#byron cherry
pierppasolini · 3 months
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The Dukes of Hazzard - 5.02 - Dukes Strike it Rich
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retrogoldenmemories · 5 months
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duranduratulsa · 6 months
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sombredancer · 2 months
Asian dramas and my favorite types of characters
There are my favorite types of characters as a list. A villain with a fatal weakness
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Drama: The Scholar Who Walks the Night /밤을 걷는 선비 Character: Gwi Screentime: Secondary Gwi is an ancient vampire and a master of puppets (and Joseon's king is the main of them). He is merciless, invincible and scheming all the drama long, until he accidentally kills a girl, who was his hostage and recalcitrant puppet from her childhood on and was the only one who could scold him and deny him. Nothing about it is said directly in the drama, but after her death he goes insane, kills all of his puppets and this way causes his own death. So, I suppose, she was his only weakness, and I like this type of a personal drama for a villain. Punch-Clock Villain / the Dragon
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Drama: 100 Days My Prince /백일의 낭군님 Character: Moo-yeon Screentime: Secondary Moo-yeon works as an assassin for the killer of his father, who is constantly threatening him with the life of his sister. Moo-yeon is a man of a very ill fate: his family was accused of a treason and executed, his sister became a fugitive, he was forced to sell his conscience for his and sister's lives and, as a cherry on the top of this cake, fell in love with the daughter of his captor. And died trying to save her... His story is sooooo sad, but it makes me feel for this character fully. Also, he is the king of whump because the half of the drama he is injured and suffers from his wounds. The whole sad story of this guy is analyzed by me here, here and here.
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Drama: The King Loves /왕은 사랑한다 Character: Moo-suk Screentime: Minor Koreans, obviously, like this type of characters, too, so there is another Dragon of the main villain, Moo-suk. In his free from dirty deeds time he h̶e̶l̶p̶s̶ ̶o̶l̶d̶ ̶l̶a̶d̶i̶e̶s̶ ̶c̶r̶o̶s̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶o̶a̶d̶ literally saves cute children and restores self-confidence of young ladies. And then he falls in love, rethinks his life and dies from the hand of his master. Predictable and sad. Still a memorable guy, though. 50 shades of a Byronic Hero
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Drama: The Wolf / 狼殿下 Character: Chu Youwen Screentime: Main A Mowgli boy was adopted by a wicked emperor, brought up like a cruel beast and was forced to do some dirty stuff for the emperor. He is mysterious, severe and you never know what's on his mind. As a true Byronic hero. He is some kind of Dragon, too, but it's a Chinese drama and he is a main hero in it, that's why he doesn't really do anything bad during the series. His soul is kind and his heart is pure, but he hides it from his love and deals with all of his problems on his own. It's the reason why all of this drama is a masochistic tango between him and his love. Whump lovers will be happy, too, because he is constantly in chains, pierced by arrows like a hedgehog or works as a slave in mines. As any other Dragon, he has a BE.
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Drama: Lost You Forever /长相思 第一季 Character: Xiang Liu Screentime: Secondary A mysterious demon general, whose name makes everyone shake in fear. A former demon slave, who is true to his word enough to fight for his benefactor even if he knows crystal clearly that it's hopeless and he and his army will die in the end. A man who has huge problems with expression of his emotions in a socially approved way. Edward Cullen of Chinese dramaland. He is enigmatic, with thick vibes of a bad guy, yet very loyal to his benefactor as well as his love and very selfless. SPOILER TO SEASON 2: because of this loyalty he will die and the love of his life will never-ever find out about anything he has done for her during the story.
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Drama: My Journey to You /云之羽 Character: Gong Shangjue Screentime: Secondary A guy was through trauma in his childhood and it made him look intimidating and unfeeling. A tsundere is born! He coped with his trauma by taking extra responsibilities for everything and everyone and turned to be a walking killing machine instead of a man. But an enemy assassin comes to his life and teaches him how to be a human once more. It's a painful experience, but it`s necessary in order to grow up as a character and is beautifully fulfilled. It was a great joy to know that he survives at the end of the story, it's a rare thing for this type of characters, so even if there is season 2 someday, I will not watch it in order not to spoil my impression of the first one. I wrote about him detailed here, here, here and here.
