#copper does a blah
copperpicture · 2 years
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see-arcane · 1 year
One last thing I’ve been poking at today regarding the issue of the letters. A small glimmer of something other than miserable to take away. 
It’s not a whole silver lining. A copper one at best, and barely there. But the fact of Jonathan’s cleverness with this attempt at sending out a message and the shorthand itself was a small victory.
The big spotlight is on all the defeats in this entry. The foiled attempt at sending private messages. The ruined hope that Jonathan can rely on his fellow human beings for help. The mockery and crushing of spirit in the burned letter to Mina along with being forced to reseal Hawkins’ now-pointless note and being locked in the room for misbehaving. It’s nothing but endless salt in too many wounds. Jonathan is in no state to harvest anything but despondency from the night’s display.
There is something here that is worth noting. And that’s Dracula’s reaction to that shorthand note itself. What are the exact words? The exact actions?
“--one is from you, and to my friend Peter Hawkins; the other"—here he caught sight of the strange symbols as he opened the envelope, and the dark look came into his face, and his eyes blazed wickedly—"the other is a vile thing, an outrage upon friendship and hospitality! It is not signed. Well! so it cannot matter to us." And he calmly held letter and envelope in the flame of the lamp till they were consumed.
Now obviously, the whole show of waving the letters in Jonathan’s face was a sadistic power play. Just proof positive of his influence and Jonathan’s uninterrupted helplessness, plus an extra dash of renewed hopelessness. All good fun. Right up until he opens the shorthand letter and sees those strange symbols. He doesn’t laugh. Doesn’t feign being puzzled by a stranger’s letter--so it must be!--getting in with Jonathan’s letter to Hawkins.
Just like the moment with the mirror and the bloody cut, just like the surprise of the ladies moving in on Jonathan without permission, Dracula is confronted by something that makes a big ugly crack in the careful masquerade he’s been enjoying so far. He likes this game. He likes being literal king of the castle and playing the host and pulling Jonathan’s spirit apart like so many loose unhappy threads. Most importantly, he likes being the one holding all the cards. All the information. We’ll see later in the book just how well others’ ignorance is used as a cudgel to beat any of his would-be obstacles into paste.
But now, here’s the shorthand. A thing Jonathan knows and he does not.
And Dracula is trapped by the performance. The letter’s already assigned as a prop, a stranger’s note, it cannot matter to them, Jonathan’s letters are sacred to him, blah blah. But if the shorthand is a stranger’s, he can’t even wheedle Jonathan to divulge it for him. So it’s stuck as a surprise mystery. Small as it is, ultimately futile as it is, it’s still A Thing Dracula Did Not Plan. A Thing Dracula Does Not Know. A Card Dracula Does Not Hold.
And Count Dracula, as will be revealed, is many things in addition to being a monster: including an utter control freak. Classic gothic edition mastermind. Every t crossed, every i dotted, every detail and solicitor in their proper place. Now here’s his pet-guest-prisoner not only doing a no-no by trying to reach out to others behind his back, but flaunting some 19th century secret cipher right under his nose! The nerve! Granted, he did tear open the letter to snoop on it, but such trifles don’t matter here. 
What matters is Dracula’s reaction being one that briefly breaks through the guise of the game. A genuine sour note that nettles him into burning the letter outright with a sneer and then, happily, steering immediately back on track with Hawkins’ letter and Jonathan’s timeout. Again, it’s a small thing. A mere mote.
But I’d bet money that part of Dracula’s ‘many labors’ ahead of him now include an almost petulant scrounging through his books for any mention of those odd symbols so he can snap it up too. Research he must do alone, at a loss, because Jonathan unwittingly arranged his writing in such a way that it endangers the Count’s game if the latter has to admit the writing was Jonathan’s after all. So he’s left to huff and puff over it in private. Because all the information under this roof is supposed to be his, damn it. 
And Jonathan, trapped and cornered and bereft prisoner that he is, proved that it isn’t.
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cheerclaw · 6 months
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Meet the OCs: Saltburn (she/her) - @nanistar
Saltburn is a laid back, relaxed senior warrior who lives in SaguaroClan, one of the three friendly Clans of the sunny Mojave desert. She is a bit odd, having a bald patch on her nose, and extra sensitive eyes that keep her from going out a lot during the day, but she remains cheerful. She loves her MarshClan mate Hollowspur and her best friend, the SaguaroClan healer Silversky. Little does she know, she is actually a lost child of Bonestar, the leader of MoonClan; a long forgotten Clan that was banished to the nearby abandoned copper mine over 100 years ago….
Mothsight the Watcher (he/she/they) - @sp1resong
Mothsight is a warrior of RotClan, having joined alongside her best friend Mushroompelt when they were both six moons old. He is a protagonist of The Poison Beneath (@thepoisonbeneath), which I am once again shamelessly plugging [here be MANY spoilers btw if you don't want those uh. don't read further] They are, more than anything else, curious. No amount of knowledge is enough. She'd throw herself headfirst into a dark pit just to see what was at the bottom--actually, he kind of does do that! though he first enters the Labyrinth (df equivalent) alongside Mushroompelt while searching for the latter's missing partner Jonny, she quickly develops a… fascination with the place and with its nature. Their curiosity draws the attention of Darnerstare the Clarity, one of the Labyrinth's Centers (most powerful spirits, who work alongside Sporefall the Decay as sort of secondary leaders), who begins to walk in Mothsight's dreams. The Clarity, as the Labyrinth's resident Eye Imagery and Knowledge Guy, offers to give Mothsight the knowledge, the /clarity/ he seeks. Though she is at first hesitant (they are curious, not stupid), they ultimately agree when the Clarity shows him just how much he stood to gain--notably, the power to wander the territory and visit the Labyrinth in her sleep, and the ability to walk in others' dreams. The cost--relying on the Clarity to sustain them--was great, but worth it, they reasoned, and they took on the role of his host, and the title of Watcher. after Mushroompelt-as-the-Catalyst breaks the seals on the Labyrinth (long story), it is Mothsight who undergoes the most drastic physical changes, getting a solid two new eyeballs. . okay i almost said diversity win i'm not sure if that's what i meant there regardless, with the boundaries between dreams and waking thoroughly blurred and the source of their power unconstrained, Mothsight grows WAY more powerful. actually, she in all honesty doesn't want the 'apocalypse' to end! but everyone else is suffering and though he's undergone a sort-of corruption arc he's not That bad. now, there aren't many choices here. Icarus says that they need to destroy the Labyrinth, freeing the trapped spirits (it was the fact that they were within the Labyrinth and unable to decay and join the Forever Free [StarClan equivalent] that angered them so, after all), but this would destroy Mothsight's power--and, in all likelihood, kill her. Mothsight instead develops a plan to seal the Labyrinth away again without destroying it, which would save her life and power /but/ doom the trapped spirits to be bound forever--or, not forever, which is part of the problem! the Labyrinth's escape would be all but an inevitability, it'd just put it off for some generations more so that /these/ cats don't have to deal with it. still, this is the plan that most agree to--except for Icarus. Icarus goes behind the others' back and, within a sort-of-dream, attempts to sacrifice his own life setting fire to the peat bogs in their entirety (largely a symbolic thing, not literal. although the dying is literal). Mothsight, however, walks in his dreams and catches him in the act. there's a confrontation, it's very emotional, blah blah blah. anyways they both die. i'm too tired to explain this in a fancy way sorry theyre just fucking died also they're canonically aroace. diversity win!
[Back to the grade]
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neilwroteathing · 6 months
I don't know what to title this, but here you'll read of my Murder Drones OC
It's time! I wanted to make a post about my Murder Drones OC since me and a couple of frens have been roleplaying with them lately, so to give more to this blog and add characters that maybe people enjoy and ask, I present to you in a lengthy post:
Boone Doser
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Lots of thank u's, pat pats and sm more to my lovely friend over on instagram @d3athup0n for gifting me this for my birthday, as a bust reference of the big man himself. In this post you'll get to know more about him and maybe a note here or there about the process of developing him.
Unit BD2, otherwise known by his co-workers as 'Boone Doser' is an Industrial type of Worker Drone within the world of Murder Drones.
Industrial Drones (IDs) are different from Worker Drones (WDs) for the way that they're heavily altered by a company and given specific programming to work as an automated heavy machine and perform more arduous tasks individually. Drones like these were a safe way for humans to have machinery identical to those such as Bobcats, Forklifts, TLBs and like Boone Doser's name implies, Bulldozers.
Yes I'm proud of that pun name
Boone was designed to function in the way of serving in heavy facilities that would require digging, moving rubble or in his case, aid in digging operations.
One of the few models of his generation, Boone was the 2nd model of the Bulldozer line, which was only 5 models total made before the next generation of Industrial Drones was developed. Boone is part of the 3rd generation of IDs and was sent to work in the mining facility located in Copper 9.
Equipped with a heavy duty casing, flexible joints with more rigid segments on his extremities and almost armor-like plating, Boone is built to be heavy and put up high torque. The blades on his back can be removed and attached to his arms, then to be used for pushing and digging by splitting in two parts and connecting once together on his arms.
Another feature not visible is that he does not possess the typical legs a WD would, but instead have his entire feet and part of the ankle be replaced by two sturdy wheels with high grip to traverse smoothly over rocky terrain and step across mud piles without getting stuck.
With all this torque and power, he is a hard machine to break apart without special equipment, blades themselves able to withstand plenty of damage (like a shield).
He wears work approved clothing, such as a safety mining vest, safety goggles and a hardhat (with his name scribbled on the left side)
Lots of blah blah about his design and origin, and yes I invented a whole new brand of Drones just for this, bite me.
