#crackerjack timing
bojackandherb · 2 months
Crackerjack gets into a fistfight with Butterscotch at least once in my declared dead au. He wins
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l8rose · 1 year
Well, this week is off to a good start. Just learned that the “inspected” used vehicle I bought has a messed up frame. So it’s back to gimping my way through town and making my family walk at my pace.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 1 year
genuinely surprised at the percent of trek episodes that actually feature accurate or semi-accurate musical performance (clearly some of the actors play, and others were probably instructed by someone who did, to mimic well)
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etoilesbienne · 8 months
hii i wasnt sure who to send this to but qsmp's been coming up on my dash for the better part of a year and ive finally cracked. do you have any recommendations for a total beginner? like is there a playlist i can watch to catch up or can i just start watching wherever? do you have any particular streamer recommendations? love the yuri grind + i appreciate any help you can give^___^
OKIE DOKE SO: first of all the official qsmp recaps i would say are your best friend. this is relatively short.
HONESTLY i think people should just jump in cold turkey and pick a streamer they seem somewhat entertained by and watch their most recent vod. or skip around in it. or watch clip comps
HOWEVER in terms of trying to catch up on All The Lore of a guy you should maybe look at the most recent qsmp member additions (tubbo willyrex nihachu rivers_gg ironmouse carreraaa bagi german germandia lenay polispol tinakitten) and try to look at their most recent story stuff. i think quite literally none of them knew the lore of the server excluding tina meeting leonarda before joining. so their additions are new blank slates to start from!!
qsmp has 4 language groups though (spanish english french and brazilian portuguese) and for the most part the most a lot of lore ends up really intertwined between the members of each language group so if you look into one of them you end up picking up a lot on the other members as well
ANYWAY personally i would recommend etoiles if you like more relaxed/quite streams (& winners povs. Lol) because My Streamer etc. otherwise i also really recommend looking into Slimecicle since he streams very little and has a vod archive and he ends up really involved in a lot of qsmp intense lore moments (but not All of them). his streams also end up shorter (love bbh but i cant in good conscious recommend someone start there. 8 hour streams for 4 months is... a Lot. but i recommend checking in on bbh streams whenever he's live because his ass is always up to Something. Same to foolish if you prefer builder povs. cellbit is also good if you like more intense theory guys like that.) if you want my recommendations for the new group to start with though i recommend tina or tubbo or bagi. all three of them are little crackerjacks and have a lot going on in a very short amount of time that i find fun to watch.
also don't worry if you don't Know every single thing thats happened i can barely keep track of some earlier events because So much has happened on the server since it's started. same to literally every other qsmp fan like everyone here likes explaining about their cubito and rambling because its mcytblr we have autism here. if someone makes fun of you for not knowing every single thing theyre a douche remember the server is for fun and a lot of the series is comedy based in the first place (though still heavy on lore). just try to find a streamer who makes you laugh to watch
if anyone else wants to add on feel free to o/
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smuttyhoneyposts · 11 months
Prompt: Never take Kokichi to the back of Spencer's
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AN - My impulsive thoughts won and I wrote so oop (let me know what you guys think >>)
Taking a look at Spencer's that one time, was a mistake...
You always wanted to take a look when kokichi and you went to the mall near his base, but you never really got the chance with him. But, after a week ago you did. At first it was pretty cool, the shirts the mugs and all, but your cheeky boyfriend seemed waaaay more interested in the back of the store. And the reason...sex toys. Lots of them.
You wished you could have smacked that look off his face as you gasped in embarrassment at the sight of the big wall of vibrators to costumes. You could even remember when he grabed the lace lingerie and gave you a shit eating grin "You know I think one's suits you~". You walked out after paying leaving your boyfriend to finish up his fun, after some time he came out with his own stuff and you never spoke of it. Kokichi did tease tho, but nothing to big.
He did leave the fact that he loving bought you a pair of panties that day, And left the fact they were vibrating panties.
With leaves you to now.
"You okay Y/n? You look a little pale.." Kaito asks, his look of worry being ignored by you as you tremble abit and grip your shirt slightly from under the diner table. "Y-yep..peachy" you mumbled quietly as making raises a brow at you. The one time you wear the new pair to a meet up with these two, let alone your boyfriend siting next to you with smirk. He moves close to you and slides a arm around you waist and giggles. "Ah~ I think crackerjack is fine, probably just, hungry..right?" He gives you a look and moves his hand under the table to rub your thigh lighly.
