#code geass salt
gritsandbrits · 2 years
If you don't mind, could you explain your dislike of Code Geass?
Killed off Euphemia and Shirley for the sole purpose of man pain. Guess they were too kind and pleasant for that ultra macho melodramatic gundam clone 🙄 SO OVER IT
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mariproducer · 2 years
I must admit that, among the numerous other questionable narrative choices they've made, the ones in regards to Love Square actually bringing about the end of the universe have to be the most paradoxical. It's the endgame ship and yet if they do, it has proven to cause Adrien to go bonkers (so I suppose this is why there's a rule about him not knowing Gabriel is Hawk Moth) or Adrien causes Gabriel to find out. Such wonderful and excellent planning, really top notch.
It's so weird because other medias typically have their duos or couples be a power team. Nothing can stop them when they work together or are together.
Then you have mlb, which has shown us TWICE that if our leads get together, then you set the timeline for the end of the world somehow?? And you want me to cheer for them to get together ? Lmfao no.
See, now if this was a story about star-crossed lovers and tragedy, then maybe the "end of the world" shtick could make sense. But I don't... frankly, I'm unsure just what the intention is here. I mean there's already an element of tragedy here with HM being Adrien's father, but that would fall in line between Gabriel and Adrien, NOT Marinette and Adrien.
I just... it baffles me. And I think your last line about the ~wonderful and excellent planning~ answers this: the writers are so desperate to up the ante in any way possible (bc let's be real here, these guys definitely did not plan ahead) that they don't realize what they're writing makes their characters and relationships look bad.
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yandere-romanticaa · 6 months
Hi, i'd like to ask if you don't mind, since you're a code geass fan, what does the post about "nasionalist propaganda" mean ?
I reblogged that post because I found it amusing but I THINK, and I might be wrong here so don't 100% believe me, that the reason Code Geass was called that is because there are some people who think that the anime shouldn't exist at all because it's Japanese propaganda to some. I've seen some stuff online + people sent me asks ages ago telling me that while the show is good it undermines the crimes of what the real Japan has done, especially in WWII. Someone said something along the lines of "the show wants to make the Japanese look good while also appearing as the victim".
The actual crimes that Japan has committed is a whole different can of worms which I don't think I'm well equipped enough to talk about.
Again, don't 100% believe me here. Take this all with a grain of salt. 🙏
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datfirstepisode · 2 years
First Episode Review - 07 Ghost
Join me on my journey to watch the first episode of every anime on Crunchyroll in alphabetical order!
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He might have less painful thoughts if he pulled the spire out of his ass.
For the start of this adventure we could’ve done a lot worse than 07 Ghost.
07 Ghost has some of those post Code Geass vibes, but gayer. I’m not sure if this is the kind of show that would go full gay, or just tease us with an abundance of sexual tension between hot men for 25 episodes while never officially sealing the deal. Either way, there is barrels of hot men in this episode and only like, one woman who definitely isn’t going to show up again.
The front half was a bit exposition heavy, and yet I still only vaguely understand their world. Protagonist Teito and his best bud who likes to crawl into his bed and snuggle him (they’re just friends though, guys!) are in some military school to join some elite prestigious army. Who are they fighting? Why? Enh doesn’t matter. All you need to know is that Teito passes with flying colors because he’s the bestest, smartest, coolest student in school. In fact he doesn’t even need classes anymore because he’s surpassed all the teachers in awesomeness. Oh and he has amnesia because of course he does. 
To pass the final exam you just have to beat the shit out of a criminal with five of your classmates. Sounds not too hard, except that the criminal is like, 40 feet tall for some unexplained reason. Are giants in this world? Or does evil build your muscles like steroids? Whatever. Regardless awesome Teito kicks his ass. (Right after the criminal is done rattling him like a salt shaker, which is kind of hilarious for what’s supposed to be a super tense fight scene.)
The second half of the episode is when the show decides to pour a literal bucket of hot dudes into your lap. Hot bad guys, hot good guys. Just so many hot guys. With the hottest being an evil guy who’s evil and also looking for someone who can use some super special relic. Of course it’s Teito. Teito is the chosen one. Unfortunately the relic makes a sound that awakens some tragic memories in Teito, and he attacks the hot bad guy. Hot bad guy is pretty dumb though. Even though he knows the relic user is nearby, and he literally has the relic in his hand, he doesn’t think to test the relic on Teito before attempting to murder his face. Like bro. You’re gonna have some serious egg on your face when you have to explain to your superiors that you killed the chosen one on a whim.
