#dave england oneshot
knoxvillesjackass · 1 year
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𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦; 𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ..
words; 1.253
“Are you bored?” Johnny asked. He leaned his muscular arm over my chair and pulled the chair closer to him.
“No, not at all,” I smiled. Johhny turned his head. He saw right through me. He always did.
“You’re lying to me,” Johnny spat.
My breath hitched as I felt his eyes burning into my soul.
“You know I don’t like it when you lie to me, babe.”
Johnny breathed against my neck and placed a small peck on my jawline.
It was Ryan's birthday. Johnny and I had been invited to his house for what I'd expected to be a small get-together with friends, which had instead turned out to be a massive feast.
A big, square table was placed in the middle of the living room. Nearly 60 people were gathered around it, talking and having fun.
Yet, Johnny had seemed to notice my dull mood increasing as the evening had gone by.
“What’s wrong? Tell me,” Johnny asked, almost as an order.
I turned in my chair and faced him. He was, as usual looking gorgeous.
I brushed away a strand of hair from his face.
“It’s just the people, I don’t know anyone here,” I frowned.
Though Johnny and I weren't a new couple — we'd been together for almost five years— I still felt like a complete outsider at social gatherings such as this one.
My social skills were disastrous, not to mention the feeling of regret I felt every time I opened my mouth.
“You’re babbling. You know almost everyone here,” Johnny said.
I huffed and raised my eyebrow.
“No, you know everyone here. I’m just the puppet, that people feel like they have to know to get closer to Mr Knoxville,” I spat irritated, and rolled my eyes.
My exhaustion was getting the best of me.
I could feel Johnny tense up at my minor outburst.
I turned my face away from Johnny and looked straight into the thin air.
Johnny sighed deeply while removing his arm from around my chair.
He took a sip of his beer. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you tonight, but you seriously need to quit it,” Johnny commanded sharply, just loudly enough for me to hear it.
I chuckled at his order. Johnny had always been good at putting me in my place if I were to step out of line. Yet, my temper didn’t always agree with him.
“Alright, I’ll remember that dad,” I grinned sarcastically, not taking his shit for one second. “Look at me,” Johnny ordered. I took a sip of Johnny's beer, snatching it out of his hands, neglecting his command. “Hey! I said look at me,” Johnny spat under his breath, taking his beer back. He grabbed my wrist from under the table to get my attention, but I was quick enough to snatch it out of his grip.
I heard him softly chuckle out of rage. Suddenly, I felt Johnny's long fingers run across my exposed thigh underneath the table. I gasped slightly at Johnny's touch.
“Where did this behaviour come from? Hmm?” Johnny questioned smirking. His voice had softened up a bit, though a tint of anger still hung in his tone. I was too busy focusing on not reacting to Johnny's tight grip on my upper thigh to say anything.
“Mute, are we?” Johnny asked and slid his hand further down my thigh. “Johnny, quit it,” I shrieked quietly and smacked his hand off my thigh. He growled at my rejection of his touch.
“When we get home, I’m going to fuck you so hard, that you’ll wish you never behaved the way you just did,” Johnny whispered.
Oh, the desperation in his voice was almost comedic.
His hand again found its way between my legs, firmly holding onto my inner thigh. His touch sent chills down my spine. Johnny enjoyed the power. He dwelled on it.
He adored seeing me like that. I was fragile in his grip.
My blood rushed to my cheeks as Johnny's fingers slipped under my short dress and pulled my panties to the side.
“Johnny, please," I whimpered pathetically, trying my hardest to not draw any attention to the two of us.
I looked him directly in the eye, surprised to see him acting as if nothing was going on, yet there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.
I accidentally let out a loud yelp as Johnny's fingers started rubbing circles on my clit.
“Are you alright?” A guy sitting before me asked. Johnny chuckled slightly at the man’s question.
“Yeah Y/N, are you alright? You look a bit flushed,” Johnny noted as I passed him a peeved look.
“I think I’ve just had a bit too much to drink,” I said politely.
The man nodded and returned to his conversation.
“I’ve had enough of this, I want to leave” I stated and once and for all removed Johnny's hand from my heat.
Johnny drove the car back home. It was silent. Once in a while, he passed me a glance, but he knew damn well, that I was too frustrated, sexually, to even think straight.
“I fucking hate you for what you did tonight.” I spat, breaking the silence. The words felt like acid in my mouth.
“Oh, you’ll get over it,” Johnny said, his eyes focused on the road.
I scoffed at his words, but then, all of a sudden, an idea popped into my head. A horrible one at that, but one that was well deserved.
I looked at Johnny, smirking devilishly. He glanced at me confused, but quickly returned his attention to the road.
Slowly and carefully, I placed my hand on his lap. Immediately, I felt his body tense up.
“Y/N,” Johhny hissed, a warning undertone evident in his deep voice.
“What?” I asked innocently, trailing my hand upwards and gently brushing his cock. I could feel him getting hard through the fabric of his jeans.
Johnny let out a faint grunt as I slowly unzipped his pants. His hand grabbed the steering wheel so tightly, that it made his knuckles go white. His jaw clenched and the frustration building up inside of him was only getting stronger by the second, it made him look weak and helpless, to my satisfaction.
After palming him through his boxers, I unzipped his pants and skimmed my hands right where his boxers met his skin until I was sure, that he was completely hard. I teased him for a while, never quite dipping my hand in far enough to grasp him until he was practically begging for it.
“Please, Y/N."
I chuckled internally at how smoothly my plan was going, watching in amusement as Johnny bit his lower lip and let out a loud groan.
"Please what, Johnny?” I asked, unable to control myself, chuckling at how desperate he looked.
Johnny's head snapped in my direction. He grabbed my wrist before pulling down his boxers himself, “Just touch me already."
I couldn’t help but admit how hot that was.
Though just watching him in his state, had made me want him to fuck me right then and there, I wanted him to feel the same disappointment.
A couple of strokes were all before I quickly retrieved my hand from his standing cock.
"What the fuck?” Johnny asked disappointed. A small smirk found its way to my lips as I looked at Johnny, who showed nothing but disappointment.
“Oh, you just wait,” Johnny said with a smirk displayed on his lips.
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riotcontrolmargera · 2 years
i was wondering if u could do something with dunn. i was thinking fem reader and it having to do with lots of dirty talk 🫣
dirty talk - ryan dunn x reader
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female reader. requested.
note: absolutely i can do smthn with dunn ♡
warning: nsfw. very light dom & sub dynamics, if you squint, you might see it. oral (f receiving), masturbation (f), sex, overstimulation, dirty talk.
you and ryan had been together for years but anyone who didn't know you two would probably assume that you two were new lovers, as it seemed the honeymoon phase had never ended. there was so much love between you two and everyone could see it. you two were inseparable, two birds of a feather - you recalled knox describing your relationship. it was no secret that you two were all over each other whenever you got the chance to be. the flame between you two never seemed to dim, no matter how much time passed.
whenever you visited him on set and he wasn't doing a stunt, he was right there besides you with his arms around you - and that's exactly the position that you two were in now. he was standing behind you with his arms fastened around your shoulders as you both watched on as johnny did a stunt with bulls.
you were shivering moments prior since it was quite cold out and the breeze was relentlessly hitting the little skin that was exposed on your body but you felt much warmer in his arms. you knew that filming was close to ending for the day so you turned your head to speak to him. "what do you wanna do when we get home?" you asked him in a quiet tone, being careful to not ruin the shot with your chatting. he pressed a couple of kisses to your cheek, the rough hair of his beard tickling against your cheek causing you to giggle. "i can think of a couple things..." he muttered into your ear so that you were the only one to hear it.
"like what, ry?" you asked him, only imagining what he could possibly mean by that. his arms around your shoulders tightened a little to give you a gentle squeeze. "i want to kiss every little inch of your body." he whispered in your ear in a sultry tone, as soon as you heard it, you could feel your body tingle. it was no chore for ryan to turn you on, or at least, start to get your motor humming. "every inch?" you questioned.
to which he nodded his head and you heard him let out a soft and breathy chuckle. "every inch. i can't wait to get you home, im getting hard just thinking about it." he mused to which you give him a gentle slap to his bicep - feeling your cheeks heat up at his choice of words. you knew that he wasn't exaggerating either as you could feel something poking into your back. "damn it, dunn!" you couldn't help but quietly laugh.
you spent the rest of the time trying to focus on knoxvilles stunt, trying to refrain from thinking about what you and ryan would be doing as soon as you both got home- but that proved to be quite the challenge.
soon - but not soon enough - knox was finished with his stunt and filming wrapped up for the day, after packing everything up for the day; you and ryan went to say your 'goodbye's and 'see you tomorrow's to the boys and the crew. it felt like forever as you were waiting for ryan to finish talking with the boys, you had already made sure to say goodbye to all of them but ryan was definitely taking his god damn time with it. you were sure that he was only doordling to torture you and you hated him in the moment for it. admittedly, you were getting impatient as all you wanted to do was get him home so that you could rip his pants off.
you saw him looking at you, chuckling slightly. you hadn't realised that you were wearing your impatience and discontent on your face as you stood around and waiting for the conversation to end. "alright guys, we will see ya all tomorrow." he finally said and you felt some sense of relief. you waved a goodbye before walking to ryans car, hand in hand with him. you moved into the passenger seat and he moved into the driver's, turning on the engine before he started driving towards your shared home.
he kept one hand on the steering wheel of his car, the other hand took its place on your inner thigh. you took a breath in, feeling the warmth of his hand seep through the fabric of your ratty blue jeans. "i love how flustered you get. it's so fucking hot." he told you as his thumb started to rub circles on your thigh, his hand crept up your thigh - getting closer to your core. "i want you to touch yourself until we get home." he told you but it seemed like more of an order.
immediately, your hands came to the belt you were wearing to keep your baggy jeans up - undoing the buckle quickly. the button to your jeans was then quickly undone, you positioned yourself so that you were watching him the entire time. your hand sliding underneath the fabric of the panties you were wearing. you let out a shuddered breath as your cold fingers tips came into contact with your sensitive clit, "fuck, im so wet." you breathed out before starting to move your fingers in a circular motion.
your mind was racing with all the potential scenarios that could play out once you and ryan got home - there was always some excitement about having sex with ryan, for one, you knew that it was going to be good. secondly, you and him were always looking for something new to try and often times, its a spur of the moment idea.
you sucked in a breath before letting out a quiet string of pleasured noises, wanting to let him know much you needed him in that moment. "fuck ryan..." you whimpered out, keeping your eyes on him. he glanced over every so often. your head lulled back against the seat, looking at him through lidded eyes, sliding your fingers down to meet your entrance before sliding the two fingers inside of you. "you sound so fucking sexy, christ." he groaned, trying to focus in driving and not the ache in his jeans.
for several minutes you altered between fingering yourself and paying attention to your clit, making sure to make as many of those pretty noises for him. as soon as he pulled into the driveway, you removed the hand from your pants as he stopped the car and removed the keys from the ignition. you used your other hand to grab his face to turn his head towards you - moving your coated fingers to his lips, to which he promptly took them into his mouth and sucked them clean. he let out a groan. "i can't wait to get inside and have my way with you." he told you in a sultry tone.
once you both raced to get inside, he shut the door behind him and pulled you into him - before you could do anything, he was kissing you with such intensity and passion. you could feel his hot and heavy breaths as well as the prickle of his beard. your hands came to the collar of his shirt, gripping the fabric in the balls of your hands as you both started blindly navigating the house to find a surface - preferably a bed... but neither of you made it that far.
the next thing that you knew was that he was lifting you with such ease onto the pool table that occupied the dining room, he never broke the kiss and you didn't want him too - his hands pushed the unopened bills and the balls to the side, you could hear the clinking of the balls hitting each other and the sides of the table. your hands came down to the hem of his shirt, pulling up until it reached his chest and it was only then that the kiss broke. you removed his shirt and tossed it to the ground, only briefly looking at his naked torso before your vision was obscured by your own shirt coming up.
you lifted your arms as he removed it, tossing it to the side much like you did with his. "fuck, i will never get enough of looking at you." he breathed in before leaning to kiss your neck before moving down further your body. you let out a breathless giggle as the coarse beard hairs tickled your bare skin. his hands pulled down your already undone jeans, your underwear going down with it as you lifted your bum up to help him get the garments off easier.
as soon as they were off and onto the floor, you watched as ryan moved onto his knees in front of you and you instinctively spread your legs for him until he positioned them over his shoulders- starting to kiss and suck at the skin of your inner thighs. "christ, baby, you're so fucking sexy." he muttered against your skin. you shivered as you felt his hot breath hit your sensitive core.
you kept your eyes on him, finding the sight of him between your legs extremely erotic - if you had a camera on you, you'd be tempted to take a picture and make sure the memory lasted a life time.
as soon as his mouth comes into contact with your pussy - you knew that it was game over - ryan loved giving head and he was relentless when it came to it. it was equally for your pleasure and for his. his tongue moved between your folds a couple times, lapping up your juices like his life was dependent on it - low boyish groans of pleasure came from his lips. you leaned back, placing your hands behind you on the felt material of the pool table to hold your body weight. you let out a long string of pleasured moans, your head lulled back as your eyes fluttered shut.
you could feel the contrast of his soft, wet tongue and the prickle of his beard against your sensitive skin - and you loved the sensation that it provided. ryan applied some pressure as he sucked on your clit before running his tongue up and down it a couple times - altering between the two for several minutes. he loved the way your body reacted to him, the trembles that took over your body and the little gasps that escaped from your lips, every time he hit a specific nerve with his tongue. "you taste so fucking good, christ, i could do this all day." you heard him mutter against you, his teeth grazing against your sensitive nub gently. your thighs clenched around his head, letting out a heavy breath. "well, im not gonna stop you baby." you breathed out and chuckled gently.
he brought his fingers up to your core, teasing your hole with his finger tips. an involuntary whine came from your lips. "please ryan- don't tease me now." you breathed, looking back down at him to see that his eyes were on you, observing your reaction. he let out a chuckle. "i love how needy you are, darling." he mused, sliding two fingers inside of you. his eyes dropped down to watch what he was doing - thrusting his long fingers inside you, moving them at a medium yet consistent rhythm. he managed to hit all the right spots inside of you consistently, making your thighs tremble and your toes curls. "fuck, fuck- shit baby" you managed to get out.
