#by not saying it ur contributing to the stigma around it
olivers-cocoapuffs · 4 months
“plus sized” banging my head against the wall.
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gkt-tummyaches · 7 months
hey troy :3 what are ur hcs for the rrb? The way u talked about Boomer in ur last few posts was interesting and you mentioned his brothers too 😭❗️
youre a mind reader 😈 tho just as an overall warning a lot of my headcanons are not canon-compliant. i do what i think fits best for my characterization of them.
,,,as seen in my most significant headcanon for the rowdyruff boys: their ingredients are switched around, as are their ages;
boomer is the oldest. his ingredient is snails. he's a loner by choice, but well-liked by most of his peers.
brick is the second-oldest. his ingredient is snips. he thinks he's the leader + breadwinner, even though he's not.
butch is the youngest. his ingredient is puppy dog tails. he is the (unofficial) leader + mediator, really just wants a nap.
boomer's ingredient is seen most in his easy-going facade; he treats it like a shield against insults, criticism, or any kind of negative feedback. uses this 'shell' personality to let things roll like water off a duck's back.
in reality, he's a very angry individual. there's a lot for him to be angry about, because he's also compassionate - he wants to be able to shield his loved ones from the same injustices is. the fact that he can't really screws with him sometimes, hence the (usually) failed attempts to push people away.
he's also super into creepy crawlies. has a pet african snail that he originally got more as a gimmick and then immediately fell in love with, but the rest of his pets are insects; stick and leaf bugs, praying mantis, ant collonies, cockroaches, a beetle collection, etc. he's super passionate about each and every one + talks to them like one would a dog or cat.
the worst part is he's super squeamish around reptiles. hates snakes, fully believes the stigma that they're slimy. as if he doesn't pick up worms with his bare hands.
brick's ingredient is shown through his tendency to cut ties with people. he gets so caught up in his own goals and ambitions that he tunnel-visions - blocks people out, and if they get in his way he'll do whatever it takes to make them move. if the people in his life can't keep up, then they're gone altogether.
being goal-orientated also makes him pretty 'snippy' in demeanor. he comes across as dismissive and impatient a lot, which contributes to driving people away; he thinks everything is for him to deal with on his own because of it, which can blind him to the fact that there are people in his life who want the best for him.
he has very few hobbies. he has very few friends to actually engage in hobbies with. brick feels particularly detached from the world, but not necessarily unhappy. it's easier for him to love people from a distance.
brick runs a questionable homemade soap business on etsy, too. he treats it like a super important secret that nobody knows about, but his brothers know. they know. (he defends it by saying it's a side-business. it's actually because he made personalized soap as a gift one time, and the hobby stayed.)
butch as puppy dog tails is my favorite !! he's very loving and protective, shows his loyalty through action more than words - both with his heart on his sleeve, but misunderstood by those who can't read the signs.
his role as 'the leader' is honestly more about just being supportive than really leading anything, though he's definitely got a monopoly on the apartment they share. he's the glue that keeps his brothers together, while trying to encourage brick and boomer in their separate endeavors.
he loves bowling. when all else fails, bowling is the one thing he'll never say no to regardless of time or place or mood. i see butch being somebody who used to participate in a lot of active hobbies, but burnt out over time; bowling is still his favorite activity despite losing interest in many other things.
he's actually pretty interested in books and plays. not enough to be a theater kid, but in the literature sense. part of the appeal is the escapism; most of it is a genuine enjoyment of narrative exploration and expression. (unlike brick, butch's hobby is actually a secret. not on purpose - he just doesn't talk about it a lot.)
some other miscellanious headcanons:
boomer is obsessed with starbucks. his usual order is appallingly complicated.
butch is a jack of all trades, master of most. the bane of his existence is math.
all three of them have piercings, but brick has the least. only has ear gauges, did it to feel included. kind of hates them but can't really go back.
