#did they let vince get into the cocaine again
cephalopodsquad · 9 months
wait so jimmy left the bloodline/kicked roman/threw jey's match bc he didnt want him ending up corrupted like roman/turned his back on everyone/told solo to his face no one tells him what to do... and now he wants back in the bloodline?
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maybe i should ~ tommy lee;the dirt
word count: 1512
request?: yes!
“Could you do a tommy lee story based on the prompt   “I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.””
description: in which the hate starts to get to her, and she considers ways to numb the pain
pairing: tommy lee x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol abuse
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“Look at this shit, man,” Tommy groaned as he threw a magazine onto the table in the tour bus. On the cover was a picture taken of his girlfriend at a very unflattering angle, with yet another offensive caption underneath it.
“How do they keep managing to catch (Y/N) at her worse?” Nikki questioned as he took the magazine in his hand.
“Man, I don’t get why the paparazzi keep targeting her like this,” Tommy sighed. “She’s done nothing, she’s just my girlfriend. But ever since day one they’ve dragged her name through the mud for no reason.”
“You should call her, man. See if she’s seen this one yet,” Vince told him.
“I will when we stop. God, I hope she hasn’t seen anything.”
The minute the bus parked, Tommy raced for the phone to call (Y/N). It rang for longer than usual, which made Tommy feel uneasy. He wondered if maybe the time difference meant she was at work or still in bed, but he was only in a few states over. The time differences couldn’t have been that bad, could they?
Finally, her voice answered, “Hello?”
“Hey baby!” Tommy said, trying to sound cheerful until he got a hint from her tone as to if she had seen the article. “What are you doing right now?”
“Still in bed,” she said, her voice still even. It was killing Tommy to not know, but he didn’t want to flat out ask her if she had seen the magazine in case she hadn’t.
“What time is it there? Isn’t it time for work?” Tommy tried again.
“I’m off today.”
Tommy sighed, realizing the subtle approach was going nowhere. “Are you okay, baby?”
He heard her sniffle, a tiny action that broke her heart. “No.”
“Did you see the magazine?”
“Of course I fucking saw it, Tommy! Someone put it on my fucking doorstep!”
This was new information to Tommy. He wondered how anyone knew where he and (Y/N) lived. He made a mental note to put out an announcement that a huge lawsuit and restraining order would be coming to whoever found (Y/N)’s address.
“I’m sorry they’re still doing this, (Y/N). I don’t get what their problem is, you’re literally just...existing.”
(Y/N) sighed on the other end, and Tommy could hear her holding back sobs. “You know what? I’m too sober for this.”
“Baby, you don’t even drink.”
“Maybe I should start.”
This concerned Tommy greatly. Unlike Tommy, (Y/N) wasn’t one for the partying and excessive drinking. She was very much a good girl, a perfect balance to Tommy’s rockstar ways. To know things were getting so bad that she was considering getting intoxicated to deal with it broke Tommy’s heart.
“Listen, I’m coming home tomorrow. Just...wait for me, okay baby? Don’t do anything yet.”
There was a brief pause and Tommy wondered if he had lost her. He started rooting around in his pocket for change when her soft voice spoke again.
“Okay, I won’t. Get home soon, okay?”
“I’ll try my best, baby.”
The drive home seemed to last forever. Tommy couldn’t help but bob his leg anxiously the closer the bus got to them getting home. He stared out the window, intently, waiting for the familiar sights to come into view again.
The minute the bus came to a stop, Tommy grabbed his bags and threw them into the car waiting for him. He called a brief goodbye to his friends before driving off towards the house he shared with (Y/N).
He hoped that he wouldn’t be coming home to the worst. He hoped (Y/N) was sober, that she hadn’t touched a single drop of alcohol in the place. He was glad he wasn’t stupid enough to bring his cocaine home with him, there was no telling how she’d react to that.
Tommy pulled into the driveway and fumbled with his key before finally getting the door open.
“Baby? I’m home!”
There was no response. Tommy’s heart pounded in his chest as he looked around the house for his girlfriend. As he made his way to the bedroom, he began to think of things worse than just (Y/N) getting drunk.
Luckily enough, he opened the bedroom door and there she was, just laying in bed. She lazily turned her head to look at him and gave him the best fake smile she could muster. “Hey baby. You’re finally home.”
Tommy crossed the room to scoop (Y/N) up in his arms. A genuine giggle of excitement slipped from her lips as Tommy held her close, hugging her as tightly as he could without actually hurting her.
“I’m glad to see you, too, baby,” she giggled, wiggling out of Tommy’s arms to kiss the top of his head.
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” he told her as she got back into bed. He followed her lead, wrapping his arms around her again to hold her close to him. “I’ve been so worried since yesterday. When I got here and you didn’t come to meet me at the door...”
He trailed off, afraid to voice his biggest fear.
(Y/N) sighed and settled into his body. “I’m sorry, Tommy, I never meant to worry you. I just...I haven’t felt right all day. I couldn’t even bring myself to get out of bed when you got home, although I am happy that you’re home. I’ve missed you so much.”
Tommy gave her a slight squeeze and kissed her forehead. “I missed you, too.”
They fell into a comfortable silence for a while. Tommy absentmindedly played with (Y/N)’s hair, thinking of everything that the press kept saying about her.
He was still so angry over the magazine headline from the day before, and the news that people were starting to harass (Y/N) at their own house. He couldn’t understand what anyone’s problem with (Y/N) was. Even looking at her now - no makeup, dressed just a baggy hoodie and pajama shorts with a sad look on her face - she looked like the most beautiful woman in the world. She was so kind to everyone, even people she didn’t know. Tommy just couldn’t understand why the press liked to bash on her so much.
“They never treated Heather like this,” (Y/N) mumbled against his chest.
“What?” Tommy asked, although he knew exactly what she had said.
“I said they never treated Heather like this!” (Y/N) repeated louder this time. “God, the press loved her! The sweet little princess that had her heart broken by the big rockstar drummer.”
“You can’t possibly be comparing yourself to my ex that I cheated on,” Tommy said. “Baby, they loved her because she was a popular actress, and because she married me at the height of my fame. Once we got a divorce they forgot all about the both of us.”
“Then why can’t they just fucking forget me?!” (Y/N) exclaimed, pulling herself away from Tommy. The sudden outburst shocked him. He didn’t think he had ever heard (Y/N) raise her voice before. “Or at least just leave me alone! I’m not even fucking famous, what do they get out of this?”
Tommy took (Y/N) in his arms again and shushed her. “It’s okay, baby, please don’t let what they say get to you. They’re just vultures, all of them. You can’t let that go to your head.”
“It’s hard to not let it go to your head when it just feels like everyone hates you,” (Y/N) said, her voice breaking as she attempted to hold back tears. “I haven’t seen one nice thing be written about me in the media, and what makes it worse is that everyone I know also sees what’s been written! My co-workers are constantly making snide remarks about the things that have been written about me, and my friends and family just give me this look of pity whenever something new comes out.”
Tommy gave her another reassuring squeeze. “I’m sorry, baby.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “You shouldn’t have to be sorry. This isn’t your fault.”
“It feels like it is. I wish I could protect you more than I have, that I wasn’t the reason you’re in the spotlight.” Tommy took her face in his hands and tilted it for her to look at him. “But don’t ever believe a single bad thing the press writes about you, and don’t let what others say get to your head. You’re an absolutely beautiful woman with a heart of gold, and I love you more than I could ever describe. I’m so lucky to have you in my life, I don’t deserve someone like you.”
Tears were forming in (Y/N)’s eyes as she leaned forward to kiss Tommy. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, baby.”
She settled back into his arms, resting her head on his chest. “Don’t leave again, okay? Stay with me for a while.”
“I promise, baby, I will be.”
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
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Wendy and The Lost Boys Chapter Three
Summer was ending and Nikki realized that Sasha was not going to be permanently living with them. At first it started because she was going out more and then there were a few boxes that appeared in the living room one day. She wasn’t going out as much anymore as she tried to adjust to the schedule she would have in school.
Sasha was sitting in the window frame that acted as a door. Her coffee in one hand a book balanced on her lap. The LA sun was shining against her skin, the sun highlighting her blonde hair. The cigarette hung from her lips as she turned the page to her book, her bare foot sliding in the concrete outside that she was using to keep her balance. She glanced down at the street waiting for Tommy’s parents to pull up. They would be helping her sign in and get settled in on move-in day.
“Why do you sit in the fucking doorway?” Her head snapped up seeing Nikki walking up the stairs. Her eyes rolled as she shifted to stand inside the apartment. He glanced down at her bare feet, scooping her up and dropping her on the couch when he saw a cockroach. “There’s bugs in the apartment, Angel, you know better.” She tucked her feet under her watching Nikki sit down beside her. He had expected her to be gone already. He had spent the night out and even broke his rule about sleeping over just to avoid seeing her leave.
“Why have you been avoiding me?”she asked, leaning closer to him. Nikki was laying back rubbing the hangover that was settling in strongly. Sasha pressed her cup of coffee into his hands, making him open his eyes, almost shocked to see her sitting close to him, “Since I told you I was leaving you’ve been acting like I’m gone.” Nikki tried to sip the coffee she had given him to keep himself quiet. How did she always make the perfect cup of coffee? But she was looking at him, her blue eyes seeming to stare holes in him.
“Is that my shirt?” she looked down at the Trex shirt she was wearing. “Why are you always stealing everyones clothing?”  He wasn’t mad about it but as soon as it came out of his mouth he realized how bad it sounded. Sasha stood up, tugging off the shirt aggravated. She threw it at him, the fabric covering his face.
“You are a self centered prick, Nikki Sixx.” He was shocked to see her standing in her white bra, her black tiny shirts barely covering her. Her hand on her hips as she went to walk away, “No. No. No. No.” she came back into the room, “I do not understand you at all. Sometimes you’re so nice to me and you want to hang or talk and other times it’s like you’re a stranger. You turn into a total prick. Like the fucking shirt thing? Nikki, cmon. This apartment is like one Unisex closet.” she tossed up her arms frustrated. “I’m leaving today and I’m leaving on bad terms with you because of how you decided to act and how you decided to treat me. And when I don’t come to shows or I don’t talk to you at shows you can remember this last month where you put your stupid head up your big dumb ass.” she went to leave again sure that she woke up everyone in the apartment but he grabbed her wrist pushing the shirt into her arms.
He held her for a beat longer as she looked up at him with those big blue eyes. He wanted to kiss her and tell her to stay in the apartment. He’d pay for her to take cabs there if she wanted to go to school but he wanted her to stay. And the way she was looking at him made him aware of what he had to do; if he asked her to stay she’d say yes.
“Have fun at college, Angel.” he walked towards his room slamming the door behind him. Sasha pulled his shirt back over her head and turned, giving the closed door a two finger salute. There had been this tension between Nikki and her since she spent the night in his bed. She was sure that if they just fucked and ripped the bandaid off it would be gone. But she also knew she couldn’t be that one time girl and Nikki, as much of a sleaze as he was, wouldn’t fuck her like that.
“Sasha, Tommy. Are you two ready?” She turned waving at the set of parents standing outside the window and knocked, pushing the door open to Tommy’s room. The sting of tears seeming to come up without her realizing she was crying. She wiped the tears away with the back of her hand grabbing the sunglasses and pushing them on along with grabbing her purse.
“Tommy.” She pressed her toe into him before kicking him, making the drummer groan as she sat down on the edge of the bed sliding onto the bed to pull her shoes in, “Parents are here to help me move. Are you coming?” She asked this knowing he wouldn’t say no to her.
“What’s wrong?” Tommy asked as he pulled on a pair of questionably clean leather pants. He was already lighting up a cigarette without even being awake for five minutes. “I thought I heard yelling and you’re wearing sunglasses inside.” He was pulling on his chucks and she wondered how he could bend his legs in those pants.
“Your bassist is a prick.” She told him, moving to make the bed. She always made the bed for them; at home his mother had always done this after breakfast. It was a small habit that she had picked up, loving the feeling of someone caring about her enough to have a clean place to sleep in. Tommy gave her a funny look wondering what the hell that meant.
“He couldn’t be that bad. You’re wearing his favorite shirt. That’s the only thing other than his bass that he left Seattle with.” She couldn’t get another word in because Tommy was dragging her through the apartment ready to get her off to school. All she could think about was Nikki.
It had been a week of Sasha being out of the house. Not even a full week more like five days and they had let the apartment go to shit. Tommy had taken to setting cockroaches on fire leaving black charred spots in the carpet, no one was doing the dishes anymore so at a part they had taken to smashing the dirty plates she had bought against the wall above where Vince was trying to get with some chick, and their clothes all needed to be washed because she wasn’t there to remind them to go to the laundromat. They had survived on beer, cocaine and cigarettes for the week and were all missing the young blonde who had been keeping them in line more than they realized. So they came up with a plan.
It was Friday night and they weren’t playing a show until tomorrow night. So they all got into a taxi with booze headed to the campus to see Sasha. They fell out of the taxi twenty minutes later getting looks from a few people. Tommy lead them over to the building she was staying in and up the stairs to her dorm room. They were all being loud, the excited energy to see her building with each step. As they knocked on the door waiting for her to open up they were sure she’d be so excited to see them.
“Are you looking for Sasha?” A girl asked peeking her head out of the room nextdoor. They nodded, “She got invited out to some club on the strip. They all left an hour ago.” The girl told them.
“Sasha went out to the Strip without us?” Vince asked. He had been dragged along with the promise of eager college girls and now was trying to accept that this wasn’t happening, “Wait, did she go with her roommates?” He asked hoping they could at least catch up with her and he’d still have a shot.
“Yeah, and some girls from a sorority that wants her to pledge. The boys from the fraternity picked them up to take them all out.”
“BOYS?!” Tommy and Nikki both said at the same time. The girl looked at them like they were all lunatics. Which was pretty accurate with the way that they were acting.
“Thanks. Let’s go back to the Strip.” Vince was pulling them out eager to get to where the party was.
Nikki was seething as they got into the cab. He was drinking the Jack Daniels he had brought and smoking cigarettes without saying a single word. Tommy was trying to figure out where they could be but he already knew exactly where she was going to be.
“She’s at Gazzarri’s, Tommy. It’s 18 plus and she always used to try to get us to go dancing all summer. Now she found people to go dancing with her.” Nikki was going to break someone’s hands if they were dancing with her. He didn’t know why he was so mad about everything.
“Give me the beer and I’ll take it back to the apartment. I’m not going to some fucking disco music club.” Mick told them, grabbing the beer off Tommy’s lap as they pulled up to the club.
“She’s probably just having a good time with her new friends. I think you’re both overreacting.” Vince warned as they walked into the club. “She’s 18 and in college. She needs to have friends that aren’t the terror twins.” Tommy and Nikki were not going to listen to the singers good advice. Everyone headed inside the club. The music was trash being played by some shitty Top 40 band, not the stuff they had her around all summer. They all split up ready to make sure they found her and she was okay.
Nikki saw her first. She was in this silver striped halter top jumpsuit that had no back and was cut so low in the front that as she danced she knew everyone was waiting for something to spill out. Her blonde hair was curled at the edges with a silver headband tied around her. Thin arms moving as tinkles of silver bracelets slid up her arm drawing even more attention to her. She had to be wearing platforms if she was looking that tall on the dance floor. Her cheeks were pink with these bright cherry lips just begging to be kissed. There seemed to be a constant stream of people coming up to her asking her to come sit at their tables but she just laughed holding onto some girls hand or asking them
If they wanted to go. She was guiding people to the tables so she stayed elusive. Nikki watched someone hand her a drink, the way her mouth opened letting some fucking prep slip some pill in her mouth, the way she smiled around his fingers before sipping her drink turning to dance with her friends again and leaving him had Nikki pushing through the crowd to get to her. Super Freak Started playing and he watched the way her hair was shaking and the smile on her face. She was so easy in her happiness with these strangers around her. Nikki on the other hand felt his ears bleeding as he thought about going to the roof after this and jumping off.
He finally got over to her as Private Eyes started playing. Nikki audiably groaned as she spun her hands clapping along to the song. Why the fuck did they have to play Hall and Oats? He had spent the summer trying to scratch the record that didn’t seem to want to break. Nikki was shrugging off girls finally reaching out to pull Sasha close to him. She gave him this look like she was going to yell at him until she realized who it was. Her eyes were as big as saucers and he thought for a second she was shocked to see him but she was high as could be. Her body shimmying against him as her arms wrapped around his neck with easy laughter.
“What the fuck did you take?” He asked trying to get her off the dance floor but it didn’t see that they were going to get away from all these lunatics clapping. Sasha rolled her hips into his, her blonde hair shaking as she thought him trying to drag her off the dance floor was a new dance. Her hands moved to clap making him lose contact, “Jesus fucking Christ, what is wrong with you?” He grunted as she brushed against him, her back to him as her ass brushed against him. Why did this freeze him? Her body moving to the beat of the music with small interruptions of claps and laughs.
“Private eyes, they’re watching you.” She was singing in her soft voice. His arm was in her hips as he tried again to guide them off the dance floor, this time with a bit more luck. “Oh, man, Nikki. You finally came out dancing with me.” She turned, throwing him off balance and making him stop and look at her again.
“Did you do blow?” He asked her curiously; the erratic way she was acting threw him off. She laughed leaning into him and reaching into his jacket pocket pulling out his cigarettes helping herself to one. She turned around and smiled as someone reached out lighting the cigarette for her. How the fuck was she doing this? Nikki wondered.
“Black beauty. It’s a little pill and man, Sixx. I can focus and get everything done at school. And dancing is so fun.” As much as Nikki liked drugs and liked seeing Sasha with that big smile on her face he didn’t like the two of them together. He shook his head, Vince was dancing and obviously didn’t care they had found the girl they came for but Tommy spotted them heading over.
“Jesus, are you high?” Was the first thing he asked her looking at her wide blue eyes. She laughed at him in response. “What the fuck?” Tommy asked, guiding them into a booth and sliding her in between the pair of them.
“She took a Black Beauty.” Nikki explained ordering a Jack Daniels. Sasha ordered an Alabama Slammer and Tommy just got a beer, “What the fuck did you just order?” Nikki asked her confused.
“You’ve been in college for a week and you’re doing drugs and making up weird names for drinks.” Tommy shook his head watching the way she just laughed it off. “Are you having fun? Do you miss me? Are you sleeping at night?” He asked her genuinely concerned about her.
“It’s so fun, I’m going to pledge to a sorority. It’s so easy to make friends but like a lot of girls go to college just to get married so that’s weird. But I miss you so much Tommy. And to sleep I just take half a Quack.” Nikki looked at her and shook his head.
“You’re moving back in with us. Fucking uppers and downers, is this some sort of joke?” Nikki asked, he didn’t like all these changes. She had left in scuffed up Keds and now she was in a barely there shiny jumpsuit, drinking some red drink. The only thing that was the same was she was smoking his cigarettes.
“You’re being very uncool.” Sasha said side eyeing him. She held up her drink letting Tommy try it. Before she could elaborate more about why he was so uncool, three girls were squeezing into the booth with them.
“Oh my gosh, this place is hella radical! You were like so right, Sasha.” Some curly haired blonde said not seeming to notice the men.
“Honestly, your bod is rocking in that jumpsuit. I knew when we were shopping you’d look amazing. Like all those super grody frat dudes couldn’t get their mitts off you on the dance floor.” A brunette butted in. Sasha was climbing over Nikki’s lap as he tried to push her back into the seat next to him. He wanted a barrier between her and these ducking chicks speaking in Valley talk . Another girl slid in besides Tommy and she was trapped on his lap.
“Great move, Sixx.” She muttered annoyed as she perched on his thigh. He looked over at the drummer who seemed to be wrapped up in the newest addition to the table. She readjusted, pressing into his lap and he knew he couldn’t move her: “Nikki, Tommy, these are my girlfriends Jessica, Jennifer, Ashley and Tiffany. These are some of the guys I was telling you about.”
“That’s THE Nikki?” The one named Heather asked leaning forward, “I guess you guys are really in a band.” She commented looking at the two boys. Nikki was lost with what “the” Nikki meant. He was even more lost with the high pitched voices and stupid phrases these girls were saying and how Sasha was taking like she had been born a Valley girl. When he saw Tommy spilling out of the booth with Tiffany he pulled Sasha along with them.
“There’s a show tomorrow night at The Rainbow, you can see we really are a band then.” He threw his arm around Sasha moving out of the club with her tucked under his arm, “Your friends are loud.” He told her as they poured onto the packed sidewalk of the Strip.
“Okay, old man.” She teased him easily but was secretly thankful he had gotten them out of there. Sasha was still mad about what had happened back at the apartment before she left. As she came down from her high as they walked she stuck out her hand, hailing a cab. “I’ll see you around, Sixx.” She said moving from him and sliding until the yellow cab. He gave her a confused look sliding in next to her.
“Why are you taking a cab when the apartment is around the corner?” He asked as they pulled away. She was looking at him with annoyance shining in her eyes. Obviously she wasn’t high anymore and for some reason that was making her way less fun.“Why are you mad at me? Don’t give me attitude, Angel.” She looked at him surprised that he would even ask that, “Oh you’re still mad about last month?” He asked as if he hadn’t ignored her and been a complete dickhead.
“You hurt my feelings.” She said digging in the small purse for her cigarettes, pulling out the red pack and lighting one up, “And you did it on purpose to be an asshole.” She told him as she cranked the window down to let out the smoke.
Nikki watched her, the way her blonde hair was done and her makeup. She probably had to get one of the girls to help her sign everything. Her clothing was so different from her everyday look of a band shirt and a denim jacket that he had seen  her practically live in for six months. It was like a week away had changed her and gave her a new look on how people were. She was absolutely gorgeous and he wondered if she knew it. He let his hand wander across the vinyl seats, his pinky finger tracing her fingers before he took her hand in his own.
“I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.” She gave him a small smirk, looking to see the serious way Nikki was staring at her, “But I knew that if you went to college you’d change. It’s been a week and we’ve already found you dancing looking like you’re ready to be on the cover of a magazine.” She gave him a serious look to match his own.
