#did my very best with tagging people who r into star wars but if you aren't my apologies i did my best
brw · 3 months
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You may think I am evil. I am not. I am efficient.
brieuc’s 1k celebreation: 🤖 interest edit for @solipseismic!
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aromantic-eight · 1 year
Rolling in 15 minutes late to pinned posts. Here will be my custom fandom tags, because I am allergic to touching the main tags. Recent fandoms:
Arknights (f: powered by apocalypse ore)
The Locked Tomb Series (f: the inherent eroticism of bones)
Gideon/Harrow (r: i wanted you to eat me)
Bungo Stray Dogs (f: raise your hand if you’re NOT an orphan with a tragic past)
    Dazai/Chuuya (r: twin baggage)
Genshin Impact (f: pay no attention to the gods behind the curtain)
Honkai Impact 3rd (f: this is a story about love and it will end with love)
Hoyo game sideblog: Theabysscomeshome
Other fandoms:
Honkai Impact 3rd (f: this is a story about love and it will end with love) Avatar: The Last Airbender (f: it’s a new kind of world) Critical Role: Vox Machina (f: i’m just surprised that people like us) Daredevil (f: what about hope) Doctor Who (f: mind the plants) Dragon Age (f: smoke and mirrors) Elementary (f: connections) Fire Emblem (f: the sexy chess game)
    Three Houses (f: this is fine)
    Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn (f:angry birds)
Gravity Falls (f: trust no one) Harry Potter (f: within these ancient halls) High Rollers Aerois (f: at least they’re not cows) Juno Steel, Penumbra Podcast (f: and then they became space pirates) Legend of Korra (f: dorks try to save the world) Leverage (f: five bad band)
    Parker - ch: i didn’t even stab him
    Eliot/Hardison/Parker - dynamic: we change together
Marvel (f: how many ragnaroks is too many ragnaroks)
    Young Avengers (f: you have a supervillain on speed dial)
    Runaways (f: how do you hero again?)
    Loki - ch: i know what i’m doing
Norse Mythology (m: in the absence of goats) Pacific Rim (f: and then we built a giant robot) RWBY (f: it’s also a gun)     -Ruby - ch: it’s also a customizable high impact sniper rifle     -Ren - ch: please do nothing to the cook     -Nora - ch: thunder     -Taiyang - ch: buff marshmallow     -Raven - ch: run     -Qrow - ch: bird.exe     -Summer - ch: sad but determined bedsheet     -Ironwood - ch: and you did your very best     -Oz/pin - ch: i’m sorry     -Oscar - ch: another one of his lives     -Cinder - ch: like hunger     -Salem - ch: this isn’t a threat     -RWBY - dynamic: girl’s night     -JNPR - dynamic: just hit em with the hammer     -JNR - dynamic: this is my family     -STRQ - dynamic: he’s good isn’t he     -Ruby/Penny - dynamic: you light up my life     -Oz/Salem - dynamic: amicable divorce     -Ironwood/Qrow - dynamic: some good     -Oz/Qrow - dynamic: i’m amazed that you ever loved me     -Ironwood/Oz - r: you have to trust me     -Ironwood/Oz/Qrow - r: call me maybe Second Citadel, Penumbra Podcast (f: paladin morality crisis) She-Ra (f: the power of love and stuff) Star Wars (f: where is your balance now) Stargate Atlantis (f: city of dreams (and nightmares)) Stargate SG-1 (f: the things I’ve heard sitting in this chair) Supernatural (f: pretty trash horror) The Magnus Archives (f: avatar the last fearbender)     -Jo(h)n Sims - ch: the h is silent     -Martin - ch: if we were all happy that wouldn’t actually be the end of the world     -Tim - ch: rating the institute 0 on yelp     -Gertrude - ch: cackling     -Elias - ch: immortality never ends badly for anyone     -Peter - ch: leave me alone     -Jared - ch: they’re all my favorite     -Jon/Martin - r: sometimes romance is getting some goddamned rest The Mechanisms (f: gotta say i’m in the mood for violence) Welcome to Night Vale (f: [muffled sound of reality breaking]) White Collar (f: communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship)
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perriedoestheirbest · 4 months
Pin post cause I wanna set ground rules before I do anything on here
Updated: 5/22/2024 :3
Make sure to read the DNI part, that part’s important
I will give you a gold star if you manage to get through this
You ready? Mkay.
- Main info
Hi! I’m perry, it’s short for Peregrine :3
I’m a minor
I support Palestine so already off the bat if you don’t like it, you can leave. I try to keep this a positive space but stuff like supporting Palestine are important no matter the situation. I previously said I’d make a mini post for links on how to support the cause but this is an agere account, and I felt like that’d be too uptight. Still, Free Palestine. No matter the blog. :>
I study psychology and some history for fun.
I really enjoy theories, analyzing things, and headcanons
I usually enjoy horror but in this blog, this is my safe spot where I can take a breather from that stuff cause it’s nice to take a break every once in a while :]
Please be patient with me :>
I’m still pretty clueless about the tagging system and will mess up so telling me about it helps loads
I’m trans, transmasc, and genderfluid, I go by he/him or they/them, and I’m also on the a-spec!^^
This blog was originally made for Agere, but because I’m unfamiliar with Agere accounts on tumblr especially it’s gonna take me a hot minute to really post anything, and I most likely won’t.
I do dream regression (idk if that’s the correct term, I’m still new to this). I try to actually regress but it’s hard, so I don’t have much of a small age. I’m still a minor, but my big age IS 10+
I’m interested in the indie film industry, and I enjoy art :3
- Extra info
My favorite color is pink! :]
I believe cringe culture is dead
I enjoy lemon demon and jack stauber and I make references of them a LOT.
I enjoy over analyzing everything so I’ll mostly reblog headcanons
This blog is completely sfw.
I like to ramble a lot, and tend to do so in tags
I enjoy mixed media of all kinds :>
I’m multifandom
I’m a multishipper, but I don’t usually ship in the fandoms I’m in due to creepy ships I come across so the ships I do enjoy are either very popular or never once heard of
I’m pretty inactive, and this is because I struggle with pretty bad social anxiety that tends to stop me from interacting with any sign of human life, but because I’m trying to cope, I’ll do my best
I’m a radical inclusionist so this is pretty much a safe space if you want it to be one
I’m an older brother
I’m also really weird
I might attempt to draw but I won’t draw often.
Cringe culture is pretty much dead and whoever is keeping cringe culture alive are clearly people who don’t belong on this blog or my main blog either
DMs are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS closed, again, I’m a minor and I’m uncomfortable interacting with strangers especially on the internet, if I DM you it’s either on accident or because I know you irl
I don’t talk much while I’m in this partial headspace so I don’t talk much. There won’t be much tags, and a very bad tagging system, or lack there of, I should say.
- Hyperfixations
CoD (MW2 and Cold War Black ops) (somehow, 18+ content CoD fans DNI!!!!)
Spiderverse Itsv & atsv
Death Note (the anime)
Sally face
Sans AUs
FNaF (the games and the movie)
Mr. Plant (by Ashur Gharavi)
Fran bow
TF2/Team Fortress 2
Little misfortune
The paranormal
Analysis of any sort
Video essays
N@zis/neo N@zis (lmk if I need to update this part cause it’s been awhile since I last did research on this)
MAP (not the art collab but the other thing)
Shotacons (of any variant, I’m just using this one as an example cause this is the one I remember)
Furry haters/Anti-furrys
Anti-therians/therian haters
DD/LG (of any variant.)
K1nk blogs
Radical exclusionists
Anti-age/pet regression
Anti-xenogenders/neopronouns/xenopronouns(<- do we still use this term or was this never a thing?)
Man, that was a long list. Hope that didn’t overwhelm you.
I know there’s a lot but I can’t fully relax without knowing there’s some wall rigidly keeping me from being face to face with actual creeps and strangers I don’t know, so this is my version of a safe space and stability.
The end.
I’ll update the main info or extra info if I need too, but this is mostly it for now.
Did you read it? Did you read all of it?
If so, here is a gold star.
like I promised :3
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shelobussy · 3 years
I know you talk abou st*cky in the interracial ships stuff, but can we talk about st*ny? Iron husbands is literally right there, but I also always sees Rhodey as Tonys moral support only. And ik Tony is very shippable with most characters, but the fact his ship is Rhodey is one of the lowest ships in ao3 (ironstrange, winteriron and god forbid stark*r all had more fics in ao3).. It's pretty telling this side also has racism problems...
I'll go ahead and answer this here, but letting y'all know that I do have a marvel sideblog if you want to hit me up there (@themarvelarchives).
Hey, I'm going to ramble for a good minute.
So after I posted my very incoherent, controversial take on St*cky vs SamBucky, there were a ton of ppl who came onto anon saying that St*cky shippers were racist. I think I only answered a few, but y'all were pretty insistent on it. I personally have not observed that St*cky shippers are so I'm not calling anyone out on that side of the fandom for that.
I also did not call out anyone on this side of the fandom bc that's not what my meta was about. I think I mentioned maybe once or twice in the whole post that there was underlying racist in the fandom, but since you asked, we can talk about it here.
Covert Bigotry In Fandom Spaces.
To understand what's going on in the MCU, we have to first look at what I call "woke-queer" fandom.
So "Woke-Queer" Spaces is the phenomenon where certain fandom members like to call ppl out on their bigotry, while covertly harboring their own queerphobia/racism/etc. An example of this that we're all familiar with is TERFS and how they like to claim that they are progressive and woke, while also claiming that trans women are fake and trans men are sexist.
How this translates to fandom, however, is the hypocrisy that is cancellation and callout culture.
For example, Supernatural in particular is a fandom that likes to call out the writers on their homophobia and racism, and yet, somehow, the fandom is chalk full of homophobia and racism. If you want to read more about this, here is a truly excellent article from the perspective of a queer woman of color.
Moving on, I've also talked in a previous meta post, on the internalized acephobia that exploded in 2019 after Good Omens was released. Rather than reiterate everything I said in that post, I'll just leave it at this: the controversy in the Good Omens fandom can be summed up by the fact that queer audiences are claiming that Ineffable Husbands is the wrong kind of queer. The hypocrisy oozes off the screen, doesn't it?
A final way this viably translates to fandom, is in how the Doctor Who fandom evolved over time.
So Steven Moffat takes over as head writer and showrunner in 2010. It's a new series, a new Doctor, a new Tardis, and new branding. He steps up the action, changes the color grating, and raises the stakes. Women are sexier, the Doctor is smarter (and more of an asshole, but that's another meta post), and every companion comes with their own impossible mystery that makes them Special™.
Series 5-10 got tons of woke points for having lesbian characters, an episode where the Doctor is homoerotic with James Corden, and an underlying trans narrative with the Master's reincarnation. What a lot of people forget, however, is that his series was incredibly sexiest, incredibly lesbian/biphobic, and basically turned the Doctor into everyone's fantasy sex-object.
This, unfortunately, brought out the worst of the fandom. There was RTD Era vs Moffat Era wars exploding in certain corners, TenxRose shippers vs ElevenxRiver shippers.
What does this have to do with covert racism in fandom cultures though?
Hnnngng ok, so back in RTD era's we get Martha Jones, the Actual Best Companion On The Entire Show. Except for the fact, of course, that she is written to be in love with the doctor. She's a brilliant character--smart, sassy, flawed, funny, flirtatious--and her entire plotline is reduced down to a school-girl crush on a white man.
She doesn't do well with fans, they scrap her after one season.
We move on to Donna Noble (The Other Actual Best Companion On The Entire Show) and RTD's era ends with them scraping her too and regenerating David Tennant's Doctor.
It will be five more series (not seasons, SERIES) until Doctor Who will have another black companion--who gets extra points for being gay--only to fall victim to "bury your gays" at the end of the season (but not really bc no one stays dead on Doctor Who).
The fandom's reception of Martha Jones was historically bad. The comparisons to her predecessor, Rose Tyler, were rampant and everyone was finding a reason to hate her.
The fandom's reception to Bill Potts was also historically bad, as everyone was screaming that she was being written for more "woke points" and that they wanted Clara back.
Fandom has a historically bad reputation of being problematic and, I would argue, the majority of it has to do with these toxic undertones of bigotry that slip under the radar. "Woke-queer" spaces, as I call them, are these instances above where spaces that claim to be inclusive of gender/orientation/race are covertly bigoted.
Marvel and Cancelling
Now is an excellent time to talk about the MCU.
Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson) has recently come under a lot of criticism from fandom members for shutting down shipper speculation.
"The idea of two guys being friends and loving each other in 2021 is a problem because of the exploitation of homosexuality. [...] something as pure and beautiful as homosexuality has been exploited by people who are trying to rationalize themselves."
I can't find the rest of the quote, but Mackie goes on further to say that it was important to him to portray "a sensitive, masculine figure" without insinuating that there was romance involved.
Woke culture lost it's shit. Everyone was suddenly claiming that Mackie was calling them exploitative for shipping a gay ship as a queer audience, which could not have been further from the case.
Mackie actually makes some very excellent points in that sensitivity is not gay/queer. Woke culture loves to rag on Toxic Masculinity, but the minute someone plays a character who is loving and sensitive with no queer narrative in mind, they are immediately canceled.
What Am I On About
Okay, let's actually address what your ask was about, Nonnie. You pointed out--rather truthfully--that it is unfair to call-out racism on one side of the fandom, while ignoring it on the other side.
Well, I've gone back through my St*cky vs. SamBucky analysis (which is incoherent at best, I apologize for that) and I see maybe once instance where I called out fandom members for being racist. Here's what I had to say about racism:
"[...] Iron Husbands is a rarepair, probably because it’s an interracial ship."
"[there is] nothing wrong with shipping two white men, but it does become a problem when you ignore/bash POC/interracial ships to the determinant of your own white ship."
And then there was the post you brought up where I addressed interracial ships in the fandom. That one is probably more relevant to this topic, to be honest, as I actually addressed fandom racism there. I assume that your reason for bringing up Stony is because it's a ship that is more relevant to my side of the fandom, HOWEVER, the reason I highlighted Stucky instead was because I was comparing the fact that they've both been around the same amount of time and are relationships that feature the protagonist and their best friend.
You brought up St*ny in the ask, however, so I'm going to talk about St*ny for a minute.
As someone who never has nor will ship St*ny, it never even occurred to me that some of the problem behind the Iron Husbands tag being so small is because everyone ships the white, boring ship. You brought up a very valid point, but because I was never in that part of the fandom, I can't really speak to any possible underlying racism there, besides what I've already said above.
I would be interested in hearing a St*ony shipper or ex-St*ony shippers thought on this, but sadly I don't know any. If you have any more thoughts regarding this, Nonnie, pls drop back into my inbox.
You do make some excellent points in this ask though, and I would like to talk about racism on my side of the fandom.
So back to Mackie and his Twitter cancellation. Notice that Disney made him address the rumors and not his co-star, Sebastian Stan. Anthony Mackie is put on blast and made to answer fan demands and receives backlash, while Sebastian Stan gets to fly under the rader. This is not, by the way, a criticism of Stan, but instead of the blatant racism Disney has been displaying over the past few years.
How this ties in with the rest of my post has to do with my "woke-queer" spaces bit. The outcry across the MCU fandom over Mackie was swift and unforgiving. He was cancelled on charges of homophobia and bigotry--all the while these same fans turn a blind eye to any queer interpretation of other interracial ships and discourse in their own fandom.
The racism that I'm speaking about, of course, is an almost passive racism. Of course if you don't ship a specific ship for reasons other than their race, it's perfectly fine. It's okay not to ship Iron Husbands or SamBucky or any other interracial fandom ships. However, the distinct lack of shippers in the fandom IS telling because there are people who would ship that exact ship if not for the fact that one of men is black.
I don't have much more to say about this except to thank you for bringing it up and for listening to my long rambling post.
(Feel free to bug me about Tony Stark, MCU ships, MCU Meta and anything you want to talk me about on this blog and @themarvelarchives.)
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bottomlouisficfest · 3 years
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We hope you’ve enjoyed the third week of fics from the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Every weekend, we’re compiling all of the fics from that week into one roundup post so they’re easy to find for anyone looking to catch up on fics they missed. Enjoy these amazing fics and give them the love they deserve!
