#derek’s family burning and Derek dying by fire in front of his son
rosalinesurvived · 1 year
NO BUT WHEN ITS LIKE Derek screaming at Scott about Allison Argent: “You’re not in love, you’re sixteen, a child” and we learn that Kate Argent seduced (read raped) Derek when he was fifteen, and he most likely blamed himself for his entire life turning and then stating “you’re a child” to Scott, when sixteen year old Jackson’s body rejects the bite and Jackson asks “What does it mean?” And Derek just backs away slowly, thinking of the first person this happened to, Paige, also rejecting the bite, dying in his arms, GOD this man is living out his traumas again and again
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freefallfiction · 24 days
File: Masterlist (Criminal Minds)
Last Reviewed: 5/16/2024
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Originally posted by tinywolfcoffee
rules No Pedoph!l!c Content No Minor Interaction Send Requests Through The 'Asks' Channel Fem!Reader Unless Requested Otherwise Don't Like Don't Read Mind The Warnings Have Fun
S. Reid
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absolutequeertrash · 1 year
ok so i would like to preface this by saying i have not watched the movie nor do i plan to so if there are slight inaccuracies i apologize. i have better things to do in my life than watch the trash that j*ff d*avis calls an amazing teen wolf movie.
this will also contain spoilers tho everyone and their mother has been publicly announcing said spoilers so you’ve probably already heard it but if you haven’t been spoiled and don’t want to be i suggest you stop reading here. this is going to be a long one.
i would bet my last fucking dollar that j*ff goes to sleep at night thinking he did something soooo deep with his derek eli parallel and really came full circle with derek’s arc but like my guy (derogatory) IT WAS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING TO PARALLEL/GO FULL CIRCLE WITH.
for those that don’t remember (which tbh is probably no one if you’re scrolling through any of these tags) when derek was 15/16, kate manipulated him and killed his family by setting fire to the house, leading to him then blaming himself for his entire family dying. so someone tell me why j*ff had derek die by burning to death in front of his own child.
there is quite literally no way in hell derek would willingly choose to inflict the same trauma and guilt onto his own child who, which from everything i’ve read and heard, he loves very much. it is such an incredibly out of character decision that, if i didn’t know how much j*ff hates both us and derek, i would question whether he and i were even talking about the same character.
when we meet derek all the way back in season 1 of the show, he had lived as an orphan for like 5ish or so years (idr how old he was but it was something like that) and you can tell he is traumatized. he literally had the whole “bad guy” persona going for him which is typically reserved for someone with immense trauma (tho i would like to note on a larger scale that it does not excuse anyone’s actions. if they do anything bad they should still be held accountable for it. trauma/mental health can be a reason but it is not an excuse). he knows what it’s like to be lonely and grieving—it’s not really something someone just randomly forgets. and its because of that knowledge that there is no way derek would subject his son to not only being an orphan, but being present at his own orphaning.
and that’s the other thing too. eli was right there when derek sacrificed himself. you can probably imagine the trauma of losing a loved parent/loved one, but now try to imagine the trauma them suffering and burning to death right in front of you would cause. add on the fact that derek literally did it to save eli and now you’ve got an orphaned kid with survivors guilt and depression who will very likely have problems being around fire for the rest of his life.
from a literal standpoint, sure, everything comes full circle. the derek we know formed because everyone he loved died in a fire he blamed himself for, and we ended with his child losing someone he loved in a fire he too likely now blames himself for. but it completely trashed his character arc.
it’s not too dissimilar from dean winchesters death at the end of supernatural (which hey, maybe there’ll be a spanish version of the teen wolf movie that ends differently). dean always believed he’d die in a hunt, alone, without a family or anyone that loves him. a good character arc would show him realizing that he deserves good things in his life and deserves someone that he can settle down with and finally stop hunting (*cough* castiel *cough*), which is decidedly not what we got but anyway back on topic.
derek had all of this guilt and trauma that caused him to push people away, not think he’s deserving of good things, and really think of himself as a shitty person for being the reason his family died. a good arc is not having him sacrifice himself and prove that he can only be considered a “good person” if he’s useful to other people. it would show him (similar to dean) realizing he is deserving of happiness and being selfish for once in his life. it would be deciding he doesn’t want to die and give his son trauma but rather he wants to live and see his son grow up where the hardest parts of his childhood are losing a lax game or getting a bad grade on a test.
this is getting really long ik but i have one more thing. derek’s death was completely unnecessary. granted i haven't actually watched the movie, but you're telling me the only way to stop the demon thingy (i have completely forgotten what it acc was) was to hold it and burn it to death? i have 2 problems with this. firstly, when has anything in the teen wolf series been as easy as just fucking burning something to death. like genuinly. it's the "big bad" of the entire movie. why would the answer be to just burn it to death. there had to have been another way to kill it off. i get that there's no stiles to do the research, but lydia is literally a fucking genius. she definitely could've found another way to kill it and spare eli the trauma of watching his dad unneccesarily burn to death to save him.
my second problem is that they couldn't tie it up any other way??? like cmon they're supernatural creatures. you're telling me that the only way to stop the thing from moving was to grab it and sacrifice yourself? you couldn't trap it? tie it up maybe? grabbing was seriously the only option?
it just makes no sense to me. i understand parents not wanting their kids to suffer, but when there's a possibility of another option that isn't just burn to death in front of them you'd think they'd want to take that one instead. cause yeah, while no parent should have to watch their child die, that doesn't mean that children should have to watch their parent die a gruesome death. and the fact that derek was like well it can't be scott cause scott's the alpha of the pack and that would cause some problems oh well guess it'll have to be me. i don't have time to get into that especially without really knowing all the information and dialogue, but like ???? wtf ????
tldr: actual derek would in no way consider inflicting the same trauma onto eli that was inflicted onto him especially when there had to be other ways to kill it.
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To Lie Next to You
The four times Stiles accidentally fell asleep cuddling Derek and the one time it wasn’t an accident.
 For @kirjastorotta
 (Read it on AO3 here)
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The first time it happened was the night Derek’s world fell apart.
The hospital’s long hallways seemed to stretch into oblivion, a never-ending, winding labyrinth. The glare of the LED lights that hung overhead stung his eyes, the hum of electricity filling in his ears.
Distant voices, the tapping of computer keys, and the beeping of machines did nothing to drown out the voices that ran in his ears—the broken cries, the screams of pain, the desperate pleas.
Every time his eyes shut, the haunting memories filled his mind.
His feet hit the ground with a thundering beat that drummed in his ears, the muddy sludge dragging at his shoes, slowing him down as if he were running in a nightmare.
