#constipation gas
myfitnessteacher · 10 months
Constipation | Constipation Home Remedies | Constipation Treatment | 5 Home Remedies For Constipation |
Constipation, That feeling when we are not able to relieve our bowels in the morning spoils our mood, reduces the energy levels and adversely affects our skin and hair. But not anymore.
Foremost, we should be clear that constipation is not really a disease. Consider it more like a warning, a sign, an indication that your body is trying to give about dryness and coldness within your colon which is not allowing the stool to pass. If however ignored or not rooted from its cause, constipation can give rise to many other serious problems.
Ayurveda is firm that over 95% of the disease originates from the  stomach. That is why Ayurvedic scriptures talk at length about constipation and how it can be permanently cured by tweaking your lifestyle, eating the right foods and including certain herbal concoctions that rejuvenates the digestive tract relieving from constipation. And that’s what this blog is all about. Read More
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alwek · 2 months
Oh fuck! I had a fucking period! What the hell!
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ive been suffering gastrointestinally
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eatclean-bewhole · 7 months
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If you regularly experience acid reflux or the more advanced version of it, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), it is important you know common food culprits and figure out your triggers (see image 3) and start replacing them with healing foods (image 5). One of the best natural remedies for acid reflux is organic apple cider vinegar, which is excellent for gut health in general (image 6). Take care of your gut. It’s the root of your health!
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Ayurvedic Medicine for Constipation - Kabj Hari Churn, its ingredients and benefits
In Ayurveda, constipation is a commonly recognized digestive disorder that is referred to as "Vibandha" or "Malabaddhata." It occurs when there is difficulty in passing stools, and the bowel movements become infrequent and challenging. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, views constipation as an imbalance in the body's doshas (biological energies) and attributes it mainly to an aggravation of the Vata dosha.
The concept of doshas in Ayurveda:
Vata: Governs movement, including bowel movements. It is dry, light, cold, and rough in nature.
Pitta: Governs digestion and metabolism. It is hot, sharp, and intense.
Kapha: Governs structure and lubrication in the body. It is heavy, slow, cool, and stable.
Causes of constipation according to Ayurveda:
Vata imbalance: The primary cause of constipation is an aggravated Vata dosha. When Vata becomes imbalanced, it can lead to dryness and sluggishness in the colon, resulting in difficult bowel movements.
Poor diet: Consuming foods that are dry, cold, and lacking in fiber can contribute to constipation. Additionally, irregular eating habits and excessive intake of processed and refined foods can disrupt proper digestion.
Lack of physical activity: Sedentary lifestyle and insufficient physical activity can slow down digestion and lead to constipation.
Suppression of natural urges: Ignoring the urge to defecate or suppress it due to various reasons can cause an imbalance in the colon.
Dehydration: Inadequate water intake can result in dry and hard stools, making them difficult to pass.
Mental factors: Stress, anxiety, and emotional disturbances can also influence bowel movements through the gut-brain axis.
How can you treat Constipation with Ayurveda?
Shri Chyawan Ayurveda has formulated best ayurvedic medicine for constipation - Kabj Hari Churn; it helps in a lot of stomach related issues like gas, constipation and abdominal pain. Consumption of this churn will ease down the pain during constipation and ultimately will help you get rid of the regular constipation issues, gases and acidity.
Kabj Hari Churn is by far the best constipation ayurvedic medicine for adults available in the market. It will not only help you by treating Constipation, but also help with Acidity, Bloating, Gases and other stomach related issues. Kabj Hari Churn is made using all herbal and natural ayurvedic ingredients like Harde, Sonth, Mulethi, Baheda, Hing, Variyali, Amaltas, Black Salt, Black pepper, Amla.
Some benefits of Kabj Hari Churn include:
Improves Digestion: Shri Chyawan Ayurveda’s Kabj Hari Churn effectively helps to cure your problems related to digestive system and facilitates smooth digestion process.
Relieves Constipation: It effectively helps to give you relief from stomach issues and constipation.
Bloating and Gases: Kabj Hari Churn reduces stomach bloating, digestion issues and gases and reduces indigestion.
Pure and Natural Product: Kabj Hari Churn is made using all natural and herbal ingredients and ensures smooth digestion process.
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How to use: Kabj Hari Churn can be used by mixing 1-2gm of this churn with half cup of water, consume every day before going to bed.
Other Ayurvedic management of constipation:
Dietary changes: The primary focus is on a balanced diet that includes fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Warm, cooked, and moist foods are preferred over cold and dry ones. Drinking warm water throughout the day helps to maintain proper hydration and aids digestion.
Lifestyle modifications: Regular physical activity, yoga, and pranayama (breathing exercises) are recommended to improve digestion and promote bowel regularity.
Oil massages: Abhyanga, or self-massage with warm sesame oil or castor oil, is beneficial in calming the Vata dosha and enhancing bowel movements.
Natural laxatives: Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend natural laxatives like soaked raisins or figs, ghee (clarified butter), or warm milk to ease constipation.
Addressing emotional factors: Stress management techniques like meditation and relaxation exercises can play a role in reducing constipation caused by emotional disturbances.
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aregularhuman · 11 months
I wanna start a constipation hate club
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rainbluealoekitten · 1 year
WHAT is going on with my stomach fr
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flamingo--ing · 1 year
its literally like which disorder is causing what?? at this point its just "nothing works, sorry" and then i have to figure it out
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sentimental-apathy · 1 year
I have one of those weird ass stomach aches again like in the center of my belly between my rib cage. It feels worse when I lay down which sucks cuz I’m tired and wanna go to bed… fml.
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martandstore · 15 days
Constipation Quick Relief Remedy: कब्ज दूर करने के लिए प्रभावी घरेलू उपचार
Struggling with constipation? Look no further! Learn how to alleviate constipation with these powerful and natural home remedies for fast and effective relief.
Read more:
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Ayurvedic Amal Tablets
Gas? Acidity? Constipation?😵‍💫 Gut cleanse- The all-natural way! These tablets are formulated to regulate bowel cycles and relieve constipation without any discomfort or developing dependency.
Ayurvedic Amal Tablets
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The older I get the worse getting my period is like when I was young I just had (really bad) cramps during it and that was it vs now cramps are not as bad but every other symptom is present and intense
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amanharbal · 3 months
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Buy Ayurvedic medicine for constipation and gas
If you're tired of bloating and looking for the best Ayurvedic medicine for constipation and gas, our natural solutions provide gentle and effective support to restore balance. order now!
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sarasanhealth · 3 months
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Ayurvedic medicines for constipation - Sarasan
Say goodbye to constipation! Try our Ayurvedic medicines for constipation for a happy tummy. Natural relief, simple solutions. Order now!
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medixic · 3 months
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क्या आपके साथ कभी ऐसा हु�� है कि आपको खाली पेट भी गैस बनने की शिकायत हुई हो? आइए जानते हैं खाली पेट गैस को खत्म करने के 3 उपाय💯
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sevyamhiims · 5 months
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