#classroom Fun Games for kindergarten
gamesonyoutube · 1 year
Brain Game For Kids Preschool | प्रीस्कूल बच्चों के लिए ब्रेन गेम | Matc...
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littletism · 5 days
🎒✏️🍎 weekend activity for littles! turn your house into a school! 🍎✏️🎒
prepare your schedule the night before! what classes will you do at what time? what order will you do them in? write it down! set alarms on your phone for when each class will be, so you know when to switch!
don’t forget to prepare worksheets, activities, and make sure you know what rooms you’re using! if you have a cg, this job is best suited for them!
class ideas: math, spelling, writing, social studies/history, science, art, music, etc!
“downtime” class ideas: naptime, free time, movie time, free draw, computer lab, play time
wake up bright and early! get dressed, brush your teeth, brush your hair, and get your school supplies! go into the room that you’ve designated as your classroom!
if you have a cg, have them be your teacher for the day! if you don’t have one, that’s okay! you can do all of this by yourself pretty easily.
if the room has a closet, use that as your cubby! hang up your bag and any other belongings in it!
get ready for your school day! sit down on the floor like you would in a preschool or kindergarten classroom, and get ready to learn!
ideas on what to do for each class under the cut (to avoid this post being way too long!)
print out some math worksheets (or download and do them digitally, bonus points if it’s on a tablet with a stylus for extra realism!) and work on them! do whatever level of math is most accessible to you!
count stuff! count your toys, blocks, stuffies, anything! make problems and equations by taking away items, adding items, dividing items, etc and solve them!
play math games! multiplication .com has a lot of accessible math games, or you can use the flashpoint program to play math games from your favorite tv shows!
print/download handwriting practice sheets and practice writing your letters!
if you have a cg with you, have them read a book out loud to you! make sure to pay attention, and be prepared to write about what was just read to you!
read your favorite book, and create a book report based on it with pictures and decorations!
do spelling worksheets and exercises!
social studies
practice geography by identifying states or countries on an unlabeled map! start with your own country, then move on to other countries to make it more challenging!
learn about history by watching educational history cartoons!
do a cultural interview! find someone in your life whether it be a friend, a partner, or a family member and interview them about their heritage and culture! if you can’t find someone, write about your own culture!
use a store bought science kit and play around with it! write down everything you’ve learned.
make slime or oobleck! there’s countless recipes online that teach you how to make them! they’re both super easy to make.
draw a diagram of our solar system! label the planets properly and write one fact about each one!
draw your family! could be your biological or found family!
finger paint!
watercolor paint!
make pottery out of clay or play doh!
make a collage of your favorite things! print out pictures of stuff you like and glue it to a piece of paper!
sing along to your favorite songs! pull up sing-along versions of songs from disney movies or karaoke versions of your favorite songs!
if you have any kind of instrument, play it! try to play simple songs on it like mary had a little lamb or hot cross buns!
if you’re regressed a bit older, study sheet music! teach yourself what all the symbols mean!
nap time
take a 30 minute break to nap, or just lay down and rest! put on a soft lullaby or a quiet song you really like.
to make it more “school-like”, nap on the floor! preferably on a fluffy rug or mat, so it isn’t uncomfortable or bad for your back! lay out your favorite blanket, pillow, stuffie, and hit the hay!
play time / free time
just play!!! have fun and play with your toys, your stuffies, play dress up, etc!
if it’s nice outside, go play outside!
draw a picture!
read your favorite book!
if you’re an over-achiever, do some more worksheets!
computer lab
go on your computer or laptop if you have one, and play some educational games, watch educational videos, etc!
when you’ve done an adequate amount of learning, you earn free time! use this to play any fun game you want! (minecraft, roblox, animal jam, fun flash games, etc!)
field trips
(may require a cg if you can’t take yourself places when small!)
take a trip to a museum!
go to the library! find a cool book you find interesting and read it!
take a walk around town! write down all the interesting things you find in nature like animals, bugs, plants, etc!
end of the day
when your “school day” ends, have your cg grade how you did! if you don’t have a cg, grade yourself! but be honest, of course. if you get a good grade, you’ll get a reward!
i know this is elaborate and may seem silly, but i’ve heard a lot of littles say an elementary school environment would be really beneficial to them! i hope this helps some of you who are yearning for that!
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hee0soo · 3 months
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Pairing — SongMingixafab!Reader
Summary — Finding out that all you ever were was a game, was not how you thought your day would go...
Genre — established Realationship, UniversityAu , hurt/comfort
Warnings — Mingi being an idiot, lots of tears, lies (tell me if i missed something)
Wordcount — 2.1k
Rating — pg-13
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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Dumbfounded you stared at the girl who seemingly had not heard your heart shatter in your chest. Yumi was giggling finding your reaction incredibly funny, while you dried not to show just in how much pain you actually were in that moment.
"Oh you silly goose, did you really think Mingi would actually want to be your boyfriend? I know you're his best friend but your just not girlfriend material!" she shrugged and turned back to what she was doing before the topic of your boyfriend and you had come up.
But had he even ever been that? Your boyfriend?
Not if you believed the girl tapping away on her phone!
A bet.
That's what Yumi had said it was.
A bet to see if Mingi could get you, his best friend, to go out with him!
Tears were clinging to your lower lashes, barely even holding on as you fought to not let them fall.
Were you really that much of a fool to him? That he believed you had agreed to date him because of what? A fun way to pass the time? Did he really not think at all? How this could potentially break your heart?
Apparently not!
You looked down. The ground underneath your feet blurring more and more with every passing second. A gut wrenching sob trying to fight it's way past your lips as you processed the words that had caused something to shatter within you.
Slowly you turned to leave. It felt like you were sitting in the backseat of a car while someone else was driving while you made your way out of the classroom. The hallways were full of students in between periods but you weren't in a place to notice any of your friends as you walked past them without even turning your head in their reaction. You didn't even notice the one person that caused all your sorrow. Only when he got hold of your arm and he tugged you around to face him did you realize he was calling out your name.
"-/n? y/n! Baby what's going on?" Mingi asked, hand coming to rest on your cheek and thumb stroking your cheek, sounding equally frantic and worried while his eyes stared into your teary ones. Salty water finally leaking out!
"Please don't call me that…”you said, barely able to force the words out.
Confused Mingi furrowed his eyebrows.
"What? Baby talk to me! What's goin-"
"I was a dare?" you croaked of, cutting him of immediately and ducking your face away from his fingers already missing his comforting touch.
His eyes widened at the realization that you knew. You knew!
"y/n listen- " he tried but the heartbreak written across your face left him speechless. Not knowing what to say the man who had been by your side since kindergarten just stared at you with so much regret you almost reached out to caress his face. Almost.
"How could you? Why would you even-?"
Mingi took a step closer and you took one back. You didn't want him touching you. You didn't even want to see him!
"I'm sorry y/n-ie. It was silly and I-"
"Silly? That's what we are to you?"  Breathless and without waiting for an answer you ran. You couldn't stand to be in his vicinity any longer and the eyes of your fellow students watching your heartbreak like it was a movie, was to much for you.
You ran out the big gate, headed straight for the parking lot where your car was waiting for your return. Hurrying to get the keys out of your bag, you struggled with catching your breath as tears were falling like a waterfall.
Ignoring the voice calling out  to you, you finally got them out. You didn't get far however when someone  quickly snatched them from your shacking form and instead pulled you into their chest for a tight embrace. You fought against them at first but gave up when you realized they wouldn't let go. Breathing the persons perfume, you recognized San and sagged against him.
Gut wrenching sobs filled the air between you  and him. Gently shushing you and running his hand over your back in a soothing manner, he simply let you cry. And cry you did! You cried until there were no tears left to cry and only then did you move. Or more like, he made you move!
San carefully stirred you towards the passenger side, opened die door and made you sit  there before rounding the car again and drove of with you next to him.
You were quiet, not a sound could be heard and you could feel the mans eyes on you every now and then. It would be uncomfortable if it were anyone else but not with San. Not with the one who had known about your love for your best friend right from the start!
"Are you okay?" he asked quietly.
There was a beat of silence, then... "No..."
Your voice came out weak and unsteady and the silence returned while San drove you home.
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"The fuck was that man?" Yunho hissed at Mingi who was rooted to the ground, watching your form vanish between the mass of students. The man didn't know what he should tell his friend. He knew that what he did was wrong but he never knew how to explain what he did without sounding like a giant asshole. Maybe because there was no way to explain it...
But he had been drunk and that always made him more prone to do stupid things. Things like agreeing to a bet to see whether you truly were as agreeable with him as the group he had hung out with in that moment had implied. And that's how he had found himself asking you for a date while watching a movie at his place!
He remembered the way your eyes had widened and how you almost managed to fallout of his bed if he hadn't caught your hand! He thought back to how you had cutely stumbled over your own words and started picking on the skin of your fingernails and how you had finally squeaked out an embarrassed, "yes!"
You had surprised him no doubt, but  he had found himself much more delighted then he had thought he would be. And not because of the money he would get for it!
His plan should have been easy. Go on that date, tell you about the bet and then laugh about it together.
But when he had seen you, all dressed up, eyes sparkling and a bright smile on your face and his heart had skipped a beat like it had never done so before, he just couldn't do it.
One date turned into two and then into three and four and then he had finally found himself brave enough to ask you to be his girlfriend.
He hadn't expected to be this contend with you by his side, but once he had held your hand tenderly in his own, got to kiss and hug you whenever he wanted, he wouldn't couldn't lose that again.
Mingi had refused the money he would have gotten from Yumi and the others. He didn't see it as a bet he had won, more like he had gained a happiness he didn't know he could have!
And now that he stood there, 4 months later, called out by you for his own foolishness and witnessing what it had done to you, he wanted to punch himself in the face!
Ripped out of his thoughts, he focused back on his other best friend. "Huh?"
"What happened?" Yunho questioned, sounding far more empathetic then just a moment before.
"I did something really, really, stupid Yunho!" he breathed out, turning to look the other dead in the eye.
"I figured that much! What I don't know is how stupid you were and why!"
Yunho could see that whatever hat caused this had blown up right into Mingis face and that he now suffered the consequences of his actions. So he led him away from the staring students and let him talk.
Listening without face palming or smacking him upside the head was almost impossible, however he managed to do so without doing so! "You are, such an, Idiot!"
"Thank you, I already know that! What I don't know is how to fix this!" Mingi huffed and glared at the other.
Disappointed by what he just heard Yunho shook his head.
"Honestly, I don't know if you can..."
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Bundled up in your blanket, tissues by your side, San had left you to yourself after making sure he had done all he could well knowing that it wasn't him you wanted by your side at this moment.
The clock showed 8:23pm and with the TV running you didn't have to bother checking the giant amount of calls and messages you had received by now. Instead you were mindlessly watching the Drama playing and trying not to dwell on the fact that your best friend and boyfriend, both of which you weren't sure if you could still call him that, had played you like a toy.
You weren't just hurt. No you were betrayed and you felt like an absolute idiot for having fallen for Mingi in the first place! Mind drifting back to all the times you had spent together, you wondered if anything of it all had been real? It would make sense that he had yet to tell you the L-word if not...
The Doorbell ringing through the air made you flinch hard in between your blanket fort and not daring to move, you closed your eyes tightly and pretended to not hear anything. But the ringing didn't stop.
Nerves wearing thin, thinner then they already were, you hastily threw every blanket off of you only to come face to face with the one man you didn't know if you should punch or find comfort in his arms in after ripping the door open!
"What?!" you shouted right in his face, hating how your voice threatened to break.
Mingi barely held himself back from pulling you into his chest! The puffiness of your cheeks and red eyes were a dead giveaway of the tears that had flown down your face not so long ago.
"I'm an idiot, I know but please give me a chance to explain..."
"Why should I? The fact that our entire relationship is based on nothing more but a lie, dells me more then enough!"
The boy faltered at the anger in your voice, knowing that he deserved all of it and more!
 "I don't deserve it. But you deserve to know the truth...the whole truth..."
Damn him and his unbelievably deep brown eyes and your incapability to say no to him!
"Get inside!" you hissed harshly. "There's no need for the neighbors to know our business."
Looking around to make sure nobody was in earshot, you closed the door behind you. It was almost comical how lost Mingi seemed in your apartment, a place where he usually moved around like it was his own home.
"Look ba-, y/n, I completely understand if you never want to see me again but I want you to know that I don't regret a single moment of our relationship! I only regret how it came to be... I regret that it took a stupid bet for me to understand what I truly want and that's you! I don't regret taking you out, I don't regret asking you to be my girlfriend!" he ranted taking one step closer with every statement he added until he stood right in front of you.
You took a deep breath, trying and failing to calm your racing mind and heart. "Why?" you chocked out.
"Like I said, I was stupid And drunk! And Yumi and the others were teasing me so l suggested-"
"YOU suggested? This was your idea?" your eyes widened. Mingi nodded.
