#christian cage x female!reader
dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Can I send an imagine request in honor of tonight’s DILF returning? 🥳🥳 Christian Cage x Female!Reader smutty fluff? Christian comes back and attacks Jack the way he did tonight after Jack costs Christian’s lover her match and she ended up turning heel to be by his side. When they get back to the hotel that night he and the reader have a long night of him showing her how much of a good girl she is for him and how proud of her he is?
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Pairing: Christian Cage x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Smut, Cursing, Oral
Imagines: Open
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The memory ran in your head over and over again. You were so close to becoming AEW's Women Champion but Jack decided to interfere and cost you the match, attacking you and ending it with a disqualification. Soon enough, Christian was sliding in the ring throwing Jack off of you and attacking him, punches after punches.
You decided you've had enough, taking a chair and giving Jack multiple chair shots on his back. The crowd was shocked at the heel turn you did, but you'd do it again just to be with your lover and now can possibly be the most popular and powerful couple in AEW.
"Baby?" Christian's voice made you snap out of your thoughts. Your hands resting on your stomach and chest as you blinked, not realizing you were staring up at the ceiling in the hotel bed. It was surprisingly a comfortable bed.
"Hmm?" You didn't want to talk, no words could express how you were feeling.
"Listen, I know tonight didn't go as plan but I still want to celebrate."
You just laid there, eyes still glued to the yellow like popcorn ceiling. A sign that people smoked in the room even though it was non-smoking. The bed dipped at the end of it, Christian wedged himself in between your legs, his hands rubbing soft circles along your inner thigh. "I still want to make you feel good." Christian whispered, his hands dipping into your shorts, pulling them down.
Swallowing, you tore your eyes away from the ceiling and down at your boyfriend who discarded your pants and leaned forward, pulling your panties aside, Christian's hot mouth met your soaking cunt. His tongue swirled the entrance of your pussy, slowly swirling the tip of his tongue inside your cunt.
"Oh fuck, Christian." You sighed, head resting back on the pillow, closing your eyes.
You felt Christian smirk against your dripping cunt, cock bastard. He knows what he does to you. Christian inched his fat wet tongue further inside of you, spreading your hot walls while his fingers circled your clit. This truly was a way to celebrate your heel turn.
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plentyoffandoms · 15 days
Christian x fem reader they go way back and they had an affair with each other. He bought her a very expensive bracelet that she hasn't taken off yet and he wants her back with him but she doesn't like his attitude but he knows she loves when his a dick to people but she's is playing hard to get and loves making him jealous.
Always Been You
Christian Cage x f/Reader
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Main Masterlist ♡ Christian Cage Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @cowboyshit
Warnings. Mentions of past affair. Some swearing. Mentions the word dildo.
Requested by @roxanneafton .Hope you like it. Sorry it took so long.
WC: 1253
Jay - Christian Cage
I watched as she was talking to Christopher, well more like flirting. That is just how she talks to everyone, and she knows that he is married, and her and I both know that he would never cheat on his wife.
But to her, she just hams it up whenever I am around, and the roster has caught on. Even more so, Adam, because he knows what happened between her and I all those years ago.
At the time, I regretted having an affair on my wife, but it just wasn't a physical affair either. It was very much an emotional affair.
My wife and I were already sleeping in separate rooms, and she didn't travel with me anymore. We were already separated but just needed the papers to tell us that we could properly move on with our lives, but neither one of us was ready to take that next step.
Knowing that all the pent-up emotions would come spiralling out.
But the moment I spent almost $17,000 on that bracelet that still adorned her wrist, I knew it was time to break it off.
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I still remember our breakup like it was yesterday.
"Just give me until after my divorce, and we can be together." I told her.
"You told me you two were separated and that the divorce was almost finalised, Jay."
"Her and I are technically separated. I just haven't started the divorce proceedings." I said sheepishly.
"You are really a piece of shit, Jay. Get the fuck out." She pointed to her front door.
I tried to reason with her, but at the time, her kicking me out was the best thing she could have done.
It got me started with divorce, which was quick. Neither of us had demands, and we agreed to sell our house, and whichever cars we acquired together.
But I was foolish to believe that she would be waiting for me. By the time the divorce was all said and done, so was YN.
So, seeing her walk through a set of doors next to Tony Khan one day had me shaken. I thought I was dreaming until Nick pinched me. I almost wanted to slap the little shit, but I kept my composure. Even when she came walking towards Nick and I.
Tony introduced us, and she played it off like she was just meeting me for the first time.
It's not like I didn't have her body memorised or how she would moan my name drilled into my head, but no, I just played along with her.
And that is when the games truly began. Anytime I was near her, she would find the closest person and starts to flirt with them.
At first didn't bother me, but when she started to do it with my friends, fuck, it got to me.
So after Christopher walked away, shaking his head, chuckling to himself, I had to step in.
"You can stop that, you know."
"Stop what, Jay?"
"Don't play dumb with me. I can see that you are flirting with them."
"To quote one of my favourite shows, 'No, I'm just hot and talking.'"
"Well, to me, it seems like you are flirting with all of my friends."
"Get over yourself, Jay, and stop being a dick towards me."
I decided to ignore that. "Give me another chance."
"You and I both know that isn't going to happen. You lied to me. You told me that your divorce was almost finalised."
"That was ages ago, and I am divorced now. In no relationships."
"Well, I am perfectly happy being in a relationship with my dildo." An image of her playing with said dildo came into mind. I bet it is in her favourite colour as well.
"Don't you miss me, Darling? We had plenty of fun times together."
"We did, but that is in the past now." She turned and walked away, leaving me standing there, wondering what the hell I could do to win her back.
It was like every single time I saw her, she was on someone else's arm. When we all went dancing, she ignored me for the night and found her way into the arms of Colten.
Instead of coming back to my room, which was right next door to Colten's, I had to listen to the two of them all night.
I even found myself in the elevator with her the next morning.
"Walk of shame, I see." I looked her up and down, her carrying her heels in one hand.
"Oh, there is no shame in what the two of us did." The elevator let us know we were on her floor, and she got off, smirking the whole time.
The moment the doors closed, I wanted to punch the wall, but I didn't. I just have to find another way to let out all this frustration.
It was announced that it was going to be me and Nick vs. Colten and Austin.
I spent the whole week training, knowing this was the only chance to get back at the oldest Sopp son.
Before Nick and I got in the ring, I told him, "Colten is mine."
He didn't question it, and the bell dinged. He and Austin started this tag-team match.
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I knew sleeping with Colten was maybe taking a step too far, but it sure was fun. Him and I both agreed that it was only going to be a one-time thing.
But I knew his room was next to Jay's, and none of the noises that I let out that night were by any means fake. Like I said, it was fun.
Now I am watching as Jay is targeting Colten in the ring. When Tony brought up the idea of these 4 having a tag-team match, I tried to mention others, but for some reason, he wanted these four. Says they never get a chance to face off against one another.
But watching Jay become so possessive of me, well, it brought out something in me that I have pushed aside all those years ago with him.
My feelings never for him died. They just got pushed back and locked away. In the background, I heard the sound of The Patriarchy music playing, indicating that they won.
Colten and Austin strolled past me, and Colten looked at me, and I mouthed sorry to him.
He stopped and said, "It's okay. Maybe just talk to him, and let him know it was a one-time thing before he really hurts me."
I found Jay in the lockerroom, locking the door behind me, as I didn't want anyone to bother us.
"I am too tired for our games." He said as he pulled a shirt on.
"Yes, I can only imagine as you tried to murder Colten in the ring tonight."
"What is you need? Don't you have to tend to your boy-toy.?"
"Jay, it was one night. Him and I are just friends who agreed to it, never happening again."
"Then give me another chance." I held up my hand, indicating that he didn't need to speak.
"Yes, on one stipulation."
"What is it?"
"No more lying. Just be truthful with me throughout, and we will be fine."
"I can do that. Come here." I walked into his open arms and kissed him for the first time in years.
The kiss ended, and we leaned our foreheads against one another.
"Always been you YN."
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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midwestmade29 · 5 months
Imagine Request ✨
To anonymous: I hope this is everything you hoped for! I'm not sure if I did it properly, but I can assure you I did my absolute best to follow your request. Thanks again for the request…I loved it 🖤
Original anonymous request: "Can I send a Christian Cage x Female!Reader imagine? So what is we have Evil Dilf Christian, The Patriarch, The TNT Champ, the Face of AEW in a serious long term established relationship with a loving America’s Sweetheart, Sunshine Baby Face reader. Is the kind of relationship they’ve never played up on TV and even though they don’t post about each other too often, the fans and everyone is well aware they’re together. Maybe the reader is in a high stakes contender ship match and she ends up injuring herself somehow. This causes Christian to break character and come out to help get her out of the ring and loaded into the ambulance to get checked out and it ultimately ends up with her having surgery and Christian being the best boyfriend/fiance/husband (you can choose that!) he can be and takes care of his woman while she recovers?" Word count: 950 GIFs are not mine. Credit goes to their original creators. I selected each GIF to further help visualize the things happening in the story 🙂
Disclaimers: Some cursing, injury sustained (broken bone), pain due to injury, ambulance ride, mention of hospital and surgery. Read at your own discretion.
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“After tonight, we will be the TNT and TBS champs. You’re going to do great baby,” Christian whispered into your ear. You had dreamt about having the shiny belt around your waist ever since you arrived in AEW. You worked your ass off to get this title shot and you’ll be damned if you don’t give the match your all! “You’re going to be watching, right?” you asked while Christian embraced you. “Of course! They need me for a pre taping in a minute, but my eyes will be glued to the monitor the entire time.”
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“Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is set for one fall with a 20-minute time limit. It is for the TBS Championship!” Justin Robert’s announced, your music blasting through the speakers immediately after. Excalibur hyped up the match, “And here comes everyone’s ray of sunshine, Y/N! She’s looking to take down our reigning TBS champ Julia Hart after securing a title shot last Saturday on Collision. Let’s watch as these two fierce competitors take on one another!” You smiled and waved at everyone while you stood in the ring waiting for Julia to make her entrance. “We love you Y/N!” one fan cried out, and smiled when you blew them a playful kiss. You stood in the darkness when Julia’s music hit, nerves calming a little when you thought about celebrating your victory with your favorite temperamental Patriarch later.
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“That’s it baby, don’t ease up! Show her who the real champ is!” Christian yelled at the tv monitor while he watched you. “Don’t count Y/N out guys. She’s holding her own against the champ very well!” Taz praised. “Smart man,” Christian laughed to himself, but his laughter stopped abruptly when he watched you attempt to use Julia’s new finisher against her, landing awkwardly on your feet before your leg buckled causing you to fall. You sat in the center of the ring writhing in pain while you grasped at your ankle. Everyone in the crowd cringed while they watched the replay on the big screen. You tried to stand, wailing in pain when you put pressure on your ankle. “Bryce, my ankle! Something’s wrong with my ankle! I felt a snap and now I can’t move it!”
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“Something isn’t right. What the hell happened?!” Tony Kahn’s voice crackled through Bryce’s earpiece. Julia leaned against the turnbuckle, laughing in delight at your pain as she stayed in character. “If Y/N can finish the match, wrap it up and change the finish. Julia will retain!” Tony Kahn called the audible, Bryce sighing in defeat because he knew tonight was supposed to be your night. He bent over and asked if you were able to continue, you grimaced and nodded yes. You stumbled to your feet, trying to hold back your tears as you hopped over to Julia on one leg. She read the situation correctly when she gave you a thrust kick that knocked you back down, instantly locking you in her submission hold Heartless. “Could this be it for Y/N folks?!” Taz shouted as everyone was on the edge of their seats, hoping that you weren’t going to tap out.
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“What the fuck was that?! Y/N was supposed to win! Shit!” Christian roared when he saw you laying in the ring with your eyes skewered shut. He bolted through the backstage area and down the ramp and into the ring as the cameras captured his every move. “Christian Cage?! What the hell is he doing here?” Tony Schiavone questioned. Everyone was surprised by Christian breaking character as he knelt by your side while Doc Sampson examined you. No one knew if this was a part of a storyline or if it was real since you and Christian kept your relationship out of AEW. You were placed on a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance while everyone watched. Christian held your hand the entire ride to the hospital, assuring you that you were going to be okay. The sirens wailed in the night as you rode in the back of the ambulance. You were delirious from the pain that was consuming you, and your body was slowly coming out of fight or flight mode.
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“I’m right here, baby! Take it easy, try not to move your legs. The doctor said the surgery went well!” Christian sat next to your hospital bed holding your hand, rubbing his thumb across your knuckles, and kissing them. Your engagement ring caught his eye, making him smile and chuckle to himself. You were still groggy from surgery, but coherent enough to notice his bright smile. “What’s that smile for?” you murmured as you stroked his cheek with your hand. “I was just thinking about our upcoming vows. In sickness and in health. I guess we’re practicing that part now, aren’t we?”
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Recovery was difficult, but you had the best caregiver by your side! Christian waited on you hand and foot making sure you never had to lift a finger. He never missed a doctor’s appointment and made sure to do whatever he could to comfort you after a physical therapy session. As he helped you get situated in bed, an overwhelming sense of gratitude washed over you as you watched the man that most people viewed as evil and cantankerous cover you with a blanket and kiss your forehead. Christian really is the best fiancé!
“Thank you, baby. For everything! You risked a lot when you ran to the ring to help me. You’ve been by my side through this whole ordeal and loving me through it all. It means so much to me having you in my corner.”
“I know you’d do the same for me Y/N.”
“In a heartbeat, Christian.”
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windhamsrotunda · 1 year
***windhamrotunda's most popular fics masterlist***
author's note: I promised you all a most popular fics masterslist, so here it is. Please note that there are a few smut fics in here, so the "*" symbol after the link will be marked as nsfw! There will be the names of the characters right before the link. Also, if you have any questions / or just want to show your support (reblogs help a lot but I don't mind the likes!), that would be great! P.S. let me know in a dm if the links do not end up working and I will get right to fixing this post! - shar?
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/691686296826052609/only-hell-comes *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/706662486289563648/pairing-christian-cage-x-female-reader-in-her *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/697041469565976576/kinktober-day-2-thigh-riding-edge *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/692599148356239361/pairings-edge-x-female-reader-x-christian *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/688048831216140288/can-you-do-a-soft-but-dominating-edge-smut *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/680481982208147456/dream-of-me-edge-wwe-pairings-edge-wwe-x *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/684256194092744704/can-you-do-brood-edge-smut-x-reader *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/680839272661696512/daddy-issues-christian-cage-pairings-christian *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/681613545986768896/edge-wwe-short-headcannon *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/685186227378503680/i-only-have-eyes-for-you-bret-hart *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/658276073142976512/my-boyfriends-back-and-hes-cooler-than-ever *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/660237165575520256/now-playing-romans-room-roman-reigns *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/702112416203489280/yours-truly-roman-a-roman-reigns-oneshot *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/685913142791946240/red-roman-reigns-headcannon-pairing-domroman *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/649559300566581248/roman-reigns-you-look-even-better-than-the *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/690238247877640192/short-ass-imagine-i-suddenly-made-up-in-my-head *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/688156808176664576/with-those-angel-eyes-chris-m *
https://windhamsrotunda.tumblr.com/post/687458524444409856/car-rides-at-midnight-with-chris-from-love-chris *
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dirtywrestling · 1 year
Can I request a Heel!Christian Cage x Female Perry Sister!Reader? He’s been dating Jack’s sister who obviously is much younger than he is but they’ve been hiding it, so when he turns heel he continues to try and convince his baby girl to join him and leave her brothers side. She ultimately ends up leaving Jack’s side after Jack ends up accidentally costing her a important match and it’s revealed her and Christian have been together a long time when he comes out rubbing it Jack’s face that he’s got his baby sister wrapped around his finger?
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Pairing: Heel!Christian Cage x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Minors DNI, Reader is Jungle Boy's little sister,
Commission Requests: Closed!
Imagine Requests: Open!
Follow My Side Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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"You're a fucking joke! You know that!" You barked at your older brother who was frowning hard towards you.
"Y/N, wait let me-"
"Let you nothing! You cost me my match!" You were on the edge of crying in the middle of the ring, defeated. This was your big number one contender spot for the women's AEW championship and your brother fucked it all up. "I hate you! I fucking hate you!" You screamed at him making the crowd gasp.
"You don't mean it." Jack whispered.
Your eyes looked over at your secret boyfriend who was at the commentating table throughout your match, nodding towards him. Christian stood up and started to make his way towards the ring. "Y/N, please, I didn't mean it."
"I know you didn't, but this'll be the last time." Your eyes were down at the mat as you heard a loud smack and your brother now laid out in front of your feet cold.
"You did great, baby." Christian wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. "Give me a kiss." He mumbled, lifting your chin up having you look at him. His lips collided against yours, ignoring Jack's groans of pain.
"Y/N?" Jack asked confused.
"That's right Jacky boy, your little sister and I have been dating behind your back and doing a lot more too." Christian winked and wiggled his eyebrows hinting at other things.
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lunarwritesthings · 1 year
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Brought Back Together Part 1
Paring: Christian Cage x F!reader
Fandom: Wwe/Aew
Request: Yes, by anon
Summary: Christian & the reader have been dating a bit after his divorce. Christian thinks it's time the reader meets his daughter. What happens when Isla isn't happy to meet Dad's new girlfriend
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Me and Jay were in our locker room watching the show when after a few minutes of silence Jay broke it by asking "Hey, love? how would you feel about meeting Isla? She'd love you and since we are getting more serious I feel like now is the right time." I froze. Jay has talked about Isla and she's an amazing girl but he's never brought up me meeting her.
