#creative gears
daveinediting · 2 years
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While I already talked about the importance of choosing the right physical location to start a given project, tee’d up the idea of brain networks and different modes of thinking like diffuse vs. focused, open vs. closed, associative vs. sequential, while I've Show 'n Tell'd the magic of black boxes and how amazing it is to fully hand off creative responsibility to people you trust, Creatives you trust...
And while I have also said brain networks as well as different modes of thinking work basically one at a time, that if one is activated the others are de-activated, well...
It's nice to know there's a lot of creative gears in play. Not gonna lie. It's the best.
What I haven't explicitly stated in showing off these gears is that you can shift between them in the same work session. Many times, in fact, accessing different gears, different modes of thinking.
How do you shift gears?
The answer is... some gears you can shift quickly and others need a little help, space, and time.
The quick ones are picture and sound. As in, turning off the sound of a show and focusing on the moving image as a silent experience. If there are any issues in the visuals, improvements that can be made, this is a great way to catch them.
You can also turn off picture and process the sound against a black screen. It works even better to close your eyes as well. And again, you catch problems and opportunities in a way that's simply not possible when you're attempting to gauge picture and sound at the same time. Sure, you can still catch stuff... but you don't catch everything. It's only when you segregate the tasks that you gain full creative control of the picture and sound.
Other gear shifts, like I said, require a little help, space, and time. Especially when I have to gauge the emotional impact of individual shots, I find it best to put a buffer between  the focused work I'm doing and the emotional work I want to do next.
The main challenge is coming to this same footage in a fresh way, especially if I've been in a mechanic mindset all day.
So I do a restart.
I shut down the workstation. Then I head out for a walk listening to, believe it or not, instrumental New Age music. When eventually I return to the edit suite, I turn the workstation back on and start reviewing each of the shots in question, all of them first without sound... and then a second pass with sound. Then I make notes about my impressions (yes, I write them down) and I make the call.
I don't do that all the time, of course, but if it's really important and I can't shake mechanic mode easily, this is a thing I can do to make the gear shift. A combination of cueing my brain that a restart is happening, of using music as a mental palate cleanser, and then to start off visually processing only, taking in the nonverbals happening in each frame which puts me well on the way to gauging the emotion of each shot.
In the case of getting stuck composing music that's gotta be done the same day or in the next few hours, I'll grab a recording of whatever I've got, put it on my phone, jack in some headphones and take to the neighborhood.
I listen over and over on loop. Letting my work so far settle into my brain. Challenging my brain to a game of What Comes Next? 
Which is a game it's really very good at.
I just have to give it center stage and not focus.
Works every time. 😁
I'll try to conjure some more examples over the next few days. 
In the meantime, have a great weekend.
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ivettel · 4 months
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gone  too far to change, time to get your rollerblades that smile is worth the wait, here comes better days...
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soundrooms · 5 months
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S O U N D E S C A P E | 🦜
Create a zone in which you can make sound in.
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beaulesbian · 2 months
i didn't realize he created those glasses out of thin air / his fluffy hair / cloud powers? ✨ it's really cute
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*click!!* ✨️✨️
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angererit · 3 months
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moment-live · 2 days
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April 30th -- is there something special about it?
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null-entity · 7 days
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Sneaky Stabby MGS fun!
Model: Me.
Photographer: The Remote Camera Trigger.
If you want to help support me and get awesome stuff like early access/polls & pose requests Become A Patron / DA Subscriber or you can check out my Ko-Fi store for exclusive stock!
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beaft · 2 months
both my current writing projects are very depressing and i think that's why i've had a hard time writing lately. the Serious Writer Hat is too heavy for my little head. i need to write some puns or i'll go mad
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scary-lasagna · 4 months
Question: do you prefer Fandom slenderman where he cares for everybody as a family or canon slenderman where he doesn't care about anyone not even the proxies? Also do you write for canon slenderman because I have a request I'll send in if you write for canon slender but I wanna see what you say for. Thank you have a good day ❤️✨️
Just and FYI to everyone in the fandom since the topic was brought up: Creepypasta doesn’t really have a solid “canon”. I see this around a lot and just wanted to mentioned that everything in the Creep fandom is just ideas welded together with the foundation of not very well written scary stories. Some of people people can like, or not like, and decide to implement what and change other things. I’ve seen some debate about what’s true canon. (Mostly with Ben being a child, Jeff always wearing a white hoodie, or even Slender eating children vs consuming souls.) But the reality is (coming from someone who’s been in the creep fandom since 2013), there is no true canon. Go crazy. Make Jeff trans, make EJ a cat-boy, give Offender a better name since his brothers deserve a fourth, make Zalgo a big softie instead of the usual hardass!
