bacchicly · 1 year
19 (or more) Kisses Deep
For @darcyfangirlsfrequently
Ship: Garvez (of course)
Summary: It's Luke's Birthday and surprises are in store...a sweet little ficlet for an amazing Garvez writer and all round awesome Darcy! Happy Birthday, Eh?
Words: 1400ish (not all mine - some belong to Leonard Cohen)
🎵🎶…takes you down….to her place by the river…🎶🎵
"So just so I understand, son…" Rossi's eyes twinkle as he raises both his eyebrows and his glass in a mock toast. "...you are doing all this as a surprise for Penelope to celebrate YOUR birthday? I am not criticising - but I have never seen anyone concentrate so hard on making crustless cucumber sandwiches in my life." 
At the mention of Penelope, Luke can't help but break into a sheepish goofy grin. Rossi is right - it is crazy.
🎵🎶…and you know that she's half-crazy but that's why you want to be there 🎶🎵
Luke wipes his hands on the "Kiss the cook twice - I'm Italian!" apron the older agent passed to him wordlessly about an hour ago when he first invaded Rossi's kitchen with a large cardboard box of groceries, a "Best of Leonard Cohen" CD, and a "thank you" bottle of scotch. 
🎵🎶 And just when you mean to tell her that you have no love to give her - 🎶🎵
The lyric seeps its meaning into Luke's brain - dissolving his smile - and prompting him to grab his beer and take a long pull… no wonder he can't convince Penny he honestly loves her.  Poets. Bah.  Always making things so complicated.  Give him the Beatles any day over this dross "With a love like that you know you should be glad." Simple.  To the point.  Poetry. Why does she adore this dumb Canadian crooner anyways?  
"Hey.  Watch your mouth you chuckle-head, no speaking ill of the Lord Byron of Rock'n'Roll. We had some very interesting conversations in '77, I'll have you know."
Luke didn't even realise he had spoken aloud.  
🎵🎶 Then she gets you on her wavelength...And she lets the river answer that you've always been her lover 🎶🎵
"Sorry.  I didn't know you knew him personally."
"Don't worry about it.  What you should worry about is those scones - they are smelling like they might be just about done."
Luke's eyes widen in slight panic, sets down his bottle with a thunk, and spins to check on the oven where his strawberry streusel scones have been cheerfully baking for the last 19 minutes. He sighs with relief when, after yanking open the oven, it's clear from the delicious smell, the perfectly browned tops, and Rossi's chuckles - they are perfect.  
"Use the oven mitts!" says Rossi as he tosses a red quilted pair at Luke - who naturally grabs them out of the air and tugs them on grinning.  
"Yes, sir!"
Luke pulls the pan of scones out of the oven.  Breathing in deeply and he grins like an idiot to himself as he carefully moves the toothsome wedges to the cooling wrack.  He even starts to hum…
🎵🎶And you want to travel with her, and you want to travel blind, And then you know that you can trust her...For she's touched your perfect body with her mind 🎶🎵
Hmm maybe there is a reason why Penelope likes this guy so much…
The song ends and another starts - low and slow - and Luke turns back to the cucumber sandwiches.  He'll finish them and then start on the pinwheels - cream cheese and maraschino cherry - and then do some apricot chickpea curry endive boats to round out the table.  
🎵🎶 If you want a lover -I'll do anything you ask me to 🎶
He should probably pre-boil the water too so that he can warm the tea pot just before she arrives too.  
🎶🎵…If you want a partner, take my hand, or If you want to strike me down in anger…🎶🎵
Ok...yes. Maybe...maybe... this guy does know a thing or two….chuckling over the memory of Penelope storming at him over something or other.
🎵🎶 Here I stand. I'm your man. 🎶🎵
Luke's hands still as the next lines wash over him.
🎵🎶 If you want a boxer...I will step into the ring for you 🎶🎵
Yep.  Definitely knows a thing or maybe nineteen.
🎵🎶 And if you want a doctor...I'll examine every inch of you...If you want a driver, climb inside...Or if you want to take me for a ride...You know you can! I'm your man. 🎶🎵
He shivers at the thought of examining every inch of her…of insides… of rides…
This had better work.  It's his last Hail Mary.  If, after today, Penelope is not willing to give him a chance… a real chance this time....
…well, that will truly be the end of it, won't it? 
His heart rebels at the thought and the song echos the frustrating truth: for him? There will never be an end.
🎵🎶…And I'd howl at your beauty...like a dog in heat...and I'd claw at your heart...and I'd tear at your sheet...I'd say please (Please)...I'm your man 🎶🎵
His hand tightens around the handle of the knife he was using to slice off the last cucumber sandwich crusts.  Why doesn't she get that this is it for him?  That she's it for him.  That he's…he's…her man?