You nod and try to shake away the vibrating sensation on your area. As your about to speak and resume a conversation with the two others you stop for a moment as the vibrators suddenly picks up and buzzes more strongly against your wet cunt. "I-..uh just..think I need to use the washroom...I'm probably j-just woozy is all haha. Don't worry." You mumbled as you get up from kokichi's grasp and wobble you way to the bathroom near the back of the restaurant.
Kokichi gives a knowing look as you walk away and fakes a slight worried look to the others two. "Ah, I'm gonna check on her, y'know just to be sure she's alright!" He explained cheeky and wanders to the bathroom as well, remote in hand he raised the remote  on max and entered the bathroom and locking it, as he stares at you shaking form with a smirk. He stands there as you let out quiet whimpers as you stare at him.
"You're an asshole..fuck~" you half moaned as he walks to you and put a hand on your jaw, that smirk still on his lips. "Aw~ you know..you look kinda pathetic right now~" he teases as you keen to his touch, the vibrator not helping one bit. He glances at your pants and chuckles as the wet spot becomes more apparent. "Wow..you must really want me if you're driping for me that much!" He spoke as his other hand goes to rub the vibrator on your pussy more.
The action makes your knees almost buckle as he stares at you moaning out a curse as you stare back at him. Your hand goes to grip his arm and giggles silently at your reaction. "kokichi..please-just fuck~" "hm? Just what?" He mumbles close to your face as you wimper again. You bite you lip as his hand slips under your pants ans moves the violent vibrator aside, his fingers press against your bud lighly and you moan again, unable to finish.
"What? You want me to..fuck you, hm? Is that it?" He mocks as he presses the bud harder and leans you more onto the tiled wall behind your shaking form. "You want me to make you into a whorish mess in this bathroom? Nehehe~Right now?" He mumbles closer to your ear. You grip harder as his fingers graze you pussy again.
"Y-yes~!" You whine and spread your shaking legs wider for him. He smiles and bites your shoulder.
"You should have just asked. But we godda hurry...don't want the others to wonder hm~?"
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virgo-mess · 3 months
The time has come that @karatekels and I gift you guys the link to all the TIG movies we have been able to find. It will also be routinely updated if we happen to get hold of another one! There's 12 movies on here, and the two part episode of In the Heat of the Night TIG guest starred on as the hunky carnie Luke Potter 🥵! The Secret of Giving was curtosey of whichever lovely person posted the link for it during Christmas. I wasn't able to find your account again, but if you see this, thank you, and I hope you don't mind. We put it in this folder. And once again, thank you to whoever shared Beyond Forgiveness with me ages ago 🩵🩵🩵. I hope you guys enjoy it, and I'll be sure to notify you if a new movie has been added 💜
Movie List-
Excessive Force
Black Friday aka The Kidnapping
Rock Hudson
The Secret of Giving
The Heat of the Night two part episode
The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax
Ulterior Motives aka Kill Fee
Black Point
Hallow Point
Beyond Forgiveness aka Blood of the Innocent
Kull the Conqueror
High Adventure
Seawolf aka The Pirate's Curse
Avalanche aka Escape from Alaska
Timecop 2
Final Encounter/ For the Cause
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 months
"Marzi, what actually IS Enchanted Doll, though?"
for me, it's this little fake person who lives in my house:
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this is Maryse. everybody say "hi, Maryse!" she was made some time in the early-mid 2010s as part of a limited blank, nude resin BJD line sculpted by artist Marina Bychkova (her face was most recently painted by the incredible Cat, "maybeawerewolf" on IG)
but Maryse has. much more famous porcelain sisters. and they look like this:
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any gems or precious metals you see up there are real. for reference. this woman is not just a doll artist, but a seamstress and jeweler Par Excellence in the bargain
costumed porcelain Enchanted Dolls are the shining stars of the art doll world: dazzling and unreachable for all but a lucky (and usually deep-pocketed) few. the blank resin ones are rare enough to find secondhand- they're not being made anymore -but the porcelain are like..."if I marry a multimillionaire, may she propose to me with a porcelain Enchanted Doll holding a ring from a crackerjack box" status
the eye candy is real
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Some Cuphead show Fanart & Comics I did (it’s mostly King Dice):
some relate to the Cuphead Show x Reader fic I’m working on-
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I can’t be the only one who thinks of that animation every time I think of Ludwig-
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I might be a tad bit obsessed with Ludwig with how much I’m drawing him in pain xD-
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I’ve also been working on drawing King Dice a lot more. Honestly, I love how beautiful I can make him look <3 (also yes the second panel is referring to A Very Devil Wedding)
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I like the idea of King Dice
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I was watching the Cuphead show and got bored of drawing my usual online-sona with characters, so I decided to make my own Cup-OC: Crackerjack!!