Smoke and ash filled his lungs as he ran, making him cough and gasp breathlessly. His nose was filled with the bitter scent of ash and the rich scent of burning pine.
A roaring orange glow consumed the building. Tendril-like flames flickered as they devoured the wooden planks and the frail lace curtains.
The heat of the blaze radiated against his skin. Beads of sweat glistened in the glow of the fire, his tears burning as they welled in his eyes.
His heart sank into his stomach. He blinked heavily, the tears falling past his lashes and streaking down his cheeks as he watched on helplessly as the fire destroyed the house—his house, his home, and the memories of his childhood along with it. He felt cold, watching the dancing flames devour and destroy everything.
Seared and blistered hands reached out from the windows of the basement, clawing at the earth.
He remembered Laura scream his name, her voice far behind him as he ran into the inferno, sprinting down the hall to where the door to the basement was.
He’d open his eyes and find himself back in the hallway. The smell of charred wood and burnt flesh still haunted him; clinging to his clothes, filing his nose, and following him no matter how far away from the burning house he got.
He sat in one of the chairs pushed back against the wall of the hallway, his face stained with soot and smeared with ash. His hands had been wrapped in bandages, covering the seared flesh of the palms of his hands and his burnt knuckles, evidence of his attempts to save his family—his failed attempts.
He glanced down the hall at one of the doors that had been left slightly ajar. If he strained his hearing, he could hear Laura talking quietly to the nurses, her voice raspy and broken.
She was still being treated for her burns, leaving him alone in the hall.
They’d both heal quickly enough, but for the time being, they had to keep up the illusion that they were human.
Peter would take longer though. He was the only one they’d managed to pull him out of the fire before the house collapsed; his flesh seared, charred and covered in raw sores.
He was comatose; the pain too much for his mind to deal with. Laura had tried talking to him, but he’d been unresponsive.
“He’s healing,” Laura had told him. “It’ll take time, but he’ll heal too.”
Nurses and doctors passed him, talking quietly and casting looks his way—their eyes filled with sorry and pity.
Derek hung his head, unable to look at them. He didn’t want their judgement or their pity, and the last thing he wanted was to look into their eyes and get confirmation that he was alone; his family was dead. It was just the three of them now.
His body was weak and aching.
There was a quiet shuffle of footsteps, slowing in front of him as a pair of scuffed red sneakers came into his field of vision.
He slowly looked up, meeting a pair of fawn-brown eyes that looked at him with a mix of curiosity, confusion and concern.
“You’re Derek, right?” the boy asked.
Derek nodded.
“I’m Stiles,” he introduced himself before quickly adding, “The Sheriff’s son.”
A moment of quiet settled between them.
Stiles shifted, uneasy. “Can I sit with you?”
Derek nodded.
“Are you hurt?” Stiles asked.
“What?” Derek asked, confused.
Stiles nodded towards Derek’s bandaged hands.
“Oh,” Derek said, looking down at his hands. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”
“What happened?” Stiles asked hesitantly.
“My house was on fire and my family was trapped inside. My sister and I tried to get them out,” Derek answered, his voice weak and breaking. “We were able to get my uncle out, but….”
“I’m sorry,” Stiles whispered, predicting how the story ended. “Are you okay?”
“Just a couple of burns,” Derek said dismissively. “They’ll heal.”
“No, are you okay?” Stiles repeated, emphasising his words slightly.
Derek felt tears well in his eyes, his lips quivering as he swallowed hard against the lump in his throat. A glistening tear trailed down his cheek as he shook his head.
“They’re all dead,” Derek said, struggling to get his words out. “My mum, my dad, my whole family…”
Stiles didn’t say anything—he didn’t have to; his being there was enough.
He shuffled closer to Derek and leant over the arm rest, leaning against Derek’s side and letting his head rest against his shoulder.
They sat in silence, but their silence spoke volumes more than words ever could.
When Derek’s tears finally dried up and exhaustion took its toll, he let his head fall atop Stiles’, his cheek resting atop the boy’s tousled brown hair.
The two of them drifted off to sleep where they sat.
That’s where Laura found her brother a few hours later.
She couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the two of them—Derek, who had never had friends aside from his sisters and his uncle, curled up and fast asleep with someone he’d only just met. The harsh lines of his face were softened by sleep, the smears of soot and ash on his cheeks cleared away by his tears.
He seemed calm—comfortable—and the last thing Laura wanted was to wake her brother now and throw him back into the harsh reality of everything they’d lost. She’d let him sleep for now; let him have that moment of peace.
She shrugged off her jacket and did her best to lay it across the two boys before making her way down the hallway to the intensive care unit where they were keeping Peter.
The second time he remembers was one of the nights the pack spent together—movie night.
“I’m pressing play whether you’re ready or not,” Derek called out.
Stiles let out a cry of protest from the kitchen across the hallway, but his voice was muffled.
Derek’s brow furrowed in confusion, turning to look at Stiles.
Stiles clambered over the back of the couch, juggling a bowl of fresh popcorn in one hand and a bowl of chips in the other, and a packet of Oreos balanced on top of that. He was holding packets of jelly beans, marshmallows, gummy bears, and sour worms in his mouth.
Derek rolled his eyes.
Stiles sank down into the cushions beside Derek, passing him the bowl of popcorn before dropping the packets he held in his mouth into his lap and distributing the snacks amongst the pack.
“Oreos for Erica, jelly beans for Boyd—” Stiles said, passing them to Erica who was stretched out across the other couch, her feet resting in Isaac’s lap and her head lying in Boyd’s. “—and chips for Isaac.”
Isaac muttered a quiet ‘Thank you’ but it was drowned out by Erica’s squeal of joy as she clutched the packet of Oreos to her chest.
He held out the packet of marshmallows to Cora who sat on the floor, leaning back against the couch that the other betas sat on.
“Marshmallows for Cora because she’s soft and sweet,” he teased.
Cora scoffed at the remark but took the packet from him.
“And sour worms for Jackson because he’s a sour bitch,” Stiles said.
The rest of the pack snickered.
Jackson levelled him with a glare, snatching the packet from Stiles’ grasp.
“And gummy bears for Der-bear,” Stiles said jokingly, swapping the last packet of sweets for the bowl of popcorn Derek held.
Derek looked at him, unamused, rolling his eyes as he turned away from Stiles and pressed play.
Isaac reached over to the far wall and switched off the lights, letting the room settle into quiet dimness as the movie started.
At some point during the evening, Stiles shuffled over to Derek’s end of the couch and leant against his side—probably reaching over to steal some gummy bears, too entranced in the movie to ask or to realise how close they were to each other.
Derek didn’t notice either, not until the movie started to wind down, when he realised that Stiles hadn’t moved.
