoire ideas and thought I’d stuff them all together. A lot of ideas are from @manifestationsofasort, @banebite, and @pigeonflavouredcake. Check them out! They have a ton of cool stuff there.
What Do I Use For My Grimoire?
You can use anything for a grimoire! For a physical one, journals, binders, and notebooks are good. For digital ones, Notion, Tumblr, Docs, and even just your file folder are great.
A Book Blessing
Table of Contents
About Me
Your Current Path
Your Personal Beliefs
Your Spiritual Journey
Past lives
Favorite Herbs/Crystals/Animals/Etc.
Natal Chart
Craft Name
How You Entered The Craft
Astrology Signs
Birthday Correspondences (birth tarot card, birth stone, etc.)
Fire Safety
What Not to Burn
Toxic Plants & Oils (to humans, plants, animals)
Crystals That Shouldn’t Be Put… (in sun, in water, etc.)
Things That Shouldn’t Be In Nature (glass, salt, etc.)
Potion Safety
How to Incorporate Blood in Spells
Smoke Safety
Wound Care
Core Concepts
Intention & How It Works
Directing Energy
What Makes A Spell Work
Basic Spell Structure
What Not To Do In Spells
Disposing Spell Ingredients
Revitalizing Long Term Spells
How To Cast Spells
What To Put In Spells
Spell Mediums (jars, spoken, candle, sigils)
Spell Timing
Potion Bases
Differentiating Between Magick and Mundane
Common Terms
Common Symbols
Basic Alchemy and Symbols
Ways To Break Spells
Laws and Philosophies
Herbs & Spices
Crystals & Rocks
Liquids & Drinks
Tarot Cards
Trees & Woods
Moon Phases
Essential Oils
Bone Correspondences
Different Types of Water
Common Plants
Deities You Worship
Pantheons & Deities Closed to You
Common Offerings
Worship vs Work
Prayers & Prayer Template
Deity Comms
Devotional Acts
Spirit Guides
House, Animal, Plant, Etc. Spirits
Folklore Entities
Spirit Etiquette
Graveyard Etiquette
Communication Guide & Etiquette
Spirit Work Safety Guide
How Entities Appear To You
Circle Casting
Common Offerings
Mythological Creatures (dragons, gorgons, etc.)
Utility Pages
Gazing Pages
Sigil Charging Station
Altar Pages
Intent Pages
Getaway Pages
Vision Boards
Dream Pages
Binding Page
Pendulum Board
Crystal Grid
Throwing Bones Page
Divination Pages
Mirror Gazing Page
Invocation Pages
Affirmation/Manifestation Pages
Spirit Board Page
Other Practices
Practices That Are Closed to You (Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santeria, Brujeria, Shamanism, Native Practices)
Wicca and Wiccan Paths
Satanism, Both Theistic and Non-Theistic
Deity Work
Religious Paths (Hellenism, Christianity, Kemeticism, etc.)
Types of Magic/Spells
Pop Culture Paganism/Magic
Tech Magic
Chaos Magic
Green Magic
Lunar Magic
Solar Magic
Sea Magic
Kitchen Magic
Ceremonial Magic
Hedge Magic
Death Magic
Gray Magic
Eclectic Magic
Elemental Magic
Fae Magic
Spirit Magic
Candle Magic
Crystal Magic
Weather Magic
Astral Magic
Shadow Work
Energy Work
Art Magic
Knot Magic
Music Magic
Blood Magic
Bath Magic
Tarot Cards
Oracle Cards
Playing Cards
Card Spreads
Psychic Abilities
Sacred Geometry
Angel Numbers
Crystal grid
Candle grid
Witches Ladder
Deity Specific Holidays
Religious Holidays (Christmas, Easter, Dionysia, etc.)
Celestial Events
Basics of Altars
Travel Altars
Deity Altars
Spirit Altars
Familiar Altars
Ancestor Altars
Self Altars
Working Altars
Burnout Prevention
Stress Management
Coping Mechanisms
Theories & History
Witchcraft history
New Age Spirituality
Cultural Appropriation
Conspiracy Theories
Satanic Panic
Witches in History
Cats in History
Transphobia in Witchcraft Circles
Queerness in Witchcraft Circles
How to Get Herbs
Drying Herbs and Flowers
Witches Alphabet
Runic Alphabet
Guide to Gardening
Your Witch Tips
Other Tips
List of Spells
Cryptids and Their Lore
What is a Liminal Space?
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thevirginwitch · 11 months
Paper Poppet Spell for Luck & Success
If you want to support me and my blog, be sure to check out my Patreon for as little as $2 a month! You'll gain early access to all my posts, exclusive content, digital freebies, discount codes to my Etsy store, and tons of updates on what I'm working on! Did I mention you'll also gain voting power on research topics and future posts?
Poppets are a very popular way of typically conducting baneful magic – however, in this spell, the poppet will be representing yourself, and you will be performing sympathetic magic to increase your success and luck! This spell is to help aid you in achieving goals and success in any endeavors you may be attempting right now. I recommend carrying out this spell during a full moon, and/or on a Sunday. Of course, feel free to tweak this spell and its components as needed to better suit your needs/practice! This spell is a great beginner spell for sympathetic magic, and you can use this as a template if you wish to create any other poppet spells in the future.
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Wax warmer along with wax (in the color of your choice), or a candle (in the color of your choice) with a way to collect/use the melted wax. I personally used a mix of green and gold wax, as those colors typically represent abundance.
2 sheets of origami paper, 20cm x 20cm (if you only have typical printer paper, you can use scissors to cut to the correct size!)
Taglock – a piece of your hair, nail clipping, etc. You could also write your name on the poppet! (optional)
Art supplies - paint, colored pencils, markers, etc. Anything you feel comfortable using. (optional)
Star tarot card (optional)
Prepare your workspace and yourself for spellwork however you typically would. I personally like to smoke cleanse with incense, clear off my work area, and work through a guided meditation for focus. I also tend to light a candle or two that corresponds with what type of magic I’m trying to perform. During this step, be sure to turn on your wax warmer or light the candle you’ll be using for the spell.
Create your paper poppet using origami - you can follow this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDkxJi4kGz4. When folding your poppet, imagine you are pouring yourself into the folds of the poppet - your personality, your likeness, your life story, etc. Take some time to sprinkle each of the herbs (mint and chamomile) into some of the folds of your poppet as well - this step will help you “fold” success into yourself (your poppet). Instead of origami, you may also choose to instead cut out a human shape out of your paper - this is a great option if you are short on time, or have mobility/joint issues!
Once your paper poppet is complete, you may decorate it however you see fit - or choose to leave it plain. You may also choose to write words corresponding to your goals. For example: “new job”, “wealth”, “happy love life”, etc. Get creative with it - this poppet is supposed to represent you, after all! You may also add your taglock to the poppet during this step.