Now to the fun part!
His lore!
Grengcore was the name of the company owner of the mining facility where Boone worked, which was a company entirely set within Copper 9.
Boone was created in 3040 and sent to one of the mining resource plant, in which he'd work with humans and drones until Copper 9's explosion, which caused the death of the humans and leaving all drones to continue work on their own (which was hard, since none was taught how to send a spaceship with the mined material anywhere)
Either way, he'd develop relationships with almost all workers and mostly positive ones too, him being quite upstanding and serviceable as can be, optimistic, even eventually, developing a link for one of the workers within, being a girl that he'd work alongside with daily, even together during breaks.
This link would continue to flourish into a code full of love, where he and this worker would decide to create their own starter neural network, AKA a child of their own, a compromise solidified after a wedding within the facility, where two rings of quartz were worn to seal the promise and become husband and wife.
After the big day, Boone would be given his name by the workers, who all called him B-2, and his name would be scribbled onto his helmet as a fun gift from his wife.
Time passed, and while working during break hours, a sudden cave-in happened, that crushed the entrance in due to something causing too much movement nearby. The workers instructed Boone to
'Just continue digging'
He'd continue as instructed, expecting the others to soon dig out the entrance as he discovered the cave in to be far more risky to clean out from inside with the chance of a complete breakdown of the tunnel being dug if attempted from the inside.
He'd just keep digging.
The assurance calls from the intercom ceased, and his order remained unchanged
The visits from his wife through the speaker on the single camera mounted in the room prior to the tunnel stopped coming
He wouldn't hear the gibberish of his child with the sweet voice of his wife
His code began to deteriorate with one order starting to freeze onto his programming
1095 days went by as he continued to work non-stop
He had no idea what happened as the days went by
He had no knowledge of where anyone was
He had no other things he knew besides to dig
to replace damaged blades
eat from a huge boxed supply of batteries
run out of wires to light up the tunnel
run out of working explosives
his body wearing away
and finally, becoming a hollow husk of what once was a worker with pride, with friends, with a loving partner and a child he wanted to provide proper parenting to.
If only he knew the carnage that had gone down back in his home, but alas, all he knew now was few things:
Just keep digging, to throw ore to the left, dirt and stone to the right, replace damaged equipment.
Boone Doser became the sole survivor of the mining facility, but not without severe impact to his own self. Only one thing would be able to maybe help him return to reality, and it came in the form of a faulty Disassembly Drone, who took pity on his miserable state, and offered him to escape.
Okay that was way more than I expected to write-
If you managed to reach this part like... I'm proud of u, and if you want, you can ask Boone questions, see if his poor CPU can answer them.
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nityarawal · 28 days
Mother's Day Plans 
Morning Songs
Mother's Day
Mother's Day Rainchecks
My Kids Images
Are Weathered
They're No Longer Baes
Mother's Day
Mother's Day
Mother's Day Rainchecks
Been Goin'
8 Years
Political Wars
How Could Any Bird 
Be More Important
Than Our Children
How Could Any Song
Football Game
Any Commercial
Presidential Cannidate
How Could Any Thing
Be More Important
Than Our Children
It's Not
Little Child Going
To Disney Land
Celebratin' Mommy And
Your Daddy Sounds
On The Radio
But Does He Wear
Celebratin' Mommy
And Me
Did Grandma
Make You A Dress
Mommy And Me
With British Kidnappers
At American Girl
Like Us When
You Were Six
Was All We Had
Disney Makes Us All Ill
Why'd Those Managers
For Alcoholics Lunches
Fancy Affairs
Their Own Children
Real Dreams
Sorely Ignored
Life Left Those
Divas' Jealous
Trying To Mold
Our Natural Born
In Their
Lesbian Lab Moms'
We Wouldn't Have 
Pimped Our
Wants Better
For Me
No Invitro Babies
We Do Not Desire
Geriatric Physicists Party 
Nature Wants
Better For Me
Children At Home
Belong With Mom
Martian Ma
Got Back The Reigns
Children At Home
We Won't Do
What Can't Be Undone
But Karma
Plays A Role
In Every Cyber
Goddesses Strife
So We Give Her
A Chariot
A Life
Of Architects'
Gossimer Designs
And Pray
Our Goddesses
Will Never
Go Extinct
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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smbhax · 3 months
So far I’m liking the DualSense, which I got for use exclusively on PC after I felt a bit of wrist pain after a long Sonic session with my ol’ DS4–and once I finally realized that DualSenses DO come in black, instead of just that default white/black PS5 Storm Trooper look, or various bright colors.
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I’d also been kept away by Googled online discussions seeming to concur that the DualSense’s d-pad wasn’t as good as the PS4’s, but I haven’t really felt a difference, other than it was a little stiff initially before I broke it in. Haven’t done a long Sonic session with it yet; seems at least as good as the PS4’s d-pad for driving games so far.
The DualSense’s beefier girth around the top part of the grips feels easier to hold than the DS4, even in my sort of smallish hands (measuring 6.5 inches from heel of thumb to top of index finger). The way the surface of the grips are flush with the d-pad and face buttons up there now is suspiciously similar to the current Xbox pad, but it feels a bit beefier up there than the Xbox pad, if memory serves–but not as superdense-space-meteorite heavy; it is a bit heavier than a DS4; and it doesn’t make cheap plastic creaking sounds like the DS4, which is a nice–but it still feels unmistakably plastic, unlike the Xbox pad which feels carved out of iron somehow; I don’t know which I prefer for that but the Xbox pad did feel a TAD outrageously heavy for its compact size.
The new motorized or whatever triggers feel fancy but I haven’t really used them; and I’m using it wireless so I can’t comment on the new fancy force feedback blah-de-blah, which I’ve read only works wired; vibration I was getting from driving games in PCSX2 did stand out to me more, so I turned it off in those games. : P And I haven’t used the analog sticks much so I can’t say much about those, other than that they feel about the same as the DS4’s.
The redesigned, jagged PS-symbol PS button is silly and uncomfortable.
The regular buttons seem fine. The less obtrusive light is an improvement, it hasn’t even bothered me enough to bother turning it down or off in Steam or DS4Windows or whatever. It’s easier to plug in for charging than the DS4 since USB-C plugs it uses (charging cable not included! ; P) can go in rotated either way, whereas micro USB cables like the DS4 needs only plug in when rotated one particular way; the DualSense also has copper or whatever charging contacts on the bottom for sitting on a charging station I guess (not included!), which the DS4 doesn’t have, but I don’t think I want to fit a charging station on my desk.
Battery life doesn’t seem to be any better than the DS4’s. ; P
DS4Windows does support the DualSense just fine but if you didn’t check the box for DualSense support when you first ran DS4W, you gotta go to its Settings tab and click the Device Options button on the middle right to get to the weirdly hidden menu screen where the checkbox to enable support for the DualSense and other things in DS4W hides.
The improved Steam support is a boon: it doesn’t have to pretend it’s an Xbox controller in most of the games I’ve been playing–unlike the DS4–so they’ll actually show you PS-style button names instead of Xbox ones.
On the first day, on-screen messages told me the DualSense dropped out momentarily when playing two different Steam games, one time each; never had that happen with the DS4; so far it hasn’t happened again on the DualSense since that first day, though.
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applesaucefuture · 2 years
Fluid retention around the wrists
So that’s why you guys don’t arrest Teresa because she’s retarded
Actually, that’s why they don’t trust you I could see that because you don’t have a sound mind you don’t have your wits about you sweetheart
Sadly, neither does Gramma, and neither does Melody here. I am passing in my apartment I said pacing, but whatever.
I get it, that’s the point so how do you guys plan on handling the people like the Coopers do I just change my last name to copper now
It’s a good touch, I can’t believe that I’m still not able to solve that whole Ruthie thing. There’s some reason that I’m in the shit ass energy it’s not on me they know it
Win a key
I swear to fuck man, I saw an older sun.
Y’all know how I get about Capricorn blah blah blah
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lesbiansandboromir · 4 years
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‘Lets try a hyper-muscular style’ + ‘I wonder how tall Maedhros would be compared to the fellowship’ = HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.
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copperpicture · 2 years
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imtheflash · 3 years
Tw: how about a one shot where baby Danvers is depressed and her sisters help her through it?
I do not give you credit to repost translate to another site or take credit for my work.. I spend a lot of time on it and plagiarism sucks.
anon I didn't really know how to make it so depressing so I kinda just went with the flow and made it hurt comforty
You weren't surprised when you didn't hear from your sisters in a while. One was a part time superhero and the other was a DEO agent that had a lot on her plate.
It still hurt though, more than you'd like to admit. Though you tried to ignore it you felt guilty as if you could've helped them if you didn't turn down the job of leading the DEO's department of weaponry. You were an mechanical engineer and a damn good one at that so they thought that you could help the designing team with efficiency and the engineering team with the actual construction. You're 24 though, fresh out of college and working on starting up your own shop. It was your pride and joy, a place where you would fix almost anything brought to you.
A toy car Mr. Rogers's nephew accidently broke? Yeah you got it. A motor that isn't spinning in the right direction? Don't worry about it. A freezer that stopped freezing? No problem. You could fix almost anything and everything. And if you couldn't then they sure as hell could count on you figuring out how to help replace it.
You never considered that you could be broken. But you were, and it isn't something you could fix. No everyone knows that the only way to fix someone is with people. The bell on your the door shakes you out of your trance. "Welcome to the mechanic shop how can I- Alex! Kara! Hi!" You move out from behind the counter and go to hug your sisters feeling at peace from the battle raging inside your mind for the first time in a while.