"you look so pretty with my fingers in you like this- you going to cum baby?" he asked to which you nodded you're head, you could feel your orgasm coming on fast as his fingers stroked against the bundle of nerves inside you. "come on baby, let me see you cum on my fingers- that's a good girl, christ." you heard him ushering you to your orgasm and praising you as you came around his fingers. he pressed a kiss to your clit before sliding his fingers out, bringing them to his lips and sucking them clean.
you couldn't help but let out a giggle as you could see his lips glisten from your arousal on them. "come here." you beckoned, moving your fingers in a 'come here' motion and he did. he stood up and one of your hands came up to the back of his hair, pulling him into a passionate and lustful kiss, your fingers tracking through his greasy blond curls. his course hands coming to your waist and holding you close to him while your hands travelled down his chest and stomach to his jeans - enjoying the feeling of his warm skin under your finger tips.
once your hands made it to the cool metal of his belt buckle, you unbuckled it with ease and dropped it off to the side. you moved back from the kiss but only slightly, his lips ghosting over yours - you could still feel his hot breath on them. "i need to feel you inside of me, please, please." you breathed in a ruttish tone. he moved his head to start to kiss your jaw down to your neck. "please ryan, please." you begged softly and he chuckled at your words.
"look at you begging, that's so sweet. you've already came once and you want more? aren't you greedy tonight?" he asked, pulling back from his actions to look at you, his blue eyes meeting yours. "ryan- please." you plead with him, your hands resting on the waist band of his jeans. he gave you an adoring smile, loving every second that you were acting like this for him. "don't worry, princess, I'll take care of you." he said, quickly and less than gracefully removing the rest of his clothes.
as soon as he was standing completely naked in front of you, he came back to you to which you wrapped your arms over his broad shoulders as his hands moved to your waist. you could feel the head of his penis press against the entrance of your pussy, you breathed in. "can i hear you beg for it one more time?" he whispered into your ear, kissing your earlobe gently, tugging on it with his teeth in a gentle manner.
you shuddered a breath. "please- please... fuck me, please. i need you so bad." you begged, digging your nails into his shoulders - with your words, he slid his cock into you. you both simultaneously let out a sound of pleasure as he slowly slid deeper inside of you. "fuck- your pussy feels so fucking good, christ." he let out a low groan, starting to thrust his hips forward - he always started off slow and gentle, which you appreciated but you didn't need that at this moment.
"please- honey, you don't need to be gentle with me, please- i can take it." you breathed, bringing your face to meet the blue eyed boys. your nose touched, his heavy breaths hitting your lips just as yours did his - you secured your arms around his shoulders tighter as his thrusts became more rapid and ragged, the only thing you could let out from your mouth was a mix of quiet moans and a cascade of profanities and blasphemys as his cock penerated you in all the right ways. it never took him long to find the right rhythm that drove you wild. "listen to all those pretty sounds you're making for me, princess- i know you can be louder than that, come on. i want to hear how good im making you feel." he ushered, his strong and calloused hands moving down from your waist to firmly grab a hold of each of your ass cheeks.
he thrusted deeper until he was practically balls deep inside of you, his hands holding you close to him- while he fucked you, nearly animalistic against the pool table. as your head tilted back, the sounds that came from your mouth became louder. you felt his lips come to your exposed neck, kissing and biting at the skin roughly, leaving marks all over the skin there. "oh god- oh god." you struggled out as one of your hand moved to the back of his hair, tangling themselves in the strands and tugging on them roughly. the kisses proceeded upwards stopping at the place just below your earlobe. "you love it when i fuck you like a whore, don't you?- fuck yeah, you do." he muttered into your ear, tugging at your earlobe with his teeth.
it didn't take much for that familiar feeling deep inside of your stomach to start building up and for your thighs to start trembling- "ryan- fuck, im close-" you breathed out, a wave of pleasure coming over your body cutting you off. it was unexpected for the both of you, your body clenched around him and released in a matter of seconds. you took a breath, tilted your head back into an upright position - seeing that your boyfriend was looking at you with a dumbfounded look on his face. "did- did you just cum?" he asked and you nodded, a shy expression came across your face.
"im sorry, i didn't mean too-" "are you kidding me? that was fucking hot." he interrupted, leaning down to kiss your lips, his cock still hard inside of you. you kiss him back before pulling back from the kiss. "i want you to use me until you finish." you told him through an utterance of your breath, running your hand through his hair.
"what was that?" he asked, you were certain that he heard exactly what you said - but wanted to hear you say it again, louder... to use your voice. you unwrapped yourself from his shoulders, laying back down against the pool table, keeping your legs locked around him securely. "you said... you wanted to have your way with me- so... use me until you've had enough. i can take it." you said with more confidence in your tone, louder too.
he asked for reassurance one more time to make sure that its what you wanted - because he's polite like that - once you confirmed it once more, it was definitely game over for you. you didn't think that you were so sensitive until his cock started thrusting into you and finding the same rhythm that he had going before... you couldn't help the trembling of your thighs or the pathetic whimpers that came from your lips. "good girl— that's a good fucking girl." you heard him praise, one of his hands gripped your hips while the other rested on your stomach.
you found it hard to focus on anything, your body was feeling so overwhelmed with pleasure- every time he hit that bundle of nerves it sent electro shocks through your entire body. you hadn't even noticed that you had started to cry from the sensations that you felt - but there was no denying that you liked it. "christ, you're doing so well baby, im almost there- do you think that you can give me one more, hm- i think you can." he said, holding back low grunts in the back of his throat.
you nodded your head, already feeling close to on edge of your third orgasm of the night... and with that, he doubled down on his actions and thrusted faster - and you could have sworn that you seen stars. "fuck- fuck!" came from his lips but it didn't even register that he said anything to you because in a few thrusts, you reached your third high - and he came to his first, cumming deep inside of you. your body felt like it was on fire, in the best possible way, as you were coming down, you could feel your body occasionally twitch.
he slid out from you and took a couple of seconds to recollect himself before helping you, helping you sit up and supporting your weight. "you okay, baby?" he asked softly, concern riddled in his voice as he worried that he went too far with you. he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a warm hug, you leaned into his chest and wrapped your arms around him. "yeah. never better, ry." you chuckled softly.
he pressed a kiss to your forehead, muttering praises towards you, telling you how good you were before picking you up and taking you to the bedroom. he got you cleaned up and dressed into warm clothes before laying you on the mattress (that was on the floor.). he, of course, climbed in besides you and wrapped his arm around you.
"you know that i love you, right?" he asked, watching you as you nestled into his chest, cuddling into him. "what kinda question is that, dunn?" you replied, a smile coming across your lips as you looked up at him. "of course i do, nobody loves someone quite like you do. it's hard to miss."
note: if the ending is a little bit shit, i apologise... it's very late at night and i just finished it. it's also relatively unedited so if you saw any mistakes, no you didn't ... but i hope y'all like this anyway.
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dunnswrld · 2 years
could you do the high maintenance girl for the rest of the cast? hopefully you know which post I mean! <3
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Jackass Guys Dating a High Maintenance Girl 2!
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a/n: A lot of people wanted a part two with this as we can see so here it is haha!
prompt: Title :)
warnings: Fem!reader, fluff, very light smut/implied smut
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You two met when he was filming a party boy stunt
It was the only time he ever got embarrassed while filming something in public
Your short pink bubblegum dress and white heels had him drooling at the sight of you
When Jeff basically forced poor Chris to go up to you in only a spedo and bow tie you were giggling up a storm but Chris was blushing the whole time and couldn't really bring himself to dance in front of you
Jeff of course had you interviewed afterwards
"What did you think of party boy miss?"
"I didn't know if I should join him or kiss him, he was kinda cute."
Chris was quick to get your number after this
Chris is just a man who is built for a high maintenance girl
Like you're telling me he wouldn't want a super girly girl girlfriend??
He would love the heels, short dresses, and short tops
He is the kind of boyfriend who lets you wear whatever you please because he has two fists for a reason
and has used them before
He loves shopping with you too
His favorite is when he gets to pick out things for you
"Look Yn! A camo skirt that's the same print as my shorts!"
He loves matching for sure.
But he hates shoe shopping
He thinks it's pointless you have so many cause you wear them on your feet already so whats the point of having expensive shoes??
"I just don't get why these at $100 babe... they go on your feet..."
"But they'll match my outfits Chris!"
But either way you always end up taking your time even with the whining coming from Chris
He always has an arm around you
But if you go shopping without you one day he 100% makes you give him a fashion show when you get home
Speaking of homes... since Chris was living out of his car when you guys first started dating when you got past the 5 month mark you let him move in with you!
I think Chris was always so cautious when he first moved in and before he moved in
Like he was so scared he would break one of your super nice vases or dirty your white couch or maybe even spill something on your fuzzy pink blankets
But he slowly would relax realizing how much you dirty things, like spilling nail polish on your couch...
Omg Chris totally sets things up for you that you buy like shelves and stuff
Chris loves doing it cause you always shower him with love after
You call him your personal handy man and he loves it
I think you went on a Wildboyz trip with Chris to a nice vacation spot maybe like Costa Rica? Or Florida?
Either way you loved it and so did Chris
You got to dress up in explorer like clothing and probably felt really cool, Chris thought it was adorable
But you totally didn't do lizards. But Chris and Steve-o always found a way to get you near them
From Chris holding you and Steve-o shoving it in your face or Chris dropping one down your shirt
He had no problem grabbing the lizard
But when you came on set for Jackass two Jeff had a large head full of ideas for you which shocked quite a few people
You and Chris both got matching costumes each time you were on set and Chris got to dress up
Chris loved seeing you in a Bunny the Lifeguard outfit
So much so you guys probably had a quickie or two in a trailer...
This is random but I think you would dress up as party boy for Halloween?? Like a black swimsuit and bow tie?
Either way Chris would eat it up for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner.
He defiantly loves touching you (sexually or not)
He will always have an arm wrapped around you pulling you closer to him.
Oh he totally sneaks hands up your clothes
His kisses? Heavenly.
They are always so passionate and it's cause he cannot get enough of you!!!
You two met at one of his parties
He was really shocked when he saw such a pretty girl like you at his party
When he introduced himself you may have been a bit drunk and completely started babbling...
"Oh my god hi you're Steve-o from Jackass! Well duh this is your party- my friends friend said you were throwing one so I came I hope that's ok- I totally didn't think you'd come up to me! I was debating on coming up to you but I was like wayyy too scared to come up to you! I literally love you, you're like sooooo funny and cute! Wait where's Yf/n? Ugh they will totally freak when they see me talking to you!"
"Well hello to you too."
Steve-o thought it was cute though so he had no issue with giving you his number
and of course he took you out a couple days later
Steve-o with a high maintenance girl seems like a funny thought
Like have you SEEN the things this man does???
It's totally like that opposites attract thing and NONE of the Jackass guys can wrap their heads around the fact that Steve-o got you
"He threw up a fish into a fish bowl once and you tell me he is practically dating a playboy girl?!" -Bam maybe
"Opposites attract but I never thought people that opposite would." -Ryan most likely
"Hopefully Steve-o doesn't throw up on her heels!" - Johnny for sure
But the guys love you to pieces
When you come on set all the guys always are talking to you
Steve-o likes that his friends like you so much but this doesn't mean he doesn't get jealous sometimes..
He probably has gotten jealous of Chris the most since he is always naked and talking to you
Which only makes him stay close to you at all times on set
He also protects you on set, making sure you aren't the butt of any jokes or pranks
This has caused him to become the person being pranked from saving you
One time shoving you out of the way to avoid getting a bucket of dirt thrown on you by Bam
"Stevie! Are you ok?!"
"Just a little dirt never hurt me, better you than me."
Oh yeah you call him Stevie.
It embarrassed him at first but now he loves it
He calls you princess, but only because he thinks you're a real life princess
He also calls you babe, baby, or honey
He isn't really big on pda
He loves holding your hand though, but that's usually as far as it'll go
But when you two are alone he is almost glued to your hip
When your cooking he's right behind you with his arms wrapped around you, if your painting your nails his head is on your lap, or if your doing your makeup he is sitting near you watching closely
He looooves yours kisses too
Your sweet candy flavored chapstick is addicting to him
I also can't stress enough how he would get annoyed with how long it takes you to get ready sometimes
Like the four outfit changes you make cause you can't choose what you want him to wear might be one of his biggest pet peeves but he would never tell you that
He always sits on the end of your made bed watching you talk out loud in the mirror and he could never tell if you were talking to him or yourself
But he will always tell you how beautiful you look, and he always means it
I also feel like he doesn't like partying with you?
He just doesn't like you see him get sloppy
Speaking of sloppy the first time you went to his apartment you freaked out
"Steve it's sick in here!"
"Come on just a little mess never hurt."
"A little mess?!"
But opposites do attract when it comes to you two!
You two met by accident when he was hanging out with Dave and a few others while snowboarding
You were working at the front desk of the hotel during that time and you had Ehren whipped the first time he saw you
This was very obvious to everyone on the trip
Ehren would always volunteer to go to the front desk if something was needed like tooth brushes or shampoo just so he could see you
But on the last day of their four day trip to the snow boarding resort Dave was the one to confess Ehren's own feelings for you
"My friend over there- the one with the short brown hair- thinks you're like really hot and wanted to know if he could get your number."
Ehren thought he was going to die of embarrassment as he tried hiding behind his other friends who came as they laughed
Poor boy was preparing for Dave to comeback laughing telling him how she rejected him
But when Dave came back he handed Ehren a sticky note and patted him on the back
Ehren's heart was probably pounding out of his chest as he opened the note only to find your name with a small heart next to it and your number
Ehren and a high maintenance girl is probably the best thing ever!?!
