#cheers to you grrm you suck
fandom-trash-goblin · 30 days
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The Poet of Ignorance, Anne Sexton // Portrait of a Girl Holding a Spaniel, Alexander Roslin // Birth, Death and Betrayal under King Jaehaerys I, Fire and Blood Vol. 1
lyanna stark || elia martell || sansa stark || arya stark || alicent hightower || jaehaera targaryen || cersei lannister || myrcella baratheon || joanna lannister || aemma arryn || catelyn stark || sansa stark (2) || margaery tyrell || rhaena targaryen, daughter of aenys i || arianne martell || aerea targaryen || obara sand
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lutethebodies · 4 months
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"Didn't think this was what you meant by 'loot the bodies', soldier, but I get it now. Cheers."
My ongoing/perpetually updated/link-infested Masterpost, with abouty things below the fold:
Tav Tuesdays, character profiles for my BG3 Tavs, imported from 5e: Cannor (bard), Zafraia (rogue), Drem (monk), Olini (ranger), Farago (ranger), Qiranna (warlock), Ruy (cleric),
Tav Deep Dives, answers to folks' insightful questions: Cannor/Minthara Culture Shock, Olini/Wyll Friendship,
Worldbuilding Wednesdays, a 5e homebrew world tour, beginning with an Introduction plus Guides/Reckonings, and continuing nation by nation: Veirmaark, Kronvaal, Klasioda,
Minthara Judges My Tavs: Part 1, Part 2,
About Me
I’m a freelance creative and house-spouse from Southern California. I’ve been a professional graphic designer since 2004, and since 2020 I’ve specialized in creating map illustrations and artistic cartography. When not designing, I bike for exercise, make music, and follow baseball.
In classic lore bard fashion, my jams are trivia and general knowledge—I'm especially into the ways history, geography, and language intersect—but I'm not a specialist in very much (even maps; I'm definitely not a "real" cartographer).
Fandom-wise, I go for fairly conventional fantasy and sci-fi stuff (Stars Trek, Wars, and Battle; Dune, Tolkein, GRRM) but also some more recent (Jemisin, Eames, Roanhorse) and/or fairly niche (the Marys Stewart and Renault) works in both as well as other genres.
BG3 is the first video game I’ve been sucked into since Final Fantasy 1, circa 1992 (after the first two Zeldas and Ultima 4). I played D&D 2e briefly back then and play 5e regularly now.
In case it matters, I am much closer to 51 than 21, my pronouns are he/him, and I am happily monogamous. I don't post salacious stuff but I should probably call this place "18+".
I don't want to be too opinionated or take-y, but I’m too old, straight, white, and male to be anything but a demographic outlier On Here, so please be patient with any associated obliviousness and I'll try not to be too embarrassing to follow.
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alsethwisson · 1 year
Agree with your takes on Arianne. I think she, or her actions I should say, is very obviously being set up to lead to the downfall of the Martells lol. Martin is using the Martells to make some corny and tone deaf point about seeking revenge and to basically illustrate the famous quote, 'When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves; one for your enemy, and one for yourself.' Every time I see people bitching about Doran's plans falling to shit no matter what he does I just want to scream, 'It's because GRRM will never let him win lol....that is the point of that story arc.' I think the Martells are essentially doomed, which sucks because I am a fan of their house and Dorne in general. Thankfully, there's almost a zero percent chance another book in the series will ever be published so I'm glad to never have to read it. lol.
Dorne is...complicated? It's an orientalist fantasy that's meant to be romantic and sympathetic, and in a way it works for me, but then I start thinking and it stops working.
I mean, they were raiders. For centuries they ravaged lands close to their borders. I can't cheer them for their fierce independence because that means they will continue to terrorise the Marches and beyond. Their economy is based on raiding so much the Stone Dornish turned to raiding inland Dorne after being forced out of Westeros.
And the Nymeria story? It's gilded colonisation narrative. No, when PoC-coded characters are doing colonisation on White-coded that doesn't make it good. It's still shit.