boomer plans to broaden his horizons on his collection of insects. a tarantula is in his future.
completely unrelated, brick is arachnophobic 😇
butch covers any surface with sticky-note reminders,,, that he promptly forgets about.
both boomer and butch are high school drop outs, for varying reasons. butch barely made it through sophomore year, and boomer dropped out right before junior SATs.
brick's the only one to complete high school and continue into secondary education.
they were fostered by ms keane for a time ! she helped appeal for their emancipation and financial aid, and still checks in on them occasionally.
butch attends therapy. for the sake of the post, i'll leave it at that !
the rrbs are kind of a common ground between the ppgs and the ppnkgs in the earlier years of them all growing up together. each relationship with each is different, but overall they never had much problem with either side (once certain, obvious issues were dealt with.) it's kind of a whole timeline thing for my genverse.
true to fanon, brick got the most attention from mojo & Him when the boys were still in their custody.
//😭 trying not to go into characterization too much cus i really want to make individual posts for each of them !! this was still fun tho ty yummi !! 💚✨ sorry it took so long i got distracted
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tachvintlogic · 2 years
Whats ur take on Klemper? Heres mine.
Klemper backstory- Died in the 60′s.  A lonely disabled kid(many people headcanon him to be special needs) . His parents were usually busy and none of the other kids ever wanted to play with him because of his disability and social awkwardness, didn’t help that at that time, there was a lot of stigma about those kinds of issues. One Christmas Night, the coldest year it’d ever been, when his folks were out for a party, he watched Frosty The Snowman and got the idea of making his own snowman friend to play with. He went far from his home and the town so the other kids wouldn’t try to destroy his snowman. As he was making his snowman he began to become affected by the cold conditions, to the point he even took off some of his snow clothes to give to the snowman, feeling extremely hot(some people have done this, its called paradoxical undressing I think, when experiencing hypothermia ) . He has absolutely no idea whats happening to him and isnt fully aware of whats going on, but is already quite far from home and still wants to finish his snowman. Before he could give him his hat, he fully succumbed to the cold and died that cold Christmas night. Now as a ghost he haunts, causing huge snow/ice storms, hoping to find a friend to play in the snow with him, forever.
  I’m thinking of making Klemper look like a snowman. Figure it fits the snow theme as well as his backstory. I wrote him to have died in the 60’s as thats when the frosty the snowman movie came out.
So, my take on Klemper is that I don't know what to do with him.
Now, I know what I'd want to do with him, just not how.
Like, we all know that Klemper is portrayed in a way that coded him as high support autistic or mentally disabled. And the show uses that to make fun of him. That's bad.
If I were writing a reboot, I would want Klemper to be portrayed very carefully and want the narrative to treat him with empathy and understanding.
So another thing about autistic representation is that when we're not portrayed as emotionless assholes, the other popular portrayal is the savant who is exceptionally skilled in a specific area. An example is the Good Doctor.
Now, savants are fine, but when they're the most prevalent representation that explicitly autistic, it feels like it's saying that we should treat autistic people well because they have a skill that will allow them to contribute to society that will "make up" the cost of dealing with them. (Even though most autistics aren't savants.)
Implying that whether or not a disabled person should get care and the accommodations they need is somehow tied to "whether they can be productive members of society." That's also bad. Disabled people deserve care, accommodations, empathy, and understanding because of their inherent worth as human beings. As people.
So for Klemper, I wouldn't want him to be revealed to be a savant that somehow "makes up" for his difficulty communicating and high support needs. Klemper deserves kindness and love and care because of his inherent worth as a sentient being, not because he can be "useful."
But I don't know how I would write that. He's a ghost that died of hypothermia and his obsession is making friends because he wasn't able to have friends when he was alive. I don't know where to go from there.
Now your take on how he died is just wonderfully and hauntingly tragic. I loved it. I can see it as the cold open for Klemper's first episode. No explanation of how it's related to the show. Just make the audience watch a kid die in part thanks to the neglect and abuse of the people around him. Beautiful.