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Drama: Princess Agents / 特工皇妃楚乔传 Character: Yan Xun Screentime: Secondary It's the transformation story, too, like a previous one, but this time it's transformation from an ordinary man to a villain. Prince Yan Xun is a hostage colony prince in a metropolis empire, but he enjoys a noble life along with other nobility youth. The society around him is awful, each of these noble youths is a psycho who appreciate human hunt and so on, but cheerful and easy-going Yan Xun doesn't think their bloodthirstiness could turn against him. When relationship between the metropolis and the colony become tense, though, Yan Xun's friends of yesterday are happy to drink his blood. He loses his whole family and, insanely longing for revenge, slowly turns to one of those monsters himself.
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Drama: A Journey to Love / 一念关山 Character: Li Tongguang Screentime: Minor This guy has got a very realistic personality and background: he is a bastard who was deprived of mother's love since he was a child. The first circumstance made him power-hungry, scheming and outwardly emotionless, the second one made him longing for mother's love on insanely level. So he is invincible outwardly, but turns into a teary mess when it's about his female tutor, who is a mother figure for him. The contrast between these two personalities is enormous and makes this character very alive and interesting. During the drama he will not cope with his Oedipus complex but circumstances will solve this problem for him.
A pure-hearted hero
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Drama: Creation of the Gods Ⅰ / 封神三部曲 Character: Ji Fa Screentime: Main It's maybe strange to find this type of characters in the list of my favorite types, but morality and selflessness of a character is very important for me, too. This story is some kind of King Arthur's legend, but in a Chinese way. The emperor is bewitched by a demon and is bringing the kingdom to it's downfall, the Gods are here to find the savior with the help of a magic scroll that can be opened only by a true king. Ji Fa, a hero of this story, doesn't care about scrolls, but his heart is loyal to his kingdom and to his family (in this very order). He genuinely wants to help his friend-prince to be a king his kingdom deserves and, despite awful things that were done to him and his family, doesn`t harden his soul and betray his ideals. And, I suppose, although he isn't aware of this, he IS the future King Arthur of China. Interesting character decisions
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Drama: The Legends/招摇 Characters: Jiang Wu Screentime: Minor This character is something like a rival of the male lead. He is a xinmo - an inner demon of some other character and represents the darkest features of a human's soul. He is a ruthless killer, a dark sorcerer without conscience, but what was very unique, being literary the worst part of a human personality, he values his assistants a lot and genuinely cares for them. A villain is usually a lone wolf. He doesn't trust anyone and doesn't value anyone, his loneliness is usually his weakness and a key to his downfall. So I was pleasantly surprised that sometimes a villain is capable of building healthy relationships with his subordinates.
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Drama: Sh**ting Stars / 별똥별 Characters: Do Soo-hyuk Screentime: Minor
This guy truly surprised me. Firstly, he is supposed to be something like a third wheel in relationships of the main couple, but he just calmly got a refusal from the female lead, said "OK" and, absolutely relaxed, proceeded to live his life further. It's something unbelievable for me, because I used to see the insanity caused by an unrequited love to be the plot engine of a lot of dramas. Secondly, he is well-written as a character, straightforward, principled and has tsundere-ish or Byronic vibes - all the character features that I like =) Part 3 will be about other interesting types of relationship, mostly between men.
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softersalt · 2 months
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Cherry Wine - Hozier // Cain - Lord Byron // Not Strong Enough - Julien Baker // A Separate Peace - John Knowles // Real Men - Mitski // The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath // “crude conversations with boys who fake laughter often” - Warsan Shire
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lesamis · 8 months
tag people you want to catch up with/get to know better
tagged by @starkey & @percybysshes :') thank you!
last song: the chemical worker's song, great big sea
last film: mr malcolm's list, upon receiving a very convincing freckle recommendation. it's wonderful. highly recommend for your autumn saturday afternoons.
current/last read: recently finished alec, which made me miss maurice, so now i’m on that one again. i also recently bought ruins and visions by stephen spender, which i’ve been sporadically dipping into - very puzzling and very good.
