#clay spencer oc
goldrose-star · 9 months
Summer Rain
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Here is the Clayjay fic I mentioned in the last post! It has about 1.2k words and I wanted to share it with you guys.
Clay belongs to @rottent33th and AJ belongs to me 😊
Enjoy! 💖
It wasn't supposed to rain today, AJ knew. She knew because she had looked outside and even double checked on her weather app before starting her journey on foot. And for what? Just for the opposite to be the case about two hundred yards away from her destination.
It had started out with small drops before the rain began to get heavier and just increased in volume ever since.
She had wanted to visit Clay, the new friend she made since she moved to Killmor. It was a spontaneous decision. The day had started out with a bright blue sky, the sun shining, birds singing outside her window. No cloud in sight for miles. She took the opportunity to bake, making blueberry pie. In her cheerful mood the brunette had made too much for her to consume on her own so she decided to share some of it with her friend.
Now the young woman ran through the woods, said pie sitting inside a basket that she was holding onto, desperate to escape the downpour. The rain had already soaked through most of the layers of her clothing, the different fabrics clinging to her body uncomfortably, hugging her curves. Her normally light and wavy brunette hair now flat and sticking to her face. It was cold and shivers were running up and down the expanse of her damp skin.
After minutes of running as quickly as she dared without slipping on the moist ground of the forest, Clay's cabin appeared in the distance, a few of the rooms illuminated by the lights coming from inside. A cry of unadulterated happiness escaped her lips.
Her legs carried her the rest of the way toward the cabin in a hurry, trying to escape the harsh rain. By the time AJ was standing on his porch she was dripping beads of water on the ground below her. Taking a few steps she came face to face with his front door.
Knocking on it the brunette waited anxiously. Standing in front of his house she realized something. What if he was busy? Or if he had company, someone over? Maybe his bandmates? Would he let her in?
A quiver ran through her as a gust of wind blew past her, her arms coming up to wrap around herself protectively, holding the basket to her chest. Damn this weather apps.
The sound of heavy rain hitting the ground around the cabin and the roof of it hindered AJ from hearing the footsteps that were approaching the door. Opening a moment later it revealed Clay, a surprised expression on his face. He saw the state she was in, clothes drenched while she was giving him a small apologetic smile. The redhead quickly pulled her inside to close the door behind them. "AJ? What are you doing here? You're drenched" His voice carried a worried undertone. Brows pulled together in concern. "I just wanted to visit you. I made blueberry pie" she answered, lifting the basket as a way of explanation, accompanied by a full-body shiver. It made Clay sigh and shake his head in half amusement, half disbelief, "You could have just called, you know? I would've picked you up". "I know, but the weather was nice and I felt like going for a walk", AJ raised her shoulders again, arms splayed away from her body as if to present the result of her journey, the excess liquid dripping from her fingertips onto Clay's hardwood floor.
A moment of silence followed as both of them took each other's appearence in. AJ, wearing a knee-length sundress in rose, a soft beige coloured cardigan, white ankle-length socks and pink, mud-caked converse. Clay, wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a worn-out band t-shirt, the logo of Slipknot having faded a long time ago, showcasing the defined muscles from years of training in his forearms perfectly. Taking the towel that was thrown lazily around his shoulders, having previously used it to dry his own hair, he placed it down on top of AJ's head. Stepping closer he began to gently rub her hair dry. Being this near to him she could smell the shampoo he used, the scent flowery and pleasant.
"Yeah, I can see that" he scoffed halfheartedly after a moment, no anger in his voice noticible. Taking a second look over AJ's figure he noticed her lack of response, quietly taking his gentle treatment. "How about you take a shower? Can't have you getting sick now, can we?" he suggested. The brunette nodded her head as best as she could. Taking her damp and cool hand into his warm, strong one Clayton led her down the hall to the bathroom, opening the door and letting her step inside. "I'm gonna bring you some of my clothes for change. Take as much time as you need" the readhead offered, which in turn the brunette thanked him for.
Taking the basket from her hand he closed the door to the bathroom. Turning around he made his way toward the bedroom in search of some spare clothes.
Opening his closet he rummaged through the neatly folded piles of clothing. Finding the smallest t-shirt he owned, a old band tee of Metallica, and a pair of gray sweatpants, he put the clothes near the bathroom door. Bringing the basket with him to the kitchen, Clay set it down on the counter next to him. Peaking inside, sure enough, was the blueberry pie, sitting in a medium-sized translucent box.
Opening and carfully lifting the lid of the box the redhead realized that the sweet treat smelled just as amazing as it looked and started pulling out plates, cutlery and two mugs for some warm tea.
The warm water coming out of the showerhead felt amazing against AJ chilled skin, warming her up in no time. She felt a bit flustered using her friend's shower gel and shampoo, her hair now smelling the same as his. Stepping out of the shower she toweled herself off. Changing into the clothes that Clay had left for her the brunette walked outside, wandering back down the hallway into the open living room. Clay had turned on the TV, busying himself with setting two mugs of steaming tea on the coffee table next to two plates holding a slice of her baked goods each. "I made some tea for us. I hope you like green tea?" he questioned. "I do, thank you" AJ answered, sitting down and began towel-drying her hair. Smiling at him she added, "Thanks for letting me use the shower". "No problem, sweets. Just didn't want ya to get sick after you made the effort to come all the way here to bring me homemade pie." he reciprocated her smile, sitting down on the other side of the couch.
[The two friends spend the afternoon watching TV, talking about different topics that both of them seemed interested in while the rain slowly but steadily subsided. By the time they noticed that the rain had stopped, just the raindrops being hold by the trees surrounding Clay's house occasionally pitter-pattering on the roof remained. The sun had already set, the clouds still hanging over Killmor concealing the night sky.
Clay had offered to drive his friend back home, which she greatfully accepted. The drive to her home was filled with light conversation. When they arrived at AJ's house both of them said their goodbyes and shortly afterwards AJ got ready to go to bed, falling contently asleep.]
A/N: I've had this sitting in my notes for the past month or two, originally the idea came to me when I was feeling down and I wanted to cheer myself up a bit, and so I though about a scenario for Clay and AJ and the result is this small comfort fic. So here we are.
The reason why the fic ended rather abruptly is because I didn't really know what to do with the ending. I haven't really planned what the end result should look like. I'm not very happy with it but yeah.. I also still don't know how to write dialogue, send help please 🙈
I'm also apologizing for any jumps between different types of tenses and if you find any typos please keep them or point them out to me.
Also, I made the distance between AJ's and Clay's home shorter for the purpose of this fic.
Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think in the comments or if you decide to reblog. I would appreciate it greatly 💖
Tagging some moots who were okay with being tagged: @rottent33th @the-pinstriped-hood @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @probably-a-plant-thing @tahlalilian @myers-meadow @bluecoolr @solmints-messyocdiary @slaasherslut @flower-crowned-lady
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silent-dragon · 9 months
TWST OC Group Profile - "Rococo Tails"
Sharptooth,Spencer Ryan,Lady Palm
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Rococo Tails
A beauty product & rare magical item selling service owned by Sharptooth and managed by his close friends,Lady Palm & Spencer Ryan.
Name - Sharptooth
Physical Age - 23
Birthday - 10/5
Zodiac - Virgo
Gender - Male
Species - Half Fae
Height - 253cm/8'3"
Eye Color - Sandy Yellow
Hair Color - Deep Mossy Green
Orientation - Bisexual
Homeland - Port O'Bliss(?)
Family - Has Ties to the Zigvolt family
Twist of Crocodile from One Piece
School - Death's Academy of Combat
Dorm - Nakaumi
Year - 4th
Best Subject - Alchemy
Occupation - Business Owner
Favorite Food - Crocodile,Tomatoes
Likes - Cigars,Rings,Crocodiles,Leather,His Business,Lady Palm's History Speeches,Spencer Ryan's Eyes,Money,Spoiling Others,Biting Chewy Surfaces,Dressing Fancy,Yachts,Making People Earn Things,Dogs(Pugs mainly)
Dislikes - Sudden Rain Showers,Sweet Condiments,Losing Money
Unique Magic - "Sandy Suna" - Can turn his entire body into sand he can control and use to shield himself from impact. Can also dry up the moisture of anything that has it with his right hand…if he wants to.
Personality - Comes off as a laid-back chill dude. Doesn't speak much unless spoken too or sees a reason to as his voice can scare you if not ready. He is a businessman and a good one so has all the traits of being sneaky,greedy,and cruel to get what he wants if deal business with him. Has a habit of answering others requests for help with a "Earn It" condition. You've got to earn his assistance/gratitude/love,it's not free.
Bio - A wealthy large biting scarred man that in quite a few port towns is known as "Sharptooth" owner of Rococo Tails,a luxury beauty product and magical items selling service. Loves to see happy customers continue to use his services and invites new ones to try it out whatever they need. He is a good guy…trust him…but never cross him or may get bit.
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Name - Spencer Ryan
Age - 20
Birthday - 8/15
Zodiac - Leo
Gender - Androgynous but presents as male usually
Species - Human
Height - 238cm/7'10"
Eye Color - Ocean Blue
Hair Color - Bubblegum Pink
Orientation - Gay
Homeland - Queendom of Roses
Twist of Bentham from One Piece
School - Death's Academy of Combat
Dorm - Nakaumi
Year - 3rd
Best Subject - Physical Education
Occupation - Makeup Brand Manager,Ballet Dancer,Martial Artist
Favorite Food - Parfaits & Green Tea
Likes - Swans,Dance,Singing,Fashion,Pink,Training,Makeup,Gracefulness,Sharptooth's Grin,Theater Plays,Romance Movies,Making Friends,Outgoing People,Classical/Dance Music,Feminine Aesthetics
Dislikes - Serious & Single Minded People,Unfriendliness
Unique Magic - "Mimic Love" - Can shapeshift himself into perfect lookalikes of other humanoid beings so long as he touches them with his right hand. Has stored a lot of faces and his current face is a combination of others he put together. Doesn't ever talk about this UM as he can't remember his own face any more.
Personality - He has a flamboyant outlook. Always doing the most whatever he wants he is a free spirit. Highly social and loves friends,doing anything with them. He would defend a friend he met 5 min ago from anything. Respects those that show him big kindness like Sharptooth who seems like someone who wouldn't. Is a big flirt as well but waits for others to approach him first before he does anything.
Bio - The secret master of disguise and kicking martial arts. He has a happy do what I want attitude and wants others to be happy too so his friends get all the attention to ensure their well being. He dreams to become a professional makeup artist,theater actor,and drag queen later in life. He always says he is graceful like a swan but also as deadly.
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Name - Lady Palm
Age - 21
Birthday - 2/6
Zodiac - Aquarius
Gender - Female
Species - Human
Height - 188cm/6'2"
Orientation - Bisexual
Homeland - Sunset Savanna
Twist of Nico Robin from One Piece
School - Death's Academy of Combat
Dorm - Nakaumi
Year - 3rd
Best Subject - History
Occupation - Service Manager,Hand Model,Archaeologist
Favorite Food - Sandwich & Soba 
Likes - Ancient Artifacts,Archaeology,Reading,Sunbathing,Cooking,Dancing,Organizing Stuff,Listening to Audiobooks,Open Tops,Knee Boots,Sharptooth's Scars,Cute Small Animals,Memorization,Monsters
Dislikes - Her Past,Spencer Ryan(Halfly),Not Understanding Jokes
Unique Magic - "Endless Bodywork" - She can multiply any of her body parts for what seems like endlessly but most seen is like 10 arms and such. Her extra parts can appear on her body,other's bodies,and surfaces so long as she can see them. Usually can see her using extra arms to do tasks/work faster. Can double her hearing if multiply her ears.
Personality - She is very calm to the point it's eerie to some. Lacks showing fear even when she should her face stays stone faced. So focused on history she doesn't get most modern things like jokes or slang go over her head and frustrate her sometimes til she figures it out. Has a habit of saying/thinking of the worst possible outcome of a situation without knowing how disturbed others are from what she said. Can talk for hours about history as it's her passion but that may annoy you if only trying to rizz her up which she has no clue about much as only history lovers tend to stay near her.
Bio - The voluptuous calm history lady as some call her. Has a knack for knowing how the world works from all her research on its history. She almost always knows the history of any object,animal,or person by memory and if not will get to work learning it. Loves her job as it helps her learn new things she wouldn't study otherwise. Not shy to speak what's on her mind and uses her UM in front of others without warning so seeing her with extra limbs is a normal thing to those that pay attention.
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Hey you're cute, wanna make out in the alleyway?
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thought I had last night but was too tired to write down:
ways the murder ocs (usually) kill
Lee: anger bean, kills mostly driven by rightous anger and/or to protect, is therefore violent and brutal
Clay: gives victims time to think about their actions and might do some mind games, murders are usually meant to punish, if he kills them personally, more on the "efficient" side of things
Griff: all about efficiency and getting things done, not many games because he's a wimp and can't handle himself in a fight, victims picked randomly and on a whim
Darrell: also efficient I believe? but there is the element of punishment and justice so. we've seen him do some kind of mind games with the "worse" of his victims while quickly disposing of the other one. plus, leaving the guy to be eaten alive
Skulk: kind of brutal but also just wants to get it over with and avoid fights (?)
