#canada clairvoyance
bahabaki · 2 years
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Puissant médium le plus reconnu en FRANCE ET TOUTE L'EUROPE, il est le seul maitre marabout le plus contacté dans le monde . Il apparaît comme une nouveauté car c'est un marabout caché depuis des années mais qui faisait d'efficaces rituels en cachette a certains europées . Mais depuis ces 3 dernières années il est reconnu par le monde grâce aux différents témoignages faits par les clients satisfaits de ses travaux .
Maitre marabout BAH ABAKI est le meilleur et puissant maitre marabout de l'année - reconnu et célèbre dans le monde  Le maitre marabout le plus contacté en Europe, le seul maitre marabout en qui les Français, Canadiens, Suisse, Belgique, et Espagne ont confiance. Elu comme premier maitre marabout lors d'un concours de grands maitre marabout celui ci a occupé le premier rang en battant les autres d'un pourcentage de 98%.Un pourcentage du jamais vu même a l'époque de ses ancêtres. Et ce niveau de pourcentage n'a pas été pour les Européens un étonnement car selon leurs différents témoignages ,c'est leur marabout ,celui qui leur rend des services d'union de couples a distance et même plusieurs domaines de la vie. Le seul marabout qui arrive a efficacement unir les couples en voix de divorce ou déjà divorcé en 48h. Sa puissance et aussi été témoigné par les Européens ceux a qui il a rendu service dans les domaines de RETOUR D'AFFECTION, RITUEL D'AMOUR, ENVOUTEMENT D'AMOUR ET AUTRES COMME:
Nom: Bah
Prénom: Abaki
Mail: magievaudoun@gmail. com
Sites: http:// ritueldaffectionfrance. wpweb. fr / 
APPEL /WHATSAPP: +229 69553390
✅Le Meilleur Marabout Medium Voyant Africain 2022, BAH ABAKI puissant marabout peut vous aider à reconquérir un amour perdu et à faire revenir l'être que vous avez tant aimé à vos côtés pour toujours. Oui, il est possible de faire revenir l'être aimé ! Issue d'une lignée de Voyant Marabout Sorcier, le Medium Marabout Africain Sérieux BAH ABAKI connu à Paris, Nice, Lyon, France, Martinique, Guyane, Belgique, Canada est le seul et l'unique marabout du retour d'amour, rituel d'argent, d'envoûtement amoureux.✅ Vous ne croyez plus au retard de votre femme ou de votre mari ? Il ou elle vous a quitté pour vivre avec une autre personne ? Vous êtes sur le point de divorcer et êtes désespéré (e) ? Votre vie de couple ne tient plus qu’à un fil et risque d’exploser à tout moment ? Faites confiance au Puissant Marabout Africain Sérieux Reconnu partout dans le monde pour sa puissance et son efficacité. Il vous aidera à régler tous vos problèmes rapidement et sérieusement, avec des rituels adaptés à votre problème. Avec ses pouvoirs de clairvoyance, il saura comment intervenir dans votre futur affectif et faire jouer les esprits en votre faveur. Il est un expert des arts divinatoires, travaux occultes, voyance, et de diverses magies lui permettant de résoudre vos divers problèmes dans les plus brefs délais.✅ ✅Le Marabout Medium Retour Affectif ABAKI vous aide à Marseille et dans de très nombreuses autres villes de France telles que Toulouse, Nice, Strasbourg, Arras, Colmar, Annecy, Annemasse. Il est l'un des rates Marabout africain serieux de Retour d'affection immédiat à Namur, Bruxelles, Longchamps, Bavikhove, Belgique en gros.✅ ✅Doté d’un savoir-faire exceptionnel et de dons surnaturels, ce Grand Médium Marabout peut exercer partout et dans tous les domaines de la vie de l’être humain. Egalement voyant africain, il peut trouver, en très peu de temps, le fond de chaque souci pour le résoudre de manière optimale.✅
Homme a grande foi , il ressoud les problèmes a distance comme de près . Le Médium BAh Abaki reconnu par la communauté para psychologue, puissant maitre marabout du monde, marabout compétent et sérieux, rituel de vaudou, rituel de magie noire vous aide le plus souvent et donne à peu près un délai pour l’obtention du résultat. La durée de résolution de vos problèmes varie de 2 jours à 3 jours au maximum pour une satisfaction totale.
Nom: Bah
Prénom: Abaki
Mail: magievaudoun@gmail. com
Sites: http://retourdamour.me.ma/
APPEL /WHATSAPP: +229 69553390
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ramswamypsychics · 11 months
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sshannonauthor · 4 days
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Hello, Tumblr:
Just popping in, after a long absence, to tell you about the pre-order campaign for my Author's Preferred Text editions of the Bone Season series.
As you may know if you've followed me for a while, I wrote my debut novel, The Bone Season, when I was nineteen and still at university. For its tenth anniversary last year, I decided to re-approach the book with ten years' more writing experience under my belt, and have since revised the whole series to bring it in line with the first. Bloomsbury has given the revised series a beautiful new look, with jackets illustrated by Ivan Belikov, the artist behind The Priory of the Orange Tree and A Day of Fallen Night.