currently watching: miss fisher’s murder mysteries s1, ofmd s2
current obsessions:
chocolate and cherry bircher müsli
improving my backstroke
frenchie ofmd (it’s such a good season for him! fairies! glittery cat flag! peanut allergy! best outfits on the entire show! if he doesn’t get to sing again before the season’s over i’ll personally show up in david jenkins’s house)
the lotr musical
this german youtuber’s reviews of new vegan products
zero pressure tags: @winterwyrd, @mysunfreckle, @byrons, @dannydakota, @sorgenfalter, @kazimirov, @gellavonhamster if any of you feel like it! :')
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burningvelvet · 1 year
writers as lana del rey songs that remind me of them bc i’ve been listening to her music a lot lately
sylvia plath - hope is a dangerous thing, born to die, beautiful, wildflower wildfire
anaïs nin & henry miller - burning desire, the other woman, black beauty, arcadia, blue velvet, carmen, summertime sadness, she’s not me, queen of disaster
walt whitman - body electric, happiness is a butterfly, get free, yosemite, cherry blossom
charles bukowski - wild at heart, west coast, how to disappear, american, yayo, go go dancer, kinda outta luck, velvet crowbar
jack kerouac - ride, cola, blue jeans, thunder, nectar of the gods, off to the races, diet mountain dew, looking for america, live or die, starry eyed
allen ginsberg - not all who wander are lost, brooklyn baby, living legend, dark but just a game, terrence loves you, religion, looking for america, love, children of the bad revolution
ernest hemingway - salvatore, florida kilos, the blackest day
oscar wilde - young and beautiful, gods & monsters, roses bloom for you, young and beautiful
f. scott & zelda fitzgerald - young and beautiful, art deco, money power glory, old money, the greatest, national anthem, hundred dollar bill
mary & percy shelley - dark paradise, lucky ones, swan song, beautiful people beautiful problems
lord byron - venice bitch, high by the beach, freak, million dollar man, music to watch boys to, 24, lust for life, 13 beaches, cherry, salvatore, kill kill
vladimir nabokov - lolita, mermaid motel, queen of the gas station, off to the races, big bad wolf
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bdj4generallee · 1 month
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I'm glad Byron Cherry made it to Cooters in March. Part of the family. Aka Coy Duke.
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boldlycrookedsalad · 4 months
Literary Canon (from kissgrammar)
The Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version [At a minimum, the books of Genesis, Exodus, Job, Psalms, from the Old Testament; Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Apocalypse from the New.] Whether or not you are Christian is irrelevant. The civilization in which we live is based on and permeated by the ideas and values expressed in this book. Understanding our civilization, the world in which we live, is probably impossible without having read -- and thought about -- at least the most famous books in the Bible. Historically, the King James Version is considered the most artistic, and thus has probably had the most literary influence.
Homer, The Iliad
Homer, The Odyssey
Sophocles, Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex)
Sophocles, Antigone
Plato, The Republic, especially "The Myth of the Cave"
Ovid, Metamorphoses
Saint Augustine, The Confessions
Dante, The Divine Comedy
Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
Giambattista Vico, Principles of a New Science
Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
Romeo and Juliet
King Lear
John Donne, "Holy Sonnet XIV"
John Donne, "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning"
Andrew Marvell, "To His Coy Mistress"
John Milton, Paradise Lost
Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels
A Modest Proposal
Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Michel de Montaigne, Essays, especially "Of Experience"
Francois Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel
Moliere, The Misanthrope
Blaise Pascal, Pensees
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile
Voltaire, Candide
Erasmus, In Praise of Folly
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust, Parts One & Two
Honore de Balzac, Old Goriot (also translated as Pere Goriot)
Stendhal, The Red and the Black
Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary
Emile Zola, Germinal
Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House
William Blake
William Wordsworth
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Lord Byron, Don Juan
John Keats, "Ode on a Grecian Urn"
Robert Browning, "My Last Duchess"
Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist
A Tale Of Two Cities
Hard Times
A Christmas Carol
Matthew Arnold, "Dover Beach"
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights
Francis Thompson, "The Hound of Heaven"
Samuel Butler, Erewhon
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
George Eliot- Silas Marner
Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
The Will To Power
The Birth of Tragedy
On the Genealogy of Morals
Alexander Pushkin - Eugene Onegin
The Bronze Horseman
Nikolai Gogol -The Overcoat
Dead Souls
Mikhail Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time
Ivan Turgenev, Fathers and Sons
Fyodor Dostoevsky -Notes From the Underground
Crime and Punishment
Leo Tolstoy -The Death of Ivan Ilych
War and Peace
Anton Chekhov, The Cherry Orchard
James Fenimore Cooper, The Deerslayer
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays
Emily Dickinson - "Because I Could Not Stop For Death"
"The Tint I Cannot Take"
"There's a Certain Slant of Light"
Walt Whitman  - "Song of Myself"
"The Sleepers"
"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry"
"As I Ebbed With The Ocean of Life"
"Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking"
"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomd"
Nathaniel Hawthorne - Young Goodman Brown
The Scarlet Letter
Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
Edgar Allen Poe - "The Raven"
The Cask of Amontillado
Henry David Thoreau, Walden
Kate Chopin -The Story of An Hour
The Awakening
Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage
Henry James
Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Luigi Pirandello
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kajtak-art · 10 months
Felt like drawing some Arclights today
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Up close↓
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And cherry on top
Also if anything is not readable here's text:
Trey: thank you for everything Yuma...
