#changkyun romance
jadededge · 1 year
Double Trouble || Jookyun
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Pairing: JooKyun x Reader
Genre: AU, Romance, Smut (eventual)
Rating: M
Summary: Jooheon and Changkyun are an inseparable duo. They do everything together, and dating was no exception. You see them all the time and silently pine but eventually meet them and things progress from there.
Basically reader and her two boyfriends. Smut. Fluff.
Wattpad | AO3  (will likely always update these 2 places first)
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
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You saw them often. So often that you started to think about them outside of the weekend. Though not your friends, you ran in the same circle as the treacherous twins. Jooheon and Changkyun. The two were a well known rapper/producer duo and youngest in a collective called MX. They were not actual twins or brothers, but it was rare to see one without the other, and both were known to be trouble (hence the nickname). They were perfect.
You admired their work and how they conducted business. They frequented the same clubs and events as you. This provided you a good opprotunity to ogle them from a distance every weekend. A double edged sword however, as you'd quietly wish that you were going home with them instead whatever guy you were into at the time. Your friends have started to tease you, and have even threatened to ask a friend of a friend to introduce you. You, of course, vehemently tried to dissuade them. No way you could actually talk to them.
During the week, you'd find yourself daydreaming about being with them. This only fueled your desire to reach the weekend in the hopes of seeing them again. And without fail, there they were.
This particular weekend was different. You were in a private room of a lounge for a small party with friends and acquaintances. "Of course they're here." You groan inwardly when you notice the pair but you know you're excited. Your body was tingling at being in the same room.
The evening gets started and you soon forget they're there as you catch up with friends. After laughing at a joke your friend Kim said, you casually glanced around and that's when you noticed him staring at you. Joohoney. You moaned to yourself. Both of them clouded your mind, but he was the absolute object of your desire.
He smirks at you and leans over to whisper to someone, his eyes never leaving yours. You now recognize that is Changkyun as your view of him was blocked before. You glance away just for a second and when you look back they're both looking at you. You quickly looked away and put yourself back into the conversation in front of you.
Next thing you know, they're walking up to your group speaking to a mutual friend. And you feel the room spin a little. You down your drink.
"Sam! What's up man?" Jooheon reaches out to shake your mutual friend hand.
Sam looks back recognizing his friends. "Oh shit what up dude. What up IM." He daps both his boys up and they come around taking seats in the area. Jooheon perched next to another moot across from you and Changkyun sitting in a seat to your left.
You're so nervous to be this close to them you don't even notice Kim squealing next you. But soon conversations ease back in.
"I'm going to get a another drink, want something?" Kim gets up and winks at you. You're silently cursing her for attempting to leave you alone next to Changkyun.
You inwardly groans but concede, "yeah sure. Another whiskey." She walks away with your orders.
A bit of time passes which was probably just a couple of minutes but felt like years and Changkyun turns your way and leans over a bit and asks, "whiskey huh?" He smiles. "What kind?"
"Oh nice, I'm drinking Hibiki" he says looking at you a bit sideways. He has taste, you think. "I'm Changkyun. You know, I see you around quite a bit but im surprised this our first time meeting." He stretches his hand out for yours.
"I'm Y/N." Putting your hand in his, and you never wanted him to let go. You couldn't believe Changkyun knew you, or well, at least had noticed you around as much as you did them. You quickly gathered yourself and responded. "Oh yes, kinda hard to believe considering we both know Sam."
You couldn't see it but Jooheon was frequently glancing your direction. He was sure his brother could pull this off. He smiled at the thought.
"Oh yeah, Sam is such a deadbeat friend." He said loud enough to pull Sam's attention.
Sam turns around, "I'm a what??"
You chuckle. "A deadbeat." You say loudly to him.
"Why haven't we met her yet?" Changkyun ask.
"You guys don't know each other?" Sam says genuinely surprised. He's quickly pulled away by someone calling for him across the way not sparing you two another look.
You roll your eyes and chuckle. "Typical."
"So Y/N, would you like to come Fantasia with me and Jooheon? Our other brother runs that club and got us in special VIP tonight. We'd like to get to know you more, since our dear friends can't be trusted to do introductions." Changkyun straight up asks.
Your mind is reeling. He keeps saying "we" and I don't want to ditch Kim. "Um-" you glance around and your eyes meet. You see her giving you a thumbs up and points to a guy buying her a drink.
You look back to Changkyun and give him a "sure."
"Excellent!" He chirps turning to look at Jooheon and beckon him over with a stare.
Joo moves over to Changkyun's other side and sits throwing his around the back of the couch. "Everything okay?"
Changkyun is looking at you while responding, "everything's perfect. Y/N was just agreeing to come to Fantasia with us." There's a hint of mischief in his tone.
Jooheon, now also staring at you intently hums, "mmm." As if tasting something. "Y/N. That's a pretty name. I'm Jooheon. Obviously you've already met my Changkyunnie."
Changkyun groans, "come on. Don't call me that in front of her." Jooheon ignores him and pinches his cheek.
You chuckle at their banter. They are quite cute together. "Nice to meet you Jooheon."
"Let's get out of here." He declares standing and stepping over to help you up. Smiling at you with those killer dimples, you grab his hand and stand. He gives you a good look up and down and bits his lip. You're happy you wore your most killer little black dress. "We're going to have fun."
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bookwormingwritesffs · 7 months
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Hi!! If you're over 18 and like reading m/m smut, consider checking out my Monsta X Changkyun/ Kihyun (Changki) story! It's complete~
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starlightxsvt · 3 months
Beautiful Liar | part of the Treacherous Tales Series
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pairing ➳ dk x fem!reader
genre ➳ mafia au, dark romance? angst, smut.
wc ➳ 16.8k
synopsis ➳ you have old scores to settle and he's a pretty pawn in your game. but one must remember obsession leads to destruction.
warnings ➳ violence, mentions of mafia, murder, kidnapping & suicide, stalking, breaking and entering, manipulation, gambling, mention of rape, protected sex, teasing, male oral.
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playlist ➳ beautiful liar- monsta x, vigilante shit- taylor swift, part goddess part gangster- madalen duke, horns-bryce fox, don't blame me- taylor swift, no body no crime- taylor swift, the hills- the weekend.
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"I need him."
Your words dissipate into the cool air inside the car as your gaze remains focused out your window, trained on one certain man.
"What do you need me to do?" Changkyun immediately asks with violence underlying in his tone. You click your tongue in disapproval, not letting your eyes stray from your pretty prey. "You won't be doing anything this time. He is mine."
The man sitting in the driver's seat next to you only grunts in reply.
Through the passenger side window, you keep observing him, as the man smiles and talks to some students before taking his leave, walking inside another building as he disappears from your sight, making you sigh.
"Okay. You actually do need to do something."
"Get me his schedule."
Theatre and drama were never your thing. Yet, here you sit, in Professor Lee's class as he talks about the history of theatre.
While the lecture itself is boring and definitely not worth the trouble you went through to sneak into his class as you are not a student, the man himself is pleasing to listen to and look at.
There is something boyish and innocent about him and as you watch him give the lecture, his voice so sweet and soothing that it is almost impossible to believe that he is related to the Lee family.
The two-hour lecture is surprisingly quick to pass by as you sit at the very back of the classroom, watching him carefully. With the clock striking 2 pm, the lecture finishes and students clear out of the classroom, leaving you behind who sits immobile in her place.
That manages to capture Professor Lee's attention. He takes off his reading glasses and tilts his head to look at you, blinking as if he's trying to remember you from somewhere.
With an amused smile playing on your lips, you stand up from your seat and strut to the podium slowly.
"Good afternoon, Professor." You greet, holding out a hand. He takes a look at your face and then your hand before softly shaking it. "Good afternoon. I don't think you are a student of mine."
Up close, the man looks dashing. Perfect sharp features; prominent cheekbones and a sharp nose, soft plump lips on his slightly tanned skin. Covered up to the neck with a white turtleneck underneath a black cashmere suit, he looks far from what he truly is.
So innocent, so deceitful.
You grin. "You are absolutely correct, Professor Lee. I am not."
He looks amused as well, raising a brow with the expectation that you are going to explain yourself.
"I am just a fan, you could say."
"Oh really?"
"Yes. I came across your presentation at the Royal Opera House this July. I have been a fan ever since."
"Well...I am pleased to hear that. I hope I have managed to inspire you in some way."
"Oh, you have. Plenty." You can't refrain from a grin.
"I am glad then." He pauses for a beat as he takes a look at his watch. "You'll have to excuse me now. I have a meeting soon."
"Of course. I just wanted to say hi. Have a nice day." You take a step back.
The man nods, giving you a small smile as he starts walking out of the classroom, his shoes clicking on the floor. He looks gorgeous even from behind, the afternoon sun streaming from the windows in the hallway casting around him in an angelic glow.
Just as he is about to fully exit the classroom, he stops and turns his head. "I didn't get your name, though. Where are you from?"
You can't help but smile diabolically. "From the wrong side of the tracks, professor."
Professor Lee has a pretty house, made up of a rustic brick structure and well furnished black tiles for the roof, a perfect blend of modern and old. The wooden fence around the perimeter of the house is not hard for you to cross as you make your way through his yard, careful not to step anywhere that would leave a trace.
The perfect time to break into his place is now, midday, as he is currently busy teaching a class. Changkyun is keeping an eye on him, camped outside the university, ready to inform you if his position changes as you take your time combing through his house.
The front of his house has a CCTV camera, which is precisely why you broke in through the back. Carefully crossing the yard, you tiptoe along the side of the house and turn right where there is a window. Making sure that you are in a blind spot, you pry the window open after a small struggle and gingerly make your way in like a sneaky cat.
His house is beautiful, exactly fitting his image. The floors are made of dark wood as well as most of the furniture; a dark yet soothing vibe emanating from his abode. The window you used to get in leaves you in a small hallway and after looking around a little, you get a general sense of direction.
Straight from the hallway, there is his bedroom which is where you head first. You are somewhat disappointed when you find it so sterile. The room, composed of a queen sized bed, a dresser and a closet is pristine. Everything is neat, not a hair out of place as if no one lives here. There is no decoration, no trace of personalization like a picture or a painting which you find odd because you expected something that would indicate his ties to his dear family.
Not letting the disappointment get to you, you walk out of the bedroom, heading for the closed door on the left; twisting the knob, you open the door to find his study and a smile spreads on your lips.
It's a fairly large room, the walls on both sides surrounded by large mahogany shelves containing books about art, literature and others. You carefully step in, heading straight for the large desk in the middle.
To your utter disappointment, it doesn't contain any schedule or indication about the life of crime that he comes from. There is not a single sign that would tell anyone that he is the younger brother of the notorious ruler of District 1.
Instead, aside from his computer on the desk, there are only a few books related to theatre on one side and a few lecture sheets on the other. It is so unexpected that you are stunned to silence, standing in the middle of the room, almost starting to think that you came to the wrong house.
Changkyun's sudden voice from the bluetooth disrupts your thoughts. "___, he is leaving early. He just got in his car. I'm following him. You have about 15 minutes to get out of there."
"Fine," you mutter.
There is still enough time. But by the looks of this, you could have all the time in the world and still not find anything that would tell you he's one of the heirs to District 1.
Grunting you lean down and start checking the drawers only to find nothing; no secret meeting location, nothing that you can use to blackmail him or anything that will lead you to the main culprit, his brother.
Sighing, you stand up straight and look around the room. Maybe he is being extra cautious and doesn't keep any evidence here. Maybe he has a secret hideout for his life of crime.
The idea, however, doesn't make sense because you have been stalking him and the only place he frequents is the university.
It's odd.
It almost feels like he doesn't have any connection with District 1.
No, no. That doesn't make any sense.
"___, you have 10 minutes!"
"I know, I know!" You snap, annoyed.
Walking over to the bookshelves you gently drag your fingers over the spine of each book, hoping maybe one of them would be the key to opening a secret room behind the shelves.
Nothing like that happens.
Accepting your defeat, you come out of the house but not before placing a bug underneath the table in his study with the hopes of getting some information by spying on him. Crossing the fence, you take special care to make sure you didn't leave behind any trace of entry before finally exiting the perimeter of the house.
Once safely out of the range of his house, you stand on the opposite side of the road and watch Professor Lee pull up a few minutes later. Changkyun's car follows him half a minute later as he drives straight to where you are standing, before coming to a stop in front of you.
You tug open the door and get in on the passenger side.
"Why the long face? Find nothing?"
"Shut up."
A change of plans is the only way.
Your second plan is to court him which isn't really a problem given the man is as pretty as a doll and toying with him would be absolute fun. With the decision set, you begin phase two of your operation, stalking him.
Well, you were stalking him before too but now, you start to follow every single footsteps of him, quite literally.
You follow him everywhere, discreetly, of course, getting to know his schedule as precisely as possible before striking.
His routine is rather bland, he wakes up, goes to work, then goes to the gym and then comes back home. It is something you find odd, once again. No matter from which angle you consider, the equation does not add up. Still, you try to make the best of whatever little ammunition you have at hand and pretend to bump into him randomly.
Like, one sunny afternoon you pretend to wait for someone in the parking lot of his university right when he is to leave for the day. Surprisingly, he's the first one to approach you, as he gently grabs your attention. "Hey. We uh, met the other day."
"Oh, hello, Professor Lee. Glad you remembered. One of your biggest fans."
"Have you enrolled here?"
"Ah, I wish. I'm here to...meet a friend's daughter."
"I see. What's her department?"
You blink, not expecting that question but recover quickly. "You ask too many questions professor. Let me ask you one instead. Can I have your number?"
You see the tips of his ears go red.
So adorable.
He blinks, taken aback as he searches for the right words. "Well, uh, why?"
"Why? You're hot and intelligent. I want to go out with you."
"Well, I don't think it's a good idea."
"Just because." He replies, almost unsure, looking at you as if you are a bizarre creature.
You take a step towards him, an amused smile on your face from his reaction. Leaning close to him, you slowly fix the lapels of his jacket. Perplexed, he looks at the motion of your hands before moving his gaze to your face.
"Please, professor? One date is all I ask." You give him puppy eyes.
There is a sharp inhale as his pupils widen just a little bit while you gaze into his eyes, unblinking. The proximity is intense, you can smell his perfume, feel his breath on your skin and from the way he keeps looking at you, there is an urge to kiss him building within you.
Just when you are sure you can sneak in a kiss, he breaks the moment by taking a step back, out of your reach. Clearing his throat, he says. "I can't. I have a girlfriend."
Not waiting for your reply, he opens the door to his car and gets in. As his engine fires up with a hum, you walk near the vehicle and lean in to look at him through the half open window. "Don't lie professor. You don't have a girlfriend."
He looks at you silently for a moment, his hands resting on the steering wheel. "This is why I won't go out with you."
You are confused.
"You seem to know too much about me and I don't like that."
With that, he pulls out of the parking lot, leaving behind a trail of smoke and your baffled self.
It's fine.
You know you are on the right track. He is definitely attracted to you so it is not over yet. In fact, it is only the beginning.
This is going to be so much fun.
For the next week, you make it your mission to pop up in front of Seokmin while he is out and about. You first pretend to run into him at his favourite coffee shop, acting delighted when he notices you. He seems wary upon seeing you and since it was only the first day of your mission, you let him off easy, saying that this is fate telling that you two are meant to be.
The next time you pretend to run into him again at the car park of the university, once again announcing that you are waiting for your friend's daughter. He keeps the conversation short, simply by nodding and getting into his car rather hurriedly. You, however, don't forget to throw him a compliment, looking as innocent and genuine as possible; like an innocent young girl who has been rejected by her desired man and now longs for him from afar.
That seems to work a bit.
The lesser you speak and the more innocent your attitude becomes, the longer your encounters last. Seokmin would start initiating the conversation and then ask formal questions as if to keep the conversation going or maybe, to test you and see what your true intentions are.
Either way, you don't fall for that.
Instead, you act detached, like a damsel who failed to capture the eye of the man she loves.
Finally, one morning, when you are walking out of the coffee shop, he stops you on your way by extending his hand to touch your elbow softly. You have to hide your smile before turning around.
"You know, I never got to see the girl." He says.
"Which girl?"
"Your friend's daughter. The one you come to the university for."
"Oh, you didn't?" You blink innocently. He looks at you for a beat, before giving you a knowing smile. "You know, I think we both know that that's a lie."
You avert your gaze, acting like you did not hear him.
"As much as you seem to be enjoying this, I need you to stop following me around." He says, voice soft but firm and you know it's a command.
It's a shame you don't take commands well.
Tilting your neck to a side, you pop a muscle before giving out a loud exhale, composing yourself. "Have a nice day, Mr Professor."
You walk away.
You were getting tired of playing around. The man may be attracted to you but you are coming to a realization that it will not be enough for him to give him. He is cautious and given who he really is, he will never let a woman like you get close to him, no matter how much he may like you.
"I told you, we should have just kidnapped him. His brother would show up immediately." Changkyun complains out loud. The two of you have been sitting in your study for the past hour, trying to come up with a plan.
