#delhi colleges
shinchanfanamit · 24 days
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collegenewses · 1 year
Best Online MBA in India
Don't settle for a standard MBA program when you can have the best online MBA in India. This dynamic and transformative program features innovative course options, exceptional faculty, and an online format that lets you learn from anywhere, at any time. Whether you're looking to boost your credibility, earn a higher salary, or take your career to the next level, this MBA is the ideal choice for you. 
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collegesearch · 2 years
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Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology (MAIT), Delhi
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thisis-matilda · 1 month
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Guess who's here? ✨
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shunrehihosumedha · 28 days
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The Beauty of Indraprastha College for Women, Delhi University
By Sumedha Chatterjee, Batch 2023
In the heart of Delhi, where dreams bloom, and beauty is woven.
Amidst the dust of its ancient walls, I found myself, in these cultural halls.
I am a woman now, proud and wise, embracing my roots, reaching the skies.
In the midst of tradition and lore, I found myself wanting more.
This place is full of grace, where I found my cultural space.
In this dirt and beauty interlinked, I found my true self, and my wisdom to shine.
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manisha999 · 3 months
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता के अनुसार ॐ नमः शिवाय मंत्र से मोक्ष नहीं हो सकता।
तो अवश्य जानें वह कौन सा मंत्र है जिससे मोक्ष मिल सकता है।
पढ़ें पुस्तक "ज्ञान - गगा"
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jugaad-student · 8 days
Hello! Welcome to my productivity blog (with random shitposting).
I'm currently in the last semester of my undergraduate physics degree. My finals are ongoing and I'll be done with my degree by the end of this week. :)
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idllyastuff · 10 months
It's a pretty good college, my mother did her graduation from here and she's so happy for me right now. And moreover I got English hons (my desired course, so happy seeing my mothers reaction, right now.
Gonna join from 16th!! Officially a delhi university gal.
Still gonna wait for the 3rd list tho, might get more upgradation.
Thank you kanha!
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sumedhaaaaaaaaaa · 22 days
Though my judgement has changed I just miss college lol
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suvarnarekha · 10 months
dilli, dil, dhakkebaazi ♡
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soujjwalsays · 6 months
Late fall/early winters? 🍂
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Idk what you call this in your town, but for Delhi it's still halki halki thand, where you're confused between sweaters/shirts/jackets etc. ;)
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mallushaayara · 1 year
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shifa50 · 1 month
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A Comprehensive Guide to Mushroom Benefits in Diseases
Mushrooms, often celebrated for their rich umami flavor and culinary versatility, have also long been revered for their medicinal properties. From traditional Chinese medicine to modern-day scientific research, mushrooms have been hailed for their potential in preventing and treating various diseases. In this blog, we'll delve into the fascinating world of mushroom benefits, exploring how these fungi can offer therapeutic support for a range of health conditions.
1. Immune Support:
One of the most well-known benefits of mushrooms is their ability to boost the immune system. Certain mushrooms, such as reishi, shiitake, and maitake, contain compounds that stimulate the production of immune cells, enhancing the body's ability to fight off infections and diseases. Beta-glucans, polysaccharides found in mushrooms, play a crucial role in modulating immune function, making mushrooms a valuable ally in maintaining overall health and resilience.
2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:
Chronic inflammation is implicated in various diseases, including arthritis, heart disease, and certain cancers. Mushrooms contain bioactive compounds, such as ergothioneine and phenolic compounds, which exhibit anti-inflammatory effects. Incorporating mushrooms into your diet can help reduce inflammation and mitigate the risk of developing inflammatory-related conditions.
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3. Cardiovascular Health:
Studies have suggested that certain mushrooms, like shiitake and oyster mushrooms, may have positive effects on heart health. Components found in mushrooms, such as beta-glucans and antioxidants, can help lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure, and improve circulation. By promoting cardiovascular health, mushrooms contribute to overall well-being and longevity.
4. Antioxidant Activity:
Mushrooms are rich in antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals and protect cells from oxidative stress. The presence of compounds like selenium, vitamin C, and glutathione in mushrooms confers potent antioxidant properties, which can help prevent cellular damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.
5. Diabetes Management:
For individuals with diabetes, incorporating certain types of mushrooms into their diet may offer therapeutic benefits. Research suggests that mushrooms like white button mushrooms and king oyster mushrooms may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Additionally, the low-calorie and high-fiber content of mushrooms make them a nutritious option for those managing diabetes or seeking to prevent its onset.
6. Cognitive Function:
As we age, maintaining cognitive function becomes increasingly important. Certain mushrooms, such as lion's mane and cordyceps, have been studied for their potential neuroprotective effects. Compounds found in these mushrooms may promote the growth of brain cells, enhance cognitive function, and protect against age-related cognitive decline. Including mushrooms in your diet may support brain health and optimize mental performance.
From boosting immune function to supporting heart health and cognitive function, the therapeutic potential of mushrooms is vast and diverse. Incorporating a variety of mushrooms into your diet can provide a wide array of health benefits, helping to prevent and manage various diseases. Whether enjoyed in culinary creations
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iftitah · 1 year
phrases my roommate has used in past half an hour over six million times on a video call to her family
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thisis-matilda · 2 months
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"you can take the girl out of the red walls
But not the red walls out of the girl"
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manisha999 · 4 months
___सत् भक्ति संदेश___🪴
भद्र पुरुषों, सगे यानी रिश्तेदारों, कुटम्ब यानी परिवारजनों तथा हितु यानी आपके हितैषियों का आपके द्वार पर आना हो तो कभी अनादर नहीं करना चाहिए। सबका भाव रखना चाहिए।
जगतगुरु तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज
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