#did i cry writing the bit about shannon? yes. yes i did.
dangerpronebuddie · 21 days
hi maggie 🥰 prompt: exchanging gifts for the first time (buddie) please and thank youu <3
Hi Nolan 🥰 This turned out really soft. Hope you like it!
They've only been dating two months when their first Christmas as a couple comes around. They told their parents they'd rather spend Christmas at home, still in that honeymoon phase Buck doesn't ever want to grow out of. They spent the entire day with Christopher, opening presents and enjoying the mountain of baked goods he and Buck made over the last week. Christopher goes to bed around eleven, practically crashing after a full day of sugar and laughter. Buck doesn't think he's ever known a Christmas as good as this one. There was a time when his boys really struggled over the holidays, both missing Shannon and her love for Christmas. Buck went with them to visit her the day before, even taking a moment himself to promise her he'll take care of them. “You getting tired?” Buck asks, combing his fingers through Eddie's hair as his head rests on Buck's chest. They're curled up on the couch watching While You Were Sleeping, one of Eddie's favorite movies, but he's yawned about five times in ten minutes already. “Yes,” Eddie admits. “But I don't want to go to bed yet?” “Why's that?” Buck asks. “I have one more gift for you,” Eddie says as he sits up. “Oh yeah?” Buck asks, waggling his eyebrows. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Cariño,” Eddie tuts, leaning in for a kiss all the same. Buck hums into it, chasing Eddie's lips when he pulls away. “Wait here,” Eddie says between quick kisses. He jumps to his feet before Buck can try to convince him to stay and make out like teenagers. He disappears into their bedroom and returns with a small velvet box. Too big to be a ring. Besides, Eddie promised Buck he could be the one to ask (which he will, soon). Eddie sits sideways on the couch and presents the box to Buck. “Merry Christmas, Buck.” Buck takes the box and carefully opens it. Sudden tears spring to his eyes as he stares at the contents. His heart, already full to bursting, swells. The medal gleams in the soft yellow glow of the lamps in the room, highlighting the saint depicted on the metal. “Eddie,” Buck says, his voice shaking. “If I try to make some sappy speech, I'm gonna be a mess,” Eddie chuckles. “I don't need a speech, Eds,” Buck assures him, cupping his cheek. “I know what it means to you. I know what it means to me.” Eddie gives a teary eyed smile and takes the box. He takes out the medal and places it around Buck's neck. Buck looks down at the medal, a physical representation of the love he carries for Christopher. He's never taking it off. “Suits you,” Eddie says, his voice dripping with fondness. Buck leans forward, pressing their foreheads together. “I love you,” Eddie says, bumping his nose against Buck's. “So much.” “And I love you,” Buck says. “Both of you.” Eddie presses a soft kiss to his lips. “Good. Cause we plan on keeping you.” Buck grins and kisses him again. “I like the sound of that.”
Send me a (buddie)ng romance prompt!
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buckleyblueyes · 3 years
buddie + “what’s mine is yours. always.”
Thank you so much for this prompt! I hope you enjoy tooth rotting fluff (softness prompts)
Eddie woke to a disappointingly cold and empty bed. He let out a soft grunt and slowly opened his eyes to see that his husband—husband, shit, that was going to take some getting used to—had, in fact, abandoned him.
“Buck?” He called out, squinting in the bright tropical sun that poured in their window. It was their first full day in Hawaii, two days after their wedding. It still felt surreal to Eddie. Not only that they were actually married now, as if that wasn’t amazing enough, but that they were on their honeymoon. Two full weeks of just him and Buck, without interruption. It almost felt too good to be true, like it was all a dream that could be interrupted at any moment by the sound of the station bell.
Maybe it was because he and Shannon had never gotten a honeymoon--she was already pregnant at the time, and money was tight anyway. They always said they’d take a special trip for their tenth anniversary, but of course, that never happened.
He hadn’t even realized how badly he wanted a honeymoon until Bobby and Athena had surprised them with the trip to Hawaii about a month before the wedding, Bobby assuring them the time off was taken care of, and Athena even offering to let Christopher stay with them for an extended sleepover with Harry. He’d started crying at their dining room table, unable to articulate exactly what it meant to him.
Eddie was pulled from his thoughts when Buck stepped out from the en suite bathroom, inspecting a bottle of complimentary coconut scented body lotion. “Yes, dear?”
“Why aren’t you in bed?” He grumbled, and then, taking a longer look at Buck, he added, “Why are you dressed?” It was the first day of their honeymoon, he’d be damned if they left the bed. The beach would still be there tomorrow.
Buck chuckled, blue eyes shining. “Did you want me to talk to room service naked?”
Eddie furrowed his brow. “You ordered room service already? How long have you been up?”
Buck shrugged. “About an hour?”
“And you didn’t wake me?” Eddie’s frown deepened.
“Not for lack of trying,” Buck smirked, stepping toward the edge of the bed. “Someone must’ve really worn you out last night.”
Eddie huffed. “Oh, don’t look so smug. I think it had more to do with the five hour flight.”
“I’m just saying, that was only the first night, old man.” Buck flashed that insufferable look that always made Eddie want to kiss the grin right off his face.
“Shut up,” he groused instead.
“Make me.”
So Eddie did. He curled his fingers around the waistband of Buck’s sweats, and pulled him down onto the bed and into a searing kiss. Buck’s hands found their way onto Eddie’s bare chest, pushing him back down into the mattress. There was a time, early on in their relationship, when Eddie may have been more reluctant to give up control, but he’d long since let go of that desire, realizing at some point that he didn’t need to be in control with Buck; he was safe with Buck. It was a vulnerability he’d never found with anyone else. He let himself be pliable under his husband’s gentle touch. He settled into the soft nest of pillows, relishing in the firm weight of Buck on top of him and wrapping his arms around him.
Of course, the moment was broken by a knock on the door. “Room service!”
Eddie groaned when Buck pulled away from him. “Do we have to eat?”
Buck rolled his eyes, pushing off the bed. “I’m not letting you starve to death on our honeymoon.”
Eddie sighed. “Fine.” He lifted himself up on his elbows to watch Buck walk toward the door, shamelessly raking his eyes over Buck’s backside, hugged perfectly by his soft grey sweatpants. Eventually he pulled his gaze away from Buck’s ass to Buck’s upper back and shoulders, muscle bulging in his old, slightly too tight LAFD t-shirt. Eddie’s breath caught in his throat when he read the name on the back of Buck’s shirt.
Buck came back from the door with a cart laden with French toast, bacon, sausage, eggs, orange juice, and coffee. Eddie’s stomach growled against his will as he sat the rest of the way up.
Buck snorted. “Told you,” he said, sitting back down on the bed and pushing a coffee mug into Eddie’s hands.
“Whatever,” Eddie mumbled into his coffee. His eyes didn’t leave Buck’s shirt.
Eddie shrugged. “You’re wearing my shirt.”
“Yeah?” Buck raised an eyebrow, clearly not understanding. “Is that a problem?”
“Nope,” he said, keeping his voice light and casual. “What’s mine is yours, always.”
Buck flushed. “Then why are you staring at me?”
“I like my last name on you, Mr. Buckley-Diaz.”
“Oh.” Buck grinned. “Well, I like my last name on you, Mr. Buckley-Diaz.”
And Eddie just had to kiss him for that. He kept it quick, barely more than a peck on the lips, knowing if they let it go any further the eggs would coagulate and the French toast would go soggy. He reluctantly pulled away, pressing a sloppy kiss to Buck’s cheek on his way. “I love you so much.”
“Y’know, before the wedding none of our friends believed me when I told them how sappy you are.”
Eddie rolled his eyes fondly. “Hopefully writing our own vows showed them how wrong they were.”
“Hm,” Buck nodded. “Hopefully.” He turned to the breakfast cart and picked up the plate of French toast. “The French toast and sausage is for me, and the bacon and eggs are for you,” he said.
Eddie pouted.
“What?” Buck asked, through a mouthful of French toast.
“Are you not gonna say you love me, too?” Eddie whined, fully aware of how petulant he sounded, and not caring one bit. This was their honeymoon, damn it. The whole damn point was to be lovey-dovey idiots.
“Man,” Buck shook his head, grinning. “You marry a guy and all of a sudden he gets needy.”
“Excuse me for wanting to hear my husband tell me he loves me on our honeymoon.” Eddie crossed his arms.
That was all it took for Buck to break, grin softening into a warm smile. “I do love you so much.”
Eddie mirrored Buck’s smile. “I know.”
“Good.” Buck shoved the plate of eggs and bacon into Eddie’s lap. “Now eat your breakfast.”
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minttobe-treehill · 3 years
hey I've noticed you haven't posted anything about the last episods of 9-1-1. Did you stop watching? are you still interested in the show?
Hi there. This answer is gonna be long just fyi.
I haven't stopped watching and I'm definitely still very interested - more interested in the characters than the show itself, but I feel like that's what always happens to me when it comes to shows.
However, I haven't watched the last two episodes. I know everything that happens because of tumblr, most of the blogs I follow are 9-1-1 related so it's impossible not to see all the gifs and posts - plus, it also gives me an inkling about whether I should expect a good episode or not (most of the people I follow are interested in the same concepts/storylines I enjoy so I tend to trust their opinion when it comes to that.
Shows like 9-1-1 tend to get boring as they go on - kinda like Grey's Anatomy, mostly because actors start disappearing and the audience don't connect with the new ones, so it's hard to follow something you can't connect with. However, 9-1-1 still counts with their main cast and will continue to count with it for season 6 as far as we know (except for Rockmond Dunbar I guess; and also what the hell happened with John Harlan Kim? I know he's in another show but... Wasn't he a regular? I actually really like Albert, it's a shame).
The reason why I'm finding the show a bit boring lately is... Well, the lack of depth and screen time the main characters are getting, basically. We really had a whole storyline about a r*pist that involved the police too much for my own interest and liking, and another whole episode about... Uh, two recurrent characters trying to solve a mystery? I don't know, man. At least one of them was a detective.
I don't need drama, I don't need another tsunami. 'Jinx' (4x06) was such a good episode, it was fun, it was hilarious, nothing really happened and yet it was so entertaining; it had the main cast being silly and interacting with each other. I'd actually love an episode where nothing happens, where they're at the station for the whole episode, wondering why the alarm doesn't sound and they just have to sit there and talk and play and laugh. It'd be funny and interesting, something different.
And yes, Buck and Eddie's relationship (+ Christopher) is a big thing for me when it comes to the show. I read a post once where it said it doesn't really matter if you think they could have a romantic relationship or not, if you think there could be something more between them than a friendship or they'd be better off as best friends - I think it's safe to say everyone enjoys their relationship, whatever label you wanna put to it. It's so boring and disappointing to see Buck with T*ylor, and most of this has nothing to do with the fact I ship Buck and Eddie. Hell, I didn't like the way they wrote Ana, but at least her relationship with Eddie meant something to his development as a character - it was the first relationship after Shannon, it was a big deal. But Buck's relationship with T*ylor is... I don't even know what to say, there's nothing there, every scene seems pointless and they've completely erased Buck's growth (also, why do they keep trying to make T*ylor a more important character than... Idk, Karen? Who has been on the show since the first season and is Hen's wife?). It makes me wanna turn off the tv (well, my laptop) because the same writers who made me cry with emotion and admire the way they wrote Buck are the same ones who are laughing at me now.
What I'm trying to say is - this show still has a lot of potential. It has the best thing a show can have: good characters. I want more Hen and more Karen, I want Chimney back (there was no need to write him off on these episodes just because JLH can't be on the show because of her pregnancy, I want more Athena + Bobby scenes (I saw there was a really funny scene between them last episode and I'm really glad), I obviously want Buck + Eddie + Christopher, I want a PTSD arc for Eddie... To be fair, just more real interactions between the mains? We've see glimpses of Hen and Eddie's friendship and I think they're hilarious when they're together. Those are all things we CAN have, things that make sense, not just for the show but for the characters. I want the show to be fair and loyal to the characters they created.
I probably have more things to say but... Okay, I got carried away and those are the main things that come to mind.
Thank you for this question, it gave me an excuse to rant about something I wouldn't really talk about otherwise. x
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I'm so sorry, it's such a horrible day all around and I'm sending you al the good vibes I can find. I've never really sent a prompt before, but if you felt like writing some Buddie 2.01 AU, where their first meeting wasn't actually their first meeting, that might be fun? Or literally anything, everything you write makes me smile! Hope it gets better soon!! ❤
Hey! Thank you for sending this. Tonight has been an absolute shitshow of emotions but having something to focus on definitely helped. 
So, yeah. This is a First Meeting AU of sorts. Again, thank you for giving me something to do other than cry. I really appreciate it.
Dear Eddie,
Thank you for being my bunk buddy. I had a really good camp with you. Please write me from Texas.
From, Buck.
 Dear Buck,
Hi from Texas. Thank you for the bracelet. My sister said bracelets are for girls but I don’t care. I also had a really good time at camp and I can’t wait to go next year. Will you be there, next year? Maybe we could bunk together again. School starts soon and I’m a little nervous because fifth grade is my last year at this school and I don’t want to leave my friends behind. What’s your favourite subject in school? Mine
 Dear Eddie,
Please tell your sister than anyone can wear bracelets and that if she tries to make fun of them again, the ghost of Camp Kuriakas will haunt her dreams. I tried that on my sister but she just laughed at me so maybe you’ll have better luck. Mom says I can’t go back to camp next year because we’re moving and it will be too far away. But don’t worry, you can write me from camp and tell me all about it. I don’t really like school but I do like the library. I’ve been reading this book called
Dear Buck,
Camp wasn’t as fun without you but you were right about Suzie Pecoski, she had to leave a day early because the popcorn got stuck in her braces. Jose laughed but I told him not to and he told Counselor Lia that I punched him. So after dinner, I did. He didn’t tell that time. I still missed you though. I hope your new house is nice. What is your room like?
 Dear Eddie,
I can’t believe I start high school tomorrow. I tried to call Maddie and ask for advice but she didn’t pick up so I guess I’m on my own for this one. Except I’m not alone because I have you. You’d answer if I called, right, Eddie? Anyways, I’ve been thinking about your theory about the island being purgatory
I have no idea what I’m doing but I definitely think I just asked Kylie Wilcox to the dance. I am freaking out! Kylie’s nice and she’s so pretty but I didn’t mean to ask her. I just meant to ask if she needed someone to help on the committee. But I guess I have a date to the dance. What do I even wear? I’m not asking Sophia. One: she’s two years younger and would just make fun of all my choices and Two: she would definitely tell Adriana who would tell mom who would tell dad and then I’d never hear the end of it. Help me, Buck, you’re my only hope!
You do remember that these letters take weeks to get to me, right? Didn’t the dance already happen? I hope you didn’t trip over your two left feet and fall flat on your face. Oh wait. Yes I do. That’d be so funny. And you need to have more fun, Diaz.
Have you ever had feelings for a guy that you thought you could only have for a girl?
 Hi Eddie,
Isn’t email so much better? We’re one step closer to communicating like human beings. Welcome to the 21st century. Anyways, graduation’s coming up and my dad keeps asking me where I’m going to go to college and I don’t know how much longer I can keep avoiding answering him. How do I tell him I failed? How am I going to face him? He’s going to be so disappointed in me. Maddie and Doug are driving in for the ceremony and I haven’t even told her that they’re letting me walk across the stage out of pity. I’m scared.
 Dear Buck,
Greetings from El Paso! Remember when I said I was never going to work for my father? Guess who’s the newest employee. I suppose it’s a good thing. This thing with Shannon is getting serious and I know I should have a stable job. I just thought I’d have a little time, you know? I thought I’d get to be me for a little bit. Sorry Seattle didn’t work out. Hey, maybe you could try Texas next. Try all four corners of the country, right? That wouldn’t be so bad.
 Dear Eddie,
I am writing from an internet café in Guatemala. Don’t ask me how I got here, I’m not entirely sure myself but I know it involved tequila. And possibly the guy I woke up next to (I think his name was Nico?) but who knows. Congratulations on Shannon getting pregnant!!! I know you’re freaking out. You don’t have to tell me that you’re freaking out because I know you. But you’re going to be a great dad. Hell, you’ve been half-raising me since you helped me learn my times tables at camp. I can’t believe what losers we were that we stayed up all night doing math. Anyways, I’ll let you know when I’m back in the states. And STOP FREAKING OUT.
 Dear Buck,
I’m sorry it’s taken so long to reply. The WiFi’s shit over here. I’m actually typing this from a hospital bed. Don’t worry, I’m okay. Or at least I will be. They said they’re sending me home and (you’re the only one I can tell this to) I got scared. I don’t know what’s waiting for me back in Texas. I don’t know what I’m coming home to. The officers keep telling me that it was an honor to serve my country and Shannon keeps telling me that she would rather I serve my family. I thought I was doing that but I was wrong. I was wrong about a lot of things, Buck, but there’s one thing I do know. Only one of us is throwing our life away for a worthy cause.
You are a pretentious asshole, you know that? You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Just because I don’t have a wife and a kid and a white picket fence, you think I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. You’re wrong. You think you know me because we shared a room one summer when we were kids but you don’t know me, Eddie Diaz. You just want me to be like you.
 I’m sorry, Eddie. I didn’t mean any of it. The truth is I’m lost. You were right. You’re always right. I know I’m just a screw up but please don’t tell me I’ve screwed this up too.
 Eddie, I’m so sorry. Please respond.