Like Ehren just adores you so much it's so cute
He gets super flustered when you give him affection
Which is all the time with you, you're always complimenting him and touching him
His favorite thing in the world is your kisses and hugs, they are just so comforting and great to him
"You look really pretty in that top."
"You're so beautiful Yn."
"I'm such a lucky man to have such a pretty girlfriend."
Even though you two had been dating since before Jackass he still would get nervous around you
Like the first time he saw you in a pink frilly bra and matching pink underwear he died on the spot
Probably covered his eyes
"Sorry I didn't mean to look- I mean it's not that I don't wanna- unless I'm not supposed to- but I do-"
His favorite thing to do with you is watch movies at your place
He loves the cute matching pj sets you wear and how excited you get when you show him the snacks you made for the both of you
Not to mention half the time the movie night ends with you on his lap kissing him-
Ehren doesn't really like shopping but if it means he gets to spend time with you he will shop till you drop
I think he takes your bags and holds them for you :,)
But when you try things on he suddenly loves shopping and everything about it
He loves seeing you do little spins for him while in an outfit you picked out
But the first time the Jackass crew saw you on set they were probably shocked
"That's Ehren's girlfriend? The pink princess? You're totally fucking with me dude I don't believe you." - Ryan maybe
"The girl in the short pink skirt is Ehren's girl? Pft I'll believe it when I see it dude." - Steve-o probably
"Barbie is dating Mcghehey? Good for him she's a looker." - Possibly Johnny
But when they saw you sitting on his lap under a tent looking at your freshly done nails while showing Ehren they knew it was true
I feel like the guys wouldn't mess with Ehren when you were on set but I don't know why
You were rarely on camera unless it was tending to Ehren after he took a hard hit
But when the other guys got hurt you didn't even flinch unless it was Dave
"Kiss it better Yn?"
"Steve-o get your bloody hand the hell away from me! Do you not see me wearing white asshole?!"
Ehren would never say it but he loves when you snap at the guys when they try flirting with you, makes him all fuzzy inside
But all the guys love you and your bubbly personality (though you could be a mean girl when needed)
But yeah Ehren probably worships the ground you walk on, he just loves you a lot and treats you like the princess he thinks you are!
I think you met Dave because you were working at the office for Jackass
It was when the first movie came out so Jeff had to hire some new employees and you were one of them!
He was probably sitting in Jeff's office just hanging out until you walked in
You had a matching pink plaid skirt and mini jacket (like the ones in clueless if its hard to imagine) and under the jacket you had a tight white shirt on and pink heels that matched your skirt and jacket
You were there to give Jeff some papers but ended up sitting on his desk and chit-chatting with a rather nervous Dave
Jeff probably rolled his eyes into the back of his head from every time Dave tried flirting with you
"You're outfit- it looks great. On you. It looks great on you."
"Aw ya think? I totally struggled this morning cause I wanted to wear these heels but I couldn't find anything that matched but I remember I bought this like a month ago and it matched perfectly!"
When you leave Jeff's office Dave is following right behind you asking if you would like to hang out sometime
Dave loves dating a girl like you
He just always feels like he's in a movie cause you're like a living clueless character (that's less mean and a total sweetheart)
This means he won't mind going shopping with you
In fact I think he would enjoy it as much as you
Probably hands you things he think you would like and when you like them he defiantly blushes
He loves you in skirts so he probably is always handing you them
"But Dave we are going on a snowboarding trip, wouldn't I get cold?"
"Ok yes but hear me out-"
I have a feeling that even further into your guys relationship he isn't really big on pda like he would rather just hold your hand and maybe peck your cheek in public
But he loves when you two are alone and he can showing you with affection
I think when you compliment him he will get all flustered and start whispering "Stop it yn.."
But all the Jackass guys know you because they've seen you at the office
They often see you and Dave flirting with each other in the office
"Get a room!" - Bam 100%
The guys think you're a total sweetheart
Dave has stopped a lot of pranks from being pulled on you
"Come on guys leave her alone she's working."
"You guys can be as big of assholes as you want to me but don't be one to Yn. Seriously."
"I will walk of that door and never show my face to any of you guys again if you do that to her."
After that all the guys, even Johnny, gave up on the idea of pranking you
But if it's your lucky day and you spend your day off on set with the guys just know it's going to be everything but clean
You watched the "Hardware Store Crap" live from start to finish and you were grossed out the whole time.
Dave was defiantly embarrassed the guys had you come along during this stunt because it was when you first started dating and you two hadn't even kissed on the lips yet!
You thought it was a silly idea though, it fit with the Jackass idea
But when he had an accident in his pants you were probably right next to Lance gagging
"Oh my god that's the sickest thing I've ever seen!"
You ended up taking a cab back to the hotel with Johnny.
Dave couldn't apologize enough to you but you laughed every time he did, the memory was way funnier to look back on
But he would take you out to dinner to apologize and the night ended with Dave's face being covered in your blush-pink lipstick along with his lips being smeared with it
He defiantly held your pocket sized mirror in the car for you as you reapplied it to your lips and he just watched you like he was in some love trance
I think after a long day of shooting for the movie and getting hurt all he wants is to go to your rather sparkly and pink apartment and sit on your couch with his head between your legs as you watched tv :,)
He just loves you and all your pink girly things
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m4rgera · 2 years
them getting you to do a stunt as a non-member ★ jackass
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johnny - best day of this mother fuckers life. he’s been trying to get you to do a stunt for ages, and when you finally cave into his desires he decides to go all out. he spent hours sketching out ideas with bam letting you pick whichever one you were willing to do. even if it was just a little cliche stunt with a skateboard he still got a kick out of it. definitely wanted to see you do more afterwards.
chris - oh he was completely against the idea, didn’t want you getting hurt. you had wanted to do it for a while and ended up doing it behind his back. even if you didn’t get hurt he really didn’t like the idea. he didn’t want you to keep getting more ballsy and actually end up getting hurt. wasn’t exactly mad at you, just glad you came out of it unharmed. gives you a lecture on proper safety procedures afterwards.
bam - kinda like johnny he encouraged it. wanted you to try it out and see if you liked it, especially before the filming of viva la bam so you could get a feeling of what you would do if you agreed to be on the show. you tried it out, ended up getting hurt but wanted to try again. bam took it pretty hard when you got hurt (even if it was just a couple scrapes) and wanted you to try to be more careful if you tried another stunt.
ryan - at first he was against it but decided there was no way to stop you. you had your mind set on trying a stunt and he knew he couldn’t change your mind. you tried a couple jumps on bikes into bushes just like he used to do, got a couple scrapes and decided it wasn’t for you. he for sure told you “i told you so” afterwards.
ehren - kinda like chris he was completely against the idea. even if you did end up doing it he refused to be there when it happened and didn’t even wanna hear what you were doing (although in the end he was slightly curious.) so when you came home with a few stitches above your eyebrow you both came to the conclusion doing stunts just wasn’t your thing.
dave - so exited to see you try, kinda wanted you to get into it and try it more often so you could come on set with him. he convinced you to try a few stunts, although you didn’t dislike it you just hated the part where it ended with you getting hurt. he would run up to you after every stunt and say “wasn’t that fun?” or “that was fucking sick.”
steveo - surprisingly against it. he knew you were gonna hate it, but decided to let you try. he was there when you did it as if he could guide you through it or something. he really just ended up sitting there and yelling how you where just gonna keep getting hurt. which he was right, you just kept getting more injured. teases you about it afterwards.
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shamyfanficfeed · 4 years
Collection of Oneshots
by EvaHirshYT You can request an idea for a one shot of a ship from the chosen games, cartoons, and movies! But they can only be the ones I listed- sorry! Words: 2788, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English * Fandoms: Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Camp Camp (Web Series), The Big Bang Theory (TV), Young Sheldon (TV), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, ノラガミ | Noragami (Anime & Manga), Trolls (2016), Trolls: The Beat Goes On (Cartoon), Hetalia: Axis Powers, Ben 10 Series, Code Lyoko, Alvin and the Chipmunks - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU, DCU (Comics), Rockman.EXE | Mega Man Battle Network, Miraculous Ladybug, Homestuck, Gorillaz, おそ松さん | Osomatsu-san (Anime), Danny Phantom * Rating: General Audiences * Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply * Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi, Other * Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Big Bang Theory & Young Sheldon, Gorillaz - Character, homestuck - Character, miraculous ladybug - Character, Danny Phantom - Character, Ososmatsu-san, Marvel - Character, DC - Character, Alvin and the Chipmucks, trolls - Character, Ben 10 - Character, Megaman NT Warrior - Character, Megaman Battle Network, Hetalia - Character, Ouran High School Host Club - Character, Noragami - Character, Code Lyoko - Character * Relationships: Sally Acorn/Sonic the Hedgehog, Maria Robotnik/Shadow the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna/Sonia the Hedgehog, Julie-Su/Knuckles the Echidna, Blaze the Cat/Silver the Hedgehog, Cosmo the Seedrian/Miles "Tails" Prower, Jet the Hawk/Wave the Swallow, Antoine D'Coolette/Bunnie Rabbot, Sonia Acorn/Skye Prower, Charmy Bee/Saffron Bee, Mina Mongoose/Miles "Tails" Prower, Manic the Hedgehog & Sonia the Hedgehog & Sonic the Hedgehog, Sally Acorn & Elias Acorn, Manik Acorn & Sonia Acorn, Skye Prower & Melody Prower, Belle D'Coolette & Jacques D'Coolette, Branch/Poppy (Trolls), Bridget/King Gristle Jr. (Trolls), Guy Diamond/DJ Suki, Branch/Creek/Poppy (Trolls), Milton Moss/Smidge, Satin & Chenille, North Italy & Seborga & South Italy (Hetalia), America & Canada & England & France (Hetalia), Germany & Prussia & Holy Rome (Hetalia), Ben Tennyson/Julie Yamamoto, Kai Green/Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin/Gwen Tennyson, Max Tennyson/Verdona, Jeremie Belpois/Aelita Schaeffer, Odd Della Robbia/Laura Gauthier, Yumi Ishiyama/Ulrich Stern, William Dunbar/Yumi Ishiyama/Ulrich Stern, Sissi Delmas/Ulrich Stern, Brittany Miller/Alvin Seville, Jeanette Miller/Simon Seville, Eleanor Miller/Theodore Seville, Alvin Seville & Simon Seville & Theodore Seville, Brittany Miller & Jeanette Miller & Eleanor Miller, Iki Hiyori/Yato, Bishamonten | Vaisravana/Kazuma, Garu/Pucca (Pucca), Abyo/Ching (Pucca), Fujioka Haruhi/Suoh Tamaki, Hitachiin Hikaru & Hitachiin Kaoru, Ageha Hitachiin, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Marvel Couples, DC Couples, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Hikari Netto | Lan Hikari/Sakurai Meiru | Mayl Sakurai, Hikari Netto | Lan Hikari & Hikari Saito | Hub Hikari, Matsuno Choromatsu/Ichimatsu/Jyushimatsu/Karamatsu/Osomatsu/Todomatsu, Matsuno Matsuyo/Matsuno Matsuzo, Danny Fenton/Sam Manson, Tucker Foley/Valerie Gray, Jack Fenton/Maddie Fenton, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Bridgette/Félix (Miraculous Ladybug), Adrien Agreste & Félix, Bridgette & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Terezi Pyrope/Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon/Equius Zahhak, Jade Harley/Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam, Mituna Captor/Latula Pyrope, Descendants & Dancestors & Ancestors & Lusus, Noodle & Stuart "2D" Pot, Russel Hobbs & Murdoc Niccals & Noodle & Stuart "2D" Pot, Sheldon Cooper/Amy Farrah Fowler, Leonard Hofstadter/Penny, Bernadette Rostenkowski/Howard Wolowitz, George Cooper Sr./Mary Cooper, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog http://dlvr.it/RSDH4B
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ao3feed-lukanette · 4 years
by EvaHirshYT
You can request an idea for a one shot of a ship from the chosen games, cartoons, and movies! But they can only be the ones I listed- sorry!