Anyways the episode wraps with Teito escaping and falls into the laps of even more hot guys. Just… hot guys falling from the sky, yo.
For a first episode I’d give 07 Ghost a 7/10. It’s fun, things happen, plot moves. The animation looks a little cheap but not awful. The hot guys are all tropey AF but they’re decently designed, albeit definitely radiate 2010 fujoshi vibes. In fact I’m surprised this show isn’t more well known, which makes me wonder if it horribly drops the ball down the line.
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g4zdtechtv · 3 years
FULL EPISODE: AOTS! - U Pick My Nose (7.22.10)
Geddit, cause Candace Bailey (pre-1.11.11) is on this episode and she was on U-Pick Live? No?
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 83 Rundown
Code Geass: So everyone’s still kind of reeling from the fallout of the whole Nuking Tokyo thing and Lelouch being outed as Zero. Marianne takes control of Anya’s body because apparently she can just do that. C.C. meets up with her and gets her memory restored and Marianne’s like “wtf what about the whole Human Instrumentality getting you killed like you wanted plan” and C.C. doesn’t have an answer for her which is why she gave herself amnesia. Meanwhile Charles is still like “Yo I don’t wanna do war anymore, I wanna do Human Instrumentality” and Suzaku’s like “Well Schnizel if he doesn’t wanna be Emperor anymore you could do it yourself and then make me Knight of One for blowing up Tokyo for you.” And between Schnizel seizing power from Charles, Charles going into the Thought Elevator, and Lelouch hijacking a whole base’s worth of people to attack the flagship, everything’s in chaos. Suzaku’s gone off the deep end and gone to an ends justify the means attitude because he’s just tired of all the geass bullshit and Charles wanting to fuck over the whole human race but Bismarck points out that means that he’s abandoned kindness and empathy which were his reasons for doing it so his heart’s not in it anymore. C.C. and Marianne are following Lelouch and Lelouch of course has a suitably extra entrance including purple fire and a row of bowing knightmare frames that aren’t fighting in the very important battle for some reason. He follows Charles into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and is like “Yo, I just blew up the entrance so unless you can scream open a dimension like Super Buu you’re fucked, repent motherfucker”.
Inuyasha: We’re still in the demon’s head filler and the new exorcist filler character can run right up to the paralysis demon because she legit just can’t feel her aura. I like the implication that this technique would work on normal humans so this exorcist is somehow MORE oblivious to demonic auras than the average human would be. Miroku dissolves the demon’s body with the exorcist’s salt, leaving just the head for Demon’s Head castle. Inuyasha figures out the demon he’s fighting is a decoy and save Kagome from the head. They corner the head and it tells them it came out of hiding because Naraku’s gone and isn’t keeping the lesser demons under his thumb anymore so everyone’s running amuck. I like this for a couple reasons, it really illustrates Naraku’s influence over the demon world which has only been implied before, like he can summon a horde of demons at random but we never really got how much other demons fear him. Also it sets up a nice power vacuum for the arc to come, like it’s an obvious stalling tactic to technically tie the upcoming filler arcs to the main story without needing to explain why there’s more filler demons out than normal but it shows Naraku’s influence on the world and that’s cool. Anyway the Wind Scar doesn’t work on the head because reasons but because Narkau’s not around that means no Poison Insects and the Wind Tunnel actually gets the kill for once, that’s nice. Like Miroku gets nerfed so often I actually kind of forgot he had the Wind Tunnel for a while.
Yu Yu Hakusho: So this is a pretty epic one, we get the Knife-Edge Deathmatch between Yusuke and Chu and half the time is just building tension while the committee decides to let them do it or not. I said this before but there’s something beautiful about the simplicity of this fight, like it’s basically the template for how big shonen grudgematches go. Yusuke and Chu fuck around with normal techniques for a bit, then use their big high-octane stuff, and it ends in a tired slugfest until one of them stays down. Keiko doesn’t get why they’re so needlessly brutal and Kuwabara gives the usual “it’s a man thing” speech and it’s just amusing that they end it with a literal test of who’s more hard-headed, it’s pretty fun. Also Toguro’s crow dude shows up and he looks just like One Piece’s Karasu of the same name so yeah that’s what I’m gonna be thinking of whenever I see him.