By now, your wax should be ready. Take your poppet and carefully dip each foot, hand, and the head into the wax. (Please be EXTREMELY careful if you are using a candle as a method for obtaining wax. And remember, wax is VERY hot!) As you dip each body part, feel free to recite the following (or come up with your own):
Submerge these hands in abundance; these feet in opportunity; And this head in gratitude for what’s to come.
Before the wax dries, sprinkle a bit more herbs on the wet wax to further “glue” success to yourself (your poppet). Be sure to hold onto your poppet as the wax dries before moving onto the next steps; taking care not to touch the wax as it dries.
Once the wax is nice and solid, set your poppet down on your Star tarot card (optional) and add your citrine and herbs to a bowl of water. Dip your fingertips in the bowl, and anoint your poppet with a bit of water. Be careful not to completely get it wet, as the poppet will obviously begin to fall apart - the goal is to just give it a light misting/sprinkle of water.
Finally, the ritual is complete! You may feel the urge to hold onto the poppet until your success is evident. Stash it on your windowsill or somewhere that sees a lot of foot traffic or sunlight – perhaps on your mantle or by your front door. If you’re in the broom closet, you could stash it in your daily bag/purse or wallet. Once you feel you’ve achieved the success you expected, you may dispose of the poppet in the garbage.
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grey-sorcery · 2 years
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Getting into witchcraft can be nerve wracking and scary. Here are some tips that I think will be invaluable for online research. Even if you’ve been at it for a while.
Understand that social norms exist within online communities and cultures. Sometimes concepts and practices become common place, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re true or effective. A good example of this is New Age practices.
Aesthetics aren’t everything, nor should they be. Like visualization, aesthetics can be a tool to amplify, maintain, and/or hone headspace. Relying on aesthetics alone will cause your practice to stagnate. Magic is less about the objects and herbs involved than it is about the energetic processes, conceptualizations, and representations.
Intent is not magic. It is an element of magic, but it isn’t everything. Magic is not wishing. Magic is not about vibes and attracting or repelling what you think. Magic is a focused and controlled release and manipulation of specific energy and variables in order to reach a certain goal or desire. Intent, willpower/passion, focus/headspace, action, and awareness are all equally important.
Until you have more experience with the online community and research, stay away from studying crystals and herbs (within a magical context) The internet is wrought with diluted or inaccurate information on these subjects. Correspondences and energetic properties cannot be summed up in floral language. Be weary and alert when studying correspondences, and remember that you can create your own.
Do not just research. It can be difficult to gain the confidence to jump into something like witchcraft, but so long as you aren’t dealing with Spiritwork you’ll be fine. Start making your own stuff while researching. Create your own foundation and then let everything else inspire you or give you cause to readjust.
Take notes. When recording information, make sure to note the source. This way, when you come back to it, you’ll be able to go back and check to see if you missed anything or verify the that information/source. You can do this easily with digital notes by just copy pasting the URL.
Grimoires and magical texts from history are fascinating, but remember that we lack the historical and cultural context to accurately understand them. A lot of them are religious-coded or straight up religious practices. Because of these, they should never be a primary source of information.
Regardless of what media may portray, magic isn’t flashy. It’s quiet and personal. It’s an extension of your psyche and awareness. Blood is hardly ever used in real witchcraft because it is self-binding. DNA is the most potent taglock that exists.
Don’t start with divination. I know that it seems easiest because it has all those beautiful products and artwork and has a well defined process; but, it can become a rabbit hole that is difficult to climb out of. Beyond that, divinatory practices are much more accurate when you’ve gained a foundational understanding in magic.
You do not have to jump into any theological practices. In fact, I would recommend obstaining from it entirely unless you were religious beforehand. Mythos-based pantheons are a deep web of information and lore. Like divination it can be a rabbit hole that’s difficult to escape. If you feel a call from the divine, be aware and alert that it isn’t coming from exposure via the internet. A lot of pantheon related content is very aesthetic and attractive. Be sure your faith is formed for the right reasons.
While researching, find what is sacred to you. A lot of media is disconnected from portraying sanctity in a realistic sense. Figure out what it means for something to be sacred to you. How would you express it and interact with it? How do you feel is a show of respect and reverence. This is different for everyone, even if there are a lot of commonalities.
Magic is as much conceptual and analytical as it is emotional and headspace. Critical thinking is crucial. Look for underlying patterns, experiment, be skeptical. There isn’t any “One True Way”, but not everything works or is effective.
Realize that no spell you find online will function the same for you as it did for the creator. Pretty much every spell you’ll come across in any form of media will lack the circumstances, details, and nuance that is necessary for accurate reproduction. Rather than using a spell you find, construct one for yourself towards the same end using your practice.
Start a book for magic. Keep a book for information, correspondences, etc that is separate. Start creating spells, sigils, and rituals. Make them yourself. Try them out. Feel around for what feels right until it clicks. Don’t wait until you think you’ve researched enough. So long as you aren’t jumping into Spiritwork, you’ll be safe. Create your own protection spells. Create spells that fit practically into your life.
Everything is fair game, Anything can be magical. You aren’t limited by pre-existing practices. The only limitations that exist are the laws of nature and your imagination. Go wild.
Other recommended reading:
Researching witchcraft
What to avoid
Everything that a beginner witch could want to know.
Fundamentals of energy work
Spell design
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school-of-roses · 2 years
△▼Spellwork on Others▼△
☽༓・*˚⁺‧ Sonder: The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. ‧⁺˚*・༓☾
Controlling yourself is often one of the things you have the most direct power over in the craft, where affecting another person comes with it's own tricks and techniques. Where there are certain things that work better when performed on yourself, there are certain things that change when doing a spell on another person.
Taglocks are the parts of a spell that identify the subject. When doing spellwork on another person, you are going to want some part of the spell to include something that identifies them.  There are many things that can tie a person to a spell.  There is a general belief that the more connected the object is to the subject the easier a time the spell is going to have affecting them. For example, some people feel their divination on another person is better quality when they have a picture of the person to work with, or when they can hear their voice.
Different Forms of Taglocks
Clothing and things from the body tend to be the most classic taglocks, but are kinda gross to touch. This is followed closely by names, icons, and other identifiers. These tend to be some of the easiest ones to acquire. Even more popular now are photographs and other digital fingerprints like profiles. We put a lot of ourselves into our accounts, and in some ways they become like our digital clothing. Other things that people use include birthdays, star charts, sigils meant to represent the party in question, and objects they’re connected to either through sentimental connection or frequent contact.
There are a number of ways to affix the taglock to the spell and it’s largely going to depend on the type of taglock.  Some are more obvious: writing their name on the spell, tying their picture to a candle, throwing the object connected to them into the pot, etc. Other forms you might have to be a little more creative with.  Some will focus and visualize the image of the person or connection they have in their head or speak the connection over the working.