Quinton: Next time we meet will be the LAST time we meet.
Vetrix:OOPS... Seems that there's a [pipe bomb] in your mailbox.
Bonus Vetrix cuz he's so bbg
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And text
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More texts under the cut cuz I had too much fun with this
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Also there was one saying "haiiiii :33" but 10 pictures are 10 pictures
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bacchicly · 1 year
19 (or more) Kisses Deep
For @darcyfangirlsfrequently
Ship: Garvez (of course)
Summary: It's Luke's Birthday and surprises are in store...a sweet little ficlet for an amazing Garvez writer and all round awesome Darcy! Happy Birthday, Eh?
Words: 1400ish (not all mine - some belong to Leonard Cohen)
🎵🎶…takes you down….to her place by the river…🎶🎵
"So just so I understand, son…" Rossi's eyes twinkle as he raises both his eyebrows and his glass in a mock toast. "...you are doing all this as a surprise for Penelope to celebrate YOUR birthday? I am not criticising - but I have never seen anyone concentrate so hard on making crustless cucumber sandwiches in my life." 
At the mention of Penelope, Luke can't help but break into a sheepish goofy grin. Rossi is right - it is crazy.
🎵🎶…and you know that she's half-crazy but that's why you want to be there 🎶🎵
Luke wipes his hands on the "Kiss the cook twice - I'm Italian!" apron the older agent passed to him wordlessly about an hour ago when he first invaded Rossi's kitchen with a large cardboard box of groceries, a "Best of Leonard Cohen" CD, and a "thank you" bottle of scotch. 
🎵🎶 And just when you mean to tell her that you have no love to give her - 🎶🎵
The lyric seeps its meaning into Luke's brain - dissolving his smile - and prompting him to grab his beer and take a long pull… no wonder he can't convince Penny he honestly loves her.  Poets. Bah.  Always making things so complicated.  Give him the Beatles any day over this dross "With a love like that you know you should be glad." Simple.  To the point.  Poetry. Why does she adore this dumb Canadian crooner anyways?  
"Hey.  Watch your mouth you chuckle-head, no speaking ill of the Lord Byron of Rock'n'Roll. We had some very interesting conversations in '77, I'll have you know."
Luke didn't even realise he had spoken aloud.  
🎵🎶 Then she gets you on her wavelength...And she lets the river answer that you've always been her lover 🎶🎵
"Sorry.  I didn't know you knew him personally."
"Don't worry about it.  What you should worry about is those scones - they are smelling like they might be just about done."
Luke's eyes widen in slight panic, sets down his bottle with a thunk, and spins to check on the oven where his strawberry streusel scones have been cheerfully baking for the last 19 minutes. He sighs with relief when, after yanking open the oven, it's clear from the delicious smell, the perfectly browned tops, and Rossi's chuckles - they are perfect.  
"Use the oven mitts!" says Rossi as he tosses a red quilted pair at Luke - who naturally grabs them out of the air and tugs them on grinning.  
"Yes, sir!"
Luke pulls the pan of scones out of the oven.  Breathing in deeply and he grins like an idiot to himself as he carefully moves the toothsome wedges to the cooling wrack.  He even starts to hum…
🎵🎶And you want to travel with her, and you want to travel blind, And then you know that you can trust her...For she's touched your perfect body with her mind 🎶🎵
Hmm maybe there is a reason why Penelope likes this guy so much…
The song ends and another starts - low and slow - and Luke turns back to the cucumber sandwiches.  He'll finish them and then start on the pinwheels - cream cheese and maraschino cherry - and then do some apricot chickpea curry endive boats to round out the table.  