Words: 2788, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Camp Camp (Web Series), The Big Bang Theory (TV), Young Sheldon (TV), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, ノラガミ | Noragami (Anime & Manga), Trolls (2016), Trolls: The Beat Goes On (Cartoon), Hetalia: Axis Powers, Ben 10 Series, Code Lyoko, Alvin and the Chipmunks - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU, DCU (Comics), Rockman.EXE | Mega Man Battle Network, Miraculous Ladybug, Homestuck, Gorillaz, おそ松さん | Osomatsu-san (Anime), Danny Phantom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi, Other
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Big Bang Theory & Young Sheldon, Gorillaz - Character, homestuck - Character, miraculous ladybug - Character, Danny Phantom - Character, Ososmatsu-san, Marvel - Character, DC - Character, Alvin and the Chipmucks, trolls - Character, Ben 10 - Character, Megaman NT Warrior - Character, Megaman Battle Network, Hetalia - Character, Ouran High School Host Club - Character, Noragami - Character, Code Lyoko - Character
Relationships: Sally Acorn/Sonic the Hedgehog, Maria Robotnik/Shadow the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna/Sonia the Hedgehog, Julie-Su/Knuckles the Echidna, Blaze the Cat/Silver the Hedgehog, Cosmo the Seedrian/Miles "Tails" Prower, Jet the Hawk/Wave the Swallow, Antoine D'Coolette/Bunnie Rabbot, Sonia Acorn/Skye Prower, Charmy Bee/Saffron Bee, Mina Mongoose/Miles "Tails" Prower, Manic the Hedgehog & Sonia the Hedgehog & Sonic the Hedgehog, Sally Acorn & Elias Acorn, Manik Acorn & Sonia Acorn, Skye Prower & Melody Prower, Belle D'Coolette & Jacques D'Coolette, Branch/Poppy (Trolls), Bridget/King Gristle Jr. (Trolls), Guy Diamond/DJ Suki, Branch/Creek/Poppy (Trolls), Milton Moss/Smidge, Satin & Chenille, North Italy & Seborga & South Italy (Hetalia), America & Canada & England & France (Hetalia), Germany & Prussia & Holy Rome (Hetalia), Ben Tennyson/Julie Yamamoto, Kai Green/Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin/Gwen Tennyson, Max Tennyson/Verdona, Jeremie Belpois/Aelita Schaeffer, Odd Della Robbia/Laura Gauthier, Yumi Ishiyama/Ulrich Stern, William Dunbar/Yumi Ishiyama/Ulrich Stern, Sissi Delmas/Ulrich Stern, Brittany Miller/Alvin Seville, Jeanette Miller/Simon Seville, Eleanor Miller/Theodore Seville, Alvin Seville & Simon Seville & Theodore Seville, Brittany Miller & Jeanette Miller & Eleanor Miller, Iki Hiyori/Yato, Bishamonten | Vaisravana/Kazuma, Garu/Pucca (Pucca), Abyo/Ching (Pucca), Fujioka Haruhi/Suoh Tamaki, Hitachiin Hikaru & Hitachiin Kaoru, Ageha Hitachiin, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Marvel Couples, DC Couples, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Hikari Netto | Lan Hikari/Sakurai Meiru | Mayl Sakurai, Hikari Netto | Lan Hikari & Hikari Saito | Hub Hikari, Matsuno Choromatsu/Ichimatsu/Jyushimatsu/Karamatsu/Osomatsu/Todomatsu, Matsuno Matsuyo/Matsuno Matsuzo, Danny Fenton/Sam Manson, Tucker Foley/Valerie Gray, Jack Fenton/Maddie Fenton, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Bridgette/Félix (Miraculous Ladybug), Adrien Agreste & Félix, Bridgette & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Terezi Pyrope/Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon/Equius Zahhak, Jade Harley/Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam, Mituna Captor/Latula Pyrope, Descendants & Dancestors & Ancestors & Lusus, Noodle & Stuart "2D" Pot, Russel Hobbs & Murdoc Niccals & Noodle & Stuart "2D" Pot, Sheldon Cooper/Amy Farrah Fowler, Leonard Hofstadter/Penny, Bernadette Rostenkowski/Howard Wolowitz, George Cooper Sr./Mary Cooper, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog
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ao3feed-karezi · 4 years
Collection of Oneshots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2U4NFxN
by EvaHirshYT
You can request an idea for a one shot of a ship from the chosen games, cartoons, and movies! But they can only be the ones I listed- sorry!
Words: 2788, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Camp Camp (Web Series), The Big Bang Theory (TV), Young Sheldon (TV), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, ノラガミ | Noragami (Anime & Manga), Trolls (2016), Trolls: The Beat Goes On (Cartoon), Hetalia: Axis Powers, Ben 10 Series, Code Lyoko, Alvin and the Chipmunks - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU, DCU (Comics), Rockman.EXE | Mega Man Battle Network, Miraculous Ladybug, Homestuck, Gorillaz, おそ松さん | Osomatsu-san (Anime), Danny Phantom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi, Other
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Big Bang Theory & Young Sheldon, Gorillaz - Character, homestuck - Character, miraculous ladybug - Character, Danny Phantom - Character, Ososmatsu-san, Marvel - Character, DC - Character, Alvin and the Chipmucks, trolls - Character, Ben 10 - Character, Megaman NT Warrior - Character, Megaman Battle Network, Hetalia - Character, Ouran High School Host Club - Character, Noragami - Character, Code Lyoko - Character
Relationships: Sally Acorn/Sonic the Hedgehog, Maria Robotnik/Shadow the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna/Sonia the Hedgehog, Julie-Su/Knuckles the Echidna, Blaze the Cat/Silver the Hedgehog, Cosmo the Seedrian/Miles "Tails" Prower, Jet the Hawk/Wave the Swallow, Antoine D'Coolette/Bunnie Rabbot, Sonia Acorn/Skye Prower, Charmy Bee/Saffron Bee, Mina Mongoose/Miles "Tails" Prower, Manic the Hedgehog & Sonia the Hedgehog & Sonic the Hedgehog, Sally Acorn & Elias Acorn, Manik Acorn & Sonia Acorn, Skye Prower & Melody Prower, Belle D'Coolette & Jacques D'Coolette, Branch/Poppy (Trolls), Bridget/King Gristle Jr. (Trolls), Guy Diamond/DJ Suki, Branch/Creek/Poppy (Trolls), Milton Moss/Smidge, Satin & Chenille, North Italy & Seborga & South Italy (Hetalia), America & Canada & England & France (Hetalia), Germany & Prussia & Holy Rome (Hetalia), Ben Tennyson/Julie Yamamoto, Kai Green/Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin/Gwen Tennyson, Max Tennyson/Verdona, Jeremie Belpois/Aelita Schaeffer, Odd Della Robbia/Laura Gauthier, Yumi Ishiyama/Ulrich Stern, William Dunbar/Yumi Ishiyama/Ulrich Stern, Sissi Delmas/Ulrich Stern, Brittany Miller/Alvin Seville, Jeanette Miller/Simon Seville, Eleanor Miller/Theodore Seville, Alvin Seville & Simon Seville & Theodore Seville, Brittany Miller & Jeanette Miller & Eleanor Miller, Iki Hiyori/Yato, Bishamonten | Vaisravana/Kazuma, Garu/Pucca (Pucca), Abyo/Ching (Pucca), Fujioka Haruhi/Suoh Tamaki, Hitachiin Hikaru & Hitachiin Kaoru, Ageha Hitachiin, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Marvel Couples, DC Couples, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Hikari Netto | Lan Hikari/Sakurai Meiru | Mayl Sakurai, Hikari Netto | Lan Hikari & Hikari Saito | Hub Hikari, Matsuno Choromatsu/Ichimatsu/Jyushimatsu/Karamatsu/Osomatsu/Todomatsu, Matsuno Matsuyo/Matsuno Matsuzo, Danny Fenton/Sam Manson, Tucker Foley/Valerie Gray, Jack Fenton/Maddie Fenton, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Bridgette/Félix (Miraculous Ladybug), Adrien Agreste & Félix, Bridgette & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Terezi Pyrope/Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon/Equius Zahhak, Jade Harley/Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam, Mituna Captor/Latula Pyrope, Descendants & Dancestors & Ancestors & Lusus, Noodle & Stuart "2D" Pot, Russel Hobbs & Murdoc Niccals & Noodle & Stuart "2D" Pot, Sheldon Cooper/Amy Farrah Fowler, Leonard Hofstadter/Penny, Bernadette Rostenkowski/Howard Wolowitz, George Cooper Sr./Mary Cooper, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2U4NFxN
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ao3feed-rosekan · 4 years
Collection of Oneshots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2U4NFxN
by EvaHirshYT
You can request an idea for a one shot of a ship from the chosen games, cartoons, and movies! But they can only be the ones I listed- sorry!
Words: 2788, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Camp Camp (Web Series), The Big Bang Theory (TV), Young Sheldon (TV), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, ノラガミ | Noragami (Anime & Manga), Trolls (2016), Trolls: The Beat Goes On (Cartoon), Hetalia: Axis Powers, Ben 10 Series, Code Lyoko, Alvin and the Chipmunks - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU, DCU (Comics), Rockman.EXE | Mega Man Battle Network, Miraculous Ladybug, Homestuck, Gorillaz, おそ松さん | Osomatsu-san (Anime), Danny Phantom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi, Other
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Big Bang Theory & Young Sheldon, Gorillaz - Character, homestuck - Character, miraculous ladybug - Character, Danny Phantom - Character, Ososmatsu-san, Marvel - Character, DC - Character, Alvin and the Chipmucks, trolls - Character, Ben 10 - Character, Megaman NT Warrior - Character, Megaman Battle Network, Hetalia - Character, Ouran High School Host Club - Character, Noragami - Character, Code Lyoko - Character
Relationships: Sally Acorn/Sonic the Hedgehog, Maria Robotnik/Shadow the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna/Sonia the Hedgehog, Julie-Su/Knuckles the Echidna, Blaze the Cat/Silver the Hedgehog, Cosmo the Seedrian/Miles "Tails" Prower, Jet the Hawk/Wave the Swallow, Antoine D'Coolette/Bunnie Rabbot, Sonia Acorn/Skye Prower, Charmy Bee/Saffron Bee, Mina Mongoose/Miles "Tails" Prower, Manic the Hedgehog & Sonia the Hedgehog & Sonic the Hedgehog, Sally Acorn & Elias Acorn, Manik Acorn & Sonia Acorn, Skye Prower & Melody Prower, Belle D'Coolette & Jacques D'Coolette, Branch/Poppy (Trolls), Bridget/King Gristle Jr. (Trolls), Guy Diamond/DJ Suki, Branch/Creek/Poppy (Trolls), Milton Moss/Smidge, Satin & Chenille, North Italy & Seborga & South Italy (Hetalia), America & Canada & England & France (Hetalia), Germany & Prussia & Holy Rome (Hetalia), Ben Tennyson/Julie Yamamoto, Kai Green/Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin/Gwen Tennyson, Max Tennyson/Verdona, Jeremie Belpois/Aelita Schaeffer, Odd Della Robbia/Laura Gauthier, Yumi Ishiyama/Ulrich Stern, William Dunbar/Yumi Ishiyama/Ulrich Stern, Sissi Delmas/Ulrich Stern, Brittany Miller/Alvin Seville, Jeanette Miller/Simon Seville, Eleanor Miller/Theodore Seville, Alvin Seville & Simon Seville & Theodore Seville, Brittany Miller & Jeanette Miller & Eleanor Miller, Iki Hiyori/Yato, Bishamonten | Vaisravana/Kazuma, Garu/Pucca (Pucca), Abyo/Ching (Pucca), Fujioka Haruhi/Suoh Tamaki, Hitachiin Hikaru & Hitachiin Kaoru, Ageha Hitachiin, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Marvel Couples, DC Couples, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Hikari Netto | Lan Hikari/Sakurai Meiru | Mayl Sakurai, Hikari Netto | Lan Hikari & Hikari Saito | Hub Hikari, Matsuno Choromatsu/Ichimatsu/Jyushimatsu/Karamatsu/Osomatsu/Todomatsu, Matsuno Matsuyo/Matsuno Matsuzo, Danny Fenton/Sam Manson, Tucker Foley/Valerie Gray, Jack Fenton/Maddie Fenton, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Bridgette/Félix (Miraculous Ladybug), Adrien Agreste & Félix, Bridgette & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Terezi Pyrope/Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon/Equius Zahhak, Jade Harley/Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam, Mituna Captor/Latula Pyrope, Descendants & Dancestors & Ancestors & Lusus, Noodle & Stuart "2D" Pot, Russel Hobbs & Murdoc Niccals & Noodle & Stuart "2D" Pot, Sheldon Cooper/Amy Farrah Fowler, Leonard Hofstadter/Penny, Bernadette Rostenkowski/Howard Wolowitz, George Cooper Sr./Mary Cooper, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2U4NFxN
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ao3feed-pharmercy · 6 years
Stories from a huge nerd(oneshots mainly)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JGWiac
by SirMuffinTheDestroyer (FrenchiestfryLaffayette)
a series of oneshots and small stories. if you don't see a pairing i might have forgot it but i will probably still write about it. please enjoy...also sorry the characters are a bit wonky.