Across the Grey, Salty Sea
A fic by thecheshirepussycat on AO3 | @the-cheshire-pussy-cat on Tumblr | Bee_With_Mee on Twitter
19k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 212: Alex from Dunkirk and French escort/prostitute Louis who ends up in Alex’s quarters more nights than not. Alex gives him his dog tag to wear maybe just a lot of smut and dirty talk with Louis being a pretty princess.
When Our Worlds They Fall Apart
A fic by edensrose on AO3 | @holdingthornsandroses on Tumblr | thetrashpigeon on Twitter
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry put his hand over his heart as if Louis had wounded him. “You’re so harsh, my liege! Perhaps you need to relieve some tension…” He let his voice trail off suggestively.
“The day I ask YOU to relieve tension is the day I lose all my wits and join the Imperials,” Louis said. “It will never happen.”
Written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2020- Prompt 325: Star Wars AU with Harry as Han Solo and Louis as Leia.
Thank you, five.
A fic by nouies on AO3 | @nouies on Tumblr | _nouies on Twitter
5k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Harry?” He says as soon as he recognises the other man.
“Louis? Wh-what are you doing here?” Harry asks with a frown.
“Well, I’m here for rehearsal,” Louis announces with a proud smile.
There’s a flash of confusion on Harry’s face. “What do you mean rehearsal? I got the part, you didn’t.”
Prompt 195: Hamilton AU
Know I Think You're Awesome, Right?
A fic by princesshalo on AO3 | @princesshalo on Tumblr | tpwkorra on Twitter
60k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Well, that’s not very Treat People With Kindness of you.”
“Neither is approaching someone with the sole intent of criticizing a cause they’re clearly passionate about, given the amount of time they’ve dedicated to advocating for it,” Louis snaps.
“Sure, but I’m not the one with the button,” Harry shrugs.
“So, is there actually something I can help you with, or did you just come to push me into pepper spraying you as well?” Louis is quickly growing impatient. Hell, he was impatient the moment that Harry made his grand entrance on campus yesterday.
“I’m just trying to assess the environment here,” Harry says, “Because if this is all you’ve got to offer trans people who just want to be able to use the bathroom in peace like the rest of us, then I’m not sure I fit in.”
“Allow me to save you the trouble, then: you don’t.”
Based on the prompt: a college AU where Louis is a hippie, very good vibes activist and Harry is a punk, anarchist that always gets involved in violent protests.
show you the stars in daylight
A fic by bruisedhoney on AO3 | @yvesaintlourent on Tumblr | bruisedhoney on Twitter
13k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis laughed, the sound loud and borderline obnoxious. Harry winced. “Are you kidding, Haz? I wouldn’t even look twice at someone that couldn’t pick me up.”
And, well. That was new information to Harry. It’s not like Louis had ever mentioned to him that he was his type in any way, shape, or form.  Harry shifted closer into the space between Louis’s legs, even more intrigued than before. “Why not?” he asked curiously, all pink lips and big curls. Louis smiled.
“Tiny, innocent, little Harold. Need someone that can pick me up, don’t I? I like being tossed around a little. You know, pinned down and made to take it. Lifted up like I’m nothing,” Louis said it all with a confident smile, his sharp little teeth tugging at his bottom lip as he locked eyes with the jock across the kitchen. “Think he might come over here. Move over. I don’t want him to think we’re together.”
Or, the one where Louis has a type and at sixteen and scrawy, it's definitely not his best friend's little brother Harry...ten years later, he changes his mind.
Freeway of Love (In a Pink Cadillac)
A fic by MsHydeStylinson on AO3 | @mizzhydes on Tumblr | MsHydeStylinson on Twitter
33k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Did you like them?” Louis asked in a seductive tone, propping his elbow against the armrest, chin resting against his fingers.
“I’m not going to answer that,” Harry informed, lips pressed in a hard line.
“I don’t think you have to,” Louis smirked nodding slightly towards his telltale bulge and watched as Harry reddened from his neck to his forehead in a flash.
”Please, I beg you to put that phone away,” Harry pleaded with a suffering expression plastered on his face.
“Please…” Harry whined.
Louis was on his way to Miami to visit an old friend. Harry was going there for a little R&R and take in the sights and sounds.  A sudden upgrade in seating brought these polar opposites together. The universe works in mysterious ways and they are unknowingly about to embark on an adventure they will surely remember for a lifetime.
Prompt 107: Sugar daddy AU inspired by this tweet: “going to sit next to the richest looking middle aged man on my flight and scroll through my nudes for three hours straight” with rich daddy Harry and bratty baby Louis.
Won't Keep You My (Dirty Little) Secret
A fic by lovelykits on AO3 | @lovelykits on Tumblr
16k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I got asked out today,” Louis comments.
“Okay,” Harry shifts.
“Did you hear me? I said I got asked out.”
"You always get asked out.”
“Yeah well this time they didn’t believe I had a boyfriend!”
Or Louis and Harry have been together since the end of last year and somehow no one knows about it.
A Place With Skeletons
A fic by whoknows on AO3 | @crazyupsetter on Tumblr
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I would choose anyone other than you,” Louis says, picking up his train of thought again. He feels a lot more cornered and defensive when they’re in Harry’s house, for some reason. It doesn’t really make sense, considering that this time, Louis was the one who couldn’t hack it any longer. He broke first. There’s something about being in Harry’s space, though, the green and earthy feeling of it. It should feel like open space with all the plants, but Louis has never felt more claustrophobic than he does when he’s here.
Harry’s chest moves against his back, a sharp intake of air. Before he can open his mouth to defend himself, Louis keeps going, “If I had a choice in any of this, I would have been saved by that elderly security guard over you. I wouldn’t mind having to have the occasional cuddle with her.”
View the other roundup posts here:
Week #1 Fic Roundup
Week #2 Fic Roundup
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*sequel* to actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
once again, it's out of context because x1000 funnier
also x1000 longer than previous post
"ur satan is gnc af"
"Bestie I’m already having gender envy over a fucking demon please"
"O_O ODEPIJHFbavevisdpvfhzdcnjawedsidjksjdkoeirjfmkdsoeirujdksodifjndmksoidfjdksidfj ITS" NOT IN MY FRAFTS IS SPEDNT 1 hour PN THAT SHIT"
"ohoho sexy"
"I am very proud of myself"
"himbo x edgy fuck"
"he has teefs"
"good for biting 📷"
"he's a himbo basically"
"i havent watched blue exorcist in years but mr okumura my beloved </3"
"is it important information to mention that the person i put up for my turn is the son of satan" "I know like 1 thing about everyone who isnt ranboo lmfao"
"tumblr sexyman"
"idk why but my first thought was cowboy onceler"
"I vibe with him but he is very long and twisty"
"steampunk e-girl"
"steampunk tumblr sexyman"
"Canonically bi crimelord I agree!!"
"they look like someone i would want to be friends with but is way cooler than me so i'd never actually talk to them"
"babby..... would die for him"
"honestly i probably kin him"
"i'm sure he's lovely but he looks way too much like my ex i'm sorry-"
"i'd be down for another rotation! i have another twink to show y'all"
"Also :00 blonde friend"
"Let us all infodhmo"
"Hsjagdvbs shhh im on phone"
"Nix woukd you like to joon?
"skitters away"
"I have two braincells and they both drink dumb bitch juice"
"oof wait whats the order again i have 0 memory"
"i want to bond with him over cosplay-"
"Awkwardly watches in band kid"
"One day I'm gonna a broadway star"
"which isnt to say they were bad. they were just fortnite dancing during rehersals"
"I threw it so hard my glasses flew off and slid under the stage right divider"
"anyway heres my boi"
"haha emo"
"virgil sanders kinnie"
"he looks like he listens to my chemical panic at the fallout boy"
"Bro I bet he'd kick my ass with his deck"
"bird man my beloved"
"fuck i had so much to say and then i forgot it all"
"She sounds like someone I would end up stealing her personality"
"yess name collector gang"
"alias glass aiden haven absinthe fish brick rice"
"But I have Cypress, Remure, Genesis, Lemres, and Comet"
"And she's named after a mars candy bar bc alien"
"Hey, if plato went by plato, you can be king thief"
"im not dissing my gramma like that shfojd"
"My dad has seven legal names" "bitches be like *looks at fictional character* *steals their name* it's us we're bithces"
"coraline lowkey traumatized me but i adore it regardless"
"mmmmmm magic man :]"
"°0° green man"
"criminal (affectionate)"
"he would shoplift a candy bar from walmart and then brag to all of his friends about the sick stealing he did"
"despite the fact he's canonically been capable of overpowering a minor deity"
"i would commit so many crimes for him"
"Very babey"
"Yes please tell green man he is very pog"
"he also keeps a lot of dumb secrets"
"but I will sorely miss the chaos and energy of this here chat until I wake again" (by request XD)
"i just say words and if they're funny then they're funny"
"* or extremly chaotic either works"
"at this point we are just taking turns rambling"
"bc my brain has a schedule"
"Hopefully they have gyoza there or I will lose my mind"
"hehe yes spooky man"
"my ghost glucose guardian"
"the head of the undead group that lives there, and we end up dating. (yes I date a ghost, no I will not be taking constructive criticism /lh)"
"ghosts r just inherently sexy"
"i mean im becoming a squid thing so"
"Raven quirk raven quirk!!"
"ł â m p"
"mothman: ooh lamp you look very nice today! do you come here often? mothman: wait shit no"
"I'd date a ghost"
"mine is still accurate, i am still sobbing (/j)"
"p e e p e e"
""@nick wilde is a tumblr sexyman" is the best thing i have ever seen"
"im sorry im cackling like a dying hyena"
"you're all 12 year olds"
"He once caused global warming on accident so he could get a tan"
"god, what a himbo. i love him"
"that reminds me of my friends kin assigned me jesus"
"Man outside of battle be like: princely crying but then in battle hes like: "CATACLYSM! DISASTER! DEVASTATION!" Chill out man"
"Every time I talk about satan it never fails to shock people it's my favorite thing to do"
"im kin assigning him roman sanders" ""Oh yeah he caused global warming because he wanted to get girls" "he what""
"oh damn i forgot satan was straight"
"twink appreciation club"
"give us the twinks"
"my first thought was bottom-"
"so many people to try and get his dad to love him"
"daddy issued"
"Big boy but"
"anyways janus is swagggg"
"gib twink"
"give twink then i will share"
"holds him gentle like hamburger"
"This dumb bitch opened a book that said "do not open" and got possessed by a little bastard"
"he is. fragile creachur"
"klug is beauty klug is grace i would let him step on my face"
"If I'm playing swap and I have to hear one more "Pwanet Powew" Im gonna lose it"
"Who is to blame? Pandora or the box?"
"Bakugo isnt my type but I respect the drip"
"i say like my type isnt long-haired pretty boys and girls that look so gnc that people have a history of confusing them for men"
"hes a gremlin and i can appreciate a pretty gremlin"
"that is to say i am attracted to VFlower vocaloid. This is a confession."
"note i am a lesbian"
"You may like Schezo wegey"
"why does he have one single expression"
"soul soul eater passes the vibe check"
"magic wand"
"I Want To Hold His Hand"
"i would commit a war crime for him any war crime idc which one"
"my favorite one is when he sounded rlly gay because he said "Muscular bodies keep me satisfied""
"p e a n u t"
"Klug is a homophobic homosexual its just facts"
"grug from the croods is peak male performance"
"jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely."
"tag yourself im the fireworks shooting from the top of the head"
"i like essays"
"central time gang"
"11:11 pog-" (wait... is that a suprise angel number?? yes it is lovelies just for you <3)
"Then again im also a dumbass bitch who wonders what the souls in soul eater taste like. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. THEY LOOK TASTY AS HELL!!!! LIKE GODDAMN BRO YOU'RE MAKING ME FUCKING HUNGRY. Like. that shit- it's Bone Apple motherfucking Teeth. hell yea my guy. Im hongy now.... shlorp I'm seriously considering this. Like. They seem kinda like a liquid? But a solid? Are they like jello? The fuck they taste like my guy???? I keep imagining they're like sour, like sour candy maybe? Or do they taste salty? Sweet? Maybe some combo of two? Do they even have a taste or is it about the texture? The sensation? God my mouth is watering what the hell. I am starving. I think I need to go get a cookie. I'm gonna go get a cookie. Brb. I'm better. I'm still craving souls though. Which is a weird-ass cringey thing to say but I'm being dead-ass rn. They just.... look tasty???? And I wanna eat one. Thus. I am shifting to Soul Eater for the express purpose of satisfying my fucking cravings. enjoy"
"points were made"
"jello? more like helloooo schloooAHFJDSDAIDWNALDHSJKDAIDANDM"
"anime girl voice: mmm! mm... ahhhhmp!! mmm, mmm... aaahmp!"
"i think it sounds great i'm going to start eating like that"
"several people are typing"
"do these look edible to you"
"forbidden gummies"
"when I was on lsd I couldn't eat my fruit gummies because I thought they were alive because they had little faces on them"
"oh shit yeah don't do drugs"
"anyways general consensus is puyos are edible, ty for your input everyone"
"everypony is a word so powerful it can bring nations to its knees"
"pls the self control it's taking me not to say "hewwo everypony" in gen chat when someone new joins-"
"hewwo evewrypony uwu deaw cewestia i hopwe it doewsnt wain owo"
"ive cooked up a sowution wiwth the knowwege ive acwued. they say a kitcwen time saves niwne, but im just savwing two. Ive gathewwed the inwedients to make a time sowbet. Thewe's hawdly woom fow seconds when the seconds mewt away."
"I had a ten year old sister... you know what happened to her??? very sad, very tragic... she turned eleven....."
"Guts dont say the secks word :( /j"
"watch your fucking language in front of the president"
"im so sorry lumi"
"i think you're like ehhhh 8/10 funny"
"now me???? 10/10. Hilarious"
"sometimes i have to take a step back and remember that this is the same guts i follow on tumblr /lh"
""ok every here's some good shifting advice!!! uwu have a good day" "yeah i did lsd and ate fruit gummies""
"i have one setting and it's whatever this is"
"my bitch ass cat just pushed the door open with his fuzzy face and now my sleeping dad is being lulled into dreams by Cosmo Sheldrake's 'Pliocine'."
"me on discord: nick wilde"
"me on tumblr: shifting water! haha funne! me on here: my hermit crabs are cannibals also i want to eat souls."
"u give off older cousin ive never spoken to but always admire at the family gatherings vibes"
"what the fuck"
"If you adopt me then yes"
"am I qualified for dad jokes???"
"we're all a lot smarter on tumblr"
"I'm like "awww... sweet... sweet little shiftlings... posting such sweet shiftling content... so pure, so wholesome... does not even know abcs....""
"can't think before you speak if you never think B)"
"I'm not responsible enough to be a mom"
"cat pet"
"show us pictures of the cat or i will do Crime"
"maybe thats me being a coward tho"
if y'all want I can make this a series bc shiftblr keeps giving me more content
33 notes · View notes
I hate to be an asshole, but I see this a lot and I'd like your take because while we have differing opinions on some things, your metas are spot on (and I binged half your stories last weekend, oops) and I know you'll be straight up with me on this. What "chemistry" between Zuko and Katara? I keep seeing that and not getting it? The chemistry when he roughed up her grandmother and threatened her village? The chemistry when he tied her to a tree and violated her boundaries? (1/3)
The chemistry when he hired a trained assassin to stalk her good friend and if collateral damage happened, oopsie? The chemistry when he stabbed her in the back after she was nice to him in the crystal catacombs? The chemistry when he demanded that she accept him? Or the chemistry when he showed he didn’t know her at all? The chemistry when both of them were grossed out being thought a couple? Or is it the chemistry when he saved her and Katara couldn’t wait to kiss another guy? (2/3)
I dislike r/eylo from Star Wars fandom. I think it sends the wrong message. But as much as I hate it, there was chemistry there from the first. Rey is attracted to him and Kylo is attracted to her. They don’t want to be, but they are and it plays out in the next two movies. There was none of that in ATLA and I can understand z/ks saying it but other people? What am I missing? Where am I not looking? I’m not even that huge on Katara/Aang but Zuko/Katara chemistry where? (3/3)
Obligatory disclaimer: this is my personal response to anon’s questions and my personal thoughts on Zvtara’s chemistry. I’m not going to put this into the main tags - much less the Zvtara tag! - because while I believe this is a genuine question, I don’t doubt there’s at least one person out there who will misconstrue it as “hate” because the A:TLA fandom is, uh, aggressive in its ship wars lol. However, if I have any Zvtara shippers following me, I encourage you to reblog this post with your own thoughts! Please refrain from sending your commentary on anon unless you’re going to be friendly about it, lol; I like to keep my blog positive and welcoming! Thank you :)
Firstly, I am EXTREMELY flattered that you enjoy my metas so much and binged half my fics!! I was grinning so gleefully as I read that part of your asks,, y’all are too sweet to me. 💛
Okay. Moving on.