Cylas: very rare uncontrolled outbursts, normally well restrained due to therapy and medication, but still always has some rage boiling right under their skin, in order to avoid lashing out due to their emotions becoming too much, they've settled on... "exerting justice", mostly methodical and brutal, has sadistic tendencies, can be swift and efficient if necessary, "there are times and places for everything"
please feel free to correct me or add more characters, I only put the ones I got an approximate idea for, so there are a few missing
Lee belongs to @kalid-raven
Clay and Griffin belong to @rottent33th
Darrell belongs to @bluecoolr
Skulk belongs to @probably-a-plant-thing and I'm really not sure, basing this on one post I've seen. also if you wanna share anything on like the Holt boys or other OCs I am 👀👀👀
tagging @immortal-velociraptor in case you wanna share anything, I wanted to add Sully but then wasn't sure about his methods
@myers-meadow just to read, or if you wanna add one of your AU characters please do
also looking at @solmints-messyocdiary because. Odile mah bebi. and Iris. and Patron my beloved. and... Nutcracker and Dogface? is "Alice" a slasher? anyway
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Properly sketched the boy Clay!
Clayton belongs to @rottent33th !
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Sword and Sorcery
(Part 1)
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Tw: Violence, Mentions of Death, Harassment
(Abigail belongs to me, Clay belongs to @rottent33th <3)
Me and t33th were shipping these two from the medieval au that was going about a while ago! (Check out the moodboard here). I decided to write a bit for them since the idea was giving me massive brainrot lol
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Clay set down his mug with a sigh, looking around the village tavern. It was a quaint little place, and cozy. A fire from the hearth provided warmth and gentle light, comforting the patrons. They spoke and laughed quietly after a long day’s work, nursing their own drinks. In the corner a bard strummed at his lute, recounting the story of Erik the Red. It had gathered a small crowd of eager listeners who huddled by the fire. Clay himself would have normally been more keen to sit down and enjoy the tale, but there were more pressing matters on his mind right now.
There had been of late a dragon terrorising the kingdom, and the creature had taken the lives of many men sent before him. The king had appointed Clay the sole member of a dragon-slaying party in hopes that he would be able to fell the beast. It was almost certainly because of his reputation in battle; a total twenty-seven of the foul serpents had died by his hand. If only he could make it twenty-eight, but as luck would have it he had run out of clues on where the dragon’s lair would be. Now Clay worried it would emerge again and cause more tragic loss of life.
“Need a refill?” Came a gruff voice behind the counter. He looked up to see the bartender, a hefty and ruddy-faced man, drying out a tankard with a towel.
“Ah…” Clay then realised how tightly knit his brows were, his thoughts darkening his features. “Uh, no thanks. I can’t be staying long.” He took another swig of his mead.
“Got someplace to be?” The bartender asked, an amused twinkle in his eye. Clay thought for a moment. It might be a worthwhile idea to ask this man, for as much as he likely passed around village gossip.
“I’m… Looking for something.” Clay lowered his voice, leaning in. “Something… magical.”
That was not a lie. Dragons were powerful magic users. It was what made them so dangerous to humans. Although what he himself was more interested in was a magical object that could help him find this one, however taboo that might be. He honestly felt he was out of options.
The man’s face fell as he placed down the mug, eyes darting around the room.
“Magical?” He whispered. “You mean… The Witch?” Clay blinked, confused for a moment. He’d never heard of such a woman. But he nodded, wondering if this could be just as useful. “Yes, the Witch… Can you tell me where she lives?”
“I…” The bartender hesitated for a moment. Clay watched as he grew pale, clearly unsettled about something. He wondered for a moment if he’d pushed things too far. Reaching into his satchel, he produced a few gold coins and placed them onto the counter. A bribe. The king had given him plentiful funds for any sort of obstacle he should run into, so it was no question of money.
The man seemed to understand this, licking his lips as he pocketed the gold. “Aye, I believe I can…” he took a deep breath before continuing. “You’ve heard of Witches’ valley?” Clay nodded. It was quite close by, a desolate stretch of land darkened by constant thunderstorms. “South of there, lies Webwood… That be where she lives.”
He shook his head, “It has long been haunted by restless and vengeful spirits. There were many killed there in a battle long ago, you see. We dare not enter for the fear of them, and for fear of her.” Clay frowned as the man seemed to shiver in fear at the thought of this woman, and for a moment felt slightly guilty for asking. At the same time, he did wonder how much fear was warranted. Had there been a history of this Witch cursing the locals?
“Ser, that’s as much as I am willing to say, no amount of gold would be worth the risk of her curses.” Clay nodded in understanding. “That’s fine. Thankyou for your time.”
Finishing off the rest of his beer, he got up and brushed off his crimson dyed cloak. He wore it for a reason; his deeds had made him a famous man, but he had no desire to draw a crowd. Especially not today, I’m not in the mood, He thought.
He’d been halfway out the door when he heard a girl squeal behind him. He immediately turned his head back, and what he saw enraged him. Some drunkard who’d been sitting in a corner had grabbed a hold of a maid’s arm and was slurring out obscene things. The poor girl looked petrified.
Within a single stride Clay had him by the back of the neck, grabbing him by the scruff like a dog. When he saw Clay towering above him, he suddenly looked very sober. From under the hood he made out long locks of fiery hair and a freckled face, darkened with rage. He immediately recognised him.
Clay’s steel gauntlets cut sharply into the man’s wrist, almost hard enough to draw blood. “Let go of her arm, now, or I’ll break yours” He hissed into his ear, blood boiling. The man let out a pained noise and relented, dropping the maid’s wrist. She quickly shuffled away.
“Hey!” Bellowed the bartender from the other end of the tavern, having finally decided to act. “I’ll have none of that, Pete, get out!” Clay shoved him away, lip curling in disgust as he watched Pete cower. He muttered something under his breath and then stumbled drunkenly out of the tavern.
The girl looked up at him in fright, “I thank you, ser!” She squeaked out, and hastily bowed her head. He frowned as he watched her scurry away to the kitchen. He hasn’t meant to scare her too. But as he looked down at himself, he knew it couldn’t be helped. He did try not to show as much outward brutality to innocents, but even his stature was enough to frighten.
With a sigh he made his way out the door himself, looking around to see the drunkard had quickly made himself scarce. Then he saw the familiar white face of Chevy, his trusty mare. She was still tethered to the post outside the tavern where he’d left her.
Walking over to untie her, he felt some sense of relief being by her side again. “Hey, girl.” He cooed softly. Chevy snorted in response, nuzzling his hand. He produced an apple from his pack, and she munched on it happily. He did dote on her, the old girl. Although he had been offered many young stallions to replace her, he wanted no other.
As he watched her enjoying her snack he thought about what he had to do next. Southward lay Witches’ valley where he could see it from the hill. Dark thunder clouds rolled across that expanse of the sky, making it unmistakable. He decided to seek out the Witch, to see if the rumours were true. If she was to help him on his quest he would gladly leave her be. If she be wicked, he would slay her.