"Why did you not end it right then and there? After our first date. Why continue this lie?"
"Because I realized in that night that I wanted to take you out again. I wanted you by my side and not just as my best friend! I realized that I love you! And that I was a coward for not understanding it sooner!"
Tenderly Mingi took your hand into his while the other came to rest on your cheek, thumb wiping away the tear that had found itself rolling down your face.  He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, lips still lingering for a second longer.
"I'm so sorry…”
You knew that he meant it. But you also knew that you couldn't forgive him for playing with you!
Not yet...
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hazelsmirrorball · 8 months
Teacher Things | Hazel Callahan
parings: Teacher! Hazel Callahan × Teacher! Reader, Summary: It's Halloween in Rockbridge elementary and Hazel decides it's a good idea to play secret admirer with one of the teachers. a/n: hi! I'm in love with this story. I decided to mix something that I've been thinking of doing for a while Abbott Elementary X bottoms. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Also the bold letters mean that they are doing a private interview! warnings: English isn't my main language so excuse any mistake! Not proof read.
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The bell rang loudly filling the halls mixing with the loud voices of the kids that were heading towards their classrooms. The teachers patiently waited outside the door greeting every single kid that entered. The hallways where different from their day to day. Miss L/n had stayed all night up decorating the halls to make them spooky for halloween.
"Hi! I'm principal PJ. I still don't know how I ended up ruling this school but might I say I love it here. I’m the literal queen of this school, everyone does what I say, it’s like I direct them or something. There’s a lot of perks of working at Rockbridge elementary,  Hot teachers, smart kids and the paycheck. Being a principal is the best, so I welcome you to my lovely kingdom. But enough about me, let’s talk about my untalented and ugly staff so you guys can see what I have to work with everyday. Look, there we have one of our annoying second grade teachers, Y/n. I'll leave you guys to it and let me say if you need more beauty shots, I'll be in my office" PJ said while tilting her crown down sending a kiss towards the camera. She turns to the left and the camera slowly follows her walking towards one of the students eating a lollipop. PJ quickly takes it out of her hand and eats it herself. She walks away leaving the kindergartener alone crying in the halls. 
"Hello!! I'm Y/n L/n. But around here everyone calls me Miss L/n. I've been teaching second grade here for about four years now and honestly it's a blast. I love the kids, I love the school, I love my coworkers, I love the classes, I love my mood ...Sorry l am rambling but in my defense it's one of the best holidays of the year. Halloween!  and this year is different because we got the opportunity to dress up this year. They also let me put the whole school in halloween decor. All the kids are so excited to wear their little costumes and eat candies. That’s why I had to step up my game. Guess what I am? No? Okay. Well I’m a bumblebee cause people say I’m sweet like honey and sometimes that is cloying, but that’s nobody's buzzness. Did you get the joke? Did you understand?  Because I am dressed as a bee? I know you got it, I see that smile on your lips, cameraman. Anyway, let me just get to the point, I teach second grade and around here we all love to have fun. Do you want a Frankenstein cupcake? I made them myself" She said with a huge grin stretching out her hand with a cupcake toward the cameramen while the kids in the background made cute cupcakes. Her face was covered in frosting and her costume was covered in glitter. 
Hazel Callahan, giggled as she excitedly greeted her first graders, exclaiming proudly “may the force be with you” as they entered the classroom, her Anakin Skywalker costume intact. She watched as her little students entered the classroom all giggly while holding onto buckets filled with candies she had personally requested them to bring so they could exchange with their classmates. When the last student entered, her eyes trailed towards the end of the hall where she could see Y/n L/n handing her kids a lollipop while they entered. Hazel stared at her in aw, as she did a dance battle with one of the kids that was dressed as a hip hop dancer. Y/n stinger got caught on the door making her fall back as all the kids from her class ran up to her to help her up. She shook them off by saving countless thank you’s. Y/n threw her head back laughing at her kids following the action as Hazel stayed in her place being starstruck by her beauty. She waited a few seconds to catch her eye and waved at her with a soft smile which Y/n happily returned. Being lost by the sudden interaction Hazel couldn’t feel the small child tugging on the bottom of her robes trying to get her attention. 
“Miss Hazel! You are staring at Miss L/n again” The child exclaimed quite loudly making Hazel jump up and panicked. She quickly crouched down to be at the same level as the kid. 
“Alex, what did we say about yelling?” Hazel said softly, trying to push back her flushed face. Alex looked down towards his shoes shaking his head. 
“That we shouldn’t do it. I’m sorry Miss Hazel. I was trying to get your attention because I needed to tell you something but you were looking at Miss L/n. I heard that in their class they are making cupcakes today. What are we going to do? It’s Halloween we should do something fun” Alex said, raising his head and grinning excitedly towards Hazel. Hazel mirrored her expression. 
“Well, I talked to Principal PJ as she said we could blow bombs outside. So after we exchange candies right after recess we can blow some things up” Hazel said resting her hands on his shoulder grinning. Alex quickly squealed in excitement jumping up and down. Hazel followed his actions moving side to side. “Wait, what did you need to tell me that was so urgent?” Hazel said quickly remembering what were his true intentions. 
“I actually don’t remember” Alex said, making a thinking face. 
"Miss Hazel!  Jeremy is kicking me again" a kid screamed from inside the classroom making Hazel quickly enter the room to detain the fiasco before it got worse. Jeremy was quite the fighter and she didn’t feel like cleaning up blood today. 
Hazel Callahan didn't expect to like being a teacher as much as she did but now after being a  teacher for about a year, she was starting to get the hang of things. She enjoyed the kids' presence, they made things actually fun for her and the best thing, aside from the kids, there was Y/n L/n. Having Y/n around made the teaching experience quite refreshing. She was around the same age as Hazel  but she had been teaching there for about four years just like her close friend and English teacher, Josie . Hazel had tried several times to get in their little group but it was quite hard for her to click with the teachers. It wasn’t that they were mean or anything, it was the fact that they didn’t take the rookie teacher seriously. Adding to the fact that Hazel wasn’t the best when getting social clues, for some people, it felt like they were talking to a child while they were talking to Hazel. 
“Miss Callahan, I wanted to inform you that the camera crew just got here today, so don't be surprised if they catch your fine ass. You look quite attractive with those robes." Principal PJ said, peeking her head through the door. Hazel turned around with a scared look on her face seeing PJ wiggle her eyebrows at her. Hazel’s hands dropped stopping the two kids that were originally fighting. 
"Excuse me?" Hazel asked, raising an eyebrow at PJ making her wink at Hazel. 
"I'm just playing but remember that they...Oh look they are here now! Here we have Miss Hazel Callahan. She teaches first grade and she's been working here for about a year, yet she can barely get a hold of her class but we are working on it. So enjoy your time with her. The hottest teacher in the school. Bye" She exclaimed while she left Hazel standing agape in the hallway with a camera crew filming straight at her. Hazel quickly took her glasses off, cleaning them on her robes nervously while the kids screamed as loud as they could in the back of the class, the kids once again starting their fight.
“First of all, I'm not the hottest teacher here, I'll leave that to Brittany and second of all I have perfect control of my kids. Didn’t you guys catch on camera me stopping the fight? " Hazel exclaimed defensively while putting on her glasses and looking at the camera clearly stressed. Her hair was now messy pointing to several directions as her breath was unsteady. 
"Miss Hazel! Help me, Jeremy is still pulling my hair now" a kid yelled from the back of the class quickly gaining Hazel’s attention. She quickly ran towards the back of the class and the camera crew quickly behind her. Hazel tried pulling Jeremy off one of the other kids but he wouldn't move.
"Jeremiah, let go!" Hazel said while falling desperately to get his attention. 
"I'm not letting go Haze! She bit me with her stupid vampire teeth" Jeremiah yelled still not letting go of his grip becoming stronger. 
"First, I told you even though you are stronger than me to call me Miss Hazel. Second of all, we said no bad words in the classroom and that included the word stupid.  Now let's just try to be in a loving mood, it's Halloween, don't you guys want to be in a loving mood?!" Hazel asked desperately, trying to convince the kids to let go of each other. All the kids around them were unphased by the interaction, exchanging candies while the fiasco unfolds.
"NO!" Both of the kids exclaim pushing Hazel down towards the floor. She closed her eyes in pain waiting for a few seconds for the floor to eat her alive. She let out a sigh, dragging herself to one of the classroom doors praying that someone, beside PJ or Y/n, would help her out. 
"How are you kids so strong?! Sylvie!  Sylvie please, please help me. Sylvie I know you can see me" Hazel exclaimed as she gripped on the side of the door from the floor. She reached forward holding her leg desperately not wanting her to move. Sylvie stopped dead in her tracks staring down at Hazel with pity. Her eyes were nearly covered in tears as she begged her to come and help. Sylvie looked towards the break room as she turned her back from it, taking a step into the classroom but not before quickly rolling her eyes at Hazel. Instantly the kids stopped fighting while the ones that were exchanging candies  sat down hiding their sweets.
"How?" Hazel mouthed to the camera while watching the kids stay like statues with Sylvie.
"I'm Sylvie. Please do not associate me with the principal or I will call the authorities against you. If it were my decision, I would have been principal and I would have said no to this little filming festival you have going around here. But since l am not principal, I have to answer your dumb questions.  I am the other second grade teacher here at Rockbridge elementary. The only person I don't get annoyed at in this school is possibly Hazel. She isn't the worst teacher in the world but she isn't the greatest. Kids here can be little shits but I have them under control. Hazel on the other hand doesn't. She lacks control and I truly believe she's one of the kids." Sylvie said to the camera while moving to the side to let into view a giggling Hazel Callahan exchanging her candies  with her students excitedly.
Meanwhile, Josie  and Annie walked together to the break lounge ready to eat their lunch and enjoy their break. Both of them worked on the second floor with the middle school kids and they were exhausted.
"Good evening, I'm Josie and I teach seventh grade english. I've been in this school for four years and quite frankly still don't know why I've stayed so long."
Annie sat down taking her food out of her neatly prepared lunch box while Josie took her mug to serve herself some coffee. Both of them took in the wonderful peace and quiet that surrounded the break lounge, something that it always lacked. But the peace and quiet was interrupted by the door slamming open and a visually alarmed Hazel  coming through, Sylvie following behind shortly after.
"I'm so done with those little pieces of sh.. You"  Hazel took a deep breath pointing at the cameramen. "Stop following me with those stupid cameras. You're making me seem like I'm a bad teacher” She said while her eyes twitched, making Josie hide a chuckle with a cough. She continued to drink her coffee attempting to calm herself.
"I don't think they're making you seem like a bad teacher, maybe you're just being one” Annie  responded while taking a bite of her sandwich making Josie  "cough" even louder.
"Annie.  I came to this school the same time Hazel Callahan did and it still surprises me that she is still here. There were fifty new teachers and surprisingly the only two left are Hazel Callahan  and me, I thought she was going to be the first one to leave, yet here she is, still struggling and still not getting the hang of it" Annie said to the camera while fixing the nonexistent wrinkles of her dress.
"Well, I have you know I am a great teacher! My students say it to me all the time when I get emotional. I bet you don’t even cry with your students. My students and I had a Halloween party, something that didn't even cross your mind to have today. We exchanged candies, had a dance party and watched movies. They love me. I love them. And all you did was bore you kids to death today, I suppose. What did you do? Make them read" Hazel responded angrily while looking at the peaceful Annie. 
"Actually, yes. We read about the history behind witches. Something you can actually do to learn since you come to school to learn not to party. But I guess you didn't get the memo since all you did was go to frat parties in college" She said taking another bite of her sandwich.
"Jokes on you I wasn't even in a frat. But I just know your kids wanted lollipops and by the way I gave my kids lollipops and none of them threw them at each other so I believe that's progress"Hazel said proudly while looking in the fridge giving her back to the teachers letting them see the back part of her robes covered in lollipops.
"Congrats! You are getting better, Callahan. I am really proud” Josie  applauded while placing her cup of coffee down.
“But I don't think you should get your kids hopes up with Halloween. You should show them the gory things that I showed mine today. Real, scary, halloween movies. When they’ll get older they will thank you for teaching them how to survive a psycho. ” Sylvie responded while sitting next to Annie.
"Aren't your kids seven?" Annie asked concerned, raising an eyebrow at Sylvie.
"And your point is, Anabelle?" Sylvie asked while taking a sip of her black coffee. 
“I already told you, my name isn't Annabelle, it's Annie" she said seriously while glaring at the woman.
"I will not stop spreading love in my classroom.I love Halloween and no one and I mean no one  loves 
Halloween more than me" Hazel exclaimed sitting down with her arms crossed. 
"Hellooo fellow teachers!" Y/n exclaimed throwing flower petals in the air while entering the break room. 
"I highly doubt it" Josie responded while looking at her best friend, dressed up in her vibrant yellow costume. She was holding onto a basket filled with sweets while her wings neatly placed on her back. Her hair wasn't styled as usual, instead it was pulled back in two braids with her antennas.