 Hey Buck,
It’s been a while (two years, I think?). I just wanted to see how you were doing. A little update on my life. Shannon left me. Sort of. It’s complicated. Christopher and I actually just moved to California so I could start a new job. I’m hopeful that this is the right change for us. I hope you’re doing well. I know I never said it but I forgive you and I’m sorry. You were my best friend, Buck, and I hope we can be friends again. I didn’t realize how much I relied on you until you were gone. I know I’m the one who shut you out. I really hope you can forgive me for that because I miss you. I miss my friend. Anyways, if you’re ever in Los Angeles, let me know. You know after all these years, I don’t know what you look like. I still remember the skinny kid with the birthmark over his eye who tried to go skinny dipping in the lake but slipped on the docks and bruised his elbow. I wonder what he’s up to.
 Dear Eddie,
You’ll never believe this, but I ran into a guy at work who has the same name as you. What a coincidence, right? I think I was in denial for most of the day that, of all places, I would reunite with you at a fire station in Los Angeles. But I’m really glad we did.
I’m sending instructions for Christopher’s birthday party (I know, I know, you are the party planning expert but I’m the father so you have to at least pretend to listen to me). He’s really looking forward to it. It’s the first one without Shannon so Buck? Please make it perfect for my kid? I could really use a win this year. And no ice cream cake (don’t think I don’t know he’s been trying to talk you into it). I’m already going to have to deal with a room full of hyper nine-year-olds, I don’t need melted ice cream on top of that. What am I saying? You’re the party planner, you can clean it up. What would I do without you?
I was going to text you but that seemed too informal and there’s too much pressure on a phone call so I thought I’d go back to what we do best. You were right when you said I was afraid. I’ve never felt this way about anyone and it’s you. We’ve known each other our whole lives and it never occurred to me that I might be in love with you. But that doesn’t mean I’m not. Eddie, I think I’ve been in love with you since we were nine years old and you kissed my bruised elbow. When you kissed me tonight, I don’t know, I froze. I’m so sorry, Eddie. If I could do it over, I’d still be kissing you. God, I really hope I haven’t screwed this up for good.
 Hey Buck,
Turn around.
Love, Eddie.
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Are We All We Are?
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz Rating: Teen+ Word Count: 2448 Alternate: AO3 Summary: Eddie has never actually found anyone as "hot" or "sexy." In fact, he doesn't even really understand what those terms, when directed towards another human being, mean. He knows there is something wrong with him because of this. So, when Buck starts to catch on, he might or might not panic just a little.
Thankfully, Buck knows what the hell is going on and not only helps Eddie in his self-discovery, but also reassures Eddie that he accepts him no matter what. Warnings:
Asexual Character
Asexual Eddie
Ace Eddie
Some thoughts on sexual attraction, sex, and Eddie's past and current relationship
Written by an asexual writer (I think that's important to note)
Established Relationship
Author's Note: So, I’m asexual, I’ve already written a fic that implied demisexual Eddie, and then I saw this gifset by @maysgrant (prev. asgardiun) that was requested by @judsonryder​ (so I’m going to tag you too), and so the next logical step was to write a fic with asexual Eddie! Also, I felt this fitting considering it’s Pride Month! I hope you all enjoy! (Title from Pink)
Eddie thinks Buck is handsome. He thought Shannon was pretty. He loved Shannon, or at least he did at some point. He loves Buck more than he can ever properly express. He wants to do a lot of things with Buck just like he made a family, or tried to make a family, with Shannon. He wants to get it right with Buck when he couldn’t with Shannon. Whatever went wrong in his relationship with Shannon, he doesn’t want that to happen with Buck. So he tries harder.
But like with Shannon there still seems to be something missing in his relationship with Buck. It’s not that he’s not happy, he is. Eddie is happier than he has in a long time. They cuddle on the couch and watch movies with Christopher snuggled in a ball of blankets on the floor, half passed out from the long day he’s had. He and Buck will snuggle up in bed and hold each other, and Buck will make Eddie feel safe just like he hopes he makes Buck feel the same. They go on dates and always have each other’s back when out on a call.
It’s everything that didn’t happen with him and Shannon.
Still, he knows it’s weird that he never thinks about Buck in a sexual way or that it’s almost always Buck who suggests they have sex. He knows there’s something wrong when his focus is entirely on Buck’s pleasure, which he enjoys, but would rather have Buck not touch him. Or, when he is feeling aroused due to physical stimulation — never sexual thoughts, even when he forces himself to try and think of Buck that way but only ends up confused as to why he has no interest in those thoughts — he’s not really into it and he just wants to get his own pleasure done and over with so they can move onto the snuggling part. Eddie knows there is something wrong with him when he can’t confidently say his boyfriend is looking hot or, the worse one of them all, sexy .
He knows this.
He knew this when it happened with Shannon.
He knew this when even after Shannon left him, he never slept with another person until Shannon came back.
And he still knows this even when he’s now dating Buck.
Eddie has always had a complicated relationship with sex. It makes him feel good but he is never really into it. He used to have sex with Shannon because he thought that’s what you were supposed to do. He was her boyfriend and then fiance and then husband. Sex just came with the role, how you made a family, and the glue that kept everything together, even in a relationship that was clearly falling apart. Plus, he’s a man, and men are supposed to be all about sex.
Except Eddie isn’t.
He’s always felt like sex was some kind of chore that he had to do in a relationship, that it was the human way of showing someone that you love them.
It’s expected.
Especially since, in Eddie’s case, he’s not exactly that great with words. It’s difficult for him to tell someone, “I love you” so he usually resorts to what he knows best in showing affection.
He makes sure that Buck feels good, peppers him in kisses, and snuggles and moves his hands around his body sensually. Buck is his priority in this situation and Buck likes the build-up. Eddie couldn’t care less what he gets out of it and sometimes even prefers not getting anything out of it. Sometimes, it’s even difficult to get aroused by the whole thing in first place and he knows that his tired excuse will only go so far and for so long.
When it comes to the actual sex, it gets a bit more tricky. He goes through the motions, replaying what he knows Buck likes, never changing it up and Buck makes sure he feels good too when Eddie can actually manage to get through it. Only, when it always does happen, it almost always feels a little lackluster for Eddie.
So he fakes it.
He fakes the withering, the moaning, the enjoyment of sucking Buck off even though he really doesn’t like it and could do without it. But Buck likes it and Buck likes the noises he makes when it’s Buck’s turn to make him feel good. And when it’s finally time for him to reach the climax, he fakes that too.
Sure, he feels the pleasure from it but it’s never spectacular and nothing he thinks he would get addicted to. It was the same with Shannon. He enjoyed making her get off, watching her enjoying herself, more than him enjoying it and with Buck, he’s the same. He loves seeing Buck pant and hear him say his name and cry into his fist when he finally reaches that peak.
It’s a little fascinating and he sometimes finds himself wondering how it must feel. But at the same time, he can’t be bothered to care much.
If Eddie is completely honest with himself, he could live without sex in a relationship. He’d much rather have the cuddles, or the dates, or snuggling up under the warm covers. He doesn’t see the need to have sex so often if ever at all. But he’ll never admit that out loud because that means something is wrong with him.
That he’s broken somehow.
That’s why, when Buck abruptly stops kissing his neck and pulls his hands from out from under Eddie’s shirt, he panics a little. Buck is looking at him strangely and Eddie’s heart starts to beat fast in his chest. He doesn’t know what he’s done wrong. Mentally going over everything he’s done up to this point, he tries to pinpoint the moment Buck realized that something was damaged inside Eddie.
“You don’t want this, do you?” Buck sits up, sitting on his calves.
“What?” Eddie sits up too, trying to desperately repair this. Sex was supposed to be what kept the relationship alive. He can’t lose it just because he’s a little broken. “Of course, I do.”
“Eddie, you’ve never really been into this.”
Buck sighs and stands, pulling his shirt back on and Eddie doesn’t know what to do. Shannon always went with it, even if she had her doubts about Eddie’s own enjoyment. “I want you to be honest with me, Eddie.”
Eddie panics, stands as well, and follows Buck out into the living room. He doesn’t want to lose Buck, this relationship. “I am.”
“Okay,” Buck turns to him, throws his hands out. “Are you attracted to me?”
“Yes,” Eddie says because he is. Buck is handsome and adorable and he loves him so much his heart might break.
Buck is shaking his head. “I’m not talking about if I look good to you. I’m talking about whether or not you think I’m hot, sexy.”
Eddie draws a blank. He’s never really understood those terms. He doesn’t know what hot and sexy mean, has never really related to them. They make him uncomfortable and he knows they are supposed to pertain to sex but he just doesn’t get it. “Y-yes,” he lies because he doesn’t know what else to do.
Buck’s lips thin and Eddie knows Buck knows he just lied to him. “Do you want to be in a relationship with me?”
“Yes,” Eddie says firmly, more confidently because he does. He loves Buck. He loves him with everything he’s got.
“Do you want to have sex with me?”
Eddie hesitates, swallows. “Yes?” He really didn’t mean for that to come out as a question. Buck sighs again, slumping. “Why does it matter? You want to have sex with me so we have sex.”
“Eddie…” another heavy sigh. “I want both of us to enjoy it.”
“I do.”
“No, you don’t.” Eddie looks to the floor, feeling shame pushing on his chest. This is the part where Buck will tell Eddie just how broken and messed up he is and how he needs to get himself fixed. “Did you think I wouldn’t be able to tell? At first, I thought it was because you’ve never been with a man before but you should be used to it by now, Eddie.”
“No,” Eddie says quickly, looking back up at Buck who is looking nothing short of hurt. “No, it was the same with Shannon.”
“Oh.” Buck’s tone changes completely as if something has just occurred to him. As if Eddie’s frantic and desperate declaration of how shattered his relationship with Shannon was because of him made Buck come to a realization. “So, you’ve never really been interested in sex? Or really been sexually attracted to someone?”
Eddie shuffles on his feet, looking to the floor again. He shrugs. “I…” He peers at Buck again, “You’re good looking, you are and I can see that, but I… I’m not sure what it feels like to want to jump into bed with a person just because they’re handsome or pretty.”
“But not sexy or hot?”
“I don’t even understand what those mean,” Eddie says, frustrated. “What is hot and what is sexy? I know it has to do with wanting to have sex with someone but… I just don’t… get it.” This time Eddie sighs. “I’m sorry. I know there’s something wrong with me to make me like this but-”
“No, Eddie.” Buck walks up to him, grabs his hands, and squeezes them reassuringly. “There is nothing wrong with you.”
“Buck, I’m not attracted to my boyfriend in a sexual way. There’s definitely something wrong with me.”
Buck chuckles and guides them down onto the couch. He never lets go of Eddie’s hands. “Eddie, have you ever heard of Asexuality?”
“I thought so. Here.” Buck pulls over Eddie’s laptop that had been sitting on the coffee table, turns it on, pulls up the web browser, and types in Asexual into the search engine. He then hands it over to Eddie. “Read up on it while I go get supper started.” Getting up, Buck leaves him to it.
Eddie does read up on it, clicking on multiple links and reading so many articles his head hurts. He finds a forum and reads about other people’s experiences, and maybe some of it does seem to relate to him. Or, really, a lot of it relates to him. Acknowledging that doesn’t necessarily lift the weight off his chest, he probably has a ways to go before he can completely accept this part of himself, but it’s a start. So he bookmarks a couple of websites and the forum after making an account — not that he would ever actually talk on it but some people have hidden their stories from people not logged in and Eddie is in deep now.
“So?” Buck comes to sit down next to him on the couch. He sits close, slightly angled in Eddie’s direction, and their knees touch. “What do you think?”
Eddie shrugs. “I don’t know.”
“I’m not trying to push some label onto you Eddie, but I do want you to be comfortable with yourself and understand yourself and maybe someday, accept yourself,” Buck gives him an encouraging smile. “And, Eddie, asexual or not, if you don’t want to have sex with me anymore, I’m fine with that.”
Eddie huffs. “Really?” Buck tilts his head in question. “I’m not saying I don’t want to have sex with you but depending on how long this relationship lasts, that could mean months, years, longer… You sure you could do that?”
Buck holds up a finger. “First off, our relationship is going to last for the rest of our lives.”
“Careful what you say. Our lives could be very short in our line of work.”
“Don’t even say that,” Buck chastises and Eddie shuts up. “Secondly, I do have two very capable hands and it gives me an excuse to visit a sex shop and do some shopping.” Eddie scowls in disgust and Buck chuckles at his reaction. “No, but seriously, Eddie, I want you to be comfortable and if that means no sex, then we don’t have sex.”
Eddie contemplates it. It’s not like he’s sex-repulsed like some other people who are asexual have said — and he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with those people, now that he’s read up on the sexuality a bit more, but it’s not something he relates to.
Eddie shrugs again and glances at Buck, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “Maybe we could have just… less of it?”
“Yeah,” Buck doesn’t even hesitate to agree to it. “But Eddie, just know, that if you ever just want to stop having sex in this relationship forever, then I’m okay with that. You’re not going to lose me over this. Masturbating can actually be quite fun and feel really good. After all,” Buck’s smile is wide and teasing. “No one knows what you like the most better than yourself.”
Eddie huffs a laugh. “Sorry, Buck, can’t really relate.”
“So you’ve never even masturbated before?” Buck sounds almost fascinated.
“I mean, I’ve tried but it’s always taken too much energy, too much effort, and the end results aren’t worth it,” he answers. Buck is looking unfazed by his words and he can’t even express how grateful he is of Buck’s reaction. “You know, when Shannon left, I didn’t sleep with anyone for two years before she came back. I thought I was just being loyal because I was still married to her.” He shakes his head. “Now I realize I just… didn’t have the interest.”
“You know that’s okay?” Buck has turned serious again. “There are millions of people out there that are also asexual, Eddie.” He shrugs. “If that’s what you decide you are.”
Eddie chuckles humorlessly. “And here I thought the only thing I had to stress about was liking other men.” Then, he looks at Buck hesitantly. “So you don’t mind that I’m not sexually attracted to you? That I don’t find you ‘sexy’ per se?”
“It really doesn’t, Eddie. I know you love me.” Buck reaches over, puts a hand on his knee. “You’ve got my support.”
Eddie puts his hand on Buck’s and intertwines their fingers. “You don’t know how much that means to me, Buck.”
“Eddie,” Buck scoots closer, pulls him in tight against his side and Eddie lays his head down on Buck’s shoulder. “I’ll always support and accept you. I’ve got your back, remember?”
Eddie smiles, turning his face into Buck’s neck to hide the redness that is appearing from being overwhelmed. “Thank you, Buck.”
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this! I rated it “T” because of the sex introspection. Also, I’m really loving the idea of ace Eddie! Although, I’m going to admit, despite being ace myself, I was a little nervous about writing this and possibly misrepresenting the ace community. Go figure!
I actually am sex-repulsed myself (at least when it comes to sex and my body) so I based Eddie’s thoughts about sex off things I’ve heard other sex indifferent aces say. His thoughts on the words “hot” and “sexy” are actually my thoughts. I really don’t understand what makes someone “hot” and “sexy.” It confuses me greatly.
Anyway! Thank you all for reading this! Let me know if you like the idea of asexual Eddie!
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Chapter 53: Identity
Becoming The Mask
Barbara was at work when her phone buzzed. She didn't have time to check it – she was busy with a toddler who had swallowed a paperclip.
If it had gone into the kid's stomach, things might have been okay. There was some risk of the sharp point doing damage, or the wire catching and tangling in the intestines, but the rounded ends of the paperclip meant there was also a chance it would simply be passed through.
Unfortunately, instead of ingesting the paperclip, the child had aspirated it, so it needed to be removed from her right lung.
Immediately after Barbara got out of surgery, she had to work up the x-rays of a teenager who'd crashed his Vespa into a tree. Nothing was obviously broken and he didn't have a concussion, but there was a risk of hairline fractures.
And then, (because why not,) there were three successive cases of people who had stuck odd things up their butts and gotten those things stuck.
By the time she was able to sit down for two minutes and gulp some coffee, she had forgotten about her buzzing phone.
She didn't even look at her phone until she was leaving for the night. Barbara got it out to turn the ringer off, since she wasn't supposed to be on call that night, which never stopped anyone when they were short-staffed, which was often, and she was tired enough it would probably be dangerous for her to be treating patients again until she'd had some sleep.
(Also, she was probably tired enough that she shouldn't be driving, but Barbara never let herself think about that.)
After finding out she'd missed something as big as her kid sneaking around to fight a secret magical war, Barbara was trying to reassert some boundaries between her time at work and the rest of her life.
Her phone announced that she'd missed a notification.
It was just an exclamation point. What had that been supposed to mean?
Barbara turned her phone off and drove home.
"I'm back, kiddo!"
"We're in the kitchen!"
'We' meant Jim and Toby. Jim was pulling a shepherd's pie out of the oven. Toby and Barbara both inhaled appreciatively.
"You said it's lean ground beef, right?" asked Toby. Jim smiled and rolled his eyes.
"Yes, Tobes. You know if you cut all the fat out of your diet you'd get protein poisoning, right? Mom, back me up."
Barbara took a moment to remember this. She wasn't a nutritionist – she'd encountered this concept in a novel a few years ago and looked it up to see if it was true.
"He's right," she said. "It's the rarest kind of food poisoning. Not much risk of it happening here and now." Not in a city in the United States, haven of processed and instant foods.
Jim portioned out the steaming vegetables and meat and mashed potatoes. Barbara added some sour cream to hers.
"Is Nana out tonight?" she asked Toby.
"Yeah, she and some of her chess buddies are doing a tournament. Informal, I think, but maybe a prize? Like, a gift certificate or something."
