#chibi celesti drabbles
chibi-celesti · 7 days
Was ki ra chs Chronicle=Key en grandee sos inferiare yor
(I will sing you a sweet lullaby forever, my dearest)
Twst Boys x GN! Reader, feat. NRC Staff.
Warnings: Angst, reference to Epic Mickey 1, more AT references
Synopsis: Confronting and halting the Blot Phantom was easy. Saying Good-bye is the hardest.
(You part ways with your friends to halt the Blot from tearing apart Twisted Wonderland)
A/N: I swear I'm not a fan of angst! This was a brain child idea at 3 in the morning, and that's it! It's based solely on this scene from Ar Tonelico 1 where one of the heroines, Misha(or Misya) fulfills her role as a seal to the main antagonist Mir. The title is named after the song of the same name.
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It was exhausting, the hell you all went through. The past overblots seemed like child's play compared to this monster-no demon-of a Phantom. This beast was hellbent on ending the world; to make it repent for the sorrows of mankind's greed.
You feared that you and everyone else weren't gonna last long. The demon almost killed Crowley, but somehow he persevered and survived throughout the fight. For being the first person to hold back the beast long enough for them to arrive was no easy feat.
Through hard work, tag teaming with the unlikely-est pair of allies, and no casualties to boot, everyone managed to best the beast and send it back down into the depths of White Rose Castle.
“That…was easy…” You heard one of your friends pant.
“You could say…that again.”
A thump sound of someone collapsing caught your group's attention. Crowley had lost his strength to stand and looked scaryingly pale. Everyone had shouted his name, seeing if he was in stable condition. A few students and staff ran to assist him.
“I am fine, Everyone. But we still need to do something about that dreaded Phantom. If we do not stop it now, our world will never know peace again.”
You swallowed back the lump in your throat. You had an idea as to how to stop it. But you worry what the others might think.
The headmage knows the truth. So did the rest of the staff. They all knew if things got worse, you would be the sacrificial lamb on the altar for this.
The ground begins to rumble again, not giving you enough time to confess.
Suppressing the tears that threatened to come down your face, you called to the Headmage to get his attention. He looks to you, knowing it is time. Crowley nods to you, and weakly gestures for you to head towards the broken castle’s altar.
The rumbling continued on as you made your way to the altar. The flow of magic embracing you as you faced all of the friends, acquaintances, and of course your beloved, one last time.
“Everyone, thank you. For everything.”
Most looked a bit confused, while others felt something was amiss. Your beloved, however, felt his heart beginning to crack into pieces. He knew exactly what you were about to do.
“Please don't hate me for this. I was born to fulfill this role. And while it was for a short time, I truly loved every moment of freedom I had with you all.”
“Don't forget me… okay?” You felt the tears fall against your better judgement. Feeling the magic in the air wrap around you, you began to perform your lullaby for the Blot.
~Wee ki ra chs Chronicle Key, en grandee sos dius yor.
Wee ki ra araus tes soare an giue mea iem~
The song reverberated out the desolate ruins of the Underworld, in and through the vast Coral Sea and spread everywhere in Twisted Wonderland. Your voice echoing as a piece of Salvation to many, and a tragic farewell to the friends you loved.
“Hey, guys. The shaking stopped.”
“Looks like the Blot won't be bothering us ever again…right?”
The Headmage confirmed their words.
“...” Your beloved stood there, taking in what everyone noticed your actions have done, while also blocking them out. He calls out to you, hoping you would answer.
A hand placed on his shoulders told him what he wanted to deny. “Forgive us, but they cannot stop singing. Lest we want that foul beast to return.” Trein told him, wishing he could do more to reassure his students.
“So, they can't come back with us?!”
You faintly hear shouts of disbelief, but they were drops of water compared to the sound of your lullaby.
“Pup is doing this for all our sakes.”
Your beloved walked ahead, hoping to speak with you again. To see if you could hear him. He tells you he cannot stay, but that he will try to visit you. Not everyday, but he will. He promises to tell you about the world you're protecting. The lives and futures saved by what you, he and everyone fought to protect.
With that said, leaning onto Vargas for support, Crowley ordered everyone to leave White Rose Castle.
It was time to go home. Without you.
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~Why does power dwell in those who do not wish for strife?
And why does power torture the sweet, innocent ones?~
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darkmatter-nebula · 1 year
Collie needs his chibi verse equivalent and helps keep bellos and the other chibi villains in their cage
Hi again, my dear @masqueradenoir! 😊
Thank you for the request!