"Happy Halloween to you, and you, and you" She said, handing a beautifully devoted Halloween box to each of her coworkers.
Annie smiled softly, Josie whispered a thanks and Sylvie rolled her eyes, but deep down she loved it. Y/n headed towards Hazel giving her a bigger box than the rest. Hazel blushed hard, taking in the gift in her hand while Y/n placed down her things. 
"Thank you, Y/n. I appreciate it a lot" She said smiling softly but her smile got wider when she sat next to her.
"You're welcome Hazel! By the way, I love your wizard robes. A lot of my students dressed the same. It looks cute" she said, playing with the ends of Hazel’s robes. 
“Actually, Y/n. Hazel’s dressed as An...” Sylvie started but quickly got cut off by Hazel slamming her hand against the table. 
"Thank you, Y/n! I was trying really hard for that wizard look. I really like your bee costume. I know everyone was buzzing about it” She said excitedly while trying to hide her  blush. Y/n threw her head laughing hitting Hazel’s shoulder softly making Hazel blush more if it even was possible.  
"Thank you! I wanted to go all out today, I heard that the party was going to be the bomb.” Y/n said winking towards Hazel which made her grin excitedly. 
“You know about that?” Hazel asked confusedly, while taking her food out of her bag. 
“Yeah! My kids were telling me about some big plan you have after recess. I was so excited for the afternoon party I forgot to bring lunch" She smiled at her while opening a water bottle and looking down at her notes to fix anything that was incorrect for the party the school was throwing later today.
"Here, have my sandwich" Hazel exclaimed quickly, planting the sandwich next to her. She looked up from her paper shaking her head.
“Don't worry about it Hazel. You should eat, I can wait until later.” She responded by trying to hand it back at her but she shook her head.
"Have it, I'm not even hungry" Hazel said smiling softly while shrugging trying not to worry her.
"Thank you Hazel! I owe you one" Y/n said, taking a bite while Josie  looked at the camera suspiciously while drinking her coffee.
"What? I'm not hungry. My stomach is filled with brownies, candies and cupcakes. Plus the cupcake I had this morning, if Y/n’s hungry I wouldn't mind giving her my food!! Or anyone not necessarily her, I give my food to everyone that wants it, look. Here have this kiwi" Hazel exclaimed while taking out the kiwi she was previously eating and handing it in to a kid that was passing by. The kid stared at Hazel weirdly before continuing walking.
"So,what are you guys doing tonight? Anything special planned in this spooky evening" Hazel asked, trying to change the subject while they all peacefully ate. Everyone stayed quiet but Hazel anxiously taped her finger on the round table making Annie groan and speak up.
"Well, since you're being nosy, my boyfriend rented out a movie theater to watch movies tonight” Annie responded, closing her book. Y/n squealed, turning to her with a smile. "It was so romantic. What did you get?" Annie asked, directing herself to Y/n, but she simply shrugged.
“The kids gave me some beautifully made cupcakes, those that count?" She asked sitting next to her, Sylvie laughed making the two girls stare at her.
“It's sad that you want that to count," She said, taking another sip of her coffee.
“Don't listen to Sylvie, she's just jealous the kids didn't give her anything because they are scared of her” Annie said, rolling her eyes as Y/n fixed her posture awkwardly. 
"My kids love me, they know my second grade class is the superior one and they did get me sweets. I just don't like them" Sylvie responded, getting a bag of candy and throwing it on the table leaving Annie in shock.
"Well, maybe you'll get something later, the night is still young" Hazel said suspiciously while looking at the camera with a smirk. As if it were by cue a delivery man opens the door holding a big strawberry bouquet.
“Delivery for Y/n L/n” the delivery man said while reading the card. Y/n excitedly got up taking it in her hands and placing it down on the table picking the card to see from who it was. She quickly smiled at the delivery man saying thanks before he left. All the teachers looked at the bouquet waiting for her to say who it was from.
"From who is it?" Hazel  asked while standing next to her with a huge grin on her face.
"It says spooky berries  from a secret admirer, " she said, picky a strawberry eating it.
Josie, Annie and Sylvie stood outside in the hallways with the camera crew Filming them.
"It was Hazel" the trio said at the same time while rolling their eyes.
"This is beautiful! The person that got me this has to know me really well, I love chocolate covered strawberries. They are literally the best thing to ever exist on this planet"
" You see! I know her well!! I got her that gift and went all out! I'm proud of my hard work and the smile on her face is to die for. So ha! I win Halloween" Hazel exclaimed happily at the camera while grinning.
"Breaks over, I need my teachers in their classrooms so they can take the kids to that dumb party Y/n’s making" PJ said entering the lounge and getting herself some coffee.
"Nothing you can do will ruin my mood today PJ. So I will take that as a compliment" She responded, taking a picture of the strawberries.
"You got yourself that gift? That's sad, even for you L/n" PJ responded while taking a sip of the drink.
"Actually, it was a secret admirer" she responded, not even looking at her.
"Hazel, it was Hazel" PJ said, looking at the camera in the hallway while taking a bite of a strawberry she had taken from Y/n's gift.
"Also how are you guys enjoying the reality show we have going on here?" PJ asked, winking at the camera.
"I feel watched and stalked" Sylvie responded seriously.
"I didn't ask you. Hazel?" PJ turned her head towards Hazel who started to pick up her things so she could head back to her classroom. 
"This isn't a reality show PJ. it's a documentary for schools with poor funding so I don't think we should be proud of that” She said while standing up and putting her tote bag on her shoulder. 
"You know what I'm not proud of, the fact I haven't received my Valentine's Day gift yet" PJ said only for her to hear. Hazel shivers while looking at her with the same expression as before. "Now everyone chop chop. We don't have all day" she continued while applauding obnoxiously.
Everyone started leaving the teachers lounge leaving Hazel to herself to open the box Y/n had given her, she slowly opened the box and opened her eyes wide when she saw the gift.
"Oh, I've known about Hazels' crush ever since she started working here. But I love seeing the reactions she does when she thinks I don't know a thing about the little gestures she does for me. That's why I decided that I should give something back" Y/n said smiling to the camera holding the gift she had received from her. In the background you could see Hazel dancing excitedly and when Y/n turned around to look at her, She froze waving at her trying to act cool which Y/n responded with a smile while quickly turning to her classroom.
Hazel looked at her kids jumping up and down at the party and she smiled. She looked at the camera men and then down at her hand.
"I'm going on a date today" She said screaming while joining her kids in a dance battle.
Josie looked at Hazel and then at her best friend from the other side of the school gym and smiled softly at her.
"You asked her out, didn't you?" Josie asked, looking at Y/n.
"Yes, I think she’s cute." She responded while looking at the dancing Hazel. Both of them looked at how Hazel huddled up with the kids with a box shaped thing in her hands. 
“Wait, is that a bomb?” 
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v1ct0la · 7 months
kindergarten - abby tlou2 x reader oneshot [SFW]
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Months after landing on Catalina island with Abby and Lev, many of those months spent recovering from your injuries (both mental and physical), you decide to volunteer at the fireflies’ kindergarten. When Abby visits you one afternoon while you’re teaching, you and the kids force her to join in your game of hopscotch…
SFW oneshot
TLOU2 au, set on Catalina island after the events of TLOU2
Inspired by the WLF school and someone who headcannoned Abby playing hopscotch (I can’t remember whose blog it was so if you know please tell me so I can tag them!!!)
TWs: description of injuries in the beginning 2 paragraphs - other than that, just pure joy, love, and peace 😊
let me know about any mistakes!
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After you, Abby, and Lev reached the island in the spluttering boat, the three of you collapsed onto the rickety Catalina boardwalk. Blood gushed from the stab wound in your side, mixing with the salty brine of the ocean, running in rivulets down to where it dripped off your fingers and splattered onto the wood. You spat the rusty taste of old blood from your mouth, struggling against the pain, and hauled yourself to your knees. Your wound pounded, and you shot your hand up to clamp it down in an attempt to stop the bleeding after your sudden movements. You looked up at Abby, who already was on her feet and staggering to pick up Lev’s limp form.
You stood, swayed with lightheadedness from loss of blood, and stumbled towards the pair. Abby heaved Lev into her arms and started shouting for help, causing the boy to stir through his unconsciousness. After her repeated calls, other voices stirred and began to ring out, but the blood pounding in your ears, muffled it. You couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, could only hope they would help. Heavy footsteps made the boardwalk beneath you shudder and before you properly registered them, the ground beneath you suddenly felt much too far away. 
Your vision swam, your legs buckled, and as you collapsed onto the ground, you heard Abby shriek your name. All you could feel was hands grabbing onto you before you sank into the inky black of unconsciousness. 
* * *
Sunrays filtered through the grimy windows, throwing the cozy classroom into a glittering spectacle of glowing afternoon light. It had been almost a year since you escaped the violence of Santa Barbara, months you had spent recovering with Abby and Lev at your side. Most recently, however, you had asked to take up the position of teacher at the island’s kindergarten. It was a little classroom of about 15 young kids that you absolutely loved. Before you met Lev, you didn’t really like kids - found them sticky and loud. But they had grown on you, always little faces beaming with joy and curiosity, despite the state of the world. 
Today had been as fun as always, albeit long. You had been teaching the kids about various marine animals, and presently, were showing them old images of spotted seals. 
“Okay, now, who call tell me where to find spotted seals?” You asked the children.
A chubby little hand shot up, and you called on the little girl to answer. 
“Spacific Ocean!” She shouts, and you giggle.
“Pacific Ocean,” you say to her, “but yes, good job!”
You hear a knock on the door, and you look up to check the clock. It was nearly 2pm, which meant it was time for a break. You smile at the other teacher through the door’s glass, nodding to let him know you’d take the kids out.
“Alright goobers, it’s break time,” You call out over their little voices, “everyone, line up by the door, double file!”
Outside in the warm sunlight, you guided the children over to the playground. Once you gave them the go-ahead, they all scattered, splitting off to play their little hearts out. You stood off to the side in the shade with your hands propped on your hips, surveying. A cool breeze rustled through the foliage, and you were grateful for the relief it brought you.
A tug on your pants caught your attention, and you looked down. The girl from before, Natalie, was staring up at you with big brown eyes. “Play hopscotch with us pleeeeease?” She asked. You grin at her cuteness and agreed. She grabbed your hand and dragged you off to the chalked concrete where a few other kids were already hopping along. 
It was your turn. Little Natalie clapped and cheered loudly as you jumped forwards and into each square. As you got to the other end, you held your hands out in triumph, and the kids all laughed with you. 
“Reigning champion, are we?” You spun around at the sound of her voice, face already breaking out into a grin.
Abby stood a few feet in front of you, arms crossed. “How long have you been standing there?” You asked, stepping towards her. A sheepish smile and warmth spread across your features in slight embarrassment at yourself. 
“Only long enough to watch your turn” Abby smirked, uncrossing her arms to pull you into a tight embrace. Her chin nestled into the crook of your neck and your breathed in the comforting scent of pine that clung to her short braid.
You missed her long hair, but after Santa Barbara, she was still growing it out again. It sat just beneath her collarbone, and you thought it was perfectly endearing, even though she still opted to have it pulled away in a tight braid. 
“How was your day?” She asked softly, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. 
You pulled back to reply when you were cut off with the shouting off the kids behind you. You turned to them. 
“Miss y/n! It’s your turn again!” one of them whined, and you looked back at Abby with an eyeroll. She untangled herself from your embrace and pushed you away gently.
“Go,” she smirked, “I’ll be right here, watching you.”
“Oh, I don’t think so,” you reply, a grin spreading across your face. Her brows furrowed, and you grabbed her wrist before she could realise what you meant. You spun on your heel, dragging Abby with you.
“No- I’m not- y/n!” Abby protested, trying to pull herself free, but you were on a roll. 
“Oh yes!” You say in a sing-song, “it’s your turn.”
You pulled her forward and pushed her towards the starting square. The little kids had all gathered around the two of you to watch. “Look, it’s Abby’s turn! Look!” a little boy shouted out, much to Abby’s dismay. 
She looked back at you with an exasperated, making your laughter ring out across the playground. “C’mon Abs! Show us what you can do,” you giggle as you speak, egging her on.
She takes a tentative jump forwards, and you clap along with your students. She jumps again, and again, wobbling slightly each time she lands. She looks at you with a confident smile and your heart warms at the sight of her. The sunlight catches softly on her hair, haloing her in gold. 
The Catalina sun has been good to her the past year or so - her freckles are more visible than ever, her hair has lightened considerably, and you loved it. The recovery months had been long and painful - and not just physically. She sat by your and Lev’s beds for the first few weeks, only getting up when she was dragged away for meals by the nurses. Being inside for so long made her look gaunt and drawn, but now she shone with newfound radiance and peace. She was safe, and so were you. 