Fun Fact: When I came up with Crackerjack’s color scheme I had no clue I basically gave it the same colors as my usual online-sona until a friend pointed it out XD
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I also did some art of Cagney Carnation because he also has a fun design.
That’s pretty much it for now. The rest are small sketches that I cannot even be bothered to show because honestly they’re just pointless XD-
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gingerlee-holds · 8 days
The Puppet Master, Part 2
The long, long awaited sequel! This one is brutal heehee so if you prefer gentle twords, read my other fics for that! But a very very flustered cutie has been waiting for this for a loooong time, and who am I to deny her what she needs heehee!! I hope you enjoy!!
Written for @featherfoxx, thank you to @devious-bliss for the inspiration!
Word Count: 2,953 Reading Time: About 12 minutes Warnings: hand restraints, feet twords, hard tickling, implied mind magic
Before we begin, keep in mind that this is a reader self-insert! Now, without further ado, let me tell you how exactly you were tworded to fucking bits heehee
All that night, you blushed and squirmed through tickly dreams. You awoke at multiple points throughout the early morning hours, curled up in a ball, blushing and sweating from a ruthless puppet master playing with your subconscious. No matter what you did to distract yourself, it seemed like that pesky little magician snuck back in to ensure you hadn’t forgotten how ticklish and vulnerable you were. Squirming around and holding your favorite stuffed animal over your bright red face, it felt like this had been intentional; that sneaky puppeteer had delicately wrapped your mind in her yarn, and ever since you had visited her, you felt that yarn occasionally pulled on, filling your head with flustering, tickly thoughts. You, of course, had no way of proving this - as it was most likely your imagination making it worse for yourself - but the idea that the ginger in the purple suit had somehow fiddled with your brain was enough to fill you with a playful determination.
After the third wake-up, still kind of feeling the fuzzy ears of a fox puppet around your collarbone, you were resolved. ‘That’s it! She’s not getting away with this!’ you thought to yourself. ‘I refuse to be her plaything!’ And having made up your mind to acquire retribution, you spent the rest of the night hatching a bold plan: you would catch her by surprise and give that pesky magician a taste of her own medicine!
After a night fraught with ghostly pokes and phantom scribbles, dawn came at last, and you arose with a fire in your soul, burning for vengeance. Quickly throwing on a band t-shirt and some jorts, you grabbed a makeup brush, a spool of your bright red yarn, a few fuzzy feathers, and - grinning evilly - a brand new electric toothbrush, setting it all into a backpack along with a few water bottles. You put on some sandals and set off toward the park. You were ready.
The carnival had just opened when you arrived, which, in a way, was much more amusing than you had anticipated. A yawning attendant gave you a bag of crackerjack for free, chuckling and saying he “can’t be bothered finding the receipt printer.” You almost burst out laughing when you saw someone in clown makeup scrolling through their phone while dressed in street clothes. The carnival in the morning reminded you of a college student - wild and carefree, partying with reckless abandon into the night, only to be rudely awakened the following morning to set it all up again. It’s no coincidence that the circus visiting your town was primarily staffed by college-aged folks.
Nevertheless, you soon found the tent you were looking for. The purple and green tent looked just as cozy as it had the night before, but the sign in front differed. It read: “The Puppet Master Returns Tonight @ 6! You won’t want to miss it!” Instead of being pulled invitingly open, the tent flaps were shut tight, except for a tiny bit at the bottom where the flaps had pulled apart slightly. ‘Perfect!’ you thought.
Crawling inside, you were surprised at how little the mood in the tent had changed. The lighting inside was cozy, as it had been last night, even though the sun was out. The sounds of birdsong outside faded, too, and if you didn’t know any better, you could even say that you had entered some kind of pocket dimension. No doubt some more of that magician’s trickery. Everything looked as it had: the plush floor, the stage, the curtains… but where was the Puppet Master?
Only one of the curtains was closed, but the other was still open, showing the stage. All of the puppets had been put away in a toy chest, and beside it, your target slept, snuggled to a pillow. The Puppet Master looked different; where she had been chubby before, now she was somewhat skinnier. Her hair was longer and messier, but that was most likely the fault of her sleep. Instead of her suit, she wore a pair of fuzzy pajamas and socks and a cartoonish nightcap drooped over her head. A snorer, too, you observed as you approached. The pillow was less to support her and more to give her something to hold onto, and she cuddled it close. She almost looked too cute to tickle, but you knew your mission. 