Drabble: Colli Meets Chibi Colli
Colli, who accidentally stumbled into an interdimensional rift, was face to face with a chibified version of himself. The small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold spotted more chibified people.
Even a certain puritan. "Could you help me to keep them" Chibi!Colli gestured at the villains, "in their cage, please?" "Ok!" Colli agreed. The immortal and eternal child used his magic to make the cage indestructible. "Thank you!" Chibi!Colli smiled.
Before Colli returned to his own world, the sweethearted celestial boy gave his chibified counterpart a bright smile.
The End
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lovealexhunt · 3 years
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☆ January ☆ February ☆ March ☆ April ☆ May ☆ June ☆ July ☆
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer [HollywoodU]  [Red Carpet Diaries]
An Afternoon Detour [RCD]: Thomas and Alex take an afternoon detour to Solvang (California) on their road trip.
My Light [RCD]: Alex decides Thomas would make a great lighthouse keeper, but he sees a different story. Alex pictures what a different life for them could be.
All Quiet on the Celestial Front [HWU/HollywoodHacks]: Read what has been happening in HollywoodHacks so far and where our favorite filmmakers are heading next.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley [Open Heart]
Runaway: Bryce gets a surprising text from his kid sister who has seemingly runaway to Boston.
New Beginnings: Bryce, Olivia, and Keiki have finally finished moving in and are ready to celebrate their new apartment.
Welcome Home, Jovie: Olivia, Bryce, and Keiki head to a local animal shelter to rescue a pup and give him or her their fur-ever home.
Bath + Brew (Pictagram edit): Olivia and Bryce visit a unique coffee shop: Bath + Brew.
Always (+ Moodboard/Aesthetic) : Bryce and Olivia spend a quiet evening on the beach.
Uma Ahi (campfire) (an Open Heart Prequel): Bryce and his friends are having a bonfire to celebrate their upcoming Senior Year of High School on his family’s private beach when Keiki decides to join them.
Olivia Hadley (All things Olivia + future Mrs. Lahela)
Childhood Headcanons: learn more about Olivia’s childhood and what inspired her to become a doctor
Childhood Drabble/fanfiction: Olivia recovers from a tonsillectomy (age 5)
Future character profile after marrying Bryce: learn about Olivia’s future life milestones (including children)
Sunshine Pediatrics of Boston: a little bit about Olivia’s future pediatric practice
Ethan Ramsey x Ellie Shepherd [Open Heart]
I’ll Never Let Go (a Hand to Hold series drabble) *FUTURE* Ethan and Ellie take their son Hudson to the beach on an Autumn afternoon.
Levi Schuler x Laura Day (+daughter, Lily ) [MOTY]
Falling Slowly: Levi is feeling run down and overwhelmed as he questions his dream of being a musician. Laura helps him relax and remember why he loves music.
Team Effort: Levi is working on a special project and he needs Lily’s help.
Home: Where She Belongs: Following the celebration with their friends over the court case win, Laura and Lily head home for a private celebration, knowing they had won and no one would keep them apart.
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light & Shadow]
Playing to Win: Mal and Daenarya make plans to go mountain climbing, but things don’t go as planned [18+ Only]
A Thief in the Kitchen: Daenarya baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies that have since disappeared, only crumbs remained. This takes place at Mal’s orphanage.
More fan fiction, edits, moodboards, and commissions from August below the cut
John Somerset x Christie Jane Hayes [The Unexpected Heiress]
Almost, Not Yet: Christie and Mr. John find a quiet moment together during a party. This is part of my mini-series: Just Because : a series of forehead kisses.
David (Bartender) x Dani [Rules of Engagement]
Endless: David and Dani enjoy a quiet evening on the beach.
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☆ Thomas and Alex swap roles with Ethan and Ellie
☆ Thomas Hunt and Alex Hunt moodboards
☆ Bryce Lahela and Olivia Hadley Aesthetic / Moodboards
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☆ Thomas and Alex Dancing Icon (artist: @/ariekochan on IG)
☆ Levi Schuler Flirty Icon (artist: @weetlebeetle)
☆ Bryce + Keiki Sibling (artist: @neonravensart)
☆ Thomas and Alex Dancing Chibi (artist: @neonravensart)
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chibi-celesti · 27 days
Time for Your Tune Up (Part 6: Idia Shroud)
A/N: I apologize for not updating this story. I had trouble trying to pin down the next few since by this point everything was close to getting repetitive. 😅 
Plus, Idia is a character who, while I can relate in social awkwardness, I could not think of a perfect scenario for. I again apologize if his interaction with Yumei isn't the best.