"Hi! we haven't seen you in so long oh my gosh Alex look at the shop its changed so much! Did you put a new wallpaper up?" You chuckle at Kara's rambling at the new changes and take the liberty to pull your other sister into a hug reveling in her warmth.
"So how are you guys?" You ask both of them gleeful at seeing your sisters after such a long time. They exchanged a look that made you nervous. "Well I've been great with Kelly and all but Kara" Alex starts but Kara cuts her off before she can say anything else.
"But I have been doing great I published my first article and I finally have my own office. With a chair this time!" She exclaims it hurriedly, as if she was hiding something.
You squint your eyes at them "Okay. That's great and all but the gigs up. What's up with you"
They exchange another look before Kara turns to you.
"A group of Maxwell Lord's minions created a drone to shoot at me whenever I go to save someone and it has this weird cloaking technology that isn't hackable by Winn which is saying something 'cause y'know Winn is the best tech guy we have so we were thinking its something mechanical which is why we came to you and because you're the best engineer we know so we stole one of the drones and took apart the tracking pin so if you agreed you could disassemble it and stuff so if you maybe want to you could you know?"
"I-wait-I'm sorry what? Am evil flying drone? I- sure I guess I could take a look at it?" You shrug and ignore the pang in your chest when you realize they came to get something fixed not to actually talk to you like they used too. Like you all used too.
You take the drone from Kara's hands and look at it for a beat before heading to the back of your shop "I have to take it apart before I do any of the actual decoding of the insides.
You miss your sisters looking at each other again.
"Was that a bit weird to you too?" Alex mutters under her breath so you don't hear her
Kara nods looking at your form bent over a table with a screwdriver. "It was wasn't it? Usually they're bouncing around in the shop not so_"
"Sullen" Alex finished. "We should check on them more often?"
"Hey" Kara nudged Alex's with her hip "don't worry too much, they know they can come to us if they need too."
You meanwhile were working on the drone and trying to black out the voices. Useless. Failure. Why do they even bother with you? God knows you're useless to everything that isn't mechanical.
You're snapped out of your spell with a sharp pain in your hand. You look at it and realize that your hand with the screwdriver slipped while you were unscrewing the drones mainframe and stabbed your other hand causing it to bleed. You stand up straight and wince shaking your hand up and down while your sisters run over to you.
"Oh Rao what did you do to your hand!" Kara rushes up to you and clutches your hand from where you were standing previously.
"Uh I stabbed it a little. Don't worry its not deep a band-aid will cover it. You sigh as your sister continue to fuss over the wound. Didn't they realize you weren't worth it? When would they realize.
Once it has been deemed "workable" they let you get back to work.
By the time you get to the bottom of the problem its nearly sundown and your sisters have responsibilities to get to, no matter how happy the day has been for you compared to the others.
"I will drop this off at the DEO tomorrow I just need to finish figuring out the mechanics of it. I believe that if worked right you can un-cloak the drones via a remote.
"Okay! Well go to bed and don't worry about the drones to much" Both of your sisters hugged you and you walked them to the door flipping off the open sign.
You had figured out the cloaking mechanism in an hour.
You had skipped breakfast and lunch but a sour taste in your mouth left you going straight to bed after a closing down the shop, ignoring the pain that throbbed in your hand again.
The next morning you spent an hour creating the remote and loaded the drone into a backpack driving to the DEO.
Apparently Winn figured out how to amplify the drones signal enough to blah blah blah blah you didn't catch the rest of whatever he was saying. It worked and that's all that matters. You stood on the balcony of the DEO. You hated having to leave, even though you had work to do. Lost in your mind you blink back into reality because of a copper coin in your face. "Penny for your thoughts?"
One of your sisters is on either side of you and Alex is holding out the coin in front of you.
You force a smile. "Nothing much is on my mind. I'm just surprised it worked to be honest the wiring on the inside was a bit iffy."
"C'mon. We know that isn't what your thinking." Kara bumps you with her hip. "You've been kind of... out of it since yesterday"
You panic. "I have not been out of it! I just have.. a lot on my mind i guess"
"Like what?" Alex speaks this time. She gives you a look, which makes you realize that there is no getting out of this conversation "You know that you can tell us anything right"
"I just- I feel guilty. Both of you are out there changing lives saving lives and here I am in a stupid mechanic shop. Its not even like it does anything besides fix a toy car Steve's nephew keeps breaking and the fix-its of anything someone broke. I feel so useless all the time compared to that. And i miss you two a lot too" You put your head in your hands still leaning against the railing as your sister lean in to hug you.
"You aren't useless. And neither is your shop. God knows how much time our engineering department would have to spend on the drones." Alex reaches up to rub your back.
"I agree with Alex. God knows how many civilians would've gotten hurt if it weren't for you. Also I am a literal superhero. Say my name and I'll be there in a flash"
You look up at her amused for a second, "isn't that Barry's calling card?"
She shrugs. "He won't miss it"
The three of you make your way away from the balcony. You'd be okay. Some times all you need is a hug and an evil flying drone.
"By the way, I saved Mr. Rogers nephew a couple times. Apparently he breaks his toy car every few days because he knows his uncle likes you" Kara looks at you with a smirk.
"Kara look their blushing"
"Oh my god no okay bye"
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The new fic reminded me of this gem i wrote a while back, and I don't think i ever sent it to you!
LAOFT Tattoo Parlor AU
In which Roman opens a tattoo parlor for two good reasons, and one really dumb one. 
also, this is like my first ever fic in this format so feedback is appreciated (That includes constructive criticism)
and its not proofread we die like men
• So one day The Boys are just talking and Roman mentions that his failed attempt at piercing his ears
• To which Virgil goes “Greta tried to do that to me, but it failed even more spectacularly.”  
• “Wait how do you even pierce fae ears? Doesn’t the needle, y’know, burn?” 
• “Copper?” 
• “Oh yeah I didn’t even consider that.” 
• “Well it’s not like we could have it done regardless,” Logan points out, “We aren’t going to find a shop with tools made of pure copper.”
• “Well how do you know that, though? Have you even looked?” Patton asks
• “Yes.” 
• “Oh. Wait, why?”
• “I was just looking to see if it was possible to get a tattoo.”
• And then they ask Logan what tattoo he would even get and he says that he didn’t really know, but it definitely would be some sort of flower. He also points out that it doesn’t matter anyway, since it would be impossible. 
• But once again, Logan underestimated just how big of a simp Roman Gage is. 
• So Roman has been thinking about what kind of job he would want. He’s certain a desk job would kill him. He really would like a job that lets him move around all day and put his artistic skills to work, y’know?
• It wasn’t until this conversation that he realized it. 
• “I think I wanna become a tattoo artist!” He announces.
• “Oh, and would this have anything to do with our conversation the other day?” Logan asks.
• “No- I mean yes- or, uh, kind of? I was thinking about what kind of job I would want, and then after the conversation it just sort of… hit me.” Roman said, entirely too fast, pacing as he spoke. 
• “I did some research, and its going to take a few years, but you don’t need a degree or anything and I think it would be really cool and stuff so yeah,” He stopped turning to his husbands, who all had looks of amusement on their faces, “whatcha think?”
• After getting various affirmation from his husbands, he was determined. 
• Blah blah blah Roman does all the things to become a tattoo artist blah blah three years of internship blah blah blah
• And now the fun part.
• Roman opens his own shop! It’s always right next to Logan’s flower shop and Patton’s Bakery. 
• Which leads us to the really dumb reason Roman opened this tattoo parlor. 
group chat: Mistakes Have Been Made
Bitchcraft: Isn’t it funny how me and Logan did the whole “Flower shop/tattoo parlor thing but backwards. 
Several people are typing…
Kaiseroll: Holy shit- 
illsleepwhenimdead: Oh my God. I hate that you’re right. 
ImCorbieUnfortunetly: thats so cursed oml
Kleinespinne: Did y’all do that on purpose
Bitchcraft: no comment
Bug: Oh that’s definitely a yes. 
Berry: is it really surprising though? It wouldn't be the first time we filled out a fanfiction trope almost perfectly. 
Goldilocks: no. comment. 
spinnenprinz: wait what i’m so confused what’s going on
Bug: Oh.
Bug: Oh no.
Goldilocks: I- I genuinely don’t know where we go from here, folks. 
Kaiseroll: It was only a matter of time before he found out. 
spinnenprinz: found out about what?
several people are typing… 
spinnenprinz: found out about what??????
Bitchcraft: y’all can chill I just explained it to him
illsleepwhenimdead: *hunger games whistle*
Bitchcraft: Literally shut up Adams it wasn’t that bad y’all are just dramatic assholes 
illsleepwhenimdead: Oh we’re the dramatic assholes?
bitchcraft is typing…
Bitchcraft: yes
illsleepwhenimdead: That was a long ass pause for just a “yes”
Bitchcraft: it was for effect
illsleepwhenimdead: so thanks for proving my point then.
Kaiseroll: Will the dumbasses on aisle 5 please stfu?
Goldilocks: Hey, that’s not nice
CrystalGemile: Don’t be mean!