"We should see if we can get her and Mr Strickler to play a match sometime," said Jim. "I think I heard once that he's a grandmaster, but I don't know how often he plays anymore."
That combination, Nancy and Walt, made Barbara's brain click and remember the significance of that exclamation point she'd sent herself.
"So … it's been a month. Have you made any progress on telling your friends' families about trolls?"
Both boys froze.
"We gave Vendel a bunch of family stories," said Toby. "Once he's done reading it, we'll find out if we have permission or we're going behind everybody's backs."
"Guess I should warn him the clock's ticking again," said Jim.
"We could maybe tell people now and say we're LARPing, and tell the whole truth later?" Toby suggested. "That's what my therapist thinks is going on."
"You told your therapist?" asked Barbara and Jim together, in very different tones.
Jim's eyes were huge. He had a white-knuckled grip on his silverware. "Tell me you didn't use the word 'Trollhunter' in front of her."
"… No?" said Toby in confusion. "I just said your character was a magic knight on a quest to fight an evil troll."
Jim sighed. "Okay, that's generic enough it's probably safe. Don't use any specific names or terms, though."
"Dude, you seriously think someone is spying on a random high schooler's therapy appointments?"
"Someone is spying on a random high school's entire history class," Jim pointed out.
The rest of the meal was tense. After they were done eating and cleaning up, Toby went back home, and Jim went upstairs to do homework.
Jim's yearbook from the previous year was on one of the shelves in the living room. Barbara brought it over to the couch.
She could use this to get an idea of who Jim and Toby's classmates were, at least.
Jim didn't have many signatures in the book. There was Toby's, of course. The rest all had generic messages – "Have a great summer" from Eli Pepperjack, "Have fun this summer!" from Shannon Longhannon, "See you in September" and a doodled smiley face from Claire Nuñez, and "Enjoy summer break" from Seamus Johnson.
People Jim knew? Or random classmates he approached so he wouldn't look 'weird' for not caring about yearbook autographs?
Barbara made note of all the names. She felt like Jim had let slip that the other children who knew about trolls were girls, early on, but she couldn't quite remember for sure and didn't want to rule anyone out. She flipped to the class photos to match names to faces, so she could keep watch for the signatories hanging around her house or across the street.
Enrique carefully printed the English alphabet. It hadn't been that hard to mimic from a reference image, but this was his first time writing it independently. He haltingly hummed the song to keep track of his place.
"Pretty good," said Claire, reading over his shoulder. He fought the urge to turn and strike. He was (supposed to be) safe. Claire wasn't purposefully lurking in his blind spot to attack him. "Definitely way better than my first scribbles. I guess next you should learn to write your name."
On another piece of paper, she printed it for him to copy.
The first letter was N. Sensible enough. Except wasn't that one pronounced 'nuh' instead of 'en' when it was in a word and not the alphabet? He shrugged. Claire knew this writing system better than he did – if she said Enrique started with N, he'd go with it until he had some evidence otherwise.
The second letter was O. He frowned. That … didn't feel right. Shouldn't it be an R?
The third letter was T. He stopped.
"Read it," he said to Claire, trying not to growl.
"Not Enrique," she said, without shame. "You only copied the 'Not' part so far."
Angrily, Enrique scribbled out the letters he'd written so far and the bit he'd copied from. In fast, shaky letters he copied out the rest of it and underlined it.
"No," said Claire, getting angry in turn, "you don't get to use that name. That's my brother's name, not yours."
"The kid can share. It's mine now."
"Oh, come on," Claire scoffed. "You're, like, hundreds of years old. I get that Jim's used to being called 'Jim' after sixteen years in deep cover or whatever, but you can't possibly have gotten that attached to 'Enrique' in just a few months."
… Did she really not know?
"It's the only name I've got."
"Bullshit. Other trolls had to call you something when you were in the Darklands."
Now he growled for real. "That wasn't a name."
"What, some kind of codename system? Then I'd think you'd welcome the chance to start using your real name again."
"I don't know what it used to be!" he snapped. "No one exactly kept track of who they were grabbing. And if we lived, it was 'Changeling' this and 'Impure' that if it wasn't just 'hey you'! Enrique's the first name I can remember having and you don't get to take it away from me!"
He stood there breathing hard for maybe a full minute. He'd cracked the pen. There was gloppy ink on his clenched fist. He licked it off before ink could drip on the floor, and popped the plastic into his mouth.
Claire's voice, when she spoke again, was a lot softer.
"How did anyone tell the Changelings apart, if … if you didn't have names?"
Enrique snorted. "You think they bothered? One Changeling's as good or as bad as any other. S'probably part of why Jim and the big Boss Man were so quick to change sides when they had the chance."
"Even the other Changelings?"
"The rule about not getting attached starts early."
Claire looked like she was about to cry. That … that wasn't fair, she didn't get to make him feel bad for her when they were in the middle of a fight …
"We give each other nicknames, sometimes," he admitted. Imp had been a popular one, if nothing else about a Changeling stood out. "Us or the goblins. But then when we get up top, it's like a rite of passage, you know? We get a name then. Using the old nickname's … like an insult. Saying you weren't worth making a surface agent."
Claire blinked rapidly a few times, then hugged him. He almost clawed her before realizing it wasn't an attack.
"Oi, easy!"
"You can't have my brother's name," she said stubbornly. "But we'll figure something else out."
"Not exactly your call to make," Enrique retorted.
"Don't ruin the moment."
"What moment–?!"
Previous Chapter (Troll Dads become official!)
Table of Contents
Next Chapter (Angor Rot’s debut!)
Not featured in the above chapter: Jim's internal panic, as he frantically tries to figure out how much Toby has already told Dr Archenn and how to warn Toby off telling her anything else, without exposing yet another Changeling's identity to humans.
Featured in the above chapter: my headcanon that Otto addressing Not Enrique as 'Imp' in early Season 2 was a deliberate insult. I've actually got a different nickname in mind for Not Enrique, it just didn't feel natural to bring it up in this scene. Imp, short for Impure, is basically a 'starter nickname' that all Changelings have in the Darklands, until and unless something about them stands out enough that the other Changelings start calling them something else.
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LOST - Another Story
Rating: M
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: Welcome to The Moth! This one is a bit shorter, there were a lot of Charlie flashbacks in the original episode which means there’s not a lot of on-island writing. Anyways, enjoy!
The Moth
Ah yes, The Moth, another character centric episode meaning there is little for me to do. Maybe since it’s Charlie’s episode I can make friends with him because of his drug detox. I’m sure he doesn’t trust me, but I’m willing to take the chance. I turn my head to see Jack and Kate gather together and I scramble to my feet to join them. Better than sitting in the sand.
“Call me a broken record, but caves are a natural shelter. And a hell of a safer than living here on the beach,” Jack says as I walk up.
“Hey Jack, Kate,” I say as I stick my hands in my pockets, “What’s going on?”
“I was just down at the beach to pick up a few things,” Jack says as he hides Kate’s mugshots.
“Jack you don’t have to hide those from me, I know what Kate has done,” I quickly turn to Kate, “I don’t judge you on it either.” Kate just nods with a small smile.
Kate then turns to Jack, “You're mad at me.”
“No. Kate, I'm -- I just don't understand why you won't come with me. Us. It's maybe a mile up there, if that.”
“We crashed 8 days ago, Jack. I'm not setting up a house here.”
“I want off this Island too, but we both know that's not gonna happen any time soon.”
“Sayid has a plan,” Kate interjects.
“Yeah, to find the source of the distress code, I know,” Jack replies exasperatedly.
“The signal's coming from somewhere on the Island. If we can find it. . .”
Jack cuts Kate off, “The signal has been running on a loop for 16 years, Kate. And the woman that left it, she wasn't rescued. What makes you think it's gonna be any different for us?”
“I believe it.”
“Well, I wish I shared your faith.”
Then, Sawyer comes sauntering up to us, “Wouldn't mind sharing a few things with her myself.”
“What do you want, Sawyer?” Kate asks, annoyed.
“Heard the doctor was vacating the premises,” Then Sawyer spots me, “Oh hey blue eyes fancy seeing you here. Anyway, thought I'd best lay claims to my new digs before somebody else did,” He drops the suitcases I didn’t see at first, “I could fix this place up real good. Might even find somebody to share it with me,” Sawyer looks to me first, then at at Kate.
“I'll talk to you later,” Jack says, apparently hearing enough.  Kate watches Jack leave with a sad look on her face. Sawyer is just smiling, and he waves as Jack leaves. Kate turns to Sawyer with a disgusted look on her face before walking away. I stay.
“So just leaves you then blue eyes?” He says cheekily to me.
“What are you talking about Sawyer?”
“Stayin’ with me of course, our own little abode,” He lifts his arms and stretches his hands out like it’s a fancy vacation rental he’s offering.
“Oh come on Sawyer,” I laugh, thinking he’s joking.
“I’m being serious, at least haul your tent over here.”
I look up at him and narrow my eyes, scrutinizing him. Eventually I drop my shoulders in defeat, “Alright, but you gotta help me.”
“Fair trade for a fine lady,” he winks as he speaks. I shake my head and we trudge our way down the beach towards my tent.
After a while of hauling, Sawyer and I finally get my tent set up back to the way it was. I duck inside and set up my bedding, moving around the airline seats and huffing when it gets stuck. I hear a chuckle and whip around to see Sawyer standing outside my tent. I straighten and cross my arms.
“Mind helping?” I ask, doing nothing to keep the edge out of my voice.
“Nah I like the view,” Sawyer teases and I lunge to smack his arm. He catches my wrist and holds it above my head while he uses his other hand to tickle my side. I squeal and writhe, trying to get away. He only stops when a cough alerts us to Kate’s presence once again.
“Got a laptop?” She asks, arms crossed over her chest protectively. Sawyer drops my wrists and sits down on his airline seat.
“Nope,” he answers simply.
“You're hoarding like a pack rat since the crash and you don't have a single laptop?”
“We are testy. Still upset about your little break up? You and Jacko?”
“It must be exhausting.”
“What's that?” Sawyer asks sweetly. I seem to always be left out of these major character interactions lately.
“Living like a parasite -- always taking, never giving,” Kate answers.
“Well, you got me pegged, don't you?”
“I get it now. You don't want off this Island because there's nothing for you to go back for. Nobody you miss. And no one misses you.”
“Well that’s not true, I’ve got blue eyes here,” suddenly an arm snakes around my waist and I’m pulled into Sawyer’s lap. I land with an ‘omfph’, “and you’ve got Jacko. I don’t need no one to miss. Oh wait now, you're feeling sorry for me.”
“I don't feel sorry for you. I pity you,” Kate pauses and looks to me feeling incredibly uncomfortable on Sawyer’s lap, “and Amelia.”
Sawyer looks hurt, then smiles, then reaches into a suitcase, pulls out a laptop, and gives her the battery. He does this all while I’m on his lap, with his arm securely around me. Man he is doing a lot to keep this act up. For a moment I actually believe he likes me, and my heart flutters in my chest.
“All you had to do was say please,” Sawyer says sweetly. Kate reaches for it, and Sawyer pulls it away and then hands it to her again. Kate takes it quickly and runs off to where Sayid and Boone are gathered.
I quickly scramble off his lap, “What was that for?”
“Just putting on a show is all,” Sawyer replies with a shrug.
“And I had to be apart of it?”
“What? I thought you liked it, your face is red after all.”
I quickly turn away from him and decide to fix my tent, “Just go read a book Sawyer,” I say exasperatedly.
I’m sitting around with Micheal and Boone when Charlie bursts out of the jungle. Oh fuck I forgot. Jack is stuck in the caves. Charlie reaches our group, out of breath. “Hey, hey, we need help,” he pants.
“What's wrong, man?” Micheal asks worriedly.
“It's Jack, he's trapped,” Charlie answers.
“What?” Boone asks as he looks to me. I don’t say a word, blood is rushing to my ears.
“A cave collapsed. We don't even know if he's alive. Come on, we've gotta go,” Charlie says, also looking to me. I stare right back, ready to go.
“Hey, uh, uh, Scott?” Micheal says to someone.
“I'm Steve,” Not-Scott says.
“I'm Scott,” Real-Scott says.
“We've got an emergency, grab a couple of guys and let's go,” Micheal says to the both of them.
“We've got to go, now!” Charlie shouts and I take off running with the group, Boone comes then turns back to Shannon. Suddenly Sawyer is with us, and Charlie stops.
“Wait. Kate. Hey, we have to tell Kate about Jack,” Charlie says, looking around wildly.
“Sorry sport, you just missed her. Her and Mohammad headed into the woods about 10 minutes ago,” Sawyer says.
“Which way?”
“Don't sweat it, amigo. I know which way they went.”
“Yeah, but-” Charlie starts.
“Wait Sawyer-” I interject.
“I'll tell her,” Sawyer cuts us both off, “You just keep doing... whatever it is you do around here.”
“Sawyer!” I shout at him, but he’s already walking away. I whine in frustration.
Charlie looks at me, panicked and I can tell we have the same expression, “Come on Amelia!” He says quickly and we take off running towards the caves.
After running for a while Charlie stops and looks worried, “I-I have to find Locke!”
“Charlie, wait you gotta help Jack-” but Charlie cuts me off.
“I just have to find him okay? Get to the caves to help dig.” He begins to run off and I bounce worriedly. Then I act on an impulse.
“I know about the drugs Charlie!” I shout, and Charlie whips around.
“Of course you bloody do, I’m sure everyone knows.”
“No, I mean, I know because I..” I trail off, not wanting to tell the truth, “I know because I’m a med student and before we crashed I was taking a class on drugs and withdrawals.” I sigh and look at my feet, “Don’t go get your drugs, please.”
“I have to go,” Charlie says and runs off. I let out a frustrated cry and make my way to the caves. Luckily I know the path already.
“Hey listen, Jack, we're going to get you out of there, okay?” I hear Micheal say as I run up. Everyone looks at me as I kneel over and catch my breath.
“What..” I pant and gasp, “What’s the situation?” Then Jack moans and coughs and I smack my hand to my face.
“Whoa whoa whoa, Amelia, right?” I nod as Michael speaks, “We’ll get him out.”
“You better, I’m not fit to be the doc around here!” I try to laugh but it comes out strangled and breathy. I feel so stupid for forgetting this would happen, I could have stopped it, but I’m prepared now to help Jack get out. Charlie be damned.
I help dig, as much as I can. My hands are shaking and sweaty, and I can feel my heart pounding in my throat. Guilt washes over me in waves as another rock slips under my fingers. I’m not making any progress but at least I’m trying to help. Micheal pulls me away from the rocks, and I don’t fight him. He walks away.
“Okay, we can't safely make that tunnel any bigger, but since Jack can't get out, one of us is going to have to go in and un-pin him,” Micheal says. Oh. We were done, he pulled me off because we were done. Right.
“What, crawl through that?” Hurley asks, apprehension clear in his voice.
“I think we need someone smaller,” Boone says, and I can feel his eyes on me.
Jin says something in Korean, and I just look at him. I’m still panting, sweating, and shaking with guilt.
“Dude, we don't understand Chinese,” Hurley says.
“Korean, man. They're Korean,” Micheal tells Hurley, obviously exasperated.
“I'll do it,” a voice says. I whip my head around and I see Charlie. Guilt only sinks further into me. I can’t even be useful.
“Charlie?” Hurley asks.
“No, man. Look, you're still too shook up. I might be able to squeeze through…” Micheal tries to reason with Charlie. I stand up, still shaking on my feet.
“Let him do it,” I say, and Charlie looks at me with an almost proud expression.
“Hey, who's going to take care of your son if something happens,” He begins to say to Micheal, and then he points to Sun, “She's got a husband,” he points to Boone, “he's got a sister,” then, to my surprise, he points to me, “and Amelia is the only other doctor. I'm alone here, no one on the Island. Let me do this.”
Micheal just nods before he says, “Listen, man, go slow. Try not to nudge any of the rocks around you.”
“Anything else?” Charlie asks, now looking apprehensive.
“Yeah, good luck,” Micheal replies.
Boone hands Charlie some water, “Be safe man.”
“Good luck, Charlie,” Hurley calls.
“Good luck,” I whisper to myself.
“Alright, thanks guys,” Charlie says. He looks into the opening, then looks back at everyone. Charlie gives me a nod before he starts to crawl into the tunnel.
Charlie squeezes his way through the tunnel. We all hold our breath as he does. I can slowly feel my heart rate decrease as my sweat finally breaks. Guilt still washes over me, but is reconciled by the fact that I know Jack will be out soon. Suddenly the cave starts rumbling and bits of dirt start falling. Michael and Hurley look in from the entrance of the hole towards Charlie.
“Charlie?” Micheal asks worriedly, “Charlie move! Charlie?” In the small cave opening we can see Charlie crawling as fast as he can to the opening cave-side. Then the tunnel collapses, and everyone stands still, like time stopped. I know Charlie made it, and I know Jack is going to be out soon.
Just then, Kate enters the caves at a brisk pace. I turn around when she does. Panic is clear on her face.
“I say we try again,” Hurley suggests.
“We can't just leave them,” Boone reasons.
“If we don't move, they're going to run out of air,” Hurley says hurriedly.
“Would you stop talking, I'm trying to think,” Micheal snaps.
“Where is he? Where is he?” Kate asks, her face is pale and her eyes are wide with panic. Her chest is heaving, probably from sheer panic and exertion from the run here.
“Kate,” Micheal says.
“Where is he?” She asks again, “Where's Jack?” We all look helplessly at her, and I know that they don't want to tell her.
Hurlue nods toward the now rubble-filled tunnel entrance, “He's in there.”