In a few more jumps, Abby was near the end of the hopscotch. As she leapt for the final square, she made a fatal mistake. She tilted her head to look at you right as she jumped - and lost her footing as she landed. Abby stumbled, falling right on her ass.
You burst into laughter, as did your students, and Abby’s head snapped to you. It was so ridiculous, the way she tumbled and looked absolutely mortified, and the more you replayed it in your head, the more you doubled over. You howled and fell to your knees - you had been so serious all day, and all your pent-up tiredness finally caught up to you. Tears streamed down your cheeks and your midsection started to hurt with your laughter. You watched Abby, who’s back was to you, as she slowly got to her feet.
Her head turned, and she glared at you. That shut you up. Her brows were knit together when she said “Oh, it’s over for you now!” The kids all screamed and laughed and cheered. She grinned evilly and stalked towards you. You jumped to your feet, shrieking and giggling. You spun towards the open field next to the school, and bolted.
You were never very fast, but then again, neither was Abby. Right now, however, you wished you had taken sprinting practice a little more seriously back at the WLF stadium. You could hear her heavy footfall behind you as she got closer and closer. The tall grass of the field whipped at your legs as you laughed and ran as fast as you could. “Get back here!” Abby shouted, which made you squeal loudly.
“Got you!” Abby’s hand caught your arm, and she yanked you back into her. You struggled against her, shouting and laughing, but you were fighting a losing battle. She pulled you to her chest, right as you tried to yank yourself free, and the two of you tumbled.
You both fell into the soft grass, and Abby’s hand shot out around your head to stop herself from crushing you. She had a huge grin on her face and you huffed a breath. “Not so fast anymore, huh,” she puffed. Abby trapped you in, encasing you in her warm body.
“Shut up, I almost escaped,” you smiled up at her.
You could feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest, both from your running and her closeness. She never ceased to make your head spin and your heart flutter, even after the past year the two of you had been dating. 
You tucked away a strand of her honey-coloured hair that had fallen loose from her braid during your scuffle. You watched her piercing eyes as they snapped down to your lips.
You trailed your hands up to cup her face, smiling as you pulled her into a soft kiss. You could feel her smile against your mouth as the two of you connected. It was sweet and slow, full of love. You brought a hand to rest on her forearm, and she trailed a hand to your waist. 
“Ewwwwww!” You heard a little voice call out, and the two of you pulled away from each other with a giggle.
“Oh shut it,” Abby called to the little boy and leaned down to plant a kiss on your forehead.
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Hi! Can I request a Melissa Schemmenti x reader with the prompt "We can't do this anymore. It's too dangerous." "When has that ever stopped us?" Maybe one of the other teachers hears Mel and reader outside of the classroom and thinks they’re about to do something spicy but really it’s something stupid and silly. Thank you!!
Sorry this one took a while - often when I read a prompt I get an immediate idea of where I'd like to take it, but this one took some time. Hope you like it!
“We can’t do this anymore.  It’s too dangerous!”
Melissa only smirks.  “When has that ever stopped us?”
“Do NOT tell me you’ve been doing unspeakable things in this classroom.”
You both jump at Barb’s sudden appearance in Melissa’s room, arms crossed and looking none too pleased.  You find yourself taking a half step sideways, using the red head as a human shield.
“Melissa Schemmenti, I swear!  This is a place of learning for innocent young minds…not…not-“
Chuckling, Melissa waves a hand.  “Barb, let me stop you there before you hurt yourself trying to find a PC way of saying getting down and dirty.”
“I was just saying we really shouldn’t go back to the arcade,” you pipe up from behind Melissa, your head peeking over her shoulder.  It had become a sort of end of week tradition for you both.  To begin with it had been a throwaway suggestion one Friday night.  A way to blow of some steam and let your hair down.  It had been fun too.  Both of you being competitive it had been one long competition to see who could get the most prize tickets.  Not that you ever did anything with them.  At the end of the evening you’d both pick a kid to donate them too.  Winner or loser, you both won when you got home, finding a whole different way to work off the adrenaline the competition brought out in you both.
“The arcade?” repeats the older teacher, her face the picture of confusion.  “What’s dangerous about the arcade?”
Melissa sighs.  “I might have got a little carried away last time we were there.”
Barb raises an eyebrow. 
“It was one of the games where you hit the targets with the balls,” huffed Melissa.  “Someone had beaten my high score, so I was trying to get a new one.”
The kindergarten teacher’s eyebrow only creeps higher.
“And a guy might have tapped me on the shoulder, saying it was time I moved on and gave someone else a turn.”
Barb could imagine exactly how that had gone down.  She had been witness to the staff at the batting cages try and cut Melissa off more than once.  It was never pretty.
“It was instinct!  And it was one stupid little plastic ball!” she said in defence. 
“You hit him square on the nose,” you add, Melissa turning to face you, her smirk back in place.  “Course I did.  Mamma’s got good aim.”  She turned back to Barb.  “And I got my high score.”
The older woman only shakes her head.  “Of course you did.  Well, now that we’ve clarified that the sanctity of your classroom remains intact, I shall leave you two to your weekend.  I’ve got a husband taking me to dinner.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” grins Melissa.
“Leaves me plenty of room to manoeuvre,” smirks the kindergarten teacher, drawing a chuckle from you and earning you a swat on the arm from the redhead as she leaves.
You slide your arms around Melisa’s waist from behind, nuzzling her hair aside as you press a kiss to the back of her neck.  “You really think she believes the sanctity of your classroom remains intact?”
She turns in your arms, kissing her way up your jaw until she can whisper in your ear.  “Oh, I think you’ll find the sanctity of my classroom is indeed intact.  It’s only your classroom we’ve defiled.”
Smirking, you turn your head until you’re able to capture her lips with your own.  “We could always change that?”
“Or…we could go to the arcade and I could trash you at a few games then you could take out all that frustration at not winning on me?”
Raising an eyebrow, you can’t help but like her plan.  It was a recent shift in your dynamic, but not one you were opposed to.  Not when it meant you got to see the red head laid out beneath you, utterly spent and looking nothing short of spectacular.  “We’d better hope they haven’t banned you, then, hadn’t we?”
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cherrybeartoast · 7 months
As Loved By The Aces - "Younger" - Jeongin x Reader
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୨୧ a Cherry Song Series ୨୧ As Loved By The Aces Series Navigation
A series of individual-member centred stories based on songs by my favourite indie band, The Aces, portraying different love stories, emotions and people.
Pairing: Jeongin x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, childhood nostalgia, a bit angsty
Warnings: Suggestive (sort of implied smut? Like its not implied-implied but its also not not implied...that makes no sense and I'm very sorry)
Series playlist: Spotify
★ Track 8: J.I - Younger
I was somewhere in the middle of nowhere, I learnt to put on a face just to have friends, perpetually wanting something more than myself, more than I was
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How could you fall in love with somebody you’ve known your entire life? Rather, you thought, how could you not fall in love with somebody you’ve known your entire life?
A collection of your most memorable summers with Yang Jeongin
Yang Jeongin was the boy at kindergarten who played with the kids in the year below. He liked looking after people, especially people who couldn’t manage to do certain things on their own. He’d teach them everything he knew and play their games with them, hold their hands as they walked around the playground and smile and wave to them when they were in their separate classrooms.
Yang Jeongin became the boy who was friends with the older kids in school, namely the group of boys in third grade, consisting of Jisung, Seungmin, Felix and Hyunjin. He preferred sitting with them at lunch to sitting with people in his own grade, and frequently sat by himself in his year level. He didn’t mind not having any best friends in his own second grade class; people still talked to him, and he had friends, but none he could talk to deeply in class, or offer snacks to.
When you moved into town during the summer, you were unsure of how you’d make friends. Your parents encouraged you to go outside and meet the other kids in the neighbourhood, but you much preferred to sit inside and colour in while the kids kicked soccer balls along the quiet streets.
One day, there was a knock at the door. Your parents were out, and had told you to go next door if you needed anything. You reluctantly opened the door, to find a boy with dimpled cheeks and fox-like eyes staring at you. You’d seen him before, playing soccer, wrestling, running around with a group of older looking boys. However, you hadn’t seen him or the group of boys recently.
“I saw them bringing a trampoline into your backyard when you moved. Can I play on it with you?”
You nodded without realising, feeling a strange amount of warmth towards him.
He smiled widely, his eyes forming into crescents. “I’ve always wanted a trampoline. Are they fun?”
“I guess so. It’s probably more fun when you have someone else to play with,” you replied, opening the back door for him.
“Don’t you have siblings or friends to play with?” he asked.
“No. I don’t have any siblings, and I don’t want any since they seem annoying, but I want a pet dog. And I don’t really have any friends here. My best friend lives where I used to live,” you explained as you climbed up the ladder to the trampoline.
He nodded thoughtfully. “Siblings are annoying. I have a dog, and he’s very cute but a bit slobbery. And friends can also be annoying. Han Jisung stole my ball once and he still won’t give it back.”
“Who’s Han Jisung?”
“The boy with puffy cheeks. He looks like a squirrel, but he doesn’t like it when we call him that.”
He experimentally let himself fall onto the trampoline, squealing when he was propelled back up. “This is so much fun!”
You smiled. “I don’t like jumping on it by myself, but it's more fun with another person.”
“We should be trampoline buddies,” he announced, sticking a finger up. “I can knock at your door and say a special word, maybe I’ll say bounce, and then we can go on the trampoline together.”
“We should also be dog buddies,” you added. “I can knock at your door and say puppy, and then I can come in and we can play with your dog.”
“Yes!” he beamed, grabbing hold of your hand suddenly. “And we should do this forever, even if I don’t have a dog and you don’t have a trampoline when we’re older.”
“Are you trying to ask to be friends?” you giggled.
“Not just friends. I think we should be special friends. Best friends,” he explained.
“Well, best friends know each other's names. I’m Puppy Queen Y/N,” you introduced yourself, doing a little twirl.
“I’m Trampoline Best Boy Jeongin,” he decided, doing a big jump as if to prove a point and landing in an uncoordinated pile. You snorted with laughter and then squealed as he pulled you down by your leg beside him.
“Are you going to school here, too?” he asked, suddenly very seriously.
“I’m in second grade,” you replied.
He smiled, wider than you’d seen before.
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“We should go somewhere,” Jeongin said suddenly as you rode your bikes home from Jisung’s house.
“It’s too hot,” you whined, tugging at the back of your shirt, which was stuck to your back with sweat. Even though the end of summer was nearing, the days were still long and the weather didn’t seem to be changing anytime soon.
“That’s my point. What if we went to the beach?” 
You side eyed him. “The beach is an hour’s drive. We can’t get our parents to take us, they’ll be working till late.”
Jeongin wouldn’t give up easily; he never did. “You’re so boring and logical. You never want to do anything fun,” he whined playfully, knowing it would frustrate you.
“I’m not boring, Yang Jeongin, you’re just a dreamer,” you retaliated, tossing a braid over your shoulder. You suddenly thought of something, your eyes sparkling. “We should sneak into the school’s pool.”
“Isn’t it closed, since we’re on summer break?”
“Now who’s being boring? We can climb through the gates easily enough, and I’m sure there will be a window or something we can climb through. We’ll hide our bikes and backpacks in this bush here and sneak inside. It’ll be fun, and the water’s going to be so nice,” you sighed wistfully.
Jeongin pressed on the brakes and shifted his bicycle, shoving it behind the shrub you’d pointed out. “Let’s go then.”
“Really?” you unbuckled your helmet and pushed your bike beside his.
“Yeah,” he smiled, grabbing hold of your hand and leading you towards the school grounds.
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You laid on your bed, bodies half-covered by rumpled sheets and pillows strewn across the mattress. 
The window was open, and a warm breeze blew through the curtains. Your bedroom was hot, despite the fan being on full blast, and you felt as if you were going to melt into a puddle.
Jeongin laid beside you, your leg on top of his. His bare torso was warm against your shoulder and had a glowy sheen to it, and you suddenly felt very aware of your body in its pale blue underwear and loose white t-shirt. You definitely hadn’t been this aware of yourself five minutes ago. You didn’t know how or why you’d let yourself go, not like this, not this fast.
Jeongin rolled over to look at you. He opened his mouth to say something.
“Don’t say it,” you whispered, staring at him. “It’ll make it all more real.”
Jeongin took a deep breath and nodded.
You stayed where you were, bodies entangled, the heat of a summer afternoon and the glow of the midday sun filling the room.
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Yang Jeongin glanced out the window, noticing you waiting by his car. He sprinted downstairs and grabbed his keys, running to his car and flinging open the door, letting you in before jumping in himself.
You were both nineteen now. Your parents were going to move houses again, to be closer to the university they wanted you to attend.
You were leaving tomorrow.
Well, you weren’t anymore.