Casting out
Another difference between spells on another versus spells on the self is that you’re more often going to be casting the spell up, out, or away.  Where you might drink something, carry something with you, or cover yourself in a spell done on yourself, this is not going to be the same for spells where someone else is the subject.  You might, rather, burn and scatter the ashes of a spell outwards.  You might also open a window to allow the smoke to escape and, in idea, go towards the person.  You might even give the object of your spell to the person physically to which they would, in turn, keep it on themselves.
On Permission
Please get the person’s permission before making them the subject of your spellwork. Not everyone is going to be comfortable being the subject of a spell or even prayer. Having their permission is a good idea both for respect of boundaries, and also because you’re going to want a spell done on another person to be working with them, not trying to overpower their will with yours. It brings them into the spell, makes them part of the process, and can help put everyone on the same page. Please please please get their permission if you’re going to take their hair, clothing, or personal information.  This is a good idea because of the reasons above, but also because just imagine walking in and seeing someone else has an effigy of you in their room with a picture of your face on it, wearing your clothes, and your hair glued to the side that they use for spellwork. It’s the stuff of nightmares.
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windvexer · 1 year
ok so say I want to weave a spell into digital art without anyone noticing. Would it be enough if I wrote/drew it on a separate layer and hid it underneath everything else? Does it have to be visible in the final exported version, or is it enough to hide it in the raw .psd?
this ask is from FEBRUARY FIRST
A visible sigil is not required
Hide that bad boy and save it to .jpg
Putting anything at all in the image is not required
Print the image out and treat it as a poppet or taglock
Dress the photo in lovely oils or whatever and store it in a container with other correspondences to empower the spell
Alternatively make your signature/watermark the thing which is enchanted
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friend-crow · 2 years
im very much a baby witch, so sorry if this is a weird question
do you use taglocks in your spells? can a taglock be digital? i want to do a goodluck spell for a friend who lives in another state, and he sent me a picture of himself, but i don't have a printer.
i know you're not an educator, but im curious if you know a consensus and what you think! i really value your opinion
I do use taglocks, and whether you can use a digital one basically depends on the format of the spell, I would say. Some people do digital magic, so it could be very useful in that context. Unfortunately I don't have much experience in that area, but maybe somebody reading this does and can chime in with some suggestions 👀
If you're using physical materials to cast your spell, then something like a name and perhaps an address (if your friend is comfortable sending that) could work as well. I don't believe that all taglocks are equally potent, but something is better than nothing.
I hope this helps!
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A lot of times spell ingredients will include a picture of the person and I was wondering if there was an alternative to that? The only photos I really keep of people are digital and I don’t have a printer or really want to explain why I’d be at the library printing random photos of people and then there’s the chance that what if you don’t have a photo of the person at all in general, physical/digital? I know that people will use poppets but is that the only thing? Could the person’s name work?
I recommend looking into taglocks and deciding for yourself what you think would work best and be most effective. Taglocks are used to help your spell locate the appropriate target - so the more unique and closely tied the item is to that person then the better your spell will locate and be able to work on them. Bodily items (hair, nails, spit, blood, etc.) are best, obviously, because they are uniquely matched to that person and are literally part of them (like calls back to like, after all). Objects that are precious to them or that they carry on them or wear are also good. A piece of their jewelry, a scrap of their clothing, or a beloved item that has been kept close to them and fed by their affection for it. A picture of them is literally their image so it’s also a good taglock, though less powerful than something like their hair would be. 
Names can certainly be used as taglocks, but I always recommend putting down as much information as possible about the person rather than just using a name. Names are powerful in themselves, but writing Heather Anne Smith on a piece of paper and adding it to a spell doesn’t do much to specify who the hell you’re targeting. There are, as you might imagine, a lot of Heather Anne Smiths in the world so I always recommend using full names, birth dates, addresses, and other identifying information all at once to try and make a stronger taglock than just a name. As an aside, you may be overestimating how much people notice your printing habits at the library. 
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gardensprit · 6 years
Basics of Witchcraft
in case it isn’t clear, this is a shallow, broad overview of a beginner’s guide to witchcraft! if you’re just starting out, this is the place to be. this is a pretty long post, so i’m putting it under a read more!
here is a link to sun’s witch academy database, where you can find more in depth posts on many of the topics discussed here! (a work in progress)
a letter to witches; take everything i say with a grain of salt. i am not the Ultimate Expert on all things witchcraft!! things that are important to me might not be to you, and we’ll probably see things differently. that’s okay! your path is your own. do your own research as well, and always check what you find against other sources as well as your own knowledge. be smart and use common sense. ultimately, YOU decide what you believe! (keeping in mind that some things in witchcraft are common knowledge/should not be disputed. this mostly is pointed at cultural appropriation. that doesn’t mean that they aren’t disputed, but they shouldn’t be.) have fun, and love yourself! ~ sun
a note: if you don’t understand something i’m talking about in this post, chances are it will be explained more in depth in another post from the database, or even farther down on this post! just be patient <333
who can be a witch?
you. you can be a witch.
in fact, simply by saying “i want to be a witch,” that’s it. you are a witch.
the moment you say, “i don’t wanna be a witch any more,” you’re good! you don’t have to be a witch if you don’t want to.
it doesn’t matter if you don’t practice that often. it doesn’t matter if you have to keep it secret from your family, because they disapprove or would think you’re “crazy.” it doesn’t matter if you’re a boy, or if you’re gay or transgender. it doesn’t matter if you’re black, asian, latinx, indigenous, or anything else. it doesn’t matter if you’re christian, buddhist, atheist, jewish, or anything else! you are you, and you are a witch. so continue! onward and upward!
what is magic?
magic, in my opinion, is like energy. i won’t get too deep into my personal view of the world on this post, but that’s what i believe. and witches use different methods to tap into that energy and manipulate it. magic can help you focus better or recover from an illness faster. it can help you get better sleep or learn more about yourself through astrology. it can’t, however, make you fly, turn invisible, or defy any basic laws of science. in my mind, magic works alongside science. they’re most definitely different things, but science can’t break the laws of magic any more than magic can break the laws of science.
what are the laws of magic?
no clue.
so let’s go!
starting out
there are a few things you should do when just beginning to look into witchcraft. firstly, research! learn about different topics and what interests you most. if you aren’t sure, just try a few things and see if you like them. don’t stress too much, if you decide you don’t like a certain path you can always change it! secondly, learn how to protect yourself. witchcraft can be dangerous. it shouldn’t be something to worry about unless you’re purposefully sticking your nose into dangerous places, but you should still know how to keep yourself protected just in case. learn how to ward and shield yourself, your space, and anything else you want to keep safe. finally, experiment! ultimately you need to jump into the deep end, try a spell or two! the purpose of researching and learning protection before this is so that you’re diving in with some floaty devices and someone watching to make sure you don’t drown. but if all you ever do is research, you’ll never get anywhere. now i can help you get started out with research and protection! experimenting will be up to you ;)
track your progress
a common question asked by new and even intermediate witches is: how do i know when i’m no longer a beginner?
honestly, it’s up to you. if you feel that you’ve truly left the beginner stage and become an intermediate, or even an expert, only you can really decide that. however, there are some helpful indicators that might point you towards the right experience level. remember, everyone learns at a different pace!
this post was made by my amazingly talented spirit worker friend fox. it’s written for spirit work, but it shouldn’t be too hard to apply it to witchcraft! (keep in mind the warning at the top - this is a loose guide and you could have a different perception of things!