“Hustler or Playboy?” He was staring at her not seeming to understand what she was asking, “For the magazine. Because you’re more of a Hustler guy and I’m more of a Playgirl girl. Some of us are classy and some of us put everything on display.” Nikki smiled, this is what he had missed. Her stupid one liners and joked with her. When the taxi stopped she jumped out looking at him, “Pay him and let’s go. I’m cold.” She motioned to her outfit and started walking towards the door to her dorm building. Nikki threw money in the front heading in behind her.
The dorm hallways smelled like pot and he was surprised at how much it was like being in the strip. There was loud music and kids that were out of control. The only difference was most of these kids had money or at least had an idea of what their life would be like. The Sunset had this seedy feeling about it but once they were in the small room with the two beds the feeling was gone. It was obvious that her bed was on the left from the Keds that were peeking out from under it and the band posters and Polaroids tacked to the wall.
“Before you sit down can you unbutton this?” Sasha was kicking off her platforms moving over to him looking a little more normal as she pulled out her silver headband. She turned when she was in front of him, pulling her hair forward and exposing her back. Nikki licked his lips, his fingers going to get delicate buttons of the halter top.
“What’s this from?” His fingers felt the scars on her shoulder. She had always covered up so he never saw the cluster of raised skin before. She shivered feeling the halter top click open but Nikki’s fingers were still tracing the marks.
“Tommy’s singer and I dated for a few years when I was a kid. He attacked me one night, he beat the hell out of me and used a broken beer bottle to stab me. That’s what those are from. If Tommy and his mom didn’t come to the apartment that night I would have died.” She had her arms crossed against her chest but shifted letting the shiny fabric pool at her feet, “That’s when Tommy’s family took me in and so became a Lee and why he treats me like I’m made of glass sometimes.” She explained. Nikki frowned, his lips moving to kiss the skin.
“I’m sorry someone hurt you.” His breath tickled her ear as his mouth moved back leaving these soft, feather kisses on the mass of scars. Sasha wanted to kiss Nikki but she was still letting his hands slide down to hold her panties, his fingers hooking into the lace like he was about to rip it down. She could feel him pressing against her and knew Nikki wanted her. “I can’t have sex with you.” His head fell into the crook of her neck and she was sure she was going to die of embarrassment right there. Her whole body had been reacting to his kindness.
“What?” She asked into the darkness. Her head was muddled and she couldn’t figure out what the hell he was trying to say to her, “You fuck anything with a pulse.” She teased trying to keep it light and wanting to feel his hands touching her. She had only been with one person before and never had her body turned to pure goo in his hands. Nikki could smell her soap, her skin from dancing, and even a trace of perfume that was new. His lips traced her neck wanting to suck the spot there that would make her knees buckle. He wanted to leave angry purple marks that said keep away to others.
“I can’t be what you want from me. I’m not going to hurt you.” Sasha gulped hearing what he was saying to her, trying to process his words when her body was trying to confuse her. “Do you understand what I’m trying to say to you?” Nikki asked. His breath was tickling her ear and she felt like she should bend over something and just let him at it. Nikki’s knuckles were white holding her panties, afraid they were going to rip from the pressure but needing to keep his hands off her or he couldn’t be held responsible for what he did.
“Yes, wait what... no.” She wanted to turn and look at him but she was so confused. She could smell Nikki behind her and it was just making it harder to understand what he was trying to say to her. The feeling of leather on her bare skin as he shifted behind her caused a soft moan from her lips. Nikki froze hearing this.
“Please, don’t make this harder, angel.” He begged his hands starting to ease out the knot he had tangled them in with her underwear. She stepped forward, away from him, giving them both a break from each other’s bodies. Sasha reached for a shirt pulling it on before turning to look at him. Nikki could see the pink of her cheeks, the heat having settled there. She was wearing his T Rex shirt again. “Nice shirt.” He commented causing her to look down. She remembered how Tommy had told her the importance of that shirt and looked back up at him.
“You don’t want to fuck me because you can’t commit to me. You’ll cheat on me and hurt me.” The way she said it made him feel guilty. But it was the truth. Even if he wanted to commit to her there was no way that his dick would allow him to. He’d get high after a show and the next thing he would know there would be some brunette between his legs as he came down her throat. He couldn’t stop things he wasn’t aware were happening. But Sasha seemed to understand that. She nodded her head. “Okay, well at least spend the night and sleep here.” She had a million thoughts going through her head. “If you want you can come down to breakfast with me and then we can go to the laundromat after. Your clothes fucking stink.” She said turning the blanket over and getting under the covers. Nikki watched her get comfortable as he stripped down to her underwear.
“Thanks for not making things weird between us.” He said as she adjusted to let him spoon her. She had handled everything way better than he had expected her to. Sasha let out a yawn.
“It’s okay. I’ll just fuck other guys and have slutty college years like I’m supposed to.” She pretended to settle down even though she had felt Nikki tense against her. She knew he was angry but kept her smile to himself. She was going to drive him out of his fucking mind for telling her no.
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yanderepuck · 4 years
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@hokkaido-fox​ @ravenarld​
Pure. Chaos.
Sebastian earned himself a week off and decided to travel and see more than just 19th century France.  Comte and Leonardo are out doing married couple things.  Meaning no one responsible is at the mansion.  Mom and Dad left and Arthur goes PARTY TIME
Its 10 am and he’s drinking.  But did he even stop from the night before?  We may never know.  So many alcoholics under one roof. 
Isaac is like “It’s not even noon. Calm down”  Arthur just needs to drown his sorrows alright-
Theo is on the same boat as Arthur and Dazai is like Alcohol?
Napoleon is like “You know what.  We’re responsible.  Let’s do it”
Mozart overhears it all and is like “No one in this mansion is responsible”  Jean’s basically like “yeah, um.  You guys do that.  I don’t want a part of it” and follows Mozart to the music room
Que Arthur and Dazai appearing in either side of Isaac trying to convince him that they'll have fun. But baby is filled with anxiety and just backs away and leaves to go to his room. He is nOT going partake in the chaos that is about to unfold, plus that means socialize with more than one person. You live with these people, calm down baby.
Vincent is a social drinker but that’s about it.  He’s not into parties and even Theo can’t convince him to stay for one.  So he just quietly leaves the room to go back to painting in his room.  I can see Isaac and Vincent being friends and hanging out tbh
So now it is Arthur, Theo, Dazai, and Napoleon just grabbing all the alcohol and mixing drinks, and what is a party without drugs.
I roughly researched this bc all Google was giving me was American and Britain history, so bare with me with the accuracy of this next part
Opium and morphine were popular medical drugs at the time, but then again so was heroin.  Also some place said that it was Napoleon that ended marijuana being legal?? But even ikevamp Napoleon says he’s nothing like what the books say about him, sooo.  1870 Vin Mariani (Coca wine) is for sale throughout France, containing 7.2 mg cocaine per ounce of wine.
So take all of that as you will, they smoking I’ll tell you that.  I’ll leave that one up to your imagination.
Eventually there is women and more alcohol.  Isaac and Vinc both walk into the music room where Mozart and Jean are, and at first Mozart is like “wtf are you doing in here” then the smell of weed probably enters the room and Mozart and Jean are like “ew wtf are they doing” and Isaac is like “I think we should leave so we don’t get wrapped up in this”
And Mozart refuses to go into town, but Vinc says they’ll just stay in the garden or something.  Somehow they convinced Mozart to go outside and next thing they knew Isaac is calling Mama Comte.
Vincent is playing with Brush don’t @ me
Comte answers and Isaac is like “Arthur, Theo, Dazai, and Napoleon are drinking and doing drugs and they have women over” and then Mozart in the background is like “We told them it was a bad idea!”
Picture this.  Isaac on the phone, Mozart next to him because he doesn’t think Isaac is explaining the situation well enough.  Vincent is in the background holding Brush and introducing him to Jean, and Jean is like “oh. that’s a weird cat” but pets Brush anyway and feeds him.
But Mozart is basically yelling in Isaacs ear and he’s telling him to shut up but also telling Comte and he and Leonardo need to get back home before there’s more chaos.
Comte just sighs.  Leonardo could hear the whole thing and is like “Damn, having a party without me”  It’s dark out by the time the two of them get back.  The four are still in the garden.
Vinc somehow convinced Isaac that Brush won’t just him and that they’d be good friends, so now Brush is on Isaacs lap eating some snacks that were in Vinc’s apron.  Jean brought Cherie (???  I read Cherie somewhere but some things say Sherry but I think that’s a translation thing??? idk), and Mozart is just sitting on the fountain.
Leonardo and Comte didn't get home until the sun was already setting and as soon as Mozart sees them he yells "WHAT TOOK YOU TWO SO LONG"
Leonardo is basically like "before you go in there and cause an uproar, I'm gonna join them" and takes the groceries inside. The man just wants some alcohol and drugs, probably just takes it back to his room after putting the food away. Such a good husband
Comte looks at the four in the garden and sighs. At least some of his kids are responsible. But they could have actually done something to stop this.
Also, Leonardo made sure the four inside didn't see him so that they didn't know Mama Comte was about to come in and beat their ass.
Think you can't ground four 100+ year old men? Think again. Just take away booze really. Theo, Arthur and Dazai would be like, no wait- not the alcohol.
Damn alcoholics
Comte expected better from Napoleon.
They're grounded for a month and aren't allowed to leave the mansion.
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niksixx · 4 years
~Welcome to Part 1 of yet another Axl Rose mini series. Since this is merely fanfiction, there will obviously be inaccuracies and things I changed around just because I can hehe. I hope you enjoy! This particular piece was inspired by the GNR song, Patience~
Pairing: Axl Rose/Vince Neil x Female Reader 
*Picture is not mine; Found on Google. Creds to the owner*
P.S. I have a strong feeling this fic is going to tug on your heart strings. 
Tag list: @littlemisscare-all @ginny-baker-sixx @metalheartofgold @madamsixx @curly-hudson
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As a little girl, you were drawn to the little boy who sat on the playground bench alone, head down, hair shielding his eyes, hiding from the world around him. Each day, he was there. Each day, he had fresh tears in his eyes. And each day, he silently prayed for a friend.
The little boy’s prayers were answered the day you skipped over to him, placing yourself in front of him, rocking back and forth on the balls and heels of your feet as your yellow tutu swayed with the soft breeze. You waited for the boy to look up at you and when he did, you smiled, wanting to comfort him.
“Hi there! I’m Y/N. What’s your name?”
His voice was soft, hesitant, like a scared mouse. “Axl.”
“Axl. That’s nice. I like it!” You exclaimed, taking a seat beside him on the bench. Little Axl slid over to give you room, keeping his eyes on the ground. What is she doing? He wondered.
“How old are you?”
“Eight,” Axl said gently, holding up four digits on one hand, four digits on the other. “How old are you?”
“I’m ten!” You answered proudly, swinging your legs. Axl still hadn’t looked up from the ground. “Can I ask you a question?”
Axl nodded, lifting his head just a bit to brush the hair from his eyes. His eyelashes were long and thick, and tiny red freckles dotted the bridge of his nose, down his plump cheeks. “If you want.”
“How come you’re all alone?”
His eyes flickered to the three older boys on the swingset, two blond twins and a brunette friend. They were known for bullying other children off the playground. All Axl wanted to do was play with them. Be friends with them. Why did they have to be so mean? “Those boys,” he points in their direction with a shaky finger, “They were teasing me. I just wanted to be their friend.”
You followed his finger, frowning as the three boys laughed obnoxiously. You recognized them. They looked around your age. “What were they teasing you about?”
Axl shrugged, picking at his fingernails. Why were you so curious? He wasn’t used to anyone caring about him. “They made fun of my hair, my clothes, my teeth. They said I was ugly and that no one would want to be friends with me. And then they pushed me. That’s how I scraped my elbow,” He says, showing off his battle wound proudly. He hadn’t even cried today when they shoved him down.
Standing up, you placed your little hands on your hips, eyebrows scrunched together. Again, you waited for him to look at you. It took him a while, but when he finally looked up at you, with sadness swirling in his eyes, you pulled him off the bench and in the direction of the three boys.
“What are you doing?!” He asked quietly, but harshly. “Y/N!”
You ignored him, focusing on the boys. They needed to be taught a lesson, seeing as their parents had never taught them how to play nice with other children. It was a good thing your parents encouraged you to hit back if a boy ever started the fight. What did your parents call it again? Self defense?
As you approached, they snickered and stood from their respective swings, forming a line, a barrier, to the swingset. Without a second thought, you pushed the one you assumed to be the ringleader.
“Hey! What was that for?” He asked, shooting you a dirty look. His friends helped him to his feet, brushing dirt from the back of his knees. “That wasn't very nice of you.”
“Then why did you do it to my friend?” You challenged, motioning to Axl beside you. As the three boys looked his way, he stepped closer to you, cowering. “I heard you were teasing him. Teasing isn’t nice. So leave him alone!”
“What are you going to do about it?” The second boy asked. As you stepped toward him, he backed up, eyes wide. He held up his hands. “Okay, okay. Fine.”
“Now say you’re sorry,” you instructed, staring each one in the eye. Wrapping an arm around Axl’s shoulders, he relaxed under your touch. He was glad to have you there. Somehow, in a fluffy yellow tutu, a bright pink shirt, and puke green shoes, you intimated the three boys. And you’d come to his defense like a true friend would.
The boys gave each other a look before mumbling an apology. Not wanting to start more drama, they slinked off to the other side of the playground, leaving the swingset empty.
Turning to Axl, your heart softened at the formation of a smile on his face. His body wasn’t so tense anymore. “Want to swing with me?”
He nodded, and you sat next to each other on the swingset, swinging gently and laughing at all the random, silly things little kids laugh at.
“Thank you,” Axl whispered. He was still a bit shy around you, but he managed to look you in the eye once more. “For being my friend.”
You reached out to grab his clammy hand in your own, squeezing it tightly as if you were afraid he’d let go. “We’re going to be friends forever. I won’t let anyone be mean to you. Okay?”
“Promise?” Axl asked, searching for reassurance.
You nodded. “I promise.”
You had kept the promise for a while. Throughout your teenage years, you acted as Axl’s protector, his guardian angel, the keeper of his childhood troubles and darkest secrets. In school, everyone knew. No one dared to mess with him while you were around. And if they did, you had no problem putting them in their place. You’d done it many times before.
Slowly, Axl’s shell disappeared. He started to talk a bit more, about the abuse he’d suffered at the hand of his stepfather. He found friends of his own, and began to smile more often, which was a sight that melted your heart. He’d answer questions in class and even joined the choir, a place where he truly felt like he belonged. Being in the choir drove him to carry around a tiny blue book, where he’d write down his inner thoughts that he would later go on to develop as lyrics for songs performed by his band, Guns N’ Roses, with his four best friends, Izzy, Duff, Steven, and Slash. Thanks to you, there was a light in his usually dull gray eyes.
And, thanks to you, Axl began to feel things he'd never felt before. At sixteen years old, he started paying more attention to your feelings, whether you were happy, sad, angry, joyful. He would always find excuses to look at you, be around you, put a smile on your face. You infiltrated his thoughts, sometimes in more than a friendly way, and his heart would race whenever you were near him. To make sense of his thoughts, his feelings, he’d write them in his book. The moment Axl realized he was foolishly in love with you was when he found himself writing songs about you.
But he’d never shown you any of the songs, afraid of what you might think of him when you understood the songs were for you. By the time Axl turned eighteen, your friendship began to dwindle. You were twenty years old with no set plans for the future. A wandering soul. A free-spirit. Traveling the world was the only thing on your mind. Axl accompanied you to the airport the morning you planned to leave your old town behind, savoring the feeling of your body wrapped in his arms, before sending you off to start your journey in Los Angeles, California. LA was supposed to be the start of your adventure, but you quickly fell in love with the city, and never stepped foot anywhere else.
And the minute you left is when the bullying started back up again. Only this time though, Axl let the words roll off his shoulders. He adopted a new wardrobe filled with leather jackets, leather pants, hats, and bandanas, hoping his new appearance would keep others away and make them nervous to be around him. When that didn’t work, Axl eventually began to fight back. There was no one to protect him anymore. He had to stand up and do it for himself.
In his early twenties, Axl found himself living in West Hollywood, making friends with the wrong crowd, dropping hundreds of dollars on tattoos every two weeks, and trying his best to avoid jail time. He became somewhat of a rebel, a delinquent, like the biological father he barely remembered, snorting cocaine, not loving it, and then sticking with cigarettes. Instead of shying away from trouble, Axl went looking for it.
The formation of Guns N’ Roses changed everything, kept him grounded. While his time had been spent causing trouble and fighting officers, it was now taken over completely by managing a rock band. He still smoked every now and again, but he’d completely quit the hard drugs and bitter alcohol. Playing gigs, writing lyrics, and touring the world with his bandmates was all he needed. It gave him a purpose. It made him happy.
But, like every rockstar does, Axl made a few enemies on his climb to fame. He’d been in a few bar fights with none other than Skid Row’s lead bass guitarist, Rachel Bolan. Words were exchanged with Stephen Pearcy of Ratt, and he and Poison singer Bret Michaels did not get along. At all.
Now, in his mid twenties, Axl was able to let go of the grudges he’d held. Well, almost all of them. In the music world, it was normal for lead singers of different bands to have bad blood, which is exactly what Axl Rose had with Vince Neil, lead singer, or screecher, as Axl called him, of Mötley Crüe.
Axl couldn’t stand the guy, and for good reasons. Vince was stuck up, conceited, a hotshot. He was always drunk it seemed, unable to hold his liquor. Plus, his vocals weren't even that great. He had no business being as arrogant as he was.
Although Axl and Vince had never been in a physical altercation, (yet) the hatred was mutual between the two singers. The media were constantly pitting them against each other, and instead of fighting it together, they bashed and bad-mouthed each other.
What Axl and the rest of the world wasn’t aware of was your romantic relationship with Vince. Your relationship was purposely kept hidden away from the media, away from the fans. Vince never mentioned you in interviews, nor would he have you on his arm at award ceremonies. And for a while, you understood. The label needed Vince to keep up the bad boy, bachelor image. They were convinced it would generate more attention for the band as a whole. But there were days that you wished Vince would come out to the world and show you off like you, and Mick Mars, his bandmate, believed you deserved.
Of course, Axl didn’t know anything about your current life, your struggles, but that didn’t mean he never tried. He searched everywhere for you, from West Hollywood to Malibu and even Beverly Hills, but after almost a year of searching, he’d finally given up. You’d been away from him for too long. Did you have a job? A family? Where were you living? The last time he had spoken to you was more than seven years ago when he watched you board the plane headed for LA.
Though it’s been years since he’s seen you, his feelings never dissolved. If you were indeed off the market in a happy, loving relationship, then no, Axl wouldn’t dare try and sabotage your relationship, but he had to find a way to show you how much he loved you. What he needed was just a little bit of patience, and all of the pieces would fall into place.
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nikki-fucking-sixx · 4 years
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Always (Nikki Sixx x Reader)
“Honey, what’s the plan for dinner?” You turned your head to see your husband on the couch smiling at you. You picked your infant daughter, Sonja, up from her playpen and held her at your hip as you walked over to your husband’s side at the couch.
“Hmmm,” You were not particularly picky, “Let’s order in. This little lady has been running me ragged all day,” You say, smiling at your beautiful little girl. She smiled back at you before giving your hair a tiny tug. You put Sonja on your lap before resting your head on his shoulder, feeling exhausted from motherly duties. You looked over at the clock to see it was only 5:00. God, what the fuck has happened to you? Before you met Chris, you were sneaking backstage at concerts to do cocaine with rockstars. Now, your life was diapers and Disney. You didn’t mind it, you loved your little girl more than anything in the world. And Chris, he was the perfect husband and you loved him with all your heart, but your life felt emptier than it used to be. 
“Chris, would you mind watching Sonja for a second? I’m going to take a quick nap.” He nodded and you handed her off to him. You dragged your tired body off the couch and wandered up the stairs to your bedroom and collapsed. Parenthood was exhausting. You were up at all hours of the night caring for Sonja, changing her, burping her, feeding her, it never seemed to stop. You rolled onto your back and stared at the ceiling. You missed your old life sometimes. 
Well, there was one person you missed specifically. You met Nikki when you were 19 while backstage at a Motley Crue concert in 1981. You two spent the whole night together talking, drinking, fucking, laughing and actually finding out who this dark mysterious man was. When you woke up the next morning you snuck out the window. You did not want to, but a man like Nikki would never want to see you again. After a week, he found you. You remember laughing as he walked into the restaurant you worked at, asking you out on a date. You were baffled to say the least, but you obviously said yes. 
The ten months you two spent together were some of the wildest times in your life. You partied almost every night of the week as the rock and roll lifestyle encapsulated you. You never slept but when you did it was beside him. The lows were low with Nikki. The fights were heated and objects were thrown. But, the highs were so damn high. You had never felt more loved than you did when he held you in his arms and told you how beautiful you were.
But, good things never last forever. When you saw him kissing that girl, you knew it was over. There was no reason for you to be treated that way, and he knew that too. You were gone the next morning and you never saw him again. A three months later you met Chris and a year later you were married. 
It has been five years since you last saw Nikki but you still thought about him every so often. How he was, who he was with, what life would have been like with him. You took a deep breath and began to close your eyes, letting your mind wander away from the one that got away. Then the phone rang. You sighed and rolled over.
“Hey, babe. Long-time no see.” You immediately recognized the voice of your best friend Diana. 
“Yeah it’s been a second. How are you?” You have gotten very good at small talk in recent years.
“I was actually calling to see if you wanted to come out with me tonight.” You couldn’t help but laugh. It was 5:30 on a Saturday, prime family time. 
“I really don’t think that’s a good idea.” She let out an annoyed huff.
“C’mon (Y/N), you’re 25! This is the age where you’re still allowed to have fun.” 
“I have a baby Diana, I gotta stay in and look after her.” 
“Have Chris take on some responsibility! That’s part of this whole marriage thing, right?” You rolled your eyes. She really was far away from the whole committed relationship thing. 
“I just really think that I should-” 
“It’s a Motley Crue concert and I have an extra ticket. I think you should go.” There was a pause. Your mind was going one million miles per hour but your lips could not move, but there was so much you wanted to say. 
“Di… we both know that that’s a bad idea.” 