Jay waved his hand in front of my face. Looking at him I could see the worry on his face. "You okay? You don't have to meet her yet if you're not ready to. I just thought now would be a good time for Isla to meet the beautiful girl that her dad is dating." Jay's voice held the same worry as his face. "Jay, I'm okay I promise. I was just shocked because we've never talked about me meeting Isla but I'd love to" I could see Jay start relaxing. "I know but I'm glad you want to meet her. It's important that my two favorite girls know each other."
That's one thing I've always loved about Jay. He always makes time for the ones that are important to him regardless of what might be going on.
"Well, do you know when I can meet her?" Jay was not prepared for a question like this because he was quiet for a few minutes, it was clear he was thinking judging by the look on his face. After those few minutes, Jay finally spoke "Probably this evening if that's okay with you. I'd have to check and make sure it's okay first." I was definitely nervous. I didn't think it would possibly happen this soon. "Yeah that works for me and it's okay that you have to make sure first."
Jay was excited by the way he was smiling and the way his eyes lit up when I agree. "Alright! I'll send a text and see if we can go see her." With that Jay quickly pulled out his phone and did exactly what he said he was going to do.
It took a few minutes to get a response but once Jay heard his phone go off he immediately checked it. "Let's go, we can go see Isla" We grabbed the things we'd need to go out and headed toward Jay's car. Jay being the gentleman he is wouldn't let me open the passenger door myself. Once he was in we headed off to get Isla.
When we were about halfway there I started to get worried. What if something when wrong? or what if she didn't like me? Jay could easily pick up that something was wrong, so grabbing one of my hands to get my attention he ask the simple question "What's wrong?" It took me a minute to respond "I'm worried. Jay what if she doesn't like me?"
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jay glancing at me. "baby I promise she will like you." This helped me relax a little but before I knew it we had arrived. Jay and I were standing at the front door waiting for it to be answered. from behind the door, two voices could be heard, and not even a second later the door opens. "Hey, come on in. Isla is in her room" we walked inside, and this is when my nervousness kicked in. This was happening now.
I followed Jay to Isla's room. He knocked on the door and a few seconds later a cute little girl opened the door and the second she saw Jay the was an excited scream of "Dad!" Jay stumbled a little being unprepared. Jay smiled. The mood changed once she saw me. "Dad, who's she?" Isla was pointing at me. Jay was still smiling "That is my girlfriend. Me and her have been dating for a while and I thought it was time you girls met."
Isla didn't like this. She was glaring at me for a few seconds before looking away and refused to look at me or Jay. "Don't like her." is all she said before going back into her room.
Jay could see the shock and fear on my face. He immediately told me that he would talk to her and told me to go wait downstairs or in the car. I chose the car because I need air and to be alone for a few minutes. I'm unsure how long I was in my thoughts for, but it was long enough for Jay to talk to Isla and start the car. He seemed a little off but I didn't push it.
Over the next few weeks, Jay kept trying to do stuff with me and Isla but Isla would always act out. This was unusual for her. Jay even told me this wasn't normal. One thing I was noticing is that me and Jay were slowly distancing from each other due to the way Isla was reacting.
Jay had been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what was wrong while I didn't want to push either of them since I knew this situation was stressful for both of them.
Then one day it happened. Me and Jay had mutually agreed to break up because the distance had done its damage. I was sad but knew I could focus on that. I had an important match coming up in a few weeks and I had to focus on. Most of my time was spent working out and training.
It had been about two weeks since I'd spoken to Jay which means it had been two weeks since the split. I knew our coworkers had an idea of what had happened. It was clear neither of us was okay. Christian had become extremely quiet and the bags under his eyes were very visible to everyone. I knew my eyes looked the same but I'd also been told I look tired, that I was quite pale, and that I'd become almost mute. I haven't said much in the past two weeks. I was worried about how much I'd say I miss him if I did say a lot.
A few of the girls and guys have been checking in on me by asking how I was doing, but lately, the girls have been asking if I was feeling okay and if I was sick. Now I wasn't exactly feeling alright and I had a feeling I might be sick since I was throwing up every morning for the past few days.
It's been five or six days of me feeling the same. I'd gotten a little used to it, but people had gotten worried so here I was waiting in the trainer's room for the results from a drug test and another test I couldn't remember the name of.
The trainer had come back into the room and said "miss, I have some good news and bad." This had me worried. "what's the good and bad news?" I had an idea of what they were about to say. "Well, the bad news is you're going to be unable to wrestle for nine months. The good news is congratulations you're about a month pregnant" I froze. I need to find Jay soon.
Once I was able to go I quickly went to try and find Jay. Me and him needed to talk now. The first place I went was his locker room. I didn't even knock. I opened the door looked a shocked Jay dead in the eyes and said "We need to talk now. it's important." All Jay does is nods and points to the open space on the couch next to him.
In a quiet rough voice, he asks "what going on?" It was a little hard to understand him, probably from him not talking much but that's not important right now. "I'm pregnant. I'm almost a month along and I just found out like 5 minutes ago."
This shocked Jay. He knew that it was him that got me pregnant. He knew it was his kid. I gave him time to think. I knew it was shocking to find out that after two weeks of not being together and not talking the first real thing said is you're going to be parents.
"I'm so sorry, for everything. I let Isla not liking the fact I was with someone else but her mom and trying to figure out why take up my time so much so that I had distanced myself without knowing before it was too late. I should have been giving you my time as well. I was dumb to think that our breakup was the right choice. It wasn't. I mean we both aren't doing well and your health is even more important knowing that you're pregnant with our kid and I should be there for both of you. I'm going to get to the point. I miss you think we should give us a second try, what do you say?" I smiled at this. Jay hasn't changed at all.
"I say we give it a second try but with better communication especially with the little one on the way and with Isla." Jay was relieved by my answer and said "I'm glad we agree and god I missed you" with this I was pulled into Jay's side by him and we spent the rest of the day cuddling and making up for the lost time.
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adventuringblind · 1 month
Entitled To You (3.6K words)
Norstaptri x Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: An incident with Lance sends the boys into a frenzy. She just wants to do what she loves.
Warnings: Explicit depictions of r@pe, injury descriptions, panic attacks, Oscar plots a murder, Lando throws hands, Car crashes, Author doesn't know legal stuff, Head trauma and blood.
Notes: This one is a request from @Lily234566 I know this wasn't the original pairing but I was struggling to fit the Ferrari boys in there so I had to scale it back... I'm sorry and I hope you still like it! T_T
Side Note: Sorry to the Lance girlies reading this. AND obligatory message of I don't know these people and this is purely FICTION! HEAD THE TAGS! DONT LIKE THEN DONT READ!
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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“Max!” She peeks her head into his driver's room. The bright beaming smile she receives in return after their 1-2 nearly kills her. “They want me for a media thing, apparently.” HIs smile drops into a pout. The sad puppy eyes might convince her to stay. 
“Again? Don’t they know we have plans!
“No, and why would they care anyway?” She looks him up and down and whines because he’s standing in front of her with no shirt on. “Just - I’ll meet you guys back at the room. It’s something to do with being a female in F1… again.”
“I’m starting to think they have nothing else to talk about.” 
She shrugs as she walks out of the hospitality, waving to Christian on her way by. The goal is to get past the Mclaren garage without seeing Lando because otherwise she is not going to the interview. His pout is worse (better?) than Max’s. 
To her pleasant surprise, Laura is the one conducting the interview. “I’m sorry about this being last minute! They said they wanted you to do it with someone else next week and I offered to do it now.” 
The interview passes with ease and thankfully doesn’t take long at all. The banter in-between is also entertaining. 
She’s exhausted when they finish. Ready to go back to the hotel and fall into bed with her boys. Hopefully They’ve ordered food - and dessert. 
The paddock is nearly empty as she makes her way through. Maybe, had she been paying more attention and not focussed on her aching body, she would’ve caught on to the footsteps behind her. 
They are heavy, she assumes possibly a mechanic still packing up to continue on their way to the next circuit. That’s what she still thinks when the hand on her bicep yanks her around the corner. 
If she weren’t as exhausted, then fighting would’ve been a possibility. However, that seems out of the cards as he pins her against the nearest wall. Her forehead hitting the surface hard enough to make her dizzy. 
“Not so confident now, huh?” 
The fuck- “Lance? What are you?-” He slams her head again and cages her body against his own. She flails, only to be slammed again. “Would you stop doing that please?” 
“Not after that stupid stunt you pulled today on track.”
“You mean the one where you showed you don’t know what brakes are?-” Again, her head is sent into the hard surface. She can feel her nose starting to bleed. “Must you?!” She decided to shut up when he does it again and everything starts to go fuzzy. 
His fingers dip beneath the waistband of her fireproofs. The cold evening air hits her bare skin and she panics more than before. Her head is too cloudy to fully comprehend what’s happening. 
“I feel like I'm entitled to a bit of compensation after that stunt.” 
“You’re entitled to nothing. You took yourself out!” She hisses through gritted teeth. Still, Lance continues to get her clothes lower. And slams her head again harder - you know - because she wasn’t disoriented enough already.
“Would you shut up?” She doesn’t say anything this time. Her mouth feels numb and her ears are ringing. Her exposed lower half is met with the bare hands of someone she doesn't want touching her. 
It's - well - it hurts. He's groping at her thighs, ass, even her tits which she isn't sure how he's managing. His hands are everywhere they shouldn't be. 
And then nothing. 
A vague awareness of what's happening seeps through her veins and invades her senses. She tries to scream. Attempts despite the sheer pain of the snap of hips she didn't ask for. 
His finger beat her to it. A hand encloses around her throat and cuts off her oxygen. The black spots dance around her vision. She wants them to stop moving; they are making her dizzy. Or was she already dizzy? 
“See, it's not so bad. Don't you feel less guilty for ruining my race now?” No, she doesn't. She wasn't guilty before. 
She blacks out. 
Waking up with sore limbs and a killer headache is not how she pictured this night going. She tries to yell for help, but a mere creaky rasp escapes. 
When did she lose her voice? The thought makes her panic more. The sob she lets out hurts more than there is sound. 
Her face and hair is sticky. At least Lance had done her the courtesy of not finishing inside of her. 
Still - what the fuck even happened? The fragmented memory is trying to come back to her slowly. Each small piece remembered is another broken cry. 
She can't move. 
It's dark again. 
The anxiety between the three boys is certainly not something they are used to. Oscar can pinpoint the exact moment Lando started overthinking and Max had to bear hug him so he didn't pace a hole into the cement of the parking lot. 
The fourth seat in their car remains empty and their messages have gone unanswered. It's getting more concerning with each passing minute. 
“Max, she always responds.” 
“I know Lando.” 
“She always calls if she's going to be longer.” 
“Would you feel better if we went and looked around for her?” 
The Brit nods his head in a fashion that might give him whiplash. It's better seeing him feel helpful then sit helplessly. Though Oscar can't help but agree with Max's original point. that they should wait there at the car just in case since that's where they were supposed to meet. 
Granted, it's only been twenty minutes. It's still long enough to be murdered. 
They Methodically peer around corners and wave at the mechanics who give them skeptical looks. They were supposed to be out for post race celebrations by now. 
Oscar freezes when he sees it. The human shaped lump lying on the ground. He rushes over with long strides. The closer he gets, the more familiar the person on the ground becomes. 
“Max! Lando! I found her!” The other two boys come sprinting in his direction. He's on the ground trying to clear her hair from her face only for it to get stuck in the sticky substance coating her features. 
“What the fuck?” 
Her fireproofs are still on, but it's obvious what happened. The handprints on her neck, the blood trickling down the sides of her face. “We need to bring her to a hospital.” 
Max hoists her up in his arms. Mainly because Lando is on the brink of tears and struggling to breathe through his panic. He loves deeply and with his heart on his sleeve. Oscar just hopes he can keep the Brit calm until they find more help. 
“Can we at least clean her up?” Lando pleads with him. Big Hazel eyes brimming with tears. 
It's always a struggle to tell him no. “We can't, not if it can help us figure out who did it.” The tears start right after that. 
“So that’s what happened then? Someone really-” Oscar has to maneuver the puddle of tears that is his boyfriend into the passenger seat of their rental car. Max tosses him the keys, opting to be with her in the back and keep her comfortable. 
The tricky drive to emergency is more because Oscar is too far in his own thoughts to pay attention to the traffic lights. He can hear Max moving her around, attempting to put pressure where blood still flows freely. 
Oscar doesn’t bother with parking. He pulls off into some empty area and helps Max shoulder her weight inside the doors while Lando runs ahead to find help. 
It’s fast after that. They take her away and start patching her up while the three of them are forced to sit in the waiting room. Oscar and Lando are left to their own devices while Max paces about on the phone with Christian. 
He feels like a knife is being driven through his chest each time his mind tries to come up with what could’ve happened. Who would do something like this? Unfortunately, a lot of people. The question is more of who could’ve done it and gotten away. Someone with access to the paddock this late. Security, perhaps? Maybe even a sleazy mechanic? A driver wouldn’t make any sense… right?
“When will they let us see her?”
“When she wakes up, most likely.”
He’s not sure when he falls asleep. The exhaustion finally hit him like a truck despite his persistence. He’s awoken by Max’s constant shaking and aggressive whispering of his name. 
“-She’s asking for us.” 
He’s up faster than Lando when Jon threatens an ice bath. They follow the nurse down the halls with an uneasy anticipation. They creep inside the sterile room and find her staring at the wall. 
Lando doesn’t hesitate to move further into the room. Always having been more in touch with his emotions then the other two boys. “Hey love, can I come closer?” 
She looks at him. The bandages plastered over the sides of her head and around her face now visible to them. She returns Lando’s gaze with glassy eyes. It’s damn near shocking when she tries to pull things off her body in a desperate attempt to reach for Lando. 
Lando gets to her before she can get everything off, specifically the IV, and catch her arms. Oscar and Max finally pull themselves together and manage to get her to lay back down with some coaxing. 
She’s shaking violently. Her grip on Lando’s arm is sure to leave bruises. “Who - who f-found me?”  
“We did, schat. We got worried when you didn’t respond.” Max drags the two chairs in the room closer and pulls Oscar down into one.  Lando, against all odds, manages to wriggle his way into bed with her. 
“I know who it was. I - well - does anyone else know?” 
“Just Christian and us.” Oscar can feel the fight Max is putting up to not ask her more questions. The way he’s grounding himself with a hand on Oscars knee instead. 
“You don’t have to tell us.” He attempts to reassure. Maybe calm her mind by giving her an option. “Just know we’re here, alright?” 
“I don’t want it to be a big story. It’s already going to be since I can’t be in the car for the next four weeks. Oh fuck - everyone is gonna know-” Lando hushes her; gets her to somehow hold him tighter.
“Christian said it’s up to you, whatever happens.” Max nods at her encouragingly. “We go at your pace.” 
“They did a rape kit. They’ll know who it is. It was all over so it couldn’t have been hard to get DNA - oh fuck” 
Her heart rate picks up. The nurses rush in. They send her back to sleep. 
Max wants to know who it was who touched her. The rage simmering underneath her skin is almost too much to keep contained. 
On the more fortunate side, they were allowed to stay since she wouldn’t let go of Lando. Then when he did have to get up, they rotated. 
The doctors and nurses learned to approach her like she’s a scared animal. The heavy footsteps seem to set her off and there is now a sticky note on the door saying to tiptoe when entering. It’s endearing to see her doctors and nurses trying so hard not to startle her. But seeing as they’ve now had several incidents where she’s panicked, they are taking more caution. 
Oscar and Lando have meandered away in search of food. Max opted to stay put and made the promise to bring him back cheat foods. He’s too stressed to not eat something of comfort. 
Her physio is supposed to come by today with the stuff she left at the track and get an update from the doctors themselves instead of Max’s botched attempts at repeating back. It will also be nice to see her comfortable, as the one blanket that travels with her everywhere will also be dropped off. 
“Max?” He tightens his hold to show he’s listening. “It’s not fair… You, Lando, and Oscar make a mistake on track and nobody does that to you. I - It wasn’t my fault.” 
The thing is, Max is smarter than people give him credit for. The only incident on track was with Lance. An incident that was his own fault. “He’s at fault, not you. None of this is your fault.”
“They are going to say I was asking for it or something.” 
“In those fireproofs? The only ones asking for it are me and Oscar… for obvious reasons.” He chuckles proudly at his little self compliment. 
It also manages to get her to crack something of a half smile. “Are you complimenting your own ass?” 
“And what if I am?” 
She doesn’t eat anything despite it being sat in front of her. Soft foods are the only thing she’ll be eating. Her throat, albeit not as bad as it could've been (thank you F1), is still damaged and needs to rest as much as possible. 
They had to keep her for observation due to where the head wounds had been. It’s been a rough thirty-six hours, but they are managing.
Despite the hectic situation, Max has come to learn that the female lying in the hospital bed is a better person then the rest of them. Oscar was detailing a full proof murder plan while she was telling him not to make it a bigger deal then it is. To which Oscar politely put his ten step plan with four contingencies down and told her that it’s ‘what he had coming to him’. 
Max has not had to stop someone from assassinating a rival before, but Oscar seems like a reasonable guy. “Death is too good for him.” 
“Mm, you’re right, I’ll just make sure he doesn’t die then and can’t see my face.” 
“Or, we make his life a series of inconveniences! I feel like daddy’s money could get him good therapy. It can’t solve every minor problem.” Lando has a gleam in his eyes. 
Him and Oscar start pouring over ideas once more. The girl simply shakes her head and goes back to eyeing her pudding like it’s assaulted her. “I don’t want to leave here, Max.”