🎵🎶 If you want a father for your child...or only want to walk with me a while across the sand - I'm your man 🎶🎵
Oh Hell.  True.  All true.  All desperately outrageously frustratingly gloriously true.
The song pulses under his ruminations - pulsing and pleading - begging for any crumb… weirdly strong in it's subservience…
🎵🎶 I'm your man 🎶🎵 
The final cords swell and ebb away… and in the beat between tracks he-
"Newb-Luke-Birthday Boy???  What are you doing here?"
Luke's head snaps up and he stares.
It's like thinking of her has summoned her.  
She is wearing the outfit she was wearing the day she met Roxy - all oranges and yellow sunshine  …the day he knew he was a goner….. and just like she always crashes into his life - awkwardly sweetly infuriatingly - she is here early and is carrying some giant box of something or other.  And as usual… he's not ready - caught off guard - consumed…but can't help but grin like an idiot as his heart starts to do it's joyful Penelope-wiggle-of-joy.  
Damn.  I'm HER man.
"What am I doing here?  What are you doing here?  ROSSI?!?!?"
The older agent appears behind a sputtering Penelope and then with a too-innocent too-indulgent too-self-sastified curl of his lips - the pompous ass that is David Rossi shugs into his coat, turns on his heel, and jangles his car keys in the universal sign of "I'm going out".
Penelope is now the one spinning on her heel - echoing Luke's "Rossi!" but her boss cuts her off.
"You're both very welcome.  Now be good, kids. Help yourself to anything you can find. I'll be back at midnight.  Lock up when you leave and don't turn into any pumpkins!"
The next song is well begun now and they watch helpless as Unit Chief David Rossi literally waltzes out on them - shamelessly adding his baritone to Cohen's bass… "...take this waltz, take this waltz! With its very own breath of brandy and death!"
Penelope spins back to Luke - but slowly - gathering her thoughts. 
Why is he here? He wasn't supposed to arrive until much later.  She was supposed to decorate and everyone was supposed to arrive and then Matt was supposed to swing by with him on the way home from a birthday dinner with "Uncle Luke" and they were all going to jump out and yell surprise and Emily had ordered a cake and…. Well apparently something else is happening… those Sneaky Mc Sneakertons!
"Luke?  What's going on?"
"I…I…I think…"
🎵🎶 There's a concert hall in Vienna...Where your mouth had a thousand reviews 🎶🎵
"...I think…I think our team is as tired as I am of waiting." 
And with that Luke puts down the knife, pushes himself away from the counter, crosses to his bambi-eyed love, takes the box and set it on the floor, and then draws her into his arms, their eyes lock, their hands clasp, and their lips tingle as they sway into a kitchen waltz.
🎵🎶 And I'll dance with you in Vienna...I'll be wearing a river's disguise...The hyacinth wild on my shoulder...my mouth on the dew of your thighs 🎶🎵
They move as though they have always danced…always will dance…close and smiling…Penelope tilting to smile up at him…Luke tilting his head to breath her in…
🎵🎶 Oh my love, oh my love...Take this waltz, take this waltz...It's yours now, it's all that there is 🎶🎵
And they come to a stop and finally finally their lips meet in a slow deep kiss filled with promise. 
When they part - Penelope's eyes are closed and she is so so still…
And with that Penelope can't help but twinkle up at him and lean in to whisper…
"Apparently you're Italian and I am supposed to kiss you twice."
And so…she does.  
…although they hardly stop at two.
🎵🎶 There ain’t no cure…there ain’t no cure… there ain’t no cure for love. 🎶🎵
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goodsomensdaily · 8 months
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Happy Birthday Julia! @crowleyanthonys
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randomjreader · 1 year
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linkcalm · 2 years
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Inspired by @arcadiii ‘s work on the fanfic overwritten, overridden
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shadowglens · 4 months
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➵♡ DARCY CAMPBELL (for @risingsh0t)
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everythingpuddle · 1 month
Happy Trix day!
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ilovetvtoons · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to Haley Tju!!! She is an amazing actress who voiced Marcy and her evil counterpart Darcy from Amphibia, Karmi from Big Hero 6 The Series, and Stella Zhau from The Loud House!!! 🥳🎂
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nicxxx5 · 10 months
happy birthday kizzy!!! our best darcy ever possible and enby king!
and happy birthday aled last!!! we're all out here listening
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legendofthe3divas · 10 months
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Happy birthday to Kizzy!! The BEST actor for Darcy!! ❤️❤️
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So I took the "draw the squad" monopoly meme and made it with Heartstopper..
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I know it's not that good but it took hours lol
Nick made the mistake of suggesting playing Monopoly on his birthday. Chaos happened.
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corpyburd · 8 months
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Simply Happy Birthday Matthew Macfadyen 🎂
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forpiratereasons · 1 year
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happy birthday, baby, by darcylindbergh
“All right, all! I hope you’re ready!”
