#christianity sucks
exvangelicalrage · 10 months
christianity is fucking everywhere
When I was a christian, one of the ever-present narratives passed around every church I attended was this idea that christians are being persecuted. The examples were numerous: family values were being eroded by liberals and gay people; atheists didn't want the ten commandments on government buildings; prayer wasn't allowed in schools anymore; teachers weren't allowed to express their faith in the classroom; people weren’t voting for pro-christian legislation; secular music was bringing demons into people's houses straight through the radio waves; profanity scribbled onto playgrounds was corrupting the minds of children... I could go on. And most of these are pretty innocuous things talked about in front of me, a child.
As I grew older, I was let in on the secrets of how sex perverts holy minds and how divorce was a sign a couple had allowed satan into their marriage and how using swear words gave demons a foothold on your mind. I learned that christians must stand tall and resilient to resist the temptations of the flesh, because the government, schools, and pretty much everyone who didn't attend the same church as us (and maybe even some people who did! *gasp*) were dripping with satanic influence.
It sounds like hyperbole when I write it out, but I'm dead serious.
It's been over ten years since my Exit. I thought when I quit christianity that my life would suddenly be filled with "secularism." I thought I'd run into people who actively weren't christian anytime I went to a bar or an event or work. I thought it would take me no time at all to find spaces to exist in that didn't involve christianity. Because, after all, christianity was being eroded, right? It was being attacked from all sides! We had donned the armor of god and were ready to do battle in the lord's name! The enemy was everywhere!
If atheists = the enemy, and then enemy was everywhere, therefore, atheists must be everywhere. Right? 
And now that I had defected, I wanted to find the enemy and ask them to be friends. 
But I couldn't fucking find the enemy.
Because, as it turns out, atheists aren't everywhere, but christianity is.
You can't fucking escape it. You can't avoid it. It. is. ubiquitous. Way worse than dandelions.
There are christians in the office at work. christians at mcdonalds. christians in bars, getting wasted and sexually harassing people. There are christians in your neighborhood. There are christians at the doctor's office. There are christians who hunt and christians who play sports and christians who go to college and christians who mow lawns and pave your driveway and install sump pumps.
There are even corporations who are explicitly christian. Hobby Lobby. Chick-fil-A. Forever 21. Whataburger. Not to mention all those small-town businesses who are closed on sundays, which is annoying af.
There are 2300 people in my small USA town. Guess how many churches. FOURTEEN. In like, a five-square-mile radius. And if I expand to a twenty-mile radius? Over a hundred churches. I got tired of counting, so it could be more. I tried figuring out how many are in my county, but all I got was that there were 72 towns. Multiply that by 14 churches/town? Over a thousand.
If life were a Where's Waldo book, I'd be Waldo and everyone else would be a christian.
All the churches have signs too, just in case you forgot they were a church. One near me says "jesus is risen and nothing can change that." My husband likes to say, "Pontius Pilot would beg to differ," lol. Another one says, "It's not about guilt, it's about being free." Sure. Gaslighting 101, right there.
It's not just churches who have signs either. My neighbor still has up an easter flag that reads "jesus is risen" (this flag replaced the "trump: right to bear arms" flag with two pistols on it). There are a bunch of farms around who put bible versus on signs, too. One nearby says, "He knows every hidden thought," which is super creepy. It doesn't make it less creepy knowing it's a bible verse. And tons of people have christian shit on their cars—bible verses, jesus fish, crosses. Not to mention bibles in hotel rooms (I throw those away when I find them) and christian billboards (I flip those off when I see them).
I even have christian clients and I have to edit their books! Even my therapist is a christian.
christianity is everywhere.
You can't escape it.
Every time I meet a new person who is christian, or remember that someone I know and like is still christian, I experience a surge of disappointment. 
Not you too.
On my worst days, when I am triggered and anxious and full of rage at the ideology that caused me so much pain, I can't even leave the house, because doing so would require me to drive down a road named after the church located on it.
christianity is like hydra. You can run. You can chop off a head or two or three. But it always grows another.
birth is a curse, and christianity is a prison.