Words: 46, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Adventure Time, Camp Camp (Web Series), Team Fortress 2, Cuphead (Video Game), Homestuck, Creepypasta - Fandom, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale (Video Game), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Overwatch (Video Game), Invader Zim, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Webseries), Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Villainous (Cartoon), Don't Starve (Video Game), Game Grumps, Wander Over Yonder (Cartoon), Kid n Teenagers (Web Comic)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Princess Bubblegum, Prince Gumball, Marceline (Adventure Time), Marshall Lee, Finn the Human, Fionna the Human, Flame Prince, Cake the Cat, Jake the Dog, Lord Monochromicorn, Lady Rainicorn, Earl of Lemongrab, Ice King | Simon Petrikov, Ice Queen (Adventure Time), Gunter (Adventure Time), BMO (Adventure Time), Candy People, David (Camp Camp), David's Parents (Camp Camp), Cameron Campbell, Gwen (Camp Camp), Max (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay, Harrison (Camp Camp), Space Kid (Camp Camp), Dolph (Camp Camp), Ered (Camp Camp), Neil (Camp Camp), Nurf (Camp Camp), Nerris (Camp Camp), Nikki (Camp Camp), Daniel (Camp Camp), Jasper (Camp Camp), Quartermaster (Camp Camp), Jen (Camp Camp), Heavy (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2), Saxton Hale, Spy (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Martini (Cuphead), Rum (Cuphead), Whiskey (Cuphead), The Announcer (Cuphead), King Dice (Cuphead), Cuphead (Cuphead), Dot (Cuphead), Pip (Cuphead), Weepy (Cuphead), Porkrind (Cuphead), T-Bone (Cuphead), Dr. Kahl (Cuphead), Mr. Chimes (Cuphead), Mangosteen (Cuphead), Pirouletta (Cuphead), Mr. Wheezy (Cuphead), The Devil (Cuphead), Mugman (Cuphead), Blind Specter, Cagney Carnation, Phear Lap, Hopus Pocus, Phantom Express, Hilda Berg, Werner Werman, Sally Stageplay, Psycarrot (Cuphead), Moe Tato, Wally Warbles, wally junior, dr.kahl's robot, Cala Maria, Beppi the Clown, Djimmi the Great, Baroness von Bon Bon, Grim Matchstick, Captain Brineybeard (Cuphead), Chips Bettigan, Elder Kettle, Goopy Le Grande, The Trolls (Homestuck), The Kids (Homestuck), The Felt (Homestuck), Troll Ancestors (Homestuck), Midnight Crew, The Guardians (Homestuck), The Sprites (Homestuck), Hoody (Creepypasta), Masky (Creepypasta), The Rake (Creepypasta), Zalgo (Creepypasta), Sally Williams (Creepypasta), Lost Silver (Creepypasta), Creepypasta Character(s), Slender Man, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, BEN (BEN Drowned), Laughing Jack, The Seed Eater, Smile Dog, Kagekao (creepypasta), Dr. Smiley, America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Scotland (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Belgium (Hetalia), Other Hetalia Character(s), 2p hetalia - Character, Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Puppet (Five Nights at Freddy's), Golden Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle (Five Nights at Freddy's), Purple Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Nightguard(s) (Five Nights at Freddy's), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Frisk (Undertale), Toriel (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Alphys (Undertale), Chara (Undertale), Flowey (Undertale), Mettaton (Undertale), Grillby (Undertale), Napstablook (Undertale), Monster Kid (Undertale), Burgerpants (Undertale), Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Other Undertale Characters, Mortal Instruments Series - All Characters, Overwatch Ensemble, invader zim all characters, Tord (Eddsworld), Tom (Eddsworld), Edd (Eddsworld), Matt (Eddsworld), Paul (Eddsworld), Eduardo (Eddsworld), Jon (Eddsworld), Mark (Eddsworld), Patryck (Eddsworld), don't hug me i'm scared all characters, my dadsona - Character, dream daddy all characters, Black Hat (Villainous), Dr. Flug (Villainous), Demencia (Villainous), 5.0.5 (Villainous), don't starve all characters, Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Watchdogs (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Hater (Wander Over Yonder), Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder), Emperor Awesome (Wander Over Yonder), Captain Tim (Wander Over Yonder), Sylvia Zbornak, Chris, Ted, Aiden, floofy - Character, Team Fortress 2 Original Character(s), Original Troll Character(s) (Homestuck), Original Undertale Character(s), Original Animal Character(s), original creepypasta - Character, Original Characters
Relationships: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, Prince Gumball/Marshall Lee, Finn the Human/Flame Prince, Cake the Cat/Lord Monochromicorn, Preston Goodplay/Max, Harrison/Neil (Camp Camp), Nerris/Nikki (Camp Camp), Max/Neil (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay/Harrison, David/Jasper (Camp Camp), David (Camp Camp)/Original Male Character(s), Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Demoman/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Pyro/Scout (Team Fortress 2), Heavy/Medic/Original Male Character(s), Blind Specter/Cagney Carnation, Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, Cronus Ampora/Kankri Vantas, Tavros Nitram/Equius Zahhak, Rufioh Nitram/Horuss Zahhak, Eridan Ampora/Sollux Captor, Eridan Ampora & Karkat Vantas, Dad Egbert/Dave's Bro | Beta Dirk Strider, Hearts Boxcars/Clubs Deuce, Diamonds Droog/Spades Slick, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer/Original Male Character(s), Hoody/Masky, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticcy Toby/Masky (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody/Masky (Creepypasta), BEN (BEN Drowned)/Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack/Original Character(s), America/Japan (Hetalia), America/Russia (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), America/America (Hetalia), Canada/Canada (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), Golden Freddy/Springtrap, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Jeremy Fitzgerald/Mike Schmidt, Mike Schmidt/Original Character(s), Phone Guy/Purple Man (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle/Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Fritz Smith/Original Character(s), Original Male Character/Original Male Character (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Original Female Character(s), Mettaton/Papyrus (Undertale), Alphys/Undyne (Undertale), Sans/Toriel (Undertale), Burgerpants/Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Royal Guard 01/Royal Guard 02 (Undertale), Bratty/Catty (Undertale), Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada/Tekhartha Zenyatta, Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada, Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes/Lúcio Correia dos Santos, Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova/Mei-Ling Zhou, Almighty Tallest Purple/Almighty Tallest Red, Dib/Zim (Invader Zim), Edd/Matt (Eddsworld), Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Eduardo/Jon (Eddsworld), Matt/Tom (Eddsworld), Patryck/Paul (Eddsworld), red guy/original male characters, Duck (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)/Original Characters, tony the talking clock/original character, Dadsona/Robert Small, Craig Cahn/Dadsona, Joseph Christiansen/Dadsona, Damien Bloodmarch/Dadsona, Dadsona/Hugo Vega, Dadsona/Mat Sella, Dadsona/Brian Harding, Lucien Bloodmarch/Ernest Vega, Damien Bloodmarch/Robert Small, Joseph Christiansen/Mary Christiansen, Black Hat/Dr. Flug (Villainous), Dr.Flug/original male character, Wes/Wilson (Don't Starve), Wes/Original Male Character, Dan Avidan/Arin Hanson, Barry Kramer/Brian Wecht, Lord Hater/Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Peepers/Sylvia, Ted/Chris
Additional Tags: Too many characters, jesus fuck, ok now for the real tags, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Fluff, Smut, Kinky, Crossover, Angst, Character Death, Alternate Universes, Blood and Gore, Sad, Murder, Gay
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JGWiac
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ao3feed-mchanzo · 6 years
Stories from a huge nerd(oneshots mainly)
by SirMuffinTheDestroyer (FrenchiestfryLaffayette)
a series of oneshots and small stories. if you don't see a pairing i might have forgot it but i will probably still write about it. please enjoy...also sorry the characters are a bit wonky.
Words: 46, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Adventure Time, Camp Camp (Web Series), Team Fortress 2, Cuphead (Video Game), Homestuck, Creepypasta - Fandom, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale (Video Game), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Overwatch (Video Game), Invader Zim, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Webseries), Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Villainous (Cartoon), Don't Starve (Video Game), Game Grumps, Wander Over Yonder (Cartoon), Kid n Teenagers (Web Comic)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Princess Bubblegum, Prince Gumball, Marceline (Adventure Time), Marshall Lee, Finn the Human, Fionna the Human, Flame Prince, Cake the Cat, Jake the Dog, Lord Monochromicorn, Lady Rainicorn, Earl of Lemongrab, Ice King | Simon Petrikov, Ice Queen (Adventure Time), Gunter (Adventure Time), BMO (Adventure Time), Candy People, David (Camp Camp), David's Parents (Camp Camp), Cameron Campbell, Gwen (Camp Camp), Max (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay, Harrison (Camp Camp), Space Kid (Camp Camp), Dolph (Camp Camp), Ered (Camp Camp), Neil (Camp Camp), Nurf (Camp Camp), Nerris (Camp Camp), Nikki (Camp Camp), Daniel (Camp Camp), Jasper (Camp Camp), Quartermaster (Camp Camp), Jen (Camp Camp), Heavy (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2), Saxton Hale, Spy (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Martini (Cuphead), Rum (Cuphead), Whiskey (Cuphead), The Announcer (Cuphead), King Dice (Cuphead), Cuphead (Cuphead), Dot (Cuphead), Pip (Cuphead), Weepy (Cuphead), Porkrind (Cuphead), T-Bone (Cuphead), Dr. Kahl (Cuphead), Mr. Chimes (Cuphead), Mangosteen (Cuphead), Pirouletta (Cuphead), Mr. Wheezy (Cuphead), The Devil (Cuphead), Mugman (Cuphead), Blind Specter, Cagney Carnation, Phear Lap, Hopus Pocus, Phantom Express, Hilda Berg, Werner Werman, Sally Stageplay, Psycarrot (Cuphead), Moe Tato, Wally Warbles, wally junior, dr.kahl's robot, Cala Maria, Beppi the Clown, Djimmi the Great, Baroness von Bon Bon, Grim Matchstick, Captain Brineybeard (Cuphead), Chips Bettigan, Elder Kettle, Goopy Le Grande, The Trolls (Homestuck), The Kids (Homestuck), The Felt (Homestuck), Troll Ancestors (Homestuck), Midnight Crew, The Guardians (Homestuck), The Sprites (Homestuck), Hoody (Creepypasta), Masky (Creepypasta), The Rake (Creepypasta), Zalgo (Creepypasta), Sally Williams (Creepypasta), Lost Silver (Creepypasta), Creepypasta Character(s), Slender Man, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, BEN (BEN Drowned), Laughing Jack, The Seed Eater, Smile Dog, Kagekao (creepypasta), Dr. Smiley, America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Scotland (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Belgium (Hetalia), Other Hetalia Character(s), 2p hetalia - Character, Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Puppet (Five Nights at Freddy's), Golden Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle (Five Nights at Freddy's), Purple Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Nightguard(s) (Five Nights at Freddy's), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Frisk (Undertale), Toriel (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Alphys (Undertale), Chara (Undertale), Flowey (Undertale), Mettaton (Undertale), Grillby (Undertale), Napstablook (Undertale), Monster Kid (Undertale), Burgerpants (Undertale), Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Other Undertale Characters, Mortal Instruments Series - All Characters, Overwatch Ensemble, invader zim all characters, Tord (Eddsworld), Tom (Eddsworld), Edd (Eddsworld), Matt (Eddsworld), Paul (Eddsworld), Eduardo (Eddsworld), Jon (Eddsworld), Mark (Eddsworld), Patryck (Eddsworld), don't hug me i'm scared all characters, my dadsona - Character, dream daddy all characters, Black Hat (Villainous), Dr. Flug (Villainous), Demencia (Villainous), 5.0.5 (Villainous), don't starve all characters, Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Watchdogs (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Hater (Wander Over Yonder), Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder), Emperor Awesome (Wander Over Yonder), Captain Tim (Wander Over Yonder), Sylvia Zbornak, Chris, Ted, Aiden, floofy - Character, Team Fortress 2 Original Character(s), Original Troll Character(s) (Homestuck), Original Undertale Character(s), Original Animal Character(s), original creepypasta - Character, Original Characters
Relationships: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, Prince Gumball/Marshall Lee, Finn the Human/Flame Prince, Cake the Cat/Lord Monochromicorn, Preston Goodplay/Max, Harrison/Neil (Camp Camp), Nerris/Nikki (Camp Camp), Max/Neil (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay/Harrison, David/Jasper (Camp Camp), David (Camp Camp)/Original Male Character(s), Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Demoman/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Pyro/Scout (Team Fortress 2), Heavy/Medic/Original Male Character(s), Blind Specter/Cagney Carnation, Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, Cronus Ampora/Kankri Vantas, Tavros Nitram/Equius Zahhak, Rufioh Nitram/Horuss Zahhak, Eridan Ampora/Sollux Captor, Eridan Ampora & Karkat Vantas, Dad Egbert/Dave's Bro | Beta Dirk Strider, Hearts Boxcars/Clubs Deuce, Diamonds Droog/Spades Slick, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer/Original Male Character(s), Hoody/Masky, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticcy Toby/Masky (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody/Masky (Creepypasta), BEN (BEN Drowned)/Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack/Original Character(s), America/Japan (Hetalia), America/Russia (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), America/America (Hetalia), Canada/Canada (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), Golden Freddy/Springtrap, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Jeremy Fitzgerald/Mike Schmidt, Mike Schmidt/Original Character(s), Phone Guy/Purple Man (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle/Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Fritz Smith/Original Character(s), Original Male Character/Original Male Character (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Original Female Character(s), Mettaton/Papyrus (Undertale), Alphys/Undyne (Undertale), Sans/Toriel (Undertale), Burgerpants/Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Royal Guard 01/Royal Guard 02 (Undertale), Bratty/Catty (Undertale), Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada/Tekhartha Zenyatta, Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada, Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes/Lúcio Correia dos Santos, Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova/Mei-Ling Zhou, Almighty Tallest Purple/Almighty Tallest Red, Dib/Zim (Invader Zim), Edd/Matt (Eddsworld), Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Eduardo/Jon (Eddsworld), Matt/Tom (Eddsworld), Patryck/Paul (Eddsworld), red guy/original male characters, Duck (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)/Original Characters, tony the talking clock/original character, Dadsona/Robert Small, Craig Cahn/Dadsona, Joseph Christiansen/Dadsona, Damien Bloodmarch/Dadsona, Dadsona/Hugo Vega, Dadsona/Mat Sella, Dadsona/Brian Harding, Lucien Bloodmarch/Ernest Vega, Damien Bloodmarch/Robert Small, Joseph Christiansen/Mary Christiansen, Black Hat/Dr. Flug (Villainous), Dr.Flug/original male character, Wes/Wilson (Don't Starve), Wes/Original Male Character, Dan Avidan/Arin Hanson, Barry Kramer/Brian Wecht, Lord Hater/Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Peepers/Sylvia, Ted/Chris
Additional Tags: Too many characters, jesus fuck, ok now for the real tags, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Fluff, Smut, Kinky, Crossover, Angst, Character Death, Alternate Universes, Blood and Gore, Sad, Murder, Gay
from AO3 works tagged 'Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada' https://ift.tt/2sRYNQE via IFTTT
16 notes · View notes
knoxvillesjackass · 1 year
frustrated - j.k - smut!
Tumblr media
warning! mild dubcon/dubious consent! very smutty!!
𝑗𝑜ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑓𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑...𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢.
“J-Johnny, slow down,” I whimpered as Johnny's thrusts sped up. They were deep and hard and I was on the verge of tears as I struggled to figure out if what I was feeling was pain or pleasure, or perhaps both. I couldn’t decide. Either way, whatever it was, I knew that I did not want him to stop.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” he spat back rather harshly. His lips were attached to my neck as I sat on the kitchen counter. Johnny stood between my legs, grabbing my thighs as he made sure to hit every angle perfectly. Johnny threw his head back and let out a deep sigh as I dug my fingernails deep into his back.
Johnny had come home tired. Angry was more like it.
Work had been stressful the past few months. He had been re-shooting scenes, and he hated how slow the process was. He struggled to fit in time for anything and everything, and most nights, I didn’t even get a chance to see him before passing out, too tired after waiting for him for hours on end.
This specific afternoon, he was so frustrated after a long day at work, and, well, I was the only one in his reach. And, that’s how I ended up on a kitchen counter at 11 pm, getting fucked senselessly by my generally very gracious boyfriend.
“Fuck,” I managed to mutter out as my hands fumbled around in Johnny's curls. A single tear rolled down my cheek. The complete sentiment of euphoria had taken over my body, and nothing had ever felt better.
Johnny's moans were loud in my ear and the sounds themselves were practically orgasmic on their own.