(basic definitions! check the database post to find more in depth explanations as they are completed.)
intent - what you want your magical energy and power to do/accomplish.
warding - a method of protection; can be physical, energetic, or astral
cleansing - a method of ridding yourself, an object, or a space of negative, harmful, and bad energy (useful when you’re feeling sick, gross, or bogged down)
grounding - a method of connecting yourself to the energy and the world around you; a method of rooting yourself in the physical present. (useful after meditation and when you feel disconnected/distracted)
centering - focusing all of your core energy into the very center of yourself, and releasing any excess or negative energy (useful for calming or focusing)
meditation - allowing yourself to simply exist and take in the world around you. your focus should not be on anything happening in your life other than what you feel, hear, sense in that very moment. can be used to achieve deeper trances.
programming - channeling your intent into an object: i.e., programming which direction a pendulum should swing to indicate a specific response
charging - filling an item (or yourself!) with magical power/energy
shielding - a method of protection specific to you and your body
correspondences - things that you associate other things with; for example, salt being associated with protection. correspondences can often be slightly different or even completely unique when compared to another person’s correspondences for an item, and there are often more than one for any given item. just because correspondences are different doesn’t mean they’re wrong - it just means that you use the energy in different ways/for different things
simple magic
there are some things that are easier to start with. depending on your interests, i would suggest practicing some of the vocabulary (the ones that are actions, anyhow) and looking for little ways to integrate magic into your life. what you do kind of depends on what you want to accomplish! but some of the easiest magical stuffs to start with include:
making sigils
using crystals/gemstones
knot spells
basic pendulum divination
paying attention to nature and energy around you (like lunar cycles)
astrology 101 (more advanced astrology is super complex)
lighting candles and incense
short and easy incantations
start/work on a grimoire!
moving forward
once you’ve begun exploring a little more, you’ll probably want to learn about just how many different kinds of witchcraft there are. holy moly, there are a lot. even the list i include here isn’t all of them: this is a bare bones sketch of some of the most common and well known. i believe i’ll be making a separate post going over more of them :)
general ways to use magic: spells/charms, curses, amulets, sachets, sigils, etc
types of magics/crafts: arts/crafts, astrology, cosmic, divination, dream, elemental/sea, green/garden, hearth/kitchen/cottage, lunar, music, pop culture, solar, storm/weather, tech/science, urban*
types of witches: solitary, coven, eclectic, hereditary/traditional, wiccan**
* i didn’t include hedge witchcraft on this list as i believe it to be similar to spirit work, which is an entire other topic of itself. however, i intend to research hedge craft more in order to learn whether there are key differences that would call for me to move it back onto the list.
** wicca is technically a religion, and would go in the religion section, but such a large population of witches are wiccan that i believed it would fit here.
wicca and witchcraft
there is a common misconception in the witchcraft community that wicca=witchcraft and that to be a witch is to be wiccan. this is not true! i don’t think even most witches are wiccan. wicca is a religion, a set of beliefs, that can work alongside witchcraft. you can be wiccan if you want, or not - just understand that not all witches follow the same beliefs that wiccans do. some people have a hard time understanding that.
fun stuffs!
there are a lot of different things you can use in witchcraft! witchcraft doesn’t require physical tools, but some people prefer them. likewise, your tools don’t have to be super fancy and cost 500 dollars. you can use cheaper alternatives or even replacements! ingredients for spells especially are really easy to work around: you can use this thing called a taglock, which is like some other object that is meant to represent the object you wanted in the spell. a taglock can even be a piece of paper with the name of an object written on it! but i’m getting a little off topic.
BOS/ Grimoire (a book/collection of knowledge you like! lots of people even have a digital grimoire, like a blog on tumblr.)
Altar (a place to dedicate things to deities or spirits, or a place to do spells)
Herbs (Mortar and Pestle) (used in spells and have certain correspondences)
Crystals (used for their energy and in spells! have certain correspondences)
Wand (used as a focus for energy - totally not necessary!)
Athame (it’s like a knife. if you get one, please be careful and DON’T use it to harm yourself.)
Poppets (typically used to represent a person in a spell that you want to affect them. similar idea to a voodoo doll ((but don’t use a voodoo doll, voodoo is a closed practice!)) and is often used in curses.)
Candles/Incense (have correspondences with their scents and colors)
Broom/Paintbrush (paintbrush can be used as a mini broom! used to represent keeping your space clean. use it to cleanse!)
Cauldron (used for potions and elixirs. be careful, don’t drink anything you make that isn’t safe. clean your cauldron extensively.)
Bells (traditionally used to keep away unwanted spirits!)
Essential Oil (correspondences for their scents!)
getting deeper: cultural appropriation
so now that you’ve looked at some different types of simple magic and have an idea of where you might want to go from there, let’s talk about cultural appropriation. don’t try to work with spirits or practices from a closed culture. please. just… don’t. learn terminology that is okay for you to use, and learn what isn’t - like native american smudging, for example. i believe chakras and third eye are also terms you should avoid; use things like energy points and mind’s eye instead. if someone from a closed culture tells you to stop using their stuff, listen to them. please. admit your mistake and move on. there are so many paths in the world, you don’t need to follow this closed one no matter how strongly you feel called to it. just don’t do it. respect the culture.
speaking as a white person, it is not your place, or my place, to decide whether or not cultures are closed.
speaking as a white person who has spoken to people who practice closed cultures, it is unspeakably disrespectful to ignore the wishes of those within closed cultures.
not only is it disrespectful, it is dangerous. some spirits and beings from closed cultures will kill any outsiders who attempt to interact with them. i know this because i have spoken to people with experience. i’m begging you, listen to me. consider this thoroughly before you act. please understand. you were not born into this culture. if they say it isn’t yours, it isn’t.
there are so many options for you. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PRACTICE FROM A CLOSED CULTURE. IT IS NOT NECESSARY. IT IS DISRESPECTFUL AND IGNORANT. find another option. please.
of course, i understand if you appropriate by honest mistake - not knowing that a culture was closed. however, once you learn your mistake please respect the culture and move on. you made a mistake. it’s okay! it’s not the end of the world! in fact, the rest of the world is out there, waiting for you to explore it.
speaking of, let’s get exploring.