“Does anyone know if he's alive?” When no one answers she makes her tone more urgent, “Is he alive?”
“We don't know,” Micheal begins, “Charlie went in there through a tunnel that we dug, but it collapsed.”
“Why is nobody digging?” Kate says and she starts digging, we follow but apprehensively. I try to put in my best effort to show that I care. Suddenly my hand slips and I get cut on a rock. I cry out in pain, but bite my lip to silence myself. Fuck, how could I be so careless? Everyone slows down their digging when they hear my cry of pain. Guilt floods my stomach again.
“Hey Kate, you need to take a break,” Micheal says kindly.
“I'm fine,” Kate snaps.
“We've got enough people to dig,” Micheal implores, “You keep going at this pace your going to kill yourself.”
We keep digging regardless, and soon enough Charlie’s hand comes shooting out of the ground. Walt jumps back a bit and Vincent starts to bark.
“Hey, it's the doctor!” Walt shouts.
Jack and Charlie climb their way out of the hole Charlie made. Kate runs up to Jack anf gives him a huge hug. Jack winces, and I remember his shoulder. Maybe I can do some actual good and help him with it later.
“Ow, easy, my shoulder, careful,” Jack chuckles.
“How'd you get out?” Hurley asks, amazed.
“Charlie, Charlie found a way out.”
“Dude, you rock,” Hurley says to Charlie. We all cheer and congratulate Charlie. He looks around at all of us giving him praise. His face is lit up in happiness and I feel my own heart swell as well. I know it would turn out okay, I just wished I could have done something more.
Hurley then goes to get some water out of the stream for Charlie and Jack, he hands some to the both of them. Hurley then turns to Charlie, concern written all over his face.
“Dude, you feeling okay? You look a little…”
“Flu. He's got the flu,” Jack cuts in.
“Oh man, that's rough after all you've been through. Take it easy, man,” Hurley says and he pays Charlie’s shoulder. Charlie looks gratefully at Jack. Locke is back from his hunting and he’s waving a palm frond over the boar which is cooking on a spit. Charlie watches him, and I stand around useless.
“I think I'm going to stretch my legs,” He says to no one in particular.
“This place is cool. Can we live here?” I overhear Walt ask his father. Michael looks over at Sun. She returns his gaze. I turn and is Jack lpoking at the fire. Suddenly a rag is being put over his head. Kate brought him a sling. I laugh to myself.
“Made you something,” Kate says to him.
“Awww. My very first sling,” Jack says, and I feel my heart constrict. One more thing I can’t do. I decide to help my own hand.
“How's that?” Kate asks after helping Jack get situated with the sling.
“Good. Thank you,” Jack says gratefully. I turn away from them and rummage through the medical supplies. I find some alcohol and gauze, how convenient.
I wash my hands in the stream and pour some of the alcohol on my hand. I hiss at the contact, trying to stay as quiet as I can. I don’t need anyone worrying about me, especially not Jack. I can still hear their conversation in the background.
“So these are the safe caves you've been going on about,” Kate says.
“This was a fluke,” Jack explains, “Michael checked out the integrity of the rest of the caves and gave them an okay. So you're heading back to the beach, huh?”
“Sayid should be back there by now and if his plan worked then…”
“Then we're one step closer to getting off this Island.” I’m looking away so I can’t see Kate react, but I know from memory she’s looking down at her feet.
“Thanks for the sling, Kate,” Jack says.
“You're welcome,” Kate replies.
I wrap my hand in some gauze and decide to sleep at the caves tonight. There’s no use in trekking through the jungle at night, even if I know the Island. I shudder at the thought of the Smoke Monster finding me, and then finding out who I really am. Then I’d be in some real trouble. I sit down in front of a fire, staring into it and thinking about the days to come.
Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in updates!
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whileyoursleeping · 4 years
a buddie fic, as requested last week! (im sorry this took so long omg work has been absolutely insane)
also yes i’ll take buddie prompts but i’m really terrible at getting around to writing them so if you do request something i’m super sorry if it takes me forever
prompt: Bucks off his blood thinners so they throw a little party since he never got one when he came back something happens like he gets cut by a gift and has to remind everyone except Maddie that he's off his meds finally
He really should've known a welcome back party was not a good idea.
Not like it was his choice - now that the lawsuit is over and the chill has passed, the family at 118 have welcomed him back with open arms and it's of course Hen's idea to throw him a welcome back party.
If Buck thinks about it the string of unfortunate events otherwise known as his life should've predicted some bad shit happening - first his leg is crushed, then the embolism, then he gets hit by a tsunami... the list is endless. But he's off the blood thinners, which is great, and now he can do everything he used to normally.
He can't help it. He loves his fire family and he loves being included again so when Hen announces it, he's all for it. He's back in the thick of it, with his family, being teased and shoved around playfully - he lives for it, he really does. He loves them. So fucking much.
The only downside is Eddie - things are better, but he's still a little reserved. Buck worries he's done real, lasting damage, and so he refuses to feel needy when he says, "Hey, man. Are you swinging by mine for the party tonight?"
Eddie smiles at him. "Wouldn't miss it."
There's beer and presents and someone has the idea to wrap one of them in a bunch of zip ties, and Buck - who can't find scissors - decides to use a knife to get into it.
A knife that promptly slips and cuts his palm open.
"Buck," Maddie sighs as the whole room goes quiet, in that patented my-little-brother-is-an-idiot voice. "You-"
"Let me see, Buck," Hen says gently, and Buck blinks at the sudden amount of fussing going on. Chimney's running for ice and a towel and Bobby is looking like he's one number away from dialling 911, and Eddie - Eddie's gone bone white which is weird.
"Guys," Buck says, over the sudden shuffle of trained medical professionals launching into action. "Guys, I'm not-"
"Elevate his hand," Hen orders. "Once we've got it wrapped we'll get him to the emergency room."
"But I'm not-" Buck protests.
"Is there a first aid kit around here?" Chimney's asking, and Eddie is taking Buck's hand and raising it above his head.
"Eddie," Buck says. "Eddie, I'm not-"
"Why does anyone let you near knives, Buckaroo?" Hen says, grabbing for a tea towel to press into the wound on his palm.
Buck wants to bask in being called Buckaroo again, but Eddie looks scarily blank, save for the little tic in his jaw that tells Buck he's concentrating. Nobody's listening to him for totally different reasons than they were a while ago, but still, Buck's frustrated that he can't even get a word in edgewise.
"Guys-" he tries again. He attempts pulling his hand away and wow Eddie has a great grip.
"Guys!" Maddie says, loudly, and everyone looks up at her. She nods at Buck.
"I'm not on blood thinners anymore," he explains, a little uncomfortable with the five sets of eyes on him. Normally he'd like it, the attention of the team - of Eddie - but it reminds him a little too much of why they were all cold shouldering him in the first place. "So... you know. It's fine."
He tries for a winning smile. Hen sits back, at least, but Eddie hangs his head and doesn't say anything.
"So we don't have to take you to the emergency room," Chim jokes.
"I think if you do they'll start charging me rent there," he jokes. He's trying to work out why Eddie still has his head down, looks ashamed.
Hen seems to realise what's going on, because she says something about the others helping her with things in the kitchen, and there's a round of agreement. Everyone disappears except Eddie, who at least moves to sit on the coffee table instead of the ground in front of Buck.
"Sorry I didn't tell you," Buck says - he's not sure if this is one of those things that's a big deal and Eddie will be upset over or not. He doesn't want Eddie to be upset, not right after they finally became friends again. "I would've told you, it just didn't seem that important."
"Can I see?" Eddie asks, totally ignoring everything else Buck just said.
Buck blinks, but he holds his hand out. Eddie's gentle as he flips Buck's hand over, palm up, and inspects the cut. It's already mostly stopped bleeding, which is so novel for Buck that even he finds himself staring at it. Or maybe he's staring at it as an excuse to watch Eddie touch him. No one needs to know the reason.
"It reminded me of the tsunami," Eddie says abruptly, finally making eye contact with him. He doesn't let Buck's hand go. "When I found you and Christopher. You had that cut on your arm, it was bleeding everywhere."
Buck has really vague memories of the aftermath of the tsunami. It all goes a little blurry once the team showed up and he collapsed, but he does remember a cut on his arm, how lightheaded he felt. He's not totally sure on how he got to a hospital afterwards either.
"Yeah," Buck says, slowly, trying to figure out the relevance of this to that. "That was uh - I was bleeding pretty bad. But this isn't like that, Eddie. I'm okay."
If he thinks about it, he can remember the throbbing pain in his head, over his eye. How his leg hurt. But mostly he just remembers the water and Chris screaming for him.
"I was more worried about Chris," he admits.
"I know you were." Eddie's still got his hand, but hasn't made a move to clean it or patch it up. "That's why you need someone to worry about you."
"You did though," Buck insists. He won't let Eddie feel bad about this, especially when it was Buck who lost Christopher. "I remember you came and got me at the hospital."
Eddie looks away from him. "Yeah," he says uncomfortably.
They're quiet for a moment. Eddie finally starts cleaning out the wound and Buck thinks back to that night - stumbling out of the emergency room, a fair bit of blood lighter and with rudimentary first-aid having been done, given that there were people hurt a lot worse, wondering how he was going to get home with his car six feet underwater.
And Eddie, in the waiting room, looking exhausted and strung out and who had hugged Buck the moment he saw him. Loaded him into the car, helped him into the house and found him clean clothes so he could shower and sleep.
There were no nightmares that night, because he was too tired and felt safe with both his Diaz boys in the same house.
He'd woken the next morning with Chris piled onto the couch next to him, and Eddie watching them over a mug of coffee in the kitchen. They'd staggered through the day, bone-tired and hardly speaking, and Buck had gone home distinctly feeling like he'd failed both of them.
"I mean," he says, out loud, because Eddie's got that little worry line in his forehead and his mouth is downturned and unhappy, "I lost Chris and you still came and got me-"
"You didn't," Eddie says, almost angry. "God, Buck, I didn't even know anything had happened until I saw you there. It didn't even cross my mind that something had happened because he was with you."
"I know," Buck says guiltily. "I - Eddie, man, I'm... I'm so sorry, if I could take it back-"
Eddie lets go of his hand abruptly, and Buck has a split second to wonder how he keeps making this worse for himself before Eddie's hand wraps around the back of his neck and he's dragged down into a kiss.
He's shocked, for a moment, and then he remembers this is Eddie who's always been there, Eddie who trusts him with Chris, Eddie who doesn't think he's a fuck-up or still Buck 1.0 or anything other than his best friend, and he kisses back, desperately, lunging into Eddie's warmth.
They separate after a moment, and Eddie leans his forehead on Buck's, his eyes closed.
"Buck," he says, softly, "I'm trying to say that I didn't think to worry about Christopher, for once in my life, because he was with you. Because he's safe with you. You're the only place I'm ever sure he's safe, other than me. That hasn't changed, okay? You were there for us when we needed you, and when you needed me I-"
His voice breaks. It's painful to listen to, and Buck shuffles closer, until their noses touch too, and puts his hands on Eddie's shoulders, presses his thumbs into the spaces between Eddie's neck and ears.
"When you needed me I failed you," Eddie croaks. "You were scared about your job and on blood thinners and you needed me and I just - I got angry, because I missed you, and I felt like you'd left like Shannon did, and I didn't even think that it was because you were trying to get back to us. And you still blame yourself. You pulled Chris out of the water, Buck. You. Not me, not abuela, not Pepa, not anyone else from the 118. You."
His eyes are stinging. He feels Eddie's hands on him, stroking him gently, soothing. "Stop," he whispers, and his voice breaks. "You're gonna make me cry, man. It's my welcome back party. I'm not supposed to cry."
Eddie laughs a little, then says, "I'm trying to tell you something, Buck."
"Yeah, I got it, what with the kiss and everything," Buck jokes weakly. "I - Eddie, I'm pretty messed up."
"My wife disappeared, came back, said she was divorcing me, then died," Eddie says. "We're even. I don't mind if you don't."
How could he ever? "So... what now?"
Eddie leans back. Buck feels a little less embarrassed when he sees that Eddie's eyes look a little wet too. "I'm gonna fix your hand," Eddie says. "And then we can tell everyone to stop eavesdropping from the kitchen."
There's a pause, and then Chimney's head peeks around the corner.
"We found scissors," he says sheepishly, and Buck laughs. He doesn't really care if they overhead. In fact, Maddie has that I-knew-it look on her face.
"I told you he didn't hate you," she says, patting him on the head.
He shakes her off playfully. "Not like you've been right before, so-"
"Do you want this present or not?"
"Sorry, Ma'am."
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thecockerelinn · 4 years
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Well, even though quarantine and lockdown may slowly open up for many of us, it’s not over yet, and besides one can never have enough means to escape reality, so here are a few book reccomendations.
All books on this list are LGBTQ or at least have (important) characters who are.
The “Classics”:
Wraeththu  - Storm Constantine (how is it no-one’s talking about this anymore? Please do take into account that those books were written in the early 1990s, they were way ahead of their times, and yet there may be some offensive things - it’s been a while that I’ve read them so I can’t come up with any example, but should you find them somewhat un-feminist, wait until the end xD)
The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin (a true classic)
The Last Herald Mage series - Mercedes Lackey (gee yes Vanyel can be a real brat - not quite without reason though, but you’ll come to love him xD And yes we all just pretend that scene in book 3 never happened -_-) (also: influenced the Nightrunner series)
The World of Riverside series - Ellen Kushner (another influence on the Nightrunner series)
The Doctrine of Labyrinths quartet - Sarah Monette (beware, those books are not for everyone, trigger warnings are in order: rape, violence, mental issues, abuse / none of this is ever glorified or belittled, but it’s there, and it is so much a part of the characters’ lifes that it might occasionally seem like it’s not appropriately treated. Speaking of characters: very complex, intriguing characters with very dark sides, but you gotta love ‘em; intricate, complex world building / Nowadays Sarah Monette writes under the pseudonym Katherine Addison) (as far as I know they are unfortunately out of print so you’d have to check second hand book stores)
Historical fiction (with or without the paranormal)
Whyborne and Griffin series - Jordan L. Hawk (lots of paranormal stuff, magic, Lovecraftian creatures, awesome ladies, and so much more - and you will love those boys so much xD)
Magic in Manhattan - Allie Therin (the Roaring 20s, magic, prohibition)
The Collin Pendragon Mysteries - Gregory Harris (imagine Sherlock Holmes and Watson were canon; whodunnit, Victorian England)
Restless Spirits - Jordan L. Hawk  (let’s go ghost hunting: science vs. medium)
A Charm of Magpies - K.J. Charles (magpies - lots of them xP, magic, curses, intrigue, late Victorian England)
At Swim, Two Boys - Jamie O’Neill (set in Dublin around the Easter Uprising 1916; coming-of-age, tragic love story - don’t forget the tissues)
Cambridge Fellows Mysteries - Charlie Cochrane (Edwardian England, mystery, romance; amateur sleuths, found family)
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon (epic fantasy, intricate world building, clash of religions, dragons, strong female leads)
The Affair of the Mysterious Letter -  Alexis Hall (fantasy / mystery; Lovecraftian vibes, bizarre and witty retelling of Sherlock Holmes)
The Tarot Sequence - K.D. Edwards (alternative world, Atlantis, magic, god-like beings, found family; trigger warnings: mentions of rape, violence)
The Rifter series - Ginn Hale (fantasy, parallel world; god-like being, magic, religious strife, necromancy (in a way))
Iron Breakers trilogy - Zaya Feli (fantasy; intrigue, cultural differences, battles, fight for a kingdom, romance)
The Icefjord Saga - Zaya Feli (fantasy, Norse inspired world, magic, mythological creatures, battles, curses)
Tales from Verania - TJ Klune (fantasy, comedy, romance; hilariousness galore! - okay sometimes it’s a bit too much, but between all the jokes and sexual innuendoes, the story doesn’t suffer; basically everyone is gay, everyone tries to get into Sam’s trousers ^^;, did I mention the hornless gay unicorn that sweats glitter, and the sexually deviant dragon? xD)
Peter Darling - Austin Chant (fantasy, retelling; very interesting take on Peter Pan, takes place many years after the events in Peter Pan, focused on the relationship between Peter and Hook; the search for a place, for someone to accept you for who you really are)
YA and New Adult
Nevernight Chronicles - Jay Christoff  (sometimes I’m amazed what’s YA nowadays; fantasy; anyway beware of all the blood)
Feverwake duology - Victoria Lee (see above; dystopia; Holy Baby Yoda but these two books are intense! triger warnings: abuse, drug use, violence, mentions of rape, deadly virus outbreak)
Only Mostly Devastated - Sophie Gonzales (contemporary; all the feels: it makes you laugh out loud, it makes you cry; Grease says hello, super sweet quick read)
Timekeeper trilogy - Tara Sim (steampunk - or should it be clockwork punk?; mythology, gods, concept of time, ghosts, cute boys, discourse on colonialism)
The Torch Keeper trilogy - Steven dos Santos (dystopia; betrayal, love between brothers, biological modifications, deadly deadly trials)
Proxy duology - Alex London (dystopia; the rift between rich and poor, unjust society, technology)
The Disasters - M.K. England (sci-fi; band of misfits to the rescue!; Breakfast Club in space - kind of xD)
Magnus Chase & the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan (fantasy, mythology; ahhh Uncle Rick - just got to love the man, seriously; Norse mythology, diverse cast, homelesness, found family, disablitiy) (I’m aware it’s officially labelled Middle Grade, but who cares. It is linked to the Percy Jackson series, but you don’t need to know it to read these books)
The TBR pile (meaning books I haven’t read myself yet, but they certainly are on my tbr list, so perhaps they will be on yours now, too):
The Locked Tomb series - Tamsyn Muir  (fantasy)
The Bloodright trilogy - Emily Skrutskie  (sci-fi, YA)
Wild Sky - Zaya Feli (fantasy)
The Extraordinaries - TJ Klune (romance, superpowers - or not..., YA)
Reverie - Ryan La Sala (fantasy)
Soulbound series - Hailey Turner (urban fantasy, romance)
Cemetery Boys - Aiden Thomas (fantasy, paranormal, romance, YA)
Micah Grey series - Laura Lam (fantasy)
A Song for Ghosts - Manja Siber (historical, mid 19th century Dresden) - Don your fanciest dress and fetch the binocular, it’s opera time! Originally inspired by The Phantom of the Opera and Yuri on Ice - see if you can spot the hints xD (as a fellow Watcher, Manja kind of makes the list by default* xP Give it a try, you can find it via epubli or on amazon.de)
*No, this isn’t nepotism, I’m just trying to give the support I wish I had. So if you’re an author and a Watcher and you’re not on this list, it’s because I don’t know about it. Tell me, and I gladly put your book on this or any next rec list.