What I'm trying to say is, Grrm really, really fails there because of his very American subconscious bias against "Southern" people. Both Spanish and Arab people are PoC for him and that's the root of the problem, that's where the whole exoticization and erotisation stem from and make me as a reader very, very uncomfortable. And the revenge narrative also stems from this same biased set of stereotypes.
And then there's the fact that Oberyn and Ellaria are two only likable characters of Dornish origin. Maybe Daemon Sand, but he's only there a little. Or the fact that Doran has show!Viserys I levels of deadbeat dad-ness.
Still I somehow like Dorne, I don't know why)
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coppoladelrey · 1 year
I saw your edit posted of viserys and alicent recently. In the show when they were showing it I just skipped through the scene as it was too uncomfortable for me but I didn't know it was very graphic.
And this is why I don't understand why the hell the showrunners did not give alicent a scene where she was allowed to rage at Viserys. My goodness they keep telling that there is only 1 r*pe scene and they do not consider this as that?? They even allowed her to waste her tears over him??
Others have commented before that sansa was allowed to resent littlefinger and we all know how terrible d&d were on this subject. But c'mon what is up with hotd?? And the worst thing is the narrative keeps glorifying him. I actually liked viserys in episode 1 but afterwards he is the one I hate the most in the show.
Also this is one of the main reasons why I hated the show changing alicents age. If you want to portray Viserys as a lovable grandpa and horrible father who is trying to keep his family in check and sucking at it due to his own indecisiveness and blatant favouritism it is fine. I can deal with terrible family dynamics. But I cannot deal with sa. Also wasn't the actress 19 why would the show runners put her upto this🤮. And team bl@ck think this dude is father of the year?? Why didn't they follow the books- atleast they had a closer age gap 18-29 or something right?
Sorry for ranting...you can ignore it but ur gifset really shocked me. I do like your edits though please don't take it the wrong way.
Hey love, thanks for the ask.
It is quite ironic that in the books Viserys and Alicent's age gap is the healthiest one.
They had to change many things due to Alicent and Rhaenyra being the same age, and they really wanted Paddy to play Viserys and didn't think of the implications.
Now onto them...they will excuse anything for their girlboss qween Rhaenyra. They excuse Daemon's awful behaviour and character because he's on the "right side". The writers decided to frame Rhaenyra's struggle as feminism, which couldn't be further from the truth.
It was very intentional on their part, they made the greens argument about that corpse's last words...when they had law on their side, which is why they say "tHe KiNg'S wOrD Is LaW" and it really isn't, otherwise Jaehaerys wouldn't bother calling the Great Council, making the doctrine of exceptionalism and Viserys wouldn't be pressured to marry again.
The thing is in my honest opinion, Alicent is the writer's punching bag. Alicent is not allowed to rebel, because she's not Khaleesi 2.0. Alicent has to grovel to Rhaenyra, forfeit her children for a woman that never cared that much about her, if at all.
The writers needed someone to suffer and it couldn't be Rhaenyra, otherwise, people wouldn't like that, since Alicent is framed as the villain, the evil stepmother, and is accused of seducing poor Viserys as a 14 year old, what she went through is simply bad sex.
tHaT iS wHy ShE's So BiTtEr...they say.
People are excited about B&C something that GRRM made sure to make inexcusable and they still cheer for it, in this fandom if you aren't a Targaryen everything that happened to you is your fault. At the same time, you have to learn your place and shut up.
The writers wanted to make sure that Emily and Milly looked particularly young, so they went for actual teenagers. I would give them the benefit and say they didn't think this through, but the script, the filming, post-production and everything else made me think it was their intent or simply didn't care about the actress.
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kamilocunt · 5 months
For the stay at home ask game :3
5. 5 tv shows that cheer you up
Hello friend! Always a pleasure to hear from you! 5 tv shows that cheer me up!