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lxiewrites · 7 years
The start of the FIC WAAAARRR with @archaicsextoy and @coralreefskim
My genre: fairytale bakery 
Lance packaged up the half-dozen cupcakes, each one shimmering with magic. He wrapped up the small white box with a pink ribbon and a murmur of a spell. Spinning around he dinged the bell on the counter.
“Six coronation cupcakes for the fairy!”
A dainty hand flicked in the air before it dematerialized and popped up directly in front of him. He squawked in surprise and pressed a hand to his heart. “Allura, you know I hate it when you do that.”
She laughed, sounding like the prettiest of wind chimes. “I’m sorry, Lance, but it’s the easiest form of transportation.”
He gave her a look. “Uh, huh.” He shoved the container at her. “Just take it, you don’t want to be late for another coronation. Last time you fell asleep for 10,000 years.”
“That was because of the Marmorites!”
He waved his hand, brushing away her excuses. “Yeah, yeah, opposing houses, evil winter fae. Whatever. Take your cupcakes and go.”
Allura stuck her tongue out at him but taking the container nonetheless. “You’ll be there for the midsummer dance correct?”
“I’ll see how much I have to do here. Happy inter-dimensional traveling!”
She rolled her eyes before she dissolved into a shower of glitter.
He wrinkled his nose at the mess. Uh, she totally did that on purpose. “Uh, the herpes of the crafting world.”
He looked back up to his customers. “Who’s next?”
He let himself be swept away with the hustle and bustle of customers. Picking up phone orders, prepping big batches of baked goods for tea parties or other magical gatherings, arguing with fellow witches on the phone because no he will not make a poisoned cake for their revenge scheme.
His bakery might not have been the easiest to get to in the royal realms of the fairytale universe, considering it was locked in the inter-dimensional planes between worlds, but it was one of the best. The best charms and spells placed on his baked goods, guaranteeing infatuation, good luck, clear skin (that one was always popular) and the like. He had the best spelled decorations, no one else can understand how to get the realistic nature of his blooming flowers, fluttering butterflies, little guns shooting little candies, or even the small people dancing away on the top of the frosting like a ballroom. Or even the best taste. Other witch-owned bakeries couldn’t seem to get rid of the bitter taste of the magic in their baked goods but Lance had a technique.
Which was a secret passed down from his abuela and no one but either his protégé or his children will know until the end of days.
“Have fun at the princesses’ christenings!” Lance called waving goodbye to his last customer.
He heaved a sigh of relief when he turned the sign from Open to Closed. He looked out into the swirling vortex of blues and purples outside of his storefront. The single road in front of it the only path to and from his bakery, leading to the endless churning sky. He walked that path several times and each time he ended up somewhere different, but he turns back and has always come back to his bakery.
He knows some creatures like Allura can materialize but others have to find this place by other means. His mortal friend Hunk always told him he just had to walk down a path with the bakery in mind and he would end up in front of the bakery. While his friend Pidge, a technological gremlin, always told him they would just focus on their favorite baked good and they’d digitized in the middle of the shop.
He started to sweep up as much of the glitter herpes that Allura left him. Preferring his two hands over using a spell, sometimes magic just can’t get the job done. Only hard work, a wet sponge, and double-sided sticky tape can get rid of the glitter herpes.
The bell dinged and Lance didn’t even look up from his sweeping. “Sorry, we’re closed.”
He heard the door close and Lance braced his broom with offensive magic. “I’m sorry but we’re clo—“
He hit the counter, besom flung out of his grasp, gasping for breath as a dark wizard loomed over him. Magic eye zeroing onto him, enchanted arm gripping his neck to lift him off the ground.
Lance clutched at the ancient tree root wrapping around his throat, choking, nails breaking in desperation to remove the hand.
“From what I heard you’re the one to talk to about enchantments.” The wizard growled, sharp teeth glinting in the fairy lights that illuminated his store. “I need to break a curse.” He dropped him.
Lance landed harshly on his hands and knees, trying not to cough due to his throat. Hand to his throat he allowed his magic to heal his bruised windpipe. His voice was still a rasp when he sassed, “You didn’t need to choke me, asshole.”
The wizard crouched down, cruel smile in place. “But this is so much more fun.” He slapped the floor next to him, getting into his face. “Now, I need to break a life suspension curse.”
“As appealing as that is I don’t do business with dark wizards,” Lance spat.
The wizard laughed. “I don’t think you have a choice. I have a taglock on this place, you can move it as much as you want but I’ll always find you. You either help and gain the beneficence of Emperor Zarkon or… I will find your mother, your father, your sisters, and your brother. I know where they are, and believe me, I’m not above torture to get what I want.”
Lance gritted his teeth. Emperor Zarkon? The darkest emperor in the history of their dimension? Lance wasn’t born during his reign, only heard stories of him from his abuela. He was familiar with the cruelty of him, the families he tore apart, magical creatures he brought to extinction, and the years of darkness he subjected his kingdom. His family thankfully was safe in their own universe but even then they knew of him.
The story that was told was that Zarkon was a fair and just ruler, with a loving wife who was not just an advisor but also his top alchemist. Their kingdom thrived under their rule, the hub of science and magic until the announcement of his wife’s pregnancy. The kingdom rejoiced at the news, the thought of this perfect child of Zarkon’s fair kindness and leadership with Honerva’s intelligence and thirst for knowledge. As the date of his birth approached Honerva grew sick and was unwell by the time she was due to give birth.
Zarkon did all that he could but it was not enough. She died in labor. No news of the health of the child but it seemed that the infant died as well. Zarkon fell into the dark magic, neglecting his kingdom in favor for black market charms and slick dark wizards. He let his kingdom fall. His abused people starved and died, his country’s resources depleted to go to the impossible revival spells. Terrorizing his kingdom for the unknown ingredients, spreading the darkness until no one was left fighting under the belief he could beat death. Until a simple mage was close enough to Zarkon to set a life-suspension spell on him.
Lance did not believe anyone, let alone that kingdom, could handle a madman like that again.  One who believed he could cheat death, who would crush anyone in his path, even if the goal was impossible.
But he has his family, the loves of his life. He would do anything for them.
Even curse an entire dimension to another thousands of years of darkness? A voice inside him asked.
He didn’t know. And what they asked for was rare. He wasn’t even confident enough if he could accomplish to break that curse. Time.
He just needed time.
“Fine,” he gritted out.
A stupidly smug look stretched across his face, the smile strange and unnatural as if unused to the form. “Excellent. Be prepared for my next visit.”