Also, this is set a lil after Book 06.
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“I-I can't do it. It's too much!”
“Idia-senpai. We haven't even started yet… ” Maybe going to the Ignihyde Dorm Leader wasn't a smart idea. He was one of the few people who seemed interested in Yumei’s background as a Reyvateil considering the knowledge of Ar Ciel having advanced tech would pique his curiosity. 
…but the Prefect didn't expect that the Wallflower Otaku would panic over something like giving a Life Extending Agent to a friend.
“That’s what makes it worse. Why would you throw me into an Expert Difficulty like this?! And with NO TUTORIAL!!!”
“I told you I was gonna show you when I got here, senpai.”
“THAT DOESN'T HELP!!!” He hid his face deeper into his hoodie(or as much space he could hide in.)
Yumei cringed at the volume of his voice. He did not expect for things to get this intense. ‘Maybe I should’ve asked someone else…’ He shook the thought away as soon as it appeared. ‘NO. Idia swore he would try to get to know more about me after everything that happened. And this was what he offered to help with.’ That last part still confuses the Reyvateil since he’s sure no one else knew this part all that well. ‘I’ll ask him later about that.’
“Look, you wanna help me or not, senpai? It’s fine if you don’t.”
The fiery haired boy peeked out from his hoodie to see Yumei looking at him with a patient smile. “It’s fine. I’ll show you, and hopefully whenever you have freetime in your internship you can try it for yourself.”
Idia avoided looking the Prefect in the eyes.“...You’re too kind to a shut-in like me.” He moved away from his fetal position and moved a little closer. “It’s your arm, right?”
“Yup. Just move the sleeve, or not, and place the crystal there.” He moved his left arm to the Ignihyde Housewarden for easy access. He then gave him an Agent from his bag.
“...” Mind concentrated and secretly sweating Idia placed the Life Extending Agent on the other boy’s arm. Watching as it slowly merges into him and noting the small finches during the process.
“...Does it hurt often?”
“No… not like my first time.”
“You really should word that better?”
“Word what?”
“N-Nothing,” he tried changing the subject. “Anyway, mission complete.” He chimed a jingle from one of the many games he played.
Later that evening:
Ortho came by to check on his brother once Yumei had left for the evening. “So~ How did it go, Nii-chan?”
“That was the most excruciating moment of my life. So worth the wait. I even got a Level Up out of it!”
“That’s great! I still find it astonishing Lifeforms like Yumei exist out there that utilize Artificially made Crystal for survival.”
“Indeed. Whoever thought of the concept is either the Mad Scientist type, or the Playing God type. And we know how well those turn out.” He hated recalling that incident again, shoving it back into the depths of his mind. “I’m gonna look into converting some magestones into those Agents for Yumei Archambeau.”
“He’s running low. Better to have enough to make it to forty, right?”
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chibi-celesti · 2 months
「 ES!! 」Deep Eclipse - Eden [KAN/ROM/ENG]
The Perfect sing for today
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chibi-celesti · 4 months
Time for Your Tune Up
Part 1(here!), Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
I need to get in to the groove of working more drabbles on here tbh ^^;
Side note: this is still a Twst Tonelico AU Drab, but with a focus different Reyvateil this time. This one is male and his name is Yumei Archambeau, a Third Generation from Sol Ciel. I'll show him off later, but for now enjoy!
Summary: ‘Oh no. It's time for it again already!?’ Yumei panicked. Checking his planner, Yumei noticed the mark of ‘that time of the tri-month’ is today. Today is the day for him to take his Life Extending Agent.
Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, and Malleus Draconia x Yumei Archambeau (can be read as plationical and/or romatical)
Warnings: Innuendos, Hurt w/ comfort, and bribery (bribery in Adeuce part only)
‘Oh no. It's time for it again already!?’ Yumei panicked. Checking his planner, Yumei noticed the mark of ‘that time of the tri-month’ is today. Today is the day for him to take his Life Extending Agent.
To Third Generation Reyvateil- like him- they need to take a Diquility Crystal(aka, a Life Extending Agent) every three months. This supplement would help ensure most of his basic functions are stable so he doesn’t succumb to an early grave. Granted they only help til he reaches forty years old, after which he would eventually expire.
There is just one problem: he’s use to doing this with help back in Sol Ciel. But now, he world's away from there, and he has to do it again. He'll need to explain this without freaking the others out too badly, and hope that someone can lend him a hand. Grim kinda knows since Yumei had taken it after the whole Riddle debacle, and that was an awkward lesson to teach and show. (Grim had night terrors for a while).
