zenthropology · 1 year
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She wants to help out with Daimoku
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goolden · 9 months
non facevo così tanto daimoku da una vita
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pastorigloss · 1 year
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All’uomo irrazionale interessa solamente avere ragione. All’uomo razionale interessa imparare. #KarlPopper Amore, te lo vedevo stampato in faccia e sul corpo, questo tarlo. Ma chiederti cosa avessi, sembrava ti desse fastidio. Non temere, ti sono vicina, prego daimoku per tuo figlio, per te, per me, per le nostre felicità. Il daimoku fa stare bene, ti allinea alla vibrazione fondamentale dell'universo, quella del Big Bang. Abbi fede in questo, che sei ancora e solo e sempre tu. Tu sei l'energia dell'universo. Apriti con me, non avere paura di parlarmi delle tue paure più recondite. Ammetterle, è il primo passo verso la guarigione. #isolabella #vacanze2022 #daimoku #amore #buddismo #nichirendaishonin https://www.instagram.com/p/CoH-KlGNR0_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omglaurashutup · 2 years
seriously thinking about going to my grandmother's ceremony on sunday, even if my mom doesn't want to go bc i'm SO curious about it now
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topazadine · 2 years
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I don’t know why exactly but Juzumaru looks hot as fuck here. They did his bangs differently or something, but damn I wanna use that hair as reins while I ride him like horsie
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fantodsdhrit · 1 year
your parting face: with the look of the sambharani incense ash with
the look
of flautist killing stars with the look of: the dominant dream strangled by
pigeonholes with the look
of a slashed festival kite
with the look of foggy dawn
with the look of hearthstone: with the look of a sandstorm with the look of
a child's
forgotten stories
with the look of an unforgiven messiah biting cadmium spirits with the look
of friends dying
inside for the same human: with the look of the ungraspable with the look
train collision
with the look of ceasar stabbing: with the look of fading daimoku belief with
the cacophony of
awry tie-dye pattern
with the look of a decapitated cabrit: with the look of a babushka in tatters
with the look of
an artist burning their easel with the look of ravaged aborigine with the look
of amnesia
with the look of
hacked acacias: with the look of brief depression with the look of a hundred
funeral pyres
with the look of a downtrodden labourer with the look of postponed mazurka
with the look of
the inevitable
with the look of vacant unmoved eyes with the look of the back of the head
in departure
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jadeseadragon · 1 year
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In this 1835 print, Life of Nichiren: A Vision of Prayer on the Waves, Utagawa Kuniyoshi depicts a scene from Nichiren’s biography where the sacred daimoku appears at sea. | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Henry L. Phillips Collection
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buddhiststudy-nmrk · 2 years
Even the most outstanding or talented individual cannot display their full potential if they are ruled by fear. … Should fear creep into your hearts, dispel it with daimoku.
- Daisaku Ikeda (June 18, 2021, World Tribune, p. 3)
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aakineton · 2 years
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Vote 13 não importa sua religião !    Agora é a hora de todos que falam seguem praticam estudam  preceitos de;  amor, caridade, respeito, igualdade, humanismo, democracia, paz, inofensividade, natureza, ecologia, ética, solidariedade, virtudes, fraternidade, educação, direitos, ritos, livre arbítrio, loja branca, eucaristia, sacrifício pela humanidade, devoção, karma, Dharma, pentagrama, holístico, lei de causa efeito, lei de atração, evidenciar o estado de Buda, orixás, encantados, 7 linhas, , fé, esperança, virtudes, tronos , bom senso, sacramentos,  johrei , Daimoku, incorporação, chacras, asanas, assentamentos, santo, transe, lamaseria, daime, magia, igrejas, centros, tendas, roças, santuários, monastérios, federações, fraternidades, cristãs. pagãs , evangélicos, prosperidade desarmamento, Constituição ,sacerdotes, protestantes, salvação, céu, reiki, passe, benzeção, bíblia, Vedas, Torá, alcorão, tanakh, Talmude, Bhagavad Gita, Mishana, Kitab-i-aqdas , Sutras  ! Todos se unirem num só voto Lula 13  dos males que se apresentam temporariamente é o  menor ! Não importa sua religião, todas são boas, basta fazer o certo vote 13 ! NT : quadro de símbolos religiosos apenas ilustrativos  sem qualquer ligação ou compromisso, sem ligação partidária, à disposição na internet !