“Why not? I’d assume you want to go home? Sleep in a comfortable bed?”
“Out there, they can get to us. Here is safe.” 
He considers how to reassure her. Only, there is nothing he can think of. The truth is that outside of this hospital room, there is no guarantee they won’t run into trouble. 
“I can’t promise that we'll never have something bad happen again. But-” He looks to the McLaren duo brainstorming ways to make the Aston Martin garage regret existing. “We’ll be there for each other. We’re here for you. When you want us and when you need us, yes?” 
“Pinky swear?” She extends her pink to him. 
Max accepts and curls his pinks around hers. “Pinky swear.” 
It’s not fair really, that they had to leave to go do things. Lando would prefer he at least stayed with her so she isn’t alone. Alas, they are preparing for her discharge and he had to run around getting things together for their trip back to Monaco.
He comes back to a partially opened door and smiles at the other two boys being able to get back before him. Then again, as he gets closer he can hear the angry tone. One that Max uses when he’s pissed off about something. 
Lando panics and rushes inside. Only to be met with the sight of the last person he wants around right now. 
Now - he wouldn’t say he’s prone to violence. Lando prefers to keep the peace when it comes to conflict unless he’s trying to piss someone off on purpose to get a reaction. This is not one of those times. 
Lando’s knuckles collide with the Canadian’s jaw faster than he can fully become aware of what he’s doing. Lance stumbles backward and holds his jaw, glaring at Lando like he’s the one in the wrong here. 
“Get out!” 
“We were just talking-” 
“I said. Get. Out.” He’s seething. The thudding in his chest becoming louder with each second Lance remains in this room. 
He’s not prone to violence. 
Really, he’s not. 
Yet the second crack of knuckles into Lance's chin gives him some sick satisfaction. Isn’t there something about equilibrium? Can he pin this on restoring the balance or something? Regardless, he isn’t going to dent the fact that it feels good. 
The nurses come running and start asking questions. Max and Oscar have to drag Lando away kicking and screaming. 
Worse is when they try to tell him that there are pictures out on social media. Christian has been calling Max non-stop. Oscar has been dealing with Zak. Their relationship isn’t a secret and neither is their current location.  
“They're sending us a different car to see if we can’t get out discreetly.” 
“What happened with Lance, Lan? Are you alright?”
Everyone is panting. Their eyes trained on the door. “I punched him. I restored the equal-brey-um… thing.” 
“Yeah that!” 
He’s not sure how they get on the plane. He’s still amped up about the whole punching thing and running purely off adrenaline. 
They’ve been sitting in silence, mulling over their options. Creating statements they can put out. It’s hectic and they keep trashing them because nothing fits. 
The female has been apathetic. The last thing she wanted was for this to get out and now it has. Seemingly everything is flashing before her eyes. Her career will be gone soon enough, so what’s even the point? 
“Don’t post anything. We don’t have an obligation to confirm or deny the rumors. If anything, we can say that you were just driving me to the hospital and being good friends or whatever.” She won’t look at them. Still - Lando can hear how upset she is, the waiver in her voice. “I’m going to be kicked out anyway.” 
“Christian said-”
“Damn what Christian said! He knows this isn’t going to get any better and if I say who it was then Daddy’s Money is just going to pay his way through.” She's hyperventilating now. Her body collapses against her seat and Oscar makes an effort to get her to lean against him. “It’s not fair!”
lando Can’t help but share her feelings.
She stays holed up in the Redbull garage the next weekend. The appearance is hard, people want to ask her questions. Her boys had been caught in the middle of the riptide and haven’t come back to shore yet. 
At least she’s here. She’s trying her hardest to look stronger than she is. On the inside things are falling apart. 
The team knows to give her space and not ask about the ordeal. She takes refuge in Max’s room when things are too much and the other drivers keep their distance. 
They know it was one of them. She’d been adamant on not saying who it was, but it’s obvious there are sixteen who it could have been, given her partners insistence that none of them go near her garage for the time being.  
She just wants this whole thing to blow over. She wants to lay in bed with her lovers and not flinch when they go to touch her. 
She knows, however, that until she deals with things that healing can’t happen like it should. Or at least, that’s what her therapist says. The one she is now required to see. 
Things get worse when she’s back in the car. Her media duties are limited so she can focus on driving and ‘listening to her body’ as her physio likes to say. 
She can’t hear her body over the sound of her mind going staticy as Lance closes in on her. The catalyst for everything. She panics and ends up in the wall. Not the worst crash ever, but certainly hurts her pride more than it has already.
The thing is, it keeps happening. Even as she’s able to let her boys back in. As her podium finishes start to come back. Her fireproofs (which they’d gotten her all new ones) start to feel comfortable again and she doesn’t feel the need to be out of them the second the race is done. Still, Lance is using this to his advantage. 
Finally, after he almost killed her on track (again), she’s had enough.
The trial goes better than she thought it would. Despite the money differences, Lance won’t be able to race anymore. It’s not some grand spectacle either, just an announcement like usual. It’s more the closure she needed versus the publicized drama it could have been. 
She wins the next race. 
“If I ever see him again, it will be too soon.” 
“It’s been over a year now, Lan. I’m getting better.” There is a genuine smile on her face. The car awaits to take them back to the hotel. It was here that it happened. She almost considered not racing because of it.
“Lando got a taste of blood and now he’s feinding for it.” Max has a comforting hand around her waist. A grounding presence. 
“I mean, I never threw away my murder plot…” 
“You’re a genius Oscar!”
She shakes her head. It’s not like any of this has been easy. It never is. Still - her boys are here and they’ve been so patient. 
“There’s her smile.” They all beam at her. 
She smiles back.
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neverinadream · 7 months
What's Your Favourite Scary Movie?
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Summary: What's a better way to watch horror movies than placing a bet on who will jump first?
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader
Requested: for @thoseboysinblue
Song Inspo: Black Butterflies and Déjà Vu - The Maine
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, smut, moments of fluff, best friends to lovers, mentions of the reader needing to wear glasses, soft dom!christian but also hints of sub!christian, sub!reader, dirty talk, pet names (baby, princess, good girl...), praise kink, body appreciation, nipple play, grinding, oral (female & male receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, spoilers for paranormal activity and talk to me, not edited
Notes: happy halloween whores 🫶🏻 this is a very long one that has taken way too long to write and i apologise that it is being posted later than i normally would post a fic. this idea has changed so much since it was first shared by my lovely mutual/friend. i hope you like it. feedback is always appreciated, especially for a fic as long as this
"Gossip Girl? Again?"
"Stop judging my watch list," Christian huffs, resting his arm on the back of his sofa.
There's a pattern of rom-coms and TV series he had already watched in their entirety, with a sprinkle of recommendations from yourself in there. You fought back a smile knowing he took your recommendations seriously. "Give me your right hand," you request, setting the remote on your lap. He raises his eyebrow but doesn't question it. "Just as I thought," you mumble, nodding your head as you gaze down at his hand, inspecting his palm and scanning the long length of his fingers, "you need to stop abusing this hand and get yourself a girlfriend."
"Oh-" He rips his hand back with a sigh, rolling his eyes. "My dry spell isn't as bad as yours," he makes a good point, welcoming the vanilla and sweet citrus scent that hangs around you as you shuffle closer. Your leg brushes against his and a small smile pinches on the corners of his lips, little butterflies fluttering their wings in the deepest part of his stomach. "When was the last you got laid?"
"Hopefully, this week." You go back to scanning his Netflix account, missing the bridge of his nose turning pink. "Italy is full of gorgeous men," you hum, wrapping your arm around your tummy, caging it underneath as you lean forward.
"Just put your glasses on," he sighs, watching you squint your eyes, "you're making your eyes worse doing that."
You glance over your shoulder. "When did you suddenly change your career?"
He doesn't appreciate your smart mouth, getting up off the sofa in search of them. "It's called being a caring friend," he mumbles, taking one last look at you bent over and leaning forward, before slipping out of his living room.
He hears you call out to him, something about them being in his guest room, but he's already one step ahead of you, opening the bedroom door and taking a step inside. "Don't you mean your room?" He calls back, treading over a pair of heels you had complained about wearing.
Another smile, an even bigger smile, appears as he thinks about last night. Blood stirred and heated his cheeks as he thought about the simple yet beautiful way your dress hugged your body. His skin tingled remember the smell of vanilla and how it clung to every inch of your skin, so much that it made him dizzy. And he swallows a hard breath as he recalls being at the foot of the bed, his thumbs stroking over your soft skin, before unfastening the straps and helping you out of your heels.
"Ha! Nice one!" Your voice cuts him out of the memory.
"It can still be yours!"
You were a freelance animator, recently coming off the success of a short film for some company in London that Christian couldn't remember the name of. It was a dark piece, playing heavily on the tropes of loneliness and trying to find a sense of belonging, told through the POV of a colourless character in a world full of bright colours. Definitely not for children, Christian realised the first time he watched it, wiping away a tear as the credits rolled, a beaming smile on his face as your name flashed on the screen.
It won the company an award, and added a little more attention to your name, making it easier to do the whole "freelance" part of your job description.
It was that part of your job description that Christian used in favour of you moving in with him. Back in London, you were living four streets away from him, and there wasn't a day he didn't go without seeing you. He missed that. Italy was lonely without you.
Everywhere was lonely without you.
Your glasses are sitting on top of your open sketchbook, partially lost under covers, and Christian clears away a cushion, neatly placing it against the pillows. A hedgehog wearing a mask of sorts has been sketched onto the page, with an owl wearing clown makeup sketched on another area of the page, a knife dripping with blood held in its beak. Cute little woodland animals made to look like something from a horror movie. He didn't know if he should be impressed by your talent or shudder from his own dislike of horror movies.
Both, he had decided, grabbing your glasses and leaving the room.
"What?" Your arm hovers in the air, your hand wrapped around the TV remote, with the 'Horror' section of his Netflix up on the screen. "What's the matter?" You ask, with a coy smile, knowing exactly what his grievance was. If there was one rule for any impromptu movie night, it was no horror movies allowed.
Christian's rule, of course.
You, on the other hand, loved horror movies. The blood. The gore. The old classic slashers. Movies with a budget so low they either become cult classics or a painful ninety minutes. You loved it all. You loved the suspense and the anticipation of waiting for the next jumpscare. The adrenaline that pumped through your veins every time that it happened. It left you feeling more alive than ever.
"We are not, and I can't stress this enough, watching a horror movie."
"I'm not wearing them," you distract him enough to keep flicking through the catalogue. Saw. Don't Breathe. Last Night In Soho. Halloween. You flicked over each one of them, hoping at least one of them would spike your interest. "I hate them," you mumble, ducking and turning your head away from him. He grumbles something about you being stubborn under his breath, his body partially leaning over you as he places his knee on the edge of his sofa. "I don't- Ow!" You gasp, mouth hanging open and head turned up to look at him. "You just poked me in the eye-"
"Because you wouldn't stop moving!"
You readjust your glasses, your head still turned upwards, eyes squinting up at him. "God, is that what you really look like?" He doesn't appreciate your joke, rolling his eyes as you lower your glasses. "Seriously? I should've worn these things the night we met," you continue, adding a second act, "might have thought twice about falling into bed with you."
A deep blush sets on his cheeks, reaching his ears as partial moments of that night come to the forefront of his mind. Hands tracing soft skin. Mouths coming together in feverish exchanges. Him stumbling over his words the next morning, unable to bring himself to ask you if you wanted to get breakfast, settling on remaining as "just friends."
His teammates had even joked that he had fucked his way into the friend zone.
"Give me the remote," he stretches out his hand. You pull your hand into your body, restricting his access to the remote. "You know we have one rule for a movie night: no horror movies."
"Oh, come on," you tease, biting the tip of your tongue, the corners of your mouth turning upwards into a smile, "it's not my fault you're a big scaredy cat."
He rolls his eyes, despite liking the mischievous glint you got in your eyes every time you saw an opportunity to tease him.
"I think I might have to start telling people your tiger tattoo is just a botched job of a sweet, little Tabby, because a real tiger definitely wouldn't shit themselves at the likes of Scary Movie." You point the remote back at the TV, flicking through a subsection of the horror genre until one of them seemed the right fit for tonight's festivities. "It's not even a horror movie. It's a parody!"
"First of all," he reaches back, grabbing a few pieces of popcorn, "I didn't shit myself." He tosses the pieces of popcorn in your direction, the sweet pieces of confection bouncing off your shoulder and your cheek. You pick it up, the tips of your fingers feeling sticky from just one touch, and throw it back at him. He bats it away from him, and you stick your tongue out at him. "It was you who kept purposely making me jump by jabbing your finger into my side."
"I always find it funny how you and I recall events so differently," you mumble, clicking the down button and flicking onto the paranormal section.
"Okay," he talks over you, reaching forward for one of the two beers sitting on his coffee table, "just stick a movie on." He pops the cap off the bottle with a low grunt, flipping it onto the coffee table. It bounces twice, hits the edge of the centrepiece, a decorative glass bowl his parents gave him as a moving away/house warming present, and flips onto the floor. "And just don't pick a super scary one," he mumbles, taking a sip, "I actually want to sleep tonight."
"Scared you're gonna get nightmares?"
"I don't get nightmares."
"No, of course you don't," you shake your head, "you're Mr Captain America! How could you let yourself get scared over something that's not even real?" He rolls his eyes, giving you a soft shove to the side with his elbow. You pluck the brown stained bottle from his hand, noticing the not so subtle way he was watching your lips as you take a sip. "Do I have something on my face?" You ask, the bridge of his nose blushing red. He turns his head away from you, mumbling something under his breath but you didn't catch it. "Sorry?" It was like poking a sleeping bear. "What did you say?"
"Come on," he mumbles, motioning his hand in the direction of his TV.
"Don't rush me," you hiss, catching your tongue between your teeth, the tip poking out from between your lips. It amused him greatly how serious you took picking the movies for movie night, but it was just one of those 'little things' that he loved about you. "You wouldn't want to be rushed whilst taking a penalty, or something."
He pulls a face. "I don't see how those two equate to being the same thing."
"I-Shut up."
You settle on an old favourite: Paranormal Activity.
It was scary enough that you knew Christian would jump a few times, but not scary enough to have him crawling into your bed in the middle of the night. A single creak could be a footstep. Pipes cooling down could be a ghost groaning. Silly tricks of his mind and all enough to scare him into your bed, with his tail tucked between his legs like a scared puppy. If you wanted that, maybe you would've picked something like The Ring or The Blair Witch Project.
"Shouldn't be too scary for you," you tease him, grinning over your shoulder.
"You don't use-" Christian lifts his head from the cushion, his mouth turned down into a frown, his focus turned away from his television and now on you. You had moved to the end of his sofa, moving to give him space to stretch out, with your knees pulled up to your chest, toes wiggling as they sat over the edge. "Are you going to sit there the whole time?" He quizzes, meeting your eyes as you turned to look at him.
"Yes?" You pan down to his body stretched out on the sofa. One knee was pointed to the ceiling, his other leg stretching the length, with his foot tapping against you. It wasn't deliberate, almost like he was still checking to see if you were still there. "Where else am I meant to sit?" You fire back your own question. "For a little guy, you sure know how to take up a lot of room."
"We both know I'm not little," he replies nonchalantly.
"I don't know," you shrug, biting your bottom lip to stop yourself from smiling, "it didn't really leave a lasting impression." You giggle, his foot tapping against you deliberately this time. "But, seriously, where else am I meant to sit? On the floor?" You motion in front of you. "On you?"
He grins, teeth sinking into his bottom lip to hold back his thoughts, but you roll your eyes like you had read his mind. "Just lie with me," he mumbles, patting his hand against his chest.
"What, and crush you?"
It was now his turn to roll his eyes. "You're not going to crush me."
"I might."
"Do you see me?" He pans his hand down his body. "Do you see this? I can take my shirt off so you can better look-"
"Please don't."
He taps your leg again. "We both know you like me better when I have my shirt off," you avoid his eyes as he teases you like your eyes might deceive you and tell him he was right, "But, c'mon, I'm getting cold over here." He pouts, eyes looking rounder as he tries his best at 'puppy dog eyes.' He grabs at the air. "Please?!"
"You're actually the worst," you mumble, giving in to him, "the worst of the worst." Your bodies become a tangled mess, legs wedged between each other, his thigh half-straddled as you rest your head on his chest. His hand travels down your back, his fingers skimming along the band of skin exposed above your jeans. "Also, I call total bullshit on 'getting cold'," you add, unconsciously tucking your hand under his shirt. Your touch makes his skin tingle.
"Yeah?" He raises his eyebrows, looking down his nose. "Why's that?"
"Because you're perpetually warm."
Christian's attention flickers back and forth between you and the movie, pressing his fingers harder into your skin whenever Katie screams Micah's name, which you didn't mind, even though it would happen a lot. When he wasn't subtly trying to hide the jumping, he was glancing down at you, focusing on the steady and relaxed movement of your breathing. He would half-smile at the way you mumble your reactions under your breath, humming a simple "yes" or "okay" to acknowledge them.
He takes in a deep pull of your scent, closing his eyes as he lets the smell of honey and vanilla wash over him. Everything about you could make him dizzy. From your laugh to your smile. To the way you would always cut your sandwiches into four small squares because it made you think of the nostalgia of the school lunches your mum would make you. But nothing was like that honey and vanilla aroma that managed to stick to you like a second layer of skin.
"You better not be falling asleep, mister!" He grunts as you pinch his hip, his eyes snapping open at the sound of your voice. "I didn't lie down with you just so you could take a nap," you prop your chin against his chest.