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avantguardisme · 3 years
i got tagged by @bourgeoix​ to Tell Me Good Things That Happened This Year (last year now i guess) so here are some top 5s of mine from 2020 under the cut!
this will be difficult because i have absolutely no sense of time and don’t know when i did anything this year but i’ll do my best  
movies i watched: (i did have to look up what movies came out in 2020 for this lmao)
emma. (2020) was the last movie i saw in theaters god bless
finally watched someone great this december at my sister’s suggestion and it made me cry!!
almost forgot that the half of it came out in 2020 but oh my god what a good fucking movie (and if you liked the half of it go watch saving face too!! alice wu is a great fucking director and saving face is one of my faves)
i’m like 90% sure i watched parasite this year? anyway it was great & i gotta watch more bong joon ho movies
i really did not watch that many movies this year huh. 
oh wait fuck i forgot about the old guard & enola holmes, which ill group here together as a pair of refreshing action/adventure movies that i really enjoyed!
tv shows i watched:
harlots!! on this blog we love 1) women 2) period dramas 3) charlotte wells in particular
oh i think this year i finally rewatched all of atla! i saw almost every episode as a kid (normally several times and not necessarily in order) and even tho i remembered the show really well it was really cool to see it altogether! and find out i had missed watching TWO whole episodes as a kid
great pretender, but i mostly just liked the first season. fucking gorgeous show overall tho even if it kinda loses its balance thematically in the last arc
queen’s gambit (this is truly the year of my giant crush on anya taylor joy huh)
unsure if this technically counts as television but i got very into dimension 20 this year! especially fantasy high, but i’m also working my way through unsleeping city and crown of candy right now, just very good dnd actual play stuff overall
songs i listened to: (this is not my actual top 5 songs on spotify wrapped bc that’s embarrassing, more like my faves of the year)
ambrosia by rosie tucker
boreas by the oh hellos
i know the end by phoebe bridgers
high in the garden by sorcha richardson
nana triste by natalia lacunza & guitarricadelafuente
books i read:
earthsea! i think i started these this year, i’m currently on the farthest shore & genuinely all of them are so good, stan ursula le guin
the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon!! yes this book is like 800 pages yes i did read half of it in like a week. i also didnt realize there was gonna be so many gays goin in and boy was i extremely pleasantly surprised
obligatory inclusion of a reading i did for class, but la vida es sueño by calderón de la barca honestly kinda kicks ass, i did a whole paper on one the soliloquies in there and the verse is just good y’all
oh also gender trouble by judith butler which i read a good bit of for my theory class and lives rent free in my brain at this point
uncensored picture of dorian grey by oscar wilde, which im like 90% sure i read early this year and not last year, but time doesnt exist who cares really. love that fucking prose tho, and i think the themes are more clear with the inclusion of basil as an explicitly gay character tbh
good things that happened to me:
got into grad school??? and started grad school???
related, but i wrote a 17 page term paper somehow too, which is a thing i apparently can do now
and i moved across the country and live in an apartment now! and i have so many plants! and a full size bed! and a desk and a bookshelf!
oh shit i almost forgot this was the year i finally got an adhd diagnosis! and now im all medicated and shit its fucking amazing
and i’ve started writing a lot more! not just papers for class and stuff, but also some more fiction which maybe i’ll actually finish one day lmao
uhhhhhhhhh idk who to tag since i dont interact much on here much anymore, how about @romanarcadia @waitingforgalois @equalseleventhirds @yourladybrie @starsighns and literally anyone else who wants in u can say i tagged u :)
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Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Demons, Canon-Typical Violence, One Night Stands, Getting Together, Drunkenness, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Eddie Diaz Is A Good Father
HAPPY HALLOWEEN 3RD EVERYONE and thank you to @eddiesdiaz and @hearteyesforbuck for convincing me to write what started out as a spite fic. 
“You really love that kid, huh?” Buck murmured against his chest, and Eddie smiled, a soft chuckle making his chest (and Buck’s head) shake. “I do. He deserves everything I can give him and so much more. I’d do anything, give up anything, to make sure Chris is happy and safe.”
“You’d... sell your car for him?” He asked, looking up as Eddie scoffed.
“Please. In a heartbeat.”
Buck rose a brow, fingers circling Eddie’s palm. “You’d sell your house?”
“Without a doubt.” Eddie locked Buck’s fingers in his own, bringing their hands to his lips, kissing each of Buck’s knuckles.
“Would you sell your soul?”
For the record, Eddie Diaz really and truly thought that he was going to have a good day when he woke up.
He had actually slept that night, which was a great start.
He finished his morning run in time to have breakfast with Chris and Carla, which was embarrassingly infrequent.
He was still smiling, humming some song from one of Chris’ shows under his breath, when he went to check the mail that morning, and that was when everything went to shit.
The simple “Condolences” card would have basically gone unnoticed in the stack of bills and junkmail, had it not been for the Texas zip code on the envelope. He thumbs the edge of the card, a frown across his face as he racks his brain—had anyone died recently? He didn’t think so, hadn’t heard from his aunt or his abuela, they hadn’t had any life or limb threatening calls in almost a month and a half.
He opened the card slowly, eyes scanning over the block of text written on the left side of the card, his heart instantly kicking overdrive as he picked out a few words.
The card was for Shannon.
Shannon, who his parents were not exactly on the best of terms with. Shannon, who had responded to Eddie leaving in turn, who had divorced him less than twenty four hours before her death.
Shannon who had been dead for a year, almost to the day.
He almost, almost couldn’t believe it, that his mother and father would be the kind of people who send death-anniversary-condolence cards, but those thoughts were stuck swirling around in his own guilt. Shannon had died a year ago and Eddie hadn’t even realized it. Sure, they had a tumultuous relationship at best, and he still missed her—especially missed her with Chris—but it still felt gross, realizing that he had spaced out what he felt should have been such an important milestone.
He only barely scanned over the words “Chris” and “with us” and “for the best” before he slammed the card against his chest, his eyes wide and wild, only a second away from going full fight-or-flight because of a fucking greeting card. He didn’t want to believe that he was still going to be fighting against this, that he had to continue to fight against his parents for his son. They were doing better. He was doing better. And for anyone to suggest, twelve months after the fact, that Shannon’s death would have been a decent reason for Eddie to give up custody...
Between calling out of work last minute and having to be reminded twice to kiss Chris goodbye when Carla brought him to school, Eddie knew that he wasn’t exactly the image of stability at this point—but he was pretty sure that could all be forgiven, considering his circumstances.
Blindsided by an event that happened a year ago: check.
Still only barely making ends meet and paying for his son’s needs: check.
Regularly feeling like an absolute failure in a personal, professional, and fatherly sense: fucking triple check.
Eddie’s only saving grace was that Chris had already planned on spending the night with Hen and Karen and Denny that evening, so Eddie could do the one thing he did best.
Better than anyone else. Better than anyone, ever.
Finding a random bar to get absolutely plastered in.
“It’s just, when I thought they couldn’t sink any fucking lower, they do. They act like she was no one when she was alive, and now that she’s dead I’m supposed to just hate her alongside them because they hate her cause she divorced me, but spoiler alert! She died anyway!” Eddie was saying, his face resting cheek down on the bar, the straight whiskey he had been sipping swirling around in its glass, the amber liquid refracting light over his face. He was alone in the bar, had been for two hours at least—his words might have been the slightest bit slurred, but the bartender seemed to be ever understanding, nodding his head as he wiped down the spot next to Eddie, what seemed to be the last of his closing duties.
His bartender, who was rapidly going up in Eddie’s opinion—not just because of his impeccable pours, and the fact that he was pretty cute (and yes, that was Eddie’s unbiased opinion), but because he was listening. He was actually listening as Eddie rambled on, more than just that passive grunt-and-nod that so many bartenders thought passed for actually paying attention to their clientele.
“You know,” Bartender started, tapping his fingers on the bar, a steady rhythm that pulsed through Eddie’s cheek in a semi-comforting manner. “It’s okay that you didn’t hate her. Even after the divorce. Just because two people divorce, doesn’t mean they don’t love one another, just that... that they’re better apart than they are together.”
Oooh. That was a good point. It was wrong, but it was still a good point. Eddie rose his hand to counter balance himself, pushing into an upright position so he could take another swallow from the glass in front of him. “I didn’t love her, not at the end, but...” Eddie started, sipping and swallowing. “I loved what she was.”
The bartender leaned forward, raising a brow, and Eddie felt his eyes naturally drift from the small green gem that was hanging off of the chain around his neck to the beauty mark, dancing above his browbone, scrunched up as he scrutinized Eddie that much further. “And what was she?”
“A partner.” Eddie said easily, catching the surprise on the other's face. “She was my partner, even though I was a shitty one. And she was a friend, even though I was a shitty one. And she was such a good parent, and I’m—“
“I swear, if you say you’re a shitty parent I’m going to clock you with this bottle.”
Eddie laughed in spite of himself, his eyes trailing back down, somewhere around the bartender’s chest—Buck, his name tag said. Eddie was pretty sure he had been told that already. “Seriously, man, I’ve heard you talk more kindly about your kid from the time you were half a drink in than most people do when they’re sober.”
Eddie sighed, knocking the rest of his drink back, sliding the glass back to Buck. “Well, isn’t that how dads are supposed to be? Willing to take bubb—bulb—bullets for their kid?”
Buck snorted, swiping Eddie’s glass for a refill—only a finger this time, not three—Eddie was probably going to be cut off soon, much to his dismay. He wasn’t nearly as plastered as he wanted to be, and having to go to another bar was going to be a major fucking inconvenience. “Not mine.” Buck said, putting the bottle back on the shelf. “My dad would probably be more upset about a bullet going through any clothes he bought us than he would be about it actually going through us. Charming bastard, he was.”
Eddie sucked in a deep breath—to offer his condolences or maybe to cry, he wasn’t sure, because Buck waved it off before he could say one thing or the other. “It’s no big deal, it’s all said and done now. All you can do is be there for your kid as best as you can, and Eddie, I can already tell that you are.”
Eddie sighed as he let his head fall into his hand, lips buzzing as he exhaled, face smushing against his palm. “I hope so. I really want to be, I’d... fuck. I’d give anything to help my kid, to make sure he was safe, to... to make sure he would always be protected.”
Had Eddie been a tad more sober, or maybe a tad more attentive, he probably would have noticed the sudden flick of Buck’s eyes, or the way his wrist jerked to a sudden halt while he was cleaning a glass. He might have noticed the way Buck ran his tongue over his lips, and... well, okay, he definitely noticed that, and was pleased to see Buck’s lips turn into a smile.
“Hey, closing time is in about... now. You sober enough to go for a walk with me, or do you want me to call you a cab? Either way, I’m not letting you drive.”
Eddie pouted, reaching for his wallet in his jacket pocket, blinking in surprise as Buck waved him away. “Come on, you’ve had a rough... year, sounds like. I’ll consider it on the house.”
Eddie felt his cheeks pink up, pulling his jacket on, smiling as he looked down to the bar for a moment. “Alright, well, I owe you one then.”
“Counting on that.” Buck said, his smile wide again, just barely on the right side of too-sharp and too-toothy. “Now, come on. Take a walk with me.”
The cold Californian air (well, as cold as it got in California in March) did more to sober Eddie up than any amount of water, and he smiled as he shrugged his jacket a little tighter as Buck locked the door to the little bar he had spent the past few hours in.
His smile grew as Buck finally made eye contact with him again, easily falling into line a half step ahead of Eddie as they started to walk, letting the bartender lead the way to wherever they were going.
“So, Eddie. How did a nice guy like you wind up in a bar like mine?” Given the half conversation they had in the bar, Eddie had no idea what kind of conversation Buck would be expecting—so he was surprised when Buck directed the topic toward himself, asking Eddie about where he grew up, what he did for work, his likes, his dislikes. It was cute, and benign, and Eddie felt his cheeks pink up in a way that wasn’t entirely related to the cold weather every time he caught Buck actually listening to him, actually giving a damn about his interests.
“But, uh, enough about me.” Eddie said, his face bright red as he realized just how long he had been talking. It was unlike him, to say the least—while he wasn’t really a private person, he didn’t have that many opportunities to share himself with people, so now that he had one, he was definitely rambling. “What about you, what’s your story? You’ve already heard all about my parents and my son, any rugrats of your own wandering around?”
No sooner did than the words left Eddie’s mouth did he wish he could take them back—the flash of pain that crossed Buck’s face was only compounded by the way his shoulders hunched, drawing into himself like it was second nature. “Nah, felt like it was kind of selfish, you know? Risking fucking up a little kid just because I wanted one, when I have no idea how to care for one. My parents were... not great. I mean, they weren’t terrible, but they definitely didn’t want to be parents, and they just weren’t... there.” He started, his words slow as they fell back into step with one another. “But I have a sister. She’s so smart, she got out the minute she could and never looked back. She’s the one who gave me this, when I graduated high school.”
Buck’s smile was nothing short of captivating, small and soft as he pulled the small stone Eddie had seen earlier out from his shirt, admiring the gem on the chain before he tucked it away again. “Anyway, she left, and then my dad died, and then my mom kind of lost it, to the point where my options were either move across the country or call an old priest and a young priest. So, don’t walk away thinking you won the award for crazy parent this evening.” Buck said, snorting in a way that was a little too familiar in the “I-make-light-of-my-problems-to-cope” tone that Eddie himself had mastered.
Keeping their pace even, Eddie sighed, looking up at the night sky. It was bright, obnoxiously so—between the city lights and the street lamps above him he couldn’t make out a single star, but he liked to imagine them anyway. The moon was full, at least, and that would do for the time being. “Bobby—err, my boss—says that your family, your real family, is the one you choose, not the one you’re born into. I don’t know if that helps, but… you can always choose something better, Buck. You deserve that much.” he finished with a shrug, raising a brow as he watched Buck shrink into himself, catching the motion out of the corner of his eye.
“You think so?” Buck asked, looking up at Eddie through his lashes (which was a truly impressive feat, considering Eddie was pretty sure Buck was taller than he was). “I do. Or at the very least, I like to believe it.” Eddie said as Buck smiled, bumping his shoulder playfully as they fell back into step, well aware of the way Buck’s eyes trailed over his lips as they curved into a smile of his own.
He wasn’t... stupid, after all. He may have had a busy life and a busy schedule, but Eddie knew when someone was flirting with him. It happened enough while they were out on calls—not that he wanted to toot his own horn—and while he had religiously turned down every single ‘opportunity’ while he was on the clock, that didn’t mean he was a stranger to a one night stand (especially after a few drinks).
And the way that Buck seemed to be looking at him was... delicious, to say the least.
He was caught by surprise when they came to a stop in front of the same bar they had left some half hour ago, his own curious expression met with Buck’s grin. “Well, look at that!” Buck said, looking above the bar toward a set of windows set back behind the neon sign. “Thanks for walking me home.”
Eddie couldn’t help but laugh as he nodded his head, dramatically waving an arm in front of him. “Well, it was my pleasure. And, um, thank you for talking with me, and for listening to me. It... You’ve turned a really shitty day into a much better night.” Eddie said, feeling a warmth spread through him as Buck flat out blushed.
He blushed. Motherfucker had no right being that cute.
“Well, I’m glad that I could help.” Buck said with a smile, pulling him back into the present, looking up at what Eddie assumed was his apartment. “But, you know... the better night doesn’t have to be over yet. Do you want to come up for some coffee?”
Buck probably had a very nice loft above his bar—but Eddie couldn’t be sure, because the moment the door shut behind him, Buck had him pressed up against it, lips pressed against his own and hands blazingly hot on his body. The only thing he could be sure of was that Buck had a great ass—a perfect ass, even because that was the only thing Eddie was holding on to before Buck picked him up, literally, and carried him up the stairs to bed.
Holy fuck, Eddie thought he was going to cum then and there.
Eddie wasn’t someone who was overwhelmed easily, but he found himself starting to lose himself as Buck’s teeth roamed around his body, leaving love bites on his neck, collar bone, down his stomach, and then oh—oh—Eddie felt his cock sink into warm, wet heat, his eyes rolling back in his head as a guttural noise escaped his throat.
Buck just giggled. That asshole.
Nearly an hour later, Eddie was delightfully sore, body tugged in ways he didn’t think were possible without an aggressive amount of stretching. He struggled to catch his breath as Buck flopped over his chest, looking every bit as content as Eddie felt.