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tsukiyamavalentine · 3 years
I should be asleep now, but wanted to point something out;
Treating Shuu like a joke and continuously mocking him not only has queerphobic connotations, but I think it also leans into the stigma surrounding men’s mental health.
Shuu’s mental issues are barely acknowledged or discussed, but they are often related to what a lot of the jokes are about.
Eating disorders especially here. Shuu very clearly has one, and a lot of Shuu fans are attached for him bc of this. His ED is terribly mishandled, like the rest of his mental health, but it’s pretty crucial to his character.
There’s enough stigma around EDs already, especially in men. Joking about them or mocking them is not only insensitive but can contribute to this stigma.
Shuu also shows symptoms of other mental disorders, he’s had quite a few mental breakdowns, and he did try to commit suicide.
Again, I’m not saying you can’t make jokes, but jokes can sometimes have unintentional connotations. I don’t think this is intentional by the fandom, I just thought it was something to note. I think as a fandom, we do need to examine how we treat Shuu and other characters with similar treatment, to avoid repeating the mistakes of those before us.
And yes, fiction is fiction, but fiction can have real world effects and we need to acknowledge that.
I will make a big post about Shuu’s treatment as a whole, but I have so much going on rn so don’t expect it anytime soon.
I’m going to bed now. Hope y’all have a good rest of ur day/night.
[Putting this here bc I feel the need to make this absolutely clear; if u see someone engaging in this behaviour, this is NOT an excuse to go and harass them.]
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zilent-silent · 3 years
Problems Faced by men that not only need to be talked about more, but also worked on to be solved.
Men have high expectations from society. 
Society expects them to be rich, successful and be physically and mentally strong at all times.
boys are told from a young age “boys dont cry” and “why are u crying like a girl?”.
Mental health in men are detoriating as generations go by and parents keep adopting the age old “men aren’t supposed to have any negative emotions except for anger” mostly cause, that was what their parents once taught them...
Higher rates of suicide in men are prevailing for such reason...
more men suffer in silence in fear of being percieved as weak...
Stop the stigma around mental health, and teach men that it is completely okay to have feelings and that their emotions are valid and that their mental health is important.
Male victims of abuse and sexual violence are often mocked and seen as weaker and this mentality and treatment of victims leads to more of them hesitating to open up about feelings...
People don’t talk about male victims enough...
Governments in places like india, dont even recognize men as victims and male victims or rape are told that what happened to them isn’t even considered a crime.
why is it that we need to make rape laws gender specific?
why can’t we have gender neutral laws?
by refusing to recognize a crime by constructing a definition of the crime that excludes a group is a terrible act in itself. 
If victims can’t go to court or the government for justice, where else will they go?
If the system that promises to protect them itself, refuses to acknowledge them as victims, what else can they do?
It goes without saying that such issues contribute to crimes commited by men and in most cases, when they aren’t taught to handel their emotions in a healthy safe way, it exposes itself in the form of aggression and anger mostly targeted at those around them.
We can help them and change the toxic cycle created by those before us. 
even though their issues contribute to their actions, it does not justify or excuse those actions, and thus if u are a man reading this, and u feel u have issues that cause u to hurt those around u, whether it be intentional or unintentional, as hard as this might be for u to do, please reach out for help and find peace, do not use your issues to justify ur actions.