"You know I don't work like that. It's too easy. And too risky."
You have a bad habit. You always end up getting emotionally involved in every case you encounter. This one should not be an exception. In fact, this is the best place to get emotional because his brother hurt you by hurting your family. It is only fair you do the same to him now. And along the way, you get to tease a pretty man like Professor Lee. It is a win-win situation for you, almost.
In your world, betrayal is the sweetest revenge. If you can betray Professor Lee after earning his trust, that will be the sweetest revenge.
"I don't give up so easily, you know," you whisper, planning your next move.
"No teacher needs that much muscles, professor!" Your voice echoes through the empty gym at night.
Dokyeom whips his head around, dropping the dumbbell that was in his hand, eyes wide at your sudden voice. "You! How did you get in here!" You don't appreciate his accusatory tone.
"I come to this gym as well." You shrug, strolling towards him with your hands behind your back before plopping down next to him on a bench. He gives you an exasperated look. "Really?"
"Mhmm." You smile.
"Liar. What do you want? I told you to stay away from me."
You shrug. " Mhmm, can't do that professor. I miss you."
His lips thin, a sign that he is clearly not amused by your antics but it's a shame. You find all of this way too amusing.
You find him amusing.
"I know you are after something else. I am not stupid, ___." He turns to face you properly, his eyes carefully watching you.
A soft smirk plays on your lips. Of course, he is not stupid. Heir to the Lee family, he is the farthest thing from stupid.
"Did you have someone look into me, professor?" You ask nonchalantly.
"Look into you? What is that supposed to mean?" He asks, leaning closer to you.
You're treading in dangerous territory. You cannot give yourself in so quickly.
"I mean a smart, famous man like you has a lovesick stalker. I'm sure you had a detective or someone take a look into me, no?"
More like an intelligence member of the mafia. Maybe even his dear brother.
"So you are admitting that you are a stalker?"
"Oh, not just any, though. A lovesick stalker." You blink innocently at him.
He remains silent making you wonder if he is buying your words.
"Since you are asking me what I want, I assume you asked around and couldn't find anything, then?" You tilt your head, tone playful as you continue the conversation. You are not going to leave today until you are successful.
After a moment, he admits. "Yes. You run on the wrong side of the tracks, that is all I could find."
You chuckle. "There is nothing else to find, professor. I'm just a bad girl infatuated with you and your words and your passion for art."
"You? I am not buying that."
"Me? What is that supposed to mean?" You feel a little offended. "Can a girl not be a gangster and love theatre? Not every one of us gets to chase our dreams, you know."
You see his eyes soften as he remains silent, pondering your words. You watch him, carefully leaning closer to him before dragging a manicured finger over his bicep flirtily.
"What do you want?" His voice comes out breathy this time, those deep pools of chocolate in his eyes boring into you and oh god, do you love your name on his lips.
It would be even better to hear him say that in bed.
"A date with you, professor." You whisper, inching your face closer to him, your lips a mere few inches away from his and you don't miss the way his gaze drops to them before coming back up to your eyes.
"And if I say no?" He swallows. You pout, snaking a hand over his chest, feeling the strong muscles beneath your palm, pleased that he lets you touch him. "Why would you say no, professor? I am really good in bed, you know."
He watches you quietly once again and you hate how you cannot tell what is going on inside his head. Is he falling for your words or is he simply piecing things together and trying to uncover you? There is a slight flush on his cheeks but you don't know if it's because of you or his workout.
His hand comes to grab your wrist, breaking your train of thought as he takes your hand off his chest and places it on your lap.
"Tell me something you have never told anyone before."
"What?" You are perplexed.
"Tell me something, anything, a secret, a wish, that you have never told anyone before. Then, I will go on a date with you." He replies.
Wait, what?
You blink, absolutely baffled at his words as he sits in silence, looking at you expectantly. His gaze is sombre and sincere, like he really wants to know you and for the first time in forever, your heart skips a beat, making you feel out of place and vulnerable. Quickly, you break eye contact with him and stare at your boots as you think of a reply.
"Don't think of making up a lie. I can tell, you know." He adds.
A soft sigh escapes your lips as you internally roll your eyes at him. "I...I have this urge to leave everything behind and just go to an island. Or a place near the sea and spend the rest of my life there, where nobody knows me, where my past doesn't haunt me."
A long silence follows after your words and you cannot make yourself look at him, afraid of what you will find in his eyes, afraid of how they would make you feel and at the same time hating that these thoughts are bothering you.
"I am free this weekend." He murmurs standing up. You look up, surprised, excited. He puts on his hoodie, acting like he did not just agree to a date with you. As he starts walking out of the gym, completely ignoring your presence, you yell. "I'll text you!"
He turns around to look at you as if to ask how you have his number but simply gives you an exasperated look which you reply with a cheeky smile.
"I'm only free after noon." He declares, continuing on his path.
"No problem, professor." You grin.
You agree on an evening library date which is not really an ideal date for you but because of the facade you are holding up, you agree. The library is situated near his campus, an old architectural piece, with dimmed yellow lights and gold details and large windows, radiating a little bit of a gothic energy. He chose the library because of your (fake)interest in theatre, saying that the library would be the best place to discuss these things and you agreed because other than that, it is also not crowded and you can have his full attention.
Dokyeom hand picks a few books on the topic with pure enthusiasm as you follow him around, nodding to whatever he is saying. For the most part, you observe him, watching him with rapt attention, the details of his face, the change of his expressions as he talks, the movement of his hands—
And you have to admit, he has very pretty hands; long and bony, perfect to suck on.
Shaking your head at the ridiculous thought, you follow him to a private study room.
He pulls a chair and helps you sit down, making you smile at his manners. Once he is sat, he turns to you and asks. "Okay, then. What would you like to talk about today? Let's start with plays. What is your favourite play?"
"I don't know, what is yours?" You ask, blinking innocently at him as you rest your chin on your palm. He frowns. "What do you mean you don't know?"
"My favourite play is whatever your favourite play is." You reply sweetly, making him throw an exasperated look at you.
"Is this how you are going to be?"
"Deeply infatuated with you? Yes, professor."
Shaking his head, he opens a book, murmuring something under his breath but you see the soft hint of a smile playing on his lips, making you smile as well.
This should be easy.
Your date goes smoothly, with him discussing his favourite plays, playwrights and whatnot and you nodding along and watching him, throwing in some pointless questions here and there to appear interested. All the while in the back of your mind, you keep planning your next move. Seokmin isn't a stupid man and you know deep down, he sees through your pretence but seeing how he is still entertaining you means that you have captured his interest. And you have to use this to your benefit.
Fate seems to be on your side as on the way back home, Dokyeom suddenly asks if you are free for dinner.
You have to work very hard to mask the huge grin of satisfaction on your face when you say yes. Your response pleases him, visible from his reaction as he excitedly turns the car around and selects a restaurant.
Dokyeom goes all out for dinner, as you are guided to a private dining room upon entering the restaurant. You have to say that his effort impresses you. And of course, it solidifies your belief that he is falling for you. Smiling, you strut behind him.
He pulls out your chair for you, helping you sit down before ordering some appetizers and wine for you to get started.
"I'm a bit surprised you agreed to come." He speaks after a small pause.
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing. I- I just had a thought that you were not serious about me. It almost felt like you lost a bet. I had the impression that you were just playing with me and wasting my time the last few weeks but I'm surprised you pulled through."
You only give him a smile in reply.
"You know, I believe you are one of two things. A weirdo who wants to bed a professor just for fun or, someone with a hidden intention, playing the long game."
"Aren't you smart, professor?" You grin condescendingly, resting your cheek on your palm.
"I know you are bad news, yet..." He pauses for a beat, sighing at himself. "Yet for the past week, I could not stop thinking about you. I'm in deep trouble, no?"
"You are," You smile. "In the sweetest trouble, I promise you."
He scoffs, a faint smile appearing on his lips. "Let's order the main course, shall we?"
The dinner begins with casual small talk as he tells you about his work and you listen, asking casual questions here and there. When you are taking your second serving of the alfredo pasta, he asks. "Tell me about yourself. Why do you do what you do?"
"Come again?" Your movements halt as you look at him.
"Your... profession." He seems to not find his words. "Killing people, threatening them, weapon business, fraud... whatever you do."
"Hm, I do a little bit of all of that but," you set your utensils down, looking up. "Interesting question, professor."
"Is it like a family business?"
Your eyes fly to his, looking for a sign in them of whether he knows your background or not. For a moment you tense up and hold your breath but his face remains the same, looking at you curiously as he sips his wine.
"No, not really." You reply before finishing your glass of wine. "Parents died early. They knew a few people who were in this business and I got involved."
"What business is it exactly?"
"Aren't you curious, professor?"
He shrugs, looking at you in silence, waiting for you to continue. You sigh, dropping your cutlery down and leaning back into the chair.
"My father was in the weapons business. After he passed away things were messy for a bit and I realized dealing with weapons was not my strong forte. Now I'm in the loaning business and I also do contract killing."
Dokyeom's eyes widen significantly and you can't help but laugh at his reaction. He is acting like he hasn't heard something like this before, living in the world that he lives in.
He looks around before lowering his voice and asking. "So you are like a thug that lends people money with high interest?"
"And you beat them up if they fail to return the money on time?''
"Precisely," you grin.
"And what was that about contract killing? What are you? A hitman?"
"You can say that. But I have clients of various ranges. I kill for politicians, for local gangs and even for civilians."
"For civilians?" He hisses.
"Yes, professor." You take a sip of your wine, swirling the bitter liquid around in your mouth. "Three months ago, the news of a young girl getting raped by a senator's son broke out. I'm sure you have heard of that. The girl was only seventeen and the guy came to her birthday party without any invitation, caused a ruckus and raped her that night because she refused to drink with him. The mother of that girl ran around tirelessly for help while she recovered at the hospital. Everyone she went to, told her to drop the charges for her own good. For one, it would take months, even years to complete the investigation and during that time they'd only get harassed, and two, they could never win the case."
"One day, the mother came to see me. I don't know how she found me and I didn't ask. She offered me her entire life savings and begged me for justice for her daughter. I didn't accept her money but I promised her I would avenge her daughter."
"Then...the death of that senator's son, you were behind it?" Seokmin whispers.
"Yes. I castrated him and then slit that bastard's throat."
"And the incident of the senator that came on the news, were you behind that as well?"
"Yes. He was equally at fault. He let his son go astray and then covered up his crimes. He did not deserve to speak another word so I cut his tongue. Fun, no?'
He doesn't reply to you but falls into a deep state of thought as you continue your dinner.
"Did I scare you, professor?" You ask, seeing him so silent.
He blinks a few times, coming out of his reverie. "No."
"Hm, doesn't sound like that."
Once more, you are met with silence as he watches you from the opposite side of the table, the look in his eyes serious, almost as if he is scrutinizing you. You start to grow uncomfortable under his stare, slightly worried that he might piece two and two together and see through you.
Surprising you, he says, "Looks like I misjudged you, ___. I shouldn't have. I apologize."
"Not all actions can be boxed into black and white. What you did may be illegal but it was necessary and right. It won't undo everything that the girl went through, but it still makes the whole thing a bit fair."
For probably the first time in your life, you find yourself speechless. You open your mouth to reply but you realize that you are incapable of forming a reply to what he said. So, you just sit in silence, mirroring him.
"I don't know your past and I don't know what your struggles are but you are a good person, ___.''
Your throat has dried up by now as a weird sensation starts settling in your heart. It is uncomfortable and your appetite is ruined.
The man can probably sense your discomfort because he lets out a soft chuckle and leans back into his seat. "I just thought you should know that. I was not trying to woo you or anything."
You swallow a lump in your throat and force a smile. "Let's order dessert, shall we?''
Soon after that, you finish dinner and Dokyeom offers to give you a ride home and you accept it but only after a little internal debate.
Your own attitude baffles you. Why are you hesitating to let him drop you home? Is it because you have started feeling weird things under his company and now you want to avoid them?
No, that's outrageous. You are just tired from a long day of playing pretend.
The drive to your house is silent as you actively avoid having any conversation with him by facing the window and closing your eyes, your arms crossed as you pretend to go to sleep.
A good amount of driving later, you reach your house and tap in the code number for the main gate to open.
"She's a beauty, isn't she?'' You ask upon noticing his reaction; wide eye and mouth slightly open as he drives into your compound, coming to a stop in front of the steps that lead to your main entrance.
The house resembles a haunted mansion in many ways. It is at least a hundred years old, huge but empty, creepers growing around the black tiles, surrounded by dead trees and an abandoned garden. This is where you used to live with your family a long time ago and after your father's death, you left, letting that house collect dust. It is only recently that you started living here after you formed your plan to take the Lee family down.
"She is." He agrees with a nod before undoing his seatbelt. Before you can do that and open your door, he rounds the car and holds the door open for you.
The chilly night air hits your skin as you step out of the car. Dokyeom's gaze travels past you, marvelling at your home.
"Would you like to come in?" You surprise yourself by asking. He immediately nods with a sheepish grin. "I would love to see the interior."
"Well, it is a mess and full of dust but come along," You lead the way as he follows you closely. Holding the door open, you let him step in.
The door opens to a large space in front of a staircase leading upstairs. This area used to be for sitting, and now it is barren of anything. There is a large floor to ceiling window by the staircase, pouring the moonlight inside the space which is dimly lit by an antique chandelier.
"I see you didn't renovate." Dokyeon comments as he walks around, eyes scanning the space in wonder.
"Moved in recently."
"Hm, I like the style. If you end up renovating, I'd say don't change it too much." He advises. Humming, you start climbing the stairs. "My bedroom and the dining are upstairs. Wanna take a look?''
"Sure," he enthusiastically trails behind you as you come upstairs and show him the dining first and then the second bedroom before leading him to your bedroom.
"And here is my room," you hold open the door for him as he walks past you, the same look of wonder constant on his face.
"Wow," he walks straight to the open balcony, the night breeze flowing in strong, making the curtains dance. You slowly follow him, "I know right."
"I almost want to live here. Do you want to trade places with me?'' There's a boyish charm in his eyes and a genuine hint of glee in his voice as he looks at you with a smile.
"No thanks." You cannot help a small smile yourself.
A silence settles, a comfortable one in fact as you watch the view by his side in the cool night air.
"I had a good time today," he confesses, voice soft. You try hard not to acknowledge the funny feeling that spreads inside you upon hearing his words. Softly, you say. "Me too."
Your gaze moves to him and you find him looking at you, the look in his eyes is something you are unfamiliar with. Something that threatens to make your heart skip a beat, and make you forget what you are set out to do.
While you are lost in your thoughts, Dokyeom seems to have moved closer to you. His gaze has deepened and his face is suddenly mere inches away from you, taking you by surprise.
"Can I kiss you?" He whispers.
Fuck it. Part of your mission is to get him to bed, no? You will have to do it sooner or later.
You press your lips to his and fireworks go inside your head. It feels right, his lips moving against yours as you grab his jacket to pull him closer. By the time you two separate, you are breathless, your mind hazy. Dokyeom keeps looking at you like you are the most magnificent thing on this planet, his hand softly caressing your cheeks as your fingertips dance on his neck.
"Should I stay the night?"
There is a cheer of satisfaction within you. You let out a soft hum of acknowledgement which immediately brings his hands to your shoulders.
His lips are the epitome of temptation, your hooded gaze trained on it, stuck in a trance of pure desire. His fingers brush over your back in tantalising touches as he drops your coat from your shoulders, his eyes never straying from yours. Your hands move in a rhythm as you unbutton his blazer and reach for the hem of his turtleneck, helping him to get rid of it with a tug while simultaneously moving back inside your room and towards your bed, discarding the clothes messily on the floor.
His body is like an ancient Greek sculpture, lean and toned and you don't hide the hunger in your gaze. In silence, you push him towards the bed as he drops down to the mattress while you peel off your top along with your bra and then reach for the pants. Once you are left only in your panties, you strut towards him, a small smile on your lips because of the way he keeps looking at you, full of desire and burning passion.
Your hands move seductively as you take off his pants along with his boxers, making sure your nails scrape his thigh. With the fabrics gone, you see his cock for the first time, and my god is he blessed.
"What do you think? Will it please you?" He asks, making you smirk.
"Lie back professor," you order, standing up as he moves back into the bed, half lying against the headboard. You climb on the bed on all fours, positioning yourself on top of him. Leaning down, your lips tease him as your noses brush together softly. You whisper. "Let me give you a time you will never forget."
Something flashes in his eyes for a brief moment which you don't get to observe because his lips crash into yours, ensuing a fierce kiss. You moan into the kiss as his hands come to cup your neck and jaw, his lips pressed against yours relentlessly.
When you realise he is about to press you down into the bed, you break the kiss and inhale deeply. "Mhmm, no, professor. Let me take care of you first." You throw a wink at him and move down, your lips softly dragging against his skin, down his abdomen before reaching his half hard cock.