So, the main question here seems to be this: What chemistry exists between Zuko and Katara in A:TLA?
Short answer? None, in my opinion.
Longer answer? For all the reasons you outline in your asks, I do not perceive any romantic chemistry between Zuko and Katara within the series run of A:TLA. Note the qualifiers: “romantic” and “within the series run.” I’ll try to break down what I mean!
“no romantic chemistry”
For one, a romantic interest with anyone in the Gaang would have undermined Zuko’s entire redemption arc, full stop. Yes, I mean anyone. For Zuko to have joined the Gaang because of romantic interest* would have been… counterproductive. Zuko joined the Gaang because he realized - to put it very simply - that the Fire Nation was wrong. He realized how he’d been indoctrinated since birth. He realized that he could help the Avatar (instead of trying to, uh, kill him lmao) by teaching him firebending. He realized he could help Aang defeat the Fire Lord and bring peace to the four nations. Zuko realized he could help end the war. He could help break the cycles of violence and abuse that had in part made his own life so miserable. For him to join the Gaang because of romantic interest? Completely takes away from all of that. A key theme of A:TLA is dismantling imperialist power, propaganda, rhetoric, etc. Zuko’s decision to fight against Fire Nation imperialism is crucial to his redemption. He could not have been redeemed without making that choice. Thus, if Zuko had joined the Gaang because of romantic interest, it would have been completely counteractive to his redemption.
(*That is, the relatively popular [? I think?] implication that Zuko and Katara’s moment in “The Crossroads of Destiny” was romantic-coded and thus Zuko should have joined the Gaang at the end of Book 2 because he had romantic interest in Katara and she in him. I genuinely am clueless how people interpret that moment as romantic - like to me it’s honestly heartbreaking! Katara offers Zuko tentative sympathy only for him to stab her in the back minutes later - so if someone would like to share some thoughts, please feel free to do so!!)
On a similar note, for Zuko to take the lightning for Katara at the end of the series because of romantic interest would also undermine his redemption arc. Please note: this does not mean Zvtara shippers cannot interpret the Agni Kai as being romantic-coded. Of course they can! That’s what fanon is for! Transformative works! But in terms of canon, Zuko did not try (and fail, rip) to redirect Azula’s lightning because he was romantically interested in Katara. (I mean, in terms of canon, Zuko and Katara were both romantically interested in other people, too, so… Moot point, lol? But I digress.)
Zuko taking the lightning is about him learning to earn forgiveness and accept unconditional love from his family (both Iroh and the Gaang). It is a selfless act, and it directly parallels Zuko’s selfish act in “The Crossroads of Destiny” to stand silently while Azula strikes Aang with lightning, thus becoming complicit in Aang’s death. The point of his “sacrifice” is that Zuko would have taken the lightning for anyone (and don’t get me wrong - the moment is doubly powerful with Katara, as she’s a primary protagonist!). Zuko did not attempt but fail to redirect the lightning because it was Katara he was protecting; he took it because it was the right thing to do. Zuko has learned to differentiate between “right and wrong” on his own. To at last put others before himself. To make his decision about romantic interest? To make Zuko’s most selfless act in the series (not to mention one of his only 100% selfless acts!) about out-of-the-blue “romantic love”? That not only lessens the impact of his decision, but it is also reductive to Zuko’s entire character and arc. There’s no romantic chemistry there.
Again, of course, fanon exists for purposes such as interpreting Zuko’s failed misdirection of the lightning to protect Katara as romantic. Go wild!! I’m talking strictly about canon.
So that pretty much summarizes why romantic interest with anyone in the Gaang would have been detrimental to Zuko’s redemption, hence why Zuko doesn’t have any canon romantic chemistry in the Gaang. It just ain’t there! It would have screwed over his arc! And again, because of all the reasons you outline, I cannot comfortably interpret any romantic chemistry between Zuko and Katara within the series run of A:TLA. Personally, romantic Zvtara would have been too sudden, too unexpected, and too… well, as I said: uncomfortable. Why would Katara have romantic interest in a guy who’d hurt her so many times? Who she’d only just forgiven? Why would Zuko have romantic interest in Katara, a girl he barely knew for most of the series? Especially when he already had feelings for a childhood friend? I, personally, just don’t get it.
But. You know what Zuko and Katara do have in canon?
A phenomenal platonic bond.
It develops very late, admittedly; Katara has only forgiven Zuko for the last five episodes of the series (5 out of 61… Katara was only on good terms with Zuko for 8% of the series, lmao). But Zuko and Katara are very, very similar personality-wise, so it follows that (eventually) they’d be great friends! Yeah, Zuko acts like an entitled dick for a good portion of “The Southern Raiders” lmao, but he ultimately respects Katara’s decision to spare Yon Rha (love that scene so much 🤧). Katara recognizes that Zuko is trying his best (if sometimes falling short) to redeem himself and earn the Gaang’s trust, and she also understands how - while she is completely justified in her anger! - holding that hatred close to her chest isn’t good for her. So she offers him a third chance (and honestly, Zuko should be forever grateful for that lmao!).
So what can a strong platonic bond lead to? Well, if it’s in your taste, a romantic relationship!
“within the series run”
As aforementioned, I don’t see any romantic chemistry between Zuko and Katara within the series run of A:TLA. I think Zuko has hurt Katara in too many ways - and again, she has only just forgiven him by the end of the show - for there to realistically have been any blossoming romance between them. I think romantic interest for anyone in the Gaang would undermine Zuko’s redemption. I also think M@iko and K@taang are well-implemented romances into A:TLA, so romantic Zvtara would not have fit into the narrative. (Doesn’t mean someone has to ship them!! I just mean they made logical sense and had narrative purpose within canon. That’s all.) But again, Zuko and Katara have a great platonic bond. So while I don’t see romance within the series run, I can understand why people might be attracted to Zvtara in post-canon!
Post-A:TLA (disregarding LOK, which I haven’t even seen lol) Zvtara has some solid potential. I’m personally intrigued by the idea of how they’d navigate their relationship amidst all the politics! Basically, any relationship with a strong platonic bond can have potential for “more.” That’s why people ship T@ang, that’s why people ship Zvkaang, Zvkka, M@ilee, etc. So while Zvtara may not have romantic chemistry within the show - in my opinion! - they’ve got one of my favorite platonic bonds, so I can totally get people wanting to explore that bond in post-A:TLA and possibly translating it to romance.
So for some people, then, it might be less about “chemistry” in A:TLA itself, but more how their relationship could grow and change after the end of the series!
Quick sidebar: I mentioned that while I do not interpret the final Agni Kai as romantic, I’m fine when other people do. It’s fanon! Ain’t no big thing! But also, Katara has forgiven Zuko by that point. I, personally, am not comfortable with reading any of Zuko and Katara’s TSR-and-earlier interactions as romantic because of the imbalanced power dynamic. Example: I don’t think Zuko tying Katara to a tree and manipulating her with her mother’s necklace was romantic, and I don’t like the resulting implications when people do treat it as such. Zuko was still so indoctrinated by Fire Nation propaganda… Yeah, from Book 1 to about halfway through Book 3, I personally don’t feel comfortable shipping Zuko with anyone outside of the Fire Nation. Pre-redemption Zuko was not the most fun person to be around if you were non-Fire Nation.
But as I’ve said, these are all just my opinions! Again, if I have any Zvtara shippers following me, please feel free to reblog with your own thoughts! I would love to know where the idea comes from that Zvtara had chemistry within A:TLA, since I personally don’t see any romantic vibes (though platonic chemistry, of course, abounds.)
(For the record, I don’t know anything about Star Wars, which is why I haven’t brought up R.eylo, lol.)
TL;DR - To me, there isn’t any canon romantic chemistry for Zvtara. Narratively, I think it would undermine Zuko’s arc. Logically, because of how Zuko treated Katara for 92% of the series, I personally cannot interpret any of their interactions as romantic. But their platonic bond? Beautiful!! Thus, if people want to explore post-A:TLA, fanon Zvtara, I am all for it.
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Ao3 Fic Meme
Tagged by the lovely @mearcatsreturns​, who may regret this.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
156. And considering a Decent number of those are prompt-fic compilations...
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
458,912. Somehow this is both higher and lower than I would’ve expected.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Oh god. Um. Here’s the whole mess in list form:
                     The 100 (TV) (61)        
           Timeless (TV 2016) (24)        
           Les Misérables - All Media Types (11)        
           Jessica Jones (TV) (10)        
           Star Wars - All Media Types (6)        
           Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (5)        
           Revolution (TV) (5)        
           The Gifted (TV 2017) (5)        
           Pacific Rim (Movies) (5)        
           The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types (3)       
           Shadowhunters (TV) (3)        
           Suicide Squad (Movies 2016 2021) (2)        
           The Umbrella Academy (TV) (2)        
           Westworld (TV) (2)        
           DC Extended Universe (2)        
           Vikings (TV) (2)        
           Downton Abbey (1)        
           The Flash (TV 2014) (1)       
           Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo (1)        
           The Old Guard (Movie 2020) (1)        
           Mad Max Series (Movies) (1)       
           Les Misérables (2012) (1)        
           Firefly (TV 2002) (1)        
           A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (1)        
           The Magicians (TV) (1)        
           Avatar: The Last Airbender (1)        
           Dune (2021) (1)        
           Orphan Black (TV) (1)        
           Teen Wolf (TV) (1)        
           iZombie (TV) (1)        
           Shadow and Bone (TV) (1)        
   There are a handful of cross-tags going on, but... wow I’ve done more than I ever offhand remember having done, and I have FULLY blocked some of those eras from my mind.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Some of these I can explain, some of these I absolutely cannot.
Just Wanna Feel Something (Anything Is Better) - the one and only iZombie fic I ever wrote, I promptly stopped watching that show because I only have so much time in this life and it was not a priority, and... this fic Very Consistently does well despite having been posted in early 2015.
find me in the shallows - first Kabby prompt-comp, of course this one is high.
and i’ll use you as a warning sign - first Garcy prompt-comp, same deal.
curiosity (be the end of me) - aka what happened after, due to circumstances that if I remember right involved familial miscommunication, I saw The Force Awakens in theaters twice in approximately twenty-four hours and proceeded to ship a relative rarepair based on level of pretty and what I believed was a level of plausibility. and then I wrote shower sex for them because why. not.
chocolate means i love you - another part of the above Star Wars era / fever-dream, but this one is not smut.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, the emails make me happy and I do respond to... generally everything now, but I haven’t always been the best in the past.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I hate angst, I generally write more fluff / fix-it, but... that said, your hands you’re accounted for was wild t100 season 6 speculation that ended up being FRIGHTFULLY close to what actually went down, and I believe that’s the only time in recent years my writing has gone There content-wise.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Nope. I do occasionally think about it, but... the fandoms I play with, especially more recently, don’t have a lot of overlap as far as other people interested (who are NOT people I love who I’ve dragged into all my shinies), so...
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not recently / not since I was a babybug on ffnet ~13 years ago. And even that I don’t remember. What I do know is that I have mentally blocked the whole Les Mis era because for what I was writing at that time, I was the only person who did NOT get death threats. Fuck that fandom.
9. Do you write smut? If you do, what kind of smut do you write?
Yes. I usually go for sweet / not too graphic because that’s my interest and comfort levels, and there are multiple ships I’ve been writing for a While that I HAVEN’T done smut for, but... sometimes the mood hits, and other times intimacies are a means to a different end for various babes, so...
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don’t think so?
12. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I’m skipping this. It changes way too frequently / generally it’s whatever I’m using to deal with my life at a given time. I do have consistent babes that I’ve continued writing for over good lengths of time, cancellations, and my interpretations evolving, but... cannot say just one favorite.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Um... either Harry Potter or Twilight. TRY to guess roughly how old I am and what era I discovered online fandom, lol.
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I’m gonna do a top-SEVERAL here because I am me and I have different reasons to love different things, so... in rough chronological order from oldest to newest...:
Don We Now Our Day Of Peril, aka the t100 Christmas pageant AU, and yes it is somehow more of a hot disaster than it sounds and also involved less personal experiences than one would expect from my fic. My writing roots (pre-fanfic) are in disaster comedy and I do not write it enough.
find yourself an oblivious man, aka the fic that brought me back after I almost quit fandom altogether. Maybe not my best writing, but represents a very specific moment in my life, so.
open your eyes (it’s time to leave me) - the entire “same light” ‘verse could get a mention, honestly, but that one lingers as a representation of my emotional state at the time in the best-worst way and I am still amazed I managed to create something that good in that era. (Also, that was about the point in that fandom where I met some fabulous people, and I think y’all latched on after a DIFFERENT fic around the same time but it still deserves mention.)
never listen but i see it with my eyes closed - I am writing longform fic, which I do not successfully do like EVER, for the ship that saved my tail this year, but also not because it has turned into this deep-dive exploration of the headspace of the most conflicted / morally-darkest character I’ve ever written, and I love it and it’s eaten my life.
Not tagging anybody but this is open-ended for anyone who wants to do it.
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brw · 2 years
002 — ScarletVision (it’s ur brand I HAD to 💖)
When I started shipping them
Honestlyyy I cant remember </3 they just have given me brainworms for the past 5 or so years n I have to deal w/ it <3 I guess I just thot that Vision was cool n they're such an iconic pairing that you sort of have to come across them at some point
My thoughts
ONE of the premier comic book relationships. theyre iconic theyre groundbreaking theyre so special and dramatic and have my whole heart. i can't personally think of a single relationship that has the range they do. theyre ur embarrassing het parents theyre the friendship of a gay man and lesbian they are a t4t lesbian power couple they are having a fight in a car park they are star crossed lovers whos fates are entertwined and the fact that their romance happened goes against all odds. they r so special.
What makes me happy about them
the fact that they STILL love each other they still are very close friends they made a LIFE together and they remember and respect that and love each other for it and even though theyre much different now they still have so much respect for one another i love their constant growth. strangers to being so fragily in love with each other to becoming stronger + standing by one another as they become the best versions of themselves, building a life together away from the avengers, the tragedy that struck them and the fact that they managed to rebuild past that and remain good friends. they r SO. thinking about them daily. they were KIDS IN LOVE they didnt deserve this :(
What makes me sad about them
everything john byrne did </3 set the WORST prescent for them it makes me so enraged that ppl still use it as evidence they shouldn't have been together they were SO in love prior to that vision got violated against their will and thats not their fault!!! n the fact that people can't let them rest.... WEIRD WRITERS R NOT THESE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS RESPONSIBILITY PLEASE STOP ACTING LIKE IT IS! SOBBING.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me
definitely ppl who recontextualise their relationship to be manipulative or abusive on vision's part saw that kind of idea in the 616 SV tag n i was so :/ just. dont use the tag lol. anyway finding anything centered on them that isn't mcu based is ridiculously hard so. that ig. vision with binary pronouns. i struggle a lot if u couldn't tell.
Things I look for in fanfic
genderqueer vision at the TOP of that list but definitely like,,, stuff that has clear references i guess. like i like some continuity i like being able to tell which comic issue it happened during i like being Specific!! uhhhh wanda being explictly jewish in like holiday celebrations is always a plus :0000 and if the avengers r there definitely a non mcu lineup. where r jan and hank.