There was a chorus of groans.
“What we’re about to do will be perilous! Very perilous! Some of us won’t be coming back, and to those of you who do decide to split from the group, you know the drill—tell your buddy where you’re going and with who, and we’re not talking nicknames, people! We’re talking verifiable identification! Do you all have your buddies?”
an ofmd birthday bar crawl au. 
rated T | chapter 1 of 3 🎉
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ani-bunnie13 · 5 months
happy birthday darcy!!
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hbd to the one and only vodka party queen
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aenariasbookshelf · 11 months
you say you want (me) (part eight of ?)
title: you say you want (me) (part eight of ?)
author: Aenaria
rating: G
Weekly prompt: Happy Birthday Steve week at @darcylewisbingohq
Characters: Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers
tags/warnings: Darcy/Steve, soulmate AU                                                                                                 
Summary: In a world where having a soulmate mark is the norm for most people, Darcy Lewis is one of the rare few unmarked people. Of course, this doesn’t stop her from finding the right partner. 
Previous parts can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/aenariasbookshelf/719853958960742400
A/n: I had a revelation about where I pulled the title of this fic from today as I was writing this, thanks to something my best friend sent me. All coincidentally, mind you - she has no idea of this story as far as I know (she's not in the fandom). It's a good and amazing revelation, one that will make this fic even better. I can’t wait to get to working that into this story. *bounces in happiness*
Exposure therapy. Or that’s what it’s allegedly called. To put himself in situations where he’s uncomfortable to try and figure out how to cope with them instead of being wholly disabled.
Whatever. He’s not even sure if that’s the right term for what’s going through his head.
No matter what, Steve still doesn’t like the sound of fireworks and is working to actively avoid them, even if they’re a major part of the combined birthday/4th of July party happening at the Compound right then.
Besides, it’s his birthday, and if he wants to spend the last half of his party relaxing on a giant float that’s been engineered to handle his weight in the Compound’s indoor pool avoiding raucous partygoers, so be it. It’s calm, and the gentle rocking of the water makes him drowsy, head tilting back against the inflatable pillow.
Another sound begins to rise above the movement of the water, bare feet padding along the bright white tiles surrounding the pool. And it’s a cadence Steve recognizes all too well, as a gentle smile spread across his face.
“You know, of all the places for you to hide and avoid your birthday party, on a pool floatie is the last place I would have thought of,” Darcy calls out. Steve hears a soft splash, her feet beginning to descend the stairs into the water.
“It’s soundproof,” Steve calls back, waving a hand at the skylights above that provide an expansive view of the night sky. “You can see the fireworks from here, but you can’t hear a single pop.”
“Ahh, suddenly it all makes sense.” The splashes grow closer, and Darcy paddles around the side of the float, coming into view. She’s got on a simple black tank bathing suit, hair a combination of slicked down and puffy frizz from the water that’s been splashed into it, and she looks absolutely delightful to Steve. “Hi,” she says as she props her arms and her chin on the side of the float.
“Feeling better out here?”
“Much. It’s peaceful.”
“That’s an understatement. Thor, Clint, and Bucky are attempting feats of strength outside. Sam’s got the camera.”
“Can’t wait to see that tomorrow morning,” Steve grins. “Wanna come up here?” he asks.
“Yes, please.”
It’s not exactly graceful, more like a mild comedy routine, but between the two of them they manage to get Darcy onto the float and she curls up against Steve, all slick, damp skin that warms up against his. “How are you so warm?” she mutters, draping her bare legs over his to soak up as much heat as she can.
He drops an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in even closer. “It’s the serum. The higher metabolism makes me run hotter.”
Darcy glances up at him, lips pursed into the slightest frown. “…that’s a decidedly unromantic answer.”
Steve just laughs. “How about…cursed by one of the fairy folk to always have fire in my blood? That sounds like something my ma would have said.”
She nods firmly, giving a smacking kiss to the pectoral nearest her. “I like it.”
Above them, the sky turns green and blue and gold from a silent firework going off beyond the skylights, turning the dim lighting in the pool room into a shower of multicolored stars that float around them. It’s something that’s near magical, and with what Steve’s world has become, he’s a little more inclined to believe in magic these days than he ever was.
“Happy birthday, Steve,” Darcy whispers against his skin, “I love you so much.”
“Love you too,” Steve replies, as more fireworks light up the sky.
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onlylivinboy · 2 months
gabriel why are you frightened,
there is no danger here...................... what is--
we've survived so much, and for what?
"Darcy's cooking." fuck.
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"she's cooking her birthday dinner. and we're all gonna have to eat it."
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers Characters: Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Fourth of July Summary:
Darcy convinces Steve to celebrate his fake birthday.
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