#cough cough or read the fic
olde-scratch · 1 year
i lied this is my blog i can talk abt my fic if i want if u dont like it block me (or tell me to make a tag for this fic so u can block that instead, that’s something people do right)
im gonna have to do some things abt the schedule to make sure the first christmas chapter (chapter 3) comes out near christmas so that the new years one comes out around then too
ALSO! note that u dont have to know anything abt souichi previously to read this fic, its can be read as an oc insert if u really want it to be. might be a bit confusing w the family members since souichi’s got a decent sized family but i will Always be free to talk abt the tsujii family tree.
beginning snippet of chapter 2 below the cut
   Souichi let out a sigh, spooking the blue-haired girl in front of him into leaping out of her chair. She composed herself and speed-walked away, pretending like she hadn't been scared.
   Souichi resisted the urge to spit a nail at her, if only because he knew he'd get mobbed.
   He sat back in his chair and reached a hand up to his left shoulder, fingers pressing lightly into it in an attempt to offset the constant ache. He tilted his head to each side while the nails in his mouth clicked about absentmindedly.
   With a quiet urg, Souichi hauled himself to his feet and fished around in his bag for a moment for the bento his mother had packed him. When he managed it out he picked up his backpack--because he didn't trust leaving it alone--and shambled out of the class, intent on spending his lunch period tucked away on the balcony that lead to the roof.
   Souichi padded through the hall, people shifting out of the way to make room for him because they loved him so much.
   Souichi turned up the stairs, uwabaki shoes making little to no noise as he rolled his weight--
   "Oi! Tsujii!"
   Souichi jolted and winced, looking over his shoulder at the blond who had so impudently addressed him.
   Oh, not this again...
   Sawakita stormed over to him, strange blue robe billowing about his legs, nose wrinkled in disdain. Once he'd arrived at Souichi after a short stride, he angled a finger at him accusatorily, glaring daggers at him. "Get on the ground and apologize!"
   Souichi furrowed his brows. "Hah?"
   "You!" he cried, attracting the attention of nearby students, who hushed and turned to watch. "You know what you did, you vampiric scum!"
   Souichi blinked at him.
   "You scare Teruhashi-san every day!" Sawakita yelled at him. "You get the privilege of sitting behind a goddess and you take it upon yourself to frighten her half to death!"
   Souichi couldn't help the way his lip curled. "If I really wanted to scare her, I would do a lot more than exist."
   Sawakita reared back when Souichi unintentionally brandished the nails at him. With an over-the-top movement to convey some sort of offended nature that involved wheeling his arms around and gasping loudly. "You're a disgrace to PK Academy!"
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kitamars · 1 month
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lovey dovey (alt ver of the first one under the cut!)
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anonymous-utility · 1 year
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Just a small comic based on my fic 'Funeral Plinth' honoring the tumblr post that inspired it
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delulluart · 8 months
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Cowboy Copia for @ramblingoak - go and read her fics!
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ao3-crack · 2 years
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reinanova · 2 months
you know a show/book/media did something right when the fandom writes fanfics that are an extension of canon, rather than a rewrite of canon
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ctrl-alt-cel · 2 years
when i was 13 i wrote an essay explaining the rationale of puppyshipping to some guy in a skype chatroom. found the essay again. wanted to rewrite it. without further ado:
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kaiba and jounouchi’s relationship stands at an awkwardly undefinable place in canon: they're not on good terms, but they're not enemies either. they know each other too well to be called passing acquaintances, but kaiba hardly acknowledges jounouchi as a duelist, let alone a potential rival. at best? they're mutual nuisances.
or, that's how jounouchi and kaiba choose to define it. both of them would love if their dynamic were that simple, nothing more than a back-and-forth of petty insults—but that’s not the truth. and they'll dance around the truth for five whole seasons, purposefully downplaying why they’re so obsessed with provoking each other whenever they’re in the same place.
they're foils.
—but the term "foils" is so dulled within fandom lexicon now that it can mean literally anything from two guys who just disagree with each other sometimes, so i'll sharpen this further. jounouchi and kaiba see their counterpart less as an individual person but more a representation of who they could have become if they had respectively, in their eyes, never learned the lessons they needed to. they project their own ideals onto the other and come away thinking they already know how the other operates, and the fun thing is, even when working from conjecture, their assumptions of one another happen to hit far closer to home than they have any right to.
so really, they can't leave each other alone because they can't stop seeing their failures reflected back at them. the other is a defective version of themselves that they need to correct because they can't stand constantly acknowledging who they used to be, so they try to bend the other to be more like their own image—an "i can fix him (by dragging him down to my level)".
jounouchi and kaiba’s parallels run down to their origins, both set up against abysmal family situations they have no choice but to make the best of. seto and mokuba are orphaned at a young age until seto gets them adopted, while katsuya is separated from his sister and stuck with a deadbeat father who can't carry his own weight. trapped in an environment where nobody expects anything worthwhile from him, katsuya joins a gang and lives out a self-admittedly miserable existence before befriending yugi, while seto is in a battlefield of his own, faced with protecting mokuba while enduring against the nightmare that is gozaburo kaiba’s parenting.
what they do to survive those conditions determines the outlooks they carry for the rest of their lives: jounouchi learns that losing is inescapable and the best you can do is learn how to cope with it, whereas kaiba learns that losing is something you must protect yourself from because there's only so much you can afford to lose.
jounouchi is positioned as the underdog, fighting tooth-and-nail for every victory he can manage, while kaiba has power in excess and holds to the belief that it’s all he really needs. one would argue that they have the perspective the other lacks—they argue that they have the perspective the other lacks. but in my opinion? it doesn't actually matter. what interests me is how they treat each other as a result.
side: seto kaiba
kaiba degrades jounouchi a lot. like, to an uncomfortable extent. you know that one post that’s like “why does bullying exist? why are you mad that i’m ugly?” why is kaiba so mad over the fact that jounouchi loses so much?