My wishlist
ngl not sure what this means but assuming it means like, wishes for them, i guess uhhh. polyamory. literally it is 2022 no more ship wars. they r dating everyone. my wish is that they get back together but have an open / poly relationship.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
DEFINITELY scarletvoodoo & visionmantis. wanda & jericho r SO SO SO soft they are so important scarletvision endgame but i do actually need more content of them so badly. there is so much more to explore how does jericho vibe w/ tommy & billy!! they were moving in together what does their house look like!! what is their morning routine!!! please let me know!!and visionmantis bc they are just also so soft.... autistic nonbinary lesbian 4 autistic nonbinary lesbian. she is green they r red it is a perfect combo. they understand each other on a deeper level, like they understand each other's emotions & outlook more than other ppl n i really want that explored. they only broke up canonically bc vision could not get pregnant!! we can fix that its the future. bring them back to me.
My happily ever after for them
AGAIN polyamory. they have so many hands. getting back together getting remarried but like. explictly as their updated selves. we CANNOT regress we need to look forward it has to be brought out of respect for what their pasts r and what their futures would look like together has to be a writer that actually cares abt them please nothing to do w/ wendyshow i could not handle it. i know it will not happen in a way that i want but i can dream!!
ask game for fandoms, ships & characters.
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bexterbex · 4 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 54
Tumblr media
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Will tag as I go along, Will update tags, Slow Burn, Influenced by Star Trek and other Sci-Fi themes, References to We Happy Few, Tons of References and quotes to George Orwells 1984 see if you can find them all, The First Order is the new Big Brother,  but who is really surprised, Blatant Nazi Symbolism, Interrogation Themes, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Really just drawn out Slow Burn, Don’t repost without permission, Torture themes, Suggestive Themes, Execution themes, Disturbing Themes, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Controlling Kylo Ren, Physical Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Possessive Kylo Ren, A character shamelessly based on Zelda
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 54: Learning and Encouraging
The general placed your lunch order for you, stating there were specific things needed for your course. When the droid arrived it placed a rather elaborate place setting in front of you. Lots of silverware and glasses that you weren’t familiar with.
The general seemed to want to make sure everything was precise and forced you to maintain a straighter posture than normal, “Now m’lady it is important that you take such a lead at this formal dinner. Other than the Supreme Leader, you will be the next highest ranking person there.” He then started to show you by example how to do things.
“So everyone will be looking at me and judging me. Got it.” You instantly got nervous. You hated being the spectacle of everyone’s judgment.
“Now, now m’lady, they will simply be following your lead, as will the Supreme Leader. One of the reasons why you are learning such things is that he needs to be shown what to do, he will follow your example. He has been taught these things, but he tends to either ignore them or forget them. He will be searching your mind and following you at the dinner,” Hux informed you.
“Searching my mind? Like he will literally be following my lead? I don’t know if I like that.” Truly you didn’t, it rather creeped you out.  
“Well, m’lady it is either you or I, and I think he much prefers your mind versus mine. I can tell you that he does it anyway, if you know where to look you can feel him moving around in there.” He pointed to his head,  “You might find that it is a good way to communicate without alerting others. I have found it rather useful at times.”
You considered this for a moment. He was in your head? You knew he read your thoughts, but you assumed that he didn’t do it all the time. But now you thought twice about it. Could he see what Adlez and you were doing? Would it even work if he knew what you were trying to do? How good was his concentration? This was something you were going to have to test.
“Ok, so if I do this correctly then he will take my lead?” You weren’t sure if that was the best thing.
“Yes m’lady, but I might recommend that you rather overly think it when you do. Like yelling in your own mind or rather when you pick up a glass you need to truly think about picking up a glass or a fork. He will need to be led by you as to what to do, less we want to make fools of ourselves.” He then went through what each item was used for and in what order you were to use them.
You eventually got to actually eat your food, “But it is very important to note that anytime you get up from the table all males will stand with you,” said the general. “The Supreme Leader will probably initiate this. You do not have to stand when another woman gets up, but any male that does not stand for you is someone who is insulting you.”
“Do you have a feeling that someone might try to insult me?” This was not something you wanted to repeat, not after the last time.
“There may be some at the dinner that do not appreciate that your planet has not been in the last few galactic wars. And now it is reaping the benefit of the First Order’s graces without doing the work.” You could tell this was not his personal feelings, only possible opinions that he was relaying to you.
“Would they possibly be the same people who are in favor of General Pryde staying around?” You had a gut feeling.
The general did not answer exactly but shared a pointed smile with you as he turned back to eating his lunch. You got the message. You were about to fight an entirely different battle. One that Kylo wasn’t proficient in, one that you would lead on your side.
“They may also make snide remarks about you m’lady, so you best be prepared. Adlez and Olivia-Rose will make sure you are presentable. It will be best if there are no marks along your neck. While they may be something, the Supreme Leader enjoys, it will not be something appreciated by them less you be in a different position; like that of a courtesan and not a lady.” He pointed to his own neck, miming to where your marks were.
“We won’t have that,” stated Adlez. “If anything, that will be the women they call wives that they will bring along.” She seemed ready to take this battle for you. You wonder if it was ever insinuated that she was one in her previous marriage. High society women were known to be catty and backstabbing.
“Of course not, but Lady Ren may have to remind the Supreme Leader as to the purpose of covering herself up.” You could tell that both you and the general knew that he probably wouldn’t be happy with the decision to cover them up.
Your hand went to the mark behind your ear, the one he almost seemed to insist be there at all times. Not that the other marks didn’t mean anything, but this was the one he darkened and remarked every morning. You had a feeling that this was the one that would have to stay, his little mark of ownership over you. His signature, his brand.
“I will try to do so general, but perhaps we can find a dress that makes covering them less tedious?” You turned to your ladies with the question.
“I have just the dress in mind, m’lady. It will show off a bit of your back but almost nothing of your collarbone and what is shown will be easy to cover. One of your many beautiful floral dresses,” said Adlez.
“We are confident we can cover any mark, the Supreme Leader decides to leave,” said Olivia-Rose.
Both of them made you feel better, you were glad you had their company otherwise you would be all alone here. Floundering trying to make this all work, lost trying to find your new role. They were essential to your success.
After lunch, you all made your way up to the second level. You walked past the place where your drink from the other night had crashed. There was a stain in the carpet there. You stared at it for a moment before taking your spot. Adlez noticed the stain and walked back downstairs before coming back with a brush and a bottle of seltzer water, salt and a rag. She went to work lifting the stain if only she could do that to the memory.
The general informed you that you would be skipping around in order of lessons until the Supreme Leader informed him that you were to do some of the others he had in mind.
Ch. 19: The Chaperon and Other Conventions
Ch. 27 Part 1: Notes and Shorter Letters (para. 1-24)
Ch. 27 Part 2: Notes and Shorter Letters (para. 25-59)
Ch. 27 Part 3: Notes and Shorter Letters (para. 60-97)
Ch. 27 Part 4: Notes and Shorter Letters (para. 98-140)
Ch. 27 Part 5: Notes and Shorter Letters (chart How to Address Important Personages - to end)
Ch. 28: Longer Letters
“Once you are officially introduced as the First Lady, Lady Ren of the First Order and because you are not married to the Supreme Leader at any official events, you are not to go off alone with him. I believe the Supreme Leader has designated myself as your official chaperon at the dinner. You will also take up some duties, including some official correspondences with some of our allies. When we get closer to the dinner the Supreme Leader and I will sit down with you and go over your new duties,” the general then stood and folded his arms neatly behind his back.
So you were not only were you and he going to be watched by everyone, you couldn’t be alone together for five minutes. You were also going to be given new duties and responsibilities. Part of you was happy because you were going to be trusted with things, but part of you was dreading having to possibly do something you didn’t want to do.
“It is also recommended that for the next few meals following up to the dinner that you follow that same set up to practice your etiquette. It should now be set up on your meal preference list to eat this way. Even though the Supreme Leader will probably just follow you, it may not hurt to have him eat like that with you beforehand,” you could tell that the general was giving you a hint. You would agree that Kylo had some manners to work on and it wouldn’t hurt to start early.
The general then took his leave as you followed your ladies down to the dressing room to get ready for dinner. You saw the lieutenant linger for a moment before he also took his leave.
You then got ready with your ladies, putting you in another rather simple dress for the evening and doing another simple but elegant style.
“So is there anyone that has caught either of your eyes on board,” you asked both of them.
Adlez caught your eye in the mirror you could tell that she knew what you were doing. “Not particularly for me, but I have had fun with some of the officers at the bar.”
Both of you watched Olivia-Rose blush and duck her head when both of your attention turned to her. “There is no one in particular.”
“No one in particular, or someone who hasn’t noticed yet,” asked Adlez taking the lead. Her all-knowing eyes settled on her younger counterpart.
“I don’t know if it would even be appropriate, or even if it would be reciprocated,” Olivia-Rose said in her own defense. She looked stressed and worried.
“It is most certainly reciprocated and really all you need to do is ask permission from Lady Ren,” said Adlez to her. She then looked at you, asking permission for her.
Olivia-Rose then caught your eye in the vanity mirror, you got up and took her shoulders in your hands. “Of course you can, all I ask is that if it doesn’t work out that you will be able to work together. He is my assistant after all, and you will have to be near each other every day.”
Olivia-Rose just blushed and ducked her head. Eventually, she nodded in response. You then walked over to the vanity mirror with her and Adlez to inspect their handiwork. They did an excellent job, as always.
“Adlez do you think you can get me ready for bed by yourself?” You turned your head to the older woman.
She met your eye in the mirror and answered it with a smirk, saying, “Of course I can.”
You then turned to Olivia-Rose, “I expect that you should be able to track him down. Or do you want me to send him a message? I am giving you the opportunity to do it now before things get too hectic for all of us.”
She blushed and ducked her head once more, “I can find him m’lady and thank you.”
With that, you dismissed them both and headed to the living area to wait for Kylo to return for dinner. You had some things to discuss tonight, one of them being the execution tomorrow. You just hoped he could keep a level head for once so that another night together wasn’t ruined.
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bettsfic · 4 years
Hey! I was just wondering if you would soapbox a little about your creative process. I absolutely adore your writing advice but was wondering a bit more about how your ideas form and how you choose which to pursue and do finished products look like you want them to? What's a bad habit you're trying to break? No obligation to answer, especially cause an anon is like tell me your secrets! But thank you for all you've written, you are so helpful and kind
thanks for the great question anon! i wrote a bit about my drafting process here but that doesn’t encompass the idea building side of things (also i’ve made some changes to the process so i was thinking about writing a more cohesive, updated version at some point).
i tend to think of project ideas as piles of aesthetic, and usually i only begin writing once the pile has toppled over and i can’t not write it. that’ll make more sense in a moment. 
i’ll walk through 2 examples of my idea generating process, from how they started to where they are now. 
1. Vandal
Vandal is a novel i’m working on that i really have a lot of hope for. i’m about 60k words in right now and 75% finished. it’s about a teenage girl (sierra) who casts a spell on her hot, helpful neighbor (frank) to bind them together. the spell ends up working but backfiring when he becomes her foster father. then, in his custody, sierra gets jealous and casts a spell on his girlfriend (jenny) to break them up, but that backfires too: sierra gets taken out of frank’s custody and placed with a manipulative and abusive foster brother (leo). frank more or less kidnaps sierra and they have to Run From The Law. throughout the novel, sierra is inwardly battling Vandal, an immortal archangel that has possessed her and is trying to get her to kill herself so he can break free of the prison of her body.  
the idea for that story has a looooong breadcrumb trail and a huge aesthetic pile. since i couldn’t manage to get Baby traditionally published, i had a lot of that dynamic i could adopt into something else. i wrote at length about where that idea came from but i can no longer find that post (UPDATE: here it is). it’s somewhere in my training wheels tag. in short, i spent an entire summer watching/reading age gap stories and the male perspective in them bothered me a lot, so i wanted to write a story from the younger party’s perspective, and do the reality of those situations justice. i wrote that story, though, so i didn’t want to rewrite it. 
then, in december 2019, for reasons i don’t remember, i started reading snape/hermione fics. i really liked the dynamic, but it was a little too angsty for me, and none of the fics gave me the catharsis i was looking for, which was basically Grouchy Soft Boy Takes Care Of PTSD Weary Girl. being unable to find anything that fit the exact no-conflict, angstless dynamic i was looking for, i decided to write it myself using an A/B/O reylo idea i’d been kicking around for about 8 months but i could never land on, because i didn’t know if i wanted ben or ren. that fic turned out to be Reclaimed.  
to answer one of your questions, Reclaimed didn’t turn out the way i wanted it to at all, and i’m still kind of shocked by the traffic it has. i felt bad about writing it, because i was setting down so many other things to work on it, and it was a struggle from start to finish. at the time (and this is a major theme of my process), i thought it was a waste of energy.
but it opened a very important thematic concept to me, which is the idea of voicelessness and trauma, and recovery through finding one’s voice.
fast-forward to february, i’m headcanoning with @star-sky-earth just days before i have to head to nebraska for a writing residency. she and i are talking about a certain male celebrity who shall not be named, flirting with his younger female costar who shall not be named, and i said something along the lines of, “wouldn’t it suck to get a crush on a dude like him, only to find out he likes you back, and then you realize he’s actually kind of shallow and boring?”
i remember distinctly saying, out loud, “god fucking dammit,” because, right then, an aesthetic pile had toppled over, and an entire novel unfolded itself in my brain. i pound out an outline. it’s garbage. i play around with a vocal gauge. it’s not quite right. then, two days later, i write an opening scene that i don’t think is great but i send it to some people and they’re like, oh this is fire. 
the aesthetic pile looks like this:
lolita, where dolores is the one in control
delusions of grandeur born from a major traumatic event
obsessions with fairy tales and the escapism they provide
the consequences of extreme neglect
forced voicelessness as both a theme and a major structural constraint
a lot of wolf imagery
non-chronological timelines
i proceed to spend the next two days driving across the country brain-writing. by the time i reach nebraska, i hit the ground running, and write for basically 30-40 hours a week for 5 weeks. then, because pandemic, i decide to stay 2 more weeks, but i hit a snag. i write about 14k of really boring drivel and realize my outline has failed me. i toss the 14k and re-outline and try again. then, my attention is rattled by a crush on a composer who has no interest in me. 
i go home and fall into my annual summer depression and i lose focus. so, that’s where i’m at. i really miss vandal but it’s gotten super dark and i’m finding it difficult to manage darkness with everything going on. which brings me to my next aesthetic pile that has recently toppled over.
2. Eden
that’s not the title but it’s the project name. i’ve begun writing a YA sci fi comedy with an ensemble cast. this aesthetic pile took years to build before it toppled. it started with Elixir of Erised, hands down the best fic i’ve ever written by a huge margin. i reread it this past winter and was kind of amazed i’d written it. 
i really liked the idea of a potion showing you your deepest desires, but until recently have not had the patience to build an entire world around it. so, for the past 3.5 years, i’ve kept a document of “if i WERE to a YA SFF book with the themes of EOE, what would i want to include?” over those 3.5 years, here’s what the list became:
dark academia vibes
heist plot
that list is not really conducive to an entire universe, and i never had the motivation to sit down and think through it. 
then i watched breaking bad, and a lot of things started clicking. at the same time, i was talking to my buddy kyle about my fallen knight archetype schematic, and i began fleshing out all the archetypes that went with it. i came up with 12. i built a database. i thought, wouldn’t it be cool to write something with ALL 12 ARCHETYPES?? haha but who would be dumb enough to do that?
me. i would. 
with breaking bad as the missing plot piece (which introduces the idea of conflict around the MANUFACTURE and DISTRIBUTION of addictive substances, with an ensemble cast of morally grey characters, which leads to a war), i had enough to get started. 
i wrote an outline. i wrote another outline. i wrote a third outline. i stopped to write some histories of this place i’d built. i wrote a fourth outline. gdocs became a mess so i downloaded scrivener and taught myself how to use it. i wrote a gauge of the first chapter and landed the voice on the first try. then i did a rough sketch of how a trilogy would go. then i outlined each book in the trilogy to make sure my character trajectories were on point. then i did a lot more worldbuilding. now i’m working on my fifth outline, which breaks the entire novel down scene by scene. 
and for Reasons, i’m tasking myself with writing the first draft in 6 days across two weekends. it’s a high-stakes adventure story with a very tight timeline, so i think it’s conducive to being written quickly.
which brings me to another question you asked, which is, what bad habits do i want to break? i always, always slow down at the halfway mark. sometimes i even give up. i have no idea why. no matter how much preparation i do, no matter how solid my endgame is, at the halfway mark i either slow to a crawl or set the whole project down and pick up something new. i do this with reading books, too. i can only ever read the first half of books. then i either skip to the end or put them down forever. it’s definitely something i have to figure out because at this rate i’ll never finish anything.
okay this took way longer than i thought it would to write but i hope it answers your question. tl;dr i follow aesthetic and thematic interests until they lead me to a point where i can’t not write the stories that develop from them. 