A room booked in a motel four hours away, money saved up for the past year, and a duffle bag with only your favourite belongings was all you’d prepared. You didn’t know what would happen next. All you knew was that you trusted Jeongin with your life, which was exactly what you were doing.
You drove along an empty road, his hand in yours, listening to a playlist you’d made together on your phone.
“Pull over,” you said suddenly, breathing deeply as you looked out the front windscreen.
Jeongin turned his head to you. “What? We’ve only been driving for twenty minutes. What if they catc-”
“I said, pull the fucking car over, Yang Jeongin,” you repeated, louder, looking him straight in the eyes now.
He did as he was told and pulled the car. He turned to face you. “What is it?”
You unbuckled your seatbelt and hauled yourself across the console, settling yourself on his lap, forehead against his.
“I want you to say what I didn’t let you say two years ago. What I was too scared to hear you say,” you whispered.
Jeongin’s eyes widened, and he took a deep breath, then cupped your face and crashed your lips against his. You let yourself let go, reciprocating and pulling yourself closer to him. He suddenly pulled away, eyes sparkling.
“I love you, Puppy Queen Y/N.”
“I love you so fucking much, Trampoline Best Boy.”
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astroluvr · 2 years
my masterlist
i'll try to keep up with this, but no promises! my harry works are now being posted/reblogged to @harrysfille! below are listed most of my jack harlow fics organized by blurbs, series, and short drabbles. i hope you enjoy!
blurbs!- listed from latest > earliest
Tired: jack is tired, and all he needs is you
Angel Girl: you and jack are getting divorced and he's having a hard time wrapping his head around it. pt 1 is 18+ | Part 2
Crappy Love Stories: jack is your best friend and you love him more than you can bear, so what happens when he asks you to be his fake girlfriend to a family reunion?
Spilled Milk: you and jack are co-parents, and have been for three years. The night he coincidentally comes over the night of your date, the kind of feelings and milk you cry over are spilled
I Got You: where you and jack bring home your daughter for the first time after her birth
The Video Vixen: where jack's dismissal towards reader's feelings that she's kept bottled up leads them to a place neither of them want to be
Met Gala: where reader is an interviewer at the met and something in particular catches his eye
Care: where jack's girlfriend sparks a bit of bitter tension
Bravest Boy: where your and jack's son suffers with anxiety on his first day of school
Reunited: where y/n and jack meet again at a party and discuss old feelings
In Every Form: where your pregnancy insecurities and jack's fans don't mix
Sleepover: where you sleep over at jack's for the first time
Fumbled: where jack realizes just how bad he ruined things after seeing you at the crew league game
Huge, Hormonal, and Hungry: where you wake up for a late snack on behalf of your pregnancy cravings
Drunk in Love: where jack's drunken emotions get the best of him
Mother's Day: where you share your grief surrounding your mother with jack
Lil' Secret: a blurb based off of 'Lil Secret'
And Count to 4: where jack loses his temper at his little girl
A Special Guest: where jack comes and disrupts your kindergarten classroom
The Little Thief: where your younger sister wants jack all to herself
Oh, Brother: where your son wants you and jack back together... for a little brother | pt 2 pt 3
Playing It Safe: where your family is bombarded by the paparazzi
Baxter Avenue: based off of baxter avenue
Handsy: where jack loves to hold your hand
The Bump: where everyone finds out about your baby bump
His Nurse: where jack hurts himself during a rehearsal and you nurse him back to health
Safe (tw): where someone pushes boundaries at a party and jack is there to protect you
Shy: where you're shy and jack loves you
Seal the Deal: where you and jack hit it off at a party | pt 2
series/ongoing stories!
concepts + drabbles + insta aus!
reader and jack sharing a favorite tv show
jack dating a girl that loves to sleep
dialogue prompt: "i didn't ever think i could love someone this much..."
video compilation headcanon | pt 2
dad!jack insta blurb
late night snacks
jack being an attentive boyfriend
jack making fun of your waddle
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
The Game Of Lies
Chapter 1: Cat and Mouse
Tw: Yandere content. Mentions of stalking, drugging and a non con kiss.
Ever since you were young almost nothing would bring you excitement. The same toys seemed boring; puzzles were fun til you completed it, the rubix cube was stimulating till you learned many ways to solve it, video games made you happy till you beat it over and over again.
Eventually when kindergarten has started you begin to have this thirst to get to know others and have this obsession with learning; You’d get to know other classmates, but none of them were exciting as you thought they would be. Eventually simple studies become more and more easy and boring to you. Your teacher noticed and would pile your desk up with more advanced class work to keep you busy in the classroom. You then became bored of it since it still was boring.
Your parents eventually agreed to advance you to the next grade level just for the same cycle to happen again and again. They brought you to many programs to make you happy. You were happy learning more and more. They described you as a “sponge” absorbing all the knowledge you’d learned.
You were described as a “prodigy”. You had a bright future ahead of you. You had great memorization skills, a fast reactor, you understood how the world thinks and acts, you had great leadership skills and were great at making connections.
You were able to graduate High School at 15 years old. You are soon gonna head to college. Or at least you would have if you didn’t wake up in a new environment and a coffin.
Never in your life did you believe that one day you’d wake up in a world full of an off brand Disney character world. But here you are having to start school again.
You fortunately didn’t have a hard time studying since the material of the lesson planned was the same thing you’ve spent studying about in the past. So it was fairly easy to become one of the top first years. Ofc there are some new lessons such as; animal language, potionology, history and even some things in gym class. You’d considered it easy to learn all of this easily however. This was a whole new playground to you. It was all exciting finally.
You never had a hard time figuring out someone’s intentions in the past, especially now, you were able to manipulate them and use them as a pawn in this game. You could figure how they’re truly like based on the look in their eyes; they say the eyes are the windows to someone’s soul. So you were able to identify what someone truly desires in life.
You could hear how the tone of their voice changes, and body language was a huge indicator as well. Their breathing movements, how their eyes dilate, how someone talks with their hands, where they position their hands and more.
So with all said, it was easy to figure out the pattern of the overblots based on all of these things. You felt bad for them but still you took advantage of them after they turned back to normal. When they were voluntable. You invited yourself into their dorm a day after the incident with a face full of “worry”. You made sure to bring light pink roses; “Innocence and appreciation”. Of course since you were magicless they assumed this was all because you were worried. But the moment you walked out of the room your eyes turned dull.
You did feel bad for taking their trust but you knew for the chance that you were not gonna return to your world you needed to keep this up so you can ensure a good future for yourself. All of your friends were pawns for this game you were playing.
When you met ‘him’ he was extremely mysterious to you as though you never saw him around in the school. “I assumed that the Ramshackle was abandoned. I didn't think it was populated. What are you doing here, child of man?” he asked with interest.
“Head master Crowley has asked me specifically to do late night gardening” You lied since it was dangerous to tell someone who you don’t know too much information about yourself and where you were staying at.
Eventually the strange tall man left. More like vanished when you both heard people calling out for someone looking in a desperate search.
The next day you and Grimm thought of a nickname for him; “Hornton” which you found amusing. When you mentioned this to him he was quite amused as well and had this childish glint for a second in his eyes.
He began to be more curious of you. Like a moth drawn to a flame. He found himself arriving at the Ramshackle just to hear your voice. Lilia eventually got curious after hearing Malleus talk about this “child of man” that he met. After hearing a couple of details of Malleus’s description of you he knew exactly who you were; The prefect of Ramshackle’. Lilia began to watch you and learned important information to share with Malleus which made Malleus excited to hear. He knew your schedule, your friends, the table you sit at lunch, and especially which dorm you’ve been staying at.
You however were aware that someone has been watching you for the past week or so. Grimm also could smell and hear the presence of the unknown figure lurking around watching your every move. You were careful not to do anything that would reveal too much information about yourself that they could use against you.
You began to change your schedule and put on a whole new personality and pretend to have different interests to confuse the person. It confused everyone around you but they got used to it.
Malleus soon grew more obsessive over you, and grew to dread everyday more and more the day you find out who he truly is. When you eventually found out you figured it was better not to make him angry or fuel his already obsessive personality. You pulled this fake small smile and said; “Would you become more comfortable if I treated you differently Malleus?”
Unfortunately this made Malleus blush and laugh. You were honestly not surprised that Hornton was Malleus, you’ve never seen both of them around school and began to fill in the dots with a bunch of theories.
After a month of two of Lilia’s stalking however Grimm decided to finally ask;
“Hey Henchman?” “Yes Grimm?” You could see how nervous and stressed out he was, of course he would never admit it since he was way too prideful overall. “What should we do about the strange weirdo following us? I think I should burn them to a crisp” Grimm smiled evilly while cracking or trying to crack his little paws. Which made you giggle.
“Don’t worry Grimm, whoever has been following us for the past month, 2 weeks and 4 days has nothing better to do. They’re pathetic and cowards for not showing their face to us right now. “ You snickered.
You figured upsetting the stalking will bring you a lot of new information based on how they reacted to the situation. It was a test, If they popped out to fight then you’d both instantly would know who they are. But because they stayed and still observed you, you could mark out a bunch of names on who it was.
Lilia seemed a little bit agitated but found himself interested by your new found “stuck up ness”.
Soon enough 4 months before the Seniors would graduate you began to see students in the Diasomnia dorm a lot more often. The energy you felt was quite dangerous. A lot of them would come up and ask you for ‘help’ in the dorm or would try to become your friend. To eventually try to bring you back to the dorm. You kept a fake smile to pretend you were interested in their attempts but waved them off.
Sebek began to talk down to you even more. He had this jealous look of hatred all over his face. The same one he gave Silver.
Sebek was angry and jealous. He was jealous of the fact that you seemingly didn’t have to study yet still always scored higher than him on exams. You were pathetic to him. Now that Malleus took an interest in you he was sure you had magic and placed a love spell on him and that you pretended to be magicless.
You started to see Silver a lot more often coming into your dorm often inviting himself in. He sleepily handed you gifts that were always golden jewelry from Malleus. You never excepted them of course since it would be bad if a rumor broke out about you stealing jewelry from the dragon prince.
Eventually weird foods and drinks were placed on your door steps into baskets. You had to be strict with Grimm not to eat anything whatsoever. You brought Jack Howl in your dorm to investigate the strangeness. He was able to identify that there was a sleeping potion in each of these.
Seemingly by the second, everyday Malleus grew more and more impatient with you, which made him want you even more by the “playing hard to get attitude” Lilia told him about.
Eventually as a final resort the day before the Seniors graduation ceremony, Malleus found you in the Ramshackle garden seemingly digging something up with your back turned to him. He honestly found you really cute and wanted you more and more by the night already.
You turned around as a natural reaction to how having that chilling feeling someone was watching you. You could see Malleus now in front of you staring at you with a love sick look in his eye. It gave you a disgusting feeling in your stomach.
“Child of man I would like to discuss something extremely important with you. It is something that has been on my mind for quite a while.” He was giddy and excited he felt his heart beat faster by the second.
You realized he was about to confess to you and this was bad. You were aware that “no” could ruin your life.
“Hello Hornton, I would love to talk to you but unfortunately Head Master Crowley has demanded that I go meet up with him to discuss the graduation ceremony tomorrow.” You said as you sent him a closed ‘smile’.
You gave him a lie that was believable since Crowley always has kept you busy.
Malleus’s expression sooned darkened. He became frustrated, like a child that wasn’t able to get his favorite toy.
“Child of man…” his voice got deeper and rougher full of anger. “This cannot wait, unfortunately I will not let you go until we settle this issue”
You had a chill run down your spine, you began to back up getting ready to run as fast as you can to the Heartlabyul dorm.
You have mentioned in a text to Ace and Deuce before Malleus came to you today that if they do not see you by tomorrow to cause a big scene and let everyone know your disappearance.
Soon Malleus began to continue this talk. “I am in love with you, I can’t stop thinking about you, I want you to stay by my side till the end of time. And I will not take no for an answer.”
All it took for him to take one big step towards you and he swiftly pulled you to him in an embrace. He leaned down and put his cold lips on yours for a simple peck.
As soon as he parted away from your face everything began to black out.
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You've probably read a million high school/college AU's and maybe some middle school or kindergarten ones. Regardless, you've seen the Hetalia characters a students. But what would they be like if they were teachers? Here's what I think...
Hetalia characters and what kind of teacher I think they'd be:
America: He's the kind of teacher that's generally pretty chill, except due to that, he gives the most gut wrenching "I'm very disappointed in you guys" speeches. And he's actually a very busy teacher who is diligent, so he doesn't take easy to students who slack off and expect to pass by doing absolutely nothing. But he's one of those teachers who has buddy-buddy type conversations with students.
Canada: He's a sweet and very understanding teacher. You can tell from the first day of class that he's super approachable. He keeps a well organized class space with very straight forward boundaries. He's blunt and honest but he's nice about it. He stays extra hours after school incase anyone wants tutoring or maybe just wants to hang out even.