“It’s not like you’re going to actually do anything. We’ll just go to the concert and then go home.” She was right. You didn’t have to speak to him or any of them. You could just watch the concert, unwind a bit. It really did sound like an attractive idea.
“Let me call you back, ok?” 
“Alright, just don’t pussy out on me.” You hung up the phone before making your way downstairs to see Chris bouncing Sonja on his lap. She was smiling and laughing as he sang the words to a Beatles song to her. You could not help but stare and feel a warm sense of joy in your stomach. Chris looked up at you and smiled.
“Who was that on the phone?” 
“It was Diana, she asked me if I wanted to go out tonight.” The feeling of pure happiness from before started to disappear as nerves settled in. “But obviously that’s crazy because I have to stay in with Sonja.” Chris shrugged.
“You stay in all day with her while I’m at work,” He blew a raspberry at her causing Sonja to give a big toothless grin. “I could use some baby time.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. Go out and have some fun.” You leaned in and gave him a light kiss, smiling into it. 
“You’re the best.” He gave a small laugh.
“ And I love you too.” You got up and began getting ready, excited for what the night had in store.
Diana picked you up at 9:00 outside your house. Picking something to wear that night was next to impossible. You were a mom now, you couldn’t wear those low cut tops you used to wear. You decided on boots, jeans and a somewhat modest crop top. When you walked out Diana gave a whistle.
“Now that’s a hot Momma!” You smiled as you compared your outfit to hers. She had on heels, jeans and a shirt that left nothing to the imagination. You wished you could be in something like that. You hopped in beside her.
“Ready to go?” 
“Hell yeah! Let’s paint the town red.” Diana yelled as she sped off. Once you both got inside the venue all you could pay attention to was the vast amount of people. There seemed to be wall to wall people. You had no idea how you would fit into this crowd, literally and metaphorically. 
But, once the music blasted, you felt everything around you melt away. You were that 19 year old all over again yelling for longer guitar solos and louder vocals. The band itself seemed like a blur. It wasn’t until your vision focused that you saw him. 
He was just as you remembered. His hair was dark and big; his eyes held mysteries that you only knew the beginning of; his intensity never seemed to stay from the bass. And he was still a fucking mess, just as you liked. 
You could not help but become very aware of what you were wearing. You were probably the most covered up woman in that whole venue. Everywhere you looked you saw skin and cleavage and here you were dressed like, well, a mom. He did not even seem to notice you as his eyes went from girl to girl, looking for the sexiest thing in the audience. That was Nikki though, what did you expect? 
Diana seemed to notice your sudden awkwardness, turning to you and giving you a concerned look. You shook your head and smiled.
“I’m fine, just feeling a little old.” She rolled her eyes at you.
“Then act young.” At that, she pulled a bottle of Jack Daniels from her purse, “Let loose a little.” You grabbed the bottle from her and immediately took a giant swig. God, you missed the taste of dark liquor. The contents of that bottle went very quickly, mostly thanks to you. The buzz was setting in and you could not help but smile and dance like an idiot; however, you still would not let yourself look at Nikki again. It would just make you feel like you did all those years ago. You let your gaze stay on Vince as he ruled the stage. He really did know how to work the crowd, especially when more than half of them wanted to fuck him. You felt your dancing become more sporadic as their set wore on to the point that you felt yourself lose your footing. You hit the ground quickly.
“Shit (Y/N), are you ok?” You got up laughing and nodding.
“Yeah I’m fucking fine!” Once you got your head back up, you let your eyes wander and that’s when they met with his. Even in your drunken state, you could see the shock on his face. He never expected to see you again. After you told him to fuck off, you moved. There was no way he was going to hurt you again. But then, here you two were, in a room filled with thousands of people but only seeing each other. Fuck.
You had to go. This was a bad idea. What were you even thinking? All these thoughts raced through your head as you ran out of the crowd. You had to get out of here. The more you ran through the venue, the drunker you realized you were as you quickly became very lost. You found yourself in a relatively empty hallway filled with music equipment and stagehands. You did not give a shit. Your back hit the stone wall and you began to sob into your hands. You didn’t care that your mascara was running down your cheeks or that you sounded like a dying animal, you felt like absolute shit. So, the tears flowed more than they have in the past five years. You felt like a stupid young girl again. 
You were so hung up in your thoughts that you didn’t seem to hear footsteps coming down the hallway. You definitely did not notice when they stopped in front of you.
“Never thought I’d see you again.” The tears froze. You did not want to look up but your body betrayed you. There he was, looking as handsome as ever. You sniffed, trying to recompose yourself.
“Believe me, this was not my idea.” His face seemed expressionless.
“Then why are you even here?” There was disappointment in his voice. You weren’t sure if it was because of you, the situation or God knows what. 
“I honestly don’t know,” You brushed a hand across your cheek. “God I knew I shouldn’t have come.” You start to turn away but feel a hand grab onto your wrist.
“No,” His voice boomed through the empty hallway, making it feel full, “I’m glad you came.” You didn’t pull away from his touch, instead you turned to him, finally getting the courage to look into his eyes again. Even when his face seemed blank, his eyes always gave him away. 
“Nikki, you haven’t seen me in five years. You don’t even know who I am anymore.” That’s when you noticed him look down at your hand. More specially, at your wedding ring. You did not know what to do. Apologize? Laugh? Cry? You never thought you would have to have this conversation. You could tell he didn’t think so too. His posture stiffened as he took your hand into his, rolling the ring around in his finger.
“I guess I don’t,” He couldn’t keep his eyes off of it, “What’s his name?”
“Chris,” He looked up at you again. Your eyes had not left his face.
“When did this happen?” 
“A few months after you…” Your voice trailed off as your mind was filled with the image of Nikki’s lips on that girl. He could see where your mind was going and let go of your hand. You pulled it close to your chest like a security blanket. You did not know what to say, so your mind went to the first thing that makes you happy every morning. 
“I have a daughter.” Your hand plunged into your purse, pulling out a picture of your beautiful little girl, “Her name is Sonja, she’s six months old.” His hands wrapped around the photograph. His eyes stared at the picture of your baby. He could not seem to look at anything else except your smiling little girl. 
“Why are you showing me this?” He looked back up at you, his eyes now filled with anger.
“I-I just-” 
“Why the fuck are you showing me this?” He screamed, throwing the picture on the ground, “Are you trying to make me jealous of your fucking perfect family? I get it, you have the white picket fence life and some small-dicked corporate husband who doesn’t know how to fuck you. It’s really perfect isn’t it?” You could feel the rage building up in you. 
“Hey, it’s not your place to be jealous.” You wanted to hit him. “You lost that right when you fucked that whore!”
“Oh and now you want to have this argument again,” He stepped closer to you. “I’m a fucking rockstar, (Y/N). How can you expect women to not throw themselves at me?” He was in your face now.
“They don’t want you Nikki! They just want to use you as some story to tell.” He let out a bitter laugh.
“At least those girls are doing something with their lives instead of taking on the role as some bored fucking housewife. Who even are you anymo-” You didn’t want to hear it. Your hand made contact with his cheek. You both froze in shock, unsure of what to do next. 
“Shut the fuck up Nikki.” It came out as a whisper. You wanted to walk away now, but you couldn’t. He took a deep breath before bending down and picking the picture back up. He held it in his hands, grasping it like it was his. He looked back down at your daughter’s face.
“She really is beautiful,” He fidgeted with the edges of the photograph, not letting his eyes leave it, “Just like her mom.” 
“Yeah, she is.” He looked back up at you.
“I really thought that…” He paused, his eyes going to the ground. “You and I would be having one of these one day.” And there he was. The Nikki you always came back to.
“I did too.” His hand reached out and touched yours. Your fingers immediately entangled.
“I loved you so much, (Y/N),” Your eyes met again. “I still do.”
“I think I should go.” You didn’t want to but you had to. For Sonja. 
“I understand, Sonja needs a mom.” You nodded, took your hand back and turned away, ready to walk down that hallway. Before you could take your first step, you felt a pair of familiar hands grasp your waist and turn you around. Then his lips touched yours. The passion that was there all those years ago was still in that kiss. You couldn’t help but let your hand rest on his cheek, just like you used to. Every bone in your body wanted to stay. To run away with this imperfectly perfect man. When his lips left yours, your breath seemed to catch and hold in your throat. His forehead touched yours.
“I’ll always love you, Nikki,” A tear rolled down your cheek, “Always.” His thumb dried it away. 
“Go home, baby.” And that was goodbye. Goodbye from the rockstar life. Goodbye from your youth.
Goodbye from Nikki.
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american-satanxx · 4 years
Animal in Me//Chapter 22
The Way He Moved, It Was A Sin, So Sweet And True
“Why are you so nervous?” Lena asks me a couple weeks later. “We’re just meeting Doc and his new assistant. What has you freaked out?” “Because I know his new assistant already.” I reply, earning the attention of the boys. “He’s my brother. We had brunch and he started asking about you guys and then he told me he’ll be working on your next tour with Doc.” “And you didn’t tell us because?” Nikki questions. “I’d love to get some insider of the newbie working with us.” “He doesn’t know about us, if that’s what is concerning you Nikki.” I roll my eyes. “He just wanted to know how you guys acted while on tour. And I told him you guys were a blast and he’ll have fun. That was the most we talked about when it comes to you guys. I certainly wasn’t going to tell him about the activities me and Nikki participate in behind closed doors.” “Sometimes not even closed doors.” Nikki smirks as a hand goes up my thigh and under my short skirt. I narrow my eyes at him and he instantly pulls away. “My brother is overprotective of me when it comes to boyfriends.” I warn him. “He bet the living shit out of Axl for fun. So yea, that’s why he will never find out about Nikki.” “What, you don’t think I can take him?” Nikki sounds almost hurt. You can hear the bruised ego in the tone of his voice. “You’re scrappy but will never win a fight against my brother.” I inform him. “We grew up with roadies and drunk uncles teaching us how to fight. You wouldn’t stand a chance against either of us in a true fight.”
“I do love a challenge though.” Nikki leans close to me, a smirk is on his lips before he licks the tip of my nose. I just roll my eyes before pushing me away. “So is your brother anything like you? Is he a true professional?” “No, he’ll do lines of cocaine off a farmer’s daughter’s tits with you guys.” I reply. “Only one of us is a true professional.” “I’m starting to like this guy.” Vince smirks just as Doc and my brother David join us at the dinner table. “Ria?” David raises an eyebrow. “Didn’t think you’d be here? You never hung out with bands after you wrote the article about them.” “These guys have grown on me.” I chuckle, earning smirks from the boys. “You’re gonna be stuck with me when it comes to these guys. I’m extremely close with them.” Just as I say the last sentence, I feel Nikki’s hand return to my thigh and it finds itself slowly making up under my skirt. I shoot Nikki a warning glare. His hand stops moving north but he doesn’t remove the hand. And his smirk only grows. “Tonight I can’t stay long. I’ve got a concert to get to.” “Guns N Roses again?” Nikki questions, rolling his eyes. “Don’t you get sick of hanging out with them? It can’t be healthy hanging out with an ex.” “Ex?” David questions as he sits down. “Which ex?” “Axl.” Nikki smirks. “Your little sister is hanging out with that asshole again.” “Really, Ria?” David huffs. “That guy treated you like fucking shit.” “We aren’t dating.” I inform him before turning my attention to the bassist who has a hand on my thigh. I grab his hand and dig my nails into it. He’s trying so hard not to react. “Jealousy isn’t a good look on you Sixx.” “Who said anything about me being jealous?” He shoots back, eyes narrowing into a glare. It’s my turn to smirk. “Seriously Summers, who said anything about me being jealous?” “Your actions for one.” I shrug. “But whatever, let’s get a few drinks and you boys can talk business, yes?” With that, I flag down our waiter to start the drink order. I’m going to need several drinks if I’m going to survive this dinner. ** “Ok, I’m going to head to the bathroom to freshen up before heading out.” I announce before getting up out of my seat and heading to the bathroom. Once inside, I begin freshening up my lipstick when I hear the door swing open wildly. In the mirror’s reflection I see Nikki standing there; eyes wild and lust blown. “You’re not fucking going to that concert?” I turn around and glare at him. “Who fucking said? Because last time I checked, you don’t control me. I’m allowed to hang out with whoever I fucking want. I’m not your property. You need to get that throu…” Before I can finish myself Nikki closes the distance between us and crashes his lips onto mine. He puts a hand on the base of my neck and deepens the already bruising kiss. His free hand finds its way to my ass and squeezes it, earning a moan to escape my lips. This moan allows Nikki the opening he needs to shove his tongue into my mouth. His kisses go from my lips, to my jaw and down to my neck. He licks my pulse point before biting down on it, sucking it just enough to assure there will be a hickey forming in its wake. “Marking your territory?” I chuckle as he resumes the kiss. “Gotta make sure those punks know who you belong to.” He murmurs against my skin. “Can’t be thinking they can claim you and take you away from me.” “So I’m yours huh?” I ask him. “Since when did this become official?” He pushes away and looks deep into my eyes. This is a side I very rarely see of Nikki. I think the only time I’ve seen the look of love in his eyes was after Razzle’s death. “Do you want to make this official?” “It depends.” A smirk dances on my lips. “On what?” “On if you’re going to ask me or not.”
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laceymorganwrites · 3 years
Too fast for love
Word count: 1,968
Pairing: Vince Neil!Yuuji x reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, drugs, cheating, alcohol and a lot of sexual references and mentions
General taglist: @astrooliver
Series masterlist
Yuuji only wanted to be loved. He was quite narcissistic on the outside, that much was clear, however deep inside he still was the little boy who came from a broken home.
His parents couldn´t care less about him, kicking him out after he got suspended from school.
Looking back he couldn´t even blame them.
He´s always been a little shit, even as a child.
Living in a bad neighborhood like his was rough, he lived in between two rivaling gangs and got caught up more often than not in their violent antics.
He fucking hated it.
Just like the rest of the band he never felt like he belonged.
Yuuji was an outcast like the rest of them.
And outcasts automatically were drawn to each other, it was a weird rule the universe set up.
Maybe this was the rule they really should´ve broken instead of all the other ones that got them into trouble.
But you couldn´t change the past, only regret remained.
Thus, he met the one and only Bokuto Koutaro, a ray of sunshine and chaotic as can be.
Seriously, if Yuuji was asked to describe his friend in one word it would be wild.
However he was the only thing that made school at least halfway bearable.
Still, that didn´t make his grades get better suddenly and even less did it help get him out of trouble.
If anything Yuuji got into even more trouble because of Koutaro.
Not that the blond was innocent. Not at all.
Yuuji still blushed red out of embarrassment when he remembered all the things he fucked up.
He used to boast to Koutaro about fucking girls left and right, about sneaking in the restroom and asking around who wanted some.
After all he was a man of his word.
Over time he got braver, fucking them everywhere he pleased, until he got caught by the teachers.
At this point it was already decided that he wasn´t going to stay at school.
Not that he wanted to anyway, he skipped classes whenever he pleased and was only there to hang out with Koutaro, fuck some and smoke some.
If he did attend classes, chances were he was drunk.
A living human failure.
That was what he called his younger self nowadays.
Sometimes he just couldn´t help but laugh at his antics, a chuckle escaped his lips as he told you about the time he sneaked into prom to hang out with Koutaro and the cheerleaders to smoke some pot.
It was a miracle he didn´t get caught.
Koutaro and him always competed with their sexual encounters, though years later when the band came to be, it got too much to keep a list.
Yuuji had trouble finding a place to live after getting kicked out by his parents and so he made it a habit crashing at his current girlfriend´s place.
Naturally that didn´t always work out, especially since he didn´t make the best impression and even though he was always careful to stay hidden, somehow he always got found out.
Another problem was that he had multiple girlfriends at the same time so that he could switch between places and pussy.
He was an asshole like that, thinking back on it he couldn´t help but groan in embarrassment.
How the fuck did he even get you to stay with him? It was a miracle and the best thing that ever happened in his life.
You were an angel, you were always there to ground him, he had more fun with you than with everyone else he ever dated before.
The idea of being in a band started when Koutaro told him that he was playing the drums and playing in front of a few people at some parties.
It sounded intriguing to say the least.
Yuuji knew those parties, he knew that the band always got to fuck every girl they wanted, taken or not.
He wanted that too.
He wanted to get every girl too, he wanted to acknowledgment from his friends too, or friends overall.
And so, he made a band of his own. They only did covers but that didn´t matter.
A bunch of guys who could play decently enough and him, the hot lead singer.
It was like everything was falling into place, if only he had stayed with that band.
Yuuji got everything he wanted, small gigs at parties, girls, drugs, guys who were jealous of him.
And it felt like a fucking dream, he felt like the king of the world.
But he was just a little boy with an ego that was way too big for his small body.
That ego massively increased when he got recruited by Tetsuro, Keishin and Koutaro.
Sure, Tetsuro and Keishin were weirdos, with their hair and makeup, their strange clothes. But Koutaro was still the same old.
He still was the same guy who let him into his van when Yuuji was homeless, kicked out by what seemed to be the hundredth girl.
It was good to see him again, more than that. Yuuji remembered everything they´ve already been through together and couldn´t help but smile. He couldn´t wait to play with Koutaro and see what was to come.
And when he listened to the tape he gave him and showed up to their place with his current girlfriend, he didn´t even think about regretting anything.
It seemed like the best decision he ever made at that point.
Once he stepped through that door, watching his girlfriend nag and bitch about the boys who just chuckled, he felt like he belonged.
Truly belonged, it felt long term sort of, not temporary.
She was saying all sorts of things how the boys weren´t good enough for him, how the music was too heavy but Yuuji knew that this was exactly what he wanted to do.
Simply covering songs didn´t do anymore when he saw the boys, he wanted to be a rockstar just like them, with them. As a band.
He never really sang anything remotely like metal, but he got the hang of it quickly.
The boys got along with him better than expected and so he moved into the rotten and infamous band house.
It should´ve concerned them how little time passed between their first meeting, their first practice and the actual recording of their first album.
It was never good when you rose to fame that quickly, selling out clubs you weren´t even allowed in.
Of course Yuuji never had trouble getting into the clubs he wanted to, he was attractive and a good lay, always had drugs on him too, everyone let him in.
They felt like kings, like they were at the top of the scene, not even regarding the fact that they spat on the legacy of so many hardworking legends that they adored and would scare away like everyone else in their lives.
It was lonely at the top, but there was nothing alcohol, drugs, girls, tattoos and motorcycles couldn´t solve.
Besides it wasn´t like it mattered anyway, the lonely feelings only showed when they had time to think, in sober moments.
Luckily there were no such moments for them.
Only parties, hell, the whole Tokyo metal scene partied at their dirty place, they got so many noise complaints that the cops just proceeded to barge into the house, to no avail though.
They simply nailed the door shut, opening the infamous window for everyone to get in.
They met a bunch of people at those parties, a bunch they´d piss off, but at the time they just were too arrogant and stupid to think of any consequences.
Hell, they´d be going on their first tour in a few days, it was crazy.
Yuuji was more nervous than he was for his first time, just seeing the amount of people that came to see him, the groupies who were waiting patiently to get fucked, it made him throw up.
Well, the drugs did, really.
People loved him, they adored and idolized him more than anything and he couldn´t handle it.
It made him an arrogant piece of shit, nobody could stop him, he loved bathing in the compliments and pussy he received.
The strip club became his second home, he remembered all the names of the girls at some point, they were such goddesses, dancing so sensually and the best thing was the mud wrestling.
He loved it so much that he installed a mud pit in his villa a few years later.
Life was a blurry rush to him, hopping from tour to studio, back home to his girlfriend he cheated on about a hundred times while he was away.
Vodka became his water, pussy his air, cocaine his bread and butter.
It was a miracle he could even sing on their concerts.
Well, at least he wasn´t as bad off as Tetsuro was, he could barely stand.
He remembered in one of their video shoots, he had long since forgotten which one, they had to hold him up so he wouldn´t collapse.
It was a mess.
Yuuji laughed it off back then.
Before the OD.
It really knocked him back into life when he saw his best friend die on TV.
It was like a bucket of cold water thrown into his face, Yuuji decided it was time to get sober, or well, their management did.
Tetsuro fired them afterwards anyway.
Yuuji and him didn´t get along at that time, the blond was way too mad at him for the stunt he pulled, not even telling them that he was fine after getting released from the hospital.
But instead the asshole bassist had the nerve to change his voicemail, demanding not to call him since he was dead.
It made Yuuji mad beyond belief.
Recording songs was difficult to say the least, they didn´t get anything done so he never showed up anymore.
Their management had enough after their last two albums failed so miserably, calling those monstrosities albums was an insult itself.
The boys just shot up and fucked around rather than producing new music.
At least they got about four decent songs out of this time.
Rehab was an experience for all of them.
Nobody took it seriously, they were rich, spending their money faster than earning it.
They were just talking in rehab anyway, it was cheesy bullshit.
Boys needed to fight not to talk.
How stupid he was back then, all of them were.
If they only took it seriously.
Maybe then things wouldn´t have to end like this, end in hating each other and still being forced to tour together.
Yuuji distanced himself from the band, finding you at his darkest moment and finally taking something serious, finally allowing himself to be vulnerable rather than vengeful.
You two spend some nice months together in solitude, you didn´t even do anything extravagant as he used to do before, you just enjoyed each other´s presence and that was more than enough.
It was more peaceful than anything in his life has ever been.
But of course the band wasn´t completely out of his life, approaching him after sobering up, for real this time, and turning their lives around.
And he accepted to return as their singer because he respected them, he respected nothing more than the honest effort they put into things.
The same hellish journey he´s been through with you.
Even after their final tour, they remained friends. True ones this time.
It was nice, spending the holidays together, doing mundane things they would´ve hated in their youths but now there was nothing better.
And so maybe their past didn´t completely define them. It gave Yuuji hope knowing that he could still change, that he could and would be better. 
For you.
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sixxstarrs · 4 years
too fast for love (ch. 1)
Summary: Lina was living her life how she wanted to, she was in a band and she had all of the drugs and alcohol she could want. It seemed to be her ideal until Nikki fell into her life and began rearranging things as fast as he would rearrange a hotel room.
Words: 1,885
Warnings: Drugs, alcohol, swearing
Notes: Hey guys! This is my first fic. Please do give feedback and feel free to request to join the tag list! I also write headcanons and oneshots so you can go to my inbox to request some of those as well. I really hope you all like this, I know I really enjoyed writing it. Also, this story takes place around the 1983 era, just for reference!
