#dick x dan
demonic0angel · 17 days
“Falling for me, hero?” (click for clarity)
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Please enjoy this piece bc I made it while studying for my AP exams 😌
Inspired by this:
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tofuingho · 1 year
What if instead of absorbing Plasmius making Dan evil and destructive, it makes Dan obsessed with adopting Danny.
Dan traveling back in time to before Danny's birth and setting himself up as part of Jack's family. Proving that the Fentons are unfit parents. Adopting/fostering Jazz and Danny.
Or maybe he just straight up kidnaps them.
Either way:
Dan raising Danny and Jazz in Gotham, Metropolis, Central City, or Fawcett. Each city has their own potential plot points.
But, I want Dan to own/operate a bakery.
The one scene I have is: Hero-as-civilian walks into a cute bakery. Immediately sees a guy that's fucking scary and clearly not entirely human. Hero is very concerned that this guy is up to no good, so he pretends to be oblivious. He starts talking to Dan, but Dan's about as chatty as a brick wall. Suddenly, he hears a little pat-a-pat-a-pat and then there's two little hands poking up over the counter making an uppies gesture. This terrifying man reaches down and picks up an adorable toddler, sets him on his hip, and gives him a cookie.
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amaramizuki666 · 1 year
Dp x DC crossover
Ok so I had an idea what if all the main bat brothers where dateing the phenton siblings and didnt know. The pairings for this idea is Damian x dani(elle) phenton, tim x danny phenton, jason x jazz phenton, and dick x Dan phenton.
the chaos if one day when the brothers where hanging out one of them mentions their partners and how their last name was phenton then one of the other boys says that's their partners last name and then the other 2 also say their partners last name is phenton.
So they come to the most logical conclusion and say their partners names, and their just like oh their siblings until tim says his boyfriend danny is trans ftm and his dead name was juzeal (ju-zel). So they all assume after that since all of them are paranoid idots is that danny, Elle, jazz, and Dan where the same person and are useing them for something. They cant agree on what damion thinks it's a trick by the league, jason thinks it's one of the pepole hes killed relatives comeing for revenge, tim thinks it's for money, and dick thinks it's to kill Bruce.
So they are all upset thinking the loves of their lives are lying to them. Then jason says "how about we all invite them to a dinner to meat the fam on the same day" so they did. And where all very confused when all of them got the reply 'sure why not'.
So the dinner was at a restaurant they completely rented out so they would be the only ones there. Damion and elle arrived first sittling down. Then jason arrived with jazz. Then dick and dan, and lastly danny and tim. So everyone is just staring at eachother when Danny craked the joke "well I guess we do have similar taste huh guys". Elle bursted out laughing, dan and jazz rolled their eyes dan saying "well we are siblings".
The brothers are suprised but happy knowing their original conclusion on then being siblings was correct, now everyone wants to know how they all met.
Ok that's the idea also I kinda wanna write this as a series I'm thinking calling my au cork board because of all the theorys the brothers come up with. Also the the last name phenton instead of Fenton or nightingale is I like to think danny came up with it on the spot without jazz's supervision and 5 nights of no sleep.
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gaypirate420 · 17 days
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Dick Grayson by Dan Mora you will always be famous.
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hello-eden · 17 days
dcxdp #33
I am back to continue the de Aged Ellie and Dan, a child of Danny and a bat boy agenda. this time with dick Grayson.
Ellie and Dan de-stabilized to a core form. Danny is of course panicking trying to figure out how to bring them back but they're safe for now. Clockwork tells him that he needs to incubate the cores himself but that it's going to take a lot of energy and that it's probably not safe for him at this moment. Clockwork sends Danny to the DC dimension to have a calmer time away from all the fighting and to make sure he can recover mentally and physically from everything that's happening in Amity. It basically turns into a summer holiday away from home/ vacation.  