France: His classroom is definitely very decorative and pretty. He likes to feel comfy. Not a huge fan of boring assignments. He likes creativity and will actively do what it takes to get all students participating. Don't think you can sit in your little emo corner by the window because he will ask you to speak up about what you thought about your classmates presentation. Also he pays a lot of attention to his students, so he notices when someone's having a bad day and is willing to chat with them.
England: He is very orderly and quite strict. He's the kind of teacher that says "today we're gonna do a fun assignment" and then proceeds to assign a 5 page essay. He loves what he teaches but more often than not the students don't share the same sentiment over the subject. Students tend to think he has a personal vandetta against them, but in reality he doesn't. He just wants you to be self-disciplined because he genuinely cares, but it tends to come off as "I just want to fail you".
China: He's strict. He doesn't play games. Don't think you can get away with ass-kissing or trying to play teachers pet because unless you actually do the work, you ain't passing. He's one of those old teachers that knows every trick students could possibly try to pull. And by the same token, he's that old teacher that never gives up on a student. He will do what he can to teach you what you need to learn, even if it's the last thing he does.
Russia: Every student on campus is terrified of him. His assignments are not easy, he is not shy about assigning tough work. But he's always in his class (yes, always) so if you don't go in to ask for help that's on you babes. He will actually take the time to explain it one step at a time. He's also just happy to have company during his lunch time. And he really appreciates little gifts, he's the teacher that never throws away gifts from students that have graduated years ago.
Japan: He's not the most talkative or loud teacher, but he still knows how to demand students attention, even while keeping a calm, unbothered face. And he has a quiet voice, he is not afraid to "raise" his volume if necessary (I say "raise" cuz its more of a harsh berating tone). He is very kind, and he explains things very well the first time. He's strict on due dates and punctuality though. However, he's more lenient on other things (as long as you show respect to him, of course).
Germany: He's scary. First day of class he immediately gives a speech about how he will not tolerate any bullshit whatsoever. (I imagine him giving the spiel he gave at the world meeting in episode 1.) He has a small but very well enforced set of rules. The basics: just show respect and do your work as expected. You will learn that if you try your best, he will give you grace and understanding regardless of the result. He's pretty generous, really, just don't be a lazy ass.
Italy: He's perky and preppy and ready to start the day, every day. Even if he arrives right before the bell rings. He's a teacher of few rules, but don't take advantage of that. He will put his foot down eventually, for he can only let things go so far. He always wants to help and will be there for you if you need to talk, but disrespectful behavior will have consequences. If you decide you want to chose that path, he's happy to let you have enough rope to hang yourself with.
Alright, that's all I have for now. Feel free to comment! (Do they sound like any teachers you've had?) I can always add more to this because, lowkey, I could use a teacher AU for a change. I've seen enough Hetalia characters as dumb high schoolers. Also, who would be your favorite if they were your teachers?
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bluevelvetgvf · 2 years
gate & garden: one
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jake kiszka x fem!reader (childhood best friends to lovers..)
A/N: I do not claim to, nor do I know Greta Van Fleet; they are all real people with real lives, this is an entirely fictional work.
She never really knew when Jake came into her life, he was just always there.
Obviously she knew he wasn’t always there, but for the most part, he was.
Her parents, freshly married and out of school had moved into old farmhouse on her paternal grandparent’s land when she was less than a year old. They had quickly made friends with the Kiszkas, and thus solidified their daughter’s lifetime friendship with the twins, and later Veronica and Sam.
Mom had gone to school to become a teacher, and Dad was in the process of going through med school to become a doctor. Their daughter was a “happy accident”, but nevertheless, they played with the cards life gave them.
She was born in the summer of 1996, quiet as a mouse. So quiet, it scared the entire hospital staff. But she was content to be alive, simply inhaling deeply, as if she was already accustomed to breathing air. Mom held her tightly to her chest, while Dad held her hand. They were happy as could be.
She was first introduced to the twins at their first birthday party. Karen and Kelly kept it to close family only, but their neighbors were special invites, considering they lived right next door. And of course the phrase “love thy neighbor” weighed heavily on the Kiszka’s consciences.
After the party, Mom and Karen became best friends. Mom would take her over to the Kiszka’s, all three toddlers secure in a play-pen, while their mothers chatted. As they grew older, they graduated from the play-pen, to the safety of the fenced-in yard.
The three children (and later Veronica), would spend hours playing games, having picnics, taking turns driving the twin’s battery-operated Jeep, and climbing trees.
During the summer, Mom and Karen took turns watching the brood of kids, each of them needing their own time to unwind and complete housework. During the other months, the Kiszkas went to daycare, and she spent her days with Grandma. But the twins would teach her everything they learned in daycare; like how to write her name, how old she was, and all the colors.
Then they started school, three peas in a pod. Karen often joked, it was like she was their triplet. She never went anywhere that a twin wasn’t close by. They stuck together throughout grade school, and into high school. And no matter what happened in life, Jake was there.
It all came back to him.
Her first memory of him, was in kindergarten. At that point, she had already known him her entire life. All five years thus far, had been filled with Jake, and Josh of course. And Veronica, and baby Sam. It was all she’d ever known.
The three of them were sat at a small round table, tucked in the corner of the classroom. It was the first week of school, and the teacher was still getting comfortable with all of the students. Naturally, Jake and Josh never separated, and where they went, she never was far behind. Like she said, the twins were all she’d ever known.
By her parents request, she was placed in the same class as the twins. They were best friends since birth. They played together, shared lunches, and sat at the same table to do classwork. School was fun, definitely not more fun than playing in the creek behind her house, but it was still fun.
Today’s assignment was one of many the teacher had culminated to help herself and the students learn more about each other. They had drawn family portraits, and talked about their birthdays and favorite colors. But today’s assignment was a tough one. One that made each student reach deep inside their young brains, and think about their future.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
The teacher gave them time to think. She told them that it didn’t have to be realistic (then she told them that “realistic” meant “not pretend”.) And it didn’t have to come true.
She and Josh stared at each other from across the table. She didn’t know how she knew it was Josh, considering the twins looked exactly alike, but she always just knew. Neither of them had written anything down on their papers.
Then they both turned to Jake, who was laser-focused on his paper. Tongue poking out from behind his tiny teeth, a vice-grip on the red crayon in his hand, and he very carefully wrote, what he thought spelled out “rockstar”, but really was “roxstar”. The teacher later corrected him, but also commended him.
“What does that say?” Josh frowned, standing up from his chair to lean over his twin’s project.
Jake sighed, as if annoyed with his brother’s inquiry. “It says “rockstar”, Joshy, I just don’t know all the letters yet.”
She nodded, upon the explanation of Jake’s work. Jake loved music. Every time she was at the Kiszka’s, there was some type of music happening. Whether it be Papa K’s records, or him tuning his bass. Or the sound of baby Sam’s mobile, or Veronica’s karaoke machine, or Jake and Josh smashing away at their plastic drum kit.
“What did you write?” Jake turned fully to her, peeking at her paper.
Nervously, she pulled the blank paper away from his sight, folding it in her lap. “It’s a secret.”
Jake rolled his eyes, leaning further forward to try and pull the paper from her grasp. “Hey!“ She whined, inadvertently catching the attention of the teacher.
“Hands to ourselves please, Jacob.” She nodded, not scolding him, but giving him a gentle reminder. With her attention on them, Josh was quick to return to his seat too.
“I think I’m gonna make movies.” Josh shrugged, using his green crayon to write some version of the word “movies” onto his paper.
“So, what are you gonna write?” Jake bugged again, watching as she sat with her paper in her lap. “You could be a rockstar too, you’re really good at the piano.”
She shrugged. She had been in piano lessons for a few months, and could already play Hot-Cross-Buns from memory, twice in a row.
“Plus, if you’re a rockstar, you can be in a band with me!” Jake smiled, his tongue poking at one of the loose teeth in the front of his mouth.
“You could be in my movies!” Josh grinned, finally looking up from his paper. “You could play whatever part you want, a princess, or a bad guy, or even a dog. Movies can make anything happen.”
She shrugged again. “I dunno.”
Jake and Josh looked at each other, silently communicating. They weren’t seeing eye-to-eye with her, for the first time in their life. They couldn’t tell what the problem was.
She knew. She knew, that she didn’t know.
Maybe she did want to be in movies, especially if Josh would be there. And maybe she did want to make music with Jake, his dad was starting to teach him guitar, for real.
But maybe she didn’t. Maybe she didn’t want to do those things. Maybe she wanted to be a teacher, or a nurse, or a dancer. She was really good at dance. Or a painter, or drive cars, who knows? “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Is a really unfair and hard question to ask a five-year old.
Ignoring the stares of her best friends, she placed her paper back on the table, covering it from their view, and she wrote down her answer. And when she was finished, she folded it up, just like the teacher had said to, and without a word, got up from her chair, and took it to her.
“Don’t let anyone see it, okay?” She commanded the teacher, pressing her finger to her lips to shush her. The teacher nodded, holding tightly to the paper.
She returned to her seat. “So what did you write?” Josh asked, frowning.
“Yeah, why won’t you tell us?” Jake also whined, his expression mirroring his twin’s. “Keeping secrets isn’t nice!”
She sighed, pulling her chair in closer to the table. “It won’t be a secret forever Jakey.” She placed her crayons back in the bin in the middle of their table.
“What does that even mean?” Jake scoffed dramatically, angrily folding his paper up. “I don’t know why you can’t just share.”
Josh neatly folded his paper, holding his hand out for his twin’s. Jake handed his brother his paper. “Not all secrets are bad Jakey. Sometimes they can be fun, like remember when Mama was having baby Sam?”
Jake rolled his eyes again. “Yeah, Sam was fun for one day, and then he started crying, now he never stops.” Josh nodded at his twin’s response, maneauvering around his chair and going to hand their papers to the teacher.
Jake huffed. “Just tell me, please? I won’t tell Josh.” His hand reached out to tug at her’s, his brown eyes wide with curiosity.
She contemplated, for a second. But shook her head. “I told you Jakey, you’ll find out one day, okay? Not today.” She released her hand from his grasp, leaning across the table to clean up the crayons he and Josh used.
“That’s not fair!” Jake groaned again, throwing his head back towards the ceiling.
She ignored his fit, being used to both Jake and Josh’s tempers by now, she knew he would eventually forget why he was ever mad.
Which was true. Jake refused to share his lunch with them that day, and also sat by himself with the chalk at recess, but as soon as they returned to the classroom that afternoon, the three of them were practicing their handwriting together as if nothing was wrong.
When the day was over, Jake and Josh’s mom picked them up. She said hi to Veronica, and baby Sam, and waited for Mom to get her.
The ride home was nice. Mom let her ride with the windows down, and it was still warm, so that meant they could play in the creek when she went home.
Mom helped her with her homework, and they had sandwiches for dinner, and like clockwork, the sound of two fists banging on the door.
She ran across the house, now changed from her school clothes, into a more comfy outfit. Her socks made her slide across the floor a bit as she flung open the door, revealing Jake, Josh, and Veronica. “Hey guys.” She grinned, a bit out of breath from her sprint.
“Hey, we brought Ronnie with us, if that’s okay.” Jake smiled, stepping aside to fully reveal his little sister, who frowned at the nickname.
“Mama said it was okay.” Josh reminded his brother. Mama's rules trump all.
“Don’t call me Ronnie!” Veronica whined. “Don’t like that!”
Jake ignored his sister, waiting for an answer. “Sure, Veronica can come.” She turned, tugging on her shoes. “We’re going down to the creek, ‘kay Momma?” She called through the house.
“Just be back before dark, alright?” Mom called back.
“Okay! We’ll be careful!” She responded, practically tripping out the door as the four of them began their trek to the tree-line.
She and Jake walked ahead of Josh and Veronica. Josh liked to take his time, and make sure Veronica could keep up. Jake was just ready to play.
“You know, you shouldn’t make fun of your sister Jakey.” She frowned, looking over at him. “She doesn’t like being called Ronnie.”
Jake shrugged, kicking his foot at a particularly dry leaf. “She’ll get used to it. Ronnie’s so much easier to say than Veronica anyway.”
“That’s not nice, Jakey.” She pried, trying to prove her point.
“It’s not a big deal.” He brushed her off. “You want a nickname too?”
“No thank you!” She scoffed, nudging him away with her arm. “I like my name just the way it is!”
“I’ll find you a nickname.”  Jake looked at her, raising his eyebrows. “Pinky-promise.”
She shook her head, trying to fight the urge to smack him as the creek came into view. Jake took off like a rocket, kicking off his socks and sneakers and splashing into the water. “C’mon Jakey, you’re gonna scare all the minnows!” She cried out in frustration, carefully removing her shoes.
Josh and Ronnie appeared from behind them, both looking as equally disappointed with their brother. “He always does this!” Josh sighed, bending down to help Ronnie remove her shoes.
“What’s he doing?” Ronnie asked, her hands placed on her brother’s shoulders for stability.