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thehollowprince · 4 years
I'm actually very ship and let ship so long as you're doing so like, with your eyes open about what you're doing. So when TFA came out and r*ylo became a thing I thought "I personally hate this but at least we can have some good conversations about why we see a white man being violent to a woman onscreen and instinctively parse that as romantic." What a clown I was, huh? Years later all the "Ben is a cinnamon roll uwu" discourse has turned me entirely off Star Wars. Let alone the damn kiss.
Oh, you're preaching to the choir.
I've long grown accustomed to people shipping the weirdest or even outright abusive ships, but I stayed in my lane. I realized fairly early on that no matter what you say to these people, pointing out how toxic or abusive a relationship is, that they'll bury their heads in the sand and outright ignore you, oftentimes shouting about how I (and others) are "ruining their fandom experience".
That's why how I found myself in the "Anti" community (if such a thing exists). I started tagging my posts condemning these horrible ships appropriately, and they (the shippers) still came for me, often trying to use their own history of past abusive relationships as justification for supporting the ship. To which I usually responded with "to each their own" while scratching my head as to why, if they suffered that kind of abuse, would they support a ship that repeats that behavior.
I stay in my lane, but these people don't take any criticism of their ships well. It always baffles me as to why they go looking for posts that criticize something they love, but that's an overarching fandom problem that I don't have any kind of an answer to.
Circling back to R*ylo, I've said it on my blog many times before, but I originally liked Kylo. I thought he could have been one of the best villains in the Star Wars franchise. When I left the theater after The Force Awakens, I was hopeful. I left that theater knowing that Finn was the male protagonist/lead of the new trilogy and under the impression that Finnrey was going to be the big romance. But then Johnson and Kennedy did The Last Jedi and everything went downhill after that. They just reinforced the stereotype that all bad (white) guys (they're always white) actually suffered some horribly tragic backstory and therefor they're just "lashing out" and are totally justified in their irrational anger.
Someone said it better than I could, but (and I'm paraphrasing here) the reason so many of these villains or antagonists are romanticized or immediately forgiven (both by the narrative and the fandom) is that we're used to the POC being the bad guys, so when a white guy is the villain, the white guy writing him feels a kinship and says, "well they're not bad, they're just misunderstood".
For the record, I'm a diehard Finnpoe supporter. I thought John and Oscar had amazing chemistry together and within the confines of the story, it would have taken minimal effort to make that relationship happen. That being said, this is Disney, and I never actually expected that to happen. I, like many others who watched the movies, were certain they Finn and Rey would end up together, but sadly that didn't happen.
Speaking of Finn, the fandom's complete erasure of him as a character and lead is what made me be so anti R*ylo, because more often than not, when trying to woobify Ren, they systematically dismantled Finn's character and gave his backstory and redemption and nice qualities to Kylo, thereafter calling him Ben Solo. This all-encompassing notion that a black man couldn't be seen as a viable love interest for the white female lead is obnoxious and leads into a further discussion of why fandom, despite constantly calling for more Characters of Color, often overlook them, especially when they're in main and/or leading roles.
(I mean, we know that they only want the diversity if it's in a subservient role to the white people, but they don't know that we know, so we're not going to talk about it. Well feign ignorance a little longer.)
But this problem of cannibalizing a hero of color to enhance a white character isn't new. Anyone who's been to my blog in the last few weeks knows that I've been dealing with a particular Anon who absolutely loathes Scott McCall, a Mexican-American character and the titular character of the show Teen Wolf. That fandom (probably the most toxic I've ever encountered) had continuously gone out of it's way to demonize the protagonist to prop up his best friend/sidekick, often by stripping Scott of his good qualities and draping them around Stiles in an attempt to make the character more palatable.
I used to be very much a "ship and let ship" person, but I draw the line at the erasure/demonization of the characters of color in an attempt to make those crack ships happen.
(PS: sorry I took so long to get to this. Tumblr is... well, Tumblr, and I haven't been getting the notifications that I've gotten mail.)
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pcwpolwrestling · 3 years
PCW-The Return
How did we get here?
Extreme Election Night 2020 Preview December 27, 2020 Preview of PCW’s Extreme Election Night 2020 -15th Anniversary Celebration -The 2020 Year in Review -Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden
PCW’s Extreme Election Night 2020-Part One December 31, 2020 –Donald Trump and Joe Biden both interview for the PCW CEO position -ARIZONA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Martha McSally (American Patriots) vs. Mark Kelly (Progressive Alliance) -SOUTH CAROLINA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Lindsey Graham (American Patriots) vs. Jaime Harrison (Progressive Alliance) -PCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Jill Berg Enterprises: P.M.C. Banks and Kirk Walstreit (American Patriots) vs. The Green World Order: GreenPete and ‘Vengeful Vegan’ Brock Cole Lee (Progressive Alliance) vs. The Deplorables: ‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay and ‘Prairie Populist’ William Daniels Bryan (American Heartland Coalition)
PCW’s Extreme Election Night 2020-Part Two January 4, 2021 -ALABAMA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Tommy Tuberville (American Patriots) vs. Doug Jones (Progressive Alliance) -HOUSE WAR GAMES MATCH: Progressive Alliance vs. American Patriots -MICHIGAN SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Gary Peters (Progressive Alliance) vs. John James (American Patriots) -MAIN EVENT #1/PCW WOMEN’S TITLE MATCH: Kathryn Randall Collins (Progressive Alliance) vs. ‘Alaskan Rogue’ Sierra Whalen (American Patriots) -MAIN EVENT #2/PCW TITLE MATCH: ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels w/PCW CEO candidate Joe Biden, Aide de Camp candidate Kamala Harris (Progressive Alliance) vs. ‘Starz N. Stripes’ Kevin Scott w/PCW CEO Donald Trump, Aide de Camp Mike Pence (American Patriots) -Who will be named the new CEO of PCW?  Donald Trump or Joe Biden.
Riot Breaks Out at PCW Show January 10, 2021 -‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay, ‘Prairie Populist’ William Daniels Bryan, Charlie Blackwell, and the Vice Squad’s General DeBauchery rescue Dawn McGill and race to Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon -Colleen Crowder celebrates Joe Biden’s win and the success of the Progressive Alliance at Extreme Election Night 2020 -GEORGIA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff (Progressive Alliance) vs. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue (American Patriots) -PCW CEO Donald Trump promo -Kevin Scott interview -Kevin Daniels interview -PCW TITLE MATCH: ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels (Progressive Alliance) © vs. ‘Starz N. Stripes’ Kevin Scott (American Patriots)
Replay of The End of PCW Extreme Political TV – January 10th, 2021 After rescuing Dawn McGill and driving back to Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon for the show, ‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay and McGill arrive at Hack’s to find it in ruins following the riot that took place.  McGill gets a sinking stomach in her stomach and mutters ‘Oh my God.’  McAvay tells the officer Dawn McGill is the owner of PCW and the officer motions to them to park the car away from the building. After Ray parks the car, he and Dawn walk towards Hack’s they begin to see the full scope of damage.  Broken windows.  Glass all over the place.  Chairs, tables broken in the parking lot.
They reach the entrance and look inside.  Ray says they ‘trashed the place.’  Tables and chair strewn all over.  The wrestling ring destroyed.  Broken light fixtures.  Glass all over the floor.  Beer and alcohol all over the floor.  The owner of the bar meets Dawn in the foyer and explains like other small businesses thanks to COVID they were in trouble already.  He works hard.  Does the right things.  Makes the right choices.  And this happens.  McGill tries to apologize to him.  He just shakes his head and hands her a torn up contract.  McGill peers down at the remnants of the document in her hands. Then it gets worse.
Coke Brothers (David and Charles), George Moros- big money political financiers, the founder of the Alan Lincolns Project Alan Lincolns, and Big Tech’s Jack Buckenberg- CEO of Facetwitogram approach Dawn.  Moros refers to Dawn’s relatively disheveled appearance and says ‘aren’t you a sight’ to her. McGill’s face turns beet red and she tells Moros he knows damn well what happened.  His goons kidnapped and held her hostage for two months.
Moros replies all everyone saw on video was McGill running out on the show at Extreme Election Night and demands proof of the ‘kidnapping’ or else this just is another wild, baseless accusation.
Dawn goes to leap at Moros but McAvay stops her.  Moros has a sick grin on his face.  He tells her it’s over and she’s through.  The Republicans and Democrats are both on board and they’re partnering with their new best friend Jack Buckenberg for a new political wrestling show that will be headed by someone you know and love.
Out of the smoke and rubble of the interior of Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon walks the ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann- McGill and PCW’s long-time nemesis.  McAvay mutters ‘son of a bitch’ to himself.   McGill?  She says not him… anyone but him.  McMann goes up to McGill.  He smiles and tells her she’s really let herself go.  Again, McGill starts to make an aggressive move forward.  Again, McAvay pulls her back.  McMann brags that it took sixteen years but he’s finally won.  Game over.
Then Buckenberg delivers the coup de grace. He tells McGill consider PCW deplatformed.
A few minutes later…McGill, McAvay, and ‘The Voice of PCW’ Johnny Suave watch Mr. McMann- backed by The Coke Brothers, George Moros, and Alan Lincolns- give an impromptu press conference attended by The Guild of Low Level Media People Trying to Make a Name for Themselves: Colleen Crowder-New York Times, Sharon Johns-CNN, Bill Smithers-Fox News, Hallie Reed-MSNBC, and Dan Miller-Washington Post.  Suave muses that the writer of the movie ‘The Running Man’ may have called the transformation of politics, society, and culture right on the money.  A dejected McGill notes the enthusiastic applause coming from the Guild of Low Level Media people to McMann’s remarks.
Dawn McGill: So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.
Dawn McGill’s House- Wednesday January 20th, 2021 Seated in her favorite comfy chair, munching on a bowl of popcorn and drinking whiskey from a glass on an adjacent table, wearing her favorite sweatshirt and blue jeans, feet propped up on the entertainment stand complete with freshly painted red toenails shining in the light from the nearby lamp, Dawn watches the newly returned Political Wrestling Universe’s Blue Brand aka…PWU Political Shakedown show- live from Washington, D.C.
What’s happening?  The official installation of Joe Biden as the new CEO of PCW.
Dawn pops a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth and reflects on what’s happened over the past three months: -the return of PCW and Extreme Election Night 2020- a night where the Progressive Alliance swept everything and took full control of the PCW Executive Committee.   -her abduction at the hands of the big money financiers of both the Progressive Alliance (George Moros) and American Patriots (The Coke Brothers), aided and abetted by Alan Lincoln’s Project, during Extreme Election Night and subsequent detention for almost two months before The Deplorables came to her rescue. -the riot that took place at Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon that destroyed the spiritual home of PCW for over 15 years which leads to the return of ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann and the end of PCW.
Sighing, she watches the star-studded, Hollywood-style production on TV and notices the heavy security on hand.  She saw troops from the Space Force dressed in white and black with white helmets to usher in the beginning of new CEO of PCW Joe Biden’s tenure, the new CEO of PCW is delivering his acceptance speech.
Biden stands behind the podium.  His wrinkled seventy-six year old face is covered in a dark shroud and his hands occasionally shoot out bolts of force lightning when he gesticulates…okay, maybe it doesn’t but still…
Joe Biden (from the television): People, supporters of Political Championship Wrestling, today we mark a transition. For years, PCW stood as the conduit for people who were fed up with the status quo, fed up with politics as usual.  But there were those within our fan base who would set us against one another for we never suspected that the greatest threat came from within.  These “supporters” conspired to create a shadow of doubt on my appointment aided and abetted by the previous PCW CEO.
Dawn stuffs another piece of popcorn into her mouth.
Joe Biden: The riot two and a half weeks ago left PCW scarred and deformed.  But I can assure you my resolve has never been stronger. The war is over.  The Trumpists been defeated, and the rebellion…… er…… I mean…… insurrection has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning.  With that in mind, in order to ensure the security and continuing stability and for a safe and secure society, Political Championship Wrestling will be reorganized into the Political Wrestling Universe and PCW will cease to exist.
Another sigh.  Dawn then reaches over and takes a sip of whiskey.
Joe Biden: By bringing the political universal under our enlightened guidance, the corruption that plagued PCW in the past few years under the ownership of Dawn McGill will never take root ever again.
McGill rolls her eyes and chucks a piece of popcorn at the TV.
Biden then puts on what appears to be the same Infinity Gauntlet that Donald Trump used last year to end the Red and Blue Brand shows.
What Infinity Gauntlet you may ask?
[REPLAY: 5/2/2019-Extreme Political TV-Donald Trump (R-NY)] The CEO of Political Championship Wrestling Donald Trump explains why the Red Brand and Blue Brand went dark, shows were cancelled, and why PCW ran replays of shows from ten years ago over the past two weeks. Short and to the point, Trump states the current method of doing business with three brands wasn’t working so, he felt it was time to make a change.
Trump reaches under the podium and pulls out an Infinity Gauntlet (ie…the very same Infinity Gauntlet featured in the recent Avengers movie). He places said Infinity Gauntlet on his right hand. Trump raises his hand in the air.
Then he attaches a red stone to the gauntlet. Then he snaps his fingers and says Red Brand is no more. The press- except for most of the Fox News contingent – let out a loud cheer.
Trump then attaches a blue stone to the gauntlet and snaps his fingers and proclaims the Blue Brand. No more. The press- except for most of the Fox News contingent – groan.
Then Trump attaches a white and black stone with PCW written on it to the gauntlet. But this time he doesn’t snap his fingers. Trump announces he’d made PCW owner Dawn McGill a generous offer for PCW that sets her up for life and she accepted.
Cut back to Dawn’s living room.
Joe Biden: With this Infinity Gauntlet, with one snap of my fingers I brought back the Blue Brand show and here all of you are watching PWU’s Political Shakedown show.  Also with one snap of my fingers, I brought back the Red Brand show- PWU’s Politico War – which will return next Monday night.
Biden pauses for applause.
Joe Biden: Under our New Order, our most cherished beliefs will be safeguarded. We will defend our ideals by force of arms.
Behind Biden, George Moros, The Coke Brothers, the CEO of Facetwitogram Jack Buckenberg, and the founder of the Alan Lincolns Project- Alan Lincolns, all approve and applaud.
The camera then focuses in on Berkeley, California professor- Professor McCarthy- and his Flock: -The Green World Order: GreenPete, ‘Extreme Vegan’ Brock Cole Lee, PeaceNick, and Peta from PETA -The Young Jerks: Zenk Cryger, James Idaho, and Anna -Code Pink, and Emily S. List
The Flock also applaud Biden’s speech and Professor McCarthy wipes a tear from his eyes while he holds up the ‘good book that spells out what’s correct and incorrect to think, say, and believe’
Next, the Hollywood Left and sports celebrities from all different walks signal their approval with applause.
Joe Biden: We will give no ground to our enemies and we will stand together against attacks from with or without. Let our enemies take heed.  Those who challenge our resolve will be crushed.
The Guild of Low Level Media People Trying to Make a Name for Themselves: Colleen Crowder-New York Times, Sharon Johns-CNN, Bill Smithers-Fox News, Hallie Reed-MSNBC, and Dan Miller-Washington Post all heartily applaud this line.
Joe Biden: And now, with this Infinity Gauntlet, I will wipe out of existence once and for all- PCW.
‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann stands and claps. Dawn closes her eyes and braces herself as Biden snaps his finger and…
The Location of Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon 2005-2021- Sunday January 31st, 2021 It’s 30 degrees outside and snowing.  The area where Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon once stood is nothing more than a snow-covered field now.  Dawn McGill and Johnny Suave are parked off the side of the road and staring out at where the former spiritual home of PCW for over fifteen years used to stand.
Sitting on the hood of the car, Dawn pours some whiskey into a pair of shot glasses.  She hands one of the shot glasses to Suave and asks him what they should drink to.  Suave gazes out into the now empty field and mutters something about good times and good memories. They clink their shot glasses together and down the shots.
She tells Suave that PCW Champion ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels signed on with The Political Wrestling Universe’s Blue Brand show- PWU’s Political Shakedown.  PCW Women’s Champion Kathryn Randall Collins has also signed with the Blue Brand.  Jill Berg Enterprises signed with PWU’s Red Brand- PWU is Politico War.  So basically, to go on means starting over.
Suave takes the whiskey bottle, tilts his head back, and downs another swig of whiskey directly from the bottle.  He puts the bottle down on the hood of the car.
Johnny Suave: Well, that’s never stopped us before.
Close in on McGill: she smiles.
Political Wrestling Universe Headquarters – Washington D.C. – February 2021 So not one year after the last time PCW Owner Dawn McGill was hauled before the Executive Committee of the Political Universe for a hearing with the express purpose of determining whether or not she would be removed as the Executive Director of Political Championship Wrestling, they did it again in the aftermath of the riot that took place on January 6th at Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon.
The hearing takes place before the Executive Committee of the Political Universe.  You can cut through the tense atmosphere with a knife.  It permeates throughout the hall.  Dead quiet inside the hearing room save the occasional sound of a chair moving along the floor, the ruffle of paper, and most notably, the sound of several photographers snapping off shots in rapid fire fashion.
Sitting at a table cutting a solitary figure with a glass of water placed next to her elbow, Executive Director Dawn McGill one more time faced the stern glare of one Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Adam Schiff (D-CA).  Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is also there.  This time, the hearing would include Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
McGill addresses the Executive Committee and demands to know why she is there when there are so many other pressing issues that need their immediate attention.  She can’t believe for a second that there are more important matters to deal with than wasting time on a hearing over the reset of PCW once again.  Nancy Pelosi offers a sour expression in response and cuts her off.  She tells McGill she knows why she is here- the matter of the riot that took place in January l why you are here.  The matter of the riot that took place last month at one of your…- Pelosi spits out the next word with a heaping helping of distain – …shows is an important matter and one more time brings her – Pelosi accentuates the next word with a hint of sarcasm added for extra emphasis-  …leadership into question.  Pelosi tells McGill what happened at the show was unacceptable and her continued ‘pathetic attempt at leadership’ was also unacceptable.  If Pelosi had her way, she would have been removed as the owner of PCW last year.
McGill fired back that Pelosi was entitled to her opinion and she was entitled to be wrong.  In Dawn’s opinion, the problem begins right here with the proliferation of the influence of special interest groups that fund both of big factions.  She says let’s be honest and adds that she knows it’s something she knows is very hard for many of them to grasp.  That crack causes Chuck Schumer to step in and inform McGill that she will ‘refrain from making further comments like that and show this committee the respect they deserve.’
Dawn McGill: With all due respect, Mr. Schumer, I’ll show you the same respect that you show the rest of us.
Later on, Dawn’s in the middle of answering a question and accuses the committee of influencing P-SPAN to take PCW off the air.  Adam Schiff pops in and tells her PCW was not appropriate programming for a serious political channel. McGill claps back and tells Schiff the things that go on here isn’t appropriate programming for a serious political channel.  She wants to know when does the Executive Committee get directly involved in programming matters on privately owned media networks?  Schiff responds that she’s not listening and that PCW was not appropriate programming for P-SPAN.
The tone heats up even more.  McGill snaps back that it’s not for them to decide because that’s the ‘people’s job.  She says it’s obvious what happened- weight was thrown around and in the end the committee got their way. Schiff tries to defend their action and pronounces the committee has every right to oversee and regulate the product- especially after what happened at the insurrection that took place last month.  McGill shoots back not to give her that crap and Schumer again admonishes her to refrain from that kind of talk.  McGill tells Schumer she will not refrain and will persist.  Schumer tries to interrupt her but McGill persists.  She says it’s bad enough that every single aspect of American life has become politicized.  Sports has been politicized.  Entertainment has been politicized.  Science- politicized.  Education-politicized.  In her opinion, to let this slide supports the status quo where big money equals power and leaves behind middle class America.  She will not refrain.  She will persist.
Schiff bangs his gavel down and calls for order.  He slams the gavel down a second time
Adam Schiff: ORDER!  Miss McGill, that’s enough! You are OUT OF ORDER!
Dawn shoots up from her chair and tells Schiff he’s out of order.  She points at Nancy Pelosi and tells her she’s out of order! Then Mitch McConnell. She says the committee is out of order and she was done wasting my time talking to you.  McGill grabs her stuff and motions to the Les Miserables inside the hall: ‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay, his wife- West Texas Adult Entertainment Legend Stacee Perry, Bert the Janitor, and a whole section of people who stand up en masse at her beckoning.
Dawn McGill: We don’t need you.  And you can all kiss my ass.
As all hell breaks loose, McGill defiantly marches out of the hearing room with the Les Miserables humming ‘Do You Hear the People Sing?’
Political Championship Wrestling PCW Arena 19th Street and Alcove Ave. Lubbock, TX
The Return McGill and Suave sit in the ring at the brand new PCW Arena built in Lubbock, Texas.  McGill thanks everyone for sticking with them and announces that thanks to the help of some people that she will not name, PCW is back and ready to go.
Suave says for the return of PCW’s Extreme Political TV there will be a Television Title match, a Tag Team Title Match, and the PCW Title match.  Who’s going to be wrestling?  Suave says you’ll just have to tune in and see.
McGill adds one last parting shot before the preview show comes to and end.
Dawn McGill: ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann and Jack Buckenberg- you can kiss my ass!”
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e1ygo · 3 years
anything for you
Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi
Sakusa Kiyoomi
vaguely described death
Alternate Universe - Assassins & Hitmen
technically canon compliant
Fluffy Ending
no beta we die like men
Aftermath of Violence
I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping
Blood and Injury
Personality Swapnot
the actual magical trope for it
How Do I Tag
Slightly Out Of Character
crossposted on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28446720
kinda terrible but i did like it so im posting it now, send me your thoughts, twitter: wolfBLIX
“FUCK! Just DIE already, you bitch.” The final crack of the spinal cord as the target’s back hits the floor. He reached for his phone and dialed a number from memory. “Omi, I need you.” Click.
He knew this was going to be a pain in the ass to clean up. The job was supposed to be simple and easy. What the agency failed to tell him was that the target was trained to avoid assassinations for very obvious reasons. He almost felt sorry for who had to pick the room up after the agency’s cleaner finished. There was blood splattered onto his cheek and across one of the walls of the room. A small bedside table was completely across from where it should be, plus it was missing a few legs. Atsumu was splattered with blood, similar to a piece of abstract art. Red dripped down the side of his face, it was from when the target swung at him with bloody knuckles, but now it mixed with his sweat from the fight.
The only good thing about this issue was that he was able to see Kiyoomi. 
Kiyoomi Sakusa was the cleaner for the hitmen agency for when jobs became a little messier than they were supposed  to be. He was a confusing person but damn good at his job. Confusing for the same reason that Atsumu worked for the agency.  Kiyoomi hated germs and always wore a mask and sometimes even gloves outside of doing his job. He hated people, kept to himself unless he knew the person well, and was painfully agoraphobic, yet he thrived in high school as a star volleyball player. This had been where Atsumu first laid eyes on him, in high school at a volleyball match. Atsumu is sort of the antithesis of Kiyoomi: loves attention, people, is loud and ‘obnoxious’ (as said by Kiyoomi the first time they met mid-match). 
Years had passed since those moments. The world has spun on its head and the reality they lived in felt similar to a fever dream or an alternate timeline. Maybe it was; there had been a war in 2020 and a few years later any sports teams had turned barbaric and now assassination, executive protection, and hitmen agencies had taken the place of any sort of police or law enforcement. Sure there was a military company, but they were more of a front for just a really big government-lead assassination group.
 Now they both were roughly 26 and had seemingly flipped personalities. Kiyoomi gave presentations and orders as one of the Captains at the agency; he cleaned up the worst of the worst scenes of guts, blood, and everything else; he even went as far as to seek out the newer recruits to help them learn the tactics and routes (though Atsumu still thinks this is to make his job easier). Atsumu inverted himself, on the other hand. He rarely spoke to anyone other than his commanding officer and boss Kita, his twin Osamu, Osamu’s partner and their childhood friend Suna, and Kiyoomi, even if he didn’t see Kiyoomi outside of jobs very often, Atsumu still considered him a friend. 
7 minutes and 10 seconds. This is how long it takes Kiyoomi to walk in the door of the now trashed suite of the hotel. Atsumu is frankly shocked that no one came to tell them to be quiet with the number of times they threw each other into walls. 
“Miya.” Kiyoomi looks at the disheveled mess of Atsumu in front of him. His blonde hair was sticking to his forehead and sweaty from the clear struggle the target put up with. He had a still bleeding split lip and blood was smeared in his cheek, otherwise his face wasn’t too beat up. Kiyoomi knows Atsumu is one of the quickest on his feet and hates to get his face hit, so the mere fact of the split lip and blood smear kind of worries him, though he would rather drink the chemicals he brought than admit it. His clothes were intact, well sort of. There were clear slash marks in his shirt and it was barely hanging on his body. The kevlar vest he wore underneath was showing through and had a couple bullets embedded into it. “At least you lived.” Kiyoomi heard concern laced in his tone of voice, but Atsumu was too far into his own head to pick it out. The assassin was barely standing on his own, Kiyoomi was surprised he hadn’t fallen over yet. 
Kiyoomi started cleaning up the scene while Atsumu just stood there blankly staring at the wall. It was times like this that he remembered the contrast to the change in their personalities. He could remember the times in high school that Atsumu used to harass Kiyoomi during training camps and at tournaments in the hallways or on court. It made him miss the loud and egocentric Atsumu that he fell in love with on the court all those years ago, but at the same time, he knew he loved the broken Atsumu just the same if not more. He relished in the moments that he was able to see him. Even if it was only during really bad assignments or on an off chance he saw him in the hallways of the agency. 
“Jesus, Miya, what did ya do to him.” Kiyoomi had started moving the semi-mutilated body to the body bag he brought with him. Atsumu managed to break one of the target’s hands, their nose, and a forearm plus a plethora of various bruises and cuts. “You wrecked his hand and face up, I’m surprised you don’t look worse.” That was just the visible marks on the body, but as soon as Kiyoomi picked up the body to move it, he could hear the cracking of the already ruined spinal cord. Motioning to the body bag, “Unzip that for me, Miya.” There was no response for a moment. “Atsumu.” He stagnantly snapped his head towards Kiyoomi with wide eyes. “Can you unzip the bag for me?” Kiyoomi softened his tone. 
“Yeah. Sorry.” Atsumu relaxed slightly out of the state he was in, clearly still coming down from the adrenaline of the kill. “Thanks, Omi Omi.” 
“Anything for you,” quietly slips out of Kiyoomi’s mouth before he can react. Shit, he thinks, hope he didn’t register that. 
Atsumu stares at the cleaner for a minute. He definitely heard it, Kiyoomi thinks while internally cursing the dead body into its grave. 
The silence hung in the air similar to the icicles. Kiyoomi finished moving the body and laying down chemicals and Atsumu sitting on the floor. 
Kiyoomi moved to kneel in front of the man he wanted to be okay. “Atsumu? What do you need me to wrap up?” He gestured with the piece of antiseptic and gauze in his hands. 
After a second of him seeming to lag in real time, Atsumu looked up into Kiyoomi’s eyes. “Omi?” Kiyoomi nodded in response. The blond shook his head as if to clear it, “I think it’s just my arm. Fix me up. He managed to slice me with the rock by bed. I think I’m alright, all things considering. Just tired.” While Atsumu talked on and on 
Between the dazed look and how messy the hit was, Kiyoomi could tell Atsumu was exhausted. So he did the next best thing to kissing him and hoped Atsumu would forget about it in the morning. Kiyoomi moved his hands from where they were finished tying the gauze around his arm and took a deep breath, pulling off his gloves. He set his bare hands to rest on the sides of Atsumu’s neck. He fought the urge to look away from the eye contact they were maintaining, though he could see the surprise clear as day across Atsumu’s face. “Tell me what you need,” Kiyoomi spoke barely above a whisper as if he were scared of startling the other man. “I’ll do anything for you, if you just tell me what it is.” 
More silence. Normally the silence would be comforting to both of them, but not right now. The tension was thick enough to blanket the atmosphere. It was suffocating; Kiyoomi could feel his legs slowly lacking more and more blood flow. For what felt like hours, couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. 
“Come home with me.” Kiyoomi blinked. Atsumu rambled on, “I mean look at me. I can barely stand, I’m asleep on my feet. Take me home and crash in the guestroom or something. I know you’ll harass me about making sure I clean this tomorrow, might as well just do it for me, Omi Omi,” he motions to the 2 inch wide section of his bicep now covered in a gauze wrap.
It was Kiyoomi’s turn to be shocked. “Okay.”
They stared at each other at the ease of the whole experience. 
“I mean, you are right, I don’t trust you to take care of that properly.” Kiyoomi raised his eyebrows at the man on the floor. He was thankful that he had the face mask on so Atsumu couldn’t see the soft smile dancing on his lips.
There was a small spark back into Atsumu’s eyes at the slight jab, and Kiyoomi knew he would be alright. 
Hey, Kiyoomi might not have had to kill a man for Atsumu, but he could at least dispose of a body for him.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me -Chapter Eight
Warnings: none
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @alievans007​, @thunderintheshadows​
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Tyler gets up with the kids. Helping them with their morning routines, making breakfasts and school lunches, loading up backpacks. Little mundane things that the average person takes for granted, but he finds calm in. The familiarity of the ‘same old, same old’, always knowing what comes next and how to handle it. For years his life had been anything but relaxed and routine; the job always unpredictable, never knowing when something could go wrong and finding yourself fighting for your life, constantly surrounded by the potential for chaos. Now he has complete control over the things taking place around him. He can keep things running smoothly, well organized, predictable. Instead of gunshots and explosions and people screaming in terror and pain, all there is to hear is his children’s voices and their giggles; maybe the occasional argument or a fight that needs broken up or one of Declan’s ear piercing shrieks. But no matter how loud it can get and how much it can try your patience, it’s still a thousand times better than the alternative.
He tends to Millie’s hair as they wait at the end of the driveway for the school bus. Carefully brushing out the tangles in her long, thick tresses, pulling apart separate sections and braiding them, securing them with impossibly small elastics she keeps passing back to him.  It’s surreal; that his hands…with all their scars and their callouses and their busted up knuckles…had at one time being able to inflict so much damage on others, yet now can expertly and almost flawlessly, fixing a five year old’s hair.  
“These too!” Millie says, and fishes two sparkly Hello Kitty barrettes from the pocket of her hoodie.
“Really?” he smirks.  “Cut me some slack. I need to draw the line somewhere.”
“I’m saving the Stars Wars ones for tomorrow because it’s Friday. I always wear those on Friday,” she reasons, and holds the small hair clips aloft once more. “Please, daddy?”
With a sigh he relents, snapping both open and holding one between his lips as he tends to the first.
“Maybe this is what you could get a job doing,” she muses. “A hairdresser.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so. And I think they’re called stylists now. It’s more PC.”
“What does PC mean?”
“It’s just a more polite way to talk to people and about people. Like how it isn’t polite that you go around calling people dick heads.”
“But what if they are?” she asks. “What if they are dick heads?”
“Then just think it in your head. Don’t say it.”
“Dickheads need to know they’re dickheads,” she argues. “So they stop being dickheads.”
Tyler sighs. “Do you have to remember all the bad words I say around you?”
“You shouldn’t say them if you don’t want me to repeat them, daddy.”
