#content consumption
cust-e · 11 days
idk what this post is or isn't, but ig i will just say that revisiting media years later which you once thought was good or enjoyed is such a coin flip at times. like sure you can find the good parts you remembered and loved and even see things you missed as a baby, but the bad parts really really suck
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unfuck-your-tech · 10 months
Unfuck your Tech
The Internet is increasingly profit-based in its design, intended to extract the maximum amount of value from your use of it. Proprietary tech, ads, monetization, algorithmic content dissemination, digital rights media (DRM) etc. are all things that benefit corporations, but that make the Internet more hostile to real individuals and communities.
This blog shares community-oriented tools, free alternatives to paid content, and ways for healthier more human media consumption with a focus on free open-source software (FOSS), that anyone can use to remove limiters, paywalls, ads, mindless endless content feeds, and take back digital autonomy, self-respect and fulfillment.
Unfuck your technology, and make your digital landscape a kinder place.
Header image made in aeCAD, a FOSS circuit board design tool.
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thebiballerina · 5 months
I've seen quite a few people here criticize the use of the words "consume" and "content" in reference to various media and art forms. I understand why this might be; it has some very commercialized implications.
However, please, I beg of you: Understand that some of us are trying not to be specific about medium. I refuse to write something like "read/watch/listen to/play/view/etc." every time I want to be more general.
Either someone suggests a better way to phrase this, or you are consuming content and you're going to have to deal with it.
If it helps, you can always think of it in an erotic cannibalism way. People are into that, right?
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indizombie · 1 year
Instagram, TikTok and other social media have become daily fixtures in the lives of children and young people around the world, with 59% of young people surveyed by Amnesty International now spending more than two hours of their average day on social media. Yet research on young people’s experiences on social media remains overwhelmingly focused on North America, Europe and Australia. Amnesty International collected responses from 550 children and young people between the ages of 13 and 24 across 45 countries to better understand their lived experiences, concerns and attitudes towards social media. Amidst praise for the diversity of ideas, users’ creativity and opportunities for activism that young people find on social media, two major concerns stand out: the toll harmful content and what many young participants describe as “addictive” platform design take on young people’s mental health and their feeling of powerlessness in the face of global companies’ constant nudging to participate in a vicious cycle of personal data sharing and content consumption.
‘“We are totally exposed”: Young people share concerns about social media’s impact on privacy and mental health in global survey‘, Amnesty International
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ineedfairypee · 11 months
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Nothing worse than being so caught up in consuming content that you leave no time to create it
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panicismydefaultstate · 11 months
A little more context:
I wanna see the Barbie movie, and at first I was enjoying the promo of the Barbie Fits and the set etc, however the more brand collabs that come out the more icky it makes me feel. I just know that so many of the clothes and random objects made for the promo will be thrown out once the novelty/tread ends, and it will contribute significantly to the wider problem of over consumption and capitalism in our society. Fast fashion is bad enough, and it’s worse when it’s endorsed like this like our planet is literally dying!
As an artist, I also just hate to see capitalism existing so blatantly with projects. (I get that Barbie is literally a commercial franchise and stuff, I just think it’s a great relèvent example for my feelings). I think when a project focuses so much on encouraging spending and consumption, it can impact how I view the work.
For example, I dislike a lot of Jukebox musicals because they just feel like an excuse to try and make a shit ton of money with a project of limited artistic intention/integrity, and it just becomes a spectacle of wealth and capitalism in full force. Capitalism is antithetical to the Arts, and so when a project goes all in on it- it feels yucky to me.
Want to again clarify: NO HATE TO THE BARBIE MOVIE OR PEOPLE EXCITED ABOUT IT!!! I am genuinely happy for you guys, I just think it’s a timely example to express some wider opinions I hold! Please don’t take it personally!
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phorusrhacidae · 11 months
thinking about the whole content consumption thing/dopamine detox trend that’s going around. like ok yes, we aren’t technically talking about dopamine correctly, and some of these youtubers are nuts, but if you can’t function without listening to something every single second of the day well that just seems sad. I have my bad habits for sure, but there’s a reason I don’t listen to podcasts, never had tiktok, and often don’t have insta on my phone. It just makes me tired, like I am tired of seeing and hearing anything at all. I especially don’t want to be exposed to every random person’s opinions on everything.... I’m fine with walking to the train with nothing, I’m fine with sitting in a car listening to nothing. Honestly this is how I read so much is that I’m not consuming other types of media, and reading books doesn’t make me feel even half as frazzled and tired as digital media does. It feels calming and grounding to focus on and get lost in one story at a time (..although I do like to read multiple books at once, so I always have something that suits my mood....) I don’t do the whole detox thing but it’s the little stuff, like reaaallly enjoying my coffee and my favorite mugs or listening to the birds or the feeling of paper books or whatever. I’m still on tumblr because tumblr ends! You can reach the end of your feed and then just stop and go do something else. I will sometimes have youtube videos on in the background while I do something else, but I try to do this when I’m having a really hard time getting myself to do things, not ALL the time. Use it sparingly so the trick still works I guess... I listen to music while I study or do sports, and to youtube videos or tv shows while I do art, but if I’m really in a flow state it becomes meaningless noise and may as well not be there.