Fate Zero: Tokiomi spends this whole episode preparing to die and then dies at the end, that’s basically the episode. He wants a truce between himself and Iris but Iris is like “Fuck no, not if Kirei’s around” so Tokiomi’s like “Fine, no Kirei” and then Gilgamesh and Kirei spend a good amount of time talking about each other in hypotheticals and it’s needlessly homoerotic and there’s a lot of sexual tension and it’s like jesus Christ just fuck already you two. So yeah then Tokiomi goes and kisses his family goodbye, hands Kirei his will giving Kirei complete control of his sole heir and literally gives him the knife to stab him in the back with and then still acts surprised when Kirei jumps him and cucks him with the King of Heroes. Like he did everything except lubricate the knife for easy entry and getting a “stab here” tattoo on his back.
Konosuba: Kazuma spends all his new wealth on a new sword and a set of knight armor… except he’s clearly a Thief build and also a scrawny wimp so he can’t really use any of it so he swaps out for a shortsword that Megumin names the ultimately supreme name of Chunchunmaru. They spend the rest of the episode fighting the spitting lizards from Jurassic Park except the lizards kill Kazuma again and he plays the whole ‘nuh-uh, not going back’ card again until Megumin draws on his dick which I guess is fine, like it’s cute that that’s the most evil thing she could think of to yoink him back in and that she really wanted him to come back but everyone seems weirdly shocked when all she did was doodle on his stomach. It’s interesting though because judging by Aqua’s reaction Kazuma does not have a big dick but judging by the nickname Megumin gave it, she THINKS he does which I’m not sure what that says about her but I vaguely remember Megumin/Kazuma being canon in the light novels or something so this may be the start of that.
Sailor Moon Crystal: I’m getting a little sick of these “Dark Sister appears and kidnaps a Sailor Guardian out of nowhere” episodes, like the writing is getting better but the formula is obscenely obvious, good news is we only have one or two more before we’re out of Guardians to kidnap. This time it’s Makoto when the boy that has a crush on her catches onto their complete lack of discretion and figures out their secret. It’s a pretty sweet interaction and we get some more character development about Chibiusa bonding more with Usagi who’s a delightful gremlin and Mamoru who’s weirdly just kind of already in dad mode with her, like he’s ridiculously good at being a dad and it’s kind of cute. But yeah we have Makoto kidnapped and for the third sister in a row they’ve made absolutely no attempt to defend against the Moon Princess Halation so they just keep coming like a slaughterhouse conveyor belt. But we get the kidnapping so quick and sped up it’s kind of funny like it takes Rubeus less than 20 seconds to kidnap Makoto we kinda just yadda yadda over it since we’ve been here two times before.
Durarara!!: So things are coming to a head as the asshole faction of the Yellow Scarves close in on Anri but Mikado’s Reddit defenders of justice use social media to jump around town and keep her out of harm’s way in some pretty unique and fun ways, showcasing some characters we haven’t seen in a while. This doesn’t end up making much difference as Anri’s self-loathing slows her down enough that they catch up to her but everyone runs into Shizuo and he’s so pissed that his phone’s blowing up and doesn’t know how to handle an active news feed so he knocks the gang members into next week. Anri sticks with Celty for a while to stay safe but that doesn’t stop the gang members from beating up on random Dollars and making a full gang war. Mikado has forgotten his earlier epiphany and deletes the Dollars forum. Anri’s all “I have to keep Mikado out of this to keep him safe” and Celty’s like “Omg all three of you are saying that and you’re already the gang leaders fighting each other shut up”. So yeah, unless someone starts telling some truths Izaya’s gonna get his gang war and go to heaven with Celty’s head or whatever his plan was.
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sweet-evie · 3 years
Hi, WBAD!! Firstly, I want to say that I truly enjoy your fics. They're entertaining, well-written, and I look forward to reading more of your work. Your stories have actually been giving me the desire to pick up where I left off and resume my own CluClu stories... But unfortunately, I'm having a hard time with motivation. I always have story and next chapter ideas in my head but it's getting the words to flow that is the issue. So, I was wondering... What advise would you give? Thanks.
Hellooooo~ Thank you for your kind words, for reading my fics, and for finding them entertaining no matter how messy they are. 😂😅
Your stories have actually been giving me the desire to pick up where I left off and resume my own CluClu stories...
I'm flattered, and honestly don't understand how my messy fics and awkward writing help, but I'm glad that it does, in whatever way, shape, or form. 😅
But unfortunately, I'm having a hard time with motivation. I always have story and next chapter ideas in my head but it's getting the words to flow that is the issue. So, I was wondering... What advise would you give?
Honestly, same 🤣😂 But before I say (or type) anything more, take my advice with a grain of salt. Because what might work for me might not work for others, and vice-versa.