it’s projection. he’s just holding jounouchi to the same standard he holds himself to. you need to be powerful if you want to play the same games as kaiba, and seeing jounouchi so openly lean on his friends, ask for help, and have the audacity to lose sets kaiba off because he’s not playing the way he’s supposed to. kaiba rubs jounouchi's losses in his face because he believes that's what loss is supposed to look like, and that it’s jounouchi’s fault for not understanding that yet. kaiba is trying to teach him. to kaiba, this degradation might as well be an act of generosity.
while kaiba stayed true to his own ambitions, seizing kaibacorp from gozaburo and turning it into a children's entertainment company, he beat gozaburo at his own game not by inventing new rules but by playing it better than his adoptive father ever could. and as impressive as that is, it’s not sustainable. gozaburo kills himself when faced with his own defeat, and kaiba internalizes this lesson: that all losses are final, and it’s better to die than adapt to the consequences of a defeat. gozaburo’s death was a suicide, but in the context of their game, kaiba might as well have killed him regardless.
he mirrors this when he threatens to kill himself in duelist kingdom, his heightened emotions catastrophizing losing the duel to immediately equal failing mokuba and coming to the conclusion that if he loses mokuba he’d rather be dead. being someone so fervently self-reliant, any alternate solution, a possibility that he can lose here and still find a different way to rescue mokuba never crosses his mind. and, look, this isn’t his fault. this is the only way of living he’s ever been taught. he’s never learned how to cope in the event of failure because he’s never had the luxury to fail to begin with.
he's burned and rebuilt himself over and over again to survive in the world he operates in, and that’s why jounouchi pisses kaiba off so personally. jounouchi loses so much and so messily, and kaiba tries to show him that if he doesn’t start reinventing himself from the broken pieces of his defeats until all that’s left of him are jagged edges the same way he has, he’s never going to win. but jounouchi…does win. and keeps winning. and even when he does lose, it’s as if he creates new victories for himself, like there’s still value to playing a game with someone when you don’t win it—power of friendship bullshit and whatever. jounouchi is still here, a competitor that kaiba can no longer write off as much as he desperately wants to. (and, yeah, it is pretty ironic how jounouchi will jump through a million hoops to get kaiba to look at him, but he doesn't realize that he doesn't need to do anything to keep kaiba’s attention, only continue being himself.)
jounouchi refuses to compromise who he is and still manages to get far when in kaiba’s mind, that shouldn’t be possible; he’s supposed to be punished the way kaiba was. jounouchi is proof that you can take a devastating blow and move on from it, that even when you do fuck up spectacularly, there’s still something worthwhile in starting again tomorrow.
so kaiba constantly needs to prove that he’s better than jounouchi, that jounouchi isn’t even worth his time in order to justify his worldview. because if kaiba isn’t right, then he'll have no choice but to confront the fact that the war is over. that his circumstances aren’t instant life or death anymore and that even though he’s freed himself from gozaburo’s influence, there’s still further growth as a person he could stand to undergo, now divorced from the harsh conditions of his upbringing. jounouchi is a testament to how it’s possible to make peace and move on from the past without constantly bleeding for closure, that maybe, kaiba’s headlong quest to get the last word on his rivalry with yami yugi may not actually be as fulfilling as he thinks.
but admitting that you might need to change the way you live feels like a defeat in and of itself—it’s infuriating to hear that after everything you’ve had to learn, the way you live now isn’t good enough. that surviving insurmountable trauma doesn’t inherently make you better or more worthy than other people—it just traumatizes you, and is something you must heal from. so, instead of reflecting on these revelations, it’s so much easier for kaiba to tell himself that jounouchi is only ever graceful when he’s dead.
side: katsuya jounouchi
jounouchi is very stuck on this idea that he needs to be useful. his dad is an alcoholic with a gambling addiction and he believes it's not only his duty to pay his father's debts, but to be the household's sole source of income. his sister needs eye surgery and he believes it's his responsibility as an older brother not only to pay for it, but to act as her primary emotional support to get the surgery and throughout her recovery process. haga throws yugi's exodia into the ocean and jounouchi blames himself for not stopping it. jounouchi gets mind-controlled by malik and blames himself for causing his friends anguish from it. mai literally gets jounounchi’s soul stolen and he apologizes to her for messing up and making her sad. it's habitual, jounouchi doesn't know how to stop taking on the burdens of other people.
if you live with the mentality that you’re inevitably going to fail for long enough, you’ll come away with the belief that caring about your own wellbeing isn’t worth the effort. it depends on how pessimistic you want to read it, if it’s just his love language or jounouchi compensating for the damning act of being himself, but jounouchi quantifies his worth by how much he provides for other people. he’s always jumping in the line of fire for the sake of others because if you constantly undervalue your own wellbeing, you always have less to lose. as the underdog, he may not be as overtly powerful as kaiba or yugi, but he can still give himself away, and he’s convinced himself that it’s what he’s supposed to do. jounouchi is still new to this whole friendship thing. after a lifetime of supporting himself by himself, he doesn't know when he's allowed to ask for help yet—he’s supposed to be the help, dammit.
a key distinction between jounouchi and kaiba’s upbringings is that while kaiba’s biological parents died in an accident, jounouchi’s parents are still alive and they choose not to be responsible for him. jounouchi is conditioned to fend for himself by himself because having a parental figure actually present in his life isn’t a luxury he gets to have. to jounouchi, there has to be a reason why his mother only takes shizuka and never goes back for him in the six years he’s left with his father, and he rationalizes this with his notions of masculinity: he’s a strong man who can handle it. jounouchi is not delicate, he can endure it. men are responsible for their own circumstances. kaiba is hyperindependent out of a mixture of spite, paranoia, and self-defense. jounouchi is hyperindependent because he believes he deserves it. it’s the reason why he believes he’ll finally have a good relationship with his father if he just wins enough money to pay off his gambling debts—jounouchi can fix everything if only he were man enough to, and he can get people to stay if he demonstrates himself useful enough.