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imacaprisun · 10 months
I honestly think it should be mandatory for churches to teach about the history behind their religion to people who go there because I’m 100% sure most Christians don’t even know their own history. No, I don’t mean the “history” written in the Bible itself, cause all of that is complete bullshit. I meant the history about people who believed in the Bible burning women to the ground for the unfortunate crime of learning about the world around them, about people who believed in the Bible that destroyed centuries of history around the world to the point we barely have any resources of them before they were Christianized, of people who hate on others for being different because the Bible said it was okay despite them going “God loves all.” If you are so adamant on spreading the “truth,” then you should be able to tell your own kids the cold, harsh reality of your religion and how it ruined the lives of millions even to this day, but you won’t because if you did, then your children wouldn’t want anything to do with it because they’ll be smart enough to know better than most adults who use the written words of a crazed man to influence their opinions and beliefs like the sheep they are.
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skadi-gemini · 9 months
For some reason, I hadn’t bothered to see if there were any pagan blogs here! But lo! There upon the fjord! I see a drakkar in the distance with a bunch of Heathens at the helm! And there be Huginn and Munnin, riding the winds!
I don’t really post much about it and merely mention it in passing, but I’ve been a practicing Norse Pagan for eight years. I’ve sworn an oath to Skadi to venerate her. I do love and build frith with all of the Old Ones, but I’ve leaned the most to Skadi. Her story helped me to stand up for myself and what I believe in.
I founded a kindred with another local in my area and have been running it for five years now! We’ve come from a humble beginning where we discussed all that we would want in our kindred to now where we had a Rede, a member elected governing council to help run things! Our first Yule, four years ago, had over 50 people in attendance! That was where I also made my first holiday turkey!
I’ve made a lot of friends and even endured local pagan drama! Phew! What a mess that was. 🫠
I never was successfully brainwashed into Christianity and was pretty lost until I happened on Norse mythology as a kid. It wasn’t until adulthood where I found that there are people who practice Norse Paganism. I was even more shocked that it had survived even through the Christian efforts to erase it, just quieter and passed down simply as “the old ways”. It’s been a humbling experience finding the path that’s right for me. An equally exciting discovery, was that I have ancestry in Sweden and Denmark!
So, by me being on this path, I’m reclaiming (part) of my ancestral roots. The Christians didn’t win. And neither will these Neo-Nazi shitheads from co-opting these ancient symbols for their hate.
I also want to clear up any misconceptions. I’m not one of those dirtbags. Odin is the ALL father, not the SOME father. There are no nazis in Valhol, nor are there fascists and racists. Only those slain in battle get in Valhalla anyway, and they’re the ones who are passed up by Freyja and not chosen for Folkvangr.
Hail the Old Gods!
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kp-antydr-op · 2 years
To All The Tradwife Romanticizers And Haters...
If you ask me the concept of the traditional housewife and femininity in general has been overly demonized (cough cough looking at you christianity cough cough) I’m not going to try and defend it, because what most Westerners think of when they think of a tradwife is this submissive, sexist ideology that simply should not be. Eastern traditions as well as prechristian traditions had the notion of the woman belonging at home, but you know what? Most of the those practices also had the woman being the family and even village doctor, the woman had the final say when it came to financial matters. The fucking Emperor of China could have been beheaded for forgetting to bow to his mother. I dont think there is anything wrong with women who want to be stay at home, I think Christianity has caused society to demonize women and traditional femininity that weve forgotten how to work in balance the way nature does. Women have always been respected in various cultures for different reasons from men, and there is nothing wrong with that. It only becomes wrong when you tell the woman to submit to her husband, and treat her as lesser than man. The female lion provides for the pack just as much as the male does. Humanity can do the same. There’s too much Division and viewing the world as Black and white instead of multiple shades of grey (feel free to make jokes about this in the comments I don’t care). It isn’t exactly wrong to say that men and women fulfill different roles in society because biologically we kinda do. Like how homosexuality is seen in nature, so are gender roles (or rather biological roles honestly would be the better Name), the problem arises when one is placed on a pedestal above the other instead of being viewed as separate but equal.
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According to historical accounts, "Before being burned alive by the Spaniards, chief Hatuey of the island of Hispanola was asked if he wanted to accept Christianity and go to Heaven.
Hatuey asked if Spaniards go to Heaven, to which the the priest [said] they do. Hatuey then stated that he'd rather go to hell where he wouldn't see such cruel people."
source: https://www.truthorfiction.com/taino-chief-hatues-last-words-meme/
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hully-gully-gee · 8 months
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reggie-gayflx · 6 months
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 8 months
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Eliot in glasses compendium.