“I’m going to need at least three months.”
The wizard barked out a laugh. “Three months? Do you honestly think that I’ll wait that long? I’ll give you one week.”
“Two weeks!” Lance squawked. He pushed up from the ground to his knees, persuasion in his voice. “I need more time than that! I have to hunt for those ingredients, not even telling the rarity of them. Two months.”
The root arm pinned him down by his chest; Lance could feel a few ribs crack. He groaned as the man applied more pressure. “I am not foolish enough to believe your tricks, witch. I’m sure you’ll find a way, but because I’m feeling benevolent I’ll give you an extra week. Three weeks you’ll have the curse breaker.”
“Fine,” Lance ground out. “Three weeks. And you’ll leave me and my family alone.”
That magic eye narrowed on him as he condescendingly patted his face. The doorbell jingled as he left, mockingly cheerful.
Lance ran his hands down his face scrubbing at his eyes. He pushed healing magic into one hand, making it glow a soft yellow light, and pressed the warm magic into his cracked ribs.
He bought himself an extra two weeks thanks to the charmspeak he was able to use. Three weeks. Three weeks to either gather the ingredients, put it all together on the new moon of rebirth for a cursebreaker that might not even work. Or find a way to hide his family and himself away for the rest of their lives.
He sighed and leaned against the counter, ribs feeling better. He looked down to check the damage but instead saw the front of his shirt sparkling. He looked to his palm to find a good amount of glitter.
He sighed again, head thunking against the glass container behind him.
Glitter herpes.
@coralreefskim your turn
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sylvaetria · 7 years
Sigiling Selfies: How to Anti-Taglock Pictures of Yourself
So @dontusemycauldron mentioned this to me at some point, and it took a few days for it to really sink in. They told me how some people put sigils on their photos to prevent people from using them as taglocks for things like cursing. And I went, “well holy shit, that is fucking clever,” and proceeded to do it with every single one of my selfies I’ve posted to Tumblr. Not because I’m concerned, but I like to put faith in preventative measures. 
I decided I was going to show you guys how to do it - at least with SAI, because that’s the program I tend to use for art things now (and I can’t find a good crack of Photoshop anymore). However, any art or digital media program that makes use of layers and transparencies can be used for this technique.
First off, you want your sigils. I made two personal ones, and I also made two for Tumblr use. However, I’m going to recommend that you create your own sigils with your own statements of intent, if you can.
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“This photo is bound from being used as a taglock.” 
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"This photo is not successfully used as a taglock for cursing.”
Ideally, you want digital sigils with transparent backgrounds, so you can avoid as much visual disturbance to your picture - you don’t want people to see or know there is anything over top of it, right?
Anyway, now on to the (SAI) tutorial!
Open your selfie and your sigils; you can switch between them along the bottom of the SAI window. Copy and paste the sigils onto your picture. I do this by clicking on the sigil’s canvas, hitting Ctrl+A and then Ctrl+C, then selecting the canvas with the selfie and hitting Ctrl+V. I can show the screen commands, however, for those that aren’t so tech savvy:
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The “paste” option is also in the “edit” menu, as you can see. When you’ve done that, your selfie should look something like this:
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Well, you know, you won’t look like me...but your sigils will have pasted in the top left corner of your picture. And they’re very obviously visible. BUT fortunately we’re not done with it yet. 
Arrange your sigils over top of the face part of the selfie, however you want. I didn’t specify before, but the icon that looks like the cross with the arrows on each end (highlighted in blue here) :
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...that’s the move tool; click on that, then on each separate layer, and you can move the layer around as you wish.) You definitely wanna do this before you change any of the transparency of the sigils, while you can still see them. Ultimately it doesn’t matter how you arrange them, just as long as they are on your face. Mine look like this:
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It almost makes a heart shape, lol. So, those familar with SAI know where to look to see the layers. Mine were on the left-hand side by default, I know that is something you can change, however. They look like this:
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On the bottom you can see the separate layers - your picture, and the sigils each on their own layer. Above that, you can see the “mode” and “opacity” tools. Those are the ones we care about.
Experiment with the mode if you want - it isn’t required, but it can help. I like to put mine on “overlay,” because it adds to the visualization of the sigils seeping into the picture and blending in to it. You need to click on each separate sigil layer to apply the mode. That makes it look like this:
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And with that we’re almost done! Finally, just change each of the sigil layer’s opacity to 1% by clicking on the opacity bar and dragging it almost all the way down. You want them to not be at zero because they still need to be on the pictures and not “off,” but if you put them at any higher than 1%, you can still see them, and you definitely do not want people being able to see the sigils. Once you’re done that the selfie look like this:
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Can you even tell there are sigils over top of that? There are. Four sigils, now, actually, lol. And this is how the layers look over on the side in SAI:
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As you can see, the mode has been set to overlay on both, and they are both at 1% opacity. From there, save your picture (file, save as), feeling free to specify in the title that one has been magic’d. Then, you can upload them without any worry!
Of course, this can be done with sigils for other purposes - I just made this post with the intention of preventing selfies being used as taglocks, because that’s what I did to mine today. However, you can easily apply any sort of glamours to your selfies, if you desire. 
I hope this helps anyone, or inspires anyone! Let me know if you have any more questions, or if I wasn’t so clear about things! This is my first time making a tutorial for any art program, I dunno if I did any good... But, yeah, just let me know if you have more questions or anything! :)
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littlewitchystar · 7 years
So my ex boss DBC is stalking me online and is putting curses and hexes and on me that sort of thing on me. This guy is infatuated with me so yeah. So what can I do so that he can truly leave me alone? Nothing other witches have done has helped long term.