- Zilent
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irkenheretic · 2 years
damn that was fast. i should probably reward u with an iz one but. nah. actualy no you get two
anyway i think if ur an abuse victim and youre intentionally bigoted to other abuse victims and/or actively fucking abuse someone then u forfeit ur abuse victim card. idgaf about how shit ur childhood was if ur actively a bigot or an abuser. if ur a terf radfem but u hate men bc ur dad hit u i literally have zero sympathy for u like it is just not there. this applies to "narcissistic abuse is real" fuckheads. im tired of explaining how that ideal directly contributes to stigma against npd. im just gonna be like aight. hand it over. and steal their abuse victim card
wait this is an invader zim blog. uuuhhh
this has no basis in canom but i think if a poc told membrane they were being abused hed be so "accepting" of other cultures itd just loop around to being lowkey racist and hed say "well,, its different in different cultures,, you need to consider their pov." idk why i think this but i do and no one can tell me otherwise. hed hear the story of my mom suggestively smacking my ass when i was going thru puberty and pull an It's A Different Culture So I Cant Condemn It this i know to be true. in my heart
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herecomesnaya · 3 years
I love how YOU are apparently speaking for all sex workers, meanwhile the numerous women who exited the industry and are now anti-prostitution are "Fox news bullshit".
Also... the absolute lack of nuance. I didn't say those other industries are great. I said sex work is so much worse its honestly uncomparable. Yes almost all jobs under capitalism are bad for your mental health, but none of the others have rates of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders higher than people who were in active military duty. (According to some stats its 40-55% for sw vs ca. 10% for military)
Also, its funny that you bring up loggers as an example, bc the actual most deadly profession in America is prostitution. They're not counted in the same statistics bc one is work accidents reported to labor bureaus and the others are (mostly) homicides (with some overdoses and suicides mixed in). The risk for prostituted women is 3-4 times higher.
(I know ur gonna say u could vet all of that away if only there was no stigma but a) does that do anything for women less fortunate than you, who dont have the time to vet? b) why are the current rates so high if vetting works?)
Also love the assumption that all anti-prostitution ppl are right wing when Marx himself opposed it. Like, it's in the communist manifesto.
1) relying on people who were in the industry and are anti-sw now is like relying on people who have gotten an abortion and regretted it for your abortion info. sex work is HARD work. it’s not for everyone. people are allowed to get out and be regretful. what they’re not allowed to do is shame and delegitimize the people who still choose to do it.
2) you’re doing a lot of correlation = causation here. those numbers don’t account for how many SWers go into the industry with PTSD already in place. they don’t account for the toxic masculinity rampant in the military that prevents them from admitting they have mental illnesses, therefore skewing the numbers low. you can manipulate data all you want, but that doesn’t make it the full picture.
3) and your solution is? surely you must have a solution for this. oh, wait, your solution is to shame sex workers and put quotes around “work” as if what they do isn’t work. I’m sure that helps the suicide rates a ton!
also, I’m not sure what you’re getting at with your last bit. less fortunate than me, who don’t have time to vet? are you saying it’s privileged now to take precautions? are you saying it’s somehow the fault of the industry that some people are disprivileged in that way? because again, that’s not a sex work specific thing.
and the vetting isn’t the only issue here. I have this feeling you think that I mean “vetting on places like adultwork makes sex work risk-free.” do you think I’m stupid? you must, if you’re making those assumptions.
what you’re sidestepping is that currently, there’s a ton of stigma and laws around sex work that directly contribute to those rates. stigma you’re perpetuating without telling me what the magical better alternative to sex work is.
4) you’re doing a lot of implying that all sex work is the same here. the differences between fssw and pro domming and GFE and content creation and pornography are staggering, and I’ve never said I’m speaking for all of them, but you sure seem to throw them all under the same “sex work bad! sex work make you die!!!” umbrella. again: educate yourself.
5) you don’t have to be an out-and-out republican to parrot right-wing talking points. also, I don’t really care what a 19th century anti-Semite says about prostitution, if we’re being totally candid here. maybe a man from the 1800s... doesn’t have the most progressive and educated views on the subject? this must be shocking to you, I know!
anyway, I know you don’t think sex work is legitimate work because you’ve been fed lies that all sex work involves people being kidnapped in a Walmart parking lot and sent overseas as Thai sex slaves, but that’s not my problem. take your concern trolling for marginalized people you don’t actually give a damn about elsewhere.
