#it makes me sad that Maryse will one day lose elastic tension and yellow and have faceup scratches
marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
"Marzi, what actually IS Enchanted Doll, though?"
for me, it's this little fake person who lives in my house:
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this is Maryse. everybody say "hi, Maryse!" she was made some time in the early-mid 2010s as part of a limited blank, nude resin BJD line sculpted by artist Marina Bychkova (her face was most recently painted by the incredible Cat, "maybeawerewolf" on IG)
but Maryse has. much more famous porcelain sisters. and they look like this:
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any gems or precious metals you see up there are real. for reference. this woman is not just a doll artist, but a seamstress and jeweler Par Excellence in the bargain
costumed porcelain Enchanted Dolls are the shining stars of the art doll world: dazzling and unreachable for all but a lucky (and usually deep-pocketed) few. the blank resin ones are rare enough to find secondhand- they're not being made anymore -but the porcelain are like..."if I marry a multimillionaire, may she propose to me with a porcelain Enchanted Doll holding a ring from a crackerjack box" status
the eye candy is real
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