🎵🎶 If you want a lover -I'll do anything you ask me to 🎶
He should probably pre-boil the water too so that he can warm the tea pot just before she arrives too.  
🎶🎵…If you want a partner, take my hand, or If you want to strike me down in anger…🎶🎵
Ok...yes. Maybe...maybe... this guy does know a thing or two….chuckling over the memory of Penelope storming at him over something or other.
🎵🎶 Here I stand. I'm your man. 🎶🎵
Luke's hands still as the next lines wash over him.
🎵🎶 If you want a boxer...I will step into the ring for you 🎶🎵
Yep.  Definitely knows a thing or maybe nineteen.
🎵🎶 And if you want a doctor...I'll examine every inch of you...If you want a driver, climb inside...Or if you want to take me for a ride...You know you can! I'm your man. 🎶🎵
He shivers at the thought of examining every inch of her…of insides… of rides…
This had better work.  It's his last Hail Mary.  If, after today, Penelope is not willing to give him a chance… a real chance this time....
…well, that will truly be the end of it, won't it? 
His heart rebels at the thought and the song echos the frustrating truth: for him? There will never be an end.
🎵🎶…And I'd howl at your beauty...like a dog in heat...and I'd claw at your heart...and I'd tear at your sheet...I'd say please (Please)...I'm your man 🎶🎵
His hand tightens around the handle of the knife he was using to slice off the last cucumber sandwich crusts.  Why doesn't she get that this is it for him?  That she's it for him.  That he's…he's…her man?
🎵🎶 If you want a father for your child...or only want to walk with me a while across the sand - I'm your man 🎶🎵
Oh Hell.  True.  All true.  All desperately outrageously frustratingly gloriously true.
The song pulses under his ruminations - pulsing and pleading - begging for any crumb… weirdly strong in it's subservience…
🎵🎶 I'm your man 🎶🎵 
The final cords swell and ebb away… and in the beat between tracks he-
"Newb-Luke-Birthday Boy???  What are you doing here?"
Luke's head snaps up and he stares.
It's like thinking of her has summoned her.  
She is wearing the outfit she was wearing the day she met Roxy - all oranges and yellow sunshine  …the day he knew he was a goner….. and just like she always crashes into his life - awkwardly sweetly infuriatingly - she is here early and is carrying some giant box of something or other.  And as usual… he's not ready - caught off guard - consumed…but can't help but grin like an idiot as his heart starts to do it's joyful Penelope-wiggle-of-joy.  
Damn.  I'm HER man.
"What am I doing here?  What are you doing here?  ROSSI?!?!?"
The older agent appears behind a sputtering Penelope and then with a too-innocent too-indulgent too-self-sastified curl of his lips - the pompous ass that is David Rossi shugs into his coat, turns on his heel, and jangles his car keys in the universal sign of "I'm going out".
Penelope is now the one spinning on her heel - echoing Luke's "Rossi!" but her boss cuts her off.
"You're both very welcome.  Now be good, kids. Help yourself to anything you can find. I'll be back at midnight.  Lock up when you leave and don't turn into any pumpkins!"
The next song is well begun now and they watch helpless as Unit Chief David Rossi literally waltzes out on them - shamelessly adding his baritone to Cohen's bass… "...take this waltz, take this waltz! With its very own breath of brandy and death!"
Penelope spins back to Luke - but slowly - gathering her thoughts. 
Why is he here? He wasn't supposed to arrive until much later.  She was supposed to decorate and everyone was supposed to arrive and then Matt was supposed to swing by with him on the way home from a birthday dinner with "Uncle Luke" and they were all going to jump out and yell surprise and Emily had ordered a cake and…. Well apparently something else is happening… those Sneaky Mc Sneakertons!
"Luke?  What's going on?"
"I…I…I think…"
🎵🎶 There's a concert hall in Vienna...Where your mouth had a thousand reviews 🎶🎵
"...I think…I think our team is as tired as I am of waiting." 