The first book is available in hardback now, and the other three are coming in May, in either hardback or paperback. The audiobooks will also be revised, with narration by Alana Kerr Collins. You can pre-order them here.
If you're pre-ordering from the US, the UK or Canada, you can claim a beautiful art print of Paige and Warden by artist Erica Chan. Details here.
I hope you enjoy the revisions as much as I've enjoyed working on them.
The year is 2059. For two centuries, the Republic of Scion has led an oppressive campaign against unnaturalness in Europe. 
In London, Paige Mahoney holds a high rank in the criminal underworld. The right hand of the ruthless White Binder, Paige is a dreamwalker, a rare and formidable kind of clairvoyant. Under Scion law, she commits treason simply by breathing. 
When Paige is arrested for murder, she meets the mysterious founders of Scion, who have designs on her uncommon abilities. If she is to survive and escape, Paige must use every skill at her disposal – and put her trust in someone who ought to be her enemy.
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cassiefromhell · 3 months
Clairvoyant: Visions (pt. 2)
Nanami Kento x International Sorcerer!Clairvoyant!Reader
Prologue (heavily encouraged to read this first.)
wc: 2.3k
warnings: mention of blood/gore (brief descriptions), very short sexual cues, SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS you MUST be finished with season 2 please & ty
a/n: requests are always open, submit shit, im bored <3
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“Nanamin,” Yuji calls, finding his teacher standing in the back of the assembly hall, his face pale. “What does this mean?”
“It means we’re getting a visitor,” Nanami frowns, hands tensed at his sides. 
“Then why is everyone so worried?”
“Because,” Gojo joins in, grinning, having appeared out of nowhere. “Everyone here is a worrywart. Nothing is going to happen.”
“Did you not receive the code?” Nanami raises a brow. “The damned Reaper Repeller is coming. The kids don’t deserve to be lied to.”
“…What’s the Reaper Repeller?” Yuji tilts his head to the side. “Some weapon?”
“I met her a couple times,” Gojo’s smile widens. “She’s pretty damn cool. She’s part of the International Squad and can see the future, so when she shows up it either means that our superiors deemed that a mission needed an extra hand, or that she saw something and is coming to change what she saw. Last time, she saw that I was gonna make a building fall or something, so she gave me a certain set of rules, like what to not do. No buildings fell, so she’s pretty legit.”
“That was an 18C18 code,” Nanami grumbles. “That didn’t even require an assembly. This is an 18J18.”
“…What’s that one, again?” Gojo gives a sheepish smile.
“I’m so lost,” Yuji mumbles, looking between the two. “18?”
Megumi walks up, followed by Nobara, and joins the conversation. “This is a J?”
Nanami nods.
“How do you break down the codes?” Nobara adds.
Nanami sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “The eighteens are for R and R, due to her nickname. The letter in the middle represents what she saw. For example, she showed up to Canada a few months ago on a code 18A18, which meant a battle would cause some sort of dispute that would stir trouble. B means she saw a civilian or two die. C means she saw mass civilian death. And so on, until J. It’s the maximum letter.”
“And?” Nobara pushes, raising a brow. 
“It means she saw something very bad, and everyone has been gathered to be told who is set to die.”
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Stepping off the jet, you haul your suitcase behind you, and are immediately greeted by two men. You know them both — you studied the entire Japanese Sorcerer database on your way here.
Kiyotaka Ijichi, clad in a suit with a grimace on his face.
Masamichi Yaga, principal of Tokyo Jujutsu High and teacher to one of the students you watched die.
“We would welcome you, but we know you aren’t here with good news,” Yaga says with a sigh, straightening his uniform. “Please, follow us. Ijichi will take your bags.
The pilot of your jet is already helping Mila unload the twenty-three suitcases you brought, all full to the brim with weapons and necessary training items you handpicked to make sure you turn the gate of Shibuya.
“My associate will get them,” you gesture to Mila, who is currently hooking all of the bags onto her extra limbs, leaning back a little from the weight. You grip the handle of your singular personal suitcase.
The two men nod, not bothering to even try arguing with you. Why would they, when you’ve come with death biting your heels?
You slip sunglasses off of your forehead and over your eyes, following them as you approach three cars, sleek and black with a subtle Jujutsu symbol on the back license plate. 
It’s a short car ride over, one in which you and Mila sit silently in the back of a limo, while Yaga tries to ask you questions. Nobody gets a private briefing, that’s just how you operate. You avoid all his inquiries with vague comments, crossing your legs and sipping a glass of sparkling water. International sorcerers are known for kind of being hardasses anyway, so 
You pull up to the school in no time, and Yaga escorts you and Mila through the building, down hallways and around corners. Eventually, he stops outside a large set of double doors and turns to face you.
“This is the assembly hall. All of Japan’s sorcerers are gathered behind these doors,” he gestures to the entrance. “Please remember that we have children in there.”
“I know,” you whisper. “One of them dies.”