"Then why did you?"
"Like I already said, you're always warm, and your apartment is freezing!"
Our apartment, he thinks to himself, knowing he'll bring the question up once more before you have to leave. "It's not cold," he says instead, tucking his free arm underneath his head, "and I wasn't falling asleep."
You raise your brows. "Yeah? Then what just happened?"
"He's just shown her the quija board and you just commented on them being stupid for using one." Your eyesbrows drop and the corners of his mouth twitch. "See," he gloats, giving the small of your back a soft pinch, "I wasn't falling asleep."
You chew your bottom lip. "I am right though, you should never use a quija board."
"No!" You shake your head. "You don't know who you could be communicating with, or what you could be inviting in!" He smiles, making you squint your eyes and frown up at him. "What's that smile for?"
"You've thought about this before, haven't you?"
You turn your head down, mumbling your answer into his chest, using it to hide the embarrassment in your voice. Yes, you had thought about it. You had thought about it multiple times and every time you watched a movie where one would be used to contact the vengeful spirit haunting the unsuspecting couple, but it's the last thing you would admit it to Christian. It would just be another thing for him to tease you with.
"Sorry," he laughs, his whole chest shaking, "what was that?"
"I said I'm putting another movie on," you lie. He bites his tongue to stop the soft groan that nearly slips out when you straddle his waist, silently praying that his body can stay calm for all of two seconds. "This is getting boring," you stretch across and grab the remote, "I want something proper on."
He lets his hands travel down from your hips and onto your thighs, drumming his fingers against the dark denim. "This is something proper."
"Babe, this is two tropes away from being a parody!"
Babe. It makes his heart beat twice as fast. He clears his throat, doing his best attempt at dislodging the feeling from his chest. "There's not much left," he mumbles, lifting one hand away and following yours until it's out of his reach. He chuckles, the soft sound growing a little louder as you beam down at him with a triumphant smile. "Just leave this one on."
"Or," you press pause, silencing the screams, "we could have some fun."
"Fun?" His throat bops. "You and I have very definitions of what fun is." Your lips twitch. "And I don't like that smile."
"You shouldn't," you giggle, letting your weight sink further onto him, your core pressed firmly against his crotch. The not-so-subtle way his mouth parts on a slight groan makes your stomach flutter. For a second, you slip back into the memory of his hands grabbing at your hips and guiding them, as he threw his head back into his pillow, groaning your name which back then was foreign to his tongue. "Let's make a bet," you snap back to reality, "the first person to jump has to go down on the other person."
He mules it over for a second, a deep blush forming on his cheeks and spreading to his ears. "But what if neither of us jumps?" He asks, keeping his focus on something that isn't the movement of your hips as you shift above him.
"Then no gets to come today."
"You mean: you don't get to come today," he fires back, "you don't know what I was doing this morning."
"So, that's why I heard my name coming from your bathroom?" You throw him a wink. "Don't worry, I've basically nicknamed my vibrator CP." He rolls his eyes and mumbles a soft 'ha, ha' under his breath. If your current position wasn't already bad enough for him, then hearing about you using a vibrator on yourself was nearly tipping him over the edge. "So, do we have a deal?" You raise your eyesbrows.
He shrugs his shoulders. "Why not?" His tongue darts across his bottom lip, looking at you like you might be his last meal. "I've been looking for an excuse to eat your pussy again."
Christian frowns. "I don't get it." You lift your head from the comfort of his shoulder, unable to hide a half-smile when you catch sight of the crease in his brow and the slight way his bottom lip would pout. Flashes of confusion fill his eyes. "She was the one sucking on his toes?"
"But she thought it was that...other thing?"
He sighs, running his hand down his face. "This is so confusing."
You prop your hand under your chin, using your free hand to poke his cheek. He bats your finger away, but the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. "You're very pretty," you mumble, bringing your finger back against his cheek, touching the constellation of freckles that reside on his face. They were his prettiest features, after his eyes of course. "How are you single?"
"Me?" He slides his hand down your back, bunching up the fabric as he reaches the small of your back. His touch is warm and it makes you shiver. "What about you?" He counters, tucking his head down. His nose brushed against your temple, and you could smell the faint smell of beer and toothpaste on his breath. "You're a lot prettier than me."
"I go on dates," you shrug, finger drifting down to his bottom lip. It was soft and light shade of pink. And very, very kissable.
"You do?" His body tenses and the jealousy he feels churns in the pit of his stomach. "Oh..."
You wish you could say that your dating life was a story of success and one that involved you finding true love but, unfortunately, that just wasn't the case. The apps were full of guys looking for a night of easy sex or carrying bouquets of red flags. And the dates you were set up with either talked only about themselves, were hung up on their exes, or talked about their mothers at an alarming rate.
Oh, and none of them were Christian.
"But clearly none of them have worked out for me," you sigh, removing your hand and settling your head back down on his shoulder. His body relaxes, pulling you firmly against him. "It doesn't matter though, I don't need them," you mumble, breathing in the smell of the cologne that stuck to his skin. After being apart from him, you had come to realise that it smelt like home. "I've got you."
"For now and always."
For now and always.
It was your thing, you could say, a promise that neither would be alone.
You first said after Christian suffered one of his first injuries whilst at Chelsea. His stubborn ass had ignored your messages after the injury occurred, a part of him, he supposed, didn't want you to see him like that, but your ass was just as equally stubborn as his and you didn't take his silence as a final answer. You were there for his recovery every step of the way, and for every disruption that came afterwards, repeating the words: 'for now and always.'
You sit up on your elbow. "Christian?" He hums but doesn't look at you. "Chris..."
"What's u-" You silence him, pressing your lips against his, moaning softly into his mouth when you feel him kiss back. "Uh," he pulls back, touching his hand to your face, his fingers softly stroking your jaw, "hi-uh, what?" He nervously laughs, the tips of his ears turning red. "W-W-What was that for?"
"I don't know." You shrug, touching your hand to your mouth. "I'm sorry."
His eyes widen. "What? No! Don't apologise for kissing me. I liked it."
"You did?"
"Should that even be a question?" He scoffs, smiling at you. His thumb brushes gently across your cheek, the softness of your skin shooting goosebumps up his arm. "Of course, I liked it. Why wouldn't I have liked it?" His gaze lingers on your mouth. "Come closer and kiss me again, please?"
"Well, since you asked so nicely..."
It's with a smile on both of your lips that you lean in and press your mouth to his. His lips are soft and willing, parting to welcome you as you run your tongue against his bottom lip. At every groan he made, you would whimper, and Christian would swallow each of the sweet little sounds. They were his to keep. They were his to remember when you left at the end of the week.
His hand grabs your thigh and pulls you to straddle him, rutting his hips up as you settle on him. "Feel that?" He grabs your ass, squeezing firmly as he pushes you down onto his bulge. You grind your hips against him, your movements slow and torturous. "That's it, baby," he bites his bottom lip, groaning your praise and grabbing your ass in both hands, "keep grinding like that for me - make us both feel good."
Your lips roam his jaw and neck, imprinting your whimpers into his skin. "I guess the bets off then?" Your laugh is sultry and yet still sweet.
"Bet or no bet, I would still love to eat your pussy," he purrs, flipping you onto your back, "can I take this off?" He fingers toy with the hem of your shirt.
"Only if you're taking yours off."
You prop yourself up onto your elbows, watching him sit back on his knees. He grabs the back of his collar and removes his T-shirt with one sharp tug. "Beautiful," you whisper, letting your hands roam freely over his chest. They start at the waistband of his jeans, your fingers stroking over the soft trail of hair, before travelling over his naval and feeling every muscle.
Christian was right; you did like him better with no shirt on.
Your eyes pan back down to the bulge in his jeans. "Can I taste you?" You ask, looking back up at him as his hand nestles firmly on the base of your skull.
"Go ahead," he nods, with excitement in his voice, "take it out."
Your eyes shimmer with anticipation as you take a better look at the tent in his boxers, his jeans pulled low enough down. Peeling back the waistband, his cock springs free, slapping hard and heavy against his stomach. He was big, bigger than you had remembered, and your face grows hotter as you try to think of a way to fit him all into your mouth.
"It'll fit," Christian says like he could read your mind, "trust me." He wraps his hand around the base, pushing the tip gently against your mouth. "Give it a kiss." You pucker your lips and lay a soft one against the crown of his cock, tasting the pre-cum as you pull away and lick your lips. "Now open your mouth," he instructs, gliding it against your wet tongue, "already being such a good girl for me."
You swirl your tongue over the head, smacking your lips as you pull off him. "Definitely the prettiest dick I've ever had the pleasure of sucking," you tell him, replacing his hand around the base.
"Sucked many dicks?" His face quickly drops. "Don't answer that."
You run your tongue against the underside of his shaft. "Not in a long time," you answer anyway, giggling as he scowls.
You wrap your lips once more around his cock, focusing on the tip, sucking it lazily in and out of your mouth, as your hand worked the base. "Fuck, that feels good," he pants, hanging his head back, exposing the column of his neck and the beard that scattered the underside of his jaw to you. "But I'm gonna have to make you stop."
"What?" You pull off him, a string of spit still connecting you. "Why?"
"Because it's been way too long, longer than I would like to admit since I was last with someone, and if you keep sucking me off like that, this is going to end quicker than it started."
You wipe your mouth. "Oh."
"Yeah," he blushes, tucking himself back into his boxers. He tugs his jeans up but leaves them unbuttoned. "Now," he clears his throat, "wanna help me take your clothes off?"
"Fucking gorgeous!" Christian touch sears your skin, burning his prints into you as he grips your thighs. You pinned to his mattress, with nowhere to go, looking down at a pair of hungry eyes. His tongue splits your folds and draws a line between your entrance and your clit. "This pussy has been a part of my dreams for years," he confesses, turning his head, kissing the inside of your thigh, "god, I think about it-think about you when I'm touching myself."
Your lips part on a silent breath. "You do?"
"Every time, baby." He blows hot hair against your clit, grinning as your squirm. "Every. Single. Damn. Time."
"Good," you giggle, cupping your breast and tweaking your nipple, "because I wasn't lying about nicknaming my vibrator CP."
His cock strains in his jeans at your words. "Don't say that," he growls, rutting his hips into the mattress, "not unless you want to be cleaning the cum off my cock."
You prop yourself up, looking down at him between your thighs. "Sounds tasty," you throw back, licking your lips.
His lips twitch. "Speaking of tasty..." He drags his tongue back and forth along your slit, groaning as your wetness pools in his mouth. You were intoxicating. A drug for him to get high off. "Tastiest thing I've ever eaten, baby," his praise has you throwing your head back into the pillow, "and the prettiest, too."
"Oh, my..."
He pushes the air out of your lungs, stretching you out as he slowly works two fingers into your pussy. They twist and curl up to stroke your g-spot, and you feel him grin against your clit when he wrangles out a pornographic moan. No one had made you feel this good. Not in a very long time.
"Christian," you pant his name, pushing your hips up. He groans, flicking his tongue faster over your clit.
He was playing like an instrument and eating you like were his last meal.
"So fucking tight," he licks his lips, tasting you on him. He twists and scissors his fingers, stretching you some more. "And wet, baby," he purrs, rotating his thumb in circles over your clit. His honey-dipped eyes look up at you, roaming every part of your naked figured. "If you could see the mess you're making - just dripping everywhere."
"I want you to look at me like that all the time," you stare down at him.
"I do." He kneels between your legs, dipping to kiss over the tops of your breasts, the dip at the base of your neck and then your lips. "I look at you like this all the time, baby," he presses his thumb harder to your clit, making you squirm, "I've just gotten good at hiding it." He crashes his mouth against yours, pushing his tongue into your mouth, letting you taste your arousal off his tongue. "I'm gonna grab a condom."
You stop him as he reaches into his bedside cabinet. "I'm on the pill."
"You sure?"
"Yes," you answer, kissing over his stubbled jaw, nipping playfully at his ear, "now lose those jeans, pretty boy." He raises his eyebrows, the corners of his lips curving up with amusement. You give a sharp tug on his belt loop. "I said lose the jeans."
He chuckles, pushing to stand up. "What is this?" He pulls his jeans down, kicking them off as they reach his feet. You bite your lip, eyes zoning in on his cock bulging in his underwear. They were removed next, a smirk gracing his lips. He wraps his hand around his shaft, jerking his wrist a few times, wincing a little when he squeezes the tip. "Think you're in charge here?"
He shakes his head, brushing his lips against your temple. "That's very cute." He kneels between your legs, tapping his tip against your clit, chuckling as you whimper. There was nothing worse than being teased. "But that's not happening, baby."
He slips the first few inches inside, watching your pussy swallow and clench around him. He waits, giving himself a second to adjust. "Just remember it's been a while, okay?" His cheeks blush, spreading down his neck onto his chest. "Don't be teasing me if I end up coming too quickly."
"Hey, look at me." You reach out to touch his face, your fingers brushing over his jaw. He leans into your touch. "We're in the same boat, remember?"
"But what about all those dates you've been on?"
You shake your head. "The last guy I had sex with was Kal." Sliding your hand between your bodies, you sink the last few inches inside. The feeling of fullness has you losing your breath, but you find it again when Christian leans over to kiss you. "Forget about the timestamp on your last time, and stop worrying about blowing your load too quickly," you talk against his mouth, soothing your hands over his chest, "just be here with me, okay?"
He nods, biting his bottom lip. "I can do that." His head dips and kisses the centre of your chest, hands exploring your thighs and the globes of your ass as he ruts into you. "Fuck," his voice is strained, "you feel...you feel perfect, like you just for me."
"Yes," you whimper, your heart aching as the words hit your ears, "just for you."
He nuzzles his stubble into your cheek. "Say it again."
"Just for you," you repeat, now grinding your hips up to meet each thrust, "just for you." You pull his head up and crash your lips together, exchanging a kiss like it could been your last. Never had you imagined this is where you would be when you got on the plane four days ago. "You," you managed to make out through a moan, breaking apart, nuzzling your face against his cheek.
He chokes your name on a sob, "I'm not gonna last must longer."
"Let go, Christian," you wrap your legs around his waist, and run your nails down his back, scratching lightly at the muscles that strained, "come for me, baby."
"Inside you?" His rhythm is sloppy and you have to keep grinding against him. "Can I come inside you?" He grabs your hips and clamps them against him, moaning into your shoulder as his whole body shakes above you. "Oh, god," he whines, his cock twitching and pulsing, "I'm coming-I'm..."
For the next few seconds, Christian is silently mouthing your name against his skin.
You soothe your hands through his hair as he finishes inside you, letting your hands roam over his shoulders and down his back. "You okay?" You whisper, tucking your head to brush a kiss to the side of his head. "Christian?"
"I think I just had an out-of-body experience," he answers, audibly groaning as he pulls out. You giggle, tiredly rolling onto your front, moving with him as he collapses next to you. His arm comes up over his face, hiding his eyes, before ripping away to look at you. He looked worried like he was realising he had done something wrong. "You didn't come?"
You shrug, giving him a reassuring smile. "It's fine." Which it was.
"No, it's not." He tries to sit up but crashes back onto the mattress. "When I have recovered, you are coming," he declares, pulling the pillow over his face. His voice is muffled as he adds, "we are not leaving this bed until I've made you come."
Taglist: @shanoontje @maseandkepa @theblxefox @blueathens  @ofxinnocence @mrschilly @geek-and-proud @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @thoseboysinblue @kickinganddriving @lizzypotter14 @bracedes @chilwellspulisic @notsoattractivearenti @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @masonsrem @landoslover @kathb59 @emcv1427 @gagaslonina @afterpills @pulisicsgirl
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 9 months
Anyway I can request a Christian Cage x Female!Reader imagine where she’s married to Christian and on screen she’s paired with him & Luchasaurus onscreen as the top heel for the Women’s Division and maybe during a match with Anna Jay, Jack comes out and tries to run interference to she’ll win, but he accidentally ends up injuring the reader which reignites the feud between student and Mentor with Jack & Christian?
Pay for it
Summary: When Jack Perry helps Anna Jay win her match against Y/n he didn’t realize he dug himself his own grave when he injured Christians wife. 
Word count: 739
Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
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I sat backstage getting checked out by one of the trainers. Fortunately I hadn’t dislocated my knee like they initially thought but I would need six stitches just above my right eyebrow. I watched Christian pace around the small room angry. “I’m going to kill that bastard” the bastard he was referring to was Jack Perry who was the reason I was in this situation. 
That evening I had an eliminator match with Anna Jay for my TBS championship. Which ment if she won the match she would be granted a title opportunity. Being the biggest heel of the women's division here in AEW meant there was a lot of weight on my shoulders, yet I felt light as a feather. I was the current TBS Champion and Christian was the TNT Champion, making us the power couple of this company. I made my entrance championship in hand as I walked down to the ring, Christian on left and Luchasaurus on my right. I looked down at a nervous Anna Jay, I mean she wanted the match, she was planning her own funeral. I knew this would be a piece of cake and of course it was. I had the upper hand for the majority of the match, since I was considered a veteran within the world or pro wrestling. It meant that I served as a bit of a mentor for the young talent in AEW just like Christian. Anna was no different. I knew her moves so it was easy. I climbed to the top rope about to secure the win when I felt the ring shift. I looked behind me to notice Anna gone. I saw Jack Perry trying to start a fight with Luchasaurus. I switched my position so I could attempt a corkscrew moonsault outside of the ring, hoping to land on Jack and Anna. As I launched my body into the air I was greeted with nothing, my picture perfect corkscrew moonsault meating nothing, body landing hard as I was greeted with the floor. On the way down I tried to land on my feet noticing no one was there but of course  that was not the case. I heard the crowd gasp and could feel my body tense up, although I had done this move a million times before all it takes is a nasty landing to cause an injury. As I lied on the ground I felt someone grab me and throw me back into the ring, it was Jack. The official was too busy dealing with Christian they didn’t see Jack kick me into an exposed turnbuckle, busting open my face. Anna ended up getting the victory leaving me lying in a puddle of my own blood. 