Derek craned his neck, looking down at Stiles.
He leant against Derek’s arm, his head resting against Derek’s shoulder, his cheek smooshed against Derek’s bicep and his lips parted slightly as he drew in steady, slow breaths. His eyes were shut, his dark eyelashes fluttering as he dreamt. The now-half-empty bowl of popcorn was balanced dangerously on the edge of the couch cushion.
Derek let out a breathless chuckle, carefully setting the bowl of popcorn aside on the end table. He slid one arm around Stiles’ shoulders and the other under his legs, lifting him up off the couch and carrying him out of the room. He carried him upstairs, pushing back the blankets of the bed in one of the spare rooms and laying him down, trying his best not to wake him.
The next time he remembers was the night of the meteor shower.
Derek had laid blankets out across the ground in the front yard. They knew the lookout would be busy with watchers waiting for the meteor shower, but the views from the clearing out the front of the Hale house would be just as good.
It was early autumn; the nights still held their summer warmth and the ground was covered in a sheet of lush green grass that cushioned them as the pack lay down together on the blankets. A cool breeze rolled through the trees, making the humid air more bearable. The damp earth left the sweet scent of petrichor hanging in the air and the clouds had drifted away to reveal the starry sky above.
Stiles brought out the pizza they had ordered, sitting on the blanket to have a picnic under the dying light of the vibrant sunset. Once they were finished and their dinner was cleared away, they all laid back on the blankets, looking up at the dark sky as the stars began to sparkle.
In the shuffle of bodies, Stiles ended up lying next to Derek, his head resting on one of the cushions Erica had grabbed off the couch and brought out to them.
The meteor shower wasn’t predicted for another hour, so they filled in the time spotting the constellations that were charted across the night sky.
Derek turned his head to the side, looking at Stiles as he stared up at the sky in wonder. The dark depths of his dark eyes sparkled, reflecting the stars.
The first meteor came with a burst of blue light, streaking across the sky; followed by another, and another.
The shower lasted for hours, the sky lit up with magnificent shades of blue, yellow, pink and white as the phosphorous tails reacted with the atmosphere. Some broke apart in the mesosphere, exploding like fireworks as small fragments rained down to earth.
It was a mesmerising sight, Derek was almost sad when it was over.
The lights faded, letting the world settle into darkness once again.
Derek stared up at the twinkling starts that filled the inky abyss of the night sky. He heard Stiles let out a quiet sigh beside him as he rolled over, curling up against Derek’s side.
He turned his head to look at the young man.
His eyes were shut and his face was relaxed as his cheek rested against Derek’s bicep. A strand of his tousled hair had fallen forward across his forehead.
Derek reached his free arm across to the young man, careful not to wake him as he gently brushed the strand of hair back from Stiles’ face.
He laid there a little while longer, looking up at the stars and stealing glances at Stiles, feeling a strange warmth settle in his chest and a smile lift the corners of his lips.
The next time he remembers was after a fight. There had been so many, he didn’t know who they had fought, only that the pack had come home covered in cuts and bruises, but alive.
Stiles’ knuckles were torn and covered in blood, his hand still grasping the grip of his metal baseball bat. The front of his shirt was shredded, exposing the bloody slashes where their opponent had scratched his chest. The rest of his clothes were splattered with blood—not all of it his.
His pale cheek was bruised, turning all shades of black, blue and purple. The skin had been grazed, flecks of blood covering his cheek. His eyes were heavy as the rush of adrenaline subsided and exhaustion took its toll on him.
Derek watched his movements, his eyes full of worry as they tracked Stiles’ steps as the young man paced back and forth across the room.
Derek was sporting a few injuries: a nasty gash across his stomach, claw marks tearing open his arms, and a cut across his cheek.
His shirt was coloured red, stained with blood. His injured weren’t too severe; he could already feel his tissue stitching itself back together.
He and the others would heal quickly enough—but Stiles wouldn’t; he was human.
Derek sat down on the edge of his bed for a second. He felt fatigue drag at him.
“I just need a second then I’m taking you to the hospital,” Derek told him.
He pulled his torn, bloodied shirt over his head and tossed it aside.
“I don’t need a hospital,” Stiles objected.
“Stiles, you can’t heal like we do,” Derek said firmly.
“I know,” Stiles said dismissively, setting his baseball bat down. “But I don’t need a hospital, I just need a couple of Band-Aids and some sleep and I’ll be fine.”
“Stiles—” Derek started.
“Derek, I’m fine,” Stiles said insistently, stepping over to Derek’s side.
“I’m still taking you to the hospital,” Derek told him.
Stiles threw himself over Derek, knocking him back against the bed and laying on top of him to pin him to the mattress.
“You can’t take me anywhere if you can’t move,” Stiles argued weakly, his face buried in Derek’s chest.
“Stiles,” Derek started, struggling to smother his laughter. “Get off me.”
Stiles didn’t reply.
“Stiles?” Derek said, craning his neck to look at the young man’s face.
Exhaustion had got the better of him; his eyes were shut and his breathing slowed as sleep dragged him under.
Derek let out a soft sigh. He wrapped an arm around Stiles’ back and carefully shifted further onto the bed, resting his head back against the pillows. He wrapped his arms around Stiles, holding him close.
Stiles stirred slightly, shifting until he got in a more comfortable spot and nuzzling his face into the curve of Derek’s neck.
He listened to Stiles’ breathing, letting the slow rhythm put him at ease, soothing him until fatigue wore him down. His heavy eyes fluttered shut as sleep pulled him under.
“Are you are about this?” Stiles asked, somewhat hesitant.
“Yes,” Derek said softly, pulling back the blankets and sitting down on the edge of the bed. He looked up at Stiles. “Are you?”
Stiles shifted nervously.
“Yes… No... I don’t know,” Stiles replied. “I’ve never slept with anyone before.”
“Stiles, you’ve been sleeping with me since the day we met,” Derek told him.
“But I’ve never intentionally slept with someone,” Stiles admitted. “I… I don’t know what to do?”
Derek’s brows knitted together as he frowned in confusion. “You lie in bed and go to sleep like you would any other night.”
“But like, how do I lie?” Stiles asked. “Do we snuggle? Do we spoon?”
“You’re over thinking it,” Derek said softly. He reached out and tugged at the front of Stiles’ shirt, pulling him close. He wrapped his arms around Stiles’ waist and looked up into his dark eyes. “If you’re not ready, then you can sleep here and I’ll sleep in the spare room.”
“No, I want to sleep with you,” Stiles said. “I’m just…”
“Nervous?” Derek ventured.
Stiles nodded.