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upmala · 2 years
There's this genre of content that's just people sharing their lives, telling stories about their lives, that I'm finding more of and enjoying these days.
There's the French woman on here who owns a private little farm in the mountains and has some llamas and cats and a donkey and a dog. She writes about her animals in such a human way and, I mean, pictures of llamas.
Just watched a yt vid of an older American man (who I was following years ago for woodcarving tutorials) walking through his parents' farm, telling about all the different features of it (they had animals AND a creek AND some forest AND a garden and they were 4 brothers. What fun it must have been.) and it was just so peaceful and interesting to hear about his childhood.
It’s a very wholesome kind of content, but the key is that it’s presented in an unpretentious, modest way.
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mattbrittonnyc · 1 month
Uncovering AI's Influence on Consumer Content: A Dive with Matt Britton
In an era where digital transformation dictates market trends, understanding how artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping consumer content consumption on digital platforms is crucial for businesses aiming to stay ahead. When it comes to gaining insights into this evolving landscape, few voices are as authoritative and engaging as Matt Britton. As a renowned AI keynote speaker, founder and CEO of the consumer research platform Suzy, and a seasoned consultant to more than half of the Fortune 500 companies, Britton stands out as a beacon of knowledge in the domain of consumer trends and digital innovation.
Matt Britton: A Profile of a Leading AI Expert Speaker
Before delving deeper into how AI is influencing digital content consumption, it’s essential to understand why Matt Britton is the go-to expert for these insights. Britton’s journey in the marketing and consultation realm, highlighted by his leadership at Suzy—a real-time market research platform—underscores his adeptness at leveraging technology to decode consumer behavior. His best-selling book, YouthNation, has already laid down a framework on capturing the thriving market of millennials, further establishing him as a pioneer in spotting and adapting to emerging consumer trends.
The Impact of AI on Consumer Content Consumption
The shift in how consumers interact with digital content is palpable. With each passing day, AI technologies are becoming more sophisticated, tailoring user experiences to individual preferences and behaviors. Britton’s talks often highlight how these advancements are not just changing what content is consumed, but also how it is consumed.
Personalization at Scale
One of the most significant impacts of AI in digital content consumption is its ability to personalize at an unprecedented scale. Platforms like Netflix and Spotify use AI to analyze user preferences and viewing habits, providing recommendations that keep users engaged for longer periods. Britton’s analysis often includes how such personalization is setting new norms in consumer expectations, pushing brands to adopt sophisticated AI tools to stay relevant.
Content Discovery Through AI
AI is also revolutionizing how consumers discover content. Algorithms now have the capability to suggest content that a user might like, even if it's from genres they haven't explored before. This not only enhances user experience but also increases content reach for creators. Britton, in his keynotes, illustrates this with case studies where brands have successfully implemented AI to boost content discovery and engagement.
Real-Time Content Optimization
Another area where AI is making a mark is in the real-time optimization of content. AI algorithms can now adjust content on the fly based on how users interact with it. For example, if an article or video isn't performing well, AI can suggest real-time tweaks to improve engagement. Britton’s discussions often explore how this dynamic adjustment leads to higher content efficiency and satisfaction.
Why Matt Britton is Among the Top Keynote Speakers for Your Next Conference
When planning a conference that deals with cutting-edge topics like AI and consumer trends, having top conference speakers who can deliver content with authority and engagement is key. Britton’s extensive experience as an AI expert speaker makes him an invaluable addition to any event focused on innovation and consumer trends. His speeches are not only informative but also packed with practical insights, driven by data from his work at Suzy and his advisory roles with numerous Fortune 500 companies.
Engaging Delivery and Rich Insights
Britton’s ability to convey complex topics in an engaging manner is one of his standout qualities. His presentations are designed to captivate the audience, filled with relevant anecdotes, emerging trends, and strategic advice that attendees can take back to their teams and implement.
Tailored Content for Diverse Audiences
Understanding that each audience is unique, Britton tailors his presentations to meet the specific interests and challenges of his listeners. Whether it's a room full of tech enthusiasts or traditional marketers looking to navigate the digital world, Britton adjusts his content to resonate with everyone in the hall.