Goldilocks: 💖💖
CrystalGemile: !!!!
spinnenprinz: ok but seriously what’s so funny about the tattoo parlor/flower shop thing
bitchcraft is typing..
illsleepwhenimdead: this better not be just one word again
Bitchcraft: ok so basically its a trope in fanfiction where one character owns a flower shop and the other charter owns a tattoo parlor right next to it and that’s how they meet and it’s like love at first sight or whatever and the joke is that since tattoo parlors and flower shops are concepts that clash so hard, the people who own them should also be incompatible but they actually fit perfectly 
Bitchcraft: (also screw you)
spinnenprinz: oh
spinnenprinz: but wait what about the other tropes that we “fill out perfectly”
Goldilocks: Childhood best friends 
Bug: Painful to read slowburn
Berry: Urban fantasy!
Bitchcraft: I think Logan and Virgil did a super speedrun enemies to lovers for about 3 seconds.
Goldilocks: We got some major hurt/comfort
Bitchcraft: oh definitely
Goldilocks: (Don't forget soulmates 💖)
Bitchcraft: also the fact that we got a daughter in a way that should technically be impossible but God does what she wants in the name of fluffy domestic schmoop.
illsleepwhenimdead sent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr78cb1vHJ0
Bitchcraft: How long have you been waiting to use that one?
illsleepwhenimdead: No! Comment!
V: ALKJSDFJHG OH MY GOSH!!!!! I live this so much!!!! Its funny and witty and cute and i love the format what a take omg
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gravitycoil · 3 years
Oh yeah, I got my hands on a B4B beta code (thank you @/mortosis I owe you my life) and I've been meaning to make a review and what I think about the beta so far. Buckle in lads
Ok so far of what I played it is very confusing. I'm playing on the steam version on my shitty computer but it's very confusing because of the card system, ammo refills, defibrillators, and first aid (health in general). I do not like keeping track of my ammo/having to scavenge for it. "It makes it more realistic" I don't care? Lol. The more realistic your game becomes the more boring and limited it becomes. I do not like the weapon draw back/backfire it becomes very hard to aim and land hits. The bash mechanic is only good if you have the knife card, otherwise it's useless and doesn't really do anything. Melees are fun to use (at least hollys bat is) but it's very annoying and unsatisfying that it only does like micro damage to the ridden. (Unless headshot) The rotten in general aren't that threatening either, the only one that has some level of "OH SHIT" is the tallboy/it's variants. There isn't much of a horde either even if you induce a panic event, there's not much of a threat. I do not like the limited stamina either, Not saying you should be able to run forever but at LEAST buff it out. The overall movement feels nice especially when you climb things and jump from platform to platform. Not a lot of special ridden spawn either at least from what I've played.
The characters designs are really good, and I love their designs a lot. Their team chat isn't anything special, I don't expect lore voice lines in a beta but I wish they had more chemistry together. For what it seemed like to me they're all talking to themselves even when directed at the others it's very isolated. I did like that they refer to the mom character as mom but, I feel like it would be more meaningful if the game didn't display her name as mom or anything. If that makes sense. Like for example: "This is Carol blah blah blah she is a badass who specializes in weaponry. She is very snarky and wise, she is known as the mom to the others"
More stuff I hate about the gameplay is that you have to collect currency (Copper) throughout the chapters you play in, and you can buy weapons, ammo, and upgrades. This sucks. I hate that shit. Stop that shit. STOP the card system and shop system please please. It really makes me feel like I'm playing a shitty version of DBD. I don't like a lot of the mechanics. Positive things I love about the game is the map design, there's this one ship/boat level and it's absolutely gorgeous. Another thing I liked is the Riddens designs especially the stinger (i think its called) its like a little spidey. I like the panic events even if they weren't really something to panic about. If the god awful health system wasn't garbage it would make playing more enjoyable. (Healing is kind of worthless even more so if you die and get defibbed) I know it's not 100% optimized as it's the beta but the Mouse sensitivity needs work, I have mine on max and it's still very slow to my standard. Versus mode sucks. That's all I can say about that LOL
Some of the timed finale missions go by too fast and it's easy to die, especially because the maps are huge and you can get lost easily. You don't really know where you're going even if the game has a "your x mi away from safety" this doesn't help. It does not tell me where I'm going. A lot of ppl say and are expecting it to be Left 4 Dead 3 or yknow. Left 4 Dead adjacent, which in only some aspects it is, but for the majority? You can't really compare the two. B4B feels more like a DBD game than L4D. If you like dbd you will probably really like b4b. If you like l4d you mayyy not like it as much.
Do not argue with me if you see this in a tag and you get mad at me. I don't care. I'm right.
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Hiya! Hopefully its not too late to submit? Could I request a Halloween smut fic with Nathan x f reader please? Thank you so much :D
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Champagne Buzz
Nathan Young x Fem!Reader Warnings: so much smut. swearing, drinking...more smut Note: I envisioned this as an AU to when they got rich after disclosing their powers. Maybe it could have turned out better if that jealous dairy prick hadn’t ruined everything for them. I suppose we’ll never know, but this fic might help you revel in that idea if only for a short while.
Nathan and the rest of the ASBO gang had been invited to attend a Halloween party at a posh club on the top floor of one of the nicer local hotels. The party had a masquerade theme, so it was mandatory to dress in formal attire and wear fancy masks. Nathan wore a black tuxedo, and his mask was a midnight blue accented with whirls of metallic copper, covering only his eyes and the bridge of his nose. Somehow it accentuated his green eyes beautifully and they shimmered like emeralds under the lights of the club. You chose a body-hugging floor-length black satin dress, and your masquerade mask was gold and accentuated with a peacock feather. When Nathan saw you walk into the club, he whistled. “Babe,” he said. “You look good enough to eat, and I intend to do precisely that later.”
“Promise?” you said, tipping your head back to give him a kiss.
You danced for hours. You danced so much that you had to kick off your heels, placing you at a distinct height disadvantage with Nathan, but you made it work.  By the time the party came to a close, everyone was quite thoroughly blitzed.  
You all made your way down to the second floor indoor pool area, some with their arms slung over companions’ shoulders, others still gripping bottles of champagne.  Fourteen floors was a lot of stairs for drunk people, so the majority of you crammed into elevators, giggling and acting like teenagers.  You had become separated from Nathan when you got onto one of the elevators; you didn’t even realize he wasn’t there until after the doors had closed. He must have had to wait for another one.
You burst out laughing when you entered the pool area. Some of your group had already gotten there, but the sight of Curtis lounging on a pool float in nothing but black boxer briefs, black socks, and his black tie gave you the fits.  You slipped away to strip down to your matching black satin bra and panties, and you put on a white terrycloth robe and returned to the pool room.
A few minutes later, the stairwell door burst open and Nathan sauntered out.  He had his suit jacket off, his vest undone, and his shirt was unbuttoned almost to the bottom of his sternum.  His tie was untied and was draped around his neck like a scarf.  He had his jacket slung over one shoulder and held a bottle of champagne in his hand. 
“There you are!” he slurred, grinning. You laughed.
“You took the stairs? You’re lucky you didn’t break your neck in that state!”
“I’m immortal!” he retorted with the air of a misguided hero. Then, belatedly, he noticed you were wearing a robe.  "What’re you doing!? Have you got any knickers on?!“  He had attempted to whisper, but really ended up shouting it instead.  Several heads turned in your direction.
"Will you hush!  I’m wearing my underwear. It’s fine.”
“Oooh,” he said, lifting the bottom flap of your robe to peek at you. You smacked his hand away.
“You’ll see soon enough.  Now go put the bits of your suit you don’t want to ruin someplace safe.”
‘Someplace safe’ ended up being the back of a lounge chair, but you figured it would do.  
The sounds of splashing indicated that people were enjoying the pool, but you were more interested in getting a drink, so you went to the cabana bar to get one.  You returned to the pool area and sat in the chair next to Kelly.  You smiled at her and lifted your glass.  "Cheers!“
She smiled back and clinked your glass with hers.  You both drank, and she sighed.  "I’m so glad we finally have some fuckin’ money.”
“Hell yeah,” you chuckled. “As long as it doesn’t go to Nathan’s head.”
Kelly laughed. “Fat chance o’ that. Look at him.” She gestured toward Nathan, who was attempting to carry five more bottles away from the bar without dropping one.
You laughed in earnest, watching him contort himself to bring the bottles back to the pool successfully. “Well,” you said, “at least we can enjoy it for a little while.”
You and Kelly chatted and drank for a few minutes, enhancing your buzz.
"Now,” you announced, standing up.  "I think the time has come to jump in this fucking pool.“
She laughed, and stood up with you.  "That sounds like a great fucking plan.”
You shed your robe, and she stripped off her dress, revealing a red strapless bra and matching bikini knickers.
“After you?” You gestured to the pool.
“No way– on three,” she laughed.  "One…two….three!“
Together, you ran and jumped into the pool. You surfaced, laughing.  Other people squealed in surprise at your sudden entry.  You scanned the room and found Nathan, who had been sitting and talking to Simon.  He was looking at you with his mouth open.  You hooked a finger toward him in invitation.  He stood up, peeled of his shirt and pushed his trousers down.  He kicked off his shoes and socks and stood in nothing but dark blue boxer briefs.  He ran and did a cannonball, sending water flying everywhere.  He surfaced, shaking his head.
"Dammit Nathan!”  Curtis yelled, dumping out the rest of his champagne that he had been sipping as he floated. Nathan’s splash had filled the glass almost to the brim with pool water. “Prick!”
“Sorry man,” Nathan called.
You swam over to him and wrapped your legs around his lower torso and your arms around his neck.  "The water feels nice, doesn’t it?” You asked.
“Oh yeah it does.”  He said, before bending his head to kiss you deeply and thoroughly.  After a moment, you heard a series of theatrical retching noises.
“Blah, get a room, will ya!” Alicia shouted.