Yaga goes very still, and you walk past him, opening the doors and immediately finding yourself on a slightly elevated platform.
A massive crowd of dark blue uniforms stands before you, all falling quiet at your entry.
You step forward, approaching a podium. Mila has her spider limbs tucked away, as to not appear threatening. She hands you a stack of papers, and you gather them, placing them on the podium as you lean forward to speak onto the microphone.
“Good Evening, sorcerers. My name is (Y/n). I won’t stretch this meeting to be longer than needed. My technique is Clairvoyance, and I am here because I have seen the future of a battle here in Japan. It will take place in Shibuya, on October 31st.”
A murmur goes through the crowd, but you clear your throat to recapture their full attention.
“I do not want you to be afraid. My visions can be changed. Without me, there will be sorcerer death, irrevocable damage, and the snuffing out of thousands of lives, including civilians. But I am here to help. To do so effectively, I will call forward the names of the affected. I will save your lives. Stop you from losing limbs. Prevent disaster. Do not be afraid.”
The room goes deadly silent.
“Nanami Kento.”
And just like that, the crowd erupts once more.
A man in the back of the crowd — the blond that you saw burnt and ultimately exploded — nods to the pink-haired boy at his side and starts making his way through the crowd.
With a sharp raising of my hand, the crowd goes silent once more, as Nanami passes soldiers who give him solemn nods.
“Kugisaki Nobara.”
You continue calling names, until you have at least a dozen sorcerers in front of you. Too many are children. There are managers, too, and other people in suits. 
Your eyes skim the crowd, then fall back to your paper, which has crumpled in your grip. You call the last name, knowing what reaction you’ll get.
“Gojo Satoru.”
The crowd erupts, the room filling shouts and surprised cries and confused discussion.
The Untouchable.
You take a steadying breath at the rowdiness and gesture towards a private briefing room to your left, raising your voice to a shout.
“I will now ask for those who have been called to follow my associate here into a separate room. You all will be privately briefed. The rest of you… you will get the minimum details from your superiors.”
With that, you step back from the podium, and even more of the gathered sorcerers start shouting, demanding more details. You ignore them — you have to. Mila guides the called ones into a side room, just as you approach a small group of superiors and give them the very basics: there will be a city cratering, and the start of many bad, bad situations. You inform them that you will be making ideal teams for the mission, which you will release in a few days’ time.
With dragging feet, you force yourself to walk to the side room, where all of the ill-fated sorcerers are.
So far, at least.
Dealing with the future is a tricky business. Changing one thing, even so simple as this meeting, will cause different futures, which you will see and have to adapt to. 
You swing open the door, and find everyone already sitting at a long, oval table.
“I’m sure you’re all not happy to be here,” you take a corner of the room to stand in, crossing your arms and attempting to look as non threatening as possible. “Unfortunately, this meeting is necessary. I’ll call you each one by one into a private space, to be told what will happen without intervention. From there, we’ll talk about options—”
“(Y/n),” Gojo interrupts, leaning back in his chair like this is all just a game. “You know me. I don’t really need to be here, do I?”
“You do.”
“What’s gonna happen, I get a scratch? Lose a limb? Shoko will fix all of that,” he drawls, putting his hands behind his head.
“Gojo, you’re going to be sealed in a box, and then a shit ton of people are going to die or be injured trying to save your ass,” you reply, narrowing your eyes. “You need to be here.”
No more arguments come.
You step forward, softening your expression, and your eyes land on the blond man, sans goggles — Nanami Kento. He’s handsome, even if in the back of your mind you still see that burned half of him. You decide he’ll be the first.
“Kento, right?” You drop the formalities — which you’re happy to do anyway, since you usually struggle with those when you’re in Japan. “Please, come with me.”
His jaw tenses as his eyes flick over you, and then he stands. You escort him into a small private room, closing the door behind you. There’s three comfortable chairs and a little coffee table, which has tissues and a pitcher of water with glasses on it. Comfort items, because people often cry.
Kento sits in one chair, and you take the one across from him. He’s exactly as you imagined in your vision. Tall, muscular, with a sharp jaw to match. He smells like vanilla and cedar. Except this time, the putrid scent of burning flesh is left out. He’s so… lovely.
“Lay it on me,” he clasps his hands together in his lap, after pulling his goggles off. 
You chew your bottom lip. You usually don’t have issues with this part of the process; the bluntness is part of your job. But something about this man is putting you off, making your mind stagger behind your duty. Typically, there’s a sniffling/worried/sobbing/angry person in front of you. But Kento? He’s so… ready for this. Not upset at all.
“You would die a hero,” you whisper.
Then you blink, realizing what you said. There’s no need for comfort here. Excessive sweetening of the truth is just counterproductive. And yet, something in you is screaming at you not to stop.
“In your current fate, a curse burns half of your body. And yet, you still fight. On death’s door, you would be noble. A good mentor for your students. One they would miss dearly,” a tear pricks at the edge of your eye. “The curse by the name of Mahito is the one to finish you off. But we will stop that path. You will live, that I can be sure of. I’m sure your future has already changed, just because this conversation is setting the base for the weeks of prevention training to come.”