Tags: (none atm, feel free to request to be added!)
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Alcohol was never Lina’s strong suit. Usually it was three shots of vodka and she was good to go… and by that, it means more than past tipsy. Some may call her a light weight, but to Lina it just meant she got to have fun faster, or at least that’s what she would say. Being in a band helped this, as well. Her and her bandmates were practically swimming in free booze, drugs and hookups (for the guys at least.)
Lina’s brown eyes were set on the shot glasses that were being passed around, making the one that reached her, her fifth for the night and she hadn’t even gone on stage yet.
“I’m so fucking nervous.” She whispered to her guitar player, an equally light weight girl whose family had adopted her from Korea at the age of two. With only one look Julie could tell that Lina was visibly drunk but she knew it was inevitable. “I really might piss myself.” Lina sighed and buried her face into her hands. Julie remained silent, a sort of nervous habit of hers. “Who the fuck lets us open for Motley Crue when we’ve only been a band for a year. They’re gonna shit on us.” The rambling continued and at this point it was obvious that Julie definitely had selective hearing.
“Shut the fuck up Lina.” Jack groaned from across their cramped little dressing room that all four members had to share. “You’re stressing me out, this room is so small I literally feel like I’m absorbing your negative energy.” He had both of his drum sticks clenched into one fist, the blunt ends propping his head up. He only earned a noise of complaint in response from Lina.
Jack’s complaint only earned the room about ten minutes of Lina-less silence, save the rhythmic drumming of his sticks and the mindless picking at Eric’s bass. Julie still sat in silence, choosing to read a magazine over practice her guitar.
“Five minutes.” Their manager said through the door, giving it a few heavy knocks that startled the band out of their spiraling.
“Another shot.” Lina began to pour four more shots, passing them around with frantic hands. Without missing a beat she threw back her sixth one for the night and hissed as it went down. Her eyes wandered, watching her members take their shots and Julie finally spoke up.
“We all look hot as hell, we’ve got this okay?” She gripped Lina’s face in her palms, her shot glass still in one of her hands. “Except for you, Eric, you look like you’re about to kick the bucket, but what else is new.” She teased and gently made her way past Lina, leaving the dressing room. Of course, to avoid being left alone with the boys she padded close behind Julie.
The pair of girls went to line up back stage where they knew to wait, the boys filing in soon after. Before Lina knew it she was being thrust onto stage with a microphone and a glass of vodka on ice in her hand. Y’know, as if the six shots before weren’t enough.
Lina’s usual perfect performance was marred into something new for the girl because of the copious amounts of alcohol in her system. If you were to add a couple of lines of cocaine who knows how it would have turned out. It most definitely wasn’t bad, though… It was… Maybe a new creative genius for the singer.
Honestly she couldn’t tell if she was proud of herself or not because she was more focused on stumbling off stage, running to her band’s shared dressing room and doing the couple lines of coke like she had thought about earlier.
“Wait, shit, you guys were sick!” A male’s voice echoed through the hallway in attempt to catch Lina’s attention, interrupting her in her bee line to the nearest bag of coke. She even stumbled a bit due to how fast she had been walking.
“Thanks man, we-” Eric was suddenly cut off by the blond everyone knew to be Vince Neil who had originally called out to Lina and her group.
“You should come over and party with us after this gig. Just follow the crowd.” Vince grinned as he walked by everyone, a certain lanky Tommy Lee following in his footsteps despite being almost a head taller than the other.
“Yeah… We’ll come.” Eric half heartedly called back, earning a small chorus of laughter from Julie and Jack. Lina had already taken off again to rummage through her belongings.
When the other three caught up to Lina she was already making lines on the ratty coffee table that honestly took up most of the space in their dressing room.
“Lemme get in on this.” Julie finally decided to unhinge considering she tried to limit her alcohol intake before the concert, already cleaning one up with her nose and a twenty before anything could be protested, not like Lina would have anyways. Lina followed suit almost as if it were clock work.
“Hey, if you guys want to-” Tommy Lee poked his head in the door but interrupted himself upon seeing the lines in front of the two girls, his eyebrows raising with excitement. “Yo, dude, I’ll pay you back later at the party.” The shirtless man ran over, drumsticks tucked into the waist band of his thin leather pants.
All the band could do was watch Tommy snort a line, try to explain where to meet after the gig, and then run off to join the rest of the Crue. There was a mutual agreement among Lina’s own band that no one exactly knew what to do which is why no complaints were made.
“You’re probably not gonna get that line back.” Jack said to Lina who was already going down for her second, unconcerned. Hell, it was Tommy Lee, she could have given it to worse people.
 Lina wasn’t sure if the party was what she had expected. Sure, her and her band had been on the Rock scene for a little over a year, so they had their fair share of parties, but this, this was different. It took place in a dingy, cramped apartment, half dressed groupies were filling the place, wall to wall, but there was copious amounts of drugs and alcohol. It wasn’t really enough to make up for the amount of girls, but if she was drunk enough, Lina didn’t care.
With that being said, Lina was certainly drunk enough. Jack was no where to be found, probably taking advantage of the immense amount of groupies, Eric was doing the same, but instead of off in someone’s bathroom he had one on each arm. Julie on the other hand was stuck in a corner arguing with some tall guy with black hair that Lina couldn’t quite make out from across the room, and here Lina was, mindlessly chatting with some dark haired groupie who was much more far gone than she was.
“I’ll be right back.” Lina held her hand out and promptly stood up, patting her pocket to make sure she had the one thing she needed. Her bag of cocaine. The last time she had done a line was back stage when Tommy stole one, and of course she hadn’t yet gotten one back.
Lina pushed through the people until she reached the bathroom, opening the door without hesitation. The sight in front of her made her squint her eyes. If she wasn’t mistaken, it was Nikki Sixx, Vince again and two groupies, all waiting while Nikki lined up four ivory slivers. Lina abruptly shut the door and leaned against the wall, her eyes focusing on Nikki’s hands.
“Hey, your drummer stole one from me, so like the proper loan shark I am I’m having to go to friends and family to get paid back.” Lina’s voice cut through the room and the four heads turned to look at her. Vince’s eyes automatically lit up upon seeing the girl.
“Shit I thought y’all didn’t come! Nikki cut her a line.” The blond nudged the bassist who was already pouring some out of the bag, his eyes lingering on the brunette girl.
“We’ve been hiding, pretty sure my guys are taking advantage of the amount of tits that follow your band around.” A small smile curled to the corners of Lina’s rather plump lips, her eyes focusing on Vince. With one glance to Nikki she noticed he was seemingly drilling holes into her forehead. His intense stare was enough to make her glance away before he did.
“And you’re not?” Vince teased her in response, stepping aside to let the two groupies go. At this point Lina had her head laid back against the wall she was propped up on, her eyes barely hanging open.
“I tried, wasn’t as fun as expected.” As she spoke she watched Nikki open the door to the bathroom and urge the two groupies out with a simple nod of his chin. The two girls gave him a small look of offense before trading their own looks between each other and then leaving.
“What the fuck, I was totally trying to fuck the red head.” Vince shot out, doing his line before leaving just as fast as the girls did and of course following their trail. Nikki only closed the door behind the singer, leaning on the opposite wall of Lina. Just as he had done to the two groupies, he gave Lina a small nod of his chin, but this time it was for her to go ahead of him.
“A gentleman.” She teased and bent down, doing her business before returning to her spot. The girl’s dark colored eyes fluttered closed behind her thick, mascara covered lashes, leaving Nikki to his own devices. Despite the drugs it was getting harder and harder for her to keep her eyes open. She was definitely past her limit on the alcohol and she could painfully tell.
The only thing that made her open her eyes was the feeling of pressure between her legs, and when she finally looked she was faced with Nikki who towered over her, his knee pressed between her thighs. Almost instinctively Lina allowed her arms to snake around his neck at their own pace, locking in as he took this as a ‘go.’
His warm lips ghosted his whisky filled breath against the side of her neck, and even though she couldn’t bare to keep her eyes open and her hearing was definitely fading, she thought she heard the door open and close right after, the person swearing when they saw it was ‘occupied.’
“Fuck me, Sixx.” Lina whispered out, the words rather bold even for her, but her voice faded off. The bathroom stayed silent of their voices, until Nikki pulled away to undo his belt buckle and he noticed that Lina’s eyes were seemingly glued shut. Not in a ‘I’m enjoying the moment’ type of way, but as in a ‘I took too many shots and now I need a nap’ type of way.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Nikki hissed in a low voice, his arms wrapping themselves around her frame so he could at least drag her to put her somewhere safe.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Thirty-Six
Table of Content or Part Thirty-Five
Read on wattpad here.
Word count: 3.3k
Warning(s): Explicit language, drug abuse, explicit sexual situations
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @triplehaitches @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi
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"If you weren't such an asshole, he wouldn't have to take up for me!" I bark at Nikki as he tipsily stumbles around, ranting at me about my "fucking friend not minding his own god damn business" nearly a week ago, as the guys and Doc just look on, not knowing what the hell either of us are talking about.
"I'm an asshole?! Like you don't get me riled up and then play victim?!" He throws at me.
"Like it takes very much to get your tweaked-out ass riled up!" I point at him.
"Bitch!" He sneers out.
"Fuck up!" I hiss back.
Duff wasn't even out of line with Nikki. He had kept calm and advised Nikki to cool down and then come back and talk to me instead of getting himself and me upset.
Nikki hadn't let on if he minded Duff's intervening to defend me, until a week later, because he was taking it as Duff trying to tell him how to be married to me as if he knew me better than Nikki did, which wasn't at all Duff's intention.
Compared to the number I've seen Duff do on guys during a fist fight, Nikki was lucky he didn't lay him out in the driveway. However, he would eventually know what it felt like to be punched in the face by Duff during the "Girls" tour.
Duff was good at keeping his cool until the people he cared about became involved, and if he had been drinking a lot--which, towards the early 90s, that was the case--his temper could surpass mine, and he worried less about legalities and just started decking people as hard as he could.
I knew he struggled with the band, they weren't as close, Steven had been replaced by Matt Sorum, Izzy got sober and began distancing himself to stay sober, and to top off the disconnect from each other, Axl had become God in his own mind, which caused the fans, the band, and the people around him to suffer.
Once I realized his drinking and drug use became so overzealous, our agreement which was arranged out of court, that each of us have two weeks with Monroe a piece, became an arrangement that I had sole custody but took Monroe to visit his father for a few days out of the month. Duff was struggling so badly to keep it together with his mental health, addiction, and ailing of his band, that he didn't really notice I had our son more than he did.
If he had been a baby and wouldn't remember his father throwing back Solo cup after Solo cup of vodka, putting cocaine in the end of his cigarette and smoking it, and not acting like himself, I would have just left Monroe in the care of Tansy (since she was fully sober then) and let him stay around for two weeks.
But he was four when Duff started speeding down hill, and he was picking up on when his dad wasn't talking right and when he was acting weird, everything he saw that no one knew he was paying attention to...then he'd come back to me and Nikki after visiting and tell us about everything he had absorbed like a sponge: uncle Izzy traveling separately from the band, Dad being really cold and shivering until he got some water, uncle Axl not singing until a lot of people went home...that's when I decided to cut back time spent with his father and accompany him through his visits.
At first I thought I would be fine staying the two weeks out of the month with Monroe, but Axl and I couldn't quit fighting a majority of the time (because he was a jackass) and I came to the conclusion that Duff had enough on his plate and didn't need me to add to it by trying to punch Axl every chance I got for two weeks straight. So I cut it back to about five days out the month while they were on tour. When they weren't touring and I didn't have to be around Axl, Monroe and I would stay with Duff for about a week and a half.
Being that Nikki was more conscious than Duff, he took up where Duff had left off in the fathering department from '92-'94. This isn't me bashing the dad of my first child, either. Duff is and always will be a phenomenal father, but he stumbled for a few years, leaving Nikki to become the father Duff was supposed to be until Duff got his shit together, like Duff became the man for me that Nikki was suppose to be until Nikki got his shit together.
"Um..." Vince says, causing the both of us to glare at him. "...Can we rehearse now?"
He, Tommy, Mick and Doc were all patiently waiting for Nikki and I to finish our quarrel.
"Yeah." I sigh out. "Have a good rehearsal. I'll be at Tansy's." I head to the door.
"I hope you crash." Nikki gets one last jab in.
"I hope you OD." I leave them with the slamming of the studio door and step to my car.
Of course I didn't actually want him to OD, I just wanted to hurt him. And I did.
By the time it was time for the U.S. tour of Theater of Pain, our hands were being pinned behind our backs, and Doc was giving us a "get along or there's no Vivian Sixx on the tour" promise.
Although we were in the middle of a small battle and wanted nothing more than for the other person to wave their white flag and beg for forgiveness, Nikki didn't want to imagine going months without seeing me, and I was scared if I wasn't on tour to keep an eye on him, he would take his issues too far.
So we made up for the sake of each other's sanity, but again, never discussed what exactly happened to make us fight to begin with, and just harbored resentment we didn't realize we were holding onto until we started taking it out on each other later on.
The tour starts in upstate New York, then to Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and all went great...until Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Nikki's coming to the side of the stage where me and his tech are standing, and I think he's reaching for some water while Tommy plays his drum solo, but before I can reach down and grab a bottle from the cooler behind me, Nikki's saying words I always dread hearing.
"Help me, dude." He tells his tech, starting to pull his arm out of his navy and white polka-dotted costume.
"What?" I ask Nikki, before my face pales, seeing him pull a needle out of his boot, and a spoon before handing the lump of tar to him. "You cannot be fucking serious?" I spout over the booming of Tommy's playing.
"Nobody out there can fucking see me, Viv, chill out." He tells me as a piece of tar is melted down with a lighter underneath the spoon.
The fact that it's so casual for him to do this in front of me, is startling.
"Nikki, this can't wait?" I try to reason with him as the spoon is discarded to the floor once the gold is sucked up through the needle.
The syringe is handed back to him, and Tommy's solo is nearly over.
I have to squeeze my eyes shut and turn my head as Nikki plunges the needle into his skin, throws up, then stumbles back on stage, nearly missing his cue.
When the drugs started to override his need for a great performance, I knew he was gone.
I get out of the shower, ringing my hair out and running my fingers through it, hearing the phone in the hotel room ring.
When I go to answer it, Nikki and Tommy are grabbing at it, shewing me away.
"Hello?" They both obnoxiously say and I roll my eyes.
The person on the other side of the phone says something.
"Oh, hey, Duff." Nikki smirks, glancing at me and I give him a "you better be fucking nice" look.
"Hey, Buddy." Tommy adds.
"Viv? Yeah, she's here." Nikki tells him and I step to them, reaching my hand out to grab the phone, thinking he's going to give it to me. "Well, she can't really talk right now with my dick down her throat."
My eyes bug out of my head as I tackle Nikki and yank the phone from him while he and Tommy laugh loudly.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Hey, s-sorry to interrupt but I was just gonna call and check how it's been going." Duff replies.
"It's great." I assure him, leaving out the heavy drinking and drug binge Nikki and Tommy have been on.
"How's Nikki been? Is he still pissed at me?"
"No, no, he's been..." I think of what to say. Shooting heroin on stage? Coked out and shooting Jack Daniels with Tommy? "...great." I finally say, seeing Nikki and Tommy biting each others ankles like dogs.
"I'm sorry again if I overstepped, Viv. I didn't mean to, I just got a little pissed." He tells me.
"Duff, he's fine, I promise." I state, seeing Tommy and Nikki start wrestling, completely oblivious to my conversation. "It's fine. I'm use to his tantrums."
"I don't think that's healthy, Viv." He tells me calmly and I let out a breath.
"He's just stressed out, they all are. It'll get better once this tour is done."
"And what happens next tour?" He asks me.
Nikki's affair is outed on television, I try to kill him, your band comes on tour with them, and you get me knocked up...
"I'm hoping he'll be over this hellion phase by then." I admit, Tommy and Nikki each have handfuls of each other's hair, yanking on it, still not paying me any attention.
"Maybe it's not my place, but from outside looking in, I'm worried about you, Viv."
"I know, I know, but there's no need to." I reassure him.
He let's out a breath, knowing he can't win, and gives up for now.
"I feel like the fucking brick wall you argue with." He tells me and I smile, rubbing my lips together, before seeing Nikki and Tommy finish their play fighting, standing up, looking like they're about to leave.
"Hey, I gotta go but I'll call you when we get to the next city, alright?" I tell him.
"Oh, yeah, that sounds good." He replies. "Goodnight, love you."
"Love you, too." I reply before hanging up just as Nikki and Tommy sneak to the door. "Where do you two think you're going?" I ask and they freeze.
"Uh, well..." Tommy stutters to come up with an excuse, but Nikki just doesn't give a shit.
"Score some stuff." He tells me and I cross my arms over my towel.
"Tommy, can you give us a second?" Nikki says it like the answer can't be "no."
Tommy just raises his brows a little and nods.
"Sure, man, I'll be in my room when you're ready." He tells him, stepping out.
Nikki shuts the door behind him and I wait for him to start a fight, my brow raised, an expression of "can't wait to hear what audacious bullshit comes out of your mouth this time" is plastered all over my face when he turns around.
As far as I can tell, he hasn't snorted, shot up or smoked anything in the past hour and a half, which means I'm not facing the absolute devil that goes by the name "Sikki" and is Nikki's evil, drug loaded, irritable, mean, scary, abusive, demonic, sadistic, cruel, vindictive, disgusting alter-ego.
Nikki rolls his jaw a little with each step to me, but I don't cower back, waiting for him to say whatever it is he is going to say.
His hands bunch at my towel, pulling me against him.
He doesn't say a word, and I keep my arms crossed until he holds back the inkling of a smirk, leaning down to press a small kiss where my shoulder and neck meet.
I know what he's doing, because I do it to him all the time: using sex to get what he wants.
I bite my tongue to keep from moaning when we realizes I'm not budging and ups the anti, the tip of his tongue making slow, figure-eights in the same spot.
I feel like someone's knocked the back of my knees loose with a baseball bat, and I have to uncross my arms and hold tightly to him to keep from falling down.
He completely engulfs me in his arms at the sound of me letting out a whimper, my fingers grabbing at his hair, my legs rubbing themselves together to aid some relief.
His hands pull at my towel, discarding it to the floor, pressing his lips along my chest, over my breast, running his tongue around my nipple skillfully.
Hands run themselves between my legs while teeth carnally tug and bruise my skin, sending a wave of heat from my chest to my dripping core.
His mouth moves to my other nipple, but my real undoing is when his teeth trail down to the rib below my right breast, and bite down.
I gasp out, arching into him, my head tips back as he adds a bruise to the skin there that's already scarred with his teeth imprints collected over the years.
He smooths his tongue over the bite before trailing down my stomach, pressing to my pubic bone.
He pulls one of my legs over his shoulder as he gets on his knees, pressing gentle kisses down my inner thigh.
My chest is heaving with loss of breath as he looks me in the eyes and runs tongue from my entrance to my clit.
I dig my nails into his hands that hold steady at my waist as the slick sound and euphoric feeling of his tongue lacing back and forth and side to side against the sensitive nerve endings.
He pulls away for a moment, only to spit between my legs and suck it off my pussy, making my one standing leg go numb at the sensation.
Shallow pants leave my mouth as I start moving in rhythm with him, one of my hands reaching for his hair, pulling at it.
He takes one of his hands from me before rubbing it against my folds, getting his fingers wet, and sliding them into me.
The thick, fullness has my walls tightening around the two digits, eager to please myself as his tongue massages my clit, and my fingers come up to play with my own nipples.
"Nikki." I let out shakily, his fingers curling inside of me, pulling back out, pushing back in only to repeat. "Fuck, you do it so good." I praise hoarsely, one of my hands going back to his hair.
His tongue picks up it's pace, sending my heart rate into overdrive as his fingers keep up with the pace.
He knows exactly what he's doing, smirking up at me when his fingers hit the spot, my throat unable to contain the loud but curt moan that the people in the room next to us can probably hear as I milk his fingers as if they're his cock and my orgasm gets closer and closer.
He pulls his mouth away, licking his lips, before using the pad of his thumb from his other hand to rapidly rub at my swollen flesh.
I grip around his fingers so tightly it falters his ability to move them as well, and he lets out a little groan.
"I wish I could be three places at one time." He comments.
If he could be three places in me at one time I would be wrapped around him 24/7.
"C'mon, Viv, I'm getting really thirsty here." He says gruffly, that fucking smirk pulling at a corner of his mouth, as I throw my head back, letting out another loud moan, so close to my end I can taste it.
His hazel eyes looking up at me in adoration as I curl my toes and come so hard I see black dots.
He's taking his fingers out of me, grabbing at my ass with both hands, pulling me into him and licking every last drop of cum from me before I collapse on top of him, the both of us landing on the floor.
He let's out a laugh as I try to catch my breath, my chest pressed against his, my hands holding at his biceps.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, proudly, and I nod.
"I just need a minute..." I can barely get out in a rasp.
After about five minutes, I'm getting off of him and pulling myself onto the foot of the bed.
He stands up, too, stepping to my suitcase, tossing me one of his shirts he gave to me.
"Thank you." I say to him quietly and pull it on and when he pulls his jacket on, I know he's about to go out to get some more smack.
This terrifies me and tears come to my eyes.
"I'll be back in..." He stops talking, furrowing his brows, looking at me. "...Viv?"
I shake my head a little, waving him off.
"I'm fine, babe." I try to tell him.
"Vivian, why're crying." He asks me.
"I-I think I'm about to start my period." I lie, sniffling. "I'm just being over-emotional."
"Are you sure?"
I nod.
"I'll be back in a couple hours, alright?"
I nod again.
"Alright, I'll see you later." He tells me, wiping my tears with his thumb before pressing his lips to mine for a few seconds, and walking out the door.
When I envisioned my life when I was little, getting married at nineteen, having three miscarriages by the time I was twenty-one, having an addict husband, and spending a majority of my nights sleeping alone—which is one thing I absolutely hated to do—was not at all how I dreamt of my life being when I grew up.
But there I was.
Night after night.
City after city.
In pain.