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 11 months
The Christian audacity to assume that every non-Christian, especially non-believers, are secretly miserable and unfulfilled because they're not Christian is definitely in one of the top ten insulting and degrading things Christians believe about other human beings.
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exvangelicalrage · 9 months
It's Not Technically Gaslighting
Recently, in my travels, I came across this church sign: 
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Back in my younger years, I would've seen this, nodded sagely, and said, "Yes. Putting jesus first, others second, and myself last is sure to bring joy. What a clever and profound statement." 
Not anymore. Now when I see a sign like this, at best, I roll my eyes. At worst, I go off on a tirade and end up turning around my car to take a picture of the sign so I can rant about it later online lol. 
So yeah, here we are.
This message communicates a belief that is so, so essential to modern christianity—which is that you should always put others first. Always. And it is especially emphasized for women, whose entire role in life is supposed to be that of service. 
Give, give, give, and never, ever take, they say. You don't want to be a burden, you want to be a blessing. jesus gave everything to save you, so you too should give everything in service to his "great plan." And they use jesus's words to emphasize the point as well: 
"Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all." mark something or other. "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of christ." galatians. "Now that I, your lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet." john. "...whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." matthew.
It goes on and on and on. And it's not just the gospels and paul (I fucking hate paul) who harp on it, but practically the entire old testament as well.
But there's a basic logical fallacy inherent in this idea of being the lowest of the low, of being the last of the last, which is this: if everyone is successfully "the last," then doesn't that technically make everyone first? And if everyone is trying to be a slave or a servant or at the bottom of the pile, who exactly is at the top? Maybe the people who want to be at the top? Aren’t the people who don't give a shit about being at the bottom going to slide into leadership roles? The people who are least qualified to be role models? The people who are the worst candidates for leadership? 
This creates societal pockets rife with abuse. This system is the perfect opportunity for predators to hunt. And there are so many prey. Everyone who is actually a humble person, who is actually trying to live a good life, everyone who wants to embody the servitude of christ—guess what? Simply because they are trying to be good and live life right, they are going to have to put up with a lot of shit from predators who want power and control. And those predators who benefit from their servitude? They’re going to milk it for all its worth.
That's how you end up with brian houstons and bill gothards.
When I was 17, I was part of the youth group band at my church. It was a mini-mega-church, as I like to call it. We had on average 800+ attendees every weekend, and the church functioned with a sort of corporate hierarchy, with a head pastor and sub pastors, and had the fancy lights and loud music and charismatic sermons you'd expect at a mega church. 
Sunday night was youth group, which operated like a full-fledged church service. Kids would come into the sanctuary and us, the band, would play popular christian music. We had a pianist (me), a drummer (my little brother), guitarists, a bassist, and singers. Sometimes we even had brass or woodwinds. They even had a light designer who would do impromptu light shows. And a haze machine. 
It was basically a weekly live music concert for teens that lasted anywhere from twenty to forty minutes. Then the youth pastor would get up and preach a youth-directed sermon. Usually the message was something along the lines of, "be christian in school!" "don't mouth off to your parents!" "don't masturbate!" 
My little brother also played in the adult band, because he was the best drummer in the county, despite only being 15. My family would arrive at church at 7 AM on Sunday mornings, sit through a rehearsal and three church services, and then go home for an hour or two, before returning by 3 PM for youth group rehearsal. We would rehearse until 5 PM, and then had to be performing the "welcome music" (just the musicians, not the singers) at 5:30. Then we played until 6:30, got a "break" for the sermon (during which we were required to sit in the audience), and then played again until 7:30 or 8 PM. At that point, we were responsible for tearing down our equipment, loading out, and shutting down the sanctuary.
They didn't provide food for us. Or drinks. If we wanted something, we had to buy it from the church kitchens. My mom was so upset by this, she started making a meal every sunday for all the kids who were in the band (there were usually 7 of us). 
There weren't volunteers to help us set up and take down our equipment. We didn't get money for maintaining our instruments or for gas, for driving back and forth from the church. We weren't allowed to take breaks.
I remember once during my senior year, I was exhausted. I hadn't gone home that day; I'd been at the church since 7 AM, and it was my fourth performance that week, between high school band/jazz band/church stuff. I just wanted to be alone for a few minutes. So during the sermon, I told my friends I was going to sit in the lawn outside the church and pray. 