You're not alone in the dry-spells though. I have a hard time with motivation too -- especially when it comes to finishing multi-chapters. I'm extra careful with those because I have a shameful track record of incomplete fics from my old FFN account, and I'm sad that the habit bled through in my WBAD account. Like, I didn't finish the 1st WIP for Code Geass, and the 1st Vampire AU fic I wrote for CG either.
Anyways~ If word flow is the issue, that's a bit tough; because every writer has their own method on how to get out of the rut.
Me, personally, I read novels from bestselling authors. My automatic and favorite go-tos are Sarah J. Maas, George R. R. Martin, Becca Fitzpatrick, and Lauren Kate.
1. Reading published books from bestselling authors
Every word on those books are their own, and they have the aid of a publishing house, editors, proofreaders, etc (basically a writing team) to produce literary work for mass consumption. So, they're usually good resources for vocabulary, figures of speech, storytelling, creative descriptions, structure, etc.
Plus, it's also refreshing to see different characters and whatnot.
2. Listening to music
It's rare (or common, depending on who you are), but sometimes there will be lines in songs that would just light the creative spark. It's weird and random, but it can happen. It happened for me, multiple times. It's just very inconvenient when I'm in the middle of other important tasks and I get hit with an epiphany because of some song playing on Spotify. 😅
3. Reading fanfics for the same show, but a different genre
Getting comfortable with your main cast of characters is fun and all, but it's a little dangerous too (again, just speaking my own opinion and experience). I find that if I'm too close to Lelouch and C.C. (as characters), I develop a habit of writing them in a specific way every single time. It's like I stuck them in a mold in my head, and now they refuse to budge if I want changes.
Ergo, word flow that feels clunky and overused.
Point is, maybe try taking a step back and read other genres or about other characters. As much as I love Lelouch and C.C., I read stuff for other CG characters too. One, because it offers a refreshing change in perspective; and two, it's interesting to read about how different fanfic writers portray different characters in different genres.
4. Leave it. Pick it up later.
Sometimes issues in word flow happen because you're just not in the mood. It's sort of a hard fact to swallow, especially when you know you want to write, but when you're not in the mood, you're just not in the mood.
Don't force it.
5. Just write. Do something else that makes you happy. Come back and edit.
#5 is what I've been doing a lot lately. If I can't bring myself to leave it because I know it needs to get done, I just write whatever is in my head without thinking about quality, but knowing that I'll come back and edit later.
And it works! XD Most times, anyway. You get a front-row seat of how different your mindset is when you take a break and do something else and then come back in a refreshed mental state.
Like, I'm writing part 6 of The Chaining Booth right now and I know it needs to get done for the sake of the requestor who's been waiting on my sluggish ass. I want to finish it, but I want it to be decent too. So I have parts of the story written down, some dialogue sprinkled through the chapter + plot notes, and then I'll leave it for a while to play video games or read a book or watch a YouTube video, and then I come back with a much better mental state -- more prepared to write descriptions and figure out the next string of words that need to go wherever.
With that said,
I hope that was some form of help, and I don't trust myself when it comes to these things.
Regardless, I wish you the best in your own fanfic writing for CLuCLu. 🤗😁 And if you've published fics before (WIP or complete on FFN or AO3), perhaps you're one of the writers I've come to love and enjoy reading from too~
Thank you! 🥳
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crispydnic · 3 years
this take is too controversial on twitter
heero has more chemistry with trowa and quatre than he does with duo there I said it
in super robots war z2 saisei hen in his lines where wing zero is deployed he’s like “trowa i’ll support you” or “don’t worry about this quatre” and to duo he’s like “git gud scrub don’t ever let me see your face again” 
but he was needlessly rude to bellri my boy so take super robot wars lore with a grain of salt, i mean they saved rolo from code geass...