If anything is going through his head, he doesn’t show it. “Does your technique show you when the future changes?”
You scratch the back of your neck. “In a way. My technique has a mind of it’s own. I can typically foresee imminent death a few moments before it happens, but I can also get mass visions like I got of Shibuya. If I need something more specific, like to see if your future changes, I would have to touch you, and then see what my technique gives… me…”
You trail off as he holds out his hand, eyes focused with intent. 
“Please,” he murmurs. 
You nod, slowly sliding your hand against his—
“Oh my gods, that’s a lot of roses,” your jaw drops, eyes widening at the sight before you. 
Your bed is littered with roses. The floor is covered in its petals. It’s beautiful, and the scent fills your nose with a loveliness like no other.
“You deserve every last one,” Kento grins, coming up behind you and kissing the nape of your neck. His arms slide around your waist. “For honoring me in being my wife.”
“Wife,” you giggle, tossing your head back to gaze up at him. “I’m never gonna get used to that. Mrs. Nanami,” your tone becomes sing-songy as you admire your engagement ring.
“Always and forever, my love,” he leans down, claiming your mouth with his. His thumbs rub against your hips, then move inwards, moving up and down the seam of your jeans crotch, as you feel him against your ass—
You pull your hand away quickly, blinking as you snap back to reality. You look to his hand, then to his face, but all you can see are his lips, those lips that kisses you better than you’ve ever been kissed in that vision—
“What did you see?” He asks, leaning forward. “What did you see?”
You open and close your mouth. Once. Twice. Thrice. 
“Well…” you start, chewing your lip. “…You live past Shibuya, that I’m certain of.”
Relief crosses his face, and he relaxes, all as your heart pounds harder.
You glance down at your left hand, the hand that now feels too light without a diamond on it. Then you glance back up to him, and even though his expression gives nothing away, you know from that vision that something else is brewing in that beautiful, beautiful head of his.
Because this man? Nanami Kento?
He’ll be your husband.
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taggies: @vxmethyst @techs-ass @gasp-a-homo @doubtsanduncertainties (me when tumblr isn't showing you as a user when tagging: ) @vee-ai
want to be tagged on the next part? comment and ask!
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rodethecyclone · 10 months
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At last…….this guy.
Meet George Morten. Self-proclaimed engineer and innovator. Local park owner. Possibly the first man to build and monetize an actually clairvoyant fortune-telling machine, albeit with ulterior motives. Born February 3rd, 1899. Died June 26th, 1958.
Karnak’s creator. Things have not gone as he had planned.
A figure in Canada’s amusement industry, possibly notable only for his bizarre death. Died pinned under the wheels of a roller coaster he constructed himself. Some say that he stood perfectly still as it hurdled towards him. Some say it was as though he already knew.
His creation has only ever possessed the power to bring one back to life. His creation— a being with free will who can see further tragedy in the future, and who has been confined to a life encased in a small box for decades— has chosen not to give that singular second chance at life to him.
Of course, his old original park is no more, having shut down (for most obvious reasons) over half a century ago,
but those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it, aren’t they?
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norwegianwoodtarot · 2 months
🌙 Blog Navigation🌙
Welcome! This blog is no longer active (see below) but above is my ‘Blog Navigation’ where you will find all my readings! 🌕🌖
Hello everyone!!! 👀👀
I’m just popping in to update ya’ll on some things. I’ll get into some updates on myself (if you’re interested) and where this account is going.
Some personal updates:
When I took my break at the beginning of last year I didn’t have a lot of time due to work. (I can’t remember if mentioned that last time I was on here? But I’m pretty sure I did Lol) Butttt I ended up getting a little promotion and moved states for work! (The promotion was technically an incentive to get me to move states but I’ll take it Lmao). That happened around the end of May, last year. But in bigger better news, as of December of last year, I am an ENGAGED GIRLYYYYY 💍🍾. *Que dog barking noises* My fiancé an I are not big wedding people (I honestly didn’t even really believe in marriage till we started dating) but in the state we lived in prior to moving, we were technically considered married under common law, as we presented ourselves as wives, so we thought, why not legally tie the knot Lol. We are planning to go to the court house sometime in April/May, then go back to her home state (where we used to live) sometime this summer to have a tiny dinner party with friends and family and that will be our “wedding”. Maybe we’ll wear casual white dresses, but that’s about it Lol. Those are the big things, but everything else has been pretty smooth sailing, the holidays were great. We went to Canada for Christmas, which was my first time and a very fun vacay!!
Now for this blog:
I have decided to retire this blog for good. I know a lot of you enjoy coming here when I am active, which I appreciate so much, but I have a couple reasons why I am choosing to leave. My blog will still be public, so if you ever want to come back you can, I just will not be posting any more content.
Like I said, there are a couple reasons. One of them being, I don’t feel like there is anything else to say. For the past 6ish-8ish months, I have not really been compelled to share anything else on the blog! I think everything that can be said publicly has been said! But this is a good thing!! In my opinion it means all is falling into place!!! We just have to sit back and relax!!