‘It’s too easy,’ you said to yourself, holding onto the straps of your backpack and beginning to approach the stage confidently. You made it about halfway before shenanigans struck. 
The plush, comfy floor you walked on seemed to provide less and less support as you went on, each step sinking you deeper into the softness beneath. Once you were halfway, you had sunk into the plushness up to your waist, and, grumbling, you pulled yourself forward. Instead of a mattress, this plushness reminded you of a foam pit, and after a few more steps, you were completely stuck. The surrounding plush floor held you snugly up to your chest, and much to your dismay, it had now become too difficult to pull yourself out. Moreover, you quickly discovered that you couldn’t pull back either: you were stuck in the comfy, foamlike, plush floor, conformed to your body shape entirely. 
“The hell is this!” you muttered out loud by mistake. Unfortunately for you, the Puppet Master softly snorted as she awoke, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She reached over, picked up a pair of round glasses, scratched her head, and stood up to see her intruder. 
The sight of you, frustrated with the floor and confused at your predicament, sent her into hysterics. “Heeheeheeheehee! Ohohooh, dehehearrr!!” she laughed, hugging herself around her belly. “I-ihihihit seeeheeheems- heehehehehee!! - thahat sohomeone was a lihittle eager to return~!!”
Growling in humiliation, you hung your head to hide your face. The element of surprise had been entirely lost!
The sleepy girl before you padded over softly on her fuzzy socks, hopping off the stage and onto the plush floor, which didn’t sink under her as it did for you. Giggling helplessly at your condition, she laid down in front of you on her stomach, swinging her feet in the air behind her as she booped your nose. “Hey there again, cutie pie! Missed me that much~?” 
You said nothing, doing your best to retain your dignity.
“Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about me, huh~?” You suddenly looked up at her. She smiled as if she had known what your night had been like for you. Giggling at your shocked face, she continued, “Oh, you’re too precious. Don’t worry, hun! It’s only natural!” She reached over and ruffled your hair. “Anyone who needs this place finds it! That way, I can play with only the people I know will enjoy it as much as I do!” The Puppet Master suddenly tugged the air in front of your forehead, and all at once, your mind rushed with tickly thoughts and teases, all the memories of yesterday pushing forward and coloring your cheeks a bright red. It was her all along!
As you racked your mind trying to make sense of this information, you were interrupted by a sudden stream of bubbly giggles emerging from your throat. The Puppet Master’s head-scratching reached your neck, and her nails gently traced around and around. She smiled fondly, her whole expression painted with affection at your adorable glee.
“Now, let’s see whatcha brought! I’m super curious!” She crawled around behind you and sat, happily picking up your backpack.
“No, no! Don’t look in there!” you hastily said, but she had already unzipped it and was looking through its items. 
“Oh! New yarn, looks like! And… feathers? Is that a makeup brush…? Hmm…” She went silent for a bit, and you jumped when you suddenly heard her voice right in your ear: “Trying to get revenge, huh~?” she purred. “How absolutely adorable you humans are, thinking you can outsmart me~!”
Well, that cleared a lot up. She wasn’t human! That’s how she had all that power! What was she??
“Hey!” Her snapping her fingers in each ear brought your attention back. “Got a question for ya!” Pulling your bag of tools behind her, she crawled back to where you could see her. “Have you ever heard of Cat’s Cradle?”
Tilting your head a bit in confusion, you nodded. “Yeah, it’s that kids game with the string.” 
“Y’ever played?”
“Few times, while ago.”
She clapped her hands happily. “Perfect!” she exclaimed. The magician pulled out your red yarn from the bag but, to your shock, pulled out an identical spool of pink yarn after it. She unspooled a long string of each and cut it with a simple tug. “Okay, here’s yours!” she said, handing you your red yarn while she held the pink one. “Watch me. Try to follow along.”
Seeing as you didn’t have anything else to do, you sighed and tried your best to follow along as she skillfully began creating the Cat’s Cradle. She giggled a tiny bit when she finished, setting her yarn down to help you out by tugging the yarn here and moving your fingers there. In the end, you held a rather complex and beautifully made string figure between your fingers!
“Bravo! Oh, you’re remarkable at this!” She clapped again, making you smile sheepishly. However, it didn’t take you long before you realized you couldn’t untangle your hands from the yarn. Harder and harder you tugged, but your fingers were very well tied, your hands bound by the pretty Cradle. “Oop, here, let me help you with that…” she muttered, taking one of the ends of your yarn and giving it a gentle tug, and all at once, your hands clapped together, bound tight. “There! Now c’mon, cutie, let’s getcha out of my floor.”