“Eddie, holy, uh,” Buck started, and Eddie was pleased to realize he wasn’t the only one who was panting. “Holy shit, that was amazing. Is there a, uh, round two in the stars, or do you have to go home soon? I don’t know about your kid...” Eddie blushed, feeling a little bit of warmth in his chest, entirely unrelated to the physical presence of the man currently using him as a pillow.
“No, he’s out for the night. But as far as round two goes, you may need to give me a few.” he answered with a laugh, all smiles as Buck pulled himself up to press a kiss to Eddie’s lips, sighing contentedly. His deeper breaths turned into a steady sigh as Buck started to trace patterns up and down his free arm, fingers dancing over the palm of one of his hands while the other wrapped around Buck’s shoulders.
“You really love that kid, huh?” Buck murmured against his chest, and Eddie smiled, a soft chuckle making his chest (and Buck’s head) shake. “I do. He deserves everything I can give him and so much more. I’d do anything, give up anything, to make sure Chris is happy and safe.”
Buck felt, more than he heard Eddie speak, the vibrations traveling through his cheek easily. “You’d... sell your car for him?” He asked, looking up as Eddie scoffed.
“Please. In a heartbeat.”
Buck rose a brow, fingers circling Eddie’s palm. “You’d sell your house?”
“Without a doubt.” Eddie locked Buck’s fingers in his own, bringing their hands to his lips, kissing each of Buck’s knuckles as his naked body moved against him. Eddie let out an entirely undignified noise as Buck rolled suddenly, straddling his hips, one hand supporting his weight beside Eddie’s head, the other still linked with his own as he grinned.
“Would you sell your soul?”
Eddie groaned in response as Buck rolled his hips down, still equally overstimulated and sensitive as he nodded his head quickly. “Course. Like I said, anything.”
Eddie felt his eyes slide half shut as Buck sucked in a breath, the expression on his face nothing short of elated. “Oh, Eddie. You won’t regret this, I promise.” he gushed, his eyes bright. “It’s a deal.”
Even as he felt the confusion grow, Eddie couldn’t help but smile as Buck leaned down into a kiss, his enthusiasm—even if Eddie wasn’t sure what it was about—was positively infectious. He felt another groan get pulled from his lips as his eyes slid shut, the sound drowned in Buck’s mouth, Buck’s body heavy on his own and his hand warm in Eddie’s, and...
...wait, no, not warm. Hot. Really hot.
In fact, his entire body was hot. Every inch where Buck touched him was suddenly burning, like he was a white hot coal pulled straight from the fire.
Eddie gasped and pushed back from the kiss, his lungs burning from the inside out, feeling like he was sucking in smoke, his head starting to spin.
“Eddie, it’s okay, just breathe...”
Buck’s voice was a thousand miles away as Eddie grit his teeth, willing his eyes to focus. The last thing he could see was Buck, still beaming at Eddie like he won the lottery; eyes so bright they were literally glowing, his smile far too sharp to be human, matching the two growths sprouting from his head, and Eddie—
Eddie finally broke, body arching away from the burning heat that was spread out on top of him, letting out what he thought was a scream as everything went black.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 70)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:2610
Warnings:Wedding day! fluff, Banner babies, emotional day, heart to heart, fluff all around,  Song for this part: I Love you Always Forever - Betty Who Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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“Do we have everything?” you asked, nervousness alive in your voice. 
“Yes, for the last time, Y/N, everything is perfect,” Shannon replied. 
You were looking in the mirror, clad in your gorgeous veil, stunning dress, and breathtaking shoes. Shannon stood to your left, just behind you, her baby bump gone. She had a healthy boy and girl just a few weeks ago. You specifically planned the wedding so that she could be all healed in order to stand with you. 
“Well that’s everything, Y/N.” She did minor fixes to your hair and the veil. “Aww, my sister off to get married. Oh gosh I said I wouldn’t cry but here come the waterworks.” She sniffled. “You have no idea how happy I am for you right now.”
“Aww. Thank you, Shannon. I had no idea you’d get this choked up over me marrying Loki.”
“I just want you to know that no matter where this new chapter takes you, I’m always going to be there for you.” She smiled and fixed her makeup. “Now have you decided on taking the offer that Tony gave you about building a home on our land or if you have chosen a specific place in mind to help you guys get it built?” 
“Actually,” you responded, “I think Loki and I are gonna try it out here, on New Asgard. I’d like to get to know the community better, for real, you know? I really appreciate the offer. Maybe a little after the honeymoon?”
“Yeah of course.  You let us know when you’re ready after the honeymoon.” She held your hands. “I’m getting choked up because you're finally getting your happily ever after that you so deserve.” She teared up again.
You laughed. “You’re crying more than I am,” you teased. You pulled her into a tight hug. “I love you and I don’t know what I did to deserve a sister like you but I wish I knew. You are the biggest and best gift and miracle to my life that I’ve ever gotten.” 
“Okay no more crying I swear,” she laughed. “I love you so much, Y/N. We’ve come so far from where we were twelve years ago and through it all we did it together. I know your parents would be so proud of you.” 
For the first time today, tears sprang to your eyes. “Damn it, Shan, your crying is contagious.” You laughed through the tears, trying to delicately wipe your eyes without smudging your makeup. “I hope they’re proud. I wish I knew them, or knew how any of my life turned out.”
“I’m sure they know how it’s been and are more than proud.” She helped you with your makeup. “Well, it’s time,” she announced as she glanced to the clock on the wall. “We’ll see you out there, okay?” 
You nodded, taking a deep breath. 
Here we go. 
Shannon picked up her bouquet and left the room gracefully. In swept Tom and Clint, who both approached you with a grin. 
“Hey, kid. Congratulations,” Clint said sweetly as he approached. 
“Thank you,” you said lightly. 
“You ready?” Tom asked. 
“I’ve never been more ready for anything,” you breathed. 
You put your arm through each of theirs as they offered, and the doors to the little suite opened. 
When they did, perfect rays of sunshine and warmth flooded around you. Shannon was working a little to make sure the air wasn’t too cold, or the clouds didn’t threaten to rain, to make your day perfect. The sand on the beach was warm and inviting. 
You were on the shores of New Asagard, a beautiful island with amazing beaches. It was an easy choice for you and Loki when you saw it. 
The quartet played the Asgardian lullaby that Frigga had sung to you all as children for the bridal party to walk down the aisle. As you approached, Strange put a spell on you that would hide you from everyone’s view. Meanwhile a stunning white french doorway stood where the bridal party couldn’t be seen until it was time. 
Wanda and Tony stepped forward from opposite sides of the aisle, linked arms, and walked down the aisle to the tune. Followed by Shannon and Thor. Once the bridal party was situated on the “altar”, Peter walked down the aisle with the ring pillow. It was emerald and gold for Loki. Just behind him, Morgan skipped down the aisle throwing orchid petals, until finally -- the wedding march began playing. 
A few small steps up to the entry of the archway, and you, Clint, and Tom were ready to walk down. Stephen lifted the spell, and as everyone stood, they gasped in awe. 
Your eyes hit Loki in his all black tuxedo and you weren’t sure whether to weep at his beauty and the beauty of the moment, or to run headlong down the aisle into his arms. He stared at you as if he was seeing an angel for the first time. Thor gave him a pat on the shoulder as Shannon shot you two thumbs up and a big grin.
As you moved forward down the aisle, you gave a smile of love to the face of every friend and family that you passed, but all Loki could look at was you. 
Finally, you reached him, your breath halting at his stunning gorgeousness.
How had you gotten so lucky? 
The preacher asked who gave you away, and Clint and Tom both gave short answers. Clint patted your shoulder as Tom kissed your cheek. Tom went to sit beside Diane, and Clint went to the second row with his family. 
You took Loki’s hands and you felt a sense of life flow through you once more. Loki stared at you. 
“I love you,” you mouthed and he smiled at you. 
You were trying to listen to the preacher, but honestly, you just wanted this man as your husband as quickly as possible. He finally got to the point of the vows and you gave a smile before starting yours. 
“Loki, I’ve loved you for all of my life. My life, our lives, have been anything but conventional. I spent most of my life wishing I had a home, some place I belonged. I always felt out of step with this world. So when I went back to Asgard, I thought that I’d found my home, that's where I found my strength and belonging, but it was never Asgard - it was you. Wherever you are, you’re my home. I know what it’s like to live without you, twice, and I don’t ever want to do it again. You’re my world, you’re my partner, your my life, you’re my home, you’re my everything. I’ve been through Hell and back just to find you, but I’d do it all again, a million times if I had to, if it meant you came back to me.”
When you finished, you could hear a few sniffles and saw some people wiping their eyes. 
Loki gave you a small, sweet smile, the one he reserved for being coy and loving. He began his vows after the preacher prompted him with a small gesture. 
“Y/N, we’ve fought battles and wars together. We endured torture to protect each other. You selflessly jumped off a perfectly good bridge, just to be with me. You’ve seen me at my very worst times and never looked away. You loved me, embraced me, and supported me through every hellish thing we had to endure. Thank you for never giving up on me.  When you fell into the abyss with me, not knowing what would happen, you said, ‘I need you in my life more than you may know. I’ll go wherever you are’ and I have the same sentiments, my dear. When you first arrived at Asgard, some of your first words to me were that we would navigate our pasts together, and I feel we’ve done that exceptionally well, yet, now I can’t wait to explore our futures together. I love you more than I ever thought was possible to love another person, but for once in my life, I was wrong.” He shot you a grin and you couldn’t help but laugh as happy tears streaked down your face. 
After the vows, the preacher announced the exchanging of the rings, then he said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.” 
Loki eagerly grabbed you, his slender fingers running through your styled hair as he pulled you close. You wrapped your arms around him, gripping him tight. In seconds, cheers and whistles erupted from the crowd. 
The two of you eventually let go of each other before you turned and faced everyone. 
“Everyone, I am pleased to present, Loki Odinson and Y/N Odinson!” the preacher called happily and everyone jumped up, shouting, cheering, hooray-ing. 
You two walked down the aisle as the photographers took several pictures before leading you to the area to get the portraits taken. Moments later, the bridal party was there to join you. After an hour of photos, you joined your guests at a quant area you’d had set up on the beach. The sun was still over the horizon, giving you plenty of time with everyone. 
There was a dancefloor put in, with the dining tables surrounding it, as fantastic food was being served. The band announced your arrival with Loki, and said you’d be doing your first dance now.
The two of you danced to a song you’d heard on one of your dates. Then Tony, Bruce, Shannon, and several others joined you on the dancefloor. All of you danced for several hours. You shared a dance with several men you cared for, some of them were Clint Thor, Tom, Stephen, Tony, and Steve. Remy even cut in at one point, causing you to feel a mingling of happiness, relief, and guilt. He assured you he was having a good time, that you looked the most beautiful he’d ever seen, and he was happy to see you happy. 
Thor and Shannon gave speeches, prompting both laughter and happy tears to go throughout the audience. Eventually, you threw your bouquet, to which Jean Grey caught it. 
Tony walked up to you two. “Hey Y/N, I’m gonna steal your groom for a moment if you don’t mind?” Tony smiled sweetly at you. “I promise he’ll be back shortly”
“Bring him back in one piece, Tony,” you requested. 
“Like I would harm a hair on my new brother-in-law’s head.” He winked.
The two men walked away to a quiet spot that overlooks the water and stood in silence before Tony spoke.
“Listen, Reindeer Gam--Loki, I just wanted us to start new,” he paused. “Like water under the bridge and to welcome you with open arms to this family.”
He made a face of suspicion. “I would actually like that. I appreciate it. I know how much Y/N loves Shannon and you, and I know it’d be easier on all of us if you and I could… Well, let the past stay in the past.”
“Yeah I think that would be best, especially with the kids who love you guys to death already.” He smiled, thinking of his two kids. “I’m not sure if Y/N’s told you this but I made a promise to her that I would do whatever it took to bring you back, She’s really important to Shannon and I know just now important you are to Y/N.” He pats Loki’s shoulder. “And believe me when I say this, it’s good to have you back man.”
“It’s extremely good to be back. You’ve raised some exceptional children. I look forward to getting to know them. Thank you for helping to get me back and keeping an eye on Y/N for me. I think I’ve had you pegged wrong for quite some time.” He patted Tony’s back. “By the way, I never got a chance to say I’m sorry about New York. Brainwashing and all that. It was never personal, you know that, right?” 
“To be fair neither of us knew what the outcome would be for that, I never took it against you.” He looked over at his Brother-in-law. “Yeah people tend to do that often they think there isn't much else to me besides billionaire playboy genius, I would do anything for the ones I love much like you have.”
“Could’ve fooled me with the not taking it against me, seeing as you had me housed in your basement for two years,” Loki joked with a half grin. 
Tony laughed remembering that. “It would’ve gone way worse if Shannon hadn't stepped in for you two. Those two years would have been in complete darkness away from Y/N’s side.” He got serious. “I know how much that would have affected you both.” He sighed.
Loki nodded. “You and Shannon are both… very kind people, and I am truly blessed to know you both and call you family. Thank you, for everything you’ve both done for me and Y/N, despite our pasts. I’m not sure how I’ll ever repay you.”
“No matter how bad things get for someone and whatever they had done it doesn’t change the fact that family is family. I’ve come to learn that myself through my life and we love you guys too”
The moment got interrupted when Peter ran up to his uncle, showing him some sparklers.
“Uncle Loki, look! I’m Doctor Strange!” He flailed his arms around.
Loki absolutely lost his mind seeing his nephew imitate the other man. He pulled out his phone, recording the boy and sent it to his former employer with a simple caption: “This is you”.Strange immediately received the message and just shook his head and continued to enjoy the festivity.
Tony knew in that moment that his son and his Uncle would get along great and would likely cause mischief together. Things were turning out better than he had imagined, never did the Tony Stark think he’d get married let alone settle down somewhere and have a family with the chaos that is his life. Even after everything that’s happened this was the least he deserved for risking his life to save everyone else.
Just before you and Loki were going to be sent off, Thor pulled you two aside, away from the partying. The three of you walked down the shore for a moment, before Thor finally said why he’d pulled you two aside.
“I have a wedding present for you, but I can’t give it to you just yet. You’ll have to wait until you get back from your honeymoon.”
“Mysterious,” you mused. “Have you taken a page from Loki’s book?” you teased, nudging Thor with your shoulder. 
“Perhaps I have.”
“Thank you, Thor. I’m sure whatever it is, is most kind,” Loki sweetly said. 
“It is, brother, thank you for noticing,” Thor replied and you rolled your eyes before linking arms with them to walk a little more.
Eventually, you three returned from your stroll, and at the end of the night the two of you were being sent off. Some people threw flower petals, others lit sparklers, the sorcerers you invited cast magical sparks your way. You and Loki ran under the send off, straight into a car that Tony had rented for the two of you. 
You rolled down the window, blew a kiss to everyone, thanked them for coming, told them you loved having them there, then that was it. The car was in motion.
Off you went, on your honeymoon. 
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoat-blog​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles​ @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711​
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
UC: @lokis-high-priestess​
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onlyhereforangst · 4 years
Ok so maybe I shouldn’t call this Weekly Wednesday Reflections anymore since I’m terrible at writing it in time 🤷🏻‍♀️ granted it is Wednesday...just a week late 😅
I’m pretty sure this is my new favorite Ellick episode. After rewatching it, I’m just so- happy with it. From exploring Ellie’s range of emotions and character depth to the progress we saw in their relationship just 🥰
The opening scene already gives us SO MUCH. First, they jog as the cutest freaking married couple I’ve ever seen and this certainly is a routine because they knew to target him here. But Nick teasing her by sprinting, her struggling to keep up but giggling with each other because clearly it’s not the first time he does that little speed up thing & she’s working on getting faster because she used to hate training for marathons like- can you NOT. My heart can’t take the implications, ALSO Gibbs & McGee didn’t bat an eye that they just so happened to be jogging together in the early morning (everyone was only just leaving their house on their morning commute) so they know it’s their routine too and don’t even question it. GAH.
Flashforward to hospital scene with Ellie breaking my heart slowly. She’s clearly been crying by the red rimmed eyes, and yet also trying to hold it together to be strong for Nick & so she does the only thing she knows how to do since feelings scare her and the love of her life Nick just got hit. Ellie’s logical brain takes over as she does best (see 16x18 for reference) - when she’s dealing with emotions, all she can do is her job, it’s all that makes sense in the monsoon of feelings. She’s going to analyze every last bit of the hit & run and immediately parrot it back so that *something* can be done right away and she can find justice for Nick. She doesn’t care about her own health- just justice for Nick. And in that same vein, she doesn’t want to eat, she doesn’t want to rest, she doesn’t want to sit down until she knows Nick is okay (I’m sorry but to have a CODE NAME from the nurses because they feel the need to run from you- can you say “Crazy Worried Wife™️”??)
Kasie is our new captain, it has been decided. (I think this was already decided but I’m making an official decree) Her probing McGee to see his reaction because girl knows why Bishop is taking it harder, please. Then laughing it off for McGee, “we all gon need therapy if those two ever hook up” while thinking *boy you better stop denying because you KNOW they hooking up after this shit* is just 🙌🏼 the outright addressing of Ellick by the show- thank youuuuu.