so death doesn’t carry nearly as much weight to jounouchi as it does to kaiba. in kaiba’s eyes, death is the punishment for failure, but to jounouchi, death is just the natural consequence for the kind of life he leads. he can't stop himself from fighting for the people he loves until he’s spent everything and forced to stop (read: dies), so during the several times jounouchi is confronted with his own death, he meets it with a solemn acceptance. like, yeah, it sucks, but he doesn’t regret the actions he took to end up here—he’d do it all over again, frankly. it’s better to die than not give everything he can, and at least he was able to give his life in service to someone else. it’s not necessarily good to die, but it doesn’t matter as much if he does.
so where kaiba is afraid of losing, jounouchi is afraid of outliving his usefulness (and being abandoned as a result), and kaiba disrupts jounouchi’s worldview specifically because he puts his ideology on the defensive. to jounouchi, kaiba’s presence never demands a question of “what can you do for me?” (nothing, kaiba doesn’t want jounouchi to do anything for him, and frankly, he’d be insulted if jounouchi even tried) but “what makes you worthy of standing on the same level as me?”, and jounouchi can’t sacrificial lamb get set on fire die a billion times into getting kaiba into seeing it his way (rather, that would only prove him right: kaiba would love nothing more than for jounouchi to lose the ability to fight and finally align with his preconceived notions of how the world works), and he can’t argue that his value is in how much he provides for others because that’s a non-answer. kaiba doesn’t care.
kaiba’s presence forces jounouchi into a position of self-reflection: jounouchi works so hard to preserve the friendships he’s created, but who is he—what does he value about himself in the absence of it? jounouchi needs to acknowledge something inherently valuable about himself if he wants to counter kaiba in any meaningful way, and it’s not like he doesn’t have valuable qualities either: he’s tenacious, he’s resourceful, he’s a quick learner—it takes intelligence to rank as high as he does in tournaments, but he undervalues all of it. these traits are all to be expected, they don’t actually count as extraordinary when it’s him. they’re only remarkable when they’re being applied to something greater. jounouchi believes he has the potential to become strong (and valuable by extension), only with the stipulation that he’s never actually there yet. he focuses too much on his inadequacies, constantly pontificating on how he needs to become a “true duelist”, but by the way he speaks about the title, the only way to be a true duelist is be named yugi muto, i guess.
so it’s very jounouchi-esque for him to miss this point with near deliberate precision and try to make himself useful to kaiba anyway. while kaiba is bent on seeing jounouchi fail to prove that his cynicism is superior to jounouchi’s altruism, the inverse is that jounouchi sees his old self in kaiba and he’s dying to teach kaiba a lesson. during battle for bronze, jounouchi states that they used to be the same, people who only relied on themselves and thought they’d be fine living like that. the argument jounouchi makes is that living that way is fucking miserable. he calls kaiba out: you’re supposed to be having fun. why are you playing duel monsters if you’re not having fun? he’s trying to show kaiba that he can be useful and teach kaiba things if kaiba would just let him, but for reasons mentioned in both of their sections, kaiba isn’t interested in being taught anything.
while less malicious in display, it's important to note that jounouchi’s method of trying to teach kaiba doesn't make him the better person here. jounouchi isn’t coming from a place of understanding when he lectures kaiba, he’s coming from a place of misdirected self-flagellation. and from kaiba's perspective, jounouchi is just dispensing unwarranted advice for the sake of his own ego. the most egregious example is when jounouchi picks a fight with kaiba in duelist kingdom, demanding they duel when kaiba is clearly not in the mood, busy with more pressing matters like, i don’t know, trying to rescue his abducted brother? so, okay, maybe a little bit inconsiderate on jounouchi’s part.
they're two ideological extremes: kaiba lashes out at the world while jounouchi gives himself to it, and jounouchi will keep barging in on kaiba with his life lessons because it’s the only way he wants to engage with kaiba’s arguments otherwise. jounouchi interprets kaiba’s rejection of his ideals as the equivalent of the stubbornness jounouchi had before befriending yugi, and he uses it as a reason to keep pushing, not understanding that while he may have found the most honorable path for himself, you can imagine how constantly burning yourself for others isn’t very…appealing. or sustainable. and that maybe it’s something you need to work on, actually.
conclusion: how i WIN
what’s fun about jounouchi and kaiba is how wrong they are. they genuinely can't live the way the other demands them to, their respective environments won’t allow it. if jounouchi chased victory with the same cutthroat relentlessness as kaiba, he probably never would have left his gang. or, at least, he’d lose the selfless devotion and consideration he has for others, traits that helped him build his support system, and he never would have found the friendships he values in his life—his willingness to change and start again was how he was able to befriend yugi to begin with. (and if you wanted to get really extreme with hypotheticals, his self-destructive tendencies could have grown so severe in the absence of a support system that he probably would wind up getting himself killed somewhere. lol.) inversely, if kaiba granted himself the freedom to worry less about the outcome as long as he enjoyed himself, he’d put mokuba’s safety at constant risk. kaiba’s guarded nature isn’t without reason, there are powerful corporate executives who would love to see him fail, and there are very real consequences if kaiba slips up for even a second and gives his opposition any leeway. the way they live works for them because it’s theirs. it’s not so much that either of their lifestyles are in dire need of correction, but that the other represents the possibility that they could be living better.
and this is fantastic because it means that, despite what they think, neither of them are in the “wrong” and must learn to change their idiot ways or that the solution is to strong-arm each other into some kind of compromise. it’s a battle of perceived weakness. they need to, naturally and individually, accept that the traits they’ve always deemed immature and beneath them can be just as vital for survival, even when it’s not necessarily their own.