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strangecanine · 1 month
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Our Beautiful Baby Boy Patrick passed away on Wednesday April 17th a month after his 12th Birthday and almost a year after his Big Brother Zenny.
Zenny and Patty were rescued as puppies together by my wonderful sister in law Michelle. We adopted Zenny and Patty was adopted by Michelle. When I first saw Patty he jumped on me with such joy and happiness, I said in my heart I would bring him home too. I knew that Zenny and Patty were meant to be together, their bond was so strong and that Jason and I were thier Mom and Dad.
We brought Zenny home and Rico had a younger brother. Bella was rescued a few weeks later and now Rico and Zenny had a big sister. I couldn’t stop thinking about my Patty and told Jason that I would ask Michelle to take him for a few weeks to visit with Zenny. In my Heart Patty was always my Son and I was his Mother. I thought about him constantly.
We went to visit my niece and before I had a chance to ask if Patty could come home with us for a few weeks, Michelle asked if we wanted to adopt Patrick. I was SO excited, I couldn’t believe it! My Prayers were answered! Patty was coming home to his Brothers Zenny and Rico and his Big Sister Bella!
The reunion with Zenny was Amazing, Patty completed Zenny their Life Force together was So Big, Such Joy! From that moment on they were two peas in a pod, inseperable where one went the other followed. Shenanigans, wrestling matches, attention arguments, tennis ball play times everywhere they went everyone knew the Pug Brothers.
So many years of Joy and Happiness, Birthdays, Holidays Family Visits and Traditions.
When Rico passed it was devastating to our Family, we suffered beyond words. Our Family and Friends were a support to us but the darkness was so dark.
Almost a year later we saw Maximus and we all went to meet him at Dolly GoodPuppy Rescue and Patty was SO happy, excited he cried the happiest cry. Maxie is So much like Rico we couldn’t believe it. We brought him home and Max, Zenny and Patty were always together with Bella watching over all of them as a Big Sister does.
Two years later we went through the devastation and unbearable pain of losing our Zenny to a rare and unheard of disease, Myasthenia Gravis and within two weeks he was gone. Our Family and Patty were never the same. That Life Force that light was different, dimmed. His big brother, insperable from birth was gone and the confusion and depression was felt by our entire family.
Patty and his Dad were always together, wherever Dad went Patty followed. His favorite place was Dad’s Studio, Mom’s Gohonzon Room and in Bed with his favorite pillow.
Patty loved to hear Dad make Music and be in Mom’s Gohonzon Room when I Chanted. I would say Let’s Do Gongyo and Daimoku and he would lay on his favorite bed with Maximus and play with his favorite toy, Stinky Piggy.
Patty had overcome two mass cell tumor removals successfully and we were all so very excited. Then a few months later Patty was diagnosed with pancreatitis and then colitis and the pancreatitis came back again and again.
We immediately put Patty on a special diet with food restrictions but nothing was working and his health continued to decline. Blood works, Ultrasounds, X-Rays, more bloodwork and ultrasounds, hospitalizations, day long IV Treatments, Fluids, Patty continued to lose weight not wanting to eat, drink water, take medications we were SO desperate to know what was making Patty suffer so much.
We did everything we could to help our Precious Son, EVERYTHING. We were at the Doctor’s every week, sometimes several times a week.
We brought him home from the Hospital and he was so weak and fragile, his little body had fought so hard and gone through so much. We were going to bring him back to the hospital for him to see the radiologist, we had done so many ultrasounds but we were filled with hope in finally finding out what was causing Patty so much suffering and flaring up Pancreitis.