Now here I was sitting backstage getting stitches in my head. At one point Anna came in to apologize for Jack, she said she didn’t know he was going to do that and Anna felt bad. The plan was for her to get a quick roll up and get the win, creating a feud between us but the little stunt Jack pulled changed it all. Looking back at the match I watched as Anna tried to catch me on my moonsault (being a safe professional ofc) but Jack pushed her out of the way, leading me to a hard fall. 
The feud between Christian and Jack had died down, it was over but this little stunt would reignite the flame that was once burnt out. My head was pounding and Christian’s angry huffing and puffing was only making it worse. “Can you please stop, my head hurts, you explaining all of the ways you are going to murder Jack is only making it worse” 
Christian came up to me and examined the fresh stitches in my head. “How many stitches?” He asked me, eyes still burning with anger. “Luckily only six, it could have been way worse” I told him. I could see the gears running in his head. “Well six stitches means me killing him six times” Did we really need another mentor and student feud? “So I guess this means you are not done with him after all then?” I asked, knowing this new feud would be even more violent than the last. “Not in the slightest, he’s going to pay for this. I will show him what happens when you try to mess with my Wife!” With that he left. 
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randyortonofficial · 1 year
heat between your thighs
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Pairing: christian cage x female reader (early/mid 20′s)
Summary: You and your daddy decide to spend a lovely night in together.
Tags: major daddy kink, age gap, cunnilingus, slight degradation, praise kink, pet names (baby girl, princess), dirty talk
Total Word Count: 2,130
Christian can be whatever you want him to be.
He can be so sweet and gentle; whisper the softest sentiments into your ear and lovingly worship every inch of your body.
He can be taunting and rough; fingers gliding against your most sensitive areas to pull whimpers from your pretty lips before giving it to you with ruthless abandonment.
Other times, he can be a mixture of the two; sinfully sweet, where he appreciates everything about you just to destroy it all and put it back together again.
There are nights when you can predict his behavior, but tonight is not that night.
Christian’s lips caress your neck as his strong hand runs up over your thigh high stockings. He mouths gentle kisses upon your soft skin and after biting down on your earlobe, you can’t help but whimper and shudder beside him, and that makes his fingers dig hard into your thigh, which just makes you whimper again and this time, Christian chuckles.
“Haven’t even done anything to you yet, baby girl,” Christian murmurs against your ear. “You’ve really been thinking hard about daddy today, huh?”
All you can do is whine and nod as you bring your hands over to clutch into his black turtleneck.
Christian huffs a breath through his nose and swipes his tongue along his lips. “I see,” he whispers to himself. His gaze drops to his hand, now sliding up under your skirt, and his gaze returns to you right as his fingers graze the edges of your panties-
“Please,” you breathe out. “Daddy, please-”
“There we are.” Christian smirks as his thumb reaches over to gently press on you. “Using your words just like daddy taught you, what do you need him to do?”
You bite hard at your lips and close your eyes. The thumb slowly moving back and forth against your clit is making it a bit hard to concentrate, but you wanna be a good girl for daddy so after a deep breath to collect yourself, you tell Christian, “I need daddy to p-put his mouth on me.” You swallow and as you open your eyes to look into Christian’s, your shoulders shudder upon seeing the darkness of lust clouding over him. “Pl-Please?”
“Good girl,” Christian praises quietly before pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips. “So that’s what you were thinking about today?” His hand moves to fully cup your heat, two of his fingers pressing right against your slit through the dripping wet cotton to tease, and it makes you whine and drop your head against his shoulder. “Wanted daddy’s mouth on your pretty pussy?”
“Daddy,” you plead. “Please, daddy, I want it-”
“I can fucking feel how much you want it,” Christian huffs a laugh as he brings his fingers to his lips to suck your taste clean off him with a hum of approval. “Mmm, daddy can taste it too.” His free hand comes up to grab under your chin and force your head back and you gasp at the sudden nature of it before lidding your eyes open at the older man.
“Look at me,” Christian says lowly. “Look at your daddy while you tell him how much you want him.”
Your breath hotly pushes past your lips. You almost close your eyes, but the reminder of being a good girl gives you the willpower to keep looking right at your daddy. “Please, I’ve been thinking of you all day, daddy,” you say quietly. “I want your mouth on me, I want your hands on me, and your lips, I want your lips all over me and I want you inside me, god, I want you in me,” you whine. “Wanna feel you pushing into me. Making me take it like you always do. Making me yours like you always do, daddy, I just want you.”
The slow grin that begins to spread over Christian’s lips is a touch manic as his dark eyes look you over. He shakes his head and huffs out a laugh as he grabs at your hips. “You’re everything daddy’s ever wanted, you know that?”
You whine out as Christian lays himself onto the bed and drags you right on up to guide you until you can feel his hot breath wisping out over the wet crotch of your panties.
“I’ll give you what you need, baby girl.” Christian looks up at you as he mouths a kiss against your clit. Then, with no effort at all, he’s ripping your panties apart before grabbing hard at your ass to force you down until he’s eagerly running his tongue along your wetness and you’d fall over if you didn’t have the foresight to grab onto the headboard in front of you.
Thank god you did, because holy fuck, is he giving it to you so good with his tongue.
He always does, but it never stops you from squirming against his tongue either way, never stops you from trying to desperately ride his face, just for him to spank you to keep you in line so he can do it at his pace. Sometimes he’ll let you take that control, but tonight, Christian has a plan in mind and he’s doing what he wants with you and making you like it.
He’s licking you from hole to clit, teasing your clit with his hot tongue before covering your pussy with his mouth and lapping without pause. Through it all, your hand drops to thread into his graying hair and your fingers grasp tightly onto him and the headboard to stay grounded as he leads pleasured moans and whimpers from your lips in the privilege that is taking you apart.
Your noises are music to Christian’s ear and makes his own body sing with desire. Just when you feel the familiar pressure in your stomach coiling, he pokes his head out from between your legs to look up at you again, his beard wet with you, and his manic grin returning as he licks his lips to further enjoy your taste.
“Since you were trying so hard to ride my face” Christian begins, “how about you ride daddy’s cock?”
Your eyes light up.
You’ve never heard anything better.
Christian chuckles at the way your face immediately beams at the suggestion. “Yeah, you can’t wait to show daddy how much you need him, I know. Need help taking off your clothes, princess?”
“Please, daddy?”
“Of course, baby,” Christian almost purrs the words as sets you to the side so he can sit up. “You let daddy take care of all that…”
He removes your clothes gently, first your wrecked panties, next your skirt, and then your shirt. You’re not wearing a bra underneath and as Christian lays back down to pull you back on top, you’re only wearing those stockings for him and god does he love them. His eyes dip down to the cute little bows at the top and his hands splay out over them, a heavy sigh pushing past his lips as he shakes his head in awe.
“You really are so pretty, baby girl,” he praises just above a whisper. “Can’t believe you’re all mine.”
“Of course, daddy.” You set your hands on top his shoulders as you spread your legs more to get more comfortable. “I-I was made just for you.”
Christian grins. “Yeah…” His eyes flick up into yours while his hands slide back down your thighs. “You were. Everything about you was made just for me, huh?”
A hot, shuddering breath slips past your lips as you hear the metal of his belt buckle come undone, and then his zipper being pulled down. You can hear the brief shuffling of fabric and as Christian guides you down with a hand at your hip, you feel the blunt head of his thick cock pushing against your dripping wet pussy and you look behind you to watch as he presses inside you.
No matter how many times you two fuck, it’ll always feel like the first.
Your eyes almost roll back into your head as you drop your head forward with a moan. Instead, your eyes flutter shut while Christian grips tightly at your hips and as he continues to push his way inside, your moan grows louder and louder until you’re whimpering at the stretch.
It hurts a little, and it burns, but it burns just right. That mix of pain with the pleasure of being full of Christian is worth everything in the world.
Christian moans against your ear as he bottoms out inside you, and then his hands are gliding up and down your back, fingertips just brushing over your skin while he mouths kisses along your neck. “Can you take it?” he breathes out. “You gonna be a good girl for daddy and ride his cock, huh?”
With another whimper, you’re raising your head up from its comfortable hiding place in Christian’s neck. You bite your lips as you slowly begin to ride him, his cock brushing wonderfully against your inner walls as you move, and you gasp at the way he keeps stretching you open despite the many, many times you two have done this by now.
“There we go.” Christian looks down between the length of your bodies to watch you move. “So fucking beautiful, baby. You can give daddy a little more, go on.” He returns his grip to your hips to sink his nails hard into your skin, and upon the first press, you’re already quickening your hips because you want to be a good girl for your daddy and do what he says, you don’t want to disappoint, but then you’d never disappoint Christian.
No, Christian is happy with everything you do for him. He always has, and he always will.
Like every time, the pain begins to shift its way into the realm of pleasure. Your pained whimpers are turning into long moans and your movements are becoming much more vivacious as the pleasure runs through you. You’re sitting up fully on Christian now, your hips quickly working away as they slam onto him, over and over again. Your head is lulled back as the moans continue to spill and enter the room, your fingers are gripping tightly onto the fabric of his turtleneck at his broad chest.
Christian’s torn between watching your beautiful tits bounce and the way your pleasure spreads over your face. He rectifies this by moving a hand up to grab at one of your tits and he moans before his gaze shifts up to you. “Just like that, baby girl, keep going,” he urges. “Does it feel good fucking yourself, baby?”
“Yes, daddy!” you moan. “You fill me up so good, daddy, you’re so perfect in me-”
“And nobody else is gonna fill you up like your daddy, huh?”
“No, daddy, never!”
“That’s what I wanna hear,” Christian chuckles and runs his other hand up to join the other in grabbing your tits. He sighs with relief as he squeezes them before letting his thumbs brush over your nipples to make you gasp and drop your head forward to look into his eyes.
You can’t believe you get to be with him. You can’t believe you get to look at him like this, in the throes of sexual passion. You can’t believe you get to be fucked by him every night, you get to give him all this pleasure and he gets to do the same to you in return.
Eventually, his hands return to your hips to keep you still as he begins to hammer away into you. You can ride him as quick and as hard as you’re able, but he’ll always be much stronger and you won’t complain, because he gives it to you so much better than you can on your own and you’re welcoming his thrusts with lovely cries every single time he slams into you.
“Such a good fucking girl,” Christian growls. “You gonna come with me, baby, yeah? Gonna come with your daddy?”
“Yes daddy, yes daddy!” you cry out. “Please, pl-please don’t stop, please make me come, please-”
“Yeah, your daddy’s gonna make you come so good, princess, just like he always does. Just keep being good for me, keep being pretty for me, just like you always do, fuck-”
Christian makes a loud and low groan as he spills inside you, so much of it that you know it’s going to drip out afterwards and you’re eagerly awaiting it, because you love it when he makes you all dirty and messy, but then you love it when Christian does anything to you at all.
You’re whatever Christian wants you to be, and you’ve never been happier.
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moondust-imagines · 8 months
I have a request for you! Is there anyway I can request a Christian Cage x Female!Reader imagine where him and the reader already have a baby that they planned but the reader is the Current reigning Women’s Champion in AEW and she ends up having to relinquish due to a small injury she’s substained as well as a pregnancy that she was unaware of until she had to go get her injury checked out?
Totally missed out the part where they already had a baby lmao sorry
Thanks for the request x
Christian Cage x Fem!Reader
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The last thing you remember was launching yourself of the top of a rather large ladder. Then you hit your opponent, your head smacking the ground almost simultaneously. Next thing you knew you were waking up surrounded by the medical team, you match automatically called off by your injury. The medics helped you stumble your way backstage where they could check you out properly.
So here you were, trying to keep yourself awake sitting on a cot in an all white room. The medics were pretty certain you weren’t concussed so they hadn’t sent you to hospital yet, but they still were keeping a close eye on you. They had just taken a blood sample from you, standard procedure to make sure your dumb idea hadn’t been the influence of something else. Your boyfriends, Christian Cage, match was playing quietly on the TV in front of you. You watched as he once again used Luchasaurus to his advantage to win. You were sure he would be here to check on you soon.
Just as you thought, he burst through the door not even 10 minutes later, anger burning in his eyes. He had clearly just verbally torn into the poor intern outside.
“What the hell were you thinking?” He growled. You felt the shame burning up your insides, you hated disappointing him.
“I’ve done that spot a million times! I don’t know what went wrong!” You exclaimed. Tears were welling in your eyes now, you weren’t sure if they were caused by frustration or embarrassment.
Christian noticed your change in mood and took a deep breath. Sure, he was an asshole but he never wanted to take it out on you. Not his girl. He stepped towards you and gently took your hand, gently bringing it to his lips to press a soft kiss to your fingers.
“You scared me sweetheart” He sighed. This side of him was reserved completely for you nowadays. Even if you only saw it on occasion.
The doctor walked in the room, looking slightly worried at Christian’s presence. He nervously looked at the papers on the clipboard balanced on his arm.
“Um, Miss Y/N, could we have a quick word in private?” He asked. Christian’s grip on your hand tightened slightly and your eyes widened.
“I’d feel better if he could stay” You replied, your other hand covering his. The doctor nodded and flipped to another page.
“Were you aware that you are currently pregnant Miss Y/N?”
You instantly felt like you were going to puke, your brain completely short-circuited. You barely even noticed Christian’s hand leaving yours. The doctor watched your reaction carefully before giving you a sympathetic smile.
“I’m going to send you to the hospital in light of this, just to check everything is ok. Obviously this means I can’t clear you for continued active competition” He explained. You nodded along even though you weren’t really listening.
You turned your head to look at your lover. His jaw was set and he was glaring into empty space. His silence put you on edge. He wasn’t one for commitment anymore, he hadn��t been for a long time. But here you were, carrying his baby. Well….
“I’ll give you two a moment” The doctor excused himself quietly. You didn’t say anything, neither did Christian. You just sat in silence for what felt like an eternity.
“Is it mine?” Christian asked solemnly. Your eyes almost fell out of your head at his question, how could he ever think there was someone else? After everything you had been through together?
“Of course it’s yours?!” You squeaked
He took a step away from you, having gone a shade paler. He still wouldn’t look at you. You called his name gently, still nothing. He then turned on his heel and left the room. Leaving you all alone.
At the hospital, they confirmed that everything was alright with you and the baby. Obviously they gave you a strong warning about being more careful in your condition. You couldn’t help but notice the sympathetic looks when they asked about the father, how they didn’t ask anything further than if he was coming. They probably thought he’d ran away at the first sign. They wouldn’t have been wrong.
There was no one to go with you to the hospital, staying by Christians side all this time had burned many bridges. So you lay in the cot alone waiting to be discharged. Your hand brushed over your abdomen, you tried to imagine the tiny life growing in there. A little piece of you and Christian, a sign of your love. Yet he wasn’t here.
You hadn’t even noticed someone approaching you until they cleared their throat. You looked up and were met with his eyes, looking rather regretful, he was holding a large bouquet of you favourite flowers.
“I’m sorry” He said, taking you a little aback. It was difficult to get an apology out of him at the best of times but here he was.
He thrusted the bouquet into your hands as you stuttered in confusion. He perched himself carefully on the edge of your bed.
“I want to raise this baby with you. There’s no one else I’d rather have carry my baby” He blurted out. You felt tears roll down your cheeks, a mix of exhaustion and hormones making you emotional.
“I don’t want you here just for the baby” You mumbled
“I’m not, you’re my girl. My girl and my baby” He smiled. You let him lean in and press a kiss to your forehead. You smiled softly at him, knowing you can’t ruin this moment with a rant about him leaving. You’ll leave that until later.
“I can’t wait until they can boss Luchasaurus around too”
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
So I know this is a bit of a odd combo, but could you do a Cash Wheeler x Hook x Christian Cage x MJF x Female!Reader where they’re all a mixed faction, but these men are also all fighting for the reader constantly? I actually really love these four and I’d love to see what happens when they’re all paired together
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Pairing: Cash Wheeler x Hook x Female!Reader x Christian Cage x MJF
Warnings: Men fighting over their same crush, cussing, slight obsession towards reader, bets placed about sex
Imagine Requests: Open!
Follow My Main Blog!: @dirtywrestling
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"You think she likes you? Ha!" MJF laughed in Hooks face as Hook stood there with no emotion showing what so ever. "Kid, she runs from your goofy ass hair style."
"And like you don't have a goofy ass hair style?" Christian chuckled as he tightens his boots up for the night. They were getting ready to do a promo with you which started soon.
"Yeah, Christian and I are the only ones who have a decent cut, you both look like clowns." Cash laughed, shaking his head with a smile.
"Shut up, doesn't mean Y/N likes old geezers." MJF snapped towards the two older men. "Maybe she wants them young, like me."
"I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you." Hook raised his eyebrow.
"Maybe she likes them older." Cash grinned widely, clasping a hand over Christian's back.
"Yeah!" Christian agreed.
"I bet I can get her to kiss me first!" Hook blurted out making everyone stop and stare at him. Hook bit the inside of his cheek not knowing what to say.