Hello. I am so sorry this is happening to you. It sounds like such a sucky and terrible situation. This might be a long post and it's personally what I would do if I were in this situation. You can take and leave whatever you want. First, mundane methods. If this guy is stalking you online and you haven't already done this: it is time to block him and anyone he may use to view your things on all aspects of social media. Turn your profiles private for a while so you can see who's requesting to follow you. I know this is crappy and you may not want to do this but if everything goes right you shouldn't have to do this for long. Ok now on to the witchy stuff. Are you absolutely certain you've been hexed or cursed? Have you done any form of divination to find out? If you have, great! Proceed to the next step. If not it's time to do some divination. I personally prefer tarot for this cause it'll give you more information about what's going on. Really look into the details of the spread is it possible you are cursing yourself by believing someone is cursing you. That's possible and honestly a best case scenario because you control the curse and can easily break. Ok so you're certain you are cursed, now what? Figure out the source of the curse (the divination can help with this). Are you absolutely certain it's DBC? This is important because the next few steps are going to target him specifically. If he's not the source of the curse were wasting our energy and you may still be vulnerable. Be certain of your source.Ok now we get started on taking action (I know, finally!l). Cleanse your space and yourself. Get all the negative, icky energy out! You can do this a bunch of different ways but my personal favorite is by physically cleaning and following up with a smoke cleansing of some sort (i like Palo santo). This will automatically help to begin breaking up the curse. You'll want to do a curse removal during this step as well. Next, set up protections. I think this is the most important step of this whole ramble! You need to protect yourself, the people important to you and your home. This will protect you from other curses coming your way if any were to come. For your case, I'd probably create a layer of a ward that sends negative magic aimed at you back to the original caster. This puts you on the offensive. Keep in mind you'll need to check and strengthen your wards consistently. At least once a month but if they're taking a strong hit you may have to do so more often. You can also do physical protection spells. I'd do both. This step will take time. Start with your home, then yourself and then your loved ones.Here's where we start targeting DBC if he's the source of your curses/hexes. First, we want to bind him. This is a curse or a hex what this does is stop him from performing a specific action. Your binding should focus in stopping him from doing harm to you or anyone you love. A taglock (something that belongs to him or a picture of him,his name, address, email adress, you can get creative but it should be something linked to him) should be used here to boost your spell. Next you want to do a banishment spell to get him out of your life. Again you'll need a taglock for this. An easy way to do this is to write your intention on a piece of paper and burn it. Be specific here. Write down the full name of the person and what your desire. So something like "DBC cannot see me, be near me or harm me ever again. They have no place in my life. There is now a barrier between us. We will not come in contact again." Again be specific include digital means of contact as well.If you follow all these steps you should be good. DBC should no longer be a problem for you. If you want to take an extra precaution you could do an invisibility spell one that targets DBC specifically and not only their ability to see you but think of you as well. This should help you become nothing more than an unrecognizable shadow in his mind.I know this is long but I thought it important to be thorough. Magic at times can be like a puzzle. You have to put the pieces together in a certain way to get the result you want. I hope you found at least some of this helpful! Feel free to ask any follow up questions if you need to. Good luck!
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maddiviner · 7 years
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Hello everyone. I’m enjoying a warm, rainy February day here in Krakow. I’m excited, though, because today I’ve finished my two-part series on color magick! In my previous installment, I covered the basics of why color is useful in magick, and described some of the traditional systems for working with it in the Western Magical Tradition.
I recommend reading that article before this one, just because it includes a lot of historical context and tidbits about getting the most out of color magick. In this second article, I’ll be focusing on practical techniques for incorporating color into magick and spellcraft. 
The practices I’ll be describing will work for a variety of skill levels and life situations, running the gamut from simple to complex, and I do hope you find something to your liking amongst them!
Visualization is one of the most useful skills to develop as a witch or magician.
Indeed, it can be quite powerful if used effectively, and is also quite fun and enriching. In terms of color magick, you’ll find that colors are some of the easiest things to visualize. While it can be difficult to visualize a complex symbol or even a simple shape and hold it in your mind, many people find it rather easy to visualize colors and fill their inner vision with bright hues. 
As you might expect, visualizing a color for which you’ve a strong association can easily change your mood. Even many non-witches will visualize (or just stare at) something red and feel invigorated, for example. Visualizing the color flooding your inner sight is one simple and effective way of causing change in yourself, requiring no tools or overt actions.
If you want to extend the influence of your color visualizations, try visualizing colors in your immediate environment. An easy way to enchant an object is to visualize it surrounded by a color associated with your intentions. You can also visualize the entire space around you filling with a color to invoke the color’s energy into the situation.
You can also help and have fun with your friends using this technique, visualizing colors surrounding them and seeing how it affects them. All you need to attempt this is a partner to “receive” the color, and your own ability to “send” to color by visualizing it around your partner. This is a fun exercise, but requires some practice.
Many witches talk about seeing, sensing, and directing “energy,” and many of us manipulate magical forces by adding color. A good, direct way of getting in touch with the subtle forces around you is to visualize them flowing and changing in conformity with your intentions. This can include taking on a particular color for specific spellcraft, such as green for a love spell. 
If you’re interested in working with sigils as well as colors, you can visualize sigils, glyphs, and other symbols in vivid colors aligned with your intention. This is terribly difficult when you first try it, but becomes easier very quickly if you practice. As is the case with most, if not all, visualization techniques, this can be done with your eyes either closed or open.
I particularly enjoy visualizing a helpful glyph or sigil in bright colors with my eyes closed just before falling asleep. You might find, though, that you yourself get better results visualizing with your eyes open and seeing the symbol in your immediate environment. Everyone is different! 
Many witches undertake astral journeys to other levels of reality, a practice commonly known as hedgeriding. While visiting such places and realities, it’s quite possible to enact meaningful changes around you by visualizing different colors in different contexts. 
It is, as a rule, kind of difficult to alter astral landscapes themselves, but your fetch or astral double can easily take on a particular hue for a certain purpose, such as keeping away negativity.
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I use the term “sketchwitchery” to refer to witchcraft performed with the aid of nothing more than a writing utensil and paper. Most people probably think of sigil creation when they think of this, but the possibilities are actually quite vast, and even more so when color is added to the mix. 
Just as you can visualize a sigil adorned with colors, you can create a physical paper talisman featuring a colorful sketched sigil. This can be as simple as just sketching the symbol in colored pen or marker, or as complex as coating the talisman with bright watercolor paint, and there are many other possibilities. If you keep a grimoire, you can incorporate color into your witchcraft records, both for magical and practical purposes. 
I personally color-code my current grimoire based loosely on the four elements, but other approaches are easily imagined. Write love spells in green, red, or pink, and money spells in rich purple, or any color you associate with those things. When you add art supplies beyond just colored pens, this becomes even more intense and interesting. 
I, for example, have a small set of soft pastels that I use to add color to my Book of Thorns (a hedgeriding grimoire), and I’ve also experimented with using watercolors to highlight specific spells in my notes.
Going beyond obvious witchy sketching, consider the possibility that one could weave intent into an otherwise ordinary work of art while creating it, thus making it a visual spell cast by you, the artist. 
How you go about doing this would be deeply personal, so I can’t really give specific instructions, but it is possible to enchant every brush stroke of a painting or every line of a sketch to manifest your goals. Some authors call these complex works of art hypersigils, and a good way to incorporate symbolism into them is through choosing pertinent colors.
Many of us have probably dreamed of creating our own divination deck. While it can be difficult to sketch or paint a full seventy-eight card Tarot deck, ambitious witches do make it happen. If you’d rather try something smaller, consider creating your own Lenormand deck based on your personal color associations for each card. 
You could even create an oracle deck unlike any in existence. Another fun activity is divination with color swatches. If you can get a batch of them from a paint retailer, you can associate meanings with the colors, and read them as you would other divination decks.