But that wasn't to be. Patty passed away in the early morning hours peacefully in his sleep. I know that Zenny was there waiting, calling his brother home and Rico their Big Brother was waiting patiently for him.
There are no words to describe the pain of losing your child it is Unbearable.The grief and pain never goes away you just learn to live with it. It is always there with you.
I am SO Very Proud to be Patrick’s Mother, it has been an Honor to give him The Best Life filled with Love of Family a Joyful Life with his Best Friend, His Big Brother Zenny, Rico, Bella and Maximus.
His Love, Gentleness, Kindness will always live in everyone who met him. He was such a light in this world and his light will forever remain in our hearts.
Run free and Fast our Beautiful Baby Boy, your Brothers will take care of you until your Family joins you again. I Love you my Forever Baby Boy, I’m your Mommy and I Love You Yes I Do! Forever and Always my Beautiful Patty Bear ❤️❤️
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sgi1118 · 4 months
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おはようございます。今日のJapanese SEIKYOです。
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nam-myoho-renge-kyo · 8 months
Per ottenere i grandi benefici del Vero Buddismo, la fede deve sempre essere accompagnata dalla pratica. Di solito, quando una persona vuole esprimere grazie a un altro, è una pratica sociale comune fare qualche gesto (dire "Grazie", fare un regalo, ecc.) per esprimere quel sentimento. Se una persona si sente grata ma non esprime gratitudine, quella gratitudine non viene trasmessa all’altra persona. Si potrebbe sostenere che la persona non prova alcun vero apprezzamento. La fede è così. Se una persona crede nel Buddismo Nichiren Shoshu, questa risoluzione nella fede dovrebbe rivelarsi fisicamente, sotto forma di azione.
La pratica accompagna inevitabilmente la fede. Ciò significa che la volontà di credere e di avere rispetto per il Gohonzon si esprime come pratica. La pratica consiste nel recitare Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo (Daimoku) e recitare una parte del Sutra del Loto (Gongyo). Il profondo desiderio di ricercare la verità del Buddismo si esprime nello studio della dottrina. Nichiren Daishonin afferma:
Esercitati nei due modi di praticare e studiare. Senza pratica e studio non può esserci Buddismo. . . .
Sia la pratica che lo studio nascono dalla fede. ( MW, vol. 1, p. 95, Gosho, p. 668)
Il Daishonin insegna che dobbiamo lavorare diligentemente nella pratica buddista e nello studio della dottrina. La nostra pratica è qualcosa che emerge dalla determinazione della nostra fede. La nostra fede e la nostra pratica vengono mantenute sulla buona strada dallo studio. Non si ottiene nulla di prezioso nella nostra vita quotidiana se non agiamo. La verità è che se non mettiamo qualcosa in pratica, non ne raccoglieremo i frutti e la nostra comprensione non progredirà. Non solo, quando mettiamo in pratica qualcosa, capita spesso che, quando non lo facciamo secondo il metodo corretto, i nostri sforzi vadano sprecati e non otteniamo nulla. Come credenti della Nichiren Shoshu, è importante per noi praticare correttamente il Buddismo insieme, sotto la guida di un insegnante corretto e con l'incoraggiamento.
È importante percorrere insieme il sentiero della pratica buddista. Man mano che otteniamo la prova concreta della grande fortuna del Gohonzon e la comprensione della dottrina, la nostra fede si approfondirà senza sosta.
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dbkvietnam · 1 year
Máy may bao 2 kim 1 ống chỉ DAIMOKU AK7A-2 được DBK Việt Nam nhập khẩu chính hãng DBK từ , bảo hành 6-12 tháng, giá rẻ, giao hàng hoả tốc 1-2h, tư vấn sâu. Liên hệ ngay để nhận được báo giá tốt nhất tháng 04/2023
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I am in love with Steven and broke up with me. the scary thing was that I saw myself as 29 years old on Tinder. Thank you for calculating my age, the app but it's really rude. I am still 28 years old and am in love with a 23-year-old. I am lost. He stopped being lost. I think I can solve everything with Daimoku. I have no other chance anymore to be a Buddhist. good night.