Also, the last time I was consistently active on here (late 2022, early 2023) I felt I was enabling a very toxic, extremely parasocial environment. To a point where almost (definitely not all) of my anons were purely here to force me to describe them as Harry’s soulmate and get mad when I share my findings/readings and it does not match up with them. Similarly, whenever some anons would disagree with Harry’s actions (particularly being in any sort of romantic relationships) they felt like it was a personal attack on them. It’s frustrating when I thought I created a fun environment to share tarot/clairvoyant findings, that turns out to be people calling Harry a “slut/slag” or saying that his soulmate is “fed up” with his “actions”, when in reality, it was their projections on to him and delusions that they were the soulmate.
Now, I don’t know who the soulmate is, and I don’t necessarily care who it is in particular. I created this blog to share my readings on them. But I know his soulmate isn’t 100 different anons on my little tumblr blog. And it is disturbing and disgusting to suggest that Harry must refrain from any sort of romantic/sexual relationships, just because he has a soulmate. That is not how life works for anyone. I was in three relationships before I met mine, and I’m sure a lot of you have/will as well. This does not hinder their connection nor is it him “cheating” on them. Get a grip on reality and stop projecting your fantasies and standards onto him. People can learn, grow, love, and experience heart breaks a hundred times before they meet the one.
As Harry has shared (quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson) “People destined to meet will do so, apparently by chance, at precisely the right moment”
Now, I don’t want this to be misconstrued. I am totally open to other readers and opinions from people who don’t partake or believe in spirituality but want to share what they think Harry’s sm may act like, look like, etc. etc. That’s why I created this blog!! For us all to share our opinions whether they are perfectly aligned or completely opposite. However, I won’t stand for people being rude or close-minded or projecting themselves onto Harry or his SM(s). That’s NOT the space I wanted to create. I wanted to keep an open-minded forum where we could share our opinions. Not people getting mad at me, other readers, or anons because our opinions don’t match up with them or their opinions.
With that said, I do want to highlight my amazing followers. To everyone who contributed to creating a fun, happy space, THANK YOU!!! You made this blog so fun!!! 💙💙🌙💙💙 I love and appreciate all of you, so much I can’t put it into words! You have helped me grow so much as a tarot reader from when I first stared!! Thanks again!!
And a huuuuugggge thanks to the other blogs who have reached out to help and support me! It means the world!! (I don’t know if anyone wants to be mentioned in specific, but they know who they are! ♥️)
Again, this blog will still be public so don’t worry! I will turn my asks on tonight and answer some tonight and possibly tomorrow if I have the time!! Thank you for following and contributing! I couldn’t have imagined this when I first started!! ✨✨✨
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My first and last time using a gif on this account Lolol. 💙✨💙
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misswriteress · 22 days
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[Begin Image Description: Two hands pressing against dark grey-green glass with faint smoke overlayed on top and the words Luna Paranormal Investigations.
End Image Description]
Title: Luna Paranormal Investigations
Genre: Adult Paranormal Horror
Setting: Calgary, Alberta and other various locations across Canada (and maybe outside of Canada as well?)
POV: Third Person, multiple
Themes/Tropes: Consequences of the past, forgiveness, healing, found family, fear of the unknown.
TWs: Gore, Abuse, Death
Status: Drafting
In a world where psychics and supernatural entities are very real, yet not everyone believes, it's not easy for people to find help when one of those entities decides to stick around or when you suddenly start moving things around. That's where people like Luna Paranormal Investigations, founded by Dr. Javier Luna, come in: they'll come out and investigate to determine if what you're dealing with is really a ghost (or just a structural issue) and if it is the former, will help you and the spirit. But it's not always as simple as helping a ghost with unfinished business: sometimes the ghosts aren't so kind and they won't go without a fight, and sometimes it's not the ghosts you need to worry about...
Cast of Characters
Maren Holovko: A psychic who inherited her mediumship and clairvoyance powers from her father, she works as the receptionist for Luna Paranormal Investigations and is also Javier's wife. Her abilities have often been crucial to providing context for investigations, but they also can put a great strain on her especially since it makes her a magnet for not so nice entities.
Javier Luna: The founder of Luna Paranormal Investigations and holds a doctorate in Parapsychology. Has always been interested in the paranormal and more importantly wanted to help people who wouldn't have anyone else to turn to. While he can get very eager when it comes to paranormal phenomenon, he is very protective of his team and will not hesitate to protect them at the expense of himself (which exasperates Maren).
Beatriz Aguilar: Childhood friend of Luna and Felix, she's more of a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal (though she's certainly seen some things that have shaken her skepticism). Her background in historical research make her perfect for looking through archives to find information about the places and people they're investigating.
Felix Estrada: The third member of the trio, Felix is more like Luna when it comes to the paranormal though he also tends to get more freaked out when actually witnessing the events. Is the guy in charge of the tech, including both the cameras and the gadgets and despairs whenever his "babies" get broken because of a ghost. Is also happily married to his childhood sweetheart Leticia.