And with that Luke puts down the knife, pushes himself away from the counter, crosses to his bambi-eyed love, takes the box and set it on the floor, and then draws her into his arms, their eyes lock, their hands clasp, and their lips tingle as they sway into a kitchen waltz.
🎵🎶 And I'll dance with you in Vienna...I'll be wearing a river's disguise...The hyacinth wild on my shoulder...my mouth on the dew of your thighs 🎶🎵
They move as though they have always danced…always will dance…close and smiling…Penelope tilting to smile up at him…Luke tilting his head to breath her in…
🎵🎶 Oh my love, oh my love...Take this waltz, take this waltz...It's yours now, it's all that there is 🎶🎵
And they come to a stop and finally finally their lips meet in a slow deep kiss filled with promise. 
When they part - Penelope's eyes are closed and she is so so still…
And with that Penelope can't help but twinkle up at him and lean in to whisper…
"Apparently you're Italian and I am supposed to kiss you twice."
And so…she does.  
…although they hardly stop at two.
🎵🎶 There ain’t no cure…there ain’t no cure… there ain’t no cure for love. 🎶🎵
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From The Ground Up ~ Part 2
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My Blurb: This one is a lil shorter but I needed a little more setup before the next chapter that will have a special guest that you hopefully recognize from one of my other stories! I’m always looking for feedback and reblogs are worth gold!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Please do not repost without my permission.
Summary: Drew’s been in the wrestling business a long time and seen his fair share of Alpha & Omega drama. He’s certain when he finds his Omega this won’t be a problem, until the scent of cherries and orchids fill his senses and Cassidy Riley strolls into his life and he realizes a real relationship has to be built from the ground up. 
Pairing: Alpha Drew McIntyre x Omega OFC Cassidy Riley 
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, aggressive men, shirtless Drew
Status: In Progress
Tagging: @pioched​​ | @ashes-writing​ | @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore​ | @thebookwormcat​
Read First: From The Ground Up Masterlist
Also Check Out: My Whole Masterlist 
My chest pounded as I headed to the ring, thunderous applause ringing in my ears. A dull pain in my head started the moment I stepped away from my Omega and worsened the further I got from her. I took a deep breath and shook it off. It would be fine. It was a normal part of the connection, especially since I hadn’t claimed her yet. After I declare my intent for the Intercontinental title I will take her to dinner then back to the hotel and then we can make things…official. My dick twitched at the thought and I grinned at Gunther standing in the ring. 
Coming back through the curtain I was waylaid by Saxton trying to get an interview about my return. I kept my answers short while I searched the area for her, frowning when she was nowhere to be seen. 
“She’s in medical, after you…” Hunter’s voice trailed off as I headed down the hall towards medical, ignoring whatever else he had to say. Dammit I told her I would be right back, she should have known that meant to stay put. People scrambled out of my way but I barely noticed, too intent on following the trail of her scent. 
I groaned as I came to, blinking at the bright lights, hand immediately going to the dull pain in my head. “Easy there, Cass. Slowly.” Shannon, one of the backstage medics' voices, cut through the fog in my head as she helped me sit up. 
“What happened?” I groaned, looking around the room to see we were alone. “How long have I been out?”
“Maybe 5 minutes, it’s normal to be overwhelmed when the first connection is made with your mate. He shouldn’t have left so abruptly, it would have helped.” She smiled kindly at my confusion, while she checked my pulse. “World travels fast around here, but I imagine Drew will be back here as soon as his segment is over. Do you want to change? Kayla brought your bag and Byron has taken over your interviews tonight.” 
I nodded, taking a deep breath as it all came rushing back to me. Drew McIntyre is my Alpha. Shannon left, closing a curtain so I could have some privacy. I pulled my clothes out of my bag, quickly sliding out of my dress and into the comfier outfit. I had just pulled the sweater over my head and sat back down when a door slammed followed by Shannon’s alarmed yell. 
The curtain was ripped back abruptly to reveal the heaving Scotsman. He looked like he had run across the arena…shirtless and angry, my brain blanked when I realized and I gulped as he stepped closer. 
“You shouldn’t have taken off while I was gone. I need to know where you are.” He growled, causing me to narrow my eyes.
Indignation shot through me at his words, I barely registered the pain in my head had ceased completely. “Excuse me? You can’t just order me around! I can go wherever I want!”
“I told you I would be right back. You should have waited for me. Something could have happened to you.” he stepped closer, flooding me with his scent.