With not a single soul knowing about it.
It's been four hours and Nikki still isn't back.
Restless, I turn over to read the digital alarm clock.
Sighing out, I get out of the bed and go to my suitcase to grab a pair of panties and slip them on, before grabbing one of Nikki's shirts from his bag that smells like him.
I leave the hotel room and head next door to Vince's room, knocking on the door.
After several attempts, the door opens to reveal a very confused, half asleep, blonde girl that isn't Sharise—who's baby is due any day now.
"Hi." I say, hushly, pushing past her. "Did you guys do anything in the bed?" I ask her once I'm standing by the bed and she rubs her eyes, still in a haze.
She mumbles something that sounds like "the shower" and I hold out my room key to her.
"You can go sleep in my bed. Room 223." I say.
She doesn't ask questions, she just wants to go back to sleep.
Once she shuts the door, I'm patting around the mattress to avoid laying on Vince.
I slip in where she was, Vince's back to me.
I seperate his naked body from me by laying on top of the sheet, just letting the comforter guard me from the cool air from the vent, and actually snuggle closer to him, my forehead pressing against his back as I hold Nikki's shirt close to me like it's my sacred baby blanket, and drift off.
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bandzrus · 5 years
The No Fun Tour (Part 3)
The Dirt!Tommy Lee x Reader
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SUMMARY // You’ve been working as a roadie for Motley Crue for a number of years because of your interest in the music business and family connections with Doc.  The boys are touring with Ozzy and things are looking promising for them, but they’re under strict orders to keep the shenanigans down or else their deal with Elektra Records in jeopardy.  After Doc assigned you to watch Tommy for a night and you woke up wrapped in his arms, you’re starting to realize you have more feelings for the drummer than you thought.  You and Tommy have been spending a lot more time together under the guise of babysitting, but things are starting to get more serious.
NOTE // I love how this was supposed to be a one-shot and now it’s turning into a whole damn series lol.  Hopefully part 3 doesn’t disappoint!  Also, it is 1:40am and I feel like I could pass out.  Worth it though.
WORDS // 4918
TAGLIST // @mainly-me @shamelessobsessions @broken-pieces  @calspixie  @shouttatthedevill  @cigarettes-after-sexxx  @thatbandchick39  @buckyofthemyscira  @countrygirlswonderland  @kawennote09 @tommyfuckinlee @miserablecunt @madsthegroupie   @everygoodusernameistaken16  @brooklyn-antiques  @queens-rose-garden  @fandomshit6000  @stevenandsam @ladycrow666  @sandy-anakin @tamedhearts  @cosmicsskies  @repostfanfics  @bella-0104-123  @livingforrt
              “I think I love you.”
              That’s what Tommy had said right before the two of you fell asleep together again.  You kept replaying it over and over again in your mind, and the more you thought about it the more you wanted to say it back.  But you couldn’t.  If Doc or anyone else found out what was going on, you’d be fired on the spot. You’d have to kiss your job goodbye and become one of the many, many women rolling through Motley Crue’s lives. Which you really didn’t want.  So before the drummer woke up the next morning you snuck back to your room, quietly slipping your jacket and shoes back on and stealing across the hall.
              You knew you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep despite how messed up your schedule was from touring with the boys all the time, so you got in the shower and left the water cold.  You thought the icy water would turn your thoughts away from Tommy, but it didn’t. It just made you want to get out and go back over to his bed where it was warm.  Stepping out of the shower, you wrapped one towel around your hair and the other you used to dry your body off.  You frowned as you looked at yourself in the mirror.  Tommy had been drunk off his ass last night, but it was obvious he meant what he said about you.  The question was did he remember saying it?  You knew there was only one way to find out, so you quickly dried off and put fresh clothes on before running a brush through your hair and reapplying your makeup.  Once you were satisfied with your appearance, you called the desk downstairs.
              “Hey, I was wondering if I can get some eggs n’ bacon, and some oatmeal sent up to my room?”
              “For sure, is there anything else you’d like?”
              “That’s all thanks,” you said before hanging up.  Laying the menu back down on the nightstand, you nicked a few of the soaps and shampoos from the bathroom and repacked your single suitcase. It was always handy to have extra soap and shampoo on the bus in case one of the boys threw up in their hair, or on each other.  You’d helped Mick wash Vince’s barf out of his hair in the sink once before, and you’d last count of how many times you’d used a soapy rag to wipe who knows what off the other boys.  And even though that was super gross, you wouldn’t trade those memories for anything. Which was why you and Tommy would just have to keep pretending nothing was going on.
              As you zipped up your suitcase, the phone rang.
              “Hello?” you answered, sitting on the edge of the bed.
              “Y/N, you checked on the boys last night, right?”  
              It was Doc.
              “Yeah, they were all in their rooms,” you answered.
              “They’re still in there?”
              “As far as I know, yes.  Vince has a few extra guests and I sent Nikki back to his room after I visited Tommy’s. I don’t think any of them are awake yet, it’s really early for them.”
              “I’ll send Harry and Dom up to double-check.  I found out last night that we’re still in the negatives and if they cause any more trouble on this tour were in serious trouble,” Doc told you.
              “I’ll check on Nikki and Tommy,” you offered.  “They were pretty wasted last night.”
              “Thanks Y/N.  If Nikki is up can you tell him to meet me in my room?  I’ve got some business to discuss.”
              “Sure thing, boss.”
              With that, Doc hung up and you let out a breath.  You’d check Nikki’s room first, then Tommy’s.  Quietly, you knocked on the bass player’s door.  Nothing.  Using the extra room key that Doc left you in charge of, you opened the door.  It was dark inside, but you could make out empty bottles littering the room, Nikki’s bass, and what looked like a half-finished line of cocaine on the nightstand.  Nikki was passed out on the bed, facedown.  Tip-toeing across the room, you first made sure he was still breathing okay, then rolled him gently onto his side just in case he threw up.  He only had a single boot on, so you pulled it off and threw a blanket over him before you quietly closed the door behind you. He wasn’t going to wake up for at least three or four more hours.  
              Just as you were about to unlock Tommy’s door, the room service came by.
              “Oh, those are for me,” you said, thanking the hotel staff.  Unlocking the door, you wheeled the cart inside.  It wasn’t nearly as dark in Tommy’s room, since he and Nikki had never fully drawn the curtains last night.  The drummer was exactly where you’d left him, curled up on the bed half-naked.  He really looked cute when he was asleep.  So much more peaceful.  You almost didn’t want to wake him up, but you were dying to know if he remembered anything from last night.  Sitting on the edge of the bed, you carefully shook his shoulder.  
              “Hey,” you greeted softly.  His dark hair was all tangled from last night’s escapades.  Using your fingers, you gently started working out the mats. He didn’t smell like alcohol much anymore, just Tommy-smell, which you decided was your favourite.  Brushing a lock of hair out of his face, you watched his eyes fluttered open.
              “Y/N,” he muttered sleepily.
              “Morning Tommy.”
              “What time is it?”
              “Bit after eleven,” you answered.
              “It’s so fuckin’ early,” he moaned, burying his face in his pillow.  
              “I know, but I brought you breakfast.  And painkillers.”
              You reached into your pocket and held out a couple of pills to the drummer.  With a long sigh, he rolled over and propped himself up on one elbow, using his free hand to take the painkillers out of yours and pop them into his mouth.  Grabbing the plate of eggs and glass of water, you gave the glass to Tommy and left the plate next to him on the sheets.  Shimmying up onto the bed and crossing your legs, you ate a spoonful of oatmeal.
              “And bacon,” you pointed with your spoon.
              “Is Gilligan’s Island on?”
              “I doubt it, but I can turn the TV on if you want.”
              Spooning more oatmeal into your mouth, you got off the bed and turned the TV on.  It didn’t look like anything more interesting than the morning news was airing, but Tommy didn’t seem to care.  Oatmeal in one hand, you shook off your boots and clambered back onto the bed next to the drummer who was picking at his eggs absently.
              “My head hurts,” he whined, dropping his fork and pouting up at you.
              “That’s what happens when you get shitfaced,” you smiled back at him matter-of-factly.
              “Is there anything left in the fridge?”
              “You have a few sips left of vodka from last night.”
              With a groan, Tommy rolled out of bed and trudged to the mini-fridge. Opening and closing it, he tipped the remainder of the bottle down his throat and sighed.  
              “Is that your home-made hangover cure?” you asked cheekily.  He narrowed his eyes at you while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
              “Fuck off.”
              You just laughed and ate another spoonful of your oatmeal.  
              “Finish your damn eggs,” you said.  Making a face but doing as he was told, Tommy leaned against the headboard and finished his breakfast, zoning out to the TV.  You shimmied up to the head of the bed too, oatmeal in hand.  Taking another bite, you let yourself relax your shoulder against his.  Sitting in silence.  Watching the morning news.  It was weird, but you liked it.  Usually your morning consisted of cleaning up whatever mess the boys had made while they were still asleep, then hauling their asses out of bed and getting them back on the bus or to whatever interview they had to be at before the show. But since the ‘No Fun Tour’ as Motley Crue liked to call it had started, your routine had been different.  Good different.  But now that you had finished your oatmeal, it was time to take the plunge and see if Tommy remembered anything from last night.
              “Do you remember singing Elvis last night?” you asked.  
              “Mmm yeah I think so.”
              “Nikki wanted you to do your version of Hound Dog for me.”
              “Oh yeaaahhh.  Didn’t I have a tie around my head or something?”
              His hand went to his forehead, searching for it.  You just chuckled.
              “Yes you did, but I took it off while you were puking so you wouldn’t strangle yourself with it later,” you answered.  “I think I left it in the bathroom.  Where’d you even get it?”
              “I think Nikki stole it from Doc’s room.”
              “That sounds right,” you laughed lightly.  “Do you remember anything else?”
              “Why, what did I do?”
              “Nothing… after you finished puking I made sure you got to bed and then I left,” you lied.  He didn’t remember anything after puking.  Part of you was sad, the other part let out a sigh of relief.  If Tommy didn’t remember confessing his feelings to you, you could keep pretending you didn’t know and things would carry on as normal.
              “You okay?” Tommy asked.  You realized you were making a face and quickly wiped your expression.  
              “Yeah, just tired.  You guys keep me up so late all the time.”
              “If you want you can take a nap,” Tommy suggested, patting his pillow.  “I don’t think we have an interview until 3pm.”
              You sighed.  You wanted nothing more than to curl back up next to Tommy and go to sleep.  But you couldn’t.  There was probably stuff Doc wanted you to do.  
              “Nah, I’ll be fine – this isn’t my first rodeo.”
              “If you say so.”
              “I’ve got stuff to do, like getting you dressed.  How many days in a row have you been wearing those same leather pants?” you laughed.  
              “That’s what I thought!  Maybe actually unpack your suitcase for once and change into something else.”
              “Fine,” grumbled Tommy, throwing his legs off the bed and getting up. Sticking his tongue out at you, he peeled off his pants and chucked them across the room.  Dressed only in boxers and mismatched socks, it was pretty hard to wipe the smile off your face.  Or stop staring.  You loved seeing all his tattoos and there were many times you’d stopped yourself from tracing soft fingers over them.  Leaning over his suitcase, Tommy started pulling things out and muttering to himself.
              “Leather pants, leather pants, black t-shirt, leather pants, another black t-shirt, oh look a black tank, more leather pants, jeans, yet another black t-shirt, I think these are underwear… How does leather pants and a black t-shirt sound?”
              He held up the two articles of clothing for you to approve.
              “Very you,” you answered.
              “’S that good or bad?”
              “It’s good.”
              Pulling on the pants first, you reveled in his shirtless-ness for a bit. You’d seen all of the boys shirtless, pantsless, buck-ass nude a hundred times, but this felt different.  It was in the privacy of Tommy’s hotel room, he was sober, and it wasn’t after a show where you’d sometimes give him a shoulder massage if he wasn’t off partying already.
              “You should just go to the interview like that,” you joked, reclining on the bed.  Tommy put one hand on his hip and rant the other through his hair.
              “I’m joking.”
              “Think chicks would dig it?”
              “They definitely would, which is why you should put a shirt on.”
              “You’re cock-blocking me now too, Y/N?”
              “Somebody has to fill Sharon’s shoes,” you shrugged, then laughed.  
              “I hate that bitch.”
              “She’s… not my favourite either,” you admitted.  “But she sure has made my job easier.”
              Tommy tugged his shirt on over his head and wandered into the bathroom to do his hair with a sigh.  You swung your legs off the bed and followed him in, leaning your hip against the counter.
              “Need a hand?” you asked.
              “Would you mind?”
              “Got a comb?”
              “I think there’s one in my suitcase,” answered Tommy.  You went back to his suitcase to look for it and cracked a smile when you noticed he hadn’t been wrong.  It was totally full of nothing by leather pants and black t-shirts. Finding the comb and a can of hairspray, you returned to Tommy’s side.  
              “Sit on the toilet,” you ordered.  The drummer did as he was told, and you started your work on his dark hair. Teasing and spraying, it was something you’d grown very good at very fast.  The boys were pretty good at doing their own hair and makeup, but for shows they liked having you help them.  Giving one more good puff of hairspray, you stepped back to admire your handiwork.  
              “All done.”
              “Whatever would we do without you?” Tommy fake swooned.  
              “Walk around looking like electrocuted rats in drag,” you answered.
              “Fuck, you’re mean!”
              “Just being honest,” you said, raising your hands in surrender.
              “You barely knew how to do your own hair before you got this job!”
              “Did too!”
              “Did not.”
              “Did too!”
              “Did not!”
              Tommy got up from sitting on the toilet and you had to lift your head to look him in the eyes, he was so freaking tall.
              “Did too!��� you insisted.  
              “Did not!”
              “DID T- WHY ARE WE ARGUING ABOUT THIS?!” you snapped.  The drummer just laughed.
              “You look so cute when you get mad,” he said, crinkling his nose.  You could feel yourself blush and quickly ducked out of the bathroom to put the comb and hairspray away.
              “I should probably go see if Doc needs me for anything,” you said, quickly changing the subject.  Shoving Tommy’s clothes back into his suitcase for him because you knew he’d never do it himself, you zipped it up and then made for the door.  Pausing for a moment with your hand on the handle, you turned to Tommy.  “Don’t cause any trouble, okay?”
              “I make no promises.”
              You rolled your eyes and left his room anyway.  Closing the door behind you, you leaned against it for a minute to catch your breath.  Great. Just great.  Pretending you didn’t have feelings for the drummer was going to be a lot harder than you thought.
              Shaking your head to clear it, you decided it would be best to visit Doc and get back to your regular roadie duties.  You knocked on his door and waited for a reply.
              “It’s Y/N,” you announced.  You could hear some movement inside the room and then the door opened.
              “Nikki awake?”
              “Nope, he’s passed out on his bed.  I rolled him over though so if he pukes he shouldn’t choke.”
              “You are way too good to those boys,” sighed Doc, motioning for your to take a seat on the chair by the window.  “They don’t deserve you.”
              You laughed.
              “You’re probably right.”
              “Tommy seems to be behaving himself.”
              “He ate his eggs n’ bacon this morning.”
              “He’s up already?  You really must be magic.”
              You blushed and looked out the window.
              “I doubt it’s magic,” you said.
              “Whatever it is, it’s keeping us out afloat right now.  Elektra called this morning and said things are looking better.”
              “Glad I could help then.”
              “I don’t know what we’d do without you.  You and Sharon, damn, that woman has been a colossal help,” sighed Doc, rubbing his temple.
              “Yeah but the boys hate her.  They’ve nick-named this ‘The No Fun Tour’.”
              “Well I’ll agree with them on that, Elektra’s been riding my ass the whole time.”
              “Try not to let it get to you, the boys need you,” you told him, smiling gently.  Doc gave you a weary smile back.
              “Harry and Dom checked in on Mick and Vince, so if you want to head back to the bus and collect any laundry then we should be all good and ready for the interview at three.  Once they’re on that bus let’s keep them there until the show.”
              “Sounds good, boss,” you replied, bidding Doc farewell and heading out of the hotel.  Doing the laundry was actually one of your more favourite duties since it gave you some well-needed alone time.  
                Sure enough, by the time you had finished the band’s laundry and everyone else’s on the bus, it was time to get everyone back on the road and to the interview. Getting everyone on was always like herding cats.
              “Vince, you have to tell them they can’t come along,” Harry said, hands on his hips.  The blond singer still had his hands on the two girls you had heard in his room last night.
              “Sorry ladies, the band’s got to get going to an interview.  You can see them tonight at the show,” you told them, handing each of them a flyer and waving them off.  They both gave you dirty looks like you were stealing their man. Harry sighed and you patted him on the shoulder.
              “Don’t worry man, you’ll get it eventually.  Now Vince, get on the bus,” you pointed.  Turning around, Nikki was arguing with Doc about something, and the other two boys must have been on the bus already because they were nowhere in sight. Climbing the steps, you saw Mick who was leaning against one of the windows with sunglasses on, probably trying to get some more sleep in despite the chaos.  But no Tommy.  Scanning the bus, you were about to check the back room when a chin on top of your head stopped you.
              “Hey, Y/N.”
              It was the drummer.  Draping his arms over your shoulder, you blew a lock of misplaced hair out of your face.
              “Hi Tommy.”
              “Whatcha up to?”
              “Herding cats,” you answered, lifting his arms up so you could escape. “Now go sit down so I can make sure everyone’s on the bus.”
              Going back outside, you helped Doc get everyone on board, and then you were off to the interview.  It was one for TV, so it would probably be over an hour.  TV interviews were nice because it meant someone else was in charge of the band for a while and you could get some rest.  Your plan for today was to take a nap like Tommy had suggested, though it wouldn’t be in a nice hotel bed it would just be on one the couches in the bus.  
              When the bus arrived at the building where the interview was, you bid farewell to Motley Crue and made them swear to you they’d behave or else you’d tell Shanon.  They all either swore at you or flipped you off, but you smiled anyway.  You really did love them, and you loved your job. Once they were safely inside and under someone else’s control, you let out a long breath and retreated to the comfort of the bus.  Leaning back on the couch, you were asleep in minutes.  
                It was over an hour later that you woke up, groggy and confused from your nap. The band was back from their interview, each a little buzzed from whatever drinks they had been offered, and Mick had a sandwich in his hand.  
              “You’re back,” you mumbled, running a hand through your hair and sitting up.
              “And you took a nap,” said Tommy.
              “How’d the interview go?”
              “Ahh same old questions, nothing too interesting.  They gave us shots though.”
              “And sandwiches,” you pointed at Mick.  “You guys going to be ready for the show tonight?”
              “If we’re actually allowed to have some fun beforehand, then yeah.”
              “I’ll see what I can do,” you smiled, patting Tommy’s knee before getting up to talk with Doc.  You had a plan to help get Sharon off their backs, but you thought it best to run it by him first.
              “Hey Doc, do you think you can spare me for a bit during set up?  If I can get Sharon talking, then the boys can have some time to themselves if you know what I mean.”
              Doc sighed.
              “That woman has done wonderful things for us on this tour, but you’re right, the boys need some time before the show.  Yes.”
              “I’ll do my best.”
                Talking to Sharon Osbourne turned out to be easier than you thought.  You had lots and lots of stories to tell about Motley Crue’s escapades and she seemed content to listen to them, cluck her tongue, and gasp a little in horror.  You thanked her repeatedly for helping keep the boys in line, knowing full-well they were all getting high and shit-faced as you two spoke.  They liked to party, and so did everyone at their shows, so getting their energy up was what you had to help them do.  You and Sharon walked around outside the venue for a good long time before you finally bid her farewell and went back inside to deal with whatever mess Motley Crue had created in your absence.  They had gone onstage by the time you arrived, and you could just hear the music begin to play.
              You still loved hearing them play, even after hearing the same songs over and over again.  Hearing the crowd cheer and shout the lyrics back to them was still cool every night. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what it felt like to actually be up there.  Gathering empty bottles and other garbage together, you did your best to clean up the greenroom.  You weren’t part of tech and all the heavy lifting had already been done while you were talking to Sharon, so you snuck up to the stage and stood in the wings with some of the other roadies to watch the show.  It was one hell of a show, but the real fun started afterwards.  
                You were always preoccupied doing takedown when the band came offstage, so when you finally wandered back into the greenroom, the party was already in full swing.  The opening band was there, along with a dozen or more girls, Mick had a bottle in his hand, Vince had two girls swooning all over him, Nikki was doing lines off some girls bare chest, and Tommy was flirting with some leggy blonde. You were off duty now, since your only post-show job had been to help take down props, which meant you were allowed to drink.  Grabbing a bottle of whiskey off a table, you tipped back a good portion of it and then wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.  You didn’t get to relax often on tour, so you were going to make the most of your free night.
              “Heeyyy, Y/N,” greeted Nikki, beckoning you over.  “Are you drinking?”  He was eyeing the bottle in your hand with great suspicion.
              “It’s my night off,” you explained, taking another swig.
              “Aaahhh,” Nikki said.  “Welcome to the party then.”  He made a big sweeping gesture with his arms and nearly smacked the girl he had bent over him in the face.  Chuckling, you turned away from the bass player and narrowed your eyes at the blonde Tommy was talking to.  You knew nothing could ever happen between you and the drummer, so him getting together with another girl should have been fine with you.  You’d watched him flirt with hundreds of girls on this tour alone, this shouldn’t have made you as angry as it did.  Lifting the bottle to your lips, you drank half of what was left in it.  There was a boom-box in the corner, and ‘Don’t You Want Me’ by The Human League had just come on.  Swaying your hips, you slowly raised the bottle over your head.  You had always been into dancing – it didn’t take much to get you up on your feet, so with alcohol in your system this was a piece of cake. Flipping your hair and twisting around, you downed the rest of the bottle, then began searching for another. The more you looked at Tommy and the blonde who now had her hands on his bare chest, the more you wanted to drown out your feelings towards him.
              In no time, you had polished off two beers and had started on a third. Vince had disappeared with one of the two girls, and Nikki was gone too.  You weren’t sure where either of them had gone, but you decided it wasn’t your problem.  You were off duty.  You were here to have fun.  Tommy was still there though, but he and his blonde companion had made it to one of the couches.  Or at least the drummer had.  The blonde was kneeling on the floor between his legs.  Knocking back a third of your beer, you scowled.  Typical.  Fucking typical.  At least Vince had some decency; Tommy was just sitting there in the middle of the room getting sucked off by some whore.  Your drunk mind was never a kind one, and you were about to make it worse. Chugging the rest of your drink, you stumbled up to them.