1. Supernatural. We’ve been watching it since we were 13 and it did rewire our brain unfortunately.
2. Doctor who. Must I elaborate. Amazing show.
3. I am so sorry to do this. Sherlock. I know. I know how this looks. It is so bad. But like I said, our neurons got fucked. And you can’t be on tumblr and a supernatural fan in 2013 without Consequences. The nostalgia sweeps us away. This is my burden to bear. It is such a bad show. It sucks so much. Go watch elementary or the rdj films instead
4. Invincible. We have a younger alter who watches it over and over. She loves Mark Greyson so much. I don’t think she even realizes how watching something with that much gore might read as Not Great to the rest of us lol
5. Game of thrones. We have been reading the books since we were 12. We want to hunt GRRM for sport. We want to kill whoever is responsible for season eight. We wanted to be just like Arya Stark. We actually just started rewatching it because we convinced our partner to watch with us finally. Received a Stark mug made from real horn literally today. We are normal
Honorable mentions:
Merlin. We love it so much. We cannot watch it again or we will have a mental breakdown
I know it’s not a show. But the roblox oomf video by hbomberguy. We watch it at least once a month. Fucking hilarious. I will kill Tommy talarico
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jackoshadows · 2 years
I really wish I could watch HOTD but after what they did to Daenerys, it’s just soured me completely. I’m glad people are enjoying HOTD, although I have my reservation with changes but it is what it is. I just can’t help but find no love for the new series to watch it, it feels empty and pointless and I hate that everything Daenerys was hated and demonized for, are what Rhaenyra and Daemon are being cheered for now. It’s also renewed a lot of Dany and Targaryen hate/misconceptions because a majority still use the show for justification, despite GRRM Aegon prophecy reveal. Idk, I’m just frustrated and it sucks that bc of what they did to Dany, it’s soured me to an adaption of her ancestors, which once upon a time, I would of killed to watch
Agree 100%
"it feels empty and pointless" - that's exactly how I feel about HOTD. As much as the spectacle looks great, I also watch for the story and the characters and knowing how all this ends has me entirely disinterested in this.
As I get older, I have become one of those people who reads the last pages of a book and the ending first before reading the whole book. Yeah, it's dumb, however I am not going to waste time reading depressing tales when real life is so hectic and draining.
I can totally understand where you are coming from since I am in the same boat.
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agentrouka-blog · 3 years
When you think that George wrote Joffrey in such a way that people cheered when he was murdered at 14 years old.
He was only thirteen, actually.
And I'm not sure we are meant to cheer. There is not triumph in the description of his death, even though the POV character Tyrion was the subject of Joffrey's vicious cruelty literally the moment before he begins to choke.
GRRM doesn’t hold back with making Joffrey awful, a selfish and cowardly tyrant, a bully and liar, a sexual predator, vain and cruel and stupid, a thoroughly dangerous and barely stable individual. But he also gives us some glimpses into why he is the way he is, and more importantly, he puts the real dilemma into the fact that this child is just handed all this power and the people around him - and the system they serve - refuse to properly check the abuses that follow because it is convenient to them.
Consequently, GRRM doesn’t treat his death the way he does that of Tywin. Quite the opposite. If you’re cheering, you’re not paying attention.
(Long quote of the scene below cut)
GRRM goes out of his way to emphasize the terror of the scene and reduces the elements to what Joffrey truly is: a boy.
“He’s choking,” Queen Margaery gasped.
Her grandmother moved to her side. “Help the poor boy!” the Queen of Thorns screeched, in a voice ten times her size. “Dolts! Will you all stand about gaping? Help your king!”
Ser Garlan shoved Tyrion aside and began to pound Joffrey on the back. Ser Osmund Kettleblack ripped open the king’s collar. A fearful high thin sound emerged from the boy’s throat, the sound of a man trying to suck a river through a reed; then it stopped, and that was more terrible still. “Turn him over!” Mace Tyrell bellowed at everyone and no one. “Turn him over, shake him by his heels!” A different voice was calling, “Water, give him some water!” The High Septon began to pray loudly. Grand Maester Pycelle shouted for someone to help him back to his chambers, to fetch his potions. Joffrey began to claw at his throat, his nails tearing bloody gouges in the flesh. Beneath the skin, the muscles stood out hard as stone. Prince Tommen was screaming and crying.
