#conceptual practice
optikes · 3 months
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Klippel with assemblages in his studio
Number 1060, (1995) painted wire, tin  22.5 x 7.6 x 7cm
Number 714 - Prototype for Adelaide Plaza (1988)  Construction of brazed and welded steel, geometric sections, found objects, formed sheet metal. 69.5 x 64 x 49.5 cm without base
Number 329, (1977) assemblage of collected wood parts  300 x 350 x 135cm
search @www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au
A Klippel's practice exeplifies the interconnectedness of the conceptual and the material. His bodies of work explore the relationship between the organic and the mechanical.
B By the time Robert Klippel died in Sydney in 2001, aged 81, he was critically acclaimed and well collected in his home country. But as with most Australian artists, although he had lived for stints in Europe and the US from the 1940s until the 1960s, his work was largely unknown abroad.
Eleven years on, his son has secured a blue chip shot at changing that. Klippel junior has signed Galerie Gmurzynska in Zurich as the sole representative of his father’s estate worldwide, catapulting the artist into the company of Pablo Picasso, Yves Klein, Alexander Rodchenko and David Smith, whose estates the gallery also represents.
  Some of Klippel’s large wooden sculptures have already been on the Gmurzynska stand at Art Basel, Art Basel Miami and ArtHK, and a substantial publication and exhibition is being planned for the coming year.
  Klippel is the only Australian artist to have been taken on by the 50-year-old gallery, which is best known for introducing the Russian avant garde to western Europe and for representing modernist artists working up to 1980.
  “We have a solid reputation for ­scientific research, and for promoting interesting, important historic figures who have created something authentic but who have not had the exposure they should have had,” says gallery co-owner Mathias Rastorfer.
  Klippel, an abstract artist and loner not easily slotted into one particular movement, was loosely influenced by surrealism, cubism and constructivism.
  According to Deborah Edwards in the 2002 Art Gallery of NSW retrospective catalogue, “his attitudes to art making were grounded in European modernism and postwar intellectual thought”. It is for this reason, in part, that Gmurzynska was interested in taking him on.
  Rastorfer says: “We found him very interesting due to his connection to the constructivists, his Polish ­origins, his time in America. The more you go into Klippel, the more modernist links you find.
“We will introduce his work in the context of those peers, taking him out of the Australian context and putting him into an international one. We want to show where he fits in worldwide.”
  Klippel’s bronze sculptures have been the most collectable in Australia. They appear regularly on the secondary market and can fetch more than $100,000. The top price paid at auction – $507,800 – was in 2006 for a miniature steel, tin, acrylic paint and coloured paper collage.
  Gmurzynska plans to use the large, wooden sculptures and tiny coloured plastic ones that Klippel did in the late 1980s and early 1990s to introduce him internationally. This is in part for practical reasons, because this is most of what is left in the estate, but also because he thinks these will work best there.
  Rastorfer expects to take at least three years to achieve traction internationally for Klippel. “One of the biggest temptations is to sell the four or five most important works straight away, because that’s the easiest thing to do,” he says. “But then the estate is left with the lesser known work and often doesn’t know what to do with it.
  “It’s about placement in museum collections, in significant private ­collections, and with opinion makers, not just about selling. If we show him in the context of his better- known peers, the rest will follow.”
  There are no guarantees the strategy will work, but Andrew Klippel is quietly excited that his father, to whom he was very close, is getting a posthumous chance at an inter­national career.
After years in the music business, where things happen very quickly, his foray into the visual arts is teaching him a new virtue: patience. “This is a long play.”
  Katrina Strickland http://www.afr.com  (2012)
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justladders · 2 months
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a friend very threateningly told me "I will baby talk your springtrap" so
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elucubrare · 2 months
the biggest problem i had with my boromir lives fic is that i talked about where it was going & came to the conclusion that
it was Gondorian factional politics and
i didn't want to do that
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rebornrosess · 9 months
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A tribute I made last year for “Agnes,” the final song on the record, and a song that saved my life.
prints + ig
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moe-broey · 7 months
I need like. A Don't Make Me Tap The Sign about Alfonse Fire Emblem specifically about his character and how he's perceived sometimes. Like Book 7 Chapter 12 he's just like that. He's always been like that.