Phoebe Winters: One of Luna's grad students he chose to work as an intern for LPI, she is very enthusiastic when it comes to the position (sometimes too enthusiastic) and is eager to help. She comes from an old money family she's estranged from due to their disapproval about her chosen line of work along with other reasons.
Victor Baptiste: Luna's other grad student he chose as an intern, he's more of a skeptic than Phoebe who prefers to rely on the scientific evidence rather than merely gut feeling. Has no idea what he's gotten himself into.
Noel Martin: Not officially a part of LPI, but rather a freelancer the team calls on when required, they are a powerful pyrokinetic who can use their ability for protection and cleansing.
Callan Turner: A former exorcist who left the church after an event left him disillusioned and works freelance. He's known Noel for a long time and is the last resort for the team when a case gets lethally dangerous.
luna paranormal investigations playlist
More Info
So I'm not dead (well, that might be debatable-), real life just sucks but I've been working on another WIP as you can see, this one was actually planned to be a spin-off of my With a Spark of Magic WIP but I liked the characters and idea so much I re-worked it to make it into its own world.
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lya-dustin · 5 months
Inspired by what @emilykaldwen rebloged on my post.
I.E. Alys Rivers is really a con artist who gaslit, gatekept and girlbossed her way to the top
And because that sounds a lot like the best con artist in American history , Cassie Chadwick/Elizabeth Bigley, here's the similarities
Alys Rivers/Cassie Chadwick(Elizabeth Bigley) parallels
Claims to be clairvoyant (Alys who sees things in fires, Cassie was clairvoyant Madame Lydia DeVere in her first american con)
Humble beginnings (Alys was a bastard wet nurse in Harrenhal, Cassie was born Elizabeth Bigley in Canada to a railroad worker and his wife)
Claimed to be a wealthy man's bastard (Alys Lyonels daughter, Cassie, Andrew Carnegies illegitimate daughter)
Claimed connection to upperclass (Alys with the Strongs, Cassie to the Cunard Family, the Carnegies, in one con claimed her family, the Bigleys, were rich)
Had a bastard son (Aemond’s pressumed bastard, Cassie had Emil Hoover as Cassie Hoover, brothel madam)
Conned a man into a relationship (Alys possibly with Aemond, Cassie with all three of her husbands and her lovers)
People(some) believed she was who she said she was (with Lyonel and the Strongs dead, amd Aemond as well, Alys could lie and say she was a bastard Strong and married and the baby was Aemonds, Cassie fooled the Rockfellers, three banks, and most of high society with fraudulent papers until Andrew Carnegie found out about her)
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unhingedhearties · 3 months
Sometimes A Photo Is Just A Photo
Erin and Ben are apparently back in Canada and were hanging out with Chris and his girlfriend/ fellow Hallmark actress.
Let's see how the infants handle it.
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The "I'm Done With The Show" brigade is still stalking WCTH related posts.
"Damage Control". Boy, I hope a certain group of Hearties don't latch onto that phrase and repeat it over and over on this post like they tend to do when they can't come up with an independent thought.
This feels like it should be common sense, but don't ever "love" someone you've never met with "all your heart".
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Oh look who it is. foxyinspiration right on cue to prove she doesn't have a thought in her head. Sadly I've already referenced the movie Screamers on this blog so I've got nothing besides hoping she ends up like Private Ross.
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God forbid a woman do anything, right? Seriously, you're going to look at a photo where Ben's making a face like that but focus on Erin laughing "too hard".
Also, there are still people who don't believe Erin and Ben are a couple. Amazing.
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37 freaking responses. Ugh… let's break these down. Without cheating, guess how many times they claim "damage control".
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Private people are never allowed to go out with friends or show up in pictures on someone else's social media site. Are Chris and Julie actually private people or has the unhinged section of the Hearties fandom driven them to be more reserved and distant on social media? Just my opinion-thanks for your feedback though.
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Some sanity prevails.
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I try really hard to not make comments about people's grammar. I come from a large family of people who's first language isn't English. I learned English at a young age but it's still my second language. I get it. Having said that, what the hell are you trying to say? Also, judging by your profile picture, you're a middle aged woman. You are way too old to be speaking in hashtags. Grow up.
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I don't know, maybe one of these two couples are new parents and have a small child at home that limits where/when/how they're able to go out? Maybe one of these two couples live in another country and only meet up when they have a movie that's filming near the other couple? Maybe… wait a minute. Hasn't Chris been in group pictures with Erin and the other actors? I don't obsess over the actor's personal lives so I don't know when he started dating Julie, but maybe they weren't together at the time so that's why she's not in those pictures. No that makes too much sense. Surely the reason Chris and Julie haven't been in a lot of photos with Erin and Ben is because… something to do with their character arcs from the last five seasons… but those seasons had different show runners… Look, none of this makes sense right now but I'll figure out a way to make it work. I'll start with my own conclusion and work backwards to justify it.
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Stop making sense, you're upsetting the zoo animals!