jounouchi and kaiba are essentially the most extreme example of two people who want what’s best for each other (gone wrong!) and puppyshipping is appealing because them getting together requires that they stop punishing themselves for who they used to be. they expect too much out of themselves and then inflict those demands onto each other, but if they’re not wrong for the ways they’ve overcome the circumstances they were left in, then it’s equally true that the ideals they abandoned to survive weren’t inherently naïve just because they weren’t given the space to utilize them. sometimes life will push you to your limits in the hope that you fail, and there’s no deeper meaning to it. it’s not life’s way of teaching you a necessary lesson to make you stronger or a test to see if you deserve to live, or that it’s your fault when it breaks you. sometimes there’s no great meaning to suffering. things happen, and you will adjust to it in order to live. when kaiba and jounouchi believe they know each other as much as they know themselves, pairing them is the hope that they’ll respect themselves enough to respect each other, that they’ll one day be able to embrace the parts of themselves they’re the most ashamed of.
(or, you know, for the alternative crowd, they most definitely can make each other worse.)
for two men who claim to be so self-assured in their own lifestyles, jounouchi and kaiba are fascinating because there’s so many layers of denial at play: the denial that they see anything in each other, denial that there may be aspects of the other that they’ve come to envy, denial that they even care, and it's so tempting to imagine if all of it was forced open. jounouchi and kaiba choose to maintain this delicate equilibrium where they never actually confront anything because the idea of admitting vulnerability viscerally disgusts them, and it begs what would happen if the balance irrevocably tipped for once. watching them is like watching a pencil teetering on the edge of a desk, always this close to some kind of breakthrough. i won’t even lie to you puppyshipping pisses me off half the time because i just want to shake them around until something metaphorically breaks.
kaiba and jounouchi never let each other become complacent in their pasts: whenever their personal tragedies and childhoods are brought up in the context of one another, it’s never because they are being vindicated for continuing to dwell in them, but because they are being contested on how much the mindsets they’ve carried over from their pasts should be allowed to determine their futures.
returning to canon, kaijou operates through the language of competition. jounouchi tries to prove himself as a competitor so remarkable that kaiba can no longer deny him, while kaiba already knows he’s remarkable, and that is precisely why acknowledging it pisses him off so much. so they’ll play their game: jounouchi will provoke kaiba into fighting him because he enjoys going up against challenging opponents in the hopes of becoming stronger, whereas kaiba keeps trying to set up situations where jounouchi will lose to the point of letting him die because he wants so badly to believe that losing does equal death and jounouchi’s existence is the most inconvenient counterargument of all. and obviously, jounouchi keeps not dying. and it's endlessly infuriating—almost slapstick at this point, that much to kaiba's frustration, no matter what he does, he can never make jounouchi submit for very long.
jounouchi and kaiba spur each other on to a ridiculous extent: kaiba enjoys pushing jounouchi past the breaking point, whereas jounouchi enjoys getting pushed to his limits to test his own capabilities. whether that’s necessarily a good thing though is…well…hmm. anyways. 
their dynamic is the type of messiness only two prideful high schoolers can get up to. maybe it’s just kaiba's repression and jounouchi's recklessness, but there is a fascination with each other that they’re incapable of leaving alone. there’s intimacy in knowing someone so well and fearing that fact, but kaiba and jounouchi never respond to this fear by avoiding it—they’re engaging with it time and time again. they infuriate each other with a passion that never sits still. kaiba and jounouchi seek a validation from their counterpart while simultaneously denying each other from it, and it’s mean, but invigoratingly so.
at some point, it’s not even about wanting validation anymore, but point-blank wanting its keeper by any capacity: wanting a visible reaction to their effort as proof of reciprocation, proof that says “i’ve finally affected you just as much as you affect me.” because kaiba and jounouchi want to leave a mark on each other, they want their counterpart to fully understand how much they’ve affected them, and they want to witness that reaction themselves. it’s no longer this big, nebulous ideological debate with a reflection: the pull between them is made both physical and personal. so, like, not to go the trite route of arguing that two men who can’t stand each other were ~secretly attracted to each other this whole time~, but how else are you supposed to word this?
in some hypothetical universe where they do come together, even the ways they love manage to compliment each other in its own clumsy way. seto kaiba never does anything in moderation: if he hates something he will destroy it, if he loves something he will possess it, and if he is obsessed with something, he will single-mindedly pursue it at the expense of everything else. his repression manifests itself in a passion so pressurized it’s all-consuming against everything it comes to contact with. inversely, katsuya jounouchi loves freely and transparently: showing affection comes as naturally as breathing to him. he embodies the belief that love is not only about the grand gestures, but the day-to-day acts of warmth and casual acknowledgments that it's there. a man who wants to be wanted by someone so badly it aches paired with someone who makes no reservations as to what he's committed to, capable of a love so overwhelmingly insatiable that it is neither fickle nor delicate, and a man who finds the act of trusting others with his affection so unthinkably humiliating that he’s convinced himself it’s something beneath him paired with someone who makes it look infuriatingly easy. they are going to invent a new language to love each other with. i believe in them. i would not write two separate essays titled “here’s how puppyshipping can still win” if i did not believe in them. 
ultimately, it feels cheap to build kaiba and jounouchi’s relationship off what life lessons they could "teach" each other reformation-style when they already have a legitimate dynamic in play. they can be good for each other, or they can tear into each other in ways they’d never expect to be capable of. there’s something exhilarating in knowing there’s someone who has that kind of power and wanting to keep them within your reach, a buzzing excitement in knowing someone who can not only withstand you at your worst, but fight back at you with twice as much vigor. sure, there’s potential for growth here, but that’s because there’s potential for literally anything.
kaiba and jounouchi inspire reinvention and self-determination from each other at the best of times and enable each other’s most self-destructive tendencies at their worst. so i think. puppyshipping is the most fun. when you ship them the same way you leave a fork in the microwave to watch it explode. the end.