I feel like I've def said it more eloquently before probably in Book 5 (regarding Reginn and Fáfnir), where like. He Will try for and favor a peaceful solution, but if it's clear there's no way out without violence and killing the threat/adversary. He won't hesitate. He won't falter. Crit line literally references this actually, "Above all, the mission".
Like I feel like the difference between Alfonse just doing Alfonse things (most recent chapter Seidr having to kill Kvasir, no way out of it -- plus also even considering killing Seidr herself, if that were to end Gullveig) and the Letizia moment was like. The Letizia moment was a BOLD gambit he played, which is WHY it was so shocking in the story and as an audience member, and why I think it left such a deep impression. Still very in character for him and the way he thinks/problem solves on the fly, carefully evaluating the situation and what would be the best move with the highest rate of success. (THAT LAST BIT ACTUALLY........ he'll do this even with low rates of success, out of sheer stubbornness as well. Which is why I still stand by him being rash at times, a LOT of his rashness is disguised as "calculated risks" and he just has the willpower to pull it off. The worst-best type of guy to me LMFAO)
Going back a bit though, the Letizia moment also stands out as an example of how far Alfonse is willing to go to win, especially if his back is pushed against the wall. It gives you a FASCINATING glimpse into his character and into his mind. A lot of times Lif would be an enigma to me, beyond the basics, character wise. Like yeah I guess that would fuck up a guy. But his methods (working and making contracts with gods when especially as Alfonse he knows better than that??) would be inscrutable to me. But everything absolutely finally clicked when Alfonse made that gambit, playing to Letizia's personality and whatever preconceived notions she may have, that maybe Alfonse could find a weak spot in and take advantage of. Lif is doing the exact same thing. His judgement is maybe a little worse for wear on account of, well *gestures vaguely to all of him* but he's still very much doing The Same Thing.
LIKE. I'm def straying from my point which is. Alfonse isn't shy about having to resort to violence. It Is a resort. But if it has to be done, it will be done. Any damage control (such as Sharena's feelings -- she has CLEARLY been extremely upset these past chapters) can be resolved later. (This.... is also fascinating to me..... bc it's always been clear to me his loved ones are the people who ground him, who stop him from losing himself, from becoming cruel in his practicality and tendency for detachment. There Is his morality as well -- but his loved ones are a huge part in what keeps him kind.)
I guess what I'm really trying to say is. Hit me up next time Alfonse is playing 4D chess with the enemy or throwing himself in a ditch on purpose just to indulge his baby sister's current pet project. THOSE feel like standout examples of Alfonse Off The Shits (but still completely in character for him tbh), while like. The rest is just par for the course for him. Just another (especially traumatizing) Tuesday.
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butwhatifidothis · 2 months
Help me, i've been looking at bleach stuff again and suddenly feel that i was too harsh on the thousand year blood war when it first published, and now im desperately scrounging for good byakuya/hisana content.
so with that in mind, what do ya think about the sternritter in bleach? personally i've always felt that for all the cool aesthetics and powers at play, they're just a bit too unsympathetic/monsterous in terms of character writing that it hurts a lot of the drama of the tybw. But also recently I have considered how that was arguably the point in terms of ywach creating an army of metaphorical and literal monsters because the value of their lives mattered so little to him that all he looked for was strength. which... seems somewhat obvious in retrospect but still. idk, i guess all these years later bambiettas fate still unnerves me. and i wasn't even much of a fan of her until all that happened to her.