Ok and now begins the Ellie show. Excuse me, the BADASS BISHOP SHOW. (Also why I’m partial to this being my fave ep). First- girl does not know how to holster her gun. Ellie: “you say there’s a tiny lead” *cocks gun* “let’s go” I’m herrrrrre for it. She’s blunt with everyone, she doesn’t care when Gibbs gives her the look, she don’t take no SHIT in interrogation. “You’d have to be [creative]” had me cry-ing 😭😭😭 AND THEN her equivalent of cursing out Vance over Nick, followed up by freaking out in the bullpen had me breaking on my couch. YES ELLIE GET IT is what I believe I chanted. The stare off, oh lordy. Y’all I was sweating I was pissed for her. Just the raw emotion in her eyes, the constant holding back tears and tears I just- 😭💔 and emojis don’t do it justice. I wanted soooo bad for her to land a sweet, sweet punch like she did with Victor, but knowing a second offense unprovoked wouldn’t go over too well, she held back. But aaaahh that scene was SO heartbreaking. And then, and THEN Ellie standing there gazing at his desk- oof. Her body language was key- her crossed arms, holding herself literally together so she doesn’t break?? She wants to break, y’all. She wants to break. Staying strong for Nick is the only thing getting her through.
When Gibbs sends her to be at the hospital because THE WHOLE DAMN TEAM KNOWS, I did a happy dance. McGee encouraging her but almost pulse-checking Gibbs after was very very intriguing. Gibbs’ “He’s a fighter” followed by McGee’s pulse-check, “so is Bishop...” and Gibbs’ exasperated look off towards the elevator and admission of agreement says SO MUCH. First- McGee is worried about not only Nick, but his sister, Ellie. He knows how much Qasim’s death hurt her, knows what she went through after- WHICH TIME OUT. For anyone saying this episode was OOC for Ellie? Sit the hell down and go watch 14x16. Then come back. Then continue reading. Ok resume WWR- McGee also knows how much more Torres means to her, he may try to deny it, but he knows. Implying Bishop is a fighter, obviously not about her health because *she’s fine* but more about what she’d do out of revenge. (And the man doesn’t even know Bishop is about to say she’s gonna kill him) Gibbs’ already sees himself a little in her, recognizing the same feeling he experienced with Shannon many years ago- hence the completive look on his face & heavy sigh. He knows he’ll have to revisit Rule 12 soon (but also in his mind he’s basically already burned it like Rule 10).
Speaking of Ellie saying she’s going to kill him, please see this excerpt from my notes during the ep: “FUCK YES BISHOP - the emotions!!!!!!!” That basically sums up how I felt the entire scene & commercial break afterward 🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂 My reaction when it came back? KILL HIM. But like in all seriousness, her face- holy shit going from on the verge of tears when they rolled Nick away to calculating her next move as McGee’s talking to her to making up her mind that she will be committing murder (please, girl already planned it & is just deciding which lipstick to wear during it at this point). Emily Wickersham is an amazing actress and I don’t care what you have to say. And yes, McGee trying to calm her down in a big brother way is adorable, but Ellie not having it is great. “Torres doesn’t get a say” is such a Nick thing to do of her 😭 Remember Luis going off on his own, yeah- this is Ellie’s version because she wants to & her husband is rubbing off on her. Oh also, the office she refers to? Totally means Ziva’s office at Odette’s - “if we missed something, I’ll find it there.” Hmmmm sounds eerily similar to *why* Ziva had that office in the first place, doesn’t it 🤔 also explains the lack of her on HQ’s logs and her “going home” excuse— which by the way, her shrugging them all off? Suspect Bishop, suspect. Her trying to play it all off with a wry laugh, not gonna lie, I love it. Her “too late” to Gibbs is quite interesting though- she sees herself going down that path any way, because she killed him? Or because she triggered a chain of events that will lead to it? Or because she may not have killed him, but lord knows she wanted to & planned it down to every last detail? Like I said, interesting.
Ok side note: Jack suggesting taking her off duty kinda pisses me off - with the spiraling comment too. She got to spiral when that guy from her past came & it screwed with her psyche, why the f can’t Bishop? It just rubbed me the wrong way, but I don’t hate Jack (don’t @ me, people.)
Back to Badass Bishop Show. She literally always has her gun out now. Just walking to the penthouse again where they didn’t try anything last time, *cocks gun.* When Gibbs comes up and tells her Nick is away 😩 Her relief though in the fact that he’s asking about her and he’s hungry (Ellie rubbing off on him, you can’t tell me I’m wrong) to go to the kicking down the door because that’s what her baby does so therefore she kicks down doors now- the parallels & the influence 😭😭
THE BATHROOM SCENE. McGee like seriously? You actually killed him?? And Gibbs like “oh fuck here we go again.” And then Jimmy had me dyinggggg. Theory alert: I really think Ellie (maybe Gibbs went with her & they’re helping each other with alibis/cover up??) went to kill him but got there after it had happened, that’s why she’s a little cagey about it- not that she *actually* killed the guy. BUT reference 14x16 again, I wouldn’t put it past her.
The final hospital bed scene has my heart. Ellie is so relieved and just so happy and open (but also a little nervous about what happens next so she hides a touch of her emotions, can’t let him see alllll of her heart now can we)- going back to their teasing ways, “worst pretend sleeper”, “next time jump out of the way” - UGH so cute. Side note, they use last names here almost similarly to the submarine episode. When shit gets scary real for them, it’s their way of grounding themselves almost, trying to hide just how much that incident actually affected them. They both do it & yes, it frustrates the hell out of me, but at the same time shows me just how much they care for the other 😭 BUT this time!! Nick made it take a serious turn, and I think Ziva finally got through to him- that sentence “cause you know I risked my life to save yours” is more him openly saying like oh shit I really did that 1. to himself and 2. to finally take that next baby step in their relationship. The emotion behind it showing her it wasn’t just because they’re partners- he wanted her to know that for sure, to make sure he didn’t just make light of it & glaze over it. He needed it out there in the universe that he Nicholas Torres, of sixteen different identities & no family, nothing to live for anymore, would rather DIE- than see Ellie in harms way. He needed it to be tangible for himself AND for her. Because this is growth, this is not what most people think of when they think of him.
And Ellie’s response: the look, hesitation building up courage, and making that first move of physical touch speaks VOLUMES about Ellie at this point. Not only does she take hold of his hand, but she rubs it in a soothing gesture. As if she needs to confirm for herself he’s really there, he’s really alive. The struggle she went through, the turmoil- wasn’t all for not. It’s her saying “I know” not just to the fact that she was joking earlier, she knows he risked his life & she’s grateful for that, but she knows it was more than because they’re just partners, more than just best friends even. That first move is her saying “I know” and “I might be ready to open up & let you in to the walls that surround my heart because the last time I was in a hospital staring at someone I loved, it didn’t turn out the same. Except this time, it took the hospital trip to really bring that into focus, and I know I can’t let that happen again.” Aaaaaaand catch me sobbing in the corner, it’s fine. I’m fine.
Nick’s reaction speaks volumes from him too, his slight shock to Ellie reciprocating & making that first move with his soft smile that is hinted at across his face to show he knows she’s letting him peak in, just a little, and that’s a start. A start people!!!
Last notes: Gibbs being such a dad and defending Nick liking his fireplace is the cutest. Vance was eager to get out of there at the end- his contacts are very very suspicious... And on that note, I really do not think it was Gibbs. I think Gibbs and Bishop may have gotten there after it happened with the purpose of doing something, so now they’re covering for each other, but I do not think it was either of them.
Pretty sure this is officially my longest review to date, WHOOPS. If you made it this far, congrats & thanks for staying with my inner ramblings 🙃 Like I said- my favorite episode so farrrrrr (now let’s see if we get anything AFTER this episode......lol I got jokes 😅).
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Unforseen Chasm (Part 70)
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Part 70 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 2610 Warnings: Wedding day! fluff, Banner babies, emotional day, heart to heart, fluff all around,  Song for this part: I Love you Always Forever- Betty Who Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93 what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
“Do we have everything?” you asked, nervousness alive in your voice. 
“Yes, for the last time, Y/N, everything is perfect,” Shannon replied. 
You were looking in the mirror, clad in your gorgeous veil, stunning dress, and breathtaking shoes. Shannon stood to your left, just behind you, her baby bump gone. She had a healthy boy and girl just a few weeks ago. You specifically planned the wedding so that she could be all healed in order to stand with you. 
“Well that’s everything, Y/N.” She did minor fixes to your hair and the veil. “Aww, my sister off to get married. Oh gosh I said I wouldn’t cry but here come the waterworks.” She sniffled. “You have no idea how happy I am for you right now.”
“Aww. Thank you, Shannon. I had no idea you’d get this choked up over me marrying Loki.” 
“I just want you to know that no matter where this new chapter takes you, I’m always going to be there for you.” She smiled and fixed her makeup. “Now have you decided on taking the offer that Tony gave you about building a home on our land or if you have chosen a specific place in mind to help you guys get it built?” 
“Actually,” you responded, “I think Loki and I are gonna try it out here, on New Asgard. I’d like to get to know the community better, for real, you know? I really appreciate the offer. Maybe a little after the honeymoon?”
“Yeah of course.  You let us know when you’re ready after the honeymoon.” She held your hands. “I’m getting choked up because you're finally getting your happily ever after that you so deserve.” She teared up again.
You laughed. “You’re crying more than I am,” you teased. You pulled her into a tight hug. “I love you and I don’t know what I did to deserve a sister like you but I wish I knew. You are the biggest and best gift and miracle to my life that I’ve ever gotten.” 
“Okay no more crying I swear,” she laughed. “I love you so much, Y/N. We’ve come so far from where we were twelve years ago and through it all we did it together. I know your parents would be so proud of you.” 
For the first time today, tears sprang to your eyes. “Damn it, Shan, your crying is contagious.” You laughed through the tears, trying to delicately wipe your eyes without smudging your makeup. “I hope they’re proud. I wish I knew them, or knew how any of my life turned out.”
“I’m sure they know how it’s been and are more than proud.” She helped you with your makeup. “Well, it’s time,” she announced as she glanced to the clock on the wall. “We’ll see you out there, okay?” 
You nodded, taking a deep breath. 
Here we go. 
Shannon picked up her bouquet and left the room gracefully. In swept Tom and Clint, who both approached you with a grin. 
“Hey, kid. Congratulations,” Clint said sweetly as he approached. 
“Thank you,” you said lightly. 
“You ready?” Tom asked. 
“I’ve never been more ready for anything,” you breathed. 
You put your arm through each of theirs as they offered, and the doors to the little suite opened. 
When they did, perfect rays of sunshine and warmth flooded around you. Shannon was working a little to make sure the air wasn’t too cold, or the clouds didn’t threaten to rain, to make your day perfect. The sand on the beach was warm and inviting. 
You were on the shores of New Asagard, a beautiful island with amazing beaches. It was an easy choice for you and Loki when you saw it. 
The quartet played the Asgardian lullaby that Frigga had sung to you all as children for the bridal party to walk down the aisle. As you approached, Strange put a spell on you that would hide you from everyone’s view. Meanwhile a stunning white french doorway stood where the bridal party couldn’t be seen until it was time. 
Wanda and Tony stepped forward from opposite sides of the aisle, linked arms, and walked down the aisle to the tune. Followed by Shannon and Thor. Once the bridal party was situated on the “altar”, Peter walked down the aisle with the ring pillow. It was emerald and gold for Loki. Just behind him, Morgan skipped down the aisle throwing orchid petals, until finally -- the wedding march began playing. 
A few small steps up to the entry of the archway, and you, Clint, and Tom were ready to walk down. Stephen lifted the spell, and as everyone stood, they gasped in awe. 
Your eyes hit Loki in his all black tuxedo and you weren’t sure whether to weep at his beauty and the beauty of the moment, or to run headlong down the aisle into his arms. He stared at you as if he was seeing an angel for the first time. Thor gave him a pat on the shoulder as Shannon shot you two thumbs up and a big grin.
As you moved forward down the aisle, you gave a smile of love to the face of every friend and family that you passed, but all Loki could look at was you. 
Finally, you reached him, your breath halting at his stunning gorgeousness.
How had you gotten so lucky? 
The preacher asked who gave you away, and Clint and Tom both gave short answers. Clint patted your shoulder as Tom kissed your cheek. Tom went to sit beside Diane, and Clint went to the second row with his family. 
You took Loki’s hands and you felt a sense of life flow through you once more. Loki stared at you. 
“I love you,” you mouthed and he smiled at you. 
You were trying to listen to the preacher, but honestly, you just wanted this man as your husband as quickly as possible. He finally got to the point of the vows and you gave a smile before starting yours. 
“Loki, I’ve loved you for all of my life. My life, our lives, have been anything but conventional. I spent most of my life wishing I had a home, some place I belonged. I always felt out of step with this world. So when I went back to Asgard, I thought that I’d found my home, that's where I found my strength and belonging, but it was never Asgard - it was you. Wherever you are, you’re my home. I know what it’s like to live without you, twice, and I don’t ever want to do it again. You’re my world, you’re my partner, your my life, you’re my home, you’re my everything. I’ve been through Hell and back just to find you, but I’d do it all again, a million times if I had to, if it meant you came back to me.”
When you finished, you could hear a few sniffles and saw some people wiping their eyes. 
Loki gave you a small, sweet smile, the one he reserved for being coy and loving. He began his vows after the preacher prompted him with a small gesture. 
“Y/N, we’ve fought battles and wars together. We endured torture to protect each other. You selflessly jumped off a perfectly good bridge, just to be with me. You’ve seen me at my very worst times and never looked away. You loved me, embraced me, and supported me through every hellish thing we had to endure. Thank you for never giving up on me.  When you fell into the abyss with me, not knowing what would happen, you said, ‘I need you in my life more than you may know. I’ll go wherever you are’ and I have the same sentiments, my dear. When you first arrived at Asgard, some of your first words to me were that we would navigate our pasts together, and I feel we’ve done that exceptionally well, yet, now I can’t wait to explore our futures together. I love you more than I ever thought was possible to love another person, but for once in my life, I was wrong.” He shot you a grin and you couldn’t help but laugh as happy tears streaked down your face. 
After the vows, the preacher announced the exchanging of the rings, then he said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.” 
Loki eagerly grabbed you, his slender fingers running through your styled hair as he pulled you close. You wrapped your arms around him, gripping him tight. In seconds, cheers and whistles erupted from the crowd. 
The two of you eventually let go of each other before you turned and faced everyone. 
“Everyone, I am pleased to present, Loki Odinson and Y/N Odinson!” the preacher called happily and everyone jumped up, shouting, cheering, hooray-ing. 
You two walked down the aisle as the photographers took several pictures before leading you to the area to get the portraits taken. Moments later, the bridal party was there to join you. After an hour of photos, you joined your guests at a quant area you’d had set up on the beach. The sun was still over the horizon, giving you plenty of time with everyone. 
There was a dancefloor put in, with the dining tables surrounding it, as fantastic food was being served. The band announced your arrival with Loki, and said you’d be doing your first dance now.
The two of you danced to a song you’d heard on one of your dates. Then Tony, Bruce, Shannon, and several others joined you on the dancefloor. All of you danced for several hours. You shared a dance with several men you cared for, some of them were Clint Thor, Tom, Stephen, Tony, and Steve. Remy even cut in at one point, causing you to feel a mingling of happiness, relief, and guilt. He assured you he was having a good time, that you looked the most beautiful he’d ever seen, and he was happy to see you happy. 
Thor and Shannon gave speeches, prompting both laughter and happy tears to go throughout the audience. Eventually, you threw your bouquet, to which Jean Grey caught it. 
Tony walked up to you two. “Hey Y/N, I’m gonna steal your groom for a moment if you don’t mind?” Tony smiled sweetly at you. “I promise he’ll be back shortly”
“Bring him back in one piece, Tony,” you requested. 
“Like I would harm a hair on my new brother-in-law’s head.” He winked.
The two men walked away to a quiet spot that overlooks the water and stood in silence before Tony spoke.
“Listen, Reindeer Gam--Loki, I just wanted us to start new,” he paused. “Like water under the bridge and to welcome you with open arms to this family.”
He made a face of suspicion. “I would actually like that. I appreciate it. I know how much Y/N loves Shannon and you, and I know it’d be easier on all of us if you and I could… Well, let the past stay in the past.”
“Yeah I think that would be best, especially with the kids who love you guys to death already.” He smiled, thinking of his two kids. “I’m not sure if Y/N’s told you this but I made a promise to her that I would do whatever it took to bring you back, She’s really important to Shannon and I know just now important you are to Y/N.” He pats Loki’s shoulder. “And believe me when I say this, it’s good to have you back man.”
“It’s extremely good to be back. You’ve raised some exceptional children. I look forward to getting to know them. Thank you for helping to get me back and keeping an eye on Y/N for me. I think I’ve had you pegged wrong for quite some time.” He patted Tony’s back. “By the way, I never got a chance to say I’m sorry about New York. Brainwashing and all that. It was never personal, you know that, right?” 
“To be fair neither of us knew what the outcome would be for that, I never took it against you.” He looked over at his Brother-in-law. “Yeah people tend to do that often they think there isn't much else to me besides billionaire playboy genius, I would do anything for the ones I love much like you have.”
“Could’ve fooled me with the not taking it against me, seeing as you had me housed in your basement for two years,” Loki joked with a half grin. 
Tony laughed remembering that. “It would’ve gone way worse if Shannon hadn't stepped in for you two. Those two years would have been in complete darkness away from Y/N’s side.” He got serious. “I know how much that would have affected you both.” He sighed.
Loki nodded. “You and Shannon are both… very kind people, and I am truly blessed to know you both and call you family. Thank you, for everything you’ve both done for me and Y/N, despite our pasts. I’m not sure how I’ll ever repay you.”