Blushing at the realization that the game had been a ruse, you let yourself get tugged out from the floor by your yarned-up hands, feeling the ground become more and more firm underneath you. “T-that was a nasty trick!” you whined.
“Oh, you should have seen it coming a mile away. I’m a Puppet Master! Nimble fingers come with the job~,” she teased as she wiggled her fingers against your cheeks, making you sputter. Gently, her soft hands guided you to the floor so you were lying down on your back before she effortlessly grabbed your bound hands and moved them above your head, saying, as if it were an afterthought, “These can’t move now.” It shouldn’t have surprised you, but you were a bit bewildered by the fact that she was correct: you couldn’t pull your hands down as much as you tried. 
She suddenly gasped as she got an idea. “I know another game we can play! It’s called, how long can my ticklish little puppet stay silent while I tickle them!”
“T-that sounds like a terrible game!” you spat, and she patted your head in response.
“I don’t know… you did intrude on me while I was sleeping, so I think that deserves a little punishment~! Then again, maybe it’ll be a reward since I know you’ll enjoy it so, so much~!”
Before you could voice any more criticisms, you yelped in surprise when she pulled out all your tools and set them before you. 
“Hm… I can’t hold all of these at once… I know! I’ll need help!” She whistled, and the toy chest sprung open, a group of five puppets rushing through the air to her. “Here, Wolf, you can hold the makeup brush, and I’m trusting you two to hold these!” she said, handing the two extra-fluffy feathers to Lion and Cat. She removed the electric toothbrush as if she were holding a precious relic. “This one’s mine~!”
You didn’t even have time to say, “Wait-!” before it started~!
The two puppets with no tools, Snake and Owl, dove in first. Owl, all covered in fuzzy feathers, nuzzled into your neck, chin, and ears, hooting and cooing at you. “Whooooo’s a ticklish puppet! Whooooo’s a cutie patootie! Who? Who?” she asked, snuggling her soft felt beak into your ear. All by herself, Owl was sending you into squeaky, blushy laughter, but don’t worry, it would get a lot worse! <3
Snake, meanwhile, had slithered his sneaky way under your shirt, nudging your shorts down a bit to reveal your hips. “Sssssssscore~!!!” he victoriously said as he wound his way around and around like a belt, his surprisingly tickly underbelly making you jump and buck around. Besides the occasional hiss as his felt tongue flickered across your lower tummy, he stayed silent as he pulled wave after wave of laughs out from your lungs.
The Puppet Master sat, smiling and watching you being slowly picked apart so adorably by her cute little puppets. She was content to wait until you began getting used to the current tickles before ramping them up. After all, she had until six before her next show, so she was content to make you pay for your impudent intrusion!
Wolf’s patience wore out first, and after a lengthy squeal on your part when Snake dipped his head into your belly button, he growled and dove in, armed and ready with the makeup brush. The Puppet Master chuckled and pulled your shirt up to your ribs for him. Quickly swatting the reptilian puppet out of the way with the brush, he dipped it into your giggle button and swirling it around and around your tummy. He looked up and grinned happily at the results: deep belly laughter erupted from Mt. You, bouncing about the tent like a rubber ball, much to the amusement of the Puppet Master, who began giggling with you. To celebrate, Wolf started to nibble around your ribs while continuing to paint with the makeup brush. 
Lion and Cat, wielding their feathers like knights holding their swords, looked up at the puppeteer pleadingly, happily cheering when she nodded as their sign of permission. The two puppets flew down and began happily humming a circus tune as they started going to town on your sides. Cat, soft and sweet, hummed innocently as she wiggled the fuzzy feather up and down your right side, up and down, mercilessly rhythmic. Lion, by contrast, was anything but sweet as she giggled cruelly, turning the feather around to the pointy tip and, using it like a quill pen, began writing and scribbling over your left side. It was brutal! You thrashed away from the mean scribbles and pokes, only to be met by gentle feather strokes and wiggles! You were already shrieking through your laughter, yelping with glee, and unable to beg for mercy anymore. At around the twenty-minute mark, the Puppet Master herself made her move. 