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regalblades · 4 years
tagged by: all of you buffoons
nicknames: i chose ren for myself to go along with my decision to use they/them pronouns; i do not perceive any of my past internet nicknames. have also been called renny, rennifer, renold, rennington, etc etc by several of you, as well as “goose” in viet by my parents.
zodiac: leo sun, pisces moon, leo rising. fire ox + rabbit ascendant (eastern)
height: 5′4″ though i haven’t actually measured myself in years LMAO so who knows
timezone: EST
listening to: fate/grand order original soundtrack iv, disc 2
last movie i saw: i could not tell you because i watch movies maybe once a year or so, but probably promare…
last thing i googled: …code geass because i had to double check something. i don’t trust my memory a lot of the time HAHA
average amount of sleep: somewhere between 6-8 hours. i can function on less, but i won’t be happy about it.
what i’m wearing: viet pjs but like the summer kind
dream job: something that pays enough for me to live comfortably but also isn’t physically demanding because my ankles hate me. minimal conversation also preferred do not interact with me
dream trip: idk honestly, my family used to travel for vacation every summer so there’s nowhere i really want to go anymore.
favorite food: kettle-cooked salt and vinegar chips
play any instruments: used to play violin. also used to sing and still technically do but exclusively to myself
eye color: brown.
hair color: dark brown, reddish tint under sunlight
languages: english, vietnamese (speaking only, and even then i’m not fluent), some fragmented japanese from studying it in high school
most iconic song: paramore’s brick by boring brick stuck out to me for all of middle and high school tbh
random fact about me: i let my sister try to cut my hair about a month ago because it was Goddamn hot and long dark hair bad. she was too impatient to do more than just haphazardly hack off chunks of it with scissors so my mom had to sit me back down and fix it to the best of her ability and i have very short hair now but my bangs constantly fall into my eyes without a hairclip.
reason for my url: regalblades is a nod to the weapon morph!lloyd wields in the final chapter of fe7, though ‘regalblade’ was taken so i tacked on an S at the end. alfvangr is a combination of ‘alfonse’ and ‘fólkvangr’ to match fenrena (sharena’s url), though i previously had his url as ‘sessrumnirse’ which was a nod to the goddess freyja’s hall located within fólkvangr in norse mythology.
tagging: if you haven’t done this yet. come closer.
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atimefordragons · 4 years
Get to know me tag game
thanks for the tag lovely @queen-of-salt-and-fury! 
Nicknames: lol, I mean, my fake internet name is basically a nickname, also “C”, all the broski, brosauce, etc variations me and my bestie use, speaking of, could also consider Elsa a nickname, or Cristina, because we are stone cold adults to refer to each other as our respective personality double in favourite duos (Elsa and Anna, and Meredith and Cristina) - yeah, we know we are fucking lame. My sister calls me “Titly”, which means butterfly, you may now also refer to me as Your Majesty, because I bought Elsa’s crown as a birthday gift for myself and gave myself a coronation, thereby legally making me Arendelle’s Queen. This is how it works now right? Declaring something online immediately makes it true. 
Real name: Clara, lol, it’s not, it’s just what I’ve been using online for nearly a decade or so now, so what’s the point? But my real middle name is “Taika”, which is a name I share with Taika Waititi, which is cool. 
Zodiac: Scorpio 
Favourite Musicians / Band: Taylor Swift, Dima Bilan, Sergey Lazarev, Anime OST (deep into Code Geass and Bleash OST atm, god they were iconic), OST in general, KAZKA (thank you again so much @pulltheskydown for introducing me to her), Alma, Amir, Rihanna, Polina Gagarina, been in a Britney mood the last few weeks. Idk, I just have music I like, and music I don’t like, and some people I am very thirsty for. Also, also, literally any song from any Shahrukh Khan movie. I always was, still am, and always will be, one of those SRK loving bitches. The man is ICONIC. 
Do I get asks?: Once in a blue moon. 
Favourite sports team: I support the national teams ‘cause Go Canada Go or whatever. Also more invested in the Raptors than I ever thought I’d be, but hey, them winning the NBA last year gave me more serotonin than I ever thought boring sports could give me. It’s still so boring, but I do follow the scores when they appear on CP24 (local news channel), feels good when your city’s teams win. Guess that means by default I also support the Blue Jays and the Maple Leafs, but whatever. 
Other blogs: lol, you are talking to the Queen of Too Many blogs right here. My first ever main was @livesinabluebox (which has gone through a few url changes, namely melanin-monster and moonrxvenge, but it’s 2012 again so I switched back to my og url), I’m trying to clear out all my likes so I’m still posting there, but trying to move to my new main over @moonrxvenge. And I also have 600 million sideblogs for characters and roleplays and resources and whatever. I have so many that I need to keep a masterlist, and yes, it is HELLA out of date. (I still say hella)
Tumblr Crushes: meh, I never really befriended people on tumblr until much more recently, and like all those people are friends I made elsewhere, ie polyvore (I shy, tumblr scary and got far too many stupid peoples opinions). 