"Oh yeah?" MJF stood tall in front of Hook, chewing his gum and smirking. "I bet I can get her to suck my dick first." MJF raised his eyebrow in a devilish way.
Christian and Cash shared a look, not saying anything. "I bet I can get her on my dick first." Christian engaged.
"I bet I can-"
You walked through the door making all the men shutting their mouths. "You bet you can what?" You laughed, raising your eyebrow to Cash who's face became bright red. "Woah," You looked around, noticing the mood changing. "Did I kill the mood?"
All the men exhaled a breath as they knew you had no idea they were making sexual bets against you. "Nothing." Cash nervously chuckled and scratched the back of his head.
"Whatever you weirdos, the promo starts in ten, meet me in catering." You waved them goodbye and left the room.
"Way to almost ruin our bets." MJF rolled his eyes towards Cash.
"I bet I can get her to come on my tongue and fingers first." Cash smirked darkly.
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plentyoffandoms · 15 days
I love your work so much. I was thinking of a Christian Cage x f/reader. Y/n turning heel but doesnt know how to get the crowd to hate, Our lovable Villian comes in helps her out, Wink Wink.
Lookin' like Class
Christian Cage x f/Reader (18+)
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Main Masterlist ♡ Christian Cage Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings. Smut below the cut. Unprotected sex. P in v. Tittie sucking. Oral (m receiving) cum swallowing. Mentions of anal, but no anal.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me. 1st & 2nd gifs @cowboyshit
Requested by @smallestsnarkestgirl . Thank you for loving my work! I hope you like this.
WC: 1066
Once again, the photos are just to show the dress & shoes. Not what I picture the reader to look like or the colour of their skin.
Nathan - Brody King. ★ Jay - Christian Cage
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When Matt and Nick discussed me turning heel, I was excited to do something new. A whole new gimmick, but there was just one problem.
I wasn't that convincing.
Me, turning?
No wrestling fan would ever believe this, but they also thought about Julia and Skye. Nathan took Julia under his wing, and now she is thriving.
I just need someone to do that for me.
I thought about asking Nick and Matt to help me, and I knew they would, but I wouldn't fit in with their latest storyline, so I scratched that idea.
As I was leaning against a random wall, scrolling through my phone, wondering who to ask when I heard someone clear their through beside me.
Startled, I looked over and saw that Jay was standing there, with his arms crossed. "I heard you are looking for someone to help you become a heel."
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"Yeah." I put my phone away.
"Why didn't you ask me? I would be more than willing to help you."
"Jay, you just got back from some well-deserved time off, and besides, you have Shayna."
"I do have Shayna, but she is not a wrestler, and I think the Patriarchy needs a woman wrestler, and you would be the perfect fit."
"Me?" I was stunned.
"Yes, I can mould you to be the perfect, and you would be a part of my faction."
"I think I would like that. Thanks, Jay." I held my hand to shake his hand, and he clasped mine in his, and we shook.
"We got plenty of work to do."
Jay helped me on the mic.
He helped with my confidence.
He helped me with my resting bitch face.
Now it is all about the clothes.
"You told me you picked something out already for your first walk out with The Patriarchy. Let me see it, now is it,"
"Yes, Jay, it is black, but I will need help with the buckle on the heels."
"I'll help you, just put it on. We don't have much time."
I grabbed my bag, and as I walked to the bathroom, I became nervous.
What if Jay didn't approve?"
What if he didn't like it?
Even as I put on the dress, I was even starting to doubt myself with how I looked in this.
I walked back to him, with the shoes in hand, biting my lip. It was such a nervous habit to have, but I couldn't help it.
When he looked up from his phone, his eyes raked over me, not saying a word.
"You look gorgeous."
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Fuck me.
She looks too fucking good.
I am going to have to fight everyone in the lockeroom to keep them away from her.
I have seen her in dresses before, but nothing like this, and those heels? Fuuuuccckk.
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I swear she is trying to give me a heart attack
"Have a seat, and let me help you." She handed me the shoes as she took my spot over.
"Lookin' like class." I told her as I grabbed her foot and lifted it to slide her foot into the heel and deal with the damn little buckle.
"Thanks, Jay." Those two little words came out breathy and had me thinking some wild thoughts.
"Now for the other one." I said to her.
Once the heels were on, I found myself rubbing up her legs, not even realising I was doing that.
"Jay," the sound of her voice brought me back to reality. I stood up and away from her, apologising profusely.
"No need to apologise. I liked it."
"You better watch what you say next. I will not hold back what I want to do to you." I told her, my hands clenched at me side.
She spread her legs, and I caught a glimpse of the lace panties she was wearing.
"I want to thank you for everything."
My face was buried in her chest, my hands gripping her ass as she rode me. I couldn't think straight. Not with her pussy wrapped tightly around my cock.
Soft whines, falling from her lips as she angled her hips just so, my cock dragging against that spot in her, that was turning her mind to mush.
"Jay." She gasped as I slapped her ass.
"I'm right here, baby. Tell me what you need." I pulled my face from her chest to look into her eyes. Her hands were gripping the back of my neck as she bounced in my lap.
"Need you."
"You got me, baby."
Nothing coherent was falling from her lips now. I could only make out my name and a few swear words.
Her pace was getting frantic, and I knew what she needed. I slipped my hand between our two bodies, and ststt to started to rub her clit.
"Is this what my girl needed. Need her little clit rubbed for her?" She nodded her head before placing it in the crook of my neck. She was kissing my neck, just as she came. Her pussy fluttering around my cock, making me almost finish inside of her, but I held myself back, as I thrust up into her, fucking her through her orgasm.
But I wasn't far off.
"Shit, where?" I was becoming more and more frantic, but she slapped my hands away and got down on her knees, wrapping her lips around the head of my cock.
I gripped the back of her head just as the first ropes of cum hit the back of her throat.
My body shook as she swallowed it all, my eyes screwed shut, my mouth open, panting.
Once I loosened my hold on her head, she leaned back, smiling up at me.
"What a thank you." I chuckled.
"Well, I am thankful for everything, Jay."
There was a knock on the door, letting us know that we had less than 10 minutes until we had to walk out there.
I helped her up and fixed myself up, just as she did for herself.
"I got even more ways to thank you later, if you want." She said to me.
"Are you trying to kill me?"
"Maybe. I mean, I always wanted to try anal."
My hands covered my face as I rubbed them against my face.
"Yeah, I believe that is a much better way to say thank you for everything."
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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thesupreme316 · 6 months
Had It Coming Part 4!?!?!?!!
Had It Coming Part 4 (Christian Cage x Female Reader/Hook's Sister/Jack Perry's Ex):
Summary: It seems that you and Christian are going strong. But how does that sit with your ex-boyfriend, Jack Perry?
Word Count: 2.3K (Please accept as an apology for being so late)
Supreme Speaks: thank you guys so much for supporting this series and showing it love. it really means a lot to me. okay, I ain't gonna waste your time any longer. Here is the anticipated part four of this series (it has a dark portrayal of Jack, you don't have to read if you're uncomfortable). Please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: DARK PORTRAYAL OF JACK (tw: obsessive, stalking, in the denial stage, borderline yandere vibes tbh), suggestive mentions, explicit language, proofread to the best of my abilities
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
It’s been 33 days since he saw you walk away from him with his former mentor and best friend.
And Jack is going crazy.
He legitimately lost it.
Everyone can see it on his face. But they can’t help him…they can only watch as he unravels and continues to ruin his own life. After seeing you run off in the sunset with Christian, Jack became uncharacteristically silent. He wouldn’t even talk to Anna, and when he did, it was screaming and placing blame on her. Anna, who truly wanted to help him, was broken up with before she could even do so. You found that out in the locker room as she was crying to Tay Melo, a sight that was so bittersweet for you to watch.
Jack would walk around the halls, bags under his eyes, genuine stress marrying his facial features, wearing all-black clothes, hair matted, and not utter a single word to anyone. It got so bad that Tony wouldn’t even put him on the screen. He would spend his evenings in the arenas sitting in a corner on top of boxes, just looking over your contact. His thumb would caress your face through the phone screen as his eyes lingered on the contact name “Sunshine.” He tried texting you, asking for you to come back. You never answered. For some reason, he thought changing your name and breaking up with Anna would be enough for you to come back.
It wasn’t.
But even though you didn’t come near him, two people would come near him, offering friendship and shoulders to lean on: Austin and Colton Gunn. They would try their best to get Jack chatting with them as they filled his ears with loud jokes, obnoxious laughter, and weird banter. Although he never cracked a smile, the Gunns were resilient and still provided him with company.
“Hey, Jackie-boy,” Austin said cheerfully, walking up to the sulking wrestler, who would mumble a response. “How ya doing?”
“Man you should have been at the party last night,” Colton said bumping his shoulder. “You could use a night out. There was this insanely cute girl that is exactly your type-” Jack shook his head. Colton looked at his brother before nodding to Jack.
Austin sighed, “Look man, we get it that it’s been a rough month and a half. You lost your best friend, other best friend, title, and girlfriend-“
“I didn’t lose Y/N.” Jack snapped, looking up at the brothers.
Colton and Austin quickly side-eyed each other before Austin continued, “I was talking about Anna…but bro and I mean this respectfully, Y/N left you a while ago.”
“Anna and I were never together. She doesn’t matter to me. Y/N didn’t leave me. We are just going through a rough patch right now.” Jack said while running his fingers through his hair. “It’s not my fault.”
“We’re not saying that it is. We’re just trying to say that maybe there is no future where you and Y/N are together. You need to accept it.”
“No, I’m not going to accept it because it’s not true!” He shouted, startling the Gunns, with Colton hugging Austin in fear. Jack lowered his voice as he continued to talk, “It’s not my fault. It’s not her fault. It’s Christian’s fault.” He whispered to himself. “I didn’t lose my beautiful, innocent, and sweet girlfriend to Christian. That could never happen. He took her from me! Just like how he took my best friend and credit for my career. He just takes everything from me.”
Colton said taking a step forward, “Jack-“
Jack stood up from the boxes, looking into Colton’s eyes with anger, determination, and bitterness, “He filled her head with these images that I’m not the one for her. That he’s better than me. He basically kidnapped her, come to think about it. Yeah…he kidnapped my precious Y/N and started feeding these lies to her. And to make matters worse, Anna came back into the picture and distracted me from realizing it. That’s what happened.” He poked Colton’s chest as he finished his statement, “And I fully intend to get her back.” He swiftly walked away from the brothers as they stared in disbelief.
Austin looked up at Colton, “He is not okay. Where do you think he’s going?”
“It’s 9:00, he's off to do his favorite activity.”
That consisted of Jack watching you from afar when you were by yourself or with your girlfriends; curious if you missed him, if you cried over him, if you were dying to run back to him for safety, comfort, and love.
The answer was no. None of the above.
But the second he saw you with Christian, his stomach would turn and he would run away, not wanting to see the bitter and disgusting man with the love of his life. Jack is miserable, but you? Oh girl, you are thriving right now.
It seemed the longer you and Christian dated, the bigger the smile on your face would get. As Christian stated, if you wanted something, all you had to do was ask. And he has continued to keep that promise. Nowadays, all you have to do is look at him as it seems that he can read your mind. The newest Louboutin heels? He bought them in 5 different colors. You feeling stressed and want to escape? He booked a yacht. You want to ride something while on the yacht? He’s already underneath you, allowing you to take control.
He was a gentleman to you; dropping everything just to assist you, even for a second. You didn’t have to worry about doing a single thing. As long as Christian is beside you, you are sure to be treated like the Princess you are. Hell, he even changed your stance in wrestling. As you were no longer bound by Jack, you took the necessary steps to reconcile with your brother, Tyler (Hook).
As Christian filled your life with love, positivity, and care, you realized that the FTW championship wasn’t something you wanted. So after a couple of defenses, you relinquished it, crowned Tyler the official champion, and started to manage Christian full-time.
But this wasn’t a parasitic relationship where you got all the benefits. Oh no. Christian loved being around you. It just felt right having you near him, with a hand lingering around your waist. Not only did you feed every single one of his sexual and physical needs, you also met and exceeded his emotional needs. You made him feel heard and seen. You see him in a different light than everyone else. He is letting his humane side be seen more now that you are always with him. Because to you, he is more than your lover, he is your protector and motivation.
He is also a great man of taste…
“Willow, he is so sweet! Just yesterday, he drove 45 minutes to sleep beside me because I couldn’t fall asleep. And then, he brought a chef to cook my favorite breakfast!” You yelled out to your best friend while getting dressed for Dynamite.
“That’s great Y/N, I’m so happy to see you smiling again. I haven’t seen you this happy in a while.” Willow said with a grin on her face. To everyone, your relationship with Christian was no more than a typical “sugar baby” transaction. But it was nothing like that, and Willow saw that.
You stepped out in your new dress that complimented your skin tone beautifully. “I know, he truly makes me happy.” As you were about to speak again, there was a knock at the door. You squealed, running to open it and seeing a medium-sized bouquet of white roses. You thanked the man before closing the door. “He always sends me flowers every Wednesday.” You said as you put the vase down. Willow got up and examined them. “But he never gets me white; they’re either red, pink, or orange.”
“Maybe he’s full of surprises,” Willow said as she got closer to the vase. There was another knock at the door, you went to answer it as Willow started to speak again. “Y/N, there is-“ She was cut off by your sequel again. She looked back at you to see you give Christian a soft kiss.
“Hi Princess, how are you?” Christian said hugging you with one arm, the other was behind his back. He twirled you around, “You look gorgeous.”
“Thank you, baby.” You said, placing a kiss on his cheek. Christian greeted Willow while still trying to hide his arm behind his back. “What are you hiding?”
“Well, it is Wednesday and you know I give you flowers-“
You smiled as you cut him off, “Baby, I already got the flowers you sent me. They are beautiful.”
Christian’s face screwed up in confusion, “What are you talking about?” He moved his arm from behind his back to reveal a much larger bouquet of red roses. “The flowers I got you are right here, I wanted to personally deliver them myself today.”
The color drained from your face as you took your boyfriend’s flowers and looked behind you. Willow held the roses in one hand and a paper in the other, as she read the note, the color drained from her face as well. “You need to read this.” She gave you the note. It would have been a very sweet and flattering one….if it was sent from your boyfriend. 

Your laughter, a melody, a joyful song, In my embrace, is where you belong. Each moment with you, a cherished delight, You're my sunshine, my morning light. Love J
Your heart started racing as Christian ripped the note, took the flowers from Willow, and them in the trash. “He’s a piece of shit. That bastard.” He looked at you, who was in shock and disgust. He hugged you tightly, avoiding the roses he got you. “He just needs to leave you alone.”
“Yeah, I’m going to make sure of it.” You said before gently placing the red roses down on the table, taking over from where those distracting and bitter white roses once were.

“No, you will not. You let me handle it, I don’t him anywhere near you. He put you through shit before and I’m not letting that happen.” Christian said getting angrier by the minute, obviously not at you. “I’m going to get Luchasuarus to accompany you tonight. My woman will not go anywhere near him.” He said sternly.
Did you listen? No. Of course not. You left way before Luchasaurus got to your locker room door.
Your heels clicked along the halls as you were trying to find your ex-boyfriend. Anger was pounding through your blood as you carefully looked for him. You were about to turn to go down another hallway until you saw his matted hair in a bun. You stormed towards him, calling out his name. Jack turned around and immediately lit up at your figure getting closer, even though your facial expression was anything but happy.
You cut him off by sharply slapping him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" You angrily asked him, not giving him a moment to register anything.
"Sunshine-" He sweetly started to say
"How dare you send me flowers and address me like that? We are not together. That was clear when you cheated on me with Anna"
Jack's face became angry as he spat out, "Don't talk like that. Anna means nothing to me. You love me and I love you. That backstabbing, lunatic, bastard is messing with your mind. Sunshine, just come back with me. Stop this little game of yours, you're letting him get the best of you."
"Jack, stop. I am with Christian; he treats me with love and respect. He actually cares about me and my feelings and treats me like royalty. Much better than the low-down and disgusting ways that you have shown. The only lunatic around here is you. You don't care about me."
"Don't say that!" He yelled, grabbing your arm harshly, "I love you Y/N! He's not the one! I am! Just come back with me and everything will be fine!"
You were struggling to pull your arm away from the man you once loved. Then a voice shouted down the hall, making Jack take his hand off of you. You turned around to find your boyfriend and your supposed bodyguard. Christian gently placed you behind him. "I'll talk to you later about this." He quietly said to you before turning his attention to Jack. "Listen, you have one more time to pull some shit like this-"
"Shut up! This is between me and my girlfriend-"
"MY girlfriend, MY woman, your ex. You have no reason to talk to her anymore. I'll be damned if you try to come between us or weasel your way back into her life." Christian stepped closer to Jack, looking down at him. "Leave her the fuck alone, little boy. Or the next main event for you will be your funeral."
Jack rolled his eyes as Christian grabbed your hand and kissed it before leading you and Luchasaurus down the hallway, away from your ex. You quickly looked back with bitterness and a glare as you turned the corner. But to Jack, that was a look of hope and desperation.
Desperation to get away from Christian, the man who drove you two apart. But also he could have sworn that your eyes were delivering him a message, a message of love and secrecy that was directly for him. "I'm going to save you from this Y/N. You don't have to pretend to have feelings for him much longer. I see your plan, and I understand it. It's genius. As those white roses signify, it will be a new beginning for us. And then, when it's all said and done, Christian will finally see who the real man is."
And according to Jack,
Christian had it coming…
And he only had himself to blame.
