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Klancey witha speas mice!! So kyoooot (>w<)
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animemascotarchive · 2 years
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Today’s anime mascot(s) of the day is…!
Chuchule and Platt from Go Lion!
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viikt0rr · 2 years
- I have a Voltron theory -
( Season 7: episode 6-7 )
When all of the paladins were floating through space without any trace to go because they didn’t have their lions. What if they actually never made it to earth? The paladin’s never make it to earth and they were hallucinating everything as they slowly lose oxygen and die of starvation.
Sometimes I like to think that Shiro, Romelle, and Coran ( plus Kosmo, Kaltenecker, Chulatt, Platt, Plachu, and Chuchule ) Made it to earth and had to accept the fact that the Paladins are in fact, dead.
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bes-ton · 24 days
Godless Star chapter one: Death
Master list
Replaceable -ability to be replaced.
With shiro back and piloting the black lion, Keith in the red lion and allura in her “destined” place as blue Paladin, what point did lance serve for the team?
Worship -adoration or devotion comparable to religious homage, shown toward a person or principle.
note: my Spanish is horrible, and all translations will be at the bottom
Warnings: kidnaping, general angst, death (mentioned), curse words, if more needed to be added that I didn't add just let me know.
Waves lapped the shoreline of the sun hot sand, the previous storms destruction evident on the beach. Knee deep in the foul water stood his grandmother in here faded green sweater and a long now soaked blue skirt.
Lance knew something was different, she wasn’t vibrant anymore; She no longer gave off her pink cherry blossom glow. Everyone gave off a glow; his mother was lilac, his father was dark blue, his siblings ranged from neon purple to ocean blue. He couldn’t stand crowds as the colors mixed into muddled browns or sad grays.
Walking away wouldn’t tell him anything so he walked towards her. Shoeless feet burning in the sand relieved by the rolling waves of polluted ocean.
“Are you gonna leave too?” Lance had said to her. It wasn’t accusatory, neither was it understanding, it was oddly stated as a fact.
“Why do you think that niño?” Sky blue eyes peered at him in question. “Is it like when you told your Tia she was pregnant?”
“I never said she was pregnant? I just wanted to meet him.” Tone accusatory, while Royal blue met sky blue eyes.
“respuesta me niño.” She stated curt and strong. A huff lost to the wind from an impatient child. “Sì abuela, como Tia”
Alarms shook the castle walls, blaring a warning of despair. Breathlessly Lance jumped up from his relaxed position to rushing out the door to the hangar. His steps echoed through the imposing hallways, as he slid into position to grab the alien zip line, nothing happened.
Lance anxiously looked around the room and then waved his arms as if it was motion sensors. Nothing happened, then the crack of the castle speakers broke the deafening silence of self doubt.
“Lance please head up to the bridge” said the warm voice or Coran. With that order given Lance set out to complete it, walking in the direction of the bridge.
The walk down to the bridge felt like a walk of shame to Lance, this had only happened similarity to when blue shut him out in hopes that he would go to the red lion.
Am I being rejected? Keith is piloting red now, and I haven’t heard her call so what’s going on? Did I mishear and the alarm was saying something? Was it just a drill? Did I fail? That can’t kick me off the team for something so small right? Lance was spiraling out of control, his thoughts and doubts traveling at light speed through his head.
The hissing of the door to the bridge brought him back to the reality of the situation. Taking a deep breath and preparing for the onslaught of questions on his time or lack of listening skills, he walks through the door. Lance is only met with the calming sound of Coran humming and occasionally commenting on something through a speaker.
“What’s going on Coran? I heard the alarm.” Lance rushed out. Coran turned to look at him and gave a sad smile. Gesturing to the holographic screen in front of them it looked like a camera angle from one of the lions, they were on some sort of tropical planet approaching some sort of abandoned galra base.
“Allura decided that she would pilot the blue lion on this mission.” Coran said to Lance, not looking away from the screen.
She always pilots blue on missions, training, and is bonding with blue now, why am I here at this point, they don’t need me. A squeak brought Lance out of his thoughts. It was Allura’s mice, given an impatient look and a frustrated hop Lance bent down and offered his hand to them. Plachu and Chuchule immediately raced up his arm and sat on his shoulders like sentries. Platt and Chulatt were content to stay in his hand as Lance stood up slowly petting them with his other hand.