You had absolutely no way to pay attention to what she was doing, so no alarm bells went off when she began crawling down to your feet and pulling off your sandals, but you could only go bug-eyed and squeal when you heard the unmistakable sound of the electric toothbrush turning on. Your thrashing increased a bit, but the other puppets made sure you were far too weak to put up any significant resistance. The Puppet Master smiled at you with pitiless satisfaction and adoring affection as she used the toothbrush under your toes on your right foot, scribbling across your left sole with her nails. That was the final straw for you. Tears rolled down your cheeks in rivers as you lay limply, unable to do anything but sit there and take your tickles like a good puppet. Your laughter had gone silent a while ago. Yet, this time, the puppets were out for metaphorical blood as they wrecked your spots creatively, curiously, and mercilessly. 
The second you began coughing, though, everything stopped. All the puppets dropped to the floor, inanimate once more, and the Puppet Master sprang up to get some water from your bag. She put the bottle to your lips, and you gulped it down eagerly, smiling at the relief it gave. She brought your hands back down again, and suddenly, you found that the strings fell apart, sloughing off your hands and allowing you to free yourself from the tangle with ease. Curling up into a ball, you finished your water, and the Puppet Master finished her water shortly after. 
“You feeling okay, cutie~?” 
“Y-yyeheheesss! G-gohohoshh…” 
“Didn’t think I’d go that far, didja~? I’m just a sweet, innocent girl, huh~? Not when you wake me up before I’ve finished my sleep!”
“Oh, don’t worry! This was such a pleasant wake-up ~!” With that, she quickly scooped you up in her arms, carrying you across the room and onto the stage, laying you down beside her. “Now, I think we could both use the sleep, right~? You must not have slept well, I’m guessing~!”
You nodded, all the sleepiness hitting you like a freight train as you yawned and got comfy on the floor. 
“Figures~!” She yawned, too, and wiggled over to you. “Besides, it’ll be nice to have something other than a pillow to spoon.”
The two of you were out like an identical pair of lights, you being snuggled by the petite magician. No dreams bothered you in your sleep as you floated in the void sea of the subconscious mind. What would await you when you awoke was no concern of yours because, for now, you were comfy, exhausted, and being snuggled by an adorably sweet… whatever she is. You’ll figure that out later. For all your life afterward, you would never recall a more peaceful slumber than on the floor of that tent, cradled like a cat by an adoring and tickle-hungry Puppet Master!
The end ~!
Read the previous entry in The Puppet Master!
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There was a relatively brief period of time during which IRON MAN was a crackerjack reading experience. After more than a decade of mostly just floating along not being especially inspired, David Michelinie, John Romita Jr. and Bob Layton made the Armored Avenger into a real player. They put him up against more major threats, had him grapple with human foibles, and just made the whole of his…
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ahrahrahraha · 8 months
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Faking It by @pellucid-constellations
The Boogeyman & Other Monstrosities by @pellucid-constellations (Biker!bucky)
Operation Mistletoe by @wkemeup
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Fairground by @softlyspector
One In A Trillion by @softlyspector
Expectations by @softlyspector (worried/protective!bucky)
Drive? by @softlyspector
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Failure To Launch by @thenhewaswrongaboutme
The Worst Time Of The Year by @delaber
The Things We Do For Mexican Food by @the--sad--hatter
The Night We Met by @wicked-mind
Who You Are And Who You've Been by @sunmoonandeddie
Personal Pillow by @buckyalpine (series,
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Through Sickness.. Except Buckys by @teamcap4bucky
Wrong Number by @teamcap4bucky
Pull Me Under by @teamcap4bucky
Never Been Kissed by @teamcap4bucky
Wrong Number by @teamcap4bucky
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Midnight Coconuts by @bitsandbobsandstuff
The (not naked) pin up calendar by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Crackerjacks and Kiss Cams by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Pool Balls and Underpants by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Ink On His Heart by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Best.Proposal.Ever by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Best.Date.Ever by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Leap Of Faith by @bitsandbobsandstuff
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Here Kitty Kitty by @imanuglywombat and the follow up Rainbow Man Juice (smut)
The Tony Stark Sextervention (modern au) by @imanuglywombat
Nailed It! Tony Stark's Greatest Matchmake by @imanuglywombat
The Great Avenger Bakeoff by @imanuglywombat
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Misfire by @shurisneakers
"The four times Bucky tries to ask you out and fails"
Helping Out At The Tower headcanon by @shurisneakers
Touch Starved Bucky headcanon by @shurisneakers
Domestic Bucky headcanon by @shurisneakers
When You're Sick headcanon by @shurisneakers
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Updated 30/10/23
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phantomphangphucker · 2 months
Phic Phight - Why Do I Still Live In This Town?
Trent just wanted to sleep, unfortunately some ghosts and one ghost hunter are having a verbal and physical fight right outside his damn window. Trent is not impressed. Not at all.