Dan needed more than just Danny's DNA to stabilize Due to Dan being a hybrid of Danny and Vlad originally, so Clockwork sent Danny to the dimension to pick a donor not that Danny knew that. Danny decided to incubate both cores at the same time so that biological change also happened to Ellie. 
Danny meets dick while he is there and has a cute Summer Fling with him while he's in that dimension. In dicks timeline he's in the range of still being Robin or just going out to bludhaven. Danny starts incubating the cores while in the DC dimension around dick mostly because he knows it's safe for him there. 
He has one human doctor's appointment there and then goes back to his dimension for the rest of the technical pregnancy. Dick has no idea about Ellie or Dan as well as no idea about Danny being from another dimension. The two of them had a civilian Romance.
Danny later returns to the DC Dimension with Ellie and Dan years later after having a very bad run in with the GIW. All of them are recovering and Danny accidentally runs into dick. Danny doesn't know that due to being around dick in the start of the pregnancy caused a lot of changes in Elie and Dan's biology.
Danny and dick See each other a couple of times like going for a coffee before dick finds out that Danny has kids. Danny not knowing the kids are dick’s doesn't feel like it's relevant to tell him especially after the very bad run in with GIW which makes him overprotective.
The kids would be about 6 or 7. 
Dick meets the kids and does a little bit of mental math realizing that there is a possibility the kids are his. He is in denial for a moment thinking that Danny would tell him if they were his especially now that they've talked again but then he does research. He doesn't find anything on Danny except for the one doctor's appointment from when he was still in the dimension last for pregnancy. The doctor was heavily liminal so they understood what they needed to for pregnancies but they also did it in human terms to stop anyone from realizing the pregnancy is different on file. this definitely freaks out dick because they were still seeing each other when they went to the doctor.
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I made fake dcxdp tweets set in the universe of the young justice cartoon, but instand of Danny or Ellie being apart of the team it's Dan post agit.
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catpriciousmarjara · 5 months
Bruce finds out Dick is dating Dan(Dark Danny) Phantom
Bruce: You can't date an eldritch ghostly abomination!
Dick: Oh my god Bruce don't be so ectophobic
Bruce: He destroyed the world and killed us all!
Dick: ooooh come on that was like an entire timeline ago. Get over it already! Ghosts change! He even did community service.
Bruce: You still can't date someone that murderous!
Dick: You dated Khoa! I was there for that mess!
Bruce: That was different!
Dick: Oh it was? Then I guess I'll go and date Slade then! How about that huh?
Bruce: ......
Bruce: Eldritch abomination is fine. Bring him around for dinner.
The batsiblings watching this all happen from the sidelines - entertained as fuck
Tim: So are you gonna tell Bruce you're seeing Jazz or?
Jason: oh hell no
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 8 months
DPXDC Scandal Family
We all know about Brucie Wayne and his endless supply of poorly adjusted children, but a new billionaire family is taking the tabloids by storm- The Masters Brood.
Entrepreneurial billionaire and super fan of the Green Bay Packers, Vlad Masters recently adopted the children of his late college classmates, Madelyn and Jack Fenton in the wake of their tragic deaths. Two daughters and two sons, the oldest named Jasmine and the other three oddly named Dan, Danny and Danielle- the children have caused multiple scenes in public, from brawling with each other to harassing their adoptive father in public.
Masters himself only seems all too amused with the antics and often participates in the more harmless acts of tomfoolery like sneaking stickers onto the back of guests' heads and making light work of refreshment tables.
In the face of this new found family, will Brucie Wayne and his children be able to maintain their title as America's weirdest billionaires, or will that status be swept out from beneath them?
Looking grimly at the screen of his laptop, Dick Grayson considers his options. "Looks like we're really going to have to step up our game- hey Jason! How do you feel about coming back to legal life?"