I had been outside for less than five minutes when an adult volunteer came out and told me I wasn't allowed to be out there. I explained I was exhausted. That I was in the band. That I'd been there since 7 AM. That I just needed a few minutes to breathe. 
She told me it was against the rules, and that as a member of the band, it was my responsibility to sit in the audience and set a good example for the other teens. She made me go back inside.
I didn't know how to be angry back then, but I was just a little bit rebellious. I told her I had to grab my stuff from backstage. I found a dark corner and hid. One of my friends' dads, another adult volunteer, found me, gave me a little smile, and left me alone.
We were the first people to show up, and the last people to leave. We did manual labor. Emotional labor. We were on display as examples of "good christian youth." We were expected to be perfect, without blame.
We were servants.
There to obey. To do the bidding of the church. Not to obey god, but to obey the leaders who decided what god's bidding was. After all, we were only teens. How could we possibly claim to understand god's will?
And those humans, who claimed to know the will of god, exploited children for their own gain. They exploited us.
I know how to be angry now. But I can't deny there is a complex amalgamation of feelings whenever I think about this time of my life. Some anger, yes—rage, even. Sorrow too. And confusion, cognitive dissonance.
Because while yes, they exploited me, I also can’t deny that I liked being there. I liked playing the piano and performing. I liked spending time with my friends. I liked feeling like I was doing good work, like I was serving god, like I was needed and important.
But, it turned out, I wasn't important. I was a cog in an exploitative machine. 
As soon as I graduated, they brought in a younger pianist who was much more skilled than I. Most of my friends, I never heard from again. I never again heard from the youth pastor who I served so willingly. Nor the music pastor. Nor my sunday school teacher. Nor the adult volunteers whom I worked alongside every week. Even my friendships with the teens I played alongside lasted less than a year after I left.
They made me feel important, necessary, and needed. So that I would keep serving. So that I would continue to provide unpaid labor ranging from performing to cleaning to setting a good example for kids my own age. 
They exploited me.
That ever-present message of service and submission—it's not exactly gaslighting. They weren't trying to sow confusion, necessarily. They weren’t outright lying. But they were trying to get me to believe without question. To serve without question. To obey without question.
And it worked. For a time, at least.
As much as it hurt me, I'm lucky they abandoned me. If they hadn't, I might still be there. Sacrificing my health and well-being and happiness in the service of lies.
Here, I fixed the sign:
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
it really does drive me crazy when ppl act like magdalene visaggio invented the idea of transfem kon and act like its so sad her proposal got rejected. lest we forget, she also:
called kon "the jason todd of the superfam"
claimed that the name "kon-el" is bad because "it's still a name someone else gave him"
(yet still decided to call transfem kon "constance lara" as in, lara lor-van and some conveniently made-up relative of martha's after that. lol.)
said her vision of transition involves burning down everything about your old life and who you used to be
DIRECTLY compared superman to jesus christ
came up with antagonists named "saint", "shepherd", and "savior"
had kon abandon his relationships with the kents to go fuck off to live in texas with jinny hex, because as we know, trans people can't have loving or supportive families
introduced a plot with kon resenting clark despite that like. only being a thing in yja before
"leland" aka the "luthor-dominant" clone brother he had. bc hey we LOVE emphasizing biological family over anything else. also in proud geoff tradition, we can't google basic genetics terms right??
and again. the EGREGIOUS christian allegories rubbed all over the SUPERFAM. you know. the immigrant family based on a character made by jewish people in the wake of ww2.
like ngl. every single time i see someone going "ohhh but dc rejected this proposal so sad..." i just go ah youre white arent u. or u just dont... care abt the antisemitism inherent in "superman = jesus christ" being directly stated in the text? "rimi who is saying this in 2024" youd be surprised i literally JUST saw a post going wahhh we couldve had it all. i know i can't fix peoples reading comprehension skills but my god man. "jason todd of the superfam". what if i became the joker of the superfam
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shutinthenutouse · 18 days
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skvlldonotcry · 5 months
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YouTube Short addressing the Winter (December) Solstice
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danielslaw · 1 year
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unicyclingdogs · 10 months
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hey guys just got back from queering my favorite character into oblivion— what’d i miss??
all jokes aside, this blog is a safe space for queer people and intolerance will not be tolerated here‼️‼️
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