hcdahlem · 1 month
Depuis toujours nous aimons les dimanches
Avec sa verve coutumière, Lydie Salvayre s'attaque à la «valeur-travail» qu'elle dézingue avec une joyeuse et féroce ironie. Son plaidoyer pour la paresse est un essai revigorant qui nous pousse à nous poser la question essentielle du sens de la vie.
    En deux mots De la volupté d’un réveil tout en douceur un dimanche matin aux cadences infernales de la femme de chambre qui se tue au travail toute la semaine, il y a un monde. Face aux ayatollahs de la valeur travail, voici un plaidoyer subversif pour la paresse. Pour se réapproprier sa vie, pour penser, pour lire. Pour s’émanciper. Ma note ★★★★ (j’ai adoré) Ma chronique Guide pratique pour…
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snowfea · 7 months
Nothing better than ordering a book and getting it from the mailbox
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canaldesmoulins · 1 year
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TROISIÈME SESSION DE TRAVAIL DES AMIS DU CANAL : DÉBROUSSAILLAGE, DÉSENSABLAGE ET DÉGAGEMENT DU CANAL. Les Amis du Canal des Moulins de Chabeuil poursuivent leur travail : c’est leur troisième corvée cette automne, dans l’espoir de rendre un peu de débit au Canal. Les pluies du week-end n’ont pas découragé les ACMC (ceci dit, faisait pas chaud...), qui ont progressé de quelques centaines de mètres, toujours à l’aval immédiat de la prise d’eau dans la Véore. Et c’est maintenant qu’il faut le faire : 1-ll y a de l’eau dans la rivière, assurant une entrée d’eau satisfaisante à cet endroit du parcours du Canal et 2-les feuilles mortes s’entassent et il faut les dégager souvent. Constat : les demi-lunes (qu’on voit ici, à gauche)) sont pleines de limon (faible débit=gros dépôt, forcément), qui finit par peser beaucoup trop lourd pour ce genre de structure, qui s’affaisse donc. Sur ce point de rupture, le débit dans le Canal est considérablement ralenti. On y retourne, dès que possible.
Bilan de cette campagne, en trois points : 1-le Canal est vraiment à l’abandon, à un endroit (la prise d’eau et les demi-lunes) qui détermine son débit pour l’ensemble de son parcours. 2-l’eau ne parvient pas à franchir la papèterie (route de Combovin). Mais tout de même, elle a progressé, puisqu’elle parvient maintenant jusqu’à ce hameau des Marions, qui abrite la papèterie, où les riverains ont travaillé eux aussi au dégagement du Canal (voir image de droite) et 3-le Canal n’est pas un robinet, qu’on ouvre et ferme quand on veut de l’eau. Le manque d’eau et les débits trop faibles, voire les assèchements, provoquent des dégâts de structure, qui finiront, à force d’incurie, par coûter très cher.
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abr · 11 days
USARE IL BUROINCUBO PER PENALIZZARE, far trovar lungo, scoraggiare. Far capire che è il cittadino a dover rendere servizi ("corvée") ai "servitori dello Stato", non viceversa. Pagandoli pure, per aggiungere al danno la beffa.
Lo statalismo al massimo livello, oltre c'è solo ARBEIT MACHT FREI.
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queen-mabs-revenge · 8 months
‘When the ancient slave, crucified by his master, writhed in ineffable agony, when the serf collapsed under the rod of the corvée overseer or under the burden of labor and misery, at least the crime of man against man, of society against the individual, lay open, exposed, atrocious in its nakedness, blatant in its brutality. The crucified slave, the martyred serf, died with a curse on the lips, and his dying gaze met his tormentors with hatred and a promise of revenge.
Only bourgeois society draws a veil of invisibility over its crimes.’
– Rosa Luxemburg
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manorpunk · 6 months
“Hey folks, this is Johann van Gekkenhuis speaking. The American League finally has its very own left-wing faction in the form of the Solidarity Party, and I am proud to be its chairman.