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flamingpudding · 6 months
How to human
Nightwing was sure he was being watched. He had been in the hero business long enough to recognize that feeling. The little irk, whisper in the back of your mind and the little hairs standing up. He was being watched. A part of him felt honored. He had gotten a little stalker like Tim had been to Bruce once. So, on some days, he made sure to do some extra flips and air acrobatics. No, he wasn't showing off to watchfull eyes, shut up little wing. But whenever he turned to the direction he felt eyes on him, he found nothing. He was worried that he was getting as paranoid as Bruce, but at the same time, he swore that someone had started watching him during his patrols, especially whenever he was in Gotham.
Red Hood grew more and more frustrated as the days passed. This wasn't his first time dealing with little stalker but usually, the street kids of crime alley knew when and when not to follow him around. The kid that was currently following him? The little shit was reckless af. Red Hood going to bust a drug deal? He felt that freaking kids eyes on him. Getting into a fight that ends with a shot out? That little shit was still there watching instead of leaving. But the kid was good, Hood had to admit that. Whenever he turned to scowl the little shit, they were gone. They avoided him the moment he puts his attention on them. But just the kid wait, he will get them one of these days. He was not having as much fun as his brother with his little stalker.
Spoiler preened at the attention she was getting. She had a little stalker! Not Red, not Orphan, not Signal, not Robin but her! She had a stalker of her own. Like Nightwing and Red Hood! There was a little kid interested in her and following her around during patrols. She probably shouldn't, but she did end up teasing the other about it. It most likely wasn't good either, considering all the things that could happen during their patrols. But aside from that it was an interesting feeling to have a little shadow that somehow can avade you. Just like Nightwing and Red Hood whenever she turned around or tried to actively look for her little stalker there was no one. But she knew the kid was there. Compared to the idiot boys Spoiler had gotten some cookies from Agent A to lure out her little shadow. Saddly the kid had been a no show but they did take the cookies when she had looked away for a moment. And a giggle told her that they liked them. She was at least making process in getting to k ow her stalker.
Danny, Dan and Ellie, after decades of having lived among ghosts in the ghost zone when realizing they didn't age like their human family, ended up spit back out to the mortal realm. (Clockwork had gotten fessed up with the Phantom trio and decided HE needed a vacation from them and Frostbite mentioned sending them to the morals would be good for their halfa health. So the decision was made pretty quickly, let the humans deal withvthe ghost kids for a while. He will force the trenchcoat magican, that liked to poke around too much, to check up on them sometimes.) The problem was, they kind of forgot how to be human. So what did they do? Follow around the one human that caught their attention and learn how to human again from them. To bad that the humans that caught their attention happened to be vigilantes and they only ever seemed to be the most interesting when they dress up at night.
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metalotaku-da · 6 months
Dick and wally were sitting at the wayne family dinner table with their joint families announcing their engagement. Just before desert their was a knock on the front door. Alfred went to tend to it. Nobody thought anything of it till Alfred came back to dinning room with a large meta with him and two scruffed young kids hanging from his hands.
"I believe you have a guest master dick, master wally." Alfred said looking at the red head with a bit of judgment.
"You." The large meta with a goatee and flaming seemingly flaming hair. Motioned to wally with one of the kids who protested. "Well shit you are all here." He looked around the table. "Good I only need to do this once then hopefully. Quit fucking with the time stream." He ignored the throat clearing of the butler and the half raised from the seat posture of most of the dinners guests. "I'm tired of cleaning up all these timeline collapses you speedsters cause. So here is the deal." He sat the protesting kids down in to wally's lap. By phasing through the table. "I'm going to pull all your kids who would cease to exist from the now failed timelines and drop them all in your laps. And I don't care how many it ends up being. You want to cause me problems. You're getting all of yours 10 fold." As he backed out of the table. He pointed an accusing finger at the speedsters. "Do not try me! Oh and By the way. Congratulations on your engagement." He gave a rough pat to alfreds back. "Thanks old man." And then he vanished from sight.
The bats stared at the speedsters. "Care to explain that?"
"Who was that guy?"
"OH my god I'm a dad!" Wally said in shock looking down at his two kids. Ignoring Barry arguing with half the bat clan.