Obvs, shoutouts to my loves @kzombi3 / @thots4daze @themadmonarchist @celestialfairies @alittlebitluna @eternalsailorstar @ayzrules @themonsterslut @turquoisesiren @pulltheskydown 
some tumblr people who are v cool and maybe I say things or just do that whole “senpai notice me” lowkey stalking from my main, main: @queen-of-salt-and-fury @daenerys-targaryen  @salty-sailors-unite​ @wellstartled​ and loads of others I’m probably forgetting rn
Lucky numbers: as a kid I considered 7 and 13 lucky, also 735 or something like that for islam reasons I forgot, but I don’t have any now. I think it’s all bull. 
What am I wearing: blue pajamas. my shirt says “happy monday - said nobody ever”, it is thursday. 
Dream holiday: Russia and Japan are definitely my number ones, all the historical places like the Winter Palace and Himeji Castle, and the cities.
Dream car: Tesla, it was a blue Model S, but that was 5 years ago (4? 3? idk, a time ago) and I’m sure there are newer models now that I am too lazy look up
Favourite food: Macarons
Drink of choice: Tim Hortons Ice Coffee with a shot of caramel
Instruments: I technically played the flute for a year (maybe three) in middle school music class, but it was mandated and I don’t remember. I could play the beginning of To Love’s End from Inuyasha back then, but not now. I can play the main tune, like just the first few notes, of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’s main theme on the piano, but I just memorized the keys. Idk the actual notes. F or G or E I guess? Idk. 
Languages: English, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, technically French, but I didn’t really retain anything from it, like I can read French, but got little to no idea what I’m saying. Straight up surprised when I do understand. I think it’s in there, but barely. Also supposed to be able to speak Arabic, but retained less of that than French. 
Celebrity crushes: Chris Evans, Jenna Coleman, SRK (lol, since I was born probably), Kajol, Bruna Marquezine, Yuki Kimisawa, and loads of others. I’m a hoe for the fictional and the theoretical, what can I say?  
Random facts: Buying notebooks and using them are two entirely different hobbies, and, okay, this isn’t like interesting in the least but I am OBSESSING over the drama that went down between Salman Khan and Zayn over his cover of Allah Duhai Hai - yeah, I know I’m 2 years late to this, but whatever, no fucking told me about it and I can’t find any definitive information and I’m going crazy! Please, someone explain what happened 'cause I am dying!!! I need to know!! (also, salman fans don’t interact, vo kuni hai yaar, tu phagal hai kya?) 
I’ll tag: all of you lovelies  @kzombi3 / @thots4daze @themadmonarchist @celestialfairies @alittlebitluna @eternalsailorstar @ayzrules @themonsterslut @turquoisesiren @pulltheskydown @queen-of-salt-and-fury @daenerys-targaryen @salty-sailors-unite​​ @wellstartled​ + whoever else wants to do it (and ofc tag me and befriend me, I am but a thirsty ass hoe for friendship) 
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moonlit-tulip · 4 years
Tagged by @brin-bellway
Technically or technically not, depending on how one defines it; I graduated from school last year and have been unemployed since, and the quarantine didn’t do anything to noticeably change that state of affairs.
My parents.
I probably count as such, considering how little impact the quarantine has had on my day-to-day activities.
I was scheduled to get bottom surgery on March 19th. On March 13th, the appointment was canceled. It was on the one hand totally reasonable—from what I subsequently heard, the relevant hospital was, in fact, full to the brim with coronavirus patients by the time my would-be surgery date came around—but on the other hand still very disappointing.
Since quarantine started about a month ago, I’ve watched (together with my parents) National Treasure, The Court Jester, and the first two Harry Potter movies. Plans for the future moviewise mostly boil down to “continue watching through the Harry Potter movies”.
In the relatively short term, I’m in the middle of watching Code Geass and Steven Universe Future for the first time. As a longer-term thing, I’m (re)watching Doctor Who with a couple friends at a rate of slightly under an episode a week. (Currently we’re on episodes I’ve seen before, but towards the tail end of the year I think we’re going to start hitting ones which are new to me.)
When at my computer, I’ve been slowly listening through various bits of music by zircon and Ben Prunty following both of them having given their respective complete discographies away for free in response to the virus. (Also, more peripherally, the soundtracks of Nier Automata, Oldschool Runescape, and Fallout: New Vegas, all of which I’ve been playing a decent amount of.) When outside taking walks, I’ve been listening to my Walk Music playlist, which is comprised almost entirely of relatively-old tracks by Dimrain47 and Waterflame.