              “Tommy,” you snapped, hands on your hips.
              “Whatttt the hell are you doing?” you slurred.
              “Seriously?  I think it’s pretty obvious what’s happening!”
              “Who’s this blonde haired bitch?”
              “Geezus, how drunk are you?” asked Tommy, eyeing the bottle in your hand.
              “That’s not important, what’s important is the fact that you’re getting a blow job from some… some…”  You never finished your sentence.  Instead, you threw up all over the blonde girl below you.  There was a scream which you figured must have been hers, some swearing from Tommy, and then you were stumbling backwards into a table. Knocking everything on the table to the floor, you barely managed to make it to the safety of the floor before you threw up again.  The blonde was kneeling on the floor in shock, and Tommy was quickly zipping up his pants.
              “Y/N, you okay?”
              “Y-y-yeahh,” you slurred, letting the beer bottle roll out of your hand as you tried to steady yourself.  You’d manage to avoid getting puke on yourself the first time, but not the second. Your shirt and pants were totally ruined.
              “Fuck, Y/N,” breathed Tommy who was crouching by your side with his hand on your shoulder.
              “I’m fffiiiinnne,” you assured him, trying to push him away.  “You have your blonde bitch.”
              “You are so not fine.”
              Grabbing you under your arms, the drummer lifted you to your feet. Stumbling, you let him lead you outside to the bus.  Doc was the only one on board, but you didn’t even notice.  You threw up one more time on your way over, narrowly missing Tommy.
              “Christ, how many drinks have you had?” asked the drummer.
              “Only a fffeww.”
              “Definitely more than a few,” Tommy muttered, helping you to the bathroom on the bus.  You collapsed next to the toilet, gripping the edge for support while the drummer rummaged around looking for a clean cup to put water in.  You had felt good a second ago, and now you felt like shit. Rubbing your face with your other hand, you groaned as you looked down at your ruined clothes.
              “Fuuuckk, my outfit is ruined.”
              Clumsily, you pulled off your shirt and threw it across the small bathroom. Unzipping your gross pants, you attempted to stand up.  Using the wall to brace yourself, you managed to pull your boots and socks off, then your pants, and add them to the pile.  Just as Tommy came back with the cup of water, you leaned over the toilet and heaved one more time.  
              “Geezus, Y/N.”
              He handed you the water and watched as you downed the whole thing in one gulp.  Wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, you could feel your eyes start to prick with tears.  
              “I’m sorry,” you whined.  “I-I ruined your… with that girl, I’m sorry.”
              “I mean yeah, you did, but you’re shitfaced and standing here in your underwear so I forgive you,” replied Tommy.  You watched as him disappear for a minute and come back with his long-sleeve shirt from the first night you two had slept together.
              “Here, put this on.”
              You took it from him and slowly pulled it over your head.
              “I don’t want to puke on this,” you mumbled, looking down at the shirt. “It smells like you.”
              “I don’t think you have anything left to throw up, Y/N.  Now come on, you can lie down in the back.”
              You followed Tommy into the back of the bus to where the big wide wrap-around couch was.  Usually it was littered with junk, or occupied by one of the band members and some girl, but you’d cleaned it today.  You collapsed onto the couch, letting the cool fabric press against your cheek.  All you wanted to do was close your eyes.
              “My head hurts,” you complained, letting your eyelids droop shut.
              “That’s what happens when you get shitfaced,” Tommy said, using your own line against you.
              “Fuck offff.”
              There was the sound of shuffling, and then something was wrapped around your shoulders.  It was Tommy’s leather jacket.
              “Come here.”
              You opened your eyes again.  Tommy was leaning against back of the couch, his arms open.  You crawled into his lap, holding the leather jacket around yourself like cape.  With your face buried in his shoulder and his arms wrapped around you, you fell asleep in an instant.  
Okay there is definitely going to be a part 4 to this because this was way too much of a cliffhanger haha.  I have part 4 planned out already but I’m probably going to try to do more of my requests before I get to it.  As always, let me know if you want me to tag you in anything!
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swiss-cheeze · 5 years
Roxie || Tommy Lee
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A/N: I kind of hate this, I didn’t know how to end it so I just ended it really.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs, physical abuse, verbal (?) abuse (?) maybe (?) idk.
The bus rolled across the rocky road as you and the rest of the band sat out in the front room with Roxie. You sighed softly as you read over the same sentence a third time for the past few minutes, the bus was so quiet and boring that you couldn't concentrate how you normally would, having music would normally be your go-to with your walkman but considering you had left your headphones back in the state you had just left you couldn't exactly do much considering you where only another five hours away from the next stop.
“Hey, Sixx, I keep-” Tommy said quickly as he walked from the bunks to Nikkis seat. You looked up from your book as Nikki handed Tommy something and he quickly snorted it, you cringed softly at the motion. “I keep having this vision, right, where my drum set, it rises up like this…” Tommy brought up his hands flat and rose them slowly as Nikki looked up briefly, “And then bam! Smoke, lights, and the whole thing starts spinning around, and I'm playing drums upside down and…” Tommy paused, '' I should just draw it for you”. The drummer turned around to his fiancee, “hey Rox, you got a pen? Gimme a pen” and then Tommy turned back around to face Nikki, “but, like, a cage or something. I dunno” the drummer sighed as Rox grabbed a pen before fiddling with it, you knew this wasn't good, a weird vibe suddenly came from the girl.
This can't be good, you thought as you watched Roxie play with the pen before looking to Tommy.
“Your Mum’s a cunt” Roxie sneered, your eyes widened as Vince, Mick and Nikki all looked around to Rox. Tommy did the same with the same amount of confusion the rest of you had, you shot a look to Mick and the guitarist simply shrugged softly.
“What? Why would you say that?” Tommy said uncertain to the girls sudden words as he twisted in his seat to look to Roxie, confusion and annoyance written on his face clear as day.
“Because she is. Shes a cunt” Roxie sneered again. Tommy was getting annoyed.
“Quit it.” the drummer said flatly, “gimme the pen alright?” Tommy said as he turned back around to Nikki, mumbling a ‘the fuck?’. This was when Roxie started.
“It's not like she has ANYTHING to do with us getting married” Roxie said annoyingly as she waved her hand around for effect. Tommy turned around to face Roxie as you shared a look with Vince.
“Baby, its sweet, alright? Its-its tradition!” Tommy said trying to prove his point. Roxie stood up annoyed.
“Which tradition!? The mandatory meeting of the cunt!” Roxie shouted as Tommy pointed a finger to Roxies face and quickly half stood up. You placed the bookmark into your book and gave the argument your full attention knowing you would soon need to step in.
“Don't call her that again, you hear me?” Tommy growled as he stared Roxie down before the drummer resumed his position with Nikki. Roxie geared up with a breath as she slammed the pen she had grabbed into Tommys shoulder.
“Here’s your pen!” the woman said aggravated. Tommy backed down into the seat next to him as he turned around quickly.
“OW! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Tommy yelled as he looked to Nikki with confusion and then back to Roxie.
“Fuck you, and fuck your mother!” Roxie yelled and pointed to prove her point. Roxies hair was out of place and a sneer was resting over her mouth as she took a step back as Tommy stood up.
“That's it! This fucking bitch is out of here. Pull over!” Tommy yelled quickly as he pointed towards the driver before grabbing Roxie and pushing her towards the bus door. You sat on the edge of your seat, gearing up to jump in and stop the fight if it got any worse; surely it couldn't, right? “Get the fuck off my bus! Get the fuck out!” Tommy yelled as he continued to push Roxie making the girl stumble with the seating in her way, as Tommy pushed the girl towards the front of the bus Roxie retaliated and pushed Tommy back with all her might. This made you quickly stand up knowing it wasn't going to end well.
“You are such, a spoiled little mama’s boy. ‘Cause you wanna crawl back inside her cunt!” Roxie yelled.
“OI” you yelled, it was directed towards the pair but it didn't stop either of them as Tommy took his swing. The sound gravited throughout the bus and you gasped as your hand covered your mouth.
“Jesus Christ!” Nikki said as Tommy breathed heavily as he stood up properly. Roxie stumbled slightly in her place as she tried to find something to steady her, you could hear her labored breaths as she too couldn't believe what had just happened. The girl flipped her head up as she uncovered her bloodied mouth and looked to her blood covered hand for a moment, letting the action sink in as she looked back to Tommy. The blood covered her red washed lips and fingertips.
“I told you not to say that.” Tommy said breathlessly, “fuck!” his hair was a mess as he quickly ran past you and into the bunks behind you, almost taking you with him in the process with the amount of force he used to get passed you. You looked to Roxie with sympathy as did the rest of the band as her shaking hand came up to wipe her mouth.
“Oh baby” you said softly, you grabbed the nearest box of tissues and quickly walked over to the girl, Roxie looked towards you with fear as she thought you may hurt her too, “no darling, im tryna help” you said softly. Roxie sniffed and nodded as she let you guide her to the nearest seat and tilted her head up by her chin softly to see the damage, you sighed, “I'm gonna go get a wet cloth, stay here” Roxie nodded as you gave her the tissue and she dapped at her swollen lips. You looked to Nikki, Vince and Mick, “make sure she doesnt go, do, or say anything while I'm gone for five seconds okay?” you asked as you stalked behind the door leading to the bunks, back room and bathroom. As you walked towards the bathroom you could hear the ragged breathing from Tommy as well as his fast paced footsteps in the backroom, he obviously knew what he had done and knew he couldn't take it back. You scoffed softly as you entered the bathroom, and put a cloth under some warm water before exiting the bathroom, only to find Tommy looking towards you.
“I- I really didn't-” Tommy started before you cut him off.
“I’ll speak to you after I’ve cleaned up your fucking mess, once again” you said as you sent a death stare to Tommy who physically looked in pain, took a step back, nodded and slumped on the large couch behind him as he placed his head in his hands. Moving back into the front room you saw Roxie nursing a bottle of vodka as the others had gone back to their business, you scoffed and rolled your eyes as you stepped forward and crouched in front of Roxie, the girl let you slip the vodka bottle from her, still trembling, hands and place some on the washcloth. Gripping Roxies chin softly you guided her head up and started the clean up; wiping the swollen lip with the vodka infused cloth, making the girl hissed softly at the sting, before going on with her chin, around her mouth and hands.
“I’m sorry” you heard Roxie say softly as you kiss the girls fingertips softly, a soft sigh left your mouth as you looked to her.
“I hope you do know it is kind of your fault” you said as you dropped the cloth onto the table nearest to you before sitting down on the walkway floor in front of the girl as she took a painful swig of the vodka, her eyes scrunching up from the pain as she nodded.
“I know it is, i dunno why i did it” Roxie said softly as her eyes welled with tears as she looked to you, “can I at least stay on here until the next city?” the girl asked with hope, you were about to respond with a warming smile before Mick cut in.
“I don't think that’d be a good idea,” the man said gruffly, Roxie looked to Mick with sadness as she nodded and sniffed softly.
“Understandable” Roxie said softly as the girl stood up.
“What? No!” you exclaimed quickly as you stood up, “no way are we letting you off here and now,” you turned to Mick and gave the old man a death glare before turning back to Roxie, “you’re staying here until we get to the next city, no questions asked or anything else said” you replied quickly, “it’s only another five hours, after that I’ll personally buy you a plane ticket back to where you live” you said to Roxie, the girl smiled brightfully as she brought you into a strong hug.
“Thank you so much” Roxie said into your neck, you smiled as you hugged the girl back tightly. Nikki sighed as you let the girl go.
“I’m gonna go and talk to Tommy in the back, when we’re done you can put your things back in your suitcase and get ready and everything” you said with a smile. You turned around to walk out the back and shot another glare to Mick who simply stared at you as you left through the door. Walking down the hall filled with bunks and stinking, sweaty stage clothes you stepped over the discarded shoes, underwear, drumsticks and a few baggies of cocaine. You sighed softly as you came to the backroom and opened the door to find Tommy sitting with his elbows on his knees and one of his legs bouncing; deep in though the drummer didn't even notice you had walked in. You coughed. “Ahem” Tommy looked up with wide eyes as he stood up quickly and walked towards you.
“(Y/n), i’m so sorry,” the drummer began as he stood in front of you and held your biceps in a piercing grip. You kept your cool, “is Roxie still here? She's not gonna marry me now, (Y/n) please tell me what's going on instead of gaping there in front of me like a fish out of water!” the drummer pleaded, his voice raising with every word. You looked to Tommy with a dead stare, “WELL?!” Tommy yelled.
Tommys face turned to the right as he stumbled slightly and fell back onto the couch, Tommy looked to you with a confused face and a gaping mouth, “WHAT THE FU-”
“Thomas Lee Bass,” you said calmly, Tommy looked to you as if you had the plague and his eyes widened, “you just punched your now ex-fiance, we are less than five hours away from the next city. You will buy Roxie a new plane ticket back to her own town, you will pay for the taxi she takes and you will pay for whatever flight she wants whether that's first class or business or anything she wants.” you stared at Tommy with a death stare as the drummer looked as if he was a puppy thrown into a wall, “you will go out there and apologise to Roxie for punching her, tell her you’re paying for her plane ticket, the food or drinks she gets and the taxi she uses to get home,” you sat down next to Tommy and placed a hand on his thigh. Tommy sighed and placed his head in his hands.
“Roxie kind of started it” the drummer mumbled, you sighed softly as your hand came to Tommy's back and rubbed his sweaty back.
“I know” you said softly, “she knows too, but you’re the one who took the swing when you knew you should have been the bigger person” you said softly. Tommy nodded as he leant into your touch and your side, you sighed softly as you let Tommy cuddle into your side as the drummer put his face into your neck and sniffled.
“I-I really liked her” Tommy whispered as he got comfortable in your arms and you placed your head on Tommys.
“I know Tommy, we liked her too” you said softly, “but” you sighed softly as you recalled what Nikki had told you a week ago, “Nikki has been fucking Roxie since the Looks That Kill shoot, even Doc knows” you said softly. You felt Tommy slump against you as if he knew already.
“I thought so, he does it with every girl I come in contact with” Tommy said softly, “he can have her if he wants” the drummer sniffled softly as you kissed the top of his head.
“It’ll be okay Tommy, you’ll find someone. I know so, these are just bumps in the road” you said softly as you played with Tommys hair, the drummer snuggled into your neck as he let the previous events of today play out in his mind over and over.
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
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Wendy and the Lost Boys Chapter 8
It was the week of Valentines Day and it marked two months since Nikki had seen Sasha. She hadn’t come to any of their shows or slept at the apartment. He hadn’t seen her at any of her favorite spots that he had been casually dropping by. There was no reason why he should go looking for her; if he saw her he didn’t know what he would even say to her. He couldn’t just say he was sorry because they had decided they were exclusive. Even though he had technically done nothing wrong he was feeling bad for his actions.
They had a few shows on the 12, 13 and 14th at the Whisky coming up and Nikki wanted to call and invite her to one. He could use a stupid excuse like the band wanted to see her or that they had a new song to play. If he could just lure her back out maybe when he saw her things wouldn’t be awkward or weird. He was standing in front of the payphone willing himself to make the call. He dialed her sorority house and when he got the busy signal cursed. What did he expect trying to call a house of girls the week of Valentine’s Day?
“Why are you on the payphone?” He turned to see Tommy looking at him, “Is Lita still at the apartment?” The drummer rolled his eyes when Nikki nodded to confirm this, “Get her to leave before band practice. She’s been stuck to your side for two months without leaving. Everyone wants time to just rehearse without her butting in.” For Tommy to say something meant that everyone was getting fed up.
“She’s just trying-“
“I don’t care if she’s trying to suck all our dicks and give us hundred dollar bills after. Get her out of the apartment for a couple hours so we can practice.” Tommy interrupted before moving to jump into his van and take off. Band practice was in an hour so he needed to figure out how to get her out before everyone was there.
The door to her room burst open and she glared seeing Tommy standing there. . Sasha had been avoiding him, only seeing him when he showed up for Sunday dinners at home. So him showing up like this wasn’t something that was completely out of character. She could see him still holding the keys to his van which meant he wanted to go somewhere and she didn’t exactly trust him to keep her away from the self prescribed segregation she had given herself to get over Nikki.
“No and get out.” She said flipping through her magazine, she wasn’t going to go along with whatever stupid plan he had. Tommy was moving closer and she watched him pick up her leather jacket and her purse. She shut her magazine now looking around for something that she could defend herself with. “What are you doing?” She asked  as he moved towards her. She screamed, slamming a pillow into his head trying to jump off the bed but slipping and falling half on her face. Tommy took her fall as a great excuse to scoop up the girl and toss her over his shoulder. She tried to point a Ked towards his balls, kicking at him.
“Play nice.” he warned, spinning around the room and then tossing her down. “I want you to come to band practice.” He watched the way that she looked at him, wondering if he was actually being serious. “Nikki is going to get Lita out of the apartment.” He stopped when he saw her eyebrows fold together.
“Is she living with you?” Tommy had said too much and he wanted to back pedal. This was absolutely not what he had wanted to happen. From him not answering she knew what that meant. Her eyes widened slightly, “Are they dating, Tommy? Like is she his girlfriend?” Everything in her wanted him to say no and to laugh it off. She wanted him to say she just hung around the apartment and that Nikki didn’t date but he just looked down trying to take a long time to find and light a cigarette.
“You know how Nikki is-“
“Yeah I do know how he is.” She snapped this at a Tommy and he could see she was upset. This anger had settled on her face with tears threatening to fall out of her eyes, “I want to punch him in the face.” She admitted as she started pacing around the room. “Why am I not good enough for him but she is? He told me a bunch of times he doesn’t date people. I guess it just means that I’m not good enough.” She had stopped and was looking in the mirror at herself.
“Nikki is just an asshole. You know nothing lasts with him. And you always talk about Len at home so I thought you were moving on from whatever you had with Sixx.” She turned to him giving Tommy a look.
“Don’t bring Len into this. That whole situation is complicated and you have a big mouth. And you’re trying to take the pressure off of me being mad at Nikki.” She added pointing a finger at him in warning. Sasha walked over, flopping on the bed next to Tommy. They both laid down looking up at the ceiling. “Do you think there is something wrong with me? Is that why I can’t be in a normal relationship where someone loves me?” She asked. Tommy reached out grabbing her hand.
“Nikki doesn’t love anybody. I don’t even think he really likes himself. I think Lita just walked into his life and he’s waiting for her to decide to walk out because he doesn’t know what else to do. It has nothing to do with who you are. You’re smart and beautiful. But sometimes you forget you’re only 18. You have a minimum of ten years before you should get married. Maybe you should just have fun. Forget Nikki, Forget Len. Just have fun.” She rolled her eyes at him. She was a serious person and that’s what was fun to her.
“I can’t forget Len and I’ve avoided Sixx for two months so I’m doing great there.” She knew avoiding Nikki wouldn’t fix anything but staying away from him meant she didn’t make any mistakes. Like kissing his stupid face or punching it. Both emotions seemed to be appropriate for him.
“Come to band practice.” Tommy asked. “Like forget about Sixx and just come and hang out with everyone. You can get drunk on the couch and throw beer cans at us like when we first started.” He knew she wasn’t going to come and the way she rolled over onto her stomach made him sigh, “Just stop by one day and stop letting Sixx ruin the Strip for you.” He warned, getting off the bed. Sasha shot him a look and he was gone. And all the problems were still there.
It was June 1st when she finally got the courage to finally show up at the house. The only reason she found herself at the house was because she had moved home for the summer and didn’t want to be home. So it was close to one in the morning when she was crawling through the window to a packed apartment, trying to take in everything that was going on.
Her eyes scanned trying to see where everyone was and just trying to get to Tommy’s room where she would lock herself until he tried to get in. She saw Vince being pulled into the bathroom by some random girl, Mick was in the kitchen grabbing a bottle of vodka with his back to her, Tommy was sitting next to someone talking excitedly with a mountain of cocaine in front of him, and Nikki was nowhere to be found. Not having eyes on the bassist left her unsettled. She kept her head down as she slid past people turning the door knob to Tommy’s room and pushing the door open. She said a silent prayer of thanks that the room was empty.
“Bedrooms are off limits.” A voice made her turn and she saw Lita was standing there, hands on her hips. She didn’t seem to recognize who Sasha was and for some reason that made her even angrier. She threw the backpack she had filled onto the bed and just slammed the door turning the lock and tucking a chair under it. She heard the smacking of a hand, “HEY. YOU NEED TO GET OUT.” Sasha lit a cigarette, knowing that her hope of staying out of sight until the morning was out. There was the sound of knocking and the door knob was shaking.
“HEY, open up.” It was Tommy’s voice now and she knew this was her chance to stay hidden. She opened the door a crack grabbing his arm and yanking him inside and slamming herself against the door so no one saw her as she locked it, “Listen babe, I can’t just let you-Sasha!” He couldn’t believe she was in his room.
“I need to stay here because I didn’t figure out my summer apartment so I’m living at home.” She ranted. Tommy just waved her off.
“If you’re here, you need to party. No hiding in this room. We’re all talking about Canada. You need to come with us.” He was already pulling her out of the bedroom back to the party. Sasha knew this was going to happen so she had dressed up a little in a skin tight short dress in white.
“Canada, what the-“ she was cut off as they entered the room again and she saw him. He was laughing leaning against the wall by the window. Nikki looked up when Tommy was rushing back into the living room and his smile faltered seeing Sasha there. She nearly tripped over her own feet as she was pulled into the couch, her eyes snapping away from the intense look the bassist was giving her. The feeling of her stomach doing flips made her feel sick and she wished she had just called Len instead of showing up at the house. It had been half a year and still just a Nikki looking at her made her forget how to breathe. She drank the beer pressed into her hand and tried not to turn and look again the green eyes she could feel staring into her.