“How dare you! No one lays a hand on my Maddie!”.
“Phantom! Why does the vampire ghost think I’m his!”.
“Don’t worry about it, he’s working on it!”.
“Working on it?!? Is this an on going problem! And!- oh he just blew up a building! Crap!”.
“Shit shit! Plasmius! You fucking dumbass! And yes! He! Uh! Might have tried to kill your husband a few times!”.
“I’m not letting a buffoon ruin my true love!”.
“The only true thing about you is that you’re a fucking FRUIT LOOP!”.
“Absolutely NOT! Phantom! I give you permission to lift me up so I can shoot him!”.
“No! He’s got a cat! He’s better! Your guns are insane!”.
“This one only shoots potatoes! … Jack drained the other gun!”.
“See! A BUFFOON!”.
“I love my buffoon!”.
“At least we can all agree he is a BUFFOON!”.
“Then join me!”.
“No! Fuck you you douche-canoe and your shitty hair and your ugly ass car collection! Stop giving me dead badgers!”.
“Then become my live one!”.
“I’M DEAD!”.
“You both should have STAYED DEAD!”.
“I’ve seen your grades! I am hardly the dunce here!”.
“Ghost don’t have brains! You’re both idiots! It’s on the fake palm tree!”.
“Oh you are GOING DOWN!”.
“Why did you cover ME in goop!?!”.
“That’s a good look on you! Phantom!”.
Trent glares murderously at his bedroom wall, stomping over to the window and shoving himself out of it with squeezed shut eyes just in case, “WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP! I’M TRYING TO SLEEP! FUCK!”. He instantly gets gooped by Mrs. Fenton, as he expected.
“Do you! Or do you NOT! What me to keep this thing from eating your house!”.
“I don’t care about his crackerjack house!”.
“I’ll make you pay to fucking rebuild it then!”.
Trent growls angrily, “I DON’T CARE JUST LET ME SLEEP!”.
“I’m trying to get this wrapped up as fast as I can! Mr. Trent!”.
“I’ve got you now!”.
Trent falls on his ass, sputtering, as the building shakes. Phantom coming intangibly in through the wall to grab his leg, “you can’t stay in here, sorry”
Trent starts smacking and slapping him, “no! I will sleep in rubble if I damn well have to!”.
Trent gets pulled through the wall, he’s still covered in goop just now with some fucking drywall dust added in.
“End! You foul thing! None shall touch my woman again!”; the vampire ghost is physically tearing apart a green plant-like ghost with his claws and teeth.
Mrs. Fenton hurls her gun at the vampire ghost’s head, “I am not your anything!”.
Phantom sighs and buries his head in his hands.
Trent glares at all of them, “well can I fucking SLEEP NOW!”
“You do you, jackass”.
“You can add the damages to the FentonWork’s tab! Sorry!”.
“Oh I’m not done yet!”.
“Shut up, Plasmius”.
Trent glares hard and just walks off to a bench, grabbing a shower curtain out of the rubble (it has laughing cat faces on it), and lays down to fucking sleep. Stupid fucking goddamn ghosts.
“FUCK!”, Trent gets flung off his bench and proceeds to mercilessly beat the Box Ghost with a tire iron he found on the ground.
Prompt: "No! You do not hurt my (girl)friend and get away with it!" And <incert ghost name here>'eyes flashed dangerously.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
When it comes to Bojack characters not being understood, Joseph Sugarman has to be at the top of the list. People act like he was Butterscotch levels of terrible but by 1940s standards, he was a good parent. He didn't force Honey to get a lobotomy, she begged for help and at that time in history, lobotomy's were advertised as a miracle cure all for mental health with no downside so he thought he was helping. He was old fashioned, not a monster or a bad dad
I don't know that I'd go as far as calling him a good parent even by 1940s standards, but he definitely wasn't a stone cold monster. Like you said, Honey begged for help and he genuinely thought he'd helped her with the power of World War II era science. Likewise, when a child contracted scarlet fever, burning their toys was considered standard practice; he had no idea he was scarring Beatrice for life. He really did try to do his best at every turn, but as he said himself, he was never taught, and he wouldn't learn.
(That said, the part where he blames Crackerjack's death on the "the Jews for peeving off Hitler" actually would have been wildly unacceptable even back then.)
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bojackandherb · 3 months
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This photo of Crackerjack can be seen in Beatrice’s photo album, and also on the wall near the door in the old Sugarman place. It’s the only time we see him out of his army uniform
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fizzyginfizz · 1 year
For @hinnymicrofic - Prompt 19 - Believe
“I didn’t do it.”