"What are your names?" Dick said all smiles at the two little kids sitting in wallys lap.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 month
Supers and Bats
So! Jazz, Danny, Dan, and Ellie are adopted by Clark Kent and Lois Lane after bouncing around the System for a while.
Jazz couldn't legally take care them because she's just an 18 yr old in College and couldn't provide for two 16 yr Olds and a 12 yr Old on her own.
(Dan is in his Post-AGIT Body, so he looks like Danny's Twin Brother, and Ellie is still 12 because she hasn't started Aging yet.)
Anyways, eventually the Fenton Family opens up about their Powers and are accepted into the Super Family. They even Begin acting as Heroes for Metropolis, taking on their own Super names. Like Superkid, Supergal, and Superguy, all lazy but funny names that fit the Family Naming Convention.
And you know the Rule, if you are a Super, you will inevitably end up with your very own Bat.
Obviously Clark adopted Bruce as his Bat. They were the originals, the OG's, they set the precedent.
Kon adopted Tim as his Bat while on YJ, or maybe or was the other way around? They both don't know, since they were both absolutely Messes when they were on that Team. It really could have gone either way.
Jon and Damien have been eachothers Bat/Super since the Day they met. Let's even say Jon never got stuck in that Time Paradox and stays the same age (a gift from peepaw Clocky)
Barbara actually gets Jazz. She's not exactly as Super as the rest of her Family and Adopted Family, but she he up there. And she constantly studies for her Classes at Barbara's Library, so they get to hang out a lot and bond over having to take care of their respective Families.
Danny and Duke get along well, and decide that Danny is now his Super. They started hanging out when Danny decided to become the 2nd Day Shift Hero of Gotham on a whim, cause why is Duke the only one? He splits his time between Metropolis and Gotham but as a Super it's not an inconvenience. They like Joking with eachother on patrol.
Surprisingly Dan and Dick get along very well. Dick used to be extremely Agressive and Violent, and can relate to Dan who has recently begun trying to ugnore his more extreme reactions. They bond over the feeling of not being understood as kids and their shared "Extremely Repressed Anger" emotions. (Dick doesn't have dad instincts shut up jason)
Cass and Steph take one look at "Still a 12 yr old Chaos Gremlin" Ellie and decide that she is theirs now. It's okay, they can share! They absolutely love their brand new Little Sister, and let her be the biggest of Gremlins!
Most people forget but Jason has Bizzaro as his Super, while he is on the Outlaws. Once Ellie hears about Bizzaro's situation, she helps stabilize him using some of Vlad's old Tech. So Bizzaro gets to live in this! Yay!
That's the idea, thoughts?
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spacedace · 1 year
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A fic idea came to me like a vision and I needed to make a meme out of it since I’m not sure if/when I’ll ever write it. Take it as a meme form of a writing prompt haha
(Dick/Nightwing has been flirting with Dan for MONTHS and Dan just HASN’T NOTICED)
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Blurred Lines
Danny had two names on his wrist: William Joseph Batson and Klarion Bleak. Jazz had one name: Richard John Grayson. Dani had two: Damian al Ghul Wayne and Jonathan Samuel Kent. To bad their soulmates didn't have their names. Just a thick smudge where it should be.
When the Fenton's were witch hunters, they got cursed. This curse made it difficult for their soulmate(s) to believe they are soulmates. It also impressed instinctual knowledge upon the Fenton's of who their soulmate was as soon as they saw them. It wasn't impossible to convince their soulmate(s), but it did require knowing all the loopholes in the curse. Unfortunately, the three youngest Fenton's weren't told about the curse.
Jazz had known as soon as his name was released to the public, that Bruce Wayne's first ward was her soulmate. And when she saw him later, she was even more certain.
She realized fairly early that there was going to be some pushback because of his social status. There were often articles about people falsely claiming to be his soulmate. She knew that people at school thought she was lying about being his soulmate too.