Biting his thumbnail, Yumei contemplated who to ask for helping him take the Life Extending Agent. There were a few possible classmates, but would they understand the situation enough to help?
With a heavy sigh, he gathered his bag full of the supplement that fortunately was on his person when he arrived in Twisted Wonderland, and set out to ask anyone who would help him.
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Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade:
“You want us to do what?” Ace asked, confused.
“Please, help me with this! Last thing I want is to ask Grim again!” Yumei begged.
Deuce was a bit confused as well. Why does Yumei need help with taking his medicine? “Isn’t it just a supplement pill or liquid medicine?”
“It is a supplement, yes; however…” Yumei answered the spade before taking a pause. “It’s not ingested through... normal means.” His face was turning a little red from imagining the pain from doing it himself.
“And, what do we get out of this~?”  Ace asked. “I mean, you’ll owe us, right? It’s only fair~” Cheeky bastard, wanting something out of this as always.
“I’ll buy whatever you both want for lunch tomorrow!” If it means getting this over with, Yumei will forsake his dignity to do it.
“Aww, how sweet of you, Prefect!”
“O-oh. Um, Thank you, Yumei,” Deuce said, a bit excited for the freebies as well. “So where do we do it?”
The Reyvateil sat down on the couch in the boys' bedroom. Turning his body to where his left side faces the Heartslabyul duo, Yumei lifted his shirt to show his Installer Port. “Right here.”
Adeuce paused for a moment. “Huh?”
“You heard me.” The Prefect turned his head away, embarrassed to expose himself like this. His friends continued to stare at him like he grew a second head.
Ace looked back to the Life Extending Agent in his hands. The crystal-like object was big, and the tattoo-ish thing on Yumei’s side was small.
Deuce cleared his throat. “You sure? It’s pretty big. It might not fit.” He received a nod in response.
The situation was getting more awkward than expected. Eventually, Ace muttered “Screw it” and went towards his friend to administer the agent. The ace of hearts was rushing to do it, he jammed the Agent in too fast, making the boy scream in pain! He was so loud, almost anyone outside the room could hear it.
Suppressing the noises as best he can, Yumei bit on his lower lip hard. ADeuce's faces were pale at first; soon panic painted their faces. “Hey,” Deuce called out to the Reyvateil. “You okay?!”
“Yeah! Why did you make that sound?!” Ace shouted.
“Y-you rammed it in too fast!” Yumei’s response was cut off by another groan. He began curling into himself from the pain.
Wanting to help alleviate the pain, Deuce ran to the boy's other side, letting his friend lean on the bluenette as Ace continued to put in the agent. The red head was debating about stopping, but Yumei told him to keep going. “It’s freaky. It’s going all the way in.” He states as he sees Yumei’s port absorb the supplement.
"Still shouldn't have rushed it, man..."
Deuce attempted to speak words of encouragement, face still red from the sounds echoing in the room. “Almost there, Yumei. Just hang in a bit more.” He wiped some sweat of the other boy's head.
“There. It’s in now.”
The Reyvateil thanked him, and all three sighed in relief that the treatment was over. Silence came in full force now. All three of them agreeing to never speak of what happened inside this room.
The next day, lunch time:
“You actually…”
“Well, I DO owe you guys, so here’s your freebies!”
“Why do I get the feeling this feels more like a bribery?”
"Just take it!"
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Malleus Draconia:
“Ah, Tsunotarou!”
“Hello, Child of Man.”
Yumei did not expect to run into his dear friend, THE Malleus Draconia outside his dorm, yet here he was. Standing face to face with his nighttime friend in the middle of the walkway. The poor Reyvateil is sweating bullets and blushing like a lovelorn fool, completely speechless.
The fae noticed his friend looked a bit flustered. “Is everything ok, Yumei?”
“YUP! TOTALLY FINE!!” Said male shouted. ‘Fuck I didn't mean to be that loud!’ “S-sorry, Tsunotarou. I'm kinda… it's just I'm…”
Malleus noticed the bag clutched in the Reyvateil's arms like a lifeline. And, despite his stoic appearance, he knew what was going on right away.
“...Is it that time already?” He asked with concern.
Yumei bowed his head in shame. “...yes,” he muttered. “B-but it's ok. I was gonna ask someone to help! I know you're busy, and the last thing I want is to burden you with this.”
While Malleus may not be as tech savvy as others at Night Raven College, he has gotten better at understanding of Yumei’s existence as a ‘Song Mage’ and his tri-monthly supplement intake. Inwardly, he wished that he was there for Yumei's first experience. But perhaps, the dragon fae can make an exception. 