Although I'd always enjoyed a variety of different paces and techniques when it came to sex, I'd never experienced Johnny like that before. So ruthless. So…rough.
I knew that Johnny was doing it for himself, and only himself. The way his cock mercilessly plunged into my belly repeatedly, not once slowing down, told me everything I needed to know. He hadn’t even asked if I was comfortable, which was something he always made sure to do. He didn’t wait for me to adjust to his massive size, which was something I still needed to do, even after five years of dating. He just barged in, lifted me onto the kitchen counter, and did exactly what he wanted to.
I hadn’t had the time to even think before he’d dived into me. He’d wasted no time. He hadn’t even checked if I was wet enough to enter. No foreplay. No nothing.
“Jo-Johnny, just slow down. Let me look at you,” I whimpered and retrieved my face from the crook of his neck. I put my hands on either side of Johnny's face, looking into his beautiful, deep eyes. His mouth hung open by a slight bit, just enough to produce a couple of moans here and there. He looked at me intensely while he rested his forehead against mine, not once breaking eye contact.
“No slowing down,” Johnny insisted, squeezing the bottom part of my thigh harshly.
“Just take it. Take it like the good girl you are.” Johnny hummed, moving his lips down to my neck and sucking on the skin, undoubtedly leaving a large, purple mark.
Johnny's words made me moan as I clawed into his shoulder blades. I could hear Johnny slightly wince at the sensation. “Feisty little one, are you?” Johnny chuckled at my action and smashed his lips into mine.
Suddenly, his thrusts stopped. I was confused by his sudden pause but shrieked loudly as he lifted me from the counter. Naturally, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist.
Johnny walked to the nearest wall, his cock still inside of me. I whimpered Johnny's name as he placed me against the wall.
He wrapped his arms underneath my legs and placed his hand on each one of my ass-cheeks to support my weight.
Johnny began thrusting into me. The new position had given him a greater ability to pound even deeper and harder into me than before. I let out a loud shriek and grabbed onto Johnny's bicep with one hand while the other one rested on his chest. I tried my best to look into his eyes, knowing how he loved to look at me when he fucked me, but his fast-paced rhythm made it nearly impossible. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I felt an orgasm creeping up on me.
“I-I’m gonna c-cum.” I somehow managed to stutter out between my moans.
“Uh-uh,” Johnny shook his head, grabbing my legs tightly. His muscular body flexed with every thrust. “No cumming until I say so,” Johnny smirked. I hissed quietly under my breath, but not quietly for Johnny to miss it.
“Did you just hiss at me?” He asked.
I knew that tone all too well.
Before I could answer Johnny's question, he plunged into me with such strength. A strength that I didn’t even know he had in him.
“Fuck!” I gasped as Johnny repeated the slow, but unbelievably deep and overwhelming pumps.
“Ahh, that feels good, doesn’t it? Hmm?” Johnny asked, biting his lip. He kissed my forehead. Unable to answer, I just moaned in response.
It felt as if my heart was in my throat. Even if I tried, I'd never be able to even describe the complete and utter state of bliss I found myself in whenever Johnny fucked me.
“Do you want to cum? Hmm?” Johnny purred in my ear, his voice deep and lascivious.
“Mmm,” I nodded with my eyes closed, too focused on the pleasure within me to focus on what Johnny was saying.
“Say it.” Johnny panted. “Say it and look at me,” he instructed between heavy breaths.
I opened my eyes and looked deep into Johnny's eyes. They’d turned a shade or two darker than before.
“I just-oh fuck. I want to come so bad. Please,”
It almost made me feel pathetic to beg for him like that, but I couldn’t help it.
“I love it when you beg for me. Such a good girl,” Johnny hummed into my ear. I could feel Johnny's arms flex from holding me up for so long, and just like me, he was very close.
Johnny's moans intensified and they became louder and louder. His thrusts became sloppier and suddenly, he let out a loud grunt, followed by a couple of moans here and there as he pounded into me deeply a few times before completely stopping all movement.
I was confused, wondering if he was even going to let me cum, but I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts as Johnny walked back over to the kitchen counter and placed me on it.
“Lay down,” Johnny ordered, and I followed by laying down on my back, feeling the cold counter material against my back which sent shivers down my back.
“You’ve been so good, you know that?” Johnny smiled, almost in a proud manner while looking down at me, laying naked on the counter.
All his.
“I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good, darling” Johnny swore whilst smirking as he bent down and kissed my lips passionately, his touch much different than just minutes ago.
His lips trailed down my body. From my lips to my collarbones. Then down to my breasts, my belly button, and finally, my all-through soaked pussy. His tongue softly slithered around my heat. I could feel his warm mouth on my inner thighs, dangerously close to my core. I whined in an attempt for Johnny to up, which only earned me a harsh slap on the thigh.
“Be patient, or you’re gonna have to make yourself cum,” Johnny warned. I looked down at him and scoffed, knowing damn well I'd never even come close to Johnny's skills when it came to making me feel good. Johnny returned to my heat. I could feel his breathing against my already sensitive cunt, and it made me want to cry out. He was too slow for my liking. All I wanted was to feel his touch. To feel his mouth.
Johnny's tongue suddenly slithered between my folds. I shrieked at the sensation and accidentally closed my legs together as a reflex. Johnny wasted no time and roughly grabbed my thighs. He held them in an open position, restricting me from any movement at all in my legs.
“Last warning,” Johnny growled, and once again, his mouth connected to my pulsing cunt. His movements were agonizingly slow. His lips were closed around my clit, kissing it slowly. His tongue moved further down, and slowly entered the opening of my pussy, tasting the sweet taste of wetness his teasing had resulted in. I moaned loudly as he continued working his magic.
I ran my fingers through his brown hair, trying to make sense of everything. The pleasure was almost too much. Johnny knew exactly what he was doing to me. He loved nothing more than to hear my moans. He removed his tongue from my opening and the loss of his touch made me pout. Johnny smirked up at me teasingly.
He dragged his tongue back to my clit, flicking it up and down, gradually adding pace. A motion that completely and utterly carried me over the edge.
“Oh, my-fuck!” I screeched as the ball of pleasure in my abdomen exploded like fireworks. I gripped Johnny's hair tightly, maybe even too tightly, because I was convinced that I heard him wince quietly. I could feel his stare as I rode out of my long-awaited orgasm. Slowly, I gathered my senses and snapped back to reality.
“So beautiful,” Johnny mumbled, adoring me, although I knew it wasn't my best moment. A red face and tear-stained cheeks as I tried to catch my breath. Johnny stood and helped me up from the counter. My knees were too weak to even stand, so Johnny took me in his arms, bridal style.
“Listen, I was a bit frustrated. I’m sorry if I was too rough,” Johnny spoke. I looked up into his eyes, smirking.
“No. I liked it,” I spoke. “I knew you would,” Johnny grinned, shaking his head as he walked up the stairs, with me in his arms.
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ao3feed-spamano · 6 years
Stories from a huge nerd(oneshots mainly)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sRYNQE
by SirMuffinTheDestroyer (FrenchiestfryLaffayette)
a series of oneshots and small stories. if you don't see a pairing i might have forgot it but i will probably still write about it. please enjoy...also sorry the characters are a bit wonky.
Words: 46, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Adventure Time, Camp Camp (Web Series), Team Fortress 2, Cuphead (Video Game), Homestuck, Creepypasta - Fandom, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale (Video Game), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Overwatch (Video Game), Invader Zim, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Webseries), Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Villainous (Cartoon), Don't Starve (Video Game), Game Grumps, Wander Over Yonder (Cartoon), Kid n Teenagers (Web Comic)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Princess Bubblegum, Prince Gumball, Marceline (Adventure Time), Marshall Lee, Finn the Human, Fionna the Human, Flame Prince, Cake the Cat, Jake the Dog, Lord Monochromicorn, Lady Rainicorn, Earl of Lemongrab, Ice King | Simon Petrikov, Ice Queen (Adventure Time), Gunter (Adventure Time), BMO (Adventure Time), Candy People, David (Camp Camp), David's Parents (Camp Camp), Cameron Campbell, Gwen (Camp Camp), Max (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay, Harrison (Camp Camp), Space Kid (Camp Camp), Dolph (Camp Camp), Ered (Camp Camp), Neil (Camp Camp), Nurf (Camp Camp), Nerris (Camp Camp), Nikki (Camp Camp), Daniel (Camp Camp), Jasper (Camp Camp), Quartermaster (Camp Camp), Jen (Camp Camp), Heavy (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2), Saxton Hale, Spy (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Martini (Cuphead), Rum (Cuphead), Whiskey (Cuphead), The Announcer (Cuphead), King Dice (Cuphead), Cuphead (Cuphead), Dot (Cuphead), Pip (Cuphead), Weepy (Cuphead), Porkrind (Cuphead), T-Bone (Cuphead), Dr. Kahl (Cuphead), Mr. Chimes (Cuphead), Mangosteen (Cuphead), Pirouletta (Cuphead), Mr. Wheezy (Cuphead), The Devil (Cuphead), Mugman (Cuphead), Blind Specter, Cagney Carnation, Phear Lap, Hopus Pocus, Phantom Express, Hilda Berg, Werner Werman, Sally Stageplay, Psycarrot (Cuphead), Moe Tato, Wally Warbles, wally junior, dr.kahl's robot, Cala Maria, Beppi the Clown, Djimmi the Great, Baroness von Bon Bon, Grim Matchstick, Captain Brineybeard (Cuphead), Chips Bettigan, Elder Kettle, Goopy Le Grande, The Trolls (Homestuck), The Kids (Homestuck), The Felt (Homestuck), Troll Ancestors (Homestuck), Midnight Crew, The Guardians (Homestuck), The Sprites (Homestuck), Hoody (Creepypasta), Masky (Creepypasta), The Rake (Creepypasta), Zalgo (Creepypasta), Sally Williams (Creepypasta), Lost Silver (Creepypasta), Creepypasta Character(s), Slender Man, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, BEN (BEN Drowned), Laughing Jack, The Seed Eater, Smile Dog, Kagekao (creepypasta), Dr. Smiley, America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Scotland (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Belgium (Hetalia), Other Hetalia Character(s), 2p hetalia - Character, Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Puppet (Five Nights at Freddy's), Golden Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle (Five Nights at Freddy's), Purple Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Nightguard(s) (Five Nights at Freddy's), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Frisk (Undertale), Toriel (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Alphys (Undertale), Chara (Undertale), Flowey (Undertale), Mettaton (Undertale), Grillby (Undertale), Napstablook (Undertale), Monster Kid (Undertale), Burgerpants (Undertale), Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Other Undertale Characters, Mortal Instruments Series - All Characters, Overwatch Ensemble, invader zim all characters, Tord (Eddsworld), Tom (Eddsworld), Edd (Eddsworld), Matt (Eddsworld), Paul (Eddsworld), Eduardo (Eddsworld), Jon (Eddsworld), Mark (Eddsworld), Patryck (Eddsworld), don't hug me i'm scared all characters, my dadsona - Character, dream daddy all characters, Black Hat (Villainous), Dr. Flug (Villainous), Demencia (Villainous), 5.0.5 (Villainous), don't starve all characters, Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Watchdogs (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Hater (Wander Over Yonder), Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder), Emperor Awesome (Wander Over Yonder), Captain Tim (Wander Over Yonder), Sylvia Zbornak, Chris, Ted, Aiden, floofy - Character, Team Fortress 2 Original Character(s), Original Troll Character(s) (Homestuck), Original Undertale Character(s), Original Animal Character(s), original creepypasta - Character, Original Characters
Relationships: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, Prince Gumball/Marshall Lee, Finn the Human/Flame Prince, Cake the Cat/Lord Monochromicorn, Preston Goodplay/Max, Harrison/Neil (Camp Camp), Nerris/Nikki (Camp Camp), Max/Neil (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay/Harrison, David/Jasper (Camp Camp), David (Camp Camp)/Original Male Character(s), Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Demoman/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Pyro/Scout (Team Fortress 2), Heavy/Medic/Original Male Character(s), Blind Specter/Cagney Carnation, Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, Cronus Ampora/Kankri Vantas, Tavros Nitram/Equius Zahhak, Rufioh Nitram/Horuss Zahhak, Eridan Ampora/Sollux Captor, Eridan Ampora & Karkat Vantas, Dad Egbert/Dave's Bro | Beta Dirk Strider, Hearts Boxcars/Clubs Deuce, Diamonds Droog/Spades Slick, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer/Original Male Character(s), Hoody/Masky, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticcy Toby/Masky (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody/Masky (Creepypasta), BEN (BEN Drowned)/Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack/Original Character(s), America/Japan (Hetalia), America/Russia (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), America/America (Hetalia), Canada/Canada (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), Golden Freddy/Springtrap, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Jeremy Fitzgerald/Mike Schmidt, Mike Schmidt/Original Character(s), Phone Guy/Purple Man (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle/Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Fritz Smith/Original Character(s), Original Male Character/Original Male Character (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Original Female Character(s), Mettaton/Papyrus (Undertale), Alphys/Undyne (Undertale), Sans/Toriel (Undertale), Burgerpants/Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Royal Guard 01/Royal Guard 02 (Undertale), Bratty/Catty (Undertale), Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada/Tekhartha Zenyatta, Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada, Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes/Lúcio Correia dos Santos, Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova/Mei-Ling Zhou, Almighty Tallest Purple/Almighty Tallest Red, Dib/Zim (Invader Zim), Edd/Matt (Eddsworld), Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Eduardo/Jon (Eddsworld), Matt/Tom (Eddsworld), Patryck/Paul (Eddsworld), red guy/original male characters, Duck (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)/Original Characters, tony the talking clock/original character, Dadsona/Robert Small, Craig Cahn/Dadsona, Joseph Christiansen/Dadsona, Damien Bloodmarch/Dadsona, Dadsona/Hugo Vega, Dadsona/Mat Sella, Dadsona/Brian Harding, Lucien Bloodmarch/Ernest Vega, Damien Bloodmarch/Robert Small, Joseph Christiansen/Mary Christiansen, Black Hat/Dr. Flug (Villainous), Dr.Flug/original male character, Wes/Wilson (Don't Starve), Wes/Original Male Character, Dan Avidan/Arin Hanson, Barry Kramer/Brian Wecht, Lord Hater/Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Peepers/Sylvia, Ted/Chris
Additional Tags: Too many characters, jesus fuck, ok now for the real tags, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Fluff, Smut, Kinky, Crossover, Angst, Character Death, Alternate Universes, Blood and Gore, Sad, Murder, Gay
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sRYNQE
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dunnswrld · 2 years
I don’t know how to make requests but would you do some with Steve-O? They can take any direction, any storyline, I’m just desperate for him and he’s BEAUTIFUL
Dating Steve-o Headcannons!