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TL;DR: me x the guy who keeps breaking my worldview and forces me to reevaluate myself every time i see him which i hate so much that i just want him to DIE
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transmascutena · 5 months
utena and anthy both struggling with intimacy post-canon because of everything that happened to them in both a "i am afraid to be hurt like this again" and a "i am afraid of hurting you" kind of way, but they're trying really hard for each other because they want to want that kind of closeness and for their relationship to not be so defined by their past even though it always will be. both of them always making sure to reassure each other that there's no pressure to do anything they aren't ready for and that they'll take everything slow and one step at a time and that it's also okay if they're never ready because the most important thing is that they both feel safe and comfortable
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drabsyo · 1 year
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hey daph!
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vargaslovinghours · 8 months
The unusual but no less hard-hitting 10½! (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9)
So as it turns out, I did so many Blank Slate/Have you lost your mind? doodles that I ComPletely broke the last sketchdump lol, so it gets it’s own! Who could’ve figured that making basically a full comic of Chapters 2 and 3 would’ve made just a few too many sketches lol
Because of that, I’d strongly recommend reading what I've posted of Have you lost your mind? so far before this! Spoilers and author’s notes/behind the scenes warnings and all that haha
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Concept sketch for Scriabin - I always love having visual signifiers to denote timeline/AU/etc. differences so you can tell at a glance where you are :) His silhouette gets to be correct! The details, well, sorry we forgot those ♪
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And concepts for Edgar! I've drawn him in different glasses before so it was a bit of an excuse, using these new/old glasses to do so again haha
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But in the end I went for a reference! Remember when I drew Edgar's glasses tiny?
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And I mean, if he hadn't worn them in a while, maybe they're just a bit small on him! Lol
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Poor memory-less Edgar's musings, it's not just sad to be forgotten, it's sad to forget :(
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Early concept of Scriabin freaking out by himself in the bedroom. I'm glad I got to keep it :D
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Always gotta draw 'em reacting to something just out of frame
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Poor Scriabin, he wants to be close despite knowing Edgar doesn't remember him. He has to face this whole Being Human thing completely alone! Edgar just doesn't understand!
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He doesn't know how good he's got it haha, if I was really mean I'd have let him keep his glasses instead. There's a bunch of fun themes either way, but stealing from Edgar while hiding in his own hair is as good as any hehe <3
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Blank-faced Edgar, I ended up with a lot of these, unsurprisingly. Doesn't help that he's cute haha
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As usual, starting from the middle - it's just easier to get ideas flowing around a core! Also that note pointing at Edgar of "Put Todd to bed" was all the everything of the prep work I did for writing that little section, but the rest Absolutely Needed storyboarding lol
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He might come to resent you if you manhandle so much right after meeting for the "first" time
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Scriabin actually touches him in the original draft, but after I thought about it, it'd probably take a bit to cross the touch barrier comfortably again! Scriabin's still weird about Edgar but Edgar is wary, it's an interesting dynamic
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I won't show off every panel, but panels like these where I think they turned out especially cute Have to be included haha <3 I dunno what it is but Scriabin pouting always turns out adorable ♥
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Floof harder! Edgar's innocent expressions ahh <3
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Starting to lay the groundwork, but still a bit nervously! It is quite fun how they skirt each other, not quite sure what the other knows - how many lies can Scriabin get away with before he gets caught!
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Scriabin using some informed guesswork in conjunction with what he definitely knows, he is rather intelligent :) You can also see Edgar's unfocused eyes well in this one, I tried to draw them fuzzy behind those glasses hehe
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These are all lined up like this on the page :D Really happy with his hand expressions here, and his face haha
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This was one of my favourite lines - he keeps making excuses for Nny! Edgar no! - I fully admit that it's also partially influenced by how cute Edgar turned out haha, the poor thing - but he's so wonderfully fluffy!
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I love this line as well, Scriabin utterly convinced that all his hard work must have gotten through to Edgar somewhere in there, he said it often enough, he must have listened to him at least once-!
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And then Edgar completely cuts him off and redirects him haha, they’re both hopeless <3
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So mad at himself and Edgar, comedy = pain + time, but this is still fresh! Give yourself some time!
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That last line in particular is so insidious because he did that, Scriabin was the one who put him in that situation, and now he’s trying to turn it back around on him! He's the worst ♪
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Guilty Edgar <3 Still pressing on (changing the subject so he doesn't have to linger on the feeling hehe), he does have his own questions
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These kinds of exchanges were especially fun to look back on from their individual perspectives since I only drew it once, starting with Edgar. How honest can Scriabin really be? He can't explain everything and not be kicked out for being a potential danger to Todd or Edgar! He's gotta play his cards Just So
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Edgar is also quite intelligent! Catching Scriabin out in a lie, even when he's trying so hard to skirt the truth!