“Are you afraid you’re going to kick me in your sleep,” Derek said teasingly.
“I wasn’t but now I am,” Stiles panicked, squirming in Derek’s hold.
Derek held him tighter, pulling him close enough that Stiles had to kneel on the edge of the bed, straddling Derek’s lap, in order to stop them toppling over.
“If you kick me, I’ll kick you back,” Derek said as if it were a promise.
Stiles smiled softly letting out a quiet chuckle.
Derek craned his neck, bringing his lips to Stiles’ in a tender, loving kiss.
He felt the tension in Stiles’ body subside, his anxiety washing away as his hands ran up Derek’s biceps, looping around the man’s neck as he laced his fingers through Derek’s raven hair.
Derek weakened his hold around Stiles’ waist, running his hands up Stiles’ side and urging him to arch to his touch.
He tilted his head, deepening the kiss.
His hands trailed back down to Stiles’ hips.
He steadied his grip on Stiles, holding him close as he lay back against the mattress, pulling Stiles down with him.
Stiles broke away from the kiss long enough to let out a breathless chuckle.
“Is this how we’re sleeping tonight?” he said, laughing quietly.
“Uh-huh,” Derek said.
He tilted his chin up, chasing Stiles’ lips. He felt Stiles smile against his lips as he brought them back together again.
Stiles drew back slowly, clambering off Derek and laying next to him. He looked up at Derek lovingly.
Derek rolled onto his side, his pale hazel eyes shimmering in the dim light as he looked at Stiles.
“Okay, I’m not nervous anymore,” Stiles said quietly. “Well, maybe still a little.”
“Do I have to kiss you again?” Derek asked.
Stiles flashed a mischievous smile. “Is that a threat or a promise?”
The corners of Derek’s lips turned up in a smile.
Stiles glanced down.
“Can we…?” His voice trailed off.
“What?” Derek asked softly, coaxing an answer from him.
“Can we cuddle?” Stiles asked.
Derek let out a breathless chuckle.
“Always,” Derek whispered.
He shifted slightly, resting his head against the pillow and holding one arm out, inviting Stiles closer.
Stiles shuffled across the bed and lay down against Derek’s side, his head resting in the crook of the man’s shoulder and one hand laying on Derek’s chest—rising and falling with his steady breaths.
Derek wrapped his arm around Stiles’ shoulders, holding him close. He brushed the ball of his thumb against Stiles’ arm, tracing lazy circles across his pale skin.
It wasn’t long before Stiles’ eyes drifted shut, his breathing evening out as he slowly drift off to sleep.
Derek watched him for a while, a soft smile working its way onto his face.
He let his head roll forward, resting his cheek atop the tousled mess of Stiles’ chestnut-brown hair. His eyes fluttered shut as he settled into sleep.
He remembered the boy who had sat with him the night his world fell apart. Never did he think that they’d end up here, but he was glad they did.
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stetervault · 4 years
Any historical aus you can recommend?
There is a serious lack of these in the Steter fandom imo, especially ones that aren’t regency/royalty, but thankfully they do exist:
Steam Rises from the Body by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
Peter and Stiles are surgeons in a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital near the front line of the Korean War.
Hooverville by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
Town to town, train to train, tent to tent.
By 1932, the dust had begun to blow and the jobs were gone.
Anonymity was a byproduct of looking for work, which made it both necessary and convenient.
Stiles had enough secrets of his own to know to look the other way when he saw something that shouldn’t be possible.
The ghost of a tail giving enough balance to disembark a moving train.
Near silent Latin whispered on the edge of a tent encampment.
A flash of burning eyes.
He had more than enough to worry about without adding the oddities of others, and besides- having unusually sharp teeth certainly didn’t make a man worse than the ones running from the wife and kids they couldn’t feed.
So Stiles kept his observations to himself. He kept his everything to himself.
Until he met a man. One with eyes so blue they seemed to glow- and then they did.
Stiles tried to look away, but for the first time he was stopped.
“Don’t be like that sweetheart. Aren’t you curious?”
Orbital Distance by neglectedtuesday
Artemis, the capital city of the Moon, where movies are born and stars are made. The crown jewel of American cinema and simultaneously Hollywood’s biggest rival. The money may be dollars, it may be counted as the 51st state but the studios run this city, making cinema and waging war. No real bloodshed but equally cutthroat in its own way. Peter has devoured article after article about the industry, from in-depth journalism to gossip rags, desperate for every detail, every scandal, every glorious moon moment.
Wild Creatures by neglectedtuesday
The treaty is signed while Stiles is being laced into his wedding corset. Ink splatters parchment as a maid pulls the ribbons, tighter and tighter. Stiles’ breath and future are taken away, all to save a village. He is a sacrifice more than a bride. The maid assists in fixing a choker around Stiles throat. Her hands are cold despite the roaring fire in the grate. The choker is a string of blood red rubies, they reflect the firelight with a wet shine like an open wound.
Out Of The East, Never See The Sun Rise by neglectedtuesday
In the beginning, there are three absolutes.
One. Stiles is a god, forged of starlight and collapsing galaxies and he is eternal.
Two. Peter is human, fragile bone and viscous blood and he is temporary.
Three. Stiles and Peter are in love; love that claws its way inside one’s heart like fish hooks; all encompassing love that is beautiful but dangerous.
Stiles is a god. Peter is human. They love each other.
Three absolutes.
Viking Wolves do it Better by MaroonDragon
Stiles is the omega witch in the village he was born in. A gift that had been passed to him from his mother. A curse that left him an outcast amongst the people he helped heal. Until one day he no longer is. Kidnapped by the Viking Wolves of the North, he suddenly finds himself a human amongst wolves. There is one wolf in particular who is intent to woo him into staying. Stiles is really only indulging Peter until he can make his escape. There is nothing remotely interesting about the other man. Not a single thing.
Utterly Appropriate by wynnebat
There’s only one person whom Stiles would marry, and whoever has asked for her hand isn’t on that list.
Duty by ChloeWeird
A petrified omega. An ambitious alpha. A wedding night four years in the making.
Bound Fast With Love by Diablerie
It started when his grandfather assigned him to attend to the visiting professor, Peter Hale.
“Be his shadow, my boy. Take care of his smallest need before he has an opportunity to notice. It would be quite the feather in our cap if we can steal him away.”
Somehow, that brought him here: bound to a table and about to be spanked for his shoddy recitation of ancient poetry.
Bittersweet Creek by Guede
When Stiles finally steps off the westward trail to California, he’s the last of his pack. He starts building a den, but then he finds a dying man next to a burnt-down house and it turns out he’s not really much of a settler, after all.