Then, she finally got the chance to meet him. Had everything prepared. Birth certificates, dated pictures of her soulmark, everything she could think of to prove that she was who she said she was. In the end it didn't matter. He didn't believe her. When she pushed, he showed her that he didn't have a name on his wrist. Just a weird smudge. He told her that there was probably a different person with the same name who had her name on their wrist. She had no choice but to accept what he said, even though she knew he was wrong.
Dani had a nagging feeling that she'd met her soulmates when she ran into Superboy and Robin for the first time. She wasn't going to confront them about it because it would be rude to ask them about their secret identities, but she'd suspected. Her suspicion was basically confirmed when Superboy told her his name.
What happened next hurt. She'd asked him if he'd realized they were soulmates the whole time, and he'd said he only had one whom he'd already met. When she asked if it was Damian, he freaked out. Then, Robin showed up equally freaked out, but hiding it better. Things escalated from there. To the point that she's now actively avoiding the two.
Danny was last to meet his soulmates out of the three. He'd been chasing after Amorpho when he bowled over Billy Batson and promised to buy him food after he caught Amorpho. Billy had been suspicious, but agreed. After they exchanged names, Danny immediately asked if Billy knew his soulmates. When Billy said no and then took off, Danny felt like he'd been rejected.
Then, he'd run into Klarion while he'd been enjoying creating some chaos in Amity (particularly annoying the mayor). Danny knew that Klarion was one of his soulmates. Even when Klarion was reluctant to accept it. He decided they needed to talk to his parents about whatever was going on.
That's when Jack and Maddie realized they'd never explained that their family was cursed.
(Klarion was furious. How dare someone attempt to keep his soulmate from him!)
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amaramizuki666 · 1 year
dp x dc crossover
    so this goes with my cork board au this will be how dan and dick met. tell me in the comments witch cupole yall want me to do next (danny x tim) (dani x daimon) (jazz x jason) and like always feel free to addon or rewrite. Also important for the story unlike danny, dan has a fire core. Lastly triggerwarning blood/death
dick was tired he was working a particularly annoying case along with a case for his nighttime persona, bruce asked him to help look into a meta vigilante that tims working with as RR and who avoids the others besides RH. “hay grason can you show tho rookie around” one of dicks co workers asks “sure” dick replies and turns to his coworker and the newbie.
  the newboie is not what he expected. instead of the twigs most newbies start as dick sees a 6′6 tank of a man with pale blue hair that seemed to defy gravity, glowing red eyes, and pale green skin. dick also noted that he didn't appear to be breathing. ‘so a meta’ dick thought and stuck his hand out “sup newbie im richard grason, but most people call me dick, while we are in unifore just call me officer grayson”. the guy smiled flashing his fangs and taking dicks hand “its a pleasure to meet you officer grayson, im dan phenton” winking at dick. dick felt a chill go up his spine. ‘this guy was going to be a distraction’ dick thought wile looking dan up and down, the bi panic is real right now.
after a few months of taking occasional cases with officer phenton (just call me dan, surger) dick and him ended up becoming official work partners always taking cases together. one day the get called out to a possible domestic abuse case. a neighbor called claiming to hear the wife scream and and then the apartment go quiet. 
dan and dick arrived and ended up having too bust down the door to the house dick was the first to enter and the first to see the husband standing over his barely recognizable wifes mangled body. dan noticed something was off the husbands back was turned towards them his right hand was out of their sight. “put your hands up, turn around slowly then get on your knees. your under arrest” dick orders his gun drawn. the man doesn't move. dick walk over to the man about to put his hand on his shoulder “wait grayson something's not right-” dans words where cut short when the man twisted around. dan finally saw what was in his hand but by then it was too late, dick was already on the floor with a kitchen knife lodged in his gut.
  dick didn't understand what happened he just went down, hes been stabbed before this should be nothing. “grayson!” dick heard his partner yell, he tried to respond but his voice failed him, his throat was unbearably dry. his vision was going dark. dicks last thoughts before fadeing to his suprise wasn't about his family, it was about if dan was ok.