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Damn, I might be clairvoyant. markrymill said almost the same thing I said. Aaaaaaand of course she ignores all those points to accuse Erin of hiding comments. If Erin was actually wasting her time hiding comments, why are yours and all the other mindless parrots comments still visible? Maybe they got reported for being spam or harassment.
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Say the line, Bart!
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"a Governor's position that doesn't even exist in Canda!" Oh no! A historical inaccuracy in When Calls The Heart!? Wait, are we in favor of that or against it? Fans keep changing their opinion on that point. And like any of the people watching WCTH care about Canadian history. "Supposedly given a hero's arc yet he doesn't get the girl?" Women are just trophies for men to collect. Lucas is set up to maybe have an actual exciting storyline where his character does something for the greater good of society, but who cares. He didn't get the pretty decoration. It's amazing that these people will complain about the quality of the stories and writing but then say dumb stuff like this. Chris might have the chance to do something really good with his character besides look over a balcony and sip tea from a dainty cup but his own fans want to stop that.
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Listen up Team Smooth-Brain. I want you to follow along so grab a safety pencil and a circle of paper: For this to have been set-up, Erin would have had to fly out to Canada, taking Ben with her. She would have then had to call up Chris and Julie, hope that neither of them were working that day, convince them to not only go out to lunch, but tell them to get a baby-sitter for their however many months old baby. Instead of picking a restaurant with decent lightning she picked this florescent nightmare for her staged photo. She then told everyone to smile, took the photo, and posted it to her Instagram page to… what exactly? What was her plan to control people's reactions? Because the people who are fine with WCTH were going to write the same generic "lol so cute to see you guys be friends" comments they were always going to write and the people who stomp their feet like toddlers who didn't get the toy they wanted were going to write the same "this is all fake damage control trying to control the narrative Chris is being forced at metaphorical gun point to smile in these photos" CSI bullshit they post on every one of her photos.
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I hear Chris was offered a roll on a new show called Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies. He should quit WCTH and devote all of his time to that instead.
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"they are trying to manipulate us again. Not gonna happen 😢" I didn't know Hallmark had MKUltra agents on their marketing team.
I hope When Calls The Heart gets another show runner and I hope they break Elizabeth and Nathan up and pair Elizabeth with a woman. Any woman*. I hope this show keeps going for however many seasons it takes to get a lesbian relationship with a major character.
*Except Fiona or Faith because those two are destined to be together and you can't convince me otherwise.
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"Erin you're posting too many Kevin photos. It's rubbing salt in the wounds of heart broken Lucabeth fans who have PTSD just like those people currently in warzones and it's totally not tone-deaf of us to say that." "Erin you're posting all these photos of Chris to try and manipulate us into watching the next season. It's very cruel and sadistic of you." "Erin you're not fooling anyone by posting both Chris and Kevin photos. We're not falling for your damage control."
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comiiical · 1 year
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Penny Gerard Johnson
Archaeologist, egyptologist, linguist.
Hobbies: sculpture
p. baxter, piper halliwell previous life, and the mother of penelope halliwell, gave birth to both penny and gordon johnson jr. while penny was born with magic and raised actively in the rules of magic, gordon, magicless, was left as a simple practitioner. envious for half of his life, he left his family’s fold and formed his own, only to make amends with his sister after allen’s death.
he had a daughter whose powers manifested at a young age, and moved states. living in canada for a while, he met who would become her husband. together they gave birth to three children.
gerard was born after bruno, and raised without the secondary effects of his father’s mistake. unlike his brothers, when gerard was born, penny halliwell was aware of her cousins and received Gerard as his godmother, he was named after her much to his own annoyance when his brothers, in a little joke, legally changed his first name to it to satisfied grumpy aunt Penny.
like his brothers, his powers were bound at a young age, before his own birth, being uanble to have powers until age twenty. his family kept teaching him potion making and spell casting which resulted in a backwards study of ancient magic. when his powers manifested his interest for the past made sense.
Premonition (probability acceleration, astral premonition, precognition, advanced learning, power mimicry, clairvoyance), Empathy, Flight, Temporal manipulation (time fastforwarding, time rewind, time travel, time energy projection, time freezing, apportation), Atmokinesis (through time and prediction manipulation), Sensory manipulation, whirling (a form of teleportation classic to spiritual entities), plasma energy manipulation (ectoplasma manipulation), Sand manipulation (conjuration).  Alongside his two siblings, he also possesses access to the Power of Three. While not immortal he is not mortal. If he passes away he is bound to earth and forced to live as a physical ghost.
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aisakalegacy · 2 years
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Printemps 1889, Hylewood, Canada (3/6)
Si je me heurte sans répit à l’ignorance de mes contemporains face à mes sagesses, joie m’est de constaté que ma façon de vivre commence à éclairer le monde, et notamment les habitants des villes alentours. Désir leur vient de voir la vérité : depuis un an se pressent régulièrement devant ma tente ou mon feu des visiteurs, attirés sur notre belle île hospitalière spécialement pour me voir. Je réponds à leurs questions et, éclairé par Athéna, je leur prodigue des conseils. Cela déplaît fortement à mon père qui n’aime pas voir des inconnus déambuler sur sa propriété et qui ne veut rien entendre quand je lui explique qu’il s’agit là de mes admirateurs, et donc de mes invités. Ils me ramènent parfois de menus présents en remerciement de ma clairvoyance, mais je les refuse systématiquement. 