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Scriabin so mad about being called out, gotta rub it in just a little bit that he's Totally Right lol, what a brat <3
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Scriabin is legally and morally and emotionally and spiritually obligated to mess with Edgar sexually in literally every iteration of his existence, it is a core tenant of his being and also he really really wants to (lol) ♪ Drawing Edgar all blushed up is just a bonus, who does this stranger think he is! What has he forgotten! He's not some easy man! Haha, if you only (still) knew, Edgar
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Whatever he was going to say would just hurt Scriabin's feelings, better to just cut him off before another reminder gets laid out
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Probably my least favourite dialogue that I had to change was making "?" into something that flowed better in just-text, it's not the same! Lots of little notes about word choice actually haha. Love them reaching for each other even like this <3
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Edgar has all these feelings to contend with! My favourite shot is easily the last one, Scriabin's relaxed mouth while Edgar's heart is beating out of his veins right into his ear ♥
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Pls o////ò;
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Existence is exhausting
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Even without knowing him, he's just a cautious guy :) And he wants to be gentle with him! He doesn't realize what he's doing, what his actions would mean to Scriabin if he could see them, and he does them all the same 💕
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Pretty lad <3
Technically backtracking, to Ch. 3! POV shifts are fun lol
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Zarla mentioned Scriabin curling up into a ball in the blankets and I thought it was a cute visual haha ♪ Haven't had a use for it yet but never say never hehe
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I wanted to go for some high perspective shots to drive home the uncanny feeling of being really truly alone for the first time ever. That, and he's dramatic anyhow haha
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His posing was very important to me! Since Edgar knocks on the door while he's still leaned against it, the contact points would Feel a specific way
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Scriabin got a lot of「bracket notes」for his section, usually as digs lol, where does Scriabin get off saying that Edgar has no tact haha
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More blank-faced Edgar! These were actually drawn separately - could be chalked up to how each of them remember the event! Edgar sees himself as more put-together and Scriabin as more foolish haha ♪
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That horrible sinking feeling
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I pick on him a lot but this really would be incredibly scary and sad! He's alone, expelled, and the only person who Knows him now doesn't even recognize him! This was probably the one scene I wanted to be just a bit longer, really feel the weight, hmm
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But he's also quite resilient haha, he has to be <3 He has enough tenacity, thank goodness haha
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One of those examples of panels basically repeating lol, I can only fit so much text per pose! Plus it's fun to see the little body language differences :)
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Another bracket note lol, Scriabin has to be the best at everything!
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And another, have I mentioned that Kaggie is my favourite of the two? ✨ I'd still like to give both K and D a more sizeable reference sometime! Scriabin continues to be the cutest when he pouts, agh <3
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Touchy touchy touch ♥
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I do love the phrase "feeling himself" right after the last panel lol - it can be both literal and metaphorical! And that's what you get for not cleaning up after yourself! I swear that lightswitch panel confused me so many times on reviewing notes lol
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He's not even careful pfft. Then again if he was, he wouldn't have a mess to grumble about in the first place!
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A familiar face while Scriabin's already feeling small on his lonesome, ~it's symbolic~
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Ough, it hurts to think that Edgar might actually be able to watch Zeitgeist, not knowing the deeper implications. The thought of him inviting Scriabin to see it! 💔
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The most important question, and he hasn't come to a conclusion yet :) I wonder what his answer will be once he stops hiding from it!
Hhhh this has been a really fun AU to write for, I'm glad that I finally put it to words since it had been rolling around in my head since early 2021 - there are so many fun and insidious things to explore! Especially on Scriabin's side, though I still think it's the most fun to be stuck behind Edgar's eyes, an aware audience knowing what Scriabin is up to while Edgar doesn't hehe ♪ Hopefully I'll have some time to return to it after a bit! :D
#💟#Doodles#Art#Sketchdump#Blank Slate AU#Scriabin#Edgar#Hhhhhhhwhy did I make so many of these lol ♪#I finally utilized the method I'd heard about for fic writing of doodling out scenes for visualization#And then it comes back on me like this! Lol#And this still isn't even all of them!#Cough Patreon plug cough cough cough lol#But most of them are featured here :) I was happy with a lot of them! :D#In general as a fic it's been quite easy-going haha#It feels a little ironic to me but it's my in-between fic - since I'm not rereading it's detail-light/non-specific#I guess I'm just thinking of it as a first draft until I reread haha ♪ I'm just sharing it while I'm here! :)#I think it'd be a fun read-along to find which panels go to which scenes hehe#Although I'm also a big advocate for ''seeing'' fics on your own first!#Sometimes the imagery is different and inspires! I've had several times where I'll read and then draw#And /then/ go look at the accompanying art and it's quite different! Translation through medium! :D#So I always recommend getting your thoughts out first haha you can always return later :)#I know I said so already but having at-a-glance differences to show where we're at ah <3#And that it's to do with both of their glasses! How they see each other but literally! Hehe!#It really is such a fun concept to play in ♪ Similar in some ways to And Also With You#But one-sided! I also really love the trope of ''The one who should know Doesn't''#Oh and did you catch the Loved and Wanted reference? It's subtle haha#Always pulling little things from everywhere >:3c Blink and you miss it fun!#Pls do stick with me if you like it so far :D I have more ideas just you wait ♫
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aryxchse · 2 months
okay y'all, it's been decided
hail me, daughter of THE bitch..
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Pissed off female reader x Crosshair using sex to help her feel better.
Warnings: Crosshair may be a little bit oc, smut, dirt, minors dni, nsfw, this is completely self indulgent and maybe a little crackish, don't take it too seriously, Crosshair and reader has a Queen kink.
"Feeling better?" Crosshair asked after the two of you had been brought to climax for a third time.
"No." You bit out, glaring past him; your anger still simmering hot; flowing like the lava rivers of Mustafar underneath your skin. In fact you were still so livid that even he could feel the heat of it wherever he touched you.
Such fire in your eyes; so wild, so untameable.
It was Beautiful.
And it only seemed to stoke his own; his member throbbing and pulsing eagerly inside you.
"Still angry hm?"
"Let's see what more we can do to calm it." Crosshair said, cupping his hands under your hips; raising them up so that he could reach further and thrust deeper inside you.
He had no idea what had made you so angry, but if it was something he'd done; he already knew you wouldn't be giving him the time of day, let alone being entangled with him like this if that were the case.
'Feels so Damned GOOD.' Crosshair mentally growled as you met his deep, firm thrusts with every lift and rise of your hips; meeting him blow for blow, your warm, slick walls squeezing him so wonderfully it sent sparks shooting through his veins, pleasure going off in his brain like fireworks.
Crosshair let out a choked off noise when the head of his member brushed against a particularly soft, slick part of you that had him clenched his teeth and biting his lip.