“It’s going to be a long journey ahead…” He pulled himself up onto the saddle, patting her neck fondly. A soft caw caught his attention, and Clay looked up to see a raven perched up in the naked branches of a tree. It stared down at him with black beady eyes, then took flight. He watched it ascend and soar over Witches’ valley, as if to be his guide.
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(Taglist: @slaasherslut)
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bluecoolr · 1 year
bloody forst bros Clay and Darrell hanging out when
Clay be like "so, you ever seen Cylas kill someone?"
and Darrell's like "...no?"
like he's heard about what happened in Ambrose but probably didn't even see the dorect aftermath, meanwhile Clay has seen how Cy plays with her toys 😂
Clay and Darrell and Cylas finding out they're all "vigilantes favoring swift justice" would be wild.
Darrell will pipe up all smug, "Y'all still bury the bodies?"
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its-monster-mash · 1 year
Feeding Crows
@rottent33th's OC Clay and my Jude feeding the birds in the park. (Very Jude forward because I don't want to accidentally be unrealistic with dialogue for your boy) I hope you like it!!
The old woman has sat on this bench and fed these crows at the same time every day the weather has allowed for as long as she’s been living here.  Oftentimes, she spends a relaxing couple of hours alone with her birds, undisturbed by passersby.
She thinks of her husband, dead for over forty years, her son, recently deceased, and the girl he forced to kill him, now living with her.
Jude would be lying if she said she thought her life would ever be normal, and she certainly never dreamed of white picket fences and baseball tournaments; in all honesty, she never expected to see her thirties, much less the ripe old age of seventy-eight.  Still, as difficult as her young life had been, she isn’t really sure when she got used to all the murders.
Her hands aren’t exactly clean; no, Judith Kaine has killed before, in self-defense and defense of those she cares about, sure, but she still killed.  At some point, it’s become no more troubling to her than taking out the trash.
Far be it from her to judge the young people who take matters into their own hands.
Her wrinkled face stretches into a smile when a young man with fiery red hair drops onto the bench beside her, and she wordlessly offers him a handful of dried catfood to feed the birds; they like it much better than bread, of course.
The first time she’d ever seen Clay Spencer, she’d done a double take.  The red hair, the mud and blood on his clothes, she’d thought her eyes were playing tricks on her.
Of course, Clay is not her son.  Her son is dead, and this boy is much bigger and much younger than Shiloh had been the last time she saw him anyway.  In fact, Clay is around the same age Jude was when she died for the very first time.
She knows he’s not her child, but she knows better than most that family isn’t always written in genetics; in the case of her family, it’s always been written in blood.
Today, there’s flecks of blood interspersed with the usual mud that encrusts Clay’s boots after a long day.  Jude lets out an approving sigh; Clay is a good boy; when he kills someone, they usually deserve it.
Her fingers tremble slightly when she reaches into her almost comically large purse, but that’s just an unfortunate side effect of reaching this age in the family she was born to.  From the bag, she produces a hefty parchment wrapped sleeve of cookies.
The aroma of cinnamon and sugar is almost overwhelming when he opens the package, and Jude smiles.
“These fell out of your pocket the last time we met.”  Jude hands him a beat up tin of cinnamon altoids.  “No one eats these unless they’re a cinnamon fan, so I thought you might appreciate a batch of snickerdoodles.”
He wastes no time taking a bite out of one of the pillowy soft cookies.  “Thanks Nana.”
Jude Smiles.
She only had one biological child, and Shiloh mercifully didn’t have any children of his own, but it seems that fate has designated Jude a grandmother anyway.  She never would have thought she’d be the grandmotherly type after the way she’d spent her youth, but she supposes that the kids who call her Nana need someone like her, someone who can understand them.
Jude would never admit to playing favorites, but if she had to choose…Clay reminds her so much of herself at that age.  Of course, she wasn’t hunting and killing people back then, but she was no stranger to a back alley knife fight during her city days, and the music Clay and his band make almost makes her nostalgic for those days.
All she has left of her old life is that beat up old H53 Harmony Rocket she used to play in her own band.  Hounddog and Randall talked her into torching the old van not long after they escaped the damn cult, but that cheap old guitar had meant the world to her.
Call her sentimental, but she couldn’t just get rid of it.
She looks down at her trembling hands; she can’t well play the damn thing anymore, and it sits uselessly as a decoration on her wall.  It wasn’t the best guitar when she bought it, but she had scraped together everything she had at the time to buy it, and it served her well on stage and in the studio.  
She hates the thought of it just ending up in some shitty little pawn shop, or worse, a junkyard, after she dies.
“I have a gift for you.”  The words leave like sandpaper against her throat; she hadn’t expected herself to make the offer; but is there anyone else she’d rather see have it?  “Back at the house.”
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slaasherslut · 1 year
whenever i write about @rottent33th's oc clay its like
Me: *writing a Clay Spencer fic* My brain: "You cant just write about how pretty he is for three pages!" Me: ... *backspaces*
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esmestarz · 7 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ INTRO ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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about me ─ ★
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i can play on the electric guitar and piano !!
i used to do ballet but now i do belly dancing
i love listening to music esp rap, metal (any type tbfr) and rock, my fav animal is a cat and I'm pretty sure that's it
stuff ─ ★
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if you want me to write for a character that isn't on the list feel free to ask me and I'll write for them if possible <3
i will write smut, fem reader, gn reader, platonic and romantic relationships
i will not write rape, incest, gore, threesome, gang bang, male reader, character x character, character x oc, poly relationships, specified race reader
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what and who i write for ─ 𐙚⋅˚₊‧
black swan
- nina sayers
- lily
diary of a wimpy kid
- rodrick heffley
harry potter
- hermione granger
- harry potter
- draco malfoy
- luna lovegod
- ron weasley
- theodore nott
- tom riddle
- tatum riley
- sidney prescott
- billy loomis
- stu marcher
- samantha carpenter
- tara carpenter
- amber freeman
- anika kayko
- ethan landry
- gale weathers
- jill roberts
- kirby reed
- chad meeks-martin
- mindy meeks-martin
life as a house
- sam monroe
- clay beresford
- casper mcfadden
fight club
- marla singer
- tyler durden
star wars
- anakin skywalker
- padmé amidala
- edmund pevensie
- peter pevensie
seasquatch squad
- jeremy sumpter
pretty little liars
- emily fields
- alison dilaurentis
- hanna marin
- spencer hastings
gossip girl
- blair waldorf
- serena van der woodsen
- georgina sparks
- rafe cameron
- sarah cameron
- jj maybanks
- kiara carrera
- pope heyward
- john b routledge
seaquest dsv
- lucas wolenczak
the babysitters club
- sam thomas
- kristy thomas
- stacey mcgill
- claudia kishi
- dawn schafer
- carl gallagher
- fiona gallagher
- debbie gallagher
malcolm in the middle
- malcolm wilkerson
- reese wilkerson
- francis wilkerson
my babysitters a vampire
- rory keaner
- ethan morgan
- sarah fox
ruby and the well
- sam price
- mina amani
- ruby o'reilly
all of us are dead
- choi nam-ra
- lee su-hyeok
- lee cheong-san
- lee na-yeon
- nam on-jo
sweet home
- yoon ji-su
- lee eun-yoo
- cha hyun-soo
KPOP ─ ★
- karina
- winter
- ningning
- giselle
- nayeon
- chaeyoung
- momo
- mina
- sana
- jihyo
- dahyun
- jeongyeon
- tzuyu
le sserafim
- sakura
- yunjin
- chaewon
- kazuha
- eunchae
- soyeon
- minnie
- shuhua
- miyeon
- yuqi
- sullyoon
- lily
- kyujin
- haewon
- jiwoo
- bae
new jeans
- danielle
- haerin
- minji
- hyein
- hanni
the last of us
- ellie williams
fatal frame
- yuri kozukata
- rui kagamiya
cry of fear
- simon henriksson
resident evil
- leon s kennedy
- jill valentine
- ada wong
- claire redfield
- bela dimitrescu
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2000sfm · 3 months
any suggestions for roles or reboots that would fit 30+ muses well? either existing or new ones!