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windhamsrotunda · 2 years
Only Hell Comes
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Pairing: Edge (WWE) x Female! Reader
Summary: Edge has some unfinished business to take care of with his old disciples The Judgment Day after his return at SummerSlam.
Rating / Warnings: Mature, Descriptions of Violence, LOTS of mentioning(s) of The Judgement Day and The Mysterios (they live in this fanfic mainly with Edge), Angst, Smut, Dominant! Edge, Use of pet names (Lady bug, pretty girl),  Finn flirting with YN later on in the fic backstage, Overly Protective / Pissed! Edge, 18+ Only. 
Word Count: 6,057
Tagging: @damnnhausen @cuttingedge708 @munsinner @haileysmall2005 @cuzimacomedian @whenimakeitshine1234 @ferrell-cat @s1nfuls @purplegirl20 @babiidee28 @dominikmysterio619 @doom-cookies-and-louis @demonqueen29 @josiewrites @lghockey @ringer04 @auburnwrites @rheaanddamianfan
You were at WWE’s backstage in Nashville, Tennesse at Summer Slam in the arena where the capacity was over 40,000 fans to hold in such a massive place like this. You chewed on your freshly black polished nails, your boyfriend, Adam, was scheduled to make his return ever since the June 6th episode of Raw, where he had been betrayed by his former disciples, The Judgment Day. He was somewhere in the archives, but wasn’t yet seen. Rey and Dominik, who were your closest friends, had been scheduled for a no disqualification match that very Saturday night with Damian Priest and Finn Balor.  
You pushed a thin strand of your h/c hair to the side that was falling into your face, your mind growing with worrisome thoughts and the ‘’what if this happens tonight?’’ popping up all over in your head. Rhea Ripley, who’s a part of The Judgment Day, was known to be one of your best friends since she joined the WWE to train to become the entertainer she is today. A best friend who had recently betrayed you was the most heart wrenching thing to ever put up with. She was like another person, a person who you would never forgive after what she has done to you, nobody like her should be trusted. Ever. 
‘’Good luck tonight out there, guys.’’ You greeted Rey and Dominik, who were heading out to somehow in some way get revenge on The Judgement Day. 
‘’Thank you, YN. We’ll make sure we kick their asses for you,’’ Dominik winked, followed by a laugh from his father Rey.   
This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Rey and Dominik to get their revenge on Rhea, Damian, and Finn. This match was going to be one hell of a show to never forget, one for the ages. You have had hope left in you for them as you watched on like a proud, close friend who was considered family to The Mysterio’s. Sitting yourself down in a chair, you watched on the big television screen from the backstage area, the worrisome thoughts began to disappear without a trace as your eyes were glued to the silver screen, displaying Rey and Dominik coming down the ramp and into the ring they were about to share with Damian and Finn. Smiling, your arms were tightly crossed against your chest hugging yourself, telling yourself mentally: ‘’They’re going to get their vengeance.’’ 
Right as Rey and Dominik had Finn and Damian slung over in the ropes, they attempted to dial up the ‘’619’’ move, but that damn bitch Rhea had to ruin it by pulling them both out of the ring by force. Your eyes rolled, sighing while your fingers tapped at a steady pace upon your lap.  
‘’Get a chair!’’ Rhea demanded, pointing at Finn demanding orders to him to finish your closest friends off. 
‘’No, no, no. This can’t end this way----’’ You sprung from out of your chair, with the biggest concern washed over your face.  
Within seconds before the chaos grew more intense, the blood red brood lights shone across the screen. You gasped, your boyfriend Adam, who you had not seen in 2 months, looked so different, yet so reborn. He had a red jacket with spikes on the shoulders, black skinny jean pants, and appeared to had fix his hair up a bit. Before you knew it, he was running down the long-trailed ramp, giving Finn Balor a forceful high kick to the jaw. As Damian tried to retreat from out of the ring, Adam speared a hole right through him. The crowd’s reaction was astounding, not even you could get the words out to coherent your sentences properly. It felt so refreshing to have Adam back. To not only get his vengeance on The Judgement Day, but saving your closest friends from devastating injuries. 
‘’That’s my Adam!’’ You yelled, celebrating his return while the cameras panned in on a devious smiling Adam by Rey and Dominik’s side, Dominik appearing to pin Damian for the ‘’3 count’’ to be claimed as victorious. Your emotions washed over you, you were filled with rapturous feelings it was unbearable to handle.  
It was just a good night. 
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‘’Adam!’’ You darted over to your boyfriend, giving him a wide smile and welcoming arms to embrace him into a bear hug. 
‘’Hi, honey. How have you been? My gosh, haven’t seen you in over 2 months. I didn’t know you were going to be here,’’ He was in awe by the way you have reacted when you saw him in person instead of on a big tv screen. 
‘’Long story short, I came here not only to support Rey and Dominik, but I had a heavy feeling you were going to return tonight. So, I traveled over 1,000 miles just to see you guys.’’ You rubbed the back of your boyfriend’s neck, he hummed in delight by your delicate touch on his skin.  
‘’1,000 miles?  You’re shitting, right?’’ Adam let out a laugh, shocked only for you to do such a thing.  
You playfully nuzzled the tip of your nose against his, he had no idea you had this all planned in your head after all. He placed large hands on the back of your head, forehead against yours's as you were about to fall into his trap normally like you usually do whenever you’re with him. You smelled the cologne off of him, he smelled so good it was so addicting. The smell of his cologne was your favorite smell of all besides the scent of lavenders. Sighing, you suddenly pulled away. 
‘’What’s up, ladybug?’’ He asked with a hand clamped on your shoulder; his hazel green eyes deeply boring into yours's. 
‘’It’s just I haven’t seen you in over two months, babe. I missed you so, so much. You should know one thing, and one thing only. I want you around every day like you used to be. It’s.... just not the same anymore.’’ You stated, standing back scratching the back of your neck with nails dug deep into your skin. 
‘’No, no. Please do not think like this, YN. You’ll always have me around; I promise you under one condition. I will never leave you like I did two months ago, okay ladybug?’’ Adam scooched in closer to you, his palm now cupping the side of your cheek. 
‘’Okay.’’ You replied, realizing the words that he spoke to you were true.  
Perhaps you were overthinking shit again, but today was not the day to overthink. You wanted to think carelessly and live free, but the chair to the skull of Adam is unforgettable. The Judgment Day was always there in your head, they just needed to be stopped. But how? How can you stop them when they’re powerful and not to forget, your ex best fucking friend was dragged deep into the depths of hell and sold her soul to the devil that very day when she joined forces with them. 
‘’Now come on, let’s go home.’’ Your boyfriend took your hand into his, exiting out of the arena with you to catch a private jet. 
Once the two of you arrived at your destination to reserve seats on a private jet, he leaded you into a backroom with purple judgment day themed lights. Crashing his pillowy lips onto yours’s, kissing you with a passionate fire burning in his throat, he grumbled something under his breath that was hard to make out. Ignoring the sudden sound he made, his tongue slipped into your mouth, and while your tongues were dancing for dominance, he pushed you against a wall. Adam grabbed a handful of the silk material of your black and white checkered mini skirt, tearing it off of you. The cold air swooshed across your legs, you moaned out his name aloud, your panties growing wetter and wetter by the minute. 
‘’Turn around. Now.’’ He huskily whispered in your ear, striking your ass with the palm of his dominant hand.  
You wince, nodding in eagerness, turning yourself around so your chest was pushed up against the hollowed wall, he controlled where your hands were aimed at, practically pinning them above your head as you felt the large bulge in his pants rubbing against your thigh. His hand glided up underneath your loose shirt, while his other hand was tightly pinning your wrists together. Pulling the shirt that covered you up over your head, he tossed it to the side of the room.  
‘’God pretty girl, you’re soaked.’’ He eyed you down, admiring the cum trickling down your thighs. 
‘’Didn’t have to barely touch you and you’re already this wet for me.’’ Adam t’sked at the hundreds of goosebumps developing on your skin, whatever he had said or done to you made you more drunk in love with him than you already are. He caressed the flesh on your thighs before giving it a light smack, he felt your body up while you were begging for him to fuck you on the private jet. 
‘’A-Adam, please take me.’’ The tone of your voice began too gradually be loud, enough for him to get frustrated and dominant you. 
‘’If you really wanted this, ladybug, you should’ve spoken up sooner,’’ He erotically teased, you mentally adding a ‘’you motherfucker’’ on top of it. 
His idle hands cupped underneath the bottom of your fleshy ass, hoisting you up, quickly switching sides with you so you can be face to face with him. With your skinny legs tightly secured around his waist, you felt the head of his cock slowly sink deep inside of you, inch by very inch. It didn’t take long to adjust down onto his size, but Oh. My. God. He was huge and perfect in size. You could take him like a pro, not having a bit of a problem at all. His jaw had dropped, and his head threw back, moaning blissfully. 
‘’Oh, my fucking god, lady bug. How are you taking all of me so good?’’ He moaned deeply, sending shrilled shivers up your spine, thrusting his hips up for a better angle to send you off the edge. Biting down on your bottom lip, you wailed out his name repeatedly. Adam felt so fucking good inside you, you were unable to coherent words into sentences from being so cock drunk off of him. 
‘’I love you, oh my god!’’ You cried, your walls beginning to clamp around his cock. 
‘’Could do this all night, such a pretty, pretty girl. How did I get this lucky to have a pretty girl like you?’’ He breathlessly chuckled, staring deeply into your e/c eyes, while a gleam of sweat rolled down the side of his face. He looked so good hot and bothered for you, his face fell into your moon lit collarbones, making your pussy throb furiously once he reached your spot. 
‘’Tell me how good I make you fucking feel. Use your words.’’ 
‘’You make me feel beyond good! I’m going to cum, ah!’’ You warned, but not doing so until you had the green light to do it. 
When you were about to hit your highs, Adam pulled out of you, bending you over his knee and his palm striking your ass once more.  
‘’P-please let me cum!’’ You begged, looking up at the Canadian man with short hair, who was laughing at you. 
‘’Not until you make me cum first.’’  
Such a tease. 
Adam ravishingly spanked you again before bringing you down to give him what he wanted in the past 2 months, the thing he was craving from you was your mouth around his cock. 
Your head pushed down onto him with no hesitating offer, you bobbed your head up and down rapidly until you hit the end of his dick. He groaned your name, pulling your head closer on him, gagging while saliva poured from out of your hollowed mouth and onto your breasts. He grasped your h/c locks, shooting his seed inside your mouth. Managing to swallow all of it, your jet-black mascara streamed down your rosy cheeks. 
‘’D-damn, did I hurt you?’’ He panted loudly, kneeling down at your level, grasping the back of your head. 
‘’No, babe. You didn’t hurt me. It was... intense.’’ You trailed off for a second, breaking eye contact with him. 
‘’As in a good intense or bad intense...?’’ He tried to fight the words out of you, but you just weren’t quite ready to tell him exactly how you felt because of your dragged, shallowed breaths. 
‘’It’s okay, ladybug. Let’s get cleaned up.’’ He helped you off of your knees, sitting you down in one of the private jet passenger seats, bringing you some wipes and a baby blue towel to wipe you up. He carefully wiped you down with care, he kissed your inner thigh, making you slightly hum. It went from ‘’Call me daddy’’ to ‘’I’ll take good care of you, princess’’ mode for Adam himself. He instantly switched gears from being a dominant partner, to a love and caring boyfriend who just wanted the best for his girlfriend. 
Your eyebrows raised as it realized to be that he was being so gentle with you. The way he swept the wipe against your skin and drying you off as gently as possible was the reason why you loved him. Exhaling a dragged sigh, you angled your legs up so he could help finish cleaning you up. The Rated R Superstar brought your legs down, and got up off of his knees and leaned down so he could kiss you goodnight.  
‘’Get some rest, baby.’’ He smiled brightly, covering him and you up in a blanket.  
‘’Goodnight Adam, I love you.’’ 
‘’I love you too.’’ 
The very next day, you appeared to have transferred from the private jet and into Adam’s moving car. Groggily rubbing your eyes, your phone lit up. Grabbing your phone, you yawned and swiped down to read a text message from Dominik Mysterio: 
‘’Hi YN. Hope all is well.’’ 
‘’Hey, yeah, I am just in the car with Adam at the moment appearing to drive home.’’ You texted, then putting your phone face down on your lap. 
‘’Somebody must’ve had a good nap.’’ Your boyfriend jokingly said that alarmed you, then turning to focus in on the road. 
You fumbled with your pearly white shoelaces, flashbacking to last night at SummerSlam in Nashville, Tennessee. Adam’s return to the WWE was absolutely mind blowing, you were the proudest girlfriend to have ever lay eyes on The Rated R Superstar. You were glad he joined forces with Rey and Dominik Mysterio once again, the old him but with a new look had returned. You were just lucky to have a man like him by your side at all times. 
Adam put on his turn signal to turn into the street of his home in Asheville, North Carolina. Once you knew it before your very eyes, you were home with him. Pulling up in the driveway of his house, he parked, opening the car door hopping out of his car and then opening the passenger door car to help you out. You thanked him, following behind him as he clutched his keys in one hand to unlock the door to his house. Welcoming you to walk inside first, your eyes skimmed around the living room. Wow, you thought. How nice and aesthetically pleasing the house looking just by your eyes skimming around. You got lost by wandering over to the kitchen, footsteps heavy, your breath was taken away only by the sight of how OCD styled the kitchen looked. Everything neatly stacked in the coverts, including the bright silver-stained knives, forks, and spoons in the drawers of the kitchen. 
‘’Wow.’’ You mouthed, arms then found their way to your waist, pulling you in closely. 
‘’I tend to keep my house clean every so often, you know?’’ His lips tugged into a smile, his head leaning down to purse his lips on your shoulder. Your lungs inhaled the scent of his cologne, it drove you off the wall when he had kissed your shoulders and your sensitive collarbones.  
‘’Yeah, I can tell just by looking at it. You do a really good job.’’ You replied, a hum in satisfaction escaped through you while he continued his attack on your collarbones, teeth gently grazing over your flesh. God fucking damn it, Adam. The burning, passionate sensation became overruling in the heat in between your legs, all you thought about was how he became to be a better boyfriend to you, and how the two of you were going to end The Judgment Day for good. Your mind was swarmed with good, positive thoughts, getting vengeance on Finn, Damian, and Rhea was now on your mind 24/7. You couldn’t procrastinate any longer, you needed to act on it as quickly as possible this coming Monday Night Raw. 
You walked around the backstage area, to check on Adam. Knocking on his locker room door, the door opened within a few seconds.  
‘’Hi honey, what can I do for you?’’ He smiled, leaning his upper body weight against his locker room door. 
‘’Hi babe, I just wanted to tell you to be careful out there. And please keep your eyes peeled, I don’t want anything bad happening to you again.’’ You encouraged, standing on your tippy toes and kissing him on the forehead. 
‘’Trust me, YN. I won’t let anything bad happen. I know all of their silly little games. You won’t see me in a neck brace ever again as far as I am concerned.’’ He winked at you. Something was going to happen tonight, and you weren’t feeling so sure about it. 
‘’Okay. Like I said, just please be cautious. I love you.’’ You gave him a quick peck on the lips before walking away. Your heart pounded violently out of your chest, leaning against a nearby wall, you heard inaudible voices from behind you. Shit, shit. That was your cue to run. 
‘’Where do ya think you’re going, YN?’’ Rhea taunted, Finn and Damian walking by her side, you were outnumbered. 
‘’ADAM!’’ You yelled for your boyfriend, backing away as quickly as possible. 
‘’Rhea, Damian, I think I need you guys to go elsewhere. I got YN.’’ Finn said, a frustrated groan came out of Rhea and Damian both, as they walked away from the two of you.  
You were left with Finn Balor, who couldn’t be trusted as much as them.  
‘’What do you want, Finn?’’ You asked, crossing your arms into your chest. 
‘’You know, YN. I have been wanting to do this with you for quite a while now,’’ He trailed off, his ocean blue eyes spearing into yours's. 
The lump in your throat grew hard, you had no idea what was next for you. Finn chuckled darkly, looking away for a split second, his eyes met yours's again. You were silent, but was being quiet instead of screaming your lungs out for help the best option? 
‘’Leave me alone, please Finn.’’ You pleaded quietly, not even giving him a bit of acknowledgement. His lips eagerly met yours's, you closed your eyes shut, slightly giving in. 
‘’What the fuck?’’ a voice scowled suddenly; it was Adam. 
‘’Hey, hey. Take it easy, man. She was doing you a favor, and being my bitch for the night.’’ Finn spat, laughing at a now pissed off Adam Copeland. 
‘’Fuck you!’’ He screamed, pushing The Judgment Day leader to the ground with force, punching him in the face. 
‘’Adam! Please!’’ You yelled, trying to get him off of Finn Balor before things turned uglier. 
‘’What is all the ruckus going on?!’’ Rey appeared with his son Dominik rushing to the scene, they were shocked to see a bloodied-up Finn. 
‘’This is not over, Adam!’’ Finn screamed, retreating and stumbling off into the distance. 
‘’Damn, you fucked him up good.’’ Dominik commented to Adam, who was huffing and puffing. 
‘’Let’s go, YN. I will see you guys around.’’ Adam drug you out by your arm, and into his locker room to push you down on the couch. 
‘’You really thought I was going to let Finn do this shit to you?” He rebelliously said, hands resting on either side of the burgundy couch, eyes on you. 
‘’No, Adam.’’ Was all you could choke out, eyes slightly tearing up. 
‘’I saw him fucking kiss you the way he did. He’s such a nasty son of a bitch.’’ He stammered, running his hands through his short, blonde hair. 