He is going to die, Tyrion realized. He felt curiously calm, though pandemonium raged all about him. They were pounding Joff on the back again, but his face was only growing darker. Dogs were barking, children were wailing, men were shouting useless advice at each other. Half the wedding guests were on their feet, some shoving at each other for a better view, others rushing for the doors in their haste to get away.
Ser Meryn pried the king’s mouth open to jam a spoon down his throat. As he did, the boy’s eyes met Tyrion’s. He has Jaime’s eyes. Only he had never seen Jaime look so scared. The boy’s only thirteen. Joffrey was making a dry clacking noise, trying to speak. His eyes bulged white with terror, and he lifted a hand … reaching for his uncle, or pointing … Is he begging my forgiveness, or does he think I can save him? “Noooo,” Cersei wailed, “Father help him, someone help him, my son, my son …”
Tyrion found himself thinking of Robb Stark. My own wedding is looking much better in hindsight. He looked to see how Sansa was taking this, but there was so much confusion in the hall that he could not find her. But his eyes fell on the wedding chalice, forgotten on the floor. He went and scooped it up. There was still a half-inch of deep purple wine in the bottom of it. Tyrion considered it a moment, then poured it on the floor.
Margaery Tyrell was weeping in her grandmother’s arms as the old lady said, “Be brave, be brave.” Most of the musicians had fled, but one last flutist in the gallery was blowing a dirge. In the rear of the throne room scuffling had broken out around the doors, and the guests were trampling on each other. Ser Addam’s gold cloaks moved in to restore order. Guests were rushing headlong out into the night, some weeping, some stumbling and retching, others white with fear. It occurred to Tyrion belatedly that it might be wise to leave himself.
When he heard Cersei’s scream, he knew that it was over.
I should leave. Now. Instead he waddled toward her.
His sister sat in a puddle of wine, cradling her son’s body. Her gown was torn and stained, her face white as chalk. A thin black dog crept up beside her, sniffing at Joffrey’s corpse. “The boy is gone, Cersei,” Lord Tywin said. He put his gloved hand on his daughter’s shoulder as one of his guardsmen shooed away the dog. “Unhand him now. Let him go.” She did not hear. It took two Kingsguard to pry loose her fingers, so the body of King Joffrey Baratheon could slide limp and lifeless to the floor.
(ASOS, Tyrion VIII)
This is not a scene of triumph. It’s not treated with sarcasm or humor. Few deaths are, but this is especially focused on the physical violence of his body reacting to the poison, and the roughness of those trying to save him which is the last thing Joffrey experiences consciously, the panic in the crowd, the absolute desperation of Cersei, the shock and trauma for the children and Margaery.
A cruel child has been cruelly murdered. There is no joy in this, and we don’t see anyone rejoice. Not Sansa, not Arya.
This isn’t justice. Nothing is fixed. This is a broken system where no one is safe.
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supeskenobi · 4 years
A Song of Ice and Dissapointment
Last July I bought and began to read 'A Game of Thrones' the first novel in the series 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. I guess some part of me had always been slightly intrigued as to what Game of Thrones was all about and with every one ranting and raving about how bloody awful the final season of the show had been. Naturally, as someone who had never even read the books or had seen the show, I thought everyone was having somewhat of an over-reaction.
So I began to read and fall in love with this wonderfully dense, gripping and at times confusing world created by George R.R.Martin. I cheered whilst Jon Snow defended the wall against the Wildling Invasion, I cried at the horrors of the Red Wedding. I couldn't get enough. Whilst I was reading the books, I began to watch a few clips from the show (non spoiler stuff of course) and I began to fall in love with the show as well.
The set design, the actors brilliant such as Sean Bean, Lena Headey, Charles fucking Dance, Dame Diana Rigg, Ramin Djawaji beautiful score. This was an epic and brilliant show (note the use of the word was). I knew I had to get round to watching the show. (Note I am now watching the show and am up to 'Baelor')
During this time @actinganimagus told me (mainly ‘cos I asked) some things about the final season  of Game of Thrones, and from what he told me; I was not excited.