History has taught us that socialist parties are a double-edged sword. We must learn from the failures of the German SDP - as it grew, it filled its ranks with corrupt and overpaid bureaucrats and middle managers who went on to betray the cause of proletarian liberation. Why did this happen, you ask? Marx has already answered this question with his theory of alienation - those bureaucrats and middle managers grew increasingly distant from the conditions which they sought to oppose, and now unburdened by the experience of exploitative labor, they were co-opted by perfidious centrists.
No one can truly be called a socialist until they have experienced physical labor firsthand. Alienation must be understood scientifically, but it must also be felt through the ritual ablution of blood, sweat, and tears. Every member of Solidarity from top to bottom must be regularly exploited to remain ideologically engaged, which is why I am sponsoring a new bill which will introduce a system of corvée labor.”
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ascle · 1 month
Il s’en est passé des choses! Parce que ce cadeau va bien au-delà de la Myosoteam…
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Les Etats-Unies d’Amérique ne voulaient pas livrer au Canada. J’ai dû demandé à un ami qui habite les USA de le commander. Il était super content de me rendre service ^^.
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La Reine Mère qui a été de corvée biscuits géants. (Pcq ouais le mien c’était un vrai et il était excellent!!)
Mon frère qui s’est sacrifié à venir manger à la cabane à sucre pis qui a passé 1h en digestion à faire la photo avec des accessoires très peu coopératifs. Awwhhhh l’amour fraternel!!
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Sans passer sous silence Raven Hot, championne provinciale de « Trail class », qui s’est abaissée à revêtir une selle anglaise le temps d’une matinée et qui, contrairement à son habitude, n’a pas essayé de me mordre. (Pour répondre à vos questions: non chu pas super à l’aise, 20 min c’est le temps que ça a pris pour que j’embarque sua selle (y’a pas de fucking poignée là-dessus) et oui mon amie se moque encore de moi depuis cette séance) Je dois également faire une honorable mention à mon pharmacien qui a vu son chiffre d’affaire explosé en antihistaminique la semaine qui a suivie (ouin suis un peu allergique aux chevaux ><).
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Il y a aussi eu les séances d’essayage dans le salon avec le jugement de Kurpipe et l’habillage dans le parking du Reno Dépôt avec une Edith ben crampée! Un merci tout spécial au gars du département peinture du Reno qui avait pas l’air à nous trouver saine d’esprit à refaire ses étalages et à courir les pelles d’une section à l’autre, mais qui nous a laissé faire en se disant sûrement que c’était plus sécuritaire en disant rien… j’avais quand même une pelle din mains ^^.
Je dois dire un grand merci à toutes ces personnes qui, sans vous connaître @valerielemercier , ont accepté de m’aider. Parce que c’est aussi ça que vous inspirez, la générosité.
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apollo-cackling · 3 months
one of the reasons I'm so fond of the Han dynasty is like. Liu Bang is literally just Some Guy. he was born as a peasant, some minor official who was so insignificant being late bringing corvée labour would've gotten him executed. literally just Some Guy, and he went on to found one of the most prestigious and prosperous dynasties in Chinese history - we still call ourselves the Han people!
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bulles-de-bd · 6 months
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Dad - T05 - Amour, Gloire et Corvées
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What could Egg have done to better institutionalize his pro-smallfolk reforms? As in, what measures could he have taken to prevent at least some of them from being roled back by his sucessors (and Tywin)?
Well, it's kind of hard to speak to that with any degree of specificity when we don't know what his "reforms and .. rights and protections" included:
what kind of reforms were they (legal, land tenure, something else?)
what kinds of rights did they include (medieval law has a lot of different kinds of rights, for example),
what kind of protections are we talking about (protection from feudal incidents, or from corvée labor, or from the lord's monopolies)?
Because there might well be different legal or political strategies involved in each case. In some cases a royal proclamation would work, in other cases perhaps an inclusion in an update of the legal code would be a better strategy, in yet another case a charter with no defined experation might be the way to go, etc.
As to your second question, I think the biggest thing he could have done was to do a better job raising his kids, because as his many woes involving their marriage choices and abdication crises demonstrates, he didn't do a very good job either getting them to obey him or share his political project.