Wolf Ranch by Guede (Poly - Stiles/Lydia/Peter/Derek/Chris)
At first glance, Beacon Hills seems like a terrible place to settle. Ruled by alpha werewolves and surrounded by a haunted forest filled with outlaws, it’s not very friendly to Eastern greenhorns. So Stiles and Lydia should fit right in.
Intemperance by Guede (Poly - Stiles/Peter/Derek/Chris/Laura)
Stiles is the one who gets pulled back to Beacon Hills by a murder.
Moonshine by Udunie
Deucalion was sitting in the corner that was reserved for special guests, with his henchmen - a pair of twins - guarding the table. He was just putting his stetson down, eyes catching Peter and widening just a fraction when he noticed Stiles. He was a good guy though, and quickly got his pokerface back in place. Nobody came to the Moonshine and insulted Peter.
“Deucalion, nice to see you,” he greeted, not acknowledging the goons who were giving Stiles the side eye. He knew they probably wanted a piece of his kitten, but thankfully were not foolish enough to try.
May the Mighty Fall by Udunie
“Oh, how the mighty have fallen,” Matt sneered, looking at Stiles with derision. “One day, the popular, orphaned son of a beloved consul, and the next a traitor to the Emperor and an enemy of Cantalupo…”
Stiles didn’t move a muscle, even though all he wanted was to leash out, to reach between the bars of his cell and strangle that little, creepy shit. He could have said a lot of things, he could have told Matt’s pompous, patrician ass that he was - in fact - not an orphan. And seriously, from where he was standing, he wasn’t even really a traitor.
Well, yes, he wanted the death of the Emperor, but he wanted the best for Cantalupo - the return of the Lupa Maxima, the city’s rightful ruler and with her, the revival of the principate.
Of course, his reasons were far from being completely patriotic.
Gerard Argent tried to have his father killed, he lived in outrageous luxury while some of his subjects starved. He didn’t give a shit about the plebs…But. Stiles couldn’t say any of that. It wasn’t the time. Not yet.
A Matter of Chance by 1001cranes (WIP)
“I’m going to offer for the Stilinski boy,” Peter announces at breakfast one morning.
Greenberg drops the entire pot of hot chocolate.
A welcome arrow by 1001cranes
The wedding is small and grim, because Stiles is being carted off to parts unknown, married to a thirty-something year old dude who wants to marry a seventeen year old dude - totally not creepy at all.
my very soul demands you by veterization
Orphan Stiles Stilinski seeks work at Hale House, an enormous, foreboding mansion in Beacon Hills run by Mr. Peter Hale, who employs him as a butler. Or: Stiles is Jane Eyre, and Peter is Mr. Rochester.
Royal A/B/O Au by charlottecjhlvr
When his father’s Kingdom and the Hale Kingdom make a treaty, Stiles is the one who has to make it work.
In Sheep’s Clothing by Twisted_Mind
“The problem is Derek,” he began.
At this, Cora merely snorted in a particularly unladylike fashion. “When isn’t it?”
Alas, it was not so simple a matter as the scrapes of the child he had once been—would that it were! “Unfortunately, in this case, Derek has engineered hardship for not only our family, but the young Miss Stilinski also.”
At the sound of the young gentlewoman’s name, Cora’s features sharpened; she leaned forward and rested one hand tenderly on Peter’s knee as she asked, “Speak plainly—what’s he done, and what must now be done to rectify the situation?”
Peter took her hand in appreciation and followed her example, without any further prevarication. “He bedded his intended, and if he had merely done so, we’d have precious little trouble on our hands, for he’s hardly the first to take his wife-to-be to bed before their union was formalized, however much you will hear other preach otherwise.”
Cora interrupted, then, as she gripped her uncle’s hand tightly. “I’m not going to enjoy what I hear next, am I?”
Temporary Claim by sunrise_and_death
Some, of course, are off limits. Queen Talia and her husband have their special favorites who join their marriage bed from time to time. Laura has several young strapping men that are hers and hers alone. Even Derek has a few favorites—the quiet ones, the sweet ones.
Peter? The Duke only has one.
Sacrificial Lamb by Bunnywest
The Alpha has a scruffy beard, unkempt hair and dazzling blue eyes. The scar on his face is raised, running down his cheek like a twisting, gnarled rope. Stiles knows that it came from the blade of Kate Argent herself, and that the Alpha got it fighting in the battle where Kate killed his lover, cutting his head clean from his neck, if the stories are to be believed.
The Alpha lets Stiles look his fill, before indicating that Stiles should take the other couch, and Stiles does so, his father’s words echoing in his ears. He can do this, can be pleasant and amenable. The lives of his people may depend on it. The Alpha spends long moments surveying him, before saying, “I like you, Stiles.”
You don’t know me, Stiles wants to blurt out, but he bites his tongue.
Goddess Below by Unloyal_Olio
Peter sneaks into the vestal temple looking for a virgin. He finds Stiles.
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ravewulf · 5 years
Fight, Fuck, Love?
They fucked as much as they fought and were just as passionate about it.
Aka an alternate take on what Derek and Peter did offscreen from episode 2x11 through to the end of the series
My (slightly late) submission for @deterweek Day 5 - Free Choice. But hey, I finally posted something again after being inactive forever :D Not beta read so let me know if I made a mistake/said something confusing/if something could be phrased better/etc. Read it on AO3 or here under the Read More.
Things were different between him and Derek after he came back from the dead. Not that the others noticed. If they had they’d assume he had started it.
They’d be wrong.
It was as they got worked up in an argument that he sensed lust mixing with anger, fear, and frustration. But he never acted on it. After what his nephew had been through, he refused to be like that bitch.
(How he wished he could have drawn out her death. Made it as agonizing as what he had felt. What his family had felt.)
Derek had made the first move. Had flung him down, crawled on top of him and waited with a heated stare. Daring him to meet half way.
Peter remembered swearing under his breath before lifting his head to crash their mouths together in a kiss that was teeth, fire, and blood.
And then Derek had fucked him into the floor.
He wouldn’t have had it any other way.
It continued from there. Fight and fuck. A cat and mouse game for dominance where they both walked away satisfied regardless of who came out on top.
Coming at blows and cumming from getting blown. Banging into objects after being hit or thrown then banging each other against every surface they’d fought on. Swiping each other with claws and with tongues. Blood, sweat, cum, and spit.
It wasn’t until Cora came back that they stopped.
What a mistake that turned out to be.
Being an alpha had put a huge target on Derek’s back when he was still trying to get his feet under himself to stabilize their pack. Or what was left of it, anyway. He could’ve kicked himself for his own negligence in not monitoring his nephew as closely as he should’ve.