“No matter how bad things get for someone and whatever they had done it doesn’t change the fact that family is family. I’ve come to learn that myself through my life and we love you guys too”
The moment got interrupted when Peter ran up to his uncle, showing him some sparklers.
“Uncle Loki, look! I’m Doctor Strange!” He flailed his arms around.
Loki absolutely lost his mind seeing his nephew imitate the other man. He pulled out his phone, recording the boy and sent it to his former employer with a simple caption: “This is you”.Strange immediately received the message and just shook his head and continued to enjoy the festivity.
Tony knew in that moment that his son and his Uncle would get along great and would likely cause mischief together. Things were turning out better than he had imagined, never did the Tony Stark think he’d get married let alone settle down somewhere and have a family with the chaos that is his life. Even after everything that’s happened this was the least he deserved for risking his life to save everyone else.
Just before you and Loki were going to be sent off, Thor pulled you two aside, away from the partying. The three of you walked down the shore for a moment, before Thor finally said why he’d pulled you two aside.
“I have a wedding present for you, but I can’t give it to you just yet. You’ll have to wait until you get back from your honeymoon.”
“Mysterious,” you mused. “Have you taken a page from Loki’s book?” you teased, nudging Thor with your shoulder. 
“Perhaps I have.”
“Thank you, Thor. I’m sure whatever it is, is most kind,” Loki sweetly said. 
“It is, brother, thank you for noticing,” Thor replied and you rolled your eyes before linking arms with them to walk a little more.
Eventually, you three returned from your stroll, and at the end of the night the two of you were being sent off. Some people threw flower petals, others lit sparklers, the sorcerers you invited cast magical sparks your way. You and Loki ran under the send off, straight into a car that Tony had rented for the two of you. 
You rolled down the window, blew a kiss to everyone, thanked them for coming, told them you loved having them there, then that was it. The car was in motion.
Off you went, on your honeymoon. 
Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords @oldfreakything @adefectivedetective @dontbetooobvious
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog   @sammysbuttcheek @misz-adrii @sandlee44 @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Marvel: @reigningqueenofwords​ @flowerbunbunny​ @zelda2248​ @misz-adrii​
Second Note: I just want to thank every single person who has followed along with us through out this entire series! seeing all of you enjoying this series has really brought my spirits up throughout this shitty time. a special thanks to my Best friend @thorne93 for putting up with my antics and procrastination throughout the writing time. by far the best time I've ever had writing with someone else. stay tuned in for the next cowritten series by us! 
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troybarnesbucky · 4 years
I woke up and decided to analyze each 9-1-1 pairing with regards to timing and also buddie
I just woke up and all im gonna say right now is this: this is long-winded but basically it takes a look at all the relationships on 9-1-1 and compare the timing and level of intimacy to that of buck and eddie’s relationship. 
at the end of season 1 of 911 I remember watching and realizing they were gonna push the whole bobby and athena relationship, and I was surprised, because I didnt think there was any preamble or much hinting to it. but I guess it made sense to me - they were both single, both in the same social circle, they got along. sure, made sense. and then season 2 comes along and they’re smack dab in the middle of their relationship and we have zero time to adjust to it as an audience, but once again, we quickly did (mind you, I did not watch it live as intently as a fan would, but I do recall a lot of episodes because my mom watches the show and I remembered a lot when I was catching up myself). at this point bobby and athena are happily married and I really do love them together, genuinely.
then, maddie comes along and there’s a bit more to the story. she has a lot going on, a lot she’s been through and we spend much of her first season getting to know her and watching her confront her past and create her own present. chimney had a bit of a rough start with relationships (.... tatiana, sorry love, but you could’ve had it all sis). her and chimney start out as friends but it’s very clear from their blossoming friendship that the writers intend for us to want a relationship for them, and we DO. because theyre adorable together and genuinely have so much chemistry and they’re good for one another. it’s a bit of a slowburn but we get there eventually, so much so that in the season 3 finale, we find out maddie is pregnant! which yes, did make me cry shut up. 
hen and karen had a rough start. even if they did look happy, they went through a ton of shit in the first and second season, especially the first season. which is fair; hen cheated on karen, and a large part of her storyline revolved around her ex and having to fight for denny. but there’s so much love between them, and a heavy history that is palpable through the screen. by the time season 2 comes around, they are a bit more grounded, and more so by the time season 3, too. it was interesting to think about their relationship is comparison to the others, which we watched blossom in real time. especially in season 3, because we see their love and support of one another during their attempt to have another child, and yes I also did cry when they met nia for the first time and no I will not elaborate. hen also went through a lot of shit this season; karen, despite what she went through, was and continues to be super wonderful and supportive, if a bit wary (but its okay because drunk karen and chim was a gift and we were well fed) for a second. their relationship is everything and also karen carries the whole show’s sense of humor on her back, I said what I said. 
then we have three more main relationships: michael and athena’s, which is over in episode 1; buck and abby (im not counting ali because genuinely she was in three episodes, im only looking at the main relationships for each character), which starts and ends in season 1; and eddie and shannon, which technically starts before season 1 and kinda ends in season 2 but then she dies. 
personally I dont think there’s much to add about michael and athena’s relationship. firstly, michael is a doll and if they hurt him in season 4 I will riot. but more so, the show gave us a LOT to work with in terms of their past relationship. also, it was interesting as a viewer, to learn about them from the bottom up. we see the tail-end of their romantic relationship and watch it get replaced with a genuine love and care for each other and their family. it’s a stark contrast to what a lot of shows on television would go for; it has a bit of rough, bumpy start, but by midway through season 2, they’re both on steady ground in terms of personal family life, and it’s actually a breath of fresh air. their dynamic is heavily surrounded by love for family, and we love love love that. 
I think with abby and buck we all liked it a little, at the start. buck was sweet to her and we see a change in attitude and an effort from buck that is clear to have never been made before. abby is also a pretty admirable character; she takes care of her mother, is incredible at her job as a dispatcher, and she struggles with maintaining personal relationships but still gives it a go with buck. and buck, from the start to end of the season, grows a lot, both independently from and surrounding their relationship. as a viewer I watched the show way later on, so I knew abby was leaving and honestly, I really did like her and their chemistry. as we go into season 2, we have buck, who is still living in abby’s place, and then the introduction of eddie.
so here’s the thing; this is where I was trying to get to. the show (the writers) made and continue to make interesting character and relationship choices. with eddie and shannon, there is a very clear closeness and chemistry between them that yes, does get revamped for a little. there is also history, which is very important and can’t be disregarded. but more than anything, we are looking at timing in this meta. eddie comes along in season 2 and there are a lot of things happening: hen and karen are getting back to normal, athena and bobby are suddenly dating, buck and abby are - despite what buck thinks - very over, and chim is single and ready to pringle, plus maddie is new and freshly separated from d*ug. as we go through season 2, we see development with athena and bobby, very clearly on their way to a stable relationship and marriage. hen and karen are working through things, we don't really doubt their relationship either. both maddie and chimney are single, and they become friends, and we very quickly, as viewers, realize where the writers are taking us and what they want us to think. 
so now im gonna get on my clown shit when I talk about buck and eddie. specifically, regarding the writers and their timing and why I think they’re either really stupid or actually very smart.
listen, everyone loves slowburn. hell, I'm writing a buddie au that will probably end up being like, upwards of 80k words and it’s gonna be a slowburn. buck, at the beginning of season 2, is in denial. im not gonna go through details but I will say that like..... okay, he’s heartbroken and thats fair. eddie, through means of “what a man,” is introduced and within one fell swoop, buck is immediately jealous and then like, twenty four hours later, they’re besties. tea. totally fair. in terms of timing, especially regarding relationships, there really aren’t many things to note: buck goes through that weird thing with taylor kelly, eddie goes through his drama with shannon, and when shannon wants a divorce, it kinda all goes to shit. by the end of season 2, we have buck trying to move on (and also nearly dying by means of a firetruck but thats not my point but also writers wtf) and dating ali (guys how do you spell her name lol) while eddie deals with the aftermath of his (ex, technically but I don't know if its mean to say that) wife. there are more than a few moments between buck and eddie that hint to a potential romance and feelings, like the santa scene and multiple others. then, season 3 is very very interesting. 
buck and ally(? seriously I don't know) are broken up, eddie is focused on christopher and actually, also buck, and then the tsunami happens. there is also not much going on in terms of other relationships on the show; maddie and chim get their shit together while also having a crazy season starting and ending with talking about having kids with a brief intermission of “I cant say I love you” and nearly dying on both parts and albert appears lol (and then disappears, too?? wtf). athena and bobby are pretty cool, hen and karen are trying for kids and hen wants to be a doctor. we have some others, like josh, who go through too much shit for my liking and deserve better, and michael, who...... deserves the world. 
okay. cleared that up. but timing-wise, if we look at the writers and their regard for timing, then we see this: any time two characters are single and there’s an ounce of friendship even hinted, they end up together. fine, that’s fair to say because we’ve seen it, right? after the tsunami, which is a WHOLE OTHER thing im not getting into, we have the lawsuit, eddie fighting, lena bosko (yall can be mad but she was hella cool), hen killing that cello (I think) player, michael getting sick, wow this season was fucking insane holy shit.
but in terms of character relationships and timing, a lot goes on with buck and eddie. in this one season alone, we go from eddie being the first one to hug buck at his surprise party and christopher giving buck a card with “bff” on it, then buck almost dies (again) and eddie is, quite frankly, the only one who takes no crap from him after he quits and then the tsunami and buck literally tearing himself apart to find his best friend’s son and collapsing at the sight of them reunited and then “there’s no one I trust more with my son than you” (is that the quote, I don't know it by heart) and THEN heart eyes, and then the lawsuit and supermarket and “you’re exhausting” and “christopher misses you” and “I couldn't even call you to bail me outta jail” and then the “I’m hearing a lotta ‘I’s, buck” and “I forgive you” and then the Infamous Kitchen Scene and me endlessly screaming WHY WAS BUCK’S HAND ON HIS BELT LIKE THAT? but also very pointedly I will say eddie fighting specifically when he can’t talk to buck and then it stops around the time he can hmmmmm. and also “this is eddie’s house im not really a guest here” then the fuckaifajfgkjfglgakjdgag tunnel collapsing and buck literally, once again tearing himself and everything apart for a diaz, digging with his bare hands and the defeated look on his face and refusing to think about eddie dying and eddie very nearly dying but then recalling christopher, his family, buck, then christopher and buck, then christopher and buck again, then a rare shannon appears, and then it’s just-
okay. OKay. O K AY. ok. here’s what I think. either the writers are incredibly smart or just viciously stupid, or the third, lesser liked option, they know what they’re doing and don’t give two shits. they are sitting on, and quite frankly they have created, a fucking goldmine. but in terms of timing, and relationship choices, we have eddie and anna(?) as a brief thing that will either reappear in season 4 or never be touched again, then abby’s lame-ass apology that was just her attempting to justify her actions by claiming she simply just should’ve told buck sooner. but a lot of this season explores buck’s loneliness, and in a way, too, eddie’s. 
yes, eddie has christopher, and the others? they have families and significant others. buck has no one (except maddie but you get my point) to go home to. I think, in terms of timing and thematic elements, this season took the time to explore the loneliness of two men, but also by doing so, only high-lighted their need for one another, their love for one another. in the past, that has lead to two couples getting together: athena and bobby, and chimney and maddie. 
so, my point is, season 4 is the make it or break it point. we got (weak-ass) closure with abby, eddie’s anger and regret with shannon (and yes, christopher), an exploration of both of their loneliness, and a very, very clear rocket launch of their closeness and dependence on one another, in season 3. it started with a lot and ended with closure on all extraneous factors that could have possibly deterred the two of them from a potential relationship. more so, abby is getting married and buck has no choice but to move on; he may not have loved her anymore but he needed the closure (and no I do not think it was good enough and I think buck deserved more but that’s not my point).
this can’t be read that much into. it’s not subtle, it’s not subtext. it’s very clearly there on our screens, with every small or big line. they mean a lot to each other. anyone with eyes can say that, has to say that. the problem is, what’s the intention? like, are the writers actually doing what I've just said, setting up for a slowburn, taking it season by season. you can look at it that way, and it actually doesnt take a lot to get to that point of a thought process. there is a HUGE, fundamental shift in buck and eddie’s relationship in season 3. there is a perceived difference in their friendship versus both their relationship with others and the friendship between others. denny doesn’t call chimney his best friend, “his chimney.” athena has never once told hen she trusts her children with her more than anyone in the world. 
there are a lot of interesting choices that have been made over the course of three season, particularly this past season. there are also a lot of possibilities for the upcoming season. we may see a return of that teacher, we might see buck fall into other women, we may see eddie not fully over shannon, or (hopefully not) an abby return. it’s just a matter of waiting, but there’s no denying the way things were left off; buck and eddie were both single throughout the entirety of season 3, considerably closer and not guests at each other’s place, both very lonely in spite of the people around them, closer to each other than the rest of the 118, both have a family member (or more than one for eddie) to keep them anchored. buck is, yes, more lonely, but they are both left off in the same place. my question, more than anything, is whether it’s intentional after all that’s said and done. and if it’s not, then why, pray tell, are the writers following their OWN very clear and self-fulfilled pattern of timing and relationships to an even stronger extent than they ever have? 
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ofcloudyskies · 4 years
hiya! i really, really hope things get better for you soon. if you ever want to talk about it, just know that i'm here ♡ i know what you mean about tumblr being a safe haven. looking back, i think i came back here bc i was going through a really rough patch (existential crisis do that to you) and even after all this time, i still find comfort in the chaos that is this website. it's become some sort of refuge where i can be silly and speak into the void about the things that make me happy. (1/6)
hello marina! <3 thanks to tumblr for the reveal haha :D i'll post this to keep the whole thing in one place
apart from ouat, i used to be really into glee. i stopped watching ouat after s5 and the later seasons of glee were a real roller coaster. but i was so happy in both fandoms. i mostly kept to my tiny bubble but i did meet so many lovely people. and the fact that i'll probably never know what's become of most of them will always hurt a bit. but yeah, life goes on and one can only hope that they're happy, wherever they are. ah, this got sappy haha. what other fandoms were you in before? (2/6)
my mind keeps drifting these days, too, and the fact that summer makes me feel super drained isn't helping at all. but YES, YESSSSS, i'm definitely up for a buddy reading. that may help us beat our reading slump! we can read "if we were villains" or we can choose any other book you may be interested in, of course! speaking of naomi novik, i started reading "spinning silver" a while ago after hearing great things from a friend of mine. (3/6)
i don't think i picked it at the right time, but god, the writing was so atmospheric and raw. i'll definitely go back to it one day, i love retellings. also, i hadn't even thought about the colors of the covers, what a cool coincidence! black and gold will always be one of my favorite combos. there's something so magical and kingly about it, right? the collector's edition for crooked kingdom is black and gold, too, and i couldn't stop staring at it the day it came in the mail hahaha. (4/6)
see, i'm incredibly intrigued about nikolai. i need to know more about him. that's one of the main reasons why i want to read the shadow and bone trilogy, actually. if i manage to get out of this terrible slump, i think i'll jump back into the grishaverse and give the trilogy a go. in the meantime, could netflix please give us a trailer or some promo pics? i need something, anything! (5/6)  
ahh, tumblr won't allow me to send any more questions for at least an hour because i exceeded the ask limit. but i just needed to send one last message, so i'll just come off anon, i guess hahaha. anyway, feel free to write as much as you want!! as you can see, my messages just keep getting longer and longer. aaah, i'm so sorry. but what can i say, i love letters too! (6/6)
ah, thank you for good wishes <3 i don't want to burden you too much with my life problems and tbh it doesn't really get easier no matter how many times i talk about it, i will most certainly end up crying again if i start thinking about it too much again. i’ve been living with this terrible feeling of uncertainty about the future for a year now (because the thing will happen, the question is how soon) and it feels like i’m always at the verge tears, one word, one thought and i break. ugh, now i’m being weirdly vague akfdjhg sorry >< but i hope you managed to get through your rough patch! if you need to vent about anything, you know where to find me!
oh, i'm actually rewatching glee right now! i was so into it in high school but stopped watching at some point. last fall i needed a pick-me-up show to pass a few weeks of alone evenings so i randomly decided to rewatch glee and this time to watch the whole thing till the end. i think i'm at the start of s4 now. i mostly only listen to the episodes while cooking :D
other than ouat i think i only actively participated in doctor who fandom. for other things i was just a lurker/rebloger... then i got into animanga (mostly into this one baseball manga?? i literally didn't know the rules of baseball back then. don't ask why i like it so much, i don't understand it myself haha, i just accept it) and made a sideblog for that which i started using more than the main blog so i made a separate account and came here only from time to time
YAY we can agree on ‘if we were villains’!! i’ve been considering ‘the priory of the orange tree’ from samantha shannon recently but it’s definitely too long for a slump mood. ah, naomi novik has polish roots and i remember uprooted was based on polish folklore, it was nice to see elements of the tales from my country in the story. i wonder if her other books have that as well. and oh my, i envy you the collector's edition of crooked kingdom! i own the duology but in the basic covers, i love them lots anyway. what are your other fav covers on your bookshelf? and i hope i didn't oversell nikolai, would be bad now if you read the books now and were meh about him ahaha, fingers crossed!
if you like writing letters to strangers, there's this cool app called 'slowly'. you’re matched with a stranger from somewhere in the world and you can write each other letters. the letter takes time to arrive to the recipient according to the distance between the countries where both people live. i used it a bit when i was stuck at home and wanted to feel connected to the world c:
idk how we should keep this going :D does fanmail still exist on tumblr? if u have ideas let me know hah. have a good night x
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