everything was quit besides a faint beeping in the background. dick opened his eyes blinking as his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room. he was in the hospital. dick turned his head to see not bruce or any of  his siblings but dan in civilian clothing. he was leaning on his arm while his glowing red eyes practically glared at the folder he was looking over. dick watched as his partners wispy hair flicker like fire. his gaze traveled to his partner's face. his jawline was sharp and his face well defined if he didnt make it as a cop he could've become an actor or model. 
 dick knows he shouldn't be ogling his partner (work partner nothing more). but over the months they've worked together dick as grown to like the flirtatious man. and dick didn't care about the whole meta thing either, in fact dick thought dan,s inhumanly aparince was appealing. “your awake” dans deep voice sounded through the room  and dick snapped out of his gaze. “yeah, um what happened?” dick asked “you where stabbed” dan said deadpanning. 
“you know what i meant dan, what happened after that.” dick says. “well the women survived she will be permanently scarred but shell live. and as for the perp hes dead” dan shrugs “what do you mean dead?!” dick presses. dans eyes stare into dicks “the perp took a gallon of cooking oil, dumped it on himself, then lit himself on fire. He burned to death. i couldn't do anything to stop him”. dans voice was flat and unsympathetic, dick could tell he was lying.
"Dan tell me the truth, I promise I won't be upset" dick says calmly, dick knew his partner, he could tell even under the guise of cruelty dan tried to put up, he could see the guilt. Dan sighed and placed the folder down "I lost control" he says, dick feels the room grow warmer around him.
"You lost control? Of you abilitys?" Dick questions. Dan had never talked to dick about his abilitys, the only thing hes ever said about them where that they where dangerous. "Yeah when I saw you get stabbed i lost it, and i- I screamed" dan sighs before continuing "apparently one of my abilities has mutated over the years what used to be a simple sonic scream attack ended up causing that basterd to spontaneously combust". Dan was looking down his wispy hair acting more wild than usual, dick learned over time that ment dan was upset.
Dick sat up and placed his hand on Dan's shoulder. "Its ok nobody has to know" dick said and dan looked at him suprised, and honestly dick was suprised himself but dick knows if this goes into their report dan will be treated unfairly. Dan is already treated bad because of his unwillingness to take bribes like dick, but also for his meta status.
"Why? What would you get out of that?" Dan asked dick laughed and said "a date would be nice" winking, as a joke to lighten the mood. Dan smiled flashing his oh so sexy fangs saying "sure I was planning to ask you out anyway, but grayson next time pick a time where you hadnt just been stabbed and the guy you asked out didnt just confess to murder, ok suger". Dick felt his face flush with embarrassment from the agile timing. To be fair dick was jokeing buuuut he wasnt going to look a gift horse in the mouth, hes getting a date out of this.
"Sooo does Tuesday night sound" dicl says smiling, "get better by then, and I think it will be great" dan says smirking down at dick and leaning in giving him a peck on the forehead. Yeah dick is really wishing he asked dan out in better circumstances but hey it worked out.
Ok I need a ship name for these two like jazz x jason is anger management, and tim x danny is brain dead(before I thought it was dead tired but nope), I also need one for damion x dani.
I have no ideas for dick x dan
But for damion x dani I was thinking traveling assassin/ serious joke/ traveling swordsmen
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demonic0angel · 1 year
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Dick kinda has a taste for badass non-human entities that can snap him in half (click for clarity)
Square: Bisexual Character
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lar-mx · 5 months
writing prompt #7
A new enemy has appeared, nothing they try works. No magic swords, no sacred weapons, no cursed weapons, divine objects. The only way to defeat this new enemy is to challenge him to a duel and whoever challenges him has to use a weapon made "by hand" by the challenger and made of a very specific material. The problem does not "exist"; no one alive knows how to work with said material "manually", only a few with technology. Well, John knows someone not so alive but he only accepts a disciple every so often which is bad, although that moment is in a week which is good. The question is…who would be qualified to be his student?
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