You asking this on the SAME DAY that I bought six zanpakuto at a con is HILARIOUS timing lmao
The Sternritter are in a sort of weird spot for me. There was always a hint of sympathy from me to them just on the basis of what had happened to so many Quincy by the hands of the Shinigami, and how on top of that many were under the culture Yhwach cultivated of pure-blooded Quincy needing to rule over everyone else as the strongest and if they can't live up to his exacting standards they will be considered just as worthless as impure-blooded Quincy/non-Quincy - for the majority of them it's kinda just a no-brainer that they would end up being as cruel as they are even to each other, after living in what is essentially a dog-eat-dog world filled with Uber Racism. And you can see how deeply some of the Sternritters buy into this, how even being sentenced to death or having their powers stolen from them does nothing to shake their belief in this man who stabbed them in the back. The dogmatism is engraved into some of these characters, to the point where literally nothing will make them ever see Yhwach as anything other than their leader.
Along with that, some of the Quincy, like Bazz-B and Liltotto and others, realize (at least somewhat) how shit their system was once they see how easily they are thrown away after doing everything right (or, if nothing else, never doing anything more wrong than the Quincy Yhwach chose as "the best"); they're willing to work with Shinigami to get justice against what was done to them by a leader they genuinely saw as god.
And in the middle of absolute dogmatism and rebellion, there are ones like BG9 and As Nodt, who seem to follow Yhwach not out of outright loyalty but out of a fear of death itself. Given who they're fighting (literal death gods) and who they both are as characters (As Nodt being someone who induces fear into others, BG9 being a robotic lifeform), it's definitely A Neat Choice to have these two specifically follow Yhwach not out of a sense of loyalty but out of an intense internal fear that they feel Yhwach both alleviates (by giving them the means to avoid death) and induces (by promising to kill them should they fail him).
They aren't all a monolith even with how deliberately isolated they were from pretty much all non-Quincy society, which honestly makes them pretty interesting as a total group.
But, yeah, on the other hand a lot of them don't really have much in terms of individual personality outside of cool one-liners or My Power Is My Personality. And some others have that issue and their power is just fuckin' annoying as shit and makes them inherently unlikeable GERARD. FUCK YOU GERARD HOLY GOD WERE YOU THE ACTUALLY THE WORST QUINCY EVER. There will be Bazz-B and Jugram's immensely interesting dynamic with each other, there will be Bambietta's genuinely tragic fate despite how deeply despicable she was as a character, there will be the Femritters' absolute determination to continue living and not letting anyone including Yhwach kill them... and then there's fuckin'. Pepe, the Bootleg Zommari that Kubo bought on the black market loose in an envelope. Or The Yapper who literally died in a montage and whose name no one gives a shit to remember. Some who really have nothing to them at all despite being elite enough Quincy to be given Schrift at all.
So, like. Overall I actually like them quite a bit? At least definitely as a generalized group. Individually there are some really really good stand-outs here and some really really wet farts there. And Gerard fucking sucks and I hate him
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Aro culture is not understanding why people break up if they had been swooning over each other.
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meteorologears · 10 months
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“I can back off if it makes you uncomfortable.”
Spy glanced down. “It’s not that.”
Engineer’s eyebrows furrowed imperceptibly. “Then what is it?” her voice grew low and husky, scanning Spy’s unreadable physiognomy for any indication of how she felt, “Want me to kiss you somewhere else?”
Sketch of a fic scene i wrote, found here
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scribefindegil · 11 months
even with Teru's parents I get very frustrated at how much ppl bend over backwards to make them these flat caricatures of neglectfulness. they suck! everyone can agree that they suck! but just once I would like to read a fic where they suck in a way that feels like it belongs in Mob Psycho.