Since Tommy had pulled her out of the bedroom Nikki couldn’t stop watching her. She was beautiful in that white dress, standing out among all the black shirts and leather jackets. Even in the chaos he could hear her laughter. Thank God Lita was there keeping him anchored or he’d go over and say something to her that would probably ruin his whole Nikki Sixx persona. She was practically holding a band meeting towards the end me of the night. The guys all huddled up with her heads bent as she explained something.
“Nikki, come here.” Vince called out. He watched the way she looked up at his name, the long eyelashes dancing to keep her gaze off him. He untangled himself from Lita watching the dirty look she shot over to the table.  “Sasha figured out how to do your publicity stunt in Canada.” He looked up at her, cocking an eyebrow at her. She looked at Nikki, her heart aching thinking of everything. She tore her eyes away from them standing up and smirking.
“I’ll talk to your manager tomorrow. But I’m going to bed now. Goodnight, kids.” He was jealous of the way she smiled at the other guys ignoring him big he also knew that she still must have felt something if she was leaving from him being so close. When she had slipped into Tommy’s room he heard Vince sigh.
“She is still pissed at you.” Vince pointed out making Nikki glare at him, “Wait until she finds out you’re moving out with Lita when we get back from Canada. She’s going to be thrilled.” He was so thankful for all his bandmates' support and understanding in the situation. They really did such a good job of making everything easier.
“Isn’t your wife pregnant at home?” Nikki asked making the singer glare at him, “Angel isn’t mad at me. Everything happened months ago and we never even had sex so it’s not a big deal.” He had given them too much information.
“Wait you didn’t even bone and you’ve both been moping around for six months?” Tommy asked, his mouth partly open. A hand of Nikki’s shoulder stopped the conversation as they all looked up at Lita.
“Who didn’t bone?” The guys all were silent and Nikki knew he had to get them out of them. He stayed silent moving to step outside of the apartment. He needed a second to collect his thoughts. He sat down in the chair that was outside to figure things out. There had never been a time where seeing a girl had absolutely consumed him like it had with seeing Sasha. He didn’t know why the time between them didn’t help. He still wanted to be around her and touch her; how did she get even more attractive in the time they were apart?
“Do you have a cigarette?” The voice brought Nikki out of his thoughts and he noticed the sun was starting to rise. Sasha was outside in her keds, shorts and a tshirt. Nikki realized he must have fallen asleep on the plastic chair. He handed her the pack, watching her light up the cigarette and sigh out a breath. “Tommy said I could come to Canada for your tour but I figured I’d ask you if it was okay first. I don’t want to step on any toes.” He could smell her shampoo and a new perfume. She looked at him and he realized he was supposed to respond.
“I’m sorry.” Her eyebrows furrowed together confused and then realization settled on her features. “I don’t even know what happened. I was thinking about you and then I was home with her and she just hasn’t left.” Nikki always articulated so now that he wasn’t being his cool calm self he was feeling off kilter.
“So I take it as it’s fine if I come on tour. Thanks.” She flicked her cigarette off the balcony and shook Tommy’s van keys at him. “You need to drive me to meet with your manager.” She threw the keys at him and he smirked feeling a little better knowing she would be back around them.
“RUN.” Tommy screamed pulling Sasha down the hallway. They skidded around a corner, the police hot on their trail. They ripped the door open to the stairs and he shoved her into the hallway before taking off in another direction. Sasha ran up the two flights of stairs and down the hallway slamming her fist on the door to Mick's room. When he didn’t answer she moved to Vince’s room.
“OPEN THE DOOR YOU ASSHOLE.” She gave it a kick and saw the door next to his open and Nikki stick his head out. She could hear footsteps and dove inside, shutting the door behind her and taking a deep breath. There was the sound of running and she bit her lip to keep in the laughter.
“What did you do?” He asked watching how she threw herself into the bed. She was obviously shitfaced or fucked up on something. Which seemed to be how things were going for the last week. Since she had showed up at the apartment she had been making moves for them and staying constantly fucked up. It had gotten so bad Nikki had asked Tommy what happened but no one knew.
“Tommy and I did mescaline.” She giggled at this and Nikki tried not to smile at how happy she seemed to reveal this. “And we were walking around and this dude came towards us and he was getting big and small like an accordion.” She started giggling again, kicking off her shoes. “So I told Tommy and he threw a plate at the guy. And we started throwing stuff at all these people chasing us around the halls.” She was wiggling out of her shorts and he had no idea what the fuck she was doing. “But we ran out of room service and the police came. So we had to run.” That’s how she had ended up here. She pulled off her shirt and he groaned seeing she was now just in her white underwear. “I’m tired from all that rubbing.” She said with a yawn, “Cmon, I’m probably going to have to bail Tommy out of jail in a few hours and I want to sleep.” She was laying in his bed, telling him to come in there with her but Nikki gave her the space and just let her fall into her sleep. As much as he wanted everything to be okay with her he knew she was going through something and trying to hide with the band. He just needed to find out what was going on with her.
The sun was hitting her back, warm and comforting, dragging her out of the deep sleep that she had fallen into. Sasha felt like she had been running around all night and that she had been hit with a sledgehammer. She groaned burying herself deeper in the pillow that smelled oddly like- She sat straight up the covers falling off her as she looked around the room. It was at least empty so there would be no awkward moment where she would have to talk to Nikki. The phone rang and since she was afraid that it would be Tommy calling from jail she reached out to answer it.
“Is this Nikki’s room?” a voice on the other line asked when she said hello. Sasha yawned, looking around and confirming that it was. She needed to get dressed and shower before going and finding everyone, “Why are you in my boyfriend's room?” she opened her mouth pulling the receiver away from her ear. Of course Lita was calling at 9am to check in Nikki when he was on tour. That was a sign of how much she trusted the bassist but also it was fair seeing who he was.
“Oh no, no no no. I did not sleep with Nikki. I did a bunch of drugs with Tommy, ran from the cops and ended up in his room to hide from them. I wouldnt have sex with Nikki well he is dating you.” She wanted to establish this understanding so maybe they could be friends. She got along fine with Vince’s wife and Beth knew she wasn’t a threat. Sasha watched as the door to the room opened and the woman's boyfriend walked in holding a tray with coffee and breakfast on it. He stopped seeing her sitting on the edge of the bed topless on the phone. She held out her hand signaling the coffee not seeing to notice that her tits were out. Nikki smirked giving her the cup of coffee watching the way she gave him a big smile.
“Are you on the phone with your boyfriend? Does he know that you spent the night in my bed?” he was trying to tease her thinking that it would be funny to get her in trouble but she just turned white. A pillow went flying towards him and all he did was smile. He didn’t care who got in trouble because of what he was saying. She also realized he didn’t know it was Lita on the phone and not Len.
“What the fuck did he just say?” the woman on the other line asked now getting mad about everything. There was no getting her to like Sasha now. Any idea that they could be friends and things could be nice when she hung out with the band was flying out the window because of SIxx’s big stupid mouth., “BUT HIM ON THE FUCKING PHONE YOU BITCH.” Sasha held out the phone giving Nikki a look like he was an absolute idiot. Now he had gotten them both in trouble from him being a moron
“It’s your girlfriend, Sixx. And now she knows I spent the night naked in your bed.” she said it loud enough that the woman would hear. That smile that she had blossoming across her face thinking that she was doing something to get him in trouble. Instead of taking the phone and talking to her Nikki just hung it up. Watching how her face fell realizIng that he wasn’t going to get into trouble like she had wanted for him.
“Don’t answer the hotel room phone, Angel. That’s just asking for trouble.” he threw her a shirt from the chair watching the way she smirked as she pulled it on, taking a sip of the hot coffee. The phone rang and she looked at it. “Tommy is sleeping off a very bad hangover in the room so there is no reason to answer that phone.” he watched her drink down her coffee, not talking to him for a second.
“Thanks for letting me crash here last night. Sorry that I answered the phone.” Nikki shrugged his shoulders. He wasn’t going to let her get arrested, “Can we talk about something and you can’t make it weird?” she asked after a few minutes of them eating in silence. He looked up at her wondering what would be weird of her to ask.
“I’m not going to get weird from a question, angel.” as he said this his heart started to race and he had to lick his lips as he felt like his mouth was starting to go dry from the nerves building in his stomach. Sasha sat on the bed, her hands wrapped around the ceramic cup wearing one of the Motley Crue shirts he had taken. He always imagined a life like this, a girl in his bed wearing his band stuff but seeing that it was Sasha there was something different. It was like at this  moment he was doing exactly what he wanted to be doing with exactly who he wanted to be with. All the ideas he had of letting her sow her wild oats were gone and NIkki wanted to be selfish and just have her. She could grow up with him and he’d show her everything that she would need or want  to experience.
“It’s about Len.” she gulped and her eyes flashed down at what was probably lukewarm coffee back up to look at  him, “And I think it’s about you too.” she made eye contact again with him. Sasha needed to ask him about why he didn’t want her and the awkwardness from the conversation was already weighing heavy, “Is there something about me that makes it so that guys don’t want me?” his eyebrows furrowed in. “I mean, Len and I got into this big fight because-” she paused as a pink blush warmed her cheeks and her hand went to touch her neck. He hadn’t seen her so uncomfortable before and didn’t like how uncomfortable she was getting talking about this. There was a knock on the door making them both look up.
“Nikki, it’s me. We need to have a band meeting now. I have everyone with me.” Sasha audibly groaned hearing the manager's voice. Of course there would be a full band meeting when she was just starting to talk to him again.She was on the bed in just his shirt too, awesome, she thought as she watch Nikki open up the door and all the band coming in. Mick saw her first and just shook his head at her, Tommy gave her a confused look but sat next to her on the bed taking her half a cup of coffee, and when Vince came in he started clapping.
“FINALLY!” he cheered smacking Nikki on the back like he was proud of him. He moved over trying to ruffle her hair but getting smacked in the arm before he could touch her.
“Sit down, Vince.” She muttered, not even bothering to correct them. Sasha got up ready to leave but Tommy pulled her down to sit with them just giving her a slight shake of the head as they all turned to look at the band manager.
“Tonight will be the last show of the tour. We will fly back to LA in the morning. I bought tickets for all the band members.” He gave a pointed look to Sasha to let her know she would be on her own for airfare, “We’ve lost money so far and pretty much all the bullshit you’ve guys have done has cost us more money than we have made. So that’s that.” She looked over to where Nikki was, a shattered look on his face as he was trying to process what this guy was saying to them. All the guys had this look of dejection on their face at this. “But when you get back to LA Elektra wants you to start working on your next record.” They all sort of peaked up at this information.
Everyone sat around talking for a little while about everything before one by one they all left Nikki’s room. Sasha was still on his bed, her head resting on her knees as she looked over at the bassist. He had switched coffee out for a bottle of Jack Daniel’s by now. He looked over at her, the way her blonde hair was shining in the sunlight and how the dark t shirt clashed with the white linen of the bed. They stared at each other for a second before he was moving over to her, his hand finding its way into the silken maze of her hair and he was tugging her to him. Sasha could feel her heart beating as he inched their heads together, his forehead resting against hers.
“I just want to feel better about everything.” He muttered. She was wrapping herself around him, easing him out of his misery with soft touches on his face, her hand on the skin below his shirt. Sasha laid him in the bed beside her, wrapping him up in her body and pressing kisses on his face. Her hands in his hair as she held his head to her chest and comforted him.
“It’s okay, Sixx. You have a whole new album to write about me.” She teased softly, feeling his smile. Nikki’s hands were creeping up the back of her shirt and she remembered what it felt like to be touched and feel on fire. He could feel the way she shifted closer to him and smirked.
“It would be easy to write an album about you, angel.” Shifting her and watching the way she sighed out her hands in his hair, “I’ve missed this.” He admitted, watching the way she was smiling in his arms. It was easy when they weren’t mad at each other.
“It’s nice to feel tired and want to sleep.” She joked, but she was yawning and he knew she was going to fall asleep. Nikki adjusted her in his arms watching the soft smile she had. It was going to be hard to go back to LA and regular life; If she was around he couldn’t just have his life with Lita. Plus Sasha had Len, even if she was being strange about the whole thing.  There were so many questions without any answers.
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xx-sikki-nixx-xx · 5 years
Faking it (part 1) Nikki Sixx
Requested by @kiogenic as a oneshot but decided to make a series 
Warnings: the usual shit
When Nikki suggested we fake date to keep his bandmates away from me I thought it would be a good idea I mean it just gives me more opportunities to get close to Nikki and convince him he loves me but now I'm here in this big mess and I don't know what to do or how to fix it.
"What the fuck do you mean you were faking it?" Tommy yells in my face "Nikki actually loves you now and this is all fake?" He continues angrily pacing his dressing room "it was his idea" I squeak a tear running down my face "I didn't mean for it to go this far Tommy" he screws up his face "well it did and now your gonna go and break my best friends heart" he throws a glass across the room "I LOVE HIM TOO TOMMY FOR FUCK SAKE I ALWAYS HAVE" I scream, my face going red "so stop yelling…" my voice reduces back to mumbles "you-you do?" He asks confused "yes of course I fucking do Tommy how could I not?" Ok so I bet you're wondering how did I get here? Well to answer that question we need to take a trip back in time to two months ago. "I can't wait for you to meet the guys" Nikki smiles sipping his beer sitting next to me on the dirty couch of his apartment "how long till they get here?" I ask nervously "they shouldn't be long but before they get here I have something I wanna talk to you about" I raise an eyebrow "what is it Nik you know you can tell me, we've been friends forever" he sighs and tugs at his hair "well I know this is stupid but my friends are kind of known for sleeping with every girl they see so I though maybe we could pretend to date so they'll leave you alone" I think for a minute before noding my head "sounds fair enough, sure" " he smiles his big puppy dog smile "ok awesome... girlfriend" he smirks and winks at me and I giggle "your an idiot" I punch him in the shoulder as the door opens "damn right he's an idiot" a dark haired man dressed in all leather says as he walks in "shut up Mick" Nikki chuckles standing up to greet his friends "guys this is (y/n) my girlfriend" Nikki smiles as I stand up and he puts his arm around my waist "dude you have a girlfriend" the blonde haired boy laughs "yeah Nikki I didn't think that was your style" the tall skinny boy grins while opening a beer with his teeth "well it is now so you horny losers keep your hands off her alright" Nikki says in his most threatening voice and I smile enjoying his protectiveness even if it is fake, all the boys put their hands up in defence "alright dude whatever you say" the blonde one says "yeah man she's all yours" the tall skinny boy says sitting behind the drum set. 
We all sit in the green room behind the stage getting ready for the show, pre show drinks, hairspray, makeup, and of course lots of angel dust (cocaine), I'm sitting on Nikki's lap smoking a cigarette "baby you gotta get up I need to fix my hair" Nikki hums inhaling the second hand smoke "but baby I don't wanna" I whine "please" he grins that cheesy grin "fineee" I groan standing up and giving him access to the mirror "so (y/n) how long have you and Nikki been dating?" Tommy asks while hitting his drumsticks on the wall "uh like 6 months" I lie and Nikki smirks at me in the mirror "well how'd you meet?" Tommy prys on "we met at a bar" Nikki covers for me and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, Tommy stays silent after that and not long after they go out and play an awesome show and have an even more awesome after party with an awful lot of dirty dancing between Nikki and I.
I must admit being on tour with the guys isn't fun when your pretend dating someone you actually like because almost every night I can hear Nikki having sex with some groupie whore in the room next to mine and all the guys just think I've snuck into his room and it's me he's making love to but nope I just have to bury my head under a pillow and try block the noise out knowing that'll never be me and tonight is no acception, Nikki and some girl are going at it and the walls are practically fucking shaking, after their done Nikki does what he always does after a hookup... comes to my room. There's a knock at the door and I yell "come in" and he opens the door quietly walking over to my bed and sitting on the end chuckling at me lying on my stomach with my head buried under pillows "whatcha doing?" He says in a sickly sing song voice "next time tell your whore to keep it down" I groan till buried in pillows "what's got you so upset?" He asks rubbing my back "I just wanna sleep but I can't when the walls are shaking around me" I say angrily "hey I'm sorry ok but I gotta get off somewhere right?" At that I throw a pillow at him "asshole" "hey hey I'm sorry ok next time I'll keep it down or get a room further away from yours ok?" I sigh into the mattress "what are you even doing in here Sixx? It's late" he sighs and rubs his forehead "if we're gonna have this conversation can you at least look at me?" I sigh but sit up on the bed next to him and look into his eyes impatiently "well when I was doing… you know with that girl before I couldn't...well I couldn't stop thinking about you and I uh I don't know why" I glare at him for a second before saying "well what do you want me to do about it?" I snap in a mixture of anger and sadness, he grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss it's strained and needy but neither of us fight it, I pull away and gasp for air "you shouldn't have done that" I shake my head looking at the floor "I-I'm sorry" he stutters before walking out defeatedly, it's not that I didn't like it but I could taste the whiskey on his breath and I know he doesn't mean what he says but I can't help hearing his words echoing in my head as I fall asleep. 
I walk slowly onto the bus taking in my surroundings and mentally sighing when I realise that Nikki isn’t on the bus yet, I take my seat and pick up the daily newspaper “hey (y/n) do you know where Nikki is?” Tommy asks walking onto the bus “haven’t seen him” I mumble not looking up “oh I just figured you would seeing as last night after he left your room he left the hotel… I thought he would’ve told you where he was going” I look up at him worriedly “wait he did? Tommy it was past midnight why didn’t you stop him?” Tommy looks at his shoes like a kicked puppy “he shouted at me and told me to leave him alone” he mumbles still looking down “shit” I sigh as I run out of the bus and into the hotel lobby running up to Doc who’s talking to Vince “Doc we have a problem” I say panickedly “what is it (y/n)? Did Mick fall over again?” Doc sighs uninterestedly “we’re missing a bass player” I sass back at him “WE’RE WHAT” he yells “Tommy told me that Nikki left the hotel late last night and didn’t come back” I squeak a little afraid of Doc right now. Vince comes up to me and asks “why would Nikki leave the hotel at that time of night?” I look at my hands and play with my thumbs “he-he was mad at me… I think” I whisper “why was he mad at you?” Vince prys further “It’s complicated”
(working on part 2)
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tommynikkivincemick · 5 years
three way call — part 4
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Summary: Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx find themselves in the frustrating predicament of being infatuated with the same woman. This calls for a competition.
Author’s note: So there’s some light Nikki smut that is not good at all because I’ve written smut before but only for myself, so writing it for people to read was a challenge. But I hope you enjoy it and I’m sorry I took a little long on this chapter. xx
Warnings: Light smut, oral sex (female receiving), sex while intoxicated (?), language, alcohol consumption.
“I gotta date both of them. That’s the only way I’ll know, right?” She complained, sitting on the closed toilet seat.
The boys had gotten her home a couple of hours ago after many more kisses and a whole lot of flirting. Now her hair was up, her shoes and pants were off, and she was sitting in the bathroom in her tube top and underwear with a certain blonde singer.
“Seems like the right thing to do. Go on a couple dates with both of them, maybe even sleep with both of them, and see who speaks your love language,” Vince affirmed, sitting on the edge of the bathtub, “By the way, are you done throwing up?”
“Yeah I think so. Thanks for putting my hair up, by the way,” She smiled weakly at him.
“You’re just lucky I happened to be getting ready to shower when you stumbled in. I should have made Tommy deal with your drunk ass,” The blonde smirked and nudged her arm, “Now I know you’re not going home so maybe scrub your makeup off in the sink and go to bed. I’m sure one of the guys will give you their bed for tonight, unless you wouldn’t mind sharing, which I know you wouldn’t.”
“Shut up, Vinnie,” Y/N whined, “Just give me a minute to take my makeup off and rinse my mouth out and I’ll leave you alone to shower.”
She grabbed a washcloth and mouthwash from underneath the sink, wiping away her makeup and adding minty freshness to her breath to replace the odor of vomit. She bid Vince a good night, took her hair down, and went to sit on the couch between her two almost-lovers.
“You feeling okay, babe?” Tommy asked, placing the back of his hand against her forehead as his mother would, “You’re clammy as fuck.”
“Thanks, T-Bone,” She said sarcastically.
“But for real, are you alright? You were in there for a long time. And you’re missing your pants,” Nikki commented, throwing his arm over her shoulders.
“I’m okay, I just drank too much. I’m not you guys, I don’t drink Jack Daniels like it’s sweet tea,” She joked.
On cue, Nikki lifted the bottle to his lips, taking a long drink without even making a face. Y/N couldn’t even look at him drink without feeling sick.
“Can I sleep in one of your beds? Or would you rather me just crash on the couch?” She asked, looking between the boys.
“Well, Tommy and Vince share a room, so you can sleep in my bed. I’ll spend the night in sofa city,” Nikki offered.
“No; you have a big bed, we can share. I’m not gonna make you sleep on the couch in your own house,” She dismissed, “But uh... you guys can stay up, I’m gonna go to bed and sleep off the rest of the alcohol.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute,” Nikki said.
“Goodnight, Y/N, sweet dreams,” Tommy said, kissing her cheek.
“Goodnight, Tommy,” She said, turning to instead kiss him on the lips— nothing too crazy, just a soft little kiss.
Tommy wore a goofy, lovesick smile as she walked away and disappeared into Nikki’s room. The drummer and bassist shared a look, conveying the same sentiment; what a woman. Vince then walked out of the bathroom with damp hair and a towel around his waist.
“She decided that the best course of action is to date both of you and see who she connects better with. So who’s gonna take her out first?” The blonde asked, wandering to the kitchen and rummaging through the cabinets, muttering “Where’s the fucking weed?”
“Let’s do this the fair way,” Tommy said, presenting his fist to Nikki.
“This is so elementary, Tommy,” Nikki sighed, but went along anyway.
They played Rock Paper Scissors, best two out of three, and Tommy won. The drummer grinned widely as he thought of what he and his lady love would do on a date.
“Oh well, I’m still the one going to bed with her tonight. Goodnight, boys,” Nikki smirked, making his way to his bedroom.
Y/N’s legs were wrapped in blankets and she was laid on her side, watching old cartoons on the TV. She looked ethereal, her hair fanned out on the pillow, her skin bathed in blue light. Her bra was on the floor, as were her shoes and shorts.
“Mind if I join you?” The bassist asked, stripping down and putting on underwear to sleep in.