You take him in your hands, rubbing the base of his dick at a slow pace and watch his face raptly for reactions. As he grows hard against your hand, you lean down and take him into your mouth with one big swallow that makes Dokyem grunt out loud.
You smile as you continue your ministrations, moving your mouth up and down against his length while his body grows tense beneath you. Your tongue laps around his entire length, tasting him, teasing him as his breaths become shorter and shorter.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come soon."
His words work as a motivation for you as you increase your pace, swiping your tongue over his leaking tip before he finally explodes inside your mouth with a throaty groan.
You swallow every drop of him, a few trailing down the corner of your lips and you make a show of licking it with unwavering eye contact. Dokyeom lies flat on his back, panting harshly, hooded eyes watching you in an intense stare.
"Good, professor?" You grin, licking your index finger.
Exhaling loudly, he tugs you by your arm. "Come here!" Pinning you underneath his body, he kisses you, his tongue prodding into your mouth, tasting himself. You don't hold yourself back either, kissing him with equal passion until you forget where you end and he begins.
His lips meet your neck, kissing and sucking softly before trailing down to play with your sensitive nipples. As your whines grow in pitch and you grow restless, trying to break free from his grip and take over, he sits over your thighs, spreading his legs on both sides and resting on his knees.
"Do you have a condom?" He asks.
"Multiple," you reply, reaching for the bedside drawer.
As he puts the rubber on, you take the moment to appreciate his figure, his beautiful face, his bed-messy hair, his toned chest and abdomen and of course, his monster of a cock.
"You are one fine man, professor." You find yourself saying. You hate how you genuinely mean it.
"You are not too bad yourself." He flashes a grin before aligning himself with your pussy. As you take a deep inhale, he pushes in, making your body rise as you grip the sheets tightly in reply to the intrusion.
"Fuck, you're so tight."
Your response is to squeeze him tighter as you wrap your legs around his ass, pushing his body closer to yours. Delirious with pleasure, you start chasing his hips right away in a desperate rhythm of your own.
"Harder," you tempt, slinging your arms around his neck to pull him close. His breath fans your face, the slight perspiration on his temples clearly visible in this distance. In the yellowish hue of the room, his skin glows, giving him the appearance of a god, his messy hair tying everything together.
Dokyeom takes you up for the challenge as he increases his pace, making your head fall back as you let out a deep moan from the pits of your belly. He hits the perfect spot every time, driving you wild, bringing you deliciously close to the edge.
"Fuck, I need to come," you pant, hands reaching between your legs to touch your clit. Dokyeom, however, stops you by grabbing your both wrists and pinning them on top of your head, a cocky smirk on your face as he leans into your ear and whispers. "Say please first."
"Never," you immediately reply.
"Then you don't get to come."
"You asshole!" You hiss, trying to writhe free from his grasp but every time you move, his dick goes deeper inside you, amplifying the pleasure that makes you shudder.
"Come on sweetheart. You know you want to come."
"Ugh, no," you grunt, squeezing your eyes shut in a futile attempt to tone done your need for release."
"It's just one tiny word," the devil keeps whispering in your ear, continuing his ruthless thrusts as you teeter on the verge of begging.
"Fuck! Okay, okay!" You yell. "Please!"
"Hm, that didn't sound nice." The bastard complains, making you furious.
"I swear to god—" He interrupts you with a fierce kiss, pushing his tongue so deep inside your mouth that you forget to breathe. Letting go of your hands, his fingers move down, trailing along your skin before reaching between your legs and flicking your clit. That action is enough as you come, fireworks going off inside your body as you twist to a side, your toes curling in pleasure. Dokyeom's body shudders on top of yours as he comes, continuing to kiss your mouth, your chin and your jaw.
Soon, a silence settles in the air as his body rests on top of yours. You don't find it in you to push him off so you let him be, comfortable in his warmth and embrace as you close your eyes, soon to be overtaken by sleep.
Days bleed into weeks that turn into a month as you start dating Seokmin. He grows fonder of you each passing day, the look in his eyes and his actions mirroring what he holds for you in his heart. He starts accepting your obsessive tendencies along with your profession, which pleases you immensely. You have your enemy where you want and things seem to be going your way.
Except one thing.
After you started dating Dokyeom, you have stayed over at his place only a few times. Of course, you made use of those times, snooping through his house in hopes of finding something that would lead you to his brother or at the very least, tell you of his ties to the mafia family of District 1. You never found a single thing. When you asked him about his family, he replied that he is an only child whose parents passed away because of a car crash.
A lie, of course.
Your plan is in motion but at the same time, you feel stuck. You have Dokyeom in the palm of your hand, you just need to get to his brother for everything to come together. You had dramatic plans for a reunion but at this stage, that looks quite impossible.
Maybe you should have just kidnapped him.
One weekend he invites you to his house for dinner as a celebration of him securing a contract with one of the biggest publishers in the country for his next book.
You put on your nicest dress and your fanciest heels for the occasion, your lips painted red as you strut to his front door with a bouquet of flowers.
Dokyeom opens the door looking a little more gorgeous than other days; his black hair brushed back sleekly, and wearing a cream coloured Ralph Lauren sweater with black pants. Tying the look together is his steel framed glasses which he looks fantastic with and which you adore seeing him wearing.
Whenever he wears those glasses you two end up having the most mind blowing sex.
Dokyeom remains rooted in his spot as he watches you, his eyes moving over your full frame with a look of appreciation and desire. You flash a grin, "Good evening, professor."
He blinks before smiling, "Good evening, ___. You look absolutely stunning."
"Thought I should dress up to celebrate you." You shrug. "May I come in?" You smile teasingly and he lets you in with a flustered laugh.
"Dinner is cooking in the oven. I will set the table up," he supplies as he helps you to take off your coat once you are inside. "Would you like some wine?''
"Sure," You follow him to the kitchen which has a soft aroma of the chicken roast, making your stomach rumble slightly. One of the many delights of dating Dokyeom has been his exceptional culinary skills. You watch as he pours wine into two glasses before offering you one, "The chicken will be done in ten minutes. Make yourself at home."
"Thanks," you receive the glass from him and stroll around the house, looking at his decoration, in the back of your mind thinking if any one of these plain items hides the key to his other identity. A phone call echos in the kitchen and you realize Dokyeom is getting a call. He accepts it with an apology directed at you before going to the porch to speak.
In the meantime, you sneak into his study. It is not even sneaking in, to be honest, because he has given you full access to every inch of his house and in fact, encouraged you to visit his study and take a look at his little library. You found it odd at first because his transparency shows that he has nothing to hide and as days pass by and you come up with no leads, a sinking feeling has started appearing in your belly. Not to mention that the bug you put underneath his desk has picked up nothing of importance, no conversation or phone call about District 1 or his mafia family.
Maybe you have made a huge mistake. Maybe he is some random innocent guy who just looks like the youngest son of Lee family and has fallen to your prey.
Still, you step inside his study with the hope of finding something new. Like every other time, your fingers comb through the shelves of his library before moving towards his desk, shuffling through the papers carefully to not disturb the arrangement. You also peek beneath the desk to make sure the recorder is still there and active before going through his drawers. It has become a routine check at this point, your fingers moving through his stuff in experienced movements as you hold your breath in anticipation of finding a lead.
It goes futile, of course.
With a defeated sigh you stand up to find Dokyeom standing at the entrance of his study with a completely foreign look on his face.
A gasp of surprise and terror leaves your mouth as your eyes meet his and for several moments, a gut-wrenching feeling wreaks havoc within you. You hate how you feel, guilty like a criminal or even worse, a person breaking the trust they were given and getting caught red handed by the person who trusted them the most.
"What are you doing?'' His tone is flat and cold, something you are hearing for the first time. It takes a second for your brain to start functioning properly. "Just looking around, professor. You know I get snoopy sometimes." You tilt your head to the side, giving him a coy smile.
Dokyeom gives no reaction. He takes a few, slow steps towards you, his footsteps matching the beat of your heart as he comes to a stand in front of the table.
Then, his hand reaches below, searching for something beneath the table before coming back up with the bug in his hand.
Ah, fuck.
"What is this?" He asks.
"A bug? Who would do that to you, professor?" You ask innocently.
He keeps staring at you, the look of disappointment growing permanent on his face as you realize you are caught for good.
Fuck it, you had to reveal yourself one way or the other anyway.
With a loud exhale, you ask, "When did you find out?"
"Last week," he replies, tone clipped. "I was baffled when I found it. Nobody visited my place in the last few weeks except you. Stupidly, I told myself it cannot be you so someone must have broken in. I looked through the CCTV footage but I found nothing there was well." He blows out a long breath, shaking his head dejectedly, "I still prayed it wouldn't be you but the reality says otherwise, ___."
Hmm, it does.
"It was me," you announce, plopping down on his chair behind the desk while he watches you unamusedly. "And you are right. Someone did break in. That was me as well." You flash him an evil grin.
Whatever colour that was left on his face drains out as he keeps staring at you, unblinking, for a long period. You return his stare with one of your own, except you are curious to see his next reaction. There is also a feeling of dread somewhere within you but you decide to ignore it.
Dokyeom's palms come to rest on the table as he hangs his head low, remaining motionless. Finally, when he looks up, the look in his eyes has completely changed and his jaw is tight, giving you the first glimpse into the mafia heir that he really is.
You watch as he reaches for the scissors in the stationary holder sitting on his desk, and rounds the table before coming to stand right next to you, holding the tip of the scissors right against your neck as he leans down and hisses. "Should I slit your throat right here or should I hear you out?"
You must admit that you find this look on him very attractive.
You cannot help the grin, "Finally, you are acting like the youngest heir of District 1, professor. I like it."
His eyes widen slightly as the scissors move just a bit away from your skin. "What do you want?"
"To tell you that, I have to tell you a long story." Your smile drips with venom as you stand up and walk over to the sitting area. "Sit down. It's a long story." You say, motioning towards the sofa in front of you. He isn't enthusiastic but he follows your direction, sitting down in front of you, the scissors still in his hand.
You lean back into the cushions throwing one leg over the other as you look him in the eye.
"Once upon a time, six years ago actually, there was a man who used to deal weapons. His general clients were not high profile but one day he got orders from the mafia family of District 1. They had some issues with their regular supplier so they chose that man for a quick supply."
"The man had two daughters. One who was 18 at that time and another who was 16. Their mother passed away a couple of years ago and their father was always busy with either work or gambling so the sisters only had each other. The older sister took very good care of the younger one, making sure she was happy and protected all the time."
"Then one night, the mafia barged through the door, surrounding their house with armed men. The eldest and the youngest son of the Lee family also came. They dragged the father and the older daughter outside on the porch where they killed him with a clean shot in the head. Then they grabbed the older daughter and dragged her into their car, making her disappear forever."
"Meanwhile, the younger daughter watched all this from far away as the father's right hand man told her to remain hidden to save herself. After some digging around, it was found out that District 1 went to war with the Russians and they lost that war while also losing the head of the family, the father of the two brothers, Lee Jihoon and..." you pause before looking him dead in the eye and whispering, "Lee Seokmin."
Thick silence stretches in the air.
Dokyeom keeps looking at you, his fingers intertwined under his chin. "So, all this was a grand plan of yours to what, fool me? Betray me after making a joke out of me?" He asks. making you chuckle.
"You were only the beginning of my plan. I wanted to mess with you, of course, but I thought I would find out about your brother's whereabouts through dating you. I initially had a fun plan that I would show up uninvited in one of his business deals and ruin it, damage his reputation for good. However, that plan failed because I found no information about him or your family from you. You really hide that part of you well, no Professor?"
He remains silent.
"Now that my initial plan has failed, I think I will have to kidnap you, hm? Ask your brother for ransom. He would have no choice but to show up then."
Your words make Dokyeom scoff as he shakes his head, the corners of his lips turned up as if you have said the funniest thing ever. You don't like his reaction.
"You want to see my brother? I will arrange that."
"What?" You must have heard wrong. "What game are you playing now?"
"I'm not playing any game."
"Then why?" You narrow your eyes on him, your hand reaching to your back pocket to pull out the switchblade if necessary.
He looks at you for a long moment before letting out a breath. "I am impressed, that's all. I have to acknowledge your talent, no? Also, you deserve to know the truth." He looks you in the eye. "The real truth. Not some bullshit your father's right hand man made up."
"Don't you fucking tell me what is the truth and what is the lie, you murderer!" You seethe, clenching your fists.
You should just gut him right here.
Once again, he just smiles. "I will text you when he is available for the meeting. However, it will be one on one. If you bring someone else, he will not show up."
"I could still kidnap you."
"You are welcome to try but I guarantee you, that plan is going to fail. You are a smart woman. I'm giving you a good option. Just take it." He stands up.
"Well if you think that I alone am not a threat to your brother then you are mistaken. I can make his blood spill if I want to," You stand up and take a menacing step towards him. "If you find your dear brother dead after the meeting, don't blame me, hm?''
You don't wait for a reply as you turn on your heel and march out of the room. On your way out you find the dinner served on the table, the chicken cut nicely into pieces along with vegetables. Picking up a fork, you stab a few pieces of chicken, shove them into your mouth and then take a sip of the wine.
As always, his food tastes great.
With your coat slung over your shoulder, you pull open the door and yell behind you, "Thanks for the dinner, professor!"
You slam the door loudly behind you.
Lee Jihoon agrees to have a meeting with you one day later. Initially, you wanted Changkyun to drive you there but Dokyeom sent a text saying that he would pick you up because outside vehicles are not allowed entry into Jihoon's compound. Reluctantly, you agreed and after an absolute silent drive later, you reach the mansion of the mafia family of District 1.
The compound is stunning and heavily guarded, with checkposts and watch towers set at certain distances as well as multiple security screenings that you have to pass through. Once Dokyeom passes the final gate, the gorgeous mansion comes into view. Just upon entry, there is a large compound surrounding a giant water fountain in the middle of neatly trimmed rows of trees. Dokyeom stops the car at a small parking space near the front yard where the meeting will take place.
As the car comes to a stop you notice a small table and garden chairs set up underneath a large umbrella that is surrounded by multiple guards— the place of your meeting. With a deep breath, you step out of the car, along with Dokyeom who comes out of the driver's side door. Surprising you, he leans against the car with his arms crossed and starts looking around.
"You are not coming?''
You are perplexed but don't ask any further questions, busy with the task ahead of you. Tilting your head side to side, you pop your neck before marching towards the garden. Spotting you, one of the guards speaks into his comm. Throwing a mock smile at him, you drag a chair out and sit down, waiting for him to arrive. Out of curiosity, you turn your head behind to see Dokyeom in the same spot, staring off into the distance.
A maid comes to serve two cups of tea before hurrying away and soon after, the man arrives.
Dressed in full black, Lee Jihoon steps out of the mansion and walks towards you, closely followed by two bodyguards, his body language is relaxed as he pulls out the chair in front of you and sits down. Taking off his shades, he looks at you, his eye contact calm yet unwavering along with something very powerful and dark brimming underneath as you come face to face with the man behind all your misery.
"Good morning, ___. My brother informed me about our interesting past." He speaks, his tone light, his facial expression laced with amusement as if he is catching up with an old friend.
"Then you know why I am here." You cut to the chase, trying to keep your tone as even as possible. Just hearing his voice irks you to your core.
"Remind me again." He hums, wiping his shades with a piece of cloth.
This motherfucking bastard.
"You killed my father! You kidnapped my sister! What—" You inhale deeply. "What did you do to her!" You hiss, unable to keep your voice from raising as your hands form fists, violent rage bubbling within you. There is a knife hidden underneath your bra and you consider pulling it out and stabbing him.
You can be quick but it wouldn't cause enough damage.
Besides, you need to know if your sister is alive.
"I see you are furious and I understand that feeling." Jihoon begins, throwing one leg on top of another as he links his hands together, leaning back to sit comfortably.
You hate how nonchalant he is about all this.
"Since I'm in a good mood today and my younger brother has asked for a favour after a very long time, I'll answer your questions. Let's begin with your father's death, shall we? My family had a deal with your father. He was to provide us with weapons and artilleries for a year because our usual supplier got murdered earlier that year and we chose him as a temporary replacement. In November of that year, a war broke out between us and the Russians. We went to war with those weapons. Guess what happened?"
You remain silent, staring at him in rage.
"The weapons stopped working. The guns would either jam or misfire. Hundreds of my men died and we lost that war. Your father sold us weapons that were crap. They were a batch of second grade weapons that he had lying around." Jihoon pauses for a second before resting his arms on the table and leaning closer to you. "You know why he did that?''
"Because he had gambled away the initial deposit we gave him. That led to an argument with his manufacturer who said the deal would be on hold. He could neither get the weapons nor cancel the deal with us so like a fucking coward, he sold us those shitty weapons."
"You are lying." You hiss.
"I was hoping you would say that. You see, I don't care whether you believe me or not, ___. You asked for the truth and here it is."
Lee Jihoon is the master of manipulation, there is no way he is being honest right now.
"Then where is my sister? What did you do with her?"
His eyes darken at your words.
"She is alive. That is all you need to know." His tone is clipped.