(For reasons unclear to me, I find it much easier to focus during walks when listening to music more rather than less familiar to me. That in turn leads me to listen more to said more-familiar music, and feedback-looping ensues such that stuff I’ve encountered more recently than 2012 or so is somewhere close to nonpresent on that playlist.)
I’ve been in the middle of a somewhat slow reread of Luminosity for most of the past month. (I’m still only up to Chapter 5; it’s a fun read, but my brain has spent the last few weeks oriented a lot more towards video games than towards prose and it’s only just starting to flip back the other way again.) Meanwhile, off in the space of serials where I’ve been reading in a live caught-up manner rather than archive-binging, I’ve been reading a few chapters apiece of too many different stories to list off here without making this paragraph somewhat bloated.
Drinking a lot less water than I would if I followed my sense of thirst, salting my food a lot more than is intuitive, and putting an unusual amount of effort into psychological self-repair. I managed to get hyponatremia last year after having spent the previous four years drinking an excessive quantity of water daily (~360oz) without recognizing it as excessive; since I adopted those habits the symptoms have mostly gone away, and going by blood results I’m technically back in the reference range sodium-wise (albeit on the low end thereof), but the three most tenacious symptoms—excessive thirst, heart palpitations from minor exertions, and mild depression (which was, incidentally, very disconcerting to suddenly acquire last year after having spent my whole life up to that point depression-free and with a relatively-high happiness set point)—keep on coming back (albeit in relatively mild form) and needing continued effort to mitigate.
As is my tradition, in lieu of explicitly tagging individual people, I’m just going to make a general declaration that any followers of mine who want to do the meme should consider me to have tagged them.
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liquidstar · 5 years
Top anime to watch while sick? I need something to distract myself with 😔
well, “sick” isnt exactly a mood so im not entirely sure what you feel like watching, so heres different options. i can expand the list if you wanna send a followup ask or explain a show more if you want!
if you want something funny to keep your spirits up:
zombieland saga (also has a lot of heart and fluff)
gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun
kaguya-sama: love is war
if you wanna cry the sickness out of you:
your lie in april 
angel beats (also very funny)
if you just want something cute for comfort: 
princess jellyfish
k-on (its been a while since ive watched this so take it w a grain of salt)
love live
gakuen babysitters (i havent seen this one but i hear good things)
little witch academia
if you want something plot heavy for distraction:
death note (not good if you want a lot of action to stay distracted)
code geass
future diary
soul eater
blue exorcist
personal recommendation:
just watch ghibli movies, seriously i mean it, i think thats the best thing you can do for comfort. ponyo, spirited away, my neighbor totoro, and kiki’s delivery service, are all great for comfort. 
also note that i didnt necessarily pick these shows because i think theyre the best of their category but because i thought theyd be the most helpful to you right now
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CC: What makes you think you’re the only human I’ve made a contract with? Don’t forget I’m older then you. I’ve had plenty of time to put some skeletons in my closet.
Lelouch: It’s the skeletons you’ve barred in the back yard that worry me
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touchreceptors · 5 years
HEY GUYS SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING, I have limited fandom energy/time and need to spend it wisely. Today, however, there are many things that I need to say about the Code Geass movie, which I watched on opening day two days ago, so I’m back to share details and my thoughts.
Since Koda, queen of GG subs and my oldbird CG fan heart, has already done an excellent job summarizing most of the movie using info from various sources HERE  -- I would suggest reading that first and then going to my dw post, because I only zoom in on specific things/fill in the gaps, and have tried not to repeat things that were already in her summary. ETA: She’s since updated it to include information from my post! I’ll leave mine intact though, because there are some areas I’d tried to cover in more detail, and there are things I'm sure my fellow suzalulu stanners all want elaboration on.
Also, the last time I talked about what I gleaned from a Japanese movie (Akito Ep 2), it ended up being shared and scrutinized on many platforms and idk if the same thing will happen here but I'm aware of the possibility, so first, Disclaimers and full disclosure: I'm writing my impressions and thoughts as a suzalulu fan, for like-minded fans. I'll focus a lot on whatever I managed to catch from their moments. This is as much an opinion post as a "more details" one, and my personal stance is that this movie is a bad AU fanfic that ignores important points from the original series, and should be disregarded. My thoughts and comments are going to be mixed in with my retelling of events.  Also, since i CBF anymore, if I have to mention something that I didn't care too much about/didn't pay too much attention to/wasn't too sure about, I'm just going to gloss over it (my Japanese ability lies somewhere between N3 and N2).