Pénia m’en soit témoin, je porte le dénuement en art de vivre et je ne veux rien posséder que je n’ai produit moi-même. Je portais autrefois une tenue de feuilles cousues ensembles. Tel Héraclès allant nu jusqu’à obtenir comme trophée la peau du lion de Némée, j’ai accumulé suffisamment d’orties, de feuilles, de morceaux de bois et d’écorces pour en tirer une fibre, grâce à laquelle j’ai pu me coudre une tunique. Lorsque la Fortune me sourit, je récupère le cuir et la peau des animaux abattus de l’île, grâce auxquels j’ai pu me confectionner une tente et des sandales. 
Incompris de mes proches, je vis mon existence paisible et isolé, béni d’Arété, accompagné parfois par mon jeune frère, Jules, qui s’assoit de temps en temps à mon feu pour écouter mes monologues socratiques et s’enrichir de ma culture morale et intellectuelle, et de ma connaissance autodidacte des métiers manuels courants, que je lui enseigne à l’occasion.
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Sam Weber Unveils Intuitive and Warm Acoustic Folk Single “Hey Hey”
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Sam Weber is a Canadian musician known for his distinctive style that blends elements of folk, rock, and Americana. 
A perceptive and compelling singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist in the vein of Jackson Browne, The Band, The Wood Brothers and Gillian Welch, Weber has been touring independently and internationally with his band since 2013 — just after he scored a glowing profile in Guitar Player magazine. 
Years spent refining songs at home in North Saanich, BC, working in studios in Los Angeles, and gigging relentlessly across Canada and throughout the western US have honed Weber’s craft to a fine point.
Leading into spring 2024, Weber is sharing “Hey Hey,” a song whose tumbling percussion and introspective acoustic guitar serve to articulate and realize the concept that “the truth always rises to the surface,” Weber explains. 
“The music I write that feels good is me articulating a truth to myself. Sometimes in the moment I don’t understand what it means and it sort of comes to fruition at some point. It can seem clairvoyant when it happens like that.”
Having directly improvised the song’s first verse and chorus, Weber felt as if he were channeling the song out of the air, “seeing what’s under the surface by letting it come out” instead of overthinking the process.
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blubushie · 1 year
I love having random Wikipedia tabs open to know about things. My dad has the same type of memory as me, where we remember these types of fun facts but not what we were saying two minutes ago, and my mom always likes to joke that it’s “useless information” but so often it comes back to help me out, even in little ways. I looked up why Blood Mountain in Georgia is called that because my brother was hiking it (uncertain whether it’s bc a type of red plant that grows near the peak or bc of a particularly bloody battle between indigenous nations), a few weeks later I went to see a movie that takes place on Blood Mountain in Georgia (the movie was Cocaine Bear). I got to rattle off facts about it to my friends, who looked on in sheer befuddlement. My parents are moving to a new city, and while they were there looking at houses, I looked at the Wikipedia page and sent a cool historical fact in the family group chat. Not ten minutes later, a stranger in a coffee shop brought it up while talking to my dad. These aren’t major things but it’s so fun to know about stuff! Today I spent two hours bouncing through Wikipedia pages related to mining in Canada, and that was time well spent imo -🐟
That happens all of the time to me. I'll think of a song I haven't heard in years and suddenly it's on the radio later that night. I'll talk to Jack about something, reckon it was "sonder", and then sure enough we're listening to the radio a few hours later while cleaning up and the bloke announces that that day's word is "sonder." It's the creepiest fucking thing and I chalk it up to a glitch in the Matrix.
And it happens constantly. "Ain't seen any wombats in a few months." Bam. Wombat not even twenty minutes later. "Heard from your sister at all?" Sister calls ten minutes later. "You seen Dick?" "Nah, he's up in Darwin now." "Ah. Poor bastard." GUESS WHO'S AT THE FUCKING PUB THAT NIGHT?
Jack jokes I'm marrkidjbu, a sorcerer. Clairvoyant or something.
And yes, it most definitely is time well spent! Any time spent learning is time well spent!
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panditsrinivas · 1 year
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Do you feel lost in life? Are you unable to find a direction or purpose that gives meaning to your life? You are not the only one. Many people have no idea what they want to do with their lives or lack the motivation to pursue their dreams. As troubling as it sounds, it's never too late to find your calling. And that is precisely what Srinivas Ji, a psychic medium in Ontario, can help you with. He provides psychic reading in Toronto, a powerful practice where a spiritually gifted person can harness his energies and observe his idiosyncrasies to provide eye-opening insights and predictions. By analyzing his point, this psychic reader in Canada can guide you to the right path. Whether it is your career, love life, health, family, or social life in general, this psychic in Ontario can provide advice that can help you navigate it all successfully.
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