You are immediately on your feet, the chair scraping backwards by your sudden motion. "Where is she, you fucking son of a bitch!" You bang your fists on the table, ready to jump on him. His bodyguard starts to come to you but Jihoon raises his hand as a signal for him to stand back.
"Sit down, ___." He remains unbothered. "Wherever she is, she is safe and well."
"Like I believe a word that comes out of your mouth! If she is really alive why won't you tell me!" You scream.
"Because your sister told me not to."
The ground slips away from your feet as your heart starts galloping. "What— what you talking about, you fucking liar!"
Jihoon gets up and walks towards you, fixes the chair back in its place and forces you to sit down by grabbing your shoulders.
"Look, ___. I am doing you the favour of explaining everything which I never do for anyone else. You can either act civil and stop calling me names or I have you escorted out right now." He threatens in your ear, his body leaning against the garden table. Your hands form tight fists in your lap as it takes everything within you to hold yourself back from punching him.
He says, "A word of advice for you, don't believe everything you see. Your sister has her demons that she had been hiding for a long time. She had them when we took her and she still has them. When she overcomes all of them, she will come find you."
You are stunned to silence.
"I- I don't believe you. You are making all this up." Your brain is scrambling, trying to fit the pieces together that you seem to have missed.
"Alright then. I'll contact your sister and tell her to write you a letter, maybe even attach some pictures. How about that?"
You remain silent.
Jihoon sighs and sits back down on the chair, before reaching for his phone inside his jacket. Swiping through the device, he finds what he is looking for before turning the screen towards you.
A gasp escapes you as your hands come to cover your mouth. It is a picture of your sister. You recognize her immediately despite the change in her features throughout the years. She sits by a window, a very subtle smile on her lips as she looks at the camera.
You could look at that picture forever but Jihoon takes the phone away, putting it inside his pocket as you blink away the tears from your eyes.
"You are all murderers. You ruined our lives." You whisper, your head hanging low as you stare at the green grass below your feet suddenly overcome with a feeling of helplessness.
Has she really been alive all this time? Has she been well?
"We never said we weren't. Our world abides by some rules and your father was well aware of those rules. His greed got the best of him and in a perfect world, his family wouldn't have suffered for his crime but in our world, that is the rule."
Tears brim in your eyes as you are overwhelmed with distraught.
"Thousands of people in district one had to die for your father's greed. It is only fair that he died. We didn't even make it painful and that is something our men were not blessed with." His tone becomes dark by the end.
"If you still don't believe me, I will mail you some of the investigation reports on that case. But this is as far as I'll entertain you, ___ and this is the last time I wish to see you in my premises unless I call you." Jihoon stands up, putting his hands in his pockets as you keep glaring holes into the ground.
"One final piece of advice, if you aren't serious about my brother, leave him." His words make you look up at him. "Me and Seokmin don't talk to each other anymore but for you, he contacted me after years, leaving behind his pride. He seems to have serious feelings about you. If you don't feel that way about him, leave. You got what you wanted."
Did you? Did you really get what you wanted?
"Goodbye." He puts on his shades and strides out of the garden, his bodyguards trailing after him as you are left alone with your thoughts and the tea which has now gone cold.
You get back into Dokyeom's car in silence. The man does not ask any questions or acknowledge you, mutely starting the car almost as if you are not even here.
You sit still, stuck in a trance as Jihoon's words replay in your mind over and over again. Now, you truly do not know what is the truth and what is the lie as you spiral into a dark pit of hopelessness. Could it truly be that Changkyun and his father lied to you? But why would they do that? Why would Jihoon lie to you either? He has no reason to. He is not afraid of anyone and he has no benefit from lying to you.
Your mind starts to numb from the continuous onslaught of thoughts. When you finally take a break from them and focus on your surroundings, you realize the car has come to a stop. It is parked on a small cliff that overlooks a mountain range far away. Seokmin looks at you expectantly, almost as if he is waiting for you to step out of the car. Without much thought, you do that and he follows you as you both silently tread towards a small bridge nearby. Resting against it, you take in the view for a few minutes, the man next to you doing the same.
"I heard you don't speak to your brother anymore." You decide to speak. It caught you off guard when Jihoon first mentioned it but you have been too preoccupied with other worries to address it. It is making sense to you now as to why you could not find anything at his house.
After a moment, his soft voice floats through the silence. "I used to be really close with my brother. I looked up to him ever since I was a child. In a world as grim as ours, he was a source of hope and a shelter for me." He breathes, his eyes focused ahead, clouded with memories. "It was a given that he was going to be the next don since he was the oldest but he always told me that I'd be a better leader, that I should be prepared to take over if anything were to happen to him. Sometimes, it felt as if he trusted me more than he trusted himself and I didn't want to let him down."
Seokmin comes to a pause as his gaze shifts from staring straight ahead to coming lower and lower, finally stopping at his shoes. With his head hanging low and a dejected posture, he whispers. "Everything changed after that war. Our father died along with so many of our men. The bloodshed was too much for me. I tried to suck it in by telling myself that I will overcome this. I will get used to it but the thing was, I didn't want to. I didn't want to get used to the violence, to the bloodshed, to that life and finally, after killing your father and taking away your sister, I gave up."
There is a heavy pause in the air. Your breath is trapped in your lungs as you watch him, waiting eagerly for his next words, urging him to continue while failing to find your voice.
"That night, I told hyung I was going to leave. I was going to denounce everything. My title, my inheritance, everything. My final gesture of loyalty and love for him was to aid him in killing the man that caused all the mess but my brother...He was...livid. He punched me, yelled at me and finally begged me not to leave. When I still said no he looked at me for a long moment." His breath shudders as he pauses shortly.
"I remember it so vividly. His face went completely blank as he ordered his men to escort me out, not even saying goodbye or looking back. That night I left and I never saw him again until...today. To the members of District 1, it was like the Lee family expanding their territory by having me step into the world of art under a new name. You also thought the same but now, you know the truth."
His eyes finally move as he shifts his position, leaning against the edge of the rail to look at you.
"Our world isn't fair, ___ and you cannot judge our actions based on the laws of the normal world. I do not like bloodshed or violence but I've realised that sometimes it is necessary to keep the balance. Killing your father was such a moment and—" he pauses, his brows furrowing as he looks at you desperately, almost like he's in pain as he searches for the right words.
"I do not regret it. I regret a lot of things but do not regret his death. I'm sorry that you lost your father and I'm sorry that you had a tough life. More than anything else, I'm sorry that you harboured all these negative feelings inside you only to realise that the truth was something else entirely. I'm sorry it had to be like this, ___."
You swallow, blinking to hold back tears. His eyes shine, mirroring yours as you both stare at each other in silence. You want to scream, yell at the top of your lungs that he is lying but you know that if you open your mouth, only sobs will come out. So you opt for watching Seokmin in silence as a gust of cool breeze flows by, messing your hair while you pray that it takes away your despair along with it.
"I'm going to leave you alone now. I'm sure you need some time to process everything. I just wanted to say my part." He whispers, slowly taking steps away. He pauses for a beat on his way to see if you say anything but you keep staring at the sky as if hypnotised. As his footsteps get farther away and the car's engine roars to life, your tears fall, cascading down your cheeks in endless streams.
Sleep doesn't come easily to you that night. With the rise of the sun, you get some shut eye before waking up and lying in your bed for hours, sinking deep into the hollow in your chest that feels like it's devouring you whole. Beside you, your phone rings multiple times with Changkyun's calls but you ignore them, not prepared to face him, not prepared to confront your best friend that he has been lying to you. When the growls of your stomach finally grow too loud for you to tolerate, you get up to eat something.
Inside your large house, you float around like a ghost, the emptiness and coldness of the structure mirroring how you feel on the inside. Your brain is too broken to think yet thoughts overflow, numbing you.
As you eat some cereal you finally decide to check your phone and you see Changkyun's message.
I dropped by your house this morning. You didn't open and you are not picking up.
Come to the seaport when you see this. We need to talk.
Your first reaction is to put your phone face down, ignoring the text. But as time ticks by and you see the afternoon sun going lower and lower in the sky, you change your mind. You need to talk to him. You deserve to know the truth from his mouth. Besides, the sooner you get this over with the better.
Maybe it's finally time to retire to a city by the beach, you think to yourself as you drive to the seaport.
The wind is high and the sun is about to disappear beneath the horizon when you reach the port. Parking your car, you walk along the edge of the platform, letting the cold her blow into your face as you watch the ships nearby get loaded with containers. As you stop to watch the sunset, you soon hear footsteps behind you and years of familiarity let you know it's Changkyun.
Sure enough, a few seconds later he comes to stand next to you.
"I have been trying to reach you all morning."
Your response probably comes unexpected to him as he shifts his position, turning to look at you, eyes intensely boring into you.
A gust of a particularly strong wind flows, disrupting your hair, covering your face with a few strands, almost as if shielding you from his scrutiny.
"Well?" He prods. You remain silent, staring ahead, racking your brain for the right words to start this conversation.
"___, what did that murderer say?" He asks again, his pitch rising.
"Not what I expected to hear." You give in with a sigh, turning your head to look at him in the eye. Changkyun's eyes widen just a fraction, a look of alarm settling on his face.
"I think we were not completely innocent, either." There's a coldness in your voice but he misses it, hissing. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
You tell him how the meeting with Jihoon went before posing the million dollar question. "Is that really the truth, Changkyun?"
With every word leaving your lips, you see his expression change, going from disbelief to betrayal to anger and then, to guilt.
A silence falls as you wait and watch him, holding your breath as his head hangs low, his hair covering his face as he stares at the ground. The remnants of your hope fade away with every passing second.
"Tell me the truth, Kyun! Did my father really gamble away the money?" Your voice is a desperate plea.
"So what if he did!" He scowls at you.
Your whole body freezes as your fears get confirmed. It takes a good moment for you to speak. "Why did you and your father lie to me? You said he was completely innocent, that he did nothing wrong yet got murdered by Ji—"
"For revenge! I lied so that we could take revenge!"
"Revenge for what!" You cry, frustrated. "You and I know very well what the rules are in this world. You would not spare me either if I did to you what my father did!"
"They took your sister, ___. God knows what they did—"
"She's alive." You whisper.
Changkyun's eyes widen, his mouth opening to say something yet failing to do so. He brushes a frustrated hand through his hair, exhaling loudly as he processes the information.
"What is the plan now?" He asks, his voice muted, looking at the ground.
"What do you mean what's the plan!" You cry. "Did you not hear me? There is no plan, Kyun. This is as far as I can go!"
"You do not mean that, ___!" His voice booms, eyes wide with rage. "They killed your father, ruined his empire, ruined every one of our fucking lives! They have your sister locked away for fucks sake!"
You say the words you never thought you would. "My father did not have an empire. What he had was a gambling addiction and a business built on a house of cards." Your voice grows meek, eyes shining with tears of pain and exhaustion. "As for my sister," you take in a deep breath. "Jihoon said he would make her write me a letter. He said she has reasons for hiding but she is safe. I have decided to trust his words for now."
"You—" Changkyun looks at you, baffled. "You are a fucking coward, ___! What about the work we put on all these years? What about us? What about my father? Who's going to avenge him!"
You sigh, rubbing your forehead. Blinking back tears, you try to compose yourself by taking in a deep breath. "I had a harsh wake up call that made me realize that all these years you were lying to me and using me to quench your bloodthirst. Who's going to avenge your father? Maybe you, if you are crazy but not me. His addiction led him astray and he committed suicide. What is there to avenge?"
"___! He ended up like that because the Lees killed your father and ruined our business!" He's like a madman as he steps closer to you, yelling. You yell back, "Just stop it, Changkyun! What do you want me to do, huh? March into Jihoon's house and start firing? Do you know the levels of security that place has? Whatever men we have, he has ten times more and I do not want my team to walk into a suicide mission without any cause. And most importantly, I will not jeopardise the safety of my sister! Jihoon knows her whereabouts and I need him if I want to see my sister again!"
"You... you—" Changkyun has turned red with fury as his words fail him.
You do not like how this conversation is going and your exhaustion makes you take a step back.
"We were carrying their sins with us but I have realised, we don't need to. Our parents...they made their decisions and paid the price for it. Let it end with them, please. I don't want to drag this any more. I am tired, Kyun." You whisper, praying the words to reach him.
Years of hunting and planning the destruction of one man has left you tired to your bones along with a general disdain for the world you have been living in. You were alone all along, chasing a ghost.
It is time to stop.
"No. You are not tired. You are a coward. A brainwashed coward." Changkyun sneers, venom dripping from his eyes.
"If that's what you would like to believe, then so be it." You conclude, not finding the energy to argue with him anymore. Your indifference irks him as he scowls at you, his hands clenched into fists.
You announce. "I am going to retire. You can take over from here on but I suggest you look into doing something new. Our business—"
"Don't you fucking dare give me advice!" His voice booms as he charges towards you. In the blink of an eye, he grabs you by the collars, livid. "Don't utter a single fucking word, you traitor! You fucking liar! You got some dick and decided to switch sides huh!" He seethes, gripping your collars tight and violently shaking you. The headache you already had intensifies but that isn't the thing that's hurting you.
His words hurt. Despite his lies, you considered him your best friend for the past six years. And maybe it's the attachment or the nostalgia of all these years that prevents you from fighting back.
You are done.
You have done enough fighting for a lifetime.
Mean words roll off Changkyun's tongue as he pushes you to the ground in a fit of rage, throwing his legs over your torso as he wraps his arms around your neck.
The next moment there is a click of a gun and you manage to peek over Changkyun's shoulder to find Seokmin standing behind him, pointing a revolver at the back of his head.
Your breath catches in your throat.
What the hell is he doing here?
Changkyun's grip on your throat loosens when he feels the presence behind him as he attempts to turn around. However, Seokmin presses the nozzle of the gun harder into his head, hissing. "Let her go. Now."
"Changkyun, please. Stop." You whisper, finally finding your voice. You do not like the look in Seokmin's eyes, something you've never seen before, something lethal and untamed and paired with the gun in his hand, you do not trust what he might do.
"Speak of the devil." Changkyun scoffs, looking at you, still holding a steady grip on your neck. "The boyfriend is here to save the day."
"Let. Her. Go." Seokmin repeats.
Changkyun looks torn, fury blazing in his eyes while also being aware of the gun being pointed at his head. With a frustrated grunt, he loosens his grip on your throat and you use that fraction of a second to tackle him by grabbing his arms and pinning him to the ground as you come on top. "Stop it, Kyun." Your plea is a whisper that is met with eyes full of wrath.
The next second Seokmin abruptly tugs you behind by your arm as he takes a step forward, becoming a barrier between you and Changkyun. The gun is still in his hand, pointing towards your friend.
"Seokmin put the gun down. It's fine." You try to step forward and pry the weapon out of his hand but he doesn't let you, holding you behind protectively with an arm outstretched.
"You may trust him, but I don't," Seokmin replies, eyes fiercely trained on Changkyun who has sat up. His eyes are equally furious with an underlying hint of challenge, as if he's daring Seokmin to shoot.
And he just might.
"For fucks sake, both of you! Enough!" You holler, clutching onto Seokmin to drag him further away from Changkyun who slowly stands up and brushes the dust off of him before looking at you with a deathly stare. Seokmin's grip on your arm tightens, the gun still in his hand but not pointed at him now.
You can almost physically feel the air thicken with tension.
"Don't try to contact me, ___. If I see your face ever again, there will be a bullet hole between your eyes." Changkyun grits out, sparing one last look of scorn at you before marching away.
With the kaleidoscope of colours of the dusk sky, you watch your best friend of years walk away, experiencing heartbreak and a weird relief at the same time.
Silence settles with the sun dipping below the horizon. Seokmin let's go of you, putting some distance between your bodies. Your eyes meet his as you exchange a silent look full of turbulent emotions.
Emotions you can't quite name yet feel overwhelmed with.
"How did you find me?" Your soft inquiry breaks the silence. He removes his gaze from you and looks at the ground. "Went to your place this afternoon. As I was pulling up I saw your car leave and I just...followed you."
"I... don't know. My gut told me I should." He replies calmly.
You sigh as another beat of silence fills the air. The sky is now fully dark, spread wide with different shades of purple. The wind has gotten significantly colder and you feel like if you stay out too long, it will settle into your bones.
Like the echoing coldness in your heart.
"You should not have interrupted. I was dealing with him."
Seokmin frowns. "Dealing with him? By lying still and letting him choke you?"
"Like I said—"
"Forget that,'' Seokmin interrupts you with a huff. "I went to your place because I had to tell you something." You look at him inquisitively as he fishes out something from the breast pocket of his trench coat.
Extending his hand towards yours, he pushes something into your palm.
A ticket.
"What is this?" You find yourself asking.
"Remember how you said you wanted to go to a place by the sea." He begins, his voice soft like his gaze. "Well, this is it. Now that everything is over, you can go and live by the beach. This cruise leaves tomorrow afternoon. It'll take a few days to reach Barcelona."
You look at the little piece of paper in your hand, letting his words wash over you.