You spent the next two hours having the time of your life.  The drinks and the laughter were flowing, and there was a celebratory atmosphere that was infectious.  An overwhelming sense of pride at what the group had accomplished by telling the truth about their powers mingled with the relief of it all finally being out in the open.  
Later, Nathan and you sat in robes, nuzzling each other at the cabana bar.  "Will you come to my room tonight?“ Nathan purred.
"Oh yes,” you replied without any hesitation, making him chuckle.  He bent to plant kisses along your clavicle, causing you to break out into gooseflesh.  
“Well, what’re we waiting for?” he asked, and the two of you gathered up your things, said goodbye to everyone, and slipped out.
You ran to the elevator, and once inside, attacked each other again. You exited the elevator in this fashion, still kissing and groping one another, heedless of being spotted.  It felt like you waited an eternity for him to fish out his key card one-handed and successfully unlock his room door.
One he got the door unlocked, he scooped you up and you squealed and giggled as he carried you into the room. He carried you straight back to the bed, and he threw you down onto it.  He looked down at you with a fierce expression; you were about to get fucked, and you couldn’t wait.
He grabbed you by the ankles and pulled you toward him so your ass was right at the edge of the bed.  He pulled your knickers off of you, tossing them somewhere absentmindedly.  You were completely exposed from the waist down, and you could feel the heat and moisture of your excitement take root. 
He ripped off his robe and pushed his boxer briefs down, throwing them aside.  You smiled salaciously at the sight of his cock. Nathan reached between your legs and lightly brushed your wetness with his fingertips.
“Oooh,” he cooed.  "You’re excited, aren’t ye darlin’?“
"Fuck yes,” you said, breathlessly.
He sank down and knelt before you, him on the floor and you at the edge of the bed. He spread your legs wide and moved in to taste your cunt. You gasped as he teased your clit with the tip of his tongue, circling first, then lapping up the length of your slit. He buried his head in deeper, increasing the pressure, and you arched your back and entwined your fingers into his curls. You panted and moaned as he lavished your sex with his tongue, and you cried out as your climax started to build. He closed his lips around your clit and sucked, sending you over the edge, and you rode out your first orgasm with your legs shaking.
“Oh god,” you breathed, and he stood, fixing you with heavy lidded eyes, licking your moisture from his lips. 
“Did ye like that?” he said, his voice hoarse with arousal.
“Yes,” you said. “I need your cock Nathan,” you whined.
Wordlessly, he gripped his cock at the base and thrust it into you roughly.  You gasped and arched your back at the shock of him filling you so suddenly.  He held you by the ankles and repeatedly slammed into you, his hips slapping against your ass audibly.  He was not being gentle tonight, and that suited you more than fine.
He grunted softly as he pounded you roughly, and you cried out loudly as your next orgasm overtook you suddenly and powerfully.  You felt your walls pulsing tightly against his shaft as the waves of ecstasy washed over you, and every other muscle in your body seized up as if you had just been electrocuted.  You gripped the blankets on either side of you tightly as you screamed.  
Without warning, he withdrew from you, knelt down again, and assaulted your clit once more with his tongue.  The sensation of his tongue on you so soon after your climax was almost more than you could handle.  Your nerves were so sensitive that he sent you over the edge again almost immediately, your hips bucking as you clawed at his hair.  You felt him chuckle softly against your thigh before he stood up again.
He grabbed your hips and flipped you over without uttering a single word or command.  He climbed onto the bed and positioned himself behind you, and thrust himself back in.  He banged you thoroughly in this manner for quite some time while you screamed and buried your face in the pillow.  Again and again you came; never before had you ever known such pleasure.
"Nathan!” you screamed.  "Fuck! God!“  The only thing your mind seemed to be capable of was screaming his name or swearing.  You were so loud, that you were positive the occupant of the next room was most likely wide awake and hearing everything.  Fortunately, you didn’t give a shit.
Finally Nathan came, and he exploded into you with a moan, and you could feel his balls twitch against the back of your ass as he pumped his load into you.  He ground his hips against yours one last time as he finished, and collapsed to the side, breathing heavily.  
"Oh…my…god…” he panted.  It was the first thing he had said in a while.
You flopped down next to him, your limbs completely spent.  "You’re telling me.  God Nathan. How do you do that?“
He chuckled softly.  "You know I sometimes wonder if I gained some extra fuck power from the storm. My stamina is off the charts.” He spoke the words almost as if he couldn’t believe it himself.
You laughed.  "I am certainly not complaining.”
Before too long, the two of you fell fast asleep as you lay together; naked, limbs entwined, happy, champagne-drunk, and totally fucked into oblivion.
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
Pseudo Princess Pt.04
Officially Family
Pairing: King!Steve x Reader          Word Count: 4,265
Warnings: Language?, a wee bit of angst, sexy blonde kings wearing floofy shirts
A/N: So, this chapter was actually intended to be joined with what will be the next chapter but I think having them separate will do better. There’s a lot to digest in this one, so I hope it reads well even though it’s a little on the shorter side (for me). Let me know what you like/love/had to think about whatever! As always, if you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work. xoxo
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It feels like a dream, sitting in the carriage as your new life looms closer and closer with every turn of the steel and wooden wheel.
Across from you, his Majesty is staring at you. Sussing out your lack of reaction to what happened last night.
Happy has your arm, carefully leading you down further and further into the castle. Deeper than you’ve gone yet, and when he finally stops, you’re sure that you’re in a dungeon somewhere because there are no windows, only diffuse candlelight every few steps.
You can hear the subtle drip of water and the scurrying of tiny feet.
An echoing meow tells you that it’s probably just cats and their kittens inhabiting the deep parts of the castle.
“Why are we down here?” You ask, frightened that maybe his Majesty really is upset with you.
What if Happy lied? What if King Rogers was not happy with you and because you failed to entice him, King Tony is going to have you chained up in a cell?
“His Majesty’s other office is down here. Just at the end of the hall. I’m not supposed to go with you, so...” He hesitates in letting your arm go. “Can you make it there on your own? You’re not going to faint again, are you?”
You look down at your pretty white gown with its pink underlay and the way even down here in the dim it seems to shine like a pearl. The bottom layer is dirty now, both from your fall and from dragging it down along these dirty floors.
“No. I’m fine.” You think.
Happy lets you go. “Just straight ahead. Last door at the end of the hall. Don’t bother knocking. He’s expecting you.”
You watch as he turns away from you and with one final glance back to make sure you’re alright, he disappears up along the gray stone steps to the daylight above.
Fear will get you nowhere. So, you shove it aside and march straight for that door at the end.
You give yourself one moment of hesitation to take a deep breath and prepare yourself for what might be a trap but as the heavy door swings open, you find yourself facing a golden mask, devoid of humanoid features save for the glowing blue eyes of what you’re sure must be magic.
You take a deep breath, a scream working its way into your throat before the golden face shakes its head and then it speaks.
“Wait, wait, wait. Don’t scream.” His Majesty’s voice says. He throws one hand out towards you and you watch the slit of his metallic lips that do not move as he speaks.
Somehow, despite there being no real opening, his voice is amplified. The golden armor, which you now see is to accentuate the massive amounts of red that he’s wearing, extends down to his sternum, shoulders, and arms.
It’s there in his arms that the armor begins to weave with regular leather plate armor, deep red. In his hands shine two large orbs of light like that which comes out of his eyes. At the center of his chest is a glowing blue circle that you suddenly realize is the design you’d first noticed on his servants’ armor. The coachman and the footman.
The rest of his outfit is thick, sturdy red linen and cotton, black leather belts around his waist that match the darker shade of his leather pants. Golden boots rise high up to his knees where golden shin guards with red leather beneath complete the look.
He reaches up behind his head and with a small click, there’s a hiss and he pulls off the heavy metal mask and then pops it underneath his arm as if he were holding nothing more than a child’s ball.
“This probably won’t be the worst thing you’ll catch me doing.” He teases, then moves towards you.
You almost step back, but you remind yourself at whose invitation you’re in the castle and that this man is no longer just your king but your father.
“Please, say something.” He rolls his shoulders nervously, dark brow drawn together.
“You’re the Iron Knight.” You gasp, nearly breathless.
“It’s not really Iron. It’s a new metal. Lighter than iron. Titanium is what they called it where I found it. I added some nickel. Makes it easier to move in. Here, try it on.”
He holds the mask out to you, and you take a step back, this time simply refusing to wear the mask not fearful.
“No thank you.” You frown at him, wondering what he’s playing at offering to let you try it on.
“It won’t bite.” He chuckles but puts it down on a table which finally draws your eyes to the rest of the room.
In essence it is a massive dungeon. It’s tall and wide with a vaulted ceiling supported with thick stone pillars. There are also countless tables along two of the walls, some metal, some wood. So much gear is stacked on each table. Different shin guards and boots, shoulder guards, and wristlets. There are a few chest pieces like the one he’s wearing, works in progress.
He’d been standing right at the center of this collection of tables, a target dummy made of straw and burlap sacks at the far end of the dungeon room, singed at the head.
“I think I’ve finally got the aiming down.” He tells you, and you wander over behind him as he lifts his hand and aims it at the dummy. “Careful.”
His warning makes you step back, but he puts his hand out towards you to make sure you’re safe.
There’s a subtle buzz. A hiss, like fire but not exactly fire. It reminds you of the initial crackle and spark of a fire but it’s chaotic in its power. It buzzes louder and louder until there’s a loud fizzing sound as the blue light explodes from his palm.
It lights up the room but soars across to strike the dummy right in the center of its chest.