Conclusion: The Go-To Innovation Speaker for Understanding AI in Consumer Trends
As businesses scramble to adapt to rapid digital changes, understanding the role of AI in consumer content consumption becomes essential. Matt Britton, with his deep expertise as an AI keynote speaker and his frontline experiences as the CEO of Suzy, offers invaluable insights into these shifts. His keynotes not only shed light on the path technology is paving but also prepare businesses to walk it efficiently. Booking Matt Britton for your next conference could be the step that helps your audience leverage AI not just as a tool, but as a transformational force in understanding and leading consumer content trends in the digital age.
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chimp-canada · 2 months
video content has changed content consumption forever
Have you experienced the snackable joy of watching short videos online? Perhaps, you prefer watching a sitcom on your favorite subscription streaming service? Better yet, are you a brand looking for a video content marketing agency in Canada? Then look no further! We are happy to help, just click here.
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caracalled · 2 months
i have decided i am sick of endless scrolling and never feeling like i am in power of my own time, I barely even remember anything I did after sinking several hours into scrolling. I feel like my brain has this urge all the time to get the little content dopamine hits which mainly leads to mindless scrolling on youtube and tumblr.
So I am changing my environment and making some rules for myself regarding social media:
My laptop stays at my desk and I only use tumblr + youtube on my laptop (with time restrictions), so I don't accidentally rot in bed all day. I also hang out on forums there but I think that's fine bc of how slow paced they are.
because I am in a long distance relationship, calling with my partner is only allowed on my ipad in the evening (this will stop hopefully when he moves in with me in may)(yay :D)
if possible, I only take my flip phone outside and leave my smartphone at home. I urge my friends to call instead of texting.
I deleted my instagram + twitter accounts a long while ago but that counts too I think
no social media apps on my phone except for bereal and letterboxd
Less social media related but a huge change for me: I got a wristwatch recently and it's so nice to not have to get out my phone and accidentally see a message to tell the time!
There's also the issue of my attention span and passive media consumption in general so here are some things that are gonna change/have changed:
I don't have streaming, so for anything I can get at the library, I have to plan ahead and take a walk to my local library so I can watch it (so I get a nice little walk too! :D)
No Spotify either, so music I either get at second hand CD shops or on bandcamp and listen to them on my ipod (which doesn't have internet)
Youtube is a big problem, but I took a 1 week break recently which massively improved the situation. I might do that again and also I'll definitely put restrictions on youtube. I don't know if that will be enough so I think I have to find a better solution long term?
I usually check my phone first thing in the morning so from now on in the evening it goes on my dresser. Since I typically either scroll tumblr or read webcomics I will keep my ereader on my nightstand and read manga on that instead in the mornings.
Video games are always allowed. Mainly play short indie games anyway plus I think this consumption falls under active in my specific case, and overconsumption has not been a problem really.
I think this is still pretty rough around the edges. I need a better idea of how I want to handle uni work and productivity, and also taking rest times? I think being able to not really do anything at all is incredibly important for my mental wellbeing and I want to find ways to do that, but also I would like to stay on top of my work enough for it to be stress-free for me to engage with. I think starting some sort of exercise and making walks more frequent + longer so I actually walk more than my average 5k steps a day would be nice, plus those walks would give me some more space for my thoughts. And my uni offers meditation classes near me, so I will also see if that is interesting at all this semester. Let's see how this goes!
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abhibaj · 2 months
How Content Consumption Cycle Works in B2B Industry
Have you ever caught yourself scrolling through a sea of content, wondering why some pieces of content effortlessly grab your attention while others barely register? In a world flooded with information from every conceivable angle, unraveling the secrets of what truly captures an audience’s interest has become the key to standing out in the digital noise and shaping a compelling content consumption marketing strategy.
Whether you’re a content creator, marketer, or just someone aiming to make a meaningful impact on content consumption in B2B, understanding the nuances of audience engagement levels, specifically tailored to your buyer personas, is the key. Let’s explore how crafting a thoughtful content strategy delivers information and creates an immersive experience that resonates profoundly with your audience.
Check out the full insights here: https://itechseries.com/blog/understanding-your-audiences-content-consumption-preferences/
Evolution of Content Consumption
In the landscape of B2B, consumption has undergone a profound transformation. From traditional print media to the digital age, users now access various content on smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. Streaming services have revolutionized video content, providing on-demand choices, while social media platforms have expanded user-generated content, fostering global connectivity.
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Understanding Content Consumption
Unlocking the secrets of marketing strategy and content engagement metrics is essential for assessing audience engagement levels. Dive into the significant metric of time spent on content – a key indicator of audience engagement strategies. This metric reveals the duration users invest in your content, indicating its effectiveness. Brief periods may signal disinterest, while extended durations suggest heightened engagement. To enhance the content strategy, refine elements that impact time spent, including attention-grabbing headlines, concise and engaging writing styles, compelling visuals, and user-friendly navigation.