"Think of this as an apology for everything. For what me and my family put you through." He adds when you don't reply.
"I see." Your voice is almost inaudible.
Seokmin says nothing for a few moments, as if waiting for you to speak but when you don't, he continues. "I am going as well. To Barcelona, I mean."
You move his gaze to him and blink inquisitively.
"I felt like taking a break after everything. I haven't been on a vacation for a very long time. I, too, wanted to see the ocean. When I got tickets, I thought I'd get one for you. We don't have to go together or see each other if you decide to go, that is..." He trails off.
You gaze at him for a while, memorising his features. Swallowing a sudden lump in your throat, you force a smile and give him a shaky nod.
"Well, then. I'll get going." He takes a few steps back, rubbing his palms together.
"If you don't come tomorrow, this is goodbye, no?" He asks as he continues to take small steps away from you, still facing you.
"I guess so." You reply. He stops and takes a long look at you before saying. "It was really nice knowing you, ___. Despite our history, despite the short time, I don't regret meeting you and... loving you." The last two words fade into a whisper, making you doubt if he even said them.
You don't get a chance to reply. You don't even get a chance to wholly process his words before he gives a wave, a small smile on his face before jogging away.
You stay rooted to your spot.
I don't regret meeting you and loving you.
The sun is shining stronger than any other afternoon when you step out of the taxi with nothing but a small bag pack on your shoulders. Receiving the boarding pass, you walk into the deck which is now empty because the ship is set to leave in just five minutes.
It is not fully empty, however, because one person stands, looking anxious, his eyes skirting around wildly.
When his eyes land on you, a smile of relief seems to appear on his face, triggering the corners of your lips to rise slightly as well. In silence, you walk to him.
"You came." His voice sounds glad but also as if he is trying to school his excitement.
"Did not want to waste a free ticket." You shrug, looking away.
Seokmin nods. "Right. Well, you are just on time."
"I know." There's a pause for a second as he looks like he wants to say something. A staff gives out the final boarding call which makes you continue your way into the cruise, followed by Seokmin.
Once you are boarded, you walk towards the front of the vessel, glad that it is not too crowded. The whistle of the cruise booming in the air signals the start of its journey as the sunlight and the warm breeze kiss your face.
"I'm glad you decided to come," Seokmin says, making you turn around to look at him. In the soft glow of the sun and the wind playing with his hair, he looks breathtaking.
After a moment, you whisper. "Me too."
Giving you a nod and a friendly smile, he walks away with his suitcase into the upper deck and out of sight while you stand and watch him go, the sun warming your skin.
1 month later
The evening air has a slight chill, not uncomfortable but just pleasant. You walk barefoot on the sand, hands crossed over your chest as your feet carry you down the edge of the ocean with practised ease. Around you, people enjoy the beach after a hectic day, children playing around laughing, parents taking videos, friends flying kites, couples walking hand in hand. The sound of the waves crashing to the shore along with the remnants of orange hues in the sky sets up a wonderful atmosphere, which, after almost a month, you have become used to but certainly not bored of.
You have never felt so much at peace.
This getaway was truly what you needed as you learned to spend time by yourself, alone with your thoughts, isolated from the world yet watching it pass by. It has been a palliative experience so far. You came to terms with your life, your past, your actions and your feelings for a certain individual.
Just one day into your getaway, a letter was brought to your room by a hotel staff and upon opening it, you realised Jihoon kept his promise.
It was a handwritten letter from your sister, along with a picture of her, sitting next to a large painting that she created. She looks different, not how you remember her, a different glow on her face that you did not remember because she was almost always melancholic.
You now feel a little guilty because you never asked her why.
Dear ____.
It has been a long while, no? I am sorry for being out of touch. It is unforgivable, I know but I finally found the courage to write to you after you came to visit Jihoon. When we were first separated something was chasing me that made me want to run away from everything. I put off connecting to you for your own good when I heard you were living with Changkyun and his father and just like that, years had passed. I occasionally looked into your whereabouts and I knew you were doing fine but I never found it in me to get rid of the guilt and just write to you.
I tried hard not to show it but life was not so kind to me before the last six years and getting taken away from our dad was probably the best thing for me.
It is a story for another day and there are still demons that I need to defeat. After that I will come to see you and ask for forgiveness. Until then, live well and rest easy knowing that I have been doing better for the past few years.
Your sister.
Reading the letter was bittersweet, the first emotion invoked within you was hurt and longing as you shed a few tears seeing your sister's picture, mused about the old days and wondered what she went through all by herself.
Initially, you had thought of writing back a reply but you decided against it because the words you wish to utter can not be confined within a paper. Instead, you sent out a prayer to the universe, hoping you would get to meet her sometime soon.
From a distance, someone calls out your name, calling your attention back to the present and you turn instinctively to find Seokmin jogging towards you through the sand, two cones of ice creams in his hands. A smile appears on your lips as you take a few steps towards him, reaching your arms out. Wrapping him in a soft hug, you plant a sweet kiss on his lips before taking an ice cream from his hand and reaching for the other as well.
"Both of these are for me right?"
The poor man looks conflicted. "Well, uhm, no but if you want you can have them."
You snort a burst of laughter. "You can have it, Min. Maybe save a bite for me."
Hand in hand, you two walk a little closer to the shore and sit down, letting the flow of the waves occasionally touch your feet.
Your relationship with Seokmin developed surprisingly but quickly after coming to Barcelona. Initially, you did not expect anything, too overridden with the guilt of your tricks and the history of your families to make any attempt to talk to him. Two weeks went by as you did not see each other, except for occasionally bumping into each other at the beach or the hotel lobby because as fate would have it, you two shared the same hotel. It was hard and uncomfortable, pretending not to see him when you ran into him and it would make you wonder if he felt the same.
It all changed one night when you were returning to the hotel after dinner and some drinks. Tipsy and wobbly, you focused extra hard to not bump into anyone as you made your way into the lobby of the hotel.
And there you bumped into him, quite literally.
"Hey there, easy," The man's hands hold your shoulders to stop you from falling on your ass. You look up and find Seokmin. Thinking that you are seeing things, you blink two more times before coming to terms with the fact that it was indeed Seokmin in front of you.
"Someone had a lot to drink," He says as you try to regain your balance. "Can you go to your room by yourself? Should I come with you?"
With a huff, you push him away, trying to appear independent as you take wobbly steps. Seokmin decides to escort you, as he follows closely behind all the way, one hand outstretched, ready to catch you in case you fall.
When you reach your room, Seokmin assists you in unlocking the door. Once the job is done successfully, you pause in the entryway to look back at him. He stands there, somewhat awkward and you consider whether to shut the door on his face or ask him to come in. Neither of them sounds like a good idea but still, you kick the door to open it a little wider and murmur as you walk in, "Come in, if you want."
You don't look behind as you head for the small fridge to retrieve a water bottle and chug it down. Seokmin steps in, a bit hesitant, closing the door behind him. You take a seat on the edge of your bed as Seokmin gingerly sits down on the couch placed in front.
A small moment of silence passes by as you two observe each other. He is dressed in running gear and judging from the pristine condition of his hair, you assume that he was on his way for a late night jog.
"We keep bumping into each other," Seokmin tries to break the silence. You nod, "Must be fate." You are not quite sure if you said those words genuinely or sarcastically. Seokmin does not reply, probably thinking that you are being sarcastic.
You find yourself asking, "How have you been?"
"How long do you plan to stay here?"
"A couple more weeks maybe."
"Are you having fun?''
"Am I making you uncomfortable?"
He takes a moment before replying, "Not really. I'm more worried if I am making you uncomfortable."
"Hm," you hum and with that, the conversation dies down. You have a lot to say on your mind but your mind is not in its top condition right now as you have had a few drinks, which makes it a bit harder to arrange your thoughts and address them accordingly.
"I should get going, I suppose," Seokmin says, rubbing his palms on his thighs.
"Wait," the words slip out of your mouth in urgency and you are not even sure why you are telling him so.
The man blinks at you.
"I—" You don't know what you wish to say. "I guess I just wanted to say...I'm sorry."
Seokmin appears a little surprised hearing you say that as he sits up straighter. You huff out a long breath, looking down at the empty water bottle in your hand. "What I'm trying to say is that...I am sorry that I played with your feelings. I- I am sorry for using you. You are a nice person, professor."
You calling him by his old title makes him smile as he says. "I just realized I missed you calling me by that name."
"Yes, ___?"
A small smile appears on your face as well as you bite your lip to stifle it.
"___?" Seokmin's soft voice makes you look at him. He looks unsure but also hopeful. "Hypothetically, if I told you that I still miss you and that I still long for you, what would you say?"
"Your breath stalls as you watch him, wide eyed. There is a sudden lump in your throat that makes it impossible for you to speak. You are scared you might start crying if you do so. Still, you breathe, "Hypothetically, I would say that I feel the same too.''
"And would it be a lie this time, my beautiful liar?"
You swallow as you watch him take slow steps towards you. When he stands right in front of you, his hands gently cup your cheeks, carefully tilting your head upwards so that you can meet his eyes. They shine with emotions unsaid, just like yours and the look on his face makes your heart soar, makes you forget everything, makes you want to be selfish.
"No," you whisper.
You get to see the slightest tilt of his lips to a smile as he leans down and presses his lips to yours, softly at first before you eagerly chase his lips and he reciprocates, moving the hair away from your face and holding your neck with one hand and stroking your cheek with the other.
The kiss is full of passion but also slow and sweet, an addictive combination that tells you that you are done for. With another kiss on your forehead, Seokmin lets go, stepping away from you.
"Will I see you tomorrow morning or will you declare this as a drunk mistake and start hiding from me?" He asks cheekily.
You can't help a smile. "I will expect you to pick me up at 9 am sharp. We will have breakfast together."
You will take it slow this time.
"Whatever you wish," He flashes his beautiful smile, heading for the door. As he is about to close it behind him, he turns his head around. "Goodnight, ___. Sweet dreams."
"Goodnight, Seokmin."
Fast forward a couple of weeks later, you two moved out of the hotel and instead rented a small villa near the coast for an indefinite amount of time. You have no plans of going back home but you know that Seokmin's nature of work will require him to leave sometimes which you are fine with.
"So, I got an invitation to a seminar in London." Seokmins words jolt you out of the thoughts running in your head. "I don't think they are going to accept a no." He adds sadly.
"You don't have to say no." You reply. "Just go and attend it. Share your expertise with the world."
"Mhmm," he hums, looking at you in a contemplating gaze. "Would you consider coming with me?"
You blink. "Well..."
"It's a one-day seminar. We can stay a couple of days more and look around the city. It would be fun, I think."
You consider his words. It would be fun, actually.
You have no reason to hold yourself back from having new experiences now. You have punished yourself enough.
"It's a good idea." You reply with a soft smile that makes your boyfriend grin as he puts his arm around your shoulder, gently pulling your body closer to him. You let your head fall on his shoulder as you watch the sky grow dark.
No more lies now, it's just peace.
Your story that began with lies painted in red will end in red too, but this time the red will paint love.
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A/N: Thanks for reading it till the end! I would like to apologize for the delay as this was supposed to be posted two weeks earlier but yk, life happened. The other two stories of this series are in the making but the next story will not be out before May. Also, I am planning on making a standalone for Jihoon's story which will not exactly be a part of this series but it's in the same timeline. It will be posted after all the stories of this series are completed. Anyways, stay safe and toodles!
Also, please leave a comment and reblog! It really motivates me to create more!
© startlightxsvt 2024 | All Rights Reserved. Do not copy, repost, translate, adapt, or repurpose any of my works.
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spacequokka · 2 years
Monsta X Kinks & Turn-Ons
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@iibonniee​ Hide ya brain cells. I’m back with another kinky shit post that’ll likely end up with Monbebes throwing me in a closet.
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Hyunwoo || Venus: Gemini, Mars: Taurus || Turn On: Control
Mr. Traditional. Likes fun and variety with witty conversation. He’s a sensual guy, but it takes a lot to get him going. Try harder, baby. He can be romantically impulsive. Likes to please and tease at his own place. Just give him the reins, you know you want to.
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Minhyuk || Venus: Libra, Mars: Scorpio || Turn On: Foreplay
Mr. Idealistic. He’s willing to make your relationship by conceding and adjust his life to accommodate you. Loves to share everything with you, but don’t take advantage of it! Treats you exactly how he wants to be treated. Has a taste for mature partners. He’s a hopeless romantic who loves a challenge and finds it difficult to share his partners. Not saying he’s against it. Just might struggle to watch you. He’s attracted to “taboos” and wild fantasies, so share yours with him. Pretty sure he’s down to try it. He’s got stamina for days and enjoys submissive partners.
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Kihyun || Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Sagittarius || Kink: Shibari Bondage
Our resident kink master. He’s intense as fuck. That prince charming grin is a trap. “Isn’t afraid of getting his mind dirty.” Excuse me, wtf. Penny for his thoughts. Never gives up. “Strong sexual powers.” So he’s what, the Harry Potter of sex? I have several questions. He’s blunt and eager, amorous and sensual. We knew that tho. He tends to focus on his partner with laser precision and you know what requires that much attention to detail? Shibari. It’s its own art form and I can see him being a HUGE fan of it. He can get possessive to the point of jealousy if you don’t prove your loyalty to him. All the dom vibes. Fight me. Though he’s not incapable of giving you control once he feels secure enough in your relationship. Good luck.
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Hyungwon || Venus: Capricorn, Mars: Capricorn || Turn On: Someone willing to ride
The Pillow Prince. He’s a realist and will be “upfront” with you. He’ll try to win you over by showing you he has self-control (it’s a trap) and likely bait you into doing most of the work. He’s a romantic looking for a soulmate, and when he thinks he’s found The One, you’ll see him exerting more of his precious energy. Shy but willing to commit. Wants to show you off in a quiet way. And the sex? Keep it nasty if you can.
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Jooheon || Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Leo || Kink: Praise (Receiving)
No one is shocked by this. Has a strong need for a partnership. 🥺 Someone cuff him. Like Kiki, he gets possessive and makes it his mission to ruin you. Get you addicted to him through pleasure and commitment, body and soul. Sign me tf up. Wants to explore every inch of you, inside and out, but will guard his secrets until he feels he can trust you with them. Another guy prone to jealousy but it's because he’s so devoted to you and he’ll fight dirty to win your heart. Borderline nympho as he’s easily turned on (no fr, tell him he did a good job) and will give it to you anywhere (like, say the backseat of his car). Honey acts with his heart and goes all in.
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Changkyun || Venus: Pisces, Mars: Aquarius || Turn On: The Art of Seduction
Our Lone Wolf favors instant gratification except when it comes to choosing a partner, even if it's just for one night. He’s straightforward (ofc), dreamy and soft-hearted. Can be sweetly playful when he starts to fall for you. He does have a Captain Save-a-Hoe complex so you gotta make sure he’s attracted to you and not your situation. Expect lots of tender moments and romance. Extra points if you’re older. Likes surprising you with his open-mindedness. Don’t just give in; make him work for it. He’ll delight you with his wit and determination and turn you out in bed.
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Hoseok || Venus: Aries, Mars: Cancer || Kink: Breeding, Switch
Mr. Thirst Trap. This shameless flirt has a childish charm, and he uses it like a weapon. You will not survive. He loves to tease and is looking for an energetic partner to keep up with his stamina. Requires plenty of stimulation and likes to lead and please you. Just trust him. Reacts spontaneously and intensely to the Object of Obsessive Horniness and will make it known. Though he doesn’t want kids, he still gets a kick out of the thrill and possessiveness of stuffing you with cum. 
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smileydk · 7 months
''Noona and Hyung should marry!''
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Pairing: Idol!Beomgyu x OC
Summary: Beomgyu has to work at a kids café for some kind of promotion for his band. Jiwoo is partially forced and partially happy to bring her newphew to the very same kids café.
cw/tw: fluff, crack, k-drama shit, oral (m, f), fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it if you wanna tap it), car sex, tummy bulge, kissing, hickeys, orgasm denial (kind of?)
Note: Based on the youtube video obviously. Not gonna be exact since we need some romance.
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''Noona!'' Changmin screamed as he ran through the house.
Jiwoo chuckled to herself. She was playing hide and seek with the boy and was currently sitting in his closet. Changmin had been screaming Noona for 3 minutes while he searched, and Jiwoo had zero intentions to reply.
His small feet could be heard outside the closet, they tapped against the carpet as he ran around the room, looking everywhere he possibly could.
''Noona?'' His voice was breaking.
''Fuck'' Jiwoo mumbled to herself and opened the closet. ''Changmin, I'm here'' She wrapped her arms around his small body and smiled as sweetly as she possibly could.
''Why didn't you answer me when I screamed?'' Changmin glared at the older woman.
Sometimes Jiwoo forgot that Changmin was only 3 since he was very bright, but then again, at moments like these his actual age showed.
''Because we were playing hide and seek. It wouldn't have been fun if you knew where I hid, would it?''
Changmin sniffled and wiped his eyes. He pouted slightly but nodded slowly.