I am really in love with Steven and this is useless. I will make him my husband. thanks...
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toudaidaiichi · 1 year
Concept of the best an Alcibiades' childhood splits. (ペリクレスザヤンガストが高貴すぎるとして、それなら衆愚で結構!となる人向け国連SDGs<同時、他いくつか古代ギリシアから作る、アリストパネス種付け用も用意>代替案)
Antithese.periclestheyoungest(日蓮仏法レンズでの真の獅子身中の虫以外の真の弟子と外部の理解者含む相当nichiren’s Buddhism’s Buddhism of nichiren ways is not true way<!--0 11-->==|| if exist true nichiren Buddhist is except only knows spell of daimoku) to:ペリクレス(大なりイコール||:=≦<)アルキビアデスと思っている者(三代脈々定義の邪宗相当要素入れ替え相当)へ。
<def>Alcibiades' childhood spirit better much another antique Greek world old same aged man-kind. (日蓮仏法における世間の仏敵仏教相当) </def>(periclestheyoungest=Every true Buddhists ways on standing runners=not-only-NichirensFan=Nichiren rival’s philosophies every true Buddhism’s on Buddhism’s included )
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boydyannadejyesorno · 2 years
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⚜️ 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓳 ⚜️ 𝓨𝓮𝓼 ⍟𝓻 𝓝𝓸 🌞Good Morning🌞 ✡"nam myoho renge kyo"✡ นัมเมียวโฮเร็งเงเคียว หรือ สัทธรรมปุณฑริกสูตร เราเรียกการสวดนัมเมียวโฮเร็งเงเคียว (nam myoho renge kyo) ว่า "สวดไดโมขุ (Daimoku)" คำว่า นัมเมียวโฮเร็งเงเคียวเป็นคำสวดตามคำสอนของพระนิชิเร็นไดโชนินบนพื้นฐานของสัทธรรมปุณฑริกสูตร ซึ่งพระศากยมุนีพุทธะได้ประกาศคำสอนไว้ 8 ปีสุดท้ายก่อนที่จะปรินิพพานและตรัสว่าเป็นคำสอนสูงสุดของพระองค์ สัทธรรมปุณฑริกสูตรเดินทางไปสู่ประเทศจีนตามเส้นทางสายไหมในสมัยโบราณ และมีการแปลพระสูตรเป็นภาษาจีน จากนั้นก็เดินทางเข้าสู่ประเทศเกาหลีและญี่ปุ่น ตามลำดับ พระนิชิเร็นไดโชนินได้อ่านอักษรจีนชื่อพระสูตรนี้ว่า เมียว โฮ เร็ง เง เคียว และ ถ้าจะบูชาพระสูตรนี้ก็จะเติม "นัม" หรือ "นามู" ไว้ข้างหน้า ความหมายของนัม-เมียวโฮ-เร็งเง-เคียว "นัม" หมายถึง การอุทิศมอบให้ "เมียว" หมายถึง ทั้งในความหมาย ว่าสมบูรณ์ครบถ้วน และทั้งเร้นลับมหัศจรรย์ หรือเกินกว่าแนวความนึกคิด หรือการสร้างจินตภาพ "โฮ" หมายถึง ธรรมะหรือกฎ "เร็งเง" คือ ดอกบัว "เคียว" คือ พระสูตรหรือคำสอน ทั้งหมดนี้เรียกรวมว่า "สัทธรรมปุณฑริกสูตร" ✡🙏🔱👍💯%Yes! cr.สมาคมสร้างคุณค่าในประเทศไทย https://www.instagram.com/p/CjT3V0VvNCGr4g3avUxsH8GIUfjz5nDrXh0P2Y0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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