While this section is about sketchwitchery specifically, I do want to note that techwitches can do a lot with color, as well. Sigils and hypersigils can be created digitally just as easily as physically. You can apply color filters aligned with your intent to photos you’ve taken, using the image as a sort of digital taglock to help you connect with the subject of a spell. For example, you might apply a bright orange filter to a picture of an ailing friend to help heal them.
If you find yourself with more materials, there’s plenty that can be done to incorporate color into your magical workings, as well! Almost every witch has at some point worked a candle spell, and these almost always incorporate color symbolism when choosing the candle. 
A red candle might represent passion, or a pink one, friendship. As a wide variety of candle colors are available nowadays, you’re likely to find one that suits your purposes.
Color can be incorporated into other spells, as well. Any time you find yourself sewing or creating something with fabric, thread, yarn, or cord for your Craft, you can choose a color of material suited to your aims, if it’s available. Charm bags are a fairly common type of spellcraft, and they can easily involve color symbolism in this fashion. Cord magick, as well, can have an element of color.
Acrylic or simple dyed wool yarn is usually inexpensive and comes in a variety of colors, which works great for cord magick. If you’re feeling adventurous, you could even dye your textile materials yourself! Naturally, as was the case with painting and creating works of art, you can also weave spells into fabric garments and articles you knit or sew, and color magick can play a big role in doing so.
On the subject of garments, many witches wear special ritual attire, such as robes. Certain traditions prescribe specific color robes for their aspirants, such as the A.’.A.’.’s requirement of a black robe for Probationers. Beyond any advice provided by your own tradition, you can choose your own robe color based on what traits you want to embody in your work, or based on what you feel you need in your life. 
A shy person, for example, might choose a vibrant orange robe as a symbol of their desire to become more outgoing and gregarious, and someone working to become more artistic might choose a green one, symbolizing Venus and beauty. If robes aren’t your style, you can still dress for magical success by wearing colors that harmonize with your intent, even if they look perfectly ordinary to most people.
Cosmetics can even be a way of bringing color magick into your life. Wear eyeshadow in colors corresponding to your goals for the day, for example. The image below describes some more possibilities with this.
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Food and drink are another vehicle for color magick. If you’re not allergic to it, you can add drops of food coloring to your clear beverages and baked goods to give them a nice hue. 
I don’t recommend doing this often or in large amounts, but it can be fun to make a potion that’s simply Sprite or water with a drop of red food coloring. Sounds silly, but with proper intent and focus, and of course, empowering the beverage, it can be quite effective.
Obviously, more traditional witchcraft practices also involve color symbolism. Though it’s not a rule, many plants gained their magical associations due to their appearance, such as yellow chamomile flowers being associated with the Sun. 
Most, if not all gemstones garner their correspondences from their appearance. Moonstone is called such, and associated with the Moon, due to resembling the color of moonlight. Bloodstone is associated with battle, strength, and protection due to the blood red flecks on its surface. 
Many man-made or dyed crystals and gemstones have even brighter and more evocative colors than those found in nature. Though some witches prefer natural substances, some of us (especially those who put a lot of emphasis on color) often hold that the origin of a thing doesn’t matter as long as it evokes the proper associations. 
For us, using simple glass beads (available in many different colors and usually sold for aquariums) can often be as powerful as working with a traditional gemstone.
Finally, I want to add that home decoration and the creation of altars can involve color magick very intensely, as well. Many cultures and schools of thought have existing approaches to decorating for positivity, and will paint certain rooms in a home a particular shade for specific goals. 
If you can’t paint your area, you can always add colorful posters and knicknacks to brighten things up and bring a little color magick into your daily life.
Thanks for reading, and I hope this gave you some new ideas for color-based spellcraft. Keep in mind that everything I’ve said here is based on my own experiences, and is just my suggestions - you, no doubt, will find your own unique and creative ways of manifesting your Will via color magick!
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grey-sorcery · 2 years
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Advanced Energy Work Part II
Multidimensional energetic constructs, void magic, & compounding several massive constructs in use for spellwork.
Advanced Warding
Warding against larger spiritual entities, using advanced energy work to create unifying wards.
Advanced Witchtips ✅ Posted
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Compulsion, Telepathy, & Empathy
Utilizing psychic abilities in spell work, especially in curse work and blessings.
Creating an Animae Arca
Creating an object that is the anchor for an artificial replication of your wellsource/soul.
Creating Sentient Thoughtforms & Egregores
Creating entities that can learn, change, and have complete autonomy within their programmed limitations.
A look into my practice and the practices of my elders. This will not include any culturally protected information.
Energetic Coils
A somewhat dangerous energetic practice that significantly increases the potency of energy work.
Energetic Elements
An exploration of a hypothesis on the fundamental behaviors and properties of energy and how they aggregate into compounds
Energetic Gates
Artificial energy points that are integrated into the subtle body that are directly connected to other natural sources of power.
Equilibriumism (My personal philosophy)
How I conceptualize morality and how it interacts with magic.
Incantations & Poetry
The mechanics behind incantations and poetry.
Inventing Sigilcrafting Methods
A comprehensive guide on how you can create a sigilcrafting method of your own.
Nihilism, Existentialism, & Transcendentalism and Their Effects on Witchcraft
An exploration of several philosophies and how they’ve started to aid in creating a fascist influence within the witchcraft community.
Non-Sympathetic Magic
How to cast magic directly to a target without use of taglock or correspondences.
Pyreglyph Sigil Guide ✅ Posted
A guide on how to make Pyreglyph sigils, a system of sigilcrafting that I invented.
Spell to Remove Curses
A spell designed to remove and reflect curses, regardless of their anchor.
Spirit Work: Malevolent Entities
A guide on how to identify and manage baneful entities.
Talking to The Wind ✅ Posted
A exposition on "Talking to The Wind", what that entails, how it can be utilized in witchcraft, and potential risks.
Temporal Magic & Awareness
Magic that manipulates probability (Not related to any of that cringy shifter bullshit)
The Ties That Bind
A ceremony to sever or create bindings
True-Void & Void Entities
Entities composed of the opposite of energy, or in other words, of a negative energetic density.
Wands & Advanced Energetic Techniques
How to use a wands different energetic projections appropriately in spellwork.
Tumblr media
Here are the different tiers!
Love & Support: $3/mo
Shoutouts and polls on future Tumblr articles.
Mystic: $10/mo
Early access to Tumblr articles (1-4 weeks early), exclusive sigils, polls for Tumblr articles, access to a Patreon Exclusive category within the Oil, Corn, & Wine Discord Server.
Void Entity: $15/mo
Patreon exclusive articles (1-2/mo) in addition to all of the above.
Divine: $25/mo
Two free divination readings a month in addition to all of the above!
Last Updated:
Oct. 29th 2023
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