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we  would  love  more  older  muses  around  here.  some  ideas  for  older  muses  in  existing  reboots  are  listed  under  the  cut  since  it's  quite  a  long  list.  however  some  other  reboots  that  could  definitely  fit  30+  muses  are  :  13  going  on  30,  legally  blonde,  american  psycho,  mamma  mia,  how  i  met  your  mother,  the  office  &  desperate  housewives  !!
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the  vampire  diaries:  alaric  saltzman,  jenna  sommers,  john  gilbert,  meredith  fell,  sybil,  liz  forbes,  lillian  salvatore,  josette  laughlin,  isobel  flemming,  carol  lockwood,  abby  bennett,  pearl,  mikael  mikaelson,  zach  salvatore  &  esther  mikaelson.
the  oc:  alex  kelly,  sandy  cohen,  kirsten  cohen,  julie  cooper,  jimmy  cooper
one  tree  hill:  dan  scott,  keith  scott,  deb  scott,  karen  roe,  quinn  james.
sons  of  anarchy:  jax  teller,  opie  winston,  donna  winston,  gemma  teller-morrow,  clay  morrow,  tara  knowles,  juice  ortiz,  tig  trager,  chibs  telford,  happy,  wendy  case,  half-sack  epps.
gilmore  girls:  sookie  st.  james,  christopher  hayden,  emily  gilmore,  richard  gilmore,  max  medina,  michel  gerard,  mrs.  kim.
pretty  little  liars:  ezra  fitz,  melissa  hastings,  wren  kingston,  ashley  marin,  meredith  sorenson,  veronica  hastings,  ella  montgomery,  byron  montgomery,  ian  thomas,  tom  marin.
sex  and  the  city:  samantha  jones,  charlotte  york,  miranda  hobbes,  mr.  bing,  aiden  shaw.
supernatural:  dean  winchester,  sam  winchester,  jo  harvelle,  bobby  singer,  john  winchester,  mary  winchester,  ruby,  lilith,  castiel,  ellen  harvelle,  jessica  moore.
friends:  phoebe  buffay,  ross  geller  (ross  gang),  janice  hosenstein,  gunther,  mike  hannigan,  carol  willick,  emily  waltham,  susan  bunch,  kathy,  jill  green,  amy  green.
criminal  minds:  spencer  reid,  derek  morgan,  penelope  garcia,  emily  prentiss,  hotch  hotchner,  jason  gideon,  david  rossi,  elle  greenaway.
grey's  anatomy:  lexie  grey,  mark  sloan,  derek  shepherd,  amelia  shepherd,  izzie  stevens,  george  o'malley,  cristina  yang,  alex  karev,  miranda  bailey,  callie  torres,  arizona  robbins,  april  kepner,  jackson  avery,  owen  hunt,  addison  montgomery.
true  blood:  bill  compton,  eric  northman,  lafayette  reynolds,  sam  merlotte,  tara  thorton,  pam,  alcide  heveraux.
jennifers  body:  nikolai  wolff
resident  evil:  chris  redfield,  albert  walker,  jill  valentine,  ada  wong,  barry  burton,  rebecca  chambers,  ashley  graham.
scream:  gale  weathers,  dewey  riley.
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goldrose-star · 1 year
AJ & Clay - Wedding Invitations
Just a little something I came up with. I had a wedding invitation in mind and worked on it but it somehow didn't turn out how I wanted it to, so I made these instead. The pics below are all the same three pictures, I just choose different flowers and different bg colours. I hope you like it.
Edit: I created a new wedding invitation (more or less..) and the flowers may be a bit too much but anyway.
Also, Clay and AJ don't know each other (yet) and that's just me shipping Teethy's Clay with my OC AJ, so not canon.
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Also a lil something because why not?
AJ leaned over the wedding invitations she's been working on for a while, having printed dozens of stickers of different flowers, varying in colour, size and form. Said flowers which she currently used to assault the invitations with, it seems.
Clay, hearing AJ quietly laugh to herself, makes his way in her direction. Looking over her shoulder he raises one eyebrow in surprise. "Don'tcha think that's a bit too many flowers sugar?" he questions, amusement lacing his words.
The paper was coloured in teal, getting lighter to the bottom. Tiny stars and crescent moons, as well as two orange orchids were adoring the invitation. Their names, a small text and two more flower elements were also beautifully arranged on the paper. What seemed to be more than enough tho were the flower stickers.
Hearing his voice AJ turns around, the corner of her lips tilting upwards. "Never" she just says, which in turn makes Clay grin. Looking up at the man she's lucky enough to call her own, she reaches one hand up, cupping the side of his face. The redhead covers her hand with one of his own in return, the difference in size between both their hands noticable. Angling his head to the side he puts a kiss to her wrist, which makes AJ melt in adoration.
"I love you" she quietly says, the fondness in her voice evident. Rising from her chair her other hand finds the front of Clay's tee, tugging him gently closer. Clay takes a step forward, both of his hands cupping her face, pulling her closer while leaning down until they are face to face, both of their noses nearly touching. "I love you too" he whispers against her lips before closing the distance.
The invitations forgotten for the time being.