‘’I--- I know. I am sorry, Adam. I should’ve done something to protect myself from him---’’  
He abbreviatedly cut you off. 
‘’Damn right you should’ve. A promo is calling my name, and I have to go out there now and face the crowd.’’ He grabbed the hem of your shirt, his lips roughly crashing onto yours's. You tasted his tongue which was beginning to devour you whole. Pulling away, he breathlessly said the words: ‘’Finn will never get to have you like I do. Never.’’ 
You nodded, in amazement of how much he can knock the wind out of your lungs by kissing you like he did just now. 
‘’You think you know me?’’ 
His entrance music hit, the crowd went insane due to the long gone ‘’Metalingus.’’ No longer ‘’The Other Side’’ since Damian, Rhea, and Finn took over that theme song. He ran out with a passion, doing what he does best. Not only for him, but for the fans that were in Houston Texas that night as well. Remembering calling the fans ‘’sheep’’ and demanding them to ‘’rise for the judgment day’’ wasn’t really the true Adam you knew. He smiled at the camera, acting like nothing happened between you and Finn. You watched his body language, how his body language was fake, his smile to the crowd was a bit of a fake one. Knowing he was a bit pissed off, and not wanting to put up with anybody’s bullshit, especially Finn Balor’s. He was known to be over protective of you, on and off camera. No matter the circumstances, he made sure he made it well known that only he can have you, no one else can. Not even Finn, not even his friend Damian Priest. 
‘’Finn, Damian, Rhea, I’m going to end The Judgment Day.’’
Was an understatement he was going to make happen pretty soon. He was a man of his word, nobody as crazy as The Rated R Superstar could dismantle The Judgment Day and tear them apart limb by limb. Hell, if it took Rey, Dominik, and Adam to have a three-on-three situation, then so be it.  
‘’That’s damn right, baby!’’ You called out, clapping your hands and cheering for your already not in a good mood boyfriend. You knew in your soul he was going to get his hands on Finn for what he did to you backstage which was uncalled for, he wasn’t happy go lucky with you either. Which you respected in every aspect possible. Because he would never do anything to hurt you at all. Trusting in your gut that he still loves and cares about you, you walked back into his locker room and waited for his return. 
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Later that night, Adam was chasing after Damian and Finn in the distance after accidentally spearing Dominik, who seemed to have had it pretty hard. You rushed to the ring, and checked on him alongside with Rey. 
‘’Is he going to be okay?’’ You inquired to WWE Personnel's, looking down in concern on Dominik. 
‘’I am sure he is going to be just fine, YN.’’ Adam Pearce replied, giving an unsure look to you. 
You helped an injured Dominik out of the ring with his father Rey, shoving Adam Pearce out of the way as the crowd in Houston watching on in complete silence, whispering to one another about how Adam Copeland ‘’accidentally’’ speared Dominik when he was supposed to spear Damian Priest instead. An ungodly thing to do to your friend, for heavens sake since it was done on accident. When you, Rey, and Dominik hit backstage, you have seen Finn and Damian knocked out cold on the solid concrete ground. 
''Oh my god. Oh my god.'' You repeatedly said, a crazed Adam must've done this.
‘’Get some help out here, will you!?’’ Adam Pearce called from checking on Dominik Mysterio, to part of The Judgment Day being violently laid out by your boyfriend. Who in god's green earth knew where Rhea Ripley had hid.
Rolling your eyes at the treatment they were giving Damian and Finn, it was unbelievable that they got this much attention, and Dominik didn’t. He might’ve broken his ribs, but who cares, right? 
‘’Yeah, this is a bunch of BS. You guys should’ve treated Dominik for broken ribs. Let’s get out of here, guys.’’ You walked over their lifeless bodies, getting to your car and driving off with Rey in the passenger side and Dominik in the back of the car. 
Rey crooned his neck to check on his son, who was clutching at his ribs from the devastating spear he received, and the assault from The Judgment Day. 
‘’It’ll be okay, son. Just hang in there, okay?’’ He said with worry in his eyes behind the  mask he was wearing. 
‘’I’m hanging in there, father.’’ Dominik winced, giving a weak ‘’thumbs up’’ signal to his worried father figure. 
A call had come through your phone while you were driving. 
‘’My Rated R Superstar <3’’ 
It was Adam. 
You swiped the accept call button on your screen to answer: 
‘’Hello? Babe? Where are you?’’ 
‘’Hi, honey. I’m at *insert random address place here*. Before you get here, you need to drop Rey and Dominik off. I need to have a chat with you alone.’’ His voice dripped in an erotic tone. 
‘’YN, who’s that on the phone?” Rey asked, trying to listen in closely. 
‘’No one don’t worry about it, Rey. And okay, on it.’’ You hung up as soon as Rey was reaching for your phone to grab it out of your hand. 
‘’Stop it, I’m a grown ass woman.’’ You growled, pushing the phone in your back pocket. 
Rey sighed, and folded his arms across his chest not saying another word. You pulled up by a near hotel which was probably around where Adam was at. 
‘’Here we are, Rey, I need you to take care of Dominik and I will give you the money to check into this hotel. I’ll be back tomorrow morning to pick you guys up. Here’s your luggage.’’ You stated, grabbing their luggage. 
‘’Besides, my boyfriend is calling for me.’’  
‘’Wait, wait. Where’s Adam?’’ Dominik questioned in curiosity, while you handed his father the suitcases they took with them. 
‘’Oh, don’t worry about it please. I’m sure he’s fine. I will let you both know tomorrow morning,’’ You gave a weak smile, waving goodbye to Dominik and Rey walking through the hotel doors.  
Now, you got to go see where Adam’s location was at to see what he wanted. You got into your car again, turning the key to the ignition of your car, turning on your GPS and speeding out of the hotel driveway. 
‘’Take the next right onto **** Drive’’. The GPS told you, you took the next right onto where it was telling you to go. Soon as you took a right onto the next street, your eyes scanned through the scenery of the street. It was a bit foggy out, your headlights had shone against the fog, it was around 10pm at night. The insects of the night were screaming, the moon light was far from different than before. Maybe you were dreaming. 
Anxiously driving your car with two hands gripped around the black leather steering wheel, your heart fluttered up your throat, one minute until you hit where your partner is, you added in your head.  
The minute had passed before you knew it.
‘’Your destination is on the left.’’
‘’Here goes nothing.’’ You blurted aloud.
You felt your own two feet walk up upon the creaky stairs of the porch, not recognizing whose house this belonged to. Your fist shakily knocked on the door, a large shadow came up to the door, and swung the door open, grabbing you with force – your heart dropped to the floor and you’ve heard the same door you knocked on seconds ago slammed behind you.
‘’Welcome, YN.’’ a Canadian male voice greeted. The light flickered on, Christian?
‘’I--- I didn’t know you moved?’’ You questioned reality, thinking you were going insane as you saw his eyebrows furrow down.
‘’Oh, didn’t I tell you over text a few minutes ago that Adam was not going to be here alone?’’
Pulling out your phone from out of your purse, you looked at the text Christian had unexpectedly sent you. You haven’t heard or seen Christian in over 2 years since he departed from WWE and joined AEW. He looked about the same, but his attitude was a bit different.
‘’He wanted to have a talk with me...? Where is he?’’ You looked beside Christian’s shoulder, a 6’5 male figure came from out of the kitchen.
‘’There he is, now the two of you can go have a talk, I will be right back.’’ Christian announced, patting you on the back of the shoulder, leaning in your ear to whisper: ‘’Nice seeing you again.’’ Then giving you a cheap quickened peck on the cheek.
Your cheeks flushed, shaking off the smell of wine lingering from Christian’s breath, your eyes narrowed toward Adam, a tsk came out of him at his best friend.
‘’Christian really doesn’t know any better, does he?’’ He joked regarding the small peck on the cheek Christian gave you, setting his coffee cup down onto the marbled kitchen counter.
‘’I suppose, also were you drinking with him just now?’’ You inquired, pointing at the cup he sat down on the counter resting flat on the surface beside him.
‘’Me? No, don't be silly my little ladybug.’’ He welcomed you with his arms extended, walking towards you. You hugged the back of his neck, your nose burned from the smell of blood red wine split on the same red jacket he was wearing at SummerSlam.
‘’Adam, you can be honest. Were you drinking?’’ You took a step back away from the love of your life, who seemed to be acting a bit off. He scratched the nape of his neck, and let out a frustrated sighed.
‘’Okay, fine. You caught me red handed. I drank only a little sip of wine and that’s it. Besides, I’m a coffee drinker.’’ He explained, you scowled at him instead of accepting the fact he had a drink with his long-time best friend, Christian Cage.
You gritted your teeth together, not getting too pissed off at him to the point where you had to walk away from it all.
‘’YN....’’ Adam voiced, tugging your arm to signal you to stay with him.
‘’I still need to have that talk with you,’’
‘’Promise me one thing, you will be honest with me from now on?’’ Your voice dripping in distress, finding his large hands and pressing them into yours’s.
‘’I promise. Anything I can do to improve myself to become a better man for you, dear.’’
Worry and regret washed over the face of The Rated R Superstar, he never wanted to lose you over something stupid like this. In his gut, he wanted to have a care-free life with the love of his life, which was you. All he needed was that special, trustable, and bondable relationship in his life. Despite having bad luck with his other girlfriends, you were probably the only one who understood him to the fullest. The grandfather clock hanging up on the wall in Christian’s Livingroom had just now struck 11pm. Trusting in your gut about the talk he was about to have with you, you closed your eyes.
‘’Okay, I’m ready to talk.’’ You announced, eyes sewn shut as a visible smile tugged onto his pillowy lips. A calloused hand rested on your waist before gliding up on your broad shoulder. Was there something more added to it that you just weren’t aware of? He kept quiet, his every move was swift and sympathetic.
‘’I don’t think talking means a whole lot, baby doll. I want to show you with action on how I exactly feel.’’ His whisper lingered in your ear, sending you off cloud nine. Your hands blindly moved down to his belt buckle, attempting to unbuckle his belt right when he grabbed your hand, pushing it away.
‘’No. I said what I said, I believe it is my turn to make you feel good.’’ Keeping his word, Adam’s teeth nipped at your skin, your moan shivered from out of you while he continued to feel you up like the night when the two of you fucked in the private jet you rented for the night just to get away from both of your troubles. You were backed into the kitchen counter, he lifted you up by your ass, his lips smashed onto the nape of your neck.
‘’Fuck, w-what if Christian catches us?’’ You moaned in between your words, thoughts swimming around the thought about getting caught having sex in the middle of his own kitchen.
‘’Stop worrying so damn much, baby doll. If he were to catch us right here, I’d suggest you go lock that door so he cannot get in to his own house.’’
Evil is what evil does.
You snickered, hopping off of the counter, dashing to the entrance door of his home, peaking out to make sure he wasn’t really home. You proceeded to lock the door, running back over to an already aroused Adam Copeland and jumping on the kitchen counter again. His palm smacked the surface of your ass, growling in your ear to get you high off of him. Rubbing you through your clothed crotch, his fingers linked into the waistband of your leggings, sliding them off of you so you could kick them completely off. Leaning down, his mouth devoured your thighs, sucking on them harshly to give you hickeys.
‘’Fuck!’’ You verbalized, throwing your head back in an arousing way. That was why he was called The Rated R Superstar, because every time you would have sex with him, he made sure to give you one hell of a show. Panting, you gripped the edge of the kitchen counter in which you were still sat upon. His mouth moved from the bottom of your thighs, up to your pussy.
Eyes rolling spontaneously, your body was quivering underneath him automatically when he ate your pussy out like a man that was starving. His tongue lapped up your juices flowing out of you, his hums and groans vibrated on you sending you straight to heaven. Scratching and clawing at the back of his neck, your nails dug deep into his skin until you climaxed all over his neatly trimmed beard and face.
‘’How was it?’’ He withdrawed, with those mesmerizing hazel green eyes looking up at you innocently.
‘’It.... was fantastic.’’ You drawled, softly smiling.
‘’Hey, I’m glad I can make you feel good, better than Finn can anyway.’’ Adam remarked, chuckling.
‘’Nobody can make me feel good as you can, baby.’’
Authors Note: This took over 5 or 6 days to complete this, holy fucking shit. I can’t believe I finally completed this! Anywho, hope you guys loved reading. ;)
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midwestmade29 · 4 months
Christian Cage Request 🥰
To anonymous: This was such a sweet idea! I hope what I wrote matches what you had in mind. Enjoy 🖤
Original Anonymous Request: "Can I request a Christian Cage x Female!Reader where the reader is Christian’s wife since he first started with WWE (Basically as if he married the reader when he did instead of his ex wife) and he comes home from being on the road with AEW to his wife, who’s heavily pregnant and has been having some slight complications, curled up in bed with their daughter, Isla, who’s cuddling with her mom because she knows she hasn’t been feeling the best and Christian can’t help but melt at the sight of his girls. He ends up taking a few weeks off to tend to his girls and make sure his love is okay?"
Disclaimers: None really! This story is fluff. It does cover pregnancy and high blood pressure but that’s it. Read at your own discretion.
Word count: 1,096
Divider by: @saradika-graphics
Braxton hicks: false contractions
Paternity leave: The time off a new father is given after the birth of his baby.
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Your 20-year wedding anniversary was rapidly approaching, along with the birth of your 2nd child! A lot has happened during the last 20 years, first meeting Christian when he was working for WWE, getting married and eventually having your daughter Isla, and Christian being forced into retirement due to his injuries he sustained in the ring. Not every moment was good, but you worked together to get through the challenging times. Seeing Christian as a dad was the best thing in the world, Isla had him wrapped around her little finger! Ever since Isla could talk, she had always begged for a little brother or sister. Time marched on and she remained an only child- until now! When you and Christian saw the positive pregnancy test, both of you were shocked! Even though the timing is a little off since Isla is almost 10 years old now and with Christian officially coming out of retirement to wrestle again, you just knew everything would work out somehow!
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Christian’s travel schedule with AEW was hard to adjust to at first since you and Isla were so used to having him home every day. He often missed out on the big and little things that were going on with you and Isla, which made being a part even more difficult. Phone calls, text messages and Facetime helped ease the sting of his absence, but nothing could compare to the feeling of being snuggled up with him in bed or the sound of laughter echoing through the house as him and Isla played together! Lately his popularity amongst the fans had skyrocketed which put him in high demand for being on TV more often. Christian was on the road more than he was at home now! The stress of being as pregnant are you are along with trying to take care of Isla on your own was starting to wear on you. At your most recent doctor’s appointment, your blood pressure was elevated and was most likely caused from the anxiety you were feeling about Christian leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks. On top of your high blood pressure, your anxiety made you as nauseous as you were during your first trimester! Your doctor informed you that she was going to be keeping a close eye on you, and if your blood pressure didn’t lower within the next week, you would be given medicine or placed on bed rest. You didn’t care for either of those options, so you promised her that you would do your best to lower your stress!
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Isla was such a trooper while Christian was gone! She always helped around the house and very rarely complained about it. Her caring and nurturing soul shinned through every time she asked if there was something she could get you or do for you. She always tried to make you laugh or offer you a hug when she could tell you needed it the most. One of her favorite things to do at bedtime is to snuggle up next to you and rest her head on your belly. She loved feeling the baby move and kick! Isla kept one of your ultrasound pictures on her nightstand and you often caught her staring at it instead of trying to fall asleep. It made your heart happy seeing her so excited about the baby, and you just knew she was going to be the best big sister ever!
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During your Facetime call with Christian, you informed him about the good report your doctor had given you earlier in the day! “She said that my blood pressure is exactly where it should be. No medicine or bed rest for me! I told the doctor that my nausea hasn’t been as frequent as it was, but she did give me some over the counter medicine suggestions in case it starts up again. All in all, the appointment went great, and mom and baby are healthy!” you explained. Christian’s smile was contagious, and his words were heartfelt when he spoke, “That’s wonderful news baby! I’m so glad that you’re feeling better. I miss you and Isla like crazy! Hopefully the rest of this road trip goes by quickly so I can come home to my girls!” What Christian didn’t tell you during your conversation was that Tony Kahn informed him that they had everything they needed from him so he could go home a few days early! The very next night when you had finished reading a book with Isla, both of you had fallen asleep in her bed. It had been a little bit of a rough day since your feet and ankles were swollen and you had a headache you just couldn’t shake. When Christian walked into Isla’s bedroom, he saw both of his girls snuggled up together in a sea of various stuffed animals. You still had the book open on your chest and Isla had her hand on your belly. He made sure to take a picture of the sweet moment before he woke both of you up and surprised you.
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The next couple of weeks were filled with several ups and downs regarding your pregnancy. You had caught the flu leaving you dehydrated which led to you being admitted into the hospital for a couple of days. Thankfully you felt much better afterwards, but that good feeling didn’t last very long. You started having minor contractions late one night, so Christian called your doctor. She explained what to look for if they continued, but ultimately determined they were just Braxton hicks. Because you were so close to the end of your pregnancy, Christian started his paternity leave early! He took the next several weeks off so he could be home and make sure his girls were taken care of. He waited on you hand and foot and took care of everything around the house. Isla and Christian were the dream team whenever they worked together to complete a task, their love for each other made your heart swell! He embraced homework duty, went with you to all your remaining doctor appointments, ran all the errands, went out late at night to get you whatever you were craving, and even took care of everything during Isla’s sleepover she had with her friends. In the end, it was a good thing Christian had taken time off from AEW because your baby was born within the first week of him being home. Your beautiful and healthy baby boy was born on your 20th wedding anniversary, the perfect gift to celebrate such a milestone!
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