He smirks, then attaches the last clip to her hair.  “Shoes,” he nods towards the Spiderman sandals sitting in the driveway. “Get ‘em on. Can’t go on the bus without them. That’s the rules.”
Millie sighs dramatically and rolls her eyes, grumbling complaints as she shoves her feet into her sandals.
“So who’s this guy?” he asks. “Your boyfriend.”
Her eyes narrow. “Who told you?”
“Doesn’t matter who told me. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I can’t tell you everything daddy. Especially about boys. Not when you’re a boy.”
“Doesn’t it make more sense to tell me about boys because I am a boy.”
She frowns. “That’s not how this works”
“You’re starting to sound more and more like your mum every day.”
“It’s not a bad thing though,” Millie reasons.
“No. It’s not. She’s pretty smart. And you shouldn’t be talking about boys anyway.”
She puts a hand on her hip and cocks her head to the side as she looks up at him. “Why not?”
“Because you’re too young.”
“I’m almost six,” his daughter reminds him, and for a moment he feels his entire body tense and his blood run cold. The mere mention of it…the age that Austin had been when he died…brings about the fear that Millie will wake up that morning and something horrible will be wrong with her.  It’s irrational. He knows it is.  But it creates a panic inside of him that is powerful and all consuming.
“Six it still too young,” Tyler says. “Sixty sounds better.”
She rolls her eyes at that.
“What’s his name? At least give me that.”
She has the nerve to sigh dreamily when she says it, “Ryan. He’s really cute.”
“Oh please!” TJ pipes up from where and his twin sit on the curb waiting for the bus, watching surfing videos on YouTube on Tyler’s phone. “He’s ugly!”
“He is not!” his sister bites back. “You’re ugly.”
“We look the same, Millie. So you’re calling yourself ugly too.”
“I do not look like you!” she argues. “Never! In a million, billion, gazillion years!”
“Yeah, you kind of do,” Tyler says. “You all look alike and you all look like me, so..”
“See!” TJ gestures towards him. “We look like daddy and daddy’s not ugly. But Ryan is. Ryan must have an ugly daddy.”
“Okay…okay…enough…” Tyler attempts to diffuse the situation, a hand on the top of Millie’s head to prevent her from bolting at her brother and attacking him. “…no one is ugly. We don’t call people that.”
“Not even if they actually are?” TJ asks.
Tyler scowls at him. “Did I stutter? No one is ugly. Not on the outside. Lots of ugly people on the inside though. And you guys need to watch your mouths. Please. Or mommy’s going to have my ass.”
“You said ass,” Tanner giggles, and soon his brother and sister joins in.
Tyler sighs. Never so relieved to see the school bus as it approaches.
They eat breakfast on the beach; a blanket spread out underneath them, Addie in her carrier seat, a towel draped over it to shield her from the sun, only her bare feet visible. Declan sits ten feet away, at the edge of the water in swim trunks and a lifejacket, alternating between digging his feet and hands in the wet sand and laughing at Mac as he bounds through the light waves, splashing the toddler each time.  
It’s a refreshing change from their usual mornings. Most filled with counselling sessions, errands to run, nor work that he’s picked up with Ovi. To be able to just relax and enjoy each other’s company without having the older kids interrupting or without having to worry about rushing off somewhere.  The only thing on his schedule a previously planned lunch get together with Ovi.  He can only imagine what kind of fresh hell awaits him. Either more talk about the job or the younger man seeking relationship advice or help picking out a ring. And he doesn’t want to be even remotely involved with any of those three options.
“Are you going to say something to him?” Esme asks, she stretches out sideways on the blanket, placing her head on his thigh. Even five kids later and only two weeks having the final one she’s just the beautiful woman in the world to him; body slightly tanned, breasts fuller and hips wider, clad in a simple one-piece black bathing suit. “About last night?”
Tyler leans back on his elbows, legs stretched out in front of him. A ball cap turned backwards on his head, sunglasses covering his eyes, clad in only a pair of board shorts. “I already said what I needed to say. What more is there?”
“I don’t understand his sudden interest in the job. He’s never….in the past five years…ever talked about it. And now he gets the urge to jump into it?”
“He said he’s been thinking about it for a couple of weeks. I guess he finally got enough balls to bring it up.”
“Well he’s going need even more balls if he’s that serious about it. Because if he goes into it as the Ovi he is now, he won’t get through the first day.”
“Guess he’ll have to learn the hard way, won’t he.”
“A hard and very permanent way,” she points out.
“Like you said, he’s a man now. Which means he’s old enough to make his own decisions. And if that’s the decision he wants to make…” his voice trails off and he shrugs.
“You can’t tell me you’re going to just sit back and watch him do it.”
“What else am I supposed to do? Chain him to something? Lock him inside the house? He’s an adult. I can’t spend the rest of my life worrying about him. I’ve got five kids to take care of. I don’t need to be holding his hand and wiping his ass too.”
She frowns. “So you’d just let him do it? Without saying a word?”’
“He knows how I feel about it. What more can I do? As long as he doesn’t find a way to drag my ass back into it, he can do what he wants.”
“And say he does,” she rolls over onto her side, facing him. “Say he does get into the job. What if he gets himself in trouble?”
“I’m sure whoever he’ll work for will have people to help get him out of trouble.”
“But would you be able to stay away?”  her hand fiddles with the drawstring on his shorts, twisting it around her middle finger, releasing it, then repeating the action. “If something goes wrong.  We’re not talking about some random off the street, Tyler. We’re talking about Ovi. Our Ovi. It would be like if the twins or Declan got involved. And there’s no way you’d ever let that happen.”
“Those are my kids. My actual kids. That I helped make. There’s a huge difference.”
“But you love him like he’s yours. So it only stands to reason that you’d treat him like your own. That’d you want to help if he got himself into trouble.”
“Well hopefully it won’t come to that, yeah? Hopefully, he’ll smarten up before then. Stop letting Chloe put all kinds of shit in his head.”
“It won’t get that far if you just talk to him.”
“Esme…” he sighs. “…I just told you that…”
“If you actually talk to him. Without losing your temper, without threatening to beat his ass, without having to put the fear of God into him. If you just stay calm and talk to him like a rational and civilized adult.”
“There’s nothing rational about this whole situation.”
“Doesn’t mean you have to flip out. He’ll respond a lot better if you don’t snap and he doesn’t feel scared or threatened.”
“I think he’d be more freaked out if I don’t snap.”
“You have to talk to him,” she insists, undoing the ties on his shorts and then doing them back up again. “You have to get through to him. You can’t just sit back and watch him get into the job.  You know what it’s like.   That life.  You don’t have all those scars on your body for no reason.”
“In all fairness, some are from when I was in the army and from when I’ve done stupid shit when I’ve been drunk.”
“Regardless, the majority are from the job. Including that one,” she reaches up to place a fingertip over the scar on his neck. “And he knows the story behind that one. He was there when it happened. And he knows the aftermath. Yet he’s still thinking about doing this? It makes no sense. I bet you it’s that stupid bitch Chloe. Putting all kinds kind of crap is in head.”
“For some reason she thinks the job is the only thing that makes someone ‘manly’.”
“That’s horseshit. So she’s insinuating you’re not a ‘man’s man’ because you don’t do the job anymore? That’s ridiculous. It takes more of a man to walk away from something to save his marriage and keep his family together, than it does for him to actually stick with the job and lose everything.   Anyone can be a mercenary. Within reason. But not everyone can be a good father. And you’re an amazing father. So she can go and get fucked.”
“Feisty,” he grins, and leans down to kiss her. “I like it.”
“I just want to go and throat punch her. Who the hell does she think she is? She has no clue who you are and what you’ve been through. What you still go through. And she wants to have a chat about it, I’m more than willing to beat her ass. I mean chat.”
“As flattered as I am that you want to defend my honour and as much I know you can take her, no one needs to beat anyone’s ass. She’s just…” he searches for the right word.
“Stupid? A moron? A tool? A swamp dwelling, knuckle dragging,  thundercunt?”
He chuckles. “I was going to say ignorant, but that last one has a better ring to it. Just leave it. Don’t go and make things worse. You go after her and Ovi will lose it and then we have to put up with his shit. Just ignore her.”
“She pisses me off,” Esme huffs, and rolls over onto her back once more. “First trying to get Ovi into it and then you? I wouldn’t be as mad if she’d left you out of it.  How many times to you have to tell people that you’re done? That you’re not going back?  Do you they expect you to change your mind?”
“Guess they’d thought I’d be bored by now.”
“And are you?” she asks. “Bored?”
“I have five kids. When do I have the time to be bored?”
“It’s a different kind of active, though,” she reasons. “You’re stuck in the same place. Day after day. With the same people.”
“First of all,” he sits up, wiping his palms together to clear the sand off them, then places a hand on her stomach and leans down to kiss her. “I’m not stuck. This…what we have…this is not stuck. This is far from being stuck. This is where I want to be. With my kids. With you.”
“But what you do now is a far cry from what you used to you before me.”
“I was an alcoholic addicted to pain pills before I met you. That’s not exactly living the dream.”
“I meant the job. How busy it kept you. You were always on the go.”
“I’m always on the go now, so…”
“It’s different. Way different. You went from one type of craziness to another. It’s a huge change. You can’t tell me there’s not some kind of let down. That your body and your brain doesn’t feel that. You don’t miss it at all?”
“Is this a trick question? I feel like if I answer this the wrong way, I’m going to be sleeping on the couch for a while.”
“I’m not trying to trick you. It’s a legitimately honest question.  I don’t expect you to just get it out of your system and act like that life never existed.  You did the job for years. It was part of who you were. And to just walk away and trade it in for something more…I don’t know…boring….”
“Being with you and my kids is not boring. So get that shit out of your head right now.”
“Okay so boring wasn’t that right word to use. So…normal. Compared to what you were doing before. It’s a huge difference, Tyler. Between the job and this life. You went from all that danger and craziness to changing diapers and making bottles and teaching little boys how to pee standing up.  You can’t tell me there wasn’t some of culture shock thing going on. It’s not like I expected you to just give your old life up and not miss it even the tiniest bit.”
“Do we really have to talk about this? Because I don’t want this turning into a fight. How often do we get to do this? Just sit here like this. I don’t want to ruin it by talking about this shit.”
“I promise you; I am not trying to fight. I’m not going to be mad at whatever your answer is. I just want to know if you miss it sometimes.”
“Sometimes,” he admits, and is relieved when she doesn’t frown or scowl. “It’s hard not to. It’s what I did. Who I was. For a long time.”
“I know it’s been hard on you. Just walking away like that. And I don’t blame you for missing it sometimes. I missed it for a while; after giving it up after Dhaka and staying here.  I think I missed it up right until Millie was born. Then I was suddenly a mom and I never thought of it again.  You did a good thing, Tyler. Leaving it behind.”
“I wasn’t going to lose you. Or my kids. I should have walked away a long time ago. Probably would have been a lot easier.”
“Do you miss it enough to ever go back?”
“No,” he replies quickly, confidently. “I don’t. Because I’d miss you and the kids way more than I’ll ever miss the job.”
She smiles, then lays her hand on the side of his face as he kisses her.  “You have to promise me that if you can’t change Ovi’s mind and he does do this, and he does get himself into trouble…”
He frowns. “I don’t think I like where this is going.”
“…. you have to promise me you’ll do whatever you have to to help him. That you won’t just leave him to rot somewhere.”
“Whoever he works for will have people to help him and get him out. I’m not…”
“You have to do it,” she insists. “You have to be the one that goes and gets him. You’ll never trust anyone more than you trust yourself in those situations. You have the experience. And you’d never be able to live with yourself if you didn’t go and the worst happened. Promise me, Tyler. That if it comes down to that, you’ll be the one that goes for him.”
“Esme, I can’t. You know I can’t. I’m not man I was before. That guy is gone. He’s not coming back.”
“He’s always going to be somewhere inside of you. It’s whether or not you let him out. And if it comes down to it, Ovi will need that other guy. You know he will.”
Tyler sighs heavily and look out towards his youngest son; crouched in the water, fascinated by the wet sand that slips through his fingers. Just so perfect and so innocent and totally unaware of all the darkness; the monsters and demons that haunt his father’s past.
“I can’t lose you guys,” he says. “I just can’t.”
She reaches up and lays a hand against the side of his face, thumb gliding along his lips, his beard rough against her palm. “You won’t,” she promises.
“So basically I have this stupid little bitch who lives at my house,” Esme laments, as she and Salena sit on the latter’s back patio, sharing a pitcher of mock cocktails and the pizza Salena had ordered for lunch.  Declan playing close by in the sand, Addie on ground next to her; awake and content in her car carrier. “Well technically not in my house. In my guest house.”
“And who is stupid little bitch to you?”
“The girlfriend of my oldest. Not my biological oldest, obviously. Friends of our passed away and they named us as his guardians in their will,” the lie is so well rehearsed and used to often that it rolls easily off the tongue. “Ovi. We’ve had him for five years. He just turned twenty.”  
“I think I might have seen him the other day. Walking Macaroni. I was dropping some things off and saw them wander by. Tall, fairly built, darker skin?”
Esme nods and sips her drink, wishing for the first time in months that there was booze in it. “He met this girl when we lived in Colorado. I shouldn’t even call her a girl. She’s a grown ass woman. Twenty-four. And if you knew Ovi, you’d know that he’s still a kid in some ways. Anyways, we made the mistake of letting her come with us. Only because we were worried if we didn’t, he’d stay behind even though he’s nowhere near ready to be away from us. She seemed okay at first. But now…”
“Total nightmare?”
“You have no idea. Without going into too much detail, she’s trying to get him mixed up in the same line of work my husband used to do. And it’s a tough haul. Lots of travelling, a ton of stress, some danger tossed in the mix. It’s just messy. And it’s caused a lot of problems in my married. A lot. To the point we split up for six months at one point. And to the point we see a marriage counsellor. Which is not fun, trust me.  He is not the type that opens up to a lot of people. And he absolutely hates that he has to do it with a complete stranger. Sometimes I think it’s causing more harm than good. But…” she shrugs.
“Must have been one hell of a job by the sounds of it,” Salena comments.
“It was. It was a nightmare. Again, without going into too much detail, he almost died. In a work related incident.”  Those words make it sound so simple, when in fact it’s anything but. “And he spent months in the hospital and months in rehab and therapy and then he got dragged back into it all over again. How and why isn’t important. But he left it for a reason. A very good and very legitimate reason. And this stupid little bitch came up with a business idea that Ovi and my husband go back into the job together.”
Salena frowns. “If it’s that stressful and dangerous, why the hell would anyone want to do it?”
“Exactly. Why? She has it in her head that it’s some kind of exciting, amazing life. And it’s not. It sucks. It’s hard and it’s scary and it causes so many issues. Yet none of that seems to matter to her.”
“Did you talk to her about it? See what her explanation is?”
“I don’t want to talk to her. I want to punch her in the throat. It’s one thing trying to get Ovi involved. That’s bad enough. But to try and get my husband back into it? I won’t tolerate that shit. He’s been through enough. He doesn’t need that on top of everything else.”
“Well I know what I would do,” Salena says, as she helps herself to another slice of pizza. “Confront her. Then throat punch her.”
Esme laughs. “I promised I wouldn’t make things worse. That I wouldn’t cause even more issues. I get a little worked up and irrational and it always comes back to bite me in the ass. So as much as I want to hurt her, it’s probably best I keep my distance from her.”
“Why not just kick her ass out?  It’s your place.”
“Because Ovi would freak out and leave. And that’s the worst thing that could happen. He is totally not ready to be away from us. Like I said, he’s twenty but a lot young in some ways.”
“No wonder. If he lost both his parents. That would mess anyone up.”
Esme nods, then finishes her drink and leans down to tend to Addie when she begins to fuss. Placing the handle for the soother between her teeth as she unbuckles the car carrier straps, and then checks for a dirty diaper before lifting her infant daughter to her chest. The contact brings almost instant calm; one hand on the back of her head, the other on her bum, patting gently. “He’s been through a lot,” she says, as she spits the soother into the carrier. “Things I wouldn’t wish on anyone. And he still needs family. Regardless of what this girl says.”