“Wow!” You nearly yell, the booming in your ears deafening still.
His Majesty turns towards you with a smirk, a cat’s grin as he peels off the gauntlet he’s wearing and with it the chest piece it’s attached to.
“Is it magic?” You ask him, hearing going back to normal.
“Science.” He counters, piling his armor up on the empty table where he’d placed his mask. “And a little bit of magic, yes.”
“What kind of science?” You wonder, knowing nothing about science, your curiosity is peaked.
“Chemistry. It took me a long time to figure out the right combination but a little copper sulfate, some special water, a few other ingredients and of course, the magic that gives my little light show a nice blue glow.” His Majesty says.
“And the magic?” You ask him, desperate to understand but already completely lost. Copper sulfate?
“It’s a root. Nothing I’ve ever seen before. Grown by one of the witches in the East woods. She taught me how to do it and how to use its properties.” He explains.
“You got instructions from a witch?” You wonder, shocked by this revelation more than knowing that he is the Iron Knight.
“They’re not all bad. Some of them just wanna be left alone. It’s her own creation. The root.” He places the last bit of his armor aside then massages his wrist.
“Does it hurt, your Maje-”
“Ah, ah.” He frowns at you, his bearded lips contorted into a small pout.
“Father.” You correct yourself. “Does it hurt?”
“I’m alright. And it’s Man, by the way.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Iron Man. Not Iron Knight. I don’t want people to think he’s of noble birth.” He explains.
“Oh.” You think. “But you are of noble birth.”
“Yes. But I want people to feel like anyone could be the Iron Man. They should all feel like they can take power back in their own kingdom whether it’s from an oppressive lord or a schoolyard bully. My people should be able to stand up for themselves.” He says passionately, moving to sit on a stool and roll up the white sleeves of his shirt.
“Anyway,” He begins, “Let’s forget about the Iron Man for now. Steve has written back about your portrait.”
Oh, man, there are those nerves again. You can feel the lightheadedness working its way back in.
“And wh-what did he say?” You lick your lips and move to stand closer.
Tony reaches into his vest pocket and unfolds a piece of paper before holding it out for you.
“Read it.” He tells you, and hesitantly you take it.
“I-I don’t know how to read just yet.” You admit, feeling shame once again.
“Sound it out. You know how to say your letters, right?”
Damn. Okay…time to give this a try. “First word is ‘I’.”
Easy enough.
“Good.” Father says.
“I ‘C-A-N’ with a t? Can’t?”
He nods.
“Wooo-wuu-wah-it?” You say the word a few times in your head. “Oh, ‘wait’?”
Another nod.
“I can’t wait…t-o..to. I can’t wait to ‘mee-eet her.’” You beam up at him, then look back down at the painfully short note. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Okay. You’re too slow. That was torture. Give it here.” He reaches for it and you hurry to hand it to him then move around behind him to look over his shoulder at the words.
“Tony, I can’t wait to meet her. She has nice eyes. Bring her tomorrow. We can marry the day after. Sincerely, His Royal Majesty…blah blah blah…you get the picture.” Father begins to fold up the letter, but you throw your hand over his shoulder gently, reaching for it.
“Can I keep it?” You smile at him, neck and ears burning.
“Sure, kid. Keep it.” He hands it over then gets up and moves to his tables of scraps and projects.
“Did he really say that I have nice eyes?” You unfold the piece of paper and look for the word eyes. How was that spelt again?
“Yes. He says that about every girl though, so don’t get your hopes up.” He says, dashing your dreams.
“Oh.” You sigh, moving to sit on the stool he’d been on.
“Don’t worry, kid. It just means that he isn’t sure what to think. He’ll have more of an idea when he sees you in person. I saw the picture and it doesn’t do you justice. You’ll knock his socks off.” He promises. “You’re my kid, remember?”
You nearly smile but you’re reminded that in two days’ time, you’ll be married.
“I want to make him happy, father.” You sigh, melancholy.
“You will. Just…don’t rush it. Get to know him.” He looks up at you and stares right back into your own sorrowful gaze.
He puts his tools down and moves to you, placing his hands on your arms.
“Look, I know what I’m asking of you. I didn’t even want to let Morgana do this because I want her to have what I have with her mother.”
“It’s okay.” You smile and give him a shrug.
“But it isn’t.” He frowns. “You deserve to marry for love to, Y/N. And I’m sorry for being selfish enough to ask you to do this for us, but-”
“I think I am.” You admit, sadness overtaking your chest to make it ache. “I’ve never met him. I know that he will not be what I’m expecting but Natasha has told me about him. About the person he was before Queen Margaret died and if I’d had to choose the qualities that I would want in a husband, he has almost all of them.”
“But he’s different now. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“Are you trying to talk me out of this?” You ask him, nearly laughing.
“No.” Father says, shaking his head, no laughing for him. “No. What I’m trying to say is don’t give yourself to him completely. Not for a while. Keep your guard up and don’t let him break you.”
“Is he really that altered?” You wonder, no more worried than you were before.
“He’s not the same Steve. If you have to love him, love him in secret. Don’t tell him. Don’t tell anyone. Don’t give him that power over you. Promise me that you’ll think about yourself first.”
You know that he means well but becoming King Rogers’s wife…it means dedicating your life to the crown. To your future people. To your husband. Maybe, just to appease him, you can give him a little lie?
“I promise. I won’t let myself fall in love with him completely.” You smile at him and he relaxes.
“Good. Now, about your dress…”
“Father…” You begin, “You’ve been staring at me for half an hour.”
He looks at the Queen beside him, Pepper, mother to you now. She’s smiling at him knowingly. She shakes her head at him and then looks out the window.
“Sorry. I’m just…about what you saw last night-”
“I won’t say anything.” You promise him. “And anyway, nothing happened last night. I didn’t see anything, so I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I told you, you have nothing to worry about with this one.” Mother tells him.
“I didn’t think I did.” He replies with a gruff.
“He was up half the night, worried that he’d scared you.” Mother tells you.
“Pepper…” He grumbles.
“I know that this is all for show.” You start, smiling at them as they look away from their silent argument to you. “I know that it all kind of just happened and I was at the right place at the right time, but I appreciate your kindness. It’s been a long time since I’ve had parents and this past week has almost felt like I’ve had them back.
“I know it isn’t real but, you really do feel like my mother and father and I’m grateful. Thank you.”
For a moment, while you thank them, you let your mind think of them as they truly are. Your King and Queen.
They exchange a long look before they both reach out to take one of your hands. His Majesty the right, and the Queen the left.
“From the day that we took you in and until the day that you die, sweetheart, you will be our daughter. We’ve already added your name into our family register. You are now and forever officially a Stark. We can never repay what you have given not only us but your sister as well.
“When we find her, we’ll make sure she knows what you did for her.” Her Majesty says, eyes slightly misted.
“Kind of feels like we’re on the losing end having to lose a daughter we just found.” His Majesty says, and you nod with a smile, knowing exactly what he means.
“Once I learn how to write properly. I will write all the time.” You promise.
Her Majesty gives a small chuckle then the carriage jerks to a stop.
“We’re here, your Majesty.” Peter’s voice chimes in from the front of the carriage.
Time to meet your future husband.
Father gives you a new dress. Beautiful silk sky blue fabric with white lace sewn in at the bust and wrists. The top of the sleeves are slightly puffed, and the skirt flows out, more lace along the bottom. It hugs your figure and Natasha ties your corset extra tight today, if only to accentuate your bosom.
“Maybe he’s a breasts man?” She shrugs.
Your neck burns.
She leave your hair down, as instructed by his Majesty, your father, long wavy curls left to flow down along your shoulders.
On your head she places a simple diamond tiara, small sapphires spread throughout the base to accentuate the blue of your dress.
All too soon you’re moving with hastened steps behind Natasha towards a room called the council chamber.
As you walk, you take the opportunity to look the castle over.
You’ve been in such a rush that you hadn’t really allowed yourself a proper look. You know that there are large round towers made of pink granite, the main structures of the castle are white marble. The roofs you can see a you pass yet another window—as they are numerous in this castle—are a dark blue slate. The colors go well together and make an aesthetically pleasing palette.
Inside the colors are darker, with deep chocolate oak wood walls and dark gray floors and ceilings. All the light fixtures however are in shades of silver and gold, bright colors to illuminate the darker tones of the interior.
There are also plenty of colorful carpets, pictures, and vases with flowers. Your future home is very warm in its décor and if it is any indication as to the style of the man you are about meet, you may not have anything to worry about after all.
You find Peter already waiting inside the room with Mother and Father also standing off to the side. Natasha shows you in, straight to the center of the room before a large high-backed chair embellished with golden etchings along the arm rests and back.
As Natasha fusses over your dress and hair, the rest of the room is absolutely silent. The nerves in the quiet are enough to drive you mad.
You wish someone would say something. Anything.
You’re already dying of nervousness. Why can’t they try and alleviate your mood?
Wringing your hands nervously, you turn to look at father who gives you an encouraging smile, mother also looking kindly.
Peter is chewing on his lip and Natasha moves to slap your hands away.
“Stop that.” She gasps.
“I’m nervous.” You admit, grieving silently.
“Me too.” She agrees.
“What?!” You gasp, quietly.
“What?” She shrugs. “I’m nervous for you.”
“I thought you said you knew him?”
“I did. Before his wife died.” She sighs. “He’s changed since then, and I don’t know what he’s really like anymore.”
It feels like you’re about to burst into tears when the large double doors behind the tall chair—which you now realize is a type of throne—open. Instead of the blonde you’ve been itching to finally see in person, your heart relaxes when a familiar long haired and blue-eyed knight enters the room.