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optikes · 11 months
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1   Haegue Yang (born 1971)  lives and works in South Korea, Germany   
Sol LeWitt Upside Down - Open Modular Cubes (Small), expanded 985 Times (2015)  aluminium venetian blinds
the artist’s site www.heikejung.de/
search at www.guggenheim.org
A  www.qgoma.qld.gov.au    Referencing modernist art history, literature, and social and political events, Haegue Yang transforms spaces through light, colour, objects and movement so that they are constantly shifting and directing our experience. Sol LeWitt Upside Down — Open Modular Cubes (Small), Expanded 958 Times (2015), uses everyday domestic materials — in this case over 1000 Venetian blinds — to create a formal, immersive structure. For Yang, abstraction is highly metaphorical, alluding to  multiple narratives. Her blinds partially block sight, but they also delineate and draw attention to a space, providing boundaries and articulations, and implicating viewers through their transparency and domesticity. In her early sculptures she used IV stands, then clothes-racks on wheels. Like the  blinds, these industrially produced items were deliberately evocative of anthropomorphic forms, while also emphasising a sense of movement and the imminent possibility of change.
2  Sol LeWitt (1928-2007) USA  Incomplete open cube 7/21 (1974)   106.7x106.7x106.7cm  enamel on aluminium
B  www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au    The ‘Incomplete open cubes’ are a sequence of open-sided cube structures, each missing between one and nine of their sides. At once repetitive and varied, this series lays out 122 possible variations on the concept. The ‘Incomplete open cubes’ exemplify LeWitt’s conceptual practice and have been widely interpreted as embodying systematic rationality; they are based on an arithmetic concept which they then take to its logical extreme. While they are internally consistent, they also manifest an irrational, obsessive quality reflected in LeWitt’s own comment that ‘irrational thoughts should be followed absolutely and logically’. Here he presents a binary between the rational and the irrational.
WATCH Sol LeWitt's Incomplete Open Cubes  www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9ROCnWMPww
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having some Thoughts N Feelings abt elrond & elros + the historical practice of rulers taking children from the families of their tributaries or even their (nominal) allies as hostages
primarily that (1) the Politics of the Fëanorions having the heirs of Fingolfin AND Thingol AND All Three of the Three Houses as their hostages is like… soooo overlooked and underutilized in the fanworks I’ve seen
and (2) i think it would be rlly funny and also fucked-up if most elves are Totally Scandalized And Horrified by this Weird Human Behavior of “hostage-taking” if/when they see it happening in the second & third ages as human settlements & societies in M-E grow & develop, while Elrond is just like, “this is Normal, what are you Talking about”
#mine#silm#like the story can’t Not be informed by that practice/history to some degree but it’s also a weird fucked-up edge case bc like#at the point when m&m have e&e it’s like. the Entirety of their close family is either dead or absent or absent and Presumably dead#so e&e are functioning less as incentive for their immediate family to act a certain way & more as an all-purpose deterrent#to aggression or retaliation against the fëanorians by any remaining sindarin or noldorin forces who take issue with all the Crimes.#anyways it’s Vital to me that elrond (and elros too) be a Little Bit Feral and have just the Slightest weirdness about him#in terms of his expectations for How Stuff Works—bc there’s no way he’s getting out of his Canonical Early Life w/out being a BIT fucked up#(elros is equally Weird ftr but the atani don’t care as much bc they’re more adaptable than elves and also elros is The Literal King#so there’s nobody of high enough rank to judge him overtly and also i think the numenoreans are like His Weirdness Is Our Weirdness#ALSO also i think early numenor should have a patronage/fosterage system within the nobility that isn’t Officially inspired by All That#but isn’t NOT inspired by it either. which is yet another thing that could come full circle and develop (back) into being#more traditional hostage-taking For Assurance Of Loyalty And Good Behavior as the years wear on and numenor gets corrupted. anyways)#for the record i fall in the middle on the hostage-taking reaction spectrum. i think it’s fucked up to a degree but i also Understand it#as a political tool and i think i’m more forgiving/accepting of it than ur average second- or third-age elf would be#so i think elrond’s blasé reaction (which i have made up) is like. indicative that he does still have some Issues in terms of like#conceptualizing personal relationships and family ones & recognizing that uh being removed from ur family and raised#by their political ‘enemies’ may in fact have Certain (Negative) Emotional Impacts on ppl. (possibly bc he doesn’t Want to think abt it)#(bc that would force him to do some certain Unplesant Introspection and life is hard enough for a half-elf without giving urself#further Emotional Damage by trying to unpack the Absolute Mess that was ur childhood and adolescence in the midst of an apocalypse)#but that’s neither here nor there and these tags are long enough already#oh wait i’m not done going back to (1) i know we all imagine maedhros being Fucked Up in the aftermath of the Nirnaeth + kinslayings BUT#do you genuinely want me to believe that maedhros—THEE political luminary of beleriand—was Not thinking abt The Politics#when maglor pulled these two fucking kids out of the wreckage of sirion and was like ‘i’ll be sad if we kill them :(‘#imo it would have been IMPOSSIBLE to forget that they are the heirs of Absolutely Everyone and depending on his thoughts on the future#maedhros Must have had at least a couple of Plans for these kids ranging from ‘assure my people’s safety Whoever i have to kill for it’ to#‘protect two of the Extremely Few uncontroversial political leaders the elves have left & make sure theyre Competent for when they do lead’#however Wrecked he was by It All i dont think that the politics part of his brain Ever turns off & it might have been kicking into overdriv#at that point in order to Not think about the Everything Else that was happening. ok NOW i’m done#sorry for tag rant it’s just that i have Thoughts and they are Correct but not organized enough to make it into the Actual Post
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filling out IRB paperwork is truly a layer of hell
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daz4i · 8 days
lag baomer was a mistake
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fukikoichinomiya · 8 months
i need to practice my japanese sooo bad but it’s sooo hard when i’m not in a class for it yet
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cookinguptales · 9 months
as much as I wish it were otherwise, I feel like the way I would die in a horror movie is absolutely going to some out-of-the-way location to learn about a local religious custom and getting sacrificed or something.
like on one hand, I am always scrupulously respectful of the belief systems I'm studying, including accepting that some knowledge is not meant for me and that's okay, but on the other hand, I have been known to do some truly stupid bullshit to learn about something esoteric that's on public display. lmao
#just me#plus honestly since getting out of evangelical christianity as a teen#I find that I don't really believe or disbelieve anything anymore#(except I guess for the religion I was raised in which I have very much distanced myself from)#I respect some religious institutions and practices more than others for sure#and I'm mindful of politics and abuse in religious sects#but when people hear I did rels in college they often ask#'so which religion is right?'#and I don't know that I can conceptualize it that way anymore#I was raised in a religious environment that didn't allow me to respect or learn about other religions and I hated it#I was so closed before that I feel like I've rebelled against that by being very open now#so everything feels equally plausible and implausible to me now#I don't know that I can fully believe OR disbelieve in anything anymore#maybe that part of me is broken#the part that can trust and have faith#even the part of me that can be sure that something ISN'T real#I don't know#but like... many religious folks and places are just happy to teach anyone who's open to their beliefs and practices#you don't have to be a true believer#they just want to share their religion with you in any way you'll take it#but sometimes you DO have to be a true believer#and those are the situations in which I feel deeply uncomfortable and try to avoid#but maybe I'll end up getting killed by some religious group that kills outsiders who don't fully believe in things lmao#dying as I lived: being a nosy bitch#cw:#religion
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nobodymitskigabriel · 1 month
It's just that I feel like if someone says "I'm not very good at math" then that's generally acceptable in society and that person probably won't choose a math career and no one pressures them to practice and get better at math as if their life depends on it. But when I say "I'm not very good in social situations" people will give me all this advice about how I should do this or practice like this or start thinking like this in order to "get over it". And this isn't about me not having a good time in the club or something. This is about the fact that at this point it's like I'm virtually unemployable and unable to sustain myself because I am not a naturally social person.
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