Well.. I tried? 🫣
Tagging my beloved girl Teethy (@rottent33th) 💖
Also: @bluecoolr @slaasherslut @solmints-messyocdiary @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @the-pinstriped-hood @visceravalentines @myers-meadow @damien-mlm @probably-a-plant-thing @shonkgobonk @sketchbook-of-shadows @tahlalilian @devil-doll13 @flower-crowned-lady
(I dunno if anyone else is interested, so if you want me to tag or untag you lemme know)
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
23 year old female looking for people 18+ to rp since I do NSFW/R rated scenes. I do mxf pairings for mine but can do any pairing for you. I do doubles.
Fandoms I like:
The Witcher
Walking Dead
Last of Us
Game of thrones
Seal Team (military show)
I do oc/character. And the characters I'm interested in for my oc are:
The Witcher - Geralt of Rivia
Walking dead - Daryl Dixon
Supernatural - Dean Winchester
Last of Us - Joel
Game of Thrones - Jon Snow
Seal Team (military show) - Bravo 6 aka Clay Spencer
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allthevoicesx · 1 year
kodie's current muse list:
under the cut you will find the current (as of 6.02.23) muse list. keep in mind that the list will change, so check back.
9-1-1 / 9-1-1: Lone Star:
bobby nash
owen strand
henrietta wilson
madeleine buckley
edmundo diaz
carlos reyes
tim rosewater
tommy vega
william graham
hannibal lector
abigail hobbs
samuel hanna
kensi deeks
abigail scuito
timothy mcgee
lee dutton
bethany dutton
james hurdstrom
lloyd white
ryan cooper
colby smith
cordell walker
sam winchester / female!sam
dean winchester jr
CSI /CSI: Miami /CSI: New York
gilbert grissom
nick stokes
hugo ramirez
timothy speedle
calleigh duquense
eric delektorski
adam ross
seeley booth
zachariah addy
jack hodgins
Hawaii Five-0
steven mcgarrett
joe white
lou grover
max bergman
The Last of Us
joel miller
thomas miller
riley abel
william cooper
Harry Potter (all three are modern maurader aus)
sirius black
remus lupin
peter pettigrew
jason hayes
raymond perry
Stranger Things
james hopper
william byers
michael wheeler
nancy wheeler
robin buckley
billy hargrove
lucas sinclair
murray bauman
edward munson
Santa Clarita Diet
joel hammond
eric bemis
Criminal Minds
spencer reid
jason gideon
aaron hotchner
derek morgan
Sons of Anarchy
chibs telford
juice ortiz
opie winston
tig trager
nero padilla
bobby munson
joseph 'bear' graves
ricardo 'buddha' ortiz
dharma caulder-khan
jasmine dalton
Chicago P.D. | Med | Fire
william halstead
alvin olinsky
antonio dawson
justin voight
gregory gerwitz
ethan choi
robin charles
stella kidd
brian (otis) zvonecek
leslie shay
matthew casey
christopher herrmann
randall (mouch) mcholland
Critical Role
caleb widogast
fjord stone
chetney pock o'pea
vax'ildan vessar
essek thelyss
scanlan shorthalt
grog strongjaw
caduceus clay
mollymauk tealeaf
percival fredrickstein von musel klossowski de rolo III
jack dalton
OCs (fandom floaters; )
my ocs are free to fall into whatever fandom wants them, but for ease, i have listed their names, professions and playbys.
ryden keller | firefighter | (fc is james badge dale)
hunter ruttliff | police officer | (fc is jared padalecki)
geo anderson | nurse | (fc is sam witwer)
caleb greyson | EMT | (fc is liam o'brien)
bodie braylen | teacher | (fc is mark ballas)
bastion carver | EMT | (fc is travis willingham)
jae brewer | firefighter | (fc is taliesin jaffe)
hector garra | er nurse | (fc is joshua segarra)
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Some Days I Don't Know If I Am Wrong Or Right
Characters: Clay, Cylas
Words: 1209
Content warnings: talk about murder and torture, Clay questions a few of Cylas... moral decisions (sorry if this is ooc @rottent33th)
divider by firefly-graphics
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He looked around with an unreadable expression, somewhere between surprise, shock, and confusion. “It’s... very... pink?” 
“Sure is,” she commented, looking around as well, even though she could basically envision the whole complex with her eyes closed. The room opened into a wide, open kitchen-dining-living room area. As promised, the ceiling was higher than average, all lights out of reach for most people. Baby blue linoleum floors, smooth, mostly curved pastel pink walls, few edges. A small, round table with four chairs a little off to the left.  
Further past it, the floor changed to white and blue tiles as it approached the kitchenette. All pink wood and white countertops, even the oven and fridge were pink. If one were to check inside the locked cupboards and drawers, it would become evident that even the cutlery, baking utensils, and just everything was kept in light shades of pink, blue, and purple. It looked more like a s stereotypical little girl’s dollhouse than an actual living space. 
She gave Clay a moment to take it all in, from the furniture to smaller details such as the fake tulips on the table and empty frames on the walls. 
“Okay. What the hell is this place? Or, what kind of hell is this place?” Clay said, almost sounding bewildered, “You cannot convince me that you picked this... particular combination of furniture, décor, and colours.” 
“Oh, dear gods no,” she huffed with a small laugh, “This actually isn’t my place, I only allowed myself the freedom to... take control of it since the previous owner has no use for it anymore.” 
“And, the previous owner being...?” Clay continued. 
Her expression got a little more serious as she met his eyes, “Well, what do you think?” 
He stared at her for a moment, face blank as emotions fought inside him. The anger he was feeling was something he had rarely, if at all, experienced before in his life. He was torn between wanting to smash something and insisting Cylas show him the piece of shit that had apparently trapped her here. 
“But, why here? Why, of all places you could keep him, would you choose this place?” he almost growled, sounding more like a wild beast than a man. 
“It’s all about the theatrics, the drama, the symbolism,” she said smiling, and walked backwards further into the room, spreading her arms as if presenting her surroundings, “Making the prison guard the prisoner. Locking him up in the cage of his creation. A constant reminder of what he did, what brought him here, and what will happen. Make him feel vulnerable and scared and hopeless just like he did us. Physical pain isn’t the only kind of suffering. Not the worst either.  
Uncertainty, not knowing what is to come, nor being able to predict it, that’s a different kind of torment. Being chained up in a small room with no promise that I’ll come back, no way to know if I’ll give him food or not, if I’ll hurt him or just watch, let him out, if I’ll even acknowledge him. 
Just sitting and waiting for hours on end. With nothing to do but think. 
There’s a special kind of power in denying people death when it’s all they ask for. When they beg for their misery to end, and to just... walk away.” 
She dropped her arms and looked back at Clay, “Anyway, though there is much I could show you, I guess we should focus on the essential, I didn’t bring you hear to listen to my ramblings.” 
They crossed the room, right past the table and kitchenette, and followed a straight hallway. There had been a door to the right just by the entrance, and then two more on each side of the hall. It ended in one last door, but Cylas went straight for the second door on the left. It was painted white, just as all the other doors, but it had pink flower patterns on it, and a sign that said “Emma”. 