He took great pleasure in killing the Darach and made sure she could never come back.
Derek’s eyes were blue again, like his own, but couldn’t help but feel there was still potential there. Certainly more than the newly christened “True Alpha.” They didn’t see eye to eye on the matter but he’d hoped his sister might’ve been able to impart a bit of wisdom in her son when he sunk her claws into the back of his neck.
He also hoped his nephew had the sense not to mention what they did in the dark. Born werewolves having laxer taboos than humans didn’t change the fact that his sister had always been an interfering judgmental pain in his ass.
It was particularly important as he and Derek had spent quite a lot of time getting reacquainted with each other after dropping Cora off and he had no desire to stop. There was a lot less fighting this time around other than petty tit for tat arguments.
In fact, with the one exception of Stiles getting possessed (one of the few people he and Derek both considered to be as good as pack), things were going quite decently as far as he was concerned.
At least until that bitch came back and kidnapped his nephew.
He knew within hours of it happening and worked behind the scenes to get him back. It was infuriating to watch the “True Alpha” bumble his way through everything and claim all the credit but he’d get his comeuppance eventually. He’d make sure of it.
Getting Derek back to his proper age and losing $117 million of his savings in one go was a frustrating experience. He’d saved that specific amount in reference to Derek’s birthday. Sue him for being sentimental when he was younger.
Well, for what money he had left in his other accounts anyway.
Derek was in a touchy mood and it made it clear with a snarl. And yellow eyes. Yellow.
He was back to his normal age but his powers were fading.
They fucked to take the edge off their frustrations but were left uneasy.
He didn’t like giving out more of their funds to mercenaries when he’d just been robbed by one. Especially when could do a better job than Braeden at tracking Kate and wheedling inside information from her. It had been part of his role in the pack before but Derek insisted they have extra help.
He grudgingly let Derek have a couple weeks with Braeden to “train” to protect himself without his powers. If it kept him her on their side and helped his nephew get over Kate, then fine. But if she hurt him she’d go the same way as the others.
He did not take kindly to those that hurt his pack.
Everything in his world froze when Derek was stabbed by a berserker. He longed to stay by his nephew and lover’s side. Derek was insistent and Peter knew they couldn’t speak freely in front of the others. He reluctantly turned away to “help” Scott.
With Derek dying there wasn’t much to hold him back when his plan to force to Scott kill Kate went awry. He would teach the brat the necessity of killing to protect your pack from threats even if it meant becoming that threat himself.
Coming back from the dead worked the first time when he tested Derek. Who’s to say he couldn’t pull it off again?
He woke up in a cell in Eichen.
Not the afterlife but given who he was stuck with this wasn’t much better.
He did find out that Derek had survived too. Not that he’d saved him from this prison or come to visit as far as he knew. Maybe Derek thought he deserved it for working with Kate? He hadn’t told anyone he was double crossing her but he thought Derek would’ve known. Would’ve seen through to his motives.
Maybe he did deserve being here anyway. He couldn’t argue that he’d done quite enough damage already.
Months passed. More than six at the very least. Maybe nine? He couldn’t tell as they blurred together but finally, finally he saw an opportunity and took it.
To hell with McCall and his ragtag pack. They didn’t deserve his protection.
He fully intended to leave and find Derek, wherever he had got to. But then…
It was like being snapped out of a daydream as Stiles woke him and it took a few moments to clear his mind of the stifling fog of compliance that permeated the area.
The Wild Hunt.
As dire as the situation was, it was a relief to know his nephew was away and safe from being taken by the ghost riders. More than that, he swelled with pride when Stiles said Derek had left almost immediately after Mexico to hunt down Kate before the trail went cold. He’d taught him well.
He only wished Derek had taken him along.
More than once he thought he saw Derek out of the corner of his eye. It was only someone who looked like Derek but he still checked every time.
Derek probably didn’t know he’d ever existed.
The only chance at fixing this was with Stiles’s friends recognizing something was wrong, to force them to remember. He could not hide that the prospect of what it would take to get out of this liminal space terrified him.
Although, taking a token of Stiles’ might protect him from being outright disintegrated as well as helping the others remember. There was no doubt, not after seeing Stiles get cell service in the middle of nowhere, that the boy’s powers had awoken.
Being burned alive was just as agonizing as it had been the first two times.
The bedside manner of the nurse tending to him could also use improvement.
But with the Hunt diverted and Stiles returned within short order, he turned to keeping his ear to the ground for news of Derek.
It wasn’t exactly difficult, not when the main topic in the supernatural gossip chain was a werewolf with the rare ability to transform into a real wolf tracking down a hunter who had decimated dozens of families.
What did take a bit of work was finding out that the FBI was looking for Derek thanks to Kate pinning the murders on him. His informant was able to pull a few strings and arrange an extraction plan in the event that Derek did fall into their hands.
Several months later they were having their own hunter problems in Beacon Hills. Some sort of fear monster was loose and Gerard was taking full advantage of the situation to recruit a sizable chunk of the town.
Predictably, Scott was resistant to even the most basic and least violent ways of neutralizing the hunters. According to the “True Alpha,” locking up werewolves for thinking he wasn’t an effective leader was fine but not humans who were actively committing genocide against the supernatural.
And on top of that they blew up his rare, and very expensive, Shelby 1000 Cobra Mustang. At least he had a spare given Malia hadn’t been interested. How she could be a Hale and not like muscle cars was beyond him. Derek certainly knew how to appreciate a good muscle car.
Speaking of his nephew, he showed up with Stiles just in time for the big fight. They had contradictory stories of how they got away from the FBI and neither story was completely true. No doubt he’d be hearing about whatever it was they got up to for the next few weeks. At the same time he couldn’t say he really minded.
He did mind the level of friendliness Derek was showing Scott. It didn’t ring as truthful though he suspected none of the others sensed it. He knew his nephew too well not to know something was up and filed that interesting bit of info away to revisit later. They had more immediate concerns.
Facing Anuk-ite was not pleasant. The less said about the experience, the better.
On the other hand, breaking out of a stone shell to beat up a hunter was a very nice highlight. Finding that Kate and Gerard had finished each other was also quite satisfying even if he hadn’t been able to get in his own parting shots.He didn’t hang around and chased down a few more hunters before they could all get away.
The others were still inside doing who knows what when Derek joined him outside in the shadows, leaning into his space. He could tell Anuke-ite had left its mark on him as well and pulled Derek into an embrace, leaning their foreheads together. Aside from generally being nice, it helped settle their nerves. Proof they were still here and with each other.
Derek kissed him but without the usual fiery passion. Instead of the fight-and-fuck they had started with, it was tender and slow. It held meaning that he wasn’t prepared to voice yet.