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a/n: here's some Steve-o headcannons for you! :)
prompt: Title!
warnings: Fluff, light smut, Fem!reader, partying
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You met Steve-o at a party for sure
He caught your eye when he was doing some dumb party trick.
Probably a shot trick or maybe a backflip
When you told him how sick his random party trick was he got flustered when you complimented him cause he thought you were so pretty
Like why weren't you talking to Bam or Knoxville?!
You two quickly clicked since you both were drunk and had liquid courage
Steve-o even building up the guts to ask you on a date
When you said yes he probably bragged to all the guys
"Dud you won't believe it! That hot girl from the bar said yes to going out with me!"
"What? No way!"
Steve-o freaked out a bit because he didn't realize he didn't really have the money to take you out on a proper date because this was when he first started Jackass and the money wasn't exactly rolling in..
But you didn't mind at all, which made Steve-o only fall for you more
Steve-o ended up taking you out to get ice cream then to the skatepark near a beach where you two just hung out
To this day Steve-o said it's still one of your guys' best dates
The first time Steve-o invited you over to his apartment you were horrified.
Steve-o swears on everything he loves that he cleaned it before you came over
But all the beer cans, dirty clothes, old food, and even bongs (some broken) you couldn't even wrap your head around how on earth this was even clean for him
You two had planned on watching movies all night but that idea was completely thrown out the window
You two cleaned his apartment all night but you two made it fun
You guys probably played music and dancing, ordered pizza, and Steve-o probably chased you with multiple articles of dirty clothing
But the next day when Johnny came over unannounced he was shocked to see Steve-o's apartment actually almost spot less
"Hey Steve- Oh my god! It's clean! The sink hole is really clean!"
But when he saw you sitting on the couch in one of Steve-o's t-shirts and no visible pants he quickly knew what was going on
Johnny was happy that Steve-o was serious about you (unlike his past relationships) because he thought you were a real nice girl
When you met the rest of the guys you clicked well with all of them which is all Steve-o could've asked for
And when Steve-o was on set filming a stunt and you were there he would go all out to try and impress you.
He would always ask if you saw what he did after he finished his stunt
"Yn! Did you see that?"
"Oh no I didn't. Sorry Steve I'll rewatch the footage-"
"No! I'll do it again! Jeff I'm doing it again!"
This made Jeff love having you on set, so much good footage came out of Steve-o when you were there
Steve-o probably isn't big on PDA but he defiantly gives you big kisses on the cheeks and little hugs
But out of public Steve-o loves touching you
His favorite thing is you laying on his chest and he gets to play with your hair
And kisses, no matter where on your body
I feel like Steve-o is protective but not super protective
But if he gets jealous enough he will get violent
It probably had happened at one or two bars where a guy flirts with you and Steve-o has had too many drinks and doesn't use his words and just swings
Chris jumps in for sure
"Chris why the hell did you even jump in?! You made it worse for everyone and we are banned from that bar!"
"Well I saw Steve-o punching and it looked fun."
Steve-o probably apologizes for little things he does because he doesn't want you to be mad with him
It's like his worse fear :(
When you two do fight Steve-o might be intense at first but then once you start crying he gets SO UPSET with himself
Like he is going through the 5 stages of grief over it
Probably will apologize for the next month cause he thinks you hate him
"I'm sorry for being such an asshole a few weeks ago Yn."
"Steve, honey, that was like two months ago I'm over it you don't need to apologize."
I think that if you're feeling insecure one day you better believe Steve-o is praising you so much
"Steve I look so ugly today :("
"What?! Are we looking at the same person you see in the mirror?! You look so good all the time babe!"
He defiantly showers you in compliments 10x more that whole day which makes you feel so much better
"You look so pretty from this angle."
"Your eyes are beautiful."
"How did I get so lucky with such a great girl like you?"
But overall Steve-o treats you like a queen because it's what you deserve
He loves you more than life itself :,)
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 6 years
Stories from a huge nerd(oneshots mainly)
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/14920103
by SirMuffinTheDestroyer (FrenchiestfryLaffayette)
a series of oneshots and small stories. if you don't see a pairing i might have forgot it but i will probably still write about it. please enjoy...also sorry the characters are a bit wonky.
Words: 46, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Adventure Time, Camp Camp (Web Series), Team Fortress 2, Cuphead (Video Game), Homestuck, Creepypasta - Fandom, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale (Video Game), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Overwatch (Video Game), Invader Zim, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Webseries), Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Villainous (Cartoon), Don't Starve (Video Game), Game Grumps, Wander Over Yonder (Cartoon), Kid n Teenagers (Web Comic)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Princess Bubblegum, Prince Gumball, Marceline (Adventure Time), Marshall Lee, Finn the Human, Fionna the Human, Flame Prince, Cake the Cat, Jake the Dog, Lord Monochromicorn, Lady Rainicorn, Earl of Lemongrab, Ice King | Simon Petrikov, Ice Queen (Adventure Time), Gunter (Adventure Time), BMO (Adventure Time), Candy People, David (Camp Camp), David's Parents (Camp Camp), Cameron Campbell, Gwen (Camp Camp), Max (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay, Harrison (Camp Camp), Space Kid (Camp Camp), Dolph (Camp Camp), Ered (Camp Camp), Neil (Camp Camp), Nurf (Camp Camp), Nerris (Camp Camp), Nikki (Camp Camp), Daniel (Camp Camp), Jasper (Camp Camp), Quartermaster (Camp Camp), Jen (Camp Camp), Heavy (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2), Saxton Hale, Spy (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Martini (Cuphead), Rum (Cuphead), Whiskey (Cuphead), The Announcer (Cuphead), King Dice (Cuphead), Cuphead (Cuphead), Dot (Cuphead), Pip (Cuphead), Weepy (Cuphead), Porkrind (Cuphead), T-Bone (Cuphead), Dr. Kahl (Cuphead), Mr. Chimes (Cuphead), Mangosteen (Cuphead), Pirouletta (Cuphead), Mr. Wheezy (Cuphead), The Devil (Cuphead), Mugman (Cuphead), Blind Specter, Cagney Carnation, Phear Lap, Hopus Pocus, Phantom Express, Hilda Berg, Werner Werman, Sally Stageplay, Psycarrot (Cuphead), Moe Tato, Wally Warbles, wally junior, dr.kahl's robot, Cala Maria, Beppi the Clown, Djimmi the Great, Baroness von Bon Bon, Grim Matchstick, Captain Brineybeard (Cuphead), Chips Bettigan, Elder Kettle, Goopy Le Grande, The Trolls (Homestuck), The Kids (Homestuck), The Felt (Homestuck), Troll Ancestors (Homestuck), Midnight Crew, The Guardians (Homestuck), The Sprites (Homestuck), Hoody (Creepypasta), Masky (Creepypasta), The Rake (Creepypasta), Zalgo (Creepypasta), Sally Williams (Creepypasta), Lost Silver (Creepypasta), Creepypasta Character(s), Slender Man, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, BEN (BEN Drowned), Laughing Jack, The Seed Eater, Smile Dog, Kagekao (creepypasta), Dr. Smiley, America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Scotland (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Belgium (Hetalia), Other Hetalia Character(s), 2p hetalia - Character, Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Puppet (Five Nights at Freddy's), Golden Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle (Five Nights at Freddy's), Purple Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Nightguard(s) (Five Nights at Freddy's), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Frisk (Undertale), Toriel (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Alphys (Undertale), Chara (Undertale), Flowey (Undertale), Mettaton (Undertale), Grillby (Undertale), Napstablook (Undertale), Monster Kid (Undertale), Burgerpants (Undertale), Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Other Undertale Characters, Mortal Instruments Series - All Characters, Overwatch Ensemble, invader zim all characters, Tord (Eddsworld), Tom (Eddsworld), Edd (Eddsworld), Matt (Eddsworld), Paul (Eddsworld), Eduardo (Eddsworld), Jon (Eddsworld), Mark (Eddsworld), Patryck (Eddsworld), don't hug me i'm scared all characters, my dadsona - Character, dream daddy all characters, Black Hat (Villainous), Dr. Flug (Villainous), Demencia (Villainous), 5.0.5 (Villainous), don't starve all characters, Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Watchdogs (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Hater (Wander Over Yonder), Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder), Emperor Awesome (Wander Over Yonder), Captain Tim (Wander Over Yonder), Sylvia Zbornak, Chris, Ted, Aiden, floofy - Character, Team Fortress 2 Original Character(s), Original Troll Character(s) (Homestuck), Original Undertale Character(s), Original Animal Character(s), original creepypasta - Character, Original Characters
Relationships: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, Prince Gumball/Marshall Lee, Finn the Human/Flame Prince, Cake the Cat/Lord Monochromicorn, Preston Goodplay/Max, Harrison/Neil (Camp Camp), Nerris/Nikki (Camp Camp), Max/Neil (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay/Harrison, David/Jasper (Camp Camp), David (Camp Camp)/Original Male Character(s), Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Demoman/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Pyro/Scout (Team Fortress 2), Heavy/Medic/Original Male Character(s), Blind Specter/Cagney Carnation, Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, Cronus Ampora/Kankri Vantas, Tavros Nitram/Equius Zahhak, Rufioh Nitram/Horuss Zahhak, Eridan Ampora/Sollux Captor, Eridan Ampora & Karkat Vantas, Dad Egbert/Dave's Bro | Beta Dirk Strider, Hearts Boxcars/Clubs Deuce, Diamonds Droog/Spades Slick, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer/Original Male Character(s), Hoody/Masky, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticcy Toby/Masky (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody/Masky (Creepypasta), BEN (BEN Drowned)/Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack/Original Character(s), America/Japan (Hetalia), America/Russia (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), America/America (Hetalia), Canada/Canada (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), Golden Freddy/Springtrap, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Jeremy Fitzgerald/Mike Schmidt, Mike Schmidt/Original Character(s), Phone Guy/Purple Man (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle/Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Fritz Smith/Original Character(s), Original Male Character/Original Male Character (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Original Female Character(s), Mettaton/Papyrus (Undertale), Alphys/Undyne (Undertale), Sans/Toriel (Undertale), Burgerpants/Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Royal Guard 01/Royal Guard 02 (Undertale), Bratty/Catty (Undertale), Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada/Tekhartha Zenyatta, Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada, Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes/Lúcio Correia dos Santos, Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova/Mei-Ling Zhou, Almighty Tallest Purple/Almighty Tallest Red, Dib/Zim (Invader Zim), Edd/Matt (Eddsworld), Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Eduardo/Jon (Eddsworld), Matt/Tom (Eddsworld), Patryck/Paul (Eddsworld), red guy/original male characters, Duck (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)/Original Characters, tony the talking clock/original character, Dadsona/Robert Small, Craig Cahn/Dadsona, Joseph Christiansen/Dadsona, Damien Bloodmarch/Dadsona, Dadsona/Hugo Vega, Dadsona/Mat Sella, Dadsona/Brian Harding, Lucien Bloodmarch/Ernest Vega, Damien Bloodmarch/Robert Small, Joseph Christiansen/Mary Christiansen, Black Hat/Dr. Flug (Villainous), Dr.Flug/original male character, Wes/Wilson (Don't Starve), Wes/Original Male Character, Dan Avidan/Arin Hanson, Barry Kramer/Brian Wecht, Lord Hater/Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Peepers/Sylvia, Ted/Chris
Additional Tags: Too many characters, jesus fuck, ok now for the real tags, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Fluff, Smut, Kinky, Crossover, Angst, Character Death, Alternate Universes, Blood and Gore, Sad, Murder, Gay
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/14920103
3 notes · View notes
ao3feed-davekat · 6 years
Stories from a huge nerd(oneshots mainly)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JGWiac
by SirMuffinTheDestroyer (FrenchiestfryLaffayette)
a series of oneshots and small stories. if you don't see a pairing i might have forgot it but i will probably still write about it. please enjoy...also sorry the characters are a bit wonky.
