#dangerously delicious
theworkshopmann · 8 months
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Dangerously Delicious
"Moist and Delicious"
Type: Warpaint
Class: ALL
Accepted in game: No
This warpaint was made by Steam user Rapoza Dynamica. Posted on February 2nd 2020, you can vote for this here!
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fishthegenderwitch · 8 months
Was thirsty and my roommates bought me some pink lemonade *drink on the grocery order today
Have consumed about 6oz of peach schnapps in pink lemonade *drink (i don't know why they labelled it that way) in the past 10 minutes. 2oz of peach schapps, 8 oz pink lemonade *drink
That has no business being that delicious
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thegrapewizard · 7 months
Producer : Andrew Murray, Paso 🇺🇸
One of the good things about paso that it has so much diversity. I’ve always said. Find you grape. Find your champagne and here in paso. You can. What ever you drink where ever you try it. Have one thing in mind and one thing only Choose your grape ! Do I like this wine. This grape type. If it’s not for me that’s fine but move on. You do not have to like every grape varietal on the planet –…
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brianna150 · 1 year
I just made a orange juice flavoured milk. I combined half a cup of milk with half a cup in orange juice and it is fucking delicious. I do not care what anyone says or thinks about me, I’m going to continue to make this drink and make new drinks cause I love this. Tell me any other combinations and I will try them and report back to you 😈
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agir1ukn0w · 6 months
sorry but snow is such a well written iconic villain and donald sutherland performs him so fucking good it's almost hilarious how i start practically foaming at the mouth every time the man opens his mouth to say something deplorable in those movies, like he's so utterly and despicably wrong about almost every crucial thing from katniss and peeta's relationship to human nature as a whole and yet the second he starts talking about how hope is the only thing stronger than fear and how you have to allow a little hope but control it so its spark doesn't grow into revolution and how it's the things we love the most that destroy us you bet your ass i am on the floor screaming crying throwing up because that is my psychotic mustache-twirling villain RIGHT THERE
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lastoneout · 1 month
I think something that people might be struggling with re: Dungeon Meshi is like, there aren't really that many genuinely bad people in the story. There is a villain, and I won't spoil that, but people do seem to be acting like Kabru and Toshiro are antagonists or just bad people, and granted the story doesn't exactly paint them sympathetically at first, but they really aren't. No one in this story is a bad person, they all have nuanced backstories and worldviews and personalities that make them the way they are, and the conflict is a result of them clashing because they can't always understand each other.
Like almost every character aside from Laios' party and Senshi are introduced in a way that makes you unsure of them, makes you think they're jerks or dangerous, but as the story progresses and everyone starts to understand one another then they can part if not as friends, then at least as neutral acquaintances/allies. The story is about people with massive differences coming to understand one another and how that makes them all stronger. It's about how people who seem strange or weird or dangerous often are just different and aren't inherently worthy of scorn just for prioritizing different things and having cultural standards that seem odd or personality traits that are off-putting.
If you genuinely think Toshiro or Kabru are the bad guys or are meant to be seen as unsympathetic assholes then like, sorry, you've missed the point? Almost no one is truly evil in Dungeon Meshi, they're just different, and sometimes those differences lead to conflict, and sometimes that conflict is bad enough that two people just can't get along, but if everyone makes an effort to understand or at least accept one another, then we can make a better world.
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vanessavixenx2 · 2 months
Let’s get some caffeine on board! ☕️ Vv xo
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dyinggirldied · 1 year
Oh my god oh my god but wait:
Imagine Danny in Gotham (don'task, reasons can be anything), who was merrily on his way till he stopped, blue mist curled.
His eyes landed on the siblings over there, specifically on the tallest one, with white streak in his dark hair and green eyes like his Phantom form.
Something in his core was saying that's a dangerous one, dangerous one, he needs to appeal to him.
Danny, brain cells gone, grabbed the nearest, available stuff nearby and speed up to where the man was.
Jason was just enjoying his day with Dick, Tim and Damiab till a twink high schooler came up to his face, fidging and looking nervously at him.
Before he could ask the other boy (who was Batman's prime adoption bait) shoved something onto him then stayed a bit further back, red face, expression full of of expectation.
Jason hold the colorful bouquet in his hands, dumbfounded. His other brothers were just as confused as he was.
Did Jason just get asked out by a kid?
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whumpanini · 1 year
Okay so picture this... a line up of heroes, all bound and forced to their knees in front of whumper.
Whumper paces in front of them calmly. They have their hands clasped behind their back as they begin to threaten or make demands of Leader. Then they slowly stop in front of our whumpee. Maybe they look the youngest, most inexperienced, or the most scared but something about them catches whumper's eye.
Leader's eyes go wide as they try to redirect whumper's attention back to them, but it's too late. Whumper places a hand under Youngest's jaw and lifts their gaze to force eye contact. They see the barely hidden fear behind a shaky mask of indifference and they *smile.*
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distant-screaming · 28 days
I love media that is about parents. the way it always leads back to the way characters have been raised, been loved, been taught to love. media about about fathers and expectations and understanding and cultural roots holding it all together, about rekindling relationships that never had a chance to exist and letting go of grief over relationships that don't exist anymore. media about mothers, and burdens, and shelter. media about generational cycles and legacies and futures that are dictated by the past, and media about nature vs nurture and the way they have lived. media about the wealth and family and what is important and when. media about family of blood and family of choice and family of convenience. I love media about history and inheritance and, most of all, parents.
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columboscreens · 6 months
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boybandposter · 8 days
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fortunaegloria · 2 months
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Harrison Ford in The FBI – "Caesar's Wife" (4x18) [1969]
Thanks again, @scarfcce ❤️
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nikryptid · 3 months
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hey man what if i got overly invested in your physical wellbeing haha jk....... unless............
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ehhgg-art · 3 months
laios makes me so sad. he will never be full. he will never be fully human. he will never be fully monster. he is something else entirely stuck in the world of people. but he is alive and he is so happy. but he is still so hungry and he will always be hungry. maybe you don’t need to feel full to be happy. maybe you can be happy and hungry. can you?
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petratherrock · 2 months
Episode 13 aka Chilchuck's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
He's a Coward with A Good Heart and He Loves His Party Members
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