No one can really, fully remove their individual lenses in their readings of things, so feel free to take any adjectives and feelings/impression-related things i mention with as many pinches of salt as you like because your own reading of the movie might still end up different if/once you actually watch it for yourself. 
Lastly, of course I'll be criticizing things and talking about why certain parts make no sense to me. If you already know about the ending, and wish to be happy with it, I would suggest not reading this post, because - well, I’m not against the ship that was ‘pushed’ in the ending, and heck, i’d even usually support it, but i have huge problems with how it was portrayed here.
A quick summary: Re;surrection’s writing was extremely shoddy and bad in places, it felt like a fanfic, and it's arguably still watchable and enjoyable in some parts, but -- that's not the Lelouch I know, and this is not the Code Geass I know.
Click through for detailed spoilers for specific moments, ranting, theories about why certain things are so ???, and suggestions on how suzalulu fans should interpret this movie
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aqours-remade · 5 years
i’m rantinga bout this because i forgot how doubly bad funimation is with this, because i’m visiting my grandpa for a while so i popped in the love live sunshine s2 bluray
its been a while since i’ve watched another funimation bluray (last one was code geass) but if i recall even with that one, and i think maybe hellsing ultimate (i cannot test this for a few more days and my memory is shit so take my words with grains of salt) funimation is like
doubly stingy about how you can watch it
if i recall og love live was dubbed by toei and they’re pretty normal about how you can watch it: my bluray player has Audio and Subtitle buttons, and if i’m watch it, low and behold: at will i can switch the audio form English to Japanese and turn subtitles on and off (even if they’re not good for the dub). i can have English with subtitles, English without, Japanese with subtitles, and raw Japanese
funimation is very... stingy about how you can watch it. its one way or bust.
i cannot change the audio while its going. if i press the Audio or Subtitle button i get “This operation is currently prohibited for this disc.” i can’t toggle it at will.
so instead i have to press the Pop Up Menu button, and go to Setup, and set it to either English with no subtitles or Japanese with subtitles. i cannot play with this at all. you either play by Funimation’s rules or not at all.
you’re fluent in Japanese? you speak the language perfectly? maybe you’re an immigrant who decided to buy anime for a local region bluray? you don’t want any English subtitles because you already understand what they’re saying perfectly? maybe you’re learning Japanese and you want to watch it raw so you can kind of test your progress and see what makes sense to you and what doesn’t?
fuck you you’re getting your goddamn subtitles no matter what you want
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takerfoxx · 5 years
Flip-Flappers episode 8, first impressions!
lol, wut?
Wow, okay. I was...not expecting that. Thought we were going with the obligatory pool episode, but instead...Huh.
All right, cards on the table. This is probably my least favorite episode so far. I mean, it’s not bad by any stretch, and I did enjoy it okay, but for me, the action has been the least interesting part of the show so far, save for maybe that fight in the clock tower. Plus, save for a few exceptions, I’ve never been into giant mecha. And this was all about that, so...it wasn’t my thing.
Still, it wasn’t without merit. And Flip-Flappers is a lot like Resonance Days in that most of it is an excuse to do whatever weird shit that the creators feel like, so after all that heavy character stuff, the creative team wanted to take a break and have some fun. Okay, that’s fine.
I did get a kick out of some of it though. Best I can figure, that was the Pure Illusion embodiment of Bu-Chan, since the planet was shaped like a brain and it even had its own pint-sized Dr. Hidaka running it. Which would explain why he looked so fucked up by the end of it.
Also, SO MANY REFERENCE! I mean, the Tron thing was obvious enough, as was Gundam and Super Sentai. But also Gurren Lagaan, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Code Geass, Transformers, and...fucking GRIDMAN?! Really? Gridman? And this was before the reboot came out, so they were referencing the original! Well, as I was a huge Superhuman Samura Syber Squad fan when I was a kid, that was a nice throwback. Let’s Samuraize, guys!
On the plot progression front, Yayaka’s expulsion and/or rebellion from  Asclepius grows ever closer. I also was amused about how she and Cocona still remain at least on speaking terms during school despite blasting at each other in Pure Illusion. Still not convinced that something nasty isn’t up with Dr. Salt. I mean, what’s with Papika’s ankle bracelet anyway?
And Papika slips up and calls Cocona Mimi! Hmmm, who is Mimi? A former partner? Cocona’s past self? Her missing mother? Does it have anything to do with that weird girl from her boat dream?
Also, Bu-Chan is a perv, because of course he is.
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