He stops beside the throne and looks at father first, hand on his sword while the other is straight at his side.
“Your Majesties.” He bows politely, then turns to you. “Your Highness.”
The smile he gives you is one of encouragement and you appreciate it.
“His Royal Majesty, King Rogers, wonders if he and the Princess might be left to meet alone?” James meets Natasha’s eyes and you can see a quick silent communication between them before she’s reaching down for your hand.
“Listen, don’t speak until you’re spoken to. Smile if you think you should. Don’t mention the old Queen, and definitely don’t slip up about…well, you know. Keep conversation light. No swearing.” She’s rushing through these instructions and fussing with your hair and dress.
Your heart begins to panic.
“You’re leaving me?” You whine.
“Just for a few minutes.” She promises. “I’ll be right outside that door. Okay?”
“Nat…?” You swallow hard, wishing your nerves away. “What if he doesn’t-?”
“He just has to marry you.” She reminds you. “Nothing else matters. Once he’s married you, then you can worry about making him fall in love with you. Alright?”
“What if-?”
“It’s time.” She smiles. “Once step at a time. Good luck, your Highness.”
She pulls her hand out of your own firmly, and follows your mother, father, and Peter out of the room the way you’d first come in.
As the doors close, Natasha sends you one last smile before she’s out of sight.
“Nervous?” The deep familiar voice asks, and you turn to James with your breath held.
You nod. He’s wearing an outfit similar to when you met him two days ago, only today it’s dark blue instead of black.
“Don’t worry, Princess. I was there when he saw your portrait and-”
“Please don’t raise my expectations, Sir James.” You sigh. “I can’t stand it.”
“Bucky, your Highness, if you please. And if that is your wish…I will show his Majesty in now.” He offers, and gestures to the doors he’d marched in through.
You nod and watch as he leaves the room again.
For sixty long seconds you stand alone at the center of this large room where chairs line the walls. You consider making a run for it because anything is better than this waiting and then suddenly, he’s there.
Behind the chair, he walks in, wide steps made by long legs. A narrow waist hidden underneath a form fitting aqua blue vest, silver trimmings embroidered along both sides of his wide chest and collar. Underneath the vest is a plain white blouse cinched at the wrists with a small ruffle around the base of his hand where it then puffs out slightly. He looks cool, as if the fabric were flowing with a relaxing breeze.
His lower body looks powerful, muscled and thick covered in dark gray trousers, but your eyes linger there for only a moment because you’re already searching for the kindly blonde face you’ve been staring at for days in the portrait you have.
What you find instead is long blonde hair, not as long as Bucky’s but long enough to flow in waves along the sides of his face, parted along the middle. The clean-shaven face from the portrait is covered in a thick neatly trimmed beard. It all comes together to make a manly visage. He might tear solid logs in two if he tried, he looks that strong.
He’s older than he’d been in the portrait you have and there’s a sadness in his storm blue eyes that is there instead of the blue sparkle of curiosity you’ve come to expect.
He walks with his hands behind his back and stops a few feet in front of you, staring at you just as you’re staring at him. Appraising you.
He’s just as beautiful as he is in his portrait but still a little different.
Suddenly, you remember yourself and you quickly curtsy, averting your gaze down to his black boots.
Neither of you speaks as you bow and the endless minute that you just endured spreads into a few endless more.
The silence is deafening and when your legs finally begin to ache, you shut your eyes to force yourself to remain in position.
“Stand up, your Highness.” He says, his voice is deep and even. Full of authority and impatience. A little colder than you expected. “I trust your trip went well?”
Slowly you stand up, finally tearing your eyes away from his feet to look back into those storm blue eyes. They’re not sad anymore, rather, they look slightly annoyed. Angry? No. Irritated.
“It was a very good trip, your Majesty. Thank you for asking.” You reply, a little too quiet because you haven’t been breathing.
More silence. He stares at you. Relentless. No smiles. No hint as to what he might be thinking. Only a scowl, thick eyebrows drawn in at the center, eyes brooding and sad. Like he wants to say something but won’t.
“Why are you doing this?” He suddenly asks, taking a step towards you.
“Your Majesty?”
“This marriage. This whole thing, why? You could have anyone. You’re a princess.”
“I…” How do you answer that honestly? Natasha did say you’d have to lie on your feet. You hadn’t expected for it to be this soon. “I want to-to make my father happy.”
“Mm.” King Rogers says, understanding this reason but also unsatisfied. “Any other reasons?”
And as you stare at his handsome face, you know that what you’re about to say is most definitely not a lie, so you’ll tell him. At least there are some things you’ll be able to be true about.
“When I saw your portrait…” You begin, wondering if this is giving away too much. No…it’s good for him to know where you stand, right?
“My portrait? What portrait?” He asks, taking a step towards you but not moving forward.
You hurry to grab the compact from your dress pocket and unhook the clasp to show him.
He moves in closer, the heat of his body overtaking you and momentarily dulling your mind.
“When I saw it…I decided that I…I wanted to make you happy.” You admit and look up to find him staring at you, brow furrowed even deeper.
His stern expression makes your hope waver. What does it mean? That intense glower?
“That’ll never happen.” He tells you, his voice hard, defensive.
“Your Majesty?” You ask, slightly confused.
When he speaks, his voice is intimate, quiet, and sure. He says it right beside you, close enough that his whisper is as loud as a shout and it hits you just as hard. The pleasantness of his voice making your skin pimple while the harsh truth in it fills you with dread.
“You will never make me happy. Never.” He promises, then moves away from you back towards the doors behind his throne. “We’ll get married in the morning. Tell Tony I accept his offer.”
As he vanishes from view, taking his beautiful brooding face with him, he leaves behind the tiny shreds of your hope, completely eviscerated by his cool declaration that you—specifically you—will never make him happy. Never.
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dessam · 4 years
A little pre-Weapon XI AU thing centered around the retelling of how Devin died and the half-truths Max likes to spin.
Warnings for violence, blood mention, and backstabbing
Or: if two Plumbers were on a mission escaping a heliokinetic psychopath and one shot the other in the back would that be fucked up or what?
The universe always seemed to get the last laugh in, no matter what Devin was doing.
“Max, he’s getting closer!” 
Whether it was trying to make breakfast only to realize he didn’t have any eggs, or attempting to stop a galactic warlord from consuming stars on the weekend, he was always somehow the butt of a sick joke. 
This joke’s name was Ragnarok, and Devin wanted nothing more than to wash his hands of the monster. He’d also like to wash his hands of the stupid, stupid man in the co-pilot’s seat next to him.
“Ship won’t go any faster, Devin!” Max hollers back.
Rolling his eyes, Devin mutters under his breath: “Have you tried flapping your arms?”
His current partner - a certain Magister Maxwell Tennyson - seems to find the whole bit some sort of joke, and was laughing through their last narrow escape from Ragnarok. Tennyson isn’t at all perturbed by the villain rapidly gaining on them, and a little voice in the back of Devin’s mind pipes up to remind him: you can’t trust a single one of them, not even your partner.
Which, obviously, was a lesson he had known long before he became a Red Spot, but was now a mantra he spoke every single time an incident like this happened. 
Of all the bloody people to be partnered with, Maxwell Tennyson was a name at the bottom of a long, long list of Plumbers that--
“You with me?”
A voice cuts through Devin’s thoughts, and his partner is looking at him from the corner of his eye, grinning.
“What?” He says shortly, on edge.
“I said: Ragnarok really wants what we took, huh?”
Devin bites his tongue, resists the urge to snarl back that it’s his fault they’re in this bloody mess, that they had the element of stealth right until Max had to blunder their escape and alert every being with working cochlear nerves they were onboard Ragnarok’s ship. 
“We couldn’t let him slaughter six billion people just to get his hands on the Sun’s energy,” he says instead, shooting Max a mocking grin. “Not my fault he didn’t like you stealing the key that activated his energy vortex. You’re welcome, by the way, for me bailing you out of there.”
Max’s expression falls immediately, eyes snapping forward and hands tensing on the ship’s controls, all comradery gone. Devin’s partner was never very good at saying thank you.
Lurching in his seat with a grunt, the bulkhead rattles around Devin as the nav system sputters and whines before fading, and he watches with dread as glowing instruments suddenly wink out one by one, the ship going dark. 
Next to him, frantically flicking switches and checking the backup system as it flashes a warning red, Max looks at Devin with wide eyes.
“Blast took out our engine couplings, our shields...we’re dead in space.”
Oh so slowly, a shadow overtakes them, plunging their vessel into darkness. 
Swallowing hard, Devin tests the controls, tries to think of their fastest way out of here, all while Max just stares dumbfounded up at the massive ship overtaking them. 
There’s a hissing vhmm from the rear door, and Devin glances back as the massive form of Ragnarok materializes in a blue haze onto their ship. 
Red eyes boring into his own, the warlord sneers at the two Plumbers, back straightened and fists clenched at his sides. 
“Where did you hide my key?” He speaks in a low snarl, lip curling back to reveal ugly yellowed teeth.
Devin shares a short look with Max, sees the gears turning in his partner’s brain.
Fuck this, he decides. 
Standing and drawing both of his blasters, Devin unloads shot after shot at the ship’s newest arrival, and the human next to him takes just a moment longer before standing and unloading the clip of his weapon at Ragnarok just the same. 
Ragnarok seems unperturbed, smoke clearing as the plasmabolts fizzle out, not a scratch on him. Devin growls, lunging behind cover with Max just as a vibrant yellow blast from Ragnarok takes out their ship’s main console with a resounding BOOM!