Usually Nikki was one to sleep naked, but he figured that wouldn’t be too good to do with Y/N in the bed, so boxers were the next best thing. As she nodded her consent, he slid underneath the covers, keeping to his side of the bed for now.
“You don’t have to be so far away if you don’t want to,” She said softly.
He sighed in relief and moved closer. He had intended to spoon her but she turned around and hooked her leg over his hip. She situated her head on his shoulder with one of his arms under her. She kind of smelled like alcohol, but she was warm and soft and comfortable, so it was fine by him.
“I’m still so drunk. I have the spins and my throat hurts from throwing up,” She whined quietly.
“You’ll be okay. I’m here, we’re in bed, it���s dark and quiet. If you need me to, I’ll go get you some water and medicine. You’re fine,” He murmured, stroking her hair soothingly (or at least, that’s what he was going for).
She was quiet for a minute before speaking up again.
“Your heartbeat sounds nice,” She said.
He smiled slightly at her silly comment and relaxed beside her, intoxicated in more ways than one. If he were asked to describe paradise it would be this moment; her body pressed against his in bed with no noise except for the soft sound of whatever was on tv, wrapped up in soft sheets with time standing still. The only thing he might add is a bottle of whiskey and a baggie of fine Colombian cocaine. Nikki was for once totally peaceful until he felt the girl at his side wiggling upwards until her face was level with his.
“Hi,” He whispered with a lopsided grin.
“Hi,” She replied, gently placing a hand just below his jaw.
He knew what she wanted and he was more than willing, so he pressed their lips together for probably the tenth time that night. He swore he could kiss her for the rest of his life, which was really something, coming from a musician who could easily pull ten girls every night. Her whole body was pressed against him and the kisses they shared became more urgent before he felt her hips begin to stir. His mind went back to he and Tommy’s deal— whoever got her to fall in love or slept with her first won. And as much as he wanted to sleep with her, he wanted to give Tommy a fair shot.
“Nikki, I want you,” She murmured lowly.
“... Hold that thought, babe,” He said and jumped out of bed, running quickly to the living room.
“Tommy, you know how we said if she sleeps with one of us the bet ends?” The bassist asked urgently.
“Yeah, why? God, please don’t tell me you fucked her,” Tommy could already feel his heart shattering.
“No, no, not yet. What are we counting as fucking?” He asked.
“Uh... Only if your dick goes in her pussy. Everything else is fair game. And please don’t fuck her, I haven’t even gotten a shot yet,” The drummer pled.
“Yeah, yeah, got it!” Nikki nodded and rushed back to the bedroom.
By the time he returned, she was attempting to get her shirt off and failing miserably. He chuckled and joined her on the bed, pulling her shirt off with ease. He took a moment to marvel at her exposed chest as heat rose to her cheeks.
“Holy shit,” He whispered, not particularly for anyone to hear.
She crawled into his lap and moved her hips against his own. She tangled her fingers in his hair and placed kisses on his neck.
“Please?” She asked.
“I’m not gonna fuck you, babe— I want you to be absolutely sure, and I want Tommy so have a shot, too. But I can make you feel good, if you want me to,” He offered.
She considered his words. She really did love Tommy, and she didn’t want to completely break his heart. But Nikki— she would be lying if she said he didn’t look like a god right now with his fluffy, messy hair and sexy smirk and a little bit of residual eyeliner around his eyes. So she nodded her consent. He gave her a quick peck and gently pushed her shoulders back until her body met the mattress. He pressed kisses and sucked marks onto her throat, her chest, her breasts, and her stomach. She watched him with wonder and lots of lust in her eyes as he looked up at her from his position between her thighs and hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties to drag them down her legs. He positioned her legs over his shoulders and gave her another look.
“You want this, gorgeous?” He asked as he kissed the inside of her thighs.
She nodded, “Yes, Nikki, please.”
“Good,” He said, getting a good look at her exposed core, “Because I want this, too.”
The bassist decided against wasting any more time and went to work lapping at her core. She moaned loudly, knowing that people were in the apartment, but not being able to help herself. He watched her eyes flutter closed and her back arch and felt a hand tangle in his hair and almost felt as if he was deriving as much pleasure from giving as she was from receiving.
One thing Y/N was learning from this experience was that Nikki was talented in more ways than one as his tongue drew figure eights in long, languid strokes, focusing heavily around her clit. She could feel herself coming undone at a rapid rate— it helped that he was working a couple of slender digits into her, heightening every sensation she was feeling. With the bassist in between her legs like this, it was so easy to forget the drummer on the other side of the door.
“I’m gonna go take a shower before bed,” Tommy said to Vince, approaching the bathroom just around the corner from Nikki’s room.
“Oh god, Nikki!” He heard from the bassist’s room as he locked himself in the bathroom.
Tommy didn’t need a shower, but he hoped the pounding of the water against the tiles would drown out the sounds of the woman he loved receiving pleasure from another man. So he twisted the taps and let the droplets of water slap against the tiles and vinyl shower curtain. God, he loved Y/N. He loved Nikki, too— but this was not a situation in which he was happy to see two of his favorite people come together. His romantic love for Y/N nearly outweighed his platonic love for his fellow Terror Twin. He would admit that sometimes he even toyed with the idea of the three of them being in a relationship— it was called polyamory, or something to that effect, he thought. Tommy thought that, realistically, that would be the smartest solution. But though he loved Nikki, the bassist was a selfish man. Sometimes it could be advantageous, but most of the time it was nothing but trouble. But the younger Twin could be jealous, too. It didn’t come from a place of selfishness like it did with Nikki, but for Tommy, the boy just happened to love too hard for his own good. He could handle Y/N loving Nikki, as long as he got a slice of the pie, too— but that wasn’t to be.
So, Tommy thought as his hair deflated from the steam, he would have to up his game.
Taglist: @jayprettymuchomw @kayladurin @crazysaladchopshop @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @loveofmyloif @saints-of-the-universe @tommyfuckinlee @oh-well1 @cranberribread @princesadeltoro @prostidudes-for-justice @meep-6
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Paradise City (Axl Rose) PART 2
WARNINGS: Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll (kidding) Language too.
"I told you ladies to expect visitors."
All of us groaned in frustration. "Yeah, and saw me naked."
I protested, cause Axl saw me like I'm waiting for him to fuck me, their encounter isn't horrible as mine.
All their heads turn to me.
"Okay girls, listen they won't be here for long I suggest you deal with them and talk to them about the ....well arrangement. They are harmless."
We all shook our heads.
"I can't believe this is happening."
I mumbled hopeless, there is no way I am dealing with Axl Rose.
"Beta I don't even know the guy." Katherine said shyly, I wonder who she end up with in her place.
"Seriously this is not funny and we are not some reality show women." It was Wesley who speak.
"Please bear them just for tonight. We'll talk about this tomorrow."
All of us sighed in exhasperation, what a great way to start the vacation.
The next morning is normal. When I got back last night Axl wasn't there anymore and one of my underwear is missing too ew that was nasty of him if he took it.
I don't know how the girls' night went. I haven't seen the Guns n Roses but I'm thankful we don't have to deal with them today.
Susan and I decided to have a dip in the beach and soak under the sun. Others have their own excuses, Aimee is on her period, Kath is taking a nap (she didn't get some sleep last night I guess?) and Wesley is doing her stuff.
"Are you kidding me?!" I groaned when I saw the five of them doing dumb things in the beach. I thought they were gone?
"Err- let's just not mind them." Susan said. We settle ourselves in one of the recliners and enjoyed the sun.
"How was your night?" I ask Susan. She seems okay unlike us. "It's fine, Duff was a gentleman. He slept on the couch then he's gone by morning."
So her villa is supposed to be Duff's?
"You know I really don't understand this ridicule, why are we even here?"
I just don't get it why are we in an island with Guns n Roses? It's like dealing with the wild, lucky Susan she don't have to deal with Duff.
"I guess we just have to go with the flow. They seem nice." Susan grinned. Wait....
"Oh you like Duff huh." I teased and Susan blushes. "No I'm not, I think he likes Katherine."
Who wouldn't like Katherine? She is sweet, soft spoken and beautiful.
"Well these men are ......wild." Of  course I knew them and their reputation. I bumped into them many times, being a roadie has it's perks you know and I happen to use it for my adoration towards Sebastian Bach. God the guy is pretty and I think I'm in-love whenever I see him. We had interactions because he's friends with the Crüe and I think I'm a lucky bitch.
"I don't think so. They look like they can be tamed." Oh Susan if you only knew.
Slash and Steven saw me and they went to our direction. Well they are the only two who aren't assholes and Duff also. Izzy is civil and Axl is......Axl.
"Charlie... you're here." Steven acknowledges but his eyes are on Susan.
"And you have a friend." Same with Slash who has his eyes on Susan's......bust. I throw them my water bottle.
"Hey fuckers eyes up here."
Scratching their heads they turn their attention to me. Perverts.
"Okay Susan, this is Slash and this is Steven. Slash, Steven this is Susan." Susan extended her arm to shake hands with the two.
"Nice to meet you guys." Susan smiled at them, Steve blushes while Slash scratches his head.
"Do you have any idea why we're here? Are you with this too?" I ask the two of them. The two look at each other and Steven answered me.
"No, I wasn't expecting company either. "
I guess we are all in the same page.
"If I were you, I'll just enjoy. Exclusive vacation with 5 hot guys? Life is good." Slash proudly said and Susan and I laughs.
"Come on girls why don't you join us? Let's have some walk shall we?"
I got up from the recliner seat. Su and I are wearing a two piece string bikini  and I covered it with some see through.
"Uhh I think I'm fine here. You go ahead guys."
Steven and Slash shrugs off. "Bummer."
We left Susan and we take a walk in the beach.
"I feel like anytime soon Vince will come and take our heads."
I took off my aviators and laugh at what Slash said.
"Let's not talk about that blonde bitch."
Doesn't mean there is a feud between Axl and Vince I won't be friends with other members. Motley Crüe is more handful than them and GnR are sober when they want to.
"Speaking of blonde..." Steven grins and the two of them looks at Susan's direction.
"Oh, not Susan. I think her and Duff is way better." Both of them frowned. It's true though that Susan and Duff will be a cute pair.
"Bummer Charlie. It's just a crush, I think you and Axl will be a good pair after that sex ta---" Steven didn't finish off his sentence when Slash elbowed him on the stomach.
"I'm sorry what?" Steven cleared his throat. "You and Axl will make a good pair too. Just don't kill each other."
They both laugh at me when I scowled. They keep on teasing me with Axl over the duration of our walk and I'm starting to get pissed off.
"Come on Charlie, Axl isn't that bad especially in bed. Do you know what you need?" I suppose to ask him what but Slash had me already on his shoulders carrying me like a sack and I started to scream.
"FUCK YOU SLASH! PUT ME DOWN!"  Steven being a great help at all just stood there and laugh. I screamed even more when Slash started running and throw me to the water.
I rose from the water, stupid move because a I was hit by a big wave making me stumble and fell to the water again. That didn't end there because my bikini top is gone.
Steve and Slash are still laughing at me. God I wanna drown them in the water right now and why did I wear string bikinis? The riskiest piece of clothing when you are in beach.
"Yow Charlie you okay?"
I wrap my arms around myself, I don't know how to rose from the water without any top. I won't walk around exposing my tits to these guys.
I blush at the thought.
"S-Slash....Can you help me?"
My body is still in the water and I'm starting to feel cold.
"Nope. You can't make us go in the water, I know you will drown me."
I want to kick him right now, he throws me in to the water, I lost my bikini top, now I don't know how can I get out of here with decency. Susan is nowhere in sight.
"Damn it. My bikini top is gone can you help me get out of the water atleast?" That made them shut up, Steven blushed and Slash's mouth formed into an 'o'.
"W-well I'll just get my shirt."
Slash ran to their cottage and took his shirt, he went into the water and hannded it to me.
When I was done wearing his shirt I pulled him and pushed him under water.
"You idiot that was White Fox!"
Slash gasp for air when he rose. I left him there fighting for his life.
"Sorry. I'll buy you hundreds of bikinis and lingerie Charlie! Just don't drown me again." He said without any remorse.
I flip him off and walk towards my place. I need to rinse cause the salt water feels sticky all over my body.
Axl Rose is being bitchy. I don't know what got into him but I guess its just his mood swings. He has anger management issues.
"What?" His deep voice filled the thick air. He caught me staring at him.
"Nothing." I avoided his gaze and laid down on bed.
"Can you fucking move over?"
Is he serious? He could've ask nicely.
"What the fuck is your problem Rose?" I move over just like what he asked. Axl lay down next to me his forearm covering his eye.
"Not your business." He answered.
Okay, maybe he and his girlfriend had a fight.
He scooted closer which caught me off guard.
His hand landed on my waist and nuzzle his head on my neck.
"What are you doing Rose?"
I tried to remove his hand but he only tightened his grip.
"Sleep Charlie."
That was the first time he addresed me in my first name.
I woke up and Axl is gone beside me. It's 7 already and I'll be missing dinner.
When I got to the common room, everyone is there already, including the guys. It's weird to see them interacting when we want to get rid of them just yesterday. Wesley and Izzy are talking, Susan and Duff is at their own little world, Kathy and Steve are both laughing probably from Steven's corny jokes, and Aimee just sat there quietly watching them. Slash and Axl are talking and by the looks of it Slash is either high or drunk because he is leaning his head on the couch with his glasses on.
I sat down beside Slash and lean my head on his shoulder. I wanted to sleep more but I'm hungry.
By the looks of it, everyone already ate dinner because of the leftovers.
"Here." Axl gave me a plate with foods.
"You were asleep so I reserved some for you."
I smiled at him, not the sarcastic one but genuine and muttered thanks.
He nodded and I started to munch the food.
I noticed some bottles of Corona ans Jack, I guess they had been drinking.
After I finish eating my food, we went to the recreation room and everyone started to play billiards, more like Wesley, Aimee, Izzy, Steven and Kath.
"Not having fun Wharton?"
Slash sat beside me on the couch he already took off his glasses.
"I just wanted to sleep." I snuggled closer and lean my head on his shoulder.
He offered me his glass of Jack which I accepted.
"Bummer. You know Axl is sending me daggers."
I turned my head to Axl's direction and he is glaring at Slash.
"He thinks I'm trying to get in your pants." I nearly choke. Why is he bothered though?
"So? What is it to him?"
Slash scoffed. "Come on, that red head likes you. He just can't get closer to you because of Vince. You don't remember what happened in MTV awards don't you?"
I can't recall what happened during that time cause I was drunk all I know is that they caused riot in the event.
Then I remember Slash is high at the moment, maybe he is just blabbering rubbish.
"You're high aren't you?" I look directly into his eyes and his pupils are dilated. Gosh he and Steven had a line of cocaine.
"No I'm not." Slash threw his arms drunkenly around me.
"Yeah, only if they had some weed here."
Drugs aren't new to me, for Mötley Crue it's their candy and I've tried it only to end up in an overdose. I'm clean now though, weed works for me.
"I swear. Axl is going to kill me anytime."
Slash hid behind me from Axl's glare and I glared at him back but he only rolled his eyes. Asshat.
"I think I'll play with the girls so he won't be sending dagger looks to you."
Slash nodded and I went to the girls and participated at their game.
We played pool and the Jack is finally hitting our systems.
Steven is high and drunk, Kath is passed out beside him, Susan stood on the pool table, dancing while Duff is trying to get her down. Wesley and I are laughing with Izzy and Aimee is just silently listening to us. Axl is now beside Slash and the two seems drunk also.
We stopped when Axl and Slash started to brawl against each other.
"Fuck off Slash."
Axl already had Slash slammed on the wall. Slash who is high among the two only smirked which pissed the latter even more.
"Axl, back off." Duff tried to pull him away from Slash but Axl shrugs him off.
All of us are drunk and its not a good idea if drunken people fight.
"Why don't you tell her Ax?"
Axl's  jaw clenched stopping himself from punching Slash.
"I told you Slash fuck off."
He answered through gritted teeth. Everyone seemed sobered up when they heard the two fighting.
"Told what Axl?" Izzy asks with confusion.
"Told Charlie about the sex----"
Slash didn't finish off his sentence because Axl's fist landed on his face.
"Oh my god!" The girls gasped.
Duff and Izzy pulled away Axl before he could throw a punch again.
"Axl!" I stood in front of Axl and stared directly into his green orbs.
"Tell me what Axl?"
Axl didn't seem to hear me and is trying to get off from Izzy and Duff's grasp.
"Get out of the fucking way Charlie."
I didn't listen to Axl, instead I moved closer to him my eyes never left his.
"Axl...." I cupped his face.
"Axl calm down....." I spoke in a soft tone hoping he will calm down.
"Look at me......" Axl listened to me and calms himself. He got off from Izzy and Duff and stormed out of the room.
I went to Slash to check if he's okay. "Are you okay Slash?" Wesley is attending him now with an ice pack. Where did she get that?
"You really need to talk to him Charlie." I nodded at him and followed Axl outside.
Axl is walking towards our villa and half run to keep up with him.
He didn't turn around and fasten his pace.
"Axl, wait!"
"Fuck! Not now Charlie!" He yelled and I stop on my tracks.
"Really? Not now?! After you almost beat each Slash?"
Axl stopped on his tracks too and he turn around, eyes filled with anger.
"You don't know a thing."
"Then tell me what the fuck are you two fighting about?!" I'm getting impatient and done of Axl's attitude too. I don't know what is with him but everytime we see each other it's always bickering and insulting each other.
"Because of that fucking sex tape!"
And what's about the sex tape?
"And why am I involved?!"
We are yelling at each each other, our distance isn't that far but I'm getting fruatrated so he is.
"It's our fucking sex tape Charlie, it's out and everywhere. That's why Vince wanted to kill me even more."
This is the sickest joke I've heard. He is kidding right?!
"W-what the fuck? Are you high too like Slash?"
I wanted him to say yes but..
"Am not! Remember the MTV riot? It's because Vince found out we hooked up and he thought I am using you to get even with him. When in fact I was also drunk as you are that time."
I feel like I'm in some prank show but I'm not, I hope this is just me and the alcohol.
"And why is there a sex tape?"
If he is also drunk that time then how the hell it was recorded?
"I don't have any idea. It's out in the public that's why Vince sent you here."
I laugh. I don't know why did I laugh but fuck it my life rotated 360 just now.
"I'm sorry, Charlie I should've told y---" Axl attempted to move towards me but I stop him.
"Stop, don't be fucking anywhere near me."
I ran to the villa leaving Axl, tears streaming down my face.
I am mad at Axl right now but I'm even more mad at Vince. He did not let me decide and took control of my life. What is it to him if Axl and I hooked up? I wasn't even aware that we hooked up and now I am involve in a scandal. I can handle myself, I know Axl too because he is used to issues but what made Vince think to hide me here?
"Charlie.. open the door please." He knocks into my room. Technically his room but whatever. It's not even locked.
"I know you're mad but please let's talk...."
He's calmer now than he is 15 minutes ago, I can't help but roll my eyes.
I wipe my tears when he opened the door. I didn't spare him any glance when he entered the room, my back is facing him when he sat on the bed.
"I'm sorry. We're doing everything now to take it down."
He sighed.
I continue wiping my tears that won't stop.
"And I understand if you're mad. I'm really sorry Charlie."
Not to be sarcastic but wow. Axl Rose said sorry and shit is real because he is beside me.
I am not mad at him to Vince either even though I was earlier,  it's just that I am upset because something is happening with my life, I know Vince is just trying to protect me but I can handle myself. This issue will die down sooner or later when another band got into a fight or something, it must be also tough for Axl because it involves Vince the two was never okay ever since.
I got up from bed and face him.
"The world probably saw my tits now, and my cellulites and my stretch marks. I think my mascara was even smudge during that time amd my lipstick is everywhere." 
It's a silly remark but I don't want Axl to feel bad about himself more.
"I'm not mad at you. I'm just upset." I bit my lip and look away. God I hate crying.
Axl leaned forward and wipe my tears.
"Don't cry. I feel even more bad."
"How did Vince found out that...err-you know... 👉👌"
I felt blush crept into my cheek.
I wanted to remember how we fucked that night. Duh, Axl has a reputation for being good in bed.
"I don't know how we got there but he found us in Nikki's hotel room and that's when shit started."
I'm still puzzled why Vince sent me here when he knew that this is GnR's turf?
"Then why sent me here? I guess he is not dumb enough yet?"
I giggled thinking of Vince's  stupidity.
"We saw the tape already before it went public. Someone mailed it to Nikki and Slash. Vince even stormed in our studio and threw some punch at me after. I didn't fought back and swore to him I don't know anything about it. He took the copy from me and burned it, we thought it stopped there but the next day it's on tabloids already."
I covered myself in embarassment. My cousin, Nikki, Tommy and Mick had watch us fucking. Even Slash and I don't know who else in GnR. I won't be able to look at them straight now.
"Did you---have you watch it too?"
And I am embarassing myself more by asking him.
"Yeah and it was-----" he gulped. Probably uncomfortable talking about it.
"I didn't knew you were.........insatiable."
I plopped down to bed and covered my face with a pillow.
It was obvious I took control that nght.
"Kill me now." I mumbled and Axl laughs. He didn't help at all.
"Sorry. I've put you to this. Your life is peaceful and now..."
"Come here."
I patted the space beside me and he obliged by lying beside.
"Shit happens and it will be gone soon." I said hoping it will assure him that it's not just his fault because we were both responsible for what happened.
"But still everyone saw you naked already. "
I slap his arm. "Don't remind me Rose."
"God how I wanted to kill everyone. Including Slash."
Again, why is he so hard with Slash?
"Why are you so mean to Slash? And speaking of... you punched him."
Being the sass he is, he rolled his eyes.
"He saw the video and you were having too much fun it bothers me."
I gasped. Axl Rose how is he bothered? Unless...
"Are you jealous?"
Axl leaned forward until our faces are only inch apart.
"What the fuck do you think?"
Oh my god.
"Hmm. Try harder Rose.."
"Sleep Wharton."
I couldn't help but smile. I like Axl, who wouldn't? even before if only he wasn't acting like an ass.
"Sleep baby. We'll have a date tomorrow."
He kisses my forehead. I snuggled to him and his hands landed on my waist.
"Nice try Rose."
One thing is for sure. I am loving the Paradise Island.
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