Clay followed her and watched in silence as she reached for the door, fiddling with the key because her hands were visibly shaking. She knew that there was nothing to be scared of, especially with another person by her side, but the fear was instinctive. A deep-seated emotional response tied to the room. And still, she refused to change anything about it. 
Unsurprisingly, the walls of the room were pastel pink as well, but the floor was carpet, a darker shade, almost bordering deep red. In the corner, ankle chained to the metal bedframe, cowered the scrawny figure of a man, face gaunt and eyes dull, loose tattered clothes being the only indication that he must have weighed more at some point. Clay wondered whether the man was too weak to move or if he was scared, because even though the chain certainly limited his range, it seemed still long enough to move around the room. 
Cylas, who must have picked up on how his confused gaze was fixed on the shackles offered an explanation. 
“It’s so he can use the bathroom,” she said, nodding towards a door to the left. “Don’t want him pissing and shitting all over the floor. He tried that towards the beginning, to make me angry, I suppose. Only once though.” 
“Do I want to know what you did?” 
She looked up at him and grinned, “Left him for a couple days. Checked in to make sure he doesn’t die but nothing more. Turns out if you’re trapped long enough you literally start drinking your own piss any desire to repeat whatever brought you there kinda just... disappears. He even cleaned up himself once I gave him cleaning stuff. Guess if you gotta be stuck in a room for an indeterminate amount of time oyu don’t necessarily want it smelling like literal shit.” 
“That’s... disgusting,” Clay said. 
“That it was.” 
He wasn’t completely sure how to feel about this revelation; the violent and physically cruel side of her he had witnessed, but this was different. Psychologically tormenting someone and playing mind-games for a couple hours, that he knew. But... days? Weeks? This man must’ve been here for a long time. He was almost scared to ask. 
“You think I’m crazy, yeah? Completely gone, lost all my marbles and got no screws left either?” Cylas said, teasing on the surface, but there was no real humour in it. Only bitterness. 
He sighed and closed his eyes, trying to collect his thoughts. 
“This- He is the guy who tried to kill you and ended up burying you alive?”  
“The one and only,” she replied, a blatantly fake cheerful tone in her voice. 
“After abducting you and holding you captive here, for... how long?” 
“Hmm...” she tilted her head as if she was thinking, “Somewhere around two and a half months? I think just about... sixty-seven days?” 
“Ah,” Clay said, unsure how to respond. It was clear that she knew exactly how long she had been captive, and he could basically watch how she close herself off again, rebuilt whatever walls she had let down for him. She had let him see one of her most vulnerable spots, and he... didn’t know how to react. 
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if it looks like it kinda ended in the middle of nowhere... OneDrive decided to have server issues and it's past 12 am anyway, so
@bluecoolr @myers-meadow @immortal-velociraptor @kalid-raven @slaasherslut
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Sword and Sorcery
(Part 2)
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Tw: Mentions Of Death/Corpses, Giant Spiders/Arachnophobia, slight angst maybe? 2 idiots in love, seriously this is REALLY sappy and they are both a bit stupid lol
(Abigail belongs to me, Clay belongs to @rottent33th <3)
First Part
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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After an arduous trek across the unwelcoming Witches’ valley, Clay finally made it to Webwood. The name was apt; a maze of large silk webs adorned the spindly trees, and he’d more than once cut down a giant spider here. For him that wasn’t much more than a trifling encounter, and yet he still kept his guard up. He was not the sort of man to let pride cloud his judgement.
His vision was already clouded enough; thick fog surrounded him and threatened to swallow him whole. Even in places with better visibility, a thin veil of mist blanketed the forest ground, obscuring his armoured feet from view. He’d opted to lead Chevy through the thick of it himself, wary of the uneven terrain. It wouldn’t do to have her take a fall because of it.
A large part of this was the fact that this forest was also a graveyard. Tombstones were littered haphazardly across the woodland floor, corpse stinking graves often infested with spiders and coated in web. Clay had no doubt the forest was haunted; more than once he’d seen some shrouded figure appear beyond, then disappear into the fog. He could understand why the villagers were so terrified by this place, even he was put on edge by these mysterious entities. That and the giant spiders, he reminded himself wryly. A howl sounded from a distance and he tensed, gripping the hilt of his sword. He waited for a few seconds until he’d decided there was to be no ambush, but continued on with a ready hand to fight at a moment’s notice.
…And the wolves. The wolves here were unusually large and aggressive, he found. Really, it was a most unhospitable place. He almost found himself doubting there was really someone living here at all. Who would even want to live here? This Witch, if she exists at all, must be quite confident in her own abilities, he thought. That could either be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what sort of woman she was.
Even so, he found himself breathing a sigh of relief when he reached a small clearing. The mist dissipating as he got closer, Clay observed a little black cottage billowing smoke from a chimney. Illuminated by the light of the full moon, nearby was a herb garden and a stone well to draw fresh water from. The house itself was itself attached to a gigantic, malformed oak tree, and he felt some awe as he counted the number of crows and ravens perched upon its ancient branches.
The rumours are true, then. A Witch really does live here… He remained cautious in his mind, however. He was fully aware that he was still treading into unknown territory. Clay dismounted his horse with a hand held steadily on the hilt of his sword. He needn’t tell Chevy to stay; the old girl immediately occupied herself with grazing on the woodland grass.
Approaching the hut, he couldn’t help but feel caged in by the sinister gaze of the surrounding birds. It felt like they were watching his every move, ready to strike at the slightest sign of attack. Maybe they are, he thought to himself… Still, not one to be deterred, he made a fist and banged it twice against the wooden door.
“Enter.” A soft, feminine voice came from within. Sounding much younger than he’d admittedly been expecting. Taking a breath, he pushed the door open.
Stepping inside felt like entering another world. Clay couldn’t explain it, but the air felt different inside. Almost like he was entering a place of worship, or some other sacred ground. (He had to duck to get in, too, it was evidently a house built for smaller persons)
It smelled like sage and cinnamon. A large number of candles burned brightly around the room. The walls were lined with various herbs and potions, furnished with shelves containing thick magical tomes and scrolls. The hearth was lit with a roaring fire, radiating warmth. It was strangely inviting. Despite the watchful vigil of the birds outside, he felt no hostile intent directed toward him in here. But what his eyes first sought out was the owner of the voice; a lady sat by the window, overlooking a crystal ball.
Pale in the moonlight, the woman wore a silk black dress. On her feet were little wolfskin boots, and atop her head was a black pointed hat adorned with flowers and feathers. Long black hair fell about her shoulders, a scandalous sight for the women of the civilised world. She looked every bit the little mystic, and little she was indeed. The woman stared back at him with an unreadable expression, and he saw she had the most striking emerald green eyes.