Pidge’s voice sounded through the comms, Coran must have put them on speaker for me, that’s nice of him.
“I’m inside the base, heading towards the control room.”
“Good, Allura and Hunk will meet you there.” Said Shiro.
“ Shiro, I’m on the other side of the compound from Hunk and Pidge, I say Keith should get down here to cover Pidge and I go back up and fight.” Allura pompously stated.
What the actual fuck princess, thought Lance.
“No, that will take to much time, go help Hunk” Keith ground out.
“Why should I listen to you?”
“Uh guys- I’m getting swarmed down here!” Cried Hunk
“Listen to Keith, is this what missions were like when I was gone?” Questioned Shiro.
“Fine” clipped Allura.
“One, I’m in the control room download already started, two can I keep a robot I found? It’s kind of broken but I can fix it. And three to answer your question, Yes but we don’t have Lance to balance those two out anymore.” Pidge Explained.
When have I ever calmed those two down?
A sigh could be heard from Shiro. “Good, yes as long as it’s not violent, and Coran can you get Lance on the line?”
Coran gestured to the mic in front of him and Lance walked over slowly as to not bother the mice.
“Umm hello? Testing, testing, one to three,” huffed out Lance. That got a few laughs from the team, even Coran.
“Hi Lance,” sounded off Keith, it was evident that he was tired just from his voice.
Fake it till you make it, I have to be happy for them. “Well hello Keith, you sound tired”
“I am, but adrenaline am I right?” Keith Laughed.
“Well we can always spare later if you need,” offered Lance.
“That sounds nice but I’m hoping to take a nap after this.”
“Ok, Allura, how are you and blue doing?” Questioned Lance
“Lance I’m trying to focus here, what do you want” growled Allura.
“ I just thought you would like to know the mice are doing good, really cuddly today.” Offered Lance, the mice nuzzled Lance in approval.
“Put my mice down Lance they are not toys!” Oh, well that didn’t hurt at all.
Once everyone was back in the castle, they all went to the lab to see if Pidge had anything for the team. Ze didn’t, but Pidge had the code automatically being translated through some recently developed software. Pidge had the robot recoded to be nonviolent and actually be helpful. It had already came with tools and the ability to connect and use whatever it plugged itself into. Lance thought it was a little creepy but still very cool as it would take the work load off Pidge. Given the name rover 2 or R2 which Shiro laughed at mumbling something about a R2D2?
The mission had taken all day and everyone was exhausted by the end of it and like Keith predicted he passed out after the mission but not before Hunk made sure he ate something. Lance after grabbing some food goop headed to his room.
On the way back to his room Lance kept hearing a metallic pitter patter from behind him. But when he turned around nothing was following him so he didn’t really worry. Hearing the hissing of his door Lance turned away from the hallway and the walked in.
Heading to his bathroom Lance started in his skin care routine, he had recently found a serum that practically made his skin glow and really bouncy. After everything was finished and put away Lance headed to the bed while comfortable was pretty hard and hard to find a good sleeping position. Eventually he found a spot and melted into the bed and closing his eyes.
A crash had Lance shoot up to a sitting position, half delirious he saw a shadow in the doorway, it wasn’t human. Something came out from the top of the intruder and a hissing sound soon followed. Lance didn’t know what happened after as he collapsed.
Pain was the first thing Lance registered as he woke up. The urge to curl into himself was overwhelming but Lance pushed through and sat up. Only meet with spotty vision and heavy nausea he fell forward. He gagged but nothing came out, dry heaving was all he could do until his breathing evened out.
Looking around Lance registered that he was in a Altean space pod in space. Stumbling over to the control screen Lance realized he was set on an unknown corse. Moving his hand over the control panel, he realized it was destroyed.
niño - boy/child respuesta - answer Sì - yes abuela - grandma “Sì abuela, como Tia” - yes grandma, like auntie.
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birdsittingtoronto · 1 year
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🚨 LOOK WHO’S BACK 🚨 The lovely Chuchul and Simba return to BST! They will be staying with us until the beginning of February ☺️ Happy to have them back! ___________________________ #conure #conuresofinstagram #birdsoftoronto #birdsitting #birdsittingtoronto #conurestagram #conuresonly #conuresofig #conureparrot #conurelover #conurelove #conurelife #birdsofinstagram #parrotlover #engagednotcaged #petsofinstagram #petoftheday
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chibi-pix · 3 years
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I had the need of these two Pidges hanging out together. Even if one fell asleep for a nap and the other is at the computer. And! We even have the four mice from DotU snuggled in along with the ones from VLD! Seemed like a cute thing to have. DotU Pidge is even hugging Rover and using a trash floof as a pillow.  And VLD Pidge is being tender, gently resting her hand on DotU Pidge’s head. He’s was probably having a nightmare and her gentle touch comforted him. Like one sibling looking after another?