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nothingisliteral · 4 years
Writing Mental Illness In Fiction - Tips and Tricks, from a Mentally Ill Person
ok, so as literally no-one on this site knows, I have mental illness! It sucks. A lot. Personally, I have Major Depressive Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa, and I am not saying this because this post is about me, but so you can understand my advice comes from experience.
in this post, I'm going to give some basic tips on how to write mental illness, talk about what my personal experiences have been for reference, and list some absolute do-nots of writing mental illness in fiction.
so! Let's get started!!
reading Wikipedia articles is great! make Yourself familiar with the symptoms, the causes. But, but, but, also read first person experiences. You can find some in news articles, on quora, and even some here on tumblr.
remember that there are many different causes for mental illness. Not every character with mental illness has to have a terrible, heavily tramautic backstory. There's genetics, trauma, and even malnourishment and lack of vitamins can contribute.
No one is a carbon copy of the symptom list!!!
Mental illness is not a personality. Although many people with MI have trouble differentiating their personality and their MI, both exist. You can't just take a symptom list, add some trauma, and voila! What a fully formed, multi dimensional original character! No.
What you may see as trauma may be different than what the mentally ill persons traumatic experiences are.
for example: when I say trauma triggered my MI, you think, was she raped, abused, kidnapped? No, I was not, though all respect to people who were. My traumatic experiences was my parents multiplicity of separations and the cheating and arguing that went on there, and then the moving homes that caused.
it May not seem big, but what makes it a traumatic experience is the emotions attached along with the lack of coping mechanisms available at the time, leading to me not being able to process it.
About eating disorders: It's not always skinny white women! It's fat people, it's non-binary people, men, poc, it's trans people. Write your characters diversely, that is realistically. (This applies to all MI)
also: eating disorders aren't just refusing food then feeling sad. It's guilt when you eat, it's random fits of nog caring and eating whatever tf u want and then crying for hours. It's lying to your friends and family. Or, alternatively, it's telling them, and they brush you off or don't understand or don't know how to help you. It's a lifetime of bad feelings and memories around a basic human function. It's being ostracized and an outsider every time your friends go out to eat. It's throwing up and starving and binging and running and fainting and heart problems. Eating disorders, like every MI are so much more complex than people understand.
DONT DONT DONT make people with MI's that aren't depression/anxiety out to be monsters, evil, or other. It's okay if they feel that way, because we often do. But don't make them the villain. This is a stigma we need to escape.
depression isn't just being sad. Do ur research Pls.
If you have a depressed artist: NO being depressed/mentally ill does not make the art process easier. It doesn't inspire. It doesn't provide that beautiful 'starving artist' aesthetic. This doesn't happen. As a writer, being depressed makes it so so so much harder to write. If I can't even hold a pencil without wanting to self harm, how the fuck am I supposed to write?
also: if the book is about suicide. Don't say how it happened. Don't, just fucking don't. Especially graphically.
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popnkinnie · 6 years
im the one who's just been mentioning aave. i personally think its just odd, what is classified as aave and not aave? also, languages usually have grammar rules and shit
imo!! aave can be used by ppl of various racial backgrounds, but the thing is, idk if i can find the convos ab this but aave is smth u gotta be raised with, im not gonna shame a white girl if she was raised around that language bc she can’t help that. it’s what she was raised w/ and it’s genuinerather than say… the girl from that dr phil show or that other girl on youtube. its smth that u use naturally and it’s just how you speak, black ppl can reclaim if it they werent raised in it, reclaiming ur culture that u were deprived of is important! but white ppl cant just selectively use it when they want to come off as sassy or with an attitude bc that contributes to a stigma black ppl [esp women] have surrounding them. white ppl within the discourse choosing to misuse dialect when they’re arguing but otherwiuse talk however they usually talk is iffy and questionable imo and i see it a lot.
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