The blue halogen lights of the backup systems flicker before maintaining, secondary life support still online and running smoothly. 
It does little to calm Devin’s nerves as he presses his back to the offhand weapon’s console, and glances to Max at his side. 
His partner looks pale, staring straight ahead with his jaw clenched and right hand clutching his blaster. Devin watches him reload the clip in one movement without looking, recognizing the confirmed remaining charge of the weapon: seventy-three percent, glowing in luminous green. 
“I’m going to go for the Null Void projector,” he grips Max’s arm for a moment, forcing the human to look at him. “Cover me, understand?”
“Devin, wait--”
But he’s already up, sprinting towards the main weapon rack on the far wall, ducking under another blast from Ragnarok that singes the hair on the back of his neck. Behind him, he can hear Max swear something in terran before more plasmabolts are fired off, and Ragnarok roars in frustration. 
Devin slams his hand on the access panel, snatches the mobile Null Void projector from its rack just as another blast nearly takes him out, the explosion throwing him back against the port window and sending the Null Void projector clattering into the corner. 
“Devin!” Max hollars, lunging out from behind cover and sending another round of bolts at Ragnarok. 
The heliokinetic monster is grinning now, yellow energy glowing in his palms as he slowly stalks towards Max, and Devin has a split second to think before he focuses on an exposed electrical panel inches away.
Yanking a glove off with his teeth, he grabs one of the loose wires as he stands and lets the raw energy pulse through his body, instantly feeling woozy. 
He only needs a short charge - thirty-five hundred watts should be enough - and the electricity extends from the fingertips of his left hand to the fingertips to his right hand, gathering at his wrist. Devin narrows his eyes, focuses, and fires.
A sharp blast of energy sparks off, lancing out to strike Ragnarok square in the back. 
He screams, sinks to one knee, and Devin grins in triumph, dropping the wire. 
The heavy smell of ozone hangs in the cockpit, and he tries to shake off the last jitters of electricity sparking off his hands before snatching the Null Void projector off the floor, levelling it at Ragnarok’s torso.
“Any last words?” He asks, unable to help the smug smile that crosses his face.
“You will know true suffering, Osmosian,” Ragnarok spits, pupils dots in a sea of dark red and yellow as he stares unblinking back at Devin. “This isn’t over, none of it. As long as you’re alive--”
Devin scoffs, flicks the trigger, and Ragnarok’s words turn to an enraged scream as he’s sucked backwards through the warped portal of the Null Void.
“Blah blah blah, you'll rue the day, et cetera. I’ve heard it all before.” Devin grins, sheathing the Null Void projector and inspecting the dark smear where Ragnarok once stood. 
He can hear his partner stand, and turns to double-check their nav system.
“Computers will need a reboot, but we should still be able to get a signal out for pickup. Could be worse, I suppose.” He sighs, drags a hand down his face, feels the start of a migraine coming on. “Not a bad shot, eh Max--?”
Blindingly white-hot pain overtakes him as he hears the sound of a blaster go off. Staggering, falling to one knee, hysteria instantly grips Devin’s mind. 
I’ve been shot. Max shot me.
His thoughts are confirmed as he collapses onto his side, glancing up blearily at the shape of his partner, silhouetted by the ship’s overhead lights. 
“I’m sorry, Devin, I’m so sorry. I had my orders.” Max rasps out, crouching beside him, taking one of his hands in his own.
Devin almost wants to laugh, or scream. To tell Max he’s a brainwashed idiot, that things didn’t have to be like this, that he could’ve found another way. Really, he doesn’t even know why he’s surprised at this point.
“Orders, eh?” He chokes out, tasting copper. “So Ragnarok was a distraction, to get me to slip up?”
Max shakes his head, squeezes Devin’s hand.
“No. Ragnarok was...he was supposed to finish you off back on his ship, quick and clean. But if you want something done right…Devin, I’m so, so sorry.”
“I know,” Devin gasps, agony shooting through his body with each syllable. “Max just, please, promise me one thing.”
His partner squeezes his hand a little tighter, nodding.
“Tell my wife and son I love them.”
Any compassion drains from Max’s face, taken over by horror and dawning realization. 
“Your what.”
Devin grins, finally knowing he got the last laugh in. Fuck you, universe.
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 12.10.20 lb
gosh after watching rrahul be a hunka burning love in twisted, to see him like this?????
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red suit, yellow wallet. only missing blue shoes. 🤡🤡🤡
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anyway, repeat of yest's last scene with the watch. fwding.
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this idiot is going and fighting with saasumaa. godddddddd, sis.
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tbh, i relate with this mummyji the most. i am also totally done with riddhima's dumb ass.
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these two legit fighting like siblings and are threatening each other ki papa ko ghar aane do, main SABBBBBBBBBBBBB bata doongi. papa being vansh here. god, what an unenviable position he's in.
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this one is sure of the sheer power of heterosexuality that vansh will take her side only. uh huh, ok. never does trusting a cishet man work out well, but ok, try it out sis.
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it's honestly so fucking hard to be on riddhima's side for this, coz she's just being such a goddamn asshole about outing anupriya's secret. like this is literallllllllllly none of anyone else's business?
i want vansh to brush this news off with “pshhhhh, i knew. i always knew. i just dgaf about's mom's past coz it's really none of my business.” just to see riddhima eat crow.
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mom's like jo hota hai, karle. bhaad mein jaao tum aur tumhari ainvayi ki dhamki. #teamMummy
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random dadi and riddhima filler scene. pass.
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hahahahahahahahaha i'm really enjoying these two dumbasses panicking.
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yissssssssss, kabir time. love watching his deranged ass more than anything else in this stupid show.
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she's like bitch just get your ass back home i can't deal with your crazyass fam alone for one more second. haaaaaaye, oberois ki yaad aa gayiiii. :')))))
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“bas raaste mein hoon.”
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and now he's standing here and soliloquizing about the damn roses like he’s doing a one man shakespeare in the park. ouffffffffffffffffffff.
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this room looks like what the inside of my mind would look like if i dropped acid instead of taking my regular antidepressant. dark and gloomyass fug central.
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blah blah blah blah ainvayi ka talking out loud. i don't care. fwding to the action.
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unnecessary side note: i wish my titties were small enough to wear cute backless things like these. NOPE. need a whole heavy duty setup at all times. ugh.
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yes, back to my fav. nutjob.
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lol i really enjoy how casually he's asking her shit with electrocution waale wires in his hand.
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literally no one else in this show can act like this with just their eyes, and that's why i like watching him the most.
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lol sejal has high hopes from her dumber-than-a-slice-of-bread bff.
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kabir's perma-1000%-done-with-your-shit face is The Mood for 2020.
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hey you guys hear that popping sound?!??! don’t worry, it was just that sejal ke suhaane sapne ka bulbula phoot gaya.
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suhaagan cannot bear to be touched by paraaya mard. but it's not like she's getting touched by her sagaa mard either, so.......
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riddhima's one dormant brain cell has finally awakened. i'm sure it's just doing karwats in aadhi-neend, but thoda sa toh jaaga.
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yeah ok your girl friendship is very awwwwwwwwww-worthy and all, but i'm less sympathetic to it coz you two are a buncha goddamn idiots.
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kabir trying last ditch effort to pin this on vansh but majaaal hai jo dharampatni apne parmeshwar ke khilaaf ek lafz bhi sune. i don't really blame kabir for wanting to off riddhima. very irritating and party badloo she is.
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this fool taking baby steps like govinda in deewana mastana.
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wait i know those basicasssssss tattoos. that's not vansh.
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yup. this bitch.
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hein???? the scene just ended randomly with riddhima finishing her piece and leaving. toh what room did aryan enter??? THIS SHOW IS SO FUCKING RANDOM. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU JUST INSERT AND END SCENES.
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these losers i literally dgaf about anymore.
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“pati ke bina patni adhoori hai havan mein.” oh literally fuckkkkkkkkkk off with this bs, pandit.
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btw is their last name raisinghania or just singhania?? coz kabir said “singhania family”. also the mansion is named VR, which is i guess for Vansh Rai? which is a weird way to split the name???? i have so many questions about this show i don't really care to find answers for.
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yikes what is this dumbassery? this a body double? doesn’t look like it?!?!
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kabir is a better person than i am, coz i would really be too busy lmao to help her out.
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oh ho, april fool banaaya.
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this dude still maaring entriyaan like he has been for more than 3/4th the episode now.
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omfggggggggggggggg wth mummy ji.
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also lmao the way he's holding the bouquet.
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OH GOD THE RUNNING. EVEN WORSE. i really don't understand why this show is doing him so dirty.
also bechaara abhi abhi covid se recover hua hai, stop making him run around like this!!!
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the yelling at aryan to get the first aid kit was his normal voice.
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idhar inka WWE still chalu.
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how'd the copper sulphate syringe make it to into this one's hands????
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anyway whatever, sweet dreams, stupid sejal. your brain activity levels are pretty much the same whether you're awake or asleep, so, no big loss here.
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this mummy legit evil haan. like i could overlook a lot of things, but this shit was downright diabolical.
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panditji, the smartest one here, nopes the fuck out asap.
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lmao he's telling her to mooh bandh rakho so rudely. a lil politeness for a person who just fell down the stairs would be nice, vansh. also maybe don't crush her in a bearhug like this until you know no other bones are broken?
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um why the fuckkkkkkkkkk is kabir walking around here all khullam khulla????? you coulda just left with sejal????
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lo. aa vansh, mujhe maar ho gaya yeh toh.
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