There was plenty that they needed to discuss with Monroe and her hunters on the loose, the lack of true leadership from the “True Alpha,” and most importantly about their relationship. They needed to talk, really talk, about the issues between them if they were going to take this further.
But it could all wait until morning. Right now there wasn’t anything more he wanted than to curl up with Derek and sleep.
And that’s exactly what they did.
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getsterekt · 7 years
in honor of gaining another hundred followers on my twitter account @getsterREKT heres another rec list. 
This will just be made up of lots and lots of different types of fics. Make sure to read the warnings for each fic before reading. 
(fics with ** are favorites)
It Takes A Village by  Hypocorismm
Stiles's used to yogurt handprints on his shirts from where he picked her up, and he's used to snot on his shoulders and neck from where she cried after a bad dream. He's used to her legendary tantrums when she doesn't get her way, her eyes glowing ferocious gold. He's used to being the village it takes to raise her, and the pack she longs for.
Except, he needs the pack's help, and Derek's protection when a particularly power-hungry pack wants his cub. And he isn't used to sharing.
WORDS: 49227
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: angst, kidnapping, mpreg.
Night Stroll by  Marishna
"Is it night there?"
Derek chuckled. "Yeah, it is. How do you know where I am?"
"I don't, that's why it's weird it's night. That puts you in... Europe?" Stiles asked after some quick math.
Derek raised an eyebrow. "Spain. You haven't lost that..." Derek waved his hand. "Stileness."
WORDS: 3276
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: derek has insomnia??? is that a warning??? idk
****Prince Among Wolves by  tylerfucklin (Deshonanana)
Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable. 
WORDS: 101,000
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: mild transphobia, derek learns acceptance, broken family, so much angst
Walking Into Darkness by  alenie
Derek hears Stiles before he sees him. There's anxious, wheezy breathing coming from the next aisle over in the grocery store, accompanied by a racing heart and the smell of unwashed sneakers and hair gel. He turns the corner and Stiles is standing frozen in the dairy aisle, knuckles clenched around the metal of his shopping basket.
WORDS: 6342
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: panic attacks, anxiety, depression, post 3b, pre-sterek relationship 
****Ashes, Ashes by  ShanaStoryteller
The Sheriff gets a call at work - someone's tried to burn down his home with his son inside.
"I thought of you coming here, and finding me dead, of another burnt out husk of a body, something else fire has stolen from you, of you having nothing left to grasp but ashes," John can't even call that a whimper, it's clearly a whine as Derek's hands tighten against Stile's hips, as if his boy will shudder to dust at the mere mention of the possibility unless Derek's hands can hold him into one piece, "and that thought was worse than dying."
WORDS: 2699
RATING: Teen And Up
WARNINGS: so much angst, stiles nearly burns to death
Just Realize What I Just Realized by  literaryoblivion
He’s never noticed it before; it’s always just been second nature to him these days, does it out of habit, but it’s not until he stops to actually think about it that it becomes abundantly and embarrassingly clear to him that he is in love with Stiles and that they are practically dating without the actual dating part…
WORDS: 2529
RATING: Teen And Up
WARNINGS: a lil angst, (but mostly fluff)
The Potential Fatality of Assuming by  crossroadswrite
The hair, the buttons and the general happy and slightly tired disposition with which Derek came back from his secret exploits were as obvious as a glaring neon sign flashing the words JUST GOT LAID.
A sign that Stiles ignored because he had a seven year plan god damn it.
(OR: in which Stiles assumes things, gets accosted by the sister he never/always wanted, discovers he was horribly wrong, almost dies via Derek Hale with kids, can't handle all that collarbone action, uses tickling as the ultimate mode of revenge, and gets a boyfriend. In that order.)
WORDS: 2196
RATING: General
WARNINGS: misunderstandings, because stiles is dumb, lots of pining
****If I Could Trade Mistakes For Sheep, Count Me Away Before You Sleep by  alisaj
"Thing is, Stiles," Derek says, his voice hard and unfaltering. "I didn't sign up for you. You just hung around until we got used to you being here."
That stings. He hadn't realised how Derek feels about him. They've been getting on quite well, teaming up on little missions and bantering back and forth without malice. Stiles sometimes lets Derek crash in his room after a big fight, trying not to let on how intriguing he finds the werewolf.
"Well now we can get used to you not being here. You're a liability, Stilinski. You can't protect yourself and we always end up having to help you when we've got more important things to do. You're out of the pack."
The one where Derek is a terrible Alpha and Stiles ends up walking into a big pile of shit.
WORDS: 33,383
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: stiles gets kicked out of the pack, derek is stupid, like, so stupid, stiles gets hurt, theres so much angst in this like wtf, stiles is sad, the pack sucks
Sour Kush (series) by alisvolatpropiis
Stiles mentally curses Erica, because in all of her warnings about how brusque this guy could be, she forgot mention that he’s also hotter than the fucking sun. If Stiles had any lingering questions about his sexuality, they’d be completely settled by what this guy is doing to him. In fact, he might not even be gay anymore. He might be in the midst of crossing into some yet-to-be-named sexuality that’s all about a scruffy black beard and alarming green eyes and muscles and tattoos and this guy’s everything ever.
The guy’s name is Derek, his lust-addled brain supplies distantly.
Well that settles it, then. Stiles is Dereksexual.
COMPLETE: it says no but they havent updated in like over 2 years so im guessing its done
WORDS: 15,392
RATING: Explict 
WARNINGS: everyone is stoned all the time, also in work 2 stiles is hurt because he thinks derek is getting it on with parrish, they’re dumb, age difference, derek has a beardddd 
I Just Want You For My Own (More Than You Could Ever Know) by  yodasyoyo
“What is with that sweater, dude?”
Derek ducks his head to look at it, abashed. “Uh- Mrs Hernandez knitted it for me. It’s an early Christmas gift.” He smooths it down self-consciously.
Stiles cocks an eyebrow.
“What? She’s my neighbor and sometimes I-” Derek trails off. Stiles’ other eyebrow rises to join the first, and Derek sighs. “Sometimes I help her carry her shopping.”
Of course he does. One day maybe Stiles will stop being in love with Derek Hale, but today is not that day.
WORDS: 16,065
RATING: Teen And Up
WARNINGS: pining, fake relationships, they’re both idiots. 
Baby You’re Beautiful by  supernaynay
“God you’re beautiful.”
Derek hadn’t even realized that the words had left his mouth until the whole room went silent, including Stiles, who until about five seconds earlier was busy yelling at him for putting himself in danger yet again.