"Ahh, y'know; whatever it is-ugh! That's got you so worked up-Mm! I hope it doesn't dissipate too soon! NNH-H!"
"Why? I Hate feeling this way..." You said with a sullen frown on your lips, but your eyes still as hard and as dark with fury as ever.
"Because. You're GLORIOUS."
"I have never seen anyone even half as Beautiful as you." His hands worshipped your hips.
"Especially when you are like This." Crosshair said, his voice soft, full of reverence, his gaze almost tender as he stroked one side of your face, a delighted little half smirk playing at the side of his lips as he noticed your cheeks flush even further; knowing it wasn't just anger, but embarrassment as well.
You scowled up at him.
He always did like flustering you.
Then you surprised him by springing up from the bench he currently had you laid upon, your hands grasping the back of his head and pulling him into a hard kiss.
Crosshair's eyes widened for only half a millisecond before his own hands came up, buried themselves within your hair, his fingers clenching tightly as he kissed you back just as hard, his tongue forcing his way past your lips just as yours burst out to meet it.
You were both all pressed and nipping teeth, swollen lips, twisting, writhing tongues and steamy breaths.
After a while of deep kissing; you finally let each other go in a burst of hot air, your shared laboured breaths, fanning each other's face.
You were pleasantly surprised to find that his breath smelled oddly sweet and you were absolutely going Feral for it.
You grasped his chin between your thumb and forefinger, encouraging him to let his tongue lol out of his mouth a little. Then without breaking eye contact; you licked and sucked on his tongue, moaning in aroused appreciation, observing how his pupils blew wide, his cock twitching enthusiastically inside of you at your shamelessly wanton display.
"What was that about?" He asked, his voice raspier than ever.
"You ask as if you didn't enjoy it." You said smugly; knowing full well that he did.
"An unnecessary statement." He droned with a roll of his eyes; his body showing very clear signs of having enjoyed it immensely, if his flushed skin and laboured breathing were any indication.
Your triumphant chuckle came out rich and dark; only pushing him further over the edge into near delirious lust.
If it had come from anyone else; Crosshair wouldn't have let it stand, but coming from you? It aroused him to no end.
"What do you want?" He panted; unwilling to admit outright that in that moment, he would obey any order you'd give him, no matter what it was.
"I want you to make me feel something far better than my current, otherwise unyielding rage." You said mildly; as if it were the simplest thing in the world.
"I want you, to make me feel such pure and perfect euphoria; that I forget everything but the fire of pleasure you have burning between my legs." You ordered in purred tones, your legs wrapping and squeezing tighter around his waist for emphasis.
"Is that understood soldier?"
"Ha ha; as My Lady wishes." Crosshair acknowledged, his tone and expression even more delightedly smug than ever before. You rolled your eyes begrudgingly, letting it slide this time; looping your arms around his shoulders and back.
You gasped through your nose, pressing him even tighter to you when you both began to move once more; bouncing on his lap while he thrust up into your tight, wet, heat.
Crosshair panted in time with every thrust; each small noise, gasp and thick swallow, fluttered into your ears, sending your arousal soaring even higher. And it was written all over his face that you were having the same effect on him. His eyes dark and staring, watching, every bit as hungry to drink in your every reaction as you were to drink in his.
He looked so desperate, so wild - practically Feral. You Loved it.
You Loved having the knowledge that only you could do this to him and only you were allowed to see this man fall apart and it was all for you.
All because of You.
"Ahhh~So! How do you feel now?!" He ground out; knowing he was rapidly approaching his own end and was going to be bursting inside you again very soon.
"Mmmf~ Shut up and give me MORE." You ordered; finally feeling tantalizingly close to your peak again as well.
"Yes, my Queen." Crosshair replied; his devious chuckle cut short by a moan he'd let out as you slammed your hips down harder on his cock, your inner walls dancing sensually around him.
Crosshair let out another low, rasped cry; sweat beading his face as you jutted out your chin in deviance up at him.
It served him right.
He knew what being called that did to you. And you knew just how to get back at him. Smug Bastard.
You let out an involuntary gasp as Crosshair suddenly shifted your weight until you lay beneath him; he leaned his body over you, shoving himself hard and fast inside you with quick, short thrusts.
"You are The ONLY woman for me Y/n." He panted in your ear; his usual, raspy voice full of so much conviction and such devotion it surprised you and hearing those words spoken so fervently, sent a shockwave straight to the swollen bundle of nerves at the hood of your pussy.
You clung to him; letting out a strangled moan and a tell tale gasped breath.
"Crosshair- Crosshair!" You gasped breathlessly, feeling a sudden helpless wave of panic rush through you at the same time your intense orgasm washed over you.
"It's alright. Ahh~! I've got you." He reassured you, holding you tightly against him. The edge of your panic immediately began to fade away as you relaxed into him, letting the waves of your climax take you as the two of you rocked through them together.
"That's it. Let go." He said soothingly.
"Release it all onto me." Crosshair purred, his gravely voice sounding all the more muted in your thundering ears as you vaguely felt him grow stiff in your arms; pumping you full of his seed until it began to overflow and spill out of you a little. Crosshair letting out small gasps moans as you continued to come hard around him, tears slipping from beneath your fluttering eyelids.
"Beautiful." Crosshair breathed as he watched the after effects of your fading climax to his heart's content; looking as much like a satisfied Loth cat that had just got the cream as much as Crosshair ever could.
All you could do was lay there and pant while he stayed perched above you, still buried inside of you, watching you.
When you finally came back to your senses and started trying to push him off of you with a slightly irritated groan, was when he asked you again;
"How do you feel?"
"Hot. Mostly spent." You said, but you were still showing signs of annoyance and ire; so, with a dramatized sigh; Crosshair pulled out of you, sinking down to his knees and parting your thighs as he descended.
"Crosshair, what are you-?!"
"There's no need to be modest now my Queen." He tutted, prying your thighs apart further.