The show, for the most part, was faithful to the world that George had created. Some of the changes/omissions I was fine about e.g. Dany being older in the show, Bronn's characterisation, Arya conversations with Tywin, Jorah's personality. But some of the changes/omissions I'm kind of annoyed at e.g. the Dornish Master Plan, Lady Stoneheart, the Young Griff/ Griff storyline (which really should've been included) and the omission of Jamie's confession about Tysha.
Now I understand that not everything could've been included into the show, but it still sucks that big moments/characters were removed for one reason or another and leaves something missing from the overall story.
And so we get to last week, when I finished A Dance With Dragons: Book Two: After the Dust. I finally decided to watch more clips from the latter series and all I can really say is "meh". Maybe it's because I know that the final season is somewhat of an unmitigated disaster that throws the best part of ten years of character development out of the window, but I genuinely do not feel anything. You would think that having Jon Snow meet Daenerys Targaryen would explode my fanboy mind; but I just don't feel anything and it sucks.
Now my knowledge as to how the series ends is limited as I haven't bothered to watch many scenes from Season Eight other than a compilation of the terrible dialogue *cough* "You're my queen" *cough* and Jamie telling Tyrion that he never really cared about the innocent because fuck five seasons of character development am I right?
I guess if anything, I'm disappointed not angry. Sure I'm pissed off a some of the astronmically stupid decisions D&D made in the final few seasons *cough* Dany burning Kings Landing *cough*, but at the end of the day, it just sucks to see this world that GRRM put so much of his life into; turn to complete and utter horseshit. Like everyone else here, I'll be patiently waiting for whatever conclusion George comes up with to this wonderful series. As for Seasons 7 and 8; yeah they're non canonical for me.
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Why are you anti stark? Not everyone has to love danerys like you do.
I’m not anti Starks, I’m against what dumb and dumber did to them in GOT. How can any Stark fan cheer for this bullshit (especially Season 8) is beyond me, truly. They totally butchered the Starks beyond recognition. And what Starks are you even talking about? In the books, Jon, Arya and Bran are wargs and have wolf dreams. All of this was erased from the show.
They destroyed Bran’s character. One of my favorite characters in the books, mind you. He gives us access to the mystic realm of the Old Olds and the Children of the Forest. He’s the most powerful warg and greenseer alive. Instead they decided to create the “Three Eyed Raven” and turning him into an emotionless robot. Bran was supposed to be the other side of the coin to the Great Other (or Night King in the show), since they share the same set of powers: one to warg the dead and the other to warg the living. Bran was left out of Season 5. He is one of GRRM “fives” (alongside Arya, Jon, Dany and Tyrion) but D&D repetitively down-played his importance to the story. He was supposed to have a key role in defeating the Army of the Dead; instead he got nothing to do and was used as bait;
Arya was also turned into a Strong WomanTM one-liner watcher with anger issues, resembling little to nothing to her book counterpart. D&D also made her hate foreigners (“not one of us”) even tho she spent years in Essos and contacted and befriended people from all social ranks and ethnicities. She wants to return home to her family but for some reason the writers decided what she truly wants in Season 8 is adventure and “fuck family and all”;
Sansa was turned into the love child of Littlefinger and Cersei in Season 8. She used manipulation and betrayal of her own kin to get what she wanted. D&D started screwing up her character ever since they married her off to Ramsay (what doesn’t happen in the books) in Season 5 and erased her Vale arc. Sansa is smart and savvy and knows how to navigate power, but D&D decided to have her openly antagonizing her king (chosen by the Northern Lords) in Season 7 and a queen with two grown dragons and a huge army in Season 8 (?) for some reason;
Jon was turned into Ned 2.0. but dumber, all his greyness and complexity erased. In Season 8, D&D decided to screw him up a bit further by turning him into a buffoon who only pledged his allegiance to a queen because she’s hot and he’s having sex with her (not because she’s worthy);
Again: what Starks are you talking about? Because I don’t recognize these characters nor their motivations. Not everyone will identify with Dany and that’s okay. People are free to like and dislike whatever they want, even tho the reason most people dislike Dany is the same reason most people dislike Sansa: sexism. I’m so tired of people pinning them against each other. It sucks but by butchering Dany’s character, they also destroyed all the other main characters to serve this plot. However, even tho they slaughtered the Starks characters, the narrative still judges them differently from all the other characters and down-plays the importance of the other Houses to the story. The entire Greyjoy and Martell sub-plot was almost erased from GOT. There are Lannister fans out there too, you know? And people who love House Tyrell, House Tully, House Arryn and so on. It’s ironic Stark stans are so pressed with Dany fans and say “not everything has to be about Dany” when every fucking thing in the show is about the Starks and all the other Houses are pushed into the corner.