Words: 46, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Adventure Time, Camp Camp (Web Series), Team Fortress 2, Cuphead (Video Game), Homestuck, Creepypasta - Fandom, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale (Video Game), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Overwatch (Video Game), Invader Zim, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Webseries), Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Villainous (Cartoon), Don't Starve (Video Game), Game Grumps, Wander Over Yonder (Cartoon), Kid n Teenagers (Web Comic)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Princess Bubblegum, Prince Gumball, Marceline (Adventure Time), Marshall Lee, Finn the Human, Fionna the Human, Flame Prince, Cake the Cat, Jake the Dog, Lord Monochromicorn, Lady Rainicorn, Earl of Lemongrab, Ice King | Simon Petrikov, Ice Queen (Adventure Time), Gunter (Adventure Time), BMO (Adventure Time), Candy People, David (Camp Camp), David's Parents (Camp Camp), Cameron Campbell, Gwen (Camp Camp), Max (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay, Harrison (Camp Camp), Space Kid (Camp Camp), Dolph (Camp Camp), Ered (Camp Camp), Neil (Camp Camp), Nurf (Camp Camp), Nerris (Camp Camp), Nikki (Camp Camp), Daniel (Camp Camp), Jasper (Camp Camp), Quartermaster (Camp Camp), Jen (Camp Camp), Heavy (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2), Saxton Hale, Spy (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Martini (Cuphead), Rum (Cuphead), Whiskey (Cuphead), The Announcer (Cuphead), King Dice (Cuphead), Cuphead (Cuphead), Dot (Cuphead), Pip (Cuphead), Weepy (Cuphead), Porkrind (Cuphead), T-Bone (Cuphead), Dr. Kahl (Cuphead), Mr. Chimes (Cuphead), Mangosteen (Cuphead), Pirouletta (Cuphead), Mr. Wheezy (Cuphead), The Devil (Cuphead), Mugman (Cuphead), Blind Specter, Cagney Carnation, Phear Lap, Hopus Pocus, Phantom Express, Hilda Berg, Werner Werman, Sally Stageplay, Psycarrot (Cuphead), Moe Tato, Wally Warbles, wally junior, dr.kahl's robot, Cala Maria, Beppi the Clown, Djimmi the Great, Baroness von Bon Bon, Grim Matchstick, Captain Brineybeard (Cuphead), Chips Bettigan, Elder Kettle, Goopy Le Grande, The Trolls (Homestuck), The Kids (Homestuck), The Felt (Homestuck), Troll Ancestors (Homestuck), Midnight Crew, The Guardians (Homestuck), The Sprites (Homestuck), Hoody (Creepypasta), Masky (Creepypasta), The Rake (Creepypasta), Zalgo (Creepypasta), Sally Williams (Creepypasta), Lost Silver (Creepypasta), Creepypasta Character(s), Slender Man, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, BEN (BEN Drowned), Laughing Jack, The Seed Eater, Smile Dog, Kagekao (creepypasta), Dr. Smiley, America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Scotland (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Belgium (Hetalia), Other Hetalia Character(s), 2p hetalia - Character, Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Puppet (Five Nights at Freddy's), Golden Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle (Five Nights at Freddy's), Purple Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Nightguard(s) (Five Nights at Freddy's), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Frisk (Undertale), Toriel (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Alphys (Undertale), Chara (Undertale), Flowey (Undertale), Mettaton (Undertale), Grillby (Undertale), Napstablook (Undertale), Monster Kid (Undertale), Burgerpants (Undertale), Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Other Undertale Characters, Mortal Instruments Series - All Characters, Overwatch Ensemble, invader zim all characters, Tord (Eddsworld), Tom (Eddsworld), Edd (Eddsworld), Matt (Eddsworld), Paul (Eddsworld), Eduardo (Eddsworld), Jon (Eddsworld), Mark (Eddsworld), Patryck (Eddsworld), don't hug me i'm scared all characters, my dadsona - Character, dream daddy all characters, Black Hat (Villainous), Dr. Flug (Villainous), Demencia (Villainous), 5.0.5 (Villainous), don't starve all characters, Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Watchdogs (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Hater (Wander Over Yonder), Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder), Emperor Awesome (Wander Over Yonder), Captain Tim (Wander Over Yonder), Sylvia Zbornak, Chris, Ted, Aiden, floofy - Character, Team Fortress 2 Original Character(s), Original Troll Character(s) (Homestuck), Original Undertale Character(s), Original Animal Character(s), original creepypasta - Character, Original Characters
Relationships: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, Prince Gumball/Marshall Lee, Finn the Human/Flame Prince, Cake the Cat/Lord Monochromicorn, Preston Goodplay/Max, Harrison/Neil (Camp Camp), Nerris/Nikki (Camp Camp), Max/Neil (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay/Harrison, David/Jasper (Camp Camp), David (Camp Camp)/Original Male Character(s), Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Demoman/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Pyro/Scout (Team Fortress 2), Heavy/Medic/Original Male Character(s), Blind Specter/Cagney Carnation, Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, Cronus Ampora/Kankri Vantas, Tavros Nitram/Equius Zahhak, Rufioh Nitram/Horuss Zahhak, Eridan Ampora/Sollux Captor, Eridan Ampora & Karkat Vantas, Dad Egbert/Dave's Bro | Beta Dirk Strider, Hearts Boxcars/Clubs Deuce, Diamonds Droog/Spades Slick, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer/Original Male Character(s), Hoody/Masky, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticcy Toby/Masky (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody/Masky (Creepypasta), BEN (BEN Drowned)/Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack/Original Character(s), America/Japan (Hetalia), America/Russia (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), America/America (Hetalia), Canada/Canada (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), Golden Freddy/Springtrap, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Jeremy Fitzgerald/Mike Schmidt, Mike Schmidt/Original Character(s), Phone Guy/Purple Man (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle/Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Fritz Smith/Original Character(s), Original Male Character/Original Male Character (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Original Female Character(s), Mettaton/Papyrus (Undertale), Alphys/Undyne (Undertale), Sans/Toriel (Undertale), Burgerpants/Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Royal Guard 01/Royal Guard 02 (Undertale), Bratty/Catty (Undertale), Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada/Tekhartha Zenyatta, Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada, Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes/Lúcio Correia dos Santos, Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova/Mei-Ling Zhou, Almighty Tallest Purple/Almighty Tallest Red, Dib/Zim (Invader Zim), Edd/Matt (Eddsworld), Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Eduardo/Jon (Eddsworld), Matt/Tom (Eddsworld), Patryck/Paul (Eddsworld), red guy/original male characters, Duck (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)/Original Characters, tony the talking clock/original character, Dadsona/Robert Small, Craig Cahn/Dadsona, Joseph Christiansen/Dadsona, Damien Bloodmarch/Dadsona, Dadsona/Hugo Vega, Dadsona/Mat Sella, Dadsona/Brian Harding, Lucien Bloodmarch/Ernest Vega, Damien Bloodmarch/Robert Small, Joseph Christiansen/Mary Christiansen, Black Hat/Dr. Flug (Villainous), Dr.Flug/original male character, Wes/Wilson (Don't Starve), Wes/Original Male Character, Dan Avidan/Arin Hanson, Barry Kramer/Brian Wecht, Lord Hater/Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Peepers/Sylvia, Ted/Chris
Additional Tags: Too many characters, jesus fuck, ok now for the real tags, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Fluff, Smut, Kinky, Crossover, Angst, Character Death, Alternate Universes, Blood and Gore, Sad, Murder, Gay
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JGWiac
1 note · View note
ao3feed-ddadds · 6 years
Stories from a huge nerd(oneshots mainly)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sRYNQE
by SirMuffinTheDestroyer (FrenchiestfryLaffayette)
a series of oneshots and small stories. if you don't see a pairing i might have forgot it but i will probably still write about it. please enjoy...also sorry the characters are a bit wonky.
Words: 46, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Adventure Time, Camp Camp (Web Series), Team Fortress 2, Cuphead (Video Game), Homestuck, Creepypasta - Fandom, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale (Video Game), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Overwatch (Video Game), Invader Zim, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (Webseries), Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Villainous (Cartoon), Don't Starve (Video Game), Game Grumps, Wander Over Yonder (Cartoon), Kid n Teenagers (Web Comic)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Princess Bubblegum, Prince Gumball, Marceline (Adventure Time), Marshall Lee, Finn the Human, Fionna the Human, Flame Prince, Cake the Cat, Jake the Dog, Lord Monochromicorn, Lady Rainicorn, Earl of Lemongrab, Ice King | Simon Petrikov, Ice Queen (Adventure Time), Gunter (Adventure Time), BMO (Adventure Time), Candy People, David (Camp Camp), David's Parents (Camp Camp), Cameron Campbell, Gwen (Camp Camp), Max (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay, Harrison (Camp Camp), Space Kid (Camp Camp), Dolph (Camp Camp), Ered (Camp Camp), Neil (Camp Camp), Nurf (Camp Camp), Nerris (Camp Camp), Nikki (Camp Camp), Daniel (Camp Camp), Jasper (Camp Camp), Quartermaster (Camp Camp), Jen (Camp Camp), Heavy (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2), Saxton Hale, Spy (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Martini (Cuphead), Rum (Cuphead), Whiskey (Cuphead), The Announcer (Cuphead), King Dice (Cuphead), Cuphead (Cuphead), Dot (Cuphead), Pip (Cuphead), Weepy (Cuphead), Porkrind (Cuphead), T-Bone (Cuphead), Dr. Kahl (Cuphead), Mr. Chimes (Cuphead), Mangosteen (Cuphead), Pirouletta (Cuphead), Mr. Wheezy (Cuphead), The Devil (Cuphead), Mugman (Cuphead), Blind Specter, Cagney Carnation, Phear Lap, Hopus Pocus, Phantom Express, Hilda Berg, Werner Werman, Sally Stageplay, Psycarrot (Cuphead), Moe Tato, Wally Warbles, wally junior, dr.kahl's robot, Cala Maria, Beppi the Clown, Djimmi the Great, Baroness von Bon Bon, Grim Matchstick, Captain Brineybeard (Cuphead), Chips Bettigan, Elder Kettle, Goopy Le Grande, The Trolls (Homestuck), The Kids (Homestuck), The Felt (Homestuck), Troll Ancestors (Homestuck), Midnight Crew, The Guardians (Homestuck), The Sprites (Homestuck), Hoody (Creepypasta), Masky (Creepypasta), The Rake (Creepypasta), Zalgo (Creepypasta), Sally Williams (Creepypasta), Lost Silver (Creepypasta), Creepypasta Character(s), Slender Man, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, BEN (BEN Drowned), Laughing Jack, The Seed Eater, Smile Dog, Kagekao (creepypasta), Dr. Smiley, America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Scotland (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Belgium (Hetalia), Other Hetalia Character(s), 2p hetalia - Character, Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Puppet (Five Nights at Freddy's), Golden Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle (Five Nights at Freddy's), Purple Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Nightguard(s) (Five Nights at Freddy's), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Frisk (Undertale), Toriel (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Alphys (Undertale), Chara (Undertale), Flowey (Undertale), Mettaton (Undertale), Grillby (Undertale), Napstablook (Undertale), Monster Kid (Undertale), Burgerpants (Undertale), Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Other Undertale Characters, Mortal Instruments Series - All Characters, Overwatch Ensemble, invader zim all characters, Tord (Eddsworld), Tom (Eddsworld), Edd (Eddsworld), Matt (Eddsworld), Paul (Eddsworld), Eduardo (Eddsworld), Jon (Eddsworld), Mark (Eddsworld), Patryck (Eddsworld), don't hug me i'm scared all characters, my dadsona - Character, dream daddy all characters, Black Hat (Villainous), Dr. Flug (Villainous), Demencia (Villainous), 5.0.5 (Villainous), don't starve all characters, Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Watchdogs (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Hater (Wander Over Yonder), Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder), Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder), Emperor Awesome (Wander Over Yonder), Captain Tim (Wander Over Yonder), Sylvia Zbornak, Chris, Ted, Aiden, floofy - Character, Team Fortress 2 Original Character(s), Original Troll Character(s) (Homestuck), Original Undertale Character(s), Original Animal Character(s), original creepypasta - Character, Original Characters
Relationships: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, Prince Gumball/Marshall Lee, Finn the Human/Flame Prince, Cake the Cat/Lord Monochromicorn, Preston Goodplay/Max, Harrison/Neil (Camp Camp), Nerris/Nikki (Camp Camp), Max/Neil (Camp Camp), Preston Goodplay/Harrison, David/Jasper (Camp Camp), David (Camp Camp)/Original Male Character(s), Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Demoman/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Engineer/Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Pyro/Scout (Team Fortress 2), Heavy/Medic/Original Male Character(s), Blind Specter/Cagney Carnation, Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, Cronus Ampora/Kankri Vantas, Tavros Nitram/Equius Zahhak, Rufioh Nitram/Horuss Zahhak, Eridan Ampora/Sollux Captor, Eridan Ampora & Karkat Vantas, Dad Egbert/Dave's Bro | Beta Dirk Strider, Hearts Boxcars/Clubs Deuce, Diamonds Droog/Spades Slick, Jeffrey Woods | Jeff the Killer/Original Male Character(s), Hoody/Masky, Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticcy Toby/Masky (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody (Creepypasta), Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers | Ticci Toby/Hoody/Masky (Creepypasta), BEN (BEN Drowned)/Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack/Original Character(s), America/Japan (Hetalia), America/Russia (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), America/America (Hetalia), Canada/Canada (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), Golden Freddy/Springtrap, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Jeremy Fitzgerald/Mike Schmidt, Mike Schmidt/Original Character(s), Phone Guy/Purple Man (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle/Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Fritz Smith/Original Character(s), Original Male Character/Original Male Character (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Original Female Character(s), Mettaton/Papyrus (Undertale), Alphys/Undyne (Undertale), Sans/Toriel (Undertale), Burgerpants/Nice Cream Vendor (Undertale), Royal Guard 01/Royal Guard 02 (Undertale), Bratty/Catty (Undertale), Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada/Tekhartha Zenyatta, Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada, Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes/Lúcio Correia dos Santos, Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova/Mei-Ling Zhou, Almighty Tallest Purple/Almighty Tallest Red, Dib/Zim (Invader Zim), Edd/Matt (Eddsworld), Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Eduardo/Jon (Eddsworld), Matt/Tom (Eddsworld), Patryck/Paul (Eddsworld), red guy/original male characters, Duck (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)/Original Characters, tony the talking clock/original character, Dadsona/Robert Small, Craig Cahn/Dadsona, Joseph Christiansen/Dadsona, Damien Bloodmarch/Dadsona, Dadsona/Hugo Vega, Dadsona/Mat Sella, Dadsona/Brian Harding, Lucien Bloodmarch/Ernest Vega, Damien Bloodmarch/Robert Small, Joseph Christiansen/Mary Christiansen, Black Hat/Dr. Flug (Villainous), Dr.Flug/original male character, Wes/Wilson (Don't Starve), Wes/Original Male Character, Dan Avidan/Arin Hanson, Barry Kramer/Brian Wecht, Lord Hater/Wander (Wander Over Yonder), Peepers/Sylvia, Ted/Chris
Additional Tags: Too many characters, jesus fuck, ok now for the real tags, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Fluff, Smut, Kinky, Crossover, Angst, Character Death, Alternate Universes, Blood and Gore, Sad, Murder, Gay
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sRYNQE
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