"We both know your 'fire' has barely been quenched." He stated with an almost excited glint in his eye.
"But-!" You tried to argue; to let him know that it was enough for now, but Crosshair wasn't having any of it ..
"Just Relax."
"I'll take care of it." He promised as his head lowered between your legs.
"Crosshair!? Ah!" You squeaked out one last futile protest before melting into his touch. As soon as his lips and tongue brushed against you, your fingers slipped into the short, soft, gray fuzz growing on his head and clung on for dear life as your other hand stroked the back of his neck in a more 'grounding' than affectionate way -or so you told yourself- but both he and you knew better, if the pleased and amused sound he'd made was any indication.
'Hmph. Smug Bastard.'
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
IF I were to suggest a song for the Indigo Boyfriends (yes thats right the mordetwi colored ass fruity boyfriends SMG34 obvs)
Also thanks to @anartisticalniche for giving out the song suggestion of Pork Soda- Us Frog Trio listened to this and it was fantastic! I can imagine the whole thing happening! Thank you for that again!
One More Night - Maroon 5
Not another song about Love - Holywood Ending
Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar (the most infamous song from Steven Universe where as)
OMG What's Happening - Ava Max
Never Getting Rid Of Me - Waitress Original Broadway Cast Ensemble
One More Night reminds me how these two were the ones who both used to be "enemies" (when aka right after the event there came a so called "push comes to shove" quote so theyve both started goin real soft)
Not another song about love reminds me of three singing this out loud that he hates smg4 and how he hates everything about him (which is the most opposite points)
Love Like You shows how right after these two became friends, Three and Four developed something else. (AND THEY WERE ROOM MATES, THE E-) "shaken by how long it took" where Three cries (IN the main event from IGBP)
OMG whats happening is also for three's POV "Ive got everything I wanted but you're everything to me" this kind of shows an old design of smg3 whos obsessed for taking down the guy for years and he keeps having weird tingles or feelings from him. (Portraits to how he dealt his emotions while developing this so... yeah)
Never getting rid of me is focused on SMG4 saying how he loves Three and that he'll never get rid of him XDD
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skoulsons · 1 year
“You’re up early.”
She was, and the only reason for that was because Joel was way too loud making his coffee and getting out the pans to cook breakfast for her before he left for patrol.
Joel was never loud, especially never loud enough to wake her.
“I heard you,” she mumbled, trudging over to the kitchen still wrapped in a blanket. She pulled a chair from their table out, facing him at the stove. “Everything okay?”
He nodded.
Everything wasn’t. He dreamed she died. It was a montage of every time it’s ever crossed his mind. Her in that bloody grass. Her skin ravished by an infected child in an abandoned van. Her face ripped apart while trapped underneath Sam. Her body, cold and pale on an operating table. Her, her, her.
Every single one played clear as day in his dreams, tormenting him with every possibility his my mind could conjure.
“Nightmares. ‘S’all it was.”
“Okay…” she started, rising from the chair. “You always have me talk about mine, so…” Ellie approached the countertop opposite of him, jumping up and sitting atop it, her dangling feet hitting the lower cupboards
He hesitated before turning to her, eyes locking with hers as he sighed.
She was right. She didn’t always go into detail, he didn’t need her to, but he wanted her to release them somehow; and at night when she clings to him immediately afterward, that’s when it’s the easiest. And when she can’t talk to him, she writes or sketches them down when words can’t- don’t suffice. Anything that keeps her from compartmentalizing how they make her feel or what they make her think.
But Joel. He’s always the one to take care of her that he’s never had an out or a way to talk or feel them in a healthy manner, not like he tries to give her. Ellie tries to get him to verbalize something, but Joel is a damn brick wall when it comes to directly talking about his feelings, so it never goes anywhere.
But when it’s 5am and there’s the tiniest glint of sunlight that starts to rise and offers a faint, glowing light to their kitchen as they’re full of sleep and still in the midst of navigating these feelings, it’s easier to talk. They’re more malleable.
“It was you…” he started, doing some lazy hand motions to try and convey the word he desperately did not want to say alongside her name. “Repeatedly. Different scenarios just…over and over again.”
Her eyes went soft, understanding in a way that only they could understand.
She had the same ones. He knew.
“Figured I’d make you breakfast now and leave it in the fridge for you to heat up later so I could get a head start on patrol and… try to forget about it all.”
Joel cleared his throat, kicking up imaginary dust off the tile floor as she watched him.
Ellie reached her hand out and made grabby motions with her fingers. Joel noticed, a light, sleepy chuckle escaping his lips as he stepped towards her, both her hands holding onto his one. He stood beside her, their hands falling against her knees.
She rubbed her thumb over his hand. “Are you okay?”
He smiled. He knew that meant a plethora of other questions that they didn’t have time to cover. “I’ll be alright, Ellie.”
She nodded her head, still rubbing her thumbs across his hand. “I know. Just… wanted to check up on you.”
“And I…” he started, leaning over to kiss the hair above her ear, “am happy you do.”
She leaned her head on his shoulder as he brought his other hand in, covering all three of theirs and squeezing tightly.
“Since you’re up, how about helping me with breakfast? Wouldn’t turn down your old man, would you?”
She smiled, tapping her feet against the cupboards. She squeezed his hands and kissed his cheek briefly before jumping off the counter. “Can’t say I didn’t think about it… but,” she said, opening the fridge door. “Not for the world.”
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
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< Prev Doodles | First Set of Doodles
Surprise, @redstringraven!! Guess who watched a playthrough of Horizon Forbidden West AND the DLC Burning Shores and Then proceeded to reread Pretend that I Never Left and draw Four More DOODLE PAGES!!!! To all the 2k3 Mikey fans out there, this is the fic for you!
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lunarthecorvus · 6 months
My subconscious just called Kaz warm and fuzzy
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