I stared at him in shock, “Something did happen! I was unconscious! You left me!” I jumped to my feet prepared to poke him in the chest. I wasn’t prepared for the wave of dizziness that hit me and I stumbled but he grabbed me quickly. He stared at me with a puzzled look before glancing around the room, seeming to finally realize where we were. 
I heard more people enter the room and Shannon talking to them in a hushed voice but Drew’s broad chest blocked my view. He sighed, seeming to lose some of his anger. “Let’s get you to our room, you can lay down and we can talk more.” 
I reared back, my mind hanging up on the word “our”, surely he didn't think… “I’m not going anywhere with you.” Dammit self let go of his bicep.
“Yes you are, you are mine, you stay with me.” his grip tightened around my waist as I tried to pull away. 
“You don’t even know me!” I argued, attempting to look around him. 
One of his hands gripped my chin, raising my face to look him in the eye. “You are my Omega, your place is with me.” My thighs clenched at his words delivered in his deep brogue but I fought the desire. 
 I swallowed thickly, determined to prove my point. “What’s my name? Say it and I'll go with you tonight.” 
His mouth opened confidently then closed as a dismayed look slowly took over his face. I could almost hear the wheels grinding and I fought back my own feelings of disappointment as his grip on me lessened the harder he thought. 
“I’m not some loose Omega, Drew. I may be yours by fate but I want more. I want to be…” I struggled to find the right word when his gaze shifted to mine. “Wooed.” I finished lamely, gritting my teeth to keep the sudden tears at bay.
“Wooed?” He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. 
I shoved his chest, finally breaking free of his grasp. “Yes, dammit! Wooed!” I stared at him a moment, then grabbed my bag and turned toward the exit. Seeing Sheamus and Ridge standing solemnly with Shannon I nodded to them and headed out the door.
“Let her go Drew.” Sheamus grabbed me as I turned to head after my mate. The dull pain grew again in her absence. Ridge blocked the door shaking his head at me and I growled, turning and punching the bed.
“What are you doing here?” I snapped, seeing I wasn’t getting past both of them. 
Ridge relaxed but didn’t move from the door. “Word travels fast around here, we were friends in NXT, thought we should check on her.” He puts his hands up in a placating manner when I stand and glare at him. “Hey, we were just friends, I have Lucy.”
“It doesn’t make sense. Why would I need to woo her if she is meant to be mine?” I snapped. Glaring when Ridge and Sheamus looked at each and burst out laughing. 
“Welcome to the world of women, your whole life is about to change.” Ridge patted me on the shoulder. 
“Did you even bother to see why she was here before you went full caveman on her?” Sheamus asked, still trying to stifle his laughter. 
I deflated, sitting on the bed and thinking about what had just happened. Now that the rage had subsided I could see that she had been alone and changed her clothes. “She said she was unconscious when they brought her here.” I muttered, starting to feel like the caveman Sheamus had accused me of being.
Shannon approached with a clipboard in hand. “She blacked out after you went to the ring. Probably just overwhelmed from the connection, though you shouldn’t have left her so quickly. She will be fine though. Assuming you pull your head out of your ass.” She finished with a raised eyebrow before walking away. 
“Fuck, I screwed up. What am I supposed to do now? Wait for her to calm down?” I started pacing. 
“I guess you are going to have to “woo” her. I knew that kilt would come back and haunt you.” Sheamus chuckled. “I warned you that finding her was the easy part, you can’t force the rest. Fate only does so much, You have to build the rest from the ground up.” 
“You’ve already shown her the possessive side of being an alpha, they don’t swoon at that though.” Ridge added, “I’d keep Lucy strapped to my side but she would hate me for it. She already knows I can protect her, she likes knowing I can be caring, soft and all that stuff too.” 
I nodded, listening carefully “From the ground up, I can do that. Thanks lads.” I clapped them on the shoulder before heading out the door.
“It’s Cassidy” Ridge shouted and I turned back to him with a questioning look. “Her name is Cassidy Riley.” he shrugged and I nodded before continuing to my car.