“It is no trouble at all.”
“You're right, so I'll just-” the male stopped in his rambling to process what he just heard. “Say that again.”
Draconia smirked. “It is no trouble at all. I'd be delighted to assist you, if that is what you wish.”
Yumei wondered if his face would turn any redder than it already was. He awkwardly gave an ok to the older boy, and welcomed him into Ramshackle. 
They situated themselves in Yumei’s bedroom on his bed; said boy ringing his hand at how to show Malleus his Installer Port. After a few moments, Yumei undid a few of the buttons on his uniform shirt, exposing the Port to Malleus.
“Here,” the Reyvateil says, showing his collar region to the fae. “This is where the Life Extending Agent goes.”
Malleus stares at the mark, taking in what he sees. He looks back to the bizarre geode in his hand, hesitating a bit before pulling Yumei closer to him and turning him to where his back met the fae's chest. This surprised said boy for a moment. “Malleus?”
“I wanted to ensure your comfort.”
“Oh…” Yumei was touched. “Thank you.”
Soon, Malleus brought the tip of the Life Extending Agent to Yumei’s port, and slowly pushed it in. “Ow.” The poor boy whined. He turned his face into the taller boy's neck.
He paused, worried that he hurt the Reyvateil. Panic in his voice, Malleus asked, “Are you alright?!”
“I-I am. Please… keep going,” Yumei placed his hands over top of the fae's. And slowly continued pushing it in. Dark clouds formed outside, conveying Malleus's fear and worries. He could hear Yumei’s groans and small struggles to stay still. Giving a brief squeeze of comfort to the shorter male, Draconia pushed more of the supplement inside.
Yumei was left panting once the Agent was finally inside him. He looked back to Malleus with an exhausted smile before turning to face said fae and hug him. “Thank you, again, Tsunotarou.”
Malleus reciprocated back, and the  dark clouds eventually faded away to clear skies.
Later that evening:
“Um… Tsunotarou?”
Fidgeting, Yumei asked. “...Would it be ok if you helped me again in the future?”
The fae answers with a gentle smile, “Of course, my Child of Man. I would be honored.” And kisses the back of Yumei’s hand.
Weird fact: This Drab's title was all because of the fricking Doc McStuffins jingle! Why my brain did this to me I will never know lmao
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
Colli makes little chibi plushies of his family.
Hi! Thanks for the request!
Drabble: Chibi Plushies
It was a quiet afternoon on the Boiling Isles. Colli had a little surprise for his beloved Owl Family. The celestial boy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold made some chibi plushies of everyone. Colli floated into the living room.
As soon as he handed his family the plushies, Colli was pulled into a tight yet soft group hug by his family. The sweethearted starboy got lots of cheek kisses from Eda, Luz and Hunter. As for King, the young Titan nuzzled softly Colli's face.
The End
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darkmatter-nebula · 1 year
Chibi owl house with chibi colli in it
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Good morning, my dear @importantnightwerewolf! 👋😊
Thanks for the request!
Drabble: Lost But Now Found AU - Chibiverse
It was a quiet day on the Boiling Isles. A certain very small and very huggable looking starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold had a witness his mother and aunt having a petty competition again.
Eda and Lilith were arguing over who could make the better potions. "Mom, you and Aunt Lilith both make great potions!" Colli chimed in. "That's very sweet of you, Little Star! But, we all know that my potions are better." Eda said.
Colli had an idea how to calm down both women. The immortal and eternal child floated up into his mother's arms and cuddled close to her. Then, Colli levitated Lilith over and pulled her into the embrace as well. The celestial boy's plan worked wonders! Eda and Lilith placed soft kisses all over Colli's adorable multi-colored face.
The End
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darkmatter-nebula · 1 year
Colli meets the Hunter chibi
Thank you for the request, @importantnightwerewolf!
Bonus Points: It's Chibi!Hunter who comes through the interdimensional rift into Colli's world.
Drabble: Colli's Cuteness Attack
"Awwwwwwww! You're so cuuuuute!" Colli was cooing as he met the chibified version of his beloved big brother Hunter. The small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold had a cuteness attack!
Colli couldn't hold himself back and wrapped his arms around Chibi!Hunter for a soft hug. The chibified Grimwalker immediately cuddled close to the pleasantly warm body of the immortal and eternal child.
Chibi!Hunter's magenta eyes were full of love and adoration as he listened to the sweethearted celestial boy's beating heart. Colli had a bright smile on his adorable multi-colored face.
The End
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