While the two just sat in Changmin’s room his single father, Changkyun, and Jiwoo’s brother peeked inside the room.
''Jiwoo, would you mind taking Changmin to KiCa today? I’ve gotta go to work. Some paper work I, apparently, forgot the other day''
''Wow, the Kim Changkyun didn’t do all his paper work in time? I’m so telling mom about this'' Jiwoo teased.
Changkyun was a brain surgeon. He finished his education at the young age of 30. Despite his young age he was a very skilled surgeon. Jiwoo was proud of him, but she also saw it as her duty to keep his ego to a minimum.
''That didn’t answer my question. Can you take him or not?''
Jiwoo nodded. ''Of course. If I get the car''
Yes. Jiwoo lived with her brother. Why? Simply because they had a great relationship and because she was a broke college student. It was hard to make enough money to live in Seoul while also studying at Seoul university.
Jiwoo had saved since she was a little child so she could get into the best of the best, and she got some money with her scholarship. She wanted to become an attorney, after being 19 and seeing Extraordinary Attorney Woo.
Yes, a k-drama was the reason.
Besides, it was Changkyun’s proposal that Jiwoo moved in with him. His idea was that she could help him out with Changmin, and she gets to live with them. Plus his apartment was close to university.
''But I'm going across town!'' Changkyun exclaimed. ''And you know, it's mine!''
''Fine! Where is KiCa anyways?''
''It takes 10 minutes with the bus, come on, you've been there before! Dumbass. The new workers there are your age. Find a boyfriend'' Changkyun smiled sweetly as he threw on his coat. ''See you later, sis! Might wanna put on something other than that mini-skirt, it's cold outside''
Jiwoo turned to her nepwhew. ''Your appa is mean, Noona can wear whatever she wants''
''I know, you look pretty, let's go to KiCa!'' Changmin was very excited. He adored the place. He was quick to put on his shoes and jacket. Jiwoo wasn't even by the door when he was done, and the three year old was impatient.
''Noona! Hurry up!'' Changmin jumped.
''Calm down, Changmin-ah, I'm coming. KiCa doesn't open for another 20 minutes'' Jiwoo put on her favorite knee-high boots. They were a gift from Changkyun on her birthfay, and she basically lived in them at ths point. And then she threw on her leather jacket.
''Noona looks like a kpop idol. But Noona is also the slowest person on this planet'' Changmin complained as Jiwoo finally opened the front door.
''Yah, I can also stay home which means you have to stay home'' Jiwoo raised a daring eyebrow.
''Sorry Noona! Let's go, please'' He pouted.
''Aish, fine'' The woman couldn't say no when he pouted.
A small, happy squeal left Changmin's lips as they got on the bus. He hadn't seen his friends in so long! He missed them so much. He also really wanted to play in the dirt! And have P.E with the work-Hyung.
As they got off the bus, and Changmin bowed politely at the driver, he broke into a sprint. The Kids Café was right by the bus stop. Jiwoo chuckled slightly as she jogged to catch up.
Changmin pulled gently at the door to check if they'd opened. The door opened with ease and the boy's smile widened. He rushed towards the elevator and immediately pressed the button.
''Noona, hurry! The elevator will be here any second! I wanna meet Juhyeon!''
Jiwoo chuckled as she nodded. She sped up her walk and reached the boy just as the elevator dinged, signaling it was on their floor.
Changmin quickly pushed the button to the KiCa floor and the elevator doors closed. As the display showed the floors ticking by Changmin only grew more excited.
Jiwoo had been at the KiCa before and she knew the ones who worked there, kind of. According to Changkyun there were a few new faces, but when they entered she spotted the old workers, and an unfamiliar head.
He turned around and Jiwoo's eyes were as wide as saucers.
''Choi Beomgyu'' She mumbled to herself.
''You must be Changmin'' He smiled and leaned down to put a name sticker on the boy's chest.
Changmin nodded happily, not frightened by the unfamiliar face. He had always loved meeting new people. He was a social butterfly. ''Yeah! I'm Changmin, what's your name, Hyung?''
''Beomgyu'' Beomgyu smiled as the three year old nodded, before he quickly walked into the playroom to join his friends in whatever they were doing.
Jiwoo took a seat in the café area. She got herself a fruit tea before pulling out her phone. She was usually bored out of her mind since Changmin spent the full hour at this place, and she couldn't leave during that one hour.
She was facing the little window they had, which showed the play area. She chuckled to herself as Beomgyu clearly tried his best at bonding with the children, without much success.
Beomgyu looked up from his failed bonding attempt and spotted the laughing girl. He raised an eyebrow at her and crossed his arms. Jiwoo tried her best to not laugh at him, but it was hard when he pouted like a five year old kid.
Changmin spotted his Aunt looking through the window with an amused grin. ''That's my Noona. Appa says she's single and needs to find a boyfriend. Hey, you're pretty, are you single?''
Beomgyu raised an eyebrow. ''Changmin, your Noona is very pretty''
''Wait here'' Changmin stood up. He dusted off the dirt on his clothes before he rushed out to Jiwoo.
''Changmin, what did you do?''
''Work-hyung, I can't remember his name, thinks you're pretty! Come on, I'll introduce you!'' Changmin grabbed Jiwoo's skirt and tugged gently.
''Changmin, I can't be in there. I can talk to him la-''
Before Jiwoo could finish her sentence Changmin had walked back into the playroom. He walked straight up to Beomgyu, who had now managed to make a little girl cry, grabbed his arm and gave it a harsh tug.
''I'm gonna introduce you to Noona!''
Beomgyu's only thought was that at least one child seemed to like him, even if it was because he wanted to match him with his Noona.
He pulled him outside and forced Beomgyu to sit. ''Get to know each other. I'm gonna play with Juhyeon'' Changmin smiled sweetly before taking of once more.
Jiwoo looked after her nephew with a confused look. She had no idea what his plan was, but she was sure she didn't like it.
Beomgyu also looked quite confused. ''You're a mom!?'' Was the first thing he exclaimed. Not "hi" like the normal person would.
''Aren't you too young to be a mom? And too beautiful?'' He continued and winked before he leaned back, trying to act cool.
A small chuckle left Jiwoo's lips. ''Nope, I'm his aunt. Why he calls me Noona is a mystery. And do you mean mom's aren't beautiful?'' She raised an eyebrow.
She was born a tease. It didn't make it better that she was almost 10 years younger than her older brother, meaning she could tease without any consequence.
''No! I didn't mean it like that- don't twist my words!'' Beomgyu sat up with furrowed eyebrows. He enjoyed meeting someone who a) weren't his members and b) someone who didn't treat him like a global superstar.
''I'm not twisting your words. I'm creating my own interpretation'' Jiwoo shrugged and put her phone away as well as her Airpods.
''So, Ms. Tease, got a name?''
''Yeah, don't you? I thought everyone had a name'' Jiwoo raised her eyebrow again, knowing very well that she probably got on his nerves.
''I would like to know it if you would like to tell me'' Beomgyu took a deep breath. She was a bit too good at teasing.
''Kim Jiwoo, I know you're Choi Beomgyu. Must say, big fan, and you look damn taller without the other giants in your group'' Jiwoo stretched out her hand for Beomgyu to shake. ''What is Mr. Superstar doing here? At KiCa? And what in the world did you do to make that girl cry?''
''I'm here... why am I here? I have no idea. And she started'' Beomgyu mumbled in an accusing tone, as if he wasn't almost four times her age.
''Ah yes, the four year old girl probably deserved a grown man fake-crying in her face'' Jiwoo chuckled as Beomgyu tried explaining himself. ''I think that's some kind of record''
Beomgyu narrowed his eyes at her. ''You're actually worse than Yeonjun-Hyung''
''It's a talent'' She flipped her hair dramatically, causing it to whip Beomgyu in the face.
''Are you always this rude?'' Beomgyu raised and eyebrow and leaned closer to her.
''Yep'' Jiwoo wouldn’t admit it, but he made her a little nervous.
''Beomgyu-ssi, I told you to clean the shoes. It's a punishment for making a girl cry'' One of the, female, workers scolded Beomgyu.
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20 minutes later Beomgyu finished cleaning the children’s, very dirty, shoes. And the other workers decided he'd probably do better in the "P.E" room.
Mostly boys, and apparently the boys were a bit more hardcore. And because the P.E room was a lot more… well physical and less sitting still.
Beomgyu put name tags on the boys as they lined up after each other.
''Are you a female teacher or a male teacher?'' One of the kids asked, causing Jiwoo to burst out laughing.
''Yah, Seoan, he's clearly a man'' Changmin protected Beomgyu as he spoke. ''Men can also have long hair, and be very pretty!''
''Thank you, Changmin'' Beomgyu patted his head and glared slightly at Jiwoo as she still laughed.
''Yes Beomgyu, you’re a very pretty man'' Jiwoo snickered as Beomgyu still looked a little offended.
''I know. Now stop laughing at me''
Jiwoo raised her hands and nodded.
''Good girl'' Beomgyu disappeared into the playroom with the four boys.
Jiwoo did not enjoy the fact that him calling her that had such an affect on her. Nor did she like that the comment basically went straight to her core.
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''Yah! You can’t just leave me here!'' Beomgyu whined as the staff and crew from HYBE packed into the car.
''You made a girl cry. Yeonjun said you deserve it'' One if the producers shrugged and closed the car door. ''Here’s a few bills for the bus. Have a good time''
''Hey, Mr. Superstar, need help?''
Beomgyu turned around and found Jiwoo standing in front of him, holding Changmin’s hand.
He was slightly embarrassed, since he came from Daegu he didn’t know the bus system that well Seoul. In his defense they never took the bus in Seoul, someone always drove them around.
''Uhm… yeah?''
''Me and Changmin are heading home and uhm… hopefully Changkyun’s back with the car and I can give you a ride to HYBE. Sounds good?''
Beomgyu nodded. As Jiwoo started walking she missed the fact that Beomgyu didn’t follow her.
Changmin noticed. ''Work-Hyung, you coming or not? And stop staring at Noona’s ass''
Jiwoo chuckled to herself as an awkward cough left the man’s lips, followed by some quick steps.
''Noona and Hyung should marry!'' Changmin exclaimed out of the blue.
The two adults looked at the child. ''No. Noona and Beomgyu are friends. Nothing else''
Beomgyu nodded along.
''No, marry'' Changmin pouted.
Jiwoo sighed and shook her head. Sadly Changmin got the genes everyone in the family had. The ones that basically made it impossible to convince you once you'd decided on something.
After the 10 minute bus ride and another bow from Changmin to the bus driver the three found themselves in Changkyun’s luxury apartment.
''Yes I’m home, yes you can borrow the car. Key’s in the bowl. Hello Beomgyu''
Changkyun looked up from his phone and waved at Beomgyu.
Beomgyu and Changkyun went to the same high school. Changkyun remembered Beomgyu as a small, adorable, shy nerd.
Now he was 6’1 tall, grew out his hair, grew some muscle, could sing, his voice dropped about 4 octaves, and he wasn’t as shy anymore.
''You got a glow-up. You look a lot better in long hair'' Beomgyu smiled and bowed.
''Thank you~ I’m giving Beomgyu a ride to the HYBE building''
Changkyun smirked. ''Condoms in the glovebox''
Jiwoo flipped him off as she exited the apartment. Beomgyu only followed, and chuckled slightly at Jiwoo’s red cheeks.
During the few hours he’d known her she’d only been an ass, a teasing ass, not that he minded. She was fun to hang out with. But now Ms. Cocky was blushing over something as simple as condoms.
''So… if you’re a fan, whatcha think about my longer hair?''
Jiwoo totally forgot the fact that she was speaking to the Choi Beomgyu. She spoke as if it was her best friend, Sanghoon, in the passanger seat. They always made suggestive, flirty jokes with each other.
''Sexy, easy to pull- I mean… it looks fine''
Beomgyu smirked. He enjoyed every second. ''You think I’m sexy? And your thoughts are what now?''
''What? You are sexy and you know it'' Jiwoo slowed down and stopped outside the HYBE building.
''And you’re sexy as hell'' Beomgyu smirked. ''Here’s my number. Call me''
''Uhm… sure''
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Jiwoo never meant to actually call Beomgyu. Not because she didn’t like him. But come on. She was a “normal” person, not famous in any way other than possibly being the sister of the "best surgeon in the world".
Beomgyu was a global superstar. He had millions of fans who adored him, cried as they saw him, spent all of their savings in hope to pull a little piece of paper with his face on.
She was sure he didn’t even give her his real number.
She was convinced he only did it as some kind of thank you, for the ride.
But Changmin found her phone one day, unlocked, wondered who it was and decided to find out himself.
When he realized it was work-Hyung he immediately found his father, told him about the situation and the two quickly went into action. Action meaning: getting Jiwoo a boyfriend.
With other words, Changkyun forced his sister to drive to a place he’d chosen, pick up Beomgyu and drive to another place, which he'd also chosen.
She hadn’t planned for anything that happened that day to actually happen.
It was all her brother’s fault.
She was absolutely not planning on laying on her back in the backseat, Beomgyu’s head burried between her legs. Chest heaving quickly as Beomgyu shoved his tongue between her folds.
Her hands were pulling at Beomgyu’s long locks, making the man smirk, due to the statement she made a few days ago.
As her high was approaching Jiwoo tried closing her legs, which Beomgyu didn’t seem to like. His fingers dug into her plush thighs, forcing them to stay open.
''Fuck~ I am so… close- fuck!''
The man smirked and pulled away from her pussy. He smirked as he wiped his lips. ''You tease me, I tease you, princess'' Jiwoo whined as she felt her orgasm fading away.
''Fuck your legs are sexy, especially in these boots'' Beomgyu ran his nose along her legs, leaving a kiss or hickey along the way.
Jiwoo was embarrassed over how easily he made her wet. But then again. He was Choi Beomgyu. He was basically famous for singing and good looks.
''Changkyun is gonna kill me'' Jiwoo mumbled as Beomgyu continued kissing her legs, which seemed to go on forever in Beomgyu's mind.
A small chuckle left the man’s lips. ''Wasn’t he fhe one who wanted you to do this?''
''Shut up'' Jiwoo whined and punched Beomgyu in the chest. Beomgyu only continued chuckling and leaned closer. He pressed his lips against Jiwoo’s while he allowed his hand to travel south. His ego grew slightly as a high pitched moan left Jiwoo’s lips.
It was dark. The clock might have been 1 in the morning. But someone passed the car, which caused Beomgyu to slap his hand over Jiwoo’s mouth.
The person stopped slightly and turned towards the car.
''Keep walking!'' Beomgyu snapped in a rude tone. The person seemed terrified and disappeared. He removed his right hand, which covered her mouth, while his left hand sped up it's movements.
Beomgyu dipped his head down and started leaving hickeys all over Jiwoo’s neck. Jiwoo’s fingers found Beomgyu’s scalp again and started pulled at his roots.
A small groan left Beomgyu’s lips as her nail scratched against his scalp. He might have enjoyed her pulling his hair a bit too much. ''Fuck that's nice- do that again, princess''
Jiwoo chuckled and repeated the action, forcing another groan from his pink, plump lips.
As Jiwoo felt her orgasm building up again, which didn’t take long due to previous orgasm build up, she clenched around Beomgyu’s long, slender fingers, only he had no intnetions of letting her cum anytime soon. He ripped his fingers from her and smirked.
''Beomgyu!'' Jiwoo whined loudly. ''I swear. If you don’t let me cum soon, I’m doing it myself and forcing you to watch''
''Fine, only because you asked so nicely, princess ''
He pulled down his pants and underwear. He pumped himself a couple of times.
Jiwoo stared with wide eyes. ''That is not gonna fit'' She mumbled to herself.
''We’re gonna make it fit, princess. Hands and knees''
Jiwoo did as ordered. Beomgyu could almost cum from the sight of her on her knees, mouth open and ready for him.
Beomgyu pushed his dick past her lips and immediately let out a groan. Her warm mouth embracing him was almost enough for him to burst right away.
Without a second thought he grabbed her hair and pushed her head all the way. A choked sound left Jiwoo’s lips while Beomgyu thrusted into her mouth.
Beomgyu had a firm grip on her hair, pulling slightly, which forced a moan from Jiwoo’s lips. ''You like that, hm?''
Jiwoo hummed in response, which sent vibrations down his shaft. A loud, throaty groan left his lips. An ego boost on Jiwoo's behalf. She hollowed her cheeks as much as she possibly could.
Beomgyu groaned again, feeling his own orgasm coming. He twitched in her mouth, causing the woman to hollow her cheeks again. His thrusts sped up and a final groan left his lips.
A moment later he came down her throat. As Beomgyu pulled out he groaned at the sight. A string of cum, mixed with saliva, hung between her perfect, pink lips and the tip of his dick.
''Oh my god- best head ever. So your smart mouth is good for something other than snappy remarks''
Jiwoo laid back down on her back, per Beomgyu's demand, and waited for him to do... anything to her.
The man placed his hands by her head. He hovered over her and smirked as he stopped just an inch from her face. He laid his cock across her stomach, groaning to himself.