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duranduratulsa · 1 year
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Up next on my Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 movie marathon...Christmas Cars (2019) on classic DVD 📀!...starring John Schneider, Mindy Robinson Billy Slaughter Lorelei Linklater Coy Duke - Byron Cherry Johnny Lee Gary Baxley Paul Michael "Little Bo Duke" #movie #movies #drama #actionadventure #christmas #merrychristmas #merrychristmas2022
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PHL / Seeing the Anthropocene
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Seeing the Anthropocene curated by Julia Clift
On view: October 28-December 2, 2023, simultaneously at Tiger Strikes Asteroid and Cherry Street Pier, Philadelphia
Opening Receptions: November 4th, 5-8 PM at Cherry Street Pier, with a live performance at 6 PM, and November 9th, 6-9 PM at Tiger Strikes Asteroid
Artists and Collaborations: Austen Camille (with music by ENAensemble) | Lydia Cheshewalla | Matthew Colaizzo | Christopher McNulty | Ana Mosquera | Hui-Ying Tsai | Hui-Ying Tsai in collaboration with Jonathan Grover | Byron Wolfe | The Immersion Project: Austen Camille, Erik Cordes, Ph.D., Samantha Joye, Ph.D., Malte Leander, Christine Lee, and Rebecca Rutstein
Seeing the Anthropocene (StA) is a cross-venue exhibition curated by Philadelphia-based artist Julia Clift, featuring diverse artists and collaborative groups contending with the global climate crisis and other urgent environmental issues. Through wide-ranging media, the included artworks foster understanding of the moment we're in, inspire personal connections with the natural world, and imagine different potential futures depending on how we act today. The show features artists from across the country as well as international perspectives.  
Several artworks in StA shed light on the policies, conventions, and attitudes that led to the climate crisis and continue to sustain it today. Large-scale pieces by Matthew Colaizzo and Christopher McNulty document commonplace pollution and extractive industry in America, while smaller works by both artists subtly critique human efforts to dominate the natural world. In their own ways, Colaizzo and McNulty interrogate Modern ideals of “progress” that often underpin environmental destruction.
Byron Wolfe's Vanished Volcano Visualization Kit offers maps and models to help audience members envision Mount Tehama, an ancient volcano in Northern California that's almost entirely disappeared over the past 400,000 years due to natural erosion. The kit evokes the difficulty of processing environmental losses and imagining what once was, mental tasks required for contending with present-day issues like climate change and mass extinction. While Wolfe endeavors to see the distant past, Ana Mosquera envisions a dystopic climate future. Her Breathing Exchange Temporium, a woefully dysfunctional life raft and oxygen tank, forebodes mass climate migration and encapsulates life's precarity on a hotter planet, especially for those less privileged. 
A highlight of the exhibition is the first prototype of The Immersion Project, a collaboration between Austen Camille, Christine Lee, Rebecca Rutstein, Malte Leander, and oceanographers Erik Cordes, Ph.D. and Samantha Joye, Ph.D that incorporates large-scale coral-inspired sculptures, augmented reality animation and sound into a multi-sensory installation to educate the public about deep sea ecosystems. After a national exhibition tour, the sculptures will be installed in the Gulf of Mexico to help restore coral habitats damaged by the Deep Water Horizon oil spill in 2010. The project demonstrates one way that artists can contribute to climate solutions.
All of the artworks mentioned thus far will be on view at Tiger Strikes Asteroid. Two miles south of the gallery, at Cherry Street Pier, works by Lydia Cheshewalla, Hui-Ying Tsai, and Austen Camille encourage personal connection to the natural world and help audience members to see themselves as part of nature rather than above it. Such perspective can be a wellspring for environmentally-conscious action. Notably, Camille's large-scale augmented reality animation over the Delaware River, featuring music by Philadelphia's ENAensemble, will incorporate a live performance during the show's opening reception at Cherry Street Pier, on November 4th at 6 PM. At Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Camille’s AR animation within The Immersion Project and a second piece by Tsai—a collaboration with sound artist Jonathan Grover—tie the two venues together and bring notes of hope to the gallery.
For more information, please visit www.StAPhilly.com.
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70s80sandbeyond · 1 year
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Christopher Mayer and Byron Cherry of The Dukes of Hazzard (1982-1983)
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ruralwarroom · 11 months
15 year annivirthday of Cherry Red Records, London release of Donavan Suitt, Byron Werner, Erman Mansueti RWR single featured on album Switched On Bob (Cherry Red EU/UK)
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