(Also, my dear anon, this isn’t directed toward you. The word canon reminded me of this topic, and I’ve been wanting to mention it to my blog. Although I usually see it on tiktok, I sometimes come across it on Tumblr as well.)
howEevveeerrr, back to responding to the ask, I do love writing for characters what an opposing personality from their usual self! :] I had an idea a while ago about what if Slender was pushed too hard and turned cruel and strict in order to keep everyone alive.
But yes I would definitely write for Slender who was cruel and didn’t care about anyone but himself. The proxies may attempt a bit of mutiny.
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daveinediting · 2 years
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Last time I was talking about how I engage a script can yield huge benefits. 
Depending which method I use.
Details. Am I right?
I like to think of the methods as open circuit vs. closed circuit. Diffuse thinking vs. focused thinking. Associative process vs. sequential process. All of which which, absolutely, are embodied in my creative process.
So when I read about brain networks, I'm like yeah. That resonates with my experience.
Here's the thing, though, while I am mentally conscious of both my diffuse thinking and my focused thinking, there are thoughts, ideas, solutions that simply appear. They come from nowhere. Out of the blue.
Whatever it is that generates these thoughts, wherever this thing is in my brain, I refer to it as a black box.
Here's a definition courtesy Merriam-Webster:
"A usually complicated electronic device whose internal mechanism is usually hidden from or mysterious to the user. Anything that has mysterious or unknown internal functions or mechanisms."
Which sounds just about right to me.
There is something in my brain, a region, maybe a network, that's taking a feed off my perceptions, playing around with them, and then kicking out all kinds of ideas.
The first time I was aware of this for real was a coupla years after I started writing a play. The original opportunity went up in smoke and, with no deadline, I put away all my notes and research and drafts for another day.
So then two years later I'm thinking I wanna get back into it again and I bring out all the old notes and research and drafts and start troubleshooting. I revisit scenes for rewrites. I revisit structure and story.
Basically, I get my head back in the game.
Three days later, new dialogue starts showing up in my head. Not even while I'm actively working on the play. The first time, I was driving. Other times were random like that, not directly connected to actively writing.
They just appeared in my head as if by magic.
My thought is that it was the sustained engagement across all those days that cued my brain to get to work. That activated the black box to do its thing.
Which it did.
The truth is it always does that when I deep dive into a project, especially series work where I'm also acting as a music composer. After a few days of intensive thought work, ideas start appearing in my mind as if by magic. As if a few days of intentional, sustained creative work primes the pump.
I've not yet run across what brain research makes of that experience. All I can tell you is that it happens outside my conscious attention. It happens outside my conscious intention. Which is crazy that creativity can manifest that way but.
Thank God it does.
So yeah. I've got a lot of gears I get to play with when it comes to creating as a writer, an editor, a composer, and as the occasional motion graphics guy.
Tomorrow, I'll take a quick tour of how easy it is for me to become trapped in one of those gears.
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surreal-duck · 2 months
I don't even go here I’m an alkakureiP but midoyuzu is like. So canon to me. At this point. The way you draw them reminds me how cute they are and how much potential they have together. You've gained a fan hello ^_^
thank you so much!! i think their dynamic is fun to explore and rly good for them both regardless of platonic or romantic setting and im making that everyone elses problem
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canine-brained · 8 days
Okay y'all!! I'm taking requests for therian mask bases as well as designs!
Just send me an ask with the animal you want and I'll come up with a simple design plus the base! Design and base will be free to use for everyone :3
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If you want something more specific (markings, scars, stuff like that) please tell me!
Requests will be open until Wednesday 15:00 pm cet (that's 9:00 am est) and closed again after so I don't get overwhelmed :>
Have fun everyone!
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soundrooms · 2 months
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K A Z U K I S U G A W A R A | anref studio, Japan
*bows* to honour this perfect studio.
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aziraphalalala · 7 months
How do I start writing fanfics? I’m intimidated and haven’t written anything in a long time, and, there’s this… yearning I can’t shake off.
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arcadebroke · 1 year
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null-entity · 4 months
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It fires nukes!!?
Model: Me.
Photographer: The Remote Camera Trigger.
If you want to help support me and get awesome stuff like early access/polls & pose requests Become A Patron / DA Subscriber or you can check out my Ko-Fi store for exclusive stock!
Read My Rules Before You Use My Stock.
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