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comicdeathx · 5 years
{{Part 1 of GoT Characters as Bo Burnham Quotes.}}
Arya: When I tried to hit puberty I swung and I missed.
Wylla Manderly: If you like Talking, you might also enjoy Shutting Up. It’s like Talking except you don’t fuck up everything all the time forever and ever.
All the Sand Snakes tbh: My mom said I can be a tough guy now if I want to. HELL YEAH!!!
Tommen: Yo, this is a message to all my bitch ass haters, alright? I’m-I’m really sensitive so just *tearing up* please stop.
Yoren: "Can you give a pep talk to the kids?" Your hard work and talent will not pay off.
Arianne: Have a great weekend everyone. Take a risk. Find love. Write a letter. Fight an uncle. Spit in God’s face. xoxo
Jon: Art is a lie. Nothing is real.
Missandei: Poetic Talent is really easy to fake when thy sentences doth no fucking sense make
Sansa: I don't want you to ever think that I think I'm better than people, or that I think I know better than people...anyway, here's a song from the perspective of God
Gendry: I hate my life and it hates me back
Tyrion: A half-good half-bad half-boy
Bran: The world is not funny. We are all dying. The world is not funny. 12% of the world’s population does not have access to clean drinking water. The world is not funny. Guy Fieri owns two functioning restaurants. The world is not funny.
Cersei: Whenever I feel like my life sucks, I remember all the people less fortunate than I and it makes me laugh and I cheer up immediately.
Sandor: I just ran over my dog with a shopping cart. April Fools! I don’t know whose dog it is!
Meera: I like to call everyone that I find slightly annoying a ‘sociopath’.
Jojen: Be brave. Be yourself. Never change. Never learn. Never take any criticism. Die alone. Go to heaven. Don’t let god tell you shit.
Daenerys: Poverty. Racisism. Isn’t it strange, only the homeless are begging for change?
Brienne: If you don’t give a fuck about the law, let me hear you say fuck the police! If that seems oversimplified to you, let me hear you say it’s a really tough job and they’re doing their best!
Arya: If you can divide by zero, let my hear you say 'hell yeah!'
"Hell yeah!"
No, you can’t. Mathematically impossible. Listen.
Melisandre: There’s a trillion aliens cooler than you
Davos: Guys, I'm a realist. Okay? I try not to romanticize reality. You know, like when life gives you lemons, you probably just found lemons.
Tyrion: It's called I fuck sluts
{a woman cheers}
it's not a roll call, but thank you.
Rickon: Here's a poem by a dog. Roses are grey, violets are different shade of grey, let's go chase cars.
Jaime: I had a privileged life and I got lucky and I'm unhappy
Beric: What do you call a kid with no arms and a eyepatch? NAMES!
Margaery: Women can fake orgasms, but men can fake love.
Theon: Once a week, I like to slip into a deep existential depression where I lose all sense of oneness and self-worth.
Sam: Laughter is the best medicine...well...besides medicine.
Olenna: You're incomparable. Like a....
Jon: When life gets you down...make a comforter
Loras: My dad says I act too flamboyant on stage {tosses glitter} PROVE IT!
Renly to Stannis: Who needs a thousand metaphors to figure out you shouldn't be a dick.
Me picking up any book from GRRM: ooo this is gonna be sad
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