Jiwoo spotted it as well and a concerned whimper left her lips.
''It's gonna fit, or I'm gonna make it fit'' Beomgyu pumped himself a few times before running the head along her slit.
A whiney moan left her lips and her body jerked slightly. A taunting chuckle left Beomgyu's lips. ''Needy?''
''Yes, please fuck me~''
''Your wish is my command, princess'' Beomgyu chuckled but did as wished.
As he entered her slowly Jiwoo's jaw fell open, eyes closed and eyebrows scrunched. ''Fuck- you're too big'' She panted as she could feel him still pushing inside her.
''Come on princess, be a good girl, you can take it''
When he bottomed out he stopped for a moment. Both so that Jiwoo could adjust to him, and to allow his eyes to take in the heavenly look before him. As he let his gaze travel her body, it stopped by her belly.
''My god, you are tiny'' Beomgyu mumbled as he laid his hand on her tummy. His ego grew as he could see his own dick all the way up in her belly.
And the size difference was a bit too hot on Beomgyu’s behalf.
Another whimper left Jiwoo's lips. ''Fuck- please move~''
The man nodded slightly and pulled out slowly. He pulled almost all the way out before thrusting back in, harshly, making the whole car shake.
His ego grew with each moan that left Jiwoo's lips. It grew even more when she moaned his name, loud and clear.
Jiwoo placed her hand over her mouth in an attempt to silence her moans. It didn't do much, but it did something.
Beomgyu chuckled and grabbed her hand. He pinned them both by her head. ''Nuh-uh, I wanna hear those pretty sounds''
Due to the two earlier, almost, orgasms it wasn't hard for the third one to build up. Quickly.
Apparently Beomgyu could tell as well as his hips sped up even more.
If someone was to talk by they'd know right away what was happening. But the two inside the car? Not a single care in the world, except chasing their much needed orgasms.
''Fuck- please let me cum this time'' Jiwoo managed to get out between moans and pants.
''Of course, princess. You've been such a good girl''
Those were all the words Jiwoo needed to hear before she released around Beomgyu. A moment later Beomgyu came inisde her, slowing down his movements to ride out both their highs.
As he pulled out a cocky grin grew on his lips. ''And you said it wouldn't fit''
Jiwoo only punched him in the chest again. A small "ouff" left his lips. ''Fuck you''
''Hey, you texted me first''
''My brother texted you first. I left my phone unlocked, which seemed to have been a mistake''
Beomgyu raised an eyebrow. ''You calling me a mistake? The sounds you made say otherwise''
''You- I- we-'' Jiwoo didn't know what to say, which was a rare thing.
''Cat got your tongue, princess?'' An amused grin grew on Beomgyu's lips as he spoke. He leaned down and pecked her lips. ''Sorry''
'They both got dressed and walked around the car to get into the front. They both missed the paparazzis snapping photos of them. They both missed the fact that they were, most likely, gonna be on the news tomorrow.
''Your asshole''
''Whatever, cheescake''
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iibonniee · 1 year
Baby It’s Cold (Lee Jooheon x Fem!Reader) [Requested]
I feel like this is one of the first times I've ever actually requested from you and that feels like a horrible sin considering I devour and enjoy absolutely everything you write before anyone even sees it, lmfao. I'm gonna be so unhelpful with this 1K (!!!!) celebration request but Jooheon and cuddles, legitimately that's all I can figure out that I want lmfao. Can be smutty, fluffy, both, idc. I need some Joo cuddles IRL too, if ya wanna somehow magic that as well. 🤭🫣
(I can absolutely find a prompt, btw, if you want something more.... More. 😂😂😂 Just lemme know here or text me or whatever. 🥰)
Also, again, I am so PROUD and excited for 1K! You deserve this and so so so much more and this is the year you get all the wonderful things you've been working so hard for! I love you so much! 🫂🥰🤍
Pairing: Jooheon x Reader
Genre: New Relationship AU, Non-Idol AU
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 998
Tags: fluff, slightly angsty, suggestive, slight somnophilia
Jooheon loved cold, snowy weather. Seeing the world blanketed in white fluff as more of it sprinkled from the sky always filled him with nostalgia. He’d remember days as a kid, playing in the snow with his friends - particularly the girl next door.
“Joo?” As if she could hear his thoughts, she stirred in her sleep, brushing her hip against his as she rolled over. He lifted his arm and she curled up against him like a puzzle piece, humming contentedly when he pressed a kiss to the top of her mussed hair. To be honest, Jooheon never thought things would turn out this way.
Kihyun had warned that he’d be doomed to a life of second-best if he never faced his fear of rejection. After suffering through college life - where he watched her date and suffer heartbreak over and over - Jooheon realized Kihyun was right. It’d taken a few shots of whiskey for courage, but he went for it. She’d been standing out on the balcony of Kihyun’s apartment, taking a break from the chaos of Changkyun’s private birthday party.
“Hey there,” he murmured when he slid the door open. “You’re not out here freezing are you?”
She turned to him, pretty face lighting up when she saw who was speaking. “It’s not too bad.” She held up her red cup. “You know alcohol makes me hot.”
He nodded as he closed the door behind him. “Some things never change, do they?” Once he was shoulder to shoulder with her, he took a sip from his own cup. “So where’s what’s-his-face? The pretty model guy.”
She made a derisive noise and rolled her eyes before gulping down the rest of her drink. “Last I heard, he was balls deep in someone’s wife. Might be dead by now.”
Jooheon couldn’t keep the surprise off his face. “Another cheater? What the hell, do you have a cheater magnet strapped on your back or something?” He immediately regretted his words upon seeing the way she flinched. Switching his cup to his other hand, he put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. “Jeez, I’m sorry, sweetheart. I'm just,” he exhaled as he pulled back, “surprised, yet, not?”
She grimaced. “You can just say I have shit taste in people. I mean, the signs were there. They always are.”
For the life of him, he didn’t see how he could turn the conversation in his favor. Instead, he followed her example and observed the busy city below them. The lights glittered like stars, reflecting in her sad eyes. He wished he could protect her from the pain of failed romances. However, he wasn’t sure she was even interested in him. They’d spent plenty of time together over the years - with others or just alone. There was something there, but was it enough to justify putting their friendship in jeopardy?
It was then that the first snowflake caught his eye. A speck of white fluff fell from the sky and landed on her hair, melting upon contact. He was running out of time. “Oh, look, Joo. It’s snowing,” she murmured holding out her hand. It reminded him of making snowmen with her as a kid. Of trying to sled down a hill only to fall off it, laughing so hard he went light-headed and nearly passed out.
No one ever made him laugh as hard as she did.
Her shoulders drooped. “I guess we should head back in?” She started to drop her hand only for him to place his on top. She looked at him, brow furrowed. “Joo–?”
“Not yet.” He cleared his throat and looked up at the night sky. He was aware of the chill in her fingertips and the way they absorbed his warmth. “Not until I figure out how to tell you how I feel.”
Somehow, he didn’t need to say more. She just knew. Her fingers slipped between his and held on tight. She never let go, not when they went back inside, not even when Minhyuk made a scene about it. It filled him with sour patch kids and pop rocks. When the party started to die down, he offered to take her home but she insisted on staying with him.
She muttered something in his ear as she tossed a leg over his.
“Say that again?” He came back to the present.
“I’m cold. Hold me.” She repeated as she nuzzled her cheek against his chest.
“Oh! Say no more, sweetheart.” He turned over onto his side to face her. She kept her leg over him, hiking it up to his hip as she pulled him flush against her body. Within seconds she was settled and content, falling asleep. He smiled to himself as he pressed down her hair and kissed her forehead again before resting his hand on her hip. Feeling her soft skin under his fingertips reminded him that she’d taken up his offer to wear one of his shirts to bed. With that visual replaying, he became acutely aware of the way her breasts pressed against his body. How her lips grazed the column of his neck.
He cursed under his breath when he felt the first stirrings in his pajama pants. The hand on her hip flexed with a squeeze of her flesh and she made this little sound somewhere between a hum and a moan. Gas on the slow fire, fully consuming him. He tried to avert his thoughts, wanting to fully appreciate this soft, sweet moment, but then her hips were moving against his. A slow grind against his growing erection as her hand pawed at his back.
Her head tilted back, sleepy eyes unfocused as her lips caressed his jaw. “Joo? Are you awake?”
She made another sign - this time a full-throated moan that made him shiver as her nails pressed into his back.
“Mmm. They say skin-to-skin contact is the best way to stay warm. Let’s get naked.”
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ao3feed-ateez · 5 days
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QvWtep by rubytwosday In desperate times, you turn to some unsavory people for money to keep your coffeeshop afloat and to pay your mom’s medical bills. What happens when your former childhood friend San comes swinging back into your life after abandoning you? Do you let him save you? Or do you save yourself? Or will you find love and salvation elsewhere? Banding together with San, his best friend Wooyoung and a team of unlikely allies, you work to take down a ruthless gang of loan sharks. Inspired by/loosely based on the Korean drama "Bloodhounds". Words: 6099, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Choi San (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Kim Hongjoong, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Park Seonghwa, Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Im Changkyun | I.M, Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Original Characters Relationships: Choi San (ATEEZ)/Reader, Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ)/Reader Additional Tags: Angst, Blood and Violence, Choi San is Whipped (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung is a Little Shit (ATEEZ), Reader-Insert, Fluff and Smut, Drama & Romance, Eventual Smut, Jung Wooyoung is Bad at Feelings (ATEEZ), Choi San is Bad at Feelings (ATEEZ), Slow Burn, Found Family, Family Issues, based on a kdrama, Boxer Choi San (ATEEZ), Boxer Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Minor Character Death, Not Beta Read, Parental illness, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QvWtep
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jadededge · 1 year
Double Trouble || Jookyun - Ch.2
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Pairing: JooKyun x Reader
Genre: AU, Romance, Smut (eventual)
Rating: M
Summary: Jooheon and Changkyun are an inseparable duo. They do everything together, and dating was no exception. You see them all the time and silently pine but eventually meet them and things progress from there.
Basically reader and her two boyfriends. Smut. Fluff.
Wattpad | AO3  (will likely always update these 2 places first)
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
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The boys led you out of the lounge and towards the valet outside. Speaking with a couple of people along the walk to the front, you tried to get out of the way but they never let you wander far. One of the other gives you lingering touches and heated glances here and there.
When the valet pulls their black Range Rover up, you were unsure of where to sit. As if reading your mind,
Changkyun steps up and opens the front passenger door for you. "Here princess, you sit in the front."
You internally squeal at what you hope is your new nickname.
"Come on, I don't bite." Jooheon beckons, already behind the wheel and waiting for you to get in.
You hear Changkyun snort at this comment. Hmm, so he bites? You think. Jackpot. "Thank you." You tell Changkyun as you get in.
He makes his way to the back seat and soon you are pulling away from the lounge. The club was on another side of town, so you were looking at about a 20-minute drive. Jooheon begins fiddling with the radio putting on some Lucky Daye at a low enough volume to chat if wanted. He has taste.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence. Changkyun chimes in from the back seat. He leans up, his head poking between you and Jooheon. "Hyung, I've got an idea."
You glance at him and he's wearing a smirk. You're starting to wonder if letting them carry you away and getting you alone so quickly was a mistake.
Jooheon chuckles a bit. "Oh, Changkyunnie has an idea! That'll be fun. What is it?"
"Let's play a game." You snort in your mind at this. They're already playing a game with you. You're just trying to figure out what it is.
"What kind of game?" You ask curiously.
"Oh, nothing too crazy. Just a round of questions to pass the car ride. I told you, we want to get to know you more. The only penalty is, if you don't answer, we get to ask another question." He smiles. Jooheon affirms.
And you wanted to know more about them as well. Besides lusting after them, they seemed interesting, and fun to be around. Even in the limited time you've spent, you've noticed how doting and sweet they are. Of course, this could all be a ploy to get into your pants, but you've already told yourself that you would accept whatever came of this and enjoy the ride.
"Okay, that sounds like fun. I want to learn more about you two as well." You smile at them both.
"Wonderful! I'll start," Jooheon exclaims. "What were you thinking about when you were staring at us earlier?" Changkyun cocks his head your direction awaiting an answer.
Wow. Out the gate with a tough one. You couldn't tell the truth. "I was imagining what it would be like to be sandwiched between the two of you." But you had to answer. So you deflect.
"I don't think I was staring. Though I was probably wondering how long it would take for you to come up to me." Though said playfully, you hoped they would accept your answer.
You are incredibly nervous but figured it would be best to try to convince them you could hold your own for as long as you could. Deep down you know it wouldn't take much for the two of them to wear you down. Have you begging on your knees. If you jumped out of the window for them, there would be no turning back. But what fun is it to give in immediately?
They both laugh. "Cute." Changkyun says.
"So you knew we'd approach you?" Jooheon asks.
"Hold on. I believe it's my turn."
"Whoa, excuse me." Joo holds a hand up in surrender. "You're right. Ask away, baby."
Baby. Fuck. He threw you off already but you quickly regained yourself. You had many questions but you were aware you had limited time and opportunity. So you ran through options that would get you the most information.
"You two have apparently seen me around before. Why wait till now to say something?"
"You both keep saying 'we'. What's the deal with that?"
"Are you together?"
"Are you both interested?"
"Do you share everything?"
You settle on, "You both keep saying 'we' or 'us'. What's the deal with that?" You just had to know.
Changkyun answers matter-of-factly, "we do everything together, as I'm sure you know. That also includes personal matters."
"So are you two together?" You ask.
"Aht aht, I believe it's our turn." Jooheon says throwing your earlier statement back at you.
"I- you're right." You say defeated.  
"What would you think if we were together?" Joo asks raising an eyebrow.
You would obviously love it if they were both interested. You want them both, even better if they share and get along. Changkyun says they do everything together. At that, your mind wandered to the possibilities. You have no problem with any scenario you dreamed up. "I'd love it." You answer frankly.
"Interesting," Changkyun says while looking at you adoringly. "We'll have to talk about this more. But for now, we're here." Leaning back.
You pout, "but it was my turn."
Joo coos at you. "Aw, we can keep playing once we get inside." He puts the car in park and hops out to walk to your side.
Opening the door for you he grabs your hand to help you out and hooks it in his arm. You're silently losing your mind. You can feel how big and hard his arm is even through his shirt.
Changkyun joins your other side and glides his hand down your back, leaving chills in its wake, stopping just above your ass on your lower back. Hold it together.
Walking past some of the patrons waiting to get in, you clock a couple of jealous stares. You ignore it. No need to psyche yourself out because of any outside influence.
As you make it to the door, security immediately recognizes them. "Boys! Welcome." He calls someone on his walkie earpiece. "The twins are here."
He promptly lets you in, and we're greeted by the hostess who will guide you all to their private section.
The club is incredible. It's decorated in black with gold accents. It has a high-end feel to it. There are mirrors on either side of the dance floor, reflecting and shimmering the lights like gold glitter. There's a stage currently being occupied by a DJ.  The dance floor is packed as well as the bar to the back but navigating the throngs of people was easy enough.
There were several booths and sections on the main floor, where you thought you would be but you were taken to the back and up a set of stairs. There's a hall with several doors lining it. You can still hear the music downstairs but it's certainly not as loud. More muffled.
"Here you go, gentlemen and lady." She offers you a polite smile while opening a door and gesturing you inside. "Kihyun made sure the bar was fully stocked and as well as two bottles of your favorite champagne." She gestures to the table. "If you need anything please don't hesitate to call in a server from the phone here. Enjoy your evening."  We thank her and she leaves us alone.
This room is fairly huge. There's a full bar with seating for 5 and a lounge area with two comfy-looking couches and chairs. There appears to be a karaoke setup here as well with a couple of large TVs on a wall and opposite of that there's a large window overlooking the club. Here you wander over and take a look out.
"Whoa. You can see everything. This is quite nice. Thank you for inviting me." You turn and look at them beaming brightly.
Changkyun has started pouring drinks for you three and Jooheon has joined you at the window. Placing a hand on the small of your back.
"You're absolutely welcome baby. Hopefully, you don't think we're overdoing it, trying to impress you." He says half-jokingly. If you squint really hard, you'd think he was nervous.
Not wanting to play too hard to get, you give them a bone. "Well consider me impressed Jooheon."
He smiles brightly at you. Gently he grabs your hand and raises it to his mouth. Your heart skips a beat. "Please, call me Honey." He places a gentle kiss on your skin.
"Okay. Honey." You're breathless but you smile.
"Come. Let's sit."
You both move to join Changkyun. He's sitting in a chair directly next to the end of one of the couches. He gestures for you to sit on the couch, and Jooheon takes his place on the cushion to your left. You're trapped, again.
Grabbing a glass, you take a sip. "You know, I'm starting to feel like prey being cornered by you two."
Changkyun raises a brow at you while finishing his sip. "Why? Do you feel trapped?" Is he in my head?
You play with the thought in your mind. "Not trapped but I feel surrounded." You all laugh a bit.