Optimizing Content Consumption
Improving user experience
A faultless and optimised user experience is critical for reaching the right target demographic, encouraging effective marketing strategy, and consumption. The speed of a website is crucial, as slow-loading pages can cause user irritation and abandonment. Optimise the marketing layout for ease of readability and navigation. Integrate relevant and interesting visuals, such as photographs or videos, to capture and drive users to learn more. Personalisation, which involves modifying recommendations based on user choices, enhances the overall consumer experience.
Enhancing website browsing
Website performance is critical for facilitating information exploration. Slow-loading pages lead to higher bounce rates and lower user engagement. Users expect quick and frictionless experiences, and even tiny delays can have a big influence on their inclination to stay and absorb content. Compressing pictures, minimising CSS and JavaScript files, and using caching are all ways for increasing website speed. Furthermore, a content delivery network (CDN) can speed up loading times by providing content from the closest server to the user's location. Embracing data-driven decisions to optimize website speed can further refine strategies and ensure that improvements align with the right target audience preferences and behaviors.
Boost Your Audience Reach with iTech Series
Understanding content consumption dynamics is a paramount aspect in the evolving tech marketing field. iTech Series steps into this challenge, offering tailored services to elevate how marketers engage their audience.
Comprehensive content syndication
iTech Series provides customizable paid content strategies, including sponsored news, articles, interviews, and podcasts. This ensures your narrative aligns seamlessly with your brand strategy. With a range of options like single touch, double touch, ABM, BANT, and highly qualified lead generation campaigns, it empowers marketers to optimize reach precisely.
Follow for more info: https://www.itechseries.com/
Amplified brand presence
iTech Series editorial and content services, trusted by industry leaders globally, extend from CEOs to tech marketers. Ensure your content not only reaches but resonates with your target audience. We understand the pulse of the tech audience. Your brand’s breakthrough is not just a possibility; it’s a proven outcome.
In summary, understanding audience engagement and content consumption dynamics is crucial for businesses and marketers. Monitoring metrics like views, clicks, shares, and comments provides insights into buyer personas and guides content creation and distribution strategies aligned with audience preferences.
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I hate yt shorts and ig reels bcuz its just the ultimate example of "content consumption" Its literally just "watch this, dont pause or rewind" and "dont choose what to watch next, just go down for your next stimulation" I hate that its just mindless consumption designed to waste your life on videos you dont need to watch it sucks
Its horrible and I hate how prevalent it is
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techniver · 7 months
What role do user preferences and historical behavior play in content personalization?
User preferences and historical behavior play a crucial role in content personalization, transforming generic content into an engaging and tailored experience for each individual user. By understanding user preferences and analyzing their past interactions, businesses can curate content that resonates with their specific interests, needs, and expectations.
User Preferences
User preferences encompass the explicit or implicit inclinations and choices that an individual makes regarding the content they consume. These preferences can be gathered through various methods, including:
Explicit Preferences: Users can directly express their preferences by filling out surveys, providing ratings, or subscribing to specific content categories.
Implicit Preferences: User behavior, such as browsing history, search queries, and social media interactions, can reveal their implicit preferences.
By understanding user preferences, businesses can tailor content to match their interests, ensuring that they are presented with relevant information and recommendations.
Historical Behavior
Historical behavior refers to a user's past interactions with content, providing valuable insights into their preferences and patterns of engagement. This data includes:
Content Consumption: The types of content a user has consumed, the time they spent on each piece, and their engagement metrics.
Purchase History: Past purchases can indicate a user's interests and willingness to buy, enabling businesses to recommend similar products or services.
Navigation Patterns: The paths users take through a website or app can reveal their preferences and goals, allowing businesses to optimize content placement and navigation.
Analyzing historical behavior enables businesses to understand user habits and anticipate their future needs, leading to more personalized and relevant content recommendations.
Impact of User Preferences and Historical Behavior on Content Personalization
By combining insights from user preferences and historical behavior, businesses can create a personalized content experience that:
Increases User Engagement: Tailored content is more likely to capture user attention, leading to increased time spent on a website or app.
Enhances User Satisfaction: Users appreciate receiving relevant content that aligns with their interests, improving their overall satisfaction with the platform.
Boosts Conversion Rates: Personalized recommendations can increase the likelihood of users taking desired actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.
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katlovelandcreative · 8 months
This is the same mentality behind Gen AI. Appropriate it, use it for your own gain while destroying it along the way. Stop trashing places to get your insta pic.
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not-acharacter · 9 months
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Megan Fernandes
Letter to a Young Poet
New England Review 43.1 (2022)
Shared by Ravyn Leilani
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