While I've written before about the advantage of (hereditary) monarchy in that political succession is relatively stable and predictable, one of the real downsides of (hereditary) monarchy is that, because so much of public policy is dependent on the will of the monarch, you can get very sharp reversals of policy when the son disagrees with the father, and those reversals last more than just a fixed term - they last a tifetime or more.
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est-ce · 5 months
la corvée du ciel enfoui.
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wolfsnape · 8 months
J'ai fini de lire Shadow and Bone, c'était une CORVÉE
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gwennpetrichor · 4 months
Writever Janvier 2024 : médias !
01 – Sortie
4h avant la sortie du nouveau numéro de l'Aventurier Moderne, notre éclaireur ne donne pas de nouvelles. 3h, il y aurait une ouverture par la porte de livraison, 2h, nous sommes dedans, 1 heure... Encore 4000 exemplaire à détruire pour préserver notre secret.
02 – Magazine
- Mais qui achète encore des magazines en 2065 ? Je ne savais même pas que ça existait encore !
- L'industrie s'est tournée vers le blanchiment d'argent, c'est pour ça qu'ils coûtent plus cher que les livres... et puis j'adore ces mots croisés.
03 – Micro
Avec le nouvel ePhone, en partenariat avec TokTok, vos enregistrements seront censurés en direct par IA, vous permettant de gagner un précieux temps en post prod !
Finit la corvée de vérification des nouveaux mots censurés par TokTok !
04 – Tournoi
-Après le séminaire se tiendra un tournoi télévisé sur 4 mois. Un poste garanti au premier classé, possibles ouvertures de périodes d'essais chez nos partenaires pour le top10.
-On parle bien du poste d'agent d'entretien des tubes de machine à milk-shake ?
5. Papier
Sous un climat aussi humide, le papier se conserve mal, et les essences de bois locales ne sont pas adaptées à sa fabrication. Les veines d'argile en revanche sont nombreuses, c'est pour cela que dans leur langue "cuire" et "archiver" sont un seul et même mot.
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gsirvitor · 1 year
Then isn’t it the Hatian’s duty to oppose slavery and western intervention?
I never said they shouldn't have rebelled, but perhaps the slaughter of all the white adults and kids, and the mixed adults and kids was wrong.
And perhaps, it's also wrong to blame Haiti's mismanagement on people other than their own corrupt government, for instance, why blame mass deforestation and overfishing on a NATO conspiracy rather than Haiti's own incompetence?
Hell, it seems the only reason the Dominican Republic managed to grow from being a forgotten Spanish colony, was to reject Haitian hegemony over the island, declaring their own sovereignty in 1844.
Later the Spanish Crown recognized their independence in 1865, while Haiti chose to live as the people they overthrew did, they made the lower class their slaves while the upper class lived like slavers.
 The leader of Haiti created a system of coerced plantation agriculture, it was a military government run by the greedy, in essence, they overthrew tyranny and imposed further tyranny that led to race based genocide.
From 1824-26, while the island was under one government, they promoted the largest single free-Black immigration from the United States in which more than 6000 immigrants settled in different parts of the island.
Today remnants of these immigrants live throughout the island, but the larger number reside in Samaná, a peninsula on the Dominican side of the island, the Free American Blacks even chose the Dominican over Haitian rule.
From 1843-1915 Haiti underwent many governmental changes, most caused by revolt, however these revolts also replaced tyrants with tyrants, mostly caused by the Haitian military.
Though, for a brief period beginning in 1874, Haiti experienced democratic peace and development, this period of relative stability and prosperity ended in 1911, when revolution broke out and the country slid once again into disorder and debt.
From 1911 to 1915, there were six different presidents, each of whom was killed or forced into exile.
In this time, 200 Germans chose to migrate to Haiti and integrate, they invested in infrastructure, education and so on, it greatly helped Haiti, however their aide was given indiscriminately, many opposed factions in Haiti used the German money to fuel revolts and violence.
 In 1915, Vilbrun Guillaume Sam established a dictatorship, but in July, facing a new revolt, he massacred 167 political prisoners, all of whom were from elite Haitian families, and was lynched by a mob in Port-au-Prince.