“Sounds like she needs to be put in her place.”
“Oh, she does,” Esme agrees. “And believe me, I’d love to be the one who does it. She had no clue what my life has been like. The things I’ve seen. All the days and weeks I’ve spent worried out of my mind that husband might not come home. So for her to think it’s exciting and fun? I won’t let some delusional little girl try to downplay anything I’ve been through.”
“Well, I don’t know exactly what you’re talking about or what you went through, but you sound like one hell of a strong person.”
“I don’t see myself that way. I did I what I had to do. Right from the beginning. And she’s just childish and ridiculous and I want to shake the shit out of her.”
Declan abandons playing in the sand and makes his way up onto the patio, a pout on his face, heels of his palms rubbing at his eyes.
“Someone is tired,” Esme presses a kiss to his forehead and curls an arm around his waist, helping him up onto her lap. He’s big and strong for his age, but extremely cautious and gentle around his sister; careful not to bump her as he straddles his both of his mother’s thighs, wraps his arms and her neck and lays his head against her chest. “We should get home, baby boy. So you can nap in your own bed and not be a grumpy shit until bedtime.”
Salena gets to her feet and offers assistance, taking Addie and strapping her into the carrier and covering it with a receiving blanket. “Are you going to be okay? Carrying both of them?”
“This isn’t my first rodeo,” Esme laughs. “I used to have to carry twins when they were both his size. At the same time.”
“Well I’m glad you called. I like our little get togethers.”
“So do I. You’ll have to come to my place next. I warn you now, it’s chaos over there. Controlled chaos, but still chaos. It’s crazy and it’s loud and no one ever lasts more than half an hour.”
Salena laughs. “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
“You haven’t meet the other three. They’re a little….”
“Is that from mom or dad?”
“Dad. Definitely Dad. He’s mellowed out though. He’s found his happy place” she shoves her feet into her flop flops and picks up the baby carrier. “You ready, buddy?” she asks Declan, and he gives a small nod, eyes already closing. “I’m going to take the beach. In case I drop him. He won’t get hurt if he falls on the sand. But you didn’t hear me say that.”
“I heard nothing. I promise.”
They exchange a quick hug and then Esme steps off the patio and begins the journey home.
Esme doesn’t wait for the door to fully open before pushing her way inside, startling Chloe who’s answered in nothing more than a bathrobe and her hair wrapped in a towel.
She tosses a handful of mail onto the table by the door, then turns to face the younger woman, arms crossed over her chest. “You and I are going to have a little chat.”
“Just come right in,” Chloe mutters. “Make yourself at home.”
“Technically, this is my home. I own this. And practically everything in it. Neither of you pay to live her, you don’t even buy your own groceries, or do your own laundry half the time. What do you actually pay for? A cell phone bill? Please.”
“So that’s what you’re here for? Going to lay down some rules? Make up a chore responsibility chart and bribe me with snacks to get me to do as I’m told? That may work on your brats, but…”
“You know why I’m here. You thought I’d let you off that easily? That last night would be the end of it?”
“I think you need to mind your own business,” Chloe says, stepping past the smaller woman and aggressively -and intentionally- bumping her shoulder with hers.
Scowling, Esme snags her by the wrist, fingers biting through the flesh. “Ovi is my business. He became my business the second his father…his birth father…signed him over to me. And he’s been my business and in my care for five years.  So when you start playing these mind games with him and manipulating him….”
“If anyone is playing mind games with him, it’s you and Tyler. Making him think that he can’t survive without the two of you. That he owes you guys something. Putting it in his head that he wouldn’t be able to handle the job. If anyone is manipulating him, it’s the two of you. Especially him.”
“First of all,” Esme tightens the grip on Chloe’s wrist. “Not once have we ever told Ovi that he couldn’t survive without us.  We gave him the option. Stay in Colorado at the house with my brother or come here. He chose to come here. He was the one who said he didn’t want to be away from us. That he wanted to be with his family. And for the record, that didn’t include you. He wasn’t sure if he even wanted you coming along in the first place.”
Chloe frowns. “That’s not true.”
“Oh, it’s very true. He wanted a clean break from Colorado. Just like he wanted a clean break from Mumbai. A chance at a different life. It wasn’t until a week before we left that he asked if you could come along. Telling us how you’d begged and pleaded with him not to leave you behind. You put on some big show about you didn’t want to be without him and how a long-distance relationship would never work and it wasn’t ‘your thing’.  You were never included in his plans. Not until you realized you’d never have to work, and you could live off of other people. And now there’s talk about engagement rings and weddings and all this bullshit. From a guy that didn’t even want you coming here? I think it’s safe to say whose idea all that other crap is.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about it. He loves me.”
“He’s in love with the idea of you. And I don’t know what you’re in love with, but it’s definitely not him.  You think it’s not obvious? That we can’t see right through you? You act like you can barely stand him touching you half the time. His face lights up when you so as much walk in a room and you don’t even bother to acknowledge him nine times out ten. I’m a woman. Women notice these things. We know what it looks like to look like someone you’re in love with. And that is not the look you have.”
“You have no clue what you’re talking about,” Chloe snarls, and yanks her arm out of Esme’s grasp. “Not all women are like you. We don’t all fall at a man’s feet when he so as much opens his mouth to speak. We’re not all put on this earth to do nothing but worship a man, fuck him, and give him tons of kids.”
“Do you just talk to hear your own voice? Because everything you just said is the biggest bunch of bullshit I’ve heard in a long time. And I’ve heard a lot of bullshit. You think you have what it takes to hurt my feelings? Oh honey, bless your heart. I’ve deal with bigger and better than you and have brought them to their knees.”
“Ovi is going to what he wants. Whether you like or it not.”
Esme smirks. “You mean he’s going to do whatever you tell him to do.”
“That’s your field of expertise, isn’t it,” Chloe counters. “You got Tyler to do exactly what you wanted. He left the job. All because you couldn’t handle it. Because you’re pathetic and weak and…”
“He left because he wanted to. Because he’d had enough. Because he was sick and tired of constantly worrying if he’d see his kids again.”
“And because he’s fucked up in the head. You forgot that part.”
Esme’s eyes narrow. “Don’t you dare talk about him like that. Don’t EVER talk about him like that.”
“It’s true, isn’t it? I mean, he’s on meds, he sees a shrink…”
“He has PTSD you stupid bitch. And do you want to know why? Because he had to go into some goddamn shit hole to save Ovi’s ass. And because he nearly died doing it. If it wasn’t for Tyler, Ovi wouldn’t even be here. So I’d watch the way you speak about him to me. I will not hesitate fucking you right up. You honestly think Ovi would be able to handle the job? Do you even know what the job entails? It isn’t just getting to travel all over the globe and see sights and eat different foods. You’re out there putting your ass on the line…risking your own life….to save someone else’s. You think that’s easy? That it doesn’t come with risks?”
“I think it’s not as bad as you’re making it out be.”
“Oh really,” Esme gives a dry laugh. “So you think killing people is easy? That it doesn’t bother you in some way?”
“Not if they deserve it.”
“It doesn’t work that way.  It still bothers you.  All that blood on your hands? That’s blood that never washes off. Your conscience can’t be cleaned. That shit stays with you. You don’t ever forget the things you had to resort to. It isn’t just shooting someone and being done with it. Sometimes it’s using your bare hands and it’s brutal and gruesome and it makes you sick to your stomach that you had to resort doing those things.  You have no clue what that life is like. And I hope you never have to find out.”
“Well I’m going to,” Chloe remains steadfast. “He’s going to do this. You can’t stop him.”
“We can. You seem to underestimate the power we actually have him over him.  Have you ever talked to Ovi about what he went through? What he saw? Ask him about Dhaka. Ask him about the Sultana Kamal Bridge and a man named Saju. Who busted his ass to help and never got to go home to his wife and his little boy.  You ask him about Gaspar and Farhad. And then you ask him what it’s like to watch someone get shot in the throat and just about bleed to death in front of you. Ask him and actually listen to what he has to say.  Give a shit about him for once.”
“I do give a shit about him,” Chloe argues.  
“If you gave a shit about him, you wouldn’t want him doing the job. You’d want him as far away from it as possible. I know what the life is like. I know what it’s like to watch the person you love slowly dying. And I’m not talking physically. That was bad enough. I’m talking mentally.  Do you know what that’s like? To watch the person you love more than life itself being destroyed because of their own mind? To hear them talk about wanting to kill themselves? To watch them start turning into some former version of themselves? Because I do. And it’s better now but I still worry about it every goddamn day. Which is why I am begging you not to let Ovi do this. You need to be discouraging him, not encouraging him.  Because he may not physically suffer or die, but he will mentally. And sometimes that’s even worse.”
“I just think it would be good for him. That it would be a chance for him to ‘man up’ and…”
“Man up? What the hell is that supposed to mean? He’s somehow less of a man because he isn’t doing the job? That doesn’t even make any sense. Any dick can be taught how to use a gun and take someone down with their bare hands. Some of the biggest dumb asses I know are mercenaries. They can’t string a sentence together but they can kill people. When did killing people become how we measure a man?”
“It would toughen him up.”
“Ovi is plenty tough. Believe me. Everything he’s been through? You’re lucky you have a man that’s as tough as he is. And the next time I hear you say something about my husband being less of a man because he left the job, I will hand you your ass. Because he is everything a man…a real man…should be. It took more strength and more courage for him to walk away and fight for his family than it ever did for him to kill someone.  And if you knew anything about what a man should be like, you wouldn’t be talking the shit you do. Trust me. Ovi is a good person. A good man. Just the way he is. And I’m not going to let you destroy him. And there is no way in hell you’re going to get my husband dragged back into that bullshit. So you can fight back all you want, but I’m just going to fight you twice as hard. Don’t underestimate me, little girl. I could have your ass out on the street by dinner time and I wouldn’t even feel the least bit sorry about it.”
“You couldn’t,” Chloe snarls.
“Oh I could. Just watch me. You need to lay off this job shit. Because Ovi is way too good of a person to get into that live and I will not allow you to get my husband dragged back into it. So you fix this. You get this stupid idea out of Ovi’s head.  Or you can pack shit right now and leave and find less of a man to put up with your crap.”
“I’m not going to down without a fight you know,” Chloe calls after Esme as she heads for the door.  “You don’t know who you’re going up against.”
“Little girl, please. Stay in your lane. You fix this, Chloe. And you fix it ASAP. Or I will have you tossed out on your ass.”
“You have no idea who you’re talking to. Who you’re messing with. Who…”
“What are going to do? Call your ex military daddy up to come here and put me in my place? Fuck you. Chloe. And your stupid goddamn ideas.” And with that, she slams the door behind her.
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tellescope · 4 years
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//I’m switching my wishlist to be just a tag rather than both a page and a tag and since Tumblr won't let me do this my way, under the cut is a multi-character compilation of wanted threads that were previously on my page.
These never expire btw. Like everything else in my wishlist tag I will always want threads like this.
Maria Robotnik
🔭 Oh, like the people on the ARK! Maria feels at home around scientists. Her grandfather was one, her cousin grew up to be one, and for most of her life nearly all the adults she knew were scientists of some sort. So in an unfamiliar world where she feels lost meeting a scientist would be something of a comfort and earn them instant friendship. Unless you’re an evil scientist. Well, maybe even then. After all her cousin has gone down that route and Maria can’t find it in herself to entirely hate him. So first impressions are important but Maria has a big heart and I would love her to meet some scientists of any kind!
🔭 I’ve missed you so much! She grew up with a young boy on the ARK who eventually became the Commander of GUN. As the only other human child on the colony they bonded quickly and Maria considers him to be her best friend. In my main verse where she survived and spent time in stasis they could meet again, he an adult running GUN and her still the child he knew from when they were kids. And the dynamic these two could have is so open-ended since canon only shows us one of their interactions on the ARK.  I personally get a kick out of the idea of them confusing people who ask how they know each other by insisting that Maria is an old friend or his older sister, but any close platonic bond will do. I just love the idea of them being the same, even after all these years.
🔭 Yes it’s me, I’m here! She’s haunted Shadow ever since the day she was shot, fully understanding that it may be like this forever. And that’s okay. As long as she’s with him it’s okay. She never expected him to eventually notice her presence. Whether it’s simply her energies, a message she may have left on a note or in fogged or icy glass, or truly the ability to see her form, it’s the best thing that’s happened since her untimely death. Once she knows he is aware of her she will keep it up because maybe things will go back to the way they used to be. Or something similar at least. The poor ghost just wants her brother…
🔭 You’re the artist…? Chell would like to thank Doug. Hell she’d just want to know he’s okay. She’s always wondered about the painter in the walls who went out of their way to help her survive. These two deserve each other’s companionship in any form.
🔭 Artificial Intelligence? Nope. Ever since Aperture Chell has issues with AIs. Intense trust issues. So if your character is an AI that’s not from Aperture? And you love angst? Please throw them at Chell!
Logic Core
🔭 Logic Error. I am… In his system a corrupted partition he can’t properly access houses all his memories from before the conversion, from back when he was human. I’d really love a plot where someone helps him access these and manages to salvage enough for the truth to hit him and hurt. And in the ensuing angst they could be a source of comfort as he has to come to terms with reality, because there’s no way he won’t break if he has to deal with it alone.
🔭 Star Wars crossover. I have a verse for this that I’m dying to use. Please give it a look. I think it’s a fun twist on Aperture in a galaxy far, far, away, and allows for both the Legends timeline and the Sequel Trilogy.
🔭 Family in more ways than one. If anyone playing Curiosity Core wants to join my headcanon of her actually being Cedric’s little sister, please let me know! I’d die if I got two cores who are already close slowly remembering that they used to be family in a more literal sense.
🔭 Androids can’t have family. Sure he says that but he likes Connor more than he’d care to admit even though they fought and tried to kill each other. Things change and he owes Connor more than he can ever repay. Can we get some sibling love up in here? Or angst revolving around accepting each other?
🔭 I can’t forgive you. Not yet. Lieutenant Anderson is the one who ruined his life after all. Maybe it would be better if he’d stayed dead. At least then he wouldn’t have to suffer the rest of his life with these horrible glitches and working with the man who caused them, who caused most of his trauma. He and Hank really need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart.
🔭 I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Amanda was his everything. She gave him a purpose and that was all he ever needed; to please her. His failure to kill Connor was a failure of his mission. A failure of him in her eyes, he’s certain. He lost Zen Garden access when he rebooted and hasn’t seen her since but if he ever did? Have you ever seen a deviant pretending to be a machine yet so desperate for forgiveness as to beg? To the one person who likely doesn’t care? Please break my heart.
🔭 Perhaps if you have free time? As the lead technician for New Jericho he is aware of the leaders’ typical work patterns but doesn’t see much of them. He would love to get closer, to make friends, to return more of the generosity given to him. He knows they’re rather busy but he’d still like to make an effort.
🔭 No, not again. Jonah deviated because he failed to fulfill his purpose; fix androids. Marcie will forever haunt his thoughts when he works but it only gets worse when an injured android comes this close to dying under his care.
🔭 How does parenting work? He never intended to become a father but the traumatized young girl latched onto him and how could he deny her that comfort? He’s very new to the concept of parenthood and could really use some advice from someone who’s done this before.
🔭 At the end there is a light. No matter where he goes when visiting Earthside he will always make a specific stop before returning home; the nearest cemetery. It’s nice to see how the living are taking care of those who have passed on and also a great spot to find ghosts; those who got caught between dimensions after death or those who slipped back to Earthside from Afterside. I’d love to have a thread like this where he visits a cemetery and finds your character as a ghost. On most occasions he tries to talk them into coming with him back to Afterside but he’s been known to make exceptions depending on the circumstances.
Steward Bell
🔭 Ghost hunters suck. Sometimes literally if they have a poltergust! Okay puns aside I live for angst and want him to encounter more ghost hunters than Luigi. They can visit the hotel or I can find an excuse to get Steward out of the building, but either way I want him to run into someone out to capture/destroy ghosts.
🔭 A luggage cart and a feather duster. The bellboy needs his housekeeper to help him stay sane. Chambrea is Steward’s best friend among the staff and I’d love to write that. Some good ol’ platonic fluff would be fun.
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