Honey adds, "does that make you uncomfortable?"
Your face heats up. He's lounging with his arm around the back of the couch gently moving his thumb over your skin near the tiny strap of your dress. You're very comfortable. In fact, you've been trying to keep yourself from being too comfortable. You're failing miserably.
You look between the pair of them. "Not uncomfortable. But I'm feeling hunted." You raise a brow at Honey.
"Ah, you think you haven't already been caught." Changkyun says tipping his glass in your direction. Taking another sip.
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bookwormingwritesffs · 9 months
Hi! If you come across this, I hope you will checkout my fic on Ao3~~
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hobeemin · 2 years
brush strokes 🎙️ teaser
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🎙️ genre: drama, angst, romance, smut, s2l, idol au
🎙️ pairing(s): rapper!kim namjoon x model! (f) poc reader (nickname Winter); rapper!im changkyun x model! (f) poc reader
🎙️ rating: 18+
🎙️ teaser warning(s): kissing, nipple play, undressing, namjoon is well...he’s being a fuck boi but sweet atm, some insecurity, one night stand
🎙️ word count: 597
🎙️ synopsis: winter knows what she wants in life: a solid model career, great friends, and travel. who knew meeting namjoon, 1/3 of a mega rap group would put her into a whirlwind of emotions...good and bad. no catches feelings after a one night stand...right?
🎙️credits: a HUGE shoutout to @kth1 for this banner!!! thank you maggie!! I'm finally releasing this fic lol also @playmetheclassics​ indigo you’re the best! thank you for your suggestions as i panic through this fic lol
✨🎙️ series list 🎙️✨
His hands gently ran up and down her back until they rested above her backside. After a few moments, he pulled away to take a few breaths. He rested his forehead against hers, kissing the tip of her nose softly. "You're beautiful; you know that," he said breathlessly.
His fingers played with the hem of her crop top, giving her a look to see if she would approve. Namjoon wouldn't go any further than the kiss if Y/N stopped it together. He cupped her chin, leaving light kisses on her jaw, chin, and neck.
"Would you like to keep going? Just say the word. I'll back off if you want me to."
It seemed that Namjoon was enjoying himself, and to be honest, Y/N was as well. She’d never done anything like this before. Perhaps she should feel guilty, but for now, she wanted to focus on the desire coursing through her body.
"Thank you," she murmured shyly at his compliment. Beautiful. It wasn't a word often used to describe her. Pretty, hot, and sexy–she heard that often. But the word beautiful had never been used even if she was in the fashion industry.
She felt his fingers lightly tugging at the waistband of her skirt and his lips trailing lower. He was giving her a choice, not forcing her into anything.
"Let's continue," she answered breathily.
When Y/N permitted him to continue and raised her arms, Namjoon was happy to go on. He pulled the top over her head, discarding it on the floor. He planted light kisses on her lips as he unbuttoned her skirt slowly, and it fell to the floor in a heap. His heart rate picked up as he looked down at the lingerie she was wearing. He bit his lip and glanced back into her eyes. Very enticing. His body trembled as he removed his shirt and put it on the floor beside her clothing. He stood up, took her in his arms, and carried her to the bed. 
Y/N welcomed his kisses as his lips began to caress her skin. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders to pull him closer, kissing him back gently. He lightly nibbled on her botton lip. She tilted her head up as Namjoon's lips touched her neck. Many people were sensitive in that area, and Y/N was no exception. 
"I want you to ravish me tonight."
Namjoon growled softly in his throat as Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing him closer to her. His cock was at attention as it rubbed against her lower lips through the material. Between the moans and the fabric of her underwear rubbing on him, his arousal was at an all-time high. His jaw clenched as she unhooked her bra, throwing it somewhere on the floor. With a slight smirk, he bent down, kissing around one of her nipples. His other hand molded the other soft but firm orb. He squeezed it as she moaned louder. He took the nipple in his mouth, suckling it gently while his fingers rolled and pinched the other free one.
He pulled away, giving her a grin. The pout on her lips made him grow even harder as he nibbled on her bottom lip. "That won't be a problem," he murmured. His fingers moved from her nipple and down her body. 
They were entering dangerous territory. 
Was this so wrong?
Yes, they knew what the night would lead to, but they didn’t care. 
One-night stands weren’t problematic. Nothing complicated could lead to this.
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redscharms · 2 years
MONSTAX love life updates June 2022
Seems that this man is single but ready for romance. Patiently waiting for the one.
He knows that the right person will eventually appear in his life.
Might be a liiiiitle bit sexually frustrated.
But at this point in his life it feels like he doesn't enjoy casual sex and wants something more that just physical intimacy.
I think he has his eyes set on someone. Someone he views as a challenge but a fun one.
He's on a trip to hopefully find the treasure he's been looking for.
Very playful energy.
If you see him flaunting his wealth, this boy is trying to impress someone.
The card jumped out very angrily and it was a very firm and grumpy "no". That's a difficult subject for him apparently. He doesn't want anyone to pry.
And I won't look any further.
(I almost gave up!! Had to shuffle for like a while minute and asked for one card and this brat gave me three!)
Okay, he's dealing with his inner demons. It seems that if he is in a relationship he's making it hard to communicate for both parties.
He might go back to self improvement and stay single for a while.
I think... he is seeing someone. Maybe it's not romantic yet but that person is inspiring him a lot.
He might start working on new music that might feel very.. unlike him. A softer sound, brighter vibes, sweeter lyrics.
Maybe he found his new muse? I once remembered saying that he falls in love easily and hard. Maybe that's the case. He almost looks smitten with someone and that someone is inspiring him so much, he might feel like he got a pair of brand new wings that can carry him anywhere.
I don't think he's seeing someone. The first thought that came to my mind when I started shuffling was "why do you ask". The boy doesn't like when someone is curious about his personal life.
But he seems to be busy with himself and his future.
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cherriegifs · 10 months
𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁 !
welcome to 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐬 , a gif blog ! please read my rules here before using my gifs !
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙟𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙨 !
esther yu / 1995 as yu mei ren in a romance of the little forest (6-10). clipping episode 7 / 10.
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kim jisoo / 1995 as herself in flower and born pink eras. giffing video 5 / 10.
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lee chaeryeong / 2001 as herself in cheshire & kill my doubt eras & various other youtube videos. clipping 20 / ???.
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𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙨 !
roseanne park / rosé.  200 gifs.
esther yu in a romance of the little forest 1-5. 606 gifs.
min yoongi. 265 gifs.
𝙨𝙪𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 : open !
bae joohyun / irene
im changkyun / i.m
kang seulgi
open !
ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴇxᴀᴍᴘʟᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜᴛ !
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checkers-dance · 11 months
idk if this makes any sense to you but changkyun is so my chemical romance core and jooheon is so fall out boy core. i cannot explain this, it's simply something i can feel spiritually.
HELP, I can kind of see it. I do listen to some fob songs but not so much mcr so I can't draw an explicit connection. But I leave u w the thought of a jookyun au where changkyun is from mcr and jooheon is from fob (he IS actually a drummer so....)
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flurrys-creativity · 2 years
Monsta X Masterlist
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Smiley Catalogue:
🥰 = Fluff 😁 = Slice of life 🤪 = Humour 🧜‍♀️ = Fantasy
❤ = Romance ⚡ = Angst 💣 = Sensitive themes (death, etc.)
🦄 = Hybrid 🥵 = Smut 😏 = Suggestive
Last update: Jan 2024
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nothing so far
One shots:
nothing so far
nothing so far
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nothing so far
One shots:
- Repair work 😁🥵🤪🥰
You totally forgot the appointment with the worker, who was supposed to change a device inside of your apartment. So when the door bell rang, you frantically grabbed the first thing to wear and threw it over before opening the door. You still fiddled with the zipper while showing the worker the device, which grabbed his attention.
nothing so far
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nothing so far
One shots:
- Abience 😁🥰❤🥵
Part of the Project X Collab. The second your ex showed up at the party, you had the strong urge to avoid him at all costs. Minhyuk on the other hand had a different idea.
nothing so far
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nothing so far
One shots:
- Rain storm cuddles 😁🥰
Requested. Kihyun and Jooheon hadn’t watched the weather forecast when they left, resulting in them being trapped inside their car during a heavy and very cold downpour. Not knowing how long they’ll have to last, they decide on the only logical option to prevent themselves from freezing. Cuddles.
nothing so far
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nothing so far
One shots:
- Effervescent 😁🥰❤🥵
Part of the Project X Collab. Initially Hyungwon didn't plan on going to the party. But his own jealousy forced him to go after he heard someone flirt with you in one of your dozen voice messages. This time he didn't want to stand by. This time he wanted to win your heart.
nothing so far
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nothing so far
One shots:
- Rain storm cuddles 😁🥰
Requested. Kihyun and Jooheon hadn’t watched the weather forecast when they left, resulting in them being trapped inside their car during a heavy and very cold downpour. Not knowing how long they’ll have to last, they decide on the only logical option to prevent themselves from freezing. Cuddles.
nothing so far
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nothing so far
One shots:
- Who do you love? 😁❤⚡
Based on Monsta X’s song ‘Who do you love?’: You come home one night to find your boyfriend already there, looking more than upset. Not knowing what’s wrong the both of you start a fight and the love of your life seems to slip out of your grasp.
- Drunk Confessions 😁🥰♥️ WIP
Being called in the middle of the night to pick up your drunk roommate Changkyun from a bar, hasn’t been your first choice of action. Still, you got him and brought him back home. Only to him telling you he wasn’t that drunk. As well as other confessions.
- 11.05pm (timestamp) 🥵
You wanted to surprise your boyfriend but he had a little surprise for you too.
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lesbianslovebts · 2 years
I present to you a cardboard box with my pathetic kpop boys 😔
Hoseok, jungkook, bang chan, changbin, hyunjin (skz), woodz, changkyun (MonstaX), mingyu (svt), wonwoo (svt), seonghwa (ateez)
I will rate your box of boys according to my lesbian standards. If a woman maxes out the scale at a 10, then a man can get a 5 at best, so your boys will be rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. I'm gonna look at Google Images and a "best moments" video for each on YouTube.
Hoseok: 5/5 For obvious reasons. I personally know a lesbian who's going to drive 8 hours one-way to see him perform for one (1) hour.
Jungkook: 5/5 His milkers bring all the dykes to the yard.
Bang Chan: 2/5 He got himself an extra star for the Australian accent but quickly lost it when he called himself "daddy" on a Vlive. 💀
Changbin: 3/5 Clumsy (relatable) and does this gay little yoooooooh thing.
Hyunjin: 5/5 He's got the kind of hair that a romance novel author would refer to as "tresses." Lesbians love a long-haired guy.
Woodz: 3/5 He had some good makeup looks in "I hate you" but is too skinny.
Changkyun: 4/5 He stood out to me the most when I watched my first Monsta X MV 7 years ago, which was "Hero." I distinctly remember thinking, "Alright, who's the one with the cute nose?" Not quite a 5 because he used to sit his bare ass cheeks on his leather chair.
Mingyu: 5/5 Uh...lesbians want to be him.
Wonwoo: 4/5 Tall. (I'm running out of energy sorry.)
Seonghwa: 4/5 Another fantastic nose. (I tend to look at people's noses before anything else lol it might be the autism.) He looks like a bitchy gay person, is that accurate?
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apcomplexhq · 8 months
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✦ Nome do personagem: Han Manshik. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Changkyun - MONSTA X. ✦ Data de nascimento: 06/09/1996. ✦ Idade: 27 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: coreano, Coreia do Sul. ✦ Qualidades: Leal, solicito e corajoso. ✦ Defeitos: Impulsivo, indelicado e desorganizado. ✦ Moradia: Asphodel Meadows. ✦ Ocupação: Bartender na Erostic. ✦ Twitter: @AM96HM ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE. ✦ Char como condômino: Manshik inicialmente é um cara fechado, o fato de ainda estar passando por um processo de luto faz com que seja ainda mais contido. Apesar disso, ele se esforça para manter uma boa comunicação e é sempre educado com todos. É sensível a ruído e passível a reclamar dos vizinhos mais barulhentos, mas, se adentrar um pouquinho mais a suas camadas, percebera que é alguém legal e de bom humor (algo que está recuperando aos poucos).
TW’s na bio: Suicídio, depressão, vazamento de intimidade e menção a crimes. Biografia:
A distância emocional entre pais e filhos tende a pender para dois extremos: cria um adulto carente de atenção e afeto ou igualmente frio e distante. manshik é a junção desses dois extremos. o segundo filho de de uma família opulenta e com uma linhagem de jovens bem sucedidos vinda goyang, na província de gyeonggi e estabelecida há mais de 50 anos em seul. por parte de mãe a lista de médicos e outros profissionais da saúde eram extensas. já por parte de pai, empresários e especialistas na indústria do entretenimento - seu tio mesmo era famoso por ter um programa de culinária conhecido nacionalmente. apesar disso, a uma crença popular que apenas um dos irmãos está destinado ao sucesso, e manshik certamente não era o escolhido.
Não era tão ruim assim ser ofuscado por sua irmã mais velha, viver a sombra de jinah dava ao rapaz privilégios que não teria se fosse o escolhido. poderia ser bagunceiro e fazer o que quisesse, porque, no final, os olhos de seus pais sempre pairavam em jinah. manshik tinha outras formas de buscar o reconhecimento dos pais, a maioria deles envolvia suspensões por excesso de conversa e brincadeira durante as aulas e coagir a doméstica a fazer bungeoppang - um doce em formato de peixe recheado com feijão vermelho doce - e torta de limão. chegou a ter algumas cáries devido ao consumo em excesso de açúcar.
Apesar dos esforços dos pais para disciplinar o garoto - com palmatorias ou chantagens emocionais - nada adiantava. a única que conseguia colocar rédeas sem precisar machuca-lo era jinah, a garota sempre teve uma fonte inesgotável de amor e conseguia suprir o que seus pais deixaram em falta. foi por conta dela que manshik descobriu ter déficit de atenção, o que, por algum tempo, fez os pais afrouxarem nas cobranças.
As coisas ficaram bem por algum tempo, a medicação o ajudava a se manter centrado e a ter um bom rendimento nos estudos por alguns anos. apesar de não ser nada fácil, tinha jinah do seu lado. o problema começou mesmo no final do ensino médio, época do teste escolar de habilidades que garantiria um "futuro brilhante" para manshik. jinah havia passado de primeira e agora estava prestes a se formar em medicina pela famosa universidade da coreia, mas o garoto estava cansado de estudar. odiava a competição estimulada entre os alunos, em seu grupo de amigos era ainda pior. por tradição, manshik realizou o exame, e por sorte - ou esforço inconsciente - passou, cursando tecnologia da informação. seu interesse por tecnologia veio das longas horas que passava no computador jogando e explorando a web. pela primeira vez ele havia sido aprovado, e apesar de não seguir os caminhos convencionais de suas respectivas famílias, eles genuinamente pareciam orgulhosos dele.
Foram longos dois anos de vida universitária.
Manshik tinha uma boa rotina de estudos e farra quando podia. o caçula da família ainda estudava, mas em paralelo trabalhava arduamente como trainee para realizar o sonho de se tornar um idol. jinah agora atuava como cardiologista e tinha um relacionamento estável com o que parecia ser um bom rapaz. tudo estava nos eixos, ou parecia estar.
Alguns anos se mantiveram assim, em paz. manshik formou-se, tinha um trabalho estável e uma boa vida, isso até a família ser abalada com o vazamento de vídeos e fotos íntimas de jinah feitos por seu namorado. a repercussão foi tanta que saiu em vários portais de notícia, era ainda pior pelos han serem um nome influente na mídia. jinah entrou em desespero e não demorou para cair numa depressão profunda, porque apesar de todas as medidas tomadas, aquilo não apagava a vergonha da exposição. pouco depois daquele evento, sem esperança e forças para continuar, ela tirou a própria vida. aquilo foi um baque para todos, mas principalmente para manshik. ela era a pessoa que ele mais amava e admirava no mundo, perde-la era como ficar sem chão. era ainda pior não ter percebido os sinais já que ela parecia estar melhorando. seus pais não queriam aceitar e se recusavam a falar sobre aquilo, era uma vergonha. uma falha. eles haviam falhado com ela.
Esgotado de todas as forças, manshik se isolou do mundo. se demitiu do emprego e terminou um relacionamento de longa data, acabando por se mudar para acropolis, onde decidiu recomeçar. não por acaso, jinah havia residido em asphodel meadows durante os últimos anos de sua vida, e passou o apartamento para o nome do irmão pouco tempo antes de morrer. ela planejava se mudar para o exterior com intuito de recomeçar, mas se recusava a perder seu cantinho em acropolis, fora isso que disse a ele.
No atual presente, após dois meses do ocorrido, manshik ainda reside em asphodel. durante a semana trabalha na hansoul distillery como assistente de mestre destilador e aos fins de semana atua como bartender na erostic.
Quanto ao futuro… ele é incerto. Manshik não espera nada dele, deseja apenas viver um dia de cada vez.
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