Clay’s breath hitched as they looked at eachother. He had stopped in his tracks in the middle of the room. The woman before him was most certainly the Witch he had come to see, but the bartender hadn’t told him she would be this gorgeous.
“I… I, um… I’ve come to- to…” What had he come here to do? His mind went blank momentarily as he stared into her bewitching eyes. Shyness overtook him, and Clay couldn’t help but stumble over his words, stuttering like a lovestruck squire. “…To request your guidance…”
“Yes, I foresaw your coming here.” She replied, seemingly calm. Her voice was light and airy. It had a pleasant lilt to it, he thought.
Clay cleared his throat nervously, stepping forward to present his case. And to get a closer look at her.
“As of late there has been a dragon terrorising the kingdom… My quest is to slay the wyrm, but the beast hides away in its lair. I would ask for your help in discerning its location.” He recited these words as he had practiced them, somewhat dryly. He watched as she nodded slowly, placing both of her pale hands on the crystal ball before her.
“I will divine it.” Was all she said.
He blinked. That was fast! He didn’t even need to offer her payment, it seemed…
For some time there was silence between them. Clay couldn’t help but feel awkward, standing around with his red face and clammy hands. The room was so low he could almost feel the top of his head touch the ceiling. He rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly unable to be still.
“… I see a snowy peak. Dark clouds gather over the lair of the beast”
Clay squinted to look into the orb, but could see nothing as she had described. He supposed only she had the ability to view it. What a gift. He thought. But then he frowned, remembering all that he had been told about magic before this. How did she acquire such power? He dared not ask, as certainly that would be inappropriate. Though he found himself wanting to ask all sorts of questions…
He suddenly felt mesmerised by her hair. It was really quite long, he realised, even longer than his own.
Clay then felt soft fur brush up against his greaves, and looked down to see an adorable black cat rubbing his ankles. It had the same green eyes as its mistress. He resisted the urge to pet it.
“There is the ruins of an old temple, long buried by the passage of time.”
He straightened back up as he heard her speak again. Damn it, if it wasn’t her distracting him, it was her cat.
“Here wind blows Eastwards, towards the sun.”
She lowered her head, the brim of her hat obscuring her face. He felt disappointed, wanting to see more of her lovely eyes.
“That is all.”
“I see…” He replied. He turned over the new information in his head, trying to retain some of it.
She mentioned a ‘snowy peak,’ was it on a mountain? Clay frowned. He could only think of one place where the land met the sky that far up, but it was not an easy journey there…
It surprised him when she stood up, walking over to stand right next to him. Almost too close. Then he saw that on the hearth was a large black cauldron. She reached out a delicate hand to lift the lid. A pale green mist seeped out, and he wrinkled his nose at the odour. Not the most pleasant smell… Clay watched her pour the brew into a small glass bottle. She extended it toward him, silent.
“Oh…” He realised she wanted him to take it, and he carefully did so.
“This will… Help you.” She murmured, Her voice hushed to a whisper. Her hands fell to her lap.
“T-Thankyou.” He cleared his throat again, trying not to stutter so much. “I’m very grateful for your help…” And he was. It occurred to him she was probably putting just as much trust in this encounter as he had. He was close enough now that one swing of his sword could probably do it.
With this in mind, he added: “I will be sure to remember this, and discourage anyone from coming to harm you.”
The Witch said nothing else, her face still unfortunately hidden by her hat. Clay awkwardly bowed and bid her farewell, leaving before he was tempted to stay any longer. The cottage was feeling warmer by the minute.
The presence of the birds felt less stifling this time as he walked outside, breathing in the fresh air. He felt the embarrassment cling to him, still red in the face.
Chevy greeted him with a whinny, still happily munching on grass. As he clambered up the saddle, the lady’s emerald eyes still gripped his mind.
She was so enigmatic to him. He wanted to ask her more questions. Like What’s your name? And Do you want to meet my horse? Or Are you single? Well, Maybe he wouldn’t have the boldness to ask her that last one just yet. The most pressing issue as of now was of course following her directions to the dragon’s den (If he could remember them), But he knew he had to come back afterwards.
He took one last longing glance at the Witch’s cottage before he set off to play the role of hero once again.
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The moment Clay shut the door behind him, Abigail let out a deep breath. She waited a few moments before discerning he’d left for certain, then removed her hat to reveal her flustered face. Her heart was racing in her chest. She pressed her hands to her hot cheeks, knowing she’d just barely managed to keep her cool in front of him. She hoped he couldn’t see the scarlet blush on her face, the seams of her mysterious persona falling apart. It was the only thing that shielded her from terrifying vulnerability.
What I told him wasn’t too confusing, right? I was just trying my best not to sound nervous… I hope it helps.
She paced back to her seat, free hand fiddling anxiously with her hair.
This was not the first time they had met. Although Clay didn’t know it, she actually had time to develop a crush on him for quite a while before this.
Abigail had been in disguise as a peddler woman at the time, and came across a collapsed bridge on the road. As it happened, the fiery-haired knight rode by just at that moment, and offered to help her cross. She couldn’t say no: Abigail the Witch would have no problem at all, but as Abigail the Peddler Woman she had to keep up appearances.
(Of course that was the only reason she allowed him to help her…!)
He was strikingly handsome, but more than that he was genuinely kind. Despite his rugged appearance, he was truly gentle as he guided her across the river. The knight reminded her to keep herself safe, and that the roads were dangerous for travellers as of late. She hid her blush with her scarf and mumbled out a Thankyou, watching him leave with her heart beating a mile a minute.
It had made such a strong impression on her, she was stricken with infatuation for him since that day. So rarely she had ever felt the touch of a kind hand, and his was so warm. The ache of loneliness plagued her once again, and no amount of magical pet projects could distract her from it.
Of course she refused to entertain the thought of him returning her feelings. It would be foolish to get her hopes up like that; surely he already had some fair lady he was devoted to? She, the loathsome witch, did not belong in his courtly world. Abigail was reminded of that every time she felt the little scar by her ribcage, a harsh lesson learned. All she could do was admire him from afar, kept at a safe distance emotionally and physically.
So when her darling Edgar had flown to her in a hurry to tell her of his journey here, she’d panicked a little to say the least. How could she have expected this? It seemed almost too coincidental. More than that, she’d been in the middle of concocting a potion (her personal hobby) when he’d told her the news and surely looked in a disarray. Abigail immediately rushed to fix her hair and find her best dress so she could look presentable for him. That, and a large hat to hide her blushing face. How could she not feel flustered under his steely gaze?
She looked to the open window to see Edgar perched there, offering her a sympathetic caw.
“Oh Edgar, what should I do with myself…?” Abigail sighed, feeling now that it would be even more difficult to get over this unrequited crush of hers.
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(Taglist: @slaasherslut, @goldrose-star)
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