Anyway! I hope you guys enjoy this cuteness! Until next time!
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vld-prompts · 3 years
Dress the mice in the paladins’ clothes.
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icypantherwrites · 4 years
New Fic: A Squeak in the Code
A gift!fic for the lovely @rueitae as thanks for just being such a sweet, kind, wonderful person whose comments never fail to brighten my day and pull me out of dark places.
A Squeak in the Code
Summary:  Despite the late hour Pidge has no plans to sleep until she finishes running her current algorithm. Four determined little space mice have a very different plan in mind.
Story snippet:
A warm, wet nose bumped her fingers and she glanced over to find Platt with Plachu standing next to him with arms crossed and while he always looked stern he looked particularly so right now.
“What?” Pidge frowned right back. “I’m working.”
Plachu glared harder while Platt hauled his bulk to flop himself completely over her hand and the computer mouse.
A small, timid squeak had her turning to where Chulatt was standing in front of the monitor and his little tail was pointing at the clock in the corner.
Pidge blinked.
“So?” she asked. “Three in the morning is hardly late for me.”
Chuchule gave an indignant chirp on her lap and slid out from beneath her hand, scampering up Pidge’s arm to her shoulder, turning in a little circle and pointedly lying down.
“I work best late at night,” Pidge argued, gently shaking Platt off her hand and he fell down with a tiny little plop and sigh.
Read it here
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yelmor-boots · 5 years
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Malediction || Chapter Two
One birthday party can change everything.
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theponydins · 5 years
If you were all trapped in a room together, who would you eat first?
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Platt: Squeak!
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veniche-ramboodles · 6 years
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When mom and dad are away, the fur babies come out to play.
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zhe-lazy-fox · 6 years
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Let him rest.
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jildinart · 7 years
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He needs more appreciation.
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chibi-pix · 3 years
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You know what was needed? More Pidge interacting with the mice in VLD.  So! I used a screenshot from DotU to give us a lovely interaction, the mice kissing Pidge’s cheek as Allura holds them up. And honestly? It’s the best.
I’ll admit, I’ve been wanting to do this once for some time since I had seen the screenshot before, even before my watch through of DotU. But never did until now. 
And! Here be the original screenshot!
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Gotta love the mice interacting with Pidge. 
Anyway! I hope y’all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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lotidge · 7 years
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are too similar for my liking
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icypantherwrites · 5 years
Icy’s November of Thanks: Prompt Lance + Locked in a Freezer
This month long event is running solely on my Patreon (only $3/month to sign up, less than a cup of coffee! ;p) where I’m giving away over 15 fanfiction prompts requests, but I’ll be doing little previews every now and then here and maybe will post a couple finished prompts on my AO3.
The prompts are being claimed by Patreon patrons and this one was for Lance + Locked in a Freezer. You can read this one by joining any of the tiers! Enjoy a little snippet here!
“Hey!” Lance pounded his hand on the door.
Cold metal bit sharply on bare flesh and he retrieved it with a hiss, clutching it to his chest.
He kicked it instead, the thud traveling up his entire leg.
Ten thuds and an aching foot later Lance had to admit defeat.
No one was out there.
No one would be until closer to dinner and that… that was hours from now.
Lance didn’t know all the statistics with freezing to death nor how actually cold this freezer was but…
“This isn’t g-good,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around himself and tucking his hands beneath his armpits to keep them warm.
This was far, far from good.
“I’ve just gotta… gotta keep warm, r-right?”
Chuchule gave a morose squeak.
He couldn’t even feel the little spot of heat from her body.
“Come h-here,” he pulled his hands free and cupped them in front of him. The little mouse only gave it a second’s thought before she scurried down his arm and into his hands. Lance gave her what he hoped wasn’t too wavery of a smile. “We’re g-gonna be oh-k-kay.”
Chuchule nuzzled his palms.
Lance started walking.
AO3 | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Bookshop (Zine and Book Preorders Close Nov. 20!)
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