WORDS: 1089
RATING: General
WARNINGS: derek is hit with a truth spell
****(Sacred) In The Ordinary by  idyll
The Pack, after college, graduate school and the starting of careers, comes back to Beacon Hills. Nothing's gotten less complicated after all this time.
Based on a kink meme prompt that grew legs and got serious.
Note: This is a whole lot of pack!fic with a very slow build Derek/Stiles.
WORDS: 78,759
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: violence, slow build
Cause I Built a Home (For You, For Me) by  noneedforhystereks
Mechanic!Derek and Daddy!Stiles
Derek Hale is a mechanic in the sleepy town of Beacon Hills, where he has lived all of his life. He spends his day in a simple routine: wake up, fix cars, go home, sleep. It's what he's good at, and it keeps things simple and uncomplicated. Derek doesn't let people in and remains emotionally distant from everyone except his sister, Laura, and her daughter. This all changes when Boyd tows in an old blue Jeep that needs a lot of work and Derek meets the owner of said Jeep.
Because once Derek meets Stiles and his kids, he can't stop himself from caring. And he doesn't want to stop.
WORDS: 59,719
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: angst, pining, emotional hurt, stiles has a lot of baggage. 
Waiting For Our Superman by  tearsandholdme
Derek knew the moment he opened the front door of his clean and pristine apartment to Stiles Stilinski holding a small boy, a cluster of bags, and a suitcase, he was screwed. In every way possible. Undone by the big brown eyes of a small child and his annoying, witty, and attractive father.
WORDS: 95,240
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: angst, mpreg, emotional hurt, overprotective derek
Adding You to My Future by  NekoIzumi
“So, I'm Stiles.” he smiled warmly once he had put his unannounced patient down on the exam table. “I will poke and prod you a little bit to check for internal injuries, those that I can’t see because they're inside you, and some of it might hurt but it will pass, I promise. I will tell you everything I'm about to do and why I'm doing it so just stay calm and this will go like a breeze, okay?”
Now, Stiles wasn’t stupid in any way, shape or form, he knew a were when he saw one… although he had obviously never seen a werecat before, and definitely not one as young as this one.
WORDS: 42,252
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: violence, like, lots of violence, slow build, gore, emotional comfort, bamf stiles
Stars Plummet: a Christmas Story by  Peckishdragon
When Stiles left Beacon Hills, he never thought he would be coming back. Eight years later, he is coming home for Christmas, with a small passenger in tow. Old feelings, never forgotten, are rekindled.
WORDS: 11,589
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: a lil violence, like a tiny bit, 
All They Have by  Nival_Vixen
Single dads AU where Derek and Stiles meet because Derek’s daughter and Stiles’ trans son become friends at school.
WORDS: 4004
RATING: Teen And Up
WARNINGS: trans child, which leads to ignorant adults being ugly fucks, protective derek 
love comes in all shapes and sizes by  trilliastra
“Daddy says that when I’m in trouble I should get the police because they always help us. You’re going to help me, right?” Stiles smiles at her, happy that today he decided to stop by the grocery store to buy milk after his shift instead of going straight home. At least now he’s able to help the little girl, who knows what would have happened to her if he weren’t around.
“Of course I will.” He smiles again. “What’s your name?”
“Rebecca Hale.” She answers proudly. “My daddy is Derek Hale.”
WORDS: 2207
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: kate argent
When You Wish Upon a Dragon by  lupinus
Stiles is at the Hale house, lounging on the front stoop watching Isaac, Erica, and Boyd wrestle, when the baby comes running out of the woods. Derek becomes instant father to a magically appearing baby and falls in love. Stiles can’t take the cute and worries Derek’s heart will break if he loses the kid. 
or, a dragon gives derek a baby, stiles is oblivious, steve just loves his bright pink rocking unicorn and his da and ma 
WORDS: 13,739
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: none, but so much fluff
****Lucky That I’m Yours Every Day by  stilinskisparkles
Derek doesn't see how Valentine's Day can get any better than a normal day with Stiles.
WORDS: 6772
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: fluff. just. all the fluff. its disgusting how fluffy it is really.
Relationship Status: It’s Complicated by  kellifer_fic
Okay, I know this is a huge stretch for you, but can you please pretend you're like, into me?
WORDS: 4010
RATING: Mature
WARNING: mentioned stiles/omc 
***************Shot Through The Heart by  LunaCanisLupus_22
All they've given him is the guy’s head shot. And it’s terrible because now he is ridding the world of one more ridiculously attractive, instant pants dropping- take me now, if you please- regulation hottie.
Even if he has a scowl to rival Kirsten Stewart.
Or the one when Stiles and Derek work for rival assassin companies and are sent to kill each other. It definitely doesn't go as planned.
WORDS: 64,833
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: so much violence, they literally try to kill eachother, enemies to lovers pretty much
will to follow through by  owlpostagain
“It depends entirely on how you look at it, I guess,” Stiles shrugs. “On the one hand, instant healing and the apparently inherited ability to pull off leather at all times. On the other, serious attitude problems and a suspicious disappearance of eyebrows.”
“Even Derek’s?” Danny snorts, “that’s a lot of eyebrow to lose.”
“I know,” Stiles agrees. “You should see, it’s so weird. Every time I want to ask him where they go, except he’d totally eat my face off.”
“There are worse ways to die.”
WORDS: 42,411
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: angst, mentions of violence, 
Professor D. Hale (series) by  har1ey_quinn
A series of outsider POVs on Professor Hale and his significant other (with some guest appearances from the pack)
COMPLETE: possibly
WORDS: 18,008
RATING: Teen and Up
go on without me!!!! (or the one where stiles is cursed by witches and overreacts to everything) by  day
Stiles is cursed by witches and he can't react like a normal human being. Scott is a terrible best friend and can't stop laughing. Derek just wants it all to be over.
WORDS: 1396
RATING: General
******For My Next Trick, I'll Regret All of My Life Choices: a performance by Derek Hale and 80% of his eyebrows by  crossroadswrite
(978): I woke up missing my shoes and my left eyebrow. MY. EYEBROW. . “What’s wrong with my eyebrows?”
Kira gives him a sympathetic look, and climbs up to sit next to him, “You kind of… don’t have one.”
“I what!” he shouts, wincing at the volume of his own voice.
Kira pats him on the shoulder and shoves a piece of toast in his hand.
“It’s not that bad,” she tries to console him with a smile, then glances up at his left eyebrow and winces, “It could definitely be worse. It’s not all gone. Just. Half of it.”
Derek considers crying into his orange juice but decides that would be a waste and because his mother taught him how to be a good guest he opts to drink it instead.
WORDS: 2566
RATING: Teen and Up
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