“He’s scaring the fish.” She replied, waiting for Ronnie and Josh to be shoe-less too.
“What!” Ronnie whined, mouth agape with shock. “Jakey, why’re you doing that? I wanna see the fish too!” She cried, holding onto Josh’s hand as they approached the creek.
Jake ignored them, and continued his splashing venture, picking up rocks and looking for creatures. And sure enough, scaring away any sign of fish for miles to come.
The four of them played in the water, and the surrounding forestry, until the sun began to set. Then, shoes in-hand, they walked back through the soft grass, towards their homes.
“See you tomorrow?” Jake asked, his voice hopeful, although they all knew, they’d be seeing each other tomorrow. And every day after that, for as long as they were alive.
“Duh.” She replied, face upturning in a goofy grin.
She watched from the steps as Jake, Josh, and Ronnie went home, leaving their shoes out on their porch. And when they were finally in their house, she went inside, ready for bed, and the promise of a new day full of adventures with her best friends.
The next day was not all sunshines and rainbows, as they had anticipated it would be.
Upon arrival to school, Jake, Josh, and Y/N were split up into different classrooms. And the consequences were catastrophic.
Jake remained in the initial classroom his brother and best friend were in. Y/N was just next door, and Josh was placed down the hall.
Y/N did not handle the separation well. It was terrifying enough to be in an entirely new and strange place, with new and strange people, doing new and strange things, when she had Jake and Josh there to make her feel safe. But now, being totally separated from them, awakened a new feeling deep inside of her. Fear.
She didn’t know a single person in her class. And the teacher was not nice, she didn’t even let them pick their seats. And there wasn’t even a colorful carpet for story time.
Y/N spent the morning alone. She ate her snack alone, which was disappointing, considering she was planning on swapping her animal crackers for Josh’s Teddy Grahams. She didn’t even eat her lunch, her stomach was so unhappy about being alone.
At recess, she sat by the door, waiting for the agonizingly slow day to end. After recess, she completed her counting, and then sat and colored quietly, until the teacher told her it was time to leave.
When they were lined up for dismissal, she all but ran to Jake and Josh, who shockingly, were not affected whatsoever by their separation. Both boys’ heads shot up at the sound of her sneakers rapidly approaching them.
Y/N tried to be brave, but she felt the tears form in her eyes before she even knew what was happening. Josh frowned, seated on the ground, his oversized backpack holding him to the ground. “What’s wrong?” He gasped, seeing the tears roll down her cheeks.
Jake reached up for her hand, practically yanking her to the ground. She sandwiched herself between the twins, pulling her knees up to her chest. “I was so scared today!” She wailed, trying to stay calm, despite her growing anxiety. “I missed you guys so much!”
Josh didn’t say anything, but he leaned over, placing his head on her shoulder. Jake didn’t speak either, but he never let go of her hand.
Mom and Karen arrived at the same time to get their kids, and were both very shocked to find them huddled together on the gymnasium floor, comforting each other.
Mom picked Y/N up, Jake’s hand still clinging to her’s. “S’okay now Jakey.” She sniffled, pulling her hand from his grasp. “My momma’s here now.”
Mom cuddled her into her chest. “What’s wrong honey? What happened to you?”
Karen frowned, replacing Y/N’s hand with her’s in an attempt to comfort him. “Boys, do you know why Y/N is crying?”
“We're not in the same class anymore Mama!” Josh answered, watching sadly as Y/N still cried into her mother’s shoulder. “They put me down the hall from Jakey.”
“I was all alone today Momma.” Y/N cried, her tiny hands fisting the material of her mother’s shirt. “I didn’t see Joshy or Jakey all day! I was so scared!”
Jake’s hand tensed up in his mother’s, tears now welling in his own eyes as he watched his best friend cry. “I was alone too Mama.” He whispered, trying to be brave for Y/N. There didn’t need to be two of them crying.
The two mothers shared a look. Karen grabbed her other son’s hand, and the five of them made their way to the administrators office. Mom calmed Y/N down enough to be able to leave her with the twins while she and Karen spoke to the principal and their teachers privately.
The three children sat in chairs in the office, Jake’s hand immediately finding Y/N’s again. “Don’t worry, our mommies will fix it.” He assured her, squeezing her hand. “I won’t let you be alone ever again, okay?”
Through teary eyes, Y/N nodded, and they patiently waited for their mothers to be finished. After what felt like forever, they reappeared from the office. “Thank goodness I decided to pick the twins up first today.” Karen was saying, as she shook her head.
“You better now baby?” Mom bent down to eye-level with her, waiting as Y/N timidly shook her head, relying on the pressure of Jake’s hand in her’s to keep her grounded.
“We came up with a fix to your problem, okay?” Karen said from over Mom’s shoulder. “Joshua, your new teacher said you were perfectly fine in your new classroom, is that right?”
From two chairs down, Josh nodded. “I’ll be okay by myself Mama.”
Karen fought a smile and nodded, turning her attention to Jake and Y/N. “Now Jacob, your teacher said you didn’t play with any of the other kids in your class today. And you didn’t do any work, is that true?”
Jake huffed, finally releasing Y/N’s hand. “I don’t need to play with anyone else Mama, that’s what I got Y/N for! And Joshy!” That statement alone seemed to answer Karen’s question.
“And honey, your teacher said you didn’t eat your lunch, and you didn’t play at recess, is that the truth?” Mom asked Y/N softly.
She nodded her head. “I don’t know anybody, I was all by myself!”
Knowingly, Karen and Mom shared another look. “Okay, Y/N, your teachers have agreed to let you go back to your original class. So you can be with Jacob again.” Mom smiled, watching as her daughter’s tears disappeared. “But you have to behave, and do all of your work, and eat your lunches.”
Jake and Y/N nodded excitedly, their hearts happy once again. “But try and make some new friends, okay?” Karen also smiled, content that the kids were feeling better.
“Pinky promise Mama!” Jake exclaimed, practically jumping out of his seat.
“Thank you Momma.” Y/N whispered, leaning forward into her mother’s embrace.
They all parted ways, Karen loading up the twins to go make a late pickup for the younger Kiszkas, and Mom taking Y/N home for a night of one-on-one time.
That day was the last day that Jake and Y/N were apart.
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greyrain23 · 2 years
Sunshine is Forever... especially ours - Akaashi x AFAB!Reader/GN!Reader (depending how you read it really)
(Tw, implications of pregnancy, though you could take it as adopting)
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Meeting Akaashi all the way back in kindergarten was definitely one of the best things to have ever happened to you. That, and one two other things.
You still remember your guys' first meeting, it was your first day of school in a new city and you didn't want to leave your mother's side.
After a while of both your mom and teacher trying to persuade you to stay in the classroom and failing, a little boy with short black hair and beautiful turquoise eyes tentatively walked over.
"Hello." He greeted quietly, you gave a tiny wake before grabbing your mom's pant leg again. He introduced himself and you did the same "do you wanna come play with me?" He asked, pointing to some building blocks you could see a half built castle.
Though it took a moment of thought you agreed, Akaashi held his hand out and you automatically took it in your's. He lead you to the pile of blocks and showed you how to stack them. You had so much fun making the castle with him you didn't realize your mom had left. A wave of disappointment fell over you when the teacher called everyone over for a snack then nap time.
The two of you laid your mats out side by side, and instead of napping you two whispered to each other, exchanging stories of yourselves. There were a few times Akaashi tried to get you to nap and you did! You settled down, put your head on your pillow.. but "-oh! I remember this one time.." and you told another story.
When 'nap time' was over, the two of you hurried vack over to the building blocks, continuing to make your castle together. When both your parents came to pick you up and you had to put the blocks away, you almost had a fit but Akaashi calmed you down, telling you that the two of you could make another, even better castle next time.
In elementary school the two of you were together all the time, you were in almost all classes together and you'd walk home together, and have playdates all the time, either at your house, his house, or the nearby park.
Whenever the two of you had a sleepover you would stay up later than usual, watching movies or playing games. It was always exciting staying ul with him, your parents would leave into their rooms, so it would just be you two, sharing secrets, trying to make popcorn (and burning it) and trying to predict the end of the movie.
By middle school, it seemed you two were even closer than before, always talking, whispering, and sharing things with eachother, laughing at the stupid jokes you made.
When Akaashi showed you volleyball you found it fun to play with him. He had talked about playing before but he never actually showed you. But when he finally did, you were happy.
One day when you were waiting for Akaashi to finish practice he came out with a boy you'd never seen before. He had golden owl-ish eyes, with black and grey streaked hair, spiked up to look even more owl-like. He greeted you very enthusiastically after Akaashi introduced you to him, you learned his name was Bokuto.
Bokuto was a very energetic boy, but you still got along very well. But.. you won't lie, you did get a bit jealous over him after he started spending more time with Akaashi. During volleyball practice, you were't allowed to watch very often so Bokuto and Akaashi got along while they played. But Bokuto even started walking home with you guys, now, you wouldn't normally mind if someone else walked with you, but Bokuto talked. A lot. And no, you wouldn't normally mind him cutting back on your chat time with Akaashi while you walked, he was your's. But he ended up coming to your guys' sleepovers and movie nights too..
But, over time, even though Bokuto was a year older and he was hogging some of Akaashi's attention; you grew to really enjoy Bokuto being there with the two of you.
In Highschool is when you started to feel different about Akaashi. It was also the time he asked you the question- no no- not that question! He asked if you wanted to be the Fukurodani Volleyball Club manager.
As much as you wanted to spend more time with your two greatest friends (and crush) you had a lot to do that year.. your parents opened up a flower and pastrie shop together, and they wanted your help. They had a little bonus thing going on; you buy some break or a sweet thing? You get a single flower as a bonus, or the other way around, you buy a boutique of flowers? You get a macron as a bonus. (See? See what I did there? Ehe)
So, normally you would say yes.. but this year had a lot of stuff going on, so you had to decline. Bokuto had been upset about it, but Akaashi reasoned with him that it made sense you didn't have time for managing volleyball too. Even though he also felt upset gimself that you couldn't join them to spend more time together. Doing the things you all love too.
It was you and Akaashi's third and last year in highschool, Bokuto had already graduated, and though it was an emotional mess between the three of you, you were all proud of eachother.
It happened the day when you were watching Akaashi's last volleyball game for highschool. He set the ball to the spiker just perfectly, and without thinking, you yelled "GO AKAASHI! YOU CAN DO IT! I LOVE YOU!!" You didn't mean to! It kind of just.. slipped..
You froze before smaking your hand over your mouth at the realization of what you said. But he looked completely unfazed so you hoped that the other cheers drowned out a least the last part.
His final game was amazing. They won both sets pretty quickly. And after the game was done and you met up with Akaashi you gave him a hug and congratulated him. You assumed just a thanks and a short hug back. What you didn't expect was a thank, a hug.. but he didn't let go, insead he held you with one arm and leaned down.
"You really love me?" He asked in a low voice. And just like before you froze, you snapped your head up at him "YOU DID HEAR IT??" You paniced, he let out a smooth chuckle and rubbed your head "I love you too" he said with a soft smile, the one you always loved.
After that game you became official, Bokuto was ecstatic that the two of you were together, claiming he knew it the moment he met you two.
A few years after graduation he proposed to you, it was a scene out of a movie, you swear it with your life. The two of you were out of town for a vacation together. You went to a beach house to spend a week, and on the last day you were all set to leave as the sun was going down. He convinced you to come over to the sand one last time to look over the water one more time before you two left. As you looked out at the sunset Akaashi cleared his throat, making you look back over at him.
on one knee, holding a small black box in his hands opening it to reveal a simple golden band as he expressed his love for you, how he wants to stay with you forever, until you get old and eventually pass together into the next life.
Obviously you accepted.. otherwise you wouldn't be here now. In bed with him, a loving smile on your face as you looked out the door, the very faint light shining out of the room just next to yours.. and the small cries of a baby, they quieted as you stepped out of bed, walking into the room and seeing your husband holding your daughter gently in his arms, rocking her and humming a lulluby..
Yeah.. meeting Akaashi was definitely one of the best things to have ever happened to you.. that, getting married to him, and most of all.. having a child with him...
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Wow.. this took my a while but it's probably one of my favorites so far. I hope you enjoyed it! Have a good rest of your night/day~!
(Buy uhm.. I might have messed up the text colors a bit, my bad..)
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hoshi-neko-hikari · 2 years
Taiyou-sensei’s Halloween Bash (open rp)
At Starshine Kindergarten, Taiyou-sensei has prepared a fun filled day of tricks and treats and games for kids and their parents to enjoy. His classroom was themed to look like a spooky circus and he was dressed as a mash between a ringmaster and the usher from Halloween Horror Nights. Just more kid friendly.
He set up a tray of candy, halloween themed cupcakes and treats, and goodie bags with little surprises inside. His signature piece was a ghost cake which he titled “Booberry Brownie Cake.”