Harry’s eyes flickered to the evidence scattered about the kitchen.
Broken mixing bowl shards.
Two tiny slices on Albus’s left thumb.
Torn flour bag.
Flour on the counter. Flour on the cool box. Flour on the floor. Flour in the cat dish.
Flour on Albus’s shoulder.
Flour in Albus’s hair.
Flour smeared across Albus’s nose.
“Are you sure you didn’t do it?”
Harry crossed his arms, wearing his auror face. The face of interrogation. A face of such chiseled righteousness it intimidated death eaters, illegal potions dealers and dark arts practitioners into confessing their every sin.
Yet, somehow completely useless against his offspring.
“Nope.” Albus popped the ‘p’ with so much fervor, Harry could spy his missing front tooth. “Didn’t do it.”
Overwhelming evidence: a bar of chocolate sliced into tiny pieces, as if an artist were trying to design chocolate chips.
With a pair of scissors.
On the table.
Chocolate smeared on the blades.
“Didn’t do it.”
An empty carton of eggs on the counter. Broken shells and eight raw eggs oozing off the lip of the counter.
Practice, Harry theorized.
In a second unbroken mixing bowl, four eggs soaked into the only bit of flour not scattered all over the kitchen.
Harry’s crackerjack, detective, auror eyes - intense green eyes that missed nothing - dropped to the final piece of evidence: an incriminating whisk gripped in his son’s little hand.
“I didn’t-“
Both sets of intense green eyes swerved at the whoosh of the swinging kitchen door. Ginny breezed into the room, shining like the rays of the sun, a beacon of serenity and goodness amidst chaos.
Which would have made Albus nervous, if he were older and knew better.
“I know you didn’t do it,” she said, her smile brightening the room, she fixed its brilliance on her son.
Harry mentally tagged out; the cavalry had arrived.
Ginny knelt in front of Albus, her small hands framing his face as she smiled softly at him. Loving. Generous. Her eyes as limpid and huge and guileless as a doe’s. “I know you didn’t, Albus. I believe you,” she said, with earnest innocence. “I know you would never, ever lie to me.”
Harry bit his cheek to keep his face stern.
“You know why?”
Albus’s eyes also went large as his head twitched slightly.
“Lies are like invisible nargles,” Ginny said softly, in the kind of sweet voice normally reserved for bedtime stories, post-bath time cuddles, and soft ‘sweet dreams’ before the nightlights flickered on. “But vicious ones.”
Albus’s eyes slid sideways, unable to hold the serene gaze of an angel.
“This one time,” Ginny scruffed his mess black hair, maternal love laced through the gesture. “Uncle George lied to Grandma Molly. The lie wriggled and gnawed its way right into her heart.”
With an emphatic gesture, Ginny knocked on her chest.
“Then, the little lie chomped and tore through her flesh, until she was gasping for air and coughing up her blood and guts as the lie devoured her from within and all of my brothers started screaming and the clock spun to ‘mortal peril’ the bird started cuckooing ‘dangerdangerdanger’ and she had to be rushed to St. Mungo’s where she was on life support for three weeks and we didn’t know whether she would live or die and Grandpa Arthur had to read the bedtime stories all by himself which was awful because-“
“Dads don’t know how to do the voices!” Albus yelled, panicked.
“They don’t, right? They really don’t.” Ginny exclaimed, wrapping up her big finish. Then, with a bright cheerful smile, she kissed Albus on the head, and stood. “So that’s why I believe you, and why I know you would never, ever in a million trillion zillion years lie-“
Ginny paused, her throat seizing with a tiny, but no less dramatic cough.
“Stopstopstop! I did it!” Albus yelled with his eyes squeezed shut, the whisk dropping from his hand to clatter upon the tiled floor with ringing finality. “I did it,” he groaned, defeated.
Harry tagged back in as Ginny shot him a sassy, absolutely-not-angelic-at-all wink.
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yakketymax · 2 days
What's the SCARIEST Funnel fact you can share?
This fact is not about Funnel themself but rather Crackerjack Circus. If you look closely at the walls and beams when Funnel is inside the main tent, you'll notice that they bend and creak softly in a slight rhythmic pattern. You'll see that the flaps of the tarp flutter gently with a breeze that you can't feel.
You'll eventually put it together that the tent itself is breathing in time with its master.
The Crackerjack Circus is alive, in a way. It breathes when Funnel breathes. It laughs when Funnel laughs. It sleeps when Funnel sleeps. It shrieks when Funnel shrieks.
And it bleeds when Funnel bleeds.
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