The US at the time had taken on quite a large sum of Haitian debt, and summarily occupied Haiti from 1915-1934 to get Haiti to pay off its debt, under the supervision of the US Marines, the Haitian National Assembly elected Philippe Sudré Dartiguenave president. He signed a treaty that made Haiti a de jure US protectorate, with American officials assuming control over the Financial Advisory, Customs Receivership, the Constabulary, the Public Works Service, and the Public Health Service for a period of ten years. 
The Marines and Gendarmerie initiated an extensive road-building program to enhance their military effectiveness and open the country to US investment. Lacking any source of adequate funds, they revived an 1864 Haitian law, discovered by Butler, requiring peasants to perform labor on local roads in lieu of paying a road tax.
In 1915, Haiti had 3 miles (4.8 km) of road usable by automobile, outside the towns. By 1918, more than 470 miles (760 km) of road had been built or repaired through the corvée system, including a road linking Port-au-Prince to Cap-Haïtien.
In 1919, a new uprising began vowing to 'drive the "invaders" into the sea and free Haiti, the revolutionaries were killed and the Marines posed with their leader's corpse.
The Great Depression decimated the prices of Haiti's exports and destroyed the tremendous financial gains of the previous decade, the Haitians believed this was a return to when the elite of Haiti would rule with an iron fist, and began another revolt.
This led Herbert Hoover to appoint two commissions, including one headed by a former US governor of the Philippines William Cameron Forbes, which criticized the exclusion of Haitians from positions of authority in the government and constabulary.
In 1930, Sténio Vincent, a long-time critic of the occupation, was elected president, and the US began to withdraw its forces. The withdrawal was completed under US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), in 1934, under his "Good Neighbor policy".
The transition government was left with a better infrastructure, public health, education, and agricultural development as well as a democratic system.
The country had fully democratic elections in 1930, won by Sténio Vincent. The Garde was a new kind of military institution in Haiti. It was a force manned overwhelmingly by black Haitians, with a United States-trained black commander, Colonel Démosthènes Pétrus Calixte.
Most of the Garde's officers, however, were mulattoes. The Garde was a national organization; it departed from the regionalism that had characterized most of Haiti's previous armies. In theory, its charge was apolitical—to maintain internal order, while supporting a popularly elected government. The Garde initially adhered to this role.
I can go on, Haiti was fucked over by Haitians more than it was ever fucked over by foreigners, so I say, the only thing you can blame whites for is Haiti's very French way of showing civil unrest.
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were-team-fortress · 8 hours
Est-ce que tu aimes ton travail, Espion?
Cela peut parfois être une corvée. Mais surtout oui.
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wavecorewave · 3 months
Colonial appropriation of indigenous lands often began with some blanket assertion that foraging peoples really were living in a State of Nature – which meant that they were deemed to be part of the land but had no legal claims to own it. The entire basis for dispossession, in turn, was premised on the idea that the current inhabitants of those lands weren’t really working. The argument goes back to John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government (1690), in which he argued that property rights are necessarily derived from labour. In working the land, one ‘mixes one’s labour’ with it; in this way it becomes, in a sense, an extension of oneself. Lazy natives, according to Locke’s disciples, didn’t do that. They were not, Lockeans claimed, ‘improving landlords’ but simply made use of the land to satisfy their basic needs with the minimum of effort. James Tully, an authority on indigenous rights, spells out the historical implications: land used for hunting and gathering was considered vacant, and ‘if the Aboriginal peoples attempt to subject the Europeans to their laws and customs or to defend the territories that they have mistakenly believed to be their property for thousands of years, then it is they who violate natural law and may be punished or “destroyed” like savage beasts.’ In a similar way, the stereotype of the carefree, lazy native, coasting through a life free from material ambition, was deployed by thousands of European conquerors, plantation overseers and colonial officials in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania as a pretext for the use of bureaucratic terror to force local people into work: everything from outright enslavement to punitive tax regimes, corvée labour and debt peonage.
From The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity (2021), by anthropologist David Graeber and archaeologist David Wengrow
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