He had different carnival styled games set up and a few traditional halloween games such as bobbing for apples, jack o lantern carving, and a costume contest.
Everything was perfect and he was excited for the kids to arrive. His brother, Tsuki, prepped them for a Halloween choir concert for the end of the party.
Feel free to join in the halloween fun!
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Tagging: @puppy-boy-toby @weirdgayenby @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter @the-plushie-friendships @gorefieldsworld and anyone else who wants to join
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rbaksa · 9 months
Readerly Response #2
Due date of assigned readings: Monday, September 18
Title of assigned course reading: “Enriching and Assessing Young Children’s Multimodal Storytelling” 
Big takeaway: Students in a K-1 class successfully told multimodal stories with the help of teachers who facilitated story-telling workshops and peer reviews, demonstrating how teachers should avoid assessing children solely on their written story-telling ability. 
Nugget: I enjoyed reading about the story-writing process students engaged in. The mini-lessons taught essential story-telling skills that traditional literacy lessons do, such as character development and setting. However, I was impressed with the amount of freedom and hands-on experience the children who received multimodal story instruction had. They could access many materials and make their stories as creative as they wanted, with fun characters and surprise endings! Not only did this unit teach children how to tell stories, but it also taught the process of doing so. For example, children practiced peer review when classmates shared stories. I would never have considered introducing the peer review process as early as kindergarten and first grade, but the students did a good job with it from what I have read in the article. For example, the peer's comment about changing voices for each character is a helpful suggestion based on a previous lesson. I learned that children are more capable of expressing their creativity than I had thought, as evident through their scripts, performances, suggestions, or the school’s museum night. 
Title of assigned course reading: “Why Children Need Play” 
Big takeaway: When children partake in dramatic play that enables them to formulate engaging themes, delegate roles, and use symbolic props, they practice skills conducive to learning and school readiness. 
Nugget: I did not realize there was a difference between unproductive and productive dramatic play. I learned that quality dramatic play happens when children play together, formulate rules, assume different roles, and use props as symbols for other objects. When I become a teacher, I should facilitate this high-quality dramatic play. Instead of having students play with iPads during free time, I should provide open-ended toys and materials so they can make their own games or props to play with. 
Title of assigned course reading: “Building Language and Literacy Through Play” 
Big takeaway: Dramatic play is essential for child development, as it enables children to practice the language they have learned, social-emotional skills such as empathy, and the ability to problem solve. 
Nugget: I learned that roughhouse play can benefit the frontal lobe’s development. I have always negatively perceived roughhousing as being “inappropriate” play. I had not realized that, when responsibly supervised, it can help foster self-regulation skills. To support these self-regulation skills, I think it is important for parents to talk with their children about expectations for this play so children can practice explaining when roughhousing is acceptable and when it is not. 
Readerly Exploration Task: For this week’s task, I formulated three questions and researched one of them. First, I read all three readings and wrote the big takeaways and nuggets. Then, I reread them and formulated my questions, which I documented in the multimedia portion. Since incorporating play in the literacy classroom is not something I had thought about before, coming up with questions was not a challenge since there is still a lot I would like to explore. After reading the article “Kindergarten Scores, Storytelling, Executive Function, and Motivation Improved through Literacy-Rich Guided Play,” I unexpectedly realized I was limiting my perception of play used in instruction to games teachers create to make learning fun (Cavanaugh et al., 2017). Cavanaugh’s article made me realize that student-driven play can teach core concepts in addition to social skills, even though I had previously wanted to limit this play to recess. This article describes how students partook in a teacher-driven letter sorting activity where students sorted items into the corresponding letter bin (for example, a valentine into the “v” bin). The control group only completed this activity, while the experimental group had the opportunity to create an additional letter-sorting game. I was surprised by how creative the students’ games were. Some students designed a shopping game where they pretended to purchase toys to sort into the correct bin. Other students created a story using all their objects. Before reading this article, I assumed that to be effective for learning literacy content, the teacher needed to have a more active role in children’s play, like how the teachers in the “Enriching and Assessing Young Children’s Multimodal Storytelling” article provided instruction and templates for students to use to create their stories. However, the article I found reported that students in the experimental group outperformed control group students on the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills assessment. Researchers determined the effect size of incorporating student-driven literacy play to be .57, demonstrating moderate effectiveness (Cavanaugh et al., 2017). I learned that students should have the opportunity to engage in self-driven play during core subjects such as literacy, with the teacher serving only as a guide. Students only had fifteen minutes to create and engage in their invented games, but it still impacted their literacy development, and this finding surprised me. I realized that children learn more core content from their play than I had thought, as the article reported that most students enjoyed creative freedom and used it responsibly without getting off task. In other words, I can trust students to engage in self-driven productive play, so I should not limit this to just recess. 
Multimodal Documentation: These are the three questions I came up with: 1) Have other classrooms adopted a similar multimodal approach to literacy explained in the “Enriching and Assessing Young Children’s Multimodal Storytelling” reading? 2) How have elementary teachers incorporated play in literacy instruction when it is not already a part of the curriculum? 3) How can teachers respond to misconceptions about incorporating play into the classroom as a legitimate form of learning?
I chose question number two to research. When conducting preliminary research, I read the article cited below. 
Cavanaugh, D. M., Clemence, K. J., Teale, M. M., Rule, A. C., & Montgomery, S. E. (2017). Kindergarten Scores, Storytelling, Executive Function, and Motivation Improved through Literacy-Rich Guided Play. Early Childhood Education Journal, 45(6), 831–843. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-016-0832-8
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vera-playschool-121 · 9 months
The Crucial Role of Preschool in Child Development
Preschool education is a foundational stage in a child's life that lays the groundwork for their academic, social, and emotional development. It is during these early years that children's brains undergo remarkable growth and transformation, making the role of preschool particularly crucial. In this article, we will explore the importance of preschool in child development and how it contributes to building a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success.
Cognitive Development
Cognitive development refers to the growth of a child's thinking, problem-solving, and language skills. Preschool provides an environment that fosters cognitive growth by introducing children to a structured learning environment. Through activities such as storytelling, puzzles, and educational games, children are exposed to new ideas, concepts, and vocabulary, which help stimulate their intellectual curiosity.
Preschool also cultivates skills like critical thinking and decision-making. Activities that encourage creativity and exploration allow children to develop their imagination and learn how to approach challenges from different angles. These skills form the basis for future academic success.
Social and Emotional Development
Daycare in marathahalli offers a unique setting where children interact with their peers, teachers, and other adults, helping them develop essential social skills. Learning to share, take turns, and collaborate are all critical lessons that are learned through play and group activities. These interactions foster empathy, cooperation, and communication skills that are vital for building positive relationships in the future.
Moreover, preschool provides a safe space for children to explore and understand their emotions. Through activities such as storytelling, role-playing, and discussions, children learn to express their feelings and develop emotional intelligence. This foundation equips them to manage their emotions effectively and navigate social situations with confidence.
Language and Communication Skills
Language development is a cornerstone of preschool education. Children are introduced to a rich language environment that includes conversations, storytelling, and reading activities. Exposure to diverse vocabulary and language structures enhances their linguistic abilities and lays the foundation for successful reading and writing skills in later years.
Preschool in bellandur also helps children develop effective communication skills. Engaging in group discussions, sharing stories, and expressing thoughts and ideas contribute to their ability to articulate themselves clearly and confidently, both verbally and non-verbally.
Motor Skills and Physical Development
Preschool activities are designed to promote the development of fine and gross motor skills. Art projects, puzzles, and building activities help refine fine motor skills, while outdoor play, dancing, and running games contribute to the development of gross motor skills. These physical activities are not only fun but also aid in improving coordination, balance, and overall physical health.
Preparing for Formal Education
Preschool serves as a bridge between the home environment and formal schooling. Children who attend preschool are better prepared for the transition to kindergarten and beyond. They are already familiar with structured routines, classroom dynamics, and basic academic concepts, which makes the adjustment to primary school smoother.
Preschool also helps instill a love for learning early on, setting a positive attitude towards education that can influence a child's entire academic journey.
The importance of preschool in child development cannot be overstated. This foundational stage shapes a child's cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth, preparing them for a successful academic journey and fostering skills that extend well into adulthood. By providing a nurturing and stimulating environment, preschool equips children with the tools they need to become well-rounded individuals capable of thriving in a rapidly changing world. As parents and educators, investing in quality preschool education is one of the most impactful decisions we can make for the future of our children.
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Welcome to my blog!
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❥Very important! Please, please, please customize your blog a bit before following/interacting with me. If your blog only has a profile picture but is completely unchanged other than the pic, I will block you thinking you’re a bot even when you’re really not ❥
❥Hello everyone and welcome to my blog where I post art, write stuff for ocs and more! ❥
❥I’m Noelle and I’ll be your guide whilst we venture through the murky deep that is also known as this blog ❥
❥Just to know me a bit better, I’m Filipino and I speak a couple of languages like English, Tagalog, Spanish and some Japanese. I have ADHD and I’m still in skewl. I mostly post about fandoms I’m in and occasionally post about what I’m currently doing irl❥
❥Basically everything else you need to know about me is in the pic above! Same goes for the fandoms I’m in ❥
❥You can send me asks, messages and tag me! I don’t really mind:] ❥
❥I feel like this post is going to be very long so just press ‘Keep reading’ if you ever want to know about my tags, other socials and extra stuff about me because... yes❥
~~Where you can find me~~
(Red means I’m on there practically always, Orange means I just use without actually posting/making/doing something and Green means I rarely ever use)
YouTube: couchpotatowithartistictalent
Tiktok: random_fanart_24
Wattpad: Apollo_Justice11
Archive of Our Own: Call_Me_Potato
Reddit: u/Apollo_Justice11
Discord: ApolloJustice_11#9834
Facebook: Noelle Elleon
Amino: Call_Me_Potato
DeviantArt: RandomFandomMess
Character.AI: OcsAreFunToMake
Janitor.AI: RandomFandomMess
Quotev: CallMePotato
Roblox: DumMeatBread
~~All tags I use~~
(These are only the tags that I use frequently. This doesn’t include tags that I used for like, two posts)
(But then again this list includes the tags that I haven’t used yet ((I think)) )
Nicholas Marcus
Stanley Parry
Mariella Parker
Cyra Kristine
Karter Green
CN McArthur
Kristine Krupp
Ellie Jamison
Ellen Jamison
Adriana Maddison
Simon Tolentino
Naixil Seyer
Leon Seyer
Kristen Write
Nelson Sneedly
Grayson Sneedly
Chris Sneedly
kindergarten 3
very extremely flippin random
me and my b e s t i e
pinned post!<3
potato reblogs
potato reblogs a reblog
potato draws
potato doodles
potato randomly talks
potato’s classroom shenanigans
potato fics
‘what ifs’ from potato
potato’s kinda sensitive
potato’s fears
potato dreams weird things
potato fun facts
potato quotes
reblogging for... reasons
(Yes, there is a specific section of tags where I simp for Melvinborg)
melvinborg can obliterate me and i’d be thankful
bbg fr
augh he is so hot
~~Fandoms I’m In/Used To Be In~~
Just Shapes and Beats
Obey Me!
Gravity Falls
Total Drama/The Ridonculous Race
The Stanley Parable/TSP:UD
Object Show Community
Steven Universe
Captain Underpants/TETOCU
Miraculous Ladybug
Kindergarten 1/2
South Park (TFBW and PD)
The Owl House
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Harry Potter (JKR can suck my non-existent balls <3)
Doodle World
Musicals (RTC, Heathers, Mean Girls, Six, Spongebob, etc.)
Blush Blush (Technically?)
My Inner Demons (Aphmau)
Stardew Valley
Friday Night Funkin’
There is No Game
Adventure Time
OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes
Five Nights at Freddy's
Team Fortress 2
That's Not My Neighbor
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Super Mario
Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning
Bendy and the Ink Machine
~~Facts About Me~~
I am Bisexual, Demisexual, Demiromantic, Genderfluid and Fictosexual
I use all pronouns but I really like He/Him the most
I like drawing and writting but creativity is slowly dying out on me
I really really like fictional characters so much
I make a lot of bots across different platforms but most are currently private
I have a lot of ocs and aus for my fandoms
I would really like to post more gacha content but like stated earlier, creativity is at a massive low
I am very childish
I really like Brennan Lee Mulligan/Adrian Clairmont
I am a mega simp. Once I see a character that checks all of my boxes, I will post all about that character even if I’m not in the fandom
I have like 15 side blogs that I made and like around, 3 or 4 main blogs (diff accs ofc) that I completely forgot about
I have shit memory
I curse sometimes but on other occasions I just say a curse but replace a letter with a sign or another letter (like sh!t or fvck)
I post original stuff like art and oc info pages sometimes but when motivation is running low, I just reblog stuff
I really like being called King, Prince or a title that’s associated with royalty. Just.. Not Queen/Princess
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